Dr. John Miller: Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

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Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

Program Information and Faculty Achievements

Online at http://cnr.ncsu.edu/fer/fishwild/fwnews.html Volume 10, Issue 3 september 25, 2013

dr. John Miller


Photos courtesy of the Miller family

emeritus professor of Zoology passed away at age of 73

cover Story, Page 4

New carnivore species...............2
Alumni Profile...............................6
Scavenger Hunt...........................8

Faculty Profile...............................9
Graduate abstract...............10-13
Q&A with Dr. L. Scott Mills............. 14

Research Publications..................... 16
Research Presentations..................17
Student awards...................................18

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

NCSU scientist among team that discovers

new species of carnivore
RALEIGH Observed in the wild,
tucked away in museum collections,
and even exhibited in zoos, is one
mysterious creature that has been a
victim of mistaken identity for more
than 100 years. A team of scientists
including Dr. Roland Kays, of the
North Carolina Museum of Natural
Sciences and a professor in the FWCB
program at North Carolina State University however, uncovered overlooked museum specimens of this remarkable animal. Their investigation
eventually took them on a journey
from museum cabinets in Chicago to
cloud forests in South America to genetics labs in Washington, D.C. The
result: the olinguito (Bassaricyon
neblina) the first carnivore species to
be discovered in the Western Hemisphere in 35 years. The teams discovery is published in the Aug. 15 issue of
the journal ZooKeys.
The olinguito (oh-lin-GHEE-toe)
looks like a cross between a house cat
and a teddy bear. It is actually the latest scientifically documented member
of the family Procyonidae, which it
shares with raccoons, coatis, kinkajous and olingos. (Olinguito means
little olingo.) The 2-pound olinguito, with its large eyes and woolly orange-brown fur, is native to the cloud
forests of Colombia and Ecuador, as
its scientific name, neblina (Spanish
for fog), hints. In addition to being
the latest described member of its
family, another distinction the olinguito holds is that it is the newest species in the order Carnivora an incredibly rare discovery in the 21st

Photo courtesty of Julie Urban

Dr. Roland Kays announces the discovery of the Olinguito.

The discovery of the olinguito

shows us that the world is not yet completely explored, its most basic secrets
not yet revealed, said Kristofer Helgen, curator of mammals at the Smithsonians National Museum of Natural
History and leader of the team reporting the new discovery. If new carnivores can still be found, what other
surprises await us? So many of the

worlds species are not yet known to

science. Documenting them is the
first step toward understanding the
full richness and diversity of life on
Discovering a new species of carnivore, however, does not happen over-

Please see, Olinguito Page 3

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology


Continued from page 2

night. This one took a decade, and was not the projects
original goal completing the first comprehensive study
of olingos, several species of tree-living carnivores in the
genus Bassaricyon, was. Helgens team wanted to understand how many olingo species should be recognized and
how these species are distributed issues that had long
been unclear to scientists. Unexpectedly, the teams close
examination of more than 95 percent of the worlds olingo
specimens in museums, along with new DNA testing and
the review of historic field data, revealed existence of the
olinguito, a previously undescribed species.
The first clue came from the olinguitos teeth and skull,
which were smaller and differently shaped than those of
olingos. Examining museum skins revealed that this new
species was also smaller overall with a longer and denser
coat; field records showed that it occurred in a unique area
of the northern Andes Mountains at 5,000 to 9,000 feet
above sea level elevations much higher than the known
species of olingo. This information, however, was coming
from overlooked olinguito specimens collected in the early
20th century. The question Helgen and his team wanted to
answer next was: Does the olinguito still exist in the wild?
To answer that question, Helgen called on Dr. Kays, director of the Biodiversity Lab at the North Carolina Museum of
Natural Sciences and professor in the College of Natural
Resources at North Carolina State University, to help organize a field expedition.
The data from the old specimens gave us an idea of where
to look, but it still seemed like a shot in the dark, Kays said.
But these Andean forests are so amazing that even if we
didnt find the animal we were looking for, I knew our team
would discover something cool along the way.
The team had a lucky break that started with a camcorder
video. With confirmation of the olinguitos existence via a
few seconds of grainy video shot by their colleague Miguel
Pinto, a zoologist in Ecuador, Helgen and Kays set off on a
three-week expedition to find the animal themselves. Working with Pinto, they found olinguitos in a forest on the western slopes of the Andes, and spent their days documenting
what they could about the animal - its characteristics and its
forest home. Because the olinguito was new to science, it
was imperative for the scientists to record every aspect of
the animal. They learned that the olinguito is mostly active
at night, is mainly a fruit eater, rarely comes out of the trees
and has one baby at a time.

Photo courtesty of Mark Gurney

The olinguito (oh-lin-GHEE-toe) looks like a cross between a
house cat and a teddy bear.

In addition to body features and behavior, the team made

special note of the olinguitos cloud forest Andean habitat,
which is under heavy pressure from human development.
Computerized mapping of museum records allowed the
team to estimate that 42 percent of olinguito habitat likely
has already been converted to agriculture or urban areas.
The cloud forests of the Andes are a world unto themselves, filled with many species found nowhere else, many
of them threatened or endangered, Helgen said. We hope
that the olinguito can serve as an ambassador species for the
cloud forests of Ecuador and Colombia, to bring the worlds
attention to these critical habitats.
While the olinguito is new to science, it is not a stranger to
people. People have been living in or near the olinguitos cloud
forest world for thousands of years. And, while misidentified,
specimens have been in museums for more than 100 years, and
at least one olinguito from Colombia was exhibited in several
zoos in the United States during the 1960s and 1970s. There
were even several occasions during the past century when the
olinguito came close to being discovered but was not. In 1920,
a zoologist in New York thought an olinguito museum specimen was so unusual that it might be a new species, but he never followed through in publishing the discovery.
Giving the olinguito its scientific name is just the beginning.
This is the first step, Helgen said. Proving that a species exists and giving it a name is where everything starts.
This is a beautiful animal, but we know so little about it.
How many countries does it live in? What else can we learn
about its behavior? What do we need to do to ensure its conservation?
The team is already planning its next mission into the

