Data Bulletin Harmonic Mitigating Transformers: Application Guide Class 7400

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July 2003
Nashville, TN, USA

Data Bulletin
Harmonic Mitigating Transformers
Application Guide
Class 7400

This document is a guide for applying Harmonic Mitigating Transformers

(HMT). The Low Voltage Dry Type Distribution Transformer Product
Support Group is also available as a resource. If the harmonic issue is
severe, contact Square D for support. Square Ds Power System Analysis
group can provide a complete analysis of your electrical distribution system
and make recommendations to match your specific application criteria.


Harmonic Mitigating Transformers (HMT) accomplish harmonic mitigation

(attenuation) (see What are Harmonics? on page 6) by providing good
source impedance and through sine wave recombination. Sine wave
recombination occurs within the transformer itself at the nodes, the
connection points, of the windings. Sine wave recombination also occurs
when the sine waves are phase shifted using multiple transformers. All of
these methods may help reduce harmonics in electrical distribution
While not intended as a complete technical analysis, this bulletin will
highlight the appropriate application of HMTs. It is interesting to note that
none of this is new technology. In variable frequency drive applications,
harmonic mitigation has been accomplished with transformers for more than
50 years. Additional information regarding some of the theory of harmonic
mitigation using transformers is included in the appendices.


Harmonic mitigation is a topic of high interest among North American

industry users and manufacturers. However, the European community has
established guidelines to control the maximum level of harmonics that
equipment can introduce onto a system. Computer and business equipment
manufacturers, in response to the European Community guidelines, created
power supplies that do not burden an electrical system with harmonics. It is
likely that North America will soon follow the limited harmonic path.


The standard for evaluating transformers serving non-linear loads is IEEE

C57.110. This standard recognizes the effects of harmonic attenuation
(reactive effect on harmonic levels) and harmonic diversity (cancellation
effect of multiple non-linear loads). C57.110 is often ignored by some HMT


IEEE Standard 1100-1992 (the Emerald Book) is not appropriate for

evaluating transformer loading with non-linear loads. Any such
references should be ignored.

IEEE Standard 519-1992 is not intended for use within a facility. The
standard sets the maximum harmonic voltage distortion level allowed at
the point of common coupling between the utility and the customer. The
point of 519 is to insure that one customers power usage profile does
not negatively impact another customer.

Harmonic Mitigating Transformers

July 2003



The installation of any Square D HMT transformer -- delta-wye, deltazigzag, or wye-zigzag provides an effective means of preventing triplen
(3rd, 9th, 15th, etc.) harmonics from passing to the source side of the
transformer. The standard conservative design practice of using delta-wye
transformers automatically results in electrical distribution systems with
some inherent harmonic mitigation (see Figure 1).
With a standard delta-wye transformer installed, the triplen harmonics are
not trapped in the transformer, but nor do they pass through the
transformer. The sine waves induced on the windings are recombined at the
nodes of the delta into new sine wave shapes that do not contain triplen
components (see Combining Sine Wave Theory on page 8).
The transformers reactance causes some attenuation of the harmonics and
limits the crest factor allowed downstream (see Source Impedance on
page 8).

Figure 1:

Standard Delta-wye Transformer Feeding a Computer Panel From a Distribution Panelboard.

Delta -Wye Transformers
Cancel 3rd, 9th, 15th Harmonics




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July 2003


Harmonic Mitigating Transformers

Figure 2, illustrates a typical application of a 75kVA transformer feeding a

200 or 225 amp panelboard that serves computers. It is not the best way to
apply an HMT to achieve the maximum harmonic mitigation possible. While
the triplens will be attenuated, a single HMT with a zigzag secondary may
not provide any significant additional benefit over a delta-wye HMT or a
standard delta-wye transformer. However, if an HMT is being used to
provide additional source impedance and/or phase shift from other nonlinear loads elsewhere in the facility, some additional benefit may be
achieved. The delta-wye is included in Square Ds HMT product offering and
is suitable to use in conjunction with delta-zigzag HMTs.
Figure 2:

