FloridaSeminar (As Of10!12!9)
FloridaSeminar (As Of10!12!9)
FloridaSeminar (As Of10!12!9)
Commercial Law and how it applies to you and what they're doing with you as a person.
Everything is commercial cause there's no money. And what I mean by money is asset, and this is
where commercial law comes in. There's 2 forms of money in commercial law; asset money and debt
money. The asset money is on the private side and the debt money is on the public side. If you stay on
the private side you'll never have any problems. When you get into the public side this is where you get
into the legal fiction.
When your parents signed the birth c they created a fictitious entity known as a strawman.
They registered it with the bureau of vital statistics then with the dept of commerce, then with the DTC.
There's 2 different companies; the parent company is DTCC depository clearing corporation.
Controlled by the jesuits out of rome italy
The guy that owns the federal reserve system is called hans van kovenbach called the black pope they
own the vatican roman catholic church and the pentagon and the UN. They run our guv.
I had a federal judge, Dan Bemum, said I'm 100% correct. I've done the research and have documented
All these patriots are filing UCC1's and UCC 3's and they don't know what they're doing. You cant file
a UCC1 unless you have a contract. A ucc1 is a financing statement because you have a contract under
article 2, the contract makes you a secured party not the UCC1. You don't even need a UCC1. How do
you think they're getting jurisdiction over you in the court room? Through contract. People go in there,
file a ucc1 then go to court and file all their rights away. How can you have a debtor creditor when
there's no money? If there's no money how can you have a creditor?
The court system is tied into the DTCC.
The DTCC owns the DTC and The depository trust corporation and the depository trust company, 2
separate entities under the DTCC.
National securities clearing corp., the Mutual Securities Clearing Corp, the Government Securities
clearing corp all sub division of the DTCC. These are all trust companies and they're all banks.
DTC is nominee, nomine means name.
DTC CEDE & Co. (CEDE means nominee).
All commodities and securities are registered in CEDE & Co.
Everyone is reading the uCC, you should be reading Alpine publishing, the commodities and securities
and exchange Acts of 1934 and 1933. Study these rules, under rule 12 they register you bc as a security.
They register this in the name of CEDE & Co.
2 types of securities; certificated and uncertificated. Certificate of live birth, so its a certificate, when
they register it, it becomes a certificated security. And its registered in the name of CEDE & Co. All
this stuff is in my treatise. It makes them the registered holder. This has nothing to do with
creditor/debtor. You can't have a contract between a live man and a fiction.
Registered holder is the registered owner. You have 2 owners.
3 rules of war by sun tzu art of war...
Who's the owner if fact; you are. Are you controlling anything? No. You own but don't control. Because
they're the registered holder and owner of the certificated security of the BC which they use as
I'm gonna show you how to properly file a ucc1 and get out of this whole thing. 23:18
Sent an International BOE to Capital One and they kept it, we're gonna fix that. They're not crediting it
to the account and then they make a second demand/claim, and make you issue another one.
How I found all this out was studying the Erie vs Thompson 1938 decidied by lewis brandon, changed
everything in this country. most important decision ever handed down by the us supreme court. Its Not
the real us supreme court, that’s the high court of justice, look it up, called the high court of admiralty.
The real supreme court is the us district court, that's real, real article 3 section 1 court set up under in
the constitution. No yellow fringed flags
They changed the name to the circuit court for the district of columbia...
Your BC is a security.
Article 8-102 of the UCC under definition a financial asset, except as otherwise provided under.. means
a security.
Certificates are traded on financial markets.
You sign a promissory note at the bank...,UCC 9-102..., they endorse the pN on the back without
recourse and pay to the order of that's a commercial draft a fiancial asset, and you created it with your
signature, it goes to DTC as a security, they pool these, first its a note, then a security by pooling the
note, they cluster them, they become securities, they pool the securities they becomes bonds. Mortgage
backed securities. When pooled become bonds. I'm going to show you how they sell them. Bonds are
IOU's, bookkeeping entries.
I got myself out of prison by giving them a bill of exchange.
I called brokerage house looking for a bond and they said do you have the CUSIP number?
Article 2 and 8 are the 2 most important articles in the UCC. Article 4 is your deposits and collections
for all banks if there is a conflict article 3 governs but article 8 governs article 3 and 4 because
everything you sign is a financial asset or a security.