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

Photos courtesty of the Miller family

Dr. John Miller passed away at the age of 73. Dr. Miller spent 35 years with the NCSU Department of Zoology.

dr. John Miller

supervised 37 students During his 35-year career at ncsu
By Dr. Steve W. Ross
Dr. John Miller, emeritus professor
of Zoology at NCSU, passed away at
the age of 73 on 27 June 2013, after a
prolonged illness. John was hired into
the NCSU Department of Zoology in
1974 and remained there until he retired in 2010. He was a fisheries biologist and ecologist, and an active
member of the Fisheries, Wildlife, and
Conservation Biology Program. During his 35 year career at NCSU he supervised 37 M.S. and Ph.D. students,
served on numerous other graduate
committees, and taught several graduate and undergraduate level courses

and seminars, including Limnology,

Ecology of Fishes, Estuarine Ecology
and Biology of Fishes.
John was born in Indiana in 1940
and spent his childhood and early
years in the Nashville, IN area. He
earned a Bachelors degree in biology
at Indiana University in 1961, after
which he taught high school science
until 1966. John was recruited into a
graduate program at the University of
Texas (Port Aransas lab) where he
completed a M.S. degree in marine
science in 1964. His thesis research
documented the distributions of marine fishes near Port Aransas. Johns
Ph.D. research was conducted at the

University of Wisconsin where he

studied factors controlling the distribution of young brook trout. He was
awarded his Ph.D. in zoology in 1970.
John took a position with the University of Hawaii from 1970 until he
came to NCSU. While in Hawaii his
work involved unraveling the mysteries of larval fish recruitment and dispersal dynamics, which remained one
of his research passions throughout
his career as a faculty member at NC
In the early 1980s, John successful-

Please see, Miller Page 5

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology


Continued from page 4

ly led an effort to enhance the NCSU
fisheries program by pursuing a legislative allocation for fisheries research.
He then turned the allocation over to
the Fisheries and Wildlife Science Program, more than tripling its discretionary budget, and leading to investments
in equipment, facilities, and personnel
that formed a solid base for the expanding fisheries research program.
In 1997, John was appointed as the
first Mote Eminent Scholar and was
also appointed as a Mote Marine Laboratory Distinguished Visiting Scientist. He held an appointment as a Visiting Scientist with the Netherlands
Institute of Sea Research where he
helped promote international research
on flatfishes. John was instrumental
in starting and maintaining momentum for the International Flatfish
Symposia. Johns outreach to the international community for assistance
in solving various fishery science
problems was mirrored by his involvement with other disciplines.
Later in Johns career he concentrated his resources on singular, but interdisciplinary, research issues. He was
a pioneer in trying to meld physical
oceanography with biology to address
problems of fish recruitment. Another research focal area involved fish
ecophysiology, where John and his
students attempted to understand fish
distributions, abundance, growth and
survival in the context of their environment and their physiological needs.
I recall John telling me that he expected to finish his career honing in on
fish ecophysiology to see if this would
yield the answers he sought.
The statistics of Johns career (dates,
degrees, publications, etc.) cannot define who he was; they do not really mea-

Photos courtesty of the Miller family

Fishing was one of Dr. John Millers favorite pastimes.

sure what he accomplished or reveal

how he approached his work, or signify
the mark he left on our profession. He
put little faith in GRE scores or journal
impact factors, or other metrics by
which we traditionally gage intellect or
scientific worth. John searched for that
spark of logical, independent thinking,
which he promoted in his students and
colleagues. John was about quality, and
he preferred to spend his time on a few
projects, papers, or students to make
them the best he could, rather than producing volume.
John was one of the most critical
and innovative thinkers I have met.
He had a skill for finding the crucial
part of a research question and formulating a variety of ways to tackle it.
He was a master at what we call
thinking outside the box. John instilled in his students the need for scientific rigor, but beyond that he also
taught us how to think more analytically and how to evaluate problems
from many angles. I think that for
John, teaching the ability to think was
of the foremost importance to him.
He was dismayed by students who
were unwilling to engage intellectual-

ly, but would spend huge amounts of

time and energy on those who were
willing to try. John was a beacon in
this regard as he promoted creative,
logical thinking, hard work, knowing
your animal, and he provided encouragement when times were hard. We
learned that there are many pathways
to the truth.
John was passionate about outdoor
activities, fishing being one of his favorite pastimes. He enjoyed pitting his
intellect (not fancy technology) against
that of his potential prey. He brought
his knowledge of fish (think like a
fish) to the game of trying to entice
the beast onto his hook. To my knowledge John never engaged in half-way
measures. If he started a task, he was
fully involved whether that was fishing
or conducting research.
John left us too soon. His lively wit,
quick smile, and creative spark cannot
be replaced. But, Johns legacy lives
on in his family, friends and students,
and through us a part of him will travel through the ages. Memorials can
be made in Johns name to the Quay
Endowment/Fisheries Scholarship at

