M-Commerce Project

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International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, Vol. 1, No.

3, August 2011

Customers Adoption of Mobile-Commerce

A Study on Emerging Economy
Rahmath Safeena, Nisar Hundewale, and Abdullah Kamani

the web services technology. A key component of many

initiatives is the implementation of Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) software [8]. Many companies in the
financial services sector have been quick to implement
Internet capabilities, and electronic service is becoming a
viable option for interaction between financial service
providers and their customers [9]. Customer satisfaction and
customer retention are increasingly developing into key
success factors in e-banking [2]. Technology, in particular,
has been increasingly employed in service organizations to
enhance customer service quality and delivery, reduce costs,
and standardize core service offerings [1], [9-11]. Mobile
banking service allows customers to manage their accounts
with ease.
Mols et al., [12] stated that the diffusion of electronic
banking is more determined by customer acceptance than by
seller offerings. Not enough is known regarding how
customers perceive and evaluate electronically delivered
services. Lee and Lin [10] have also recently highlighted the
need for further research to measure the influence of
e-service on customer-perceived service quality and
satisfaction [1]. This study considers the five factors
perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norm,
consumer awareness about mobile banking and perceived
risks associated with mobile banking. Half of the people that
have tried mobile banking services will not become active
users. Highly publicized cases involving major security
failures might have contributed to the publics concern and
lack of acceptance of mobile banking. The present study aims
at examining the impact of perceived usefulness, perceived
ease of use, subjective norm, and consumer awareness on
mobile banking and perceived risk on the acceptance of
mobile banking by the consumers.

AbstractToday, mobile communication technologies

provide immense additional scope for consumers banking
transactions due to their always-on functionality and the option
to access banks facilities anytime and anywhere. Mobile
banking is a subset of electronic banking which underlies not
only the determinants of the banking business but also the special
conditions of mobile commerce. It is the latest and most
innovative service offered by the banks. But not enough study
has been done to known regarding how customers perceive and
evaluate electronically delivered mobile banking services. The
study considers five factors perceived usefulness, perceived ease
of use, subjective norm, consumer awareness about mobile
banking and perceived risks associated with mobile banking.
This study also points out that these factors have a strong and
positive effect on customers to accept mobile banking system.
Index Termsm-commerce, mobile banking; perceived
usefulness, ease of use, risk, awareness, subjective norm.

The proliferation of, and rapid advances in,
technology-based systems, especially those related to the
internet, are leading to fundamental changes in how
companies interact with customers [1-3]. Mobile phone usage
has spread in a very broad manner both in developing and
developed countries. With mobile communications already as
a prime case for leapfrogging traditional infrastructure,
mobile banking (M-Banking) has great potential for extending
the provision of financial services to unbanked people through
a technology that is both familiar and widespread. One of the
first commercial applications of the mobile commerce was
mobile banking (m-banking) [4], [5]. The rapid growth of
mobile applications has given rise to a new term:
m-commerce. M-commerce is defined as the application of
wireless communications networks and devices to the
execution of transactions with monetary value either direct
or indirect [6]. As the number of mobile phone users is
growing, purchasing products and services using mobile
phones and other mobile devices are also increasing; also the
use of Mobile Banking is still in initial stages and more
research in this field is needed [7]. Internet banking and
mobile banking (m-banking) has become the self-service
delivery channel that allows banks to provide information and
offer services to their customers with more convenience via


With mobile commerce or m-commerce technology,
consumers can use mobile phones, Personal Digital Assistant
(PDA) and laptop computers to access the internet, send and
receive messages and make transactions at any time from any
places without having tied to a particular location [13].
Mobile banking is a subset of electronic banking which
underlies not only the determinants of the banking business
but also the special conditions of mobile commerce. Mobile
Banking has been gaining increasing popularity amongst
various sections of the society for past few years, having
recovered from the shock of the dot-com burst [14]. Mobile
Banking refers to provision and availment of banking- and
financial services with the help of mobile telecommunication
devices. The scope of offered services may include facilities

Manuscript received July 12; revised July 25, 2011.

