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The Mathematics of Entanglement - Summer 2013

28 May, 2013

Exercise Sheet 2

Exercise 1
Let = x x xx be a density operator. Define projectors
P,n, =

x1 x1 . . . xn xn =



(x1 ,...,xn )T,n,

The range of P,n, is called a typical subspace.

1. Show that the rank of P,n, (i.e., the dimension of a typical subspace) is at most 2n(S()+) .
Solution: The size of the typical set T,n, is at most 2n(H()+) , and H() = S().
2. Show that tr n P,n, 1 as n .
tr n P,n, =

x1 . . . xn =

(x1 ,...,xn )T,n,

n (x1 , . . . , xn ) = Pr((X1 , . . . , Xn ) T,n, ),

(x1 ,...,xn )T,n,

where X1 , . . . , Xn are i.i.d. random variables each distributed according to . This probability
converges to one as n (see Exercise 2 on Sheet 1).
Exercise 2
In this exercise, we will show that for a bipartite pure state AB , both the entanglement cost EC
and the distillable entanglement ED are equal to S(A ) = S(B ), the von Neumann entropy of the
reduced density matrices.
An B n
We first show that EC (AB ) S(A ). For this, we fix > 0 and consider the state
(PA ,n, 1B ) n
AB .
An B n n 1 0.
1. Show that
Solution: Note that
AB (PA ,n, 1B ) AB = tr A PA ,n, 1

by the second part of Exercise 1. That this implies that the trace distance between n
AB and
An B n converges to 0 is a special case of the so-called gentle
the post-measurement state
measurement lemma:


Let be a pure state, P a projection and P 1 . The post-measurement state is

= P , and the overlap (fidelity) between it and the original state can be lower-bounded

2 = P = P 1 .

P 2
Now use that


2 = 1 ,

which we leave as an exercise.

2. Show that the rank of An is at most 2n(S(A )+) .

Solution: Since An PA ,n, n
A , this follows directly from the first part of Exercise 1.
AB can be produced by LOCC from n(S(A ) + ) EPR pairs. Conclude that
3. Show that
EC (AB ) S(A ) + .
Hint: Use quantum teleportation.
An B n
Solution: Consider the following protocol: Alice first prepares the bipartite state
on her side, and then teleports the B-part to Bob. To do so, she needs approx. log2 rank B =
log2 rank A = log2 2n(S(A )+) = n(S(A ) + ) EPR pairs.
We now show that ED (AB ) S(A ). For this, consider the spectral decomposition A =

k k kk. For each type T = (t1 , . . . , td ), define the type projector

Pn,T =

k1 k1 . . . kn kn .

(k1 ,...,kn ) of type T

Note that T Pn,T = 1, so that the (Pn,T ) constitute a projective measurement.

1. Suppose that Alice measures (Pn,T ) and receives the output T . Show that all non-zero
eigenvalues of her post-measurement state Pn,T A Pn,T are equal. How many EPR pairs can
Alice and Bob produce from the global post-measurement state?
Solution: The vectors
x are the eigenvectors of n . Note that the corresponding eigen. Thus the non-zero eigenvalues of
value, x1 . . . xn , only depends on the type of the string x
the post-measurement state An on Alices side are all equal, and the rank of An is equal to
the number of strings with type T (and hence given by a binomial coefficient, see Arams lecture). In view of the Schmidt decomposition, the global post-measurement state is equivalent
to approx. log2 rank A EPR pairs.
2. For any fixed > 0, conclude that this scheme allows Alice and Bob to produce at least
n(S(A ) ) EPR pairs with probability going to one as n . Conclude that ED (AB )
S(A ) .
Solution: With high probability, the measured type T is typical.


Exercise 3
Consider a system of N fermions with single-particle Hilbert space Cd (d N ). The quantum state
of such a system is described by a density matrix on the antisymmetric subspace N Cd = {
(Cd )N P = det P }.
1. Since N Cd (Cd )N , we know how to compute the reduced state of any of the fermions.
Show that all single-particle reduced density matrices 1 , . . . , N are equal.
Solution: Since is supported on the anti-symmetric subspace, we have
P P = (det P )(det P ) = .
By choosing = (k l), i.e. the permutation that exchanges k and l, it follows that
tr k A = tr (1k1 A 1N k )
= tr P P (1k1 A 1N k )
= tr P (1k1 A 1N k )P
= tr (1l1 A 1N l ) = tr l A.

2. The original Pauli principle asserts that occuption numbers of fermionic quantum states are
no larger than one, i.e.
tr ai ai 1.
Show that this is equivalent to a constraint on the single-particle reduced density matrices.
Solution: The matrix elements of the single-particle reduced density matrix of a fermionic
state are given by
i1 j =
tr aj ai
You check this e.g. by considering the occupation number basis of the antisymmetric subspace
(this basis is also useful for proving the Pauli principle itself; note that ai ai = ni is a number
operator). By using (1), the Pauli principle can be restated as the following constraint on the
diagonal elements of 1 with respect to an arbitrary basis i:
i1 i



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