Design Manual For Roads and Bridge

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The document provides guidance on designing soakaways to treat and store road runoff before discharging to ground. It describes constraints on design and construction to protect groundwater.

It is guidance on designing soakaways, which are drainage structures like pits or trenches, as part of systems for treating and storing road runoff.

Soakaways are drainage structures like pits or trenches that are used to discharge treated road runoff into the ground.




HA 118/06
This advice note gives design guidance on how
soakaways may be incorporated into systems used to
treat and store road runoff prior to discharging to
ground. It describes the steps needed to protect
receiving groundwater and the constraints these may
place on soakaway design and construction. This
document provides general design advice, however
there are a number of design procedures described
herein which must be adopted as mandatory practice,
for which reference is made to HD 33 (DMRB 4.2) as
This is a new document to be incorporated into the

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May 2006


HA 118/06





Design of Soakaways


This advice note gives design guidance on how soakaways may be

incorporated into systems used to treat and store road runoff prior to
discharging to ground. It describes the steps needed to protect receiving
groundwater and the constraints these may place on soakaway design and
construction. This document provides general design advice, however there are
a number of design procedures described herein which must be adopted as
mandatory practice, for which reference is made to HD 33 (DMRB 4.2) as

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Part 8 HA 118/06

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HA 118/06

May 2006




Description of Soakaway Systems


Design and Construction of Soakaway Systems


Construction Practices


Maintenance and Management of Soakaway








Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06

Chapter 1



1.1.1 This Advice Note gives guidance on how

soakaways may be incorporated into systems used to
treat and store road runoff prior to discharging to
ground. This Advice Note has been compiled to
summarise and review the current available design
guidance in use within the UK on the selection and
construction of soakaways. The design guidance
provided in this document focuses on point discharges
to the ground from single soakaways (or combinations
of these). These are defined as drainage structures (pits,
chambers and trenches) that allow infiltration to the
ground through their base and sides and that incorporate
below ground storage.
1.1.2 The Advice Note originates from a review of
available information on the fate and transport of road
contaminants and the design of existing road soakaway
systems. The review focussed primarily on an
understanding of the processes operating in the
unsaturated zone (i.e. above the water table) and how
these may influence soakaway design and prevent
groundwater pollution.
1.1.3 In most of the UK the term highways is
equivalent to Scottish roads. In this document, as with
the guidance provided in HA 216: Road Drainage and
the Water Environment (DMRB 11.3.10), the term
roads will be used as standard terminology.
1.1.4 This document provides general design advice,
however there are a number of design procedures
described herein which must be adopted as mandatory
practice, for which reference is made to HD 33: Surface
and Sub-Surface Drainage Systems for Highways
(DMRB 4.2) as appropriate.


1.2.1 There is growing awareness by the

Environmental Protection Agencies (EPAs) that road
runoff may, under certain circumstances, have an
adverse effect on receiving waters, including
groundwater. This has arisen both because of improving
knowledge of the polluting content of road runoff and
because of improved treatment of other sources of
pollution. Contact details for the various EPAs can be
found on their respective web-sites:

May 2006
1.2.2 Overseeing Organisations have a duty under
pollution protection legislation to ensure that road
runoff does not pollute receiving waters. This can arise
both from the effects of routine runoff and from
spillages on the road. For discharges to ground, The
Groundwater Regulations 1998 (SI 1998 No 2746) in
England, Scotland and Wales or The Groundwater
Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1998 (Statutory Rule NI
1998 No 401) include lists of substances whose entry to
groundwater must be prevented or controlled. These
substances are commonly referred to as List I and List
II substances. Details of these substances are set out in
HA 216 (DMRB 11.3.10). Because consents are not
required for the discharge of road runoff, the
responsibility is with the Overseeing Organisations to
discharge their duty not to pollute receiving waters by
ensuring that systems for the treatment of road runoff
are installed when necessary. EPAs should, however, be
consulted about proposals for discharging road runoff,
as they have the power to serve prohibition notices in
respect of discharges that are in breach of pollution
legislation. Implementation into UK law of the Water
Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (e.g. The Water
Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England
and Wales) Regulations 2003 (SI 2003 No 3245);
(similar regulations pertain to Scotland and Northern
Ireland) has given added weight to the need to protect
existing water bodies.
1.2.3 The disposal of road runoff through soakaway
systems is reasonably well established within the UK.
However, the attenuation mechanisms operating on road
runoff to reduce pollutant loadings at the discharge
point below the soakaway, and within the unsaturated
zone above the water table, are currently poorly
understood. Changes in design practice, as well as
legislation controlling the discharge of pollutants to
controlled waters and the results of future research into
the fate of pollutants in soakaways and the unsaturated
zone may cause current guidance to be superseded.
1.2.4 Design of other drainage structures such as linear
drains is discussed in HD 33 (DMRB 4.2). The use of
vegetated systems to treat road runoff is discussed in
HA 103: Vegetated Drainage Systems for Highway


Chapter 1

Runoff (DMRB 4.2). HA 216 (DMRB 11.3.10)

provides guidance on assessing the risks to groundwater
from road runoff.

Design Concepts

1.3.1 There are three major objectives in the drainage

of roads:

the speedy removal of surface water to provide

safety and minimum nuisance for the road user;

provision of effective sub-surface drainage to

maximise longevity of the pavement and its
associated earthworks;

minimisation of the impact of road runoff on the

receiving environment.

