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Discovery AMS:

Version X-2005.09, September 2005

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Discovery AMS: NanoSim-VCS-MX, X-2005.09





Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Customer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Whats New in this Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Using NanoSim-VCS-MX
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Installation Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Setting up Your Own Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

NanoSim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

VCS-MX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

License. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mixed-simulation Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Supported Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Flow Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Known Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Known Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Choosing Your Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






Choosing Input Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Requirements, Modifications, and Limitations of the Input Files . . . . . . .

VHDL Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Verilog Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SPICE Netlist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Using a VHDL Setup File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Using a Verilog Wrapper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Using the Mixed-signal Simulation Setup File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The choose Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The partition Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Module-based Partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Instance-based Partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Known Limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The set bus_format Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The set rmap Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Running Your Mixed-Signal Simulation

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


VHDL-top Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Verilog-top Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Back-annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Using the SDF File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Using the HSPF or HSPEF File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Autowrapper Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Using the Autowrapper Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Converting Signal Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Digital to Analog Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Using the NanoSim set_vec_opt Configuration Command . . . . . . . . . . .


Analog to Digital Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Using the NanoSim set_node_thresh Configuration Command. . . .


Signal Strength Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Converting from Digital to Analog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Converting from Analog to Digital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Creating a Resistance Map File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Unidirectional Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bidirectional Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Mixed Simulation Output and Display

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Print (or Post-processing) Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


VHDL Syntax (VHDL-top flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Verilog Syntax (Verilog-top flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Transistor-level Description (VHDL-top and Verilog-top flows). . . . . . . . .


Viewing Waveform Files Separately with Viewers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Using turboWave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Using Alternative Waveform Viewers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Viewing a Single Waveform File with the Unified Output Display (UOD) . . . . .


Using the set_print_uod Configuration Command for NS-VCS-MX . . . . .


UOD File Naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Reducing File Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Known Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


NanoSim-supported Commands
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


set_cosim_tres Configuration Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


set_print_uod Configuration Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


NanoSim Command-line Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Time Precision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


What Time Precision Value is Used in my Mixed-signal Simulation?. . . .


Limitations at the Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Performance Improvement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




About This Manual

The NanoSim-VCS-MX User Guide describes how to use the
NanoSim-VCS-MX interface, which is a bridge (flow) between the VCS-MX and
NanoSim tools.

This user guide is meant for designers who use the NanoSim-VCS-MX
Knowledge of the C-programming language, UNIX, NanoSim, VCS, VHDL, and
the turboWave waveform viewer is assumed.

Related Publications
For additional information about NanoSim-VCS-MX, see

Documentation on the Web, which provides HTML and PDF documents and
is available through SolvNet at

Synopsys Online Documentation (SOLD), which is included with the

software for CD users or is available to download through the Synopsys
Electronic Software Transfer (EST) system

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of Synopsys documents, at


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Indicates command syntax.

Courier italic

Indicates a user-defined value in Synopsys syntax, such as


Regular italic

A user-defined value that is not Synopsys syntax, such as

a user-defined value in a Verilog statement.

Courier bold

Indicates user inputtext you type verbatimin Synopsys

syntax and examples.

Regular bold

User input that is not Synopsys syntax, such as a user

name or password you enter in a GUI.


Denotes optional parameters, such as

pin1 [pin2 ... pinN]


Indicates that a parameter can be repeated as many times

as necessary

Indicates a choice among alternatives, such as

low | medium | high

(This example indicates that you can enter one of three

possible values for an option: low, medium, or high.)


Connects terms that are read as a single term by the

system, such as set_annotated_delay

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Indicates a keyboard combination, such as holding down

the Control key and pressing c.

Indicates a continuation of a command line.

Indicates levels of directory structure.

Edit > Copy

Indicates a path to a menu command, such as opening the

Edit menu and choosing Copy.

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About This Manual

Whats New in this Release

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Whats New in this Release

For this release, the following items are new:

The NS-VCS flow has been removed. It is now part of the E-NS-VCS flow.

Using NanoSim-VCS-MX1
This chapter provides you with the basic information you need
to start simulating with NanoSim-VCS-MXincluding
installation and setup.

NanoSim-VCS-MX (NS-VCS-MX) is a feature that provides you with a mixedsignal, mixed-HDL language verification solution. NS-VCS-MX enables you to
simulate a design described in SPICE (or other transistor-level description
language that NanoSim supports), Verilog-HDL (Verilog), and VHDL.
NanoSim-VCS-MX provides you with two flows:

VHDL-top design flow

Verilog-top design flow

The SPICE-top flow is not supported at this time.
The transistor-level design blocks are always located under Verilog in the
design hierarchy, and is interfaced by the Verilog modulereferred to as the
Verilog wrapper (module).

Using NanoSim-VCS-MX
Installation Requirements

You must be familiar with the SPICE, VCS, and VHDL languages, as well as
NanoSim and VCS-MX usage. See the respective manuals for more
This chapter contains the following sections:

Installation Requirements

Setting up Your Own Environment

Mixed-simulation Basics

Supported Features

Flow Description

Known Limitations

Installation Requirements
In order to use NS-VCS-MX, you must install both NanoSim and VCS-MX.
The tool versions must be compatible!
Check the respective release notes to verify compatible tool versions.
Generally, only one version of NanoSim and one version of VCS-MX are
certified for each NS-VCS-MX release. (Non-recommended versions are not
supportedaccuracy/performance of your results are not guaranteed!) Refer to
the Installation Requirements section of each manual for installation
Note that 64-bit platforms (Solaris, HP, AMD) are not yet supported.
If you are running on Linux, check the gcc and ld versions that are
recommended. For Linux RH3.0: use gcc version 3.3.2 and ld version
To use NS-VCS-MX, an individual product license is required for both
NanoSim and VCS-MX.

Using NanoSim-VCS-MX
Setting up Your Own Environment

Setting up Your Own Environment

Running a mixed-mode simulation requires setting up paths and environment
variables for both simulators (NanoSim and VCS-MX).

A NanoSim installation comprises CSHRC files for every platform. Source the
CSHRC file for the platform on which you are running your simulation.
Note that you have to re-source the NanoSim CSHRC file when you change
source Nanosim_installation_directory/CSHRC_platform

For VCS-MX, you must set the VCS_HOME environment variable and specify the
path to the bin directory available in the VCS-MX installation directory:
setenv VCS_HOME VCS-MX_installation_directory
set path = ($VCS_HOME/bin $path)

specify the license file location.
setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE Location_of_License_File

setenv SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE Location_of_License_File

See the following example to set up your environment to run on the Solaris 32bit platform:
setenv VCS_HOME /usr/synopsys/VCS
set path = ($VCS_HOME/bin $path)
source /usr/synopsys/Nanosim/CSHRC_sparcOS5
setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE 26585@synopsys:$LM_LICENSE_FILE

Using NanoSim-VCS-MX
Mixed-simulation Basics

Mixed-simulation Basics
In a mixed-simulation, two simulator engines run and interact with each other.
Information is exchanged between the two simulators through converters.
In an NS-VCS-MX simulation, VCS-MX is the digital simulator and NanoSim is
the analog simulator.
The circuit must be partitioned into digital (VCS-MX) blocks and analog
(NanoSim) blocks. Partitioning the circuit is your responsibility.
You must choose the part of your circuit to be simulated with VCS-MX, and
choose the blocks to be simulated with NanoSim. The converters at the
interface are automatically inserted by the NS-VCS-MX tool.
There are two types of converters:

Digital-to-Analog (D2A)
Converts a signal coming from the VCS-MX world into an analog signal

Analog-to-Digital (A2D)
Converts a signal coming from the NanoSim world into a digital signal

Figure 1 visually displays the mixed-simulation basics.

Figure 1 Mixed-simulation basics

Using NanoSim-VCS-MX
Supported Features

Supported Features
NS-VCS-MX supports the following features:

VHDL-top design flow (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 VHDL-top design

Verilog-HDL top design flow (see Figure 3)

Figure 3 Verilog-HDL top design

Donuts (donut configuration) in HDL blocks, which is a VCS-MX feature (see

Figure 4)

Using NanoSim-VCS-MX
Flow Description

Figure 4 Donuts in HDL blocks

Verilog-A and ADFMI descriptions instantiated in a SPICE description

Verilog-A or ADFMI descriptions cannot be instantiated in Verilog or VHDL.

Real-type port support in VHDL (to communicate with the transistor-level


Integration of the Value Change Dump Plus (VPD) format and NanoSim
output (.out) format into one unified output (_uod.out) file: the Unified
Output Display (UOD).
VPD format is the VCS-MX output format.

Flow Description
If you intend to run Enhanced NanoSim-VCS (E-NS-VCS), that is, if there is no
VHDL description in your design, refer to the Enhanced NanoSim-VCS User
The NS-VCS-MX flow is different from the E-NS-VCS flow!
There are two possible flows for an NS-VCS-MX simulation:



Using NanoSim-VCS-MX
Flow Description

In the present version, a SPICE (transistor-level) description for the top cell is
not possible. The top cell must be described in either the VHDL or Verilog
Both Verilog-top and VHDL-top flows are similar (see Figure 1), but the
executables differ. The Verilog-top flow is driven by VCS; therefore, vcs is the
compilation and elaboration tool and simv is the simulation executable. The
VHDL-top flow is driven by VHDL; therefore, scs is the compilation and
elaboration tool and scsim is the simulation executable.
The SPICE description (NanoSim netlist) must always be enveloped by a
Verilog module, also called a Verilog wrapper. See Chapter 2, Preparing Your
Mixed-signal Simulation, for more information on the Verilog wrapper.
For a visual representation of the NS-VCS-MX flow, see Figure 5.

Using NanoSim-VCS-MX
Known Limitations

Figure 5 NanoSim-VCS-MX flow

Known Limitations
Limitations exist in NS-VCS-MX, due to the existing limitations in the VCS-MX
flow. Please refer to the VCS-MX User Guide for more details.
The known NS-VCS-MX limitations are:

Transistor-level blocks must be leaf cells

(SPICE-top is not permitted.)

Donuts in a SPICE description are not permitted

Using NanoSim-VCS-MX
Known Limitations

A SPICE description that instantiates a Verilog module or a VHDL

component is not possible.

A single VCD file generated for both a VHDL and Verilog design is not
supported, even though you can generate two separate VCD filesone for
VHDL and one for Verilog. Only VPD files generated for the entire (VHDL
and Verilog) design are supportedthe UOD feature only works with VPD

Cross-module references (XMR) over the Verilog and

transistor-level boundary are not supported.

NanoSim GUI is not supported.

The NanoSim set_sim_hierid configuration command is ignored.

Known Problems
The following problems currently exist:

names.map file generates incompletely

HAR feature requires two submissions of scsim :


run #1 is for HAR setup

run #2 is for HAR simulation

Using NanoSim-VCS-MX
Known Limitations


Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation2
This chapter provides you with information for preparing your
files (input data) in order to run a mixed-signal simulation.

