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Lecture - 10:: Biploar Transistor

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Lecture -10: BIpolar Junction Transistor

Biploar transistor:

A transistor is basically a Si on Ge crystal

containing three separate regions. It can be
either NPN or PNP type fig. 1. The middle
region is called the base and the outer two
regions are called emitter and the collector.
The outer layers although they are of same
type but their functions cannot be changed.
They have different physical and electrical
In most transistors, emitter is heavily doped.
Its job is to emit or inject electrons into the
base. These bases are lightly doped and
very thin, it passes most of the emitterinjected electrons on to the collector. The
doping level of collector is intermediate
between the heavy doping of emitter and
the light doping of the base.
The collector is so named because it
collects electrons from base. The collector is
the largest of the three regions; it must
dissipate more heat than the emitter or
base. The transistor has two junctions. One
between emitter and the base and other
between the base and the collector.
Because of this the transistor is similar to
two diodes, one emitter diode and other
collector base diode.

Fig .1

When transistor is made, the diffusion of free electrons across the junction produces
two depletion layers. For each of these depletion layers, the barrier potential is 0.7 V for
Si transistor and 0.3 V for Ge transistor.
The depletion layers do not have the same width, because different regions have different doping levels. The more
heavily doped a region is, the greater the concentration of ions near the junction. This means the depletion layer
penetrates more deeply into the base and slightly into emitter. Similarly, it penetration more into collector. The
thickness of collector depletion layer is large while the base depletion layer is small as shown in fig. 2.

Fig. 2

If both the junctions are forward biased using two d.c sources, as shown in fig. 3a. free electrons (majority carriers)
enter the emitter and collector of the transistor, joins at the base and come out of the base. Because both the diodes
are forward biased, the emitter and collector currents are large.

Fig. 3a

Fig. 3b

If both the junction are reverse biased as shown in fig. 3b, then small currents flows through both junctions only due
to thermally produced minority carriers and surface leakage. Thermally produced carriers are temperature dependent
it approximately doubles for every 10 degree celsius rise in ambient temperature. The surface leakage current
increases with voltage.

Lecture - 11: Common Base Configuration

The Common Base Configuration :

If the base is common to the input and output circuits, it is know as common base configuration as shown in fig. 1.

Fig. 1
For a pnp transistor the largest current components are due to holes. Holes flow from emitter to collector and few
holes flow down towards ground out of the base terminal. The current directions are shown in fig. 1.
(IE = IC + IB ).

For a forward biased junction, VEB is positive and for a reverse biased junction VCB is negative. The complete
transistor can be described by the following two relations, which give the input voltage VEB and output current IC in
terms of the output voltage (VCB) and input current IE.
VEB = f1(VCB, IE)
IC= f2(VCB, IE)

Lecture -12: Common Base Amplifier

Common Base Amplifier:

The common base amplifier circuit is shown

in Fig. 1. The VEE source forward biases the
emitter diode and VCC source reverse biased
collector diode. The ac source vin is
connected to emitter through a coupling
capacitor so that it blocks dc. This ac voltage
produces small fluctuation in currents and
voltages. The load resistance RL is also
connected to collector through coupling
capacitor so the fluctuation in collector base
voltage will be observed across RL.
The dc equivalent circuit is obtained by
reducing all ac sources to zero and opening
all capacitors. The dc collector current is
same as IE and VCB is given by

Fig. 1

These current and voltage fix the Q point. The ac equivalent circuit is obtained by reducing all dc sources to zero and
shorting all coupling capacitors. r'e represents the ac resistance of the diode as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
Fig. 3, shows the diode curve relating IE and VBE. In the absence of ac signal, the transistor operates at Q point (point
of intersection of load line and input characteristic). When the ac signal is applied, the emitter current and voltage
also change. If the signal is small, the operating point swings sinusoidally about Q point (A to B).

Fig .3
If the ac signal is small, the points A and B are close to Q, and arc A B can be approximated by a straight line and
diode appears to be a resistance given by

If the input signal is small, input voltage and current will be sinusoidal but if the input voltage is large then current will
no longer be sinusoidal because of the non linearity of diode curve. The emitter current is elongated on the positive
half cycle and compressed on negative half cycle. Therefore the output will also be distorted.
r'e is the ratio of VBE and IE and its value depends upon the location of Q. Higher up the Q point small will be the
value of r' e because the same change in VBE produces large change in IE. The slope of the curve at Q determines the
value of r'e. From calculation it can be proved that.
r'e = 25mV / IE

Lecture -13: Common Emitter Configuration

Common Emitter Curves:

The common emitter configuration of BJT is shown in fig. 1.

