Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) Composer
Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) Composer
Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) Composer
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Download........................................................................................................................ 7
Installation ...................................................................................................................... 9
Configuration................................................................................................................ 11
TOGAF ................................................................................................................................ 17
EPF Wiki.............................................................................................................................. 13
EPF Practices ....................................................................................................................... 13
OpenUP................................................................................................................................ 16
Other Libraries ..................................................................................................................... 16
Concepts............................................................................................................................... 29
Create a Method Plug-in ...................................................................................................... 29
Create a Content Package .................................................................................................... 29
Create a Work Product......................................................................................................... 29
Create a Role........................................................................................................................ 29
Create a Task ....................................................................................................................... 29
Work with Steps................................................................................................................... 29
Create Guidance Elements ................................................................................................... 29
Apply Guidance ................................................................................................................... 29
Create a Standard Method Category .................................................................................... 29
Add a Method Plug-in to a Configuration............................................................................ 29
Concepts............................................................................................................................... 29
Basic Navigation.................................................................................................................. 29
Browse Method Content ...................................................................................................... 29
Browse Process Content ...................................................................................................... 29
Browse While Authoring ..................................................................................................... 29
Search .................................................................................................................................. 29
Introduction................................................................................................................... 12
EPF Download Site....................................................................................................... 12
Concepts............................................................................................................................... 29
Contribute to a Role ............................................................................................................. 29
Bjorn Tuft No Rights Reserved
Filename: EPF_Tutorial_2010024_v14.doc
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Concepts............................................................................................................................... 29
Publish a Method Configuration .......................................................................................... 29
Create a Custom Category ................................................................................................... 29
Create a Method Configuration............................................................................................ 29
Publish a Custom Method Configuration............................................................................. 29
Concepts............................................................................................................................... 29
Browse Process Content ...................................................................................................... 29
Create a Delivery Process .................................................................................................... 29
Use Capability Patterns........................................................................................................ 29
Create a Process Diagram .................................................................................................... 29
Process Description.............................................................................................................. 29
Process Views ...................................................................................................................... 29
Capability Patterns and Delivery Processes ......................................................................... 29
Process and Default Configuration ...................................................................................... 29
Process Packages ................................................................................................................. 29
Process Diagrams................................................................................................................. 29
Descriptors ........................................................................................................................... 29
Process Content Summary ................................................................................................... 29
User Interface................................................................................................................ 29
Authoring Perspective................................................................................................... 29
Browsing Perspective ................................................................................................... 29
Library View................................................................................................................. 29
Configuration View ...................................................................................................... 29
View Method Content................................................................................................... 29
Open an Existing Method Library ................................................................................ 29
Create a New Method Library ...................................................................................... 29
Create a Method Plug-in ............................................................................................... 29
Bjorn Tuft No Rights Reserved
Filename: EPF_Tutorial_2010024_v14.doc
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Assign Category................................................................................................................... 29
Modify Category Assignment .............................................................................................. 29
Contributes Variability......................................................................................................... 29
Extends Variability .............................................................................................................. 29
Replaces Variability............................................................................................................. 29
Extends and Replaces Variability ........................................................................................ 29
Associations Impacted by Variability .................................................................................. 29
Browsing Variability Relationships ..................................................................................... 29
Create a Role........................................................................................................................ 29
Create a Task ....................................................................................................................... 29
Create a Work Product......................................................................................................... 29
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Local Contribution....................................................................................................................... 29
Local Replacement ...................................................................................................................... 29
Local Replacement and Deep Copy............................................................................................. 29
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EPF Downloads
Under EPF Composer, click on Download which brings up yet another web page:
Figure 2.
EPF Downloads
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EPF Downloads
The NLS Plug-in is required if you want to use the EPF Composer and the published
documentation in another language than English. The NLS Pack is installed by just
merging the NLS directory with the existing EPF Composer directory.
Comment: We have to say if and when the EPF Rich Text Feature and/or NLS Plugin and Feature Overlay Download must be download and installed and how to
install them.
Click on Download to the right of EPF 1.5.04 New. That brings up yet another
webpage. The page will depend upon the version that you have selected.
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EPF Downloads
This time, you should click on the green arrow (not on Download).
You are then asked to save the file:
Once the download has finished, you have to extract the zip file. The result is a folder
with the name epf-composer and you can either extract it directly to a destination
folder or move it to a destination folder after extraction. The folder can be put under
c:\program files\eclipse, c:\epf-composer or any other destination folder you fancy.
Then go to the destination folder, in our example the epf-composer in the root
directory of the D: partition, and start the EPF composer programme by double-clicking
on the epf.exe file (for future use, it is recommended to create a short-cut on the
The Eclipse Process Framework Composer Welcome screen appears.
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Clicking on the arrow in the top right corner brings you directly to the Workbench. If
you want to go back to the Welcome screen, go the menu item Help and select
The workbench screen is empty:
Figure 6.
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After installation, you should also pay attention to default folders used by EPF
Composer. Select Windows Preferences. In the preference dialogue window
expand Method and click on Authoring and on Publishing / Browsing. After
installation, they will point to folders:
C:\Documents and Settings\User\EPF\Method Libraries;
C:\Documents and Settings\User\EPF\Publish;
These folders contain files that keep track of application changes performed by the user.
You can change the location of these files by creating a folder elsewhere, for example
under the epf_composer folder and by changing the epf.ini file. The second line in the
epf.ini file has the text: @user.home/EPF/workspace.150. Change the part before the
mention of workspace.150 to the path/folder you have created, for example to: D:\epfcomposer\Startup\workspace.150.
By now, the application and your files are all to be found under the epf-composer folder.
That makes the application portable and easy to backup.
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You have multiple options to work with the EPF to create your own process
documentation: (1) Create your content from scratch. (2) Use an existing content
library and modify its content. (3) Use an existing content library to add specific
content to your own documentation. Which one to choose depends on what amount of
material you already have available, and how much of content you expect to be reusable
from the provided libraries.
Already created method content can be imported, either by importing method libraries,
method plug-ins or XML files.
All method contents are stored in a method library and importing already created
content requires either an existing method library or the creation of a new library.
Importing a method library creates a new method library, while importing a method
plug-in or an XML file requires an existing method library or the creation of a new
method library before importing.
Existing method content import sources:
Library Configuration
Method Plug-ins
By installing already created method elements and by changing and extending the
content, the authors can create process descriptions that are appropriate for their
environment, without having to start from scratch.
A library is a container for method plug-ins and method configuration definitions. All
method elements are stored in a library. To download existing content from the EPF
site, go back to the first download page as in previous Figure 1, here figure 7: EPF
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EPF Downloads
EPF Wiki
There is no need to download the EPF Wiki, at least not at this stage. You may
however consider installing the EPF Wiki later.
An important success factor for living process descriptions is the possibility for the
users to give feedback on the content. Even without the EPF Wiki, after you have
published your process description, users can provide feedback using the appropriate
link in the upper right corner of the browser window. This creates, for instance, an email with a link to the currently displayed page, and the user can simply add his
proposal for improvement. This feedback then may be collected, decided upon, and
used to create a new release.
However, in some cases this is not sufficient to achieve user acceptance. The EPF Wiki
is another mean to collect user feedback, by allowing the user to add the feedback
directly to the provided content.
For the installation and usage of the EPF Wiki, please refer to the project home on The installation of EPF
Wiki will not be part of this document.
EPF Practices
The practices library is included as part of the EPF 1.5 Most of the open source content
derives from OpenUP 1.0, refactored to support independent practices.
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Download the two zip files. Extracting the zip files results in two folders:
epf_practices and epf_practices_published.
The epf_practices library is an example of already created content in modifiable source
format published as EPF method plug-ins, which can be edited once they have been
loaded in the EPF Composer and which can subsequently be published.
The already provided published version is a static html website (set of web pages) that
can be installed on any computer, even those that do not run the EPF Composer.
Therefore, if you only want to use the out-of-the-box content as is, you can simply
unzip the *published*.zip, and run index.htm in your favourite browser and you will be
able to navigate the already published content.
We recommend that you move the two folders under the epf-composer folder.
To install the epf practice libraries, start the EPF composer program by double-clicking
on epf.exe again. The go to menu File Open Method Library. Click Browse
and navigate to the epf_practices folder placed under the epf-composer folder and
click OK. The file that the programme is looking for is named: library.xmi which it
finds in the epf_practices folder.
Then the Copy Library dialogue window pops up and tells you: The library you are
opening is a default library supplied with the composer.
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Copy Library
What this message attempts to say, is that you have the choice of either using the files in
the epf_work_practices folder or creating a separate folder (using the operating
systems file utility) and then letting the epf-composer copy the existing files over to the
new folder (for example epf_work_practices). In the latter case, you will have two
sets of files, one working set that you can modify and another with the original pristine
and unchanged files. In the second case you will always have an unchanged reference
You can for example create a new folder using the operating systems File Explorer (in
the case of MS Windows), with for example a folder name like epf_work_practices.
Afterwards, having switched back to the EFP application, you click on Browse and
navigate so that it points to the new epf_work_practices folder. You then click OK,
which brings you back to the pop-up Copy Library window and you click on Copy
and wait a few seconds. The workbench screen has now changed. The title bar shows
the path and the name of the working folder.
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The OpenUP Library is included in the EPF Practices and does not need to be
installed separately.
Then why do we complicate things by listing it on the webpage?
Published OpenUP web pages
The UpenUP web pages are however available for download. Extract the files
from the file and place them in the
epf-composer folder. Double-click on index.htm, which will open the Internet
browser and you will be able to navigate the already published content
Other Libraries
For the other libraries follow the same steps. On the EPF Downloads page, see Figure
1, the following libraries are available for downloading.
MAM (Method Authoring Method) for Eclipse Practices Library (EPL)
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Once you have downloaded the file, the next step is
to extract the zip file. The result is a folder and you can change its name. We called the
folder TOGAF_Export for example. We suggest you place the folder under the epfcomposer folder.
Figure 11. Create new Method Library
Again, you will create a working directory for the method; in our case we created a
folder called epf_work_TOGAF9. Then open EPF and create a new Method Library.
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Click Finish and the Method Library is then created. You can now import the TOGAF9
Method Plug-in to this library.
Figure 13. Import Method Plug-in
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You select TOGAF9 and click on Finish. You are in business. You have now an
Enterprise Architecture library in your work folder epf_work_TOGAF9.
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Start EPF and click on File Open Method Library. The Open Method Library
dialogue box opens. Browse to select the folder with the library (or with the editable
copy of the original library) files.
In this case we have selected D\epfcomposer\epf_work_practices folder.
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Then, somewhat surprisingly, the Copy Library dialogue box pops up again:
Figure 19. Copy Library
Again, this message tells you, although not very clearly, that you have the choice
between using the files in the epf_work_practices folder or creating a separate folder
and copying the files over. In the latter case, you would have two copies. In our case,
since we clicked on Copy when we installed the files the first time, the files in the
epf_work_practices folder are already a copy of the files in the epf_practices folder.
Since we do not need an additional copy of the copy of the original files, we therefore
click on the Skip button to load the already existing method library in the default
working folder epf_work_practices.
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3. Introduction
You will find material that can help you getting started on:
Who will benefit from EPF
Introduction to OpenUP
EPF Composer Overview - Part 1
EPF Composer Overview - Part 2
An Introduction to EPF
Customisation scenarios with EPF Composer and OpenUP
Welcome to the Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) Composer. The EPF Composer is a
is a free, open-source tool platform for enterprise architects, programme managers,
process engineers, project leads and project managers to implement, deploy, and
maintain processes for organisations or individual projects.
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The picture above provides a summary of the key elements used in the EPF Composer
their relationships with processes or method content. As you see, method content is
primarily expressed using work products, roles, tasks, and guidance. Categories are
required for publishing the process methodologies as a Web site. Guidance, such as
checklists, examples, or roadmaps, can also be defined to provide exemplary
walkthroughs of a process.
On the right-hand side of the diagram, you see the elements used to represent processes
in EPF Composer. The main process element is the activity that can be nested to define
breakdown structures as well as related to each other to define a flow of work.
Activities also contain descriptors that reference method content. Activities are used to
define processes of which EPF Composer support two main kinds: delivery processes
and capability patterns.
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Method content describes roles, the tasks that they perform, the work products that are
used and produced by those tasks, and supporting guidance.
Figure 22. EPF Composer Method Content Representation
The figure above illustrates how method content is represented in EPF Composer.
Many development methods are described in publications such as books, articles,
training material, standards and regulations, and other forms of documentation. These
sources usually document methods by providing step-by-step explanations for a
particular way of achieving a specific development goal under general circumstances.
Some examples are: transforming a requirements document into an analysis model;
defining an architectural mechanism based on functional and non-functional
requirements; creating a project plan for a development iteration; defining a quality
assurance plan for functional requirements; redesigning a business organisation based
on a new strategic direction, and so on.
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A process defines sequences of tasks performed by roles and the work products
produced over time.
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The figure above shows that processes are typically expressed as workflows or
breakdown structures. Defining a strict sequence as in a waterfall model is as much a
process as is defining semi-ordered sequences in iterations of parallel work. They just
represent different development approaches. Hence, for defining a process, one can
take method content and combine it into structures that specify how the work shall be
organised over time, to meet the needs of a particular type of development project (such
as business transformation versus software for a online system supporting the business
EPF Composer supports processes based on different development approaches across
many different lifecycle models, including waterfall, incremental, and iterative life
cycles. EPF Composer also supports different presentations for process, such as workbreakdown structure or workflow presentations. You can also define processes in EPF
Composer that use a minimal set of method content to define processes for agile, selforganising teams.
The screen capture above shows an example of a process presented as a breakdown
structure of nested activities as well as a workflow or activity diagram for one particular
activity, the inception phase. It also indicates with the two blue arrows that the
particular method content task "Detail a Use Case" has been applied in the process
twice; firstly in the inception phase under the activity "Define the System," and
secondly, in the elaboration phase in the activity "Refine the system definition". You
see below each of these task applications, referred to as a task descriptors, lists of the
performing roles as well as the input and output work products. If you look closely, you
see that these lists are different for each of these two task descriptors, expressing
differences in performing the "Detail a Use Case" method throughout the lifecycle.
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EPF Composer offers a library containing a great deal of reusable content. Its includes
the OpenUp method framework and various plug-ins extending OpenUp with domainspecific additions such as development for concrete technologies such as J2EE or
different development circumstances such as adopting a commercial off-the-shelf
system (COTS). No organisation or project requires all of this documentation all at
once, but would work with a selection of specific subsets.
EPF Composer manages for that purpose so-called method configurations, which
allow you to specify working sets of content and processes for a specific context, such
as a specific variant of the OpenUp framework that you want to publish and deploy for
a given software project or as a foundation for a development organisation. All content
and processes are organised in method plug-ins and method content packages. A
method configuration is simply a selection of the method plug-ins and packages.
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You create and specify a configuration using the configuration editor depicted in the
figure above. You could start creating your own method configuration by copying one
of the configurations included with EPF Composer and modify it to fit your specific
needs. You can add or remove whole method plug-ins as well as select each plug-in by
checking or un-checking packages.
You can use the resulting configuration as your working set for your EPF Composer
work. The actual content of the configuration, i.e. the included method content and
process elements are always accessible in the configuration view. Use the combo box
in the toolbar to select the currently used method configuration.
Publishing overview
Method configurations are the basis for publishing method content and processes.
A published configuration is an HTML web site that presents all the method content and
processes of the method configuration in a navigable and searchable way. It uses the
relationships established during method content and process authoring to generate
hyper-links between elements as well as provides tree browsers based on the
configuration view and user-defined categorisations of the content.
For publishing, simply create and select a configuration. The publication wizard will do
the rest for you and only publish content that is part of the method configuration. It will
also automatically adopt content to the configuration such as removing references of
method content elements to elements outside of the configuration or removing activities
from your processes that only contain work defined outside of the configuration set.
Hence, publishing will only include the content that you really need. You can always
preview a published configuration using the browsing perspective.
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4. Tutorials
Explore the EPF Composer Workbench
Create Method Content
Reuse Method Content
Work With Processes
Publish Method Content
The tutorials can also found in EPF. In the Workbench, click on the Help menu in the
main tool bar and then click on Help Contents. Expand Eclipse Process Framework
(EPF) Composer and expand Tutorials.
This tutorial contains a brief summary of key concepts followed by five exercises.
Exercises in this tutorial are based on the Practices library available with EPF
Learning objectives
Upon completion of this tutorial you should be able to do the following:
Use the buttons and menus that you will need for routine operations
Use the two main perspectives to see different views of library content
Drill down into a method library to see how library content is categorised
Preview the resulting pages
Time required
The estimated time to complete this tutorial is about 45 minutes.
If you are a new user of EPF Composer, then this tutorial is an appropriate starting
point. You will explore the basic user-interface features and experiment with
some simple browsing actions. This is the first in a series of tutorials about EPF
Basic Navigation
The goal of this exercise is to switch between perspectives and see the features
they provide.
Browse Method Content
The goal of this exercise is to examine method content in a library using the
Browsing perspective.
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The goal of this exercise is to explore process content in a library using the
Browsing perspective.
Browse while Authoring
The goal of this exercise is to browse some library content while in the Authoring
The goal of this exercise is to use the search function to locate method content.
If you are a new user of EPF Composer, then this tutorial is an appropriate starting
point. You will explore the basic user-interface features and experiment with some
simple browsing actions. This is the first in a series of tutorials about EPF Composer.
Method Library
The Method Library contains Method Plug-ins and Method Configurations.
Method Plug-ins
A method library is analogous to a warehouse full of parts that are used to assemble
various products. Elements in a method library are organised by their intended function
in the same way that similar parts are organised on a shelf in the warehouse.
All method content is organised in Method Plug-ins. The Method Plug-ins contain
method Content and Processes.
Method Content consists of method Content Packages and Standard & Custom
Categories. Method Content Packages contain four types of elements: Tasks, Roles,
Work Products and Guidance. There are five Standard Categories: Disciplines,
Domains, Work Product Kinds, Role Sets and Tools. The two types of Processes are
Capability Patterns and Delivery Processes. Processes organise method content
elements into semi-ordered sequences customised for specific types of projects.
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1. Method Plug-ins
Method Content
Content Packages
Work Products
Standard Categories
Work Product Kinds
Role Sets
Custom Categories
Capability Patterns
Delivery Processes
2. Method Configurations
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operations. You can create and maintain method content by using the editors in
this perspective that are optimised for particular content types. As you create and
modify content, you will use this perspective most of the time. There is a preview
option in this perspective so that you can see the resulting page but without
resolving all the contributing elements that make up that page.
The Browsing Perspective provides a more complete preview of the generated
configuration, but you cannot modify it. You might want to use this perspective
to verify new or edited configurations before publishing them. The Browsing
perspective displays all contributing components, but does not show the tree
Browser that will be automatically built and included in the configuration when it
is published.
Basic Navigation
The goal of this exercise is to switch between perspectives and see the features they
To navigate in the authoring and browsing perspectives:
1. Open the epf-practices library by clicking File Open Method Library, then
browse to select the library folder and click Finish.
2. The current perspective is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the main
toolbar. The two perspectives you will use most often are Authoring
and Browsing
. Click on the Open Perspective icon
note the other perspectives available through this menu.
3. You can also change perspectives by clicking on the
symbol to the right of the
perspective indicator. Try using this control to switch back and forth between
4. Switch to the Authoring perspective if you're not already in it. In the left-hand
side of the main window you should see two panels with tree-navigators, one
called Library and the other called Configuration. If the Library panel isn't
visible you should use the Window menu in the main toolbar and select Show
View, and then select Library. This control lets you show or hide the view
5. Explore the Library view. Note the Library view is only available while you are
using the Authoring perspective. It is not accessible while you are in the
Browsing perspective. The Library view shows you all method content in the
current library. The highest-level library content unit is a Method Plug-in
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Click on some of the + symbols and explore content in the plug-ins. Note the +
symbols become - symbols. Expanded tree nodes can be collapsed by clicking on
the - symbols.
Drill down into a practice's base plug-in as follows: expand practice tech
use_case_driven_dev base Method Content Content Packages usecase_driven_development Use-Case Modelling Tasks. The Library view
panel should look like this1:
The view and the content may change somewhat according to revisions.
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10. Switch to the Browsing perspective. The Configuration view is now displayed.
The Configuration view always has the same structure but the content changes
based on the configuration currently selected.
11. Expand the Disciplines folder until you get to tasks and click on a task. The
HTML preview of the selected item is shown on the right of the screen.
12. Switch configurations. The current configuration is displayed in the selection box
below the main menu bar. Select a configuration from the drop down list. You
will see the Configuration view refresh when you do this.
13. Switch back to the Authoring perspective. Expand the process openup base
plug-in, then the Processes folder, then the Capability Patterns folder, then Phase
Iteration Templates.
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The goal of this exercise is to examine method content in a library using the Browsing
To browse method content in the browsing perspective:
1. Select publish.openup in the current configuration drop-down list in the main
menu bar.
2. Select the Browsing perspective. The Configuration view is displayed in the
left-hand panel.
3. To view a task, expand the tree nodes in the Configuration panel by clicking on
the + symbols. Expand Disciplines Architecture. The Configuration view
panel should look like this:
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Click the Refine the Architecture task. A preview of the published Web page for
the selected element is displayed in the content panel.
5. On the published Web page, click the link under Primary Performer in the
Relationships section. This will show the preview page for the Architect.
6. You can click on any links in the preview and use the back icon in the preview
toolbar to return to previous pages.
7. Use this technique to view other elements in the Configuration view. Explore
elements under Domains, Role Sets, etc.
The goal of this exercise is to explore process content in a library using the Browsing
To browse process content in the browsing perspective:
1. Switch to the Browsing perspective.
2. To view a Capability Pattern, in the Configuration, expand the tree node
labelled Processes, then Capability Patterns, then Phase Iteration Templates.
The Configuration view panel should look like this:
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Click Construction Phase Iteration. A preview of the published page for the
selected capability pattern is displayed in the right panel.
4. A capability pattern contains a large amount of information and is displayed over
four tabs:
Work Breakdown Structure
Team Allocation
Work Product Usage
Explore the information on each tab.
Note: When you click on a task in the Work Breakdown Structure tab you
preview a Task Descriptor. A task descriptor is a task within a process. The
task descriptor page has information about the task as it is used at a specific
point in a process. The task descriptor has a link to the task on which it is based.
Clicking on a role or work product in a task descriptor takes you to a Role
Descriptor or a Work Product Descriptor. These provide information about the
role or work product at the same point in the process and provide links back to the
core method element on which they are based.
6. To view a Delivery Process, in the Configuration view, expand the tree node for
Processes, then Delivery Processes, then OpenUP Lifecycle. The display layout
for a delivery process is similar to a capability pattern.