A Single Computer Panel Being Fed Through One HMT

From a Distribution Panelboard


75 kVA HMT

200 or 225




To best utilize HMTs for the greatest attenuation of harmonics, it is

necessary to balance the single-phase, line-to-neutral, non-linear load
between two panels that are being fed by two different HMTs. One HMT
should be a delta-zigzag, which has a 0 phase shift. And the second HMT
should be either a delta-wye or a wye-zigzag, each of which has a 30
phase shift.
Using the two transformers will help attenuate the 5th, 7th, 17th, and 19th
harmonics (see Combining Sine Wave Theory on page 8). Also, the more
similar the load profile (operating as simultaneously as possible), the
harmonic attenuation will be more effective.
Figure 3 shows the application of the two different HMTs, and is a much
more beneficial application of the HMT theory than that shown in Diagram 2.
The 75kVA transformer and single panel of Figure 2 has been replaced with
two 45kVA transformers, each feeding a 100 or 125 amp panelboard, which
in turn serve the computer loads.
NOTE: See on page 8where youll note the wave shapes at each point in
the electrical distribution system with the resultant supply side bus having
only 11th & 13th harmonics as shown in Figure 16.

2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved

Harmonic Mitigating Transformers

Figure 3:

July 2003

Application of HMTs for Greater Harmonic Attenuation



45 kVA Delta - ZigZag



45 kVA Delta - Wye or

Wye - ZigZag




In an ideal application, the two HMT transformers would have identical

impedance values, would be located close to the common source bus, and
have identical and simultaneous load harmonic profiles. However, this is
rarely the case. The diversity of the harmonic profile of the 7th and higher
order harmonics and the load dynamics both act to reduce the importance
of the transformer impedance and placement (see Harmonic Diversity on
page 13). Square D recommends the transformers be placed as close to the
common source bus as possible.

When performing a coordination study and calculating available fault
current, the single phase impedance of a transformer with a zig-zag
secondary is less than the transformers positive/negative sequence
impedance (indicated on the nameplate).
Failure to calculate properly will result in serious injury and
equipment damage
One characteristic of a transformer with a zigzag secondary different from
one with a wye or a delta secondary. In a delta-wye or a delta-delta
transformer, the single-phase impedance is the same as the positive and
negative sequence impedance, which is the impedance value provided on
the nameplate of transformers 15kVA and larger.
The peak let-through current, or available fault current, is the same for either
a line-to-line or a line-to-neutral/ground fault.

2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved

July 2003

Harmonic Mitigating Transformers

Figure 4:

Single-Phase Line-to-Neutral/Ground impedance of a

Zigzag Winding

1-Phase Impedance
%IZ? ~ (0.75 to 0.85)*Nameplate

With a delta- or wye- zigzag transformer, the line-to-neutral/ground

impedance is approximately 75% to 85% of the positive/negative sequence
impedance. This results in a 17% to 33% greater available fault current in
the event of a single-phase fault to neutral or ground (see Figure 4). This
may necessitate higher rated over current protective devices. Since the only
impedance value provided on the nameplate of the transformer is the
positive/negative sequence impedance, it is recommended that the
consultant use 133% of the calculated available fault current for the
coordination study.

2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved

Harmonic Mitigating Transformers

July 2003


The following sections provide information on understanding harmonics,

addressing harmonics with transformers, additional configurations and

What are Harmonics?

In order to understand how an HMT may provide a benefit, it is first

necessary to understand what harmonics are. In recent years the utilization
of loads that draw decidedly non-sinusoidal current into our electrical
systems has increased. The majority of such loads are three phase
electronic motor drives in the industrial arena, and single-phase computer or
related electronic loads in commercial settings. These loads share a
common characteristic in that they both change AC to DC as a first step in
their utilization of input power. In power supplies, as the rectifier only
conducts in one direction as capacitors are charged once the voltage is
above a certain magnitude, the current draw is said to be non-continuous,
and causes current signatures that are not sine waves. These loads are
commonly referred to as non-linear.
Figure 5:

Single-phase Rectified Loads (example: electronic power

supplies for computers, fax machines, and copiers)



AC Voltage

Figure 6:

Three-phase Rectified Loads (example: electronic (variable frequency) motor drives, furnace control, three
phase lighting dimmers)



AC Voltage
Distorted current (or voltage) is said to contain harmonic elements that can
affect various kinds of upstream electrical devices.