1.3.2 These design objectives require that to operate

successfully, soakaways should be sited in porous and
permeable ground of sufficient depth and lateral extent
to be able to accommodate potential maximum
discharges under storm conditions. Furthermore, what
is good for the physical disposal of road drainage (i.e.
rapid dispersal of flow) is the exact opposite of what is
required with respect to the in-ground attenuation of
pollutants. Where slow infiltration rates are utilised to
optimise these in-ground processes, the use of
balancing ponds or other flow attenuation mechanisms
may be required to accept the quantity of runoff
generated under peak flow conditions by the road
1.3.3 This design guidance allows the designer to
consider those processes that may occur in the passage
of road runoff through the soakaway system and
through the unsaturated zone, prior to its ultimate
discharge into groundwater. However, application of the
risk assessment methodology described in HA 216
(DMRB11.3.10) may demonstrate the requirement for
pollution prevention measures to be incorporated in the
design of the drainage system. These should be
incorporated upstream of the soakaway discharge. Such
measures could include structures for the control and
containment of accidental spillages, or introduce
methods for the treatment of pollution derived from
routine road runoff. Guidance for these measures may
be found in HD 33 (DMRB 4.2) and HA 103 (DMRB
1.3.4 Recently much attention has been paid to the
design of drainage systems with more emphasis on
controlled transmittal of runoff to discharge points
(notably to surface waters). Such systems place a


Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06

greater reliance on retaining water in storage ponds and

allowing slow recharge to groundwater and have in
particular been applied to the reduction of the flashy
nature of runoff from urban drainage. Guidance on the
use of these systems for roads is provided in HA 103
and there is also published guidance available from the
Environment Agency (A Guidance Manual for
Constructed Wetlands), and additional information on
their website.
1.3.5 The design of soakaways, of any description,
should also take into account constraints arising from
the possible impact on landscape and ecology.
Discharges to groundwater may potentially affect
biodiversity (e.g. through impacts on wetland habitats)
and any such effects should be considered both in the
location and the function of the soakaways.
1.3.6 In spite of the promotion and introduction of
measures that allow for the slow infiltration of road
drainage into the ground, there is little data available
that provides a sufficient basis to be able to quantify
these effects, either in the short or longer term. As
discussed above, further research, particularly on the
fate of contaminants on the unsaturated zone, is needed
to determine what these effects may be.


1.4.1 The purpose of this note is to provide advice on

the design and construction of soakaways comprising
an excavated pit or trench rather than systems such as
attenuation ponds for which there is design advice
available elsewhere (HA 103 (DMRB 4.2)). This
Advice Note also discusses the measures that can be
made to complement the pollutant attenuation capacity
of the soakaway system, including taking into account
the underlying unsaturated zone, in order to prevent the
risk of groundwater pollution. The note should
therefore be read in conjunction with HA 216 (DMRB
11.3.10) which provides an overview of the current
knowledge of road runoff in the UK, the ground
conditions that are believed to affect its nature and a
guide to assessing the risk of pollution arising from
routine road runoff and accidental spillages.
1.4.2 The design of soakaways cannot be prescribed.
Each situation should be considered individually as
there are many factors that should be taken into
consideration, for example, depth of unsaturated zone,
geology, traffic flows.

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Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06


Chapter 1


1.5.1 The principles outlined in this Advice Note apply

to all schemes of Overseeing Organisations for Trunk
Roads including Motorways. They may also be applied
generally to other new highway schemes and by other
highway authorities for use during the preparation,
design and construction of their own comparable
schemes. Soakaways may be installed during major
maintenance works or as a retro-fit. Designers and
Specifiers of DBFO schemes should note that it is not
considered currently feasible to specify performance
standards for these systems.


1.6.1 The Advice Note should be used forthwith for all

schemes currently being prepared provided that, in the
opinion of the Overseeing Organisation, this would not
result in significant additional expense or delay
progress. In making such an assessment, it should be
borne in mind that the Overseeing Organisations have a
duty not to pollute groundwater. Design Organisations
should confirm its application to particular schemes
with the Overseeing Organisation.

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Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06

Chapter 2
Description of Soakaway Systems




2.1.1 There are a range of drainage systems which may

act as soakaways, where the primary discharge from the
system is to groundwater. Fundamentally, these aim to
encourage efficient hydraulic contact between the
drainage system and the underlying ground in order to
provide effective drainage. Such options include for

combined surface and groundwater filter drains;

fin drains;

incorporating any of these options should also embrace

the design principles described in Chapter 3.
2.1.6 As described in Section 1.1.1, this guidance
focuses on soakaway structures that essentially provide
discharge to the ground at a single point, either through
chambers or trenches or into open pit type structures.
2.1.7 There are a wide range of these soakaway types
that have been put into use including, for example:

segmental concrete chambers within excavated

pits (with the chamber used as storage);

filter drains;

pre-cast concrete perforated ring units;

informal drains or over the edge drainage.

brickwork within previously created excavations;

In addition there may be systems wherein discharge to

groundwater occurs but is incidental to the function of
the drainage (e.g. unlined ditches).


open pits;

2.1.2 Further details of both these types of system are

provided in HD 33 (DMRB 4.2).

rubble/aggregate filled pits;

pits/trenches with proprietary geo-cellular units.

2.1.3 Additionally a number of surface water drainage

features also incorporate discharges to the unsaturated
zone for example:

retention ponds;

sedimentation ponds;

infiltration basins;


swales/grassed channels.

2.1.8 Sections 2.2 and 2.3 provide typical design

considerations for pre-cast and trench type soakaways,
although the designer should consider those designs
most suitable to ground conditions, space, discharge
requirements and other site specific criteria.
2.1.9 Soakaways for draining roads will commonly
service relatively large areas requiring significant
storage volumes. Such soakaways may not, in
themselves provide such storage capacity, although
there are examples where large storage volumes
comprise part of the soakaway.

2.1.4 Further details of these are provided in HA 103

(DMRB 4.2).

