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n manufacturing, changeover is the process of converting a line or machine from

running one product to another. Changeover times can last from a few minutes to as
much as several weeks in the case of automobile manufacturers retooling for new
SMED, or Single Minute Exchange of Dies, is the technique of reducing the amount
of time to change a process from running one specific type of product to another.
The purpose for reducing changeover time is not for increasing production capacity,
but to allow for more frequent changeovers in order to increase production flexibility.
Quicker changeovers allow for smaller batch sizes.
The benefits of quick changeover include:
Reduce defect rates - Quick Changeover reduces
adjustmentsas part of setup and promotes quality on the
first piece.
Reduce inventory costs - Elimination of, or reduction in
numbers of batches, and their sizes, allows for recovery of
operating cash and manufacturing space.
Increase production flexibility - Increase output and
improve timeliness of response to customer orders.
Improve on-time delivery - Quick Changeover supports
the ability to meet customer demands.
The terms set-up and changeover are sometimes used interchangeably however this
usage is incorrect. Set-up is only one component of changeover. Changeover can
be divided into the 3 Ups:
Clean-up - the removal of previous product, materials and
components from the line.
Set-up - the process of actually converting the equipment.
Start-up - the time spent fine tuning the equipment after it
has been restarted.
The keys to quick changeover are found in changing your thinking about changeover
as in the following:
1. Rethink the idea that machines can be idle, but workers
cannot be idle.
2. The ideal setup change is no setup at all or within
3. Ensure that all tools are always ready and in perfect
4. Blow a whistle and have a team of workers respond to
each changeover.
5. Establish goals to reduce changeover times, record all
changeover times and display them near the machine.
6. Distinguish between internal and external setup activities
and try to convert internal to external setup.
To start identify and separate the changeover process into key operations External
Setup involves operations that can be done while the machine is running and before
the changeover process begins, Internal Setup are those that must take place when
the equipment is stopped. Aside from that, there may also be non-essential
operations. Use the following steps to attack the quick changeover:

Eliminate non-essential operations Adjust only one side of guard rails instead of
both, replace only necessary parts and make all others as universal as possible.
Perform External Set-up Gather parts and tools, pre-heat dies, have the correct
new product material at the line there's nothing worse than completing a
changeover only to find that a key product component is missing.
Simplify Internal Set-up Use pins, cams, and jigs to reduce adjustments, replace
nuts and bolts with hand knobs, levers and toggle clamps remember that no matter
how long the screw or bolt only the last turn tightens it.
Measure, measure, measure The only way to know if changeover time and
startup waste is reduced is to measure it!

As many organizations begin their journeys toward a lean enterprise, they are
finding the road to be difficult and filled with obstacles. The question that is most
asked is where to begin.
While the market is increasingly demanding more customized products,
manufacturers are under constant pressure to reduce costs. Non-fulfillment of
orders more frequently results in losing business to the competition. Combine
these factors with the high cost of inventory and the need to increase
productivity, and it becomes obvious that mastering quick changeover is essential
to an organizations survival.
As an organization begins a lean manufacturing implementation, its ultimate goal
is to produce according to customer demand (takt time) while utilizing one piece
flow. For this to happen, machines need to be set up more often, highlighting the
need to reduce setup time. Reducing setup time results in increased production,
better quality parts and a more flexible workplace.
Single-minute exchange of dies (SMED), similarly known as quick changeover, like
other lean tools, requires a committed effort from within the organization. One of
the major pitfalls organizations fall into is the desire to rush into a changeover
program with very little or no upfront planning. With limited time and resources,
the program is doomed for failure. The other common mistake is failure to
document and standardize the process. Finally and most importantly,
management must demonstrate a full commitment to the program. If the
changeover program is not a high priority to management, then it will not be a
priority to anyone else.
Preparing for Analysis
As an organization prepares for the program, it must first ask the question: Why
are we doing this? The obvious reason is always to reduce costs, but cost
reduction and improved profitability will come as a result of inventory reduction,

