Two Cases and A Review of Streptococcus Pyogenes Endocarditis in Children

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Weidman et al.

BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:227


Open Access

Two cases and a review of Streptococcus pyogenes

endocarditis in children
Danielle R Weidman1,3, Hilal Al-Hashami1,2 and Shaun K Morris1,2,3,4*

Background: Infective endocarditis is a rare diagnosis in pediatrics. Group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus pyogenes
is known to cause a range of type and severity of infections in childhood. However, S. pyogenes is a rarely described
cause of endocarditis in children. This paper presents two cases of S. pyogenes endocarditis and the largest and
most up-to-date review of cases previously reported in the literature.
Case presentation: Here we describe two pediatric cases of S. pyogenes endocarditis with associated toxic shock.
Case 1 was a previously well Caucasian 6-year-old female who presented with sepsis. Case 2 was an 8-month-old
South Asian female who presented with sepsis and pneumonia. We present a review of the literature since the
beginning of the antibiotic era of this unusual cause of bacterial endocarditis in children.
Conclusion: In addition to the two cases presented here, a total of 13 children have been reported since 1940 with
endocarditis caused by S. pyogenes for which clinical details are available. Although few cases exist, literature review
reveals a high mortality rate (27%) and the majority of patients who recovered had residual morbidities. We
emphasize the importance of considering a diagnosis of endocarditis in cases of S. pyogenes sepsis or toxic shock in
order to ensure early diagnosis and timely treatment, which are necessary for good outcomes. This information is
relevant to both general and subspecialty pediatricians, especially emergency room and infectious disease
Keywords: Endocarditis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Group A Streptococcus, Toxic shock

Infective endocarditis (IE) is a rare diagnosis in children.
Group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus pyogenes can cause
a range of type and severity of infections in childhood including invasive, toxin-mediated, and immune-mediated
disease. However, S. pyogenes is a rarely described cause of
IE in children. The estimated proportion of IE caused by
S. pyogenes in children under age 21 is less than 3% [1]. In
addition to the two cases presented here, a total of 13 children have been reported since 1940 with endocarditis
caused by S. pyogenes for which clinical details are available. Here we describe two cases of IE caused by S. pyogenes in children with associated toxin-mediated disease,

* Correspondence:
Department of Pediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University
Avenue, M5G 1X8 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Division of Infectious Diseases, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto,
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

and present a review of the literature since the beginning

of the antibiotic era.

Case presentation
Case 1

A 6-year-old previously healthy unvaccinated Caucasian

female was seen at a rural emergency department (ED)
with a 3-week history of fevers and a 3-day history of
lethargy, poor oral intake, and erythematous rash. Following discharge from the ED, she re-presented two days
later to the same ED with fever and signs consistent with
sepsis. She was transferred to the intensive care unit
(ICU) of our tertiary care center after fluid rehydration
and one dose of ceftriaxone. At least 3 of her 6 siblings
had a recent history of pharyngitis, although only one was
seen by a physician, diagnosed clinically as strep throat,
and treated. On examination she had a systolic murmur,
painful purple nodules of the fingers and toes, and erythema of the palms and soles. She was hypotensive and required dopamine and epinephrine infusions to maintain

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Weidman et al. BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:227

blood pressure. White blood cell count was 18.7109/L

with 73% neutrophils. Initial electrocardiogram (ECG) was
normal. Antimicrobial therapy initiated on admission was
vancomycin and meropenem. Transthoracic echocardiogram (echo) was done due to clinical stigmata suspicious
for IE, which demonstrated a mobile mass on the posterior mitral leaflet (0.7 cm 0.5 cm) and a small atrial septal
defect (ASD)/patent foramen ovale (PFO). Head computed tomography (CT) revealed multiple bilateral asymmetric hypoattenuating foci, presumed to be septic emboli
or watershed infarcts. Once the diagnosis of IE was made,
gentamicin was added. Three hours after admission to the
ICU, cardiac monitor abnormalities prompted a repeat
ECG, which showed accelerated junctional rhythm and
atrioventricular (AV) dissociation. The decision was made
not to operate, as her echo showed good function and no
aortic root abscess. On day 2 of admission, blood cultures
drawn at the community hospital came back positive for
S. pyogenes. Penicillin (400,000 units/kg/day) and clindamycin were started; gentamicin was discontinued. By day
3 of admission, she had clinically improved and vancomycin and meropenem were stopped. Blood cultures
drawn on admission to our institution were sterile. She
improved rapidly on penicillin and by day 5 of admission,
the suspected toxin-mediated process had resolved, and
clindamycin was discontinued. Liver and renal function
remained normal. She was discharged home 8 days after
presentation and completed 6 weeks of intravenous penicillin (400,000 units/kg/day). Complete resolution of the
vegetation was seen on 3-month follow-up echo.
Case 2