The “ABC's of the UCC” put out by the American Bar Association in Chicago Illinois. Contains
definitions. [41:xx]
He was going to law library instead of looking for work so they tried to put him back in jail for 3 years
cause he signed an agreement. He signed like this; Jean Keating Authorized representative. AR is not
liable on the instrument. UCC 3-402 subsection b. I didn't agree to anything, no contract, no
jurisdiction. When they ask you who you are I tell them I'm the authorized representative. Authorized
Representative is who you are. Start assuming your proper role and you wont get into trouble.
47:23 Understand; He's asking you Are you liable for the bond. Under means liable or liability.
Stand means statute which means bond or obligation of record.
The bond is located, study statute merchant or statute staple.
Clerk's Praxis.
Title 50, 212 and 213, still current law today.
They divided the united states into 12 districts. Called military districts.
Title 26, 7621 of the IRS code. What is the president doing designating Internal Revenue districts?
Anybody selling a UCC1 is making [only] money off of you. They don't know what they're doing.
I only buy from Dan Benham.
West Publishing; Uniform Commercial Code. Other authors do not talk about the UNICAL [ ]
convention. That's how I found out about IBOE's.
March 3RD 1863 passed the enrollment act, your current draft registration act. What did they do under
the enrollment act?
They divided the united states into 12 districts. Called military districts. They put a Provost Marshall
over each district.
They don't want you to know this. Under the Pose Comitatus Act we can't...
I want some judges arrested. They're violating my constitutional rights.
We're prohibited from getting involved with any kind of civil strife going on within the borders of the
state because of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.
He's under the adjutant general under the secretary of war.
I know a guy they put him in jail for 3 months without charging him in Washington state. He called the
Provost Marshall who came out and said to the sheriff if you don't release this man immediately I’m
going to execute you right in front of these people. If we were in a time of open warfare I would shoot
you dead. The Provost Marshall has control of everything.
That's how the IRS gets you, the zip code designates the military district that you are in. The zip code
designates revenue districts.
Title 10 of The Military Code of Justice, section 333 & 334.
When they had the reconstruction acts they supposedly reinstated the lawful gov within the borders of
the state and if anybody within the state violates your constitutional rights you can have them arrested.
Find out who your provost marshall is over your district. 106:xx
HJR 192.
They passed the emergency bank act of march 9 1933 and they did it under the war powers act of 1933.
Section 2 of the emergency bank act amended section 5b of the trading with the enemy act (passed in
1917) it made citizens of the united states enemies of government.
We were in court and Carl says to the judge I want you to waive the emergency bank act under the war
powers act because it made us all enemies. The judge said well maybe we ought to call the homeland
security and have you deported (implying the judge is an idiot).
24:11 But here's how you get the bond back. That form right there, 91 release of property from escrow.
You are in escrow. How many people have ever bought a house in here? Aren't you in escrow when
you're making a purchase? And what happens when you go to closing? They release it from escrow
don't they? They pass matching funds from fiduciary creditor to the fiduciary debtor. Only this never
occurs cause you never give them the grant of authority to do this. You can use a UCC1, and I'll show
you how to do it, to do settlement and closure on the account and get your property and never pay for
it. You can't pay for it, there's no money. What do they do with the money? They spend it. They open
up an account, a demand deposit account and all the checks you make for payments on the alleged
mortgage they put in the account and spend that money. They don't apply any of that to the mortgage.
The mortgage has already been paid for by an order to pay signed by you and indorsed by them on the
34:03 These are called Call Reports. www.sec.info.com is where you get the Call Report.
18:54 What does the word accrual mean? What's accruing is the capitol and interest from you as the
principal. And what they're doing is spending your capitol and interest because you're not laying claim
to it. You granted it all away as the grantor and they're the beneficiary of all your capitol and interest.
That' where all your money is going, they're spending it.
I'm going to show you how to put a stop to all that.
27:48 they cannot transfer, cannot exchange, and cannot pay on these notes without the issuers express
44:12 first you gotta open an account with the DTC. These people are spending all your assets, why
can't you set up an account with them?
50:32 To give color to your pleadings confession and avoidance. To confess isn't that what you're doing
when you do an acceptance?
27 CFR Section 72-11 all crimes are commercial.
Reason for Revoking the Certificate of Release and reinstating the Notice of Federal Tax Lien.
They can't put a fiction in prison so they put you in there because you didn't do your job.
You're the one that's telling them to take the lien off. You're creating all their money and all their assets
for their debts and their accrual why the hell can't you tell them what to do?