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

alumni profile: heather dye frink

Lifelong naturalist and youth educator

Growing up in Raleigh I always had
an interest in nature and wildlife. My
parents encouraged this interest by being outdoor enthusiasts and taking my
sister Melissa and I camping and vacationing all over North Carolina. Mom
was our Girl Scout leader, Dad was a
birder and gardener, and it often felt
like we lived outside. When talk turned
to what we would do when we grew
up, our parents encouraged us to follow our interests and trust that our careers would unfold from there. It
turned out to be great advice for both
of us. Melissa has taken her own road
less traveled and become an archaeologist with her Masters in Maritime Archaeology. We are so lucky to have
grown up with parents who wanted us
to be ourselves and spend our lives doing what we love.
Each summer when I was a teenager,
I attended an environmental education
camp in the Virginia mountains called
Nature Camp. There, I had the opportunity to participate in field classes in
topics such as conservation, mammalogy, botany, and ornithology. This opportunity gave me firsthand experience as a naturalist and lit a fire in me
that furthered my interest in pursuing
this as a career.
Looking at the universities in the
area, I noticed that many of the sciences were focused on biology as it applied toward medicine. NCSU provided the focus I wanted in zoology and
conservation, so I chose to attend
I entered NCSU in Biology, but midway through my first semester Dr.
Roger Powell came to speak in one of
my classes about the Fisheries and

Photo courtesty of Heather Dye Frink

Heather Dye Frink, her husband, David Frink and their daughters Isabel and Eleanor.

Wildlife Sciences (FWS) Program and

his black bear research in the North
Carolina mountains. I knew immediately that Fisheries and Wildlife was
where I needed to be, so I headed to
Turner House and switched majors.
At the time, it was typical for a FWS
student to either attend summer camp
or have a field research internship after
their Junior year. However, I wanted
both experiences. This meant attending summer camp a year early - after
my Sophomore year. I struggled a little at summer camp because I didnt
yet have all the courses I needed to be
successful. However, it paid off because it freed me up to do an internship
in Puerto Rico after my Junior year. I
was lucky enough to make a great
friend, Dave Davenport, who was my
TA for Herpetology that spring. When

Dave heard I was looking for a summer internship and would love to go
out of the country, he began advocating
for me with his friends Dr. Jaime Collazo in the Zoology department and
Leopoldo Miranda, PhD student setting up a research project in Ciales,
Puerto Rico. Before I knew it I was on
a plane headed towards a summer that
would change things in a big way for
I am so glad I had the opportunity
through the FWS Program to obtain
valuable hands-on experiences. Summer camp and my wildlife biology
courses gave me knowledge as a naturalist that I use in my job at the Museum. The field internship changed the
direction of my career. Before my in-

Please see, Frink Page 7

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology


Continued from page 6

ternship I had thought I wanted to be a
field researcher, possibly a refuge biologist. However, a summer of being
fairly isolated in the field and having
incredible experiences far from groups
of people I could share them with was
difficult for an extrovert like me. All
that summer, I kept finding myself
having these moments of wonder that I
wanted to turn around and share with
someone who had not seen what I was
seeing, and yet I was alone or with other researchers who saw it all the time. I
realized that for me, there was no substitute for witnessing that sense of
wonder on a persons face when they
first watch a nesting sea turtle heave
herself up a beach or a Puerto Rican
boa snatch a bat from the air. I realized
the isolated nature of field work was
not for me and that my passion was in
sharing the wonder of the natural world
through education.
While working on my Masters degree in Natural Resources Administration at NCSU, I began working parttime with the NC Museum of Natural
Sciences. The spring I was to graduate
I saw a posting for the Curator of Youth
Programs position at the Museum, and
the job seemed to have been written for
me. I was thrilled to be offered the job

and began working for the Museum

full-time. That fall, I married my wonderful husband, David, who I had met
my Junior year through a friend I made
while at summer camp (another reason
Im glad I attended a year early)!
As part of my job, I was coordinator
of the Museums summer camps and
of the Junior Curator teen volunteer
program. I hired summer camp teachers, taught programs for preschool
and elementary-aged kids, and led
monthly field trips all over North Carolina and beyond for interested, enthusiastic, science-minded teens.
Once a year, my colleagues at the Museum and I led a 10 day trip to a destination further away, and our travels
led us to Puerto Rico, Trinidad & Tobago, Newfoundland, Big Bend Texas, Florida & the Everglades, Honduras, and Yellowstone. These trips
could not have happened if I was leading them alone, but in a place like the
Museum there are many educators
with experience leading trips to different places. Also, my friend Dave
Davenport was on staff at the Museum and we planned and led many of
these field trips together. When I look
back on those seven years and see
what the Junior Curators have gone
on to do with their lives, I can see
what an impact we had. Some of them
have even come through the FWCB
program, and I love seeing how many

of them grab opportunities with both

hands and work hard to make the
world a better place.
In the spring of 2006, my husband
David and I welcomed our first daughter Isabel into our family. I decided to
put my full-time work at the museum
on hold while I stayed home with her.
Three years later, we welcomed our
second daughter Eleanor and our family was complete. Though I have spent
the majority of my time in recent years
with my girls, I have continued teaching a few programs each month at the
Museum. Now that my children are
getting a bit older I volunteer teaching
nature programs for their preschool
and elementary school classes and lead
Isabels Girl Scout troop. We are a very
outdoors family and love hiking, birding, gardening, and even keeping
At first I was conflicted with my decision to stay home because as all parents know, when home alone with your
baby it is hard to do anything but survive the day. When they were small it
felt at times like I was giving up a huge
part of who I am, but it was wonderful
and the baby phase with each of them
just flew by. I have never stopped being a naturalist and educator. It is more
than just a job for me, it is a way of life,
something I do every day whether
through the Museum, as a volunteer, or
in my most important job, as Mom.

Wildlife stickers

Show your support for the N.C. State Leopold

Wildlife Club by purchasing a sticker for all of
your vehicles. Stickers are $7.
If interested contact Dr. Chris DePerno
([email protected])

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

Photo courtesy of Brian Malow

Team Tyson: Laura Nichols, Chris Moorman, Tara Malow, Greg Rice, and Brian Malow.

Scavenger Hunt

Photo courtesy of Lauren Nichols

Team Tyson documents herbivory in the trees.

