TIA - Tirana
TIA - Tirana
TIA - Tirana
Map of Dr. Dritan & Dr. Elsa Muzha's Office (crtl+click on the map to open the location.)
Map of Dr. Dritan Cela's office (crtl+click on the map to open the location.)
Consular Section, U.S. Embassy, Tirana
Please fill out this application form with your name, surname, date of birth, and age, prior to your medical
examination appearance:
If you come to the Panel Physicians Office with incomplete or incorrect identification cards and/or vaccination
cards, both your medical examination and your visa interview date may be delayed. To avoid unnecessary
delays with the processing of your case, we advise you to come fully prepared to your medical examination
appointment with all the required documents.
For your convenience, and in order to avoid any delays, your medical examination is scheduled in two phases:
A. FIRST APPOINTMENT - VERIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS. Only the principal applicant, not the entire family,
must appear exactly three weeks prior to their visa interview date between 09:00-11:30 a.m. to submit the
documents listed below. (For example: if the interview date in the envelope that you have received from the
National Visa Center, Consular Section, or Kentucky Consular Center falls on a Tuesday, then your first
appointment will fall on the Tuesday three weeks prior to the interview date, OR, as scheduled by the Panel
Physician's Office staff.) In the rare cases where the appointment package is received less than three weeks
prior to the visa interview date, applicants should contact the eligible physicians during their business hours
(9:00 a.m. to 16:00 p.m., Monday through Friday) to schedule an appointment as soon as possible, or they may
come to one of the aforementioned addresses between 09:00-11:30 a.m. along with all the required
During the first appointment, NO medical examination will take place. The family members will show up for
their medical examination in the second appointment (see below.) The Panel Physician staff will check your
documents listed below, and will provide you with instructions regarding the examinations; recommendations,
vaccination cards, or any missing vaccination/s for you and your family members, and will provide you with the
date and time for the second appointment for you and your family members (if applicable.) This allows
applicants to have time to complete any missing documents they may have.
The principal applicant must submit the following documents for each visa applicant in both appointments (a)
verification of documents and b) medical examination) as follows (Mark with X all the documents that you will
submit to the Panel Physician Office):
Your personal vaccination card/s and copy of it (the original and a legible photocopy for each card to be
submitted to our office);
Fill out the personal medical declaration on pages #5 & 6 for each visa applicant prior to your medical
appointment, containing your complete medical history, and with a personal photograph attached to it.
This declaration will be submitted to our office during the first phase of your medical appointment;
Consular Section, U.S. Embassy, Tirana
Fill out the information on page #7 for each visa applicant prior to your medical appointment.
Five (5) 3x4 cm photographs for each person, taken in full-face view directly facing the camera, (taken
within the last six months, and one of them must be attached to the personal medical declaration);
All the aforementioned documents must be in Albanian (both the originals and the photocopies) and they do
not need to be translated or notarized.
B. SECOND APPOINTMENT: MEDICAL EXAMINATION. All visa applicants, regardless of age, will show up for
their medical examination one week prior to their visa interview date*, OR, as scheduled by the Panel
Physicians Office staff, *. You will submit to the Panel Physician all the required documents listed above, as
well as any additional documents that may be requested by the Panel Physicians Office during the first
appointment for you and your family members (if applicable). Please note that this is a very lengthy process
and both you and your family members will need to spend the entire day undergoing various medical
examinations at Glob Clinic. Once the results are available, you will need to sign the medical forms in front of
the Panel Physician. The results will be provided to you in a sealed envelope, which you must NOT open.
*If one of the above days coincides with a public holiday, you will need to call the Panel Physicians Clinic,
during their business hours (09:00 a.m. to 16:00 p.m., Monday through Friday) in order to reschedule your
medical appointment.
The fee for adults (15 years and above) is $145.00 (includes physical examination, chest x-rays, blood tests, and
Syphilis). The fee for children under 15 years of age is $100.00.