A previously well 8-month-old South Asian female presented to a community hospital with a clinical picture
suggestive of sepsis. She had a 1-week history of fevers
and viral respiratory prodrome and a 2-day history of
lethargy and poor oral intake. On initial presentation,
she had increased work of breathing and chest x-ray
demonstrated a right pleural effusion. She was initially
treated with vancomycin, cefotaxime, and oseltamivir.
On day 2 of hospitalization, she was intubated due to
worsening lethargy, poor perfusion, and acidosis. She
was then transferred to the ICU at our tertiary care facility where hemodynamic support was provided and a
chest tube was placed. Blood cultures drawn from the
community hospital grew S. pyogenes and penicillin
(300,000 units/kg/day) and clindamycin were started.
Repeat blood cultures at our institution were also positive for S. pyogenes. Due to hemodynamic instability, a
transthoracic echocardiogram was performed to assess
cardiac function. The study was limited by clinical instability but did not show evidence of endocarditis.
In addition to hypotension, she developed multi-organ
dysfunction including acute renal failure, elevated liver

Page 2 of 6

enzymes, and thrombocytopenia. On day 6 of illness, she

had left hand twitching and bilateral abnormal eye
movements. Head CT showed extensive bilateral asymmetric foci of white matter diffusion restriction consistent with watershed infarcts and right parietal lobe
findings suggestive of hemorrhagic septic emboli. Repeat
transthoracic echocardiogram showed a tricuspid valve
vegetation and a PFO. High dose penicillin was continued and blood cultures became negative after one week of
antibiotic therapy. She was transferred to the ward on day
18 of illness and discharged home after 34 days total. Penicillin (300,000 units/kg/day) was continued to complete
6 weeks, and she had complete resolution of symptoms on

Infective endocarditis is unusual in children and carries

significant morbidity and mortality. S. pyogenes is a rare
cause of this condition. This organism is a virulent cause
of endocarditis, as the infection has the potential to progress despite appropriate therapy, which can ultimately
lead to death [2].
Prior to the antiobiotic era, infective endocarditis was
nearly always fatal, regardless of the causal pathogen [3].
Incidence of endocarditis caused by S. pyogenes has declined significantly since the introduction of antiobiotics,
largely due to antibiotic treatment of local pyogenic infections preventing bacteremia and seeding of the endocardium [4].
While underlying congenital heart disease is considered a major risk factor for endocarditis [3], the cases
we present and the majority of those with S. pyogenes
endocarditis reported in the literature occurred in children with structurally normal hearts. This is consistent
with the epidemiology of other causes of endocarditis in
children, which has shifted in recent years to affect a
higher proportion of children without underlying structural heart disease [1].
Bacteremia caused by S. pyogenes comes from a primary
source, which may be cellulitis, pharyngitis, endometritis,
pneumonia, or other localized pyogenic infection. In children, the primary source is most commonly pharyngitis or
skin lesions [5]. Superinfection of varicella skin lesions
with S. pyogenes is the most common focus of infection
leading to endocarditis by this organism [6,7]. However,
endocarditis as a complication of varicella is very unusual
[8]. In Case 1, the portal of entry was likely pharyngitis.
Although less clear in Case 2, the initial infection may
have been pneumonia.
S. pyogenes can produce multiple exotoxins, which have
potential to cause end organ damage or release cytokines
that can cause tissue injury [5]. The syndrome of toxic
shock caused by S. pyogenes endocarditis is uncommon, especially in children. Both cases we describe are consistent

# [ref]

Year Age,

Pre-existing cardiac





1 [12]

1942 2y, M





Brain, Peripheral, No
Renal, Spleen




Recovered with cardiomegaly

and decreased cardiac function

Not reported




Surgery Outcome

Painful swollen joints

2 [3]

1975 6 m, M None



Microscopic hematuria
Aortic insufficiency and CHFc
Left sinus of Valsalva aneurysum

3 [13]

1977 14y, M

VSD closed surgically at Tonsillitis

age 6, aortic stenosis


Myocardial abscesses
Rupture of sinus of Valsalva
into left ventricle

4 [4]

1980 16y, M


Febrile sore throat Aortic

5 [2]

1984 2y, M

Pulmonic stenosis


Respiratory distress requiring

intubation and ventilation

Peripheral, Renal No


Brain, Spleen








Recovered with small VSDd

Brain, Peripheral


Recovered with left-sided

weakness and mitral

Weidman et al. BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:227

Table 1 Cases of S. pyogenes endocarditis from 1940 to present for which clinical features are available

Renal failure (resolved)

Aortic and Mitral Pulmonary edema

Aortic insufficiency
Proliferative glomerulonephritis
6 [6]

1988 4 m, F




Para-aortic abscess
CHF and pulmonary edema

7 [14]

1988 4y, F




Aortic regurgitation
Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm

8 [7]

1992 3y, F




Left-sided hemiparesis
Microscopic hematuria
Mitral regurgitation
Pericardial effusion
Required vasopressors
and intubation

9 [5,15] 1998 14y, M

1999 5 m, M None



Right cerebral infarction



Recovered with
left-sided weakness







Respiratory failure

Page 3 of 6

10 [5]


Mitral regurgitation with anterior leaflet tear

Aortic root abscess
Toe autoamputation
11 [16]

