Physics Project
Physics Project
Physics Project
1. KEPLER’s Laws….
3. Universal law of GRAVITATON…
4. Binary System…
5. Central Forces…
6. Newton’s Shell Theorem…
7. Gravitational Potential Energy…
8. Gravitational potential…
9. Gravitational potential integral…
10. Elastic potential energy…
LAW 2: A line joining a planet/comet and the Sun sweeps out equal
areas in equal intervals of time
The area of the shaded segment from A to B equal the area from
segment C to D. Any body in the orbit around the Sun (o) will
travel from A to B in the same time that it travels from C to D. The
rate of sweeping our area by the line between Sun and orbiting
object is called the Areal Velocity, A . In one period, P, of the orbit
the line sweeps out the area of the ellipse so we can calculate this
velocity from
A = (area of ellipse)/(period of ellipse) = (π a b) / P
A = π (1 - e2)1/2 a2/P
Look at the diagram again; as an orbiting object goes from a to b
the area swept out is approximately the area of the triangle o-a-b.
That area is equal to the isoceles triangle o-a'-b' . The area of the
later triangle can be calculate easily; that area is one half the base
(length a'-c-b') times the height (length o-c).
The height of the triangle is just the radius, r, of the orbit at point c
and the base of the triangle is the velocity perpendicular, v_, to the
radius line at that same point times the time of transit from a to b.
So the rate of sweeping out area in the triangle at c is:
A = v_r/2
There are only two points in the orbit where the perpedicular
velocity equals the orbit velocity and that is a perihelion and
aphelion. As a result we can relate the speed in orbit at these two
poins most easily.
rp = a (1 - e) and ra = a (1 + e)
vara/2 = vprp/2 = (π a b) / P
va = vp( 1 + e)/(1 - e)
With a little more derivation (using Kepler's 3rd Law) we can show
But as we increase the muzzle velocity for our imaginary cannon, the projectile will travel further
and further before returning to earth. Finally, Newton reasoned that if the cannon projected the
cannon ball with exactly the right velocity, the projectile would travel completely around the Earth,
always falling in the gravitational field but never reaching the Earth, which is curving away at the
same rate that the projectile falls. That is, the cannon ball would have been put into orbit around
the Earth. Newton concluded that the orbit of the Moon was of exactly the same nature: the Moon
continuously "fell" in its path around the Earth because of the acceleration due to gravity, thus
producing its orbit.
By such reasoning, Newton came to the conclusion that any two
objects in the Universe exert gravitational attraction on each other,
with the force having a universal form:
To find the acceleration due to gravity at sea level you can plug in
values of G and the mass (in kilograms) and radius (in meters)
of the Earth to obtain the calculated value of g:
Gravitational Potential
Gravitational Potential Integral
In astrodynamics the gravitational
potential function has to account for the
non-spherical and non-homogeneous nature
of typical sources of gravitational potential.
In this case a gravitational potential may
depend on polar and azimuth direction of
vector .
Escape Velocity
Escape velocity is defined as the smallest speed
that we need to give an object in order to allow it
to completely escape from the gravitational pull
of the planet on which it is sitting. To calculate
it we need only realize that as an object moves
away from the center of a planet, its kinetic
energy gets converted into gravitational
potential energy. Thus we need only figure out
how much gravitational potential energy an
object gains as it moves from the surface of the
planet off to infinity. According to the above
discussion for a planet with mass M and radius
R, this gain in gravitational potential energy is
GmM/R. For an object to just barely escape to
infinity (without any residual speed), all its
initial kinetic energy must go into this increase
in gravitational potential energy. Thus, the
initial kinetic energy must be equal to GmM/R.
Since kinetic energy is mv2/2, equating these
two expressions tells us that the square of the
initial velocity must be equal to twice the
gravitational potential energy divided the
inertial mass of the object.
However, since gravitational potential energy is
proportional to inertial mass, we find finally
that the square of the escape velocity depends
only on the mass and radius of the planet (and
of course Newton's gravitational constant):
VXV =2GM / R
Note that the inertial mass of the object has
cancelled, so that the escape velocity of any
object is independent of its mass. This means
that if you want to throw a grain of rice or an
elephant into outer space, you need to give them
both the same initial velocity which for the Each
works out to be about
10,000 meters per second.
You will also notice from the above expression
that if the mass of a planet or star stays fixed,
but its radius decreases, then the escape velocity
necessarily increases.
Types of satellites
1. Anti-Satellite weapons:
Sometimes called "Killer satellites" are satellites
designed to destroy "enemy" satellites, other orbital
weapons and targets. Some are armed with kinetic
rounds, while others use energy and/or particle weapons
to destroy satellites, ICBMs, MIRVs. Both the U.S. and
the USSR had these satellites. Links discussing "Killer
satellites", ASATS (Anti-Satellite satellite) include
USSR Tests ASAT weapon and ASAT Test.
2. Astronomical satellites:
Are satellites used for observation of distant
planets, galaxies, and other outer space objects.
3. Biosatellites:
Are satellites designed to carry living organisms,
generally for scientific experimentation.