2.2 Pre-cast Perforated Concrete Ring Type


2.1.5 These options all provide varying degrees of

protection to groundwater resources, primarily through
maximising the depth of unsaturated zone beneath the
drain. Guidance on the design of these types of drainage
is provided in HD 33 (DMRB 4.2) and HA 103 (DMRB
4.2). In order to produce a suitable design and to
minimise the impact of road drainage on groundwater
quality, whilst accounting for the attenuation properties
of the unsaturated zone, soakaway drainage

2.2.1 This system (see Figure 1) is commonly used for

its simplicity of construction and ease with which
compatible components can be supplied from various
sources. An excavation to the required depth is made, a
concrete footing formed and then segments lowered one
on top of the other until the hole is filled. The area
between the outside of the rings and the excavation can
be backfilled with aggregate.

May 2006


Chapter 2
Description of Soakaway Systems


Trench Type Soakaway

2.3.1 Trench type soakaways should be constructed

with inspection tubes at regular intervals. These
inspection tubes (observation wells) should be
connected by a horizontal perforated or porous
distributor pipe laid in the top of the granular fill along
the trench as shown on Figure 2 (BRE Digest 365). The
extreme ends of the trenches should be identified by
inspection tube covers or other access covers.
2.3.2 Trenches are generally constructed with a
horizontal base (CIRIA Report 156) and the volume
between the structure and the excavation backfilled
with granular material. Typically a minimum width of
300mm will be considered (CIRIA, Report 156).
2.3.3 Trenches tend to require a lower volume of
excavation and granular fill material for a given
discharge capacity than a soakaway with a square
profile. The narrower and longer the trench, the more
efficient it is in terms of outflow performance and
construction cost compared to wider and shorter
trenches (CIRIA C522). A narrower trench, of for
example, 0.3m width, requires a reduced storage
volume relative to wider trenches, of 0.6m or 1.0m,
because it has an enhanced outflow performance.

Contaminant Attenuation Processes

2.4.1 Once they enter the unsaturated zone around a

soakaway, pollutants within road runoff are dependant
upon ground conditions, subject to transport through
various pathways prior to entering groundwater in the
saturated zone. Such pathways are illustrated in Figure
3. Within these pathways, and with the unsaturated zone
acting as a substrate, a number of contaminant
attenuation processes occur which may act to reduce the
concentration of pollutants arriving at the saturated
2.4.2 Natural attenuation results from the combined
impacts of physical processes (e.g. filtration), chemical
reactions (e.g. oxidation of sulphides) and biochemical
transformations (e.g. the degradation of compounds
under aerobic or anaerobic conditions). The action of
these various attenuation mechanisms may influence
the design of a soakaway system for instance by
maximising the contact with strata that may provide
enhanced attenuation potential or preventing direct
discharge into a strata that does not offer any potential.


Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06


Physical Attenuation Processes

2.5.1 The physical attenuation of contaminants may be

by processes associated with adsorption onto the solid
matrix through which flow takes place, or by filtration.
2.5.2 Adsorption retains contaminants within the
matrix of the unsaturated zone. In general terms,
materials of mixed mineralogy, especially those
containing a proportion of clay minerals, provide
greater opportunity for retention or retardation of
particles by adsorption than formations composed
principally of silica (e.g. clean sands and sandstones) or
calcium carbonate (clean limestones, particularly the
Upper Chalk).
2.5.3 Filtration removes suspended particles, trapping
them within the pore spaces of the drainage medium. In
general, shallow groundwater, protected by a thin
unsaturated zone and composed generally of coarse
grained or heavily fissured materials is likely to be
more vulnerable to contamination by particulates (due
to lesser potential filtration) than is groundwater in
finer grained, more massive materials and with a
significant depth of unsaturated zone.
2.5.4 Volatilisation will allow partial attenuation of
volatile organic compounds through venting to
atmosphere from a porous matrix. The effectiveness of
this process depends on the relative temperature of the
ground with respect to ambient air and the depth of
unsaturated zone.
2.6 Chemical and Biochemical Attenuation
2.6.1 Chemical and biochemical processes of
attenuation act mainly on organic contaminants such as
hydrocarbons, although metals may be transformed
through processes such as oxidation.
2.6.2 Biodegradation is typically the most important
process acting to reduce contaminant mass. The process
acts to reduce contamination levels by oxidationreduction reactions and is dependent on groundwater
geochemistry, microbial population, and contaminant
properties. Biodegradation can occur under aerobic and
or anaerobic conditions and may ultimately result in
complete degradation of many organic contaminants.

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Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06

Chapter 2
Description of Soakaway Systems

2.6.3 Abiotic degradation can result in partial or

complete degradation of contaminants through chemical
transformations. These reactions are dependent on the
contaminant properties and groundwater geochemistry.
Rates of degradation are typically much slower than
those associated with biodegradation.

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Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06

Figure 1: Pre-cast Perforated Concrete Rings Type Soakaway (After CIRIA C522)

Chapter 2
Description of Soakaway Systems


Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06


Chapter 2
Description of Soakaway Systems

Figure 2: Trench Type Soakaway with Horizontal Distributor Pipe (After BRE Digest 365)

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Figure 3: Schematic Showing Attenuation Processes Active in the Subsurface

Chapter 2
Description of Soakaway Systems


Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06

Chapter 3
Design and Construction of Soakaway Systems




In the past soakaways have been designed
primarily on hydraulic grounds; i.e. simply to transmit
runoff efficiently and facilitate drainage into the
underlying unsaturated zone using 1 in 10 year return
periods for volume requirements. Previous designs of
soakaway chambers have even incorporated boreholes
to by-pass the unsaturated zone once the storage
capacity of the chambers has been reached, ensuring
that the roadway remains clear of water but potentially
allowing contaminants to enter the saturated zone with
little impedance. Under the current legislative regime
and with the introduction of tighter controls within the
Water Framework Directive, allowing direct discharge
to groundwater through structures such as boreholes is
considered inappropriate and should not be used within
a soakaway system design. HD 33 (DMRB 4.2)
provides mandatory requirements with respect to such
direct discharges.
Traditionally little regard has been made to
the effects the soakaway may have in particular
hydrogeological situations, although more recently
designs have been influenced by the need to meet
requirements set by the regulators.

