Montessori Method As A Basis For Integrated Mathematics Learning

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The document discusses the Montessori method and its potential as a basis for integrated mathematics learning. It analyzes similarities between Montessori and integrated approaches and their positive effects on mathematics learning.

The document discusses theoretical aspects of Montessori method and integrated learning approach. It also discusses goals of mathematics learning in national school curriculum documents.

The document highlights similarities in learning goals between Montessori method and integrated curriculum approach. It also points out similarities in productive environments created within the two methods for mathematics learning.

J. Milinkovi D.

Bogavac: Montessori method as a basis for

Metodiki obzori 11, vol. 6(2011)1

Metodiki obzori 6(2011)1

Review article
UDK: 371.4Mon
Received: 13. 11. 2010.


Jasmina Milinkovi, PhD
Teachers Training Faculty, Belgrade (Serbia)
e-mail: [email protected]
Dragana Bogavac, PhD
Teachers Training Faculty, Belgrade (Serbia)
e-mail: [email protected]

This research offers a theoretical comparative analysis of the Montessori Method
and integrative teaching. Current trends call for incorporation of an integrative approach
into educational practice. From the constructivists cognitive perspective knowledge is
constantly changing, and results from acting and thinking. Maria Montessori developed an
approach which is intellectually challenging and motivating. It develops a creative, flexible,
authentic and constructive personality. In this paper we focus on theoretical aspects of both
Montessori Method and integrative approach and look for compatible elements. We pay
special attention to effects of the Montessori Method on development of mathematical
aspects of reasoning.
Our argument is that preschool Montessori Method has the capacity to become the
basis for an integrative school approach. This provides a smooth move from early
childhood learning to school learning. We point to the similarity of learning goals. Also, we
pay attention to features of productive environments created within these two Methods for
mathematics learning. In the light of the analysis, we suggest common features of the
Montessori Method and integrated curriculum approach which have positive effects on
mathematics learning. Finally, we draw some educational and curricular research questions.
Our argument is that the Montessori Method presents natural prerequisites for integrated
learning. We conclude that together they fulfil the social need for functional knowledge and
holistic approach to a childs development.
Key words: Montessori Method, integrated learning, mathematics

At the beginning of our discussion on the Montessori Method and integrative
learning let us define a principle idea followed in our work. First, we assume that
knowledge is socially constructed. Development of the process of thinking and building
knowledge occurs in a social environment. The two processes are shaped by culture and
evolve and change in interactions of individuals with other persons and cultural tools. Both
the Montessori Method and integrative approach are rooted in problem solving. The
intention to solve problems is a motivation for learning and it provides context for learning.

J. Milinkovi D. Bogavac: Montessori method as a basis for

Metodiki obzori 11, vol. 6(2011)1

In effect, learning becomes the means in problem solving. We paid a closer look at the
Montessori Method and at integrative learning in search for gaining insight on how to help
children develop as whole persons starting from kindergarten to adulthood.
National documents on school curriculum define goals and objectives for elementary
school mathematics. They maintain that among others skills and knowledge, schools should
develop in pupils "the ability to recognize, formulate, analyze and solve problems". In order
to be able to solve a problem, pupils need to develop the ability "to separate important from
unimportant information, to give argumentation, to prove claims, to distinguish between
scientific from experience based (subjective) approach to solving problem, to assess
progress and to analyze the problem from different angles (mathematics, physics,
technology, etc)" (Ministry of Education and Sports of the Republic of Serbia, 2003, p. 58).
The National document on school curriculum also calls for effort in developing pupils
ability to perform simple experiments. These requirements should be reconsidered in the
light of teaching approach from early years throughout the school system.

Integrated mathematics curriculum

In the paper we focus on integrative elements of mathematics education in
elementary school. The concept of integrated curriculum coincides with a holistic view of
education as a complex system with a unique goal. It produces a complex, holistic view of
world in children. As a result children look for connections and relations among phenomena
in search for understanding or in process of problem solving (Vilotijevic, 2008). In the
integrated curriculum, a (realistic) context provides opportunity for extended learning
experience and or making connections and transfer. Usage of a rich ill defined problem
situation leads pupils to identify problems and then develop a plan for resolving the issue
which calls for making connections and transfer of knowledge (Milinkovic, 2009) The main
objective in the integrative approach is to facilitate development of holistic approach to
problems and cohesion and connection of functional knowledge (Milinkovic, 2009). Pupils
active learning through problem solving is a basic assumption. "The Integrative Approach
insists on projects rather than on individual mathematics units with strictly defined content"
(Flamand). When making connections and finding relations among various concepts,
children achieve individually set objectives and standards. Let us remark that one important
goal of the integrative approach is to allow children to develop a multifaceted view of
problems. As Gudjonson stated integrative learning has a "tendency to be interdisciplinary."
(Gudjonson, according to E. Terhart, 2001, p. 186)
The origin of blending topics from different mathematical fields, or from different
scientific fields may be traced to the Old Greek civilization. For example, Euclid in books
sixth, seven and eight of Elements defines numbers as geometric concepts. (E.g. Even
number is the one which can be measured in two equal parts). But as body of knowledge
grew bigger, scientific fields separated and this was followed by setting limits of school
subjects. Nowadays, we can talk about call for reunion of schools subjects into a unique
body of knowledge and values that need to be passed on to young generation. Our highly
technical society requires from individuals to have strong knowledge base that is flexible,
connected, and highly adaptable to different contextual usage.


