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We have been living with brick and mortar for the past centuries, and probably heard about ecommerce. And must have heard about all of the companies that offer e-commerce by
TV and radio ads , read all of the news stories about the shift to e-commerce and the hype that
has developed around e-commerce companies, seen the huge valuations that Web companies get
in the stock market, even when they don't make a profit.
E-COMMERCE has become market place wherein buying and selling of tangible & intangible
commodities takes place on a large scale involving high level of logistics..
The Elements of E-Commerce
Now get down to the actual elements of commerce and commercial transactions, things get
slightly more complex like a place from where to sell ,a way to take orders ,a mode of
receiving money ,a means of getting footfalls ,a system to transport the product and many more.
Easy and Hard Aspects of E-commerce
The things that are hard about e-commerce include:

Getting traffic to visit the Web site again and again.

Differentiating from the competition

Getting people to buy something from the Web site.

Integrating an e-commerce Web site with existing business data.

The things that are easy about e-commerce, especially for small businesses and individuals,

Creating the web site

Taking the orders

Accepting payment
Building an E-commerce Site
The things that should be keep in mind when building an e-commerce site :

Suppliers - this is no different from the concern that any normal store or mail order
company has.

Price point - an important part of e-commerce is the price comparisons are extremely
easy for the consumer.

Customer relations - E-commerce offers a variety of different ways to communicate to a

customer. E-mail, FAQs, knowledge bases, forums, chat rooms which helps in differentiating
from the competitors.

Back end: fulfillment, returns, customer service - These processes make or break any
retail establishment , defines relationship with a customer.
If think about e-commerce, customer also want to consider these other desirable capabilities:


Join programs

Special discounts

Repeat buyer programs

Seasonal or periodic sales

Implementing an E-commerce Site
There are three general ways to implement the site with all sorts of variations in between:

Enterprise computing

Virtual hosting services

Simplified e-commerce
Enterprise computing means purchasing of hardware and software and hire a staff of
developers to create an e-commerce web site.
Virtual hosting services gives some of the flexibility of enterprise computing, but it depends on
the vendor. In common the vendor maintains the equipment and software and sells them in
standardized packages and it includes security, and almost always a merchant account.

Simplified e-commerce is what most small businesses and individuals are using to get into ecommerce. In this option the vendor provides a simplified system for creating a store. The
system usually involves a set of forms that should be fill out online. The vendor's software then
generates all of the web pages for the store [1].
This study regarding "A Case of Footwear Industry in Online Retailing" will be
accomplished by the following objectives:

To do the Comparative study between Branded Shoes and non Branded shoes.
To develop a questionnaire and conduct qualitative online survey in order to understand

the selling and buying procedure of Retailer and consumer.

To find out the management activity of footwear takes place in an online retailing

Finally we will come up with some conclusions and recommendations for the online
sellers on the basis of the quantitative and qualitative data analysis and results of our
thesis work.


Data Collection

This section describes the overall procedure used to collect data for the thesis work. From
the Marketing point of view normally the combination of qualitative and quantitative
research is been used.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research consists of some technical procedures. These procedures are essential
for the survey response. There are many factors involved in the qualitative research.

Questionnaire Design

It includes all the questions which should be asked from the customer and Retailer for this study.

Questionnaire format

The questions have been formatted based on the following steps and to select the format for
questions in the questionnaire is also significant step for the survey.

Web survey

Steps involved for launching Web survey for the data collection are discussed in the following

Internet/Intranet (Web Page) Survey method

Some percent of customer feedback, the professionals indicated that their firms/companies
conduct via web based survey for the purpose of data collection. The other type of survey is less
popular like telephone , paper pencil , and interviews. Such kind of survey helps the company to
use the existing data and reduce the number of questions in the questionnaire. Benefits of web
survey data collection and customer feedback is as under:
1. Relatively fast to conduct.
2. No cost of paper pencil, envelop, printing, postage or data entry.
3. Response rates are typically high.
4. Ease of sending reminders to participants.
5. Easy of data processing like spread sheet, database compare to manual entry.


The study is expected to contribute ample amount of detailed Knowledge and understanding on
online retailing of footwear by analyzing and observing the online process of footwear in India.
From this project we will come to know the problems being faced by the retailer for selling the
footwear and also the problems which is being faced by the customer at each point of
time(buying). This study is also expected to contribute to the retailer after analyzing so many
things from the customers perspective about the services and products which they are offering to
them. This study document will also serve student as a reference for further study.


Time Schedule


List of Activities




1. Idea Generation


Preparing Synopsis


Data Collection


Data Analysis


Writing Up




Prepare a questionnaire for E-Commerce customer and E-Commerce Retailer.




[1] Brain, Marshall. How E-commerce Works 01 April 2000, , extracted on October 28, 2014.
[2] Kotler, Philip (2009). Marketing Management. Pearson: Prentice-Hall.
[3] E-Retailing Laws and Regulations in India. Online Business, E-Business and E-tailing laws
and regulations in India and E-Commerce laws and regulations in India. 9 March 2012 retrieved
on 19 august 2014.

Problems will come at the time of finding out the Primary and Secondary data.

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