Fault Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks: IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS)
Fault Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks: IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS)
Fault Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks: IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS)
Wireless Sensor Networks are infrastructures containing sensing, computing and communication elements that aim to give its
controllers the ability to measure, collect and react to occurrences in the monitored environment.WSN focus on interaction with
environment. Nothing is perfect in this universe. WSN may also be failure prone. In order to maintain the network quality of
service, it is mandatory for WSN to be able to detect the faults and take appropriate actions to handle them. The main aim of this
article is to give an introduction with faults in WSN, and their detection approaches. Also it provide a place where one can have
interaction with some efficient fault detection algorithms such as DFD scheme, localized fault detection algorithm and CDFD
algorithm etc.
Development of WSN is truly fitted in the famous proverb Necessity is the Mother of Invention. As the technology is
getting very advanced, especially in the field of Electro-Micro-Mechanical systems has expedited the development of smart
sensors. Due to this, it is possible to create a network by connecting independent sensor nodes. Wireless Sensor Network is
applicable in various fields such as data acquisition in hazardous environment, monitoring of critical infrastructures and
military operations. The unfriendly environment affects the monitoring infrastructure of wireless sensor networks (WSNs).
Sensor nodes are expected to operate autonomously in unattended and possibly hostile environments. The lifetime of sensor
node may vary from few hours to months or years depends upon the context in which it runs. Thus WSNs are vulnerable to
faults where faults are likely to occur frequently and unexpectedly. As faults are unavoidable in the sensor network, it is
very necessary to distinguish between faulty and working nodes. For all of these reasons, fault management is a major
design challenge in WSN. Faults must be handled with extra attention and care.
2.1 How It Works ? A WSN can be defined as a network of devices, denoted as nodes, which can sense the environment
and communicate the information gathered from the monitored field through wireless links. The data is forwarded, possibly
via multiple hops, to a sink (sometimes denoted as controller or monitor) that can use it locally or is connected to other
networks (e.g., the Internet) through a gateway. The nodes can be stationary or moving [1]. WSNs are typically selforganizing and self-healing. Self-organizing networks allow a new node to automatically join the network without the need
for manual intervention. Self-healing networks allow nodes to reconfigure their link associations and find alternative
pathways around failed or powered-down nodes. How these capabilities are implemented is specific to the network
management protocol and the network topology, and ultimately will determine the networks flexibility, scalability, cost and
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On the other hand, [8] presents a distributed, reference-free fault detection algorithm that is based on local pair-wise
verification between sensors monitoring the same physical system. Specifically, a linear relationship is shown to exist
between the outputs of a pair of sensors measuring the same system. Using this relationship, faulty sensors may be detected
within subsystems of the global system. Compact and low-cost sensors used in wireless sensor networks are vulnerable to
deterioration and failure. As the number and scale of sensor deployments grow, the failure of sensors becomes an
increasingly paramount issue. An appealing feature of the proposed method is that the need for reference sensors and
complete knowledge of the system input are not required. Due to the pair wise nature of the proposed algorithm, it can also
be performed in a completely decentralized fashion. This ensures the method can be scaled to large sensor networks and
lead to significant energy savings derived from reduced wireless communication compared to centralized approaches.
A distributed algorithm for detecting and isolating faulty sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks is proposed in [9]. Nodes
with malfunctioning sensors are allowed to act as a communication node for routing, but they are logically isolated from the
network as far as fault detection is concerned. It employs local comparisons of sensed data between neighbors and
dissemination of the test results to enhance the accuracy of diagnosis. Time redundancy is used to tolerate transient faults in
sensing and communication.
Peng Jiang[5] proposed an improved DFD scheme by defining new detection criteria. It is well known that the distributed
fault detection (DFD) scheme checks out the failed nodes by exchanging data and mutually testing among neighbor nodes in
this network., but the fault detection accuracy of a DFD scheme would decrease rapidly when the number of neighbor nodes
to be diagnosed is small and the nodes failure ratio is high. The improved DFD scheme can also be applied to wireless
sensor networks where there are less neighbor nodes and the node failure ratio is higher.
