H2 9748 Syllabus 2016-7
H2 9748 Syllabus 2016-7
H2 9748 Syllabus 2016-7
Higher 2 (2016)
(Syllabus 9748)
To develop in students:
1. an appreciation of, and informed personal response to, Literature in English;
2. a love of reading through exposure to a wide range of texts;
3. the ability to read texts independently;
4. an understanding of the historical and cultural contexts for literary production;
5. an understanding of the nature and methods of literary study;
6. the skills of critical literary analysis;
7. the ability to communicate ideas effectively and persuasively.
Candidates should be able to:
1. make informed personal and critical responses to the texts, exploring connections between texts where
appropriate, and account for their responses;
2. demonstrate how the literary context of the text informs their understanding of the text;
3. critically analyse and evaluate ways in which writers choices of form, structure and language shape
4. clearly communicate the knowledge, understanding and insights appropriate to literary study.
One compulsory written examination of 3 hrs duration will be set. In addition, two elective papers, each
comprising a written examination of 3 hrs duration, will be set. Candidates will choose one elective paper.
The Examinations are open book: candidates will be allowed to bring copies of their set texts into the
examination room.
(a) Materials that can be taken into the examination room
Only original texts (original published editions) should be taken into the examination room. Nothing else,
including critical works or study notes of any kind, should be taken into the examination room. The use
of dictionaries is not permitted.
(b) Underlining and highlighting of texts
Only underlining, highlighting or the use of vertical lines in the margins is permitted. Nothing else should
be written in the texts. Separate pieces of paper such as post-its and tape flags are not allowed.
(c) Folding and Flagging of Pages
Any kind of folding or flagging of pages in texts (e.g. use of post-its, tape flags or paper clips) is not
This is the candidates ability to respond to either an unseen text extract, or a passage from a set text.
In doing so, candidates will demonstrate the ability to analyse both the formal and stylistic features of
the extract (Assessment Objectives i and iii). This skill is assessed in Sections A, B and C of Paper 1,
and Section A of the elective papers. For the elective papers, candidates will also demonstrate the
ability to relate the extract to key features of the period or topic covered by the paper (Assessment
Objective ii).
(ii) Analysis
This is the candidates ability to write a critical analysis of the set texts they have studied.
In doing so, candidates will demonstrate an ability to make an informed personal and critical response
to the text as a whole (Assessment Objectives i, ii and iii). This skill is primarily assessed in Sections B
and C of both Paper 1 and the elective papers.
(iii) Comparison
This is the candidates ability to critically compare and evaluate unseen texts (with regard to Paper 1)
and the set texts they have studied (with regard to the elective papers). In doing so, candidates will
demonstrate an ability to identify, compare and critically assess key features of each text (Assessment
Objectives i, ii and iii). This skill is assessed in Section A of Paper 1. For each elective paper, this is
assessed with appropriate reference to the literary features of the period or topic covered by the paper
(Assessment Objective ii). This skill is assessed in Section B of the elective papers.
All of these types of questions will also require the candidate to organise and present information, ideas and
arguments clearly and effectively (Assessment Objective iv). Their grammar, punctuation, and spelling will
also be taken into account.
Papers 2 and 3 are elective papers. In addition to Paper 1, candidates offer either Paper 2 or Paper 3. Paper
2 is a period-based paper, focusing on a period of literary writing. Paper 3 is topic-based, focusing on a topic
of literary significance. Each elective paper will be offered for a few years and then replaced.
For all the H2 papers, candidates should be capable of commenting on the stylistic and literary features of
the texts in their discussion of unseen extracts and texts studied. In other words, the ability to appreciate the
text in and of its own right is assessed, alongside the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the literary context.
Candidates will answer three questions in the elective paper they have chosen:
In Section A, they will answer one question from a choice of two on an unseen text extract from the
period or topic that is the focus of the paper. This question will focus primarily on response and analysis
skills (see Question Types and Specifications).
In Section B, they will answer one Comparison question from a choice of two. The question will require
them to compare two texts they have studied and will focus primarily on comparison and analysis skills
(see Question Types and Specifications).
In Section C, they will answer one question, primarily focusing on analysis skills (see Question Types
and Specifications) from a choice of eighteen. The questions set for the topic-based papers will be
related to some aspect of the topic studied. Questions on the period-based papers will deal with any
aspect of the text studied. Two questions will be set on each of the texts below. Candidates must not
use the same texts in Section B and Section C.