A Science Communication
Scavenger Hunt was organized by
the Biodiversity Lab of the North
Carolina Museum of Natural
Sciences and NC State University.
The Science Communication
Scavenger Hunt was held at the
North Carolina Museum of Natural
Sciences Prairie Ridge Ecostation.
Six teams competed in five stations,
including a Herbivory (climb a tree
and find the most bug-eaten leaves
you can) and Insect Diversity (Catch
a diversity of insects and make a
Vine Video).

Photo courtesy of Rebecca Owens

Herbivory station.

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

faculty profile: lara pacifici

Teaching Assistant Professor of Fisheries,

Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
I am a new Teaching Assistant Professor and undergraduate coordinator
in Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology. My education and work
experiences are a hodgepodge of wildlife biology and teaching. I never quite
realized what I wanted to do when I
grew up until I started this position
and realized this was it.
I went to the State University of New
York College of Environmental Science and Forestry at Syracuse for my
undergraduate degree in Environmental and Forest Biology. I decided to go
there because I liked being outdoors
and with in-state tuition, the price was
right. In the summer between my junior and senior years, I went to summer camp and had an internship both
in the Adirondack Mountains. I spent
the summer hiking, canoeing, identifying plants and animals, live trapping
small mammals and deer, checking
wood duck boxes, and performing loon
nest surveys. It was awesome. From
then on, I knew that wildlife biology
was for me.
I went on to complete a Masters degree at Auburn University with NCSU
alum Mike Mitchell working on the Pisgah Bear Project, which was started by
NCSU Professor Emeritus Roger Powell. During my time at Auburn, I was
the TA for several wildlife classes. After
teaching for just a semester, I knew that
teaching was also for me. The only thing
better than experiencing the wonders of
the natural world is the opportunity to
share those experiences with others.
In the years since I earned my Masters degree, I accumulated experienc-

Photos courtesty of Lara Pacifici

Dr. Lara Pacifici is the undergraduate coordinator in Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation

Photo courtesty of Lara Pacifici

Dr. Lara Pacifici handling a black bear cub.

es that prepared me to combine my affinities for wildlife and teaching I

taught high school biology, environmental science, and wildlife ecology;
I advised Envirothon and Science
Olympiad teams; I earned my doctorate in Science Education from the
University of Georgia; I studied stu-

dents doing undergraduate research

in science; I taught university courses
in biology and biology education; and
I supervised aspiring science teachers. I enjoyed each one of these experiences but longed for a way to fully
integrate my interests in wildlife and
I am so honored to now be in this
position that allows me to teach, mentor students, and build the community
in the Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology Program. It allows me
to draw from all my past experiences
and fully enjoy both wildlife and
teaching every day.
My husband is an NCSU Wildlife
alum and currently works in the Department of Applied Ecology. We are
grateful to be back in Raleigh and to
raise our 2-year old son, Samson, in
the Wolfpack Nation.


Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

abstract: maria baron palamar

Challenges and Opportunities for Raccoon (Procyon lotor) Oral Rabies

Vaccination and Public Health Campaigns in Urban Environments
(Under the direction of Drs. Maria T. Correa and Christopher S. DePerno)
Beginning in the late 1970s, a strain of
rabies associated with raccoons (Procyon lotor) rapidly spread along the East
coast of the United States, with many
states reporting over 500 cases a year.
Raccoon-strain rabies can infect companion animals, livestock, other wildlife
and even humans, and raccoons are the
major vector of this disease in Eastern
North America. Urban areas provide
ideal environments for the spread of
zoonotic diseases such as rabies from
wildlife to human and domestic animal
species. At the end of 2007, Guilford
County, NC, had the highest number of
rabies positive wildlife cases per county
in the state. Pet vaccination, wildlife
vector management and public health
education may well be the most efficient
ways to prevent a rabies epidemic in an
urban environment.
Human behaviors play a fundamental role in the epidemiology of urban
wildlife diseases, and those behaviors
are shaped by knowledge and ethnicity. Guilford County, and in particular
the city of Greensboro, has a total population of 237,423, of which 15,412 are
Hispanic/Latino and 88,587 are African American. Ethnic minorities, particularly Latinos, are growing in numbers throughout the U.S. and are
becoming critically important for wildlife management and public health outreach programs. We evaluated knowledge of rabies, transmission routes,
vector species, and response to rabies
exposure with a bilingual (English/
Spanish) in person survey in Greensboro, North Carolina. Ethnicity, gender and education level were predictors

Photo courtesty of Maria Baron Palamar

Maria Baron Palamar studied the challenges and opportunities for racoon oral rabies vaccinations in urban environments.

of rabies knowledge. Latinos and African Americans had less rabies knowledge than non-Latino Whites.
Non-Latino Whites and men had less
rabies knowledge than women. Only
41% of African American respondents
identified animal bites as a route of rabies transmission to humans, and less
than half of all respondents knew that
washing a bite wound with soap and
water was useful prevention. Our
knowledge scale was internally consistent (Cronbachs alpha = 0.73) and could
be valuable for future studies of zoonotic disease knowledge. Future rabies educational campaigns should focus on

developing culturally sensitive, language appropriate educational materials geared to minorities.