The goal of this exercise is to browse some library content while in the Authoring
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The goal of this exercise is to use the search function to locate method content.
To search content:
1. Switch to the Authoring perspective if it is not already selected.
2. Begin the search by doing either of the following:
Click the Search icon
in the toolbar.
Click the Search menu in the main tool bar and select Search.
3. Click the Method Search tab. Enter "architecture" in the text box and click
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Expand the search results and double-click an element. The editor for the selected
This tutorial contains a brief summary of key concepts followed by ten exercises.
In this tutorial you will create or modify content elements that will be used in
subsequent tutorials. For this reason we suggest that you complete all steps and use the
exact names and text strings as described.
Learning objectives
Upon completion of this tutorial you should be able to do the following:
Create a new method plug-in
Create a new content package
Create a new work product
Create a new role
Create a new task
Work with steps
Create basic guidance
Add a method plug-in to a method configuration
Time required
The estimated time to complete this tutorial is about 90 minutes.
You should make a back up copy of your library before continuing. In the following
exercises we will make minor changes to the library content that you may not want to
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The goal of this exercise is to create a method content package for our new plugin.
Create a Work Product
The goal of this exercise is to create a new task and then relate it to the other
elements that we created in previous exercises.
Work with Steps
The goal of this exercise is to use the Step Editor, which is part of the Task Editor.
Create Guidance Elements
The goal of this exercise is to include the method plug-in created earlier to a copy
of an existing configuration.
This page describes the basic concepts that are required to complete this tutorial.
Method content provides step-by-step explanations describing how specific
development goals are achieved independent of the placement of these steps within a
development lifecycle. Method content is always separated from its application in
There are four main types of method content elements:
Task: how to perform the work;
Role: who performs the work;
Work Product: what is produced, such as artefact, deliverable or outcome;
Guidance, such as: checklist, concept, example, guideline, estimation
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in the library
The base method content included with EPF Composer is protected from direct modification. Read-only method
plug-ins are dimmed in the Library view indicating that they are locked.
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In the New Method Plug-in wizard, provide a name for the new method plug-in.
In this instance, we will call it my_plug-in.
Note: We will refer to this method plug-in by name in many of the following
exercises, so be sure to enter it exactly as shown.
Enter text into the Brief description field. It is always a good idea to add brief
descriptions to new method elements as you create them.
5. In the Referenced Plug-ins panel, select publish.openup.base from the list and
click Finish. This indicates that your plug-in will be an extension to the OpenUp
plug-in. Unified Process provides a repository of base content that you can
supplement with your own content. The new method plug-in is now in the
Library view panel on the left side of your screen. It is not dimmed indicating
that it is not locked and that you can edit it.
To open the plug-in editor, double-click my_plug-in (actually once you click
Finish on the wizard, the editor opens automatically). About halfway down the
page you will see the Lock Plug-in checkbox. This is unchecked for your new
The goal of this exercise is to create a method content package for our new plug-in.
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Important: You cannot create a new content package or any other element in a
locked plug-in.
Save your new content package. There are four ways to save a package or an
Close the editor and confirm you want to save
Click the disk icon in the toolbar
Use the shortcut ctrl+s
Click File Save
Remember: When you create a new element or modify an existing element, a *
symbol is displayed in the tab next to the name of the element, indicating that the
element needs to be saved.
Tip: EPF Composer automatically creates nodes for Tasks, Roles, Work Products
and Guidance under the new content package.
The goal of this exercise is to create a new work product. In this exercise you will
create a type of work product called an artefact3. You can create any content but some
There are three types of work products: artefacts, outcomes and deliverables. An artefact is a tangible work
product that is consumed, produced, or modified by one or more tasks. Artefacts may be composed of other
artefacts. An outcome is an intangible work product that may be a result or state. It may also be used to describe
work products that are not formally defined. A deliverable is a collection of work products, usually artefacts,
used to define typical or recommended content in the form of work products packaged for delivery.
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Page 49 of 273
Create a Role
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Create a Task
The goal of this exercise is to create a new task and then relate it to the other elements
that we created in previous exercises.
To create a task:
1. In the Library view under my_content_package right-click Tasks and select New
2. The Description tab is selected in the task editor. Use the following attributes to
create the new task:
Name: my_design_user_interface
Presentation name: My Design User Interface
Brief description: To produce a design of the user interface that can be
used to validate the new layout.
3. Click the Steps tab and click Add. A new step named New Step is created.
Change the name of this step to Describe the characteristics of related users.
4. Click Add again and add a second step named Identify the primary user
interface elements. Note that you could add additional details about these steps
in the Description field.
5. Click the Roles tab and in the Primary performers field click Add. The Select
Dialog: Roles window opens. From this list select my_user_interface_designer as
the Primary Performer. The complete list of roles is long but you can shorten it
by entering "my*" in the Name patterns field. Click OK.
Page 51 of 273
Click the Work Products tab and in the Mandatory inputs section, click Add.
The Select Dialog: Work Products window opens. In the plug-in: expand technical_work_products, select
use_case_model and click OK.
You should still be on the Work Products panel. In the Outputs section, click
Add. Enter "my*" in the name pattern field. Select my_navmap and click OK.
Click the Guidance tab and click Add. The Select Dialog: Guidance window
opens. Under Visual Modelling Guidance, select using_visual_modeling and
click OK.
Click the Categories tab and click Add to add a discipline. Select
development_discipline and click OK.
Click the Preview tab to view the newly created task, and then save your work by
closing the task editor.
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12. Click the Preview tab to view the newly created task:
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The goal of this exercise is to use the Step Editor, which is part of the Task Editor.
When you create a task, you can define a series of steps that detail how to perform the
task. Using the Step Editor, you can add new steps, change the sequence of steps, and
delete steps.
To add steps in a task:
1. Double-click my_design_user_interface
2. Click the Steps tab.
3. Create a new step:
a. Click Add.
b. Enter a name for the new step in the Steps box.
c. Enter a Description; you can use the rich text editor for this.
d. See the results on the Preview tab
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Remove a step:
a. Return to the Steps tab.
b. Select the step that you want to remove.
c. Click Delete.
d. See the results on the Preview tab.
5. Move a step up the list:
a. Return to the Steps tab.
b. Select the step that you want to move up.
c. Click Up.
d. See the results on the Preview tab.
6. Move a step down the list:
a. Return to the Steps tab.
b. Select the step that you want to move down.
Page 55 of 273
The goal of this exercise is to create a guidance element. Guidance elements are
supplementary free-form documentation. There are fourteen guidance element types:
Checklist, Concept, Example, Guideline, Estimation Consideration, Practice, Report,
Reusable Asset, Roadmap, Supporting Material, Template, Term Definition, Tool
Mentor and White Paper.
For this task we will create a representative guidance element, in this case, a checklist.
After you have done this, you can try authoring additional guidance types.
In a checklist, check items are created in the same way as steps in a task are created, by
using the Check Items tab in the checklist editor.
To create guidance elements:
1. In the Library view under my_content_package, right-click Guidance and select
New Checklist.
2. Name the guidance "my_create_physical_appearance_checklist" and enter the
presentation name "My Create Physical Appearance Checklist".
3. Use the Check Items tab to add the following check items:
Create branding specifications
Define physical specifications
4. Close the guidance editor and save the new checklist.
5. Go back to the task you created in the previous exercise and add the new checklist
to my_prototype_user_interface. Recall that you do this by clicking the
Guidance tab and then selecting from a list of possible guidance elements.
Shorten the list by searching for "my*".
6. Use the Preview tab to generate a view of the page as it will look in a published
site. My Create Physical Appearance Checklist should be displayed at the bottom
of the page in a section labelled More Information.
Page 56 of 273
Apply Guidance
The goal of this exercise is to perform some simple management tasks, specifically
adding and removing guidance.
Guidance can be attached to any core method content or process element. Guidance
elements can be attached to other guidance elements.
To add and remove guidance elements:
1. Locate the my_navmap artefact that you created earlier in this tutorial.
2. Double-click the icon for my_navmap. The artefact editor panel opens.
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Page 58 of 273
Go back to the Guidance editor and remove the concept Visual Modelling.
9. Click the Preview tab to view your work.
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Page 60 of 273
The goal of this exercise is to include the method plug-in created earlier to a copy of an
existing configuration.
Before your new elements can be seen in the configuration view, you need to add your
new method plug-in to a configuration. We will add the new method plug-in to a copy
of the publish.openup configuration and see the results in the Configuration view.
To add a plug-in to a configuration:
1. Use the Open Perspective button to switch to the Browsing perspective.
2. Try to find your new content in the configuration view panel. For example, look
for My Design role set. You should not see it.
3. Switch to the Authoring perspective and then expand the Configurations node in
the Library view panel.
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Time required
The estimated time to complete this tutorial is about 2 hours.
Create method content tutorial.
The goal of this exercise is to extend base method content associated with a role
by using Extends variability.
Extend a Work Product
The goal of this exercise is to customise a base method work product using
Extends variability.
Extend a Task
The goal of this exercise is to extend a base method content associated with a task
by using Extends variability.
Replace a Role
The goal of this exercise is to extend base method content associated with a role
using Replaces variability.
Page 64 of 273
The goal of this exercise is to extend base method content associated with a role
using Extends and Replaces variability.
This page provides background information required to complete the exercises in this
In this tutorial we will use a powerful mechanism for reusing and customising existing
content called method content variability. The original content will not be affected by
our operations; however, we will build upon it as a base for defining our new content.
Then we will demonstrate that modifications to the base content are automatically
inherited by variable content in dependent plug-ins. When the resulting configuration is
published as a Web site or exported, all of our customisation will be resolved into a
single resource.
There are four types of method content variability and in this tutorial we will use all of
them to customise existing content. The following are the four ways for using method
content variability:
Extends and Replaces
Contribute to a Role
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Click OK to complete the selection. You can now continue using the role editor.
The Content Variability section should look like this:
Add some sample text to the Brief description and Main description fields.
Brief description: Contributing brief description text
Main description: Contributing main description text
We will look for these text strings later in this exercise. Save your changes by
closing the role editor.
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Page 67 of 273
Use the Variability Type menu to select Contributes, then click Select to the
right of Base in this section. The Select Dialog: Artefacts window opens.
Select test_case and click OK to close this window. You can find this under technical_work_products.
Save your changes by closing the editor.
Switch back to the Browsing perspective. Make sure that you are using
Use the Configuration view to open Work Product Kinds Uncategorised,
then locate Test Case.
Click the Test Case icon to invoke the editor. The description now has text that
you included in the contributing artefact. You will see it appended to the
appropriate fields in the customised test case.
Contribute to a Task
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11. You can also try specifying additional artefacts, guidance, and additional
performer roles in the contributing task (using the Authoring perspective) and
then view the result in the Configuration view to see the behaviour.
Extend a Role
The goal of this exercise is to extend base method content associated with a role by
using Extends variability.
Extends variability works differently than contributes variability in that the method
content element that extends the base method element inherits the attributes of the
extended base element.
To extend a role:
1. Switch back to the Authoring perspective.
2. Create a new content package under my_plug-in. Name the new content package
"extends_test". Close the editor panel and save your changes.
3. Create a new role under the extends_test content package.
4. Use these attributes for the new role:
Name: my_extends_developer
Presentation name: Extends OpenUP Developer
Brief description: My extended role brief description
Main description: My extended role description
Page 71 of 273
Use the Variability type menu to select Extends then click Select. The Select
Dialog: Roles window opens.
Select the developer role and click OK. This is now the base role extended by our
Save the new role by closing the editor panel.
Update the configuration to include the new content package by doing the
a. Double-click the my.basic.configuration icon in the Library view panel. The
configuration editor panel opens.
b. Click the Plug-in and Package Selection tab.
c. Expand my_plug-in Method Content Content Packages.
d. If they are checked, clear contribution_test and my_content_package. We do
this to make sure that no contributions are coming from other content
e. Make sure that extends_test is checked.
f. Close and save the changes to the configuration.
Switch to the Browsing perspective. Make sure that you are using
In the Configuration view, select Extends OpenUp Developer in the
Uncategorised Roles folder under the Role Sets folder. You will see in the
HTML page that content entered in the extending role has been replaced, whereas
content not provided has been inherited from the base artefact. Note that the
extended role Developer remains unchanged.
The goal of this exercise is to customise a base method work product, using Extends
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Extend a Task
The goal of this exercise is to extend a base method content associated with a task by
using Extends variability.
To extend a task:
1. Switch back to the Authoring perspective.
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Page 74 of 273
Replace a Role
The goal of this exercise is to extend base method content associated with a role using
Replaces variability.
To replace a role:
1. Switch back to the Authoring perspective.
2. Create a new content package in my_plug-in. Name the new content package
"replace_test". Save your changes by closing the editor panel.
3. Create a new role in the content package that we just created.
4. Use these attributes for the new role:
Name: my_replace_tester
Presentation name: My Replace Tester
Brief description: My replaced brief description
Main description: My replaced main description
5. Use the Variability type menu to select Replaces then click Select to the right of
this section. The Select Dialog: Roles window opens.
6. Select tester to be the base role. Click OK to save changes and close the selection
7. Save your changes by closing the role editor panel.
8. Update my.basic.configuration by doing the following:
a. Double-click the my.basic.configuration icon in the Library view panel. The
configuration editor opens.
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The goal of this exercise is to extend base method content associated with a role using
Extends and Replaces variability.
To extend and replace a role:
1. Switch back to the Authoring perspective.
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Create a new content package in my_plug-in. Name the new content package
"extend_and_replace_test". Save your changes by closing the editor panel.
Create a new role in the content package that we just created.
Use these attributes for the new role:
Name: my_extend_replace_tester
Presentation name: My Extend and Replace Tester
Brief description: My extend and replace brief description
Main description: My extend and replace main description
Use the Variability Type menu to select Extends and Replaces then click the
Select button in this section. The Select Dialog: Roles window opens.
Select tester to be the base role. Click OK to save changes and close the selection
Save your changes by closing the role editor panel.
Update my.basic.configuration by doing the following:
a. Double-click the my.basic.configuration icon in the Library view panel. The
configuration editor opens.
b. In the Plug-in and Package Selection tab expand my_plug-in Method
Content Content Packages.
c. Clear all selected content packages.
d. Check extend_and_replace_test. This should be the only content package
selected in my_plug-in. This is done so that there are no conflicting extensions
in the same method element.
e. Close the configuration editor panel to save your changes.
Now switch to the Browsing perspective.
Open Role Sets Basic Roles.
In the Configuration view you will see that there is no tester role in the Basic
Roles folder. It was replaced by the My Extend and Replace Tester role.
Also notice that other content elements in the base plug-in that referenced the
tester role now reference the extend and replacing role instead. If you open the
Disciplines folder and view the task Implement Test, you will see that the
Primary Performer is now My Extend and Replace Tester. Extends and
Replaces works in a similar way for tasks, artefacts, guidance and categories.
Page 77 of 273
This lesson concludes the "Reuse method content" tutorial. Proceed with next tutorial,
"Working with processes".
Learning objectives
Upon completion of this tutorial you should be able to do the following:
Browse existing process content
Create a delivery process
Create a process diagram
Time required
The estimated time to complete this tutorial is about 2 hours.
Reuse method content tutorial.
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The goal of this exercise is to create a delivery process using core method content
Use Capability Patterns
The goal of this exercise is to create a new delivery process using capability
Create a Process Diagram
This topic provides basic background information needed to complete this tutorial.
Using process authoring, a Process Engineer can incorporate method elements into
process structures, for example, a work breakdown structure format familiar to Project
Managers. The processes can be included in a configuration to be published as part of
the published Web site, and can be exported to Microsoft Project.
In method authoring, the Process Engineer defines roles, tasks, work products and
guidance, in addition to the relationships between these elements.
In process authoring, the Process Engineer defines additional lifecycle elements, such
as activities (summary tasks), phases, iterations, and milestones, which can then be used
to compose the core elements into processes. A complete process corresponding to a
project plan, or a phase, is a delivery process. The OpenUp process is an example of a
delivery process. We can also create smaller more granular sections of process, termed
capability patterns, which can be used as building blocks to compose delivery
processes more easily.
Each time a task is included in a process, a copy of that task is created in the context of
the process. This is a task descriptor. The same task can be included any number of
times in the same process. This allows, for example, the same OpenUp task to be
included in every iteration within each OpenUp Phase. A task descriptor can also
modify the base task without actually changing the task. For example, roles and work
products can be added or suppressed; steps can be suppressed or re-sequenced.
Roles and work products are also included in processes as role descriptors and work
product descriptors. Roles and work products can also be customised to fit with the
context of the process in which they are used.
Process Diagrams
EPF Composer provides three types of process diagrams:
Activity diagrams: These diagrams show the subordinate activities in a higher-
level activity. They also show the sequence relationships between those activities.
Page 79 of 273
performing roles along with input and output work products. Activity detail
diagrams are similar to workflow detail diagrams.
Work product dependency diagrams: These diagrams illustrate work product
dependencies on other work products.
All three types of diagrams are generated and synchronised with the associated work
breakdown structure. Changes to the process structure using the diagram editor will be
automatically reflected in the work breakdown structure.
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The goal of this exercise is to create a delivery process using core method content
In process authoring the definitions of the method content elements are not included
directly in the work breakdown structure, but local references termed descriptors are
created, which refer back to the content elements in the method library. Descriptors
contain the references to the original method elements as well as additional information
that is relevant to the local process.
Descriptors provide a mechanism whereby relationships are defined in core method
content authoring, such as roles associated with a task, input and output, and work
products that can be defined or changed locally within the process.
To create a delivery process:
1. Make sure that you are using the Authoring perspective.
2. In the Library view, create a new delivery process under my_plug-in by rightclicking Delivery Processes, then clicking New Delivery Process.
3. When you create a process, you are asked to provide a name and select a default
configuration to be used with the process. Use the name "My DP" and select
my.basic.configuration. If you have not created this configuration, select
Page 81 of 273
Now we are going to add some tasks to the Requirements activity. In the
Configuration view, open Disciplines Requirements. Drag and drop the
following tasks onto the requirements activity that you just created:
Develop Technical Vision
Identify and Outline Requirements
Detail System-Wide Requirements
When you include these tasks in your process, the associated roles and work
products are also included in the process.
You can review the information for each method element in the Properties view4.
You may have to select and right-click the method element, and select the Show
Properties View to open the Properties view.
The Properties View is the editor for activities, task descriptors, roles descriptors, and work product descriptors
contained in processes.
Page 82 of 273
Customise the steps from the Detail System-Wide Requirements task for the
Inception phase. Click the Detail System-Wide Requirements task descriptor,
and open the Properties view. Click the Steps tab.
10. Notice that there are three steps for this task:
Page 83 of 273
14. Make other changes to the tasks in the delivery process that you just created and
see how they are reflected when you view the process in the browsing perspective.
The goal of this exercise is to create a new delivery process using capability patterns.
We will add some capability patterns to the delivery process that you created in the
previous lesson. First we will copy a capability pattern, and then we will extend a
capability pattern.
To add a capability pattern using Copy:
1. Switch to the Authoring perspective and open the My DP delivery process that
you created earlier in this tutorial.
2. In the Configurations view, expand Processes Capability Patterns
3. Drag and drop the Plan and Manage Iteration capability pattern onto the
Inception phase in My DP delivery process. A menu opens, prompting you to
select Copy, Extend or Deep Copy.
4. Select Copy.
5. Expand Plan and Manage Iteration capability pattern to the task descriptor level.
Note that the task descriptor names are displayed in black. This indicates that the
tasks are available for you to edit. Note: Any future changes to the capability
pattern will not be propagated to your process. You can edit the task in the
Properties view.
To add a capability pattern using Extends:
6. Create a new phase in the My DP delivery process. Right-click the first row with
My DP and select New Child Phase. Call the phase "Elaboration".
Page 84 of 273
Create a new iteration in the Elaboration phase. Right-click the Elaboration phase
and select New Child Iteration. Call the iteration "Elaboration Iteration 1".
In the Configurations view, expand Processes > Capability Patterns > Phase
Iteration Templates.
Drag and drop the Inception Phase Iteration capability pattern onto the
Elaboration Iteration 1 iteration in My DP.
Select Extend.
Expand the Inception Phase Iteration capability pattern that you added to the task
descriptor level. Note that the task names are displayed in green italic. This
indicates that the task descriptor is in a part of a process defined elsewhere in a
capability pattern. Subsequent changes to the capability pattern will be
propagated to your process. The Properties view shows the task details but they
cannot be edited.
Right-click a task descriptor in the extended capability pattern and select
Suppress. The task descriptor is disabled and the text colour becomes gray. The
task descriptor will not appear in the published version of the delivery process,
nor will it be included in an export of the process.
Page 85 of 273
Switch back to the Work Breakdown Structure view of My DP and notice the new
phase. Also notice that the links you added on the diagram are reflected in the
Predecessors column.
8. Close the diagrams that you opened.
9. In the Work Breakdown Structure, right-click the Requirements activity and
click Diagrams Open Activity Detail Diagram. The Activity Detail Diagram
is automatically generated. It shows the following:
The roles that perform tasks in the activity
The tasks that the roles perform
The input and output work products for each task
Page 86 of 273
You can change the layout of the diagram but you cannot add or remove any
elements from the diagram.
10. Close the diagram that you opened.
11. In the Work Breakdown Structure, right-click the Requirements activity and
This tutorial contains a brief summary of concepts followed by four guided exercises.
Learning objectives
Upon completion of this tutorial you should be able to do the following:
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Time required
The estimated time to complete this tutorial is about 45 minutes.
This tutorial uses content we created in the Create Method Content and Reuse Method
Content tutorials. If you have not completed those tutorials you should do so before
The goal of this exercise is to publish the method configuration that we created in
an earlier exercise.
Create a Custom Category
Page 88 of 273
The goal of this exercise is to publish the method configuration that we created in an
earlier exercise.
To publish a method configuration:
1. Switch to the Authoring perspective if you are not already using it.
2. Select the configuration my.basic.configuration, if it is not already selected,
using the configuration selection menu in the main tool-bar.
3. In the Library view panel, expand the Configurations folder and double-click
my.basic.configuration. The configuration editor opens in the right panel,
showing the Description tab.
4. Click on the Plug-in and Package Selection tab. The tab shows the method
plug-ins and their content packages that have been included in the configuration.
The selection for publication of plug-ins and packages in the configuration can be
adjusted by selecting and clearing them in the tree display.
Expand the Custom Categories node in the Configuration view and locate the
views associated with this configuration.
6. At the bottom of the Configuration editor panel, select the Views tab.
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The only view shown is the navigation_view_generic. This view resides in the
method plug-in called core.default.nav_view.base under the Method Content
Custom Category node. When we earlier copied and pasted the method
configuration publish.openup and named the copy my.basic.configuration, this
view was inherited.