In some cases, in order to assess the health status of the applicant, further examinations may be required. If
this applies to your case, you must follow the Panel Physician's instructions regarding any additional tests. The
applicant is responsible for any additional costs for any such examinations, except for Tuberculosis treatment.
In order to avoid extra examinations, you should include all medical reports for any medical issues or illnesses
you may have, including any previous blood tests. Pregnant women should have a gynecological ultrasound as
well as a complete medical report from their gynecologist where the pregnancy gestation age must be included
as well.
Important Notice: In accordance with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) instructions, you
may be required to undergo additional testing for Tuberculosis (TB), which may take an additional time of 8-10
weeks for the results to become available. The Panel Physicians Office will notify the U.S. Consular Section
regarding any applicants referred for further TB culture testing, so that they dont experience any delays on
the date of their visa interview. If the applicants results are TB positive, he or she will need to undergo a
compulsory TB treatment by the Panel Physicians staff.
The results of your medical examination may be released to the applicant only, or directly to the U.S. Consular
Section. Only employees of the Consular Section may open the sealed envelope. You may not open the
envelope. You should not send the X-Ray CD to the U.S. Embassy, unless you are an asylee. You will be provided
with a copy of your vaccination documentation worksheet, which you may need in order to be able to register
your child into a U.S. school, etc.
By signing the DS-2054 application, you personally authorize and agree to undergo the medical examination.
Note from the U.S. Consular Section: The validity of your visa will be limited to the validity of your medical
report. Medical reports classified as "Class B (TB)" are valid for 3 months from the date on which the doctor
signed the report. All other medical reports classified as "No apparent disease or defect" are valid for 6 months
from the date on which the doctor signed the report. If your case is subject to further administrative processing,
or if the processing of your file is delayed due to missing documents, the medical report may expire before your
visa is issued. In that case, you will be required to renew the examination and submit an updated medical report
to the Consular Section before you receive your visa. In such cases, you will be required to pay a new medical
examination fee. The fee for adults (15 years and above) is $145.00, and the fee for children under 15 years of
age is $100.00.
The payment for the medical examination will not be refunded, regardless of the result of your visa
Consular Section, U.S. Embassy, Tirana
Note: You must appear for your medical appointment only on the date and time of your appointment. Do not
appear to the panel physicians office on dates or times other than those specifically scheduled for you, unless
you are instructed to do so by the Consular Section itself.
The medical staff is not responsible for any delays pertaining to the processing of your visa case by the U.S.
Consular Section.
On the day of their first medical appointment, the principal applicant must provide all personal vaccination
cards for each family member who is applying for an immigrant visa, containing records of all vaccinations
received throughout their entire life. Only the vaccination cards that were issued by the appropriate health
centers containing the applicants name, fathers name, surname, birthday, exact vaccination and
revaccinations date records are considered valid and acceptable vaccination cards. . A personal vaccination card
must also have the stamp of the health center, a clearly legible name of the physician together with his or her
If you do not submit the vaccination card during the medical examination, you will be considered unvaccinated.
Any vaccine records for which the receipt dates are not written in or are written in only partially will not be
taken into consideration.
The vaccinations available in Albania are as follows:
1) D.T.P. (Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis) .. 4 doses
2) D.T. (Diphtheria/Tetanus) revaccination. 2 doses
3) Polio. (Poliomyelitis) 3 doses + extra dose
4) Measles ... 1 dose
5) Measles - Rubella . 1 doses
6) Measles Rubella Parotid . 2 doses
7) H.V.B. (Hepatitis B) . 3 doses
8) HiB ........ 3 doses
9) Pneumococcus . 3 doses
10) Rotavirus
11) Meningococcal
12) Varicella
Some of these vaccines are not administered for all ages.
If any of the following applies to your case: a) you are not vaccinated; b) you did not take the last vaccines
recently arrived; c) you do not have any document that proves your vaccination; d) you have partially recorded
vaccination, we suggest that you receive the first dose of any vaccine that has never been administered to you
or which is not properly documented prior to showing up for your medical examination. If you have received
some of the vaccination doses or are not properly vaccinated, you must receive the next revaccination dose.