Before you begin using the NS-VCS-MX flow, there are several required tasks
you must complete before starting the simulation. You must prepare the input
files so both the VCS-MX simulation and the NanoSim simulation can run
stand-alone. Additional tasks are also required for a successful run of the
mixed-signal simulation.
Figure 6 shows the recommended flow for preparing your mixed-signal


Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation

Choosing Your Flow

Figure 6 Flow for preparing a mixed-signal simulation

This chapter contains the following sections:

Choosing Your Flow

Choosing Input Files

Using a VHDL Setup File

Using a Verilog Wrapper

Using the Mixed-signal Simulation Setup File

Choosing Your Flow

Before you begin simulating your design, you must determine what flow you
want to use:




Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation

Choosing Input Files

Once you have chosen either the VHDL-top or Verilog-top flow, you must
decide how to partition your circuit. You must list the blocks you want to
simulate using


Verilog description

VHDL description

Choosing Input Files

Once the partitioning of your design is determined, you must ensure you have
all the required files.
The required files for the mixed-signal simulation for NanoSim are

transistor-level descriptions (or SPICE netlists)

device model libraries (can be included inside the SPICE netlist)

configuration file (not required, but often used)

The required files for the mixed-signal simulation for VCS-MX are

VHDL setup file

Verilog description file

VHDL description file

VHDL command file (for batch run only)

For the mixed-signal simulation, you need to create

a Verilog wrapper

a mixed-signal simulation setup file

Later in this chapter, you will learn how to create these files.

Requirements, Modifications, and Limitations of the Input Files

An NS-VCS-MX simulation demands several requirements, modifications, and
limitations of the input files, described as follows:


Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation

Choosing Input Files

VHDL Description
For a VHDL description, see the following guideline:

Inout ports with a real data type are not supported.

The mode or direction of the ports in the VHDL code with a real data type
must be changed from inout to input or to output.

Verilog Description
For a Verilog description, see the following guidelines:

In case of a Verilog-top flow, there must be a top-level module.

The 'timescale compiler directive must be specified with the correct

values. You should specify the time precision value using 10ps or less,
since the NanoSim default is 10ps.

Cross-module reference (XMR) is only available in Verilog or mixed-HDL.

XMR must be removed or commented-out if it references any modules or
instances replaced by transistor-level blocks.

A wreal net-type definition is not allowed in a Verilog module, other than

the Verilog wrappers.
See Example 1 for a sample Verilog netlist.

Example 1 Verilog netlist

timescale 1ns/10ps
module top ();
wire in1, in2, in3, out1;
stim s1 (.oa (in1), .ob(in2), .oc(in3));
test t1 (.a(in1), .b(in2), .c(in3), .d(out1));
initial begin
$monitor ("%d out1=%b", $time, out1);
$dumpfile ("test.vcd");
/* The module declaration of stim and test are not shown
in this example */


Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation

Choosing Input Files

Limitation for Verilog Modeling.

to the following:

The mixed-nets should not be connected

Bi-directional pass switches (tran, rtran, tranif0, rtranif0,

tranif1, and rtranif1)

Jumper ports (see Example 2)

Example 2 Jumper port sample

module jumper (a, a);
inout a;
. . .

SPICE Netlist
For a SPICE netlist, see the following guidelines:

Instantiations of subcircuits are not allowed in the SPICE-top netlist (SPICEtop simulation is not supported). Only subcircuit descriptions (starting with
.SUBCKT), voltage sources and SPICE commands (.GLOBAL, .TEMP,
.OPTIONS,) are allowed.

All the power supply nodes (and ground) must be specified in a .global
statement. Voltage sources for power supplies are required.

The subcircuit name and port names in the subcircuit must be identical to
the module name and port names in the corresponding Verilog wrapper
Be aware of case-sensitivity issues. For example, HSPICE format is caseinsensitive and is treatedby defaultas lower-case in NanoSim. Verilog
is case-sensitive.

Voltage source connected to nodes that are not defined with a .global
statement must be defined inside the subcircuit. Any node connected to a
voltage source cannot be an interface node.

The current source definitions must be defined in subcircuits. Any node that
is connected to current sources cannot be an interface node.

The strength calculation may be incorrect if the ports are connected to BJTs,
diodes, or coupling capacitors inside the subcircuits (which are partitioned
for Verilog wrapper modules). You will see a WARNING message when BJTs
or coupling capacitors are connected to mixed-nets: WARNING:


Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation

Using a VHDL Setup File

NanoSim:0x2070fe17: the element "top.l1.c1" is not

supported in mixed net driving strength calculation.
Only series resistance (MOS transistors and/or resistors) connected to the
local power supply or ground from a mixed-net, is used to determine the
Verilog strength.

Unused ports must be removed from the subcircuits that are partitioned for
Verilog wrapper modules.
NanoSim removes those ports by default. The corresponding ports in the
Verilog wrapper modules must also be removed. You will see a WARNING
and ERROR message when NanoSim removes the port:
WARNING: mixed node net10 not found.
ERROR: Unable to find nanosim id for net net10
interface signal mismatch
See Example 3 for a sample SPICE netlist.

Example 3 SPICE netlist

* The first line is always a comment
in Spice syntax
.lib 'models' TT
.inc 'cells.spi'
.options scale=1e-6
.temp 27
.global vdd gnd
vvdd vdd 0 dc 3.3
vgnd gnd 0 dc 0
.subckt test a b c d
x1 a b n1 vdd cell1
x2 c n1 d ref cell2
vref ref gnd 2.0
*no instance definition allowed.
*cell1 and cell2 subcircuit description are not shown here

Using a VHDL Setup File

VCS-MX uses several setup files named synopsys_sim.setup to set up and
configure its environment for VHDL and mixed-HDL designs. These setup files


Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation

Using a Verilog Wrapper

can be located in the VCS-MX installation directory, in your home directory, or

in your run directory.
These setup files map VHDL design library names to specific host directories,
set search paths, and assign values to simulation control variables.
For more information on the VCS-MX setup file, please refer to the VCS-MX
User Guide.
Example 4 is a synopsys_sim.setup file. The WORK directory is the
design library; it contains the intermediate files generated by the vlogan and
vhdlan utilities. You must create the WORK directory in your run directory.
The time resolution in Example 4 is set to 10ps.
Example 4 VHDL setup file
WORK > default
default: ./WORK

It is recommended to use 10ps for the time resolution value, because this is
the default time resolution for NanoSim.

Using a Verilog Wrapper

A VHDL description cannot directly instantiate a SPICE descriptionit is
impossible. When a SPICE description is instantiated in a VHDL description,
you must create a Verilog module (the Verilog wrapper) with the same name
and identical port names and port order as the SPICE subcircuit.
If a Verilog description already exists for the SPICE block, you can use the
existing Verilog module as the Verilog wrapper. If not, you can either manually
create it or use the autowrapper utilitysee section Using the Autowrapper
Utility in Chapter 4, Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface, for the
autowrapper usage.
If you use real ports in the VHDL description, ensure that you use a wreal
declaration for the same ports in the Verilog wrapper module. When using a
wreal declaration, only input and output ports are allowedinout ports
are not supported.
See Example 5 for a wreal declaration file sample.


Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation

Using a Verilog Wrapper

Example 5 wreal declaration file

//Verilog wrapper for using real ports
module test (a, b);
input a;
wreal a;
output b;
wreal b;
/* in addition to module name, port name, and directions,
wreal declaration is also required */
end module

Input signal resolution depends on the sampling rate to generate pseudoanalog signals in a VHDL testbench. You do not have to consider this when
using NanoSim-VCS-MX.
Using real ports can result in a simulation performance penalty; specifically,
real values passed through NanoSim to VHDL. NanoSim communicates
with VHDL by way of VCS, based on the resolution value that is specified in
the mixed-signal simulation setup file. Be aware that smaller resolution
values may cause slower simulation.
Case-sensitivity issues may ariseNanoSim assumes HSPICE netlists are
case-insensitive (translated to lowercase).
In SPICE format, input and output ports are not differentiatedall ports
are designated as inout. When you create a Verilog wrapper, ensure that
you correctly specify input and output ports.
The Verilog wrapper module definition and instantiation name (corresponding
component declaration in VHDL) must match the subcircuit name in the
transistor-level netlist. Port names in the Verilog wrapper module must also
match the subcircuit node names in the transistor-level netlist.
Example 6 is a SPICE subcircuit, including its instance in the VHDL
description and the requested corresponding Verilog wrapper.
Example 6 SPICE subcircuit
.subckt chargepump_com
+ com_inv<3> com_inv<2> com_inv<1> com_inv<0>
+ com_rsh<3> com_rsh<2> com_rsh<1> com_rsh <0>
+ clk
* we skip the subckt description


Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation

Using the Mixed-signal Simulation Setup File

Example 7 is an instance of Example 6 (SPICE subcircuit) in the VHDL

Example 7 Instance of Example 6 (SPICE subcircuit)

port map (
com_inv=> com_inv(3 downto 0),
com_rsh=> com_rsh(3 downto 0),
=> clk

Example 8 is a Verilog wrapper you must create in order to run the

NS-VCS-MX simulation.
Example 8 Verilog wrapper
'timescale 1ns/10ps
module chargepump_com(com_inv, com_rsh, clk);
input [3:0] com_inv, com_rsh;
input clk;
reg [3:0] reg_com_inv, reg_com_rsh;
always @ (posedge clk)
reg_com_inv = com_inv;
reg_com_rsh = com_rsh;

Using the Mixed-signal Simulation Setup File

The mixed-signal simulation setup file informs the simulator about how

the circuit is partitioned (partition command)

to run NanoSim (choose command)

This file can also contain other optional commands specific to the interface
between the VCS-MX and NanoSim simulators (set rmap and set
bus_format commands).
The default name for the mixed-signal simulation setup file is vcsAD.init. All
commands in the file must be completed with a semi-colon character (;).You
can create a comment line by inserting the double forward slash character (//)
at the beginning of the line.
See Example 9 for an example of a comment line in a vcsAD.init file.


Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation

Using the Mixed-signal Simulation Setup File

Example 9 vcsAD.init file

partition -cell chargepump_com;
choose nanosim -n chargepump.spi -C cfg -o lcd;
//set bus_format <%d>;

Within the vcsAD.init file, you may find the following commands that are
described (in detail) in this chapter:

The choose Command (required)

The partition Command (required)

The set bus_format Command (optional)

The set rmap Command (optional)

The choose Command

The choose command defines command-line options for NanoSim. During
run time, the NanoSim command options are passed to NanoSim to properly
simulate the transistor-level blocks.
See the following syntax, example, and description:
choose nanosim command-line options;
choose nanosim -n net.spi models.sp -C config;

This example tells NS-VCS-MX that you are using SPICE netlists named
net.spi, and models.sp, and a configuration file named cfg for the
NanoSim simulation.
The syntax after the choose keyword is the regular NanoSim command-line
syntax. However, mixed-signal simulation does not support all NanoSim
command-line options.
See Appendix B, Troubleshooting, for the supported options and descriptions
for NS-VCS-MX. See the NanoSim User Guide for information about writing
configuration files. See the Circuit Simulation and Analysis Tools Reference
Guide for more information about technology and netlist files.