8. Click on Add View and the Select Dialog: Select Categories pops up with
Method Element Type: Custom Category selected. Select Management Practices
for example:
Page 90 of 273
The view tab now contains two views (navigation views), the
navigation_view_generic and the the management_practice_list.
10. One of the views can be made the default view by selecting the View and clicking
Make Default. The view selected will be the one displayed on top of all others
when configuration is published as a Web site. To summarise: To create a view;
Page 91 of 273
click Add View to select any standard or custom category within the
configuration. The selected category will represent the view and the category's
sub-categories and content elements will represent the view's tree elements.
Close the Configuration editor. You will be prompted to save your changes if
you made any.
In the main tool bar, use the Configuration menu and select Publish.
Select my.basic.configuration and click Next.
Step through Publish Method Configuration wizard accepting the defaults and
publish the method configuration. You may want to use your own title on the
Select publishing options page. It will take a few minutes to generate the Web
site. When the generation is complete, the Web browser applet launches, so that
you can view the resulting published Web site. Accept the security warnings
when the browser launches.
Note: The published Web site has a richer organisation and layout compared to
the simpler view of content shown in the Configuration view.
This tutorial contains a brief summary of key concepts followed by ten exercises.
Page 92 of 273
to the new custom category. Observe how the custom category is reflected in the
Categories tab.
The goal of this exercise is to create a new method configuration. Later in this tutorial
we will publish this configuration.
To create a method configuration:
1. Make sure that you are in the Authoring perspective.
2. There are three ways to create a new method configuration.
a. Click File New Method Configuration.
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This tutorial contains a brief summary of key concepts followed by ten exercises.
Page 94 of 273
Drill down into the content packages in the my_plug-in plug-in by clicking the +
signs. Clear the extends_test and replace_test content packages if you have
created them in earlier tutorials. Clearing these avoids conflicts that may occur
because the same base element is affected by the method plug-ins.
7. Click the Views tab.
Any custom category can be added as a view to a configuration. You can create
any number of custom categories. They are flexible in terms of the content that
you can add to a custom category and in the order in which the content appears.
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Page 96 of 273
User Manual
5. Key Concepts
Method Library Schema
Method Library
Method Plug-in
Method Content Elements
Method Content Package
Method Content Variability
Method Content Categories
Method Configurations
Process Management
The EPF Composer imposes a strict schema, with a structure of virtual folders,
(nodes) being created automatically in response to user action. The folders are virtual
to the extent that they do not always correspond to folders in the file system. We will
often simply write Folder or Node. Each of these will be explained in the
subsequent chapters.
The word (Create) in the following table showing the Library structure indicates that the
EPF Composer has created an empty folder to contain user-defined content.
Schematically, the Library has the following structure:
Page 98 of 273
Library Structure
Method Content
Roles (Create)
Tasks (Create)
Guidance (Create)
Standard Categories
Disciplines (Create)
Domains (Create)
Tools (Create)
What you are creating will be nested under the parent folder of the type you are
creating, i.e. a role will be nested under the parent folder (node) Roles, a Task under the
parent folder (node) Tasks and so forth, resulting in the following Library view:
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Method Library
All method elements are stored in a method library. The method library contains 1)
method plug-ins and 2) method configurations.
Method Plug-ins: All method content is contained in method plug-ins and all
method content must be organised into one or multiple method plug-ins.
2. Method Configurations: A method library also has one or more method
configurations that filter the library and provide smaller working sets of library
content for the end user.
A method configuration is a selection of method plug-ins and their content.
Method configurations are used for (a) creating processes and (b) for defining
which elements will be published:
and when a process is created, a method configuration must be specified for the
process. A method configuration is the list of method plug-ins used to generate
a specific instance of process guidance. The process will be created or
"authored" against the specified method configuration.
Published: The method configurations limit the view to a subset of the library,
i.e. the selections made in the method configuration determine the content of
the published Web site.
To illustrate the relationship between plug-ins and configurations, it can be argued that
a method library is analogous to a warehouse full of parts that are used to assemble
various products. Method configurations are built from subsets of elements in the
method library. Method configurations represent the various products, such as cars, that
can be assembled from parts in the warehouse. While most cars require unique parts
that are used by a specific model, but the warehouse has large numbers of parts that can
be used in more than one model.
When a new method library is created, it has initially no method plug-ins and an empty
Related topics
Method Content Elements
Content Categories
Capability Patterns
Method Configurations
Method Plug-in
Method content provides step-by-step explanations, describing how specific development goals are achieved,
independent of the placement of these steps within a development lifecycle. Processes take these method
elements and relate them into semi-ordered sequences that are customised to specific types of projects.
Method plug-ins contain a Method Content sector, represented with the icon
and a
Processes sector, represented with the icon
. The Method Content schema is
structured in:
Content Packages
Standard Categories
Custom Categories9
Processes are structured into process fragments called capability patterns and full
lifecycle processes called delivery processes.
A process describes how a particular piece of work should be done. The work may have a relatively small scope,
in which case it can be described as a capability pattern, or may address a full project lifecycle, in which case it
can be described as a delivery process. A process can reuse method elements and combines them into a structure
and sequence for carrying out work.
Method content and process elements are organised into logical categories. The categories can appear in your
final, published Web site as navigation views. There are two types of category: standard and custom.
A method plug-in can be standalone and without reference to other plug-ins. It can also
reuse the content created in other plug-ins by referencing them and modifying or
extending the content; or adding its own content to the other plug-ins.
A method plug-in can also play a purely supporting role. Supporting method plug-ins
provide reusable content for other method plug-ins. The content stored in a supporting
method plug-in is only visible and published for a method configuration if other
content, which is not in a supporting plug-in, references it.
For example, you maintain a list of standardised work products for your organisation in
a supporting method plug-in. You only want to publish these work products when they
are actually used by other plug-ins, such as the ones that define the method content and
processes for a specific category of projects. Hence, if any elements in these plug-ins
such as a task modelling having a relationship to such a work product as an input or
output, then the work product will be published. Other work products of that supporting
plug-in that are not used by your content will not be published.
Method content elements describe roles, the tasks that they perform, the work products
that are used and produced by those tasks, and supporting guidance. Method content
elements provide step-by-step explanations, describing how specific development goals
are achieved, independently of the placement of these steps within a process lifecycle.
Processes take these method elements and relate them into semi-ordered sequences that
are customised to specific types of projects.
The four method content elements are:
Work Products
A method content package is a container for method elements. Elements are organised in method packages to
structure a large scale of method content and processes and to define a mechanism for reuse.
All content is organised in method plug-ins. With method plug-ins and method packages, you can organise your
content at a level of granularity that meets your needs for authoring and reusing content.
A Process Engineer authors these elements, defines the relationships between them,
and then categorises them.
For example, a software development project that develops an application from scratch
performs development tasks such as "Develop Vision" or "Use Case Design" similar to
a project that extends an existing software system. However, the two projects perform
the tasks at different points in time and with a different emphasis, that is, they perform
the steps of these tasks at different points of time and perhaps apply individual
variations and additions.
Method content elements are contained within method Content Packages that, in turn,
are contained within Method Plug-ins. In order to separate your own content from any
original industry standard library content, you should always create new method content
in a method plug-in that you produce. Creating method content in a method plug-in of
your own also you to update your standard library with new releases of the industry
standard library without affecting the content that you have created in your own plugins.
There are three types of work products: artefacts, outcomes and deliverables.
Guidance Elements
In addition to roles, tasks and work products, EPF Composer supports the addition of
guidance elements. Guidance elements are supplementary free-form documentation
such as white papers, concept descriptions, guidelines, templates, examples, and so on.
Guidance is a general term for supplemental information that can be added to most
Method and Process elements. Guidance elements can also be associated with other
guidance elements.
Guidance elements can be attached to the following method content elements:
Work products
Guidance elements can be attached to the standard method content categories:
Work Product Kinds
Role Sets
Guidance elements can be attached to the following process elements:
Processes (Capability Patterns and Delivery Processes)
Activity Descriptors (Iterations, Phases and Activities)
Task Descriptors12
The core content of activities is task descriptors and the steps of which they are composed. In addition, activities
also contain role descriptors, work product descriptors, and milestones.
The fourteen guidance element types are: Checklist, Concept, Example, Guideline,
Estimation Consideration, Practice, Report, Reusable Asset, Roadmap, Supporting
Material, Template, Term Definition, Tool Mentor and White Paper.
Adding guidance is an easy way to tailor information for specific projects. For
example, a type of Guidance called a Guideline can be associated to a Work Product
that explains how your project uses that Work Product. For more information about
attaching Guidance elements to specific types of elements, see Variability Associations.
Types of guidance
Table 2 -
Reusable Asset
Supporting Material
Term Definition
Tool Mentor
White Paper
and can be read and understood in isolation of other content elements
and guidance.
Related topics
Method Content Categories13
Create Method Content
Create a Method Plug-in14
Variability Associations
Create Guidance15
A method content package is a container for method content elements (Tasks, Roles,
Work Products and Guidance). Elements are organised in method content packages to
structure a large amount of method content and processes and to define a mechanism for
Method elements from one content package can reuse elements from other content
packages by defining a link between them. For example, a work product defined in one
content package can be used as an input for tasks defined in another content package,
ensuring that no redundant definitions of the same elements are required. In addition,
maintenance of method content is greatly improved as changes can be performed in
only one place.
Although a method content package is a container for method elements, its structure is
enhanced by assigning standard and custom categories to its elements.
A method content package is a container for method content elements:
Work Products
How many containers (Content Packages) should there be, ideally? The question about
decomposition and granularity was already an issue in the discussion about how many
method plug-ins is the right amount and the same question extends to Content Packages.
Just as there can be any amount of method plug-ins in the Method Library, there can be
any number of Content Packages in each method plug-in.
Method content and process elements are organised into logical categories. The categories can appear in your
final, published Web site as navigation views. There are two types of category: standard and custom.
All content is organised in method plug-ins. With method plug-ins and method packages, you can organise your
content at a level of granularity that meets your needs for authoring and reusing content.
Guidance provides information about how to perform a role, how to create a work product, how to perform your
task, and so on.
Related topics
Create a Content Package16
Create a Method Plug-in
Create Method Content
Method content variability allows method content elements in one content package to
modify or reuse elements in other content packages without directly modifying the
original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes to the published
Web site while keeping the components separate and optional. If an element supports
variability, the specification is shown at the bottom of the element's Description view.
You can use variability to customise configurations that use method content and
processes that you do not own and cannot directly modify. When these content
packages are upgraded, you can import them and then reapply the customisation that
you made earlier in a single step, without going through each element
Method content is organised into content packages that are contained in method plug-ins.
Variability Type
Variability type describes how one element affects another through variability
associations. The five types of variability associations are:
Not Applicable
The element is a base element and does not affect another element through
variability. This is the default value of an element's variability type.
A contributing element adds to the base element. Contributes provides a way for
elements to contribute with their properties to their base element without directly
changing any of its existing properties, such as in an additive fashion.
The base appears in the published Web site but the contributing element does not.
In and out relationships from the contributing element are added to the base. Text
from the contributing element is appended to corresponding base sections.
When the contribution is resolved during publication or by using the Browsing
perspective, the base element is logically replaced with an element that combines
the attributes and associations of the contributing element with the base element.
A replacing element replaces parts of the base element. The Replaces variability
association provides a mechanism for an element to replace a base element
without directly changing any of the base element's existing properties. The
replacer appears in the published Web site but the base element does not. Out
Relationships in the replacer are left untouched, and those of the base element
are ignored. In Relationships from the base are added to the replacer. Text in
the replacer is left untouched, and the base element's text is ignored.
An extending element inherits characteristics of the base element. Both the
extender and the base element appear in the published Web site. Out relationships
from the base are added to the extender. In relationships in the extender are left
untouched, the base element's are ignored. Text is added from the base if the
extender has no value defined for the given section.
Extends associations provide a mechanism for method plug-ins to reuse elements
from a base plug-in through a kind of inheritance. Attribute values and
The EPF Composer allows you to categorise your content based on a set of predefined
categories, called standard categories. You can for example categorise your tasks into
development disciplines, or your work products into domains. You can also create your
own categorisation schemes, called custom categories, for your content with your own
user-defined categories that allow you to index the content in any way you want.
You can use the graphical display to navigate to any of the variability elements.
A contributing element adds to the base element. Contributes provides a way for elements to contribute their
properties into their base element without directly changing any of its existing properties, such as in an additive
fashion. When the contribution is resolved during publication or by using the Browsing perspective, the base
element is logically replaced with an element that combines the attributes and associations of the contributing
element with the base element.
The Replaces variability association provides a mechanism for an element to replace a base element without
directly changing any of the base element's existing properties.
Extends associations provide a mechanism for method plug-ins to reuse elements from a base plug-in through a
kind of inheritance. Attribute values and associations are inherited from the "based-on" element to the extending
element. The result is that the extending element has the same properties as the "based-on" element, but might
define its own additions.
Standard Categories
Standard categories provide a means to categorise method content in line with best
practices for creating structured methods.
Unlike custom categories, standard categories, by definition, are linked to specific types
of method content. There are standard categories for grouping tasks into disciplines,
roles into role sets and work products into domains. The categories can only be
assigned to the specified types of method content, for example, disciplines can only
contain tasks.
such as specification, plan, or model.
Role Sets
Custom Categories
You can categorise content according to any scheme using custom categories. Custom
categories are used to compose Navigation Views, thereby providing a means to
organise method content for publishing. A Navigation View is a custom category that is
designed for publication. Required content packages and content elements are assigned
to a custom category. The custom category can then be added as a view to a method
configuration, showing the required content packages and content elements assigned to
that custom category.
Custom categories can also be displayed with the elements that they are categorising.
For example, you could create a custom category that logically organises content that is
related to your development organisation department, such as a Testing category that
groups together all roles, work products, tasks, and guidance elements that are related to
You can organise custom categories in a hierarchy, which means that you can create a
category as a child of another category. Child categories can be referenced by more
than one parent category.
Related topics
Method Configurations
Method Configurations
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
Process Management
Process Description
A process describes how a particular piece of work should be done and defines the
sequences of tasks performed by roles and the work products produced over time.
In method authoring, the Process Engineer defines roles, tasks, work products and
guidance, in addition to the relationships between these elements. In process authoring,
the Process Engineer defines the work to be done, the results to be produced,
responsibilities for the roles and additional lifecycle elements, such as iterations, phases,
activities and milestones. He incorporates the corresponding method elements,
combining them into process structures and sequences for carrying out work.
Process Views
A method library is a container for method plug-ins and method configuration definitions. All method elements
are stored in a method library.
Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A method
configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content elements that
will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites navigation
Method libraries can be comprised of content from many types of methods and whole families of different
processes. A method configuration defines a logical subset of a method library. You use method configurations
to define the scope of your authoring work and when publishing or exporting content.
The work may have a relatively small scope, in which case it can be described as a
capability pattern, or may address a full project lifecycle, in which case it can be
described as a delivery process. Capability patterns are used as building blocks to
compose delivery processes, they describe reusable clusters of activities in common
process areas. A delivery process describes a complete and integrated approach for
performing a specific type of project.
A capability pattern does not relate to any specific phase or iteration of a development
lifecycle, and should not imply any. In other words, a pattern should be designed in a
way that it is applicable anywhere in a delivery process, thereby enabling its activities to
be flexibly assigned to whatever phases there are in the delivery process to which it is
being applied.
A method configuration must be specified for the process at its creation, neither
capability patterns nor delivery processes can be created without being anchored to a
method configuration.
A method configuration defines a logical subset of a method library and contains the list
of method plug-ins used to generate a specific instance of process guidance. The
processes will be created or "authored" against the specified method configuration.
Your process can contain content from many different method plug-ins, not only from
the method plug-in, which contains it. When you author your the process, you therefore
need to create and/or assign a configuration that defines the set of elements and
relationships that must be made visible to the process. This process-authoring
configuration is referred to as the default configuration for the process and it
should define the set of method plug-ins, content packages, and other processes from
the method library that will be referred to by the process.
The method configuration editor is used to select which method plug-ins, content
packages, and categories of elements will be included or excluded from the method
More than one configuration can be added, using the capability pattern or delivery
process editors. One configuration must be selected as the default; it must be a superset of all the other configurations already added (But then, why add the others?).
When activating a process editor, the default behaviour is to prompt for the process
default method configuration if a different configuration is selected or if none is
Process Packages
Right-click Capability Patterns and select New and a choice comes up between
creating a new Process Package or a new Capability Pattern. Right-click Delivery
Processes, the choice comes up between creating a new Process Package or a
Delivery Process.
Process Diagrams
Processes do not directly include core method elements but create local references
termed descriptors that refer back to the elements in the method library. Descriptors
contain additional information relevant to the specific context of the process where they
are inserted and a link to the core method element on which they is based. Roles, tasks
and work products are all included in processes as descriptors and they can be
customised to fit within the context of the process in which they are used. Each element
can be represented by multiple descriptors in a process. Descriptors enable reuse of
method elements in multiple different contexts.
Table 3 -
Task Descriptor
Role Descriptor
Work Product
Capability Pattern
Delivery Process
Process Package
A delivery process describes a complete and integrated approach for performing a specific type of project. A
delivery process describes what is produced, how it is produced and the required staffing for the entire project
User Interface
Use this pull-down menu to select a perspective. The following perspectives can
be selected:
Authoring Perspective
Browsing Perspective
CVS Repository Exploring
Team Synchronising
Library view
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
When you are working in the Authoring Perspective, the window on the right side
of your screen contains content editors that you can use to create or modify
element types. When the Browsing Perspective is open, the window on the right
contains a preview of your content, as it will appear in a published Web site.
Related topics
Authoring Perspective
Browsing Perspective
Library View
Configuration View
View Method Content
Search for Content
Authoring Perspective
The Authoring perspective provides views and functions to navigate and author method
content and processes. You must be in the Authoring perspective to create or modify
any element types.
The Authoring perspective provides two views in separate panels: the Library View
and the Configuration View. Double-click any element in the Library View or
Configuration View to open the editor panel on the right. The editor panel contains
several tabs through which you can edit information about the element you have
Related topics
Configuration View28
User Interface
Browsing Perspective
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
Browsing Perspective
You can use the Browsing perspective to preview and navigate through a method
configuration without making any changes.
The browsing perspective contains the Configuration ViewError! Bookmark not defined. ,
which shows the content in the currently selected configuration. Click any element in
the Configuration panel to preview the element in the content view, as it will appear in a
published Web site. The content view provides browser-like navigation features. Click
any link in the displayed page to go to that page. Use the buttons in the content view
toolbar to perform familiar browser actions, such as back or refresh.
Related topics
Authoring Perspective
Configuration View29
User Interface
Library View
The Library view displays the method content that is available in the current method
library, which is organised into sets of method plug-ins and configurations.
The Library view is available in the Authoring perspective and it is not accessible in
the Browsing perspective. It is organised in visual packages that are logically created
and sorted based on the plug-in punctuation within the names. Using dots in the name
of the plug-ins creates logical packages that are used for presentation in the Flat and
Hierarchical view.
For example, if you create and name the following plug-ins:
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
Hierarchical Presentation
When using the Flat presentation, the highest-level library content unit is the Method
. The flat presentation displays all the plug-ins in alphabetical order. In the
Hierarchical presentation of the Library view, the highest-level library content unit is
called a logical package, with the icon
. The logical packages are groupings of
method plug-ins. The logical packages are created simply by using dots in the method
plug-in names. The six method plug-ins are listed in the Hierarchical presentation
according to the naming structure created with the dots in the name. If you have many
plug-ins in your method library, you can switch the Method Plug-in presentation to
To switch between Flat and Hierarchical presentations, click the triangle (down arrow)
dropdown menu in the Library tool bar and select Method Plug-in Presentation,
then choose Flat or Hierarchical.
You can choose to display the physical names (the creation of a plug-in creates a file
with the same name) or to show presentation names by switching the name display.
There are two ways of switching the way the name is displayed:
Click the
Configuration View
You can browse method content in both the Authoring Perspective and Browsing
Perspective. While authoring method content you can see a preview of the published
page for the content hat you are editing by clicking the Preview tab at the bottom of the
Content Editor. Click any link in a displayed page to go to that page. Use the buttons
in the editor toolbar to perform familiar browser actions, such as Back or Refresh.
While browsing method content in the Browsing perspective, you can see a preview of
any method and process content in a method configuration as it appears in a published
Web site.
To browse and preview method content in the Authoring Perspective:
A method library is a container for method plug-ins and method configuration definitions. All method elements
are stored in a method library.
A method configuration is a selection of method plug-ins and method packages in a method library.
A method library is a container for method plug-ins and method configuration definitions. All method elements
are stored in a method library.
A method configuration is a selection of method plug-ins and method packages in a method library.
Related topics
Authoring Perspective
Browsing Perspective
Configuration View
Method Content Variability
User Interface
The Library view displays the method content that is available in the current method library, which is organised
into sets of method plug-ins and configurations.
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse elements in other content
packages without directly modifying the original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes
to the published Web site while keeping the components separate and optional.
Then, select the folder with the existing method library content, for example the
epf_work_practices folder or any other folder with existing method library content.
The Copy Library dialogue window then pops up with the message The library you
are opening is a default library supplied with the composer.
Figure 26. Copy Library
b. You can also click the Down Arrow of the New icon
select Method Library from the drop down list.
The New Method Library dialogue box pops up and asks you for the folder
where you want to create the new method library. Notice that the library by itself
does not have a name. There is a description field you may fill out. Create a new
folder or use an already existing one. Select the folder and click on Finish.
When a new method library is created, it has initially no method plug-ins and an empty
method Configurations:
Since all method content is contained in method plug-ins, the next step after the creating
of a new method library is either importing an existing method plug-in or creating a new
method plug-in.
Related topics
Authoring Perspective
Method Plug-in
You can begin the method plug-in creation process in one of three ways:
a. Click File New Method Plug-in.
b. In the Library view, either right-click Configurations and select New Method
Plug-in or right-click an existing method plug-in and select New Method
Plug-in from the pop-up menu.
c. Click the Down Arrow of the New icon
Plug-in from the drop-down list.
In the Name field, type a name for your new method plug-in.
8. Provide a Brief description of the method plug-in and a list of its Authors to
help you and others keep track of the method plug-ins in the library. You can
return to edit this information at any time.
9. In the Referenced Plug-ins field, select one or more method plug-ins. As a
result, your plug-in will be an extension to the referenced plug-ins. This allows
you to reuse content from the selected method plug-ins, extending them with your
own content. If this is the first method plug-in in the library, the field will be
10. Click Finish. Your new method plug-in is in the Library View with the other
method plug-ins and the method plug-in editor opens. You can open the method
plug-in editor any time by double-clicking the method plug-in in the Library view.
