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Self-Consolidating Concrete
for Precast, Prestressed
Concrete Bridge Elements



CHAIR: Debra L. Miller, Secretary, Kansas DOT, Topeka
VICE CHAIR: Adib K. Kanafani, Cahill Professor of Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Robert E. Skinner, Jr., Transportation Research Board

J. Barry Barker, Executive Director, Transit Authority of River City, Louisville, KY
Allen D. Biehler, Secretary, Pennsylvania DOT, Harrisburg
John D. Bowe, President, Americas Region, APL Limited, Oakland, CA
Larry L. Brown, Sr., Executive Director, Mississippi DOT, Jackson
Deborah H. Butler, Executive Vice President, Planning, and CIO, Norfolk Southern Corporation, Norfolk, VA
William A.V. Clark, Professor, Department of Geography, University of California, Los Angeles
David S. Ekern, Commissioner, Virginia DOT, Richmond
Nicholas J. Garber, Henry L. Kinnier Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville
Jeffrey W. Hamiel, Executive Director, Metropolitan Airports Commission, Minneapolis, MN
Edward A. (Ned) Helme, President, Center for Clean Air Policy, Washington, DC
Will Kempton, Director, California DOT, Sacramento
Susan Martinovich, Director, Nevada DOT, Carson City
Michael D. Meyer, Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta
Michael R. Morris, Director of Transportation, North Central Texas Council of Governments, Arlington
Neil J. Pedersen, Administrator, Maryland State Highway Administration, Baltimore
Pete K. Rahn, Director, Missouri DOT, Jefferson City
Sandra Rosenbloom, Professor of Planning, University of Arizona, Tucson
Tracy L. Rosser, Vice President, Corporate Traffic, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Bentonville, AR
Rosa Clausell Rountree, Executive Director, Georgia State Road and Tollway Authority, Atlanta
Henry G. (Gerry) Schwartz, Jr., Chairman (retired), Jacobs/Sverdrup Civil, Inc., St. Louis, MO
C. Michael Walton, Ernest H. Cockrell Centennial Chair in Engineering, University of Texas, Austin
Linda S. Watson, CEO, LYNXCentral Florida Regional Transportation Authority, Orlando
Steve Williams, Chairman and CEO, Maverick Transportation, Inc., Little Rock, AR

Thad Allen (Adm., U.S. Coast Guard), Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, Washington, DC
Joseph H. Boardman, Federal Railroad Administrator, U.S.DOT
Rebecca M. Brewster, President and COO, American Transportation Research Institute, Smyrna, GA
Paul R. Brubaker, Research and Innovative Technology Administrator, U.S.DOT
George Bugliarello, President Emeritus and University Professor, Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Brooklyn; Foreign Secretary,
National Academy of Engineering, Washington, DC
Sean T. Connaughton, Maritime Administrator, U.S.DOT
LeRoy Gishi, Chief, Division of Transportation, Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, DC
Edward R. Hamberger, President and CEO, Association of American Railroads, Washington, DC
John H. Hill, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrator, U.S.DOT
John C. Horsley, Executive Director, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC
Carl T. Johnson, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administrator, U.S.DOT
J. Edward Johnson, Director, Applied Science Directorate, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, John C. Stennis Space Center, MS
David Kelly, Acting Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S.DOT
Thomas J. Madison, Jr., Administrator, Federal Highway Administration, U.S.DOT
William W. Millar, President, American Public Transportation Association, Washington, DC
James S. Simpson, Federal Transit Administrator, U.S.DOT
Robert A. Sturgell, Acting Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S.DOT
Robert L. Van Antwerp (Lt. Gen., U.S. Army), Chief of Engineers and Commanding General, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC

*Membership as of November 2008.



Self-Consolidating Concrete
for Precast, Prestressed
Concrete Bridge Elements
Kamal Henri Khayat
Sherbrooke, QC

Denis Mitchell
Montreal, QC

Subject Areas

Bridges, Other Structures, and Hydraulics and Hydrology Materials and Construction

Research sponsored by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration






Systematic, well-designed research provides the most effective

approach to the solution of many problems facing highway
administrators and engineers. Often, highway problems are of local
interest and can best be studied by highway departments individually
or in cooperation with their state universities and others. However, the
accelerating growth of highway transportation develops increasingly
complex problems of wide interest to highway authorities. These
problems are best studied through a coordinated program of
cooperative research.
In recognition of these needs, the highway administrators of the
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
initiated in 1962 an objective national highway research program
employing modern scientific techniques. This program is supported on
a continuing basis by funds from participating member states of the
Association and it receives the full cooperation and support of the
Federal Highway Administration, United States Department of
The Transportation Research Board of the National Academies was
requested by the Association to administer the research program
because of the Boards recognized objectivity and understanding of
modern research practices. The Board is uniquely suited for this
purpose as it maintains an extensive committee structure from which
authorities on any highway transportation subject may be drawn; it
possesses avenues of communications and cooperation with federal,
state and local governmental agencies, universities, and industry; its
relationship to the National Research Council is an insurance of
objectivity; it maintains a full-time research correlation staff of
specialists in highway transportation matters to bring the findings of
research directly to those who are in a position to use them.
The program is developed on the basis of research needs identified
by chief administrators of the highway and transportation departments
and by committees of AASHTO. Each year, specific areas of research
needs to be included in the program are proposed to the National
Research Council and the Board by the American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials. Research projects to fulfill these
needs are defined by the Board, and qualified research agencies are
selected from those that have submitted proposals. Administration and
surveillance of research contracts are the responsibilities of the National
Research Council and the Transportation Research Board.
The needs for highway research are many, and the National
Cooperative Highway Research Program can make significant
contributions to the solution of highway transportation problems of
mutual concern to many responsible groups. The program, however, is
intended to complement rather than to substitute for or duplicate other
highway research programs.

Project 18-12
ISSN 0077-5614
ISBN 978-0-309-11766-1
Library of Congress Control Number 200891105
2009 Transportation Research Board

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from CRP.

The project that is the subject of this report was a part of the National Cooperative Highway
Research Program conducted by the Transportation Research Board with the approval of
the Governing Board of the National Research Council. Such approval reflects the
Governing Boards judgment that the program concerned is of national importance and
appropriate with respect to both the purposes and resources of the National Research
The members of the technical committee selected to monitor this project and to review this
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or implied are those of the research agency that performed the research, and, while they have
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Each report is reviewed and accepted for publication by the technical committee according
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The Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, the National Research
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Cooperative Highway Research Program do not endorse products or manufacturers. Trade
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object of this report.

Published reports of the


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Christopher W. Jenks, Director, Cooperative Research Programs
Crawford F. Jencks, Deputy Director, Cooperative Research Programs
Amir N. Hanna, Senior Program Officer
Eileen P. Delaney, Director of Publications
Natalie Barnes, Editor
Andra Briere, Editor


Field of Materials and ConstructionArea of Concrete Materials
Wayne Kling, Delaware DOT, Dover, DE (Chair)
Bijan Khaleghi, Washington State DOT, Olympia, WA
Ralph A. Browne, Texas DOT, Euless, TX
Teck L. Chua, Concrete Engineering, Inc., Springfield, VA
Lieska K. Halsey, Nebraska DOR, Lincoln, NE
Charles A. Ishee, Florida DOT, Gainesville, FL
James R. Kochsiek, Minnesota DOT, Maplewood, MN
M. Myint Lwin, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC
Anton K. Schindler, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
Gary Crawford, FHWA Liaison
Frederick Hejl, TRB Liaison

The research presented herein was performed under NCHRP Project 18-12 by the Cement and Concrete Research Group of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke,
Quebec, Canada, and McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Dr. Kamal Henri Khayat, Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and Director of the Cement
and Concrete Research Group at University of Sherbrooke, was the principal investigator. Professor Denis
Mitchell of the Department of Civil Engineering and Structural Mechanics at McGill University served as
the subcontractors principal investigator.
Mr. Wu Jian Long, Ph.D. candidate, Mr. Guillaume Lemieux, master student, Dr. Soo-Duck Hwang,
post-doctoral fellow, and Dr. Ammar Yahia, research engineer, all from the University of Sherbrooke,
actively participated in all aspects of this project. Dr. William D. Cook, research engineer, and Ms. Lama
Baali, master student, at McGill University were involved in the structural performance of the full-scale
Dr. Celik H. Ozyildirim from the Virginia Transport Research Council served as a consultant to the
research team.


By Amir N. Hanna
Staff Officer
Transportation Research Board

This report presents recommended guidelines for the use of self-consolidating concrete
(SCC) in precast, prestressed concrete bridge elements. These guidelines address the selection of constituent materials, proportioning of concrete mixtures, testing methods, fresh
and hardened concrete properties, production and quality control issues, and other aspects
of SCC. The report also presents recommended changes to the AASHTO Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Bridge Design and Construction Specifications, and test protocols for evaluating some of the properties of SCC. The information contained in the
report will guide materials and bridge engineers in evaluating, selecting, and specifying SCC
mixtures for use in precast, prestressed concrete bridge elements, thereby facilitating fabrication, improving working environment and safety, and reducing cost. The information
contained in the report will be of immediate interest to state materials and bridge engineers
and others involved in specifying and evaluating concrete mixtures for use in highway

SCC is a specially proportioned hydraulic cement concrete that enables the fresh concrete
to flow easily into forms and around reinforcement and prestressing steel without segregation. Use of this type of concrete for the manufacture of precast, prestressed concrete bridge
elements provides the benefits of increased rate of production and safety, reduced labor
needs, and lower noise levels at manufacturing plants. In spite of its benefits and widespread
use in Japan and Europe, the use of SCC in the United States has been limited because of
concerns about certain design and construction issues that are perceived to influence constructability, performance, and structural integrity of the bridge system. Thus, research was
needed to address the factors that significantly influence the design, constructability, and
performance of precast, prestressed bridge elements manufactured with SCC, such as workability, strength development, creep and shrinkage properties, bond to reinforcement, and
durability. Research was also needed to develop guidelines for the use of SCC in these applications and to recommend related changes to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design and Construction Specifications. These guidelines and enhanced specifications will provide highway
agencies with the information necessary for considering SCC in precast, prestressed concrete bridge elements as a means for expediting construction and reducing cost while
increasing safety and reducing noise in manufacturing plants.
Under NCHRP Project 18-12, Self-Consolidating Concrete for Precast, Prestressed
Concrete Bridge Elements, the University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, worked with
the objectives of (1) developing guidelines for the use of SCC in precast, prestressed concrete bridge elements and (2) recommending relevant changes to AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Design and Construction Specifications. To accomplish these objectives, the researchers

reviewed available information on the use of SCC in structural applications and investigated
its use in precast, prestressed concrete bridge elements. The investigation included an extensive laboratory testing program that covered the types and ranges of materials used in SCC
mixtures and considered the properties that affect constructability and performance. Based
on this review and analysis of test results, the researchers recommended changes to the
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design and Construction Specifications (included as Attachment
A) and guidelines for the use of SCC in precast, prestressed concrete bridge elements
(included as Attachment B). In addition, the researchers proposed test protocols for evaluating some of the properties of SCC for which standard test methods are not readily available (included as Attachment C).
The recommended guidelines, changes to LRFD Bridge Design and Construction Specifications, and test protocols will be particularly useful to highway agencies because their use
will help identify SCC mixtures that will provide the desired properties and performance
and thus accrue the anticipated benefits. Incorporation of these recommendations in the
relevant AASHTO documents is therefore recommended.
Attachment D, Research Description and Findings, provides detailed information on
the experimental program and data analysis, and the findings of the literature review. This
attachment is not published herein but is available on the TRB website (


1 Summary
5 Chapter 1 Findings



Test Methods and Mixture Requirements

Selection of Concrete Constituents
Factorial Design to Model Fresh and Hardened Concrete Properties
Validation of Code Provisions to Estimate Mechanical Properties
Validation of Code Provisions to Estimate Visco-Elastic Properties
Homogeneity of In-Situ Strength and Bond to Reinforcement
Structural Performance

Chapter 2 Background and Research Approach

2.1 Background
2.2 Research Approach
2.3 Approach for Relevant Changes to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design and
Construction Specifications
2.4 Guidelines for Use of SCC in Precast, Prestressed Concrete Bridge Elements


Chapter 3 Interpretation, Appraisal, and Application


Chapter 4 Conclusions and Suggested Research



Test Methods and Material Requirements

Material Constituents and Mix Design
Code Provisions for Estimating Mechanical and Visco-Elastic Properties
Homogeneity of In-Situ Strength and Bond to Reinforcement
Structural Performance of AASHTO-Type II Girders
Recommendations for Future Research





A-1 Attachment A Recommended Changes to AASHTO LRFD

Bridge Design and Construction Specifications

Attachment B Recommended Guidelines for Use of

Self-Consolidating Concrete in Precast,
Prestressed Concrete Bridge Elements


Attachment C Recommended Standard Test Methods


Attachment D Research Description and Findings


Self-Consolidating Concrete for Precast,

Prestressed Concrete Bridge Elements
Research Significance
The use of self-consolidating concrete (SCC) in the United States has been hindered by
concerns about certain design and construction issues that are perceived to influence the
performance and structural integrity of bridge structures. The lack of standard tests and
training has also hampered widespread use of SCC.
Limited and non-systematic information regarding properties of hardened SCC mixtures
typically used in precast, prestressed structural applications is available to bridge engineers.
There is also uncertainty about key engineering properties of SCC, such as stability, strength
development, creep and shrinkage, and durability. Because of the variety of materials employed in the United States in the precast industry (cement type, supplementary cementitious materials, and specialty admixtures), there is a need to better understand the influence
of these materials combinations on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete used in
prestressed concrete construction and to identify reliable test methods and performance
specification for mix design and quality control of SCC. NCHRP Project 18-12 was conducted
to address these needs.

Project Objectives and Scope

The objective of this research was to develop guidelines for use of SCC in precast, prestressed
bridge elements, including recommended changes to the AASHTO Load and Resistance
Factor Design (LRFD) Bridge Design Specifications [2004, 2007] and LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications [1998], hereafter referred to as the AASHTO LRFD Specifications.
Such guidelines will provide highway agencies with the information necessary for considering
SCC mixtures that are expected to produce a uniform product, expedite construction, and
yield economic and other benefits. To accomplish this objective, the research included
work to:
Develop material properties and performance criteria for SCC used for precast, prestressed

concrete bridge elements;

Evaluate key engineering properties, durability characteristics, and structural performance of

such concrete; and

Propose relevant changes to AASHTO LRFD Specifications.

Specifically, this project:

Developed SCC mixtures that can be produced consistently in the field;
Identified test methods for use in SCC mix design;

Identified test methods for use for quality control in precasting plants;
Developed specifications and criteria for SCC mixtures for precast, prestressed concrete bridge

Determined the influence of mix parameters, such as raw materials, mixture proportioning,

mixing, production, placement, and characteristics of the cast element;

Compared performance of precast, prestressed concrete elements made with SCC with those

made with conventional high-performance concrete;

Prepared guidelines for testing, proportioning, and casting SCC bridge elements; and
Investigated applicability of current models recommended by AASHTO LRFD Specifications

and suggested revisions whenever applicable.

Overview of the Project

The influence of different variables on the properties of SCC was evaluated in two parts. In
the first part, a parametric study was undertaken to evaluate the influence of binder type,
watercementitious material ratio (w/cm), and coarse aggregate type and nominal size on key
workability characteristics and compressive strength development of SCC mixtures designated for the construction of precast, prestressed AASHTO girders. Nonair-entrained SCC
mixtures were prepared to evaluate workability, rheology, workability loss with time, stability,
and strength development. The mixtures were prepared using crushed aggregate and gravel
of three different nominal maximum sizes [34, 12, 38 in. (19, 12.5, and 9.5 mm)]; two w/cm
(0.33 and 0.38); and three binder compositions (Type I/II cement, Type III cement with
30% slag replacement, and Type III cement with 20% Class F fly ash replacement). Airentrained SCC mixtures with low w/cm were also prepared to highlight the effect of air
entrainment on workability and strength development of SCC.
The effect of fluidity level on key workability responses was also investigated. SCC mixtures were proportioned to have low slump flow values of 23.5 to 25.0 in. (600 to 635 mm)
and high slump flow of 28.0 to 30.0 in. (710 to 760 mm) compared with normal slump flow
of 26.0 to 27.5 in. (660 to 700 mm). The repeatability of workability tests was also evaluated
using SCC mixtures with different slump flow values of 25.0 and 27.5 in. (635 and 700 mm).
Based on results of the parametric study, an experimental fractional factorial design was
conducted to evaluate and model the effect of mixture proportioning and material characteristics on properties critical to the performance of precast, prestressed AASHTO girders.
The study included 16 nonair-entrained SCC mixtures and enabled the modeling of
plastic viscosity, thixotropy, filling ability, passing ability, filling capacity, static stability,
formwork pressure, setting time, compressive and flexural strengths, elastic modulus, autogenous shrinkage, drying shrinkage, and creep. The air-void system and frost durability
were evaluated for selected mixtures. Relevant modifications to current code provisions
for mechanical properties, drying shrinkage, and creep were proposed to allow better prediction of mechanical and visco-elastic properties of SCC designated for precast, prestressed
bridge elements.
The effect of SCC static stability and plastic viscosity of SCC on the distribution of pullout bond strength of horizontally embedded prestressing strands was investigated. Bond
strength characteristics and core compressive strength of wall elements cast with SCC were
compared with those of similar elements cast with high-performance concrete (HPC) of normal consistency subjected to mechanical vibration. Static stability limits necessary to secure
homogenous in-situ properties were recommended.
The structural performance of four full-scale AASHTO-Type II precast, pretensioned
girders constructed with SCC was investigated. Two girders were constructed with SCC of
8,000 and 10,000 psi (55 and 69 MPa) compressive strength and two girders with HPC of

similar strengths. In particular, the constructability, temperature variations, flexural cracking, shear cracking, shear strength, transfer length, and other design issues of precast, pretensioned girders made with SCC were evaluated.
Based on the results of the material testing and the results of testing the full-scale girders,
changes to the AASHTO LRFD Specifications were suggested.

Research Findings
The major findings of this research are summarized as follows:
The slump flow, J-Ring flow, L-box blocking ratio, and filling capacity tests provide good lev-

els of single-operator and multiple-operator repeatability and are recommended for the design and quality control of SCC.
A filling capacity test (the caisson filling capacity) is recommended to evaluate the ability of
SCC to fill densely reinforced sections. Combinations of filling ability and passing ability tests
are also proposed to estimate the filling capacity of SCC.
A surface settlement test is recommended to evaluate the static stability of SCC. This test reflects the overall consolidation of plastic concrete, which combines segregation, internal and
external bleeding, and loss of air. The rate of surface settlement after 15 minutes can be used
to estimate the maximum surface settlement that occurs shortly before the initial setting of
Concrete mixtures containing high binder content and low w/cm have been shown to develop
high autogenous shrinkage, which occurs mostly in the first 28 days of age (85% to 95% of its
ultimate values). Autogenous shrinkage of SCC for precast, prestressed applications can vary
between 100 and 350 strain, depending on mixture composition.
Investigated SCC mixtures have been shown to develop drying shrinkage and creep up to 30%
and 20% higher, respectively, after 300 days than those for HPC made with similar w/cm but
different paste volume (more detailed information on drying shrinkage and creep can be
found in Attachment D).
Based on the comparison of various code provisions, the American Concrete Institute (ACI)
209 and CEB-FIP MC90 models, modified with material coefficients applicable to binder types
used in SCC (Type I/II cement and Type III cement with 20% fly ash replacement), are recommended for predicting compressive strength. Similarly, modification to the AASHTO 2007
code equations for predicting elastic modulus and flexural strength is suggested.
Modifications to the AASHTO 2004 and AASHTO 2007 models for drying shrinkage and creep,
respectively, are suggested for SCC. Otherwise, the CEB-FIP MC90 model can be used to estimate drying shrinkage.
Stable SCC can lead to more homogenous in-situ properties than HPC of normal consistency
subjected to mechanical consolidation. A modification factor for bond to prestressing strands
of 1.4 can be secured when the static stability of SCC is limited to 0.5%. Use of highly viscous
SCC [plastic viscosity greater than 0.0725 psis (500 Pas) or T-50 close to 6 seconds obtained
from upright cone position] may lead to inadequate self-consolidation and reduction in bond
between concrete and reinforcement (more detailed information on bond to prestressing
strands is presented in Attachment D).
Tests on four full-scale AASHTO-Type II girders indicated that the greater shrinkage of SCC
(compared with that of HPC) can lead to larger prestressing losses and smaller cambers. SCC
and HPC girders of similar compressive strengths exhibit similar transfer lengths, flexural
cracking moments, and cracking shears. The shear resistances and displacement ductilities of
the SCC girders are less than those of similar HPC girders. The lower displacement ductilities of
SCC girders are not expected to have a major effect on performance because all of the specimens

were purposely designed to be shear critical and the shear levels reached were considerably
above the AASHTO predictions.

Based on the findings of this research, some requirements for workability of SCC used in
precast, prestressed bridge elements are suggested. Guidelines for material selection and
mixture proportioning of SCC for precast, prestressed applications are provided. This information pertains to the effect of w/cm, binder type, and maximum size of aggregate (MSA)
and type on workability and early-age strength development.



The major findings of the research study are described in this

chapter. Further details of the experimental work, analyses of
the data, and conclusions are presented in Attachment D.

1.1 Test Methods and

Mixture Requirements
Various test methods are used to assess the workability
characteristics of SCC. The most promising test methods that
are relevant for the fabrication of precast, prestressed concrete
bridge elements (details of test are given in Attachment D) are:

Filling ability: slump flow and T-50 (ASTM C 1611);

Passing ability: J-Ring (ASTM C 1621) and L-box;
Filling capacity: caisson test (filling vessel); and
Segregation resistance: column segregation (ASTM C 1610),
visual stability index (VSI), surface settlement, and rate of

The use of a combination of test methods is necessary to

reduce the time and effort required for quality control in the
precasting plant. The caisson filling capacity test (modified
from initial value) is found to be promising to evaluate both
the filling ability and passing ability of SCC. This test can be
especially useful for SCC cast in densely reinforced sections. A
mean caisson filling capacity value of 80% (75% to 90%) is
considered as a lower limit for precast, prestressed concrete
applications. A lower limit of 70% can be tolerated for relatively simple elements. Values greater than 90% can be secured
for highly flowable and stable mixtures.
The L-box blocking ratio (h2/h1) index, J-Ring flow, or the
difference between slump flow and J-Ring flow can be combined with slump flow testing to evaluate the filling capacity
of SCC. The recommended combined test methods for evaluating the filling capacity of SCC are (1) slump flow and L-box
blocking ratio (h2/h1) and (2) slump flow and J-Ring flow.
SCC mixtures suitable for use in precast, prestressed
concrete girders should exhibit slump flow of 23.5 to 29 in.

(600 to 735 mm), L-box blocking ratio (h2/h1) greater than

0.5, J-Ring flow of 21.5 to 26.0 in. (545 to 660 mm), filling
capacity greater than 70%, and a difference in slump flow
and J-Ring flow values lower than 4 in. (100 mm).
Regardless of the MSA, stable SCC should develop a column segregation index (C.O.V.) less than 5% and percent
static segregation lower than 15. The recommended limits for
surface settlement depend on the MSA. SCC proportioned
with 34 in. (19 mm) and 12 or 38 in. (12.5 or 9.5 mm) MSA
should have maximum rates of settlement at 30 minutes of
0.12%/h and 0.27%/h, respectively.
SCC mixtures investigated in this study developed yield
stress values varying between 0.00145 and 0.01885 psi (10 and
130 Pa). SCC made with crushed aggregate should develop plastic viscosity of 100 to 225 Pas at the time of casting to ensure
adequate passing ability and static stability. This range can be
0.0145 to 0.0326 psis (100 to 400 Pas) for SCC made with
gravel having 12 in. (12.5 mm) MSA. The lower limit of plastic
viscosity is necessary to secure a maximum rate of settlement
of 0.27%/h at 30 minutes of testing and a maximum C.O.V. of
5%. The upper limit of plastic viscosity of 250 and 400 Pas is
necessary for the SCC with slump flow consistency of 26.0 to
27.5 in. (660 to 700 mm) to achieve adequate passing ability
(minimum L-box blocking ratio of 0.5). Based on the properties of SCC made with different viscosity levels cast in experimental wall elements, plastic viscosity higher than 500 Pas
should be avoided to ensure proper self-consolidating properties and homogeneity distribution of in-situ properties.

1.2 Selection of
Concrete Constituents
Effect of Binder Type
The binder content and composition were shown to have
direct influence on high-range water-reducing admixture
(HRWRA) demand, fluidity retention, temperature rise, earlyage strength development, and mechanical properties at 28 and

56 days. Among three binder types used in the parametric

study, SCC mixtures made with Type III cement and 20%
Class F fly ash exhibited better workability than that for similar mixtures prepared with Type I/II cement or Type III cement
and 30% slag. SCC containing 20% Class F fly ash developed
high fluidity retention, high passing ability and filling capacity,
as well as a high level of static stability. The concrete proportioned with Type III cement and 30% slag exhibited relatively
low passing ability [difference between slump flow and J-Ring
flow diameters larger than 4 in. (100 mm)].
The evaluated mixtures developed similar compressive
strengths after 18 hours of steam curing regardless of binder
type. However, concrete made with Type III cement and
20% Class F fly ash developed slightly higher 56-day moistcured compressive strength than that of concrete made with
Type I/II cement.
Based on this evaluation, a mixture of Type III cement and
20% Class F fly ash was selected for the experimental evaluation that was performed to model the performance of SCC
for precast and prestressed girder elements.

Effect of Type and Maximum

Size of Coarse Aggregate
The maximum size of coarse aggregate and coarse aggregate type had a marked effect on passing ability, filling capacity, and static stability of SCC. The MSA should be selected
with consideration of the minimum clear spacing between
the reinforcing steel bars and prestressing strands, the cover
over the reinforcement, and the geometry of the elements
to be cast. The reduction in MSA is required to enhance stability. From a workability point of view, SCC mixture made
with crushed aggregate of 38 in. (9.5 mm) MSA exhibited
greater passing ability [difference between slump flow and
J-Ring flow diameters lower than 2 in. (50 mm)] and higher
filling capacity (caisson filling capacity higher than 90%).
In particular, mixtures containing 34 in. (19 mm) MSA exhibited a relatively low level of filling capacity (caisson filling
capacity less than 70%) and relatively low resistance to segregation (column segregation index higher than 5%). The SCC
mixtures made with 38 in. (9.5 mm) MSA exhibited surface
settlement and column segregation index values similar to
those for mixtures made with larger MSA.
As in the case of fresh properties, SCC mixtures made with
crushed aggregate of 38 in. (9.5 mm) MSA developed similar
or higher compressive strengths after 18 hours of steam curing and 56 days of moist curing than those for mixtures made
with 12 or 34 in. (12.5 and 19 mm) MSA. SCC proportioned
with gravel developed better passing ability and filling capacity than similar concrete made with crushed aggregate of the
same MSA [12 in. (12.5 mm)]. The former had high passing
ability [h2/h1 greater than 0.7 and difference between slump

flow and J-Ring flow diameters less than 2 in. (50 mm)] and
high filling capacity (caisson filling capacity greater than
90%). Both SCC types exhibited similar segregation resistance (column segregation index of 2% to 5%). However,
mixtures made with gravel developed lower compressive
strength and modulus of elasticity (e.g., up to 25% and 16%
lower, respectively, under moist curing conditions at 56 days)
than those for mixtures made with crushed aggregate of the
same MSA. In terms of hardened concrete properties, mixtures made with crushed aggregate exhibited better overall
performance than those made with gravel.