The study of Literature at H2 level should be seen as a process of critically examining texts. In addition to the
study of inherent stylistic features of texts, students should also explore the specific contexts that led to the
production of these texts, as well as how readers and audiences relate to the texts. Students should engage
with texts at various cognitive and affective levels. As the study of Literature covers multiple aspects which
may not always be easily demarcated, the following areas of study are broad indications of the ground that
could be covered in the course of teaching Literature.
Literary Features
These include:
The definition of a genre, the individual form of the text and its stylistic features.
Study of how these features are used by authors, and to what effect, in the various texts, seen and
unseen, that students encounter.
An appreciation of how the texts studied relate to the contexts in which they were created, including
social, cultural and historical contexts.
Exploration of the ideologies and assumptions in the texts. A more informed interrogation of the
text can be made when students are aware of the events and ideas that predominated during the
period in which these texts were created.
How texts relate to movements in artistic creation at a particular point in time. The study of literary
forms is relevant here. For example, it is useful for students reading a sonnet written by a Romantic
poet to have an understanding of the general features of the Romantic movement as well as
knowledge of how the sonnet form has developed in Literature in English up to that point.
Proficiency in the use of the English language in both a functional and literary sense.
Examination of elements of style, such as register, figurative language, rhythm and language
Understanding of the effects of the use of language to create meaning by writers from the word
level right through to discourse levels.
Candidates should be equipped with the following skills:
An ability to make informed personal and critical responses to the texts and account for their responses.
An ability to understand and comment on the ways in which the historical and cultural backgrounds of
text and author inform the meaning of the text.
(iii) An ability to analyse and evaluate critically the ways in which writers choices of form, structure and
language shape meanings.
(iv) An ability to communicate clearly knowledge, understanding and insights appropriate to literary study.
Section A
Band Descriptors
Very good work, showing discrimination and sometimes originality, in making an informed personal and
critical response to the poems
Compares the two poems skilfully, and perhaps in original ways, moving between them with ease
Engages with the poems through detailed close analysis
Analyses with skill and discrimination ways in which writers uses of poetic form, structure and language
create the meanings of the poems
Evaluates the effects of the writers use of form, style and language with a mature judgement and clear focus
on the question and key issues
Develops a seamless, coherent response to the question
Uses quotation, paraphrase and critical terminology appositely and economically
Work in this band responds sensitively, perceptively and personally to the poems; it is often subtle, concise
and sophisticated, with a style that is fluent and gives economic expression to complex ideas; at the upper
end this work may be elegant and allusive
Proficient work, making an informed personal and critical response to the poems
Compares the two poems appropriately and skilfully
Engages with the poems through close analysis
Analyses with skill ways in which writers uses of poetic form, structure and language create the meanings of
the poems
Evaluates the effects of the writers use of form and style and language with constant reference to the
Develops a coherent response to the question
Uses quotation, paraphrase and some critical terminology appositely
Uses a style that is always clear, mostly fluent, capable of giving accurate expression to complex ideas
Competent work, making an informed critical response to the poems with some personal response
Compares the two poems in appropriate ways, though may discuss them separately at times
Makes a close analysis of the poems, at times simply following line by line
Analyses ways in which writers uses of poetic form, structure and language create the meanings of the
Evaluates the effects of the writers use of form and style and language
Develops a structured response to the question
Uses quotation, paraphrase and some critical terminology accurately and mostly appositely
Uses an effective style that is able to communicate clearly knowledge and understanding of the poems and
the issues raised by poem and question, with only occasional lapses
Satisfactory work, making a response to the poems that shows sound knowledge and some personal
Makes some comparison of the two poems, but tends to discuss them separately
Analyses the poems in a line-by-line fashion
Makes some analysis of ways in which writers uses of form, style and language create the meanings of the
Responds mainly in terms of narration of the main features of the poems with some attempt at evaluation
of the effects of the writers use of form, style and language possibly with some misunderstanding
Responds to the question set most of the time though with some digression; assembles relevant points into a
simply structured response
Makes use of quotation, and paraphrase and may use some critical terminology, with some
Uses a basic style that is able to communicate knowledge and understanding of the poems and the issues
raised by poem and question, with only occasional obscurity
Uneven work, making a response to the poems that shows some understanding
Discusses both poems but does not develop the comparison
Makes appropriate references to writers uses of poetic form, structure and language with some analysis of
the ways in which they create the meanings of the poems
Makes some attempt at evaluation of the effects of the writers use of form, style and language possibly
with some misunderstanding
Responds to the question set at first, but tends to digress
Assembles points rather than analyses, tending to list points and make general assertions
Makes some use of paraphrase or quotation; limited reference to critical terminology
Uses a simple style, or possibly an over-complex style that succeeds most of the time in communicating
knowledge and understanding of the poems
Some attempt to hold to poems and question, showing a simplistic approach to the task
The work is often brief, undeveloped, and exists as a series of points rather than as a line of argument
