Sustainability 3DCE
Sustainability 3DCE
Sustainability 3DCE
Department of Marketing, Farmer School of Business, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056, USA
Department of Marketing and Logistics, University of Tennessee, 343 Stokely Management Center, 916 Volunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37996-0001, USA
College of Business Administration, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557, USA
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Available online 16 June 2008
A review of recent literature in the elds of operations, supply chain, and management indicates there is
on-going interest in improving new product development (NPD) performance. Three-dimensional
concurrent engineering (3DCE), the simultaneous design of product, process and supply chain have been
proposed as a way to improve traditional NPD outcomes, such as reduced time to market, lower costs,
and improved customer acceptance. There appears to be a lesser concern associated with the environmental impacts of new products. Environmentally responsible manufacturing (ERM) on new product
development focuses on reduced emissions, hazardous materials elimination, and lower product weight
without sacricing functionality. This paper explores the following issue: will employing 3DCE to
integrate NPD and ERM yield better benets than the separate and uncoordinated application of environmental goals and NPD initiatives?
2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Three dimensional concurrent engineering
Environmentally responsible manufacturing
New product development
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 970 491 2719; fax: 1 970 491 3522.
E-mail address: [email protected] (L.M. Ellram).
0959-6526/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Concurrent Engineering
While traditional NPD focuses specically on the product, concurrent engineering (CE) represents a revolution of new product
development thought by simultaneously focusing on product and
process using cross-functional teams [1,18,19]. However, due to its
popularity, CE by itself no longer provides a source of competitive
advantage [7]. Further, in companies that now practice twodimensional concurrent engineering (product and process only),
supply chain development tends to be haphazard [7, p. 14].
3DCE represents an important step beyond these approaches,
simultaneously focusing on product, process, and supply chain to
improve NPD. While NPD and ERM can be integrated without 3DCE,
this will likely result in neglect of supply chain design. Supply chain
design is critical to both ERM and NPD. Supply chain design specically considers, .whether to make or buy a component,
sourcing decisions, and contracting decisions (such as structuring
the relationships among supply chain members). Logistical and
coordination decisions include inventory, delivery and information
systems to support on-going operation of the supply chain, [7, pp.
146147]. Thus, the level of supply integration in 3DCE is well
beyond that required in concurrent engineering. If supply chain
design is not explicitly integrated as part of NPD and ERM, it is likely
that higher costs and reduced performance will ensue. For example,
when moving its excellent products and processes to North
America for production, it was the supply chain design that caused
problems for Toyota. Its sourcing decision to use North American
suppliers to make parts wherever possible, the way it structured
relationships among suppliers and its coordination of information
within the supply chain were all problematic, delaying product
launch by 10 months, and raising development costs by 40%. Toyota
quickly re-designed its supply chain to utilize back-up sources from
Japan, at a cost of around $1,000,000 per month in premium
airfreight charges [20, pp. 152153]. These problems all reect issues with integrating supply chain design into new product
development. Supply chain design in 3DCE goes beyond simply
integrating a suppliers technological capability, to include that
suppliers information processing and communication capability,
inventory management and even the suppliers relationships with
its suppliers. 3DCE provides the next level of breakthrough in
improving performance. This is documented by Petersen et al., who
demonstrated that early supplier involvement in supply chain
design supports improved product and process design [2].
The relationship among and between each of the elements of
3DCE: product, process and supply chain, is depicted in Fig. 1. For
example, the key issue in simultaneously considering product and
Product Design
Process Design
Manufacturing Methods,
Equipment, Layout, Capacity
SupplyChain Design
Insource/Outsource, Customer
and Supplier Relationships
Fig. 1. 3-D Engineering integrating the literature. Modied from Fine, [7, p. 146] and [8].
Resource Reduction
Disposal with Energy Recovery
Table 1
Relevant ERM literature summary
Environmental literature stream
Relationship to 3DCE
Contributing authors
Product design
Environmental product design takes a life cycle view and focuses on making
a product that uses environmentally friendly materials, fewer materials, and
mixes fewer materials together.
Involves the reduction of the source of waste through production process and
operational process changes including, improved inventory management,
procurement, and transportation. A sustainable process focus may result in
improved process consistency and quality, reduced downtime, lower costs and
lower waste.
Focus on the impact of the rms activities outside of the rms boundaries
including supplier involvement, evaluation, and audit, customer demands and
concerns, stakeholder perspectives, ESI, and improved demand information.