Guilford County also needed to assess the pet vaccination status and
awareness of rabies vaccination clinics
offered by the County. Furthermore,
they needed to understand how the
public would respond to rabid animals
and how to deliver information about
rabies and rabies clinics to them in the
future. To address this need, we asked
several outreach questions in addition
to the knowledge questions as part of

Please see, Palamar Page 11


Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology


Continued from page 10

the initial bilingual (English/Spanish)
survey of people residing in Greensboro, NC. Our results indicated that
most pet owners report vaccinating
their pet. Most Latinos were not aware
of rabies vaccination clinics offered by
the county and they preferred to obtain
future rabies information through the
radio and TV, as do African Americans. Most non-Latino whites were
aware of the rabies clinics offered by
the county and preferred to obtain future information through the internet.
The final aspect of controlling and
eventually eradicating raccoon rabies
from urban environments was to implement wildlife management measures that reduce the risk of rabies. Because raccoons are the most important
rabies vector in eastern US, we developed a program for the control of rabies associated with raccoons in
Greensboro, NC.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Wildlife Services has established the
National Oral Rabies Vaccination
(ORV) Program with the goal of limiting the westward expansion of raccoon
rabies. In the ORV program, baits inoculated with rabies vaccination are
distributed aerially. However, aerial
vaccines are distributed primarily in
rural areas where raccoon density is reported to be lower than in urban environments, aerial baiting limited effectiveness in urban/suburban environments.
ORV baiting devices and the associated cost have not been extensively evaluated in urban environments. Additionally raccoon pre-vaccination
serology is necessary to determine the
prevalence of rabies virus neutralizing
antibodies in raccoons before administering a rabies vaccine, and to accurately evaluate the effects of the oral

Photo courtesy of Maria Baron Palamar

Maria Baron Palamar obtains blood samples from a captured racoon.

vaccination in a specific population.

To determine efficacy and cost of
baiting devices; the species attracted
to the bait; and raccoon rabies titters
pre ORV delivery, we established
bait stations and trapping with trail
cameras at 28 different locations
within the city limits of Greensboro.
We had 4 baiting and trapping periods to evaluate the effectiveness of
the oral bait delivery stations and to
obtain tissue samples from resident

raccoons. Raccoons were captured

in 83% of photographs and we observed raccoon activity in 27 out of
28 baiting stations. We sampled 80
unique raccoons and 3.6% of the
samples were positive for rabies. Additionally we calculated that it would
cost the city of Greensboro $3,665
per year to build, install, bait and remove the required amount of bait stations for the amount of green space
that they currently have.


Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

abstract: eric kilburg

Wild turkey nesting ecology and nest survival in the

presence of frequent growing-season fire
Prescribed fire traditionally has
been applied during the dormant season in southeastern pine forests, partly out of concern for destruction of
nests of ground nesting birds such as
the wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). However, burning during late
spring and early summer promotes
grasses and forbs in the forest stand
understory which may benefit forage
quantity and quality, nesting cover
and survival, and recruitment for wild
turkeys. The effects of frequent, longterm application of growing-season
fire on wild turkey prenesting resource selection, nesting cover availability, and nest destruction have not
been determined. We used GPS and
VHF-telemetry to assess female prenesting resource selection and locate
and monitor wild turkey nests. Additionally, we calculated the risk of nest
destruction by prescribed fire as the
proportion of nests active times the
proportion of the study area burned
each week of the nesting season.
Growing-season fire history did not
influence female resource selection
prior to nesting. Rather, females selected locations burned the preceding
dormant season, drop zone (managed
opening) edges, and riparian areas.
Females selected the upland-lowland
transitional vegetation community
(ecotone) for nesting and avoided upland pine forest. Ecotones had greater
cover than upland pine, attributable to
abundant ericaceous shrubs. Likewise, estimated nest survival was
greater in lowland vegetation types

Eric Lee Kilburg studied wild turkey nesting ecology and nest survival in the presence of frequent growing-season fire.

(60%) than uplands (10%). Although

approximately 20% of the study area
was burned annually during the nesting season, only 1 of 30 wild turkey
nests we monitored was destroyed by
fire. We estimated that no more than
6% of nests annually were active in a
fire management unit when a burn
was applied to the same unit. We suggest that prescribed burning forest
stands during the wild turkey prenesing and nesting seasons does not negatively influence prenesting resource
selection or considerably reduce nest
survival. However, dormant-season

burns may increase green forage

availability for prenesting females and
woody cover for nesting in uplands.
Including dormant-season burns in
fire prescriptions may improve wild
turkey spring forage, nesting cover
availability, and nest survival. Because females used forest stands managed with growing-season fire as
available for prenesting and nesting
activities, and because the probability
of direct nest failure from fire was
low, growing-season burning does not
conflict with wild turkey habitat management.

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology


abstract: ryan klimstra

Wildlife use of native warm-season grass and

non-native cool-season grass forage fields
Concurrently, several small mammal and bird species associated with native early successional plant communities
have declined. Establishment of native warm-season grass
(nwsg) fields has been proposed as a strategy to provide
wildlife habitat and diversify forage production, yet monocultures of nwsg may offer poor-quality habitat for birds
and small mammals. Changes in small mammal and avian
populations associated with changes in forage production
systems could alter the ecological services they provide
(e.g., seed dispersal and prey).
We measured territory density and reproductive effort for
eastern meadowlark (Scurnella magna), grasshopper sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum), field sparrow (Spizella
pusilla), and indigo bunting (Passerina cyanea) in 7 nwsg
forage fields (4 hayed and 3 grazed), 7 non-native cool season (csg) forage fields (4 hayed and 3 grazed), and 3 nwsgforb fields managed for wildlife (wildlife fields) during
May-August 2009 and 2010. We developed a hierarchical
spatially-explicit capture-recapture (HSCR) model to compare abundance of hispid cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus),
white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus), and house mice
(Mus musculus) among 4 hayed csg fields, 4 hayed nwsg
fields, and 4 nwsg-forb fields managed for wildlife during 2
summer trapping periods in 2009 and 2010.
Eastern meadowlark territory density was at least 2 times
greater in csg grazed fields than other field types and increased with field size. Grasshopper sparrow territory density did not differ among field types but increased with field
size. Field sparrow territory density was at least 2.5 times
greater in wildlife fields than in all other field types, and indigo bunting territory density was greater in nwsg hayed and
wildlife fields than in other field types and increased with
field size. Cotton rat abundance estimates were greater in
wildlife fields than in nwsg hayed and csg hayed fields. Abundance of white-footed mouse and house mouse did not differ
among field types. Also, we radio-collared 12 cotton rats, of
which 1 was killed by haying equipment and 2 died of predation following dispersal out of recently hayed fields. Visual
obstruction near ground (<0.5 m) generally was greater in