Effect of w/cm and Air Entrainment

In general, SCC mixtures with 0.38 w/cm exhibited better
workability than those with 0.33 w/cm in terms of passing ability, filling capacity, and fluidity retention. However, SCC mixtures made with 0.33 w/cm developed greater static stability
and higher 18-hour and 56-day compressive strengths under
steam-cured and moist-cured conditions. Also, air-cured SCC
mixtures made with 0.33 w/cm exhibited lower 18-hour compressive strength than the latter concrete under the same curing regime, possibly due to the relatively higher dosage of
HRWRA necessary to achieve the target slump flow. No significant difference was found in the 18-hour modulus of elasticity between the 0.33 and 0.38 w/cm mixtures.
SCC with 0.38 w/cm will attain a minimum release compressive strength of 5,000 psi (34.5 MPa) and ultimate compressive
strength of 8,000 psi (55.2 MPa). Such concrete can be used for
casting highly reinforced and restricted sections because of its
good filling capacity. Higher strength may require the use of
mixtures with lower w/cm (e.g., 0.32 to 0.35).
In general, air-entrained SCC exhibited superior passing
ability and filling capacity than SCC without air entrainment
because of its lower viscosity and greater paste content. However, air-entrained concrete developed lower static stability
and lower compressive strength and modulus of elasticity,
both under steam-curing and moist-curing conditions.

Effect of Fluidity of SCC

Workability responses and mechanical properties of SCC
designed for relatively high, medium, and low slump flow
values of 28 to 30 in. (710 to 760 mm), 25 to 28 in. (640 to
710 mm), and 23.5 to 25 in. (600 to 640 mm), respectively, are
compared. SCC mixtures with low and medium slump flow
had similar levels of passing ability (medium), filling capacity (medium), and resistance to surface settlement (high).
Mixtures with high fluidity (slump flow) exhibited high passing ability and filling capacity, but relatively medium to low
static stability. As expected, SCC with high fluidity developed
lower compressive strengths at 18 hours of steam curing and

56 days of moist curing and lower 18-hour modulus of elasticity than similar concrete having low slump flow and lower
HRWRA content. In general, SCC mixtures with medium fluidity level are recommended for casting precast, prestressed
concrete girder elements.

Effect of Viscosity-Modifying Admixture

For a given slump flow, SCC designed with low to moderate
dosage thickening-type viscosity-modifying admixture (VMA)
had greater HRWRA demand. Higher dosage of HRWRA
improves retention of workability but reduces early-age
development of mechanical properties. The incorporation of
thickening-type VMA considerably improves static stability.
In general, SCC designed with 0.40 w/cm and low HRWRA
content exhibited better static stability when the thickeningtype VMA was incorporated. SCC containing thickening-type
VMA had lower early-age mechanical properties.
In general, the use of VMA is not necessary in SCC proportioned with low w/cm and high binder content because such
concrete can develop proper stability. On the other hand, SCC
made with relatively high w/cm and/or low binder content
should incorporate a VMA to secure adequate stability and
robustness. It is important to note that the incorporation of a
low dosage of VMA can enhance robustness, even in SCC
made with relatively low w/cm.

Guidelines for Materials Selection

and Mix Design
Based on the results of the parametric investigation, guidelines for the selection of material constituents, mixture proportioning, and fluidity level necessary to ensure adequate
performance of plastic and hardened SCC properties for precast, prestressed concrete bridge elements are recommended.
SCC mixtures proportioned with w/cm of 0.33, crushed aggregate with 12 in. (12.5 mm) MSA, and Type III cement with 20%
Class F fly ash can develop the properties required for this

1.3 Factorial Design to Model

Fresh and Hardened
Concrete Properties
Factorial design was carried out to model the effect of mixture parameters and material properties on workability characteristics, mechanical properties, and visco-elastic properties
of SCC. The modeled parameters included binder content
(BC), binder type (BT), w/cm, dosage of thickening-type VMA,
and sandtototal aggregate volume ratio (S/A). This design
enabled the evaluation of the five selected parameters with each
evaluated at two distinct levels of 1 and +1 (minimum and

maximum levels). In total, 16 SCC mixtures were used in the

factorial design.
The derived models that yielded high correlation coefficients (R2) are summarized in Tables 1 to 3. All factors are
expressed in terms of coded values:

Coded BC = (absolute BC 793) / 50

Coded w/cm = (absolute w/cm 0.37) / 0.03
Coded VMA = (absolute VMA 0.75) / 0.75
Coded S/A = (absolute S/A 0.50) / 0.04

The estimated values in the models (e.g., 1.06, 0.33,

+0.33, etc. in the HRWRA demand model) reflect the level of
significance of each response. A negative estimate signifies
that an increase in the modeled parameter can lead to a
reduction in the measured response.
Based on the derived statistical models, the following observations can be made for proportioning SCC mixtures for use in
precast and prestressed bridge elements:
Fresh concrete properties

Typical w/cm for precast, prestressed applications can

range between 0.34 and 0.40. The selected value should
secure the targeted stability, mechanical properties,
visco-elastic properties, and durability requirements.
SCC made with Type III cement and 20% Class F fly ash
can exhibit better slump flow retention, higher passing
ability, and higher filling capacity than that made with
Type I/II cement.
HRWRA demand decreases with the increase in w/cm and
binder content. The higher HRWRA demand required for
SCC made with Type III cement and 20% Class F fly
ash than that required for SCC prepared with Type I/II
cement can reduce early-age compressive strength if the
concrete is not heat cured. For steam-cured concretes, no
difference in 18-hour compressive strength between SCC
made with either type of cements should be expected.
Better slump flow retention can be obtained with SCC
made with a lower w/cm because of the higher HRWRA
A low S/A value (e.g., 0.46 to 0.50) will result in adequate workability.
Coarse aggregate with 12 in. (12.5 mm) MSA is recommended.
VMA should be used in SCC made with relatively high
w/cm and/or low binder content to secure stability and
homogenous in-situ hardened properties. The use of
thickening-type VMA at low dosage can enhance static
stability. VMA can also be used in stable SCC (e.g., low
w/cm) to enhance robustness.
Incorporation of thickening-type VMA can delay setting
and the elapsed time to attain peak temperature.

Table 1. Derived statistical models for fresh concrete
[slump flow  26.8  0.8 in. (680  20 mm)].
Modeled response

Derived equations


4.76 1.06 w/cm 0.33 BC + 0.33 BT + 0.11 VMA

+ 0.13 (w/cm BT)

[HRWRA demand]
(fl oz/cwt)





0.16 0.84 BT 0.57 BC + 0.42 w/cm+ 0.16 S/A

Slump flow loss (in.) 0.54 (BT S/A) + 0.49 (BC w/cm)
0.42 (BC BT)


[L-box blocking

0.69 + 0.13 w/cm + 0.12 BC 0.13 (BC w/cm)


[J-Ring flow]3

16,329 + 1,344 w/cm + 1,324 BC + 814 BT 729

S/A 465 VMA 1,140 (BC BT) 1,136 (BC
w/cm) + 824 (BT S/A) 650 (w/cm BT) 465
(w/cm S/A) + 351 (VMA S/A) 291 (BC S/A)


Caisson filling
capacity (%)

92 + 4.38 BC + 3.75 w/cm + 3.63 BT 3.63 (BT

w/cm) 2.63 (w/cm BT) 2.50 (BC BT)


Slump flow
J-Ring flow (in.)

1.42 0.70 BC 0.63 BT 0.55 w/cm + 0.26 S/A

+ 0.63 (BC w/cm) + 0.50 (BC BT) + 0.40 (w/cm 0.94
BT) 0.26 (BT S/A)


0.677 + 0.037 w/cm + 0.036 BC 0.024 BT


Column segregation

3.25 0.30 BC 0.61 (BC BT) + 0.44 (BT S/A)

+ 0.42 (w/cm BT) 0.39 (BC VMA) 0.36
VMA + 0.30 (w/cm S/A)


Plastic viscosity

298 133.4 w/cm 105.3 BC + 53.7 S/A

+ 49.7 (BT w/cm) 27.6 (w/cm S/A)


Thixotropy (Ab)

586 323.4 w/cm 181.8 BC + 71.1 (BC w/cm)


Initial form pressure 0.90 + 0.027 BC + 0.027 w/cm 0.014 S/A 0.023
(BC w/cm) 0.013 (BT w/cm) + 0.11 (S/A
at 3.3 ft (1 m)
(K0 )

Use air-entraining admixture where required for

frost durability. It is important to note that the use of
polycarboxylate-based HRWRA can lead to air entrainment, but it does not necessarily produce an adequate
air-void system to secure frost durability.
Surface settlement of SCC increases with the increase in
binder content and w/cm.

Plastic viscosity decreases with the increase in binder

content and w/cm but increases slightly with the increase
in S/A.
Thixotropy or structural build-up at rest of the SCC
decreases with the increase in binder content and w/cm.
Higher thixotropy can be detrimental to surface finish
and advantageous to formwork pressure.

Table 2. Derived statistical models for mechanical properties.

strength (psi)

Modulus of
elasticity (ksi)

strength (psi)


Derived equations

18 hours

4,752 293 w/cm 111 BT 81 VMA + 153 (w/cm BT)

128 (VMA S/A) 97 (w/cm VMA)


56 days

9,176 773 w/cm + 290 BT + 220 BC 368 (BC w/cm)


18 hours

4,419 268 w/cm 103 BT 86 S/A 78 BC

158 (BC w/cm) 96 (BT S/A)


56 days

5,554 311 w/cm 166 S/A + 69 BT + 79 (BC BT)


7 days

1,036 + 123 S/A 90 BC 58 w/cm 126 (BC w/cm)


56 days

1,128 110 w/cm + 48 S/A + 35 (BC BT)


Table 3. Derived statistical models for visco-elastic properties.



7 days



56 days
28 days
112 days
28 days
112 days

Derived equations
134 42.4 w/cm + 37.4 BT 21.6 (BC w/cm)
20.1 (w/cm BT) 15.9 (BC BT)
201 + 67.1 BT 40.6 w/cm 18.8 (BC w/cm)
+ 17.8 (BC S/A)
308 71.1 w/cm + 35 BC + 48.4 (w/cm VMA)
+ 30.8 (VMA BT)
554 58.1 w/cm + 48.4 BC + 37.4 S/A + 46.2 (w/cm
VMA) + 41.9 (w/cm BT) 40.6 (BC VMA)
+ 30.8 (VMA BT)
680 + 79.3 BT 37.5 w/cm + 30.6 (VMA BT)
+ 28.8 (w/cm BT)
1,036 + 73.6 BT + 38.8 BC + 40.7 (VMA BT)
+ 34.9 (w/cm BT) 32.9 (BC S/A)

Initial relative form pressure at 3.3 ft (1 m) in height cast

at 13.1 to 16.4 ft/h (4 to 5 m/h) varies between 0.80 and
1.00 of hydrostatic pressure. The relative pressure
increases with the increase in binder content and w/cm
but decreases with the increase in S/A.
Mechanical properties
Mechanical properties, including compressive strength,
modulus of elasticity (MOE), and flexural strength,
increase with the decrease in w/cm.
Increase in binder content can lead to higher 56-day
compressive strength but lower 18-hour MOE and 7-day
flexural strength.
The increase in S/A results in lower MOE at 18 hours
(steam curing) and 56 days (moist curing), but leads to
higher flexural strength.
SCC made with Type III cement and 20% Class F fly ash
can develop higher compressive strength and MOE at
56 days but lower mechanical properties at 18 hours
than those for concrete made with Type I/II cement
mainly because of delayed setting resulting from greater
HRWRA demand.
Visco-elastic properties
The increase in binder content increases drying shrinkage and creep.
Theoretically, for a given binder content, drying shrinkage increases with increase in w/cm; however, the derived
statistical models show an opposite trend because drying shrinkage also includes autogenous shrinkage that
decreases with the increase in w/cm.
SCC mixtures made with Type I/II cement develop less
creep and shrinkage than those prepared with Type III
cement and 20% Class F fly ash. However, the latter concrete has better workability and higher mechanical properties than the former SCC. Therefore, use of Type III
cement and 20% Class F fly ash will require reduction of
binder content to ensure better overall performance.
Concrete mixtures containing high binder content and
low w/cm can exhibit high values of autogenous shrink-


age, most of which occurs in the first 28 days and can

vary between 100 and 350 strain.
Autogenous shrinkage is mostly affected by binder
type and paste volume. SCC made with Type III cement
and 20% Class F fly ash can develop higher autogenous
shrinkage and creep than that for concrete with Type
I/II cement.
For a given w/cm, SCC made with high binder content
can exhibit high drying shrinkage that can range between
500 and 1000 strain after 300 days.
SCC exhibits 5% to 30% higher drying shrinkage at
300 days than that of HPC made with similar w/cm (more
detailed information on drying shrinkage can be found in
Attachment D).
The increase in S/A can lead to higher long-term drying
The binder type does not have significant effect on drying shrinkage but can significantly affect creep. SCC
made with Type III cement and 20% Class F fly ash
exhibited higher creep compared with similar SCC
proportioned with Type I/II cement, regardless of the
binder content, w/cm, S/A, and use of VMA.
The w/cm does not have considerable effect on creep
because other parameters (binder content, binder type,
and S/A) have more predominant influence on creep.
SCC exhibited 10% to 20% higher creep after 300 days
than that for HPC made with similar w/cm (more detailed
information on creep can be found in Attachment D).

1.4 Validation of Code Provisions to

Estimate Mechanical Properties
Coefficients of prediction models in current codes and procedures were modified to provide better prediction of mechanical properties of SCC for precast, prestressed concrete bridge
elements. The following codes and models are recommended:
ACI 209 and CEB-FIP codes with suggested changes to

coefficients for predicting compressive strength

Current AASHTO 2007 model for predicting elastic

Current AASHTO 2007 model for estimating flexural

The proposed coefficients can be found in Attachment D.

1.5 Validation of Code Provisions to

Estimate Visco-Elastic Properties
Creep and shrinkage strains measured in experimental
factorial design were compared with values predicted by the
AASHTO 2007, AASHTO 2004, ACI 209, CEB-FIP 1990, and
GL 2000 (Gardner and Lockman, 2001) models. Coefficients
of existing models were modified to provide better prediction
of visco-elastic properties for SCC. The following models are
AASHTO 2007 model with suggested modifications to

estimate creep
AASHTO 2004 model with suggested modifications to predict drying shrinkage
Current CEB-FIP MC90 model can be used to predict drying shrinkage

limits are especially critical in deep elements. Such SCC can

develop at least 90% in-situ relative compressive strength
(core results) and modification factor of 1.4 for bond to
horizontally embedded prestressing strands.
Avoid the use of highly viscous SCC (plastic viscosity
greater than 0.073 psis (500 Pas) or T-50 nearing 6 seconds
obtained from upright cone position) to ensure adequate

1.7 Structural Performance

The structural performance of full-scale precast, prestressed
bridge girders constructed with SCC and HPC was investigated. Two SCC and two HPC mixtures with target 56-day
compressive strengths of 8,000 and 10,000 psi (55 and 69 MPa)
were used to cast four full-scale AASHTO-Type II girders.
Constructability, temperature variations, transfer length, camber, flexural cracking, shear cracking, and shear strengths of the
girders were evaluated. More details on the construction and
testing of the girders are given in Attachment D.
The following findings and observations are made based
on the results of these tests:
With the casting from a single location at midspan of the

The proposed coefficients can be found in Attachment D.

1.6 Homogeneity of In-Situ Strength

and Bond to Reinforcement
Six 60.6 84.6 7.9 in. (1540 2150 200 mm) wall elements were cast using a reference HPC concrete of normal
consistency and five SCC mixtures of different plastic viscosity and static stability levels. The SCC mixtures were proportioned to yield slump flow consistency of 26.7 0.7 in.
(680 15 mm) and minimum caisson filling capacity of 80%.
The surface settlement of the SCC mixtures ranged between
0.30% and 0.62% and that of the HPC was 0.23%.
Despite the high fluidity of SCC, stable concrete can lead
to more homogenous in-situ properties than HPC of normal
consistency subjected to mechanical vibration. Although the
SCC mixtures exhibited VSI values of 0.5 to 1 and caisson filling capacity higher than 80%, the tested mixtures developed
various levels of uniformity of core compressive strength and
pull-out bond strength results. The homogeneity of in-situ
properties was shown to vary with plastic viscosity and static
stability determined from the surface settlement test.
Recommendations to ensure homogenous in-situ properties are summarized as follows:

Use highly flowable SCC with adequate static stability,

maximum surface settlement of 0.5%, column segregation

index of 5%, and percent static segregation of 15%. These

31-ft (9.44-m) long girders, no visible segregation was

observed in any of the girders.
The maximum temperature rise during the steam-curing
operation satisfied the maximum temperature limit of
150F (65C).
There were fewer bug holes in the SCC girder than in the
HPC girder.
The target 18-hour compressive strengths, required for
prestress release, were met for the two SCC girders.
The transfer lengths for the four girders were similar and
considerably shorter than the transfer length values given
in the AASHTO LRFD Specifications [2007] and the ACI
318-05 code.
At time of prestress release at 18 hours, the coefficients on
the square root of the compressive strength used to determine the modulus of elasticity for the two SCC mixtures
were about 4% and 11% lower than those for the HPC
The drying shrinkage for the two SCC mixtures was about
20% greater than that for the comparable HPC mixtures.
In comparison to HPC girders, the SCC girders exhibited
smaller cambers because of the greater elastic shortening
and long-term losses of prestress due to the lower elastic
modulus and greater drying shrinkage.
The cracking moments for the SCC girders and the companion HPC girders were similar.
The uncracked and cracked stiffnesses for all four girders
were very similar.
The cracking shears for all four girders were similar.

All four girders failed in shear after developing a significant

The flexural resistances of the SCC girders were within

number of wide shear cracks; crack widths just before failure were greater than 0.24 in. (6 mm).
The stirrups developed significant strains beyond strain
hardening and ruptured at failure.
The failure shears exceeded the nominal shear resistances
of the girders calculated using the approach given in the
AASHTO LRFD Specifications [2007], probably because of
the strength and stiffness of the top and bottom flanges of
the AASHTO girders.
The flexural resistances of the HPC girders exceeded the
nominal resistances calculated using the AASHTO LRFD
Specifications [2007].

1.5% of the theoretical flexural resistance using the approach

provided in the AASHTO LRFD Specifications [2007].
The lower ductilities and lower shear resistance of SCC
girders compared with the corresponding HPC girders are
due to the lower volume of coarse aggregate that reduces
aggregate interlock and results in a lower energy absorption capability on the sliding shear failure plane.
The structural performance tests of two SCC girders and
two HPC girders have highlighted a number of differences
that could affect design. However, more research is required
to support any specific changes to the design specifications.



Background and Research Approach

2.1 Background
Use of SCC in the construction of precast bridge members
and bridge substructures and in the repair of bridges has
been limited in the United States. Properly designed SCC is
expected to provide similar properties as the conventional
counterparts except for the high workability. However, changes
in mix design and fluidity of SCC can result in SCC with
hardened properties and performance that are different from
that commonly expected from conventional concrete. Proper
selection of material constituents and proper proportioning are necessary for achieving the desired workability and
performance of SCC. The factors that significantly influence
the design, constructability, and performance of precast,
prestressed bridge elements with SCC need to be identified.
There is also a need to develop guidelines for the use of SCC
in bridge elements and to recommend changes to AASHTO
LRFD Specifications. These guidelines will provide highway
agencies with the information necessary for considering concrete mixtures that are expected to expedite construction and
yield economic and other benefits (e.g., better surface finish,
lower labor cost, etc.).
For successful design of SCC, some factors require greater
attention than is generally required for conventional concrete,
including type and size and grading of coarse aggregate, composition and content of binder materials, and w/cm. Proper
selection of material constituents is also necessary for workability and performance of the hardened concrete.
A number of test methods have been used to characterize
workability of SCC, including filling ability, passing ability,
and segregation resistance. However, no single test method
has been found to fully characterize all relevant workability
aspects of SCC. Selection of proper combined test methods
can facilitate workability testing protocol and provide means
for quality control of field applications.
Knowledge of the compressive strength, elastic modulus,
and flexural strength of concrete is required for estimating
camber of prestressed members at the release of the pre-

stressing load, and for determining elastic deflections caused

by dead and live loads, axial shortening and elongation, and
prestress losses. Literature review showed that the modulus of
elasticity of SCC could be as low as 80% of that for HPC of
normal consistency because of the lower coarse aggregate volume of SCC [Holschemacher and Klug, 2002]. However,
under air-drying conditions, the elastic modulus of SCC can
be higher than that of normal concrete at long term. Limited
published data are available on relationships between flexural
strength and compressive strength of SCC, and applicability
of the various code models to SCC need to be validated.
Typically, SCC mixtures are proportioned with higher
binder content, lower coarse aggregate volume, and smaller
MSA, which increase thermal, autogenous, and drying shrinkage, and creep leading to high loss of prestress and excessive
deflections and elastic shortening. Therefore, creep and drying shrinkage characteristics of SCC need to be determined
and considered in the design of precast, prestressed bridge
elements. According to the literature survey, there seems to
be some discrepancy regarding the visco-elastic properties of
SCC because of differences in mix design (w/cm), type and
content of coarse aggregates, type of chemical admixture, and
testing exposure. It is reported that the creep potential of SCC
appears to be slightly higher than that of conventional concrete
made with the same raw materials and having the same 28-day
compressive strength [Attiogbe et al., 2002; Pons et al., 2003;
Byun et al., 1998]. Depending on the selected binder, w/cm,
and ambient temperature at the precasting plant, the use of new
generation HRWRA may eliminate the need to use radiant
heat or steam curing.
SCC used in precast, prestressed applications is typically
proportioned with a low w/cm (0.32 to 0.36) to enhance stability of the plastic concrete. Relatively low w/cm values, coupled
with high content of binder, lead to a greater degree of autogenous shrinkage than in conventional concrete. Such type of
shrinkage also increases with increased fineness of the binder
and fillers in use. Therefore, drying shrinkage, autogeneous


shrinkage, and thermal contraction have to be considered in

the mix design process and in the structural detailing of the
prestressed element.
Studies have shown that the scatter between measured and
predicted drying shrinkage values is greater in the case of SCC
than that for normal concrete. Experimental shrinkage strains
for SCC were found to be larger than those estimated by various prediction models [Byun et al., 1998]. Also, comparison
of experimental creep data to those obtained from major
creep-prediction models indicated differences. Work is required to compare creep and shrinkage data of SCC mixtures
made with representative mix designs and the material constituents available in the United States with those obtained
from prediction models.
The stability of SCC is a key property in ensuring uniform
mechanical properties and adequate performance of precast,
prestressed concrete bridge girders. Properly designed SCC
mixtures can exhibit uniform distribution of in-situ compressive strength. Bond strength and its uniformity along the height
of the girders can be influenced by flow properties of the SCC,
grading of the aggregate, and content of fines. Some studies
have found that bond strength of reinforcement to SCC can
be lower than that to normal concrete [Koning et al., 2001;
Hegger et al., 2003]. Other studies, however, have shown that
for a given compressive strength, reinforced concrete members
made with SCC can develop higher bond strength than in the
case of normal concrete [Dehn et al., 2000; Chan et al., 2003].
Bond strength that can be developed between SCC and prestressed strands and its uniformity along the height of cast wall
elements were investigated in this project.
The structural design concerns related to the use of SCC
for constructing prestressed girders include the likely lower
modulus and greater shrinkage of SCC and the possible larger
prestress losses and the reduced shear resistances resulting
from the use of a smaller maximum aggregate size or a smaller
volume of coarse aggregate.

2.2 Research Approach

Literature Review
As a part of the project, an extensive literature review of
factors affecting performance of SCC in structural applications
was carried out (details of the literature review are summarized
in Attachment D). The literature review pertained to precast,
prestressed SCC, including:
Test methods and acceptance criteria of fresh characteristics

of SCC,
Requirements for constituent materials and mix design
Production and placement issues,

Factors affecting mechanical properties and structural

Factors affecting visco-elastic properties, and
Durability characteristics.

Experimental Work Plan

The experimental program was conducted in three phases.
Phase I addressed test methods and acceptance criteria; Phase
II addressed mixture proportioning and material characteristics; and Phase III addressed structural performance of fullscale girders. Details of this work are discussed below.
Phase 1: Test Methods and Acceptance Criteria
for SCC
This work included:
A parametric study of various concrete mixture parameters

and constituent materials to help develop recommendations

for mix design of SCC for precast, prestressed applications;
Evaluations of the effect of MSA, aggregate and binder
types, and w/cm on workability and compressive strength
development of SCC mixtures suitable for precast structural
Comparison of workability test methods that can be used
for mix design and quality control of SCC, and suggestion
of performance specifications; and
Correlation of key workability responses to basic rheological
parameters (in particular, plastic viscosity).
The parametric study of 24 nonair-entrained SCC mixtures
(No. 1 through 24 in Table 4) was conducted to evaluate the
influence of binder type, w/cm, and coarse aggregate type and
nominal size on workability and compressive strength development of SCC mixtures designated for the construction of
precast, prestressed AASHTO girders. These mixtures were
prepared using either crushed aggregate or gravel of three different MSA [34, 12, and 38 in. (12, 19.5, and 9.5 mm)], w/cm of
0.33 and 0.38, and three binder compositions (Type III cement
with 30% slag replacement, Type I/II cement, and Type III
cement with 20% Class F fly ash). Three air-entrained SCC
mixtures (No. 25 through 27 in Table 4) were prepared with
low w/cm to obtain an initial air volume of 4% to 7%.
Three SCC mixtures (No. 28 through 30) similar to mixtures No. 1 through 3, having relatively low filling ability
(deformability) with slump flow values of 23.5 to 25.0 in.
(600 to 640 mm), and three other mixtures (No. 31 through 33)
similar to mixtures No. 4 through 6, presenting relatively
high slump flow of 28.0 to 30.0 in. (710 to 760 mm), were
prepared to evaluate the effect of fluidity level on filling ability, passing ability, filling capacity, stability, and compressive
strength development.


Mixture No.

Nonair-entrained (AE) concrete


Non-AE concrete



Table 4. Parametric experimental program.


