Community Medicine 2012-2013
Community Medicine 2012-2013
Community Medicine 2012-2013
Section 3-B
Transcribed by: Yo Mama, aka Daniel Gallares
Official Sponsors: Cliffbars & Pongs
Inspired by: MikaTRON
Section 3-B
Transcribed by: Yo Mama, aka Daniel Gallares
Official Sponsors: Cliffbars & Pongs
Inspired by: MikaTRON
14. In which of the following ways is health promotion distinctly different from its
disease prevention component?
a. Only health promotion can begin before a disease becomes symptomatic
b. Only health promotion involves materials and methods that are generally
non medical
c. Only health promotion is targeted at population rather than individuals
d. Only health promotion is targeted at specific diseases
15. If the cost of preventing a hip fracture is greater than the cost of surgical repair,
which of the following statements is true?
a. A preventive strategy still may be indicated in such instances
b. With the presence of hip fracture, conservative management still is the
best option
c. No attempt should be made to prevent hip fracture until a more costeffective strategy is devised.
d. There is no available regimen to choose from
16. health monitoring refer
a. modification of the periodic health examination conditions in one given
individual at a given st
b. Routine performance of a calendared comprehens
c. The aggressive use of diagnostic technology du.lifetime
d. The completion of periodic health surveys com.database
17. Which of the following best reflects the relationship and
the demand for health care?
a. They are always the same
b. They are different because need is professionally demand is patient
c. They are different because need take cost into
d. They are the same when barriers to care are mini
18. An organized system of health care delivery, offering a benefits, in which
members are voluntarily enrolled and ..prepaid period
a. Health insurance
b. Managed care
c. Socialized care
d. Out-of-pocket
19. Which of the following outcomes best reflects DOHs goal and strategies
improving the general health status of the population?
a. Reduce infant/child mortality rate
b. Reduce life expectancy
c. Maintain present total fe
d. Maintain present population
20. Which of the following statements regarding the relationship betweenand
health care use is correct?
a. People always use the same amount of health care
b. Compared with other goods and services, people change the amhealth
care they use significantly in repsonse to changes in insur
c. People with less insurance use less health care, which in effect le .
Decreases in both necessary and unnecessar
d. No empiric information is available to determine their behavior
depending on their insurance coverage
Section 3-B
Transcribed by: Yo Mama, aka Daniel Gallares
Official Sponsors: Cliffbars & Pongs
Inspired by: MikaTRON
21. DOHs goal of effective change in the pattern of total fertility rate leads to of
the following consequences for the health sector?
a. Reduce need for obstetrical care
b. Reduce spacing between births
c. Increase demand for EPI
d. Increase MCH intervention
22. Double burden of disease for the philippines is best exemplified by which of the
following scenario?
a. Deaths are mainly due to communicable disease
b. Leading causes of morbidity and mortality are not preventable
c. Leading non-communicable causes of morbidity are hypertension
diseases of the heart
d. Epidemiological shift is from non-communicable to communicable
23. A difficult situation of double burden of disease for the Philippines is
besthandled by DOH as the national government increases its stake in which of
the following primary health care approaches?
a. Health system infrastructure
b. Appropriate technology
c. Human resources
d. Strategic partners
24. Which aspect of care accounts for 63% of all services provided by primary
facilities under public health?
a. Preventive
b. Curative
c. Diagnostics
d. rehabilitative
25. Republic Act of 7875 or The National Insureance Act of 1995 covers which of
the population of Filipinos?
a. Government employees only
b. Private employees only
c. All filipino citizens
d. Marginalized citizens
26. For how many years are health care professionals accredited by the Philippine
Health Insurance Corporation?
a. Four (4) years
b. Three (3) years
c. Two (2) years
d. One (1) year
27. Which of the following diagnostic outcomes is prioritized by the DOTS (National
Anti-TB) Program of PHILHEALTH and DOH?