Expression is simple, technical errors are recurrent, and the work relies on narrative rather than analysis,
although description is sometimes valid
To be awarded only where there is no evidence of any knowledge of, or response to the poems
Sections B and C
Band Descriptors
Very good work, showing discrimination and sometimes originality, in making an informed personal and
critical response to the text
Analyses with skill and discrimination ways in which writers uses of form, structure and language create the
meanings of the text
Evaluates the effects of the writers use of form, style and language with a mature judgement and clear focus
on the question and key issues
Develops a seamless, coherent argument relevant to the question
Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the literary context of the text in terms of
period/theme/genre/historical context
Supports with detailed, pertinent reference to the text, using quotation, paraphrase and critical terminology
appositely and economically
Work in this band responds sensitively, perceptively and personally to the question set; is often subtle,
concise and sophisticated, with a style that is fluent and gives economic expression to complex ideas; at the
upper end this work may be elegant and allusive
Proficient work, making an informed personal and critical response to the text
Analyses with skill ways in which writers uses of form, structure and language create the meanings of the
Evaluates the effects of the writers use of form, style and language with constant reference to the question
Develops a coherent argument relevant to the question
Demonstrates, where relevant, a good understanding of the literary context of the text in terms of
period/theme/genre/historical context
Supports with detailed, pertinent reference to the text, using quotation, paraphrase and some critical
terminology appositely
Uses a style that is always clear, mostly fluent; able to give accurate expression to complex ideas
Competent work, making an informed critical response to the text with some personal response
Analyses ways in which writers uses of form, structure and language create the meanings of the text
Evaluates the effects of the writers use of form, style and language
Develops a structured response to the question
Demonstrates a sound understanding of the literary context of the text in terms of period/theme/genre/
historical context
Supports with appropriate reference to the text at times too much or too little, using quotation, paraphrase
and some critical terminology accurately and mostly appositely
Uses an effective style that is able to communicate clearly knowledge and understanding of the text and the
issues raised by text and question, with only occasional lapses
Satisfactory work, making a response to the text that shows sound knowledge and some personal response
Makes some analysis of ways in which writers uses of form, structure and language create the meanings of
the text
Responds mainly in terms of narration of the main features of the text with some attempt at evaluation of
the effects of the writers use of form, style and language possibly with some misunderstanding
Responds to the question set most of the time within a simple structure though with some digression into
Demonstrates at times, some awareness of the literary context of the text in terms of period/theme/genre/
historical context
Supports some points with appropriate reference to the text, using quotation and paraphrase mostly
accurately perhaps uses some critical terminology, with some misunderstanding
Uses a basic style that is able to communicate knowledge and understanding of the text and the issues
raised by text and question, with only occasional obscurity
Uneven work, making a response to the text that shows knowledge of the text
Makes appropriate references to writers uses of form, structure and language with some analysis of the
ways in which they create the meanings of the text
Makes some attempt at evaluation of the effects of the writers use of form, style and language possibly
with some misunderstanding
Responds to the question set at first, but tends to digress and lacks structure
May demonstrate at times, some awareness of the literary context of the text in terms of period/theme/
genre/historical context, but without understanding of how this relates to the individual text
Supports some points with reference to the text; relies mostly on assertion, with repetition; uses quotation
and paraphrase at times, possibly not wholly accurate, at too great a length and without discrimination
Uses a simple style, or possibly an over-complex style that succeeds most of the time in communicating
knowledge and understanding of the text
Some attempt to hold to text and question showing a simplistic approach to the task
The work is often brief, undeveloped, and exists as a series of points rather than as a line of argument
Expression is simple, technical errors are recurrent, and the work relies on narrative rather than analysis,
although description is sometimes valid
To be awarded only where there is no evidence of any knowledge of, or response to the text
Section A
Band Descriptors
Very good work, showing discrimination and sometimes originality, in making an informed personal
and critical response to the text(s)
Engages with the text(s) through detailed close analysis
Analyses with skill and discrimination ways in which writers uses of form, structure and language
create the meanings of the text(s)
Evaluates the effects of the writers use of form, style and language with a mature judgement and
clear focus on the question and key issues
Develops a seamless, coherent response to the question
Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the literary context of the text in terms of
period/theme/ genre/historical context
Uses quotation, paraphrase and critical terminology appositely and economically
Work in this band responds sensitively, perceptively and personally to the text(s); it is often subtle,
concise and sophisticated, with a style that is fluent and gives economic expression to complex ideas;
at the upper end this work may be elegant and allusive
Proficient work, making an informed personal and critical response to the text(s)
Engages with the text(s) through close analysis
Analyses with skill ways in which writers uses of form, structure and language create the meanings of
the text(s)
Evaluates the effects of the writers use of form and style and language with constant reference to the
Competent work, making an informed critical response to the text(s) with some personal response
Makes a close analysis of the text(s), at times simply following line by line
Analyses ways in which writers uses of form, structure and language create the meanings of the
