PFK Factfile 3

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FISH Factfile

 cientific name:
Elassoma evergladei
l Size: 4cm/ 1.5in adult size
l Origin: North America, from
South Carolina to Florida and
southern Alabama
l Habitat: Slow moving,
densely planted waters,
including swamps and

Everglades pygmy sunfish

l Aquarium: For a small fish, opt for a larger tank

with huge amounts of Cabomba and Egeria type
bushy plants. 60cm/ 24in minimum for more than
one pair
l Water conditions: Subtropical fish, so aim for
water temperature of 20C. Neutral to slightly base
water, 7.0 7.5pH, hardness 10 15H
l Feeding: Difficult as they rarely enjoy dried foods.
Keep a good supply of Daphnia, Cyclops, baby
Brine shrimp Micro worm, and bloodworm.
Drosophila fruit flies also readily taken.

l Notes: Pygmy sunfish make a great breeding project

in an unheated tank. While males have brighter
markings, females can mask themselves amongst
wood and debris. Males make a territory roughly
15cm around them, and guard it fiercely rival males
will be chased to opposite ends of the tank amid
flaring and biting, and after elaborate aggression
displays involving fluttering fins. Best kept in a
species tank with low lighting and huge amounts of
plants. A biotope project can be very cheap to set up,
needing only minimal hardware.

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