a. Sputum negative but with history suggestive of TB
b. Sputum negative cases but with possible X-ray findings
c. Sputum positive cases
d. Sputum negative but with clinical findings suggestive of TB
Section 3-B
Transcribed by: Yo Mama, aka Daniel Gallares
Official Sponsors: Cliffbars & Pongs
Inspired by: MikaTRON
28. Which is the most effective mode of anti-TB treatment for both PHILHEALTH
and the Department of Health currently recommend?
a. Daily home visits
b. Two weeks monitoring
c. Directly observed therapy
d. Health center based follow up
29. What document specifically consists of a core list of drugs approved and
authorized by the DOH and used by PHILHEALTH for re-imbursement purpose
a. Positive drug list
b. Generic list
c. Essential drug list
d. Prohibited drug list
30. Drugs which are labeled solely by their international proprietary name and .
Covered by patent protection
a. Complementary drugs
b. Generic drugs
c. Essential drugs
d. Core drugs
31. The twin moves of the national government to promote rational
development of the Philippine National Drug Formulary and following
a. Manage drug cost
b. Review and amend promotion and advertising of drugs
c. Direct manufacture of drugs
d. Control importation of drugs
32. Which of the following duly licensed, DOH and PHILHEALTH accredited
health care providers is devoted primarily to the maintenance and operation of
facilities for health promotion, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care and
which under the law should comply with the 20% discounted fees for identified
services to senior citizens as well as people with disabilities
a. Health care institution
b. Health care professional
c. Health main
d. Community
33. Which service is compensable under PHILHEALTH
a. Outpatient psychotherapy and counseling for mental disorder
b. Drugs and alcohol abuse and dependency treatment
c. Home and rehabilitation services
d. Normal spontaneous delivery of first four (4) births
34. In which of the following situations can PHILHEALTH benefit entitlement
availed of?
a. Payment of at least three (3) monthly contributions within the six month
period prior to confinement
b. Confinement in an accredited hospital for less than 24 hours due to illness
or disease requiring hosptial
c. Confinement falls outside the 45 days allowance for room and b complies
with the rule/policy on single period of confinement.
d. Confinments in non-accredited hospitals for an elective surgical
Section 3-B
Transcribed by: Yo Mama, aka Daniel Gallares
Official Sponsors: Cliffbars & Pongs
Inspired by: MikaTRON
35. .or the following indicators best reflectsproduct adjusted with the net factor
income from the rest of the world
a. Gross Regional Domestic Product
b. Gross Value Added
c. Gross national Product
d. Consumer P
36. in computing for the cost of illness, which of the following data
a. average days of non-morbid condition
b. average costs of savings
c. number of deaths
d. average daily income
37. almost half of the total health spending in the Philippines is paid t of the
following schemes
a. Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
b. Private Health Insurance and Community-Based Health Financial
c. Out-of-pocket Settlement of Individual Families
d. National and Local Government
38. Which landmark legislation was signed as a law by the late President Corazon
Aquino and focused on devolution of health servies in the Philppines
a. World Health Assembly of 1977
b. Local Government Code of 1991
c. Philippine Medical Act of 1959
d. Health Sector Reform Agenda of 2000
39. Which economic evaluation determines if health screening, nutrition counseling,
lifestyle advise, medications or cardiac bypass surgery would provide the most
additional years of life expectancy (quality adjusted life-years) for a hypertensive
a. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
b. Cost-effective analysis (CEA)
c. Cost-minimization analysis (CMA)
d. Cost-utility analysis (CUA)
40. Under the Philippine Disability Act, health professionals play important role in
promoting the employment of people with disabilities. Which statement supports
this direction?
a. Educate employers on work abilities of disabled
b. Decline employment of a disabled on the basis of absence disabled
c. Situate people with disabilities in the workplace setting on a very limited
d. Consider the idea that disabled individuals may not perform instance
41. Which of the following support legislation enhances the mobility disabilites by
requiring certain buildings, institutions, establisment utilites to install manageable
facilities and other devices, including and communication devices?