They're liening you and all you gotta do is tell them to release it.
When you do the UCC1 you could put yourself down as the pledger and whoever you're appointing is
the pledgee. 17:57
The word pledge comes from the admiralty/maritime term hypothecation.
A bottomry bond. Whenever a guy that owns a vessel, if you go into title 18 section 7 it says all citizens
of the united states are vessels. That's a special maritime jurisdiction of the united states in admiralty.
Special territorial jurisdiction. Then they have the extended land jurisdiction under admiralty.
Admiralty works on land just as on water if you have a maritime contract or maritime tort. This is
called the locality test or what they call nexus. That brings Article 2, contract. Where's the contract? Is
the contract valid? No. Cause its fraud. No disclosure. The law merchant, Swanson vs Fitchue or
Fitchberg, 243 Fed [?] sup. It says the law merchant is harsh but it merely enforces mutual agreement.
Jean Keating
10456 Riverside Drive
Powell, Ohio (43065)
$250.00 for his Treatise (150pages) and 3,000 pages of forms and info.
Jparagon at insight.rr.com )Jean's email)
Kparagon at insight.rr.com (Karl's email)
3:34 Now I'm going to show you form 91. Release of personal property from escrow.
How do you stop a mortgage foreclosure?
People that are in prison are in escrow, waiting for settlement and closure. This is how you get
settlement and closure Payment and closure. You want to close the account. Release the bond. Release
of surety. You've got the surety and the underwriter underwriting these bonds, so they're holding the
lien on you. 32:38 That's what Walmart does. If you read my treatise, the united states of america is the
Paine Webber Group. What's in the Paine Webber Group? Ten thousand corporations and Walmart is
one of them and so is the US postal service. Now I know why the united states of america is the
plaintiff in every tax case. How many people are in prison for income tax evasion?
Put your court case or your prisoner number in there.
Name of the financial institution. Isn't the prison the financial institution?
The clerk of the united states court is the registrar in admiralty.
This is how you become a secured party under revised Article 9-505.
A contract of Bailment is any contract for the conveyance, delivery or transfer of property. 40:37
A Bailor is a person that has goods and is going to deliver them to another person who is the Bailee.
What are goods? You. What is the court doing? Its the Bailor. And its delivering the goods to the
warehouse in escrow. To put you in escrow.
Consignor means to transfer, deliver or convey real property.
9-310 The filing of a financial statement is not necessary to protect a security interest.
Under 9-309 what is attachment. When you have a contract attachment occurs you are a party to a
contract, either as a seller or buyer. But you don't have to do a financing statement if you have a
What's going on in the court room is they're getting you to contract. Offer, acceptance, consideration.
Three elements of a contract. If you give them your name, what should you say?
Dan Benham disqualifies them. He says you're under Porter vs Porter which says; You're acting as a
witness, when you're testifying you're a witness.
Dan said; I know 9 different Dan Benhams. Which one do you want?
There they all are in 9-505.
Do you want the consignee? Do you want the lasir[?]. The grantor, the bailor, the creditor, the debtor.
He never gives them jurisdiction. He never gets in contempt because he never refuses to answer the
question. I'll be happy to answer your question, just tell me which one you want. If you don't tell me
which one you want how can I tell you which one I am? 49:00 Judge asked him; Where do you reside?
I reside in my body.
If you make a contract with the court you got a secured interest already.
UCC 9-305 Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Interests in Investment Property.
You have the power to designate which jurisdiction it goes to.
All of those terms, consignor, that you read in 9-505 are investment security terms. Trust terms. You
could substitute the word grantor or grantee. Grantor trustee, grantee trustee those are the same terms,
they just didn't put them all in there. They all apply under 9-505. They're terms other than a secured
party and a debtor.
#3 An intermediary is a bank. Its defined in 8-102-9. Securities intermediary. The DTC is a securities
intermediary. It’s a settlement and a securities depository. It’s a warehouse for securities. If you're the
owner in fact why the hell aren't you going after your securities? You're letting these people steal all
your property. 100 trillion dollars a month goes through there (the DTC) and you're financing the whole
thing with your assets. They're signing your name to everything because you're not laying claim to it.
Abandoned property. If you don't claim something its abandoned property. This is a free for all.
40:00 That's why you've got to get a release before you leave the port of entry. Because you've got a
commercial vessel. They call it a transmitting utility in commercial law. That's why they have on
the UCC1 form.