Aggregate type and MSA

Type and content of binder
Type I/II Type III + Type III +
Crushed Crushed Crushed
30% Slag 20% fly ash
809 pcy
8 in.
0.33 0.38
775 pcy
775 pcy
(19 mm) (9.5 mm) (12.5 mm) (12.5 mm)
kg/m ) (460 kg/m3) (460 kg/m3)
Air entrainment of 4%7% and slump flow of 26.027.5 in. (660700 mm)
w/cm of 0.33, Type III + 20% Class F fly ash, crushed aggregate with MSA of in.
(12.5 mm)
Low filling ability, slump flow of 23.525.0 in. (600635 mm)
w/cm of 0.33, Type III + 30% slag, crushed aggregate with MSA of in. (19 mm)
High filling ability, slump flow of 28.030.0 in. (710760 mm)
w/cm of 0.38, Type III + 30% slag, crushed aggregate with MSA of in. (19 mm)
Two levels of slump flow consistency for evaluation of repeatability: 25.0 and 27.5 in.
(635 and 700 mm)
w/cm of 0.38, Type I/II, crushed aggregate with MSA of in. (12.5 mm)

Sandtototal aggregate ratio (S/A) is fixed at 0.50, by volume.
PC-based HRWRA (AASHTO M 194, Type F) and air-entraining admixture (AASHTO M 154) are added.
Limestone crushed coarse aggregate.

In addition, 10 SCC mixtures (No. 34 through 43) with

proportions similar to those of mixture No. 16 were used to
evaluate the repeatability of workability tests. Each concrete
mixture was tested for several workability characteristics, compressive strength, and modulus of elasticity as indicated in
Table 5. The test methods that were used to evaluate the workability of SCC are described in Attachment D.
Several 4 8 in. (100 200 mm) concrete cylinders were
cast within 10 minutes to evaluate the compressive strength
and modulus of elasticity at 18 hours of age. The cylinders
were cast in one lift without any mechanical consolidation.
The specimens were demolded at 16 hours of age and tested
at 18 hours. Some of the specimens were cured in the laboratory at 73 4F (23 2C) under wet burlap, while others
were steam cured to determine early-age strength and mod-

ulus of elasticity. For the determination of strength development beyond 18 hours, the samples were air cured in the
molds under wet burlap at 73 4F (23 2C) for 1 day before demolding and storing in a moist-curing chamber.
Mixture Proportioning Guidelines. Based on the results
of the parametric study, and consideration of the effects of
w/cm, binder type, and nominal size and type of coarse aggregate on workability characteristics and development of compressive strength, guidelines for the proportioning of SCC for
use in precast, prestressed applications were proposed.
Comparison of Responses of Various Test Methods.
Correlations among the various test results were used to identify advantages and limitations of these methods. Linear and


Table 5. Experimental program of parametric investigation.




Yield stress and

plastic viscosity

Filling ability

Slump flow and T-50

(upright cone position)

J-Ring, L-box,
Passing ability,
V-funnel flow, and
filling capacity
caisson filling capacity



Tattersall MK
III rheometer

10 & 40

Not applicable

T 119

10 & 40

Not applicable

ASTM C 1621
(for J-Ring)

10 & 40

Not applicable

Surface settlement


Column segregation

ASTM C 1610

Visual stability index

ASTM C 1611

Stability of air*

Compressive strength

T 152

T 22

Over the
first 24

ASTM C 469


Not applicable

Over 40

Not applicable

18 hours

3 air cured
3 steam cured

28 days

3 moist cured

56 days

Modulus of elasticity

Number of
samples per

18 hours

3 moist cured

2 steam cured

Air curing at 50
4% RH and 73 4F
(23 2C)
Moist curing at
100% RH and 73
4F (23 2C)
Steam curing only
for 16 hours

* Agitation of concrete between 10 and 40 minutes at 6 rpm

multiple regression analysis were used to relate the responses

of various tests.
Appropriate test methods that can be used to assess the
workability of SCC in the laboratory and at the precast plant
for quality control were proposed. Ranges of acceptance values for these test methods were established. Non-standard
test methods recommended for adoption as standard test
methods are provided in Attachment C.
Relationship Between Workability Measurements and
Rheological Properties. The various test responses were
related to plastic viscosity of the concrete using a concrete
rheometer. Workability boxes identifying combinations of
rheological parameters necessary to secure adequate stability
of SCC were established for the SCC mixtures evaluated.
Repeatability of Test Results. One mixture that exhibited good fluidity retention was used at two different slump
flow levels (low and high) to establish the repeatability of the
workability test methods. Each test was conducted five times,

using different batches. Each test was performed by different

operators. The data were used to develop precision statements.
Phase 2: Effect of Mixture Proportioning and
Material Characteristics on Key Parameters
Affecting Fresh and Hardened Properties
Limited information is available on the properties of hardened SCC mixtures typically used in precast, prestressed
structural applications. Such properties can vary with the
characteristics of constituent materials, including aggregate
properties, type and composition of binder, and admixture
combinations. Mixture composition and curing conditions
necessary to secure the targeted strength for release of the prestressing also have a marked effect on engineering properties
and durability of the SCC.
The experimental work included nonair-entrained and airentrained SCC mixtures. The targeted compressive strength at
release of the prestressing strands for structural AASHTO-type
girders was set at 5,000 psi (34.5 MPa) after 18 hours of casting.


The targeted 56-day compressive strength of the SCC mixtures that were investigated in this study was 8,000 to 10,000
psi (55.2 to 69 MPa) determined on 4 8 in. (100 200 mm)
cylinders moist cured at 100% relative humidity (RH) and
73 4F (23 2C). The specification of 56-day compressive
strength is important when fly ash or ground granulated
blast-furnace slag is incorporated in the SCC mixture because
of the pozzolanic reaction.

included binder content, binder type, w/cm, S/A, and dosage

of VMA. In total, 16 SCC mixtures were selected to form a
factorial design with the following five main factors:

Binder content: 742 and 843 lb/yd3 (440 and 500 kg/m3)
w/cm: 0.34 and 0.40
Dosage of thickening-type VMA: 0 and moderate dosage
Binder type: Type I/II and Type III cement with 20% Class
F fly ash
S/A: 0.46 and 0.54, by volume

NonAir-Entrained Concrete Mixtures. The experimental factorial design presented in Table 6 was selected to evaluate the influence of mixture proportioning and constituent
material characteristics on the properties that are critical to
the performance of precast, prestressed concrete girders. The
effect of primary ingredients and mix design parameters on key
workability and engineering properties of SCC was evaluated.
Based on the literature review and findings of the parametric
study, four mixture proportioning items and one ingredient
type were considered in the experimental design. The factors

The magnitude of these variables was selected to cover a

wide range of mixture ingredients and designs used in the
United States. The w/cm and binder type were selected based
on the results of the parametric study. A low w/cm was included for better mechanical performance and the higher
w/cm was included for better workability. Type III binder with
20% of Class F fly ash replacement was chosen over Type III
binder with 30% slag because of its better overall performance
in terms of workability and compressive strength development.

Table 6. Factorial experimental program.








Binder type





Binder type



Fractional factorial points

SCC (2627.6 in. [660700 mm] slump flow)

Non-AE concrete





Absolute values


Coded values






742 (440)
742 (440)
742 (440)
742 (440)
742 (440)
742 (440)
742 (440)
742 (440)
843 (500)
843 (500)
843 (500)
843 (500)
843 (500)
843 (500)
843 (500)
843 (500)
792 (470)





792 (470)





0 792 (470) 0.37
moderate I/II-III 0.50
w/cm = 0.34, Type I/II cement, in. (12.5 mm) crushed aggregate
Normal consistency mixtures with 6 in. (150 mm) slump
w/cm = 0.38, Type III + 20% Class F fly ash, in. (12.5 mm) crushed
Normal consistency mixtures with 6 in. (150 mm) slump
Air-entrainment of 4% to7% and slump flow of 2627.6 in. (660700 mm)
Mixtures selected based on performance of nonair-entrained concrete

Thickening-type VMA
Crushed aggregate with MSA of in. (12.5 mm) and natural sand
Type III cement + 20% Class F fly ash


The crushed coarse aggregate with a MSA of 12 in. (12.5 mm)

was used because it offers better performance in terms of
workability and strength development than gravel of similar
MSA or crushed aggregate with 38 or 34 in. (9.5 or 19 mm).
Three replicate central points were prepared to estimate the
degree of experimental error for the modeled responses. In
addition to the 16 SCC mixtures, two HPC mixtures of normal consistency were evaluated.
It should be noted that other mixture proportioning and
material parameters (e.g., coarse aggregate shape and MSA,
combined aggregate gradation, and sand type and fineness
modulus) can also influence the performance of SCC. However, only the most relevant factors were considered in the
experimental program, as indicated in Table 7.
Air-Entrained Concrete Mixtures. Four SCC mixtures
were prepared to evaluate the effect of air-entrainment (4%
to 7%) on fresh properties, fluidity retention, strength development, flexural strength, elastic modulus, air-void spacing factor, and frost durability. These mixtures were selected based on
results of the nonair-entrained concrete mixtures and were
prepared with a selected combination of thickening-type VMA,
polycarboxylate-based HRWRA, and a fixed S/A. Two concrete
mixtures were prepared using two different binder types.
The initial slump flow of the 16 fractional factorial and three
central SCC mixtures was 26.0 to 27.5 in. (660 to 700 mm).
The targeted release compressive strength after 18 hours of
steam curing and 56-day compressive strength were 5,000 psi
(34.5 MPa) and 8,000 to 10,000 psi (55 to 69 MPa), respectively. The compressive strength was determined on 4 8 in.
(100 200 mm) cylinders. For 56-day compressive strength,
the specimens were stored at 100% RH and 73 4F (23 2C)
until the time of testing. The change in temperature in the
chamber and in 4 8 in. (100 200 mm) reference cylinders
during steam curing are presented in Attachment D.
Test results were compared with the provisions for elasticity modulus, compressive strength, creep, drying shrinkage,
and bond stipulated in several codes (AASHTO LRFD Specifications [2004 and 2007]; Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) Bridge Design Manual 1997; ACI 209, ACI 318,
CEB-FIP MC90, etc.).
Formwork Pressure. The initial maximum pressure
exerted by SCC and HPC was evaluated by casting concrete
in rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) column measuring 3.6 ft
(1.1 m) in height and 7.9 in. (200 mm) in diameter at a rate
of 13 to 16 ft/h (4 to 5 m/h). Pressure sensors were installed at
2, 10, and 18 in. (50, 250, and 450 mm) from the bottom of the
pressure decay tube. The sensors were set flush with the inner
surface of the PVC column; the drilled holes through the PVC
tubing were sealed to avoid leakage. The pressure sensors had
a capacity of 25 psi (170 kPa), can operate over a temperature
range of 58F to 212F (50C to 100C), and were calibrated

using a mechanical calibration instrument prior to use. Drop

in lateral pressure was monitored until pressure cancellation
(results are presented in Attachment D).
Temperature Rise. Temperature rise was measured in a
6 12 in. (150 300 mm) concrete cylinder that was inserted
at the center of a styrofoam box measuring 3.3 3.3 3.3 ft
(1 1 1 m). Three thermo-couples were installed inside the
concrete cylindersone in the center of the cylinder, one in
the middle height of the inner side of the cylinder, and one in
the top of the inner side of the cylinderto determine the
temperature rise under semi-adiabatic conditions.
Autogenous Shrinkage. Autogenous shrinkage was measured on 3 3 11.8 in. (75 75 285 mm) prisms. The prisms
were sealed immediately after removal from the molds at
18 hours of age and kept at 73 4F (23 2C) until the end of
testing. Autogenous shrinkage was monitored using embedded
vibrating wire strain gages until stabilization, which occurred
after approximately 3 weeks of age. The autogenous shrinkage was obtained by subtracting the total shrinkage from
thermal deformation. A linear thermal expansion coefficient
of 6.4 in./in./F (11.5 m/m/C) was assumed for adjusting
vibrating wire gage readings. The thermal expansion coefficient
of the concrete was determined from the slope of the total
deformation versus temperature curve of concrete prisms
subjected to controlled temperature changes. Two prisms were
initially immersed in water at the approximate temperature
of 122F (50C). Once the temperature of the specimens was
stabilized, the water was allowed to cool down to approximately 68F (20C). The resulting deformations were used to
estimate the coefficient of thermal expansion/contraction of
the concrete.
Drying Shrinkage and Creep. Six 6 12 in. (150 300 mm)
test specimens were cast to monitor creep and drying shrinkage.
The specimens were steam cured until the age of 16 hours and
were then demolded. The ends of creep cylinders were ground
and external studs were installed for deformation measurements. A digital-type extensometer was used to determine
drying shrinkage and creep. Creep and shrinkage testing started
at the age of 18 hours. The applied creep loading corresponded
to 40% of the 18-hour compressive strength of the steam-cured
concrete cylinders. Creep and shrinkage specimens were kept
in a temperature-controlled room at 73 4F (23 2C) and
50% 4% relative humidity. Initial elastic deformations were
measured directly after loading; creep and drying shrinkage
deformations were monitored for 11 months; the long-term
deformations were all stabilized at that time.
Pull-out Bond Strength. Pull-out testing of prestressing
strands was conducted for five SCC mixtures and one conventional concrete mixture. The SCC mixtures were proportioned
with different viscosity and static stability levels. Tests were


Table 7. Factors considered in the testing program.





Number of
per mixture


Yield stress and plastic

viscosity and thixotropy


10 &
40 minutes

Not applicable

Filling ability

Slump flow, T-50

(upright cone position)

10 &
40 minutes

Not applicable

10 &
40 minutes

Not applicable

Over the
first 24 hours

Passing ability J-Ring

& filling
L-box, caisson filling

C 1611
C 1621

Surface settlement
Column segregation
Visual stability index
Stability of air*

C 1610
C 1611
T 152

Not applicable
40 minutes

Compressive strength

7 days
28 days

3 moist cured

56 days

Flexural strength


Form pressure


Setting time

28 days
56 days
7 days

2 moist cured
3 moist cured

28 days
56 days
Over the first
24 hours

T 197

Initial formwork
Variation of pressure
with time

3 moist cured
3 moist cured


First 24 hours

Rate of rise of 13.1

to 16.4 ft/h (4 to
5 m/h)

Sealed prisms

Drying shrinkage

T 160

11 months

C 512
C 457

11 months
Starting at 56

T 161,
Method A

Starting at 56

* Agitation of concrete between 10 and 40 minutes at 6 rpm

Steam curing:
only for 14 hours
(refer to
Attachment D)

Over 10 to
14 days

Pull-out load-end slip


Moist curing:
100% RH, 73 4F
(23 2C)

2 to 4 hours

wire gages

Freezing and thawing


Air curing: 50
4% RH, 73 4F
(23 2C)

Autogenous shrinkage

Air-void parameters

Bond strength

T 97

Temperature rise



C 469

3 moist cured
2 air cured
2 steam cured
2 moist cured

18 hours
Modulus of elasticity

Not applicable
3 air cured
3 steam cured
3 moist cured

18 hours
T 22


56 days

Same curing
regime used for
release strength
Loading at release

Air curing: at 50
5 SCC & 1 HPC 4% RH, 73 4F
(23 2C)


conducted to determine the maximum pull-out load versus the

end slip response of strands that were horizontally embedded
in experimental wall elements. In total, 16 Grade 270, 0.6 in.
(15.2 mm) diameter low-relaxation prestressing strands
were embedded at four heights in 60.6 H 84.6 L 7.9 W in.
(1,540 H 2,150 L 200 W mm) wall elements. Rigid plastic
sheathing was tightly attached to the outer end of each strand
near the loaded end as bond breaker to reduce secondary confining stresses along the bonded region.
The formwork was removed 1 day after concrete casting.
The concrete wall elements were then maintained under wet
curing until 7 days of age before being air-dried. Pull-out tests
were conducted at 56 days of age. The pull-out load was applied gradually and recorded using a load cell; the net slip was
measured using a linear voltage differential transducer (LVDT)
connected to the unloaded end of the strand.
Phase 3: Structural Performance of Full-Scale
AASHTO-Type II Girders
The structural performance of full-scale AASHTO precast,
prestressed bridge girders constructed with selected SCC mixtures was investigated to evaluate the applicability of current
design provisions (AASHTO and PCI) and to recommend appropriate modifications to the AASHTO LRFD Specifications.
The aspects studied were constructability, temperature varia-

tions, transfer lengths, cambers, flexural cracking, shear cracking, and shear strengths. More details on the construction and
testing of these girders are given in Attachment D.
Two nonair-entrained SCC mixtures of different compressive strength levels were used to cast two full-scale AASHTOType II girders. One mixture had target 56-day compressive
strength of 8,000 (55 MPa) and release strength of 5,000 psi
(34.5 MPa) and the other had target compressive and release
strengths of 10,000 psi (69 MPa) and 6,250 psi (43 MPa),
respectively. Two additional girders were cast using HPC
mixtures with target 56-day compressive strengths of 8,000
and 10,000 psi (55 and 69 MPa). The HRWRA dosages for the
HPC and SCC mixtures were adjusted to obtain a slump of
6.3 0.8 in. (160 20 mm) and a slump flow of 26.8 0.8 in.
(680 20 mm), respectively.
The AASHTO-Type II girders have overall lengths of 31 ft
(9.4 m) with center-to-center spans of 29 ft (8.8 m). The
girders were prestressed with eight 0.6 in. (15.2 mm) diameter
Grade 270 low-relaxation prestressing strands of six straight
strands and two strands harped at double harping points
located 4 ft 11 in. (1.5 m) from mid-span as shown in Figure 1.
The pretensioning jacking system was calibrated to ensure accurate application of the force to each strand.
The four mixes were proportioned with Type III cement
and 20% Class F fly ash and crushed aggregate with MSA of
2 in. (12.5 mm), as presented in Table 8.

6" 6"


31'-0" total length



Section at ends


Type II
Section at midspan

Figure 1. Details of precast pretensioned AASHTO-Type II girders.


Table 8. Mixtures used for full-scale girders.




Targeted 56-day
8,000 psi
(55 MPa)
10,000 psi
(69 MPa)
8,000 psi
(55 MPa)
10,000 psi
(69 MPa)

(w/cmbinder contentbinder typeS/AVMA)
38-797-III20%FA (w/cm = 0.38, Type III cement + 20%
Class F fly ash)
33-793-III20%FA (w/cm = 0.33, Type III cement + 20%
Class F fly ash)
38-742-III20%FA-S/A54 (w/cm = 0.38, Type III cement
+ 20% Class F fly ash, S/A = 0.54)
32-843-III20%FA-S/A46-VMA (w/cm = 0.32, Type III
cement + 20% Class F fly ash, S/A = 0.46)

* in. (12.5 mm) crushed aggregate for all mixtures

The testing program of the concrete used in the girders

is presented in Table 9. For each girder, a minimum of fifty
4 8 in. (100 200 mm) cylinders and eighteen 3.9 3.9
15.7 in. (100 100 400 mm) beams were prepared. In total,
28 cylinders and nine flexural beams were match cured with
the concrete girders. The rest of the cylinders and flexural
beam specimens were demolded after 18 hours of air curing,

then moist cured at 100% RH and 73.4F (23C) until testing.

At the time of prestress release, three steam-cured and three
air-cured cylinders were tested to determine the compressive
Four cylinders, two for each curing method, were used to
determine the modulus of elasticity. The remaining steamcured cylinders were stored near the girders and tested to

Table 9. Concrete testing program for the girders.


of samples



At arrival
& after


0.89 ft3
(25 l)


Slump flowa,
T-50 (upright
cone position)


At arrival
& just


0.11 ft3
(3.14 l)


At arrival
& after


2.54 ft3
(72 l)



24 hours



Visual stability



0.11 ft3 (3.14 l)

Stability of air

T 152

At arrival
& after


0.25 ft3
(7 l)


wire gages

Over 1

3 3 11.2 in.
(75 75 285
mm) prismb

Drying shrinkage

T 160

Over 6

6 12 in.
(150 300
mm) cylinder c



Yield stress,
plastic viscosity






caisson filling

Slump for HPC mixtures

Sealed prisms after demolding at release time
Same curing regime used for release strength

7.9 23.6 in.

(200 600 mm)
7.9 26 in.
(200 660 mm)



Table 9. (Continued).



At release
7 days


T 22

28 days
56 days

of samples
per mixture
3 steam cured
3 air cured
3 moist curedd
3 air curede
3 moist curedd
3 air curede
3 moist curedd
3 air curede

Size/volume of

4 8 in.
(100 200 mm)

3 moist curedd
3 air curede
2 steam cured
At release
2 air cured
At shear


7 days
Modulus of

C 469

28 days
56 days

2 moist curedd
2 air curede
2 moist curedd
2 air curede
2 moist curedd
2 air curede

2 moist curedd
2 air curede
3 steam cured
At release
3 air cured

4 8 in.
(100 200 mm)

At shear

Flexural strength

T 97

28 days
56 days


Temperature rise
Setting time


Transfer length,
flexural cracking,
and shear capacity

6 12 in.
(150 300 mm)

T 197

Sieved mortar

flexural &
shear testing

2 SCC girders
2 HPC girders

II girder with
31 ft (9.4 m)
in length

Camber growth

3 moist cured
3 air curede
3 moist curedd
3 air curede

3.9 3.9
15.7 in.
(100 100
400 mm)

2 SCC girders
2 HPC girders

18 hours of air curing followed by moist curing at 100% RH and 73F (23C)
18 hours of steam curing followed by air curing near the corresponding girderat 50 4% RH and 73 4F
(23 2C)

determine the compressive strength and modulus of elasticity at 7, 28, and 56 days, and also at the age corresponding to
the time of testing the girders. The tests on beam specimens
provided data on the modulus of rupture at the time of prestress release and at 28 and 56 days.

2.3 Approach for Relevant Changes

to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
and Construction Specifications
To recommend relevant changes to AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Design and Construction Specifications, the specification
sections that relate to the proposed research were examined.
Relevant changes are integrated in Attachment A.

2.4 Guidelines for Use of SCC

in Precast, Prestressed
Concrete Bridge Elements
Based on the results of the literature survey and the laboratory evaluation, guidelines were developed for the use of
SCC in precast, prestressed concrete bridge elements. The
guidelines, provided in Attachment B, include information
on the selection of material constituents, mixture proportioning, and testing of SCC. Performance-based specifications of fresh and hardened concrete properties are provided,
and special placement and construction issues are discussed.
The guidelines deal with the early-age properties, mechanical
properties, durability, and structural performance of SCC.



Interpretation, Appraisal, and Application

This chapter provides an interpretation of the findings in

terms of highway engineering practice. Recommendations for
revisions to the AASHTO LRFD Specifications are presented
in Attachment A. Suggested methods for testing SCC are
described in Attachment C. Guidelines for quality control
testing, acceptance specifications, and proportioning of SCC
for precast, prestressed concrete bridge elements are provided
in Attachment C. These guidelines can be of particular interest
to bridge engineers and specifiers, concrete producers, testing
laboratories, and manufacturers; will facilitate successful use of
SCC; and will contribute to its acceptance.

Adopting quality control measures for producing SCC leads

to enhanced durability and longer life expectancy of bridge
structures. Eliminating the need for vibration in precast bridge
elements also provides a potential for enhancing the manufacturers environmental, health, and safety conditions.
The standard test methods and others (e.g., slump flow and
T-50, J-Ring flow, column segregation, and VSI) can be used
to assess workability characteristics of SCC. Based on this
projects findings, filling capacity and surface settlement test
methods are recommended for use in evaluating the filling
capacity and static stability of SCC.



Conclusions and Suggested Research

This chapter presents the major conclusions of the research

effort and provides suggestions for future research.

4.1 Test Methods and

Material Requirements
The use of proven combinations of test methods is necessary to reduce time and effort required for quality control of
SCC used in precast, prestressed bridge elements. These
methods include the components required for evaluating the
deformability, passing ability, and resistance to segregation of
the concrete. The most promising SCC test methods for these
evaluations are:

Filling ability (slump flow and T-50);

Passing ability (J-Ring and L-box);
Filling capacity [caisson test (filling vessel)]; and
Segregation resistance (VSI, surface settlement and rate of
settlement, and column segregation).

Recommended acceptance values for these tests are summarized in Table 10. These tests are appropriate for material selection and mix design as well as for quality control (QC) testing.

4.2 Material Constituents

and Mix Design

Based on the results derived from the factorial design, the

relative influence of various mixture parameters on the modeled properties of SCC are summarized in Table 11. Table 12
gives recommendations for proportioning of SCC mixtures
for use in precast, prestressed applications.
Regarding the fresh SCC properties, the following recommendations and observations are made:

A w/cm should be selected to obtain the targeted stability,

mechanical properties, visco-elastic properties, and dura-

bility (typical w/cm for precast, prestressed applications

can range between 0.34 and 0.40).
Low S/A values (e.g., 0.46 to 0.50) should be used to obtain
adequate workability.
Coarse aggregate with 12 in. (12.5 mm) MSA is recommended to achieve adequate workability and mechanical
Use of thickening-type VMA is required for SCC made
with moderate and relatively high w/cm and low binder
content to enhance stability and obtain homogenous insitu properties. The use of thickening-type VMA at a low
level can enhance static stability (lower column segregation
index). VMA can also be used in highly stable SCC (e.g.,
with low w/cm) to enhance robustness.
Use of air entrainment is required for frost durability (use
of air-entraining admixture will help stabilize small air
SCC made with Type III cement and 20% Class F fly ash
can exhibit better slump flow retention, higher passing
ability, and higher filling capacity than SCC made with
Type I/II cement.
The HRWRA demand decreases with the increase in w/cm
and binder content. The use of Type III cement and 20%
Class F fly ash necessitates higher HRWRA demand than
that required for SCC prepared with Type I/II cement
(thus resulting in lower early-age compressive strength).
Better slump flow retention can be obtained with SCC made
with low w/cm because of the higher HRWRA demand
required to achieve 26.0 to 27.5 in. (660 to 700 mm) slump
Surface settlement of SCC increases with the increase in
binder content and w/cm.
Plastic viscosity decreases with the increase in binder
content and w/cm but increases slightly with the increase
in S/A.
Thixotropy or structural build-up at rest of the SCC
decreases with the increase in binder content and w/cm.



Test method

Target value

Slump flow
T-50 (ASTM C 1611)
J-Ring flow (ASTM C
Slump flow J-Ring flow
L-box blocking ratio (h2/h1)
Filling capacity
Slump flow and J-Ring flow
Slump flow and L-box tests

23.529 in. (600735 mm)

1.56 sec (upright cone position)
21.526 in. (545660 mm)
03 in. (075 mm)

Rate of settlement, 2530 min (value can

decrease to 1015 min)
MSA of 3 8 and in.
(9.5 and 12.5 mm) 0.27%/h
(Max. settlement 0.5%)
MSA of in. (19 mm) 0.12%/h
(Max. settlement of 0.3%)
Column segregation index (C.O.V.)
Percent static segregation (S) 15%
01 (0 for deep elements)
4%7% depending on exposure
conditions, MSA, and type of HRWRA.
Ensure stable and uniform distribution of
small air voids.

Surface settlement
Column segregation
(ASTM C 1610)
VSI (ASTM C 1611)




Table 10. Recommended test methods and target values.



Slump flow retention

Slump flow J-Ring flow
L-box blocking ratio (h2/h1)
Caisson filling capacity
Maximum surface settlement
Column segregation index
Plastic viscosity
Thixotropy (Ab)
Form pressure
18-hour f c '
56-day f c '
18-hour MOE
56-day MOE
7-day flexural strength
56-day flexural strength
Autogenous shrinkage
at 7 days
Autogenous shrinkage
at 56 days
Drying shrinkage after
28 days of exposure
Drying shrinkage after
112 days of exposure
Creep after 28 days of loading
Creep after 112 days of loading
Darkened areas indicate high degree of influence for the modeled mixture parameter.



