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Part 1: Introduction to the Brain
Chapter 1: Brain Basics ..................................................................................................6



Forebrain, Midbrain, Hindbrain

Compartments of Neuron

Nucleus, Dendrites, Axon, Synapse, Mitochondria, etc.

Electrical signaling, Action potentials, etc.


Other Cell types

Neurotransmitters / Neuromodulators

Intracellular Signalling

Glia, microglia (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes)

Acetylcholine, DA, NE, Serotonin, Neuropeptides, Hormones

2nd messengers, etc.

Chapter 2: The Developing Brain ................................................................................... 13

Neuronal development
Neuronal migration, axon guidance

Synapse formation, and pruning

Critical periods


Part 2: Sensing, Thinking, and Behaving

Chapter 3: Senses and Perception .................................................................................. 18



Lens, photoreceptors, LGN, visual cortex/occipital lobe

Receptive fields

Other senses

Hearing, taste, smell, touch

What is transduction cell for each?

What is something unique about each?

Chapter 4: Learning, Memory, and Language .................................................................. 25

Learning & Memory

Limbic system, hippocampus, anatomy


Types of memory
Working memory
Semantic memory
Episodic memory

Synaptic plasticity, LTP


What brain regions are important?

Chapter 5: Movement................................................................................................... 29

Reflex / involuntary movemebt

Voluntary movement

Neural pathway to spinal cord and back

Cortical processing areas

Cerebellum, motor coordination

Chapter 6: Sleep ......................................................................................................... 32

Stages of sleep

Brain activity and REM

Sleep disorders

Important brain regions

Part 3: Across the Lifespan

Chapter 7: Stress ......................................................................................................... 36

Acute vs. chronic stress

Stress mediator: glucocorticoids

Impact of chronic stress on health

Chapter 8: Aging ........................................................................................................ 39

Effects on memory

Normal changes vs. Disease


Part 4: Brain Research

Chapter 9: Kinds of Research ........................................................................................ 42

Common animal subjects in research

Types of research techniques


Imaging (e.g. PET, MRI)

Role of genes in research and disease

What is a mutation?

Landmark gene discoveries

Huntingtons disease : HTT

Fragile X syndrome : FMR1

Part 5: Diseases and Disorders

Chapter 10: Childhood Disorders ................................................................................... 49

Autism, ADHD, Down syndrome, Dyslexia

What are some key characteristics of each?

Chapter 11: Addiction .................................................................................................. 52

Main neurotransmitter system involved in addiction: Dopamine


What are the key brain structures of this system?

What neurotransmitter or neurotransmitter receptor does alcohol alter?

Common health problem associated with alcohol addiction

What neurotransmitter or receptor does marijuana alter?

Effect of marijuana on memory

What are other drugs of abuse?

Chapter 12: Degenerative Disorders ............................................................................... 57

Alzheimers disease, ALS, Huntingtons disease, Parkinsons disease

What are key features?

What is the main brain region or type of neurons affected?

Chapter 13: Psychiatric Disorders ................................................................................... 62

Anxiety, Depression, Tourette Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia

Main features?

Chapter 14: Injury and Illness ........................................................................................ 66

Brain tumors

What is it?

Main form of treatment

Multiple sclerosis

What type of disease?

Effects on neuronal communication


Acute vs. chronic

What is an NSAID?

Role of opiods


What is the defining characteristic?

How common is it?


Role of blood vessels / cardiovascular system

What causes it? What are some common symptoms?

Part 6: Treating Brain Disorders

Chapter 15: Potential Therapies ..................................................................................... 73

Know some examples and what they do

Chapter 16: Neuroethics ............................................................................................... 76

What is it?
What is the role of neuroethics?

What types of questions do neuroethics address?

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