4. Communications satellites:
10.Space stations:
Are man-made structures that are designed for
human beings to live on in outer space. A space
station is distinguished from other manned
spacecraft by its lack of major propulsion or landing
facilities - instead, other vehicles are used as
transport to and from the station. Space stations are
designed for medium-term living in orbit, for periods
of weeks, months, or even years.
11.Weather satellites:
Are satellites that primarily are used to monitor
Earth's weather and climate.
is designed to acquire precise atmospheric and
oceanic measurements to provide a greater
understanding of their role in the Earth's climate
and its variations. The satellite's instruments provide
regional to global land cover, land cover change, and
atmospheric constituents.
2.Aura's mission
is designed to observe the atmosphere to answer the
following three high-priority environmental
questions: Is the Earth's ozone layer recovering? Is
air quality getting worse? How is the Earth's climate
changing? Aura's new objective over previous
atmospheric research missions is also to probe the
Earth's troposphere.
a cooperative mission with Canada, will use
advanced radar to "slice" through clouds to see their
vertical structure, providing a completely new
observational capability from space. CloudSAT will
look at the structure, composition, and effects of
clouds and will be one of the first satellites to study
clouds on a global basis.
will provide key measurements of aerosol and cloud
properties needed to improve climate predictions.
CALIPSO will fly a 3-channel LIDAR with a suite of
passive instruments in formation with Aqua to obtain
coincident observations of radiative fluxes and
atmospheric conditions.
will also fly in formation with CALIPSO to provide a
comprehensive characterization of the structure and
composition of clouds and their effects on climate
under all weather conditions.
(Polarization and Anisotropy of Réflectances
for Atmospheric Sciences coupled with
Observations from a Lidar) is a French's CNES
microsatellite project. Its main purpose is to
improve the characterization of the clouds and
aerosols microphysical and radiative properties,
needed to understand and model the radiative
impact of clouds and aerosols. (Credit: CNES)
From the Satellite to the Ground
{A satellite accumulates data (1), transmits it to a receiving system (2), where it is relayed to
a science center (3) }
There are 'single event upsets', which occur when a particle zaps a
chip and changes one memory value. Modern systems can deal
with this, so no data is lost and no data is accidentally corrupted.
There are also double events or multiple events, when a bunch of
memory values are changed. Generally, in these cases you can tell
that the data was messed up, but not necessarily what it was
supposed to be. This is okay, even though you lose a bit of data.
One way to think about this is to imagine that someone tells you
their phone number. The best result is if you hear the full number
(555-1212). Second best is if you hear most of it (555-121?),
because then you know exactly what 6 of the digits are, and you
know for certain that you are missing the last digit. The worst case
is if you thought you heard it, but actually one digit is wrong (they
say "555-1212", you hear "555-1219"), because then you think
you have everything correct, but the entire number is wrong.
Okay, having all this data stored on the satellite is a good first step,
but hardly useful to your researchers back on Earth. So, first
chance we get, we'll dump the telemetry to the ground. This is the
'downlink' part of the process. There are a few methods for doing
this. We'll cover two of them: satellite relays and ground antenna.
One of the best relay systems (in terms of speed and quality) is the
TDRSS system. This involves several Tracking and Data Relay
Satellites (TDRSs) in geostationary orbits around the earth. You
figure out when your orbiting satellite can see their TDRS satellite
and request time to use it as a relay. TDRSS gives 'forward links'
for sending commands to your satellite, and 'return links' for
sending your data from the satellite to the ground.
You use the forward link to tell your satellite "begin transmitting"
(or you preprogram the satellite to transmit at a scheduled time).
Then, you zap your data over the TDRS satellite return link as
quick as you can. The TDRS routes that telemetry down to their
own set of earth-based antenna and it gets stored in their
computers. Success! Your data has made it to earth!
TDRSS can receive and send data very quickly, at rates from 6
Mbps (mega-bits per second) to 300 Mbps. For comparison,
computer modems on 2002 phone lines typically go at about 56
kbps (kilo-bits per second), or 1/10000th the speed of the fastest
TDRS relays.
If you're lucky, you can even get dedicated TDRSS time. Then you
can send your data in realtime -- no storage, just transmitting the
telemetry through TDRSS to earth as quickly as you gather it. This
isn't a very efficient use of the TDRSS network, though; it is more
efficient to store the data and send it down in periodic batches of
If you aren't using TDRSS, you can try the Deep Space Network
(DSN), a set of ground-based telescopes located in several
countries that provide a similar service. Several space centers
(such as Kagoshima, in Japan) also run their own small radio
antenna for use with their own missions. It is also possible to mix
of methods -- using your own antenna plus time on the DSN, for
Getting Data to the Operations Center
Even though your data is on the ground, it's not quite home yet --
it's sitting in the computers at the antenna facility. They don't want
to keep it, and you want it as quickly as possible. So the final step is
to get the data from their station to your operations and/or data
One method to retrieving the data is to have a hardline. This is just
a telecommunications line that connects your center with the
antenna station. Hardlines are useful because you don't have to
share them with other people. Instead, as soon as the data reaches
the ground station, they can transmit it over the hardline to your
There are several data networks that can transmit this information,
depending on where the ground antenna is and where your
operations center is. Originally, the Internet itself was just a
collection of hardlines between a handful of research centers --
then it grew. In much the same way, there are several 'nodes' that
are connected by hardlines, then they use local networks to get the
data to you specifically.