HRWRA demand


















Table 11. Relative significance of modeled SCC parameters.

Table 12. Recommendations for proportioning SCC mixtures.






742 lb/yd
(440 kg/m)

III + 20%
fly ash


843 lb/yd
(500 kg/m)


Binder type




Filling ability retention

Passing ability
Filling capacity
Static stability
18-hour f c



56-day f c
18-hour MOE
56-day MOE
Flexural strength
Autogenous shrinkage
Drying shrinkage
Darkened areas indicate better performance for each property.

Higher thixotropy can be detrimental to surface finish and

advantageous to formwork pressure.
Initial relative form pressure at 3.3 ft (1 m) in height cast at
13.1 to 16.4 ft/h (4 to 5 m/h) varies between 0.80 and 1.00 of
hydrostatic pressure; it increases with the increase in binder
content and w/cm but decreases with the increase in S/A.
Incorporation of thickening-type VMA in the mixture
could delay setting and increase the time to attain peak temperature, thus leading to some delay in early-age strength
development. In that case, steam curing could be used to
accelerate the strength development.

Regarding the visco-elastic properties, the following recommendations and observations are made:
The increase in binder content increases drying shrinkage

and creep.
Although for a given binder content drying shrinkage is

Regarding the mechanical properties, the following recommendations and observations are made:
Mechanical properties increase with the decrease in w/cm.
Increase in binder content can lead to higher 56-day com-

pressive strength but to lower 18-hour MOE and 7-day

flexural strength.
The increase in S/A results in lower MOE at 18 hours
(steam curing) and 56 days (moist curing) and higher flexural strength.
SCC made with Type III cement and 20% Class F fly
ash exhibits lower early-age compressive strength than
that made with Type I/II cement (due to higher HRWRA
SCC made with Type III cement and 20% Class F fly ash
can develop higher compressive strength and MOE at
56 days but lower mechanical properties at 18 hours than
for concrete made with Type I/II cement (mainly because
of delayed setting resulting from greater HRWRA demand).

expected to increase with increased w/cm, for the derived

statistical models an opposite trend appears because the
drying shrinkage also includes autogenous shrinkage that
decreases with the increase in w/cm.
SCC mixtures made with Type I/II cement develop less creep
and shrinkage than those prepared with Type III cement and
20% Class F fly ash. However, the latter concrete has better
workability and higher mechanical properties than the former SCC. Therefore, use of Type III cement and 20% Class F
fly ash will require reduction of binder content to ensure
better overall performance.
Concrete mixtures containing high binder content and low
w/cm can exhibit high autogenous shrinkage; the majority
(85% to 95%) of which occurs in the first 28 days (values
after 56 days can vary between 100 and 350 strain depending on mixture composition).
Autogenous shrinkage is mostly affected by binder type and
paste volume. SCC made with Type III cement and 20%
Class F fly ash can develop higher autogenous shrinkage and
creep than SCC made with Type I/II cement.
For a given w/cm, increasing binder content can result in
higher drying shrinkage (500 and 1000 strain after 300 days
is possible).
SCC exhibits up to 30% higher drying shrinkage at 300 days
than HPC made with similar w/cm but different paste


volume. More detailed information on drying shrinkage

can be found in Attachment D.
Increase in S/A can lead to higher long-term drying
The binder type does not have significant effect on drying
shrinkage but can significantly affect creep (e.g., SCC made
with Type III cement and 20% fly ash exhibited higher creep
than similar SCC proportioned with Type I/II cement
regardless of the binder content, w/cm, S/A, and use of thickening-type VMA).
The w/cm does not have considerable effect on creep because
of the more predominant influence of other parameters such
as binder content, binder type, and S/A.
SCC exhibits up to 20% higher creep after 300 days than
HPC made with similar w/cm but different paste volume. More detailed information on creep can be found
in Attachment D.

Highly flowable SCC can develop at least 90% in-situ rela-

tive compressive strength (core results) and modification

factor of 1.4 for bond to horizontally embedded prestressing strands. More detailed information on bond to prestressing strands is presented in Attachment D.
Use of highly viscous SCC [plastic viscosity greater than
0.073 psis (500 Pas) or T-50 nearing 6 seconds (obtained
from upright cone position)] should be avoided to ensure
adequate self-consolidation.

4.5 Structural Performance

of AASHTO-Type II Girders
The following conclusions and observations are based on the
construction and testing of the full-scale precast, pretensioned
With the casting from only a single location at midspan of

4.3 Code Provisions for

Estimating Mechanical and
Visco-Elastic Properties
Mechanical Properties
Material coefficients of existing prediction models were
modified to provide better prediction of mechanical properties of SCC for precast, prestressed concrete bridge elements.
The following codes are recommended:

ACI 209 and CEB-FIP codes with modified coefficients for

predicting compressive strength

Current AASHTO 2007 model for predicting elastic

Current AASHTO 2007 model for estimating flexural


Visco-Elastic Properties
Creep and shrinkage strains measured in experimental
factorial design were compared with values predicted by the
AASHTO 2007, AASHTO 2004, ACI 209, CEB-FIP MC90,
and GL 2000 (Gardner and Lockman, 2001) models. Coefficients of the following models were modified to provide better
prediction of visco-elastic properties for SCC:
AASHTO 2004 model for estimating drying shrinkage
AASHTO 2007 model for estimating creep

4.4 Homogeneity of In-Situ Strength

and Bond to Reinforcement

Highly flowable SCC should have adequate static stabil-

ity with maximum surface settlement, column segregation

index, and percent static segregation of 0.5%, 5%, and 15%,
respectively, particularity for deep elements.

the 31 ft (9.44 m) long girders, no visible segregation was

observed and fewer bug holes were observed in the SCC
concrete than in the HPC.
The transfer lengths were similar for the four concrete mixtures and were considerably shorter than the values given
in the 2007 AASHTO LRFD Specifications and the ACI
318-05 code.
At time of prestress release at 18 hours, the coefficients on the
square root of the compressive strength used to determine
the modulus of elasticity for the SCC mixtures were about
4% and 11% lower than those for the HPC mixtures.
Due to the low elastic modulus and greater drying shrinkage, greater elastic shortening losses and greater long-term
losses of prestress occurred, resulting in smaller cambers
for the SCC girders.
The cracking moments for the SCC girders and the companion HPC girders were similar, and the uncracked and
cracked stiffnesses for all four girders were very similar.
The cracking shears for all four girders were similar.
The four girders failed in shear after developing a significant
number of wide shear cracks; shear crack widths just before
failure were greater than 0.24 in. (6 mm). The failure shears
exceeded the nominal shear resistances predicted using the
approach given in 2007 AASHTO LRFD Specifications,
probably because of the strength and stiffness of the top and
bottom flanges of the girders.
The flexural resistances of the HPC girders exceeded that
predicted using the 2007 AASHTO LRFD Specifications.
The flexural resistances of the SCC girders were within 1.5%
of the flexural resistance calculated using the approach provided in the 2007 AASHTO LRFD Specifications.
The HPC girders exhibited higher ductilities than the corresponding SCC girders.
The lower shear resistance and lower ductility experienced
by the SCC girders are probably due to the lower volume


of coarse aggregate that reduces aggregate interlock and

results in lower energy absorption capability on the sliding
shear failure plane.

gation potential and in-situ properties of the hardened

Evaluation of the effect of concrete workability, placement techniques, casting rate, and form release material
on surface finish of SCC.
Evaluation of the effect of rheological properties of SCC,
delivery period, and delay between successive placement on cold joint formation and surface defects.

4.6 Recommendations for

Future Research
The following recommendations are made for future
research related to SCC used in precast, prestressed applications.

Test Methods

Short term

Short term

Development of a reliable test method to determine

bond-strength and modification factor to prestressing
Medium term
Development of a QC test method to evaluate plastic
viscosity of SCC.

Validation of the recommended workability characteristics proposed in Table 13 using full-scale prestressed
Evaluation of the effect of horizontal flow distance and
free-fall distance of concrete in the formwork on segre-

Table 13. Workability values of SCC used in precast/prestressed applications.



Element characteristics











1 in. = 25.4 mm
Shaded zones indicate suggested workability characteristics. All SCC mixtures must meet requirements for static







ratio (h2/h1)


2 in.

2-3 in.

(Slump flow
J-Ring flow)
(ASTM C 1621)

3- 4 in.

27.5-29 in.

25-27.5 in.

Relative values

23.5-25 in.

Slump flow
C 1611/C 1611
M-05 )


Development of a QC test method to determine structural build-up and evaluate its effect on consolidation
level, surface quality, and cold joint formation.
Development of a dynamic stability test to assess segregation resistance of SCC subjected to horizontal flow
and free-fall into the formwork.

on workability, mechanical properties, and visco-elastic

properties of SCC.
Investigation of the effect of finely ground limestone
fillers on fresh and hardened concrete properties of
SCC, in particular stability, temperature rise, strength
development, and visco-elastic properties.

Material Selection and Mix Design

Structural Performance

Short term

Short term

Evaluation of the effect of shrinkage-reducing admixtures on shrinkage and creep of SCC used in precast,
prestressed applications (relevant because of the higher
drying shrinkage and creep of SCC).
Investigation of the compatibility issues between chemical admixtures (in particular HRWRA, VMA, shrinkagereducing admixtures, and air-entraining admixtures) on
flow properties and strength development of SCC.
Determination of key factors affecting robustness of
SCC and ways to enhance it in order to ensure consistent concrete quality and productivity.
Medium term
Extension of the modeled region of the factorial design
beyond the range of 1 to +1 as well as incorporating
other parameters in order to take into consideration the
quadratic effect of various parameters in the derived
models, in particular those of the visco-elastic properties and formwork pressure.
Investigation of the influence of mixture proportioning
and material characteristics that were not considered in
this research {e.g., MSA [38 and 12 in. (9.5 and 12.5 mm)],
combined sand and coarse aggregation content and gradation, sand type [crushed vs. natural], and paste volume}

Determination of modification factor (top-bar effect) of

reinforcing bars in structural elements cast with SCC of
different workability characteristics (especially static
stability) and element depth.
Evaluation of the effect of SCC on transfer length with
simple transfer length specimens.
Evaluation of the influence of coarse aggregate content
and MSA on aggregate interlock (direct shear push-off
specimens) and companion tests to investigate the shear
behavior of simple SCC elements (non-prestressed rectangular beam specimens).
Medium term
Evaluation of key engineering properties, durability
characteristics, and structural performance of SCC
with high-release strength [e.g., 7,000 psi (48 MPa)]
and design compressive strength greater than 12,000 psi
(83 MPa).
Evaluation of the use of steel and synthetic fibers in SCC
Extensive testing and evaluation of full-scale specimens
to provide definitive information on structural performance, including the contribution of the presence of
top and bottom flanges to the shear resistance.



Some of the following definitions are general and apply to conventional concrete, while others are specific to self-consolidating
concrete. Some of these definitions are based on definitions given in
American Concrete Institute (ACI) and Precast/Prestressed Concrete
Institute (PCI) technical documents.
AdmixtureA material, other than water, aggregates, hydraulic cement, and fiber reinforcement, used as an ingredient of a cementitious mixture to modify its freshly mixed, setting, or hardened
properties and that is added to the batch before or during its mixing (ACI 116).
Autogenous shrinkageThe shrinkage occurring in the absence of
moisture exchange due to the hydration reactions taking place inside the cement matrix (ACI 209).
BinderA cementing material, either a hydrated cement or reaction
products of cement or lime and reactive siliceous material; also,
materials such asphalt, resins, and other materials forming the
matrix of concretes, mortars, and sanded grouts.
Bingham fluidA fluid characterized by a yield stress and a constant
plastic viscosity, regardless of flow rate (PCI 2003).
Bleed waterThe water that rises to the surface subsequent to the
placing of the concrete. The rise of mixing water within, or its emergence from, newly placed concrete, caused by settlement and consolidation of the plastic concrete (PCI 2003).
Bleeding testThe standard test for determining the relative quantity
of mixing water that will bleed from a sample of freshly mixed concrete (ASTM C 232).
BlockingThe condition in which coarse aggregate particles combine
to form elements large enough to obstruct the flow of the fresh concrete between the reinforcing steel or other obstructions in the
concrete formwork (PCI 2003).
CohesivenessThe tendency of the SCC constituent materials to stick
together, resulting in resistance to segregation, settlement, and
bleeding (PCI 2003).
ConsistencyThe relative mobility or ability of freshly mixed concrete
or mortar to flow (ACI 116).
ConsolidationThe process of inducing a closer arrangement of the
solid particles in freshly mixed concrete or mortar during placement by the reduction of entrapped voids (ACI 116). In SCC, consolidation is achieved by gravity flow of the material without the
need of vibration, rodding, or tamping.
CreepTime-dependent deformation due to sustained load (ACI

DeformabilityThe ability of SCC to flow under its own mass and fill
completely the formwork.
Drying shrinkageShrinkage occurring in a specimen that is exposed
to the environment and allowed to dry (ACI 209).
FillersFinely divided inert material, such as pulverized limestone, silica, or colloidal substances, sometimes added to portland cement
paint or other materials to reduce shrinkage, improve workability,
or act as an extender or material used to fill an opening in a form
(ACI 116).
Filling abilityThe ability of SCC to flow into and fill completely all
spaces within the formwork, under its own weight, also referred to
as deformability or non-restricted deformability (ACI 237).
Filling capacityThe ability of SCC to flow into and fill completely all
spaces within the formwork.
FlowabilityThe ability of fresh concrete to flow in confined or unconfined form of any shape, reinforced or not, under gravity and/or
external forces, assuming the shape of its container (PCI 2003).
FluidityThe ease by which fresh concrete flows under gravity (PCI
2003). Fluidity is the reciprocal of dynamic viscosity.
Fly ashThe finely divided residue that results from the combustion
of ground or powdered coal and that is transported by flue gasses
from the combustion zone to the particle removal system (ACI
116). Because of its spherical shape and fineness, fly ash can improve the rheology of SCC.
Formwork pressureLateral pressure acting on vertical or inclined
formed surfaces, resulting from the fluid-like behavior of the unhardened concrete confined by the forms (ACI 116).
Ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS)A fine granular,
mostly latent hydraulic binding material that can be added to SCC
to improve workability of the material (PCI 2003). GGBFS is also
referred to in some cases as slag cement (a waste product in the
manufacture of pig iron and chemically a mixture of lime, silica,
and alumina).
High-range water-reducing admixture (HRWRA)A water-reducing
admixture capable of producing large water reduction or greater
flowability without causing undue set retardation or entrainment of
air in mortar or concrete (ACI 116).
J-Ring flowThe distance of lateral flow of concrete using the J-Ring
in combination with a slump cone (ASTM C 1621).
J-Ring testTest used to determine the passing ability of SCC, or the
degree to which the passage of concrete through the bars of the
J-Ring apparatus is restricted (ASTM C 1621).

L-box testTest used to assess the confined flow of SCC and the extent
to which it is subject to blocking by reinforcement (ACI 237).
MetakaolinMineral admixture used as binding material (supplementary cementitious material) in concrete (PCI 2003).
Mixture robustnessThe characteristic of a mixture that encompasses
its tolerance to variations in constituent characteristics and quantities, as well as its tolerance to the effects of transportation and
placement activities (PCI 2003).
Passing abilityThe ability of SCC to flow under its own weight (without vibration) and completely fill all spaces within intricate formwork, containing obstacles, such as reinforcement (ASTM C 1621).
Paste volumeProportional volume of cement paste in concrete, mortar, or the like, expressed as volume percent of the entire mixture
(ACI 116).
Plastic viscosityThe resistance of the plastic material to undergo a
given flow. It is computed as the slope of the shear stress versus
shear rate curve measurements. Mixtures with high plastic viscosity are often described as sticky or cohesive. Concrete with
higher plastic viscosity takes longer to flow. It is closely related to
T-50 and V-funnel time (higher plastic viscosity: higher T-50 and
V-funnel time).
Powder (also referred to as graded powder)Includes cement, fly ash,
GGBFS, limestone fines, material crushed to less than 0.125 mm
(No. 100 sieve), or other non-cementitious filler (ACI 237).
Powder-type SCCSCC mixtures that rely extensively on the amount
and character of the fines and powder included in the mixture for
meeting workability performance requirements (stability) (PCI
PumpabilityThe ability of an SCC mixture to be pumped without
significant degradation of workability (PCI 2003).
Rheological propertiesProperties dealing with the deformation and
flow of matter (PCI 2003).
RheologyThe science of dealing with flow of materials, including
studies of deformation of hardened concrete, the handling and
placing of freshly mixed concrete, and the behavior of slurries,
pastes, and the like (ACI 116). In the context of SCC, rheology
refers to the evaluation of yield stress, plastic viscosity, and
thixotropy to achieve desired levels of filling ability, passing ability,
and segregation resistance.
SegregationThe differential concentration of the components of
mixed concrete, aggregate, or the like, resulting in non-uniform
proportions in the mass (ACI 116). In the case of SCC, segregation
may occur during transport, during flow into the forms, or after
placement when the concrete is in a plastic state. This results in
non-uniform distribution of in-situ properties of the concrete.
Segregation resistanceThe ability of concrete to remain uniform in
terms of composition during placement and until setting (PCI
2003). Segregation resistance encompasses both dynamic and static
Self-consolidating concrete (SCC) (also self-compacting concrete)A
highly flowable, non-segregating concrete that can spread into place,
fill the formwork, and encapsulate the reinforcement without any
mechanical consolidation (ACI 237).
Service lifeThe time during which the structure performs its design
functions without unforeseen maintenance or repair.
SettlementThe condition in which the aggregates in SCC tend to sink
to the bottom of the form resulting in non-homogeneous concrete
(PCI 2003). Surface settlement can also be caused by bleeding of
free water and loss of air as well as movement of aggregate particles
within fresh concrete (consolidation).
Shear stressThe stress component acting tangentially to a plane (ACI

Silica fumeVery fine non-crystalline silica produced in electric arc

furnaces as a byproduct of the production of elemental silicon or
alloys containing silicon (ACI 116). Silica fume can be added to SCC
to improve the rheological properties.
Slump flowTest method used (upright or inverted) to measure mixture filling ability (ASTM C 1611).
Slump flow retentionThe ability of concrete to maintain its slump
flow over a given period of time.
Slump flow spreadThe distance of lateral flow of concrete during the
slump-flow test (ASTM C 1611). Slump flow spread is the numerical value in inches (mm) of flow determined as the average diameter of the circular deposit of SCC at the conclusion of the slump
flow test.
StabilityThe ability of a concrete mixture to resist segregation of the
paste from the aggregates (ASTM C 1611).
Stability, DynamicThe resistance to segregation when external energy is applied to concrete, namely during placement.
Stability, StaticThe resistance to segregation when no external energy is applied to concrete, namely from immediately after placement and until setting.
T-50 measurement (also referred to as the T-20 in. time in North
America)The time for the concrete to reach the 500 mm
(20 in.) diameter circle drawn on the slump plate, after starting to
raise the slump cone (ASTM C 1611).
TextureThe pattern or configuration apparent in an exposed surface,
as in concrete and mortar, including roughness, streaking, striation,
or departure from flatness (ACI 116).
ThixotropyThe property of a material that enables it to stiffen in a
short period while at rest, but to acquire a lower viscosity when mechanically agitated, the process being reversible, a material having
this property is termed thixotropic or shear thinning (ACI 116).
Thixotropy indicates formwork pressure and segregation resistance
of SCC.
TransportabilityThe ability of concrete to be transported from the
mixer to the placement site while remaining in a homogeneous
condition (PCI 2003).
V-funnelDevice used to determine the time for a given volume of
concrete to flow out through a funnel opening (PCI 2003).
ViscosityThe resistance of a material to flow under an applied
shearing stress (ASTM C 1611).
Viscosity-modifying admixture (VMA)An admixture used for enhancing the rheological properties of cement-based materials in the
plastic state to reduce the risk of segregation and washout (ACI 237).
Visual Stability Index (VSI)A test that involves the visual examination of the SCC slump flow spread resulting from performing the
slump flow test (ACI 237).
Water-cementitious material ratio (w/cm)The ratio of the mass of
water, exclusive only of that absorbed by the aggregate, to the mass
of cementitious material (hydraulic) in concrete, mortar, or grout,
stated as a decimal (ACI 116).
WorkabilityThat property of freshly mixed concrete or mortar that
determines the ease with which it can be mixed, placed, consolidated, and finished to a homogenous condition (ACI 116). For
SCC, workability encompasses filling ability, passing ability, and
segregation resistance, and it is affected by rheology.
Yield stressThe minimum shear stress required to initiate (static
yield stress) or maintain (dynamic yield stress) flow (ACI 237). The
yield stress is closely related to slump flow (lower yield stress results in higher slump flow); it is calculated as the intercept of
the shear stress versus shear rate plot from rheometer flow curve


AASHTO (1998), AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications,
1st edition.
AASHTO (2004), AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications,
3rd edition.
AASHTO (2007), AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications,
4th edition.
ACI Committee 209 (1997), Prediction of Creep, Shrinkage, and Temperature Effects in Concrete Structure.
ACI Committee 116 (2000), Cement and Concrete Terminology.
ACI Committee 237 (2007), Self-Consolidating Concrete.
ASTM C 1610/C 1610M-06a (Standard Test Method for Static
Segregation of Self-Consolidating Concrete Using Column
ASTM C 1611/C 1611M-05 (Standard Test Method for Slump Flow of
Self-Consolidating Concrete).
ASTM C 1621/C 1621M-06 (Standard Test Method for Passing Ability
of Self-Consolidating Concrete by J-Ring).
Attiogbe, E. K., See, H. T., and Daczko, J. A. (2002), Engineering
Properties of Self-Consolidating Concrete, Proceedings, 1st North
American Conference on the Design and Use of SCC, Chicago,
Illinois, USA, pp. 371376.
Byun, K. J., Kim, J. K., and Song, H. W. (1998), Self-Compacting Concrete in Korea, Proceedings, International Workshop on SelfCompacting Concrete, Kochi, Japan, pp. 2333.
CEB-FIP Model Code (1990), Design Code 1990, Comit EuroInternational du Bton.
Chan, Y.-W., Chen Y.-S., and Liu, Y.-S. (2003), Development of
Bond Strength of Reinforcement Steel in Self-Consolidating
Concrete. ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 100, No. 4, pp. 490498.

Dehn, F., Holschemacher, K., and Weibe, D. (2000), Self-Compacting

Concrete (SCC) Time Development of the Material Properties and the
Bond Behavior, Leipzig Annual Civil Engineering Report No. 5,
Universitt Leipzig, pp. 115124.
Gardner, N. J., and Lockman, M. J. (2001), Design Provisions for Drying Shrinkage and Creep of Normal-Strength Concrete. ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 98, No. 2, pp. 159167.
Hegger, J., Gortz, S. G., Kommer, B., Tiggs, C., and Dross, C. (2003),
Prestressed Precast Beams Made of Self-Compacting Concrete,
Betonwerk + Fertigteil-Technik (Concrete Plant + Precast Technology), pp. 4046.
Holschemacher, K., and Klug. Y. (2002), A Database for the Evaluation
of Hardened Properties of SCC, Leipzig Annual Civil Engineering
Report No. 7, Universitt Leipzig, pp. 123134.
Koning, G., Holschemacher, K., Dehn, F., and Weibe, D. (2001),
Self-Compacting Concrete-Time Development of Materials
Properties and Bond Behaviour, Proceedings, 2nd International
Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, October 2325, Tokyo,
pp. 507516.
Pons, G., Proust, E., and Assi, S. (2003), Creep and Shrinkage of SelfCompacting Concrete: A Different Behaviour Compared with Vibrated Concrete, Proceedings, 3rd International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, August 1720, Reykjavik,
Iceland, pp. 645654.
Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (1997), Precast Prestressed Concrete
Bridge Design Manual, 1st edition.
Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (2003), Interim Guidelines for the
Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete in Precast/Prestressed Institute
Member Plants.



Recommended Changes to AASHTO LRFD

Bridge Design and Construction Specifications
These proposed changes to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design and Construction Specifications are the recommendations of
the NCHRP Project 18-12 staff at the University of Sherbrooke. These specifications have not been approved by NCHRP or any
AASHTO committee nor formally accepted for the AASHTO specifications.





A.1 Bridge Design Specifications

A.1.1 Mixture Characteristics
A.1.2 Code Provisions for Mechanical and Visco-Elastic Properties

A.2 Construction Specifications


Material Constituents
Mix Design and Proportioning
Production, Handling, and Placement


This attachment presents the recommended modifications to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design and Construction Specifications.
These modifications are shown in underlined format. P(SCC) refers to self-consolidating concrete for use in precast, prestressed
applications; SCC refers to self-consolidating concrete for use in general cast-in-place and/or precast applications.



A.1 Bridge Design Specifications

A.1.1 Mixture Characteristics
Clause 5.4.2 Normal and Structural
Lightweight Concrete
Clause Compressive Strength

Clause C5.4.2.1

Suggest the addition of a new Class of concrete to Table

C5.4.2.1-1, as indicated below.
Table C5.4.2.1-1. Concrete mix characteristics by class.
Class of



lbs. Per


Air Content
As specified
elsewhere (5.5
1.5% for
severe freezing
and thawing
Higher air
content may be
required when
using small
MSA and/or
HRWRA that
can lead to
relatively large
air bubbles)

* total cementitious materials

A.1.2 Code Provisions for Mechanical

and Visco-Elastic Properties
Clause Shrinkage and Creep
Clause Creep

The creep coefficient may be taken as:

( t , t i ) = 1.9kvs khc k f ktd t i0.118 A


in which: kvs = 1.45 0.0051(V / S) 0.0

khc = 1.56 0.08 H


, ktd =
61 0.58 fci + t
7 + fci

H = relative humidity (%). In the absence of better information, H may be taken from Figure
kvs = factor for the effect of the volume-to-surface ratio
of the component

Aggregate Per
Compressive Compressive
(ASTM D 448)
Square Size of
Openings (in.)

in. No. 4
in. No. 4

6.0 to 8.0

8.0 to 10.0




kf = factor for the effect of concrete strength

khc = humidity factor for creep
ktd = time development factor
t = maturity of concrete (day). Defined as age of concrete between time of loading for creep calculations,
or end of curing for shrinkage calculations, and
time being considered for analysis of creep or
shrinkage effects
ti = age of concrete when load is initially applied (day)
V / S = volume-to-surface ratio (mm)
f ci = specified compressive strength of concrete at time
of prestressing for pretensioned members and at
time of initial loading for nonprestressed members.
If concrete age at time of initial loading is unknown
at design time, f ci may be taken as 0.80 f ci (MPa)
A = factor for the effect of cement type: 1.19 for Type
I/II cement and 1.35 for Type III + 20% FA binder
which may be used for P(SCC)
Clause Drying Shrinkage

Clause C5.

For steam cured concretes devoid of shrinkage-prone aggregates, the strain due to shrinkage, sh, at time, t, may be taken as:

The CEB-FIP MC90 modelA1 for drying shrinkage can also

be used for P(SCC). The model takes into consideration relative humidity, cement factor, compressive strength at 28 days,
cross-sectional area, and perimeter, as well as age of concrete
at testing and duration of curing before drying.
P(SCC) proportioned with high binder content and low
w/cm can exhibit autogenous shrinkage of 100 and 350 strain.
Autogenous shrinkage is mostly affected by binder type and
paste volume.