Evaluates the effects of the writers use of form and style and language
Develops a structured response to the question
Demonstrates a sound understanding of the literary context of the text in terms of
period/theme/genre/historical context
Uses quotation, paraphrase and some critical terminology accurately and mostly appositely
Uses an effective style that is able to communicate clearly knowledge and understanding of the text(s)
and the issues raised by text and question, with only occasional lapses
Satisfactory work, making a response to the text(s) that shows sound knowledge and some personal
Analyses the text(s) in a line-by-line fashion
Makes some analysis of ways in which writers uses of form, style and language create the meanings
of the text(s)
Responds mainly in terms of narration of the main features of the text(s) with some attempt at
evaluation of the effects of the writers use of form, style and language possibly with some
Responds to the question set most of the time though with some digression; assembles relevant
points into a simply structured response
Demonstrates at times some awareness of the literary context of the text in terms of
period/theme/genre/ historical context
Makes use of quotation, and paraphrase and may use some critical terminology, with some
Uses a basic style that is able to communicate knowledge and understanding of the text(s) and the
issues raised by text and question, with only occasional obscurity
Some attempt to hold to text and question, showing a simplistic approach to the task
The work is often brief, undeveloped, and exists as a series of points rather than as a line of argument
Expression is simple, technical errors are recurrent, and the work relies on narrative rather than
analysis, although description is sometimes valid
To be awarded only where there is no evidence of any knowledge of, or response to the text
Section B
Band descriptors
Candidates must answer on different texts in Sections B and C and will not be rewarded for
any overlap of material.
In Section B, candidates must compare two texts, and must therefore give roughly equal
weight to the two texts in their answer.
Very good work, showing discrimination and sometimes originality, in making an informed personal
and critical response to the texts
Compares the two texts skilfully, and perhaps in original ways, moving between them with ease
Analyses with skill and discrimination ways in which writers uses of form, structure and language
create the meanings of the texts
Evaluates the effects of the writers use of form, style and language with a mature judgement and
clear focus on the question and key issues
Develops a seamless, coherent argument relevant to the question
Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the literary context of the text in terms of
period/theme/genre/historical context
Supports with detailed, pertinent reference to the texts, using quotation, paraphrase and critical
terminology appositely and economically
Work in this band responds sensitively, perceptively and personally to the question set; is often
subtle, concise and sophisticated, with a style that is fluent and gives economic expression to
complex ideas; at the upper end this work may be elegant and allusive
Competent work, making an informed critical response to the texts with some personal response
Compares the two texts in appropriate ways, though may discuss them separately at times
Analyses ways in which writers uses of form, structure and language create the meanings of the texts
Evaluates the effects of the writers use of form, style and language
Develops a structured response to the question
Demonstrates a sound understanding of the literary context of the text in terms of
period/theme/genre/historical context
Supports with appropriate reference to the texts at times too much or too little, using quotation,
paraphrase and some critical terminology accurately and mostly appositely
Uses an effective style that is able to communicate clearly knowledge and understanding of the texts
and the issues raised by text and question, with only occasional lapses
Satisfactory work, making a response to the texts that shows sound knowledge and some personal
Makes some comparison of the two texts, but tends to discuss them separately
Makes some analysis of ways in which writers uses of form, structure and language create the
meanings of the texts
Responds mainly in terms of narration of the main features of the text with some attempt at
evaluation of the effects of the writers use of form, style and language possibly with some
Responds to the question set most of the time within a simple structure though with some digression
into generality
Demonstrates at times, some awareness of the literary context of the text in terms of
period/theme/genre/ historical context
Supports some points with appropriate reference to the texts, using quotation and paraphrase mostly
accurately perhaps uses some critical terminology, with some misunderstanding
Uses a basic style that is able to communicate knowledge and understanding of the texts and the
issues raised by text and question, with only occasional obscurity
Uneven work, making a response to the texts that shows knowledge of the texts
Discusses both texts but does not develop the comparison
Makes appropriate references to writers uses of form, structure and language with some analysis of
the ways in which they create the meanings of the texts
Makes some attempt at evaluation of the effects of the writers use of form, style and language
possibly with some misunderstanding
Responds to the question set at first, tends to digress and lacks structure
May demonstrate at times some awareness of the literary context of the text in terms of
period/theme/genre/historical context, but without understanding of how this relates to the individual
Supports some points with reference to the texts but relies mostly on assertion, with repetition; uses
quotation and paraphrase at times, possibly not wholly accurately, at too great a length and without
Uses a simple style, or possibly an over-complex style that succeeds most of the time in
communicating knowledge and understanding of the texts
Some attempt to hold to texts and question, showing a simplistic approach to the task
The work is often brief, undeveloped, and exists as a series of points rather than as a line of argument
Expression is simple, technical errors are recurrent, and the work relies on narrative rather than
analysis, although description is sometimes valid
To be awarded only where there is no evidence of any knowledge of, or response to the text
Section C
Band descriptors
Candidates must answer on different texts in Sections B and C and will not be rewarded for
any overlap of material.
