Chomsky's Cognitive Theory

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Avram Noam Chomsky and His Cognitive Development Theory

Kevin C. Costley, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education
Arkansas Tech University

Jaime Nelson
Graduate Student
Arkansas Tech University

Date of Publications: June 10, 2013


Cognition is the act of recognizing or of having knowledge. Thus, cognitive development
theory explores the mental processes used in the formation of all internal processes such as
perception, intuition, and reasoning (, 2012). Although basic cognitive theory
can be traced back to seventeenth century philosopher Rene Descartes, cognitive theory
development as we know it has been pursued more aggressively since the middle of the twentieth
Beginning with linguist Noam Chomsky and his 1959 critique of cognitive empiricism
and operant conditioning as researched by B.F. Skinner (Boeree, 2006), the discipline as a whole
has become more widely considered as scientists and various researchers in the field have
realized that only by using a more holistic approach to psychological studies will they be able to
understand the developmental capacities of the mind. The process of learning language and
processing data is not a random phenomenon; human beings are innately imbued with the
Language Acquisition Device (LAD) that other mammals lack. While many animals are capable
of communication, only the human can adequately articulate his need through vocal
Cognitive development theory
Attention to cognitive science has increased dramatically since the middle of the
twentieth century. While some mental processes are measurable, it is virtually impossible to
adequately establish what determines how an individual perceives, remembers, thinks, or solves
Cognitive psychology concerns how people perceive, understand, evaluate and
think. Cognitive psychologists argue that the mind is a processor of information -


we receive information through the senses, we try to understand that information
and its relation to us, and we transmit information to others. (Fulcher, 2003)

Thus, without cognition, full understanding and realization of mental processes is impossible.
Perception is influenced by emotion and cultural background. What appears one way to one
individual will vary greatly to the next.
Cognitive psychology differs from previous psychological approaches in two key ways. It
accepts the use of the scientific method, and generally rejects introspection as a valid method of
investigation - in contrast with such approaches as Freudian psychology. Additionally, it
explicitly acknowledges the existence of internal mental states (such as belief, desire, idea,
knowledge, and motivation) (Schunk, 2008). Understandably, many scientists and researchers
argue that the empirical nature of cognitive psychology is at war with the immeasurable mental
states of cognitive thought. However, given the very functioning of the brain in relation to higher
thinking, it is a natural progression from empiricism to cognition.
Every human child has the biological ability to acquire language. Developmentally
normal children construct the grammar of his or her native language without the help of others.
However, two conditions exist in order for the child to perform: (1) he must recognize the
physical and social events which are encoded in language, and (2) he must be able to process,
organize, and store linguistic information (Slobin, 2004). In other words, the child must be able
to comprehend both the meaning and the form of the syllables in order to process them
Spoken language can be broken down into phonology, syntax, semantics, morphology,
and pragmatics. To be sure, all languages contain cases of sound symbolism and onomatopoeia


which by-pass the principle of arbitrariness . . . [e]ach sound has a meaning (Weinreich, 1955).
Naturally, children acquire their first words by placing meaning upon familiar objects. For
example, the word cat has no meaning to a child until the child associates cat and the object
that is a cat. When recognition (cognition) occurs, the child will gradually obtain more
vocabulary words, as well as the mental acuity to use them.
Many older children (even as old as the age of fifteen) still maintain problems with the
construction of proper grammar, even with adequate instruction. It is evident that language
acquisition does not necessarily occur through the learning of semantics or by cognitive
complexity; at some point formal linguistic ability comes into play. Chomsky offers that children
know how to form a sentence, but they do not know why they know how (Ormond, 2012, p.
224). This is where the study of psycholinguistics becomes much more interesting because it is
here that the scientist tries to understand what exactly constructs the LAD, and why it varies
from child to child.
Language Acquisition
The conventions of a language are learned by interacting with experienced users, i.e.
adults, of that culture. However, linguistic interchange can be false or otherwise deceptive
without prior semantic knowledge. Linguistic messages may refer to things remote in time and
space, or both, from the site of the communication (Hockett, 1966). Humans acquire perception
and comprehension of language through language acquisition. This also allows them the
capability to reproduce this knowledge in conversations with others. Humans are not limited to a
finite vocabulary. New words and phrases are constantly being coined, especially with regards to
scientific and technological fields. What scientists still fail to pinpoint is precisely how first and
second languages are acquired.