0.56 103 A ( steam-cured ) (
sh = ks kh
55 + t

26e 0.0142(V S ) + t
ks =

45 + t

1064 3.70 (V S )


t = drying time (day)
ks = size factor
kh = humidity factor
V / S = volume-to-surface ratio, and
A = cement factor: 0.918 for Type I/II cement and 1.065
for Type III + 20% FA binder which may be used for

A.2 Construction Specifications

A.2.1 Classification
Clause 8.2.2 Normal-Weight (-Density) Concrete

Eleven classes of normal-weight (-density) concrete are

provided for in these specifications as listed in Table 8.2.2-1.
A new Class of concrete, P(SCC), is added to Table 8.2.2-1.
A1CEB-FIP Model Code, Design Code 1990, Comit Euro-International du
Bton (1990).




Table 8.2.2-1. Classification of normal-weight concrete.

Class of


Size of Coarse
Minimum Maximum
Aggregate Per
Air Content Range
AASHTO M 43 Number
(ASTM D 448)
lb per lb
Nominal Size
Ksi at days
As specified
elsewhere (5.5
1.5% for severe
6.0 to 8.0
freezing and thawing
in. No. 4
at 28D
conditions). Higher
7 or
air content may be
in. No. 4
8.0 to 10.0
required when using
at 56D
small MSA and/or
HRWRA that can
lead to relatively
large air bubbles)

* total cementitious materials

A.2.2 Material Constituents

Clause 8.3.1 Cements

Clause C8.3.1

For Class P(HPC), P(SCC), and Class A (HPC), trial batches

using all intended constituent materials shall be made prior
to concrete placement to ensure that cement and admixtures
are compatible. Changes in the mill, brand, or type of cement
shall not be permitted without additional trial batches.

Selection of cement type depends on the overall requirements for the concrete, such as compressive strength at release
and ultimate age, visco-elastic properties, and durability
characteristics. Type I/II or Type III cement can be used for
P(SCC) designated for precast, prestressed bridge elements.
Supplementary cementitious materials can be incorporated
to replace part of the cement; for example, 20 percent Class F
fly ash or 30 percent slag can be used as part of the total mass
of binder for P(SCC) made with Type III cement.

Clause 8.3.3 Fine Aggregate

Fine aggregate for concrete shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 6. Fine aggregate should be well-graded
concrete sand. It may be beneficial to blend natural and manufactured sands to improve workability and stability, which
is critical for P(SCC). Particle size fractions less than 0.005 in.
(0.125 mm) should be considered as powder materials in proportioning P(SCC). Such fine content can have marked effect
on water and admixture demand, as well as workability of

Clause 8.3.4 Coarse Aggregate

Clause C8.3.4

Coarse aggregate for concrete shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 80.

In the design of P(SCC), MSA values are typically smaller

than those of conventional vibrated concrete. The MSA depends on the particular application, including reinforcement
density, clear spacing between reinforcement and cover,
and section minimum dimension. In general, MSA of 12 in.
(12.5 mm) is recommended for P(SCC) designated for precast, prestressed bridge elements.


Clause 8.3.7 Air-Entraining and Chemical Admixtures

Air-entraining admixtures shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 154 (ASTM C 260). In the case of P(SCC),
air-entraining admixtures may be used to increase the workability of the concrete and facilitate handling and finishing.
The use of Type F or G HRWRA is essential to achieve
P(SCC) fluidity. The HRWRA can be used in combination
with water-reducing admixtures or mid-range water-reducing
admixtures. Some mid-range water-reducing admixtures may
be classified under ASTM C 494 as Type A or F, depending on
the applied dosage rate.

Clause C8.3.7

In some cases, high dosage rate of high-range waterreducing admixture (HRWRA), coupled with high fluidity,
can make it difficult to ensure fine air-void system in the
hardened concrete. Highly flowable concrete of marginal stability can result in loss of entrained air voids and foaming at
the surface. Air-entraining admixture that can stabilize small
air bubbles should be used, especially in the case of P(SCC),
whenever the concrete requires protection from frost action.

Viscosity-modifying admixture (VMA) can be used in

P(SCC) to increase stability and robustness. In mixtures with
low w/cm with sufficient stability, VMA may be incorporated
at low concentration to enhance robustness. This can result
in concrete less sensitive to small variations in mixture proportioning and material characteristics, including moisture
content of sand, as well as mixing conditions and fresh concrete temperature.
If a shrinkage-reducing admixture is specified in the contract documents, verification of the air-void system in the
hardened concrete is recommended.
Clause 8.3.8 Mineral Admixture

Clause C8.3.8

Pozzolans (fly ash, silica fume) and slag can be used in the
production of Class P(HPC), Class A(HPC), and Class P(SCC)
concretes for improved durability and to extend the service life.
Fly ash produced by plants that utilize the limestone injection process or use compounds of sodium, ammonium, or
sulfur, such as soda ash, to control stack emissions shall not
be used in concrete. The carbon content in fly ash can affect
air entrainment as it absorbs some of the air-entraining admixture and adversely affects the ability to entrain air. Care
should be exercised, and frequent tests should be conducted,
to verify the presence of sufficient air voids in the concrete.

A.2.3 Mix Design and Proportioning

Clause Responsibility and Criteria

Clause C8.4.1.1

For Class P(HPC), Class A(HPC), and Class P(SCC), such

modifications shall only be permitted after trial batches to
demonstrate that the modified mix design will result in concrete that complies with the specified concrete properties.

Mix design of P(SCC) is vital for the performance of the

material, both in the plastic and hardened stages. In designing
P(SCC), a number of factors should be taken into consideration to a greater degree than when designing conventional
vibrated concrete:
Properties of locally available raw materials, including min-

eral, geometric, and physical properties of aggregates and

cementitious materials



Need for higher level of quality control, greater awareness

of aggregate gradation, and better control of mix water and

aggregate moisture
Choice of chemical admixtures and their compatibilities
with the selected binder
Consideration of placement technique, configuration of
cast element, and environmental conditions
Clause 8.4.2 Water Content

Clause C8.4.2

The amount of water used shall not exceed the limits listed
in Table 8.2.2-1 and shall be further reduced as necessary to
produce concrete of the consistencies listed in Table 8.4.2-1 (a)
at the time of placement.

For P(SCC) member, workability characteristics shown in

Table 8.4.2-1 (a) are recommended.

Table 8.4.2-1 (a). Workability characteristics for P(SCC).

Relative values

Slump flow, in.

2527.5 27.529

Slump flow J-Ring flow, in.



1 in. = 25.4 mm
Shaded areas refer to recommended workability values.

Clause 8.4.3 Cement Content

The minimum cement content shall be as listed in Table

8.2.2-1 or otherwise specified in the contract documents. For
Class P(HPC) and P(SCC), the total cementitious materials
content shall be specified not to exceed 1000 lb/yd3 (593 kg/m3)
of concrete.
Clause 8.4.4 Mineral Admixtures

Clause C8.4.4

Mineral admixtures are widely used in concrete in the percentages given. For Class P(HPC), Class P(SCC), and Class
A(HPC) concretes, different percentages may be used if trial
bathes substantiate that such amounts provide the specified
A 25-percent maximum of portland cement replacement is
permitted for all classes, except for Classes P(HPC), P(SCC),
and A(HPC), which have a 50-percent maximum portland cement replacement.




For Class P(HPC), P(SCC), and Class A(HPC) concrete,

mineral admixtures (pozzolans or slag) shall be permitted to
be used as cementitious materials with portland cement in
blended cements or as a separate addition at the mixer. In
some cases, limestone filler may be used to replace part of the
portland cement or to increase the powder content of SCC.
Selected fillers should be uniform in chemical composition
and physical characteristics and should not hinder the targeted
performance of SCC (workability, strength development, and
durability). The amount of mineral admixture shall be determined by trial batches. The water-cementitious materials
ratio shall be the ratio of the weight (mass) of water to the
total cementitious materials, including the mineral admixture. The properties of the freshly mixed and hardened concrete shall comply with specified values.

A.2.4 Production, Handling, and Placement

Clause 8.5.4 Batching and Mixing Concrete
Clause Batching

The size of the batch shall not exceed the capacity of the
mixer as guaranteed by the Manufacturer or as determined by
the Standard Requirements of the Associated General Contractors of America. The batch size should be determined in
consideration of the type of concrete, mixing efficiency of the
mixer, volume of concrete to be transported, and shipping
rate. The batch volume should be limited to 80 percent of the
maximum capacity of the mixer for SCC. This value can be
increased for concrete of relatively low fluidity, and final adjustments to concrete deformability are made on site prior to
Clause Mixing

Mixing equipment and mixing sequence should be validated during mix qualification testing of SCC. Necessary
adjustments, such as time and energy of mixing, should be
carried out until consistent and compliant results are obtained.
Insufficient mixing could result in lower fluidity and could
hinder the generation of adequate air-void system.
Clause C8.5.5 Delivery

Clause C8.5.5

It is essential to ensure that the delivery and placement of

SCC be within the workability-retention period of the mixture. SCC can be transported by mixer trucks, tuckerbilts,
sidewinders, clam buckets, pumping, or overhead cranes.
Mixer trucks are suitable when transporting SCC over rough
terrain or long transport distance. During transport, the loads
in trucks may be limited to avoid spillage, or mixtures with
lower flow can be shipped by holding back the mix water and
the admixtures, which then can be added at the job site.




Clause 8.5.7 Evaluation of Concrete Strength

Clause For Acceptance of Concrete

Clause C8.5.7.3

Except for Class P(HPC), Class A(HPC), and Class P(SCC)

concrete, any concrete represented by a test that indicates a
strength that is less than the specified compressive strength at
the specified age by more than 0.500 ksi (3.5 MPa) will be rejected and shall be removed and replaced with acceptable
concrete. Such rejection shall prevail unless either:
For Class P(HPC), Class A(HPC), and Class P(SCC) concrete, any concrete represented by a test that indicates a
strength that is less than the specified compressive strength
at the specified age will be rejected and shall be removed and
replaced with acceptable concrete.
In the case of Class P(SCC) concrete, fresh concrete needs
to be tested for its self-consolidating properties. It is recommended that the producer conduct workability tests and
make necessary adjustments until consistent and compliant
results are obtained. Given that in a precast concrete plant the
manufacturing conditions are rather constant, the first three
mixtures of a day can be subjected to more complete inspection
and routine testing. Subsequent mixtures of similar composition may be subjected to limited and less frequent quality
control testing. Nonetheless, every batch should still be visually checked before transportation, then tested for slump flow
consistency and T-20 (T-50), and visually checked prior to
casting. The Contractor may also elect to verify the passing
ability on site by conducting a J-Ring test. In the case that the
P(SCC) is air entrained, air volume should be evaluated as per
Contract documents.
Clause 8.7.3 Placing Methods
Clause General

Clause C8.7.3.1

Because SCC is based on concrete placement without vibratory consolidation, an adequate construction plan should
be formulated in consideration of the properties specific to
SCC so that the proportioned concrete could be transported
and placed while the required self-consolidation is retained.
Under normal conditions, P(SCC) has an open time of 35 to
45 minutes (time after the end of mixing where the concrete
still satisfies the stipulated flowability, passing ability, and stability requirements). Delays in concrete deliveries between
successive lifts may lead to surface crusting, formation of cold
joints, and other surface defects given the lack of surface
bleeding that is typically encountered in P(SCC).

Placement techniques of SCC can have a significant impact

on the required fluidity level and flowing performance. For
example, whenever a relatively high energy is available during SCC placement, a lower fluidity level could be possible to
achieve the desired consolidation and filling capacity of the
cast element. In the case of placement technique involving
higher energy, extra care should be taken with regard to stability characteristics.

Some guidelines to the relative level of energy provided

during different placement techniques are summarized in
Table C8.7.3-1.




Table C8.7.3-1. Relative placement energy associated with different

placement techniques for SCC (Daczko and Constantiner, 2001).A2
Truck Chute
Crane and Bucket
Drop Tube



Single Discharge

Flow Momentum

Placement of SCC in horizontal elements can be done by

starting at one end of the mold, with the discharge point close
to the form surface. It is recommended to discharge the SCC
in the direction of desired flow to maximize the travel distance.
To minimize segregation, the free-flow distance of the SCC
should be limited to 10 and 33 ft (3 and 10 m), depending on
section geometry and level of reinforcement.
Clause 8.7.4 Consolidation

Clause C8.7.4

All concrete, except concrete placed under water, Class

P(SCC), and concrete otherwise exempt, shall be consolidated by mechanical vibration immediately after placement.
Mechanical vibration shall not be applied for the consolidation of Class P(SCC) except when delays occur between successive lifts. In this case, extreme care must be taken to minimize
any risk of segregation during mechanical consolidation.
Clause 8.11.3 Methods
Clause Steam or Radiant-Heat Curing Method

Clause C8.11.3.5

For Classes P(HPC) and P(SCC) concrete, temperaturesensing devices should be placed within the concrete to verify
that temperatures are uniform throughout the concrete and
within the limits specified.

A2Daczko, J. A., and Constantiner, D., Rheodynamic Concrete. Proceedings,

3rd Congresso Brasileiro do Concreto (IBRACON), paper IV-003, August,
Brazil (2001), 15 p.



Recommended Guidelines for Use of

Self-Consolidating Concrete in Precast,
Prestressed Concrete Bridge Elements
These proposed guidelines are the recommendations of the NCHRP Project 18-12 staff at the University of Sherbrooke. These
guidelines have not been approved by NCHRP or any AASHTO committee nor formally accepted for adoption by AASHTO.



B-5 Introduction
B-6 Glossary
B-9 B.1 Guidelines for Selection of Constituent Materials

B.1.1 General
B.1.2 Cement and Cementitious Materials
B.1.2.1 Cement and Blended Cement
B.1.2.2 Fly Ash
B.1.2.3 Silica Fume
B.1.2.4 Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag
B.1.2.5 Fillers
B.1.2.6 Other Supplementary Cementitious Additions
B.1.3 Aggregate Characteristics
B.1.3.1 Coarse Aggregate
B.1.3.2 Fine Aggregate
B.1.4 Chemical Admixtures
B.1.4.1 High-Range Water-Reducing Admixtures
B.1.4.2 Viscosity-Modifying Admixtures
B.1.4.3 Air-Entraining Admixtures
B.1.4.4 Set-Retarding and Set-Accelerating Admixtures
B.1.4.5 Shrinkage-Reducing Admixtures
B.1.4.6 Other Admixtures
B.1.5 Fibers


B.2 Guidelines for Selection of Workability

Test Methods


B.2.1 General
B.2.2 Filling Ability
B.2.2.1 Significance
B.2.2.2 Test Methods to Assess Filling Ability
B.2.2.3 Special Issues
B.2.3 Passing Ability
B.2.3.1 Significance
B.2.3.2 Test Methods to Assess Passing Ability
B.2.3.3 Special Issues
B.2.4 Filling Capacity
B.2.4.1 Significance
B.2.4.2 Test Method to Assess Filling Capacity
B.2.4.3 Special Issues
B.2.5 Static Stability
B.2.5.1 Significance
B.2.5.2 Test Methods to Assess Static Stability
B.2.5.3 Special Issues







B.2.6 Dynamic Stability

B.2.6.1 Significance
B.2.6.2 Test Methods to Assess Dynamic Stability
B.2.7 Rheology
B.2.7.1 Significance
B.2.7.2 Test Methods to Assess Rheological Parameters
B.2.7.3 Special Issues

B.3 Guidelines for Mix Design

B.3.1 General
B.3.2 Mix Design Principles
B.3.2.1 Minimum Free Water Content
B.3.2.2 Moderate Water Content and Medium Concentration of VMA
B.3.2.3 Low Water Content and Low Concentration of VMA
B.3.3 Cementitious Materials Content and Water-Cementitious Material Ratio
B.3.4 Nominal Size of Coarse Aggregate
B.3.5 Air-Entrainment and Air-Void Stability
B.3.6 Mixture Robustness
B.3.7 Trial Batches
B.3.8 Recommended Range of Workability Characteristics
B.3.9 Quality Confirmation of SCC

B.4 Guidelines for Early-Age and Hardened Properties

B.4.1 General
B.4.2 Setting
B.4.3 Temperature Development
B.4.4 Release Compressive Strength
B.4.5 Flexural Strength
B.4.6 Modulus of Elasticity
B.4.7 Creep
B.4.8 Autogenous Shrinkage
B.4.9 Drying Shrinkage
B.4.10 Durability and Air-Void System
B.4.11 Bond to Prestressing Strands

B.5 Guidelines for Production and Control

B.5.1 General
B.5.2 Control of Raw Materials
B.5.3 Mixing Process and Sequence
B.5.4 Transport
B.5.5 Site Acceptance of Plastic Concrete
B.5.6 Placement Techniques and Casting Considerations
B.5.7 Temperature Control
B.5.8 Formwork Considerations and Lateral Pressure
B.5.9 Finishing
B.5.10 Curing




Greater flexibility to produce a wide variety of architectural

The competitive situation in the precast concrete construction market is significantly affected by price and cost factors as
well as by productivity and quality. This environment is characterized by ever-shorter construction times, rising labor
costs, as well as greater demand for high workability, strength,
and durability. Technological developments and methods of
production that can lead to improved concrete quality and
savings are therefore becoming increasingly important. Selfconsolidating concrete (SCC) represents a significant advancement in concrete technology that provides great potential for
efficiency and economy in concrete construction.
SCC is a highly workable concrete that can flow through
densely reinforced or geometrically complex structural elements under its own weight without mechanical consolidation
and adequately fill the formwork with minimum risk of segregation. The flowability of SCC is higher than that of normal
high-performance concrete typically used in precast, prestressed concrete plants. This characteristic of SCC, coupled
with the absence of the noise associated with vibration, make
SCC a desirable material for fabricating prestressed bridge elements. More specifically, SCC offers the following advantages:

Increased assembly rates and reduced labor for placement,

Simplification of the concreting procedure and ability to

produce heavily reinforced precast elements with virtually

any cross-sectional shape

vibration and finishing
Improved working environment and safety
Lower capital investment costs and higher service life of the

formwork elements
Improved surface quality with greater uniformity and fewer

surface imperfections
Use of SCC in the precast, prestressed applications can
result in specific advantages. Complex precast concrete members can be prefabricated with greater ease, speed, economy,
and higher surface quality. This can be achieved even in tightly
spaced areas or congested reinforcementsuch as columns,
cap beams, and superstructure elementsand lead to providing uniform and aesthetically pleasing surfaces. The quality
control and quality assurance measures used for producing
SCC will help achieve structures with the desired durability
and service life.
These guidelines provide the information necessary for
considering use of SCC in precast, prestressed bridge girders.
The guidelines include information on the selection of concrete constituents and proportioning of concrete mixtures,
workability characteristics, testing methods, mechanical properties, visco-elastic properties, production and control issues,
and durability of SCC.


The following definitions may be referred to in these
guidelines. Some of them are general and apply to conventional concrete while others are specific to SCC. Some of these
definitions are based on definitions given in ACI and PCI
technical documents.
AdmixtureA material, other than water, aggregates, hydraulic cement, and fiber reinforcement, used as an ingredient of a cementitious mixture to modify its freshly mixed, setting, or hardened properties and that is added to the batch
before or during its mixing (ACI 116).
Autogenous shrinkageThe shrinkage occurring in the
absence of moisture exchange due to the hydration reactions
taking place inside the cement matrix (ACI 209).
BinderA cementing material, either a hydrated cement or
reaction products of cement or lime and reactive siliceous material; also materials such asphalt, resins, and other materials
forming the matrix of concretes, mortars, and sanded grouts.
Bingham fluidA fluid characterized by a yield stress and
a constant plastic viscosity, regardless of flow rate (PCI 2003).
Bleed waterThe water that rises to the surface subsequent to the placing of the concrete. The rise of mixing water
within, or its emergence from, newly placed concrete, caused
by settlement and consolidation of the plastic concrete (PCI
Bleeding testThe standard test for determining the relative quantity of mixing water that will bleed from a sample
of freshly mixed concrete (ASTM C 232).
BlockingThe condition in which coarse aggregate particles combine to form elements large enough to obstruct the
flow of the fresh concrete between the reinforcing steel or
other obstructions in the concrete formwork (PCI 2003).
CohesivenessThe tendency of the SCC constituent materials to stick together, resulting in resistance to segregation,
settlement, and bleeding (PCI 2003).
ConsistencyThe relative mobility or ability of freshly
mixed concrete or mortar to flow (ACI 116).
ConsolidationThe process of inducing a closer arrangement of the solid particles in freshly mixed concrete or mortar
during placement by the reduction of entrapped voids (ACI
116). In SCC, consolidation is achieved by gravity flow of the
material without the need of vibration, rodding, or tamping.
CreepTime-dependent deformation due to sustained
load (ACI 209).
DeformabilityThe ability of SCC to flow under its own
mass and fill completely the formwork.
Drying shrinkageShrinkage occurring in a specimen
that is exposed to the environment and allowed to dry (ACI
FillersFinely divided inert material, such as pulverized
limestone, silica, or colloidal substances, sometimes added to

portland cement paint or other materials to reduce shrinkage,

improve workability, or act as an extender or material used to
fill an opening in a form (ACI 116).
Filling abilityThe ability of SCC to flow into and fill
completely all spaces within the formwork, under its own
weight, also referred to as deformability or non-restricted deformability (ACI 237).
Filling capacityThe ability of SCC to flow into and fill
completely all spaces within the formwork.
FlowabilityThe ability of fresh concrete to flow in confined or unconfined form of any shape, reinforced or not,
under gravity and/or external forces, assuming the shape of
its container (PCI 2003).
FluidityThe ease by which fresh concrete flows under
gravity (PCI 2003). Fluidity is the reciprocal of dynamic
Fly ashThe finely divided residue that results from the
combustion of ground or powdered coal and that is transported by flue gasses from the combustion zone to the particle removal system (ACI 116). Because of its spherical shape
and fineness, fly ash can improve the rheology of SCC.
Formwork pressureLateral pressure acting on vertical
or inclined formed surfaces, resulting from the fluid-like behavior of the unhardened concrete confined by the forms
(ACI 116).
Ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS)A fine
granular, mostly latent hydraulic binding material that can be
added to SCC to improve workability of the material (PCI
2003). GGBFS is also referred to in some cases as slag cement
(a waste product in the manufacture of pig iron and chemically a mixture of lime, silica, and alumina).
High-range water-reducing admixture (HRWRA)
A water-reducing admixture capable of producing large
water reduction or greater flowability without causing undue
set retardation or entrainment of air in mortar or concrete
(ACI 116).
J-Ring testTest used to determine the passing ability of
SCC, or the degree to which the passage of concrete through
the bars of the J-Ring apparatus is restricted (ASTM C 1621).
J-Ring flowThe distance of lateral flow of concrete using
the J-Ring in combination with a slump cone (ASTM C 1621).
L-box testTest used to assess the confined flow of SCC
and the extent to which it is subject to blocking by reinforcement (ACI 237).
MetakaolinMineral admixture used as binding material
(supplementary cementitious material) in concrete (PCI 2003).
Mixture robustnessThe characteristic of a mixture that
encompasses its tolerance to variations in constituent characteristics and quantities, as well as its tolerance to the effects
of transportation and placement activities (PCI 2003).
Passing abilityThe ability of SCC to flow under its own
weight (without vibration) and completely fill all spaces


within intricate formwork, containing obstacles, such as reinforcement (ASTM C 1621).

Paste volumeProportional volume of cement paste in
concrete, mortar, or the like, expressed as volume percent of
the entire mixture (ACI 116).
Plastic viscosityThe resistance of the plastic material to
undergo a given flow. It is computed as the slope of the shear
stress versus shear rate curve measurements. Mixtures with
high plastic viscosity are often described as sticky or cohesive. Concrete with higher plastic viscosity takes longer to
flow. It is closely related to T-50 and V-funnel time (higher
plastic viscosity: higher T-50 and V-funnel time).
Powder (also referred to as graded powder)Includes cement, fly ash, GGBFS, limestone fines, material crushed to
less than 0.125 mm (No. 100 sieve), or other non-cementitious filler (ACI 237).
Powder-type SCCSCC mixtures that rely extensively on
the amount and character of the fines and powder included
in the mixture for meeting workability performance requirements (stability) (PCI 2003).
PumpabilityThe ability of an SCC mixture to be pumped
without significant degradation of workability (PCI 2003).
Rheological propertiesProperties dealing with the deformation and flow of matter (PCI 2003).
RheologyThe science of dealing with flow of materials,
including studies of deformation of hardened concrete, the
handling and placing of freshly mixed concrete, and the behavior of slurries, pastes, and the like (ACI 116). In the context of SCC, rheology refers to the evaluation of yield stress,
plastic viscosity, and thixotropy to achieve desired levels of
filling ability, passing ability, and segregation resistance.
SegregationThe differential concentration of the components of mixed concrete, aggregate, or the like, resulting in
non-uniform proportions in the mass (ACI 116). In the case
of SCC, segregation may occur during transport, during flow
into the forms, or after placement when the concrete is in a
plastic state. This results in non-uniform distribution of in-situ
properties of the concrete.
Segregation resistanceThe ability of concrete to remain
uniform in terms of composition during placement and until
setting (PCI 2003). Segregation resistance encompasses both
dynamic and static stability.
Self-consolidating concrete (SCC) (also self-compacting
concrete)A highly flowable, non-segregating concrete that
can spread into place, fill the formwork, and encapsulate the reinforcement without any mechanical consolidation (ACI 237).
Service lifeThe time during which the structure performs
its design functions without unforeseen maintenance or repair.
SettlementThe condition in which the aggregates in
SCC tend to sink to the bottom of the form resulting in nonhomogeneous concrete (PCI 2003). Surface settlement can
also be caused by bleeding of free water and loss of air as well

as movement of aggregate particles within fresh concrete

Shear stressThe stress component acting tangentially to
a plane (ACI 116).
Silica fumeVery fine non-crystalline silica produced in
electric arc furnaces as a byproduct of the production of elemental silicon or alloys containing silicon (ACI 116). Silica fume
can be added to SCC to improve the rheological properties.
Slump flowTest method used (upright or inverted) to
measure mixture filling ability (ASTM C 1611).
Slump flow retentionThe ability of concrete to maintain its slump flow over a given period of time.
Slump flow spreadThe distance of lateral flow of concrete during the slump-flow test (ASTM C 1611). Slump flow
spread is the numerical value in inches (mm) of flow determined as the average diameter of the circular deposit of SCC
at the conclusion of the slump flow test.
StabilityThe ability of a concrete mixture to resist segregation of the paste from the aggregates (ASTM C 1611).
Stability, DynamicThe resistance to segregation when external energy is applied to concrete, namely during placement.
Stability, StaticThe resistance to segregation when no
external energy is applied to concrete, namely from immediately after placement and until setting.
T-50 measurement (also referred to as the T-20 in. time
in North America)The time for the concrete to reach the
500 mm (20 in.) diameter circle drawn on the slump plate, after
starting to raise the slump cone (ASTM C 1611).
TextureThe pattern or configuration apparent in an exposed surface, as in concrete and mortar, including roughness,
streaking, striation, or departure from flatness (ACI 116).
ThixotropyThe property of a material that enables it to
stiffen in a short period while at rest, but to acquire a lower
viscosity when mechanically agitated, the process being reversible, a material having this property is termed thixotropic
or shear thinning (ACI 116). Thixotropy indicates formwork
pressure and segregation resistance of SCC.
TransportabilityThe ability of concrete to be transported from the mixer to the placement site while remaining
in a homogeneous condition (PCI 2003).
V-funnelDevice used to determine the time for a given
volume of concrete to flow out through a funnel opening
(PCI 2003).
ViscosityThe resistance of a material to flow under an
applied shearing stress (ASTM 1611).
Viscosity-modifying admixture (VMA)An admixture
used for enhancing the rheological properties of cementbased materials in the plastic state to reduce the risk of segregation and washout (ACI 237).
Visual Stability Index (VSI)A test that involves the visual examination of the SCC slump flow spread resulting
from performing the slump flow test (ACI 237).