smaller batch sizes, increased plant capacity, quicker response time to customers,
and better use of employees. Goals for each of these need to be set and reported
to the entire organization. This early preparation will greatly benefit a changeover
implementation. Also a critical step, the organization must determine which area
or process will be attacked first. Value stream mapping is an effective technique
for identifying bottlenecks and prioritizing areas of improvement.
The next step is to form an implementation team. The composition of the team is
very important to its success. Determining factors should include knowledge,
interest, ability to work with others, and, of course, enthusiasm. The team will
have regular members that attend every meeting and are directly involved with
the changeover: setup technicians, line mechanics, operators, supervisors, and
manufacturing and quality engineers. The other members will consist of
representatives from other departments within the organization. They will not
have to attend every meeting but will have a role to play, especially when their
areas are being addressed. Some examples (but not a comprehensive list) of
other areas to be represented include finance, human resources, manufacturing,
materials, purchasing and planning.
After the team is formed, each member needs to be trained in the principles of
SMED/quick changeover, basic problem solving, root cause analysis and (often
overlooked) proper procedures for conducting meetings. A well-developed training
program that includes interactive exercises is beneficial for the team as it begins
to meet regularly and to analyze the changeover process.
When the daily meetings begin, ground rules need to be set. Every meeting will
have a leader and an agenda; tasks will be assigned and minutes taken.
Structured, well-run meetings will reduce the implementation time and will
increase participation and the quality of ideas.
The first step in the analysis is to videotape every detail of the entire changeover
process from cleanup to setup. The only exceptions are normal breaks such as
lunch. It is important that the changeover being filmed is a normal changeover. If
anything abnormal occurs, the changeover needs to be refilmed. (Note: A simple
setup of a camcorder on a tripod is sufficient. You wont need to bring Steven
Spielberg in on this one.)
The next step is to create a baseline of the process. Each detail of the changeover
process must be identified and listed. The video should be reviewed several times
until the team is sure that they have identified and listed everything that takes
After every detail is documented, the team members will conduct a brainstorming
session in which each element on the list will be analyzed and classified into one
of four categories.
Eliminate: Is the step really necessary?

Externalize: Remember, the key is not so much reducing the total amount of labor
as reducing the length of time the line is down. One way to reduce downtime is to
externalize tasks to the maximum extent possible.
Externalization means performing changeover tasks either before or after the
changeover, externally to the changeover time. One common activity that takes
place during changeover is that the operator will collect the various change parts
required. If this is done during the changeover, it will extend changeover time.
This is something that can be done ahead of time so that all the required parts
are available the moment they are needed.
Simplify: Any elements that cannot be eliminated or externalized need to be
simplified where possible. This will include the elimination of tools, use of slots
and keyholes, quick connectors, and the like. As part of simplification, all
adjustments must be made measurable. This may be done with digital position
indicators, scales or scribe marks. Gauges also may be used, but these are tools
and should be avoided wherever possible.
No Change: Finally, there will be many elements for which no improvements are
possible. This is OK, but they need to be identified as such. Periodically, they
should be re-examined in case process changes, new ideas or new technologies
allow improvement.
Once each step has been classified, they then need to be prioritized. A good
method to follow is to classify each one as an A, B or C. A items can be done
immediately. B items require a bit more time to implement for varying reasons.
C items are the long-range items such as new equipment.
This is the point at which some organizations end the process. When
organizations go this far and do not implement any of the ideas, they are in
essence adding a ninth waste to the eight wastes of manufacturing. Instead of
walking away with nothing more than improvements on paper, the team should
now develop an action plan with each task assigned to team members with a due
date. Status of every item should be reported at each meeting.
The new process should then be documented and each operator trained. The new
procedure will become standard for that setup. The SMED/changeover program
should also have a standard operating procedure (SOP) generated for the next
event. As the organization improves each setup after this, new members should
be brought in and trained until everyone in the organization has been trained in
changeover process improvement. Eventually, the organization will be become a
true lean enterprise where everyone routinely contributes to process
Though the high cost of downtime always justifies changeover reduction, the
process can be a very painful and daunting one. Many times, companies have
tried and failed to develop a successful SMED/quick changeover program. Using
the ideas and steps outlined in this article will certainly improve the likelihood of

