A Review On Anomaly Detection Techniques For Wireless Sensor Networks
A Review On Anomaly Detection Techniques For Wireless Sensor Networks
A Review On Anomaly Detection Techniques For Wireless Sensor Networks
Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected], [email protected] Volume 2, Issue 5, September October 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
Keywords: Wireless sensor network (WSN), Data anomaly detection, Detection effectiveness, Detection efficiency, Energy consumption.
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become a popular area of research in recent years due to their huge potential to be used in various applications. They have been used with success in critical application scenarios, such as remote patient health monitoring, environmental monitoring, structural monitoring of engineering structures and military surveillance, where the dependability of WSNs becomes an important factor. A number of sensors can be used to monitor and collect information from the environment and send the information to a central location. WSNs can be densely distributed over a geographical area and individual nodes can autonomously communicate and interact with each other over the wireless medium. They have limited computational and energy resource as they are usually small in size [1].The information obtained from the WSNs has to be accurate and complete. Analysis of data Volume 2, Issue 5 September October 2013
collected from sensor at timely manner is of high importance [2]. Raw data collected from the often suffer from inaccuracy and incompleteness. Inaccurate/incomplete data measurements of WSN are often known as WSN anomalies. The complex and dynamic characteristics of WSNs have made them vulnerable to anomalies. Anomalies are defined as observations that do not correspond to a well defined notion of normal behaviors [3]. Anomalies in WSNs can be caused by errors, malfunctioning/failure of nodes and attacks. It is important to effectively detect and respond to anomalies. The existing anomaly detection solutions for wired networks cannot be ported directly for WSN because of the complex and dynamic characteristics of WSNs. As WSNs are resource constrained networks, any protocols/methods used should make efficient usage of limited resources available in the network. As WSNs are used for many mission critical applications, any anomaly detection method used should be effective in terms of its accuracy, detection rate and false alarms. Anomaly detection methods used in WSNs should be effective and efficient in utilizing the limited network resources. Any anomaly detection techniques should be: Running all the time to detect real time anomalies. Use distributed approach to make efficient usage of the limited resources Adaptive to the various changes in the topology of the WSN. Exploit the data correlations (both spatial and temporal) from close neighborhood. Converting data of very high dimensionality into data of much lower dimensionality such that each of the lower dimensions convey much more information. That means the desirable properties of any anomaly detection techniques should be real-time, distributed, adaptive with provision to reduce data dimension and exploit correlation. In this paper, we look at i) anomalies in WSN.ii) desirable properties of anomaly detection techniques iii)compare the effectiveness and efficiency of the different techniques. Page 109
anomaly detection is performed at the base station. WSNs collect information from the sensor nodes and send it to the base station to be processed and analyzed. The anomaly detection techniques can utilize this information to detect any missing data or data anomalies collected. A base station usually has more resource available to use more complex traditional detection algorithms to improve the accuracy. It also has more storage to log historical data which can assist in detecting anomalies. However, additional information, such as number of hops traversed, may be required to pinpoint the cause of data anomalies or detect any malicious attacks such as sinkhole attack in WSNs. This additional information can create a high volume of data transmission in the network and can congest the network. In WSNs, communication consumes more energy than local processing. Clustering technique has been proposed to reduce the communication overhead by sending only aggregated data. Clustering the data can reduce the size and number of the packet in the network, but it also removes information necessary for detecting the cause of the anomalies. This centralized approach may also affect time to resolve the anomalies as the base station can be very far away from the anomalous nodes.
(b) Distributed approach: In distributed approach, the
models to detect the anomalies. It is therefore desirable to automate the processing of such continually streaming data, in order to detect those points that are of genuine interest to build and continuously update the data behavior model. However, due to the severe resource constraints in WSNs hardware and long unsupervised operations, the key challenges remain to be the development of lightweight methods that able to efficiently detect changes in context under constrained computational resources. 2.3.5 Spatial/Temporal Correlation Exploitation Sensor data measurements are characterized by high attribute, spatial and temporal data correlations. The spatial and temporal correlation among sensor observations is significant and unique characteristics of WSN which can be exploited to drastically enhance the overall network performance.
detection agent is installed in every node. It monitors the behavior of neighboring node within its transmission range locally to detect any abnormal behavior. To perform a real time anomaly detection, some rule based detection techniques are used in a node. Node listens promiscuously to neighboring nodes within its transmission range to collect data necessary for anomaly detection. The collected data will be analyzed to detect any deviation from normal behavior using neighboring historical data stored in the memory. Once anomalies have been detected, an alarm is sends to alert the base station or neighboring nodes. (c) Local approach: In some methods, node at their own level within their scope detect the anomalies. It is clear that centralized techniques incur high communication overhead in transmitting the whole data for detection in the centralized location. As mentioned before, most of sensor energy is consumed in transmission rather than processing. Therefore, distributed detection is preferable in order to minimize the energy consumption. But distributed approach needs consider two factors i) the amount information needs to be stored in the memory to perform the anomaly detection ii) energy required to listen to the network promiscuously to perform the detection periodically or continuously. 2.3.4 Adaptability with Dynamic Data Changes As the data is being continually generated and transmitted in WNS, large volumes of data can quickly accumulate and lead to a bottle-neck in the analysis necessary to gain knowledge. Such data analysis is used to build normal data behavior models, so as use same Volume 2, Issue 5 September October 2013
In this paper, we address the problem of anomaly detection in WSNs. We also provide information about anomalies in Page 112
WSNs, desirable properties of any anomaly detection techniques designed for WSNs. Furthermore, we present a comparative table to compare these techniques in terms of their capability to fulfill desirable properties of anomaly detection techniques. The shortcomings of existing techniques for WSNs clearly calls for developing anomaly detection technique, which takes into account multivariate data and the dependencies of attributes of the sensor node, provides reliable, real-time adaptive detection while considering unique characteristics of WSNs.
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