Water-cementitious material ratio (w/cm)The ratio of

the mass of water, exclusive only of that absorbed by the aggregate, to the mass of cementitious material (hydraulic) in
concrete, mortar, or grout, stated as a decimal (ACI 116).
WorkabilityThat property of freshly mixed concrete or
mortar that determines the ease with which it can be mixed,
placed, consolidated, and finished to a homogenous condition (ACI 116). For SCC, workability encompasses filling

ability, passing ability, and segregation resistance, and it is affected by rheology.

Yield stressThe minimum shear stress required to initiate (static yield stress) or maintain (dynamic yield stress) flow
(ACI 237). The yield stress is closely related to slump flow
(lower yield stress results in higher slump flow); it is calculated as the intercept of the shear stress versus shear rate plot
from rheometer flow curve measurements.




B.1 Guidelines for Selection of Constituent Materials

B.1.1 General
The production of SCC requires uniform quality of all constituent materials, and it is therefore necessary that these materials meet standard specifications. A choice of suitable constituent materials is vital to the optimization of SCC mix
design for different applications.
Constituent material qualification for SCC designated for
precast, prestressed concrete bridge elements generally follows
the requirements of AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design [2007]
and Construction [1998] Specifications. Except mixing water
and materials mentioned in the following Sections B.2.2 to
B.2.4, no materials may be incorporated into the concrete
without the authorization of the Engineer. It is important to
continually check for any change in materials or proportions
that will affect surface appearance, strength, or other characteristics of SCC that may affect its overall performance.

B.1.2 Cement and Cementitious Materials

One must ensure that material additions do not adversely
affect the desired architectural appearance, where appearance
is a design requirement.
B.1.2.1 Cement and Blended Cement
All cements that conform to the AASHTO M 85 or ASTM
C 150 standard specifications can be used for the production
of SCC. The correct choice of cement type is normally dictated by the specific requirements of each application or by
the availability.
For SCC applications where visual appearance is important, adequate cement content and uniform w/cm should be
adopted to minimize the color variation. Therefore, the cement should be from the same mill and of the same type,
brand, and color.

The total content of cementitious materials used in prestressed concrete for a 28-day design compressive strength
of 4,000 to 8,000 psi (28 to 55 MPa) can vary from 600 to
1,000 lb/yd3 (356 to 593 kg/m3) [PCI, 1997]. The AASHTO
LRFD Bridge Design Specifications [2007] suggest that the sum
of portland cement and other cementitious materials should

Selection of the type of cement will depend on the overall

requirements for the concrete, such as compressive strength
at early and ultimate ages, mechanical properties, durability,
and color considerations in architectural applications where
color and color uniformity are important.
Blended hydraulic cements that conform to the AASHTO
M 240 or ASTM C 595M can also be used. Unless otherwise
specified, Types I, II, or III cement; Types IA, IIA, or IIIA airentrained cement; or Types IP (portland-pozzolan cement) or
IS (portland blast-furnace slag cement) blended hydraulic cements can be used for the construction of precast, prestressed
concrete elements. Types I, II or III cements can be used with
some replacements by supplementary cementitious materials
and other hydraulic binders. In general, fly ash and slag replacement values shall not exceed 20% and 40%, respectively,
to ensure high-early strength for satisfactory release of strands.




not exceed 800 lb/yd3 (475 kg/m3), except for Class P concrete
where the total cementitious materials should not exceed 1,000
lb/yd3 (593 kg/m3). These values for SCC designated for precast,
prestressed applications shall range between 650 and 800 lb/yd3
(386 and 475 kg/m3) [ACI Committee 237, 2007 (237R-07)].
B.1.2.2 Fly Ash
Pozzolans and slag meeting ASTM C 618, C 989, or C 1240
are supplementary cementitious material and may be added
to portland cements during mixing to produce SCC with improved workability, increased strength, reduced permeability
and efflorescence, and improved durability. In general, Class
F fly ash has been shown to be effective in SCC providing increased cohesion and robustness to changes in water content
[European Guidelines, 2005].

In some cases, higher level of fly ash replacement may reduce the ability of SCC to flow. The replacement rate of fly
ash also affects strength and durability. Contribution of fly
ash delays the hydration process and strength development.
Fly ash can also affect air entrainment since the carbon present in fly ash can absorb air-entraining admixture and adversely affect the ability to entrain air. Therefore, specific limits on LOI which is indicative of the carbon content need to
be stated. Fly ash shall not be used with Type IP or IS cements.

Fly ash should conform to the AASHTO M 295 or ASTM

C 618 [AASHTO, 1998, 2007]. In general, the content of cement replaced with fly ash is 18% to 22% by mass [Florida
DOT, 2004].
B.1.2.3 Silica Fume
Silica fume conforming to AASHTO M 307 or ASTM C
1240 can be used as supplementary cementitious material in
the proportioning of SCC for improved strength and durability. Silica fume also improves resistance to segregation and
bleeding. Special care should be taken to select the proper silica fume content.

In some cases, a high level of silica fume addition can cause

rapid surface crusting that leads to cold joints or surface defects if delays occur in concrete delivery or surface finish (and
also increases cost). According to Florida DOT [2004], the
quantity of cement replacement with silica fume should be
7% to 9% by mass of cementitious materials.

B.1.2.4 Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag

Ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGFBS) meeting
AASHTO M 302 or ASTM C 989 may be used as supplementary cementitious materials. GGBFS provides reactive fines
and due to large replacement rate usually about 40% enables
a low heat of hydration.
Cement replacement by GGBFS is based on the severity of
the environment to which the concrete is exposed. The level
of GGBFS addition is 25% to 70% for slightly and moderately
aggressive environments, and 50% to 70% by mass when
used in extremely aggressive environments.
When used in combination with silica fume and/or
metakaolin, GGBFS content should be limited to 50% to 55%
of the total cementitious content, by mass of binder [Florida
DOT, 2004]. However, in precast, prestressed members, the
amount of slag is usually 40%. GGBFS shall not be used with
Type IP or Type IS cements.

A high proportion of GGBFS (e.g., exceeding 40%) may

however affect stability of SCC resulting in reduced robustness with problems of consistency control while delayed setting can increase the risk of static segregation.




B.1.2.5 Fillers
The particle-size distribution, shape, and water absorption
of fillers may affect the water demand/sensitivity and suitability for use in the production of SCC. Calcium carbonatebased mineral fillers can enhance workability and surface finish. The fraction below 0.005 in. (0.125 mm) shall be of most
benefit to SCC flow properties. Contents of fillers should be
evaluated to ensure adequate performance of concrete, including strength development and durability.
B.1.2.6 Other Supplementary Cementitious
Metakaolin, natural pozzolan, ground glass, air-cooled slag
and other fine fillers have also been used or considered as additions for SCC, but their effects need to be carefully evaluated for both short- and long-term effects on the fresh and
hardened concrete.

B.1.3 Aggregate Characteristics

A well-graded combined aggregate with sufficient intermediate sizes is highly desirable for improved stability. Also,
if the proper particle shape and texture are selected, combined aggregate grading can lead to large reductions in water,
paste, and cement contents leading to improved hardened
concrete properties.
The moisture content, water absorption, grading and
variations in fines content of all aggregates should be
closely and continuously monitored and must be taken into
account in order to produce SCC of constant quality.
Changing the source of supply for aggregates is likely to
make a significant change to the concrete properties and
should be carefully and fully evaluated [European Guidelines, 2005].

Gravel, crushed stone, or combinations can be used as

coarse aggregate. In the case of fine aggregate, natural sand or
manufactured sand can be used. Coarse and fine aggregates
should conform to the grain-size distribution recommendations of the project specifications.

B.1.3.1 Coarse Aggregate

Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, the
recommendation is to use normal-density coarse aggregate
meeting the requirements of AASHTO M 80 or ASTM C 33.
The use of continuously graded aggregates is recommended.
The nominal maximum-size of coarse aggregate (MSA)
should be selected based on mix requirements and minimum
clear spacing between the reinforcing steel and prestressing
strands, cover of the reinforcement steel, and thickness of the
member. The recommendations given in the PCI Bridge Design Manual [1997] apply.

Slightly gap-graded aggregates may lead to greater flowability than continuously graded aggregate. Gap-graded aggregate can, however, increase the risk of bleeding and segregation, and proper measures are needed to ensure adequate
static stability of the concrete.
In the design of SCC, typically the MSA values are smaller
than those of conventional vibrated concrete. The MSA is
generally limited to 1/2 to 3/4 in. (12.5 to 19 mm). In the
placement of SCC in highly congested and restricted section,
MSA value of 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) can be used.



If aggregates susceptible to alkali-aggregate reactivity are
used, special precautions must be observed. These include the
use of low-alkali cement, blended cements, or pozzolans and

B.1.3.2 Fine Aggregate

For normal weight concrete, fine aggregates conforming to
AASHTO M 6 are appropriate for the production of SCC.
The fine aggregate component should be well-graded concrete sand.
Fine aggregates for SCC should conform to the gradation
requirements of AASHTO M 6 or ASTM C 33, as presented
in Table B.1.

It may be beneficial to blend natural and manufactured

sand to improve plastic properties of SCC. Common concrete
sand, including crushed or rounded sand and siliceous or calcareous sand, can be used in SCC.

Table B.1. Grading requirements

for fine aggregates.
8 in. (9.5 mm)
No. 4 (4.75 mm)
No. 8 (2.36 mm)
No. 16 (1.18 mm)
No. 30 (600 m)
No. 50 (300 m)
No. 100 (150 m)

Percent passing
95 to 100
80 to 100
50 to 85
25 to 60
10 to 30
2 to 10

Percent passing
(ASTM C 33)
95 to 100
80 to 100
50 to 85
25 to 60
5 to 30
0 to 10

Particle size fractions of less than 0.005 in. (0.125 mm)

should be considered as powder material in proportioning
SCC. Such fine content can have marked effect on rheology.

B.1.4 Chemical Admixtures

Chemical admixtures are used in precast, prestressed concrete to reduce water content, improve filling ability and stability, provide air entrainment, accelerate strength development, enhance workability retention, and retard setting time.
Because chemical admixtures can produce different results
with different binders, and at different temperatures, the selection of the admixtures should be based on the plant materials and conditions that will be utilized in production.
For prestressed concrete, chloride-ion content in chemical
admixtures should be limited to 0.1%, by mass of the admixture [AASHTO, 2004].

Incompatibility of admixtures with binders can lead to improper air void system and delayed or accelerated setting
time. Therefore, before the start of the project, concrete with
the job materials, including the admixtures, should be tested
to ensure compatibility. Such testing should be repeated
whenever there is a change in the binder and admixtures.

B.1.4.1 High-Range Water-Reducing Admixtures

High-range water-reducing admixtures (HRWRA) shall
conform to the requirements of ASTM C 494 Type F (waterreducing, high range) or G (water-reducing, high range, and
retarding) or ASTM C 1017. The admixture should enable the
required water reduction and fluidity during transport and
The use of Type F or G HRWRA is essential to achieve SCC
fluidity. Such HRWRA can be used in combination with reg-

The required consistency retention will depend on the application. Precast concrete is likely to require a shorter retention time than cast-in-place concrete.




ular water-reducing admixtures or mid-range water-reducing

admixtures. There are mid-range water-reducing admixtures
that may be classified under ASTM C 494 as Type A or F depending on dosage rate.
B.1.4.2 Viscosity-Modifying Admixtures
Use of a viscosity-modifying admixture (VMA) for SCC
proportioned with w/cm higher than 0.40 is recommended
to ensure stability of the fresh concrete. Starting with a low
dosage rate of VMA, the rate should be gradually increased
to establish the dosage rate that provides the desired level of
VMA should not be added to SCC as a means for improving a poor mix design or poor selection of materials. High
dosage of VMA may lead to increased HRWRA demand and
in some cases, some delay in setting, and development of
early-age mechanical properties.

VMAs are used in SCC to enhance segregation resistance

and to enhance robustness by minimizing the effect of variations in aggregate moisture content, temperature, etc. This
can make the SCC less sensitive to small variations in the proportioning and characteristics of material constituents.
There are currently no ASTM specifications for VMA. Producers should confirm by trial mixtures that VMA does not
adversely affect the hardened concrete properties.

B.1.4.3 Air-Entraining Admixtures

Air-entraining admixtures shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 154 or ASTM C 260. Air-entraining admixtures are used in concrete primarily to increase the resistance of the concrete to freeze-thaw damage. Proper selection
of air-entraining admixture that can stabilize small bubbles
and properly formulated HRWRA that does not cause a large
number of coarse air bubbles are needed to design the SCC
with an adequate air-void system.

In some cases, high dosage of HRWRA coupled with the

high fluidity of the mixture can make it difficult to ensure
the entrainment of a fine, stable air-void system in the concrete. HRWRA can also entrain coarse air bubbles. Compatibility evaluation between the air-entraining admixture
and HRWRA is therefore needed to achieve the targeted airvoid characteristics.

B.1.4.4 Set-Retarding and Set-Accelerating

An ASTM C 494 Type D set-retarding admixture may be
used during hot weather concreting or when a delay in setting
is required, subject to acceptance by the Engineer. Some
water-reducing admixtures at high dosage rates can act as
retarding admixtures. They should be used with caution.
Set-accelerating admixture (Type C) shall be used to decrease
setting time and increase the development of early-age mechanical properties. The admixture is particularly beneficial
in precast concrete construction to facilitate early form removal
and release of prestressing [PCI, 1997].
B.1.4.5 Shrinkage-Reducing Admixtures
If a shrinkage-reducing admixture is specified in the contract documents, verification of the air-void system, including air content in hardened concrete, spacing factor, and specific surface, is recommended. It could be difficult to entrain

In the absence of accelerated radiant heat or steam curing,

the use of set-accelerating admixture in SCC may be beneficial in precast applications when using HRWRA, especially
the polynaphthalene- or melamine-based products.




air and large dosages of air-entraining admixture are needed

when a shrinkage-reducing admixture is used.
B.1.4.6 Other Admixtures
Corrosion-inhibiting admixtures can be incorporated to
protect the reinforcement from corrosion. Producers should
confirm by trial mixtures that the addition of any admixture
does not adversely affect the hardened concrete properties.
Coloring pigments used in SCC shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 979. All coloring admixtures required
for a project shall be ordered in one lot and shall be finely
ground natural or synthetic mineral oxide or an organic
phthalocyanine dye with a history of satisfactory color stability in concrete [European Guidelines, 2005].

The use of corrosion-inhibiting admixtures may hinder

the efficiency of other admixtures and cause non-uniformity
in color of the concrete surface (darkening and mottling).
There are currently no AASHTO or ASTM specifications
for corrosion-inhibiting admixtures.

B.1.5 Fibers
Synthetic and steel fibers (hybrid fiber) can be used. The
dosage rates of the fiber in SCC ranges between 0.25% and
0.50%, by volume, depending on the type of applications. The
dosage of fibers should be determined given the workability requirements of the mixtures, which should take into consideration element characteristics and placement conditions. Changes
in mixture proportioning may be needed to secure good passing ability and filling capacity of the fiber-reinforced SCC.

The incorporation of synthetic fiber is recommended to reduce the risk of cracking due to restrained or plastic shrinkage. The dosage of synthetic fiber should not exceed the
0.50%, by volume, when casting complex and narrow sections or densely reinforced structures.

B.2 Guidelines for Selection of Workability Test Methods

B.2.1 General
Workability describes the ease with which concrete can be
mixed, placed, consolidated, and finished. It describes the filling properties of fresh concrete in relation to the behavior of
concrete in the production process. Workability of SCC is described in terms of filling ability, passing ability, and stability
(resistance to segregation) and is characterized by data that
relates to specific testing methods [ACI Committee 237,
2007]. Various test methods have been used to assess the
workability characteristics of SCC. In general, test methods
include the components required for evaluating simultaneously the filling ability, passing ability, and static stability.
Table B.2 summarizes some of the main test methods proposed for the evaluation of workability of SCC.

B.2.2 Filling Ability

B.2.2.1 Significance
The ability of SCC to flow into and fill completely all
spaces within the formwork, under its own weight, is of great




Table B.2. Key workability

characteristics of SCC.


Test methods


Slump flow and T-50

ASTM C 1611

The filling capacity combines the filling and passing abilities of SCC and can be tested using the caisson filling capacity [Yurugi et al., 1993].



ASTM C 1621


Combining filling
and passing abilities
Surface settlement


Column segregation

ASTM C 1610

Visual stability index

ASTM C 1611

importance to SCC casting, distance between filling points,

etc. [ACI Committee 237, 2007].
B.2.2.2 Test Methods to Assess Filling Ability
In general, slump flow varies from 23.5 to 29 in. (600 to
735 mm) for SCC used in precast, prestressed applications
[Khayat et al., 2007]. When slump flow test is performed, the
time needed for the concrete to spread 20 in. (500 mm) is also
noted. This test is called T-50 flow time.

Slump flow test [ASTM C 1611] is used to assess the horizontal free flow of SCC in the absence of obstruction. The test
method is based on the test method for determining the
slump of a normal concrete. The diameter of the concrete circle is a measure of the flowability of the SCC.
B.2.2.3 Special Issues
Advantages and precautions of slump flow and T-50 flow
test methods are presented in Table B.3.

Table B.3. Advantages and precautions of slump flow test

and T-50.
Slump flow


o Simple

o Roughness and moisture of base plate

affect results
o Large base plate is required to perform
o Must be performed on level surfaces

o Reproducible
o Results correlate to yield stress
o Low sensitivity to water content
o Can be performed by a single operator

o Results correlate to plastic viscosity
o Can be performed simultaneously
with slump flow using a second

o Sensitive to roughness and moisture of

base plate
o Poor single- and multi-operator
o High error for low-viscosity mixtures




B.2.3 Passing Ability

B.2.3.1 Significance
The passing ability tests evaluate the ability of concrete to
pass among various obstacles and narrow spacing in the
formwork without local aggregate segregation in the vicinity
of the obstacles that give rise to interlocking and blockage of
the flow in the absence of any mechanical vibration [ACI
Committee 237, 2007].
B.2.3.2 Test Methods to Assess Passing Ability
The J-Ring test [ASTM C 1621] can be used to assess the
restricted deformability of SCC through closely spaced obstacles [Bartos, 1998].

In the L-box test, the vertical part of the box is filled with
concrete and left at rest for 1 minute. The gate separating
the vertical and horizontal compartments is then lifted, and the
concrete flows out through closely spaced reinforcing bars at the
bottom. The time for the leading edge of the concrete to reach
the end of the long horizontal section is noted. The heights of
concrete remaining in the vertical section and at the leading
edge are determined. The blocking ratio (h2/h1) is calculated to
evaluate the self-leveling characteristic of the concrete.
The V-funnel apparatus consists of a V-shaped funnel with
an opening of 2.55 3.0 in. (65 75 mm) at its bottom. The
funnel is filled with concrete, then after 1 minute, the gate is
opened and the time taken for concrete to flow through the
apparatus is measured. In the case of structural applications,
the V-funnel flow time lower than 8 seconds indicates good
passing ability [Hwang et al., 2006].
B.2.3.3 Special Issues
Advantages and precautions of the slump flow and J-Ring
flow test, L-box, and V-funnel methods are presented in
Table B.4.

B.2.4 Filling Capacity

B.2.4.1 Significance
The property to completely fill intricate formwork or
formwork containing closely spaced obstacles is critical for
SCC to achieve adequate in-situ performance. SCC with high

In general, the maximum difference between slump flow

and J-Ring flow varies from 2 to 3 in. (50 to 75 mm) depending on the filling ability (slump flow) of the mixture. A difference between slump flow and J-Ring flow less than 1 in.
(25 mm) indicates good passing ability and no visible blocking of the concrete. A difference greater than 2 or 3 in. (50 or
75 mm), depending on the slump flow value, reflects blocking of the concrete.
A blocking ratio of 0.5 and higher is indicative of adequate
passing ability. Higher values are necessary in densely reinforced and thin sections.




Table B.4. Advantages and precautions of J-Ring,

L-box, and V-funnel flow test.


o Simple

o Roughness and moisture of base

plate affect results

o Good repeatability

o Large base plate is required to

perform the test

o Can be performed by a single


o Must be performed on level


o Material segregation can be

visually detected

o Good repeatability

o Must be performed on level


o Can be performed by a single

o Flow time correlates to plastic

o Can be performed by a single

o Poor repeatability
o Risk of flow interruption in
high-viscosity mixtures

o Flow time correlates to plastic


filling and passing abilities can achieve good filling capacity

and spread into a predetermined section to fill the formwork
under the sole action of gravity without segregation and
blockage [ACI Committee 237, 2007].
B.2.4.2 Test Method to Assess Filling Capacity
The filling capacity test provides a small-scale model of a
highly congested section and is suitable to evaluate the filling
capacity and its self-consolidating characteristics [Ozawa et
al., 1992; Yurugi et al., 1993].

For the caisson test, the maximum size aggregate (MSA) is

limited to 3/4 in. (19 mm). In general, a filling capacity higher
than 70% is recommended for SCC used in precast, prestressed applications.

B.2.4.3 Special Issues

Advantages and precautions of the caisson filling capacity
test are presented in Table B.5.
Table B.5. Advantages and precautions of filling
capacity test.
Filling capacity
o Good repeatability


o Good indicator of filling capacity,

which combines filling ability and o
passing ability of SCC
o Visual appreciation of filling
capacity through congested

Difficult to perform by single

Requires some calculation to evaluate
filling capacity




B.2.5 Static Stability

B.2.5.1 Significance
Static stability refers to the resistance of concrete to bleeding, segregation, and surface settlement after casting while the
concrete is still in a plastic state [ACI Committee 237, 2007].
B.2.5.2 Test Methods to Assess Static Stability
The surface settlement test method can be used to evaluate
the surface settlement of SCC from a plastic state until the
time of hardening [Manai, 1995]. In general, a maximum
surface settlement lower than 0.5% or a rate of settlement
after 30 minutes lower than 0.27% per hour is recommended
for SCC used in precast, prestressed bridge elements.
The static stability of SCC can also be determined using the
column segregation test [ASTM C 1610]. The coefficient of
variation of the aggregate among the column sections can be
taken as a segregation index (Iseg) [Assaad et al., 2004]. Another index consisting of the percent static segregation (S)
can be obtained by measuring the difference between aggregate mass at the top and bottom sections of the column.
The visual stability index (VSI) involves visual examination of SCC prior to placement and after performance of the
slump flow test. It is used to evaluate the relative stability of
batches of the same or similar SCC mixtures. The VSI procedure assigns a numerical rating of 0 to 3, in 0.5 increments.
The VSI test is most applicable to SCC mixtures that tend to
bleed [Daczko and Kurtz, 2001].

The surface settlement test enables the quantification of the

effect of mixture proportioning on static stability. The settlement is monitored until a constant value is achieved.

The column segregation test consists of casting concrete in

a column divided into four sections along the concrete sample. From each section, the concrete is weighed and washed
out. Then, the coarse aggregate content is determined for
each section.
In general, a segregation index (Iseg) lower than 5% or a
percent of static segregation (S) lower than 15% is recommended for SCC used in precast, prestressed bridge elements.
The test can be considered as a static stability index when
it is observed in a wheelbarrow or mixer following some period of rest time (static condition). VSI value of 0 to 1 is recommended for SCC for precast, prestressed concrete bridge

B.2.5.3 Special Issues

Advantages and precautions of surface settlement and column segregation tests are presented in Table B.6.

B.2.6 Dynamic Stability

B.2.6.1 Significance
Adequate resistance of concrete to separation of constituents
upon placement and spread into the formwork is required for
SCC when flowing through closely spaced obstacles and narrow
spaces to avoid segregation, aggregate interlock, and blockage
[ACI Committee 237, 2007].
B.2.6.2 Test Methods to Assess Dynamic Stability
The caisson test measures the filling capacity indicative of
the filling and passing abilities; therefore, it is a good indicator of the dynamic stability.

Concrete with high filling ability (deformability) and good

passing ability can achieve adequate filling capacity in restricted
and congested sections that are typical precast, prestressed



applications. An adequate combination of filling and passing
ability tests can be used to evaluate the filling capacity of the
concrete, which is indicative of the dynamic stability.

Table B.6. Advantages and precautions of surface settlement

and column segregation tests.
Surface settlement test
o Easy to perform in laboratory
o Good repeatability
o Maximum settlement can be estimated
from rate of settlement between 25 and
30 min


Requires a dial gage
Difficult to perform by a single
Requires large amount of concrete

Column segregation test

o Good correlations between column Iseg
and S


Requires electronic balance

Requires large amount of concrete
Difficult to perform by a single
Repeatability lower than surface

Visual stability index

o Simple
o Can be performed by a single operator


Depends on operator experience

SCC with low VSI may exhibit some
lack of stability

B.2.7 Rheology
B.2.7.1 Significance
Generally, two key parameters are determined when a rheology measurement test is performed: the yield stress, 0, and
plastic viscosity, p.
Below the yield stress value, the mixture does not undergo
any deformation and behaves as an elastic material. In SCC,
the yield stress should be maintained low enough to ensure
good deformability.
The plastic viscosity of concrete affects its ease of placement
and speed of flow. In practice, good balance between yield
stress and plastic viscosity should be achieved to ensure both
good deformability, ease of placement, and flow rate of SCC.
B.2.7.2 Test Methods to Assess Rheological
Rheological parameters of concrete can be determined
using a concrete rheometer. In general, the test involves
recording the shear stress response to maintain a given rate of
shear at different shear rate values.
B.2.7.3 Special Issues
Advantages and limitations of rheometer testing are presented in Table B.7.

A linear regression of the data is usually used to determine the rheological parameters (0 and p) according to the
Bingham model.