Fig. 1
In C.E. configuration the emitter is made common to the input and output. It is also referred to as grounded emitter
configuration. It is most commonly used configuration. In this, base current and output voltages are taken as

impendent parameters and input voltage and output current as dependent parameters
VBE = f1 ( IB, VCE )
IC = f2( IB, VCE )

Input Characteristic:
The curve between IB and VBE for different values of VCE are shown in fig. 2. Since the base emitter junction of a
transistor is a diode, therefore the characteristic is similar to diode one. With higher values of VCE collector gathers
slightly more electrons and therefore base current reduces. Normally this effect is neglected. (Early effect). When
collector is shorted with emitter then the input characteristic is the characteristic of a forward biased diode when VBE is
zero and IB is also zero.

Fig. 2

Lecture - 14: Biasing Techniques for CE Amplifiers

Biasing Circuit Techniques or Locating the Q - Point:

Fixed Bias or Base Bias:
In order for a transistor to amplify, it has to be properly biased. This means forward biasing the base
emitter junction and reverse biasing collector base junction. For linear amplification, the transistor
should operate in active region ( If IE increases, IC increases, VCE decreases proportionally).
The source VBB, through a current limit resistor RB forward biases the emitter diode and VCC through
resistor RC (load resistance) reverse biases the collector junction as shown in fig. 1.

Fig. 1
The dc base current through RB is given by
IB = (VBB - VBE) / RB


Normally VBE is taken 0.7V or 0.3V. If exact voltage is required, then the input characteristic ( IB vs
VBE) of the transistor should be used to solve the above equation. The load line for the input circuit is
drawn on input characteristic. The two points of the load line can be obtained as given below
For IB = 0,


For VBE = 0,


The intersection of this line with input characteristic gives the operating point Q as shown in fig. 2. If an
ac signal is connected to the base of the transistor, then variation in VBE is about Q - point. This gives
variation in IB and hence IC.

Fig. 2

Lecture - 15: Stability of Operating Point

Let us consider three operating points of transistor operating in common emitter amplifier.

Near cut off


Near saturation


In the middle of active region

If the operating point is selected near the cutoff region, the output is clipped in negative half cycle as shown in fig. 1.

Fig. 1
If the operating point is selected near saturation region, then the output is clipped in positive cycle as shown in fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

If the operating point is selected in the middle of active region, then there is no clipping and the output follows input
faithfully as shown in fig. 3. If input is large then clipping at both sides will take place. The first circuit for biasing the
transistor is CE configuration is fixed bias.
In biasing circuit shown in fig. 4(a), two different power supplies are required. To avoid the use of two supplies the
base resistance RB is connected to VCC as shown in fig. 4(b).

Fig. 4(a)

Fig. 4(b)

Now VCC is still forward biasing emitter diode. In this circuit Q point is very unstable. The base resistance RB is
selected by noting the required base current IB for operating point Q.
IB = (VCC VBE ) / RB
Voltage across base emitter junction is approximately 0.7 V. Since VCC is usually very high
i.e. IB = VCC/ RB
Since IB is constant therefore it is called fixed bias circuit.

Lecture - 16: Biasing Techniques

Emitter Feedback Bias:

Fig. 1, shows the emitter feedback bias circuit. In this circuit, the voltage across resistor RE is used to offset the
changes in bdc. If bdc increases, the collector current increases. This increases the emitter voltage which decrease
the voltage across base resistor and reduces base current. The reduced base current result in less collector current,
which partially offsets the original increase in bdc. The feedback term is used because output current ( IC) produces a
change in input current ( IB ). RE is common in input and output circuits.

Fig. 1
In this case

Since IE = IC + IB


In this case, S is less compared to fixed bias circuit. Thus the stability of the Q point is better.

If IC is to be made insensitive to dc than

RE cannot be made large enough to swamp out the effects of dc without saturating the transistor.
Collector Feedback Bias:
In this case, the base resistor is returned back to collector as shown in fig. 2. If temperature increases. dc increases.
This produces more collectors current. As IC increases, collector emitter voltage decreases. It means less voltage
across RB and causes a decrease in base current this decreasing IC, and compensating the effect of bdc.