Consider the impact of incoming components as well as outgoing products.
Sustainable products and processes are designed simultaneously with supply chain
member participation while giving consideration to the entire product lifecycle,
from birth to regeneration.
Conceptual benets of integrating 3DCE and sustainability include reduced
operating costs, competitive advantage, differentiation, improved image, reduced
risks, reduced regulatory compliance costs.
Process design
Integration of product/
process/ supply chain
would not notice it next to the large size competitors. This product
meets many ERM supply chain initiatives: less packaging, less
energy cost, less transportation, less to dispose of or recycle, less
shelf space and more. WalMart supported this, heavily promoting
the product. Small and Mighty has been very successful not just at
WalMart, but in other stores as well [62]. Motorola is another
example where working with customers and suppliers positively
improved its environmental footprint. By standardizing pallet
Table 2
Comparison of NPD and ERM practices using the 3DCE lens
Dimensions of 3DCE practice
NPD focus
ERM focus
Key metrics
Time to market
View of life cycle costs
Product design
Process design
Supplier integration
Managerial involvement
Product, process,
supply chain integration
dimensions and improving packaging design it was able to significantly reduce waste, improve logistics productivity, and reduce the
number of work days lost due to injury [22,63].
3.2. The 3DCE-ERM linkage
A review of the literature related to 3DCE concepts in the
mainstream operations literature and in the environmental literature shows that the two literature streams have developed with
many parallels, but limited overlaps, as demonstrated in Table 2. The
literature supporting 3DCE concepts focuses on traditional NPD
performance improvements such as cost reduction, cycle time
reduction, and inventory reduction. The literature focused on
product, process and supply chain design in ERM focuses almost
exclusively on improving environmental impacts. Where environmental impacts and traditional manufacturing goals such as quality
have been studied together and applied in practice, it has been
demonstrated that an environmental focus contributes to improved
quality [42]. Recent business developments such as WalMarts green
product initiative and the growing number of rms that are trying to
support protably developing and selling more environmentally
sound products suggests that, there need not be any conict between the environment and the economy, [62]. It appears that
business practice may be leaping ahead of theory in this arena.
Because there is such extensive overlap among the approaches
used to facilitate NPD and environmental improvements within the
supply chain, there is a great potential for synergy from simultaneously considering traditional performance issues and environmental performance issues in embracing 3DCE concepts. In most
organizations today, environmental goals are still treated quite
separately from traditional new product development goals [6,48].
Traditional goals and environmental goals are managed separately,
creating redundancy and waste in the system. In addition, there is
a perception outside of the environmental health and safety arena
that pursuing environmental goals is strictly compliance-based,
and thus raises product costs while slowing product development
[22]. In the current parallel but separate approach for traditional
versus environmentally responsible product development, this is
probably true. However, by incorporating ERM goals at every step
of the way in 3DCE, organizations should be able to enjoy all of the
benets of traditional NPD and ERM. We will label the integration
of ERM goals and NPD initiatives as NPDERM, and introduce the
papers rst proposition, which posits:
Proposition 1: companies utilizing 3DCE to integrate NPD-ERM
will outperform companies that separately manage NPD and ERM,
in areas such as:
is also in the spirit of the ndings of Pil and Rothenberg [42], who
link quality initiatives with improved environmental performance.
The benets listed in proposition 1 are currently being seen on
a product-by-product scale by companies that utilize 3DCE practices to integrate ERM and NPD. For example, in considering
product, process and supply chain issues in developing its Small
and Mighty detergent, Unilever was able to reduce waste and lower
cost. The high level of customer acceptance seems to indicate that
the quality is equal to or better than the old product. This product is
popular enough that it has been copied by Procter and Gamble [62].
At Motorola pallet standardization and package redesign helped to
decrease the time it took to get products to market. Because of the
increased logistics productivity, pallet standardization and
improved tracking and supplier communication, there were fewer
damaged parts and rejected items coming into the production
facilities. This made it easier to get the parts to the production line
and to the customers in a timely fashion [70].
The literature on traditional NPD and the literature related to
NPD with an ERM focus, clearly support that NPD with an ERM
focus takes a much more holistic approach, at least in theory
[25,35,5254,71]. As suggested by Fine [7], the design of products,
processes and supply chains are inexorably intertwined. 3DCE
makes the consideration of the customers, suppliers and supply
chain design explicit rather than an afterthought. A case in point is
Chrysler, who was working to understand and improve its Jeep V8
engines, looking at the critical parts along the chain. However, it
was completely unaware that one of the critical suppliers to its key
supplier for this new concept was planning to get out of what it
viewed as an unprotable business. Without a broader supply chain
perspective, Chrysler had become heavily dependent on a supplier
who did not wish to continue in this line of business [7, p. 106].
