Kois DS

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The key takeaways are that tooth preparation for veneers or crowns should be customized for each patient based on factors like tooth structure, function, and esthetics. Standardized preparations are not always optimal.

Sintered diamond instruments are preferred over diamond-coated instruments for adjusting porcelain extraorally. Sintered diamonds cut smoothly without leaving black marks and include inverted cone shapes and football shapes for contouring and occlusion adjustment.

The recommended polishing steps for porcelain are to begin with coarse Dialite polishers to smooth scratches, followed by medium and fine grit polishers to high shine and return the natural wet look.

Vol. 1, No.

2, 2001


Clinical Case Studies and Technique Review

Diagnostically Based Protocol

for Tooth Preparation
John C. Kois, DMD, MSD; Steve McGowan, CDT
Sponsored by Brasseler USA

2 Hours of Continuing Education Credit

A Supplement to Contemporary Esthetics and Restorative Practice

2001. Dental Learning Systems Co., Inc.

An MWC Publication


Dental Learning Systems Co., Inc.

241 Forsgate Drive, Jamesburg, NJ 08831-1676 (800) 926-7636 Fax (732) 656-1148

Dear Reader:
The preparation of anterior adhesive ceramic facial veneers or fullceramic veneers should not be a dogmatic procedure where all preparations are done exactly the same way. The translucency of this conservative category of restoration offers the advantage of assisting in the final
esthetic match by allowing natural tooth color to pass through. At times,
however, this translucency can also be problematic, especially when trying to cover discolored teeth, and must be compensated for. In addition,
variations in the functional demands of individual patients will require
modifying the preparation design. For optimal adhesion, it is always
desirable to keep the preparation in enamel, but sometimes this is not
possible because of many factors. Analysis of these factors and justification must be carefully considered before preparation. Finally, the restorative material should not require excessive tooth reduction just to satisfy
fabrication criteria.
Dr. Kois and Mr. McGowan have successfully researched the subject
and written an excellent article on it for this issue of Esthetic Technique.
They discuss how and why each zone of the tooth is prepared to meet the
biological requirements of the tooth. In addition, they show how function,
dentofacial parameters, and periodontal concerns will often require modifying the preparation criteria and design. Optimal results are achieved by
treating each patient individually and not dogmatically treating everyone
the same way. This article clearly describes and defines a philosophical
and technical approach that allows for the most esthetic and conservative
results when using adhesive ceramic restorations.
Dental Learning Systems would like to thank Brasseler USA for
sponsoring this clinical series.
Best regards,

Nasser Barghi,

Bruce Crispin,

John Kois,

Edward A.
McLaren, DDS

Gerard Kugel,

Larry Rosenthal,

Douglas A.
Terry, DDS

Lee Culp, CDT

Strassler, DMD

Thomas F.
Trinkner, DDS

Dental Learning Systems Co., Inc.,

is an ADA Recognized Provider
Bruce J. Crispin, DDS, MS
Director, Esthetic Professionals
Woodland Hills, California

Academy of General Dentistry Approved

National Sponsor. FAGD/MAGD Credit
7/18/1990 to 12/31/2002

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Projects, Lisa M. Neuman; Projects Director, Eileen R. Henry-Lewis; Copy Editors, Barbara Marino and Susan Costello; Design Director, Jennifer Kmenta; Circulation Manager,
Jackie Hubler; Northeast Regional Sales Manager, Jeffery E. Gordon; West Coast Regional Sales Manager, Michael Gee; Executive and Advertising Offices, Dental Learning
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Contemporary Esthetics and Restorative Practice (ISSN 1523-2581, USPS 017-212) is published 12 times a year by Dental Learning Systems Co., Inc., 241 Forsgate Drive,
Jamesburg, NJ 08831-0505. Copyright 2001 by Dental Learning Systems Co., Inc./A division of Medical World Communications, Inc. Printed in the USA. All rights reserved.
No part of this issue may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher.
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The Esthetic Technique series is made possible through an educational grant from Brasseler USA,
Inc. To order additional copies call 800-926-7636, x180.