This means that the data might take a few hops -- from the antenna
over a hardline to a place like Goddard Space Flight Center
(GSFC), for example, then over the GSFC network to the actual
operations room.
Another process involves using a data network to send some of the
more important data, then using tapes to deliver the rest. The
ground station would transmit the most urgent data -- realtime
transmissions or essential health-and-safety data, for example. The
bulk of the stored data that reached their ground station would be
saved to tapes and mailed to you.
Data Processing
Have you ever wondered what data from a spacecraft actually look
like? You may think that the picture you see from the Hubble
Space Telescope or the Chandra X-ray Observatory is exactly what
the satellite in orbit sends down to Earth, like broadcasts from a tv
station, but that's not the case.
Data from a satellite, or "telemetry," is usually in a special format,
like a code, designed so a lot of information can be transmitted in a
very short time. It's the job of the Data Processing group to turn
the telemetry or raw data from a satellite into something that
astronomers can easily read and interpret.
Packets, and Realtime Data
Data is generally sent in packets: specific amounts of bit-sized data
that have a time stamp. Transmission of these packets can be
uneven. For example, part of the relay system may 'drop packets'
due to static or transmission errors. Those dropped packets are
retransmitted, so no data is lost. Also, stored data and realtime data
can be transmitted at the same time, each with their different time
stamps. The end result of these scenarios is that the data received
on the ground, while complete, may not be in the proper order. The
packet's time stamp lets you reassemble the data in the order
observed, rather than the order you receive it. Naturally, it makes
sense to wait until your entire transmission is complete before
doing the final sorting.The sorting can be done by either the
ground station, or your local processing center. For both, the
method is the same. You store all the incoming telemetry on your
computer. Then, when the transmission is complete (or all data
tapes have been received from remote sites), you sort the packets by
time stamps to create, essentially, a perfect copy of what had
originally been on the satellite.
What Comes In To Data Processing
A satellite in Earth orbit has several types of data it may send to people
on the ground. It can send science data, like observations of matter
falling into black holes in the case of an x-ray telescope satellite. It can
send "housekeeping" data about the spacecraft's health, like how the
solar panels are doing and whether the battery is fully charged. And it
can send "attitude" data, which tells exactly where the satellite is
pointed and how high above the Earth it currently is. For an
astronomer to use a satellite, he or she needs to know all these things at
once: *where* was the satellite looking, *what* did it see, and was
everything functioning normally at the time? The problem is, the
satellite can't tell you everything it's doing at once. The different types
of data come from different systems on board the satellite: the telescope
collects science data, the power system keeps track of the solar panels
and any batteries, the "attitude control" system tells where the satellite
is pointed, etc. When it's time to send data to the ground, the different
systems take turns, like tv reporters on the evening news.When you
watch the evening news, you might hear what the government did today,
then what the weather was like, and then what happened in sports. You
don't hear one reporter say, "Today, at 3pm, the President gave a
speech, the Yankees won the first of a double-header, and a bad storm
ripped through Nebraska. Then, at 5pm, Congress worked late on some
legislation, the Orioles had a great triple play, and there was flooding in
Florida." Instead, one reporter tells you what the weather was like all
over the country, and after that another reporter tells you everything
that happened that day in sports, etc. It's the same with an orbiting
satellite: first, you might get all the data about where the satellite
pointed that day, then all the things the telescope saw, then a read out
of the spacecraft's health. The Ground System makes sure all the data
are received correctly, then sends everything to Data Processing, where
the tricky task of matching up the separate reports from the different
satellite systems begins.
Data Analysis
Once you have data from a satellite in your hands in a useful
format, you will want to scrutinize that data in as many ways
available. By using different tools, you can reveal information
about how the source behaves over time, at various energy ranges
and at different points in space. The following are tools that you
would use to understand your new data.
Light Curves
A light curve is a graph of an object's brightness over a period of
time. Some types of sources have distinctive light curves, so you
might be able to tell what your source is just by looking at the light
curve. As an example, the light curve of an eclipsing binary system
will display two "dips," each occurring when one of the stars
"eclipses" the other.
A spectrum is a plot of a source's intensity at different energies (or,
equivalently, wavelengths or frequencies). By looking at spectra,
you can determine which elements (like hydrogen, helium, etc.) are
present either in the source or between Earth and the source. This
can be done because each element emits and absorbs light at very
specific energies. Therefore, the energies where spikes or dips
appear in a spectrum reveal which elements are present.
Those spikes and dips in the spectrum, called spectral lines, hold
information other than just what element emitted them. They can
tell you information about magnetic field of the source, how fast
the material was moving when it emitted its light, and whether the
source is orbiting another object.
A spectrum of the cataclysmic variable system BY Cam, taken by
the Broad Band X-ray Telescope.