While traditional product design is often still performed along
functional lines, or at most with an organization-wide focus rather
than a supply chain focus, organizations cannot afford to perform
sustainable new product development in that manner.
For example, a company with a traditional NPD approach may
judge its success based on sales, protability and inventory levels.
These are all largely internal measures that are taken at a point in
time. ERM focuses on the longer term, considering environmental
impacts throughout a product life cycle. Along those same lines,
ERM considers environmental impacts of products or services
throughout the supply chain [12,50].
3.3. Key supply chain members and impact of integrating
ERM with NPD using 3DCE
In order to minimize the total environmental footprint of an
organizations products, it is important to consider ERM supply
chain issues related to incoming components, as well as the environmental impact of outgoing products. Concurrent product, supply chain and process design in NPD focuses on customer
requirements, distribution, logistics systems, inventory control
processes, information technology and information sharing. Similarly, research indicates that to be successful, environmental
processes must be integrated into all stages of the supply chain and
span the entire life cycle of the product [3]. As part of environmental strategy, organizations are realizing that there is an
advantage to managing waste streams, and preventing pollution,
rather than controlling waste at the end of the pipeline [72,62]. The
following sections explore the impact of logistics, suppliers and
customers on a rms NPD processes and the success of a rms
ERM initiatives, using the 3DCE lens.
3.3.1. Logistics integration
There are signicant savings in both costs and resources that can
be achieved with the integration of logistics processes with supply
chain design in ERM. This is also a concern in traditional applications of 3DCE to NPD. For example, better network design and
planning for both inbound and outbound freight allows for full
truckload shipments, reducing fuel consumption and pollution
[57]. Within this realm, reverse logistics can play a signicant role
by creating a closed loop system. This provides efcient returns and
product recovery from the consumer back to the manufacturer and
transforms the value chain into one of regeneration [3,74]. The
reverse logistics process may be a source of competitive advantage
for the rm: assets can be recovered, costs can be reduced, value
can be recaptured for the disassembled products, customer service
levels can improve and loyalty may increase [44,62]. When IBM
developed its ERM focus, it began to reach out more into the supply
chain. It focused rst on its internal operations and the environmental impacts of its products in use. It then reached out to key
suppliers and implemented environmental supplier selection and
performance criteria. However, IBM then realized that while it had
designed its products to be environmentally friendly throughout
their useful lives, the products may not have been properly disposed of, thereby negating their efforts. Thus, IBM implemented
a reverse logistics program for products at their end of life, so that
they could be properly disassembled and reused or recycled
If properly implemented, ERM changes that involve the productsupply chain design linkage (see Fig. 2) can benet not only the
focal rm, but other members of the supply chain as well. For
example, Norwegian food Coop NKL involved transportation carriers and distributors and retailers in a pilot packaging redesign
program rather than use a traditional cross-functional team [20],
historically comprised of internal members of the marketing, production, logistics, and purchasing departments. A combined input
and effort, including relevant members of the external supply
chain, allowed consideration of both the packaging and the supply
chain characteristics. The end result was improved packaging
design, which yielded more efcient pallet utilization and retail
shelf storage, at a signicant savings. Just as importantly, these cost
savings were experienced and shared among members of the
supply chain, including suppliers, retailers, and transportation
3.3.2. Supplier integration
In order to create products that have low supply chain environmental impact, it is essential to be able to procure materials and
components with reduced environmental impact [49]. It is important to involve suppliers in the early stages of design because up to
80% of the environmental, social and cost factors are determined at
these early stages [10,38,53,75,76]. Research supports that an
action targeted at supplier management can be more effective in
reducing the adverse impact from the total product life cycle than
an action solely targeting an individual organization [48]. Purchasing involvement with suppliers can include activities such as
material reduction, reuse, and substitution of more environmentally friendly materials [49]. Many of the changes in materials that
result in less waste may come from suppliers [48]. Similarly,
including suppliers in traditional NPD can improve manufacturability [77] and quality [23], reduce relationship risk [78], and increase overall NPD success [79]. The literature in concurrent
engineering also supports that supplier involvement results in
improved process and product outcomes [1,10,19,80].