Diagnostically Generated Anterior

Tooth Preparation for Adhesively
Retained Porcelain Restorations:
Rationale and Technique

John C. Kois, DMD, MSD

John C. Kois, DMD, MSD

Kenmore, Washington

Private Practice
in Fixed Prosthodontics
Tacoma, Washington

Steve McGowan, CDT

Steve McGowan, CDT


A diagnostically based protocol for anterior
tooth preparations for adhesively retained
porcelain restorations offers dentists and laboratory technicians new options to approaching
these restorations. Rather than designing a
preparation and restoration based more on the
needs of the products used than on the preservation of the remaining tooth structure, practitioners can enhance the predictability of these
restorations by concentrating simultaneously
on three distinct zones of the tooth (incisal,
middle, and cervical) and four diagnostic categories (periodontal, biomechanical, functional,
and dentofacial). The result of following the
technique presented in this article is achieving
an individualized design that offers a predictable option with minimal risks to the
remaining tooth structure.

Figure 1Preoperative facial view

of teeth Nos. 7 through 10 shows significant discoloration and incisal
edge fracture on tooth No. 8.


Figure 2
of teeth Nos.
7 through
10 shows
large endodontic access opening and fill
in tooth No.
8, which is
a high biomechanical

After reading this article, the reader should be able to:

explain how a diagnostically based rationale
will enhance the predictability of anterior tooth
identify the three distinct zones of anterior tooth
discuss the tooth reduction considerations and
margin design for each zone.

lthough technically demanding and product

dependent, porcelain laminate veneers offer a
predictable option for creating a successful
restorative treatment that also preserves a maximum
amount of tooth structure.1-5 The risk of failure, however, has been shown to increase when primarily bonding
to dentin rather than enamel, when the functional relationships are not managed properly, or when the tooth
structure to be restored is very dark.
Concepts of anterior tooth preparation for these
restorations continue to evolve, creating confusion
among restorative dentists and laboratory technicians.

Figure 3Preoperative facial view,

envelope of function reveals no
mobility, minimal wear, and low
functional risk.

VOL. 1, NO. 2, 2001

Figure 4Final tooth preparation

on No. 8. There is excessive reduction of the incisal edge on the mesial
(dictated by fracture), butt-fit margin design, and a more excessive
cervical reduction (0.7 mm)
because of the high dentofacial risk
and low periodontal risk.

Figure 5Laboratory communication photograph includes shade tabs

for value and supports high dentofacial risk.

Figure 6Preoperative facial view

of teeth in occlusion.

Figure 7Final view in occlusion.

The veneer on tooth No. 8 is adhesively retained primarily to enamel,
which is not perfect esthetically.
However, max- imum preservation of
tooth structure for a predictable longterm result was accomplished.

Figure 8Preoperative facial view

of teeth Nos. 7 through 10 shows
hopeless prognosis for tooth No. 8
and discolored interproximal composites.

Figure 9Preoperative incisal view

of functional relationship shows
slight malposition of teeth Nos. 9
and 10; low functional risk.

Unfortunately, this confusion

tends to result based more on the
needs of new and innovative products, which is commercially biased, rather than on concern about
remaining tooth structure.
In contrast, a rationale that is
diagnostically based provides the
opportunity to create a framework
of understanding that will enhance
the predictability of these restorations in tandem with the improvements and benefits from new technologies. To create a restoration
that exceeds our patients expectations with minimal compromise to
remaining or existing tooth structure, the parameters of anterior
tooth preparation are focused on
three distinct zones: incisal, middle, and cervical.
Within each zone, the tooth

VOL. 1, NO. 2, 2001

preparation is generated by simultaneously understanding the biomechanical behavior of the tooth

structure, functional requirements,
dentofacial parameters, and the
periodontal concerns of the
patient. Therefore, the ultimate
design of the tooth preparation is
minimized by the needs dictated by

orcelain laminate
veneers offer a
predictable option for
creating a successful
restorative treatment
that also preserves a
maximum amount of
tooth structure.

product thickness and maximized

to benefit the final restorative
result (Figures 1 through 7).