2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved

July 2003

The Fourier Transformation

Harmonic Mitigating Transformers

All periodic electrical power wave-shapes, whether current or voltage, can

be mathematically disassembled into component sinusoidal elements
called harmonics. The component harmonics are derived by a process
called the Fourier Transformation. Each harmonic is at a multiple of the
fundamental power frequency. In 60Hz systems, for example, the 3rd
harmonic is at 3 x 60 = 180Hz, 5th at 5 x 60 -= 300Hz, etc. At every instance
of time, the sum of the instantaneous value of all component harmonics,
including the fundamental determines a point on the power wave-form.
Figure 7:

Distorted Current Wave Form

Figure 8:

Current Wave Form (shown as its equivalent harmonic


For the purpose of analyzing the affects non-linear loads have on

transformers, it is important to note that we must remember the actual wave
shape, and that harmonics are mathematical entities that allow us to define
the effects of distorted power on components of the electrical system. This
is key when addressing claims that triplen harmonics (multiples of 3 of the
fundamental, the 3rd, 9th, 15th, etc. harmonic) circulate in the delta of a deltawye.

2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved

Harmonic Mitigating Transformers

July 2003

Methods of Addressing Harmonics with


Transformers may be used to address harmonics generated by nonsinusoidal (non-linear) loads by providing good source impedance,
combining sine waves within the transformer, and combining sine waves at
the common bus feeding different transformers.

Source Impedance

Source impedance has the effect of attenuating the crest factor created by a
non-linear load. Once the voltage rises to a specific point, the control
circuitry in the power supply allows a capacitor to be charged. With low
source impedance, the current drawn by the capacitor is high and the
duration of the charging cycle is short. Higher impedance does not allow as
much current to be drawn, and extends the time it takes to charge the
capacitor. This is how the crest factor is reduced, as well as the harmonics.
An example of how this has been done for years is the use of line reactors
or drive isolation transformers that feed drives, and, more significantly, this
is also done every time an isolation transformer is used!

Combining Sine Waves

Not only do transformers improve the source impedance for non-sinusoidal

loads, but they also combine sine waves within the windings for additional
harmonic attenuation. To take it one step further, two or more transformers
of different phase angle shift(s) can be used to achieve further combination
of sine waves providing for more harmonic mitigation. The phase shifts can
be accomplished using standard NEMA wiring configurations or minor
variations thereof. Either way, it is not new technology.

Combining Sine Wave Theory

The theory of combining sine waves is accomplished two ways.

By using the inherent phase angle displacement of the electrical wave

shapes within the transformer which are then combined at the nodes, or
connection points, of the windings within the transformer.

By combining the sine waves at the common bus feeding two

transformers of different phase shift.

This bulletin will concentrate on single-phase, line-to-neutral, non-linear

loads. Three phase non-linear loads have been successfully addressed
for over 50 years by using line reactors, drive isolation transformers, or
active filters.

2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved

July 2003

Cancellation of the Triplens (3rd, 9th, 15th)

Harmonic Mitigating Transformers

Cancellation of the triplen harmonics (3rd, 9th, 15th) can be achieved if a

60 phase shift is created between the two wave shapes, and then
Figure 9:

Two Single-phase Non-linear Wave Shapes With a 60

Phase Angle Difference

3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 19th Harmonics

Figure 10:


The Combination of The (Figure 9) Wave Shapes

5th, 7th, 11th, 13th, 17th, 19th Harmonics

The resultant wave shape of Figure 10 will be referred to as wave shape A
throughout this paper.
The triplen harmonics are no longer part of the wave shape. More
importantly, none of the energy was removed from the wave shape. Rather,
the sine waves were simply combined. This is one step where some
mistakenly assume the triplen harmonics to be circulating in the delta
winding of a delta-wye transformer.
The A is found on the line side of either a standard delta-wye or a wyezigzag transformer that feeding single-phase, line-to-neutral non-linear
Figure 11:

2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved


Harmonic Mitigating Transformers

July 2003

Figure 12:

Two A Wave Shapes With a 60 Phase Angle Difference

17th, 19th, 5th, 7th, 11th, 13th

5th, 7th, 11th, 13th, 17th, 19th


Figure 13:

The Combination of Two (Figure 12) A Wave Shapes.

5th, 7th, 11th, 13th, 17th, 19th Harmonics

The Figure 13 combination is created with two A wave shapes and a 60
phase shift so the new B wave shape can be more easily understood.
No harmonic cancellation takes place in the (A) + (A+60) combination.
This applies to harmonic mitigation/attenuation via transformers in
two ways.

The B wave shape combination (remember, no triplen harmonics

present) can be obtained through tiering of delta-wye transformers as is
commonly done in many commercial and industrial facilities. The B
wave shape is found on the source side of a delta-wye transformer that
is feeding another delta-wye transformer downstream that is serving
computers, fax machines, and other office equipment.

The delta-zigzag transformer takes the single-phase, line-to-neutral nonlinear single hump sine waves and combines them to get the B wave
shape. Once again, no energy was removed from the wave shape. The
sine waves are combined to yield a new sine wave in which the triplen
harmonics are not present.

Figure 14:


Delta Zigzag

2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved

July 2003

Cancellation of the Triplens (3rd, 9th, 15th)

Harmonic Mitigating Transformers

When a 30 phase shift is achieved between an A and a B wave shape

(see Figure 15), and the two are combined (see Figure 16), cancellation of
the 5th, 7th, 17th, and 19th occurs.
Figure 15:

B Wave Shape With No Phase Shift; A Wave Shape

Phase Shifted By 30

5th, 7th, 11th, 13th, 17th, 19th Harmonics in both B and

Figure 16:


The Combination of The B And 30 Phase Shifted A

Wave Shapes.

11th, 13th Harmonics

The A wave shape is phase shifted 30 and the B wave shape is not. The
30 phase shift of the A wave shape occurs with either the standard DeltaWye transformer or a Wye-Zigzag transformer as noted in Figure 11. The
B wave shape occurs with a Delta-Zigzag transformer (see Figure 14),
which has no inherent phase shift (0) between the primary and secondary.
This can also occur within facilities with tiered delta-wye transformers.

2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved


Harmonic Mitigating Transformers

One Step Further

July 2003

Could additional transformer winding configurations and sine wave

combinations theoretically eliminate all load harmonics on the supply side of
the transformers? Theoretically, yes, though it is not at all realistic in real
world applications. That will be discussed later in this paper. Theoretically, if
two A+B wave shapes were combined with one of the wave shapes phase
shifted by 15, all of the harmonics could be cancelled (as shown in
Diagram 17).
Figure 17:

Combination of Two A+B Wave Shapes With One Of

The Two Phase Shifted By 15

11th and 13th Harmonics

11th and 13th Harmonics


No Harmonics

While the additional harmonic mitigation achieved in this last step may
appear attractive, the additional benefit would be miniscule when compared
to the additional cost involved, especially when the chance of this actually
occurring in a realistic application is essentially zero.

Electromagnetic Flux Cancellation

Some HMTs are provided with a zigzag secondary winding. The zigzag
winding has a beneficial affect on triplen harmonics (3rd, 9th, 15th,) that
have a similar phase angle.
Figure 18:

Some HMTs Are Offered As Delta-Zigzag or Wye-Zigzag


Primary (either Delta or Wye)








The zigzag is accomplished by winding half of the secondary turns of one

phase of the transformer on one leg of the three-phase transformer, with the
other half of the secondary turns on an adjacent phase as in Diagram 5.
Another way to describe this is a and a are wound on the same leg of the
core, as are b and b, and c and c. With all of the triplen harmonics in phase

2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved

July 2003

Harmonic Mitigating Transformers

with each other, by vector analysis, the triplen harmonic currents produce
ampere-turn fluxes that cancel each other such that no currents are induced
in the primary winding. For this to work, the triplen harmonics must be real
currents and not mere mathematical identities derived by the Fourier
Transformation, a transformation that is commonly done by the computer in
handheld meters or installed meters such as Powerlogic power metering
devices or by other power monitoring devices.