J. Milinkovi D. Bogavac: Montessori method as a basis for

Metodiki obzori 11, vol. 6(2011)1

However, educational systems are still strictly divided into subject areas. The school
curriculum does recommend sharing instructional units or school time in common activities
involving two or more subjects but this rarely happens in practice. Even if the subject
curricula do overlap, teachers would be more willing to repeat instruction on the same
content twice than to decide where would be more appropriate to teach the content. In
particular, although the idea of integrated mathematics curriculum is not a new one in
contemporary educational practices (McGraw, 2003), we may notice that it is neither fully
explored nor generally appreciated as important in teaching practice.
When considering the issue of integration of mathematics we could talk about
integration at a level of studying a particular problem, lesson, unit, strand, subject or
curriculum. In the domain of mathematics, as House, (2003, p. 5) explains, it implies
holistic mathematics curriculum where 1) topics from wide variety of mathematical fields
have been blended to stress connections among fields; or/and 2) relationships among topics
within mathematics as well as between mathematics and other disciplines have been
underlined... Within integration of mathematical topics we may further distinguish (a)
integration through unifying concept, such as function or mathematical modelling, (b)
integration by merging areas (strands) of mathematics.
There were few attempts to create integrated mathematics curriculum from
elementary school to high school curriculum worldwide. We have no intention to provide
historical overview from the Chicago project of J. Dewey to contemporary practice. Let us
mention only some of more resent projects created for Middle school: Connected
Mathematics, Jasper (van Haneghan, J., Barron. L., Young, M. & Williams, N. V., 1992),
MathScape: Seeing and Thinking Mathematically, Pathways to Algebra and Geometry,
Math Trailblazers (Elementary School, K-5) and Mathematics in Context. For example, the
Core-plus Mathematics Project has developed a mathematics curriculum with proclaimed
goal to achieve integrative development of basic concepts and skills". In particular, they
developed units for independent studying of important mathematical ideas in realistic
problem solving context, often recognized as applied mathematics. Similarly Interactive
Mathematics Program (IMP) presents set of textbooks for "learning mathematics with
understanding through integrated, problems oriented learning". Finally, Mathematics in
Context (Romberg et al., 1998) curriculum is focused on the process of mathematization of
realistic situations. Here, led by ideas developed by the Fraudenthal Institute, the authors
created units around contextual problems relevant to children with attention to both
horizontal and vertical process of mathematization. Thus, each unit deals with a realistic
context which elicits learning of different mathematical concepts from different strands and
making connections with other subject domains. These are exemplary cases of
contemporary mathematics curriculums with the common goal of integrating contents while
placing students in an active position in learning.
In Serbian educational practice we found only a few attempts of implementation of
the integrative curriculum. N. Vilotijevic (2006) provided arguments for integrative
approach to science learning in Grades 1 to 4 in elementary school. Complementary, she
presented a set of exemplary lessons of integrative curriculum. Milinkovi (2009) reports on
results of an experimental study on integrated mathematics and technology in the 5th Grade.
Pupils learned elements of statistics while studying performance of paper planes during
classroom competition. Other examples of integrated learning in elementary and high
school are present in bilingual classrooms. For example teachers of Mathematics, Music,


J. Milinkovi D. Bogavac: Montessori method as a basis for

Metodiki obzori 11, vol. 6(2011)1

Physical Education and Technology teach their subjects in English to 7th and 8th Grade
pupils in experimental classrooms in "Starina Novak" elementary school in Belgrade.
Similarly, 1st and 2nd Grade pupils of "The Third High School" in Belgrade learn Latin and
few other subjects in the Italian language.