Representing the initial starting
point, restoration of the incisal
zone is based primarily on the functional and esthetic requirements of
the individual patient. If the incisal
edge position is correct in the face
and in harmony with the smile, no
vertical tooth reduction is necessary. This, unfortunately, does not
provide the laboratory technician
any flexibility to modify shape,
position, or incisal translucency.
Vertical reduction is not desirable,
however, if the functional risk is
high. If functional risk is low, the
dentist has more flexibility to
develop incisal reduction based on


Figure 10The Brasseler tooth

preparation kit systema includes all
of the burs necessary for tooth
preparation and insertion of indirect restorations.

esthetic dentofacial veneers (Figures 8 and 9).

Figure 11Facial view of tooth

preparation technique for adhesively retained porcelain restorations.
Step 1, incisal zone. Incisal edge
reduction depth cuts with a 330 MW.

angle of anterior guidance and

envelope of function are controlled (Table 1).

Reduction Considerations
Ideally, the vertical incisal
reduction is 2.0 mm from the
desired position, where it does not
create a biomechanical compromise to the remaining tooth structure. It also offers minimal functional risk to the porcelain extending beyond the incisal edge, and
gives the laboratory technician
esthetic options to alter tooth
form and build incisal effects in
the porcelain. In addition, strict
guidelines about not reducing the
incisal zone more than 2 mm vertically as discussed in previous articles are not supported by clinical
findings. Unsupported vertical
incisal porcelain even greater than
4 mm is predictable if the

he parameters of
anterior tooth
preparation are focused
on three distinct zones:
incisal, middle, and
Margin Design
Most practitioners recommend
a lingual chamfer margin design,
which is acceptable, although it is
not ideal.6 It appears more prudent
to develop a butt margin design
incisally, with its lingual compoa

Brasseler USA, Savannah, GA 31419; 800-841-4522

Figure 12Facial view, step 1,

incisal zone. Gross reduction using
a KS 7a bur.

nent in enamel and its facial axial

line angle rounded. This allows the
technician an opportunity to blend
the porcelain so that the outline of
the preparation will never be visible facially. In addition, the technician and dentist will then have multiple paths of insertion, for simplicity (Figures 10 through 13).

The key concern for this zone
is performing minimal facial
reduction that retains tooth structure comparable to the retained
enamel to optimize the limitations
of composite technology. This will
provide a unique blend of stiffness
vs flexibility and preserve the biomechanical behavior of the original tooth.7-12 Unfortunately, this
must be balanced by the need to
create sufficient porcelain thick-



Develop optimal incisal

position for esthetics
and function

Objective: 2.0-mm vertical


Margin Design:

Lingual finish line
in enamel

Instrumentation: 330 MWa

KS 0 Mediuma
KS 7a

Consider Alteration of Incisal Zone

Reduction When:
Example 1 Use less reduction if:
Low-risk dentofacial
High-risk function
Example 2

Use more reduction if:

High-risk dentofacial
Low-risk function

Brasseler USA, Savannah, GA 31419; 800-841-4522


VOL. 1, NO. 2, 2001

Figure 13Facial view, step 1,

incisal reduction complete. Note
that the vertical reduction is slightly less than the ideal 2 mm because
of the need to increase the length of
the final result based on dentofacial

ness, which is required for optimum esthetic development.

estoration of the
incisal zone is
based primarily on the
functional and esthetic
requirements of the
individual patient.
The mean facial enamel thickness in the middle zone is 0.8 mm to
0.9 mm.13 Therefore, while facial reduction less than this amount is
desirable, maintaining the thickness
of porcelain less than this amount

Figure 14Lateral view, step 2,

middle zone. Facial reduction depth
guide using a KS 0 medium bur.
Note that this is approximately half
the 1.0-mm diameter.

will create many challenges for the

laboratory technician and eliminate options for any core-supported systems.

Reduction Requirements
To maintain enamel facially
and recreate the original biomechanical behavior of the tooth, a
0.5-mm to 0.7-mm reduction is
ideal. Interproximal finish lines
should be terminated in enamel to
minimize microleakage, and all
sharp corners should be eliminated
to minimize stress concentration in
the porcelain as well as seating
concerns for the restoration. Based
on functional relationships, as
much lingual enamel as possible

Figure 15Facial view, step 2.

