ANSYS 2D Tutorial
ANSYS 2D Tutorial
ANSYS 2D Tutorial
This tutorial examines the flow of water and air in a tee junction. Initially you will
solve the problem using the less computationally intensive mixture model, and then turn
to the more accurate Eulerian model. The results of these two approaches can then be
This tutorial demonstrates how to do the following:
Use the mixture model with slip velocities.
Set boundary conditions for internal flow.
Calculate a solution using the pressure-based coupled solver with the mixture
Use the Eulerian model.
Calculate a solution using the multiphase coupled solver with the Eulerian model.
Display the results obtained using the two approaches for comparison.
This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have completed Tutorial 1, and
that you are familiar with the ANSYS FLUENT navigation pane and menu structure.
Some steps in the setup and solution procedure will not be shown explicitly.
Problem Description
This problem considers an air-water mixture flowing upwards in a duct and then splitting
in a tee junction. The ducts are 25 mm in width, the inlet section of the duct is 125 mm
long, and the top and the side ducts are 250 mm long. The schematic of the problem is
shown in Figure 20.1.
flow rate weighting = 0.62
flow rate weighting = 0.38
velocity inlet
water :
air :
v = 1.53 m/s
v = 1.6 m/s
volume fraction = 0.02
bubble diameter = 1 mm
Step 1: Mesh
1. Read the mesh file tee.msh.
File Read Mesh...
As ANSYS FLUENT reads the mesh file, it will report the progress in the console.
Step 3: Models
1. Select the mixture multiphase model with slip velocities.
Multiphase Edit...
(b) Ensure that Slip Velocity is enabled in the Mixture Parameters group box.
You need to solve the slip velocity equation since there will be significant difference in velocities for the different phases.
(c) Enable Implicit Body Force in the Body Force Formulation group box.
This treatment improves solution convergence by accounting for the partial
equilibrium of the pressure gradient and body forces in the momentum equations. It is used in VOF and mixture problems, where body forces are large in
comparison to viscous and connective forces.
(d) Click OK to close the Multiphase Model dialog box.
2. Select the standard k- turbulence model with standard wall functions.
Viscous Edit...
Step 4: Materials
1. Copy the properties for liquid water from the materials database so that it can be
used for the primary phase.
Fluid Create/Edit...
(a) Click the FLUENT Database... button to open the FLUENT Database Materials
dialog box.
Step 5: Phases
In the following steps you will define the liquid water and air phases that flow in the tee
phase-1 Edit...
phase-2 Edit...
(a) Retain the default selection of schiller-naumann from the Drag Coefficient dropdown list.
The Schiller-Naumann drag law describes the drag between the spherical particle and the surrounding liquid for a wide range of conditions. In this case,
the bubbles have an approximately spherical shape with a diameter of 1 mm.
(b) Click OK to close the Phase Interaction dialog box.
For this problem, you need to set the boundary conditions for three boundaries: the velocity
inlet and the two outflows. Since this is a mixture multiphase model, you will set the
conditions at the velocity inlet that are specific for the mixture (i.e., conditions that apply
to all phases) and also conditions that are specific to the primary and secondary phases.
1. Set the boundary conditions at the velocity inlet (velocity-inlet-4) for the mixture.
Boundary Conditions
velocity-inlet-4 Edit...
(a) Select Intensity and Length Scale from the Specification Method drop-down list.
(b) Retain the default value of 10% for Turbulent Intensity.
(c) Enter 0.025 m for Turbulent Length Scale.
(d) Click OK to close the Velocity Inlet dialog box.
2. Set the boundary conditions at the velocity inlet (velocity-inlet-4) for the primary
phase (water).
Boundary Conditions
iv. Click the Multiphase tab and enter 0.02 for Volume Fraction.
outflow-3 Edit...
(c) Enter 0.4 for both Slip Velocity and Volume Fraction in the Under-Relaxation
Factors group box.
Residuals Edit...
(a) Retain the default selection of Mass Flow Rate in the Options list.
(b) Select water from the Phase drop-down list.
(c) Select outflow-3, outflow-5, and velocity-inlet-4 from the Boundaries selection
(d) Click Compute.
Note that the net mass flow rate is almost zero, indicating that total mass is
(e) Select air from the Phase drop-down list and click Compute again.
Note that the net mass flow rate is almost zero, indicating that total mass is
(f) Close the Flux Reports dialog box.
(a) Select Velocity... and Velocity Magnitude from the Contours of drop-down lists.
(b) Click Display.
(a) Select Phases... and Volume fraction from the Contours of drop-down lists.
(b) Select air from the Phase drop-down list.
(c) Click Display and close the Contours dialog box.
When gravity acts downwards, it induces stratification in the side arm of the tee
junction. In Figure 20.5, you can see that the gas (air) tends to concentrate on the
upper part of the side arm. In this case, gravity acts against inertia that tends to
concentrate gas on the low pressure side, thereby creating gas pockets. In the vertical
arm, the gas travels upward faster than the water due to the effect of gravity, and
therefore there is less separation. The outflow split modifies the relation between
inertia forces and gravity to a large extent, and has an important role in flow
distribution and on the gas concentration.
Multiphase Edit...
(a) Retain the default selection of schiller-naumann from the Drag Coefficient dropdown list.
(b) Click OK to close the Phase Interaction dialog box.
Note: For this problem, there are no parameters to be set for the individual phases
other than those that you specified when you set up the phases for the mixture
model calculation. If you use the Eulerian model for a flow involving a granular
secondary phase, you will need to set additional parameters. There are also
other options in the Phase Interaction dialog box that may be relevant for other
For details on setting up an Eulerian multiphase calculation, see Section 24.2 in
the separate Users Guide.
3. Select the multiphase turbulence model.
Viscous Edit...
(a) Retain the default selection of Mixture in the Turbulence Multiphase Model list.
(b) Click OK to close the Viscous Model dialog box.
The mixture turbulence model is applicable when phases separate, for stratified
(or nearly stratified) multiphase flows, and when the density ratio between
phases is close to 1. In these cases, using mixture properties and mixture
velocities is sufficient to capture important features of the turbulent flow.
For more information on turbulence models for the Eulerian multiphase model,
see Chapter 24 in the separate Users Guide.
4. Change the solution parameters.
Solution Methods
(a) Select Velocity... and Velocity Magnitude from the Contours of drop-down lists.
(b) Retain the selection of water from the Phase drop-down list.
Since the Eulerian model solves individual momentum equations for each phase,
you can choose the phase for which solution data is plotted.
(c) Click Display.
(a) Select Phases... and Volume fraction from the Contours of drop-down lists.
(b) Select air from the Phase drop-down list.
(c) Click Display and close the Contours dialog box.
This tutorial demonstrated how to set up and solve a multiphase problem using the
mixture model and the Eulerian model. You learned how to set boundary conditions
for the mixture and both phases. The solution obtained with the mixture model was
used as a starting point for the calculation with the Eulerian model. After completing
calculations for each model, you displayed the results to allow for a comparison of the
two approaches. For more information about the mixture and Eulerian models, see
Chapter 24 in the separate Users Guide.
Further Improvements
This tutorial guides you through the steps to reach an initial set of solutions. You
may be able to obtain a more accurate solution by using an appropriate higher-order
discretization scheme and by adapting the mesh. Mesh adaption can also ensure that the
solution is independent of the mesh. These steps are demonstrated in Tutorial 1.