Quick Changeover (SMED)

As lean production is dependent upon small lot sizes, small lot sizes
are dependent upon quick changeovers. If set-ups or changeovers are
lengthy, it is mathematically impossible to run small lots of parts with low
inventory because large in-process inventories must be maintained to feed
production during changeovers.
For example, large stamping dies commonly took hours to change until the
development of quick die change methods (Single Minute Exchange of Die, or
SMED). Long changeovers necessitate cycle times well below the Takt time,
and hence a buildup of inventory to supply production while the die is being
changed (see Pull Scheduling for a discussion of Takt time).

Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED)

SMED was developed by Shigeo Shingo in Japan in the sixties and early
seventies at Toyota and other Japanese firms. The impetus was to reduce
costly inventories and improve efficiency.
An important foundation to the SMED system is the distinction between
changeover work that occurs while the machine is not running, calledInternal
Setup, and preparatory work that occurs while the machine is running,
called External Setup. At the point in time when SMED was
developed, almost all changeover work was performed while the machine
(press) was down.
The SMED philosophy breaks down into four stages:
In the preliminary stage, all setup work is combined. There is no distinction between
internal and external work.
In the second stage, external setup and internal setup are identified and separated.
In the third stage, work that was previously included in the internal setup is transferred to
external setup.
The fourth stage requires relentless and continuous improvement of all work elements
within the internal and external setup (Kaizen).
A useful comparison is the pit crew of a racing team changing tires.
If the tools and parts are not prepared until the car enters the pit, then the pit
stop will be lengthy. If the parts and tools are prepared beforehand (External
Setup), the crew's every move is choreographed for efficiency, and special
tools and fittings are used to increase speed, then the pit stop will be short.

Changeover Time Reduction Techniques

Specific techniques to reduce changeover time are:

Staged Tooling and Fixtures

If a part or tool must be placed into a fixture prior to an operation, such as
machining, add a fixture so that while one part or tool is in the machine, the
second can be set up in the fixture.

Operations Conducted in Parallel

Consider the pit crew example again: if the four tires are changed
simultaneously by four crew members that pit stop is a lot faster than if the
crew moves from tire to tire in sequence.

Tools that are the same size with the same attachment location can be
changed much more quickly. Consider how long it would take a pot crew to
change tires if the replacement tire had a different lug nut configuration. In
the same vein, a common die height allows the shut height of the press to be
set to a common dimension.
Standardized attachment points and methods reduce confusion and the
number of fasteners - saving time. Standardization also applies to tool storage
organization so that tools can be quickly located. See the 5S tutorial of the
Toolbox for additional discussion of workstation organization.

Quick Attachments
Clamps, cams, and u-shaped washers are used for quick attachments. If a bolt
can be pre-tightened during external setup, then it only needs one final turn
to provide clamping force during internal setup. Another example to consider
is the quick-release hub on a bicycle tire, which facilitates rapid changeover
by a lever and cam device so that a wrench and the time that goes with it is
not required.

No-Adjust Tooling
Use locating pins, guides, and fixtures to completely eliminate adjustment.

Duplicate Tooling
Duplicate tooling can minimize or eliminate the need for changeovers, and the
cost can quickly be offset by reduction in inventory and set-up labor costs.
Simple pre-set gauges and templates can speed up changeovers without large

Assisted Tool Movement

Large dies or other heavy tools can be moved much faster using dedicated die
carts, roller tables, or small conveyors than with forklifts or cranes.
Mechanized tool change equipment allows pre-staging of the replacement
tool, and may also facilitate changeovers by the base equipment operator
without additional indirect labor.

Benefits of reduced changeover time

By incorporating the above methods, massive dies are commonly changed in
less than 10 minutes - setups that used to take hours. Benefits of reduced
changeover time extend beyond the direct reduction of inventory to include:

Reduced lead times and improved responsiveness to customers.

Flexibility to respond to changes in demand.

Improved product quality from quicker information feedback.

Improved visual control and plant communication.

Reduction of indirect costs for material movement, counting, and transaction processing.

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