Completion of facial depth guide
using a KS 0 medium bur. Note that
this step does not include the cervical zone.

should be preserved to minimize

opposing wear. Dentofacial parameters contribute to significant
concerns based on a preference
for using only a clear resin-luting
agent to develop imperceptible
For normal-colored teeth providing 1 or 2 levels of shade change
(ie, A3 to A1), reduction requirements of 0.5 mm to 0.7 mm are sufficient. However, for tetracyclinestained or very dark teeth, the maximum reduction of 0.8 mm to 0.9
mm is more prudent.
As usual, and especially in
these situations, the individual talents of the laboratory technician are
far more important than the specif-



Maintain enamel
Minimal structural

Objective: 0.5-mm to 0.6-mm

normal-colored teeth
0.7-mm to 0.9-mm
darker-colored teeth
Bevel facial incisal edge
Proximal finish lines in

VOL. 1, NO. 2, 2001

Margin Design:
Option 1 Maintain contact point if no
proximal restorations
Option 2 Open contact point if previous caries restorations
or to change tooth form
KS 0 depth guide 1/2
Diameter 0.5 mm
KS 7gross reduction
KS 0complete remaining

Consider Alteration of Middle Zone

Reduction When:
Example Dark-colored tooth
High-risk biomechanics
High-risk function
High-risk dentofacial
Use 0.6-mm to 0.7-mm
facial reduction


Figure 14Lateral view, step 2,

middle zone. Facial reduction
depth guide using a KS 0 medium bur. Note that this is
approximately half the 1.0-mm

ic brand of porcelain used. An understanding of layering techniques,

fluorescence, and optical properties
of the materials used is essential.
In addition, the clinician must
decide whether to maintain or eliminate the proximal contact from a
dentofacial perspective. This decision may be based solely on the
need to alter the tooth form or
shape. This allows proper space
distribution and the creation of
teeth in proper proportion. From a
biomechanical perspective, previous proximal restorations will

Figure 15Facial view, step 2.

Completion of facial depth guide
using a KS 0 medium bur. Note that
this step does not include the cervical zone.

necessitate more significant reduction to allow the finish line location

that terminates on enamel lingually
(Table 2).

Margin Design
The facial incisal aspect of the
preparation must be rounded and
beveled slightly to create an invisible transition of porcelain to the
incisal edge and to eliminate stress
concentration and seating concerns. All other aspects maintain a
butt type of finish line (Figures 10
and 14 through 17).

Figure 16Lateral view, step 2,

middle zone. Gross reduction using
a KS 7 super-coarse bur.

he key concern
for the middle zone
is performing minimal
facial reduction that
retains tooth structure
comparable to the
retained enamel.

The key concerns in this zone
are similar to the middle zone



Preserve enamel
Esthetics requirements

Objective: 0.3-mm reduction

requirement for normalcolored tooth
0.6-mm to 0.9-mm
reduction for dark- to
very dark-colored teeth

Margin Design:
Option 1 Supragingival margin
Normal tooth color
Minimal change in tooth
Option 2 Intracrevicular location
Dark color
Change shape
Close gingival embrasures
KS 0


Consider Alteration of Cervical Zone

Reduction When:
Example 1 High-risk periodontal
High-risk dentofacial
Low-risk biomechanics
Low-risk function
Axial reduction 0.3 to
0.9 mm
Intracrevicular margin
May be primarily in
Example 2 High-risk biomechanics
High-risk function
Low-risk function
Low-risk periodontal
0.3-mm supragingival
margin location
Will be in enamel

VOL. 1, NO. 2, 2001

Figure 17Facial view, step 2,

middle zone. The facial reduction is

except that the enamel is only 0.3

mm to 0.4 mm thick. In addition,
the periodontium complicates the
management. The preference to
maintain enamel, control color,
alter tooth form, minimize flexure, and preserve biologic width
combine to provide additional
unique challenges to the laboratory technician and clinician.