Overall Requirements

There are three fundamental principles that
should be applied to soakaway discharge system design,
which are to:

ensure that the hydraulic performance of the

soakaway outfall allows sufficient storage
and infiltration capacity such that the system
will have the capacity to drain the design
storm (and hence prevent flooding of the

ensure protection of receiving groundwater;


provide measures to prevent the possibility of

an accidental spillage passing through the
discharge system. The level of control
provided should be commensurate with the
risk identified at a soakaway. Guidance on the
risk of pollution from accidental spillages is
provided in HA 216 (DMRB 11.3.10).

May 2006

The most fundamental hydraulic design
principle for soakaway discharge systems for roads
applications is to provide sufficient storage capacity to
allow the removal of storm runoff from the carriageway,
quickly and effectively. The principal hydraulic design
criterion is therefore to provide sufficient capacity
within the system to cover peak runoff. This is
generally achieved by constructing large detention
ponds, to temporarily store the water discharging from
the road, upstream of the soakaways or by constructing
underground chambers with porous sides or bases that
also have sufficient internal capacity to store the runoff.
The size and number of retention ponds or chambers
should be determined to provide the required capacity
of the drainage system within the design constraints of
the location.
The requirement to provide effective drainage
cannot, however, override the need to protect
groundwater, which is an explicit legal requirement.
This applies to both pollutants carried by routine
drainage (the focus of this Advice Note) and pollutants
that may enter the system through accidental spillage.
As described in Section 1.3.3, the risk
assessment methodology in HA 216 (DMRB 11.3.10)
provides a means to determine the level of risk to
groundwater from chronic pollution derived from
routine road runoff. This should be carried out by a
specialist and the potential risks discussed with the EPA
prior to selection of the soakaway site. The assessment
may demonstrate the requirement for pollution
prevention measures to be incorporated in the design of
the drainage system. These should be incorporated
upstream of the soakaway discharge.
The soakaway design should take into
consideration potential impacts on ecology, habitats and
biodiversity. These could arise from, for example,
potential effects of soakaway drainage on the quality of
receiving groundwaters which subsequently emerge at
the surface (e.g. providing flow to wetlands).
Certain soakaway designs (e.g. open pits)
could encourage the development of new habitats. The
implications of any such developments should be
evaluated both with respect to the potential for
providing new habitats for protected species (such as
Water Voles and Great Crested Newts) and with respect
to the potential for encouraging invasive species.


Chapter 3
Design and Construction of Soakaway Systems

Whilst the soakaway itself may have little
manifestation at the surface, fencing, maintenance,
access routes and signage may all have landscape
impacts. Sympathetic design should be adopted,
particularly in sensitive locations, with advice sought
from the Overseeing Organisation as necessary.

Site Specific Factors

There are a number of potential limiting
factors in the design of a soakaway in order to minimise
the pollution potential and also to maximise the scope
for attenuation within the unsaturated zone, these

The hydrogeological potential of the site. Is

the substrate an aquifer?

The location of the site. Is the site located

within the bounds of a source protection zone
(SPZ)? The discharge of List II (see 1.2.2)
substances to groundwater is permitted with
adequate risk assessment, and the presence of
an SPZ will affect the level of permissible

The depth to groundwater at the site

(thickness of the unsaturated zone).

The soil or rock type and thickness

encountered at the site.

The microclimate of the region. Climatic

factors including precipitation and surface
evaporation rates are important considerations
when assessing the amount of road runoff,
particularly peak storm flows.

Would a soakaway lead to mobilisation of

pollutants in existing contaminated land?

Note the Water Framework Directive is such
that it essentially treats all groundwater with equal
weight i.e. a certain minimum level of protection is
required. Where source protection zones may be
impacted, additional protection may be warranted with
respect to the protection of human health. These
concepts are explained in more depth in DMRB

Site-Specific Design

Once the general area where a soakaway is to
be situated is identified, the detailed specific design is


Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06

required. In the past designs have tended to be general

for a whole scheme with no variations to take into
account differences in ground conditions along the
route. As a road generally traverses a wide range of
ground conditions the design of the discharge system
should also change to reflect this. In low lying areas
near rivers there may be little unsaturated zone
available and a soakaway should perhaps be broad and
flat in configuration whereas on high ground, the depth
of unsaturated zone is large enough for smaller deeper
structures, reducing the amount of land take.
The pre-treatment of drainage water should
also be considered as a means of reducing or removing
some potential contaminants, as well as possibly
providing some short-term storage capacity within the
drainage system. Treatment systems may require
periodic maintenance to remove accumulated pollutants
before the capacity is exceeded. As an example, the use
of vegetative treatment systems in road drainage is
discussed in HA 103.
There are a number of factors to be
considered when selecting a soakaway for a specific
location. The key factors are the topography and the
shape of the area available adjacent to the road. The
design should ensure that the:

soakaway selected suits the site dimensions;

soakaway is not within 3-6m of a building, to

meet practices nationally (see note below);

road sub-base remains unsaturated when the

soakaway is at its maximum design capacity;

vertical distance between the soakaway and

the ground water is maximised;

soakaway does not lead to (harmful)

groundwater emergence downgradient;

soakaway does not surcharge groundwater

leading to (harmful) waterlogging or
exacerbate groundwater flooding;

soakaway does not lead to the washing out of

fines (causing instability) or lead to (harmful)
dissolution of the subsurface.

