Practical Aspects of PSC
Practical Aspects of PSC
Practical Aspects of PSC
What is Pre Stressing ?
• It is
intentional application of a
predetermined force on a system
for resisting the internal stresses
due to external loads.
Thus PSC…….
…is the special reinforced concrete which
makes use of the intrinsic properties of steel
and concrete i.e. using the properties they are
good at
CONCRETE in compression
STEEL in tension
PSC is called Active concrete
• Because steel is tensioned to compress the
concrete so that there is no or hardly any
tension in concrete under the service loads
• This system needs high strength concrete
(brittle) and high tensile steel (ductile)
• Makes effective use of modern high strength
In-spite of the good designs…
• There will be problems in the construction due to
• Improper understanding or lack of understanding of
• basic principles
• Right method of the application of the principles
• Practical aspects of execution (because everything can’t be
reduced to writing)
• In fact the failures enlighten us to highlight the
inconsistencies between assumptions on the paper
and the understanding in the field
Practical problems and remedies
• Specifications of works are based on the theory and
also to a large extent on observations from minor to
major deformations, observed in already executed
m mm
A XE m m
• Reason: It was winter & the concrete strength gain was not
sufficient to take pre-stressing load. Due to winter the strength gain
was slow.
• Solution: Since than pre-stressing was taken up after testing field
cubes only. Cubes were cured with the parent girder/s only.
Practical problems and remedies
• Problem: Cracks appeared from deck slab towards end
cross diaphragm window opening.
• Reason: The cable layout over these sections was dipping heavily to take benefit
of vertical shear resisting component without checking stresses in concrete at
respective stage.
• Solution: (1) Cable profiles at ends / intermediate supports were checked with
respect to their vertical component resisting external shear and it was found that
the relief was exceeding the permissible shear stress. (2) The top & bottom most
fiber stresses were also worked out with respective BM and it was found that the
tensile stress at top was exceeding the permissible limit. The cable profiles were
flattened & the cracking problem has vanished.
Profile of prestressed cables
Practical problems and remedies
• Problem: While pre-stressing from both ends, it is advised through
drawing/s that pre-stressing be carried out simultaneously from
both ends. Hydraulic pressure levels v/s extensions are monitored
with the least possible difference but most of the time not
satisfying the requirements as stipulated.
• Solution: (1) Pre-stress cables from both ends with minimum
difference in hydraulic pressure. (2) Increase hydraulic pressure in
multiples of say 15% to 20%. Unless the lagging end picks up the
same pressure, do not proceed ahead with the leading end. (3) Best
method of both end pre-stressing is, carry out pre-stressing from
one end first & then from the other end. The results at the end of
both end pre-stressing are the same as expected through design
Practical problems and remedies
• Problem: Duration and cost of consumables for forms fixing
& removal was not fitting into the duration and budget.
• Solution: Side forms were fabricated in 5 m long x 3.250 m
tall panels and assembled on trolleys in one piece side
shutters to cast 40 m long x 3.25 m tall pre-tensioned pre-
cast girders. It resulted in time & consumable saving and
improved quality. Ladders, walkway platforms, toe boards
& hand railings helped to save on concrete wastage,
improve in supervision & efficiency of workmen.
One piece side forms (3.25 m tall x 40 m long)
with working platforms & hand railings.
Completed rebar cage being shifted
Rebar cage being lowered on pre-cast
bed within one piece side forms for 40
m long span.
One piece side shutters with working platforms,
toe boards, ladders & hand railings
One piece side shutter in position
Arial view of pre-cast bed for 40 m long pre-
tensioned girders (2 lines each with 3 girders)
Practical problems and remedies
• Problem: Concreting end block was taking almost 7
calendar days per end, not fitting in completion
• Solution: The end block reinforcement cage pre-tied
against jig, anchorages & bearing sleeves and then
launched in its position with the help of crane and
could complete end block within 4 calendar days.
Shortcomings through permanent
structure design
Shortcoming Remedial Measure
Edge distance from concrete Edge distances should be strictly as
surface per the recommendations of the
In particular it is observed that manufacturers of the strands
along edges and corners bursting
of concrete is observed due to
reduced clear cover. The designer
giving priority to HT steel without
consideration to reinforcement
clear cover.
Shortcomings through permanent
structure design
Shortcoming Remedial Measure
Inadequate information & Shortening and hogging up of girder
precautions provided on drawings, after release of pre-stress be made
like shortening and hogging up of available in drawings.
girder after release of pre-stress.
Negative moment at the centre of Provision of additional reinforcement to
span and at the support over the pier accommodate negative moment
cap due to non availability of the
reinforcement steel in these zones,
results in cracks to the girder
Shortcomings through Execution
Shortcomings Remedial Measure
Honeycombing in girder bottom Bottom bulb top slope should be
flange. steeper (1H :3V), to allow entrapped
air to get escaped.
Even if it leads to additional cost one
should go for this steeper bottom bulb
top slope
Form work for in-situ deck slab •Intermediate gaps between psc
girders be provided with sacrificial rcc
•Cantilever deck slab be avoided by
matching edge girders with deck slab
•For cantilever deck slab above is not
possible and a traveling form set be
One piece cantilever deck slab forms
on launching girder (2.25 m wide x 40
m long)
Cantilever deck slab forms on launching girder (2.25 m
wide x 40 m long) to aligned for 2 spans at a time
Cantilever deck slab forms on launching girder (2.25 m
wide x 40 m long) completed cantilever deck slabs