Contracts Law
Contracts Law
Contracts Law
The concept of unjust enrichment is based upon the Roman legal maxim
"no one should be benefited at another's expense" (nemo locupletari potest
aliena iactura or nemo locupletari debet cum aliena iactura).
The principle of unjust enrichment is simply stated as:
A person who has been unjustly enriched at the expense of another is
required to make restitution to the other.1 The meaning of this line is that
if a person has gained benefit from other person and thereby causing loss
to the other person, then the person who has gained is required to
reimburse the plaintiff equal to the amount of benefit received by the
The principle of unjust enrichment can be understood in three ways:
1. Unjust enrichment can be interpreted as a principle of Aristotelian
equity, providing correction when normally sound rules produce unjust
results in particular cases.
2.Unjust enrichment can be characterised as a legal principle
incorporating a broad ideal for justice, from which courts can deduce
solutions to particular restitution problems.
3.Unjust enrichment can be understood simply as expressing a common
1 Restatement of Restitution (1937), s. 1.
courts have moved from the proposition that these are based on implies
promises to the wholly inaccurate proposition that they were based on
implied contracts.
The doctrine of unjust enrichment was originally based in English law
upon the principle of assumpit or had and received, and was declared by
Lord Mansfield in Moses v. Mcfarlon5, that the gist of this kind of action
is, that the defendant, upon the circumstances of the case, is obliged by the
ties of natural justice and equity to refund the money. In the case of Sadler
v. Evans6, it was observed that the action for money had and received was:
a liberal action, founded upon large principles of equity, where the
defendant cannot conscientiously hold the money. The defence is any
equity that will rebut the action. The courts of equity covered much ground
as the common law action for money had and received, by the eighteenth
century, the courts of equity exercised a general jurisdiction to grant relief
where there is unjust for a recipient of property to retain the property
The second half of eighteenth century and in the nineteenth century the
law of torts and the law of contract were structured around each other in
theoretical framework in which former based on the natural lawyers theory
of imputation and the latter on the will theory. The American lawyers at
the start of twentieth century brought the broad principles of Joseph
Storys equitable jurisprudence and were able to manipulate constructive
trusts into remedial devices so as to reverse the unjust enrichment.
5 Moses v Macferlan (1760) 2 Burr 1005 at 1012 (97 ER 676 at 681).
6 Sadler v Evans (1766) 4 Burr 1984 at 1986 (98 ER 34 at 35)
The first, faltering steps away from the implied contract theory were taken
in India in the 1860s in the case of Rambux Chittangeo v. Modhoosoodun
Paul Chawdhry7, it was held in this case with reference to Pothier and
Austin jurisprudence that a claim for contribution from a co surety was not
a contractual claim, that the use of the language of implied contracts was
something forced on the common law by the purely fortuitous fact that the
remedy was framed in the assupsit and the system like Indian was not
dependent on the forms of action could profitably abandon all the talks of
implied contracts. The Indian Contract Act, 1872 followed this line: under
the heading of of certain relations resembling those created by contract, it
included claims for necessaries supplied to those without contractual
capacity, claims for indemnity or contribution, claims to be paid for the
beneficial services provided without the intention of making any gift,
claims against the finder of goods and claims for the money paid by the
mistake. It went certain changes through judicial interactions and came to
be based more and more on the doctrine of restitution. In India, the
principle was developed under section 69 and section 70 of Indian
Contract Act, 1872. Within a decade of the passing of the act it was held
that the co surety claims for contribution was in fact a contractual term
after all and the earlier cases discussing its contractual nature, it was said,
were delivered before the passage of the act, when legislation had not
stepped in the plain language to give distinct vitality and affect to certain
relations between parties out of those moral obligations one to another a
legal fiction had grown up for implying a contract and while as learned
7 (1938)
40 BOMLR 843
expositions of law, they can be read with interest and advantage for
practical purposes to the point under consideration they are absolute and
The judicial mind is unconsciously moved by the major inarticulate
promise, in this breach of the law that no one should be allowed to unjustly
enrich himself at the expense of another. The law so developed by judicial
conscience appears to discover obligations to defeat unjust enrichment or
unintended acquisition by the restitution. The natural tendency of courts is
that wherever they find unjust enrichment is to order restitution.