Any of the vaccines that are administered to you must be recorded on the vaccination card by the appropriate
health center.
Your personal vaccination card is the only document that certifies your vaccination. No other documents will
be accepted. Check for the authenticity of the vaccination card. It is an official document and the applicant who
will present it bears full responsibility for its authenticity. Do not allow recording of any vaccinations that you
havent actually received or which are not recorded in the Official Registers. All vaccinations and revaccinations
are administered according to the immunization scheme approved by the Albanian Public Health authorities. If
you received any other vaccines, not listed in the aforementioned list of vaccinations available in Albania, you
will be required to provide any such vaccination records to the Panels Physicians Office as well
Note: applicants who have travelled to any of these countries within the last 12 months: Pakistan, Syria,
Equatorial Guinea, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Iraq, Israel, Somalia, or Nigeria, must bring proof of vaccination for
Poliomyelitis, and they should inform the Panel Physicians Office of that.
Consular Section, U.S. Embassy, Tirana
high school
Profession: _____________________________________________________________________________________-_
Weight: _________ Kg;
Height: __________ cm
Heart Disease
Angina pectoris (infarcts, preinfarcts)
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Cardiac arrhythmia
Congenital heart disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (emphysema)
History of tuberculosis (TB) disease
Have you ever been treated for TB?
Consular Section, U.S. Embassy, Tirana
History of Varicella
_____________ (date-month-year)
Hansen's Disease
Diabetes mellitus
Thyroid disease
History of malaria
Malignancy (specify)
problems (glasess,
Date _________________
Consular Section, U.S. Embassy, Tirana
Fill out the information below for each visa applicant, regardless of age
(Make copies for each visa applicant)
Name (Last, First)
Birth Date
Passport Number
Case Number
DV Lottery
K- Visa (Fiance)
NIV (Non-immigrant)
Visa 92 (Asylee)
Date of Birth
Consular Section, U.S. Embassy, Tirana
Adresa 2:
Dr. Dritan Cela
Rr. Teodor Keko, Pall. Edglis, Kt. 2
Ish Astiri, Unaza e Re
Tiran, Shqipri
Celular: (+355) -(0) 66-401-9459
[email protected]
Adresa e Dr. Dritan dhe Elsa Muzha (crtl+kliko pr t hapur hartn e zyrs)
Consular Section, U.S. Embassy, Tirana
Plotsoni formularin me emrin, mbiemrin, datlindjen dhe moshn e secilit aplikant prpara se t paraqiteni pr
vizitn mjeksore:
Nse ju paraqiteni tek mjeku me me dokumente identifikimi dhe kartela vaksinimi t paplotsuara dhe/ose t
parregullta, si vizita mjeksore ashtu edhe data juaj e intervists mund t shtyhen n koh. Pr t shmangur vonesa
t panevojshme, ne ju kshillojm q t paraqiteni t prgatitur plotsisht me dokumentacion t plot n ditn tuaj
t takimit pr vizitn mjeksore t cilat krkojn koh pr t'u plotsuar.
Pr lehtsin tuaj dhe pr t shmangur ndonj vones, paraqitja juaj pr vizitn mjeksore sht programuar n dy
A. Takimi i Par: VERIFIKIMI I DOKUMENTACIONIT. Vetm aplikanti kryesor, jo e gjith familja, do t paraqitet fiks
tre jav para dats s intervists, nga ora 09:00 11:30 pr t dorzuar dokumentet e renditura m posht (festat
zyrtare, e shtuna dhe e diela jan pushim). (Pr shembull: Nse data e intervists n zarfet q ju kan ardhur nga
Qendra Kombtare e Vizave, Seksioni Konsullor, apo Qendra e Lotarive bie ditn e mart, ather dita e paraqitjes
pr verifikimin e dokumentave do t jet dita e mart e tre javve prpara dats s intervists.) N rastet e rralla kur
letra e takimit ju ka mbrritur m pak se 3 jav nga data e intervists, ju duhet t kontaktoni gjat orarit zyrtar
(09:00 16:00, nga e hna n t premte) stafin mjeksor pr t caktuar takimin sa m par, ose paraqituni
personalisht gjat orarit 09:00 11:30 pran njrs prej adresave t msiprme s bashku me dokumentet e
shnuara m posht.