Table B.7. Advantages and limitations

of rheometer testing.
o Easy to perform in laboratory
o Good repeatability, especially
for plastic viscosity
o Provides fundamental flow
properties of SCC
o Enables evaluation of structural
build-up of SCC at rest

o Expensive apparatus, though
portable and more affordable
models are available
o Requires qualified personnel to
operate and interpret data

B.3 Guidelines for Mix Design

B.3.1 General
The mix design is chosen to satisfy all performance criteria
for the concrete in both the fresh and hardened states. As in
the case of conventional vibrated concrete, the w/cm is one of
the fundamental keys governing strength and durability of
SCC. The w/cm of the concrete shall not exceed 0.45 by
weight [AASHTO, 2004]. Satisfactory performance of the
proposed mix design shall be verified by laboratory tests on
trial batches. For mix design approval, a minimum of three
test cylinders are taken from a trial batch. The average compressive strength shall be at least 1,200 psi (8.3 MPa) greater
than the specified compressive strength when the specified
strength is equal to or less than 5,000 psi (34.5 MPa). The average strength shall be at least 700 psi (4.8 MPa) greater than
110% of the specified strengths over 5,000 psi (34.5 MPa)
[ACI Committee 318, 2005 (318R-05)].

B.3.2 Mix Design Principles

Mix design of SCC is vital for the performance of the material, both in the plastic and hardened states. In designing
SCC, a number of factors should be taken into consideration
to a greater degree than when designing conventional vibrated concrete:
Properties of raw materials, including mineral, geometric,

and physical properties of aggregates and cementitious

Need for a higher level of quality control, greater awareness
of aggregate gradation, and better control of mix water and
aggregate moisture
Choice of chemical admixtures and their compatibilities
with the selected binder
Placement technique, configuration of cast element, and
environmental conditions

Any mix design approach should consider both the fresh

and hardened properties of the SCC, and include the characteristics of cementitious materials and fillers, the water content or w/cm, the volume of coarse aggregate, the sand-toaggregate ratio (S/A), as well as the air content. The selection
of the type and combinations of chemical admixtures is part
of the mix design process and depends closely on the flow
characteristics that are required.




As illustrated in Figure B.1, the fresh properties of SCC

are dictated by the required flow characteristics of the fresh
concrete in addition to engineering properties and durability

For the production of SCC for precast, prestressed concrete bridge elements, the most relevant hardened properties
that affect material selection and mix design include early
and ultimate compressive strengths, flexural strength, elastic
modulus, bond-to-reinforcement, creep, shrinkage, frost durability, impermeability, and resistance to corrosion.

Excellent deformability

Good stability

Low risk of blockage

1. Increase deformability ofpaste

-use of HRWRA
-balanced water/powder

1. Reduce separation of solids

-limit aggregate content
-reduce MSA
-increase cohesion and viscosity
-low water/powder
-use of VMA

1. Enhance cohesiveness to
reduce agg. segregation
during flow
-low water/powder
-use of VMA

2. Reduce inter-particle friction

-low coarse aggregate volume
(high paste volume)
-use continuously graded powder


2. Minimize bleeding (free water)

-low water content
-low water/powder
-use of powder of high surface
-increase of VMA content

2. Compatible clear spacing

between reinforcement
and coarse aggregate
volume and MSA
-low coarse aggregate
-low MSA

low yield value

moderate viscosity

Figure B.1. Principles of SCC mix design [Khayat, 1999].

SCC used for structural precast, prestressed applications

is typically characterized by relatively low water content,
high concentration of ultra-fine particles (i.e. 80 m), and
use of an efficient HRWRA (typically polycarboxylate based,
although other types are also used). SCC made with polycarboxylate-based HRWRA can usually exhibit short setting
time, high early-strength development, and reduced tendency
to segregation.
In principle, three approaches can be used for the production
of SCC:
Increase of the ultra-fines content by using fly ash, blast-

furnace slag, limestone filler (powder type), and in some

cases low content of silica fume
Use of suitable viscosity-modifying admixture (VMA)
(viscosity agent type)
A combination of the above approaches (combination
type) where low concentration of VMA is used in SCC of
high fines/powder content
These approaches are highlighted below.




B.3.2.1 Minimum Free Water Content

This approach entails the use of high content of ultra-fine
materials and low water content to enhance the filling ability,
passing ability, and stability of the SCC. Such concrete typically has a w/cm of 0.30 to 0.35 with a content of ultra-fines
80 m (approximately No. 200 sieve) of 845 to 1,110 lb/yd3
(500 to 600 kg/m3) [Okamura, 1997; Ozawa et al., 1992].

The replacement of part of the cement with a less reactive

powder is necessary to limit the heat of hydration, and minimize volumetric changes. In general, this approach can result
in SCC mixtures with low yield value and moderate-to-high
viscosity. The concrete requires a relatively high dosage of

B.3.2.2 Moderate Water Content and Medium

Concentration of VMA
In this approach, the w/cm can be maintained at the level
necessary to satisfy strength and durability requirements (for
example w/cm of 0.40). A moderate dosage of VMA is then
incorporated to secure the required stability.
When incorporated in mixtures with relatively high paste
content (exceeding 35% and sand-to-cement ratio of 0.60 to
0.66, by volume), the use of suitable VMA-HRWRA combination can ensure high deformability and adequate stability
also leading to greater filling capacity and better in-situ homogeneity than mixtures made with low w/cm and no VMA
[Khayat, 1998].

The incorporation of VMA becomes imperative when the

powder content is reduced to levels comparable with those of
conventional concrete or high-performance concrete.

B.3.2.3 Low Water Content and Low Concentration

of VMA
This approach involves the combination of a high content
of powder materials and low dosage of VMA. Such mixtures
are typically more robust than those proportioned with high
powder content and low w/cm.

A robust mixture can react less sensitively to fluctuations in

the mixture composition, characteristics of the raw materials,
water content, and concrete temperature.

B.3.3 Cementitious Materials Content and

Water-Cementitious Material Ratio
The concrete supplier shall determine the cementitious
materials content and w/cm required to satisfy the specified
concrete category. In general, the cementitious materials
content recommended for SCC ranges between 650 and
800 lb/yd3 (386 and 475 kg/m3) [ACI Committee 237, 2007
(237R-07)]. The w/cm ranges from 0.32 to 0.45.

B.3.4 Nominal Size of Coarse Aggregate

Select MSA based on mix requirements and minimum
clear spacing between the reinforcing steel, cover to reinforcement, and thickness of the member. Use coarse aggregate with MSA of 12 to 34 in. (12.5 to 19 mm), unless otherwise
specified in the contract documents. Coarse aggregate of 38 in.
(9.5 mm) MSA shall be used for casting highly reinforced and
restricted sections.

Special care should be taken to select the binder composition of the SCC made with low w/cm to limit the compressive
strength to the target value. Otherwise, high strength and
stiffness could lead to cracking given the high degree of restrained shrinkage that can take place.




B.3.5 Air-Entrainment and Air-Void

Generally, SCC made with polynaphthalene sulfonate
(PNS)-based HRWRA can exhibit a relatively stable air-void
system. The use of polycarboxylate ether (PCE)-based HRWRA
can lead in some cases to entrapment of large air bubbles,
especially if the SCC is subjected to prolonged mixing or
agitation after the introduction of such HRWRA. The introduction of shrinkage-reducing admixture (SRA) may also
have significant effect on the air-void system since it makes
proper air-entrainment of the concrete more difficult.

B.3.6 Mixture Robustness

During the mixture qualification process, an investigation
is recommended into the robustness of the particular design
of SCC to fluctuations in the characteristics of concrete constituents. In addition, it is desirable to investigate the effect of
slump flow variation on stability for a particular mix design
and set of materials.
A well-designed and robust SCC can typically accept a
change of 8.5 to 17 lb/yd3 (5 to 10 L/m3) in water content
without falling outside the specified classes of performance
[European Guidelines, 2005].

B.3.7 Trial Batches

SCC mix design shall require a minimum of four trial batches
for varying cementitious materials or w/cm to establish the proportions that can achieve workability ranges and robustness:
two water contents above and two below the target value. The
following information shall be included in the trial batch data:
Source of all materials
Specific gravity and gradation results for sand and coarse

Design slump flow range
Target air content and design strength
Details of mixture proportioning, including admixture

dosage rates for design slump flow range

SCC trial mixture test results for QC testing
Mixer used for the mix design, mixing sequence, charging

sequence, and mixing time

B.3.8 Recommended Range of Workability

The use of proven combinations of test methods and
performance-based specifications is necessary to reduce time

SCC mixtures are more sensitive to the variations in the

properties and conditions of constituent materials and quantity fluctuations during production. Fluctuations in raw materials, such as gradations and moisture contents of aggregates, and batching fluctuation can have dramatic influence
on the flowability and the stability of the concrete.
Well-designed SCC can give acceptable tolerance to daily
fluctuations in ingredients characteristics and environmental
changes, such as temperature. This tolerance is usually termed
robustness and is controlled by good practice in the selection
and proportioning of ingredients and the storage and handling
of basic constituents, by appropriate content of the fine powders, and/or by use of VMA [European Guidelines, 2005].




and effort required for the development and quality control

of high-performance SCC. A set of performance-based specifications of SCC is summarized in Table B.8. Such specifications also include test methods recommended for material
selection and mix design that can be performed when developing the concrete mixture as well as quality control
(QC) test methods that can be performed for concrete acceptance at the precasting plant.



Test method
Slump flow
T-50 (ASTM C 1611)
J-Ring flow (ASTM C 1621)
L-Box blocking ratio (h 2/h1)
Filling capacity
Slump flow and J-Ring flow
Slump flow and L-Box tests

Surface settlement

Column segregation
(ASTM C 1610)
VSI (ASTM C 1611)


Target values
23.529 in. (600735 mm)
1.56 s
21.526 in. (545660 mm)

Rate of settlement, 2530 min (value can

decrease to 1015 min)
- MSA of 3 8 and in.
(9.5 and 12.5 mm) 0.27%/h
(Max. settlement 0.5%)
- MSA of in. (19 mm) 0.12%/h
(Max. settlement of 0.3%)
Column segregation index (C.O.V.) 5%
Percent static segregation (S) 15%
01 (0 for deep elements)
4%7% depending on exposure
conditions, MSA, and type of HRWRA.
Ensure stable and uniform distribution of
small air voids.

Specific requirements for SCC in the fresh state may change

depending on the type of application and especially on:
Confinement conditions related to the element geometry,

congestion level of reinforcement, inserts, cover, etc.

Placing equipment (e.g., bucket, pump, direct from truck-

mixer, skip, tremie)

Placing method (e.g., number and position of delivery

Finishing method

As indicated in Table B.9, the performance-based specifications for the workability of SCC should take into consideration
the cast element characteristics and coarse aggregate content.

B.3.9 Quality Confirmation of SCC

Regardless of the mix design approach, laboratory trials
should be used to verify properties of the initial mixture




Table B.8. Recommended workability characteristics for mix

design and QC testing at precasting plant.











ratio (h2/h1)


2 in.

2-3 in.

3-4 in.

27.5-29 in.

(Slump flow
J-Ring flow)
(ASTM C1621)

25-27.5 in.


Slump flow

23.5-25 in.

Table B.9. Workability values of SCC used in precast/prestressed



Element characteristics











1 in. = 25.4 mm
Shaded zones indicate suggested workability characteristics. All SCC mixtures must meet requirements for static

composition with respect to the specified characteristics and

classes. If necessary, adjustments to the mixture composition
should be made. Once all requirements are fulfilled, the mixture should be tested at full scale in the concrete plant to verify fresh and hardened concrete properties.
In case that satisfactory performance is not obtained, consideration should be given to a fundamental redesign of the
mixture. Depending on the apparent problem, the following
courses of action might be appropriate [European Guidelines, 2005]:
Adjust the cement to powder ratio and the water to pow-

der ratio and test the flow and other properties of the
Try different types of cementitious materials (if available).

Given the same raw material sources and the same 28-day
compressive design strength, the engineering properties of SCC
should be similar to those of conventional high-performance
concrete. For mix design qualification of hardened properties,




Adjust the proportions of the fine aggregate and the dosage

modulus of elasticity, shrinkage, and creep testing should be


Adjust the proportion or grading of the coarse aggregate.
Consider using a VMA to enhance the robustness of the

Mock-ups are recommended to confirm the production
methods and to test the resulting mixture characteristics. If
there is any sign of deficiency that impairs the concrete performance, such as segregation, sedimentation, cold joints, or
any other visual defects, perform the saw-cut of the mock up
products to verify the aggregate distribution along the sawcut area.

The lower w/cm of SCC will normally provide a higher

28-day compressive strength than conventional concrete
with normal consistency used in similar applications. The actual strength attained should be used as the basis for the engineering properties.

B.4 Guidelines for Early-Age and Hardened Properties

B.4.1 General
The quality of SCC in terms of strength and durability is
expected to be equal to or better than that of a similar specified conventional concrete mixture.

B.4.2 Setting
Typically, SCC used in precast, prestressed applications
proportioned with low w/cm requires a high dosage of
HRWRA. The setting time increases with the increase in
HRWRA dosage. Set-accelerating admixtures or heat (steam
or radiant) curing may be needed to decrease the setting time
and increase the early strength development.
SCC made with Type I/II cement is shown to have lower
HRWRA demand than that with Type III cement with 20%
Class F fly ash. The latter concrete can then exhibit longer setting time. The use of VMA increases the HRWRA demand
and may lead to some set retardation.

The initial and final setting times can be as low as 4 to

6 hours and 5 to 7 hours, respectively. These values depend
on the materials in use, including HRWRA type and dosage,
binder composition, as well as temperature. Greater setting
times can be obtained when using naphthalene- or melaminebased HRWRA. The difference between initial and final setting
time (ASTM 40305) can range between 1 and 3 hours for SCC
used in precast, prestressed applications proportioned with
w/cm of 0.34 and 0.40, and Type I/II cement or Type III cement
with 20% of fly ash replacement [Khayat et al., 2007]. Setting
time of SCC can be determined by using AASHTO T 197.

B.4.3 Temperature Development

In general, SCC proportioned with high cement content or
with Type III cement can lead to considerable temperature rise.

SCC made with Type III cement with 20% Class F fly ash
can develop comparable heat rise as that of SCC made with
Type I/II cement. SCC proportioned with 0.34 w/cm has
longer time to attain maximum temperature than SCC made
with 0.40 w/cm. This is mainly due to higher HRWRA concentration of the former concretes. For a given w/cm, the use of
VMA delays cement hydration, thus extending time to attain
peak temperature.
Typical temperature development of SCC proportioned with
w/cm of 0.34 and 0.40, cement content of 742 and 843 lb/yd3
(440 to 500 kg/m3), and Type I/II and Type III cement with
20% of fly ash lie in the range of 115 to 125F (46 to 52C)



after 48 hours under semi-adiabatic condition. The maximum
temperature can range from 126 to 145F (52.2 to 62.8C).
The time to reach maximum temperature is in the range of
17 to 28 hours [Khayat et al., 2007].

B.4.4 Release Compressive Strength

For precast applications, SCC mixtures are typically proportioned with 0.32 to 0.36 w/cm [ACI Committee 237,
2007]. The upper range may be increased to 0.40 depending
on the concrete temperature and mixture compositions. Relatively low w/cm can lead to higher compressive strength
compared with conventional slump concrete.
The minimum specified compressive strength for prestressed concrete bridge elements and decks is 4,000 psi (27.6
MPa) [AASHTO, 1998]. Typically, compressive strength at
release of the prestressing strands of structural AASHTO type
girders is on the order of 5,000 psi (34.5 MPa) after 18 hours
of casting. The typical 56-day compressive strength is set at
8,000 to 10,000 psi (55 to 69 MPa).
Release strength should be achieved within 18 hours after
the concrete is cast into place. The targeted release strength is
selected so that the strength of the concrete in the prestressed
beam does not exceed 60% of the design concrete compressive
strength at the time of release (before any losses due to creep
and shrinkage) [PCI, 1997]. This value is limited to 55% in the
case of post-tensioned members. Maturity testing can be considered as an effective way to monitor strength development
at early age whether accelerated heating is used or not.
ACI 209 and CEB-FIP MC90 models can be used to estimate f c:
ACI 209

( fc)t =

( fc)28d
A + Bt

(f c)t = compressive strength of concrete at a given time t

(in psi);
(f c)28d = 28-day compressive strength of concrete;
t = age of concrete (in days);
16 non-AEA SCC + 4 AEA SCC + 2 HPC:
Type I/II cement (moist-cured):
A = 1.52; B = 0.92; R2 = 0.95
Type III + 20% FA (moist-cured):
A = 1.64; B = 0.91; R2 = 0.90
16 nonair-entrained SCC:
Type I/II cement (moist-cured):
A = 1.70; B = 0.90; R2 = 0.97

SCC made with polycarboxylate-based HRWRA can develop

higher early compressive strength and ultimate strength than
similar SCC made with naphthalene- or melamine-based
HRWRA. The use of VMA can increase the HRWRA demand
and could lead to reduction in early strength development.
Type III cement with supplementary cementitious materials (for example 20% of fly ash or 30% slag) is shown to attain
greater release strength than SCC made with Type I/II cement.
Initial curing with heat (steam or radiant) may then be necessary, especially for SCC proportioned with relatively low w/cm
by reason of high dosage of HRWRA demand causing retardation. The use of finely ground limestone filler can also enhance compressive strength development at early age. Finely
ground fillers and supplementary cementitious materials can
lead to a denser hardened cement matrix and a denser interfacial transition zone with aggregate and embedded reinforcement. This can lead to greater strength and durability.




Type III + 20% FA (moist-cured):

A = 2.15; B = 0.89; R2 = 0.95
28 1 2
fcm ( t ) = exp s 1
t t1
fcm(t) = mean compressive strength at t days (in psi);
fcm = mean 28-day compressive strength;
s = coefficient depending on cement type (0.20 for high
early-strength cement, 0.25 for normal-hardening
cement, and 0.38 for slow-hardening cement);
t1 = 1 day.
16 non-AEA SCC + 4 AEA SCC + 2 HPC:
s = 0.19 Type I/II cement; R2 = 0.95
s = 0.20 Type III + 20% FA; R2 = 0.92
16 nonair-entrained SCC:
s = 0.20 Type I/II cement; R2 = 0.95
s = 0.23 Type III + 20% FA; R2 = 0.93

B.4.5 Flexural Strength

For precast and structural civil engineering applications,
SCC mixtures are typically proportioned with relatively low
w/cm of 0.32 to 0.36 and with supplementary cementitious
materials and fillers and are expected to achieve higher flexural strength and flexural-to-compressive ratio than conventional slump concrete [ACI Committee 237, 2007].
The flexural strength can be determined by testing in accordance with ASTM C 293 and C 78-02 or can be estimated
from the compressive strength. For SCC used for precast, prestressed applications, the flexural strength can be estimated
with the AASHTO 2007 model, given by:

The flexural strength of SCC depends on the w/cm, coarse

aggregate volume, and quality of the interface between the aggregate and cement paste. The curing method of SCC can significantly influence the flexural strength. Moist-cured specimens can exhibit higher flexural strength because the samples
do not develop surface drying that could lead to premature
microcracking development.

fr = 0.97 fc
f c = specified compressive strength of concrete (MPa)

B.4.6 Modulus of Elasticity

In applications where the modulus of elasticity (MOE) is
an important design parameter, the MOE should be determined and considered in the design of the prestressed concrete member. In the absence of measured data, the equation
proposed by the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications [2007] is recommended to estimate the elastic modulus

The MOE is used to calculate camber of prestressed members at the release of the prestressing load, elastic deflections,
axial shortening and elongation, and prestress losses.
The MOE is related to the compressive strength of the concrete, type and content of aggregate, as well as unit weight of the
concrete. The modulus of elasticity is related to compressive




of concrete having a unit weight of 2,427 to 4,214 lb/yd3

(1,440 and 2,500 kg/m3) and specified compressive strength
of up to 15,230 psi (105 MPa). For an accurate prediction, determine the MOE in conformance with ASTM C 469 using
the job-specific materials.
The modulus of elasticity for SCC used for precast, prestressed applications can be estimated using the AASHTO
2007 equation:

strength and unit weight of the concrete, aggregate type and

content, and testing parameter, including loading rate, moisture and temperature conditions of the test specimen, as well as
specimen size and shape. The content and MOE of the aggregate have the largest influence on the MOE of the concrete.
Selecting an aggregate with high modulus of elasticity will
increase the modulus of elasticity of the concrete. Increase in
sand-to-coarse aggregate ratio can decrease the modulus of
elasticity of the concrete.
In some cases, SCC mixtures can develop modulus of elasticity that can be up to 20% lower than typical values found
in high-performance concrete of normal consistency, which
is mainly due to the lower coarse aggregate volume, increase
in paste content, and higher content of ultra-fine materials.
At equivalent strength, SCC made with different cement
types should develop similar modulus of elasticity when
cured and tested under identical conditions.

Ec = 0.043 1c.5 fc
c = unit weight of concrete (kg/m3);
f c = specified compressive strength of concrete (MPa)

B.4.7 Creep
Incorrect or inaccurate design for creep and shrinkage may
have important undesirable consequence on stability and
performance of the structure.
In applications where creep characteristics are important
design parameters, this aspect should be considered in the design and confirmed for the mixture used in the production of
precast members.
Perform creep testing in accordance with ASTM C 512
using the job-specific materials. The age when the load is applied affects creep values. For SCC used in precast, prestressed elements load should be applied at an early age corresponding to prestress release time.
In the absence of measured data, the modified AASHTO
2007 prediction model can be used to predict the creep of SCC.
( t , t i ) = 1.9kvs khc k f ktd t i0.118 A
in which: kvs = 1.45 0.0051(V / S) 0.0
khc = 1.56 0.008H
kf =


, ktd =
61 0.58 fci + t
7 + fci

H = relative humidity (%). In the absence of better information, H may be taken from Figure
of AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications [2007].
kvs = factor for the effect of the volume-to-surface ratio
of the component
kf = factor for the effect of concrete strength

Length changes of prestressed members due to timedependent deformation, creep, and shrinkage play a crucial
role in the design of concrete structures and on structural behavior, especially at long term.
Creep behavior is related to the compressive strength of the
matrix, coarse aggregate type, relative content of aggregate, as
well as magnitude of applied load and age of loading. Creep
takes place in the cement paste and is influenced by the capillary porosity of the paste. Cement type and w/cm can affect
creep. High early-strength cement can lead to lower creep.
The presence of aggregate restrains creep deformation in the
paste. Therefore, an increase in the volume and elastic modulus of the aggregate can lower creep.
Due to the higher volume of cement paste and fines and
smaller MSA of SCC, creep potential of SCC can be higher
than conventional concrete made with the same raw materials and having the same 28-day design compression strength.




khc = humidity factor for creep

ktd = time development factor
t = maturity of concrete (day). Defined as age of concrete
between time of loading for creep calculations, or end
of curing for shrinkage calculations, and time being
considered for analysis of creep or shrinkage effects
ti = age of concrete when load is initially applied (day)
V / S = volume-to-surface ratio (mm)
f ci = specified compressive strength of concrete at time of
prestressing for pretensioned members and at time
of initial loading for non-prestressed members. If
concrete age at time of initial loading is unknown at
design time, f ci may be taken as 0.80 f ci (MPa)
A = factor for the effect of cement type: 1.19 for Type
I/II cement and 1.35 for Type III + 20% FA binder
which may be used for P(SCC)

B.4.8 Autogenous Shrinkage

SCC and conventional concrete used in precast applications proportioned with relatively low w/cm (0.32 to 0.36)
and high content of cement and supplementary cementitious
materials could exhibit high autogenous shrinkage. This is especially the case when capillary porosity is refined when using
silica fume. Cement type has a considerable effect in the development of autogenous shrinkage. Higher surface area of
the cement can activate the reactivity of the binder, hence increasing the degree of autogenous shrinkage.

Autogenous shrinkage corresponds to the macroscopic volume reduction due to cement hydration (chemical shrinkage)
as well as self-desiccation of the cement paste. The volume of
the hydration products is less than the original volume of unhydrated cement and water. Such reduction in volume can
lead to tensile stresses in the cement paste and microcracking.
The reduction of relative humidity in capillary pores due to cement hydration can also result in negative pressure in the capillary pores, leading to the formation of meniscus and the development of tensile stresses in the cement paste.
In the case of concrete proportioned with high w/cm
(higher than 0.40), autogenous shrinkage is low given the
ample presence of water in capillary pores.

B.4.9 Drying Shrinkage

In prestressed applications, shrinkage should be considered
in the mix design and taken into consideration in the structural design of the member. Proportion SCC with relatively
low binder content and w/cm to reduce drying shrinkage.
Drying shrinkage can be evaluated in accordance with
ASTM C 157 (AASHTO T 160). In the absence of measured
data, the modified AASHTO 2004 or CEB-FIP MC90 shrinkage models can be used to estimate drying shrinkage of SCC,
as indicated below. For steam cured concretes devoid of
shrinkage-prone aggregates, the strain due to shrinkage, sh,
at time, t, may be taken as:

Drying shrinkage must be taken into consideration to

avoid cracking and excessive deflection resulting from timedependent concrete deformation and loss of prestress. Drying
shrinkage is caused by the loss of water from the concrete to
the atmosphere. The increased volume of paste in SCC and reduction in aggregate content and size can increase the potential for drying shrinkage. The presence of aggregate restrains
shrinkage of the cement paste; therefore, the increase in aggregate volume reduces drying shrinkage. A decrease in the
MSA can necessitate higher paste volume, thus leading to
higher shrinkage. Drying shrinkage increases with the increase
in powder material content, which is particularly high in SCB.
The use of fly ash in normal proportions does not significantly influence drying shrinkage of concrete. The use of
limestone powder with Blaine fineness greater than that of


sh = ks kh
0.56 103 A ( steam-cured )
55 + t

26e 0.0142(V S ) + t 1064 3.70 (V S )

ks =


45 + t
t = drying time (day)
ks = size factor
kh = humidity factor
V / S = volume-to-surface ratio
A = cement factor: 0.918 for Type I/II cement and 1.065
for Type III + 20% FA binder which may be used
for P(SCC)

portland cement can reduce drying shrinkage of SCC. This
can be explained by the denser matrix obtained when fine
limestone powder is used [Holschemacher and Klug, 2002].
The effect of HRWRA and VMA on shrinkage of SCC is reported to be beneficial. Indeed, the use of HRWRA reduces
the surface tension of the water, thus decreasing the capillary
tension of pore water [Ulm et al., 1999; Acker, 1988; Acker
and Bazant, 1998; Neville, 1981; Wittman, 1976; Neville and
Meyers, 1964]. However, the air content may increase when
using polycarboxylate-based HRWRA, which could lead to
greater shrinkage.

cso = s ( f cm )( RH )

(t t c )

2 Ac
350 100 + ( t t c )

s(fcm) = [160 + 10sc(9 0.1 fcm)] 106

RH = 1.55ARH; ARH = 1 (RH/100)3
cso = drying shrinkage (mm/mm)
s = drying shrinkage obtained from RH-shrinkage
sc = cement type factor
RH = relative humidity factor
fcm = mean 28-day compressive strength (MPa)
Ac = cross-sectional area (mm2)
= perimeter (mm)
tc = age at which drying commenced (day)
t = age of concrete (day).