Rahmath Safeena, Nisar Hundewale, Abdullah Kamani, are College of
Computers and Information Technology, Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia
(e-mail:[email protected],e-mail:[email protected],e-mail:abd
[email protected])


International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, Vol. 1, No. 3, August 2011

consumer to maintain and regularly interact with additional

technology (a computer and an Internet connection) [23].
Consumers who use e-banking use it on an ongoing basis and
need to acquire a certain comfort level with the technology to
keep using it [24].Customer adoption is a recognized
dilemma for the strategic plans of financial institutions.
Several studies have investigated why individuals choose a
specific bank. Important consumer selection factors include
convenience, service facilities, reputation and interest rates
[25], [26]. According to Delvin [27], customers have less
time to spend on activities such as visiting a bank and
therefore want a higher degree of convenience and
accessibility. The service-quality attributes that the Internet
banks must offer to induce consumers to switch to online
transactions and keep using them are perceived usefulness,
ease of use, reliability, responsiveness, security, and
continuous improvement [28].
In another study by [29], they found that individual
expectations regarding accuracy, security, network speed,
user-friendliness, and user involvement and convenience
were the most important quality attributes in the perceived
usefulness of Internet-based e-retail banking. The crucial
factors that affect an individuals decision to use or not to use
online services the age, the difficulties of using the Internet,
fear of changes in banking sector due to technological
development and lack of information concerning products
and services provided to customers through electronic
delivery channels. Factors such as speed of transactions or
the cost of using the Internet have little impact on an
individuals final decision [30]. In the study by [1], revealed
six composite dimensions of electronic service quality,
including the provision of convenient/accurate electronic
banking operations; the accessibility and reliability of service
provision; good queue management; service personalization;
the provision of friendly and responsive customer service;
and the provision of targeted customer service. Perceived
usefulness, security and privacy are the main perusing factors
to accept online banking system [20]. According to a study
WAP, GPRS and 3G features from mobile devices are of no
significance or influence in the adoption of e-banking
services [31].

to conduct bank and stock market transactions, to administer

accounts and to access customized information [15]. With
mobile technology, banks can offer services to their
customers such as doing funds transfer while travelling,
receiving online updates of stock price or even performing
stock trading while being stuck in traffic. Smart phones and
3G connectivity provide some capabilities that older text
message-only phones do not. The convergence of mobile
communications and distributed networked computing has
provided the foundation for the development of a new
channel of electronic business, mobile business [15]. Mobile
business (m-business) is defined as the use of the mobile
information technologies, including the wireless Internet, for
organizational communication and coordination, and the
management of the firm [16]. M-Banking is a term used for
performing balance checks, account transactions, payments,
credit applications etc. via a mobile device such as a mobile
phone or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). It is the
convenient, simple, secure, anytime and anywhere banking.
Many new e-commerce applications will be possible and
significantly benefit from emerging wireless and mobile
networks. These applications can collectively be termed
wireless e-commerce or mobile commerce [17]. The earliest
mobile banking services were offered via SMS. With the
introduction of the first primitive smart phones with WAP
(wireless application protocol) support enabling the use of
the mobile web in 1999, the first European banks started to
offer mobile banking on this platform to their customers [15].
SMS Banking is a Mobile technology that allows you to
request and receive banking information from your bank on
your mobile phone via SMS [18]. WAP banking is another
form of the E-banking that enables the user to communicate
interactively with the bank, for which client uses only GSM
mobile phone with WAP service. With its options and the
method of controlling WAP banking reminds an easy form of
Internet banking. WAP is a universal standard for bringing
Internet-based content and advanced value-added services to
wireless devices such as phones and PDAs [19].


Technological innovations are having significant
importance in human general and professional life. This era
can safely be attributed as technology revolution. The quick
expansion of information technology has imbibed into the
lives of millions of people. Rapid technology advancements
have introduced major changes in the worldwide economic
and business atmosphere [20]. Research on consumer attitude
and adoption of mobile banking showed there are several
factors predetermining the consumers attitude towards
online banking such as persons demography, motivation and
behavior towards different banking technologies and
individual acceptance of new technology. It has been found
that consumers attitudes toward online banking are
influenced by the prior experience of computer and new
technology [21]. The adoption of electronic banking forces
consumers to consider concerns about password integrity,
privacy, data encryption, hacking, and the protection of
personal information [22]. Electronic banking requires
perhaps the most consumer involvement, as it requires the


Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are the two
components of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).
According to [32],perceived usefulness is the extent to
which a person believes that using a particular system will
enhance his or her performance, while perceived ease of use
is the extent to which a person believes that using a particular
system will be free of effort. TAM has been widely used by
information system researcher; there is a common agreement
among them that the model is valid in predicting the
individuals acceptance of new technologies [33-36].
Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use is significant
factors affecting acceptance of an information system or new
technologies. Prior research has empirically found positive
relationship between perceived ease of use and perceived
usefulness as critical factors on the use of e- banking [31],
[37-39]. Hence an application perceived to be useful