he individual
talents of the
laboratory technician
are far more important
than the specific brand
of porcelain used.
Reduction Requirements
To preserve enamel, ideal
reduction should be no more than
0.3 mm to 0.4 mm. This minimizes
microleakage resulting from more
predictable enamel bonding and
minimizes the biomechanical compromises to the remaining tooth
structure. This is especially critical
with endodontically treated teeth.
The larger the access opening and
the greater the removal of internal
tooth structure, the more critical the
concerns for cervical reduction.
This is especially a concern for a
high-risk functional patient where
tooth flexure is potentially greater.
Biomechanically and functionally, the minimal cervical reduction

VOL. 1, NO. 2, 2001

Figure 18Occlusal view, step 3,

cervical zone. Reduction with KS 0.
Previous restorations were removed.
The implant healing abutment is
visible on tooth No. 8.

requirements are often at odds with

the dentofacial concerns. When the
teeth are normal color, a 0.3-mm
reduction remains ideal for the
porcelain to perfectly blend in, creating the contact lens effect. This is
only true, however, with clear luting cement. Unfortunately, when
teeth are darker than A3 and the
requirements for the patient dictate
using A1 or B1 shades, more reduction is necessary. As a general
guideline, an additional 0.2 mm of
reduction is necessary for each
additional shade change.
Obviously, these increased
reduction requirements compromise the biomechanics and functional concerns of the teeth.
Therefore, the dentist must decide
where to develop the most appropriate compromise. The priority in
this decision is dictated by the individual tooth and patient concerns,
not by the needs of the restorative
material (Table 3).

Margin Design
From a periodontal perspective, supragingival margins are
ideal. Concepts of intracrevicular
tooth preparation have been previously discussed14,15 and are not any
different for these restorations.
From a biomechanical perspective,
the actual configuration of the finish line exhibits little influence on
stress variation in the porcelain.
The most significant factor in minimizing marginal failure is ultimate-

Figure 19Occlusal view, step 3,

cervical zone. Reduction is complete
and all restorations are replaced.
Note that all margins terminate in

ly the luting layer (Figures 10, 18,

and 19).16,17

ased on functional
as much lingual enamel
as possible should be
preserved to minimize
opposing wear.

This article presented a diagnostically generated protocol for
anterior tooth preparation for
adhesively retained porcelain
restorations. This approach eliminates a standardized design based
solely on the requirements of
restorative materials. By shifting
the focus to three distinct zones of
the tooth and four diagnostic categories of periodontal, biomechanical, functional, and dentofacial
parameters, the clinician can create an individualized design.
Therefore, this design is determined
based on the need to minimize risk
in the highest risk categories. With
this approach, we can achieve the
best possible result with minimal
risks to the remaining tooth structure and the best chance for longevity (Figures 20 and 21).


Peumans M, Van Meerbeek B,

Lambrechts P, et al: Five-year clinical
performance of porcelain veneers.





Figure 20Facial view of teeth Nos.

6 through 11, at time of delivery from
the lab. The implant restoration on
tooth No. 8 was fabricated with a
custom abutment and the metalceramic crown was veneered with
Duceram,b to match the adjacent
feldspathic Duceram veneers.

Figure 21Facial view of teeth Nos.

6 through 11, final result. Note
adhesively retained porcelain
restorations on teeth Nos. 6, 7, 9, 10,
and 11. The implant-retained
metal-ceramic crown on tooth No. 8
was completed simultaneously.



(bDucera Dental GmbH and Co, KGJ, Germany)





Quintessence Int 29(4):211-221, 1998.

Dumfahrt H: Porcelain laminate
veneers. A retrospective evaluation after
1 to 10 years of service: Part 1Clinical
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Dumfahrt H, Schffer H: Porcelain laminate veneers. A retrospective evaluation
after 1 to 10 years of service: Part II
clinical results. Int J Prosthodont
13(1):9-18, 2000.
Nattress BR, Youngson CC, Patterson
CJ, et al: An in vitro assessment of tooth
preparations for porcelain veneer
restorations. J Dent 23(3):165-170, 1995.
Friedman MJ: A 15-year review of porce-




lain veneer failure: a clinicians observations. Compend Contin Educ Dent

19(6):625-638, 1998.
Castelnuovo J, Tjan A, Phillips K, et al:
Fracture load and mode of failure of
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Magne P, Kwon KR, Belser UC, et al:
Crack propensity of porcelain laminate
veneers: a simulated operatory evaluation. J Prosthet Dent 81(3):327-334, 1999.
Magne P, Douglas WH: Cumulative
effects of successive restorative procedures on anterior crown flexure: intact
versus veneered incisors. Quintessence
Int 31(1):5-18, 2000.