The partition Command

The partition command defines the parts of the design that will be
simulated at the transistor level (with NanoSim). This command specifies the


Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation

Using the Mixed-signal Simulation Setup File

name of the block, and determines if this is a module or an instance. The

partitioning supports both cell-based and instance-based partitioning.

Module-based Partitioning
You can perform module-based partitioning by specifying the module name to
be simulated with NanoSim after the -cell option in the partition
See the following syntax, example, and description:
partition -cell module_name;
partition -cell vco bandgap;

In this example, the two cells vco and bandgap are specified to be simulated
at the transistor level. That means:

vco and bandgap are existing Verilog modules (either actual Verilog
modules or the modules were created in a Verilog wrapper)

vco and bandgap are existing SPICE subcircuits

The module name (vco and bandgap) must be the same (with the same
case-sensitivity) in the Verilog description (wrapper or existing module) and
in the SPICE description

The partition command takes the Verilog module identified as

module_name; however, VCS ignores this module for simulation. The specified
module is simulated using the subcircuit described in the transistor-level netlist
that you supplied. The subcircuit name must be identical to the Verilog module
You can specify as many partition commands as you wish, provided all of
the corresponding subcircuits described in the SPICE netlist are supplied and
identified in the choosecommand. In case of cell-based partitioning, all
instances of the specified module are simulated with NanoSim.

Instance-based Partitioning
You can perform instance-based partitioning by specifying the full hierarchical
name of the instance to be simulated with NanoSim after the partition
See the following syntax, example, and description:
partition hierarchical_instance_name;


Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation

Using the Mixed-signal Simulation Setup File

partition top.u1.u2;

In this example, the top Verilog top-level module contains a module

instantiated as u1. This module contains another module instantiated as u2
that is chosen to be simulated at the transistor level.
Example 10 is a VHDL-top flow, so the hierarchical instance name must
begin with the forward slash character ( / ) and the text must be uppercase.
Example 10
partition /TOP/U1/U2;

In both examples,

U2 must be an instance of an existing Verilog module (either actual Verilog

module or the module has been created in a Verilog wrapper)

U2 must be an instance of a SPICE subcircuit

The partition command takes the Verilog module instance identified as

hierarchical_instance_name; however, VCS ignores this module for simulation.
The specified instance is simulated using the subcircuit described in the SPICE
netlist you supplied. The subcircuit name in the transistor-level description
must be the same name as the Verilog module name.
You can specify as many partition commands as you wish, provided all of
the corresponding subcircuits described in the SPICE netlists are supplied and
identified using the choose command.

Known Limitation
In the VHDL-top flow, you should use the / hierarchical delimiter for VHDL
instances and the . hierarchical delimiter for the Verilog instances.
For example:


The set bus_format Command

The set bus_format command defines the bus format used in the SPICE
netlist. The bus notation format for Verilog is [msb:lsb]. In SPICE format, a
bus does not generally existthe bus is split into single bits and the notation for
the single bits can greatly differ from Verilog notation.
See the following syntax, example, and description:


Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation

Using the Mixed-signal Simulation Setup File

set bus_format open_char %d close_char ;

set bus_format <%d>;

This example instructs VCS that angle brackets (< >) are used as delimiters in
the transistor-level netlist. For example, you can use it when you encounter the
following SPICE subcircuit, shown in Example 11.
Example 11
.subckt addr4 a<3> a<2> a<1> a<0>
+b<3> b<2> b<1> b<0> cin
+s<3> s<2> s<1> s<0> cout
x1 a<3> b<3> cout s<3> n1 addr
x2 a<2> b<2> n1 s<2> n2 addr
x3 a<1> b<1> n2 s<1> n3 addr
x4 a<0> b<0> n3 s<0> cin addr

The set bus_format command specifies the bus format in the SPICE
netlist. The bus index is indicated by the number shown at the %d position in
the SPICE netlist. The bus index must be sequential from MSB to LSB or from
LSB to MSB (for example, a<3> a<2> a<1> a<0>) in the .subckt port list. If
the bit indexes are mixed (for example, a<3>, a<0>, a<2>, a<1>) the bus
is ignored.
NanoSim only supports the following bus format characters:
{ }
< >
[ ]
A summary of the mixed-signal simulation setup file commands is shown in
Table 1.
Table 1

Mixed-signal simulation command summary




choose nanosim command-line options;


Defines commandline options for


partition -cell module_name;


Defines module to be
simulated as a

partition hierarchical_inst_name;


Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation

Using the Mixed-signal Simulation Setup File

Table 1

Mixed-signal simulation command summary




set bus_format open_char %d



Defines bus format

used in the SPICE

set rmap resistance_map_name;


Defines the
resistance map file to
be used

set rmap resistance_map_path_name;

The set rmap Command

The set rmap command defines the resistance map file to be used. The
resistance map file is a file used to map the analog (transistor-level) impedance
to a digital strength, and vice-versa. The resistance map file is described more
fully in Chapter 3, Running Your Mixed-Signal Simulation.
See the following syntax, example, and description:
set rmap resistance_map_name or


set rmap resis_comp.map;

In this example, the resistance map file is the resis_comp.map file located in
the current directory.
In Example 12, the resistance map file is the resis.map file located in the
/home/john/work directory.
Example 12
set rmap /home/john/work/resis.map;

Use the set rmap command to specify the resistance map file, or the path
where the resistance map file is located. If you do not use this command, the
rmapAD.init default resistance map file in the
vcsace directory is used.
Instead of using the set rmap command, you can also place resistance
mapping information directly in the mixed-signal simulation setup file.


Running Your Mixed-Signal Simulation3
This chapter provides you with information for successfully
running your mixed-signal simulation.

The VCS-MX commands are (basically) the main commands that run a
NanoSim-VCS-MX simulation. The nanosim command is included in a file
read-in by the VCS-MX compilation/elaboration tool. If you want to run a mixedsignal simulation, you must know how to run a VCS-MX simulation, and you
also must know how to run NanoSim.
The simulation flow is different if you choose a Verilog-top simulation or a
VHDL-top simulation. Both flows are described in this chapter. For more
information on the VSC-MX analyzer and compiler, it is recommend that you
read the VCS-MX User Guide.
This chapter contains the following sections:

VHDL-top Simulation

Verilog-top Simulation



Running Your Mixed-Signal Simulation

VHDL-top Simulation

VHDL-top Simulation
This section presents the simulation flow when your top cell is described in the
VHDL language containing instances described in the Verilog language, and/or
instances you want to simulate with NanoSim. See Figure 7 for a visual
representation of the VHDL-top flow.
Figure 7 VHDL-top simulation flow


Running Your Mixed-Signal Simulation

VHDL-top Simulation

The steps that are highlighted in Figure 7 are listed as follows:

1. Prepare your VHDL setup file.
See Chapter 2, Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation, for detailed
2. Prepare netlists.
See Chapter 2, Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation, for detailed
You can instantiate one or more modules of a Verilog design into a VHDL
design the same way you instantiate a VHDL componentby using a
component declaration and a component instantiation statement. Refer to
the VCS-MX User Guide for details on instantiating a Verilog module in
VHDL code.
If you want to simulate a VHDL component at the transistor level (with
NanoSim), you must create a Verilog wrapper and follow the same rule as
for instantiating a Verilog module in a VHDL design.
3. Analyze.
The purpose of analysis is to analyze the input file (the Verilog code and the
VHDL code) and create intermediate files that are used during elaboration.
The intermediate files are created in the design library (specified in the
synopsys_sim.setup file). The directory for the design library must be
created before you run the analyzer.
In the VHDL-top design, two analyses must be performed:
a. Verilog Code Analysis: vlogan
For Verilog code analysis, use the vlogan utility. If you have many
Verilog files, you should create a file containing your original Verilog files
and the Verilog wrapper you have created for NanoSim modules.
See the following syntax and example:
vlogan [options] Verilog_files
vlogan example1.v example2.v
vlogan -f allFiles.vc
where allFiles.vc comprises the list of all your Verilog files.


Running Your Mixed-Signal Simulation

VHDL-top Simulation

If a real data type is used in the VHDL code, you must use the -ams
option in vlogan as follows:
vlogan -ams test1.v

VHDL Code Analysis: vhdlan

To analyze your VHDL code including the Verilog components, use the
vhdlan utility.

There is no NanoSim component in VHDL code. The NanoSim
components must be read-in through Verilog wrappers; therefore, they
are Verilog components inside the VHDL code.
See the following syntax and example:
vhdlan [options] VHDL_files
vhdlan testbench.vhd example3.vhd
The vlogan and vhdlan options are described in the VCS-MX User
Guide. The NS-VCS-MX simulation does not require any special option
for vhdlan. The -ams option is required for vlogan when real data
types are used in VHDL.
4. Compile and elaborate.
This step elaborates your design, generates code, compiles C code, and
statistically links all objects to generate the executable binary file, called
scsim, for running the simulation.
The command to run compilation and elaboration is scs. Use scs with the
-verilogcomp, -mhdl and +ad options. The -mhdloption is a VCSMX-specific command. The -verilogcomp and +ad options are
required for the NS-VCS-MX simulation.
See the following syntax and example:
scs [options] design_root -mhdl -verilogcomp "+ad
scs WORK.CFG_testbench -mhdl -verilogcomp "+ad -PP"


Running Your Mixed-Signal Simulation

VHDL-top Simulation

The scs utility reads-in the intermediate files previously generated by

vlogan and vhdlan, as well as the vcsAD.init mixed-signal simulation
setup file. You can change the name of the mixed-signal simulation setup
file. In that case, you must specify its name after the +ad option. If no name
is specified after the +ad option, scs looks for a vcsAD.init file in the
working directory.
See the following example in which the mixed-signal simulation setup file is
called MySetup:
scs WORK.CFG_testbench -mhdl -verilogcomp "+ad=MySetup"
5. Simulate.
To run the simulation with a VHDL-top design, execute scsim. You can use
the -verilogrun option to specify run time options.
See the following syntax and examples:
scsim [options] [-verilogrun "options"]
scsim -verilogrun "+notimingchecks"
By default, scsim runs in interactive mode. You must use the -include
option and simulation control file with scsim to enable the batch mode, as
in the following example:
scsim -include command.txt
Interactive simulation is described as follows:
When you invoke scsim without a simulation control file, the simulation
stops with a # (number sign) simulator prompt (as highlighted in line 3 of
Example 13). You can enter simulation control commands at this prompt
using VCS-MX VHDL Common Language (SCL) commands. (See the VCSMX User Guide, VCS-MX Reference Guide and the NanoSim-VCS-MX
tutorial for more information.)
You can execute NanoSim interactive commands at the VCS-MX VHDL
prompt with the ace prefix. Ensure you have passed NanoSim DC
initialization before entering any NanoSim interactive commands. When
scsim is invoked without a simulation control file, the simulation stops
before NanoSim DC initialization begins (as highlighted in line 2 of
Example 13). You can then enter transient analysis.