N takimin e par, NUK do t kryhet vizit mjeksore. Stafi i mjekve t autorizuar do t kontrolloj dokumentet e
renditura m posht; do ju jap udhzime n lidhje me analizat, rekomandimet, kartelate vaksinimit, plotsime q
duhen n kartelat e vaksinimit, si dhe do t prcaktohet data dhe ora e sakt e paraqitjes pr vizitn mjeksore me
t gjith familjen. Antart e familjes suaj do t paraqiten pr vizit e tyre mjeksore n takimin e dyt (shiko m
posht).N kt mnyr do t ket koh pr plotsimet e duhura.
Dokumentat q DUHET t keni me vete kur t paraqiteni n t dyja fazat (Verifikimi dhe Vizita mjeksore) jan
(vendosni nj kryq tek secili dokument q po dorzoni tek stafi mjeksor):
Pasaporta(t) dhe kopje t pasaportave - t rritur dhe fmij (Origjinalin/et dhe nga nj fotokopje t qart t
tyre, e cila do t dorzohet tek mjeku).
Karteln/at personale t vaksinimit dhe kopje t saj (Origjinalin/et dhe nga nj fotokopje t qart t tyre, e
cila do t dorzohet tek mjeku).
Dokumentin q ju njofton datn e intervists (T dyja flett).
Udhzuesin e vizits mjeksore, t plotsuar me emrat, datlindjet dhe moshn e personave q do t
vizitohen (shikoni faqen nr. 9 t ktij udhzuesi).
Deklaratn mjeksore personale pr secilin person, t plotsuar saktsisht dhe t pajisuar me fotografi
(shikoni faqet nr. 12 & 13).
Plotsoni informacionin n faqen 14 pr secilin aplikant t vizs, pavarsisht moshs.
Pr do person pes (5) fotografi 3x4 cm ballore t nxjerra 6 muajt e fundit, njra nga t cilat do t ngjitet n
deklaratn mjeksore personale.
Raportet shndetsore, epikriza, analiza, libreza shndetsore, etj.
I gjith dokumentacioni shqip (origjinalet dhe fotokopjet) nuk kan nevoj pr prkthim ose noterizim.
Consular Section, U.S. Embassy, Tirana
B. Takimi i Dyt: VIZITA MJEKSORE. T gjith aplikantt e vizs, pavarsisht moshs, do t paraqiten fiks nj jav
prpara dats s tyre t intervists*, OSE sipas dats s caktuar nga stafi mjeksor*. Ju do t dorzoni tek stafi
mjeksor t gjith dokumentacionin e renditur m lart dhe dokumentacion shtes t krkuar n takimin e par, pr
ju dhe pr familjen tuaj (nse aplikohet). Vini re q vizita mjeksore do t zgjas shum dhe ju e familja juaj do t
duhet t kaloni gjith ditn me vizita mjeksore t ndryshme tek Klinika Glob. Pasi t ken dal rezultatet, ju do t
firmosni formulart prpara mjekut t autorizuar. Rezultatet e vizits do ju jepen n nj zarf t vulosur, t cilin ju
NUK duhet ta hapni.
* Nse njra nga ditt e msiprme rastis t jet dit pushimi apo fest komtare, ju duhet t telefononi stafin
mjeksor gjat orarit zyrtar (09:00 16:00 nga e hna n t premte) pr t ricaktuar takimin tuaj.
Tarifa pr t rriturit (mosha 15 vje e lart) sht 145 Dollar (n kt pages prfshihet ekzaminimi fizik, radiografia
e gjoksit dhe analiza pr sifiliz). Pagesa pr fmijt nn moshn 15 vje sht 100 Dollar.