Magne P, Versluis A, Douglas WH: Effect

of luting composite shrinkage and thermal loads on the stress distribution in
porcelain laminate veneers. J Prosthet
Dent 81(3):335-344, 1999.
Magne P, Douglas WH: Porcelain
veneers: dentin bonding optimization
and biomimetic recovery of the crown.
Int J Prosthodont 12(2):111-121, 1999.
Magne P, Versluis A, Douglas WH:
Rationalization of incisor shape: experimental-numerical analysis. J Prosthet
Dent 81(3):345-355, 1999.
Magne P, Douglas WH: Rationalization
of esthetics restorative dentistry based
on biomimetics. J Esthet Dent 11(1):515, 1999.
Ferrari M, Patroni S, Balleri P:
Measurement of enamel thickness in
relation to reduction for etched laminate veneers. Int J Periodontics
Restorative Dent 12(5):407-413, 1992.
Kois JC: Altering gingival levels: the
restorative connection, part I: biological
variables. J Esthetic Dent 6(1):3-9, 1994.
Kois JC: New paradigms for anterior
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Tjan AH, Dunn JR, Sanderson IR:
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J Prosthet Dent 61(3):276-282, 1989.
Troedson M, Derand T: Effect of margin
design, cement polymerization, and angle
of loading on stress in porcelain veneers. J
Prosthet Dent 82(5):518-524, 1999.

Dental Learning Systems Co., Inc., is an ADA Recognized Provider

Academy of General Dentistry Approved National Sponsor
7/18/1990 to 12/31/2002

WARNING: Reading an article in Esthetics Technique does not necessarily qualify you to integrate new techniques or procedures into your practice. Dental Learning Systems
expects its readers to rely on their judgment regarding their clinical expertise and recommends further education when necessary before trying to implement any new procedure.
The views and opinions expressed in the article appearing in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the editors, the
editorial board, or the publisher. As a matter of policy, the editors, the editorial board, the publisher, and the university affiliate do not endorse any products, medical techniques, or diagnoses, and publication of any material in this journal should not be construed as such an endorsement.


VOL. 1, NO. 2, 2001

Dental Learning Systems Co., Inc., provides 2 hours of Continuing Education credit for those who wish to
document their continuing education endeavors. Participants are urged to contact their state registry boards
for special CE requirements.
To receive credit, complete the enclosed answer form, include a check for $14, and mail both in the envelope provided.

1. The parameters of anterior tooth

preparation focus on which zone?
a. incisal
b. middle
c. cervical
d. all of the above

6. The mean facial enamel thickness in the

middle zone is:
a. 0.1 mm to 0.2 mm.
b. 0.5 mm to 0.7 mm.
c. 0.8 mm to 0.9 mm.
d. 1.1 mm to 1.4 mm.

2. Within each zone, the tooth preparation

is generated by understanding the:
a. chemistry of composite setting.
b. chemistry of etching.
c. biomechanical behavior of tooth
d. requirements of the porcelain.

7. For tetracycline-stained teeth, the

maximum reduction of how many
millimeters is more prudent in the
middle zone?
a. 0.3 mm to 0.5 mm
b. 0.5 mm to 0.7 mm
c. 0.8 mm to 0.9 mm
d. 1.1 mm to 1.3 mm

3. The ultimate design of the tooth

preparation is minimized by the needs
dictated by product thickness and
maximized to benefit:
a. new bondable porcelain.
b. shade-sensitive luting composite.
c. the ultimate restorative result.
d. reduction of laboratory costs.
4. The incisal zone is the initial starting
point and is based primarily on the
functional and esthetic requirements
of the:
a. individual patient.
b. skill of the practitioner.
c. available shades.
d. available stains.
5. Unsupported vertical incisal porcelain
even greater than 4 mm is predictable
if which of the following is controlled?
a. bonding thickness
b. angle of anterior guidance
c. cuspid disclusion in lateral
d. etching time


