Friday Report Feb 13 2015
Friday Report Feb 13 2015
Friday Report Feb 13 2015
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Administrative Content
Board Meetings & Minutes Drafts
Draft minutes for the February 10 regular meeting are attached. Please provide necessary changes to Debbie Vanderwilt by
noon on Wednesday, February 18. Please note that due to the President's Day holiday and short week next week, there will not
be a Friday Report published on February 20.
Attachment: Board Meeting Minutes 20150210 Regular.pdf (70 KB)
Board Agenda Items
Consultant Selection for Jackson High School Boiler Room Hydronic Piping Upgrades: At the February 24, 2015 board of
directors meeting, the board will be asked to approve the selection of a consultant to perform design and construction
administration services for the Jackson High School Boiler Room Hydronic Piping Upgrades. A letter summarizing the process
and the recommendation from the selection committee is attached. The project includes replacing the hydronic boiler room
piping with fully welded piping. This project is funded by the 2010 capital levy. Work will commence in June 2015 and be
completed by the start of the 2015-16 school year.
Attachment: Consultant Selection Recommendation Letter 20150209.pdf (28 KB)
Hazard Mitigation Plan: On February 24, 2015 the board will be provided a presentation on the districts draft hazard mitigation
plan. This draft plan will then be sent to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for review and approval, and
afterward the board will be asked to approve it. A copy of the draft mitigation plan is attached for directors' information. OSPI
was awarded a grant by FEMA to develop a pre-disaster mitigation "tool kit" that could be used by school districts as a
template in developing district-specific hazard mitigation plans, and this plan was developed using that tool kit. Everett Public
Schools is one of 20 districts selected by OSPI as a pilot group to develop hazard mitigation plans.
Attachment: Hazard Mitigation Plan DRAFT 20150212.pdf (13,297 KB)
Sea Mar Community Health Centers Agreement: An agreement between Everett Public Schools and Sea Mar Community Health
Centers will provide mental health services for students and their families at each of the district's four high schools. Sea Mar
will employ one therapist to work on the campus of each high school and help school staff to identify and develop strategies to
assist students with mental health issues and to connect families to essential community resources. Sea Mar agrees that it and
its personnel will maintain confidentiality of family information. Everett Public Schools will provide office space and basic office
equipment. High school staff will identify students who may need a mental health assessment and refer them to the program.
In addition, high schools will designate a staff member to assist Sea Mar in navigating district procedures. While this
short-term agreement provides a range of mental health services to Everett Public Schools high school students and their
families, it also provides an early application of our "community resource center network" concept for which the district's
Community Resource Center and partnerships structure forms the hub. This agreement will be presented for board approval at
the March 10, 2015 regular meeting.
Attachment: Sea Mar Community Health Centers Agreement 20150212.pdf (453 KB)
Board Meeting Follow-Up
Thoughtexchange Status: Communications staff report the districts first experience with Thoughtexchange seems to be doing
well. In the 10-day window of Phase 1, the process attracted had 1,700+ participants leaving 6,000+ comments. Over 50,000
individuals were invited to participate. Just three days into Phase 2., there are 1,300+ participants involved, who have applied
91,472 stars to comments. The first reminder email was set to go out Saturday morning. Thoughtexchange staff indicate they
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Checks for Understanding: Review and Development Teams (Strategic Target: 1.2.b)
As part of the development process of the new formative assessments (end-of-unit checks for understanding), a couple of
teams of teachers have been assisting with this process. One team serves as a review team. As each newly created resource
arrives, this group reviews the passages and questions and offers feedback. A separate team of teachers, known as the
End-of-Unit Development Team, meets to support the technological side by converting the print version to an online form. This
aspect of the end-of-unit checks provides students the opportunity to practice reading and writing in an electronic format
through the use of Chromebooks and Google Drive, similar to the organization of the Smarter Balanced assessment.
