The Fitnah of Dajjal

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The Fitnah of Dajjal

It is narrated from Rasool Allahswt [1] , when Dajjal was born, I visited him
and presented Islam to him but he refused to accept it and hurled insults
to mesaw , i.e., you are not better than me in leading people. Prophetsaw
said, go away, O malicious animal! You will definitely meet destruction
and will never succeed in your devious objectives. Prophetsaw, then told
his companions, Every Messenger of Allahswt did warn his nation about
the fitna [2] of Dajjal. Allahswt, however, delayed Dajjals birth and did
not let him appear until now. Be aware! he will claim to be Godswt and try
to create doubts in your minds. Have a firm belief; one-eyed creature
cannot be your Lordswt. He will come out riding on a monster donkey,
which will have a distance of one mile between its two ears. He will claim
to have come with the gifts of paradise and arsenal of hell. He will carry a
mountain of bread and rivers of water. He will get the support of the Jews,
people from the wilderness and women. He will be able to travel all over
the world but will be barred from entering into Mecca and Madinah.
Ibn Babowiya narrates from Amir-ul-Momineenas that one day Imam Alias
declared from the pulpit, Saluni Qabal En Tafqadduni (Ask me anything
before I leave you behind). A companion, Sayasa asked from Amir ul
momaneenas, O Successor of the Holy Prophetsaw please tell us when will
Dajjal emerge? Mola Alias replied, there are a few signs which will
become noticeable prior to his appearance, those signs are: people would
stop offering prayers, people will be robbed of their deposits; twisting facts
would be considered an appreciable quality; society will accept interest
and use bribe as a means of subsistence; religion will be sold for the
worldly gains; idiots will take over the intelligent; innocent will be
slaughtered; those with humble and courteous ways will be called weak
and nave; those with harsh and cruel customs will be envied and praised;
wealthy will be traitors; government officials will be malicious; prosperous
would be evasive; clerics will be devious; adultery and illegitimate
relationships will become societal norm; woman will participate in trade
with men; falsehood and speculation will be admired; women will ride on
saddle and prefer manly styles whereas men would like to dress like
women; and that year will also experience a severe famine.
Molaas continued, the Onea.s [3] who would lead Hazrat Isaas in
congressional prayers, will terminate Dajjal and by this will then be
followed by a diabolic bloodshed.
Then Asbagh bin Nabata (or Kanana) stood up and asked, Who is Dajjal, O
Amir al Momineenas? Imamas replied, Sayaad -the son of Alsaad, only
terminally ill fated will follow him. He will appear from a village called
Yahodia near city of Aisfahan (Iran), his right eye will be punctured and
his left eye would be raised onto his forehead and will be sparkling like a
star. Everyone will be able to read the word Kafar, inscribed in bold
letters, within his two eyes. There will be big mountains of smoke at both
front and backsides of his caravan. People will anticipate food within those
mountains (as he will be eating and drinking from there), during the
severe famine. He will be riding on a huge white coloured donkey who

will cover a mile in a single stride. All rivers, falling in his way, will become
dry and he will call upon people in aloud voice, O my friends! Come to
me! I am your lord who has made your limbs and gave you sustenance.
Mola Ali saw then said, the one-eyed enemy of Allahswt who will not
manage without eating, drinking and wondering around-will be a deceiver.
Your Lordswt is autonomous from these limitations. Most of his followers
will be illegitimate and will be wearing green turbans. He will then be killed
by the Onea.s who will be the Imama.s of Hazrat Isaas in congressional
prayers. This will happen at the place of Aqabah near Sham (Syria)
between afternoon and evening. After this there will be tremendous
devastation. People then asked, O Imamas! what will be that calamity?
The Fitnah of Dajjal
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Mola Alias replied that Rasool Allahsaw said: Dabba-tul-Arz will be born
near the mountain of Safa (near Mecca). He will have the ring of Hazrat
Sulamanas and Asa (walking stick) of Hazrat Musaas. He will inscribe on
the forehead of Momin (true believer) using the ring and will write on the
forehead of Kafir using the Asa. Momins forehead would read this is
true believer whereas Kafirs forehead could be read as this is nonbeliever. Then Dabba-tul-Arz would raise his head and will be clearly
seen by all. This will happen after Sun rise from the West (instead of East)at this time no repentance will be accepted. Amir ul momaneenas then
said, do not ask any further because Rasool Allahas has barred all other
details for anyone else but Ahlul Baitas. The narrator states, I, later on,
asked from Sahsah, please tell me about the person who will be followed
by Hazrat Isa as in the congressional prayers. The answer was he will be
the 9th Divine Imamas from the bloodline of Imam Hussainas, who will
appear between the Rukan-e-Hajar and Muqam-e-Ibrahim [4] and reestablish justice as it will be filled with cruelty.
There are a number of Ahadith from Masomeenas which indicate that
Dabba-tul-Arz will, in fact be Amir-al-Momaneenas and will appear after
the zahoor of Imam Mehdias and this time will be very close the Day of
[1] Ain-ul-Hiyat, Mohammed Baqir Majlisi
[2] Mischief
[3] Imam Mehdi Akir-al-Zamanas
[4] Two distinct places near Qabah- the house of God in Mecca.

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