Zigzag Secondaries and Low Zero

Sequence Impedance

Another characteristic of a zigzag transformer winding is its low impedance

to zero sequence currents. The low zero sequence impedance of a zigzag is
typically 20% of the value of the transformers positive and negative
sequence impedance. Some manufacturers use this characteristic of the
zigzag winding to attempt to differentiate the HMT from delta-wye
transformers. The low zero sequence impedance has little to do with
harmonic attenuation, and limiting the HMTs to a zigzag secondary attempts
to prevent the use of the perfectly suitable delta-wye transformer. The
equivalent construction delta-wye HMT offered by Square D is lighter and
has a lower list price than the zigzag secondary HMTs.

Harmonic Diversity

There is a misconception that the k-factors of electronic loads in parallel

average out:. In fact, they do not. Typically, by the time 20 devices are on
line simultaneously, the combined k-factor at the bus of the distribution
panel is reduced by a factor of three or more. This is due to the fifth and
higher order harmonics in the load current from multiple single-phase
electronic loads on a given feeder occur at random phase angles, and
constantly change in angle during operation.

Figure 19:

Office Load Harmonic Phase Angle Patterns*









(*As seen in a study performed by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Clarkson University)

This random distribution of phase angles results in a dramatic reduction

and/or cancellation of higher frequency harmonics. In fact, the higher the
number of single-phase nonlinear loads on a given distribution panel, a
lower k-factor will be seen at that panel.
While this is good for the overall electrical distribution system, the varying
phase angle of the higher order harmonics will reduce, but not eliminate, the
effectiveness of the HMT from the ideal as expressed in the theory
discussed previously about sine wave combination.

2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved


Harmonic Mitigating Transformers

July 2003


Transformer operational efficiency has become a significant concern over

the past several years. The culmination of which has brought about NEMA
Standard TP 1-1996 (TP-1) that establishes minimum efficiency levels for
low voltage, dry type distribution transformers at a 35% load. The 35% load
is NEMAs conservative estimate on national average loading, and other
surveys indicate that 17% may be a more accurate number. The HMTs
offered by Square D comply with TP-1 and are ENERGY STAR labeled.

Comparing Efficiencies

Rather than creating confusion when comparing different manufacturers

HMTs, note that when you compare similar types of transformers (delta-wye
to delta-wye, or zigzag secondary to zigzag secondary) the transformers of
similar connection will perform essentially the same with a given load
regardless of its harmonic profile. Thus it is unnecessary to differentiate
between linear and non-linear load loss. All that is needed is the core loss
(no load loss) and full load coil loss (conductor losses). If the duty cycle (the
24 hour average loading) is known, use the following calculation to obtain
the average transformer loss (watts):
Average Loss at a given Duty Cycle (watts) = NL + ((PU^2)*FL)Where:
NL = core loss (no load loss) in watts
FL = full load coil loss (conductor loss) in watts
PU = the percent load expressed in per unit; to express the % load in per
unit, take the percent load and express it as a decimal. For example, a
35% load expressed in per unit is 0.35.
To compare, transformers, simply obtain the no load (level) loss and the full
load coil (conductor) loss for each.


2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved

Harmonic Mitigating Transformers

Data Bulletin

Square D Company
1010 Airpark Center Drive
Nashville, TN, USA 37217
1-888-SquareD (1-888-778-2733)

July 2003

Electrical equipment should be installed, operated, serviced, and maintained only by

qualified personnel. No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for any
consequences arising out of the use of this material.
2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved

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