Some of these aspects of soakaway design are critical to

minimise impacts on nearby structures and the water
environment. HD 33 (DMRB 4.2) provides mandatory
guidance with respect to a number of these design

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Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06

According to BS EN 752-4:1998: If drainage is to be a
soakaway, the subsoil and the general level of the
groundwater should be investigated. It is not desirable
to locate a soakaway cloaser than 3m to 6m from a
buildings foundations, nor in any other position such
that the ground below foundations is likely to be
adversely affected.
BRE Digest 365 recommends that: Soakaways should
not normally be constructed closer than 5m to building
Scottish Building Standards for domestic dwellings
refer to both the above standards but also recommend
that, for single dwellings: the finished soakaways
should be a minimum of 5m from the dwelling and the
boundary. However, this dimension may br reduced
slightly on small sites where ground conidtions allow,
such as very well draining soil.
Given the potentially high discharge volumes and rates
that may be generated by road run-off, designers must
consider the proximity of buildings on a site specific
basis, particularly with respect to ground conditions.
CIRIA Report 156 includes a number of
flowcharts to aid the design process, including the
selection of a suitable system.

Soakaway Design

The risk assessment process described in
HA 216 (DMRB 11.3.10) includes evaluation of the
geological setting of the site, which should be a
fundamental consideration in the development of the
Based on the criteria detailed in the following
sections, and subject to the risk assessment, the key
elements in the design and construction of an effective
soakaway are:

where identified as necessary, the introduction

of containment and control measures for
potential pollution from accidental spillage;

where identified as necessary, pre-treatment to

remove non-soluble and particulate

sufficient capacity to accommodate the

quantity of design runoff;

May 2006

Chapter 3
Design and Construction of Soakaway Systems

sufficient drainage paths/ports to allow water

to infiltrate into surrounding ground;

filter or settlement mechanisms to prevent the

blockage of drains or siltation of the drainage
paths plus the surrounding ground;

maximising depth of unsaturated zone;

allowance for the controlled overflow of

extreme storm events;

the provision of observation wells/pipes

(inspection tubes/chambers) to allow
inspection and maintenance.


Infiltration Capacity

The performance of a soakaway system will
depend to a large extent on the ability of water to
infiltrate through the unsaturated zone, which is in turn
dependant on the physical properties of the ground and
the surface area in contact with the soakaway. The
ability of a soakaway to transmit water will be
influenced by a number of factors, such as the number
and size of drainage ports, the amount of sediment
allowed to settle and remain in the chambers and the
degree of choking that occurs immediately outside the
chamber in the surrounding ground. For example,
special soakaway manhole rings are available from precast concrete suppliers. These have sufficient outlets to
allow the water to infiltrate into the ground. If nonstandard pre-cast concrete units are used, or a site
specific design for the soakaway chamber is
undertaken, then the capacity to discharge into the
ground should be considered.

Vertical and Horizontal Drainage

The permeability of a rock formation may
vary between the horizontal and vertical, dependant
upon the precise lithology and structure. In sedimentary
formations consisting of interbedded layers, the
horizontal (along bedding) component may be
significantly higher than the vertical. The effectiveness
of soakaways in layered systems will be heavily
influenced by the degree of interconnection between
layers of high transmissivity, through fractures and
In areas of significant fracturing, for example
in some sandstones or granite, in an otherwise
homogenous lithology, the soakaway performance will
be determined largely through interception of one or
more fracture systems.


Chapter 3
Design and Construction of Soakaway Systems

Natural geological systems may be complex,
with a variety of flow components contributing to
drainage capacity around the soakaway. Figure 4 shows
some possible permutations in drainage characteristics
around a soakaway. Site specific information will be
required to optimise soakaway design to local flow

Aspect Ratio

It is considered good practice to maximise the
depth of unsaturated zone below a soakaway device to
allow the maximum attenuation of pollutants to occur.
This may mean that the depth and size of chambers
needs to be varied so that in areas with less unsaturated
depth, the soakaway system comprises a number of
shallow interconnected chambers to provide sufficient
short-term storage, whilst maximising the depth of
unsaturated zone. In areas with a deeper unsaturated
zone the soakaway may comprise fewer deeper
chambers, so requiring less land, whilst still
maintaining sufficient attenuation capacity. This is
illustrated schematically in Figure 5. It should be noted,
however, that further land may be necessary for access
and maintenance.
Surface infiltration systems (e.g. lagoons,
infiltration ponds etc) also depend on surface area to
provide sufficient drainage capacity, so that a large
shallow infiltration pond will allow rapid dispersal of
water through the semi-permeable base whereas a deep
narrow pond will retain water for much longer.


The drainage system must provide a balance
between sufficient infiltration rate and storage capacity
to allow the fast and efficient removal of water from the
surface of the road. The storage capacity must be
designed to cope with peak runoff from the maximum
design storm events defined, for no flooding of the road
surface without the drainage network backing up.
Storage is thus essential where the discharge rate from
the road exceeds the infiltration capacity of the
soakaway. The rate of runoff from the road surface
should be calculated using an appropriate design
methodology/drainage modelling programme using the
actual design rainfall values. The calculated outflows
from the drainage system should be utilised in the
design of the soakaway instead of following the
methods given in the published design guidance (BRE
365 and CIRIA Report 156). This will ensure that the
soakaways are designed to suit the actual road or
section thereof under consideration.


Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06



3.10.1 Measures to control and contain spillage

should be installed where the combination of the
probability of the occurrence of a major spillage and
risk to the receiving waters is sufficient to justify them.
Such measures will enable polluting material to be
intercepted before it reaches the soakaway or
infiltration zone, providing sufficient time for
emergency spill responses to be implemented. Guidance
on the necessity for the provision of spillage control
and containment is provided in HA 216 (DMRB

Design Procedures

3.11.1 Soakaways store storm water runoff and

provide for its infiltration into the surrounding soil. The
infiltration must occur sufficiently quickly to provide
the necessary capacity within the drainage system to
cope with the expected runoff, based on expected
rainfall intensity and frequency or the outflow
calculations from the use of modelling as described in
3.9.1. Providing adequate storage volume and
subsequent discharge are the two design parameters that
govern the calculations for soakaway design. Design of
soakaways and infiltration trenches should be
undertaken in accordance with:

BRE Digest 365 Soakaway Design;

CIRIA, Report 156 Infiltration Drainage

Manual of Good Practice.