All sentences are built from syntactical units that have been assigned specific places, or
word order, in a sentence. Chomsky, however, posited that native speakers are born with an
innate ability to develop language because they are born with a cognitive sense of language. In
a fairly obvious sense, any native speaker of a language can be said to know the grammar of his
or her native language" (Radford, 2004).
All developmentally normal English speakers are at least moderately successful in
following the rules of language acquisition. The differences in pronunciation and syntactical
configuration, however, vary from region to region and the way in which the speaker has
evolved his original, basic, language acquisition as a child. This is what determines social or
regional dialect. Also important to the study of syntax in the field of psycholinguistics is the
study of semantics.
The poverty of the stimulus is the assertion that natural language grammar
is unlearnable given the relatively limited data available to children learning a language, and
therefore that this knowledge is supplemented with some sort of innate linguistic capacity
(Langacker, 1999). Chomsky suggests that there are patterns in grammar that children cannot
learn simply through watching and listening to their caregivers. He also concludes that children
must have some innate capacity for language independent of outside stimuli. By the age of about
five years, or approximately when the child is ready to begin school, most all children have
learned the same basic speech patterns. As most children do not have the luxury of being born to
linguists instructors of English grammar, Chomsky rationalizes that children innately posses the
ability to construct grammar patterns on their own.
Chomskys view adheres to a natavistic approach in that he believes that certain skills or
abilities are hard wired into the brain at birth. He argues that humans are born with certain


cognitive abilities that enable them to learn and acquire certain skills. For example, children
demonstrate a facility for acquiring spoken language but require intense training to learn to read
and write (Slobin, 2004). Nativism enables a child to grow exponentially once spoken language
has been realized at a significant level.
Language use is a complex cognitive phenomenon, and is one of the areras that
distinguishes humans from animals. Humans learn words at rapid rates, learning about 45,000
words around the time the average person graduates high school (Radford, 2004). Cognitive
psychology studies how people think, remember, create, and speak. Cognitive development
theory is ever changing as more knowledge is gained and added to the catalogue of information
already in existence. Compounding on this study is the field of psycholinguistics, founded by
linguist Noam Chomsky. Chomskys ideas have set the standard for the way that language
acquisition and development is viewed.


Works Cited

Definitions. (2012, June 11). Retrieved from

Boeree, D. C. (2006). Personality Theories: B. F. Skinner. Retrieved from
Fulcher, E. (2003). Cognitive Psychology. Geft Consultance Services.
Hockett, C. (1966). The Problem of Universals in Language. Retrieved from
Langacker, R. W. (1999). Cognitive Linguistics: Grammar and Conceptualization. Berlin,
Germany: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. Retrieved 2012
Ormond, J. E. (2012). Long Term Memory II: The Nature of Knowledge. In Human Learning (p.
224). Boston: Pearson.
Radford, A. (2004). English Syntax: An Introduction. Cambridge.
Schunk, D. H. (2008). Learning Theories, An Educational Perspective. Upper Saddle River:
Prentice Hall.
Slobin, D. I. (2004). Cognitive Prerequisites for the Acquisition of Grammar. In B. C. Lust, & C.
Foley (Eds.), First Language Acquisition: The Essential Readings (pp. 240-249). Malden,
MA: Blackwell. Retrieved 2012
Weinreich, U. (1955). One Man's Psycholinguistics. American Speech, 123-125.

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