Gjat kontrollit mjeksor mund t lind nevoja pr ekzaminime shtes pr t prcaktuar gjendjen shndetsore.
Nse nj gj e till aplikohet pr rastin tuaj, ju duhet t ndiqni udhzimet e stafit mjeksor rreth analizave shtes.
Tarifat pr ekzaminimet shtes jan n ngarkim t aplikantit, prve trajtimit t Tuberkulozit. Nse smundja ose
problemi shndetsor njihet paraprakisht, pr sqarim nevojiten raportet shndetsore, epikriza, libreza
shndetsore, analiza, t cilat kshillohet t'i keni me vete pr t evituar riparaqitjen ose ekzaminimet shtes. Grat
shtatzana duhet t ken me vete ekzaminimin EKO me film dhe prshkrimin nga mjeku gjinekolog t moshs s
E rndsishme: Sipas Udhzimeve t Qendrs pr Parandalimin dhe Kontrollin e Smundjeve (CDC), juve mund tju
krkohet ti nnshtroheni analizave t mtejshme pr Tuberkuloz (TB), prgjigja e t cilave mund t marr 8-10 jav.
Seksioni Konsullor do t njoftohet me listn e aplikanve t referuar pr analizat e TB-s dhe ju nuk do t hasni
vonesa n ditn e intervists pr viz. Nse aplikanti rezulton pozitiv, ai ose ajo do ti nnshtrohet trajtimit t
detyrueshm t TB-s nga stafi mjeksor. Ju nuk do t paguani tarif tjetr pr trajtimin e TB-s.
Rezultatet e vizits mjeksore do t'i dorzohen n zarf t mbyllur dhe t vulosur vetm aplikantit, ose Seksionit
Konsullor. Ju NUK mund ta hapni zarfin. Hapja e zarfit bhet vetm nga npunsit e konsullats. Ju nuk duhet ta
drgoni n Ambasad CD-n e Rrezeve X, prve rasteve me azil. Juve do ju jepet nj kopje e formularit t vaksinave,
i cili mund tju krkohet pr t regjistruar fmijn n shkoll, etj.
Me firmosjen nga ana juaj t formularit mjeksor DS-2054 ju personalisht autorizoni dhe pranoni vizitn mjeksore.
Njoftim nga Seksioni Konsullor i SHBA-s: Data e skadimit t vizs suaj do t kushtzohet nga data e skadimit t
raportit mjeksor. Formulart mjeksor t klasifikuar si Class B (TB) jan t vlefshme pr 3 muaj nga data q e
firmos mjeku. T gjith formulart e tjer t klasifikuar si "Nuk ka smundje t dukshme" jan t vlefshm pr 6 muaj
nga data q e firmos mjeku. Nse rasti juaj kalon pr proces administrativ t mtejshm, apo shqyrtimi i rastit tuaj
vonohet pr shkak t dokumenteve q mungojn, raporti mjeksor mund t skadoj prpara se viza t lshohet. N
kt rast, juve do ju krkohet t kryeni edhe njher vizitn mjeksore dhe ta drgoni zarfin mjeksor n Seksionin
Konsullor prpara se ju t merrni vizn tuaj. Tarifa pr t rriturit (mosha 15 vje e lart) sht 145 Dollar dhe pr
fmijt nn moshn 15 vje sht 100 Dollar.
Pagesa e vizits mjeksore nuk kthehet pavarsisht nga rezultati i aplikimit tuaj pr viz emigrimi.
Shnim: Ju duhet t paraqiteni pr vizitn mjeksore n datn dhe orn e caktuar t takimit. Mos u paraqisni jasht
ditve prkatse dhe jasht orareve q ju jan caktuar, prve rasteve kur jeni udhzuar specifikisht nga Seksionin
Personeli mjeksor nuk mban prgjegjsi pr vonesa n lidhje me shqyrtimin e dosjes s aplikantit n Zyrn
Konsullore t SH.B.A.-s.