3.11.2 It is also possible to determine information

relating to the capacity for a given lithology to transmit
water through a falling or rising head test using a
groundwater monitoring standpipe or borehole. This
test is generally carried out by surcharging a piezometer
with water and monitoring the fall in head as the
column of water equilibrates with the watertable over
time. A procedure for undertaking this test is provided
in BS 5930: Code of Practice for Site Investigation.
This test may potentially be useful at initial design
stages as many road schemes will have borehole
coverage along the length of the proposed route and
calculations of the aquifer permeability can be made at
each location.
3.11.3 BRE Digest 365 provides advice on the design
of soakaways in urban environments, which, whilst not
strictly applicable to roads, does provide methods for
determining the size of the soakaway required to deal
with anticipated levels of runoff. The methodology uses

May 2006

Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06

a 10 year return period for a 15 minute duration storm

to determine the required storm flow capacity. This may
not be appropriate for roads design.
3.11.4 The BREs methodology does not allow for
attenuation of flow within the drainage system itself.
Road drainage systems will very often comprise long
drain runs which run to a low point in the road to where
the soakaway drainage is provided. A significant
amount of water will be attenuated as it flows through
the drainage run, effectively reducing the peak flow at
the soakaway. The BREs methodology, therefore, over
designs the required soakaway capacity based on inflow
volume from the road and in order to accurately
calculate the required soakaway size the inflow
calculation used in the guidance should be replaced
with the design flows calculated for the road based on
guidance in HD 33 (DMRB 4.2).

Chapter 3
Design and Construction of Soakaway Systems

3.11.7 The design guidelines in BRE 365 and CIRIA

Report 156 may not always give similar results for a
specific circumstance because the two methods treat the
factor of safety in different ways. CIRIA C521 for
Scotland and Northern Ireland and C522 for Wales and
England, design manuals for sustainable drainage
reference both methods as applicable without favouring
either one.

3.11.5 CIRIA Report 156 provides brief guidance on

designs of drainage systems to remove pollutants, based
on physical and biological systems, such as sediment
traps, interceptors, soakaways and vegetative treatment
systems for a range of drainage scenarios, including
roads. This report provides methods for determining the
required size for a drainage system based on the amount
of rainfall and infiltration characteristics of the ground.
In terms of groundwater protection this report relies
upon the Environment Agencys Policy and Practice for
the Protection of Groundwater, which provides basic
guidance on the suitability of discharges to soakaway in
terms of providing protection to water abstraction
sources and groundwater resources in general. CIRIA
Report 156 concentrates on source protection and does
not provide detailed advice on treatment systems.
Implementation of the Water Framework Directive
requires a different approach whereby all groundwater
is protected regardless of use and the Agency will be
producing new guidance on groundwater in light of this.
3.11.6 The methodology within CIRIA Report 156
uses the lower portion of the chamber walls plus the
base of the soakaway to calculate the infiltration rate
into the ground and hence the required storage capacity.
It should be noted that over time the base of a soakaway
can become silted, unless adequate maintenance or
upstream protective measures are implemented.
Incorporating the base into the contact area can thus
lead to overestimating the rate of infiltration and
underestimating the volume of storage. This method can
therefore under estimate the size of soakaway required
for a given inflow runoff rate.

May 2006


Chapter 3
Design and Construction of Soakaway Systems

Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06

Figure 4: Variation in Drainage Characteristics in Multi-Layered and Fracture Lithologies


May 2006

Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06

May 2006

* Further land may be required acess and maintenance requirements


Chapter 3
Design and Construction of Soakaway Systems

Figure 5: Maximising the Depth of Unsaturated Zone

Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06

Chapter 4
Construction Practices


General Construction Guidelines

4.1.1 Soakaways should be constructed sufficiently far

away from buildings or other structures such as bridges
in order to prevent the risk of undermining foundations.
Building practices recommend that a minimum
distance of 3m-6m between a subsurface drainage
system and a building should be adopted, depending on
ground conditions (see Section 3.4.3).
4.1.2 Soakaways should not normally be deeper than 3
to 4m in order to maximise the length of the flowpath to
the watertable through the unsaturated zone. The
greater the thickness of unsaturated zone available, the
greater the potential for pollutant attenuation. The issue
of fate and transport of pollutants from road drainage is
discussed fully in HA 216 (DMRB 11.3.10).
4.1.3 The long term performance of the soakaway
depends on maintaining the initial storage volume by
keeping the pores clear within the granular fill. Any
material that is likely to clog the pores of the drainage
material or seal the interface between the storage and
the adjacent soil should be intercepted before discharge
to the soakaway (CIRIA, C522) in order to maximise
the effective life of the soakaway between cleaning. An
assessment of the risk of pollution and need for pre
treatment is discussed in HA 216 (DMRB 11.3.10).
Consideration of the need for sediment traps and, where
appropriate, oil interceptors to treat the surface water
prior to discharge to soakaways may be required
(CIRIA, Report 156) based on an assessment of the
risks. Vegetative systems are discussed in HA 103
(DMRB 4.2) and treatment efficiencies for various
drainage systems are provided in HD 33 (DMRB 4.2)
for a range of common pollutants.
4.1.4 Whilst the interception of sediments prior to
entry into the soakaway is an essential pre-requisite to
good design, some soakaway designs may incorporate
the use of geotextiles to prevent the migration of fine
materials. Geotextiles may be used to:

separate granular backfill materials from ground

material in the walls of excavated pits;
prevent fines within the soakaway from
migrating outward into granular surround
materials hence reducing clogging of those

May 2006

lay over the top surface of a granular fill to

prevent downward ingress of backfill material
during and after surface reinstatement.