a. Accessibility Law (Batas Pambansa Blg. 344)
b. White Cane Act (RA 6759)
c. The Economic Independence of Disabled Persons Act (SB 1730)
d. Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (7277)
Section 3-B
Transcribed by: Yo Mama, aka Daniel Gallares
Official Sponsors: Cliffbars & Pongs
Inspired by: MikaTRON
42. Which subset of the Philippin populations is required by to undergo drug testing
a. Applicants for Professioinal Regulatory Commission License
b. Applicants for Civil Service Commission accreditation
c. National athletes bound for international competitions
d. Officers and members of the military, polic and other law enforcement
43. of the following characteristics?
a. persons who reach the age of emancipation which is 18 years
b. persons who are below eighteen (18) years of age or those unable to
fully take care of themselves or protect themselves from neglect, cruelty,
exploitation or discrimination beause of a physical diability or condition
c. persons who are below twenty-one (21) years of age
d. persons who are below twenty-one (21) years of age or those unable to
fully take care of themselves or protect themselves from neglect, cruelty,
exploitation or discrimination beause of a physical diability or condition
44. The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (RA 9165) penalizes
individuals with life imprisonment and a fine of P 500,00.00 to P 10,000,000 if
caught with possession of which banned substances?
a. Ten (10) grams of methamphethamine hydrochoride or shabu
b. Ten (10) grams of marijuana
c. Ten (10) grams of anabolic corticosteroids
d. Ten (10) grams of MDMA or ecstasy PMA, TMA, LSD, GHB
45. Philippine statutes on child protection define child labour as illegal employment
children under which age setting?
a. Those below age fifteen (15) where house hold chores are done ones
own family
b. Those below age fifteen (15) where they are not directly under sole
responsibility of their parents or legal guardian and whose w endangers
their life, safety, health and morals.
c. Those below age fifteen (15) yeaers who are employed in exclusive
family undertakings where their safety, health, schooling and normal
development are not impaired.
d. Those below age fifteen (15) years old but below 18 years of age who are
employed in non-hazard undertakings
Section 3-B
Transcribed by: Yo Mama, aka Daniel Gallares
Official Sponsors: Cliffbars & Pongs
Inspired by: MikaTRON
46. TRUE/FALSE :To protect drinking water from contamination, the following
measures shall be observed; prohibition of bathing or washing clothes within a
radius of 25 meters from any well or other source of drinking water and
prohibition of construction of artesian, deep or shallwo wells within 25 meters
from any source of pollution.
47. TRUE/FALSE: The installation of booster pumps where low-water pressure
prevail is allowed by law in order to enhance water flow and supply direct from
the water distribution line of water supply system.
48. TRUE/FALSE: R.A. 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Acts of
2002 requires the random drug testing of students in public and private
secondary, tertiary, and higher educational institutions and vocational technical
49. TRUE/FALSE Ambulant food vendors are allowed to sell food items that can be
cooked on-site and require the use of utensils
50. TRUE/FALSE: Employers are mandated to provide control measures to reduce
intensity of noise sufficiently to render it harmless to workers and to eliminate it
as sources as a nuisance.
52. TRUE/FALSE: The Local Health Authority may permit the slaughter
of..consumption outside abattoirs in certain exigencies
53. TRUE/FALSE: School health services required in the set-up include
examination, periodic immunization, medical and dental treatment for
common emergencies, and counselling and
54. TRUE/FALSE: Filipino senior citizens are granted free medical and dental
health establishments (government and private) anywhere subject to guidelines
to be issued by the Department of Health Government Service Insurance
System and Social Security
55. TRUE/FALSE: The human organ donation shall be authoried in writing by
specifying the recipient, the organ or part of his body to be the specific purpose
for which it will be utilized. A married personmake such donation only with
the consent of his spouse.
56. TRUE/FALSE: When the cause of death is a dangerous communicable disease,
the remains shall be buried within 24-48 hours after death and shall not be taken
to any place of public assembly with only the adult members of the family of the
deceased may be permitted to attend the funeral
57. TRUE/FALSE: Permission to disinter remains of persons who died of dangerous
communicable diseases may be granted after a burial period of three (3) years.
Section 3-B
Transcribed by: Yo Mama, aka Daniel Gallares
Official Sponsors: Cliffbars & Pongs
Inspired by: MikaTRON
67.5 years
72.8 years
15-49 years