Pressure Chart Symbols
Pressure Chart Symbols
Pressure Chart Symbols
The leading edge of an advancing colder air The leading edge of an advancing warmer air
mass. Its passage is usually marked by cloud mass, the passage of which commonly brings
lifting the warm air between the fronts into a Represents a front that is forming due to
narrow wedge above the surface. Occluded increase in temperature gradient at the surface.
at the surface.
two air masses. Cloud and precipitation are (MSLP), measured in hectopascals (hPa). MSLP
Pressure decreases with altitude, and thickness associated with increasing cloud and risk of
Weather charts commonly show contour lines of A slow-moving trough, which is parallel to the
1,000-500 hPa thickness, which represent the isobars and tends to be persistent over many
depth (in decametres, where 1 dam = 10 m) of hours or days. They are quite common in cold
the layer between the 1,000 hPa and 500 hPa northerly outbreaks down the Irish Sea,
pressure levels. Cold, polar air has low affecting west Wales, Devon and Cornwall in
thickness, and values of 528 dam or less particular, but can be found in other areas also.
frequently bring snow to the UK. Conversely, This convergence line can gives hours of
warm, tropical air has high thickness, and persistent precipitation over very localised
values in excess of 564 dam across the UK areas, whilst a few miles down the road it is
often indicate a heatwave. relatively dry, leading to some heavy
the sea.