Ryan Law Klimstra studied wildlife use of native warm-season grass and non-native coolseason grass forage fields.

wildlife fields and nwsg fields than in csg fields. Forb coverage was greater in csg grazed and wildlife fields than in nwsg
and csg hayed fields and leaf litter an thatch coverage were
greater in csg hayed and wildlife fields than in nwsg fields.
Our results suggest monocultures of tall nwsg provide low
quality habitat for several grassland/shrubland songbirds
and small mammals. Using moderate grazing strategies instead of high-intensity grazing and haying may increase
suitability of nwsg forage fields for grassland birds while
maintaining forage quality. Furthermore, a lack of cover following haying likely is the key factor limiting small mammal abundance in forage fields.


Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

Q&A: L. Scott mills

Dr. Mills has deep roots in North Carolina

L. Scott Mills, a 1983 alumnus, reunited with North Carolina State University this July as a faculty member.
Scott is part of the Chancellors Faculty Excellence Program in Global
Environmental Change and Human
Well-Being. The Chancellors Faculty
Excellence Program is bringing the
best and brightest to join NC State to
promote interdisciplinary scholarship
and innovation for solving the globes
most pressing problems.
Scott Mills is a Professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources in the College of Natural
Resources, and a member of the Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology Program, and looks forward to
collaborating with the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the College
of Sciences, the NC Museum of Natural Sciences, and the USGS Southeast
Climate Science Center.
Dr. Lara Pacifici, also new to NC
State as Assistant Teaching Professor
and Undergraduate Coordinator of
the Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology Program, had the recent
opportunity to ask Dr. Scott Mills
some questions about his past and future:
Pacifici: After 18 years at the University of Montana, what influenced you to come to North Carolina State University?
Mills: I have deep roots in North
Carolina; I grew up here in Raleigh,
and my family history here goes way
back (my great-great grandfather was
a mathematics professor at Wake Forest College in 1866, when it was a sin-

Photo courtesy of L. Scott Mills

Dr. L. Scott Mills is a professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources.

gle building in the town of Wake Forest). So in some ways Im responding

to the tidal pull to come back to this
part of the world. As an NCSU alum,
I have always admired this university,
especially in the Natural Resources
fields; really, NCSU is one of the few
universities with a program strong
enough that Id consider leaving Montana for! I am elated to be back at
NCSU as a professor, to give back a
bit for all I gained here as a student
and citizen.
Pacifici: What are your research
and teaching interests?
Mills: I am a wildlife population
ecologist, meaning that I combine
field data, population models, and genetic tools (including non-invasive ge-

netic sampling in the wild) to understand population and community-level

effects of human stressors on wildlife.
I am also active in developing more
efficient and rigorous approaches to
population assessment, monitoring,
and conservation decision-making.
My teaching has included graduate
and undergraduate classes and short
courses for agency biologists in applied population ecology, conservation genetics, population viability
analysis, general ecology, and field
As for research, for many years I
have focused on projects in mountainous landscapes. I am heavily involved
in helping to build local capacity for
wildlife biology research in the Hima-

Please see, Mills Page 15


Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology


Continued from page 14

layan Kingdom of Bhutan, where two
of my graduate students are currently
using non-invasive genetic sampling
and remote cameras to study snow
leopards and tigers. We have a book
coming out that provides practical,
how-to overviews of wildlife research techniques in mountainous
Asian landscapes.
My students and I have also used
field studies, genetic analyses and
population models to guide conservation and management of other species
ranging from marmots in Olympic
National Park confronting invasive
coyotes, to endangered Sierra Nevada
bighorn sheep, to flying foxes in the
Philippines, to small mammals along
forest edges, to declining amphibian
species. I am also continuing my research on snowshoe hares that has
been going for 15 years (more on that
in the next question).
While I will keep much of this research going, Im also excited about
going some totally new directions
with local species and questions. Not
sure what those new research questions will be, but Im looking forward
to getting ideas from folks here!
Pacifici: Youve done a great deal
of work on snowshoe hare predatory prey dynamics. Will you continue that work? See https://vimeo.
Mills: Yes. Having spent 15 years
working to understand hare population dynamics and response to logging (and the powerful role of predation), I am now focusing on whether
hare camouflage can adapt to climate

change. Like many species across the

globe, hares change from brown to
white seasonally to match their background. Because the change is based
on daylength, they turn white whether
or not snow is present. As duration of
snow during winters decreases due to
climate change, what does that mean
for these white hares on a snowless
background? The question is key because it will help us understand the
ability of animals to locally adapt to
climate change, thereby improving
the decisions we make in managing
wildlife in the face of climate change
and other global stressors. To study
how animals might adapt to climate
change requires a multi-disciplinary
approach, so we are combining radiotelemetry and field studies with global climate prediction models, as well
as gene expression and hormone assays. We are even building here, at
the Vet School, one of the worlds first
facilities to house animals that undergo seasonal coat color molts.
I will continue the work with snowshoe hares, whose southern range in
the east coast extends down to Virginia, and I will also extend the studies to
other species that undergo coat color
molts, such as weasels. While it might
seem a little strange to have, here on
NCSU campus, a big research program on animals that turn white (and
including a sub-freezing animal facility), it makes sense if you consider
that this project is very high profile,
addresses critical questions for understanding climate change effects on
wildlife, and is poised to prosper in
the rich collaborative environment of
the NCSU campus community. For
example, the sub-zero hare facility
were building at the Vet School
(which has been nicknamed the Bunny Chiller by some) couldnt be built