According to Section 68, if a person, incapable of entering into a contract
or anyone whom he is legally bond to support, is supplied by another
person with necessaries suited to his conditions in life, the person who has
furnished such supplies is entitled to be reimbursed from the property of
such incapable person. For example, A supplies B, a lunatic, with
necessaries which are necessary for his survival. A is entitled to be
reimbursed from the Bs property.
In the case of Jai Indra Bahadur Singh v. Dilraj Kaur8, a minor being
bound to support his sister, money advanced to a minor for marriage of his
sister has been held to be necessaries under this section and also
recoverable from the property.
In the case of Benaras Bank Limited v. Dip Chand9, it was said that a
creditor can recover money advanced to the minor for necessaries and can
recover the money out of the minors estate.
According to Section 6910, a person who is interested in the payment of
money which another is bound by law to pay, and who therefore pays it is
entitled to be reimbursed by the other.
In the case of Govindram Gordhandas Seksaria v. State of Gondal11,
the party had agreed to purchase certain mills, he was allowed to recover
from the seller the amount of already overdue municipal taxes paid by him
in order to save the property from being sold at the auction.
In the case of Dakshina Mohun Roy v. Saroda Mohun Roy
Chowdhry12, it was held that money paid by a person while in possession
of an estate under the decree of the court for preventing the sale of the
estate for recovering the arrears of government revenue may be recovered
by him under this section.
According to Section 7013, where a person lawfully does something for
another person, or delivers anything to him, not intending to do so
gratuitously, and such other person enjoys the benefit thereof, the latter is
9 AIR 1936 All 172
10 Section 69, Indian Contract Act, 1872
11 AIR 1950 PC 99
12 (1893) 21 Cal 142
13 Section 70 , Indian Contract Act, 1872
and important judgments on this area of the law, particularly between 1900
and perhaps the late 1960s.
Indian council for Enviro-Legal Action v. Union of India19in which the
Court has considered certain principles of the law of unjust enrichment in
some detail.
In ICELA, as the name suggest, the Court was concerned with issues of
environmental law. For the purposes of our discussion, it suffices to note
that the Supreme Court passed an order in 1996 giving certain directions to
industries to the Government to take remedial action to clean a village
badly affected by pollution caused by chemical industries. In this order, the
Court found that the industries in question were liable to pay the costs,
which were later quantified as Rs. 37.385 crores. This amount was not paid
by the industries for more than fifteen years, and the litigation, the Court
records, was kept alive by filing a number of interlocutory applications. In
these circumstances, the question arose whether the Supreme Court could
direct the industries to not only pay Rs. 37.385 crores, but also to pay
compound interest on it for the period of non-payment (14 years). It may
be that the Court could have made this order as a punitive measure, but it
chose to analyse the law of unjust enrichment for an answer.
What is of more interest than the eventual conclusion of the Court that the
industries were liable to pay compound interest is a number of
observations that it makes on the meaning of enrichment and the nature
19 (2011) 8 SCC 161
liable. The hypothesis of the researcher is true that if a person has taken
benefit from another person and has not given anything in return, then he
is liable to pay back. In all the cases of unjust enrichment wherever the
court feels that one person has taken benefit out of another person and has
not given anything in return, the court makes the person liable and directs
the person to compensate or return the benefit.
The main objective of conducting the project was to understand the
decision of courts in Indian Scenario on the topic of unjust enrichment.
Various remedies are available for unjust enrichment in Indian Contract
Act, 1872. Section 68-72 deals with remedies available in the case of
unjust enrichment in various cases like when necessary goods are provided
to one person, obligation of a person enjoying benefit of a non gratuitous
act, responsibility of the finder of goods, thing delivered to another person
by mistake or coercion. The courts also in most of the cases have always
tried to give decision in favour of plaintiff in the case of unjust enrichment.
Whenever the court feels that the defendant has taken benefit from the
plaintiff and has not compensated him, then court directs the defendants to
either compensate the benefit received by the defendant.
In section 72 of Indian Contract Act, only thing delivered by mistake or
coercion is taken into consideration. Like coercion and mistake there are
other ways also like undue influence, misrepresentation , fraud which can
be used by a person to take benefit out of another person. So provision
related to misrepresentation, fraud and undue influence should also be
made under Indian Contract Act, 1872.
Unjust Enrichment: A Study of Private Law and Public Values
By Hanoch Dagan