B.4.10 Durability and Air-Void System

It is essential to proportion SCC with adequate stability to
ensure high performance, including durability, of the hardened concrete. The durability of a concrete structure is closely
associated to the permeability of the surface layer and curing.
The most significant durability characteristics affecting the
durability of SCC used in precast, prestressed elements production include: w/cm, cement content, degree of consolidation, curing, cover over the reinforcement, and reactivity of
aggregate-cement combinations.
Bridge structures constructed in environments prone to
freezing and thawing may become critically saturated, thus
necessitating air entrainment when exposed to cycles of freezing and thawing. In some cases, the bridge deck can shelter

Segregation and bleeding have significant negative effect

on permeability and quality of the interfacial zone between
cement paste and aggregate, embedded reinforcement, and
existing surface, and hence on durability of the concrete.
Higher air content (6% to 9%) may be necessary in
most severe frost environments, especially when using
polycarboxylate-based HRWRA, which could result in some
entrapment of relatively large air voids. Coalescence of small
air bubbles during agitation can occur when high air contents
are obtained and when concrete is retempered with water.
The dosage of AEA in SCC prepared with polycarboxylatebased HRWRA can be quite low compared with values used
for conventional concrete of normal consistency. Still, it is




some of the precast beam elements, thus reducing the rate of

saturation and exposure to any deicing salt applied on the
bridge deck. In most cases, bridge girders can be considered to
be subjected to moderate exposure conditions that correspond
to situations where deicing salts are not used or where the concrete is only occasionally exposed to moisture prior to freezing
and do not get critically saturated. Therefore, under these conditions, prestressed bridge girders require sufficient air content
for moderate exposure conditions. For example, under these
conditions, SCC proportioned with 1/2 in. (12.5 mm) nominal MSA would then require 4% to 7% air volume in the fresh
concrete to provide adequate frost resistance.
ASTM C 457 can be used to test the air-void parameters of
the concrete, and ASTM C 666, Procedure A (AASHTO T
161, Method A), is used to test resistance to freezing and

critical to incorporate an AEA in concrete subjected to moderate frost exposure conditions to secure stable and closely
spaced air bubbles (adequate spacing factor). In general, for
mixtures made with a relatively low content of cementitious
materials and a high w/cm, the air-void stability increases
when a VMA is incorporated [Khayat, 1995].
Air entrainment is necessary to stabilize small, closely
spaced, and well-distributed voids in concrete. Such voids can
be obtained when the SCC is proportioned with an effective
AEA that is compatible with the HRWRA and other chemical
admixtures in use.

B.4.11 Bond to Prestressing Strands

Ensuring proper stability of SCC is essential to ensure homogenous in-situ properties, including bond to embedded reinforcement, which is critical for structural performance of precast, prestressed applications [Moustafa, 1974; Logan, 1997].
In general, adequate concrete cover is necessary to properly transfer bond between prestressed tendons and concrete.
Despite the high fluidity of SCC, high static stability of the
SCC after placement can lead to more homogenous in-situ
properties and denser matrix at the interface between the cement paste and reinforcement, thus enhancing bond strength
compared with normal conventional concrete subjected to
mechanical vibration. On the other hand, bond can be significantly affected by excessive segregation found in poorly
designed SCC. As indicated in Table B.10, in order to secure
adequate static stability, the SCC should have maximum surface settlement of 0.5%, column segregation index of 5%, or
percent static segregation of 15%.

Bond between the strand and concrete is affected by the

position of the embedded reinforcements and quality of the
cast concrete. Bond to prestressed tendons can be influenced
by the flow properties of the SCC, grading of the aggregate
and content of fines in the matrix [Holschemacher and Klug,
A surface settlement of 0.5% corresponds to 1.4 modification factor of prestressing strands [Khayat et al., 1997; Petrov
et al., 2001]. It is important to note that selection of highly
viscous SCC can result in some lack of consolidation of the
concrete, which can in turn affect bond stresses between the
concrete and prestressing strand.

Table B.10. Recommendations to secure homogenous

in-situ properties of SCC.
Material properties

Static stability

Mechanical properties

Recommended values
Maximum surface settlement 0.5%
Column segregation index (Iseg) 5%
Percent static segregation (S) 15%
Plastic viscosity 0.0725 psis (500 Pas)
(Modified Tattersall two-point rheometer with vane device)
Core-to-cylinder compressive strength 90% (similar curing
Bond strength modification factor 1.4




B.5 Guidelines for Production and Control

B.5.1 General
The need for adequate quality control is much more critical with SCC than in the case of conventional concrete. In
order to maintain a given workability, it is essential to maintain constant quality of all concrete constituent during SCC
production. Successful production of SCC requires greater
competence and proper control of materials and equipments
used for production.
SCC intended for use in precast plants should meet the technical requirements of the fresh concrete. The mixture needs to
be tested to ensure that required properties are achieved given
the performance specifications, casting conditions, and geometry of the cast element. Before selecting the raw material and
finalizing the mix design, several factors should be known,
including the size and shape of elements to be cast.
Laboratory trials should be used to validate the material selection and verify the properties of the mix design to achieve
the targeted properties. Once the optimum properties are
achieved, proper quality control for material properties should
be observed to eliminate fluctuations in fresh and hardened
properties of the concrete. Any changes in raw materials
properties should be immediately identified to allow necessary
adjustments of the mix to meet the specified properties.

B.5.2 Control of Raw Materials

Depending on the mix design, SCC may be less robust than
conventional concrete. SCC may therefore undergo greater
changes in workability given small variations in the physical
properties of its constituents, especially in the moisture content of the sand, fine particle content in sand, as well as grading and shape of the sand and coarse aggregate. This would
necessitate frequent controls to check for any changes in material properties that could affect the performance of SCC.
The maximum deviation of the sand moisture should not
exceed 0.2% in order to minimize the variations in fresh
properties of SCC. The water content of sand should be determined just before production of SCC.
Changes in coarse aggregate physical characteristics (shape,
texture, gradation) can affect workability. Inspection at the
storage location should be conducted on coarse aggregate to
characterize their physical characteristics for every aggregate

The moisture content, water absorption, aggregate gradation, and variations in fines content of the aggregate should
be continuously monitored and must be taken into account
to produce SCC with constant characteristics. Changing the
source of supply for aggregate is likely to significant change
the concrete properties and should be carefully and fully evaluated [European Guidelines, 2005].
It is preferable to control the moisture of sand before every
batch of SCB. The moisture content in coarse aggregate must be
also taken into account and should be determined at least twice
a day, at the beginning of the first and second production shifts.
When designing SCC, some factors should be taken into
consideration to a greater degree than when designing conventional concrete to ensure good filling capacity, such as the
geometry configuration of cast elements and placement conditions. Indeed, the nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate should be selected based on mix requirements and the
minimum clear spacing between the reinforcing steel, cover
to reinforcing steel, and thickness of the member. The thickness of the cast element and the congestion level of the reinforcement are key factors affecting workability of SCC.




B.5.3 Mixing Process and Sequence

The mixing process should be properly determined given
the conditions at hand. For example, the batch volume
should be determined in consideration of the type of SCC
(consistency level), efficiency of the mixer to produce a welldispersed and homogeneous mix, and transportation rate
from the plant to the casting site.
Just prior to mixing of the first batch, the mixer should be
pre-wetted or buttered with SCC of approximately similar
Suitable mixing sequence should be determined given the
mixing and storage equipments available at the plant. Cement
particles should be wetted before contact with HRWRA. Dry
mixing before water introduction is not recommended, because it may lead to build-up of fine materials in the mixer. All
batching water should be added at the same time. For example,
it has been shown that the introduction of VMA at the end of
the mixing sequence and of air-entraining admixture at the beginning can provide good performance [Khayat 1995; Khayat
and Assaad, 2002]. The addition sequence of VMA should be
evaluated given the mix design and admixture in use.

The batch volume is typically limited to 80% to 90% of the

maximum capacity of the mixer to allow efficient mixing energy [JSCE, 1999]. When the mixer is alternatively used for
mixing normal concrete and SCC, testing should be performed to verify that this does not result in any adverse effect
on SCC properties.
Mixing equipment and mixing sequence should be validated by testing consistency and self-consolidation properties
for a given mix design. Necessary adjustments to time and
speed of mixing should be carried out until consistent and
compliant results are obtained.

B.5.4 Transport
SCC should be delivered in a continuous and timely manner to ensure continuous placement of precast members with
the workability-retention period of the mixture. This is necessary to avoid lift lines and other surface defects.
Transport method shall be confirmed in order to provide
SCC at the casting location that is sufficiently homogeneous
to allow successful placement in the precast element and to
achieve the targeted properties. Mixer trucks have proven to
be the best method of delivery of SCC when transporting over
rough terrain or long transport distance [PCI, 2003].

B.5.5 Site Acceptance of Plastic Concrete

The producer should determine the frequency of performing quality control testing based on available experience mixtures [PCI, 2003].
The quality control tests should include visual inspection
of every batch of the concrete and any specific tests and compliance parameters. For example, the slump flow and VSI
tests can be adopted. The T-50 can also be run at least once
on new mixtures and used to check the performance in the
event of mix performance problems.

Quality control for frequently used SCC is less critical than

in the case of SCC that is occasionally produced.

B.5.6 Placement Techniques and

Casting Considerations
Prior to the production process, full-size mock-ups should
be cast for final approval. Placement method should be selected

In a placement case that will require multiple batches,

mixing facilities are required to ensure that concrete will be




given the production capacity and transport rate to the casting point.
Placement techniques should be selected based on the
total volume of the concrete to be discharged, the transportation rate, and whether the placement process is continuous
or discontinuous.
In the case of placement technique involving higher energy, extra care should be taken with regard to stability characteristics. Relative energy involved during each placement
technique is summarized in Table B.11 [PCI, 2003].

available within a short time frame with proper workability

characteristics as specified in performance specifications.
Placement techniques of SCC can have a significant impact
on the required fluidity level and flowing performance of the
concrete. For example, in the case of higher energy involved
during placement, lower fluidity level for the SCC will be
required to achieve a given flow and filling performances.

Table B.11. Summary of different placement techniques

for SCC [Bury and Bhler, 2002].





Truck discharge










Crane and bucket


Discontinuous Low






Placement of SCC in horizontal elements can be done by

starting at one end of the mold, with the discharge as close to
the form surfaces as possible. It is recommended to discharge
the SCC in the direction of desired flow to maximize the travel
distance. The recommended maximum flowing distance
should be between 10 and 33 ft (3 and 10 m), depending on
the geometry of the element [RILEM, 2000].
As in the case of conventional concrete, the free-fall distance should be controlled to avoid concrete segregation. For
example, based on the Norwegian experience, the free-fall
distance should be limited to 6.5 ft (2 m) when casting wall
and beam elements.

B.5.7 Temperature Control

The mix design should be tailored to achieve the targeted
properties specified in the performance specifications. When
the use of steam curing is required to achieve the targeted
early-age strength, the temperature of the concrete should
not exceed 160F (71C) [AASHTO, 1998]. Furthermore,
according to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications [1998], the temperature within the curing chamber shall increase at a rate not exceeding 72F (22C) per


Free-fall distance should be fixed given the element depth

to be cast and static and dynamic stability of the concrete.




B.5.8 Formwork Considerations

and Lateral Pressure
Formwork for SCC can be constructed of different materials, including wood, steel, plastic, fiberglass, or combination
of these materials. Formwork made with wood often leads to
less pores and bubble formation than smooth formwork. Because of the high fluidity of SCC compared with conventional
concrete, formwork should be rigid enough with accommodate variations in product dimensions and form, and to withstand lateral form pressure exerted by the plastic concrete.
Given the high fluidity of SCC compared with conventional
concrete, extra care should be taken to avoid any leakage.
Formwork joints should be adequately sealed. Vegetable oil has
been shown to be a good release agent as it reduces the amount
of pores on the concrete surface [Brite-EuRam, 1998].
Depending on the casting rate and thixotropy of SCC, lateral pressure can be lower than the theoretical hydrostatic
pressure. This is especially the case when the casting rate exceeds 10 ft/h (3 m/h).
Lateral pressure can be 50% to 80% of the calculated pressure for conventional vibrated bridge concrete with a slump
consistency of 4 in. (100 mm) [RILEM, 2000].

Before applying the release agent, the wood of the formwork should be dry to ensure good release performance and
avoid appearance of air-bubbles at the formed surface of the
cast element.
Experience has shown that for a given casting rate, concrete
with a higher level of thixotropy can develop lower lateral
pressure, faster decay in lateral pressure, and shorter time to
pressure cancellation [Assaad et al., 2004]. SCC cast at 16 ft/h
(5m/h) is shown to develop maximum initial lateral pressure
of 90% of hydrostatic pressure. In general, sections measuring up to 10 ft (3 m) in height should be designed for full
hydrostatic pressure.
Lateral pressure developed by SCC cast from the top of the
formwork is lower than in the case when the concrete is
pumped from the bottom. SCC pumped from the bottom
should be designed for full hydrostatic pressure.

B.5.9 Finishing
Finishing of SCC is easier and faster than for conventional
concrete. Finishing practices employed with conventional
concrete can be employed with SCC. However, finishing operations should be delayed slightly more than for conventional superplasticized concrete [PCI, 2003].
Surface drying during finishing should be prevented. Fog
misting to increase the relative humidity would minimize rate
of evaporation and reduce the risk of plastic shrinkage.
SCC exposed surfaces may dry faster than those of normal
superplasticized concrete. This can happen when casting at
hot temperature or windy conditions. Also, depending on the
SCC mixture proportioning, stiffening can increase rapidly in
the period 10 to 40 minutes after casting. Setting time of the
SCC mixture should be adjusted to allow necessary time to
carry out the placement process.

B.5.10 Curing
Membrane curing, matting, foils, or appropriate materials
should be left in place for at least 4 days for cast-in-place

Given the concrete properties and ambient conditions,

some surfaces may require only nominal screeding and floating, while other surfaces may require mild vibratory screeding [ACI Committee 237, 2007; PCI, 2003].
Because of the relatively higher content of fines and eventual presence of VMA, SCC mixtures develop little or no
bleed water compared with conventional concrete.
It is important to begin the finishing of the surface with
light vibrating screeds, or other manual equipment, as soon
as the correct level of the concrete in the formwork has been


concrete elements [Swedish Concrete Association, 2002].
This measure should be applied to SCC with low w/cm and
SCC made with high fines content or VMA. During hot or
windy weather conditions, moisture should be added by watering or by protecting the surface with wetted membranes
for proper curing.
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications [1998]
recommend that for concrete cured by other than steam or radiant heat methods, whenever there is a probability of air temperature below 36F (2C) during the curing period, the concrete shall be maintained at a temperature of not less than 45F
(7C) for the first 6 days after placement. This period must be
extended if pozzolans are used as partial replacement of cement. If the compressive strength of 65% of the specified
28-day design strength is achieved in 6 days, an extended period
of controlled temperature may be waived [AASHTO, 1998].
Due to the specification in terms of early-age compressive
strength, steam curing or radiant heat curing can be used for
precast concrete members. The initial application of steam or
heat shall be from 2 to 4 hours after the initial placement of
concrete to allow the initial set of the concrete to take place
[AASHTO, 1998]. In the case of concrete incorporating a set
retarder, the waiting period shall be increased to between
4 and 6 hours after casting.


During the waiting period, the temperature within the curing chamber shall not be less than 10C. During the application of steam, the ambient temperature within the curing
chamber shall not increase at an average rate greater than
22C/h until the targeted temperature value is reached.


Acker, P. (1988), Mechanical Behavior of Concrete: Physico-Chemical
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Recommended Standard Test Methods

These proposed test methods are the recommendations of the NCHRP Project 18-12 staff at the University of Sherbrooke.
These test methods have not been approved by NCHRP or any AASHTO committee nor formally accepted for the AASHTO



C-4 Filling Capacity of Self-Consolidating Concrete

Using the Caisson Test
C-7 Surface Settlement Test to Evaluate Static Stability of Concrete
C-11 Reference


Recommended Standard Method of Test for

Filling Capacity of Self-Consolidating Concrete Using the Caisson Test

AASHTO Designation: T XXX



This test method covers the determination of lling capacity of self-consolidating concrete.


The test method is limited to self-consolidating concrete having a nominal size aggregate of 1 in. [25 mm].


The values stated in either inch-pounds or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the SI units
are shown in brackets. The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used
independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the standard.


This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of
the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory
limitations to use.
WarningFresh hydraulic cementitious mixtures are caustic and may cause chemical burns to skin and tissue upon
prolonged exposure (Note 1).
Note 1The safety precautions given in the Manual of Aggregate and Concrete Testing, located in the related section of
Volume 04.02 of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, are recommended.


The text of these standard reference notes provides explanatory material. These notes (excluding those in tables and
gures) shall not be considered as requirements of the standard.




AASHTO Standards
R 39, Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory
T 141, Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete


ASTM Standards
C 125, Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Aggregates
C 1621, Standard Test Method for Passing Ability of Self-Consolidating Concrete by J-Ring


For denitions of terms used in this test method, refer to Terminology C 125


Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard

Filling abilityThe ability of self-consolidating concrete to ow under its own mass and completely ll formwork (ACI 237).
Passing abilityThe ability of self-consolidating concrete to flow under its own weight (without vibration) and fill

completely all spaces within intricate formwork containing obstacles, such as reinforcement (ASTM C 1621).
Filling capacityThe ability of self-consolidating concrete to ow and completely ll all spaces within the formwork.




The caisson lling capacity test is used to assess the lling capacity of the self-consolidating concrete. Self-consolidating
concrete is introduced from tremie pipe equipped with hopper at a constant rate in a container with obstacles until the
concrete rises in the caisson to a height of 9 in. [225 mm]. The area occupied by the concrete in the restricted section is
used to calculate the ling capacity.





This test method provides users with a laboratory procedure to determine the potential lling capacity of self-consolidating


This test method shall be used to develop self-consolidating concrete mixtures with a high level of workability. Selfconsolidating concrete is a uid concrete that can be prone to segregation if not proportioned to be cohesive. A cohesive
self-consolidating concrete is important for all applications but is especially critical for deep and highly reinforced sections.




CaissonThe caisson measuring 19.7 11.8 5.9 in. [500 300 150 mm] L H W in dimension shall have a at and
smooth surface. In the container are 35 obstacles made of copper with a diameter of 0.6 in. [16 mm] and a distance center
to center of 2 in. [50 mm], as shown in Fig. 1.


Measuring DeviceRuler, metal roll-up measuring tape, or similar rigid or semi-rigid length-measuring instrument
marked in increments of 0.25 in. [5 mm] or less.


Sample ReceptacleThe receptacle shall be a heavy gage metal pan, wheelbarrow, or flat, clean non-absorbent board
of sufcient capacity to allow easy remixing of the entire sample with a shovel, trowel, or scoop.


Tremie PipeThe tremie pipe shall have a minimum diameter of 3.94 in. [100 mm].
Tremie pipe

Clear acrylic plate

12.5 mm

Copper tube
16 mm diameter

300 mm

50 mm

34 mm

150 mm

350 mm

100 mm = 3.94 in.

Figure 1. Details of caisson.




Obtain a sample of freshly mixed self-consolidating concrete in accordance with Test Method T 141 and place it in the
sample receptacle in accordance with Practice R39.




Perform the lling capacity test on a at, level surface. Do not subject the testing surface to any vibration or disturbance.


Remixing of SampleRemix the sample obtained in accordance with Section 7.1 in the sample receptacle using a shovel
or scoop so that the concrete is homogeneous.


Filling the MoldUsing a bucket, ll the caisson with concrete at a constant rate of approximately 0.7 ft3/min [20 L/min]
until the concrete rises in the caisson to a height of 9 in. [225 mm].


Wait for the concrete to stop owing and then measure the height of concrete from h1 to h8, as shown in Fig. 2. Determine
the lling capacity in accordance with Section 9 of this test method.





Calculate the lling capacity using the following equation:

(hi + hi+1 )

FC ( % ) = i =1
h1 14










FC = Filling capacity
hi = Height of concrete at i position

hi = 300 mm Hi
100 mm = 3.94 in.

Figure 2. Details on calculation of filling capacity.




Mixture designation.


The h values at different positions.


The lling capacity to the nearest 2%.




PrecisionThe estimate of the precision of this test method is provisional. A repeatability standard deviation of 1.2% was
obtained from a study (1) involving ve replicate batches of a concrete mixture with a mean lling capacity of 94%.


The procedure used in this test method has no bias since lling capacity of self-consolidating concrete is dened only in
terms of this method.




coarse aggregate; self-consolidating concrete; stability; lling capacity; passing ability


Recommended Standard Method of Test for

Surface Settlement Test to Evaluate Static Stability of Concrete

AASHTO Designation: T XXX



This test method is used to evaluate the static stability of concrete, including self-consolidating concrete, from a plastic
state after placement until the time of hardening by measuring the total surface settlement and rate of surface settlement
at early age of concrete cast in a cylindrical specimen (or column).


The test method can be used for self-consolidating concrete and conventional concrete.


The values stated in either inch-pounds or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the SI units
are shown in brackets. The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used
independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the standard.


This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of
the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory
limitations to use.
WarningFresh hydraulic cementitious mixtures are caustic and may cause chemical burns to skin and tissue upon
prolonged exposure (Note 1).
Note 1The safety precautions given in the Manual of Aggregate and Concrete Testing, located in the related section of
Volume 04.02 of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, are recommended.


The text of these standard reference notes provides explanatory material. These notes (excluding those in tables and
gures) shall not be considered as requirements of the standard.




AASHTO Standards
R 39, Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory
T 141, Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete


ASTM Standards
C 125, Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Aggregates
D 1785, Specications for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120


For denitions of terms used in this test method, refer to Terminology C 125.


Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard

Static Segregation, nResistance to segregation when no external energy is applied to concrete, namely from imme-

diately after placement and until setting (ACI 237).




A sample of freshly mixed self-consolidating concrete is placed in a cylindrical mold without tamping or vibration. A dial
gage or a linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is placed on top of a thin acrylic plate placed at the upper surface
of the concrete. The initial reading is taken after the installation of the monitoring set-up. Changes in height are monitored
until reaching steady state condition. The difference in height indicates the settlement of the concrete.





This test method provides users with a laboratory procedure to determine the potential static segregation of concrete,
including self-consolidating concrete.


This test method shall be used to develop concrete, including self-consolidating concrete mixtures with segregation not
exceeding specied limits. Self-consolidating concrete is a uid concrete that can be prone to bleeding and segregation if
not proportioned to be cohesive. A stable self-consolidating concrete is important for all applications but is especially
critical for deep sections, such as walls or columns. Therefore, the surface settlement can indicate if a mixture is suitable
for the application. Surface settlement shall affect the development of homogeneous distribution of in-situ properties of
the hardened concrete, including bond to reinforcement.




Column moldThe column shall be PVC plastic pipe, Schedule 40, meeting the requirements of Specications D 1785.
The column shall be 8 in. [200 mm] in diameter 26 in. [660 mm] in height. The column shall be securely attached to a
non-absorbent, rigid base plate measuring at least 12 in. [300 mm] 12 in. [300 mm] square, as shown in Fig. 1.


Dial gage or LVDTThe dial gage with a 0.0004 in. [0.01 mm] precision or a LVDT with a minimum travel range of
2 in. [50 mm].
Acrylic plateThe plate shall be 6 in. [150 mm] in diameter and 0.15 in. [4 mm] in thickness with four holes measuring
2 in. [0.4 mm] for the escape of bleed water, as shown in Fig. 1.

Schedule 40 PVC Pipe

200 mm

Dial gage

150 mm

660 mm

4 mm thin
acrylic plate

12.5 mm hole

35 mm screw
500 mm


Concrete Specimen

Sealed or Laminated Plywood

300 mm
20 mm

300 mm
100 mm = 3.94 in

Figure 1. Details of surface settlement test.



ScrewFour 1.4 in. [35 mm] screws for the positioning of the acrylic plate, as shown in Fig. 1.


Sample receptacleThe receptacle shall be a heavy gage metal pan, wheelbarrow, or at, clean non-absorbent board of
sufcient capacity to allow easy remixing of the entire sample with a shovel, trowel, or scoop.


Small toolsTools and items such as shovels, plastic pails, trowels, scoops, and rubber gloves shall be provided.




Obtain a sample of freshly mixed self-consolidating concrete in accordance with Test Method T 141 and place it in the
sample receptacle in accordance with Practice R39.




Perform the surface settlement test on a at, level surface. Do not subject the testing surface and the column mold to any
vibration or disturbance.


Remixing of Sample: Remix the sample obtained in accordance with Section 7.1 in the sample receptacle using a shovel
or scoop so that the concrete is homogeneous.


Filling Procedure: Using a shovel, scoop, or plastic pail, immediately ll the column mold with concrete up to 19.7 in.
[500 mm] height, within 2 min.


Carefully install the acrylic plate with the screws in the center of the column.


Install the dial gage or LVDT in the center of the acrylic plate. The initial reading of the dial gage or LVDT is taken 60 seconds after the installation of the monitoring set-up. Settlement values are taken at 5-minute intervals for the rst 30 minutes and then every 2 hours until hardening of the concrete.




Calculate the Surface Settlement* using the following equation:

S (%) =


S = Surface settlement (%)
HI = Initial reading of the dial gage or LVDT
HF = Final reading of the dial gage or LVDT
HC = Height of the concrete in the column
*The maximum surface settlement shall be obtained using the settlement value at the time of concrete hardening.

Calculate the rate of surface settlement between 10 and 15 minutes using the following equation:
Rate of Settlement ( % hr ) = 15 10 100%
Rate of Settlement = Rate of surface settlement between 25 and 30 minutes
S15 = Surface settlement at 15 minutes (%)
S10 = Surface settlement at 10 minutes (%)





Mixture designation.


The variation height obtained from the dial gage or LVDT at different time.


The maximum surface settlement to the nearest 0.01%.


The rate of settlement between 10 and 15 minutes to the nearest 0.01%.




PrecisionThe estimate of the precision of this test method is provisional. A repeatability standard deviation of 0.02%
was obtained from a study (1) involving ve replicate batches of a concrete mixture with a mean maximum surface
settlement of 0.16%. Settlement rates of concrete determined at 15, 30, and 60 minutes after the beginning of surface
settlement testing can be correlated to the maximum settlement values. The 15-minute rate of settlement can be used to
estimate the maximum surface settlement.


BiasThe procedure used in this test method has no bias since surface settlement of self-consolidating concrete is
dened only in terms of this method.




coarse aggregate; self-consolidating concrete; stability; static stability; surface settlement


(1) J., Assaad, K. H., Khayat, and J., Daczko, Evaluation of Static Stability of Self-Consolidating Concrete, ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 101, No. 3,
MayJune 2004, pp. 207215.



Research Description and Findings

This attachment is not published herein, but is available on the TRB website (

Abbreviations and acronyms used without definitions in TRB publications:


American Association of Airport Executives

American Association of State Highway Officials
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
Airports Council InternationalNorth America
Airport Cooperative Research Program
Americans with Disabilities Act
American Public Transportation Association
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
American Society for Testing and Materials
Air Transport Association
American Trucking Associations
Community Transportation Association of America
Commercial Truck and Bus Safety Synthesis Program
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Energy
Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Highway Administration
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Federal Railroad Administration
Federal Transit Administration
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991
Institute of Transportation Engineers
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Association of State Aviation Officials
National Cooperative Freight Research Program
National Cooperative Highway Research Program
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
National Transportation Safety Board
Society of Automotive Engineers
Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act:
A Legacy for Users (2005)
Transit Cooperative Research Program
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (1998)
Transportation Research Board
Transportation Security Administration
United States Department of Transportation

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