Running Your Mixed-Signal Simulation

Verilog-top Simulation

Example 13
Levelizing stages
Levelizing stages took 0.000 s
# run 1ns
DC initialization ...
Initializing level 1
Finishing initialization (level 0 -- 1)
0 dynamic stages assigned in DC Initialization
Number of residual dc events scheduled
: 0
Number of ic nodes scheduled
: 16
DC initialization took 0.000 s
Simulation begins in pwl mode ...
***** Notes: Nanosim VCS cosimulation can not report percentage of
simulation time.
Simulation time progresses to 0.000 ns
# ace get_node_info TESTBENCH.I3.com_rsh[2]
Ver X-2005.09> get_node_info TESTBENCH.I3.com_rsh[2]
Node status of TESTBENCH.I3.com_rsh[2](58): 0 (0.000 V)
Total Capacitance:
t1: 2460.010 ns s1: 1
t2: 2470.010 ns s2: 0
t: 2470.560 ns v: 0.000 V
nt: 2475.560 ns nv: 0.000 V

If you hit Ctrl-C while scsim is running, currently the simulation will
not stop and the interactive mode will not begin.
6. Display results.
See Chapter 5, Mixed Simulation Output and Display, for detailed

Verilog-top Simulation
This section presents the simulation flow when your top cell is described in the
Verilog language containing instances described in the VHDL language, and/or
instances you want to simulate with NanoSim. See Figure 8 for a visual
representation of the Verilog-top flow.


Running Your Mixed-Signal Simulation

Verilog-top Simulation

Figure 8 Verilog-top simulation flow

The steps that are highlighted in Figure 8 are listed as follows:

1. Prepare your VHDL setup file.
See Chapter 2, Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation, for detailed
2. Prepare netlists.


Running Your Mixed-Signal Simulation

Verilog-top Simulation

See Chapter 2, Preparing Your Mixed-signal Simulation, for detailed

You can instantiate one or more modules of a VHDL block into a Verilog
design the same way you instantiate a Verilog moduleby using a module
instantiation statement. Refer to the VCS-MX User Guide for details on
instantiating a VHDL component in Verilog code.
3. Analyze.
The purpose of analysis is to analyze the input file (the Verilog code and the
VHDL code) and create intermediate files that are used during elaboration.
The intermediate files are created in the design library (specified in the
synopsys_sim.setup file). The directory for the design library must be
created before you run the analyzer.
In the Verilog-top design, two analyses must be performed:
a. Verilog Code Analysis: vlogan
For Verilog code analysis, use the vlogan utility. If you have many
Verilog files, you should create a file containing your original Verilog files
and the Verilog wrapper you have created for NanoSim modules.
See the following syntax and example:
vlogan [options] Verilog_files
vlogan top.v example2.v
vlogan -f allFiles.vc
where allFiles.vc comprises the list of all your Verilog files.
If a real data type is used in the VHDL code, you must use the -ams
option in vlogan as follows:
vlogan -ams test1.v

VHDL code analysis: vhdlan

To analyze your VHDL code including the Verilog components, use the
vhdlan utility.


Running Your Mixed-Signal Simulation

Verilog-top Simulation

The NanoSim components must be read-in through the Verilog
wrappers; therefore, they are Verilog components inside the VHDL
See the following syntax and example:
vhdlan [options] VHDL_files
vhdlan example3.vhd
The vlogan and vhdlan options are described in the VCS-MX User
Guide. The NS-VCS-MX simulation does not require any special option
for vhdlan. The -ams option is required for vlogan when real data
types are used in VHDL.
4. Compile and elaborate.
This step elaborates your design, generates code, compiles C code, and
statistically links all objects to generate the executable binary file, called
simv, for running the simulation.
The command to run compilation and elaboration is vcs. Use vcs with the
-mhdl and +ad options. The -mhdloption is a VCS-MX-specific
command. The +ad option is required for the NS-VCS-MX simulation.
See the following syntax and example:
vcs [options] -mhdl +ad Verilog_files [-vhdlelab
vcs -mhdl +ad example3.v example4.v
The vcs utility reads-in the intermediate files previously generated by
vlogan and vhdlan, as well as the vcsAD.init mixed-signal simulation
setup file. You can change the name of the mixed-signal simulation setup
file. In that case, you must specify its name after the +ad option. If no name
is specified after the +ad option, vcs looks for a vcsAD.init file in the
working directory.
See the following example in which the mixed-signal simulation setup file is
called MySetup:
vcs top.v -mhdl +ad=MySetup
5. Simulate.


Running Your Mixed-Signal Simulation

Verilog-top Simulation

To run the simulation with a Verilog-top design, execute simv.

See the following syntax and examples:
simv [options] [-vhdlrun "options"]
The vhdlan, vhdlelab and vcs options must not conflict. (Refer to
the VCS-MX User Guide for more details about command options.)
Interactive simulation is described as follows:
By default, simv runs the batch mode. To enable the interactive mode
during runtime, you must generate simv with the +cli option during
compile time.
See the following example:
vcs design.v +cli+1 -mhdl
To enter the interactive mode or stop simulation during run time, use one (or all)
of the following three methods:

Execute simv with the -s runtime option to stop the simulation at time
The simulation stops before DC initialization in NanoSim. If you want to
use the NanoSim interactive commands, you must advance several time
steps to make sure DC initialization has completed.

Use the $stop systems task in the Verilog netlist to stop the simulation
at any time (see line 3 in Example 14).

Type Ctrl-c to stop the simulation immediately.

When the simulation stops, you see the VCS Command Line Interface
(cli) prompt shown in line 4 of Example 14. At the prompt, you can
use any VCS interactive command. You can begin transient analysis
after passing DC initialization.

Ctrl-c does not always stop the simulationthis is a known bug.
To invoke a NanoSim interactive command at the CLI prompt, you must use
the ace keyword.


Running Your Mixed-Signal Simulation

Verilog-top Simulation

Example 14
Levelizing stages ...
Levelizing stages took 0.000 s
$stop at time 0
cli_0 > once #10
cli_1 > .
0 a= 0 b= 1 cin= 0 s= x cout= z
DC initialization ...
Initializing level 3
Finishing initialization (level 0 -- 3)
0 dynamic stages assigned in DC Initialization
Number of residual dc events scheduled
Number of ic nodes scheduled
DC initialization took 0.010 s

: 0
: 18

Simulation begins in pwl mode ...

NOTICE:Nanosim VCS cosimulation can not report percentage of simulation
0 a= 0 b= 1 cin= 0 s= f cout= z
Simulation time progresses to 0.000 ns
Time break at time 10 breakpoint #1 tbreak ##10
cli_2 > ace get_node_info top.cin
Ver X-2005.09 >get_node_info top.cin
Node status of top.cin(62): 0 (0.106 V)
Total Capacitance:
t1: -0.100 ns
s1: 0
t2: 0.000 ns
s2: 0
t: 0.009 ns
v: 0.100 V
nt: 0.015 ns

nv: 0.134 V

cli_3 >

6. Display results.
See Chapter 5, Mixed Simulation Output and Display, for detailed


Running Your Mixed-Signal Simulation


NS-VCS-MX only supports block-level back-annotation (BA) simulation. Blocklevel back-annotation means back-annotation to the specific SPICE subcircuit,
specific Verilog module, or VHDL component. Back-annotation to the mixed
nets is not supported.
For back-annotation simulation, two kinds of formats are supported:

Standard Delay Format (SDF) files to back-annotate Verilog modules and

VHDL components

Hierarchical Standard Parasitic Format (HSPF) or Hierarchical Standard

Parasitic Exchange Format (HSPEF) to back-annotate SPICE subcircuits

Using the SDF File

For SDF back-annotation, there are two ways of specifying the SDF file:

Use the $sdf_annotate system task in a Verilog module

Use the -sdf option in the scsim command to specify SDF files

See an example of the -sdf command (VHDL-top flow):

scsim -sdf counter.sdf

See an example of the $sdf_annotate task in a Verilog module:

$sdf_annotate("SDF_FILE", TOP_GATE);

The usage of SDF back-annotation is the same for a VCS-MX simulation.
See the VCS-MX User Guide for more information.

Using the HSPF or HSPEF File

For HSPF back-annotation, use the NanoSim commands to specify the SPF
files by entering either:


the NanoSim -nhspf command line

the cspf_file_with_cell_scope netlist control option

Running Your Mixed-Signal Simulation


For HSPEF back-annotation, use the NanoSim commands to specify the SPEF
files by entering either:

the NanoSim -nhspef command line

the spef_file_with_cell_scope netlist control option

If you have a detailed standard parasitic format (DSPF) file for a SPICE
subcircuit, you can modify it to HSPF format by editing the DSPF file and
enclosing parasitic information with the .subckt subckt_name and
.ends statements, as shown in Example 15:

Example 15
.SUBCKT chargepump
*DSPF file content:
*|NET net1 3.4f


The usage of HSPF and HSPEF back-annotation is the same for a NanoSim
simulation. For more information about HSPF and HSPEF back-annotation
in NanoSim, see the NanoSim User Guide.
See Example 16 for a vcsAD.init file sample for a back-annotated
SPICE subcircuit:
Example 16
partition -cell chargepump;
choose nanosim -n chrgpmp.sp -C cfg -nhspf chrgump.spf -o RES/ns;


Running Your Mixed-Signal Simulation



Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface4
This chapter provides you with additional information about
the analog and digital interface, including customizing
commands. In addition, this chapter describes the
autowrapper utility, which generates Verilog wrappers, as well
as how signal conversion works with mixed-nets.

In a mixed-signal simulation, two types of signals must be able to directly
communicate: digital (VCS-MX) and analog (NanoSim).
The first section of the chapter describes the autowrapper utility. The
autowrapper generates an empty Verilog module from a SPICE description.
The second section of the chapter describes mixed-nets. Mixed nets are the
nets at the interface between the digital blocks and the analog blocks.
These nets are called mixed because they simultaneously process analog and
digital information. The signals on the mixed-nets, therefore, must be converted
from analog-to-digital or from digital-to-analog.


Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface

Autowrapper Utility

This chapter contains the following sections:

Autowrapper Utility

Converting Signal Values

Signal Strength Conversion

Autowrapper Utility
As described in the previous chapters, a NanoSim subcircuit cannot be
instantiated in a VHDL or a Verilog description. A Verilog wrapper
corresponding to the subcircuit must be initially created. The wrapper can be
manually created or automatically created using the autowrapper utility.
After the wrapper has been created, you have to change the port direction in
the wrapper.v file. Port direction does not pertain to a SPICE subcircuit, as all
ports are considered inout. The autowrapper utility specifies all ports with
inout direction. You must change the port direction in the wrapper.v file to
assign the actual direction to each port (such as input, output, or inout).
The autowrapper utility creates wrapper.v and wrapper.log files (by default).
The wrapper.v file contains all Verilog wrapper modules corresponding to all
subcircuits that are defined in the SPICE file. For instance, if there are four
subcircuits specified in the SPICE file, this utility creates four Verilog wrapper
modules in the wrapper.v file.
See the following syntax, example, and description:
autowrapper -n[fmt] netlist_file(s)_name
[-bus_fm bus_format][-cell subckt_name(s)]
[-xcell subckt_name(s)] [-file netlist_file_name]
[-o output_file_name]

See the following example:

autowrapper -nspice test.spi

For instance, a SPICE file contains the following subcircuit, as shown in

Example 17.
Example 17 SPICE subcircuit file sample
*spice sub circuit definition example
.subckt inv a zn
m1 zn a vdd vdd p 1 0.35
m2 zn a gnd gnd n 2 0.35


Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface

Autowrapper Utility

The autowrapper utility creates a Verilog wrapper, as shown in

Example 18.
Example 18 Verilog wrapper module file sample
//generated verilog wrapper example
module inv (a, zn);
inout a;
inout zn;

All ports are defined as inout in module inv. You must change port
directions; for example, a as input and zn as output.
For a description of the autowrapper utility options, see Table 2.
Table 2

autowrapper Utility Description

Utility option



Specifies the file name (in any NanoSimsupported format) to be read-in. (Required


-bus_fm bus_format

Enables the recognition of bus signals (with a

specified bus format) for the input netlist file.
The default bus format is [%d], but it can be set
to any valid node name symbols.
bus signals


bus format

The _%d bus format directs the autowrapper

utility to recognize bus signals defined as A_1,
A_2 ..., A_n.


Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface

Autowrapper Utility

Table 2

autowrapper Utility Description (Continued)

Utility option


-cell subckt_name(s)

Specifies the subcircuits, in the netlist file, that

must be converted into Verilog wrapper
modules. (All other subcircuits are ignored.)
The module name uses the same casesensitivity as subckt_name.
If the defined subcircuit does not exactly match
in the file, the following WARNING message is
There is no subckt .... in


Specifies the subcircuits that must NOT be

converted into Verilog wrapper modules. (All
other subcircuits are converted into Verilog
wrapper modules.) This option excludes
specified subcircuits, and is case-insensitive.
If the defined subcircuit does not exactly match
in the file, the following WARNING message is
There is no subckt .... in



Defines a list of subcircuits that must be

converted into Verilog wrapper modules.
These subcircuits are defined in the
netlist_file. The netlist_file must
have one subcircuit name per line. You can
define the excluded subcircuit(s) commenting
out the subcircuit names with a semicolon (;),
as in the following example:

Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface

Autowrapper Utility

Table 2

autowrapper Utility Description (Continued)

Utility option


-o output_file_name

Enables the output to be written in the specified

Verilog wrapper file and sets the .log file prefix.
If the same file exists in your output directory, it
is overridden without a WARNING message.

Using the Autowrapper Utility

See the following guidelines about using the Autowrapper utility:

If an inout port is connected to the register type net, VCS generates an

error message and stops compilation. In Verilog, a register type net should
be connected to an input portnot an inout port. The autowrapper
utility only generates inout ports, since direction does not exist in SPICE
netlists. Therefore, before compiling, you must edit the wrapper.v file and
specify the correct port direction.

The autowrapper utility generates one Verilog wrapper module per

subcircuit; therefore, it can generate unnecessary Verilog wrappers. Some
of these modules might be using the same module name as other Verilog
modules in the original Verilog code. If this occurs, VCS generates an error
message and stops compilation. Therefore, before compiling, you must
check the module names in the Verilog wrapper file. If the name is used
elsewhere in the Verilog description, and this module is not an expected
Verilog wrapper, you must remove the module from the Verilog wrapper file.
You want to generate a wrapper module for the SPICE subcircuit adder4.
Example 19 displays the SPICE netlist as shown:

Example 19 Wrapper module for adder4

.subckt adder4 a[3] a[2] a[1] a[0] b[3] b[2] b[1] b[0]
+ clk cin cout
xinv1 clk clkn inv

.subckt inv a zn
m1 zn a vdd vdd p 1 0.35
m2 zn a gnd gnd n 2 0.35


Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface

Autowrapper Utility

You run the following:

Autowrapper -nspi netlist -o net.v
The net.v file displays as shown in Example 20:
Example 20 net.v file sample
module adder4 (a, b, clk, cin, cout);
inout [3:0] a;
inout [3:0] b;
inout clk;
inout cin;
inout cout;
module inv (a, zn);
inout a;
inout zn;
The inv module is unnecessary here and can create confusion if another
inv module exists in your original Verilog code. You must remove the inv
module description from the net.v file.

Verilog is case-sensitive. SPICE is not case-sensitive. You should check/

ensure that the wrapper module name uses the same case- sensitivity as
the instance in the Verilog netlist.

No timescale information in the wrapper file is generated by the

autowrapper utility. Therefore, the wrapper file must be placed at the end
of the Verilog files compilation input:
vcs +ad a.v c.v d.v wrapper.v


If the signal in the SPICE netlist is bus- or array-type, it must be expanded.

Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface

Autowrapper Utility

The autowrapper utility automatically generates bus- or array-type

signals in the Verilog wrapper file (original SPICE subcircuit), as shown in
Example 21. Refer to Table 2 for details.
Example 21 Bus- or array-type signals in a Verilog wrapper (original SPICE
.subckt mem DATA[3], DATA[2], DATA[1], DATA[0],

WL[0], WL[1], WL[2], WL[3],
WL[4], WL[5], WL[6], WL[7],
The autowrapper utility automatically forms bus- or array-type signals in
the Verilog wrapper file, as shown in Example 22. Refer to Table 2 for
Example 22 Bus- or array-type signals in a Verilog wrapper (generated Verilog
wrapper module)
module mem (DATA, WL, R_WB, RAM_ENB);

inout [3:0] DATA;

inout [0:7] WL;

If special characters and Verilog-specific words are used for the signal or
subcircuit name, the name is assigned a backslash ( \ ) leading character.
In addition, a space is inserted at the end of the name in the Verilog wrapper
file, as shown in Example 23.

Example 23 Backslash leading character and space in Verilog wrapper

module \inverter.test ( \if , \1 , \2 );

inout \if ;
inout \1 ;
inout \2 ;


Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface

Autowrapper Utility

module vsources (\0 , \B#1 , B, \CE# , CLK, DECOUT, \Q^ , XDPD,

\b#2 );

\0 ;
\B#1 ;
inout [5:5] B;
\CE# ;
inout [7:7] DECOUT;
\Q^ ;
inout [7:7] XDPD;
\b#2 ;

If subcircuit ports in a bus are randomly ordered in the transistor netlist, the
autowrapper utility cannot function properly.
See Example 24 for a sample (unsupported) file.

Example 24 Subcircuit ports in bus format

.subckt p7ibptacddecwr clk
+wlw0[13] wlw0[14] wlw0[15]
+wlw0[3] wlw0[4] wlw0[5]
+wlw0[8] wlw0[9] wlw1[0]
+wlw1[12] wlw1[13] wlw1[14]
+wlw1[2] wlw1[3] wlw1[4]
+wlw1[7] wlw1[8] wlw1[9]

wlw0[0] wlw0[10] wlw0[11] wlw0[12]

writeadd[0] writeadd[1]
writeen[0] writeen[1]

Nested subcircuits in the SPICE netlist are supported. A module is

generated for the nested subcircuit; the module name is made of the nested
subcircuit name preceded by the parent subcircuit name, itself preceded by
a backslash character (\).
A nested subcircuit sample is shown in Example 25.

Example 25 Nested subcircuit (original SPICE subcircuit)

.subckt s in out
.subckt inv13 in out
.ends inv13
.ends s
An automatically generated Verilog wrapper module sample is shown in
Example 26.


Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface

Converting Signal Values

Example 26 Nested subcircuit (Verilog wrapper module)

module s (in, out)
inout out;
inout in;
module \s.inv13 (in, out);
inout out;
inout in;

Converting Signal Values

A mixed net (or interface net) is a net that is either

output of a Verilog/VHDL netlist and input of a NanoSim netlist

output of a NanoSim netlist and input of a Verilog/VHDL netlist

The mixed net carries a signal that must be converted from digital to analog (in
the first case), and from analog to digital (in the second case).
As shown in Figure 9, net2 requires an A2D (analog-to-digital) translation, and
net1 requires a D2A (digital-to-analog) translation.
Figure 9 A2D/D2A net translation

Digital to Analog Conversion

A digital signal can have four values: 0, 1, X or Z. These values must be
converted into voltages for the NanoSim simulation. The default conversion
rules can be changed using the NanoSim set_vec_opt command.


Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface

Converting Signal Values

Digital-to-analog signal value conversion rules are explained in Table 3.

Table 3

Signal value conversion rules (digital-to-analog)

Digital value

Analog value

0V (gnd)
Unless, the NanoSim set_vec_opt low=
configuration command is set.

Local supply voltage value

Unless, the NanoSim set_vec_opt high=
configuration command is set.

0V when at time 0
After time 0, keeps the value set at the previous
time step. Floating attribute is internally set.

Unless, the NanoSim set_vec_opt
configuration command is set.

Using the NanoSim set_vec_opt Configuration Command

The NanoSim set_vec_opt command can be used to change the

analog value corresponding to a digital 0 with the low= option

analog value corresponding to a digital 1 with the high= option

analog value corresponding to a digital X with the x_state= or x2v=


Only the low, high, x_state, x2v, and no options for set_vec_opt are
supported for converting the interface net values. The other options for the
set_vec_opt command are not supportedrefer to the NanoSim Command
Reference for more information.
See the following example:
set_vec_opt low=0 high=1.8 no=top.clk$1

The set_vec_opt command redefines local supply voltage values to 1.8V for
the top.clk interface node. Note the $1 suffix for the net name.


Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface

Converting Signal Values

A resistor is being automatically inserted between the top.clk and

top.clk$1 nodes. This resistor is used to convert the digital signal strength
into analog impedance. The resistance map file determines the resistor value
(see the Signal Strength Conversion section). The top.clk$1 node is tied to
1.8V, if the logic value is 1. The top.clk$1 node is tied to 0V, if the logic
value is 0.