11. The method plug-in editor contains already the information you entered in New
Once expanded, the method plug-in shows the standard structure of all method plug-ins:
Some considerations about how to decompose your subject area into method plug-ins
may be helpful. Decomposition splits the subject area into smaller areas. Each sub-area
is addressed independently and the models of the sub-areas are subsequently aggregated
All content is organised in method plug-ins. With method plug-ins and method packages, you can organise your
content at a level of granularity that meets your needs for authoring and reusing content.
A method content package is a container for method elements. Elements are organised in method packages to
structure a large scale of method content and processes and to define a mechanism for reuse.
Method content is organised into content packages that are contained in method plug-ins.
In this case the Library view will display the plug-ins in the hierarchical presentation as
shown here:
In the Hierarchical presentation in the Library view, highest-level library content unit
is called a logical package, with the icon
. The logical packages are groupings of
method plug-ins and represent different levels in the hierarchical reference model of the
subject area. A logical package can therefore contain other logical packages. Every
A reference model is an abstract representation of the entities and relationships involved in a complex domain and
form the conceptual basis for the development of more concrete models and ultimately implementations.
To switch between Flat and Hierarchical presentations, click the down arrow in the
Library tool bar and select Method Plug-in Presentation, then choose Flat or
With method plug-ins you can organise your content at a level of granularity and
according to your reference model that meet your needs for authoring and reusing
A method Content Package is a container for method elements, such as Roles, Tasks,
Work Products and Guidance. All Method Content Packages are contained in
Method Plug-ins.
When you reuse content created and managed by others, you should always create a
new Method Content Package41 and Method Content Elements42 in a Method Plug-in43
that you yourself produce and manage. This separates your content from already
A method content package is a container for method elements. Elements are organised in method packages to
structure a large scale of method content and processes and to define a mechanism for reuse.
Method content elements provides step-by-step explanations, describing how specific development goals are
achieved, independent of the placement of these steps within a development lifecycle. Processes take these
method elements and relate them into semi-ordered sequences that are customised to specific types of projects.
All content is organised in method plug-ins. With method plug-ins and method packages, you can organise your
content at a level of granularity that meets your needs for authoring and reusing content.
Each method Content Package has the following schema (structure of virtual folders,
sectors or nodes):
Work Products
Remember: You cannot create a new content package or any other element in a locked
method plug-in.
To create a method content package
1. Find your method plug-in in the Library View44.
2. Navigate into the plug-in to find Content Packages. This folder contains all
content packages with method elements.
3. Right-click the content package and click New Content Package.
4. The Content Package editor pops up:
The Library view displays the method content that is available in the current method library, which is organised
into sets of method plug-ins and configurations.
Under General Information, give the new content package a unique name and
provide a brief description.
Important: You cannot create a new content package or any other element in a
locked method plug-in.
Save your new content package. There are four ways to save a package or an
Close the editor and confirm you want to save
Click on one of the disk icons (current or all) in the toolbar
Use the shortcut Ctrl+s
Click File Save
Remember: When you create a new element or modify an existing element, a *
symbol is displayed in the tab next to the name of the element, indicating that the
element needs to be saved.
Important: The tool creates nodes for Task, Role, Work Product, and Guidance under
the new content package.
Related topics
Method Plug-in
Create a Method Plug-in
Method Content Packages
Method Content Elements
Create Method Content Elements
Guidance Elements45
Guidance elements is a general term for supplemental information that can be added to most method elements.
Guidance elements can also be associated with other guidance elements.
A method configuration defines a logical subset of a method library. You use method
configurations to define the scope of your authoring work and when publishing or
exporting content.
When you create a process you must specify at least one method configuration
against which this process is authored. See Method Configurations Overview for more
details. When activating a process editor, the default behaviour is to prompt for the
process default method configuration if a different configuration is selected or if none
is selected.
You use the method configuration editor to create and modify method configurations.
In this editor, you select which method plug-ins, content packages, and categories of
elements you want to include to or exclude from the method library into the method
configuration. The selections that you make restrict the scope of the content that you
use as a basis for defining your process. These selections also determine the content of
the published Web site.
Method configurations are assigned names and are saved so that they can be reused
later. In addition to creating new method configurations, as described below, you can
also simply copy and paste a configuration by right-clicking the method configuration
that you want to copy and afterwards right-clicking the top-level Configurations folder
and clicking Paste. You will get a complete copy of the configuration with a new name
that you can modify for your needs.
To create a new method configuration:
1. Make sure that you are in the Authoring Perspective.
2. You can begin the method plug-in creation process in one of three ways:
a. Click File New Method Configuration.
In the Create a new method configuration dialog, type a name and description
for your configuration and click Finish. The Configuration editor is opened and
you will see your new configuration name in the Configurations folder in the
Library view tree.
4. At the bottom of the editor, click the Plug-in and Package Selection tab.
The method Content selection section on the left shows a list of all Method Plugins, their content packages, and processes. Use the check boxes to add or remove
plug-ins, packages, and processes to or from your configuration. Expand each
plug-in to select and clear individual packages and processes. You can use the
Expand All
and Collapse All
buttons to browse the hierarchy.
6. Select Categories on the right to be added to or removed from the configuration
definition. You can add or remove elements that have been categorised with
standard or custom categories.
Related topics
Method Configurations46
Copy a Method Configuration47
Method Content Package48
A method configuration is a selection of method plug-ins and method packages in a method library.
It is easier to copy an existing configuration rather than to create a new one.
A method content package is a container for method elements. Elements are organised in method packages to
structure a large scale of method content and processes and to define a mechanism for reuse.
All content is organised in method plug-ins. With method plug-ins and method packages, you can organise your
content at a level of granularity that meets your needs for authoring and reusing content.
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
Click either the File Search tab or the Method Search tab, and set your criteria.
Using File Search: Type a text string to search for within the files (optional),
or type a file name pattern to use for matching file names. You must use a
pattern. Use * if you want to search for the text in all files. Leave all other
options as default.
Using Method Search: In the method library, you can search method content
for text strings in the elements documentation, or search elements by name.
To search content using the Method Search use one of the following search criteria:
Text: Type a string in the text field to search all documentation fields for the
method content and processes.
Method element name or presentation name pattern: Type a name pattern
in the field to match both element names and presentation names.
A method configuration is a selection of method plug-ins and method packages in a method library.
Method libraries can be comprised of content from many types of methods and whole families of different
processes. A method configuration defines a logical subset of a method library. You use method configurations
to define the scope of your authoring work and when publishing or exporting content.
All content is organised in method plug-ins. With method plug-ins and method packages, you can organise your
content at a level of granularity that meets your needs for authoring and reusing content.
A method content package is a container for method elements. Elements are organised in method packages to
structure a large scale of method content and processes and to define a mechanism for reuse.
All content is organised in method plug-ins. With method plug-ins and method packages, you can organise your
content at a level of granularity that meets your needs for authoring and reusing content.
types. Define your subset of element types that the search should look for by
selecting the boxes that correspond to the types that you want to include in
your search.
3. Click Search. The Search view opens with your search results.
4. In the Search view, you can double-click an element to open its respective editor.
If you have Link with Editor selected in the Library view, it displays where the
selected element is in the library.
Related topics
Method Content Elements56
Method content provides step-by-step explanations, describing how specific development goals are achieved,
independent of the placement of these steps within a development lifecycle. Processes take these method
elements and relate them into semi-ordered sequences that are customised to specific types of projects.
A role defines a set of related skills, competencies, and responsibilities of an individual or individuals.
Create a Role
A task is an assignable unit of work. Every task is assigned to a specific role. The granularity of a task is
generally a few hours to a few days and usually affects one or a small number of work products.
A work product is a term that is used to describe task inputs and outputs.
Guidance provides information about how to perform a role, how to create a work product, how to perform your
task, and so on.
Method content provides step-by-step explanations, describing how specific development goals are achieved,
independent of the placement of these steps within a development lifecycle. Processes take these method
elements and relate them into semi-ordered sequences that are customized to specific types of projects.
Guidance is a general term for supplemental information that can be added to most Method and Process elements.
Guidance elements can also be associated with other guidance elements.
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse elements in other content
packages without directly modifying the original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes
to the published Web site while keeping the components separate and optional.
Under Version Information, provide any pertinent version information about the
8. Click the Work Products tab and click Add to the right of the Responsible for
9. Select one or more work products from the list. A description of the work product
that you select is in the Brief Description field at the bottom of the window.
Tip: A work product is displayed if it is the output of a task, which the role
performs. The list of work products in the Work products that are output of tasks
that this role performs is computed and cannot be changed with the role editor.
10. Click OK. The window closes and the Responsible for field is populated.
elements for the role. To add guidance, click Add, select the guidance you want
to add, and click OK. To remove guidance, select it in the Guidance field and
click Remove. When you select a guidance element, the brief description of the
guidance is displayed.
12. Click the Categories tab. A role can be included in one or more role sets and
any number of custom categories. Open the appropriate Select window by
clicking Add next to the category lists. You can remove role sets or custom
categories by selecting them in the appropriate box and then clicking Remove.
The Configuration View displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
The Library view displays the method content that is available in the current method library, which is organized
into sets of method plug-ins and configurations.
The rich text editor provides text formatting functions that alter the appearance of published content. The CSS
style sheet in a Web site controls the appearance of text at a global level, but the rich text editor can override
those controls for specific text elements.
Related topics
Method Plug-in67
Configuration View68
Rich Text Editor69
Create Method Content
Method Content70
Create a Task71
Create a Work Product72
Create Guidance73
Create a Task
A task is an assignable unit of work. Every task is assigned to a specific role. The
granularity of a task is generally a few hours to a few days and usually affects one or a
small number of work products.
To create a new task:
14. Expand the Content Package in which you want to create the task.
15. Right-click Tasks and select New Task. The task editor opens with the
Description tab as the default.
16. In the Name field, type a unique name for your task. The task name is the file
name that appears in the Library View75.
17. In the Presentation name field, type a presentation name. The presentation name
is the name that appears in your published content and in the Configuration
All content is organized in method plug-ins. With method plug-ins and method packages, you can organize your
content at a level of granularity that meets your needs for authoring and reusing content.
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
The rich text editor provides text formatting functions that alter the appearance of published content. The CSS
style sheet in a Web site controls the appearance of text at a global level, but the rich text editor can override
those controls for specific text elements.
Method content provides step-by-step explanations, describing how specific development goals are achieved,
independent of the placement of these steps within a development lifecycle. Processes take these method
elements and relate them into semi-ordered sequences that are customized to specific types of projects.
A task is an assignable unit of work. Every task is assigned to a specific role. The granularity of a task is
generally a few hours to a few days and usually affects one or a small number of work products.
A work product is a term that is used to describe task inputs and outputs.
Guidance provides information about how to perform a role, how to create a work product, how to perform your
task, and so on.
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse elements in other content
packages without directly modifying the original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes
to the published Web site while keeping the components separate and optional.
The Library view displays the method content that is available in the current method library, which is organized
into sets of method plug-ins and configurations.
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
The rich text editor provides text formatting functions that alter the appearance of published content. The CSS
style sheet in a Web site controls the appearance of text at a global level, but the rich text editor can override
those controls for specific text elements.
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse elements in other content
packages without directly modifying the original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes
to the published Web site while keeping the components separate and optional.
Related topics
Method Plug-in79
Configuration View80
Rich Text Editor81
Method Content Variability82
Method Content83
Create Method Content
Create a Role84
Create a Work Product85
Create Guidance Elements86
All content is organized in method plug-ins. With method plug-ins and method packages, you can organize your
content at a level of granularity that meets your needs for authoring and reusing content.
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
The rich text editor provides text formatting functions that alter the appearance of published content. The CSS
style sheet in a Web site controls the appearance of text at a global level, but the rich text editor can override
those controls for specific text elements.
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse elements in other content
packages without directly modifying the original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes
to the published Web site while keeping the components separate and optional.
Method content provides step-by-step explanations, describing how specific development goals are achieved,
independent of the placement of these steps within a development lifecycle. Processes take these method
elements and relate them into semi-ordered sequences that are customized to specific types of projects.
A role defines a set of related skills, competencies, and responsibilities of an individual or individuals.
A work product is a term that is used to describe task inputs and outputs.
Guidance provides information about how to perform a role, how to create a work product, how to perform your
task, and so on.
A work product is a term that is used to describe task inputs and outputs. There are
three types of work products:
Artefacts: An artefact is a tangible work product that is consumed, produced, or
The feature is relevant for compatibility with the IBM Rational Method
Composer. See the Help Files for more information. Leave the box unchecked.
The Library view displays the method content that is available in the current method library, which is organized
into sets of method plug-ins and configurations.
A work product slot is an abstract work product that represents a placeholder for concrete work products.
Concrete work products can fulfil one or more work product slots. Fulfilment is modelled in Rational Method
Composer as a relationship from the concrete work product to the work product slot. Fulfilment is realised by
Rational Method Composer when computing a method configuration for browsing or publishing. Then all slots
are filled with the concrete work products that are available in that method configuration.
In the Main Description field, type a more detailed description of the new work
product. The main description is a more detailed version of the description that
you typed into the Brief Description field. There are three ways to create text for
the description:
Directly, by typing it manually in the editor.
Copying from another similar work product and modifying using the editor.
Copying from an HTML source, such as one of the other Web sites.
You can use the Rich Text Editor to edit or enter the text for any field that has the
Rich Text Editor icon . Click the icon to access the Rich Text Editor. Click
the icon again to close the Rich Text Editor. For more information about the
editor, see Rich Text Editor.
Under Icon, you can select a node icon to appear with the work product in the
Library and Configuration views and in the tree browser in a published Web site.
The node icon must be 16 x 16 pixels. You can also select a Shape icon to appear
at the top of the published Web page for the work product.
10. Complete the other work product specific fields as needed. For information about
adding variability to your work product, see Method Content Variability89.
11. Click the Guidance tab. When you select a guidance element, the brief
description of the guidance is displayed. Use this part of the editor to add and
remove guidance for the work product.
To add guidance:
a. Click Add.
b. Select the guidance element that you want to add, and click OK.
To remove guidance:
a. In the Guidance field, select a guidance element.
b. Click Remove.
12. Click the Categories tab. Open the appropriate Select window by clicking Select
or Add next to the category lists. Select a single domain or any number of work
product kinds or custom categories and click OK. You can remove a work product
from a category by selecting it and then clicking the appropriate Remove button.
Note: A work product can be included in one and only one Domain (A domain
is standard category), any number of Work Product Kinds (A Work Product
Kind is a standard category), and any number of custom categories.
13. If the work product is a deliverable, you can go to the Deliverable Parts tab and
define what the deliverable consists of. This part of the editor only appears for
deliverables and it allows you to add other work products as part of the
deliverable. When you select a work product, its brief description is displayed.
a. Click the Deliverable Parts tab.
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse elements in other content
packages without directly modifying the original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes
to the published Web site while keeping the components separate and optional.
All content is organized in method plug-ins. With method plug-ins and method packages, you can organize your
content at a level of granularity that meets your needs for authoring and reusing content.
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
The rich text editor provides text formatting functions that alter the appearance of published content. The CSS
style sheet in a Web site controls the appearance of text at a global level, but the rich text editor can override
those controls for specific text elements.
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse elements in other content
packages without directly modifying the original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes
to the published Web site while keeping the components separate and optional.
Method content provides step-by-step explanations, describing how specific development goals are achieved,
independent of the placement of these steps within a development lifecycle. Processes take these method
elements and relate them into semi-ordered sequences that are customized to specific types of projects.
A task is an assignable unit of work. Every task is assigned to a specific role. The granularity of a task is
generally a few hours to a few days and usually affects one or a small number of work products.
A role defines a set of related skills, competencies, and responsibilities of an individual or individuals.
A work product is a term that is used to describe task inputs and outputs.
Guidance is a general term for supplemental information that can be added to most
method and process elements. Guidance elements can also be associated with other
guidance elements.
Guidance elements can be attached to method content elements: Work products, tasks
and roles and provide information about how to create a work product, how to perform
a task, how to perform a role and so on. Guidance can also be attached to the standard
method content categories: Disciplines, domains, work product kinds, role sets and
Guidance elements can also be attached to the following process elements:
Processes (Capability Patterns and Delivery Processes)
Activity Descriptors (Iterations, Phases and Activities)
Task Descriptors99
Since the guidance elements can applied to either method or process elements, they
straddle both sides of the equation, aligning method content and their use in processes.
On one hand they can provide additional free form information about how to deliver
method content and on the other hand, guidance elements, such as checklists, examples,
or roadmaps, can provide exemplary walkthroughs of a process.
Guidance provides information about how to perform a role, how to create a work product, how to perform your
task, and so on.
The core content of activities is task descriptors and the steps of which they are composed. In addition, activities
also contain role descriptors, work product descriptors, and milestones.
The fourteen guidance element types are: Checklist, Concept, Example, Guideline,
Estimation Consideration, Practice, Report, Reusable Asset, Roadmap, Supporting
Material, Template, Term Definition, Tool Mentor and White Paper.
Types of guidance
Table 4 -
discussions about skills the performing roles should acquire or
improve upon, and measurements for progress and maturity.
Reusable Asset
Supporting Material
Term Definition
Tool Mentor
White Paper
The rich text editor provides text formatting functions that alter the appearance of published content. The CSS
style sheet in a Web site controls the appearance of text at a global level, but the rich text editor can override
those controls for specific text elements.
The Library view displays the method content that is available in the current method library, which is organized
into sets of method plug-ins and configurations.
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
Guidance is a general term for supplemental information that can be added to most Method and Process elements.
Guidance elements can also be associated with other guidance elements.
Guidance Relationships
Guidance107 is useful supplemental content of various types that can be attached to the
following method elements: Roles, Tasks and Work products. The following table
shows all possible relationships between work products, tasks, and roles, and the
various types of guidance.
Essentially, all relationships listed are directed from one of the other method elements
to the guidance. The one exception is the guidance type called practice, where the
direction of the relationship is from practice to other types of method elements.
Table 5 -
Guidance relationships
Guidance type
Estimation Considerations
Reusable Asset
Supporting Materials
Term Definitions
Tool Mentors
White papers
Practice has a relationship to these elements, not from them.
Term Definitions are a special type of guidance only used for Glossary items.
Related topics
Guidance Elements
A role defines a set of related skills, competencies, and responsibilities of an individual or individuals.
A task is an assignable unit of work. Every task is assigned to a specific role. The granularity of a task is
generally a few hours to a few days and usually affects one or a small number of work products.
A work product is a term that is used to describe task inputs and outputs.
Guidance is a general term for supplemental information that can be added to most Method and Process elements.
Guidance elements can also be associated with other guidance elements.
Glossary Entries
You can create a term definition in the same way as other types of guidance in a content
package. Glossary entries are a type of guidance108 called term definition.
If a content package is used in a configuration, all glossary elements contained in that
package will be combined with terms contained in other packages of that configuration.
The glossary in the published site will include these terms merged together from all
packages and sorted alphabetically.
You can preview the glossary in the Configuration view by expanding Guidance
Term Definitions.
When a content package is removed from a configuration, all term definition elements
in that package are removed from the configuration, and they are therefore no longer in
the Configuration view.
When the Publish glossary option in the Publish Method Configuration wizard is
selected, all term definitions in the configuration will be provided in the glossary used
in the published site. If this option is cleared before publishing, the published site will
not provide a glossary feature.
Guidance is a general term for supplemental information that can be added to most Method and Process elements.
Guidance elements can also be associated with other guidance elements.
You can create a term definition in the same way as other types of guidance in a content package.
Related topics
Guidance Elements
Create Guidance Elements
The rich text editor provides text-formatting functions that alter the appearance of
published content. The CSS style sheet in a Web site controls the appearance of text at
a global level, but the rich text editor can override those controls for specific text
See the following example:
Button functions
You can use pull-down menus in the editor to apply specific styles and specify a font
and a font size.
You can use the buttons in the editor to perform following functions:
Cut text and save it to the clipboard, removing the original.
Copy text to the clipboard, leaving the original text in place.
Paste text from the clipboard. You can also right-click and select Paste as
Plain Text.
Remove all the contents in the text editor window.
Make selected text bold.
Make selected text italic.
Make selected text underlined.
Guidance provides information about how to perform a role, how to create a work product, how to perform your
task, and so on.
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
A method configuration is a selection of method plug-ins and method packages in a method library.
Clean HTML
There are three options when using the Clean HTML toolbar button:
Default Clean
Clean Word 2000 HTML
Click the button to use the first option (Default Clean). Use the drop-down arrow to
select the other two options. Use Clean MS HTML for cleaning HTML that has been
pasted from Microsoft Word. Use Clean Word 2000 HTML only for cleaning up
HTML that has been pasted from Microsoft Word 2000.
Related topics
Add a Reference or Hyperlink
You can add three types of references or hyperlinks to your content text:
References to other elements in the method library
Reference to files imported into the method library
References to external text resources that reside outside the method library
Text fields that support hyperlinks have a Rich Text Editor icon
next to the text
field's label. Click the symbol to expand the field into a full text editor.
To insert a hyperlink to another element in the method library into a text field, locate the
element that you want to create a link to in the Library or Configuration view, and drag
In the text editor, position the cursor where you want to insert the link and in the
tool bar click Add Link
. The Add Link window opens.
Click Browse to locate and select the element you want to create a link to. There
are several options for creating links to other content elements, with each option
offering a different way for displaying the link's name:
Method element: The link displays the element name.
Method with type prefix: The link displays the element name and type.
Method element with custom text: The link displays user-defined text. To
define this text, manipulate the text in between the <a>...</a> tags in the URL
text field after you select an element using Browse.
To insert a hyperlink to an external URL, from the Type drop down list, select
URL and in the URL field type the URL details, and click OK.
To insert a hyperlink to a file, in the Type drop down list, select File, enter the file
name or browse to find the file. The file that you select is copied from its source
into the method library. It will be included in the Web site upon publication.
Each time you add a link, you can choose to have the target open in the same
browser window or in a new window. Click OK to close the window and insert
the link.
Related topics
Rich Text Editor113
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse
elements in other content packages without directly modifying the original content.
Variability provides a mechanism for making changes to the published Web site while
keeping the components separate and optional.
You can use variability to customise configurations that use method content and
processes that you do not own and cannot directly modify. When content packages are
upgraded, you can import them and reapply in a single step the customisation that you
made earlier, without going through each element.
Variability generally affects two characteristics of a method element; its attributes and
its relationships with other content elements. If an element supports variability, the
specification is shown at the bottom of the element's Description view.
The rich text editor provides text formatting functions that alter the appearance of published content. The CSS
style sheet in a Web site controls the appearance of text at a global level, but the rich text editor can override
those controls for specific text elements.
Variability Type
Variability type describes how one element affects another through variability
associations. The five types of variability associations are:
Association Description
element is a base element and does not affect another element through
variability. This is the default value of an element's variability type.
Extends and
Association Description
variability into one variability type.