Research in Science and Engineering Projects (Strategic Target: 1.2.b)
Students in the Research in Science and Engineering course at Jackson High School are experiencing tremendous success with
their projects. This course requires students to pick an individual research area, determine a science or engineering research
question, connect with experts, and present a completed project to peers and at competitions. Students are led by course
teacher Carole Tanner and after school club advisor Andy Sevald. Competitions begin next month. Following is a summary of
several student projects:
Generating electrical power in high temperature waste heat situations using non-toxic and relatively inexpensive
Studying yeast that stores energy as oil that can be extracted for biofuels.
Studying emerging toxins in our waterways and their effect on organism development.
Studying enhancements for prosthetic legs.
Designing a roof prototype that prevents ash buildup and corrosion in volcanic regions.
Investigating ways to neutralize acid whey that is produced in making Greek yogurt.
SpringBoard Unit Reflection and Review Meetings (Strategic Targets: 1.2.b, 1.2.c)
This month teachers from across the district are meeting in grade levels to examine student work on first semester embedded
assessments. For these Unit Reflection and Review meetings, each teacher is asked to bring student work representing
exemplary, proficient, and emerging levels of performance. During the meetings, teachers analyze the student work in order to
build shared understanding of, and agreement about, what constitutes student proficiency with regard to standards assessed
on the embedded assessments. Other work accomplished during these meetings includes consideration of next steps in
instruction for students, refinement of SpringBoard scoring guides, and learning how to use Insight as a tool to analyze student
data. A second round of Unit Reflection and Review meetings is planned for June.
Imagine Learning English Mid-Year Report (Strategic Targets: 1.3.b, 1.5.a)
Imagine Learning English (ILE) is an online, adaptive software program that delivers instruction in English language and
literacy for elementary-aged students. Everett Public Schools currently has 750 students with individual subscriptions, at all
elementary schools. Students who score at Levels 1 and 2 (beginner and advanced beginner) on the Washington English
Language Proficiency Assessment (WELPA) are provided licenses. Students receive instruction in English vocabulary and
academic language, as well as reading (comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, phonics, and phonological awareness), and
practice in writing, listening, and speaking. The content is aligned to Common Core State Standards, with an emphasis on
informational text. Native language support is provided for newcomer students in 16 languages. Students are re-taught
concepts until they achieve 80 percent proficiency. The attached mid-year report profiles gains made by students in oral
language and literacy, and more information is available at the ILE website.
Attachment: EPS Imagine Learning English Mid-Year Report 20150213.pdf (700 KB)
Washington Access to Instruction and Measurement (Strategic Target: 1.5.a)
The 2014-15 administration of the Washington Access to Instruction and Measurement (WA-AIM), the alternative assessment
that replaced the Washington Alternative Assessment Portfolio for students with significant cognitive challenges, is underway.
Educators administer the assessment using an online delivery system. A continuum of entry points aligned to Common Core
State Standards are the backbone of the WA-AIM alternative assessment and measure student knowledge and skills through
the use of twice annual administered performance tasks. The WA-AIM is used for federal and state accountability in grades 3
through 8 and 11, and can be used to meet a students CIA requirements.
Jackson High School Hosts Regional TSA Competition (Strategic Target: 5.4.a)
Earlier this month, Jackson High School's Technology Student Association (TSA) hosted the 2015 Regional TSA Competition.
The TSA mission is to inspire students to prepare for careers in a technology-driven economy and culture. TSA students learn
through competitive events and leadership opportunities. There were nearly 100 students from around the area competing in
several different technology events. The event topics included:
Career Preparation
Photographic Technology
Promotional Graphics
Structural Engineering
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Biotechnology Design
Extemporaneous Speech
Children Story
Engineering Design
Essays on Technology
Fashion Design
Manufacturing Prototype
On Demand Video
Music Production
Procedure Updates
6000P, Program Planning, Budget Preparation, Adoption and Implementation: Revisions to Procedure 6000P, Program
Planning, Budget Preparation, Adoption and Implementation, have been reviewed by superintendent's cabinet to clarify that
budget transfer requests can be submitted either electronically or in writing. Revisions to Procedure 6000P are provided for
directors' information.