Analog to Digital Conversion

A NanoSim simulation generates voltages that must be converted into a
comprehensive value for VCS-MX. No analog value can be converted into a
digital X.
By default, one-half of the local voltage supply is used as a threshold for digital
event generation. If you want to change the threshold values for digital event
generation on particular nodes, such as interface nodes, use the NanoSim
set_node_thresh configuration command.
Analog-to-digital signal conversion rules are described in Table 4.
Table 4

Signal value conversion rules (analog-to-digital)

Analog value

Digital value

Less than (<) or equal to (=) 50% of the

local voltage supply value, unless the
NanoSim set_node_thresh command
is set

Less than (<) or equal to (=)

0.5*(high_thresh + low_thresh),
if the set_node_thresh evt=0

NanoSim configuration command is

Less than (<) or equal to (=)
low_thresh, if the NanoSim
set_node_thresh evt=1 NanoSim
configuration command is used


Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface

Converting Signal Values

Table 4

Signal value conversion rules (analog-to-digital)

Analog value

Digital value

Greater than (>) or equal to (=) 50% of

the local voltage supply value, unless the
NanoSim set_node_thresh command
is set

Greater than (>) or equal to (=)

0.5*(high_thresh + low_thresh),
if the set_node_thresh evt=0

NanoSim configuration command is

Greater than (>) or equal to (=)
high_thresh, if the set_node_thresh
evt=1 NanoSim configuration command
is used
Any value with a floating attribute

Using the NanoSim set_node_thresh Configuration Command

The set_node_thresh NanoSim configuration command can be used to
change the threshold voltage; that is, the voltage value that makes logic 0
convert to logic 1, or logic 1 convert to logic 0.
Example 27 sets 0.35V as the low-thresh and 0.65V as the high-thresh. If
the voltage on the top.dout interface node increases to 0.65V, the digital
event is generated and the logic value changes from 0 to 1. If the voltage
on the top.dout interface node decreases to 0.35V, the digital event is
generated and the logic value changes from 1 to 0.
Example 27 set_node_thresh command example
set_node_thresh 0.35 0.65 evt=1 top.dout

See Figure 10 for a visual representation.


Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface

Signal Strength Conversion

Figure 10 top.dout comparison (NanoSim vs. VCS)

Signal Strength Conversion

On the digital side, nets have a logic strength level. On the analog side, the
reference term strength can be replaced by drive resistance. At the interface
between NanoSim and VCS-MX, the logic strength on mixed-nets is converted
into resistance, and the mixed-nets resistance is converted into logic strength.
The resistance mapping information maps ranges of transistor-level drive
resistances to Verilog logic strength levels. You can map drive resistances to
Verilog logic strength levels unidirectionally or bidirectionally.

Converting from Digital to Analog

Verilog strength is converted to the average resistance value. This value is
calculated using the corresponding resistance range listed in a resistance map
file. For example, the strength 6 is converted to 500.65 (ohm) by the default
resistance map file.


Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface

Signal Strength Conversion

Converting from Analog to Digital

Transistor-level resistance value is converted to the corresponding Verilog
strength using a resistance map file. For example, the resistance value 100
(ohm) is converted to the strength 6 by the default resistance map file.

Creating a Resistance Map File

The default resistance map file rmapAD.init is available in the following

Unless you specify your own resistance map file with the set rmap command
in the mixed-signal simulation setup file (vcsAD.init, by default), the default
resistance map file is used.
You can create your own resistance map file using unidirectional mapping, or
bidirectional mapping.

Unidirectional Mapping
When you map unidirectionally, you specify that a signalwithin a certain
range of drive resistancespropagates from the transistor-level to the Verilog
part of the design when a specific logic strength level is reached. In addition,
when you unidirectionally map you specify that a signalwith a specific logic
strength levelpropagates to the transistor-level part of the design when a
specific range of drive resistances is reached.
The drive resistance range from transistor-level to a Verilog strength level does
not have to match the drive resistance range from a Verilog strength level to
The following shows resistance mapping information with unidirectional
See the following syntax (-from -to) for unidirectional mapping:
resistance_map -from analog resistance_value_range -to
verilog strength;
See the following syntax (-to -from) for unidirectional mapping:
resistance_map -to analog resistance_value_range -from
verilog strength;


Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface

Signal Strength Conversion

See Example 28 for a unidirectional resistance map file.

Example 28 Unidirectional resistance map file






90000.2-1e32 -to verilog 0;

70000.2-90000.1 -to verilog 1;
50000.2-70000.1 -to verilog 2;
5000.2-50000.1 -to verilog 3;
4000.2-5000.1 -to verilog 4;
3000.2-4000.1 -to verilog 5;
1.2-3000.1 -to verilog 6;
0-1.1 -to verilog 7;

2002.2-1e32 -from verilog 0;

1500.2-2002.1 -from verilog 1;
1000.2-1500.1 -from verilog 2;
500.2-1000.1 -from verilog 3;
400.2-500.1 -from verilog 4;
300.2-400.1 -from verilog 5;
1.2-300.1 -from verilog 6;
0-1.1 -from verilog 7;

Both directional definitions, -from analog -to verilog and -to
analog -from verilog, are required.

Bidirectional Mapping
You can map drive resistance ranges to Verilog logic strength levels
bidirectionally, so that the drive resistance range from transistor-level to Verilog
(for logic strength level) matches the driver resistance range from Verilog to
transistor-level (for logic strength level). The following is an example of the
contents of such a resistance mapping file.
See the following syntax for bidirectional mapping:
resistance_map resistance_value_range strength;
See Example 29 for a sample bidirectional resistance map file.


Customizing the NanoSim/VCS-MX Interface

Signal Strength Conversion

Example 29 Bidirectional resistance map file



90000.2-1e32 0;
70000.2-90000.1 1;
50000.2-70000.1 2;
5000.2-50000.1 3;
4000.2-5000.1 4;
1000.2-4000.1 5;
0-1.1 7;

Mixed Simulation Output and Display5
This chapter describes saving signals or traces for display
using waveform viewers and the unified output display (UOD)

The output results of a mixed-signal simulation can be saved into two separate
files: one file for VCS-MX results (VCD or VCD+ format) and one file for
NanoSim results (.out or .fsdb format). As an alternative, your output results
can be saved in a single (unified) output file (the UOD).
This chapter contains the following sections:

Print (or Post-processing) Commands

Viewing Waveform Files Separately with Viewers

Viewing a Single Waveform File with the Unified Output Display (UOD)


Mixed Simulation Output and Display

Print (or Post-processing) Commands

Print (or Post-processing) Commands

You can save signal waveforms (or traces) for printing with

VHDL syntax for a VHDL-top flow

Verilog syntax for a Verilog-top flow

NanoSim syntax (if the net you want to use is in the transistor-level

The Verilog and VHDL commands that save signal traces for printing do not
save any of the analog signals. Only NanoSim commands can save analog
signal waveforms.
The only formats that support VCS-MX traces, together with NanoSim
waveforms in a single file, is

VPD for the digital traces

.out for the analog signal waveforms

VHDL Syntax (VHDL-top flow)

You can create a single VPD (VCD+) file for the digital part of the design (VHDL
plus Verilog) using the VCS-MX dump command. To enable post-processing in
the Verilog portion of the design, use the -PP switch for Verilog compilation
(through -verilogcomp).
Example 30 is a compilation command that enables Verilog post-processing
in the VHDL-top flow:
Example 30
scs WORG.CFG_TESTBENCH -mhdl -verilogcomp "+ad -PP"

By default, the dump command saves the signals in VCD+ format (.vpd); it is
possible to generate VCD output format using the dump -vcd command.
See the following examples of VHDL dump commands:
Example 31 traces all signals in /TESTBENCH that are saved in the
res.vdp file.


Mixed Simulation Output and Display

Print (or Post-processing) Commands

Example 31
dump -deep /TESTBENCH -o res.vpd

Example 32 traces all signals from the TESTBENCH top-level (down) to the
first level of hierarchy, which are dumped in the default VPD file name.
Example 32
dump -deep -depth "1" /TESTBENCH

Example 33 traces all signals and ports of the I1 component in

TESTBENCH that are saved in the dump.vpd file in the RES directory (RES
must have been created before).
Example 33
dump -deep /TESTBENCH/I1 -o RES/dump.vpd

See the VCS-MX Reference Guide for more information on the dump

Verilog Syntax (Verilog-top flow)

VCD+ files (or VPD files) are generated when VCS executes the $vcdpluson
system task. When enabled, the VCD+ file contains simulation results from
both the Verilog and VHDL sections of the design. Remember to compile vcs
with the -PP option to enable the $vcdpluson task.
See the syntax and examples for the $vcdpluson Verilog task
$vcdpluson[(level_number,module_instance|net or reg)];
In Example 34 all Verilog and VHDL signals are saved.
Example 34

In Example 35 all Verilog and VHDL signals for hierarchy levels 1 and 2 are
saved (no traces for lower levels of hierarchy).


Mixed Simulation Output and Display

Viewing Waveform Files Separately with Viewers

Example 35

Transistor-level Description (VHDL-top and Verilog-top flows)

You can save the transistor-level description signal waveforms using the
print_node_v and print_node_l NanoSim configuration commands . In a
NS-VCS-MX mixed-simulation, the transistor-level description can never be at
the top-level of the design; therefore, the specified names in the
print_node_v or print_node_l commands must follow the design
hierarchy. You can use the level option in the print_node_v or
print_node_l command. The Verilog or VHDL hierarchy levels must take the
level value into consideration.
See the following examples of the NanoSim print commands:
In Example 36, the transistor-level description is contained in the I1
component; all net voltages in the I1 component are saved.
Example 36
print_node_v TESTBENCH.I1.*

In Example 37, all nets of the transistor-level descriptions are saved in both
voltage and logic values.
Example 37
print_node_v *
print_node_l *

In Example 38, all voltage values at the first level of hierarchy are saved. If
there are no SPICE nets at the first level of hierarchy in the design, voltage
is not saved.
Example 38
print_node_v level=1 *

Viewing Waveform Files Separately with Viewers

In NS-VCS-MX, the value change dump (VCD) file or the value change dump
plus (VCD+) file is generated for the Verilog simulation portion. The NanoSim
.out or .fsdb file is generated for the transistor-level portion. turboWave or


Mixed Simulation Output and Display

Viewing Waveform Files Separately with Viewers

CosmosScope is usually chosen for viewing NanoSim results, while VirSim is

usually chosen for viewing VCS-MX results.
For a visual overview of how the turboWave and VirSim viewers enable you to
view simulation results separately, see Figure 11.
Figure 11 Separate waveform viewing

Using turboWave
turboWave reads both the VCD file format and the NanoSim .out output file
format. turboWave also reads .fsdb binary file format, but cannot read VCD+
binary file format. To generate the .fsdb binary format, use the
set_print_format for=fsdb configuration command, or the -out fsdb
command-line option for NanoSim.
The interactive display (marching waveform) is only available with the .out or
.fsdb file. The UOD file cannot be used for the interactive display.