Whereas the replaces variability completely replaces all attributes and
outgoing association instances of the base variability element with new
values and instances, or removes all values or association instances if the
replacing element does not define any, extends and replaces variability
only replaces the values that have been redefined and leaves all other
values of the base element as is.
You can use the graphical display to navigate to any of the variability elements, the
complete hierarchy of variability associations for an element can be displayed
Related topics
Associations Impacted by Variability
Browsing Variability Relationships114
Contributes Variability115
Replaces Variability116
Extends Variability117
Extends and Replaces Variability
Contributes Variability
A contributing element adds to the base element. Contributes provides a way for
elements to contribute their properties into their base element without directly changing
any of its existing properties, such as in an additive fashion. When the contribution is
resolved during publication or by using the Browsing perspective, the base element is
logically replaced with an element that combines the attributes and associations of the
contributing element with the base element.
Relevant information in the contributing element is added to the base element. Text
fields in the contributing element are appended at the end of the respective text fields in
the base element. For example, text in a brief description is appended to the brief
description in the base.
A contributing element only adds attributes and associations to the base element. It
never overrides or replaces existing attributes or other association in the base. If the
You can use the graphical display to navigate to any of the variability elements.
A contributing element adds to the base element. Contributes provides a way for elements to contribute their
properties into their base element without directly changing any of its existing properties, such as in an additive
fashion. When the contribution is resolved during publication or by using the Browsing perspective, the base
element is logically replaced with an element that combines the attributes and associations of the contributing
element with the base element.
The Replaces variability association provides a mechanism for an element to replace a base element without
directly changing any of the base element's existing properties.
Extends associations provide a mechanism for method plug-ins to reuse elements from a base plug-in through a
kind of inheritance. Attribute values and associations are inherited from the "based-on" element to the extending
element. The result is that the extending element has the same properties as the "based-on" element, but might
define its own additions.
Contribution rules
Outgoing associations from the contributing element are added to the base
Incoming associations from the contributing element are added to the base
Attributes from the contributing element are appended to the base element, except
for identifying or naming attributes and non-textual attributes such as Boolean or
A base element can receive contributions from multiple elements.
Contributions are transitive. This means a contributing element that has its own
contributing elements will add them to the base.
All contributing associations are "many to many" except for the following:
Work products can only be assigned to a single domain. When contributing to a
work product, if the work product at the base is assigned to a domain, the
relationship to domain from the contributor is ignored. There is no exception
when contributing to domain elements.
A complete list of all possible associations is provided on the Associations Impacted by
Variability page.
Add a contribution association
1. Use the Content Variability section on the Description tab to make an element
contribute to another element.
2. Select Contributes as the Variability type and then select the base element to
which this element will contribute. The base element must be the same type of
element as the contributing element.
Related topics
Method Content Variability118
Associations Impacted by Variability
Browsing Variability Relationships119
Replaces Variability120
Extends Variability121
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse elements in other content
packages without directly modifying the original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes
to the published Web site while keeping the components separate and optional.
You can use the graphical display to navigate to any of the variability elements.
The Replaces variability association provides a mechanism for an element to replace a base element without
directly changing any of the base element's existing properties.
Extends associations provide a mechanism for method plug-ins to reuse elements from a base plug-in through a
kind of inheritance. Attribute values and associations are inherited from the "based-on" element to the extending
element. The result is that the extending element has the same properties as the "based-on" element, but might
define its own additions.
Extends Variability
Extends associations provide a mechanism for method plug-ins to reuse elements from a
base plug-in through a kind of inheritance. Attribute values and associations are
inherited from the "based-on" element to the extending element. The result is that the
extending element has the same properties as the "based-on" element, but might define
its own additions.
Extends is not used to modify content of the base plug-in, but to provide the ability for
the extending plug-in to define its own content, which is a variant of content already
defined. An example of this is a special version of a generic Review Record for a
specific type of review. The effect of this is that the base element and any number of
extending elements can be used side-by-side, but refer to each other through the extends
Extends also provides the key mechanism for binding capability patterns to
processes. A pattern is applied by defining an Extends relationship from an activity of
the applying processes to the capability pattern. The activity inherits association
instances from the pattern and the pattern seems to be part of the resulting process after
publication or by using the Browsing perspective.
Relevant information in the extending element is added to the base element in creating
an additional element. Text fields in the extending element are appended at the end of
the respective text fields in the base element.
Extends only defines inheritance for the extending element. The base element remains
untouched. If the extending element is allowed an association to only one other element
and has such an element defined already, inheritance will not override this existing
Incoming associations from the base element are not inherited by the extending
Attribute values of the base element are inherited by the extending element if the
extending element has not defined its own values.
Extends relationships are transitive. If an extending element has its own
extending associations, the second extension inherits attributes from its direct and
indirect base elements.
Contribution associations are resolved before Extends associations. Contribution
is evaluated first and then extending elements inherit afterwards from the base
element, including all of its contributions.
Replace precedes Extends. If a base element has both replace and extends
relationships, the extending element inherits from the replacing element.
are made from the base when a Domain is extended. There are no exceptions
when extending a Work Product.
A complete list of supported associations for each type of element is provided on the
Associations Impacted by Variability page.
Add and extend association
1. To make an element extend another element, on the Description page use the
Content Variability section.
2. Select Extends as the Variability type, and then select the base element that this
element extends. Note that the base element must be the same type of element as
the extending element.
Related topics
Method Content Variability122
Associations Impacted by Variability
Browsing Variability Relationships123
Contributes Variability124
Replaces Variability125
Extends and Replaces Variability
Replaces Variability
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse elements in other content
packages without directly modifying the original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes
to the published Web site while keeping the components separate and optional.
You can use the graphical display to navigate to any of the variability elements.
A contributing element adds to the base element. Contributes provides a way for elements to contribute their
properties into their base element without directly changing any of its existing properties, such as in an additive
fashion. When the contribution is resolved during publication or by using the Browsing perspective, the base
element is logically replaced with an element that combines the attributes and associations of the contributing
element with the base element.
The Replaces variability association provides a mechanism for an element to replace a base element without
directly changing any of the base element's existing properties.
the replacing element. If the replacing element does not define any, then the
resulting element will also not have any.
Incoming associations from the base element are added to the replacing element.
Attributes of the base element are replaced with attributes of the replacing element
including the base element's identifier.
A base element of a replacement can have only one replacing element per
configuration. If more than one replacing element is present no replacement takes
Replacement is transitive. If a replacing element is replaced itself, the final
replacer prevails.
Contribution precedes Replacement. Contribution associations are resolved first
and then replacement is performed afterward. The evaluation of contribution and
replacement is performed in serial order in the specialisation hierarchy.
All replacing associations are "many to many" except for the following association:
Work Products can only be assigned to a single Domain. If the replacing Work
Product is assigned to a Domain, the relationship from the base is ignored. There
is no exception when replacing a Domain element.
For more information about the associations for each element type, see Associations
Impacted by Variability.
Add a replace association
1. On the Description tab, use the Content Variability section to make an element
replace another element.
2. Select Replaces as the Variability type and select the base element that this
element will replace. Note that the base element must be the same type of
element as the replacing element.
Related topics
Method Content Variability126
Associations Impacted by Variability
Browsing Variability Relationships127
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse elements in other content
packages without directly modifying the original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes
to the published Web site while keeping the components separate and optional.
The Extends and Replaces variability relationship combines the effects of Extends130
and Replaces131 variabilities into one variability type. Whereas Replaces variability
completely replaces all attributes and outgoing associations of the base element with
new values and instances, or removes all values or associations if the replacing element
does not define any, Extends and Replaces variability only replaces values that have
been redefined. All other values of the base element are unaffected.
In other words, Extends and Replaces allows users to selectively replace specific
attributes and associations of the base elements. This type of variability can be used to
generate method plug-ins that rename elements, or replace some descriptions of method
elements with new ones, without completely remodelling all other relationships and
attributes needed by the base plug-in.
Replaces variabilities. The evaluation first performs the effects of the Extends and
then the effects of the Replaces variability. This implies that:
First, the new element will inherit all attributes and associations from the base
Second, the new elements might override inherited attributes or associations.
Third, the base element will be replaced with new element using the
overridden values and if no override was specified, keep the inherited values.
If the extends and replaces element defines outgoing associations, they replace all
outgoing associations of the base elements. If the extends and replaces element does
not define any new associations, the resulting element retains the associations of the
base element.
Incoming associations from the base element are added to the replacing element.
You can use the graphical display to navigate to any of the variability elements.
A contributing element adds to the base element. Contributes provides a way for elements to contribute their
properties into their base element without directly changing any of its existing properties, such as in an additive
fashion. When the contribution is resolved during publication or by using the Browsing perspective, the base
element is logically replaced with an element that combines the attributes and associations of the contributing
element with the base element.
Extends associations provide a mechanism for method plug-ins to reuse elements from a base plug-in through a
kind of inheritance. Attribute values and associations are inherited from the "based-on" element to the extending
element. The result is that the extending element has the same properties as the "based-on" element, but might
define its own additions.
Extends associations provide a mechanism for method plug-ins to reuse elements from a base plug-in through a
kind of inheritance. Attribute values and associations are inherited from the "based-on" element to the extending
element. The result is that the extending element has the same properties as the "based-on" element, but might
define its own additions.
The Replaces variability association provides a mechanism for an element to replace a base element without
directly changing any of the base element's existing properties.
the resulting element including the base element's identifier. Undefined attributes
retain values used in the base element.
The base element of a replaces relationship or an extends and replaces relationship
can have only one replaces or extends and replaces element per configuration. If
more than one element is present, no replacement takes place.
The extends and replaces relationship is transitive and evaluated top-down relative to
the direction of the replacement. If a replacing element is also replaced, the final
replacing element prevails.
Contributes variability relationships are resolved before replaces and extends and
replaces relationships. Extends relationships are resolved last. Variability is always
resolved top-down from the base to the variability elements. Within the same level,
contributes relationships are resolved first. Replaces or extends and replaces are
resolved afterwards.
How to add an extends and replaces association
1. Use the Content Variability section on the Description tab to make an element
extend and replace another element.
2. Select Extends and Replaces as the Variability type and select the base element
that this element will replace. The base element must be the same type of element
as the replacing element.
Related topics
Method Content Variability132
Associations Impacted by Variability
Browsing Variability Relationships133
Extends Variability134
Replaces Variability135
Contributes Variability136
The following table shows all possible associations between method content elements
that can be impacted by variability. Outgoing associations are shown with a rightarrow . Incoming associations are shown with a left-arrow .
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse elements in other content
packages without directly modifying the original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes
to the published Web site while keeping the components separate and optional.
You can use the graphical display to navigate to any of the variability elements.
Extends associations provide a mechanism for method plug-ins to reuse elements from a base plug-in through a
kind of inheritance. Attribute values and associations are inherited from the "based-on" element to the extending
element. The result is that the extending element has the same properties as the "based-on" element, but might
define its own additions.
The Replaces variability association provides a mechanism for an element to replace a base element without
directly changing any of the base element's existing properties.
A contributing element adds to the base element. Contributes provides a way for elements to contribute their
properties into their base element without directly changing any of its existing properties, such as in an additive
fashion. When the contribution is resolved during publication or by using the Browsing perspective, the base
element is logically replaced with an element that combines the attributes and associations of the contributing
element with the base element.
Variability associations
Guidance - Checklist
Guidance - Practice
Associated element
Custom category
Guidance - Practice
Tool Mentor
Check Item
Any category
Custom Category
Guidance - Practice
Role Set
Custom category
Tool Mentor
Guidance - Practice
Custom category
Work Product
Custom Category
Associated element
Guidance - Practice
Task: output
Work Product
Custom category
Discipline Grouping
Custom Category
Guidance - Practice
Reference Workflow
Custom category
Discipline grouping
Discipline Grouping
Role Set
Associated element
Guidance - Practice
Custom category
Work product
Custom category
Guidance - Practice
Custom category
Guidance - Practice
Guidance - Practice
Role Set
Custom Category
Tool mentor
Custom category
Work Product
Custom category
Guidance - Practice
Related topics
Method Content Variability137
Browsing Variability Relationships138
Contributes Variability139
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse elements in other content
packages without directly modifying the original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes
to the published Web site while keeping the components separate and optional.
You can use the graphical display to navigate to any of the variability elements.
You can use the graphical display to navigate to any of the variability elements. The
complete hierarchy of variability142 associations for an element can be displayed
To browse variability relationships:
A contributing element adds to the base element. Contributes provides a way for elements to contribute their
properties into their base element without directly changing any of its existing properties, such as in an additive
fashion. When the contribution is resolved during publication or by using the Browsing perspective, the base
element is logically replaced with an element that combines the attributes and associations of the contributing
element with the base element.
Extends associations provide a mechanism for method plug-ins to reuse elements from a base plug-in through a
kind of inheritance. Attribute values and associations are inherited from the "based-on" element to the extending
element. The result is that the extending element has the same properties as the "based-on" element, but might
define its own additions.
The Replaces variability association provides a mechanism for an element to replace a base element without
directly changing any of the base element's existing properties.
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse elements in other content
packages without directly modifying the original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes
to the published Web site while keeping the components separate and optional.
Related topics
Method Content Variability143
Associations Impacted by Variability
Contributes Variability144
Extends Variability145
Replaces Variability146
Extends and Replaces Variability
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse elements in other content
packages without directly modifying the original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes
to the published Web site while keeping the components separate and optional.
A contributing element adds to the base element. Contributes provides a way for elements to contribute their
properties into their base element without directly changing any of its existing properties, such as in an additive
fashion. When the contribution is resolved during publication or by using the Browsing perspective, the base
element is logically replaced with an element that combines the attributes and associations of the contributing
element with the base element.
Extends associations provide a mechanism for method plug-ins to reuse elements from a base plug-in through a
kind of inheritance. Attribute values and associations are inherited from the "based-on" element to the extending
element. The result is that the extending element has the same properties as the "based-on" element, but might
define its own additions.
The Replaces variability association provides a mechanism for an element to replace a base element without
directly changing any of the base element's existing properties.
Copyright Notices
You can specify the default copyright for all elements in a particular method plug-in by
using the method plug-in editor.
Copyright notices are stored as supporting material elements. For more information
about using the method plug-in editor to change the default copyright, see Change
Default Copyright Notice.
Sometimes elements in your method plug-in may require a different copyright than the
default one. For this procedure, see Override Default Copyright Notice147.
Frequently, a method plug-in contains contributing elements with a different copyright
than the base elements that receive the contribution. When there are multiple
contributing elements, each with its own copyright notice, the individual copyrights are
appended to each other in the generated page on the published site.
When you create a new method plug-in, you should also create a supporting materials
guidance element with the appropriate copyright information. For this procedure, see
Create Copyright Notices.
Related topics
Create Copyright Notices
Change Default Copyright Notice
Override Default Copyright Notice148
Method Content Variability149
Copyright notices are stored as supporting material elements. When you create a new
method plug-in, you should also create a supporting materials guidance element with
the appropriate copyright information. You can then reference this element from the
plug-in's Copyright field.
To create copyright notice in new method plug-ins:
In the Library view panel, use the tree browser to locate the method plug-in that
you want to work on and double-click to open the editor.
2. Under Version Information section, click Select to the right of the Copyright field.
3. Select the appropriate copyright element and click OK.
4. Close the method plug-in editor and save your changes.
Related topics
Copyright Notices150
Sometimes elements in your method plug-in may require a different copyright than the default for the plug-in.
You can override the default copyright.
Sometimes elements in your method plug-in may require a different copyright than the default for the plug-in.
You can override the default copyright.
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse elements in other content
packages without directly modifying the original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes
to the published Web site while keeping the components separate and optional.
You can specify the default copyright for all elements in a particular method plug-in by using the method plug-in
Remember: The default copyright notice can only be changed in editable method plugins.
To change the default copyright notice:
In the Library view panel, use the tree browser to locate the method plug-in
that you want to work on.
Expand the method plug-in node until you see the icon for the guidance element.
Expand the Guidance node and double-click the supporting material icon. The
guidance editor opens.
Under Version Information, select the copyright notice from the Copyright field
and click Deselect.
Click Select and select a different copyright notice from the list.
Click the Preview tab to view your copyright notice.
Close the window and save your changes.
Related topics
Copyright Notices151
Create Copyright Notice
Change Default Copyright Notice
Override Default Copyright Notice
Method Content Variability
Sometimes elements in your method plug-in may require a different copyright than the
default for the plug-in. You can override the default copyright.
To override the copyright notice in a method plug-in:
Create a new supporting material element for the new copyright information.
2. Associate this new element with the Copyright field for the specific element.
Related topics
Copyright Notices
Create Copyright Notice
Change Default Copyright Notice
Method Content Variability
You can specify the default copyright for all elements in a particular method plug-in by using the method plug-in
Index entries are created by adding a special HTML anchor tag next to the target for the
index entry. The anchor tag should start with the characters XE_ followed by a
keyword. Keywords are collected into a file and are displayed in alphabetical order.
Keyword syntax
The syntax of a keyword is [prefix][level1][levelseparator][level2].
Each keyword starts with a prefix. The prefix is specified in the input file to the
application. A keyword can consist of one or more levels. A keyword with more than
one level is useful when you would like to group different keywords. After the prefix,
the keyword at level one follows. If a keyword has more than one level a separator
between the levels is needed. The separator is specified in the input file to the
application. Then the next level follows.
Remember: Space characters inside keywords must be replaced with "_" characters. In
the generated index, "_" characters are converted back to space characters.
The following table shows examples of valid keyword definitions. The centre column
shows how the keywords are presented in the generated index.
Table 7 -
<a name="XE_Copyright"></a>
Input file syntax
Syntax description
<a name="XE_KeyWordIndex__Syntax_description"></a>
<a name="XE_KeyWordIndex__Input_file_syntax"></a>
Users guide
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
<a name="XE_Users_guide__Chapter_1"></a>
<a name="XE_Users_guide__Chapter_2"></a>
Keywords must be manually entered into the file that contains the index target. If you
are using the rich text editor (RTE), switch to HTML editing mode to make these
targets. Index targets are created by adding an HTML anchor tag in front of the index
target. The general pattern is <a name="XE_ keyword"></a>. The previous table shows
specific examples of this syntax.
Internal references
Index entries can point to other index entries rather than a page in the published site.
These are internal references within the index itself. In the following example, the entry
"software architect" under "roles" links to the second entry for "software architect," not
to content page in the published site.
software architect
software architect
Internal references are collected in a separate file and follow a special syntax. Each line
in the file consists of two keywords with a "tab character (\t)" separator. The first
keyword refers to the second keyword in the resulting index. A keyword can only occur
once, as a referring keyword, in the file. The second keyword is only allowed to be a
one level keyword. The following table shows this relationship:
XE_KeyWord__Author XE_Author
Configuration file
The KeyWordMap application takes a number of parameters as input.
parameters are specified in a configuration file.
Each row in the configuration file defines one parameter. The order of the rows does
not matter. Each part of a row is separated with a "tab character (\t)". The name of the
parameters is not case-sensitive. Space characters to the left or right of an item will be
Index - Rational
Unified Process
index target
, See
, See also
With this parameter you can define the text inserted before
a keyword when it is referring to another keyword. This
parameter is optional. The default levelseparator is ", See
defaultstyle indexlevel
2 1 indexlevel1
levelstyle levelstyle
keyword (1, or 2, or 3, ...). Alternately you can use one of
the two reserved names, ("defaultstyle" or "headlinestyle").
- [stylename] is the name of the style. The KeyWordIndex
application adds a prefix "p." to the stylename. This means
if the style sheet defines define styles for the classes
"p.indexlevel1", and "p.indexlevel2", then [stylename] is
"indexlevel1" or "indexlevel2". The attribute is optional
but if you intend to use cascading style sheets you must
specify at least a "defaultstyle". Use the file defined by the
parameter "headerfile" to import the styles. You can
choose not to use cascading style sheets (CSS). In that
case you use the parameter "levelfont" to control format.
See the parameter "levelfont".
levelfont levelfont
Related topics
Publish Configuration
The e-mail address used for feedback in a published configuration can be changed by
editing the Feedback URL field in the Select publishing options window. This window
is part of the Publish Method Configuration wizard.
The default setting is:
This address must be changed before publishing.
A simple e-mail address uses syntax such as:
mailto:[email protected]
Additional syntax can be used to embellish the feedback e-mail. Those features are
shown in the following table:
Table 8 -
Send message using the "Blind Copy To" or
"BCC" field
Feedback URL:
Use only one ? (Question mark) when creating any entry beyond e-mail address.
See example above.
If the subject parameter is not included, it will be automatically generated based
on the page with the feedback button.
Related topics
Publish Configuration
Navigation Views
Categories152 are used to create navigation views for the final, published Web site.
They are created to organise method content and process elements into logical
categories that categories can appear in the final, published Web site as navigation
views. There are two types of categories: standard and custom. Custom categories is
the core element for creating navigation views.
Related topics
Standard Method Categories
Custom Categories
Publish Configurations as Web Sites
Method content and process elements are organised into logical categories. The categories can appear in your
final, published Web site as navigation views. There are two types of categories: standard and custom.
Role Sets
Custom Categories
Custom categories are used to compose Navigation Views, thereby providing a means
to organise method content for publishing. A Navigation View is a custom category
that is designed for publication.
You can categorise content according to any scheme using custom categories. Required
content packages and content elements are assigned to a custom category. The custom
category can then be added as a view to a method configuration, showing the required
content packages and content elements assigned to that custom category.
Custom categories can also be displayed with the elements that they are categorising.
For example, you could create a custom category that logically organises content that is
related to your development organisation department, such as a testing category that
groups together all roles, work products, tasks, and guidance elements related to testing.
You can organise custom categories in a hierarchy, which means that you can create a
category as a child of another category. Child categories can be referenced by more
than one parent category. In the hierarchy, you are building nested custom categories
using operations such as Assign or Reassign to influence the structure of that hierarchy.
You can copy a custom category with all its children and assignments. Deep copy is the
mechanism used to clone a hierarchy of custom categories.
Custom categories can contain any type of element and can be used to organise content
according to any scheme. You can then use custom categories to compose publishable
navigation views, which provide a means to organise define the way method content
should be presented and read.
Related topics
Authoring Perspective
Configuration View156
Method Content Categories157
Method Configurations Overview
Method content provides step-by-step explanations, describing how specific development goals are achieved,
independent of the placement of these steps within a development lifecycle. Processes take these method
elements and relate them into semi-ordered sequences that are customized to specific types of projects.
A method content package is a container for method elements. Elements are organized in method packages to
structure a large scale of method content and processes and to define a mechanism for reuse.
Method content and process elements are organized into logical categories. The categories can appear in your
final, published Web site as navigation views. There are two types of categories: standard and custom.
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
Method content and process elements are organised into logical categories. The categories can appear in your
final, published Web site as navigation views. There are two types of category: standard and custom.