most places because of the varied expertise required in animal husbandry,

engineering, and construction; the
team helping me here at NCSU is second to none. In short, the expertise of
my new colleagues at NCSU will help
us answer aspects of adaptation to climate change that are critical to society
and that are not being addressed anywhere else.
Pacifici: What experiences stand
out most in your memories of your
time as an undergraduate at
Mills: I worked hard and played
hard. Many a night I studied up in the
stacks of D.H. Hill, but weekends I
would head out for bass fishing nearby or rock climbing in the mountains
(one night, to test out a new rope, we
rappelled out of a Tucker Dorm window; the police officer standing at the
bottom was shaking his head and gave
us a big lecture). I was a features writer for the Technician, and had memorable interviews about milking contests, spider webs, and making beer. I
remember talking with Dr. Roger
Powell (Mammalogy prof) as one of
his pet weasels ran loose in his office.
A powerful class moment was a field
trip to Lake Matumuskeet, where Dr.
Phil Doerr showed us a swan dying of
lead poisoning, a visceral symbol of
the importance of banning lead shot
from waterfowl hunting (this finally
happened a few years later). Another
memorable night was the student
chapter of the Wildlife Society banquet at my grandparents pond in
Wake Forest. And finally, my senior
year was 1983, so I was a participant
in the celebrations on the brickyard
when the Cardiac Pack won the
NCAA championship!

Read more online: http://cnr.ncsu.edu/blogs/news/2013/08/25/meet-dr-l-scott-mills/

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology


Publications & Presentations

Research Publications
Becker, S., C. E. Moorman, C. S. DePerno, and T. Simons. 2013. Quantifiable long-term monitoring on parks and
nature preserves. Southeastern Naturalist 12:339-352.
Chitwood, M. C., C. S. DePerno, J. R. Flowers, and S. Kennedy-Stoskopf. 2013. Physiological condition of
female white-tailed deer in a nutrient-deficient habitat type. Southeastern Naturalist 12:307-316.
Clarke, E. O. III, B. Dorn, A. Boone, G. Risatti, K. Gilbert-Marcheterre, and C. A. Harms. 2013.
Mycobacteriosis, Mycobacterium chelonae, in a captive yellow stingray (Urobatis jamaicensis). Journal of
Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 44: 470-474.
Dodge, S., G. Bohrer, R. Weinzierl, S. C. Davidson, R. Kays, D. Douglas, S. Cruz, H. J., D. Brandes, and M.
Wikelski. 2013. The environmental-data automated track annotation (Env-DATA) system: Linking animal
tracks with environmental data. Journal of Movement Ecology 1. doi:10.1186/2051-3933-1-3
Emsens, W.-J., B. T. Hirsch, R. Kays, and P. A. Jansen. 2013. Prey refuges as predator hotspots: ocelot (Leopardus
pardalis) attraction to agouti (Dasyprocta punctata) dens. Acta Theriologica. doi:10.1007/s13364-013-0159-4
Erlacher-Reid, C. D., T. M. Norton, C. A. Harms, R. Thompson, M. T. Walsh, and M. A. Stamper. 2013.
Intestinal and cloacal strictures in free-ranging and aquarium-maintained green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas).
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 44: 408-429.
Fox, A. F., S. C. Reberg-Horton, D. B. Orr, C. E. Moorman, and S. D. Frank. 2013. Crop and field border effects
on weed seed predation in the southeastern U.S. coastal plain. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 177:58-62.
Helgen, K. M., M. Pinto, R. Kays, L. Helgen, M. Tsuchiya, A. Quinn, D. Wilson, and J. Maldonado. 2013.
Taxonomic revision of the olingos (Bassaricyon), with description of a new species, the Olinguito. ZooKeys
Hightower, J. E., K. J. Magowan, L. M. Brown, and D. A. Fox. 2013. Reliability of fish size estimates obtained
from multibeam imaging sonar. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 4:86-96.
LaPoint, S., P. Gallery, M. Wikelski, and R. Kays. 2013. Animal behavior, cost-based corridor models, and real
corridors. Landscape Ecology. doi:10.1007/s10980-013-9910-0
Minter L. J., C. A. Harms, K. E. Archibald, H. Broadhurst, K. M. Bailey, E. F. Christiansen, G. A. Lewbart,
and L. P. Posner. 2013. The efficacy of alfaxalone for the intravascular anesthesia and euthanasia in blue crabs
(Callinectes sapidus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 44: 694-699.
Nelson, T. C., P. Doukakis, S. T. Lindley, A. D. Schreier, J. E. Hightower, L. R. Hildebrand, R. E. Whitlock, and M. A. H.
Webb. 2013. Research Tools to Investigate Movements, Migrations, and Life History of Sturgeons (Acipenseridae),
with an Emphasis on Marine-Oriented Populations. PLOS ONE 8 (8): e71552. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071552.

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology


Publications & Presentations

Rockhill, A. P., C. S. DePerno, and R. A. Powell. 2013. The effect of illumination and time of day on movement of
bobcats (Lynx rufus). PLOS ONE 8(7): e69213. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0069213.
Safi, K., B. Kranstauber, R. Weinzierl, L. Griffin, E. C. Rees, D. Cabot, S. Cruz, C. Proao, J. Y. Takekawa, S.
H. Newman, J. Waldenstrm, D. Bengtsson, R. Kays, M. Wikelski, and G. Bohrer. 2013. Flying with the
wind: scale dependency of speed and direction measurements in modelling wind support in avian flight.
Movement Ecology 1:4. doi: 10.1186/2051-3933-1-4.
Turner, M. M., C. S. DePerno, M. C. Conner, T. B. Eyler, R. A. Lancia, R. W. Klaver, and M. K. Stoskopf.
2013. Habitat, Wildlife and One Health: Acanobacterium pyogenes in Maryland Upper Eastern Shore white-tailed
deer populations. Infection Ecology and Epidemiology 2013, 3:19175 http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/iee.v3i0.19175.