Using Alternative Waveform Viewers

The CosmosScope waveform viewer reads the .fsdb binary file format.


Mixed Simulation Output and Display

Viewing a Single Waveform File with the Unified Output Display (UOD)

When you use alternative waveform viewers, you must verify that the viewers
can read the appropriate file formats.
See the respective manuals for details regarding the dumping of output files.

Viewing a Single Waveform File with the Unified Output Display (UOD)
The Unified Output Display (UOD) integrates the Value Change Dump+ (VPD)
file in NS-VCS-MX with the NanoSim transistor-level circuit simulation .out file.
The respective integration produces the _uod.out unified output file.
The UOD enables you to easily view all simulation results in one waveform
viewer (such as turboWave). This new unified output file contains the complete
hierarchy of all the signals from the SPICE netlist, Verilog netlist, and VHDL
For a visual overview of how the UOD enables you to view simulation results in
a single waveform file, see Figure 12.
Figure 12 Single waveform view using the UOD


Mixed Simulation Output and Display

Viewing a Single Waveform File with the Unified Output Display (UOD)

Using the set_print_uod Configuration Command for NS-VCSMX

The NanoSim set_print_uodconfiguration command enables the UOD
To write waveform data to the _uod.out file, you must use the VHDL dump
command or the VCS $vcdpluson system task with either the NanoSim
print_node_logicor the print_node_v configuration command. The
UOD file is created only if analog signals are saved in the nanosim.out file. If
neither print_node_v nor print_node_l commands are used, the
_uod.out file is not created. You cannot use SPICE commands.
The following NanoSim configuration commands are not supported by UOD:


set_print_tres (ignored)

When the set_print_uod command is in the NanoSim configuration file, the

set_print_tres command is ignored. The UOD file print resolution is
determined by the VCS-MX time resolution value.

UOD File Naming

The UOD file name is defined by the combination of the name specified by the
NanoSim -o command-line option, and the _uod.out suffix. The default is

Reducing File Size

For large _uod.out files, you must set the set_print_uod command and the
split_print_file command in the NanoSim configuration file to split the
original .out file into several files.
If you set the NanoSim set_print_compress command, NanoSim
generates an .out file in compressed format. The UOD generates the same
compressed format.

Known Limitations
The following limitations currently apply:


Mixed Simulation Output and Display

Viewing a Single Waveform File with the Unified Output Display (UOD)

The UOD only supports NanoSim .out file format as output

The UOD file cannot be used for the interactive display

(marching waveform)

The UOD only supports the following original file formats:

NanoSim (.out)

VCD+ (.vpd)

Do not use the set_print_uod command with the set_cosim_tres
use=ns command.


NanoSim-supported CommandsA
This appendix describes the NanoSim configuration
commands and command-line options that are specific to

To support a mixed-signal simulation, two configuration commands have been
implemented in NanoSim: set_cosim_tres and set_print_uod. A
description of the configuration commands and NanoSim command-line
options follows.
This chapter contains the following topics:

set_cosim_tres Configuration Command

set_print_uod Configuration Command

NanoSim Command-line Options

set_cosim_tres Configuration Command

To synchronize the NanoSim and VCS-MX simulators, it is preferable for both
simulators to use a single time resolution value. By default, if the NanoSim time
resolution value is less than the VCS-MX time resolution value, NanoSim uses


NanoSim-supported Commands
set_cosim_tres Configuration Command

its own value and VCS-MX uses its own value. If the VCS-MX time resolution
value is less than the NanoSim time resolution value, the VCS-MX value
overrides the NanoSim value.
Although not recommended, if you prefer to use a NanoSim time precision
value that is greater than a VCS-MX time precision value, you must use the
NanoSim set_cosim_tres use=ns configuration command in combination
with the set_sim_tres <value> command. Note that there is a slight risk of
your simulation terminating, due to asynchronism. If this occurs, discontinue
using the set_cosim_tres command.
The set_sim_tres command sets the NanoSim time resolution value and the
set_cosim_tres use=ns command forces NanoSim to keep its own time
resolution value (even if the VCS-MX time resolution value is smaller).
See the following syntax:
set_cosim_tres [use=ns]

When the use=ns option is set, VCS uses its own time resolution value (see
Example 39), and NanoSim uses its own time resolution value specified by
the set_sim_tres configuration command.
Example 39 Using the set_sim_tres value as the NanoSim time resolution
set_cosim_tres use=ns

If the time resolution differs between VCS and NanoSim, NanoSim generates a
warning message. Example 40 and Example 41 show the difference in time
resolutions. In both examples, the VHDL time resolution is not set, the VHDL
time base is nanoseconds, and the VHDL time resolution is 1 ns.
Example 40 VCS description
timescale 1ns/1ps

The NanoSim configuration file displays:

set_cosim_tres use=ns

Since the default value for set_sim_tres is 10ps, the following message
WARNING: VCS time resolution doesn't match NanoSim time
resolution. VCS time resolution is <1ps>, NanoSim time
resolution is <10ps>. Simulation time resolution: <10ps>


NanoSim-supported Commands
set_print_uod Configuration Command

Example 41 Second VCS description

timescale 1ns/10ps

The NanoSim configuration file displays:

set_cosim_tres use=ns
set_sim_tres 1ps

The following message appears:

WARNING: VCS time resolution doesn't match NanoSim time
resolution. VCS time resolution is <10ps>, NanoSim time
resolution is <1ps>. Simulation time resolution: <1ps>
In Example 41, the set_cosim_tres use=ns command is not useful
because the default time resolution would have been 1psthe smallest of the
VCS-MX and NanoSim time resolution values.

set_print_uod Configuration Command

The set_print_uod configuration command directs NS-VCS-MX to generate
the _uod.out file.
See the following syntax, example, and description:
set_print_uod [out=uod|all]

The _uod.out file is generated, if:

VHDL-top design flow dump command or Verilog-top design flow

$vcdpluson system task is specified in the Verilog description

set_print_uod is specified in the NanoSim configuration file

print_node_v command or print_node_logic command is specified

in the NanoSim configuration command file

The default value for the out= option is uod. When the set_print_uod
configuration command is used, a single output file (if no option or out=uod
option is used) with the _uod.out suffix is generated. The format of this file is
the NanoSim .out ASCII format.
If you specify a format different from .out for the NanoSim simulation (using
the set_print_format configuration command or -out command-line


NanoSim-supported Commands
NanoSim Command-line Options

option), a warning is issued and the output format is forced to .out. See the
following sample warning message: WARNING: Illegal output file
type defined 'fsdb' in UOD mode. The output file type has
been changed to .out print format.
For a description of the set_print_uod configuration command arguments,
see Table 5.
Table 5

set_print_uod command arguments

Command Argument



Generates the UOD file only


Generates all formats: UOD, vpd and


NanoSim Command-line Options

The NanoSim command-line must be specified in the mixed-signal simulation
setup file (vcsAD.init). The general syntax is
nanosim -n[format] netlist [options]
For a summary of the NanoSim command-line options supported for NS-VCSMX simulation, see Table 6.
Table 6

NanoSim-supported command-line options

NanoSim commandline option syntax



This option starts the double-precision version of

NanoSim. You often need to use this option to
simulate analog circuits.

-c configuration_ file(s)

This option specifies the names of the configuration

files for a NanoSim run.

-C configuration_ file(s)

This option does the same as the -c option, except

that all the commands in the configuration files
specified with this option are logged in the .log file.


NanoSim-supported Commands
NanoSim Command-line Options

Table 6

NanoSim-supported command-line options (Continued) (Continued)

NanoSim commandline option syntax


-d timing_mode

By default, NanoSim uses piecewise linear (PWL)

mode. This option changes the timing mode in
which NanoSim runs.
Choose one of the following modes:
t (or rc) = full-delay (rc) mode
u (or ud) = unit-delay mode

-fm ADFMI_file(s)

This option specifies files that contain ADFMIbased C models. You can use the full name of the
model files, with the .c or .o extension, but it is not
required. This option does not force a recompilation
of the .c file, if the .o file is newer. See the NanoSim
Modeling Guide for ADFMI and Verilog-A for details
on how to use the ADFMI-based C models.

-FM ADFMI_file(s)

This option is the same as the -fm option, except it

forces the recompilation of the .c files.


Specifies the complete path to the global model

library. Note: you are required to set the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable with the
path where the pre-compiled shared libraries are

-har [hilo_file]

This option starts Hierarchical Array Reduction

(HAR). It takes one optional argument: the name of
a hilo file.


This option specifies the search path for include


-L library_path

This option specifies the search order when a

subcircuit cell (for example, inv) is encountered: (1)
Reads the input file, including any .INC or .LIB
files, for a subcircuit with the specified cell name; (2)
Searches the directories, specified by the -L option,
for cell_name.xxx, while .xxx can be any
NanoSim-supported SPICE file extension such as
.spi or .spec.


NanoSim-supported Commands
NanoSim Command-line Options

Table 6

NanoSim-supported command-line options (Continued) (Continued)

NanoSim commandline option syntax


-n[format] netlist(s)

This option specifies the netlist format and the

netlist file(s) containing the input netlist and
stimulus descriptions for NanoSim. The format
argument can be any one of the following:
spice (for SPICE), spectre (for Spectre), edif (for
EDIF), vlog (for Verilog), vec (for vector files) or
hspf (for hierarchical SPF). By default, the format
is spice.

-o output_file_prefix

This option directs the simulation output files to be

saved with the specified prefix.
-o myfile


This option specifies the format of the NanoSim

output file. The default is out.

-p technology_file

This option specifies the name of the technology file

for NanoSim. The technology file describes the key
features of the process technology that NanoSim
uses to predict the transistor behavior in the circuit.
nanosim -n netlist -p tech.tt.25.5


This option specifies quiet mode, which suppresses

the printing of warning messages to stderr or the
.log files.


This option suppresses the printing of all warning

messages to the stderr (to the screen).

-r [always | never |
compare | warning]

This option controls the process by which NanoSim

automatically generates technology files for
HSPICE netlists. It is not required for automatic
technology file generation to work. Only one
keyword can be specified.

-W max_messages

This option specifies the maximum number of

warning messages to be reported.


NanoSim-supported Commands
NanoSim Command-line Options

Table 6

NanoSim-supported command-line options (Continued) (Continued)

NanoSim commandline option syntax



With this option specified, NanoSim waits for you to

respond to each warning message.


This option turns on the warning message printing

for unused netlist ports.