Custom categories can be used to compose publishable navigation views and to provide
additional information for method and process elements.
To create a custom category:
1. In the Library view of the Authoring Perspective, open the Method Content folder
in the method plug-in where you want to create the custom category.
2. To create a top-level category, right-click the Custom Categories folder and click
New Custom Category.
3. Enter the name, presentation name, brief description and other descriptive
information about the custom category in the Description tab.
4. Check the Publish this category with the categorised method elements box if
you want to see the category presentation name to be listed on each page of the
categorised element.
5. Under the Assign tab, select the items to include in the custom category. Select
individual method content elements, process elements, standard categories, or
other custom categories. In some editors such as the role editor, the custom
category is also available to add to individual elements on the Categories tab.
6. After you assign content to the custom category, you can modify the sequence of
the items in the category by setting the order manually, in alphabetical order,
reverse alphabetical order, or by element type. This affects the sequence of the
items in the Library view, the Configuration View158, and in a published Web site
if the custom category is included as a view in a configuration.
a. To manually sort the elements in a category, select Manual from the Sort
Type box. Click Order and specify the order by using the Up and Down
b. To automatically sort the elements in a category choose an automatic order
from the Sort Type combo box.
Tip: You can also select an automatic order from the Sort Type combo box
when you click Order.
To save your new custom category, click File Save or close the editor and click
Yes when prompted to save the changes.
You can now use the custom category as a view in a published configuration.
To use the custom category as a navigation view:
8. In the Library view of the Authoring Perspective, double-click the configuration
in the configurations folder to which you want to add a view.
9. Click the Views tab and then click Add View. The Select Categories window
opens. The Select Categories window opens all the standard and custom
categories in the configuration.
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
OK. The view display provides a preview of how the view is displayed in the
published tree browser.
11. Select a view to display as the default start-up view in the published Web site, and
click Make Default.
12. To save the configuration, click File Save or close the configuration editor and
click Yes when prompted to save the changes.
Related topics
Authoring Perspective
Configuration View159
Method Content Categories
Custom Categories160
Method Configurations Overview
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
Method content and process elements are organized into logical categories. The categories can appear in your
final, published Web site as navigation views. There are two types of categories: standard and custom.
In the New name text field, enter a name for the custom category and click OK.
The custom category is displayed in the Library view with the new name.
Tip: You can also rename a custom category using the method element editor;
double-click the custom category and enter the new name in the Name text field.
Related topics
Authoring Perspective
Configuration View161
Method Content Categories
Custom Categories162
Method Configurations Overview
You can organise custom categories in a hierarchy, which means that you can create a
category as a child of another category. Child categories can be referenced by more
than one parent category. In the hierarchy, you are building nested custom categories
that can use operations such as Assign or Reassign to influence the structure of that
To change the assignment of custom categories in a hierarchy of categorised elements
(For example, to reassign a sub-category to a new or additional parent category), you
can use either the Library view or the method element editor.
To change the assignment of custom categories:
1. To change assignments by using the Library view:
a. To assign a category to an additional parent:
i. Right-click the custom category and select Assign. The assign dialog
ii. From the tree view, choose the categorised element destination and click
b. To reassign a category to a new parent category or the top-level categories
i. Right-click the custom category and select Reassign. The Reassign dialog
ii. From the tree view, choose the categorised element destination and click
c. To unassign a category that is a sub-category of more than one parent
i. Right-click the custom category and select Unassign. If this category is its
last occurrence in the method plug-in, the Remove dialog will open and
warn you that the entire category will be deleted.
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
Method content and process elements are organised into logical categories. The categories can appear in your
final, published Web site as navigation views. There are two types of categories: standard and custom.
Deep copy is the mechanism that you can use to copy a custom category with all its
children and assignments. It is used to clone a hierarchy of custom categories.
To deep copy a custom category:
1. In the Library View163 of the Authoring Perspective, right-click the custom
category that you want to clone and select Deep Copy. The Deep copy dialog is
2. From the tree view, select a destination for the selected elements and click OK.
The custom category, all of its children, and its assignment are copied and now
displayed in the Library view.
Related topics
Custom Categories
Method Content Categories
The Library view displays the method content that is available in the current method library, which is organized
into sets of method plug-ins and configurations.
Assign Category
Click OK.
Click OK.
Related topics
Modify Category Assignment
Category Variability
The editor of each method content element has a Categories tab from which you can
Assign, Unassign or Order the relevant categories. The correct standard category
section(s) is presented in the tab, together with the custom category section.
To modify a category assignment:
8. Make sure that you are in the Authoring perspective.
9. Expand the folder (node) in the Library view panel for relevant method plug-in
and expand the Method Content and Content Packages folder.
10. Expand the content package that contains the method content element you want to
edit and double-click the element or right click it and select Edit. The content
element editor opens.
11. Click the Categories tab and click the Add button. The Select Dialog with the
relevant Category Type opens.
12. If you have previously created content, add your relevant categories.
Remember: You can select multiple items by using Shift or Control key.
13. Click OK.
Related topics
Assign Category
Category Variability
Category Variability
Variability Type
Variability type describes how one element affects another through variability
associations. The five types of variability associations are:
Association Description
element is a base element and does not affect another element through
variability. This is the default value of an element's variability type.
Association Description
When the contribution is resolved during publication or by using the
Browsing perspective, the base element is logically replaced with an element
that combines the attributes and associations of the contributing element with
the base element.
Related topics
Method Content Variability
Associations Impacted by Variability
Method Content Categories
Custom Categories
Assign Category
Modify Category Assignment
Activity Variability
Create Capability Patterns
Capability Patterns Reuse
9. Create Processes
Create Capability Patterns
Create Delivery Processes
Develop Work Breakdown Structures
Develop Team Allocation Structures
Develop Work Product Usage Structures
Activity Variability Types
Capability Patterns Reuse
Copy Capability Patterns
Deep Copy Capability Patterns
Extend Capability Patterns
Process Element Properties View
Apply Process to Method Synchronisation
Working with Process Diagrams
After you have selected or created a Process Package, right-click Process Package
and click New Capability Pattern. The New Process Component window
4. In the Name field, type a name for the capability pattern, and select a default
configuration from the drop-down list.
Your process can contain content from many different method plug-ins, therefore,
you need to define a configuration that defines the visible set of elements and
relationships when the process is authored. This process authoring configuration
is referred to as the default configuration for the process and should define the set
All content is organised in method plug-ins. With method plug-ins and method packages, you can organise your
content at a level of granularity that meets your needs for authoring and reusing content.
Process Packages provide visual groupings of processes.
Decide on your primary process authoring view. You develop a process using
any of three different views:
Work Breakdown Structure: Define a work breakdown structure in your
process. Create iterations and activities first, and populate your activities by
applying tasks from your method content. For more information about
defining a work breakdown structure, see Develop Work Breakdown
Team Allocation: Define which teams and roles will participate in activities
and find responsible work products and tasks from there. For more
information about teams and roles, see Develop Team Allocation Structures168.
Work Product Usage: Define which work products should be created in
activities and find tasks and roles from there. For more information about
work products, see Develop Work Product Usage Structures169.
Related topics
Method Plug-in170
Capability Pattern Reuse
Copy Capability Patterns
Deep Copy Capability Patterns
Extend Capability Patterns
Develop Work Breakdown Structures
Develop Team Allocation Structures
Develop Work Product Usage Structures
The rich text editor provides text formatting functions that alter the appearance of published content. The CSS
style sheet in a Web site controls the appearance of text at a global level, but the rich text editor can override
those controls for specific text elements.
A work breakdown structure is a hierarchical breakdown of work, such as activities, tasks, and steps, defining a
In the Team Allocation view, you can create a process by defining which roles participate in activities and find
responsible work products and tasks from there. You can also review the roles in a process that has been created
by adding tasks or work products to the process.
In the Work Product Usage view, you can create a process by defining which work products will be created and
used in the process, and then finding responsible roles and tasks from there. You can also review the work
products in a process that has been created by adding tasks or roles to the process.
All content is organised in method plug-ins. With method plug-ins and method packages, you can organise your
content at a level of granularity that meets your needs for authoring and reusing content.
10. After you have selected or created a process package, right-click it and then Click
All content is organised in method plug-ins. With method plug-ins and method packages, you can organise your
content at a level of granularity that meets your needs for authoring and reusing content.
Process Packages provide visual groupings of processes.
The rich text editor provides text-formatting functions that alter the appearance of published content. The CSS
style sheet in a Web site controls the appearance of text at a global level, but the rich text editor can override
those controls for specific text elements.
A work breakdown structure is a hierarchical breakdown of work, such as activities, tasks, and steps, defining a
In the Team Allocation view, you can create a process by defining which roles participate in activities and find
responsible work products and tasks from there. You can also review the roles in a process that has been created
by adding tasks or work products to the process.
In the Work Product Usage view, you can create a process by defining which work products will be created and
used in the process, and then finding responsible roles and tasks from there. You can also review the work
products in a process that has been created by adding tasks or roles to the process.
Related topics
Method Plug-in177
Process Management178
Create Capability Patterns
Capability Patterns Reuse
Create Delivery Processes
Develop Work Breakdown Structures
Develop Team Allocation Structures
Develop Work Product Usage Structures
Process Element Properties View179
Activity Variability Types
Rich Text Editor180
All content is organised in method plug-ins. With method plug-ins and method packages, you can organise your
content at a level of granularity that meets your needs for authoring and reusing content.
A process describes how a particular piece of work should be done. The work may have a relatively small scope,
in which case it can be described as a capability pattern, or may address a full project lifecycle, in which case it
can be described as a delivery process. A process can reuse method elements and combines them into a structure
and sequence for carrying out work.
While editing a process, you can use the Process Element Properties View to edit all details for a single element
in the process. If you click in any row in a process display, you will see the full details of the process element in
the row in the Properties View.
The rich text editor provides text formatting functions that alter the appearance of published content. The CSS
style sheet in a Web site controls the appearance of text at a global level, but the rich text editor can override
those controls for specific text elements.
Right-click the activity and click Show Properties View. Complete the
information under the Documentation tab for the activity. This information
appears in the published Web page for the activity.
4. Review the list of tasks in the Configuration view to see which tasks are
5. Select a task to add to the breakdown structure and then drag it on top of the
activity to which you want it to belong. The task is added as a task descriptor to
that activity.
6. If the Properties view for the task is not displayed, select the task in the work
breakdown structure editor, right-click, and click Show Properties View. Click
the Documentation tab and complete the information required under this tab.
This information appears in the published Web page for the activity.
Use the tabs on the side of the Properties view to review different aspects of the
task descriptor. In the Properties view, you can perform individual modifications
of the task descriptor, such as change the presentation name, add textual
descriptions, and change performing roles, among others.
;When changing the task descriptor's relationships under the Roles or Work
Products tabs, you can add new elements from your method content by clicking
You can preview what your process will look like in a published Web site at any time
by switching to the Browsing Perspective and then selecting the process, or an activity
in the process, in the Configuration View182. You can use the links on the page to
navigate through the process. Switch back to the Authoring Perspective to continue
editing your process.
Related topics
Process Management183
Create Capability Patterns
Capability Patterns Reuse
Create Delivery Processes
Develop Team Allocation Structures
Develop Work Product Usage Structures
Process Element Properties View184
Activity Variability Types
Rich Text Editor185
In the Team Allocation view, you can create a process by defining which roles
participate in activities and find responsible work products and tasks from there. You
can also review the roles in a process that has been created by adding tasks or work
products to the process.
Before you create a team allocation structure, ensure the configuration selected in the
tool bar is the same as the configuration that you selected as the default configuration
for your process.
To develop a team allocation structure:
1. In the process editor, click the Team Allocation tab.
While editing a process, you can use the Process Element Properties View to edit all details for a single element
in the process. If you click in any row in a process display, you will see the full details of the process element in
the row in the Properties View.
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
A process describes how a particular piece of work should be done. The work may have a relatively small scope,
in which case it can be described as a capability pattern, or may address a full project lifecycle, in which case it
can be described as a delivery process. A process can reuse method elements and combines them into a structure
and sequence for carrying out work.
While editing a process, you can use the Process Element Properties View to edit all details for a single element
in the process. If you click in any row in a process display, you will see the full details of the process element in
the row in the Properties View.
The rich text editor provides text formatting functions that alter the appearance of published content. The CSS
style sheet in a Web site controls the appearance of text at a global level, but the rich text editor can override
those controls for specific text elements.
In the Configuration view, review the list of roles. In this view, tasks are sorted
by role sets.
Drill into the role sets hierarchy to see which roles are available in this
Select a role and drag it on top of the appropriate activity. The role is added as a
role descriptor. If the role is responsible for work products in the configuration's
method content, a wizard prompts you to add work products.
Select one or more work products and click OK. For each selected work product,
the next wizard prompts you to select tasks that produce these work products.
Again, select one or more tasks and then click OK to add these elements to your
Review the role descriptor's details in its Properties view. If the Properties view
is not displayed, in the work breakdown structure editor, right-click the role and
then select Show Properties View. Use the tabs on the side of the Properties view
to review different aspects of the role descriptor. In the Properties view, you can
also perform individual modifications of the role descriptor, such as change the
presentation name; add textual descriptions, change work products the role is
responsible for, and more.
Continue adding roles to your activities.
You can preview what your process will look like in a published Web site at any time
by switching to the Browsing Perspective and then selecting the process, or an activity
in the process, in the Configuration View186. You can use the links on the page to
navigate through the process. Switch back to the Authoring Perspective to continue
editing your process.
Related topics
Process Management187
Create Capability Patterns
Capability Patterns Reuse
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
A process describes how a particular piece of work should be done. The work may have a relatively small scope,
in which case it can be described as a capability pattern, or may address a full project lifecycle, in which case it
can be described as a delivery process. A process can reuse method elements and combines them into a structure
and sequence for carrying out work.
In the Work Product Usage view, you can create a process by defining which work
products will be created and used in the process, and then finding responsible roles and
tasks from there. You can also review the work products in a process that has been
created by adding tasks or roles to the process.
Before you create a work product usage structure, ensure that the configuration selected
in the tool bar is the same as the configuration that you selected as the default
configuration for your process.
To develop a work product usage structure:
1. To access the work product usage editor, in the process editor, click the Work
Product Usage tab.
Note: For the purposes of this topic, the breakdown element example used is
Activity. Other breakdown elements include (but are not limited to) Phase and
Iteration. The element that you use depends on the scope of the process that you
Right-click the element (either a Capability Pattern or Delivery Process) to which
you want to add structure, and click New Child Activity to create a new
activity. If needed, create more activities to set up your breakdown structure.
Activities (in addition to phases and iterations) can be nested inside each other
according to how each relates in the hierarchy.
3. Review the list of work products in the Configuration View190. In this view, work
products are sorted by domain and work product kinds. Drill into either of these
hierarchies to see which work products are available in this configuration.
4. Select a work product to add to the activity and then drag it on top of the activity
to which you want it to belong. The work product is added as a work product
descriptor to that activity. If the work product is an output to one or more tasks in
the configuration, a wizard opens prompting you to add the task.
Remember: It is not required to add a task. A valid process can contain just roles
and work products.
While editing a process, you can use the Process Element Properties View to edit all details for a single element
in the process. If you click in any row in a process display, you will see the full details of the process element in
the row in the Properties View.
The rich text editor provides text formatting functions that alter the appearance of published content. The CSS
style sheet in a Web site controls the appearance of text at a global level, but the rich text editor can override
those controls for specific text elements.
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
Related topics
Process Management191
Create Capability Patterns
Capability Patterns Reuse
Create Delivery Processes
Develop Work Breakdown Structures
Develop Team Allocation Structures
Process Element Properties View192
Activity Variability Types
Rich Text Editor193
Activity Variability
A process describes how a particular piece of work should be done. The work may have a relatively small scope,
in which case it can be described as a capability pattern, or may address a full project lifecycle, in which case it
can be described as a delivery process. A process can reuse method elements and combines them into a structure
and sequence for carrying out work.
While editing a process, you can use the Process Element Properties View to edit all details for a single element
in the process. If you click in any row in a process display, you will see the full details of the process element in
the row in the Properties View.
The rich text editor provides text formatting functions that alter the appearance of published content. The CSS
style sheet in a Web site controls the appearance of text at a global level, but the rich text editor can override
those controls for specific text elements.
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse elements in other content
packages without directly modifying the original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes
to the published Web site while keeping the components separate and optional.
Extends Variability
Replaces Variability
A contributing element adds to the base element. Contributes provides a way for elements to contribute their
properties into their base element without directly changing any of its existing properties, such as in an additive
fashion. When the contribution is resolved during publication or by using the Browsing perspective, the base
element is logically replaced with an element that combines the attributes and associations of the contributing
element with the base element.
Extends associations provide a mechanism for method plug-ins to reuse elements from a base plug-in through a
kind of inheritance. Attribute values and associations are inherited from the "based-on" element to the extending
element. The result is that the extending element has the same properties as the "based-on" element, but might
define its own additions.
The Replaces variability association provides a mechanism for an element to replace a base element without
directly changing any of the base element's existing properties.
You can select the process and open the process editor from both the Library view and the Configuration view
when the default configuration for the process has been selected.
Select the referenced base activity by clicking Select. The Select Dialog:
Activities pops up and you can select the base activity with which you want to
create a variability relationship.
Your new process, iteration, phase or activity will now reuse the previously created
activities in a new context.
Related topics
Process Management199
Method Content Variability
Category Variability
Create Capability Patterns
Capability Patterns Reuse
Develop Work Breakdown Structures
Develop Team Allocation Structures
Develop Work Product Usage Structures
Process Element Properties View200
Capability patterns are a special type of process that describes a reusable cluster of
activities in common process areas. A capability pattern is applied against processes
and the three activity types (iteration, phase and activity), either through copying or
extending already existing capability patterns.
A process describes how a particular piece of work should be done. The work may have a relatively small scope,
in which case it can be described as a capability pattern, or may address a full project lifecycle, in which case it
can be described as a delivery process. A process can reuse method elements and combines them into a structure
and sequence for carrying out work.
While editing a process, you can use the Process Element Properties View to edit all details for a single element
in the process. If you click in any row in a process display, you will see the full details of the process element in
the row in the Properties View.
When an activity or Capability Pattern is copied into a target process or activity, its
method content elements are disconnected from the original capability pattern. The
copied capability pattern elements can be altered, deleted or changed, as you want, in
the process editor without affecting the original method content elements. Method
elements in a copied capability pattern appear in black.
Iteration, phase and activity are three types of activity and a process is a sequence of
these activities and the copying capability pattern procedure can be used to copy any
activity, not only capability patterns.
Copy creates a Not Applicable variability relationship type to the original activity.
To copy a capability pattern:
1. Make sure that you are in the Authoring perspective.
2. Expand the folder (node) in the Library view for Processes and the Delivery
Processes or the Capability Pattern folder (node) and select the process that will
be linked to other activities through a variability relationship202.
A process describes how a particular piece of work should be done. The work may have a relatively small scope,
in which case it can be described as a capability pattern, or may address a full project lifecycle, in which case it
can be described as a delivery process. A process can reuse method elements and combines them into a structure
and sequence for carrying out work.
Alternative procedure:
1. In one of the process views, right-click an activity, and click Apply Pattern
Copy. The Select Dialog: Processes window opens.
2. Drill down into the process tree until you locate the capability pattern that you
want to copy.
3. Select the pattern, and click OK. The Select Dialog: Processes window closes and
the capability pattern is applied.
If you do not want a specific activity or task in the capability pattern to be included in
your process, you could suppress it. The feature is not very useful when copying a
capability pattern, since the activity or the task can be deleted from the copy, which is
more natural than suppressing it. See Extending Capability Patterns for more details.
Related topics
Activity Variability
Create Capability Patterns
Capability Patterns Reuse
Deep Copy Capability Patterns
Extend Capability Patterns
Develop Work Breakdown Structures
Develop Team Allocation Structures
Develop Work Product Usage Structures
Process Element Properties View204
You can select the process and open the process editor from both the Library view and the Configuration view
when the default configuration for the process has been selected.
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
While editing a process, you can use the Process Element Properties View to edit all details for a single element
in the process. If you click in any row in a process display, you will see the full details of the process element in
the row in the Properties View.
Deep copy is the mechanism that you can use to copy an activity or a Capability Pattern
to a target process or activity with all its descriptors and assignments. The resulting
copy and its method content elements are disconnected from the original capability
The copied capability pattern elements can be altered, deleted or changed without
affecting the original method content elements. Method elements in a deep-copied
capability pattern appear in black.
The difference between copying and deep copying is is what?
Iteration, phase and activity are three types of activity and a process is a sequence of
these activities and the copying capability pattern procedure can be used to deep copy
any activity, not only capability patterns.
Deep Copy creates a Not Applicable variability relationship type to the original
To apply a capability pattern using deep copy:
1. Make sure that you are in the Authoring perspective.
2. Expand the folder (node) in the Library view for Processes and the Delivery
Processes or the Capability Pattern folder (node) and select the process that will
be linked to other activities through a variability relationship205.
3. Open the process editor by double-clicking the process or by right-clicking it and
selecting Edit from the pop-up menu.
4. Select your process authoring view, by clicking the Work Breakdown Structure,
Team Allocation or the Work Product Usage tab.
5. In the Configuration View206, expand the Processes and Capability Patterns
folders (node) and select a capability pattern or its parts that you want to copy into
an activity in a target process. Note that you select and drag the parts you want to
copy from the Configuration view and not the Library view.
6. With the mouse, drag the capability pattern or parts into the activity (process,
iteration, phase or activity) where you want the copy to go. To select multiple
activities in a capability pattern, press the Ctrl or Shift keys while you select.
7. In the menu that opens, click Deep Copy.
8. A second prompt asks, "Do you want to copy all descriptors?"
Attention: This second prompt only appears when a capability pattern (or activity)
contains descriptors that are outside of the target delivery process' default
When selecting No the descriptors that are not part of the target delivery
You can select the process and open the process editor from both the Library view and the Configuration view
when the default configuration for the process has been selected.
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
While editing a process, you can use the Process Element Properties View to edit all details for a single element
in the process. If you click in any row in a process display, you will see the full details of the process element in
the row in the Properties View.
You can select the process and open the process editor from both the Library view and the Configuration view
when the default configuration for the process has been selected.
The Configuration view displays content elements in a library that is filtered by a method configuration. A
method configuration is a subset of the method library content. The view displays a preview of the content
elements that will be published or exported for this configuration and allows you to preview the published sites
navigation views.
Alternative procedure:
1. Or, in the process view, right-click an activity and click Apply Pattern
Extend. The Select Dialog: Processes window opens.
2. Drill down into the process tree until you locate the capability pattern that you
want to extend.
3. Select the pattern and click OK. The Select Dialog: Processes window closes and
the capability pattern is applied.