The requirements for the use of geotextiles will be

specific to the type of soakaway design adopted.

Health and Safety Considerations

4.2.1 As required by The Construction (Design and

Management) Regulations 1994 (SI 1994 No 3140),
The Construction (Design and Management)
Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1995 (SI 1995 No. 209),
Designers and Specifiers should be aware of the risks to
the public, road maintainers and those implementing the
design. A risk assessment should be undertaken at the
time the systems are designed or specified.
4.2.2 Ease of access for maintenance is important, not
only to encourage regular maintenance, but also for the
safety of the maintenance operatives. It will also aid
emergency personnel in carrying out any measures to
mitigate the effects of a spillage. Appropriate access to
systems remote from the main carriageway is essential
in all locations, and in many locations a gated access
could be provided. Designers should ensure that there is
adequate, safe access for both workers and plant and
that provision is made for all maintenance operations to
be carried out without disruption to the safety and free
flow of traffic on the adjacent carriageway.
4.2.3 Not withstanding the above, any work carried out
around soakaway systems, whether during construction
or as part of maintenance procedures should be carried
out with due consideration of health and safety. The
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
1999 (SI 1999 No 3242), The Management of Health
and Safety at Work Regulations (NI 2000), The
Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 (SI 1997 No 1713)
and The Confined Spaces Regulations (Northern
Ireland) 1999 (SR 1999 No 13) are particularly
pertinent. Advice should also be sought from the
Overseeing Organisations.
4.2.4 The mandatory implementation of appropriate
Health and Safety procedure in the design, construction
and maintenance of soakaway systems is described in
HD 33 (DMRB 4.2).


Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06

Chapter 5
Maintenance and Management of Soakaway Systems



Routine Maintenance

Road runoff contains a significant amount of
particulate material, in the form of road stone and tyre
fragments, mud and dust. Without periodic removal of
this, the discharge system will eventually become
blocked. In designing a discharge system, an effective
means of trapping sediment should be provided, in an
easily accessible area for periodic emptying and
A Management Plan should be developed for
the entire drainage system for each road (refer also
HA 103 (DMRB 4.2)). This Management Plan should
set out a systems objectives, formulate an annual
programme of maintenance and provide opportunities
to review behaviour of the drainage system. This should
include for advice to be adopted for the management
and maintenance of soakaways, any pre-discharge
treatment and any other elements associated with the
system. The Management Plan should prescribe the
various maintenance operations which may be required.
Specific maintenance requirements are suggested
below, however these should be adapted as necessary to
site and system specific requirements.
The frequency of inspection of soakaways
should be determined during the immediate post
construction period. It is suggested (CIRIA C609) that,
for the first six months, monthly inspection is carried
out to determine the rate of accumulation of sediment in
both soakaway and pre-discharge treatment devices
(particularly silt traps). This procedure will then allow
the long-term frequency of inspection/cleaning to be
determined. This frequency may be subsequently
reduced if conditions allow. Cleaning requirements and
frequency will depend upon the size and type of area
drained. A suggested maintenance schedule is set out
below, although these requirements should not be
interpreted rigidly, and a proactive approach based on
site specific requirements, is to be encouraged:

inspect area around soakaway for ground

settlement or sediment loss (annual);

removal and washing of exposed stones on the

trench surface (annual);

trimming any roots that may be causing

blockages (annual).

If annual inspections show significant performance

deterioration, granular materials surrounding the
soakaway may have become clogged these may need
replacement and or overhaul. The frequency for these
more intrusive actions can only be assessed on a site
specific basis and will be very variable, perhaps in the
range between 10-30 years.
Maintenance will usually be carried out by
hand, although a suction tanker can be used for debris
removal. If maintenance is not undertaken for very long
periods, deposits might become hard-packed and
require considerable effort to remove.
The area draining to the infiltration device
should be regularly swept to prevent silt being washed
off the surface.
A problem frequently encountered with drains
and sewers is the ingress of tree roots through poor
joints or cracks in the network. This occurs because
roots are drawn to the presence of water and hence is a
common problem with soakaways where a permeable
structure is a design feature and roots can grow through
the soakaway walls, reducing the passage of water.

removal of debris from the floor of chamber

and sediment traps. (minimum annual

In the maintenance and cleaning of open pit
type soakaways, advice should be sought from an
ecologist, or other appropriately qualified
environmental specialist, to ensure that the operation
may be carried out with safeguards in place to protect
protected species or breeding birds that may have
colonised the pit. Similarly plant removal or trimming
should be undertaken following advice of both an
ecologists and, as necessary landscape specialists.
Further advice on these aspects of maintenance is
provided in HA 103 (DMRB 4.2).

check observation wells/inspection tubes for

clogging and to ensure soakaway is emptying

It is essential to ensure that sediments cleaned
out from one part of the system are not allowed to
migrate further downstream in the drainage system or

May 2006


Chapter 5
Maintenance and Management of Soakaway Systems

allowed to enter the water environment. Consideration

must be given to the disposal of sediment and plant
waste as these will retain contaminants from the road
runoff. Assuming it is planned to send the removed
material to landfill for disposal, this waste will be
subject to The Landfill Regulations (England and
Wales) 2002 (SI 2002 No 1559) (as amended). The
Landfill Regulations (Scotland) 2003 (SSI 2003
No.235) (as amended) and The Landfill Regulations
(Northern Ireland) 2003 (Statutory Rule 2003 No 496)
(as amended) apply in these respective countries.

Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06

from moving down the drainage system. Any such

pollution control devices incorporated within a drainage
system will require signing to allow quick identification
and location by emergency services so that control
measures can be safely and effectively deployed as soon
as possible. Requirements for signage of these systems
is provided in HD 33 (DMRB 4.2).

