A Simple Axiomatization of The
A Simple Axiomatization of The
A Simple Axiomatization of The
Online at http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/36773/
MPRA Paper No. 36773, posted 20. February 2012 01:39 UTC
Since the pioneering work of Nash (1950) on cooperative bargaining theory, a voluminous number of bargaining solutions have been proposed and axiomatized in the
literature. Among the solutions that have been most studied is the egalitarian solution which was recommended by Rawls (1971). Given a bargaining problem faced by
individuals in the society, this solution implies maximization of the utility of the worstoff individual over the bargaining set. A characterization of the egalitarian solution
when the number of individuals is fixed and the bargaining set is convex, compact, and
comprehensive was proposed by Kalai (1977) using symmetry, weak Pareto optimality,
and strong monotonicity conditions. Symmetry axiom says that if the bargaining set is
invariant under all exchanges of agents, then the solution must be invariant too. Weak
Pareto optimality requires that all gains from cooperation should be weakly exhausted,
whereas strong monotonicity demands that all agents should benefit from any expansion of the bargaining set. Kalai (1977) also shows that strong monotonicity condition
can be replaced by step-by-step negotiation, a decomposability condition which says
that if the bargaining set expands from U to S, the solution on S can be calculated by
first finding the solution on U (step 1) and then adding it to the solution on the set of
individually rational options in S with respect to the solution in step 1.
In this paper, we propose a simple axiomatization of the egalitarian solution in
the same bargaining domain as studied by Kalai (1977). We show that the n-person
egalitarian solution is the only bargaining solution that satisfies a new condition which
we call symmetric decomposition.
A number of studies in the literature have axiomatized the egalitarian solution in
alternative domains of bargaining problems. As such, Thomson (1983a, 1984) consider
bargaining problems where the number of bargaining individuals may vary, Conley and
Wilkie (2000) relax the restriction that the bargaining set is convex, Rachmilevitch
(2011) considers a restricted domain where the bargaining set is strictly comprehensive,
and Conley and Wilkie (2012) study domains where the bargaining set is finite. There
are also other studies that consider the characterization of related solutions, such as the
lexicographic egalitarian solution and proportional solutions. See, for example, Myerson
(1977), Roth (1979), Myerson and Thomson (1980), Myerson (1981), Thomson (1983b),
and Chun and Thomson (1990).
The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 we introduce the basic structures
and in Section 3 we present our characterization result. Finally, Section 4 contains
some concluding remarks.
Basic Structures
We consider a society with the set of individuals N = {1, 2, ..., n}. A bargaining
problem for this society consists of a pair (S, d) where S is a non-empty subset of R+
The egalitarian solution maps each bargaining problem (S, d) n to the point E(S, d)
of W P (S) such that Ei (S, d) di = Ej (S, d) dj for all i, j N .
Given a bargaining problem (S, d), we denote by aj (S, d) the maximal net utility
attainable by agent j N ; i.e., aj (S, d) = maxxS (xj dj ). For any real (0, 1], we
define the reference point c(S, d, ) S such that ci (S, d, ) = di + minjN aj (S, d)/2
for all i N . Clearly, c(S, d, 1) d is the symmetric point in the Pareto frontier
of the convex hull of the set of vectors v 1 , v 2 , . . . , v n where for each k N , vkk =
minjN aj (S, d) and vlk = 0 for each l N \{k}.
Given two vectors x and y in R+
, x y means xi yi for all i N and x > y means xi > yi for
all i N .
Given a bargaining problem (S, d), we denote by IR(S, d) the individually rational
allocations; i.e., IR(S, d) = {x S | d x}. For any bargaining set S R+
any z R+
we define S z = {x Rn | y S such that x = y z}. Apparently,
IR(S, c(S, d, )) c(S, d, ) = IR(S c(S, d, ), 0) n for any (S, d) n and for
any (0, 1]. In Fig. 1, we plot a 2-person bargaining problem with = 1.
Agent 2
Agent 1
Fig. 1
We investigate the existence of solutions satisfying the following new axiom:
Symmetric decomposition. There exists (0, 1] such that F (S, d) = c(S, d, ) +
F (IR(S c(S, d, ), 0), 0) for all (S, d) n .
The above axiom says that the solution F (S, d) can be calculated in two steps, by
first obtaining, for some (0, 1], the symmetric reference point c(S, d, ) in S and
then taking it to be the starting point for the distribution of the utilities in S.
Characterization Result
Proof. It is clear that the egalitarian solution satisfies symmetric decomposition since
for all (0, 1] we have E(S, d) = c(S, d, ) + E(IR(S c(S, d, ), 0), 0) for all
(S, d) n . Conversely, let F be a solution on n satisfying symmetric decomposition.
First, pick any (0, 1] such that F (S, d) = c(S, d, ) + F (IR(S c(S, d, ), 0), 0)
for all (S, d) n , and then pick any (S, d) n .
= S, d0 = d, and dt = 0 and S t =
bargaining problems (S t , dt )
t=0 where S
IR(S t1 c(S t1 , dt1 , ), 0) for each integer t 1. We say that agent k deter ) in a given bargaining problem (S,
n if
mines the reference point c(S,
k = min{i N | i = argminjN aj (S,
Then, for any integer m 0, there must
exist an agent, say k(m), determining the reference point in at least m + 1 of the
first nm + 1 problems in the sequence (S t , dt )
t=0 . For each integer m 0, we denote by (S t , dt )t{t1 ,t2 ,...,tm+1 } the first m + 1 problems in which agent k(m) determines
the reference point. Clearly, we have ak(m) (S ti+1 , dti+1 ) (1 2 )ak(m) (S ti , dti ) for
all i {1, 2, . . . , m} for each integer m 0. Using the fact that ak(m) (S t1 , dt1 )
ak(m) (S 0 , d0 ), we have ak(m) (S tm+1 , dtm+1 ) (1 2 )m ak(m) (S 0 , d0 ) for each integer
m 0. Now suppose that F (S 0 , d0 ) 6= E(S 0 , d0 ). Pick any integer m
such that
0 0
0 0
0 0
(1 2 )m ak(m)
, dtm+1
(S , d ) < |Fk(m)
(S , d ) minjN Fj (S , d )|. Then ak(m)
0 0
0 0
0 0
/ S tm+1
(S , d ) minjN Fj (S , d )| and therefore F (S , d )
=1 c(S , d , )
However, we have F (S t+1 , dt+1 ) = F (S 0 , d0 ) t =1 c(S , d , ) for all integer t 0 by
Concluding Remarks
Chun, Y. & Thomson, W. (1990). Egalitarian solutions and uncertain disagreement
points. Economics Letters, 33, 29-33.
Conley, J. P. & Wilkie, S. (2000). The bargaining problem without convexity: extending the egalitarian and Kalai-Smorodinsky solutions. Mimeo.
Conley, J. P. & Wilkie, S. (2012). The ordinal egalitarian bargaining solution for finite
choice sets. Social Choice and Welfare, 38, 23-42.
Kalai, E. (1977). Proportional solutions to bargaining situations: Interpersonal utility
comparisons. Econometrica, 45, 1623-1630.
Myerson, R. B. (1977).