International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, Vol. 1, No. 3, August 2011

or not to engage in a behavior. Subjective norm is determined

by the total set of accessible normative beliefs concerning the
expectations of important referents [49]. It is the persons
perception that most people who are important to him think
he should or should not perform the behavior in question
[50].individual often respond to social normative influences
to establish a favorable image within a reference group.
Moore and Benbasant define image as the degree to which
use of an innovation is perceived to enhance ones status in
social system [51].
H5: Subjective norm has a positive effect on intention to
adopt and use MB.

perceived to be easier to use than another is more likely to be

accepted by users. By applying these into online banking
context we hypothesize:
H1: Perceived usefulness has a positive effect on intention
to adopt and use MB.
H2: Perceived ease of use has a positive effect on intention
to adopt and use MB
Adoption is the acceptance and continued use of a product,
service or idea. According to [40], [41], consumers go
through a process of knowledge, persuasion, decision and
confirmation before they are ready to adopt a product or
service. The adoption or rejection of an innovation begins
when the consumer becomes aware of the product.
Consumers will seek out services which offer the best value
for money. Hence, for adoption of mobile banking, it is
necessary that the banks offering this service make the
consumers aware about the availability of such a product and
explain how it adds value relative to other products of its own
or that of the competitors. An important characteristic for any
adoption of innovative service or product is creating
awareness among the consumers about the service/product
[40]. The amount of information consumers have about
online banking has been identified as a major factor
impacting the adoption. According to [40], while the use of
online banking services is fairly new experience to many
people, low awareness of online banking is a major factor in
causing people not to adopt online banking. In an empirical
study of Australian consumers found that consumers were
unaware about the possibilities, advantages/disadvantages
involved with online banking. Hence, we posit that:
H3: Awareness about MB has a positive effect on intention
to adopt and use MB
Perceptions of risk are a powerful explanatory factor in
consumer behavior as individuals appear to be more
motivated to avoid mistakes than to maximize purchasing
benefits [42]. The construct Perceived Risk reflects an
individuals subjective belief about the possible negative
consequences of some type of planned action or behavior,
due to inherent uncertainty. Pavlou [43] refers to perceived
system risk as the overall amount of uncertainty perceived by
an organization in a particular purchase situation. The
Perceived Risk associated with online transactions may
reduce perceptions of behavioral and environmental control,
and this lack of control is likely to negatively influence
e-commerce usage intentions [44]. Similar is with
m-commerce applications. Diffusion of innovation literature
is often silent on perceived risk as a factor influencing the
diffusion of an innovation, despite adoption behavior often
being a process of dealing with the uncertainty about
incorporating an innovation into ongoing practice [45].
Services are inherently more risky than products and that the
major reason for this is the higher levels of uncertainty which
are associated with services [42], [46], [47]. Polatoglu and
Ekin [48] also found that perceived risk was one of the major
factors affecting consumer adoption, as well as customer
satisfaction of mobile banking services. Perceived risk
usually arises from uncertainty. Hence we hypothesize:
H4: Perceived risks have a negative impact on intention to
adopt and use MB.
Subjective norm is the perceived social pressure to engage

Perceived ease
of use

Mobile Banking


The key intention of this paper is to evaluate those factors

that manipulate the nature of customers towards mobile
banking and their growing tendency towards the online
financial institutions. A survey instrument in the form of
questionnaire was developed through data collected from
previous studies on acceptance of mobile banking. We
constructed several questions in the questionnaire based on
the objectives of the research. SPSS 12 package was used for
analysis. Likert scale is used in order to identify the
respondents perceptions towards mobile banking adoption.
During the interviews we sought general information from
the managers about mobile banking and asked them to
discuss the reasons for undertaking mobile banking and to
highlight mobile banking development challenges. We also
asked them to discuss the issues relevant to the future of the
initiative. The questionnaires were based on customers
intention to adopt mobile banking.
Convenience sampling method was used. It is a type of
non-probability sampling which involves the sample being
drawn from that part of the population which is close to hand,
i.e, sample population selected because it is readily available
and convenient. The reasons of using this sampling type are
twofold. First, it offers an easy way to obtain the raw data for
the further analysis. Second, it saves times and costs since the
respondents can be randomly selected. Choosing this campus
is because of two reasons. First, those business and
economics student are revealed with the knowledge of
applied business and economics. At the same time, they are
equipped with the knowledge of computer science, where the
concept of mobile banking is not an alien for these students.
Second, it was found that there is no study ever conducted in

International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, Vol. 1, No. 3, August 2011

Factor loading values were obtained using varimax rotation.