According to the level of contamination
within the waste, it may be classified as inert, nonhazardous or hazardous, in accordance with waste
acceptance criteria set out in amendments to The
Landfill Regulations. Advice of the Environmental
Protection Agency and the Overseeing Organisation
should be sought with respect to classification of any
waste generated during maintenance and cleaning
5.1.10 It is likely that sediment and plant waste will
require pre-treatment prior to disposal at a landfill site.
This can take place either as the material is extracted or
at the landfill site itself. The disposal of non-hazardous
or hazardous waste is expensive and disposal facilities
are limited. The benefits of testing, screening,
separation and mechanical de-watering of the sediments
using mobile plant, should be considered. This not only
facilitates the separation of the materials into high and
low contamination levels (thereby minimizing disposal
costs) but also reduces the volume and weight of any
material that has to be landfilled by removing excess
water. The sand and pressed cake so produced is in a
form that can be accepted by landfill sites under the
terms of the Landfill Regulations, which ban high
moisture content wastes
5.1.11 This maintenance guidance is primarily aimed
at chamber and trench type soakaways. Procedures will
need to be adapted to the particular soakaway design
used. Guidance on maintaining vegetative systems for
highways is provided in HA 103 (DMRB 4.2) with
suggested frequencies for inspections of different
components of these drainage systems.

Spillage Control

It is important to prevent gross pollution, such as may

occur following a major road accident, from entering a
soakaway. HD 33 (DMRB 4.2) discusses the provision
of control systems, such as notched weirs or penstocks,
to prevent drainage water that is grossly contaminated


May 2006

Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06

Chapter 6

Building Research Establishment (BRE) Digest 365
Soakaway Design.

The Landfill Regulations (England and Wales) 2002

(SI 2002 No 1559) (as amended).

British Standard 5930 Code of Practice for Site


The Landfill Regulations (Scotland) 2003 (SSI 2003 No

235) (as amended).

Construction Industry Research and Information

Association (CIRIA): Report 156 Infiltration drainage
manual of good practice.

The Landfill Regulations (Northern Ireland) (Statutory

Rule NI 2003 No 496) (as amended).

CIRIA C521 Sustainable urban drainage systems

design manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland.
CIRIA C522 Sustainable urban drainage systems
design manual for England and Wales.
CIRIA C523 Sustainable urban drainage systems best
practice manual.
CIRIA C609 Sustainable drainage systems Hydraulic,
structural and water quality advice.
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB)
HD 33

Surface and Sub-surface Drainage

Systems for Highways (DMRB 4.2)

The Management of Health and Safety at Work

Regulations 1999 (SI 1999 No 3242).
The Water Environment (Water Framework Directive)
(England and Wales) Regulations 2003 (SI 2003 No
The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC).
British Standard BS EN 752-4:1998: Drain and Sewer
Systems Outside Buildings Part 4: Hydraulic Design
and Environmental Considerations.
The Scottish Building Standards: Technical Handbook:

HA 103 Vegetative Drainage Systems for

Highway Runoff (DMRB 4.2)
HA 216 Environmental Assessment Techniques:
Road Drainage and the Water
Environment (DMRB 11.3.10).
Policy and Practice for the Protection of Groundwater,
Environment Agency, 1998.
Guidance Manual for Constructed Wetlands. R&D
Technical Report P2-159/TR2 Environment Agency.
The Construction (Design and Management)
Regulations 1994 (SI 1994 No 3140).
The Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 (SI 1997 No
The Groundwater Regulations 1998 (SI 1998 No 2746).
The Groundwater Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1988
(Statutory Rule NI 1998 No 401).

May 2006


Chapter 7

Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06


In the presence of oxygen (air).



The process by which solvents

(e.g. dissolved pollutants) are
transported by the bulk
movement of flowing

Herein used as synonymous with

percolation the generally
downward flow of water through
the unsaturated zone to the water


A measure of an aquifers
capacity to transmit groundwater
through a unit metre of its
saturated thickness (units in m/

Unsaturated zone

The zone between the top of an

aquifer (limited above by the
ground surface) and the water
table (i.e. the top of the saturated


Changing of liquid to gaseous



The uptake and retention of one

substance onto the surface of a


In the absence of oxygen (air).

Capillary fringe

The zone at the interface between

the saturated and unsaturated
zones where water is drawn
upward by capillary force.

Controlled waters

In England, Wales and Scotland

surface waters and groundwater
are collectively known as
Controlled Waters (this term is
not used in Northern Ireland, but
in this document these represent
groundwater and surface water).


(In groundwater) the dispersion

of a solvent caused by the kinetic
activity of the ionic or molecular
constituents of the solvent and
groundwater. (In vapour)
mixing caused by the kinetic
activity of ionic or molecular


The spreading and mixing of

chemical constituents in
groundwater caused by
differential velocities within and
between the pore spaces in an

Geo-cellular unit

Proprietary units, usually

modular and of plastic
construction, which may be used
as infill to excavated soakaways
of trenches. These provide high
void space and surface
perforations to allow both high
water storage and rapid dispersal.

May 2006


Chapter 8

Volume 4 Section 2
Part 8 HA 118/06

All technical enquiries or comments on this Advice Note should be sent in writing as appropriate to:

Divisional Director
(Safety & Information)
Highways Agency
Room 4B, Federated House
London Road
Surrey RH4 1SZ

Divisional Director

Chief Road Engineer

Transport Scotland
Victoria Quay

Chief Road Engineer

Chief Highway Engineer

Transport Wales
Welsh Assembly Government
Cathays Parks
CF10 3NQ

Chief Highway Engineer
Transport Wales

Director of Engineering
The Department for Regional Development
Roads Service Headquarters
Clarence Court
10-18 Adelaide Street
Belfast BT2 8GB

Director of Engineering

May 2006


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