Fig. 2
In this circuit, the voltage equation is given by

Circuit is stiff sensitive to changes in dc. The advantage is only two resistors are used.


It is better as compared to fixed bias circuit.


Circuit is still sensitive to changes in dc. The advantage is only two resistors are used.

Lecture - 17: Biasing Techniques

Determine the Q-point for the CE amplifier given in fig. 1, if R1 = 1.5K W and Rs = 7K W . A 2N3904 transistor is used
with = 180, RE = 100W and RC = Rload = 1K W . Also determine the Pout(ac) and the dc power delivered to the
circuit by the source.

Fig. 1
We first obtain the Thevenin equivalent.


Note that this is not a desirable Q-point location since VBB is very close to VBE. Variation in VBE therefore
significantly change IC.We find Rac = RC || Rload= 500 W and Rdc = RC + RE =1.1KW. The value of VCE
representing the quiescent value associated with ICQ is found as follows,


Since the Q-point is on the lower half of the ac load line, the maximum possible symmetrical output voltage swing is

The ac power output can be calculated as

The power drawn from the dc source is given by

The power loss in the transistor is given by

The Q-point in this example is not in the middle of the load line so that output swing is not as great as possible.
However, if the input signal is small and maximum output is not required, a small IC can be used to reduce the power
dissipated in the circuit.

Lecture - 18: Small Signal CE Amplifiers

Small Signal CE Amplifiers:

CE amplifiers are very popular to amplify the small signal ac. After a transistor has been biased with a Q point near
the middle of a dc load line, ac source can be coupled to the base. This produces fluctuations in the base current and
hence in the collector current of the same shape and frequency. The output will be enlarged sine wave of same
The amplifier is called linear if it does not change the wave shape of the signal. As long as the input signal is small,
the transistor will use only a small part of the load line and the operation will be linear.
On the other hand, if the input signal is too large. The fluctuations along the load line will drive the transistor into
either saturation or cut off. This clips the peaks of the input and the amplifier is no longer linear.
The CE amplifier configuration is shown in fig. 1.

Fig. 1
The coupling capacitor (CC ) passes an ac signal from one point to another. At the same time it does not allow the dc
to pass through it. Hence it is also called blocking capacitor.

Fig. 2
For example in fig. 2, the ac voltage at point A is transmitted to point B. For this series reactance XC should be very
small compared to series resistance RS. The circuit to the left of A may be a source and a series resistor or may be
the Thevenin equivalent of a complex circuit. Similarly RL may be the load resistance or equivalent resistance of a

complex network. The current in the loop is given by

As frequency increases,
decreases, and current increases until it reaches to its maximum value vin / R.
Therefore the capacitor couples the signal properly from A to B when XC<< R. The size of the coupling capacitor
depends upon the lowest frequency to be coupled. Normally, for lowest frequency XC 0.1R is taken as design rule.
The coupling capacitor acts like a switch, which is open to dc and shorted for ac.
The bypass capacitor Cb is similar to a coupling capacitor, except that it couples an ungrounded point to a grounded
point. The Cb capacitor looks like a short to an ac signal and therefore emitter is said ac grounded. A bypass capacitor
does not disturb the dc voltage at emitter because it looks open to dc current. As a design rule XCb 0.1RE at lowest

Lecture - 19: Analysis of CE amplifier

AC Load line:
Consider the dc equivalent circuit fig. 1.

Fig. 1
Assuming IC = IC(approx), the output circuit voltage equation can be written as

The slop of the d.c load line is

When considering the ac equivalent circuit, the output impedance becomes RC || RL which is less than (RC +RE).
In the absence of ac signal, this load line passes through Q point. Therefore ac load line is a line of slope (-1 / ( RC ||
RL) ) passing through Q point. Therefore, the output voltage fluctuations will now be corresponding to ac load line as
shown in fig. 2. Under this condition, Q-point is not in the middle of load line, therefore Q-point is selected slightly
upward, means slightly shifted to saturation side.