N takimin e par t vizits mjeksore, aplikanti kryesor duhet t dorzojn kartelat personale t vaksinimit pr t
gjith personat q po aplikojn pr viz (T RRITUR DHE FMIJ), ku do t pasqyrohen imtsisht t gjitha vaksinat q
ata kan br q nga fmijria dhe deri n dit e vizits mjeksore. Kartelat e vaksinimit q pranohen t vlefshme
jan vetm ato q lshohen nga konsultort dhe qendrat shndetsore. Aty duhet t jen t dokumentuara emri,
atsia, mbiemri i personit, datlindja e sakt, datat e sakta t vaksinimeve dhe t rivaksinimeve (dita/muaji/viti).
Consular Section, U.S. Embassy, Tirana
Kartelat personale t vaksinimit do t jen t vulosura me vuln e konsultorit/qendrs shndetsore dhe t ken
vuln e mjekut q e lshon kt dokument. Vulat dhe emri i mjekut duhet t jen t lexueshme.
PR FARDO LLOJ ARSYEJE n qoft se n vizitn mjeksore nuk do t paraqisni karteln personale t vaksinimit ju
do t konsideroheni t pavaksinuar. N rast se n karteln personale t vaksinimit jan regjistruar datat e vaksinimit
vetm pr disa vaksina dhe vaksinat e tjera jan pa data (ju mund t pretendoni se jan kryer por nuk jan t
dokumentuara) kto t fundit do t konsiderohen t pakryera, pra ju do t konsideroheni t pavaksinuar me to.
Aktualisht vaksinimet q kryhen n Shqipri jan:
1) D.T.P. (Difteri / Tetanos / Pertuss)........
2) D.T. (Difteri / Tetanos) rivaksinim.........
3) Polio (Polimielit)...................................
4) Fruth ....................................................
5) Fruth Rubeol ...................................
6) Fruth Rubeol - Parotid ....................
7) H.V.B. (Verdhza) ................................
8) HiB .......................................................
9) Pneumokok ..........................................
10) Rotavirus
11) Meningococcal
12) Varicela
4 doza
2 doza
3 doza + dozat ekstra
1 doz
1 doz
1 doz
3 doza
3 doza
3 doza
Consular Section, U.S. Embassy, Tirana
i mitur;
i mesm;
i lart
Gjatsia: __________ cm
Smundje ose dmtime q kan
krkuar shtrim n spital (prfshir
edhe psikiatriket)
A keni kryer ndrhyrje kirurgjikale
apo cezariane? Prshkruaji:
Smudje t zemrs
Angina pectoris (infarkte,
Hypertension (tesion i lart i gjakut)
Aritmi t zemrs
A keni prdorur duhan
A prdorni duhan aktualisht
Smundje kronike obstruktive t
mushkrive (emfizem) Smundje
akute t mushkris.
A keni vuajtur nga tuberkulozi
A jeni trajtuar pr tuberkuloz?
A keni simptoma aktuale t
Consular Section, U.S. Embassy, Tirana
_____________ (data-muaji-viti)
Smundje seksualisht t
transmetueshme, infeksione, synet (jep
Smundje t tiroides
T dhna pr malarie
Smundje malinje, kancere (jep
Smundje kronike t veshkave
Probleme me Shikimin
Keni Kaluar Variceln (lija e dhenve)?
A keni patur grup invaliditeti?
i/e ve
i/e martuar
Consular Section, U.S. Embassy, Tirana
Numri i Pasaports
Numri i Dosjes
Lotaria DV
Viza K (Fejese)
NIV (Jo-Emigruese)
Viza 92 (Azil)
Numr Celulari
Adres e-maili
Emri i t gjith Fmijs/Fmijve (nse keni) dhe Datlindja e tyre (mm-dd-vvvv)
Emr Mbiemr
Consular Section, U.S. Embassy, Tirana