Book Chapter
Voirin, B., R. Kays, M. Wikelski, and M. Lowman. 2013. Why do sloths poop on the ground? Pages 195199 in L.
Margaret, S. Devy, and T. Ganesh, editors. Treetops at Risk: Challenges of Global Canopy Ecology and
Conservation. Springer, New York.

Research Presentations
Courchesne, S., S. Jennings, M. Pokras, T. Diamon, D. McNair, J. Brown, J. Ballard, C. Harms, E.
Christiansen, S. Schweitzer, A. Ballmann, D. E. Green, M. Hines, J. Okoniewski, M. P. Harris, D.
Turner, J. Gallegos, J. Stanton, and J. C. Ellis. 2013. Unusual winter mortality events in multiple Atlantic
seabird species. International Wildlife Disease Association Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Fritts, S. R., C. E. Moorman, and D. Hazel. 2013. Efficacy of biomass harvestings guidelines implemented in an
operational context. Project Directors Meeting - AFRI Foundational Programs: Soil Processes, Managed Ecosystems,
Ecosystem Services, and Renewable Energy, Natural Resources, and Environment. Annapolis, Maryland.
Grodsky, S. M., S. R. Fritts, C. E. Moorman, S. B. Castleberry, J. A. Homyack, and T. B. Wigley. 2013.
Evaluation of wildlife response to woody biomass harvesting. Project Directors Meeting - AFRI
Foundational Programs: Soil Processes, Managed Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Renewable Energy,
Natural Resources, and Environment. Annapolis, Maryland.
Marshall, S., D. Orr, L. K. Bradley, S. Frank, and C. E. Moorman. 2013. The effects of lawn plant diversity on
arthropod diversity. 2013 American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference, Palm Desert,

Harms, C. Invited participant, International Whaling Commission, Workshop on Euthanasia Protocols to Optimize
Welfare Concerns for Stranded Cetaceans. London, UK.

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology


Publications & Presentations

Pollock is honour speaker at Euring 2013 conference
Ken Pollock was the Honour Speaker, International EURING 2013 Conference on Mark-Recapture Methods. April
28- May 4, 2013, University of Georgia, Athens Georgia. The primary focus of The EURING Meetings is the
advancement of statistical methods used to estimate population parameters for populations where animals

Extension Presentations
Lashley, M.S., C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno. 2013. A Study of Wildlife on Military Bases. NC Museum of
Natural Sciences Nature Research Center, Raleigh, North Carolina.

Student Awards: Best poster

Stevenson, K., M. N. Peterson, R. Strnad, H. Bondell, S. Moore, and L. Malone. 2013. Identifying influences on
environmental literacy in middle school students. FER & MEAS Graduate Student Research Symposium,

Extension Article
Stevenson, K. 2013. Taking Kids Outside Matters: Promoting Environmental Literacy in North Carolina.
Coastwatch. Retrieved September 10, 2013, from http://www.ncseagrant.org/home/coastwatch?task=showArtic

Enhance wildlife habitat

Bat boxes and
wood duck boxes $50
You can help enhance wildlife
habitat in your backyard. All proceeds
benefit the Leopold Wildlife Club
If interested contact Dr. Chris DePerno ([email protected])

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

organizations and opportunities

Read back
issues online
If you missed the last issue
of the Fisheries and Wildlife
newsletter you can catch
up on back issues on the
departments Web site under
the news tab.

North Carolina State University Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

students and faculty are active in a number of peer and industry organizations
devoted to aspects of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology.
The Leopold Wildlife Club offers students the opportunity to network and
learn from professionals in wildlife science and management. Meetings are held
twice a month and typically feature speakers on a variety of topics. Past speakers
have included falconers, fishing guides, taxidermists, decoy carvers and more.
The Student Fisheries Society is a sub-unit of the North Carolina Chapter of
the American Fisheries Society. It encourages the exchange of fisheries and
aquatic science information among students, faculty and regional professionals
while also providing career guidance to students. The American Fisheries Society is the oldest and largest not-for-profit professional society for government,
academic and industry scientists associated with conservation, development and
management of fishery resources in North America.
The NC Chapter of The Wildlife Society provides a forum for wildlife professionals and others to interact to improve wildlife conservation and management while fostering high professional standards and ethics within all related
fields. It is an acknowledged source of current scientific information and expertise and acts as a collective voice on matters relating to wildlife biology, management, education and policy.

Summer Camp student endowments

Please consider giving to our two Summer Camp student endowments. These
endowments help undergraduate students attend the Fisheries and Wildlife Summer Camp. For more information on how to contribute, contact Dr. Chris Moorman at 919-515-5578 or [email protected]

Phil Doerr Endowment Fund

Also, you may consider giving to the Phil Doerr Endowment Fund. The endowment, established with the North Carolina Natural Resources Foundation,
will be used to fund an annual award to assist undergraduate or graduate student(s)
in gaining valuable field experience. For more information on how to contribute,
contact Dr. Chris Moorman at 919-515-5578 or [email protected]

The Newsletter Compiled and edited by:

Christopher S. DePerno, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

Department of Forestry
919-334-8935 (cell)
College of Natural Resources
919-515-5110 (fax)
North Carolina State University
[email protected]
Turner House, Box 7646
Raleigh, NC 27695-7646
919-513-7559 (office)

Steve Allen Fisheries, Wildlife, and

Conservation Biology graduate

design and editing
336-209-5093 (cell) [email protected]

Got a story idea or a great photo?

Send your article submissions or pictures of North

Carolinas native wildlife to [email protected].


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