2000 4y, M




Mitral regurgitation

Left foot



Brain, Peripheral


Recovered with
left hemiplegia




Necrosis of 2 toes
requiring amputation
12 [16]

2000 2y, M




Aortic root abscess

Aortic valve perforation
Focal seizures

13 [8]

2000 3y, M




Joint pain
Bilateral pulmonary infiltrates
Elevated LFTse

Weidman et al. BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:227

Table 1 Cases of S. pyogenes endocarditis from 1940 to present for which clinical features are available (Continued)

Aortic insufficiency
Left ventricular dilatation leading to CHFc

Includes all cases from which clinical features, demographics, and outcome can be extracted. There exists an additional group of cases of possible S. pyogenes endocarditis in children for which sufficient clinical data
is not available [1,17-21]. As well, a few cases were excluded due to ambiguity [21,22].
LVH = left ventricular hypertrophy.
CHF = congestive heart failure.
VSD = ventricular septal defect.
LFTs = liver function tests.

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Weidman et al. BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:227

Page 5 of 6

with clinical features of toxic shock. Case 2 fits the accepted

definition of toxic shock [9], as she had hypotension as well
as multi-organ involvement including renal impairment,
liver dysfunction, coagulopathy, and respiratory distress.
Case 1 had features of toxic shock including hypotension
and a generalized rash; however, the clinical picture does not
meet formal criteria [9]. There are few cases of toxic shock
associated with S. pyogenes endocarditis in the literature. The
case reported by Liu et al. required intubation, vasopressors,
and fluid resuscitation, although toxic shock is not specifically discussed [7]. As well, Winterbotham et al. describe a
case with hypotension and respiratory failure; however, the
details are unclear [5]. In general, few cases described previously were as clinically unstable as those presented here.
Since these two cases presented to our tertiary care facility within two weeks of each other, we analyzed the strains
of S. pyogenes to see if the two cases may have been caused
by identical strains. The technique used was emm typing
by PCR done by the National Microbiology Laboratory
[10,11]. The strains were shown to be different.

two-week time period, both with signs of toxic shock.

Our cases show that in cases of S. pyogenes sepsis or
toxic shock, consideration should be given to a concurrent
diagnosis of endocarditis, even if the heart is structurally
normal. When treated with appropriate antimicrobial
therapy and supportive care in a timely manner, even severe presentations of S. pyogenes endocarditis and toxic
shock can have excellent outcomes.

Review of the literature

Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

We conducted an electronic literature search using

PubMed and restricted to English language but did not
place restrictions on search dates. We further examined
reference lists in retrieved articles for additional citations
not found by the electronic search.
In addition to the two cases presented above, a total of
13 children have been reported since 1940 with endocarditis caused by S. pyogenes for which clinical details are
available. In this review, cases from the antibiotic era
were included (Table 1). As such, this resulted in the exclusion of several cases that did not have clinical information available, or were presented with inconsistencies
or ambiguous nomenclature (Table 1).
Out of 15 cases of S. pyogenes endocarditis with clinical
information available (including those presented above), 10
were male (67%) and 5 were female (33%). Ages range from
4 months to 16 years, with a median age of 3 years. Only 2
patients had known pre-existing heart defects. Varicella was
a preceding infection in 4 cases (27%), and 6 patients (40%)
had no known preceding infection. The most common
valves involved were mitral and aortic, with each accounting for approximately 50%. Case 2 is the only reported case
in this population with IE affecting the tricuspid valve. Embolic phenomenon occurred in 11 patients (79%), with one
not documented. Five patients had cardiac surgery (33%).
The mortality rate was 27% and the majority of patients
who recovered had residual morbidities.

In summary, we present a rare combination of endocarditis caused by S. pyogenes in two children with previously normal hearts admitted to the same hospital in a

Written informed consent was obtained from the patients parents for publication of these case reports.
Consent was documented in the patients charts according to The Hospital for Sick Childrens Consent for Publication/Presentation of Case Reports Policy. Copies are
available for review upon request.
ASD: Atrial septal defect; AV: Atrioventricular; CT: Computed tomography;
ECG: Electrocardiogram; Echo: Echocardiogram; ED: Emergency department;
ICU: Intensive care unit; IE: Infective endocarditis; PFO: Patent foramen ovale.

Authors contributions
DW, HA, and SM participated in the direct care of the patients. DW
conducted the literature review and prepared the first draft of the
manuscript. HA assisted with manuscript drafting. SM designed the project,
edited the manuscript, and provided overall supervision for the project.
All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
We thank the Toronto Invasive Bacterial Diseases Network and Canadas
National Microbiology Laboratory for emm typing.
Author details
Department of Pediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University
Avenue, M5G 1X8 Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2Division of Infectious Diseases,
The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada. 3University of Toronto,
Toronto, Canada. 4Peter Gilligan Research Institute, Toronto, Canada.
Received: 19 March 2014 Accepted: 26 August 2014
Published: 10 September 2014
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Cite this article as: Weidman et al.: Two cases and a review of
Streptococcus pyogenes endocarditis in children. BMC Pediatrics 2014 14:227.

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