VOL. 1, NO. 2, 2001

8. To preserve enamel in the cervical zone,

the ideal reduction is no more than:
a. 0.1 mm to 0.2 mm.
b. 0.3 mm to 0.4 mm.
c. 0.5 mm to 0.6 mm.
d. 0.7 mm to 0.8 mm.
9. In general, how many additional
millimeters of reduction are necessary
for each additional shade change?
a. 0.1 mm
b. 0.2 mm
c. 0.3 mm
d. 0.4 mm
10. The most significant factor in
minimizing marginal failure is the:
a. luting layer.
b. porcelain structure.
c. dentin smear layer.
d. bonding temperature.


Adjusting and Polishing of Porcelain and
Polymer Glass Restorations

Figure 1The 6942-200 diamond

coarse-grit disc is used to quickly cut
and contour interproximal surfaces.

Figure 2Occlusal adjustments are

made using the sintered-diamond
football instrument (7379M.023).

Figure 3Secondary anatomy is

refined with a sintered-diamond

Figure 4Porcelain is polished

with the Dialite blue coarse polishing point.

Figure 5The wet glazed look results

from polishing porcelain with the
Dialite blue coarse wheel polisher.

Figure 6The gray Dialite point is

used to high shine porcelain.

Adjusting and contouring techniques to achieve

maximum esthetics and optimum function of
porcelain or polymer glass restorations:
Adjusting and contouring porcelain extraorally: Sintered
diamonds are preferred over diamond-coated instruments. Sintered-diamond instruments are solid diamondparticle throughout and cut smoothly but never leave
black marks on porcelain.
For interproximal definition and contouring of splinted
units, use the 6942-200 diamond disc. The coarse-grit disc
has a thin 0.15-mm profile to quickly cut and contour
interproximal surfaces (Figure 1).
For emergence profile and reflective contours, use inverted-cone sintered diamonds (large: 7928.11.080, medium:
7928.11.029, and small: 7928.11.018). Work the rotating
instrument away from the margin and at a very slow
speed to protect the margin integrity.
Occlusal adjustment and secondary anatomy refinement:
The sintered-diamond football instrument 7379M.023 in
either friction grip or straight handpiece is designed to
adjust occlusal surfaces. To define the triangular fossa
and replace secondary anatomy in the now-functional
area, use small and medium inverted sintered diamonds
(Figures 2 and 3).
Incisal adjustment: The diamond disc 952-140 is available
in friction grip, right-angle latch, and straight handpiece
for quick precise adjustment of incisal edges of porcelain

crowns or veneers. This disc features an autosafe chucking center to stop rotation if the disc becomes engaged in
Polishing ceramic and polymer glass restorations:
The following steps will return to porcelain the wet
look of the glazed porcelain before adjustment.
Polish porcelain with Brasseler USA Dialite polishers;
begin with the blue coarse wheel, points, or discs to smooth
scratches or further reduce the surface (Figures 4 and 5).
The pink or medium-grit Dialite further prepares the surface for final high shine. Speed range of 3,000 rpm to
7,000 rpm provides optimal polishing while maintaining
long instrument life.
The gray Dialite (wheel, point, or cup) high shines the
porcelain, returning the natural wet look (Figure 6).
Dialite diamond-impregnated polishers are autoclavable
and available in latch shank for intraoral use.
For final polishing of textured and/or faceted surfaces,
the Truluster Polishing Kit is recommended. The use
of diamond paste and brushes does not remove surface
For polishing polymer glass, which is less dense than
porcelain, the Ceroshine Kit provides a diamond paste with
a specific particle range suitable for polymer glass.
Included in the kit are scotch brite wheels, goat-hair brushes, a chamois wheel, and a cotton buff.

This information is provided by Brasseler USA.


VOL. 1, NO. 2, 2001


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