Fig. 2

Lecture - 20: Design of Amplifier

Example -1 (Common Emitter Amplifier Design)

Design a common-emitter amplifier with a transistor having a =200 and VBE = 0.7 V. Obtain an
overall gain of |A V | 100 and maximum output voltage swing. Use the CE configuration shown in fig. 1
with two power supplies. Rsource is the resistance associated with the source, vsource. Let Rsource= 100
Ohms. The output load is 2K. Determine the resistor values of the bias circuitry, the maximum
undistorted output voltage swing, and the stage voltage gain.

Fig. 1
The maximum voltage across the amplifier is 10 V since the power supply can be visualized as a 10V
power supply with a ground in the center. In this case, the ground has no significance to the operation of
the amplifier since the input and output are isolated from the power supplies by capacitors.
We will have to select the value for RC and we are really not given enough information to do so. Let
choose RC = Rload.
We don't have enough information to solve for RB we can't use the bias stability criterion since we
don't have the value of RE either. We will have to (arbitrarily) select a value of RB or RE. If this leads to
a contradiction, or bad component values (e.g., unobtainable resistor values), we can come back and
modify our choice. Let us select a value for RE that is large enough to obtain a reasonable value of VBB,
Selecting RE as 400 will not appreciably reduce the collector current yet it will help in maintaining a
reasonable value of VBB. Thus,
RB = 0.1 RE = 0.1 (200)(400) = 8 K
To insure that we have the maximum voltage swing at the output, we will use

Note that we are carrying out our calculations to four places so that we can get accuracy to three places.
The bias resistors are determined by

Since we designed the bias circuit to place the quiescent point in the middle of the ac load line, we can
Vout(undistorted p-p) 1.8 (2.94 x 10-3 ) (2 K || 2 K ) =5.29 V
Now we can determine the gain of the amplifier itself.

Using voltage division, we can determine the gain of the overall circuit.
The value of Rin can be obtained as

Thus the overall gain of the amplifier is

This shows that the common-emitter amplifier provides high voltage gain. However, it is very noisy, it
has a low input impedance, and it does not have the stability of the emitter resistor common emitter

Lecture - 21: Common Collector Amplifier

Common Collector Amplifier:

If a high impedance source is connected to low impedance amplifier then most of the signal is dropped
across the internal impedance of the source. To avoid this problem common collector amplifier is used in
between source and CE amplifier. It increases the input impedence of the CE amplifier without
significant change in input voltage.
Fig. 1, shows a common collector (CC) amplifier. Since there is no resistance in collector circuit,
therefore collector is ac grounded. It is also called grounded collector amplifier. When input source
drives the base, output appears across emitter resistor. A CC amplifier is like a heavily swamped CE
amplifier with a collector resistor shorted and output taken across emitter resistor.

vout = vin - vBE

Fig. 1
Therefore, this circuit is also called emitter follower, because VBE is very small. As vin increases, vout
If vin is 2V, vout = 1.3V
If vin is 3V, vout = 2.3V.
Since vout follows exactly the vin therefore, there is no phase inversion between input and output.
The output circuit voltage equation is given by
Since IE IC
\ IC = (VCC VCE ) / RE
This is the equation of dc load line. The dc load line is shown in Fig. 1.

Lecture - 22: Power Amplifier

Darlington Amplifier:
It consists of two emitter followers in cascaded mode as shown in fig. 1. The overall gain is close to unity. The main
advantage of Darlington amplifier is very large increase in input impedence and an equal decrease in output
impedance .

Fig. 1

DC Analysis:
The first transistor has one VBE drop and second transistor has second VBE drop. The voltage divider produces VTH to
the input base. The dc emitter current of the second stage is
IE2 = (VTH 2 vBE ) / (RE )
The dc emitter current of the first stage that is the base current of second stage is given by
IE1 IE2 /2
If r'e(2) is neglected then input impedance of second stage is
Zin (2) = 2 RE
This is the impedance seen by the first transistor. If r'e(1) is also neglected then the input impedance of 1 becomes.
Zin (1) = 1 2 RE
which is extremely high because of the products of two betas, so the approximate input impedance of Darlington
amplifier is
Zin = R1 || R2

Output impedance:
The Thevenin impedance at the input is given by
RTH = RS || R1 || R2

Similar to single stage common collector amplifier, the output impedance of the two stages zout(1) and zout(2) are given

Therefore, t he output impedance of the amplifier is very small.

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