By improving the quality and the specications of the incoming
materials, waste can be reduced. For example, an electric utility
company in an alliance with their cable supplier re-designed the
power cable packaging to reduce supply chain costs and waste. The
new packaging approach was a reel-less method, which resulted
in an immediate annual savings of over $650,000 in purchased
materials and expenses. Other cost savings included the
Customer, Supplier
and Logistics
Team Involvement
3DCE to Align
P1, P2, P3
Reduced Cost
Reduced Waste
Decreased Time
to Market
Improved Quality
and Customer
Product Design
Process Design
Elimination of Waste
Through Process Changes
and Improvements
Fig. 4. 3-D Engineering integrating new product development and environmentally responsible manufacturing. Modied from Fine, [7, p. 146] and [8].
management, respectively. It is important to obtain the perspectives of the various internal and external stakeholders to
understand their roles in and perceptions of the organizations
3DCE efforts in regard to NPDERM. Incorporated within this phase
of research should be a specication of the domain of the frameworks constructs, which is a recommended rst stage in
developing empirical measures of research constructs [106,107].
The unit of analysis would likely be a specic NPDERM project, in
order to best understand the specic interactions among players as
well as the outcomes.
6.2. Expanding the model to include social and economic issues
The concept of sustainability extends beyond environmental
issues to embrace social issues as well as local economic issues. The
3DCE-ERM model of new product development can be expanded to
include broader sustainability goals as part of the new product
development process. The key benet of including social and economic goals as part of 3DCE-ERM is integration into NPD, rather
than inclusion as an afterthought. The benets expected in the
propositions above should also extend to social and economic
issues. For example, proposition 2 states that, Companies that
utilize the 3DCE approach of integrating key supply chain members
early in NPDERM will outperform companies that do not have this
early integration. One would also expect that companies that
employ early integration of other sustainability goals, such as
economic and social/cultural sustainability, would perform better
on those measures than companies that do not.
It would also be very interesting to explore the synergy among
environmental, economic and social sustainability as part of new
product development. Does early integration of all of these goals
during new product development create improvement in specic
performance outcomes, such as reduced cost and waste, versus
a focus on just the environmental aspects of sustainability? Might
there be some tradeoffs present to create a balance among environmental, economic and social goals? The authors believe that
integrating multiple goals earlier in NPD will create greater benets
than focusing on just environmental aspects alone. While tradeoffs
will certainly exist in some areas, it is becoming increasingly
obvious through company experiences such as those shared in the
paper that an environmental focus can support, if not enhance
quality, cost, customer service and other goals, rather than lead to
6.3. Future research
To complement the case studies in investigating the relationship
between 3DCE and ERM, a survey methodology could be employed
to expand upon and triangulate the ndings from the case studies
that we proposed above [108]. Here, researchers will need to generate valid and reliable scales to measure 3DCE in NPD and ERM.
Figs. 1 and 4 and Table 2 provide a starting point for construct
development. In addition to ndings from the proposed case
studies, researchers can employ focus groups and personal
interviews to offer insights for generating scale items. Due to their
breadth, the measurement via a survey instrument of some constructs, such as ERM, may have to be framed from the perspective of
a single dimension of ERM.
Further, given the need to coordinate the alignment of 3DCE,
future empirical research will likely require a high level and/or
multifunctional perspective. In fact regardless of the chosen
research methodology, future research will need to examine the
relationship between 3DCE and NPDERM from a broad-based
perspective one that will be able to knowledgeably consider and
report upon the integration of product, process, and supply chain
from multiple perspectives.
7. Conclusions
There is a great deal of interest in the state of the environment
today. Utilizing the approaches suggested by the relatively new
theory of 3DCE in improving the outcomes of NPD and environmentally responsible manufacturing efforts holds great promise for
integrating ERM into mainstream NPD concerns. 3DCE appears to
be a lens for demonstrating that ERM efforts can support traditional
product development goals as well as environmental product
development goals. While 3DCE is still new in practice, companies
beginning to embrace 3DCE can take it to the next level by combining their NPD and ERM programs. The amalgamation of these
activities is a logical t that can support better outcomes for the
organization, with less cost and fewer resources than pursuing NPD
and ERM separately.
This research was supported by the Institute for Manufacturing
Enterprise Systems (IMES) in the W. P. Carey School of Business and
Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering at Arizona State University. The
authors would like to thank Elliott Rabinovich, Kevin Dooley, and
Manus Rungtusanatham for their helpful suggestions and insights
towards improving earlier versions of this paper.
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