If you do not want a specific activity or task in the capability pattern to be included in
your process, you can suppress it. The activity or task will not appear in the
published process nor will it be exported to a project-planning tool.
To suppress a process element, right-click the element and click Suppress in the
pop-up menu. The element is disabled in the process view.
2. If you later want to reverse the action, you can right-click the element and click
Reveal in the pop-up menu.
Related topics
Activity Variability
Create Capability Patterns
Capability Patterns Reuse
Copy Capability Patterns
Deep Copy Capability Patterns
Local Contribution
Local Replacement
Local Replacement and Deep Copy
Develop Work Breakdown Structures
Develop Team Allocation Structures
Develop Work Product Usage Structures
Process Element Properties View210
Local Contribution
You cannot modify, add or delete elements to an extended capability pattern. If you
need to add supplementary local tasks to an extended activity, you first have to change
the status of the extended activity to Local Contribution.
While editing a process, you can use the Process Element Properties View to edit all details for a single element
in the process. If you click in any row in a process display, you will see the full details of the process element in
the row in the Properties View.
Right-click the top level of the extended activity and click Local Contribution.
The activity becomes local and appears in black. Do the same with all parent
elements, from the top to the bottom, until you reach the activity you want to
contribute to; the activity becomes local and appears in black.
3. Right-click the activity that has had its status changed to locally contributes and
add new elements as required.
It is not clear why EPF changes semantics. It would seem that there is here another
case of Variability. The help files do not explain the Replace feature, strangely
Related topics
Activity Variability
Create Capability Patterns
Capability Patterns Reuse
Copy Capability Patterns
Deep Copy Capability Patterns
Local Replacement
Local Replacement and Deep Copy
Local Replacement
You cannot modify, add or delete elements to an extended capability pattern. If you
need to replace the local tasks in an extended activity, you first have to apply Local
To replace the extended activity, right-click the top level of the extended activity
and click Local Replacement. The tasks in the activity that is being replaced are
deleted from the local target delivery process, without affecting the original
capability pattern.
3. You can now add new Child elements to the activity in your delivery process, in
replacement of those that have been removed.
Related topics
Activity Variability
Create Capability Patterns
Capability Patterns Reuse
Copy Capability Patterns
Deep Copy Capability Patterns
Local Contribution
Local Replacement and Deep Copy
You cannot modify, add or delete elements to an extended capability pattern. If you
need to modify the local elements of an extended activity, you can apply Local
Replacement and Deep Copy. This creates a copy of all dynamically linked elements
that you need to main separately.
To copy and replace elements of an activity in an extended capability
1. Locate the activity's parent element or parents parent and so forth until you reach
the top level in green, meaning the top parent of the extended activity.
To create a local copy of the extended activity, right-click the top level of the
extended activity and click Local Replacement and Deep Copy. All the
elements become local copies and appear in black.
3. You can now modify the activity locally to your hearts extent without affect the
original capability pattern.
Related topics
Activity Variability
Create Capability Patterns
Capability Patterns Reuse
Copy Capability Patterns
Deep Copy Capability Patterns
Local Contribution
Local Replacement
While editing a process, you can use the process element Properties view to edit all
details for a single element in the process. If you click in any row in a process display,
you will see the full details of the process element in the row in the Properties view.
If the Properties view is not open, right-click any element in a process and click Show
Properties View.
The Properties view is the editor for activities, task descriptors, roles descriptors,
and work product descriptors. The information for a descriptor is similar to the
corresponding method element editor, but it also has information related to the element
in the process. The process information is also displayed in the corresponding row in
the process display.
General tab:
The Name and Presentation name default to the corresponding names in the base
method element. These names can be changed in a descriptor.
The following attributes are used to specify certain aspects of the element in the process
and can be set for all types of process elements:
Optional: If this is checked (true), the element is considered optional in the process.
This means that it is safe to remove the element. If this is not checked (false), the
element is considered mandatory and should not be removed from the process.
Multiple Occurrences: If this is checked (true), when the process is instantiated as a
project or other process, it is expected that there will be multiple occurrences of this
element. If this is not checked (false), there should only be a single occurrence of
this element when the process is instantiated.
Planned: If this is checked (true), the element will be included in an export to a
project management tool. If this is not checked (false), it will not be included in an
Suppressed: If this is checked (true), the element will not appear in a published
process. This is usually used to modify a capability pattern included in a process.
This is not checked (false) as default.
The following elements can be set for task descriptors and activities:
Event Driven: If this is checked (true), the task or activity will be initiated when a
particular event occurs. If this is not checked (false), the task or activity will be
initiated based on other tasks in the process.
Ongoing: If this is checked (true), the task or activity is continuous. If this is not
checked (false), the task or activity has a clear start and finish in the process.
Repeatable: If this is checked (true), the task or activity can iterate when the process
is instantiated. If this is not checked (false), the task or activity will only occur once
in the process.
Dependency Field: You can add one or more dependencies for a task or activity.
Click Add and enter the index number for the task or activity on which the current
element is dependent. The dependency (type) defaults to Finish-to-Start. If you
want to set another dependency type, click Edit and select the required dependency
type in the dependency drop-down box (Finish-to-Start, Finish-to-Finish, Start-toStart, Start-to-Finish). You can enter a different index number in the Edit window.
A process describes how a particular piece of work should be done. The work may have a relatively small scope,
in which case it can be described as a capability pattern, or may address a full project lifecycle, in which case it
can be described as a delivery process. A process can reuse method elements and combines them into a structure
and sequence for carrying out work.
Default synchronisation
Default synchronisation at the activity level synchronise activities by bringing in the
task descriptor's associations.
Right-click any activity that has descriptors and click Default Synchronisation
from Method Content. This will bring in all default associations of the task
2. Click OK.
Related topics
Process Management212
Use of Descriptors in Processes
Create Method Content Elements
Create Guidance Elements
You can create process diagrams to illustrate the relationships between processes
elements. When you publish a method Web site, you can choose whether to include
these diagrams.
EPF Composer provides three types of process diagrams:
Activity diagrams: These diagrams show the subordinate activities in a higher-
level activity. They also show the sequence relationships between those activities.
Activity detail diagrams: These diagrams show tasks in an activity with their
performing roles along with input and output work products. Activity detail
diagrams are similar to workflow detail diagrams.
Work product dependency diagrams: These diagrams illustrate work product
dependencies on other work products.
A process describes how a particular piece of work should be done. The work may have a relatively small scope,
in which case it can be described as a capability pattern, or may address a full project lifecycle, in which case it
can be described as a delivery process. A process can reuse method elements and combines them into a structure
and sequence for carrying out work.
Activity diagrams show the workflow of child process elements of a process, activity,
phase, or iteration. The diagrams show the subordinate activities as part of a higherlevel activity and the sequence relationships between those activities. The diagram can
also be used to show the sequence of tasks for an activity that consists of a set of tasks.
When you create the diagram, the sequence of activities, or control flow depicted in
your diagram is reflected in the precedence for these activities in your work breakdown
You can create activity diagrams internally by using the EPF Composer diagram editor
or you can choose to include diagrams created externally by another application.
To create activity diagrams:
1. Make sure that you are in the Authoring perspective.
2. Expand the folder (node) in the Library view for Processes and the Capability
Patterns or Delivery Processes node and select the process that contains the
activity that the diagram will model215.
3. Open the process editor by double-clicking the process or by right-clicking it and
selecting Edit from the pop-up menu.
4. Click the Work Breakdown Structure tab and select the activity to be modelled
by the diagram by right-clicking the item.
5. Select Diagrams Open Activity Diagram from the pop-up menu. You can
also specify your own diagram image to use for this diagram by selecting
Diagrams User Defined Diagrams.
You can create process diagrams to illustrate the relationships between processes. When you publish a method
Web site, you can choose whether or not to include these diagrams.
Activity detail diagrams show the tasks to be performed as part of an activity that is associated with a particular
role. These diagrams also show mandatory input and output work products for each task. Activity detail
diagrams are suitable for activities that consist of only child tasks. You can create activity detail diagrams by
using the Diagram editor, and you can include diagrams that are created by other applications.
You can select the process and open the process editor from both the Library view and the Configuration view
when the default configuration for the process has been selected.
f. By right-clicking the surface of the diagram, a window pops up which lets you
add nodes and activities, objects, notes and text.
When you modify a diagram, a * symbol is displayed left to the name of the
diagram tab, indicating that it needs to be saved. There are four ways to save it:
Close the diagram tool and click Yes in response to the question about
saving the changes
Click one of the disk icons (all or current) in the toolbar
Use the shortcut Ctrl+s
Click File Save
Control key and press the cursor keys in the direction that you want to move the
selected node.
To move a selected node or nodes in a vertical or horizontal plane, using the
mouse: Select the node or nodes to move, hold the Shift key and hold the primary
mouse button on the selected node. Drag the node or nodes with the mouse in the
direction that you want to move them.
To align nodes with one another: Select the nodes of interest, open the pop-up
menu and choose Format Align followed by your choice of alignment.
To bend a link line: Select the link, grab the centre dot and drag it with the mouse
to the preferred point.
The activity detail diagrams show the tasks within an activity, arranged by the
responsible role that performs them and the mandatory input and output work products
for each task.
You can create process diagrams to illustrate the relationships between processes. When you publish a method
Web site, you can choose whether or not to include these diagrams.
Activity detail diagrams show the tasks to be performed as part of an activity that is associated with a particular
role. These diagrams also show mandatory input and output work products for each task. Activity detail
diagrams are suitable for activities that consist of only child tasks. You can create activity detail diagrams by
using the Diagram editor, and you can include diagrams that are created by other applications.
The diagram is generated automatically and it shows the tasks within the selected
activity.219 The tasks are arranged by the responsible role that performs them.
You can select the process and open the process editor from both the Library view and the Configuration view
when the default configuration for the process has been selected.
The help files say: Activity detail diagrams are generated if you select the Publish activity detail diagrams that
have not been created in process editor option when you publish your configuration. But it seems that they are
generated automatically in any case and that the option only affects the publishing of the diagram.
When you modify a diagram, a * symbol is displayed left to the name of the
diagram tab, indicating that it needs to be saved. There are four ways to save it:
Close the diagram tool and click Yes in response to the question about
saving the changes
Click one of the disk icons (all or current) in the toolbar
Use the shortcut Ctrl+s
Click File Save
Related topics
Process Authoring Overview
Method Configurations Overview
Create Capability Patterns
Create Delivery Processes
Working with Process Diagrams220
Working with Activity Diagrams
Working with Work Product Dependency Diagrams
Publish Diagrams
You can create process diagrams to illustrate the relationships between processes. When you publish a method
Web site, you can choose whether or not to include these diagrams.
You can select the process and open the process editor from both the Library view and the Configuration view
when the default configuration for the process has been selected.
When you modify a diagram, a * symbol is displayed left to the name of the
diagram tab, indicating that it needs to be saved. There are four ways to save it:
Close the diagram tool and click Yes in response to the question about
saving the changes
Click one of the disk icons (all or current) in the toolbar
Use the shortcut Ctrl+s
Click File Save
Related topics
Process Authoring Overview
Method Configurations Overview
Create Capability Patterns
Publish Diagrams
When you publish your configuration, you may want to include some or all of your
process diagrams. By default, every diagram that you create is published but you can
choose not to publish a particular diagram. You can control which diagrams are
published or not.
To select diagrams not to be published:
1. Make sure that you are in the Authoring perspective.
2. Expand the folder (node) in the Library view for Processes and the Capability
Patterns or Delivery Processes node and select the process that contains the
activity with the diagram for which you want to change the publishing options224.
3. Open the process editor by double-clicking the process or by right-clicking it and
selecting Edit from the pop-up menu.
4. Select your process authoring view, by clicking the Work Breakdown Structure,
Team Allocation or the Work Product Usage tab.
5. Select the activity element that has a diagram that you do not want to publish and
selecting Diagrams Publishing Options.
You can create process diagrams to illustrate the relationships between processes. When you publish a method
Web site, you can choose whether or not to include these diagrams.
Activity detail diagrams show the tasks to be performed as part of an activity that is associated with a particular
role. These diagrams also show mandatory input and output work products for each task. Activity detail
diagrams are suitable for activities that consist of only child tasks. You can create activity detail diagrams by
using the Diagram editor, and you can include diagrams that are created by other applications.
You can select the process and open the process editor from both the Library view and the Configuration view
when the default configuration for the process has been selected.
You can create process diagrams to illustrate the relationships between processes. When you publish a method
Web site, you can choose whether or not to include these diagrams.
Activity detail diagrams show the tasks to be performed as part of an activity that is associated with a particular
role. These diagrams also show mandatory input and output work products for each task. Activity detail
diagrams are suitable for activities that consist of only child tasks. You can create activity detail diagrams by
using the Diagram editor, and you can include diagrams that are created by other applications.
You can use the Publish Method Configuration wizard to generate a Web site based
on a method configuration.
To publish a configuration as a Web site:
Publish). The Publish Method Configuration wizard
2. From the list of available configurations, select the method configuration that you
want to publish. Click Next.
3. The Publish Method Configuration wizard opens. You can choose to publish
the entire configuration or select only a few processes in the configuration.
The selection of Publish referenced base processes most likely will have as a
result that when activity variability relationships are established, the referenced
base process will be published, in addition to the extending activity. To verify.
5. Click Next. Another Publish Method Configuration wizard page opens.
6. Select options to customise the look and behaviour of the published site:
Index section.
Select options for Look and Feel.
Publish banner: Check this box to create a banner on top of the published
content. Use the Banner image field to select a graphic file that contains your
banner. If you do not enter anything here, EPF Composer will use its default
Select options for Validation.
Check external hyperlinks: When this option is selected, EPF Composer
checks all hyperlinks before publishing. Clear this option if you are not
connected to the Internet or need to use a Proxy server (currently not
Convert broken hyperlinks to plain text: If the Check external hyperlinks
finds broken links and the corresponding option is not selected, EPF Composer
prefixes each link with a broken link symbol. The same is true for links to
content elements that are not in the published method configuration. If this
option is selected, all links are converted to plain text instead and no broken
link symbol is used.
Select options for Diagrams.
Publish activity detail diagrams that have not been manually created:
When this option is selected, EPF Composer publishes an Activity Detail
Diagram for every activity. It creates these diagrams and publishes them with
a default auto-layout. If the option is cleared, then only the Activity Detail
Diagrams are published that a user has manually created in the Process editor
and saved with a custom layout.
Publish activity diagrams for unmodified activity extensions: By default,
activities that are extensions of other activities are not published with an
Activity Diagram, but only the Breakdown Structure. If this option is selected,
however, extending activities are published with the diagram of their base
activities if these extending activities do not define their own sub-elements,
that is, are pure pattern applications without providing its own modifications.
If these activities define their own elements, you should create a local activity
diagram for the extending activity that will then be published.
Select options for Layout.
Show relationship sub-folders in navigation trees: If this option is selected,
it will publish elements, for instance tasks with its related elements (such as
input and output work products), in separate sub-folders. If cleared, it will
publish related elements as sub-elements. It will also list only a subset of these
related elements in the tree; for example, only output work products for tasks
and not the inputs.
Show related elements for roles, tasks and work products in navigation
trees: If this option is selected, it will publish the roles, tasks, and work
products together with their related elements.
Show task descriptors in navigation trees: If this option is cleared, EPF
Composer creates a breakdown for all the activities of the published processes
in the tree-browser. If selected, it also includes the descriptor level into the
hides the distinction between method content elements and descriptors from the
users of the published site. All descriptors are published without using the
word Descriptor as their type and all textual content and guidance
relationships of the related method content elements.
Publish process usage in role, task and work product pages linking to
related descriptors: When this option is selected, all method content pages
include an additional section called Process Usage that lists all occurrences
of the method content elements in all processes of the published configuration.
This provides a quick overview to see in which processes and where in these
processes method content elements have been used.
When this option is selected, you have also the option Show all indirect
(green) occurrences in extended patterns which determines how many
process occurrences are shown for a method content element.
If the option is not checked, then only direct usage of the elements is
shown (recognisable by using a black font for these elements in the
process editors breakdown structure).
If the option is checked, then also all indirect occurrences are shown.
Indirect usage means that the element has not been applied directly to the
process, but indirectly by applying a capability pattern that had this
element applied (recognisable by using a green font for these elements in
the process editors breakdown structure).
Default tab for activity pages: Published activity pages comprise four tabs.
This option allows selecting which of these tabs is presented first by default.
To get to the next set of publishing options, click Next.
Enter destination Directory: Decide in which directory the published site will be
Select options for Website format.
Static web site: This option creates static HTML pages in the directory
selected above. If this option is selected, search is supported requiring a Java
runtime environment installed on the Web site users machine because it will
use a Java Applet.
Java EE Web application: This option creates one WAR or EAR file in the
location selected above that can be installed on a Java EE Web server with
Servlet 2.3 capabilities. Search will be realised as a Servlet running on such
Click Finish. Publishing is initiated.
Related topics
Method Configurations Overview
You can export a capability pattern or delivery process as an XML file that can be
opened in Microsoft Project. This XML file contains links to specific pages in the
original method library.
Dependencies in the work breakdown structure are carried over to Microsoft Project. If
there are circular dependencies in work breakdown structure, Microsoft Project will
issue a warning but will accept the circular dependencies.
Roles are exported as Microsoft Project resources. They are connected to tasks or
summary tasks as follows:
If a task is not suppressed, the primary and additional performer roles are
Microsoft Project sets the start and end dates for the project. You need to adjust them
after the export has completed by using Microsoft Project.
To export to Microsoft Project:
Microsoft Project and click Next.
Select a capability pattern or delivery process to export. Click Next.
Select the method configuration and export options that will be used to export the
selected process.
Selected process
Method configuration
Publish the process Web site
Publish the entire method configuration
Publish content that is only relevant to the selected process
Export only breakdown elements that are planned
Select the publishing options that will be used to publish the Web site for the
exported process. Click Next.
Enter a Name and Directory for the exported file. Use Browse to navigate to the
exported folder.
Click Finish to begin the export process.
Related topics
Export XML227
Method library content can be exported in XML format. You can choose to export the entire method library or
select individual method plug-ins for export.
You can export a library using a method configuration and all its method plug-ins or
just export one or more method configuration specifications.
To create a method configuration, see Creating New Method Configurations228and then
use the procedure described below to export this configuration as a method library.
When exporting method configurations, all referenced method plug-ins in the selected
configuration will be included in the export. The export will scan all elements of the
method configuration and will also export all resource files, including images,
documents, and templates.
Tip: You could use this export to clean your library from unused resource files, by
creating a method configuration that includes all your plug-ins and then exporting.
As a result, all unused resource files will not be exported.
In addition to exporting the method configuration, you could simply export a method
configuration specification file that you want to share with other users. In other words,
you could export a file that defines a configuration, but does not contain the elements
that are part of the configuration itself.
To export a library:
Click File
Library Configuration and click Next.
3. Select the type of library configuration to export.
Export a method configuration and all its method plug-ins
Export one or more method configuration specifications
Click Next.
Related topics
Export XML229
Publish Configurations as Web Sites230
Method libraries can be comprised of content from many types of methods and whole families of different
processes. A method configuration defines a logical subset of a method library. You use method configurations
to define the scope of your authoring work and when publishing or exporting content.
Method library content can be exported in XML format. You can choose to export the entire method library or
select individual method plug-ins for export.
You can use the Publish Method Configuration wizard to generate a Web site based on a method configuration.
Library Configuration. Click Next to continue.
Specify the directory containing the library configuration to import. Use Browse
to navigate to the file.
Review the changes that will be made to the current method library. Click Finish.
Specify the location of your backup file. The backup is a copy of your library
before the merge takes place. You have the option to Skip the backup.
A window indicates when the import is complete. You will have the option to
inspect the error log. Click OK.
Related topics
Export a Library Configuration231
Export XML232
Export to Microsoft Project233
Method plug-ins can be exported. This provides a convenient way to distribute method
content to other users.
To export a method plug-in:
1. Click File and click
Method Plug-ins and click Next.
Select the method plug-ins to export and click Next.
Select each method plug-in to review its dependencies and click Next.
In the next page confirm the export and click Next.
Enter a location for the exported method plug-in. You can use Browse to
navigate to the location for the exported folder.
Click Finish to begin the export process.
Related topics
Export XML
Export to Microsoft Project
You can export a method configuration and all its method plug-ins or export one or more method configuration
Method library content can be exported in XML format. You can choose to export the entire method library or
select individual method plug-ins for export.
You can export a capability pattern or delivery process as an XML file that can be opened in Microsoft Project.
This XML file contains links to specific pages in the original method library.
The import process requires a library. You must open an existing library or create a
new one before importing.
To import a method plug-in:
Click File
Method Plug-ins and click Next.
Specify the directory containing the method plug-ins to import. You can use
Browse to navigate to the location of the file. There are two options for
Check base plug-ins
Ignore and remove unresolved references
Review the changes that will be made to the current method library. Click Finish
to begin the import process.
Specify the location of your backup file. The backup is a copy of your library
before the merge takes place. You have the option to Skip the backup if you
You will be prompted when the import is complete. You will have the option to
inspect the error log. Click OK.
Related topics
Export a Method Plug-in234
Import a Library Configuration
Import XML235
Export XML
Method library content can be exported in XML format. You can choose to export the
entire method library or select individual method plug-ins for export.
It is also possible to import method library content in XML format, if the data follows
the correct XML schema. You can download the latest XML schema from
Due to the complexity of an import operation and its impact on a method library's
integrity, it is a good practice for third-party vendors to export their library content in
XML format and use the Import wizard to import the XML into a new or existing
method library.
To export an XML:
1. Click File and select
XML and click Next.
3. Select the type of method library content to export:
Export the entire method library
Method plug-ins can be exported. This provides a convenient way to distribute method content to other users.
Method content previously exported (including by Rational Method Composer) as an XML file can be reimported. An imported XML file will become a method plug-in with a configuration.
If you chose to export one of the method plug-ins, a window opens so that you
can select the method plug-ins to export. If you chose to export the entire method
library, skip the next three steps.
Select the method plug-ins to export and click Next.
Review the dependencies for the method plug-in that you are exporting. Click
Confirm the export settings and click Next.
Enter a name and location for the XML file and click Finish. You can use
Browse to navigate to the location of your choice.
Related topics
Import XML236
Export to Microsoft Project
Publish Configurations as Web Sites237
Import XML
XML. Click Next.
Specify the XML file to be imported. You can use Browse to navigate to the file.
Select one of these merge options:
Override existing method library content with the imported content
Merge imported content into the existing method library
Select one of these check base plug-in options:
Check base plug-ins
Ignore and remove unresolved references
Specify the location of your backup file. The backup is a copy of your library
before the merge takes place. You have the option to Skip the backup if you
A window opens indicating when the import is complete. You can inspect the
error log. Click OK.
