Leak Detection and Repair Training (LDAR)

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Leak Detection and

Repair Training (LDAR)


Regulatory Overview
Clean Air Act
Basics of the Air Rules

Advanced Regulations HON H

Covered Components
Monitoring Requirements M21 & Visual
Leak Definitions, Repair Deadlines
Sensory Leaks, OELs, PRV Releases
Record-keeping Requirements

Regulatory Overview

Clean Air Act

Originally passed in 1963, with amendments
added in 1970, 1977 and 1990
Goal: to increase regulations and introduce
new initiatives to continue improving air
quality in the United States.
Govt realized that emissions from the
chemical and petroleum industries while
small were quickly adding up to produce
high results for air quality

Regulatory Overview

Clean Air Act

Regulatory agencies (both federal and state)
developed new regulations
Designed to address and reduce the
emissions resulting from equipment leaks

Major Federal Air Rules


Louisiana Air Rules

2121, 2122, Consolidated Program

Regulatory Overview

Purpose of Leak Detection and Repair

To identify unintended equipment leaks of
volatile organic chemicals and repair them

Regulatory Structure
Test methods
Leak definitions, monitoring frequencies
Repair procedures
Recordkeeping and Reporting

Topic Outline

Regulatory Overview
Clean Air Act

Advanced Regulations HON H

Covered Components
Leak Definitions
Monitoring Requirements M21 & Visual
Repair Deadlines
Sensory Leaks, OELs, PRV Releases
Record-keeping Requirements

Advanced Regulations HON H

Covered Components
Valves, connectors, pumps, compressors,
agitators, PRVs, instrumentation systems

Leak Definitions
500ppm: valves, compressors, connectors,
PRVs, instrumentation systems
1,000ppm: pumps
10,000ppm: agitators

Advanced Regulations HON H

Monitoring Requirements
Weekly: visual inspections for pumps
Monthly: pumps, agitators
Quarterly: valves
Annually: connectors, compressors, NDEs,
DTM valves

Visual Inspections Pumps, Agitators

look for indications of liquids dripping from the
if there are liquids dripping a leak is detected

Advanced Regulations HON H

Repair Deadlines
First Attempt and Remonitoring in 5 days
Repair or DOR in 15 days
Light monitoring once within 90 days
Pumps only allowed on DOR for 6 mos

AVOs Sensory Leaks

if a leak is detected by audible, visual, or
olfactory means: must remove the indication
of a leak or monitor M21 and repair under
those deadlines

Advanced Regulations HON H

Open-Ended Lines (OELs)

must be equipped with a cap, plug, blindflange, or second valve
must remain sealed at all times, except:
when operations require that process flows through
during maintenance or repair

subject to very stringent fines if found by LDEQ

PRV Releases (Pressure Relief Devices)

must monitor and repair in 5 days
rupture disk must be replaced in 5 days too

Advanced Regulations HON H

Record-keeping Requirements
List of ID numbers for all covered equipment
Leak Tags hanging on all leakers
Info on leakers kept in a log, including:
tag ID, instrument ID, tech ID, date, all ppm
readings, all dates (original leak date and ppm
and repair attempt dates and ppms)

DOR info (Delay Of Repair)

Visual inspection dates and results
semi-annual reports on component counts
and leak rates

Topic Outline

Regulatory Overview
Clean Air Act

Advanced Regulations HON H

Covered Components
Monitoring Requirements M21 & Visual
Leak Definitions, Repair Deadlines
Sensory Leaks, OELs, PRV Releases
Record-keeping Requirements

The following slides pertain

to the equipment used to
monitor, emissions seams,
and types of equipment in
the field.

Method 21
What is Method 21?
Important Terms

Calibration Gas vs. Reference Compound

Daily Calibration vs. Precision Calibration
Response Factor
Response Time

Equipment Provisions
Electrically driven pump, constant flow rate
Sample probe with < 0.25 diameter

Method 21

Calibration Provisions
Precision vs Daily

Source Surveys
How and where to monitor various types of
components (pictures to follow)

0 separation between probe & emission seam
Unless: moving part or moisture / foreign
material, then no more than 0.5 separation

Monitoring Procedures

What Does Monitoring Look Like?

You, TVA, Datalogger, Components
Find 1st component
Take background reading
Monitor component along emission seams
Capture reading in Datalogger
Move to next component

Monitoring Procedures

What If The Component Is Leaking?

Perform simple maintenance
Record information in Datalogger
Hang leaker tag
Follow site-specific protocols


Ball Valve

and Bonnet

Motor Operated

Butterfly Valve
Plug Valve

If doing


Check Valves
Monitor where stem meets

Insulated Valves

Welded Seams

Inline Check

seams. Take
no action.
Monitor only





Monitor Tee
and Coupling
only if doing

Monitor 3 seams
per tee

Hang tag on nipple

and monitor separate

sides of collar and
any screwed


Monitor at the
center of the Stack
or Horn - if there is
one and you can
reach it.

When monitoring PRV, monitor the

bonnet, the weep hole and the horn.
Do not monitor the rupture disk flange
or .1 and .2. These are connectors,
which are not monitored.


Monitor the weep

hole - if there is

This could be
Rupture Disk
or Check
Make sure you know!

Monitoring Procedures

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Tag Maintenance so important?
What about background readings?
How should the probe and Datalogger be
coordinated while monitoring?
When should a Leaker Tag be removed?


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