According to the above table, most of the factor loading for
each instrument exceeded 0.6, meeting the essentially
significant level of convergent validity. Extraction Method:
Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax
with Kaiser Normalization. Rotation converged in 6
iterations. Using eigenvalue greater than 1 as a selection
criterion. Each has cumulative frequency of 21.11, 43.16,
52.85, 58.55 and 69.94 percent respectively. These factors
accounted for 69% of the variance and the factor loading
were greater than 0.6. Hence the results show that H1, H2,
H3, H4 and H5 are confirmed. The results are consistent and
are supported by previous studies.

the campus, it leaves a motivation to the research to perform a

study in order to investigate the students adoption for mobile
banking in the near future. Table 1 shows the profile of the
respondents. The sample shows that the number of male
(78.84%) respondents is higher than the number of female
(21.15%) respondents. The sample shows that the largest age
group that responded was from 20 to 30 years of age (82.7%),
followed by age 31 to 40 (11.5%), then 41 to 50 (03.8%)
and >50 (1.9%). In the education background more than 55%
of the respondents were postgraduate students and more than
28% were graduate students and 11.5% were PhD students.

Age group



No. of Respondent



No. of items



Although mobile banking provides flexibility in
performing financial transaction, fast and easy, however
individuals are still reluctant to adopt the system because of
several reasons. First, the security and privacy are two
elements in the perceived risk. Without a proper knowledge
of the system, individuals are not interested to test the system.
Perceived usefulness, ease of use and consumer awareness
has positive impact on the intention to adopt mobile banking
while perceived risk has negative impact on it. When online
banking is perceived as useful, customers intention to adopt
it would be greater. Likewise bank customers are likely to
adopt mobile banking when it is easy to use. Social influence
has positive effect on the use of mobile technology as the
individuals think that using the advanced technology will
improve his image and status in the society and also it
improves his performance. This shows that bank customers
anchor their online banking adoption intention to the
beneficial outcomes and ease of use process of the system.
This finding is particularly important for managers as they
decide how to allocate resources to retain and expand their
current customer base. However, building a risk-free online
transaction environment is much more difficult than
providing benefits to customers. Further, the research
instrument was tested for reliability using Cronbachs
coefficient alpha estimate.
The Cronbachs alpha values for all dimensions range
from 0.60 to 0.93, exceeding the minimum alpha of 0.6 [52],
thus the constructs measures are deemed reliable. Principal
component factor analysis with a varimax rotation was
conducted. The aim of factors analysis is to confirm the
construct validity of the scales could be performed
adequately by using principle component analysis. In order to
reach this, the minimum factor loading of 0.6 on its
hypothesized constructs is proposed by Nunnally [53]. A
number of analyses were conducted for factors analysis.





PEU1-0.558 AW1-0.850 PR1-0.833 SN1-0.901
PEU2-0.577 AW2-0.711 PR2-0.658 SN2-0.886
PEU3-0.537 AW3-0.658 PR3-0.759
PEU4-0.569 AW4-0.600 PR4-0.650
PEU5-0.824 AW5-0.662 PR5-0.679
AW6-0.662 PR6-0.741


MB gives flexibility to conduct banking business 24
MB transactions save more time.
MB makes it easier for me to do my banking.
MB helps me to know the state of my account faster.
MB provides me prompt and efficient services.
MB provides systems to give appropriate feedback.
MB gives the joy of controlling my financial transactions.
Learning to use MB was easy for me.
Instructions in the MB system are clear and understandable.
I find MB system easy to use.
MB has more flexible ways to search for information.
I feel that user-friendliness of the MB website is important.
I think that I am aware about the benefits of MB
I think that I have received enough information about MB.
I will frequently use MB in the future.
I will strongly recommend others to use MB.
I think that using the new MB service is beneficial for me.
I have positive perception about using the MB service.
MB is compatible to my banking needs.
MB will allow unauthorized person to access personal
MB provides accurate, relevant and up to date information.
MB has the chance of data loss and fraud.
MB needs expertise and training.
MB has inadequate information on the website and less
operational reliability.
I trust the ability of MB to protect my privacy.
People who are important to me think that I should use MB
People who influence my behavior think I should use the

International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, Vol. 1, No. 3, August 2011

The result of this study shows that perceived usefulness,
perceived ease of use, subjective norm, consumer awareness
and perceived risk are the important determinants of mobile
banking adoption. This study meets the desired objective; but
it suffers from one setback. Study concludes that majority of
customers are accepting online banking because of many
favorable factors. Analysis concluded that usefulness, ease of
use, subjective norm, awareness and risks related to it are the
main perusing factors to accept online banking system. These
factors have a strong and positive effect on customers to
accept mobile banking system. The relatively small size of
the sample limits generalization of the outcome of the study.
The study is concentrated on a particular location and hence
the result may vary with location and the demography of the
people. Similar study can be conducted in other colleges and
universities and results can be compared.















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