Method content previously exported (including by Rational Method Composer) as an XML file can be reimported. An imported XML file will become a method plug-in with a configuration.
You can use the Publish Method Configuration wizard to generate a Web site based on a method configuration.
Install and Configure CVS
Create a New View with CVS
Add New Libraries to CVS
Add a Method Plug-In to CVS
Add Elements to CVS
Delete Elements under CVS
Edit Elements under CVS
Move Elements under CVS
CVS assumes an optimistic usage model in which multiple users make changes to files
simultaneously. However, because compare and merge operations are not supported;
the CVS Watch/Edit function should be used to broadcast notifications to other users
who may be working on files concurrently.
To install CVS:
1. Select Window Preferences.
2. Expand the tree menu for Team on the left side of the Preferences window, and
then expand the CVS sub-menu.
3. Click Watch/Edit. Set the Watch/Edit check boxes as follows:
CVS Watch/Edit: Select Configure projects to use Watch/Edit on checkout.
When read-only files are modified in an editor: Select Send a CVS edit
notification to the server.
Before a CVS edit notification is sent to the server: Select Always prompt.
Update edited files: Select Prompt to update if out of date.
4. Click OK.
Concurrent Versions System (CVS), also known as the Concurrent Versioning System,
You can add a method library to CVS so that you can control the version of various files in your library and allow
multiple content authors to work in parallel.
You can add method and process elements to CVS so that you can control changes to each element as its content
is written and its relationships are defined.
You can use CVS to ensure that when you delete a method or process element, the dependent files are
appropriately version-controlled.
You can use CVS to track changes that happen to the content and relationships of method and process elements.
You can use CVS to track who changed what, when, and why.
You can add a method library to CVS so that you can control the version of various files in your library and allow
multiple content authors to work in parallel.
You can add a method library to CVS so that you can control the version of various files
in your library and allow multiple content authors to work in parallel.
If your CVS server is not pre-populated with a method library, follow these steps to
create a new library and add it to version control:
Add a new library to CVS:
Related topics
Install and Configure CVS
Create a New View with CVS
Add a Method Plug-In to CVS247
Add Elements to CVSError! Bookmark not defined.
Delete Elements under CVS248
Edit Elements under CVS249
Move Elements under CVS
You can add method and process elements to CVS so that you can control changes to each element as its content
is written and its relationships are defined.
You can use CVS to ensure that when you delete a method or process element, the dependent files are
appropriately version-controlled.
You can use CVS to track changes that happen to the content and relationships of method and process elements.
You can use CVS to track who changed what, when, and why.
You can add method and process elements to CVS so that you can control changes to each element as its content
is written and its relationships are defined.
You can use CVS to ensure that when you delete a method or process element, the dependent files are
appropriately version-controlled.
You can use CVS to track changes that happen to the content and relationships of method and process elements.
You can use CVS to track who changed what, when, and why.
Adding new method plug-ins to CVS version control allows multiple authors to work
You must add your library to version control before performing the following steps:
To add a method plug-in to CVS:
Make sure that you are in the Authoring perspective
2. Click File New Method Plug-in.
3. In the Send an Edit Notification to CVS window, click Yes to lock library.xmi for
editing. If the file is currently being edited by another user, a window opens with
the option to continue or not. Click No so that you do not need to merge the files
later. Exit the operation.
4. In the New Method Plug-in window, enter the required information then click
Related topics
Install and Configure CVS
Create a New View with CVS
Add New Libraries to CVS250
Add Elements to CVSError! Bookmark not defined.
Delete Elements under CVS251
Edit Elements under CVS252
Move Elements under CVS
You can add method and process elements to CVS so that you can control changes to
each element as its content is written and its relationships are defined.
These steps apply to elements such as roles, tasks, work products, guidance, categories,
configurations, capability patterns, and delivery processes.
To add method and process elements CVS:
Make sure that you are in the Authoring perspective
2. Use the tree browser to choose the location for the new element.
You can add a method library to CVS so that you can control the version of various files in your library and allow
multiple content authors to work in parallel.
You can use CVS to ensure that when you delete a method or process element, the dependent files are
appropriately version-controlled.
You can use CVS to track changes that happen to the content and relationships of method and process elements.
You can use CVS to track who changed what, when, and why.
Related topics
Install and Configure CVS
Create a New View with CVS
Add New Libraries to CVS253
Add a Method Plug-In to CVS254
Delete Elements under CVS255
Edit Elements under CVS256
Move Elements under CVS
You can use CVS to ensure that when you delete a method or process element, the
dependent files are appropriately version-controlled.
These steps apply to elements such as roles, tasks, work products, guidance, categories,
configurations, capability patterns, and delivery processes.
To delete method and process elements under CVS:
Open the Authoring perspective
2. Use the tree browser to choose the element that you want to delete.
3. Right-click the element and click Delete.
You can add a method library to CVS so that you can control the version of various files in your library and allow
multiple content authors to work in parallel.
You can add method and process elements to CVS so that you can control changes to each element as its content
is written and its relationships are defined.
You can use CVS to ensure that when you delete a method or process element, the dependent files are
appropriately version-controlled.
You can use CVS to track changes that happen to the content and relationships of method and process elements.
You can use CVS to track who changed what, when, and why.
Related topics
Install and Configure CVS
Create a New View with CVS
Add New Libraries to CVS257
Add a Method Plug-In to CVS258
Add Elements to CVSError! Bookmark not defined.
Edit Elements under CVS259
Move Elements under CVS
You can use CVS to track changes that happen to the content and relationships of
method and process elements. You can use CVS to track who changed what, when, and
These steps apply to elements such as roles, tasks, work products, guidance, categories,
configurations, capability patterns, and delivery processes.
To track changes with CVS:
You can add a method library to CVS so that you can control the version of various files in your library and allow
multiple content authors to work in parallel.
You can add method and process elements to CVS so that you can control changes to each element as its content
is written and its relationships are defined.
You can use CVS to track changes that happen to the content and relationships of method and process elements.
You can use CVS to track who changed what, when, and why.
Click File Save. The copy in the local file system is updated and the asterisk
(*) is cleared.
Related topics
Install and Configure CVS
Create a New View with CVS
Add New Libraries to CVS260
Add a Method Plug-In to CVS261
Add Elements to CVSError! Bookmark not defined.
Delete Elements under CVS262
Move Elements under CVS
You can use CVS to move a method or process element in the library. The version
control system makes changes to the appropriate files.
Before moving a method element, make sure that the element and any files that depend
on it are committed.
These steps apply to elements such as roles, tasks, work products, guidance, categories,
configurations, capability patterns, and delivery processes.
To move method and process elements under CVS:
You can add a method library to CVS so that you can control the version of various files in your library and allow
multiple content authors to work in parallel.
You can add method and process elements to CVS so that you can control changes to each element as its content
is written and its relationships are defined.
You can use CVS to ensure that when you delete a method or process element, the dependent files are
appropriately version-controlled.
Related topics
Install and Configure CVS
Create a New View with CVS
Add New Libraries to CVS263
Add a Method Plug-In to CVS264
Add Elements to CVSError! Bookmark not defined.
Delete Elements under CVS265
Edit Elements under CVS266
Version Control for Specific Files
Common Actions Impact on Specific Files
The following table describes the function of specific files and the implications for
making changes to these files in a version-controlled environment.
Table 10 - Function of files impacted by version control systems
file library.xmi contains a reference to every plug-in in your
method library.
When you create new packages or processes, EPF Composer does
not modify this file. This file is modified only when a plug-in is
This file is shared by all plug-ins in your method library, so you
need to be especially careful to coordinate changes being made by
different individuals.
You can add a method library to CVS so that you can control the version of various files in your library and allow
multiple content authors to work in parallel.
You can add method and process elements to CVS so that you can control changes to each element as its content
is written and its relationships are defined.
You can use CVS to ensure that when you delete a method or process element, the dependent files are
appropriately version-controlled.
You can use CVS to track changes that happen to the content and relationships of method and process elements.
You can use CVS to track who changed what, when, and why.
is one plugin.xmi file for each plug-in.
This file contains a reference to every content element in the plugin, in addition to the presentation names, brief descriptions, and
relationships for each element, such as guidance, inputs or outputs
(tasks), performing role (tasks), work products responsible for
(role), and so on.
It also contains the definition of what is included in each standard
category in addition to the definition and contents of each custom
When more than one person works on a plug-in, you need to be
especially careful about coordinating changes to this file and any
files that it references.
method content
Related topics
Integration with Rational ClearCase267
Changes made to method elements often affect more than one file. In multiuser
environments it is important to understand which actions will affect multiple files and
act accordingly.
For more information about actions by multiple users, see Multiuser scenarios with IBM
Rational ClearCase268.
It is a good practice to have all file updates to a library under version control, be
performed with the integrated version control support provided by EPF Composer. This
integration protects users from unexpected file conflicts when performing actions that
involve multiple files.
For example, if a local file is out-of-date relative to the server, EPF Composer will
detect this conflict and generate a warning. In this situation users should heed the
warnings and update their library appropriately.
The safest way to ensure that files with cross-dependencies are kept in sync with one
another is to update the entire library. Do not simply refresh the individual element that
is out of sync.
The following table describes the impact of common actions on specific files managed
by a version control system.
IBM Rational ClearCase can be integrated with EPF Composer, if a properly configured Rational ClearCase
server is available.
Precautions are needed when multiple users attempt to modify the same files at the same time.
to place new
directory and new
plugin.xmi file under
version control.
Be sure to check in the
new plugin.xmi before
checking in library.xmi.
Delete a plug-in.
Rename a plug-in.
these changes as
close together as possible,
checking in the directory
name change first,
followed by library.xmi.
all changes as
close together as possible,
checking-in the plugin.xmi
file last.
<method content>.xmi
file name is changed.
The library.xmi file is
method content.xmi
file is deleted.
The library.xmi file is
plugin.xmi file is
updated to include a
reference to the new
capability pattern or
The plugin.xmi file is
delivery process. Be sure
to place the new files
under version control
New directory and new
before checking in
model.xmi and content.xmi
files are created for the new plugin.xmi.
CP/DP and added to
Note: It is advisable to
version control.
double-check that your
new process is selected in
your configuration. If it is
not, you will not see it in
the Configuration View.
Delete a process
(Capability pattern or
delivery process).
Rename a process
(Capability pattern or
delivery process).
plugin.xmi file is
The directory for the
process and its contents are
plugin.xmi is modified.
The directory for the
process is renamed.
in these changes as
close together as possible.
plugin.xmi file is
Note: Content and process
packages do not result in
new directories being
created in the file structure.
plugin.xmi file is
method content.xmi
file is updated
plugin.xmi file is
plugin.xmi file is
plugin.xmi file is
plugin.xmi file is
plugin.xmi file is
plugin.xmi file is
content.xmi file is
model.xmi file is
model.xmi file is
model.xmi file is
model.xmi file is
model.xmi file is
Create a configuration.
name.xmi file is created
under \configurations
sure to add
\configuration name.xmi
to source control.
Delete a configuration.
sure to delete
\configuration name.xmi
in your version control
name.xmi file is deleted.
Rename a configuration.
Modify a configuration.
name.xmi file is renamed to
the new configuration
name.xmi file is modified
Related topics
Version Control for Specific Files
Installing and Configuring CVS269
operation. This is significant because the set of files impacted by an operation are
not obvious. Sometimes more than one file is involved. For more information
about version control, see Version Control for Specific Files.
Simplified procedures for renaming and deleting files. For more information
about working with files, see Deleting Files with ClearCase.
Consult the EPF Composer Help files for more information.
CVS assumes an optimistic usage model in which multiple users make changes to files simultaneously. However,
because compare and merge operations are not supported, the CVS Watch/Edit function should be used to
broadcast notifications to other users who may be working on files concurrently.
12. Appendix
Keyboard Shortcuts
Method Parameters
Alternate Help Browser
Accessibility Features
EPF Composer User Roles and Tasks
Open Questions
Keyboard Shortcuts
For a complete list of standard keyboard shortcuts in Windows, see the Keyboard
Assistance information from Microsoft:
All of main menu commands in EPF Composer have keyboard shortcuts. A list of these
shortcuts can be displayed by using the Help menu and selecting Key Assist, or by
using the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+L.
To invoke the context menu while using the process editor, press Shift+F10. This
menu allows you to open or create diagrams.
To invoke the context menu while using the diagram editor, press Shift+F10. This
menu allows you to create diagram objects such as activities, task descriptors, and so
Keyboard Navigation
EPF Composer uses standard Microsoft Windows navigation keys. A list of common
keyboard shortcuts is shown below:
To traverse to the next link, button, or topic, press Tab inside a frame page.
To go to the next link, button or topic node from inside a frame or page, press
To expand and collapse a tree node, press the Right and Left arrows.
To move to the next topic node, press the Down arrow or Tab.
To move to the previous topic node, press the Up arrow or Shift+Tab.
To scroll all the way up or down, press Home or End.
To go back, press Alt+Left arrow; to go forward press Alt+Right arrow.
To go to the next frame, press Ctrl+Tab.
To move to previous frame, press Shift+Ctrl+Tab.
To print the current page or active frame, press Ctrl+P.
To move objects around, press the CTRL+Right or the CTRL+Left arrow keys.
key. If your keyboard does not have an Application key, refer to information
from your operating system vendor on adapting keyboards.
Press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow to navigate between menus; press Enter to
make the choice take effect.
Press Ctrl+Tab to navigate between different sections of the element.
Ctrl+PageUP/PageDown to navigate between different tabs.
Element Editor
You can use the keyboard to navigate in the rich text editing view for an element by
using the following key combinations:
Press Enter to open the editing view.
Press Tab to navigate between sections of the editing view.
Press Shift+Left Arrow or Shift+Right Arrow to choose text.
Press Ctrl+PageUp or PageDown to switch between the Rich Text and HTML
Process Editor
You can use the keyboard to navigate in the process editor by using the following key
Press Ctrl+Tab to navigate between different sections of a process element.
Pres Ctrl+Page Up or Ctrl+Page Down to switch between different tabs of a
process element.
Press the Application key to open a menu. If your keyboard does not have an
Application key, refer to information from your operating system vendor on
adapting keyboards.
Press Escape to navigate between different level menus.
Press Up Arrow or Down Arrow to navigate between lines.
To expand or collapse a tree node, press Right or Left Arrows.
To navigate to the property tab for a process, use the Application key and choose
the Show Properties View menu.
In the Properties tab for a process, press Tab + Up Arrow or Down Arrow to
navigate between different sections like General and Documentation.
Press the space key to check or clear a checkbox in Properties tab.
keyboard does not have an Application key, refer to information from your
operating system vendor on adapting keyboards.
In the opened diagram, press the Application key, from which you can add any
elements and nodes.
Press Escape to navigate between different level menus.
Press Tab to navigate to the Palette tab and use Up Arrow or Down Arrow to
To move around an element in a diagram, press Ctrl+Up/Down/Left/Right.
Press Up/Down/Left/Right key to navigate between different elements.
To navigate to Properties tab for an element, use the Application key and
choose the Show Properties View menu.
In the Properties tab for a diagram, use Tab and Up Arrow or Down Arrow to
navigate between different sections.
In the Publish Wizard, press Up Arrow or Down Arrow to switch between
Method Parameters
The following table describes each preference in the Method section that can impact
EPF Composer.
Table 12 - EPF Composer preferences
Use this page to set the default path for the method library.
You can also set the following preferences:
can help you clean up your library and remove errors that
are reported in the Problems view. However, you should
analyse why these references were broken and be clear
about your intention to remove them before you select this
Bjorn Tuft No Rights Reserved
Filename: EPF_Tutorial_2010024_v14.doc
Use new Extends semantics (off by default): If the option is
not selected, Extends variability works as described in
Method Content Variability270 . If the option is selected,
semantic rules for Extends are available as specified in the
OMG finalised SPEM 2.0 specification (Software and
Systems Process Engineering Metamodel). See and for details.
History size for previous path choices (default is 10)
Enable method library validation (off by default): This
option enables some additional commands in the EPF
Composer user interface (for example, the Validate button
in the Library view's toolbar as well as the context menu)
that allow you to run validation operations on the method
library for finding inconsistencies.
Show External ID fields in editors (off by default): When
selected, one extra name field will be displayed in
elements form editor called External ID. The content of
this field will be published as a second name with every
element where it is applied to.
Use this page to choose the default element link type when
dragging an element from the Library or Configuration view
Method > Authoring into a rich text editor field. The choices are:
> Library View
Method element (default)
Method element with type prefix
Method element with custom text
Use this page to show or hide columns in the Work
Breakdown Structure, Team Allocation, and Work Product
Usage tabs of the Process editor.
Use the menu, and the Add, Remove, Up and Down buttons
Method content variability allows elements in one content package to modify or reuse elements in other content
packages without directly modifying the original content. Variability provides a mechanism for making changes
to the published Web site while keeping the components separate and optional.
applied pattern should have the same elements suppressed
as the original pattern or if all element suppressions should
be removed. Elements can be suppressed via the Properties
view and through the context menu operations.
Use this page to specify the default values for some of the
attributes of process elements created in the Process editor.
The following attributes are available for selection for Phase,
Iteration, Activity, and Milestone:
Optional (off be default)
Multiple Occurrences (off by default)
Planned (on by default)
Use this page to set the preferences for the following activity
diagrams and activity detail diagrams:
Publish activity diagrams for unmodified activity
Method >
extensions (off by default)
Publishing/Browsing Publish activity detail diagrams that have not been created
> Activity Diagrams
in process editor (off by default)
Number of tasks per row (default is 10)
See Publishing Configurations as Web Sites271 for details.
You can use the Publish Method Configuration wizard to generate a Web site based on a method configuration.
Method >
The parameters of this page define the layout of the Role
Publishing/Browsing Diagram that is published with a role page.
> Role Diagram
Supporting method plug-ins are method plug-ins which
content will only be published if it is referenced by another
method plug-in.
Method >
Publishing/Browsing Include descriptor relationships to linked elements in
supporting plug-ins (off by default): This option defines an
> Supporting Plug-in
exception of this rule for relationship from a descriptor to a
method content element. The default is to not publish such
This procedure describes how to use a speech-enabled browser to read the online help.
Pages in the Help system are normally displayed through an internal browser included
with the application. This internal browser can be deselected, which causes the default
system browser to be used to display Help pages.
To set alternate help browser:
1. Select Windows Preferences.
2. Click Help.
3. Select Use External Browser.
The following table lists the four main fonts that the Eclipse workbench uses:
Table 13 - Fonts used
as a section heading.
For example, the welcome page for the Eclipse platform uses this font for the
top title.
in text editors.
in dialog boxes.
The appearance of the caret used in the text editor can be changed by setting
preferences on the Accessibility preferences panel. To set the accessibility preferences:
Select Windows Preferences.
2. Expand the tree node for General Editors Text Editors and select
3. Set the following preferences:
Use custom
Enable thick
Use characters
to show
changes in
vertical ruler
Accessibility Features
EPF Composer is based on Eclipse and offers several accessibility features, which are
part of the Eclipse development platform. Those features are summarised as below:
User interface elements compatible with assistive technology are rendered using
Method Author
The Method Author uses the tool on a regular basis to provide standard processes for
use in an organisation. The Method Author uses the full functionality of the tool to:
Create plug-ins.
Create new method elements.
Extend existing method elements.
Create reusable capability patterns by reusing method elements.
Create delivery processes by reusing capability patterns and method elements.
Create custom categories for use as views in a configuration.
Create and modify configurations.
Publish configurations or processes.
Process Author
The Process Author's goal is to produce a delivery process for their projects by reusing
method elements. The Process Author uses the tool occasionally, as project needs
dictate, typically supporting one or, more likely, several projects by specifying the
processes to be followed. The Process Author uses the process authoring and
configuration publishing functionality of this tool to:
Create plug-ins.
Create reusable capability patterns by reusing method elements.
Create delivery processes by reusing capability patterns and method elements.
Create custom categories for use as views in a configuration.
Create and modify configurations.
Publish configurations or processes.
A Practitioner's goal is to use correctly the organisation's processes and best practices
effectively. A Practitioner uses a published configuration on a regular basis driven by
the work being performed to view processes and methods.
Open Questions
New Project - Etc.
What effects have the Wizards in General: New File, Folder, Project or Untitled Text
Some explanation of how the terms: Phase, Iteration and Activity relate to each
other would be appropriate.
Typically, a process is created by defining its phases and iterations within or across
these phases. Phases and iterations are then further broken down into levels of
activities. Finally, you can populate a work breakdown structure's activity with task
It appears that anything can nest under anything and it is not clear why there are three
different terms, which all seem to indicate a period, a duration but with different
In would seem, a delivery process may have N Phases, which may go through Y
iterations: Each iteration goes through all N Phases. In that case, one iteration
includes all the phases and the Delivery Process with the N Phases are like the type
and an iteration is the instantiation of a type. Activity is a subset of a phase. The
sentence that the delivery processes is reiterated would then be clearly defined.
Iterations, Phases and Activities are Activity Types and each type can be
transformed into another type using the Properties View.
13. Glossary
Activities are the main building blocks for processes. An activity is a collection
of work breakdown elements such as task descriptors, role descriptors, work
product descriptors, and milestone. Activities can include other activities.
Activities can be presented in work breakdown structures and activity diagrams
that graphically describe the flow of work by showing which activities precede
other activities. Phase and iteration are special types of activities that define
specific properties.
An artefact is a tangible work product that is consumed, produced, or modified by
one or more tasks. Artefacts may be composed of other artefacts. For example, a
model artefact can be composed of model elements, which are also artefacts.
Roles use artefacts to perform tasks and to produce other artefacts. Each artefact
is the responsibility of a single role, making responsibility easy to identify and
understand, and promoting the idea that every piece of information produced in a
method requires the appropriate set of skills. Even though only one role is
responsible for an artefact, other roles may use the artefacts.
A checklist is a specific type of guidance that identifies a series of items that need
to be completed or verified. Checklists are often used in reviews such as a
walkthroughs or inspections.
A concept is a specific type of guidance that outlines key ideas associated with
basic principles underlying the referenced item. Concepts normally address more
general topics than guidelines and may be applicable to several work products,
tasks, and activities.
Deep copy
Deep copy is a mechanism for copying all inherited references from one activity
to another. Deep copy will resolve all references at all levels of extension. For
example, if an activity contains an applied extended capability pattern which itself
contains another capability pattern, a deep copy would create local copies for all
levels of nesting. A normal copy would only copy the first level of nesting.
A deliverable is a collection of work products, usually artefacts. Deliverables are
used to define typical or recommended content in the form of work products
packaged for delivery. Deliverables are also used to represent an output from a
process that has value, material or otherwise, to a client, customer, or other
Document Details
Document #
Document name
Document History
4 Feb - 2010
Section reviewed by GS
Bjorn Tuft
Gerhard Schneider