What Is God

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What is God?

By Prasanna Hankins
Illustrated by Sabrina Tusing

This book is dedicated to Paramhansa Yogananda, the Light of my life,

to Nayaswami Kriyananda for his attunement and blissful example to all truth seekers,
and to my lovely family who has loved and supported me all along the way.
- Prasanna Hankins

Dedicated with love and joy to the Infinite Spirit which resides in us all and to the great
souls near and far who are always held close in my heart.
- Sabrina Tusing

Copyright 2010
All Rights Reserved

The art work for this book was created by the artist while listening to the music of Secrets
of Love by J. Donald Walters.
Look and feel for the love on each page, and then look and feel for that love in everyone and
everything you see.

Opening Prayer for Children/Families


When I dance happily, dear Heavenly Father, I dance with Thee.
Wherever I look, I see Thee peeping out at me from just behind
I see Thee every day, painting the sky bright colors.
I watch Thee clothing the bare ground with green grass.
I see Thee shining in the sunshine.
Oh, I see Thee so plainly present everywhere!
I bow to Thee!
Whispers from Eternity, Copyright Hansa Trust 2008.

What is God?

God is Light.

God is Love.

God is Calmness.

God is Peace.

God is. . .

. . .Joy.

God is Wisdom.

God is Power.

God is invisible

yet He can be seen in the beauty of nature,

tasted in the sweetness of fruit,

and smelled in the fragrance of flowers.

God is in the sounds you hear;

the buzzing of the bumblebees,

the chirping of the crickets,

the plucking of a harp,

the gong of a bell,

the wind in the trees,

and the roar of the sea.

God is the Mother and Father

to everyone and everything.

God is your personal Friend.

God is everywhere.
But most of all. . .

. . .God is within you!


This book was created to introduce children in a simple way to eight aspects of divine consciousness as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda and his direct disciple Nayaswami Kriyananda.
Love, light, calmness, peace, joy, power, wisdom and sound (vibrations) are all aspects of divine consciousness and exist, in the purest sense, only within ourselves.
Through out this book you see pictures of people sitting in meditation. Meditation
and prayer have a direct relationship. Prayer is talking to God, meditation is listening.
Meditation is a practice where the mind and body are still and the heart is open. It is a
concentration on God or an attribute of the Divine; such as love, light, calmness,
peace, joy, power, wisdom and sound (vibrations). It is concentrating so deeply that
you become that upon which you concentrate. Meditation is the key to making these
eight aspects of divine consciousness a permanent part of ones life, helping you live
in peace and harmony within yourself and with the world around you.
We hear the beautiful sounds in Gods creation outwardly as seen on the pages of
this book. (The buzzing of the bees, the chirping of the crickets, the plucking of a
harp, the gong of a bell, the wind in the trees and the roar of the sea.) As we turn our
consciousness inward in meditation and give our five senses a deserved rest from the
world outside, it is possible to experience our inner subtle energy centers or chakras
through colors and sound vibrations. To learn more about chakras, Nayaswami Savitri
Simpsons book Chakras for Starters is a nice place to begin. Below are a few excerpts from her book:
Chakra is a Sanskrit word literally meaning wheel or circle. In a deeper sense the
word describes the whirlpools or vortices of energy located along the central axis of
our bodies, in the deep or astral spine. The chakras are a part of what might be
called our spiritual anatomy. Just as there is an anatomy to the physical body and
maps to the physical world, so also there is a definite anatomy of our spiritual beings,
as well as maps and guideposts to follow along the path of inner awakening. If we understand this spiritual anatomy, then we will find it much easier to advance in our
search for God.*
The cover of this book is the artists playful rendition of the spiritual eye.
The spiritual eye is not imaginary. It is something one actually sees in meditation,
when thoughts are stilled, and when the intellect functions on its own higher, intuitive

level. When the spiritual eye is beheld perfectly, it is circular in shape even as the eyes
of the body are behind their eyelids. It is seen as a ring of shining golden light surrounding a field of intense, deep blue or violet. In the center of the blue-violet field shines a
brilliant, five-pointed, silvery-white star. When the spiritual eye is beheld imperfectly, it
is seen as a dim violet light with a faint circle around it, and an even fainter dot in the
The goal of all spiritual seekers is to get to the Christ center and live in that consciousness. By concentrating at the spiritual eye on the inner light, or upon any other divine
reality that one actually perceives when the mind is calm, we gradually take on the
qualities of that inner reality. The mind loses its ego identification, and begins to merge
in the great ocean of consciousness of which it has always been apart.
The vision of the inner light comes in deep meditation. It is beheld in the center of the
forehead, between the eyebrows. This is why saints in ecstasy are so often depicted gazing upward. Once the vision of the inner light in the forehead takes shape, once the mind
is deeply concentrated, it becomes what mystical tradition calls, the single eye,
the third eye, or, in yoga teachings, the spiritual eye. The two eyes of the body behold the world with dual vision, and therefore, in relativity. The eye of the soul, however, beholds all things as belonging to the soul reality, God.
Paramhansa Yogananda made it a deliberate practice to keep his mind centered at the
Christ center throughout the day, regardless what his other activities were. He also told
his disciples to do this, as much as possible, as a way to experience the divine very
Some children can easily see the spiritual eye or hear the inners sounds and it can be
helpful to be aware of the information about the chakras, so as a parent you can help
them understand their spiritual anatomy.
May we all be filled with that which is our true nature; Gods love, light, calmness,
peace, joy, power and wisdom.
Sabrina Tusing
Ananda Certified Meditation and Yoga Teacher
*Chakras For Starters, Copyright Hansa Trust 2002.

(Aum, Peace, Amen.)

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