-z prefix

This option starts the automatic technology-filegeneration feature for HSPICE netlists. It also
names or designates the technology files to be used
for a particular simulation run.

The -t option is not supported for NS-VCS-MX simulation. If you specify
time with the -t option, it is ignored. For a complete list of the NanoSim
command-line options, please see the NanoSim User Guide.


NanoSim-supported Commands
NanoSim Command-line Options


This appendix contains some helpful hints for debugging and
successfully running your mixed-signal simulation.

Before starting a mixed-signal simulation, it is highly recommended that you
first run a pure VCS-MX simulation. Try if possibleto replace the transistorlevel section with VHDL or Verilog models, and ensure you can run the VCSMX simulation and get expected results. You can then replace the Verilog or
VHDL blocks you want to simulate with NanoSim using a transistor-level
If possible, you should run the transistor-level description blocks as a standalone with NanoSim. Create stimuli that emulates the digital input behavior, run
NanoSim on the block(s), and ensure you get the expected results outside the
design environment. Tryas much as possibleto reduce the number of
subcircuits connected to Verilog or VHDL. The fewer A2D and D2A
conversions, the better the performance will be.


Time Precision

Time Precision
Time precision may be a concern in a mixed-signal simulation because three
types of descriptions are used: VHDL, Verilog, and SPICE (NanoSim):

In VHDL code, time precision is specified with the time_resolution

value in the synopsys_sim.setup file. See the following example:
or, it can be specified in the scs command line. See the following example:
scs config -time_res 10ps -verilogcomp "+ad"
If TIME_RESOLUTION is not specified, the time precision is set to
1x'TIMEBASE'. For instance, if TIMEBASE=ns and TIME_RESOLUTION is
not set, the time precision is set to 1ns by default. Note that the default for

In Verilog, the time precision is specified in the first line of the Verilog
description. It is the last argument of the 'timescale command. See the
following example:
`timescale 1ns/10ps
Note that the vcs command also has a -timescale=timeunit/
time_precision option.

In NanoSim, the time precision is set with the NanoSim set_sim_tres

configuration command (the default value is 10ps), or is set with the sim
option in the set_sim_eou command. See the following examples:
set_sim_tres 1ps
set_sim_eou sim=4; sim=4 forces set_sim_tres 1ps

What Time Precision Value is Used in my Mixed-signal

The time precision value used in your simulation is either the VCS-MX value or
the NanoSim valueor both. The VCS-MX time resolution is always the
smallest of the VHDL and Verilog time resolution values. You should use the


Time Precision

same time precision for the VHDL and Verilog descriptions. See the following

If you do not specify in the NanoSim configuration file:

set_cosim_tres use=ns; (note that ns stands for NanoSim, not
nanosecond!), or if you specify set_cosim_tres use=vcs; (default),
NanoSim and VCS-MX time precision values are determined under the
following conditions:
a. The NanoSim value is equal to or greater than the VCS-MX value
The VCS-MX time resolution value is used in both the NanoSim and
VCS-MX simulators.

The NanoSim value is less than the VCS-MX value

Both simulators use their own time resolution values.

If the values differ, a warning message appears. If the VCS time resolution
is smaller, the following warning appears:
***** WARNING: VCS time resolution doesn't match NanoSim
time resolution. NanoSim time resolution override by VCS
time resolution automatically. VCS time resolution is
<1ps>, NanoSim time resolution is <10ps>. Simulation
time resolution :<1ps>
If the NanoSim time resolution is smaller, the following warning appears:
***** Warning: VCS time resolution (10.000000 ps) is
larger than NanoSim time resolution (1.000000 ps)
***** Warning: NS time resolution 1.000000 ps is used
Simulation time resolution :<1ps>

If you specify set_cosim_tres use=ns in the NanoSim configuration file,

this command forces both NanoSim and VCS to keep their own time
resolutions. If the time resolutions differ, warnings appear as shown in the
section set_cosim_tres Configuration Commandof Appendix A, NanoSimsupported Commands.


Limitations at the Interface

Limitations at the Interface

The present version of the NS-VCS-MX mixed-signal simulator has limitations
at the interface between VCS-MX and NanoSim. These limitations are as

In the VHDL description, any port with a real data type cannot be inout.
The port_mode (port direction) must be input or output.

In the Verilog wrapper description, any port defined as wreal cannot

beinout. The port must be input or output.

Power nets (ground or supplies) are not expected at the interface.

Performance Improvement
Occasionally, a mixed-signal simulation is not as rapid as expected. Some
recommendations for performance improvement in your mixed-signal
simulation follow:

Avoid mixed (interface) nets with a real data type in VHDL.

Do not use ground or supply nets at the interface.

Minimize the number of interface nets.

Minimize the number of SPICE subcircuits connected to VCS. It is

preferable to have a single subcircuit rather than several subcircuits. The
purpose is to minimize the unneeded A2A conversions.
In Figure 13, three SPICE subcircuits are instantiated in the Verilog
description. A total of six conversions is required including two analog-toanalog (A2A) conversions.


Performance Improvement

Figure 13 Three SPICE subcircuits

In Figure 14, the three subcircuits have been assembled into a single
subcircuit. Only four conversions are requiredall A2A conversions have
been removed.
Figure 14 Three subcircuits


Performance Improvement


An analog-to-digital converter.
Back-annotation (BA) is a process of stitching the parasitic RCs back to your
design netlist through connectivity information (net name, instance name, pin
name) inside the parasitic file.
bidirectional switch
A device that conducts in both directions. In such cases, signals on either side
of the device can be the driver signal. A bidirectional switch is typically used to
enable isolation between buses or signals.
A digital-to-analog converter.
donut configuration
In NS-VCS-MX, a donut configuration only applies to the VCS-MX description.
You can instantiate a Verilog design in a VHDL design in a Verilog design
(Verilog-VHDL-Verilog). This is commonly referred to as a mixed-HDL donut.
A detailed standard parasitic format (DSPF) output netlist format is generated
by an extraction tool, and describes interconnect information. Actual net
parasitic resistance and capacitance component information is contained in this
A graphical user interface (GUI) for NanoSim.
Hierarchical array reduction (HAR) in NanoSim that speeds-up the simulation
for memory designs (DRAM and SRAM).


A circuit containing analog- and digital-style components.
The Synopsys fast-SPICE transistor-level simulator.
A programming language interface (PLI) of Verilog HDL is a mechanism for
interfacing Verilog programs with programs written in the C language. PLI also
provides a mechanism for accessing internal databases of the simulator from
the C program.
real data type
The Verilog or VHDL data type defined in IEEE Std 1264-1996 and Std 13642001.
resistance map file
An ASCII file that equates MOSFET "on" resistance to Verilog drive strength;
the resistance map file contains the signal conversion data between a SPICE
analog value to a Verilog digital value, and a Verilog digital value to a SPICE
analog value.
A VHDL compiler command.
A VHDL simulator command.
A standard delay format (SDF) file stores the timing data generated by EDA
tools for use in any stage of a design process. The data in the SDF file is
represented in a tool-independent way and includes the following information:
delay, timing check, timing constraint, incremental and absolute delay.
A Verilog simulator command.
A standard parasitic extraction format (SPEF) file is an IEEE standard format.
This file provides a standard median to pass parasitic information between EDA
tools during any stage in the design process. This format contains actual net
parasitic resistance and capacitance components.
SPICE netlist
In the present context, the term SPICE netlist is used in place of transistorlevel netlist


A Synopsys Verilog hardware description language (HDL) simulator.
A Synopsys simulator for Verilog, VHDL, and mixed-HDL design descriptions.
An output format for VCS-MX. VPD uses the VCD+ (value change dump)
Verilog dummy module
A module that is the Verilog place holder for a transistor block. A dummy
module is an empty module containing only the module declaration and port
Verilog wrapper
A Verilog netlist comprising an empty module. Only the module name and port
description are in the wrapper.
A VHDL analyzer command.
A Verilog analyzer command.
wreal data type
A real net data type used in a Verilog wrapper module to interface a real data
type VHDL port and a SPICE port in NS-VCS-MX.
A feature that is extensively used in Verilog testbenches, and is referred to as a
cross-module reference or Verilog hierarchical referencing. This feature
enables simple probing into, or monitoring of, buried signals without requiring
the signals to be routed to the top of the design for observation. No declaration
of global signals in a package is required for this feature, nor is any modification
of the original monitored code.



$vcdpluson system task 61

analog conversion 52
analog to digital conversion 49
array-type signal, Verilog wrapper 45
array-type signals, Verilog wrapper 45
autowrapper utility 40

back-annotation 36
bidirectional mapping 53
bus-type signal, Verilog wrapper 45
bus-type signals, Verilog wrapper 45

partition 20
set bus_format 22
set rmap 24
configuration command
set_cosim_tres 64
configuration commands 63
configuration files, specifying 66
converting signal values 47
Cosmos Scope waveform viewer 59

digital to analog conversion 47

double-precision mode 66
dump command 61

EDIF netlist format 68

<italics>See output files
flow description 6

help commands
set_cosim_tres 64
hierarchical SPF netlist format 68
HSPF back-annotation 36

input files 13
configuration 66
netlist 68
technology 68
input netlist 68
installation requirements 2
instance-based partitioning 21

digital conversion 51

mixed-signal simulation setup file 19

module-based partitioning 21



nanosim command, choosing 20
NanoSim command-line options 66
NanoSim commands, supporting 61
NanoSim configuration commands 63
NanoSim reduction commands
set_print_compress 61
split_print_file 61
NanoSim-VCS-MX, cosimulating 1
netlist file
specifying format 68

simulator, selecting 20
SPICE netlist 15
array-type signal 44
bus-type signal 44
SPICE netlist format 68
SPICE netlist guidelines 15
split_print_file command, splitting files 61
supported features 5

output files
prefix specification 68

technology files
automatic generation 68
specifying 68
transistor-level description 58
turboWave 59

partition command 20
partitioning commands
set bus_format 22
set rmap 20, 24
printing commands 56

unidirectional mapping 52
unified output file 60
UOD file naming 61

Verilog input 14
Verilog netlist format 68
Verilog syntax 57
Verilog wrapper 17
Verilog wrapper file, bus/array-type signals 45
Verilog-top flow 30
VHDL design library 17
VHDL input 14
VHDL syntax 56
VHDL-top flow 26
viewing waveforms separately 58
viewing with UOD 60

resistance map file 52

resistance map file, creating 52

SDF file 36
set bus_format command 22
set rmap command 24
set_cosim_tres command 64
set_node_thresh 50
set_print_compress command, compressing 61
set_print_tres command 61
set_print_uod command 61
set_vec_opt 48
high= argument 48
low= argument 48
no= argument 48
x_state= argument 48
setting up environment 3
signal strength conversion 51
signal value conversion rules 48


waveform viewer
Cosmos Scope 59

XMR, cross module reference 9

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