Transient faults in sensing and communication have been investigated in the paper [10]. A simple distributed algorithm has
been proposed that tolerates transient faults in the fault detection process. Some other fault management schemes can also
be found in this survey. They presented an online distributed diagnosis algorithm (CDFD) which is integrated with unequal
cluster-based routing protocol. The diagnosis algorithm imposes a negligible extra cost in the WSN since diagnostic
messages are sent as the output of the routine tasks of the WSN.
Myeong-Hyeon Lee, Yoon-Hwa Choi said that a diagnosis is said to be a complete diagnosis if all the faulty nodes can be
identified based on a given syndrome generated by the system. Similarly a diagnosis is said to be a correct diagnosis if, on
the basis of a given syndrome, no fault-free nodes are identified as faulty. A complete and correct diagnosis is very difficult
or sometimes might be impossible. Incomplete diagnosis in sensor networks could be acceptable if faulty sensor nodes
determined to be fault-free can be isolated from the network of fault-free nodes and the number of them is manageably
small. In addition, it is still safe to use a diagnosis algorithm that might be incorrect but can identify almost all of the faultfree nodes as long as a negligibly small number of fault-free nodes are excluded from the network. The reason for this is
that sensor nodes are generally expected to be cheap and sufficient redundant nodes are typically deployed to achieve fault
tolerance and sensing coverage.[9] Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Sitharama Iyengar [11] proposed solution, in the form of
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Bayesian fault recognition algorithms, exploits the notion that measurement errors due to faulty equipment are likely to be
uncorrelated, while environmental conditions are spatially correlated. This is the first paper to propose a solution to the
fault-event disambiguation problem in sensor networks. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that 85-95 percent
of faults can be corrected using this algorithm, even when as many as 10 percent of the nodes are faulty.
[12] gives contribution in the development of a generic localized fault detection algorithm for wireless sensor networks.
Faults occurring to sensor nodes are common due to the sensor device itself and the harsh environment where the sensor
nodes are deployed. They evaluate a localized fault detection algorithm to identify the faulty sensors. The implementation
complexity of the algorithm is low and the probability of correct diagnosis is very high even in the existence of large fault
sets. In distributed localized faulty sensor (DLFS) detection algorithm , each sensor identifies its own status to be either
good or faulty and the claim is then supported or reverted by its neighbors as they also evaluate the node behavior. The
proposed algorithm is analyzed using a probabilistic approach. At this time there may be issues related to scalability and
overhead due to exchange of information between neighbors.
[1] Chiara Buratti, Andrea Conti, Davide Dardari, and Roberto Verdone, An Overview on Wireless Sensor Networks
Technology and Evolution 6869-6896, Sensors 2009
[2] Holger Karl and Andreas Willig, Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks , 2005 John Wiley &
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[3] Jennifer Yick, Biswanath Mukherjee, Dipak Ghosal, Wireless sensor network survey, (2008) 34693475,Elseivier
[4] Daniele Puccinelli and Martin Haenggi, Wireless Sensor Networks: Applications and Challenges of Ubiquitous
Sensing , (2005), 19-31, IEEE Circuits And Systems Magazine
[5] Peng Jiang, A New Method for Node Fault Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks, Sensors 2009, vol 9, 1282-1294
[6] M. Yu, H.Mokhtar, M.Merabti, Fault Management in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications
(2007) 13-19
[7] Sirajul Ameen.C, Mohammed Ashraf.A, Prabakaran.N , Fault Tolerance Using Cluster in Wireless Sensor
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[8] Chun Lo, Jerome P. Lynch, Mingyan Liu, Distributed Reference-Free Fault Detection Method for Autonomous
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[9] Myeong-Hyeon Lee, Yoon-Hwa Choi, Fault detection of wireless sensor networks 31 (2008) 34693475,Elseivier
[10] Arunanshu Mahapatro , Pabitra Mohan Khilar Online Distributed Fault Diagnosis in Wireless Sensor Networks
(2013) 71:19311960, Springer Science Business Media NewYork 2012
[11] Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Sitharama Iyengar, Fault-Tolerant Event Region Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
53(2004), IEEE Transactions for computers
[12] Jinran Chen, Shubha Kher, and Arun Somani, Distributed Fault Detection of Wireless Sensor Networks, 2006 ACM ,
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