Experiments and Causality
Experiments and Causality
Experiments and Causality
1. Idealized experiments and causal effects
` Key idea:
Causal effects can be measured by randomly selecting
individuals from a population and the randomly giving some of
the individuals the treatment.
If X is randomly assigned:
E (ui X i ) = 0
9X is distributed independently of the omitted factor u
9Random assignment
g of X implies
p that the ortoghonality
g y
condition holds
β1 = E (Y X = x) − E (Y X = 0)
` The Differences Estimator
If X binary:
9 Equivalently:
β can be
b estimated ti t b if treatment
ti t d bby OLS estimator t t t iis
randomly assigned
2. Potential problems with experiments
9 Att iti
Subjects dropping out of the study after being randomly assigned to
•Random attrition
E SSelected
Ex: l t d tto training
t i i program th
thatt gett sick
i k
•Endogenous attrition
Ex: More able individual dropping training program for getting job
9 Experimental effects
Being in an experiment change behavior
•Double – blind experiments: Placebos
• Hard to implement in economics
9 Small sample
Not bias but causal effects are imprecisely
p y estimated
` Threats to external validity
9 Non representative
N i sample l
9 Non representative program or policy
9 General equilibrium effects
9 Treatments vs eligibility effects
3. Regression estimators of causal effects
using experimental data
` If treatment is randomly received:
9 Differences estimator is unbiased
9 But is this efficient ?
` SSolution:
Differences Estimator with additional regressors (DER):
` What is the difference between a “treatment” and
control variable?
9 Conditional mean-zero assumption:
E (ui X i ) = 0
9 Conditional mean independence assumption:
` Conditional mean independence implies:
9 u can be correlated with W
9 Gi
Given W
W, u does
d not depend
d d on X
` Taking conditional expectations in both sides of equation (2):
` Reasons for using the DER:
` Efficiency
` Check for randomization
` Adj t for
Adjust f “conditional”
“ diti l” randomization
d i ti
` Estimation of causal effects for different groups:
` Addi interaction
Adding i i effects
ff when
h characteristic
h i i iis observable
b bl
` Testing for randomization
` T i ffor random
Testing d receipt
i off treatment
X i = γ 0 + γ 1W1i + ... + γ rWri + vi
F-test for null hypothesis that treatment was received
` Testing for random assignment
Z i = δ 0 + δ1W1i + ... + δ rWri + vi
F-test for null hypothesis that all the slope coefficients are zero
Example: Effect of class size reductions
` Project STAR (Student-Teacher Achievement Ratio)
` 4
4-year study,
d $12 million
` Upon entering the school system, a student was randomly
assigned to one of three groups:
` regular class (22 – 25 students)
` regular class + aide
` small class (13 – 17 students)
` Regular class students re-randomized after first year to regular
or regular+aide
` Y = Stanford Achievement Test scores
` Internal validity issues:
` Partial compliance
` Attrition
` Empirical
p estimation:
Yi = β0 + β1SmallClassi + β2RegAidei + ui
SmallClassi = 1 if in a small class
RegAidei = 1 if in regular class with aide
` Replicating results in STATA
4. Running regressions without apology
` Without random assignment, a regression may or may
not have causal interpretation
` But what’s wrong with not having a causal interpretation
for an OLS coefficient?
` Description
D i ti
` Prediction
` Example:
p schoolingg and earnings
` On average, people with more schooling tend to earn more
than people with less schooling
` Education predicts earnings in a narrow statistical sense
` Predictive power is summarized by the Conditional
Expectation Function (CEF)