Attachment: 6000P IR 20150213.pdf (16 KB)
6115S, Fees, Fines and Charges: Revisions to Fee Schedule 6115S, Fees, Fines and Charges, have been reviewed by
superintendent's cabinet. These fee revisions occur annually and include the Advanced Placement test fee, the PSAT fee, the
tuition for full-day kindergarten, and the high school summer school program. Additional revisions include correction of the
language around PSAT test fees, and the deletion of language regarding preschool tuition and math camp. Revisions to Fee
Schedule 6115S, Fees, Fines and Charges, are provided for directors information.
Attachment: 6115S IR 20150213.pdf (96 KB)
Enrollment Update
Finance staff concluded their headcount and FTE reporting for February, and the headcount and FTE enrollment reports are
attached for director background. Staff report overall headcount increased by 16 since the January count, which is typical for
this point in the year. Of special note, the Port Gardner Parent Partnership program gained 17 students, increasing enrollment
from 113 in January to 130 for February. Several new, large, families join this program resulting in growth primarily at the
elementary level. Also attached is a history of February enrollment, by region, since 2007 highlighting enrollment changes over
this 8 year time frame.
Attachment: February 2014-15 HC.pdf (12 KB)
Attachment: February 2014-15 FTE.pdf (14 KB)
Attachment: February Headcount History.pdf (159 KB)
Field Trip Requests
Attachment: Cascade HS Drama Students' FT to Ashland, OR 20150213.pdf (3,632 KB)
Attachment: Emerson ES Fifth Grade Camp FT to Lake Stevens 20150213.pdf (3,910 KB)
Attachment: Cascade HS Advanced German Language Students' FT to Carnation 20150213.pdf (3,306 KB)
Miscellaneous Attachments, News Releases & Articles
News Releases
Points of Pride
Budget Articles
Directors' Dates to Remember
Monday, February 16 - Presidents' Day Holiday - District Closed
Monday-Tuesday, February 16-17 - Mid-Winter Break - No School
Wednesday, February 25 - Celebration of Innovation Technology Fair - 6 p.m. - Cascade High School
Thursday-Friday, February 26-27 - Microsoft Executive Briefing - Redmond
Sunday-Monday, March 1-2 - WASA/WSSDA/WASBO Legislative Conference - Olympia
Wednesday, March 4 - EPS Foundation 21st Annual Benefit Breakfast - 7:15 a.m. - Xfinity Center
Thursday, March 12 - Special Board Meeting - 7:30 a.m. - Community Resource Center
Saturday-Monday, March 21-23 - NSBA Annual Conference - Nashville, TN
Thursday, March 26 - Special Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Community Resource Center
Monday-Friday, March 30-April 3 - Spring Break - No School
Monday, April 13 - EPS Foundation Classroom Grant Event - 6:30 p.m. - Community Resource Center
Thursday, April 16 - EPS Foundation Writing Celebration Event - 6:30 p.m. - Community Resource Center
Monday, April 20 - High School Art Show Reception - 6 p.m. - Community Resource Center
Tuesday, April 21 - Special Board Meeting - 5 p.m. - Community Resource Center
Tuesday, April 28 - Special Board Meeting - 6:30 p.m. - Cascade High School
Thursday, May 7 - WASA Region 109 Awards Ceremony - 11:30 a.m. - Everett Golf & Country Club
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Monday, May 11 - Middle School Art Show Reception - 6 p.m. - Community Resource Center
Wednesday, May 20 - Superintendent Scholar Ceremony - 7 p.m. - Everett Golf & Country Club
Monday, May 25 - Memorial Day Holiday - District Closed
Monday, June 8 - EPS STEM Expo - 5 p.m. - Xfinity Center
Wednesday, June 10 - Sequoia High School Graduation - 6 p.m. - Everett Civic Auditorium
Saturday, June 13 - High School Graduations - Noon - Xfinity Arena
Tuesday, June 16 - Last Day of School
Executive Content
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