Very good work, showing discrimination and sometimes originality, in making an informed personal
and critical response to the text
Analyses with skill and discrimination ways in which writers uses of form, structure and language
create the meanings of the text
Evaluates the effects of the writers use of form, style and language with a mature judgement and
clear focus on the question and key issues
Develops a seamless, coherent argument relevant to the question
Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the literary context of the text in terms of
period/theme/genre/historical context
Supports with detailed, pertinent reference to the text, using quotation, paraphrase and critical
terminology appositely and economically
Work in this band responds sensitively, perceptively and personally to the question set; is often
subtle, concise and sophisticated, with a style that is fluent and gives economic expression to
complex ideas; at the upper end this work may be elegant and allusive
Proficient work, making an informed personal and critical response to the text
Analyses with skill ways in which writers uses of form, structure and language create the meanings of
the text
Evaluates the effects of the writers use of form, style and language with constant reference to the
Develops a coherent argument relevant to the question
Competent work, making an informed critical response to the text with some personal response
Analyses ways in which writers uses of form, structure and language create the meanings of the text
Evaluates the effects of the writers use of form, style and language
Develops a structured response to the question
Demonstrates a sound understanding of the literary context of the text in terms of
period/theme/genre/historical context
Supports with appropriate reference to the text at times too much or too little, using quotation,
paraphrase and some critical terminology accurately and mostly appositely
Uses an effective style that is able to communicate clearly knowledge and understanding of the text
and the issues raised by text and question, with only occasional lapses
Satisfactory work, making a response to the text that shows sound knowledge and some personal
Makes some analysis of ways in which writers uses of form, structure and language create the
meanings of the text
Responds mainly in terms of narration of the main features of the text with some attempt at
evaluation of the effects of the writers use of form, style and language possibly with some
Responds to the question set most of the time within a simple structure though with some digression
into generality
Demonstrates at times, some awareness of the literary context of the text in terms of
period/theme/genre/historical context
Supports some points with appropriate reference to the text, using quotation and paraphrase mostly
accurately perhaps uses some critical terminology, with some misunderstanding
Uses a basic style that is able to communicate knowledge and understanding of the text and the
issues raised by text and question, with only occasional obscurity
Uneven work, making a response to the text that shows knowledge of the text
Makes appropriate references to writers uses of form, structure and language with some analysis of
the ways in which they create the meanings of the text
Some attempt to hold to text and question, showing a simplistic approach to the task
The work is often brief, undeveloped, and exists as a series of points rather than as a line of argument
Expression is simple, technical errors are recurrent, and the work relies on narrative rather than
analysis, although description is sometimes valid
To be awarded only where there is no evidence of any knowledge of, or response to the text
These are not prescribed editions. However, Centres may wish to consult this list before
deciding which editions their candidates should purchase.
Title of Book
Edith Wharton
Kazuo Ishiguro
Jane Austen
Mansfield Park
Penguin Classics
Ian McEwan
John Webster
William Shakespeare
Tom Stoppard
Arthur Miller
All My Sons
Paper 2:
Victorian Literature
Title of Book
Charles Dickens
Great Expectations
Penguin Classics
George Eliot
Silas Marner
Penguin Classics
Thomas Hardy
Penguin Classics
Charlotte Bront
Jane Eyre
Penguin Classics
Selected Poems
Penguin Classics
Robert Browning
Selected Poems
Penguin Classics
Christina Rossetti
G B Shaw
Penguin Classics
Oscar Wilde
Penguin Classics
Paper 3:
Title of Book
Nathaniel Hawthorne
F Scott Fitzgerald
Penguin Classics
Philip Larkin
Selected Poems
Thom Gunn
Clear Brightness
Tennessee Williams
William Shakespeare
Wole Soyinka