Mathematics in Montessori approach

Montessori approach affirms that a good, agreeable environment is characterized by:
1) accessibility, 2) freedom of movement and choice, 3) self responsibility, 4)
realistic/natural ambience for learning, 5) beauty and harmony. Accessibility implies that an
environment in which children spend time must be designed in such a way that size of
furniture fits children and that a child may freely use open space on the floor for group and
individual play. It also implies good, well structured organization of didactical tools and
activities classified on open shelves according to learning content domains. It fits gradual
increasing complexity of activities as well as ascending levels of skills acquisition. Thus,
materials must be on a plate, in a basket or in a box with all necessary utensils included so
that a child may have granted access to it any time for independent work on it. The
completeness of "toys" makes the context for work with them predictable so that child may
freely focus on work with the toy. Promising surrounding is the one which provides wide
range of activities and allows free choice of movement and activities to children. Maria
Montessori believed that freedom of movement and independent choice of activity goes
well together. Note that she strongly believed that the child should not be restricted on how
many times she/he desires to repeat an activity during a single day or during a period of
The child could also choose to observe others instead of playing with a certain
didactical toy. However children need to be cooperative to a certain extent because any
interest of a group is more important than the interest of individuals. In other words,
community has priority over persons who are members. But if we remember how important
social environment is and that knowledge is socially constructed, we will appreciate social
life of individuals. Quite often, we could observe that older children educate youngsters by
sharing an activity or helping them in a play when needed. Realistic/natural context for
learning assumes the imperative of standard of perceptibility. Didactical tools need to be
starting point for exploratory work. Finally, an important characteristic of a pleasurable
ambient is beauty and harmony and simplicity which need to characterize the space so that
children can enjoy spending time in it.
As we can see, the Montessori ambient provides special resources also for children
requiring adapted conditions presents a unique environment. In particular, it is supportive
for exploration and early discovery of mathematical ideas and relations as well as for
development of mathematics reasoning.
Since the Montessori didactical materials often hide different problems, they can be
used in various ways and help development of different mathematical ideas. Let us point
that preschool children are free from particular subject domain knowledge. In other words,
they may apply whatever knowledge they find appropriate for resolving the problem.
However, when a problem is given with transparent subject domain limitations, we cannot
expect integration of knowledge. There was no procedure for resolving ill defined problems

J. Milinkovi D. Bogavac: Montessori method as a basis for

Metodiki obzori 11, vol. 6(2011)1

that could be applied in a given context. Children need to invent the procedure for solving
problem themselves (with little help of their preschool teacher).
The Montessori Method of education involves three key components: child, teacher
and setting. Maria Montessori insisted that it was very important that adults believed in
childrens ability. She also strongly believed that well designed safe surrounding supported
learning process.
If we pay attention to early mathematics, we should know that Maria Montessori
believed that for intuitive development of mathematics reasoning children had to be placed
in an environment which appealed to children to recognize regularities and patterns as well
as to classify and quantify. These, she believed, represented major issues in mathematics.
Learning of mathematics is a result of process of abstraction similarly to learning elements
of other subject domains. Didactic materials lead children to acquisition of knowledge.
For example, building up the "Pink tower" leads child to recognition/discovery of the
idea of regularity and order. Another example is classification with shapes from the
"Geometrical cabinet". It leads children to make a distinction between various regular
geometrical shapes. Again, the process of active learning leads children to the idea of
quantity trough measurement and estimation. One more example is a tool called "Arithmetic
sticks". It fosters development of relation between quantity and dimension.
Barbara Isaacs (2007) analyses elements of mathematics addressed in the
Montessori approach. Her tables below illustrate how Maria Montessori envisioned
spontaneous development of mathematical ideas and mathematical reasoning. The first
table presents development of numbers and counting. The second table presents
development of ideas of shape, space and measures.
Numbers as labels and for counting
say and use numbers' names in order in a
familiar context;
count reliably up to ten everyday objects;
recognize numerals 1 to 9;
use developing mathematical ideas and
Methods to solve practical problems.

Montessori practice
join in rhymes and use counting books and
count shoes, the number of children present
and days of the week;
count number rods, pegs, spindles, counters
and other objects in the environment;
use sandpaper numerals and a spindle box,
number cards, birthday display and calendar;
play the Snake Game to make number
bonds of ten, play dominoes, and make
symmetrical, regular and irregular
are helped to find out what happens if
objects are organized in pairs or sets or
taken away.

in practical activities and discussions, begin to
use the vocabulary involved in adding and

are introduced to the concept of addition and

subtraction within everyday activities in the
classroom, such as artwork and building with

use language such as 'more' or 'less' to compare

two numbers;

count the number of spoons or raisins or

biscuits taken at snack time or lunch time
and count in the context of everyday


J. Milinkovi D. Bogavac: Montessori method as a basis for

Metodiki obzori 11, vol. 6(2011)1

are introduced to the appropriate language

activities such as circle time or going outside;

in the context of everyday activities;

find one more or one less than a number

from one to ten;

use a number line, short bead stairs and the

addition and subtraction strip board to count
and explore numbers;

begin to relate addition to combining two

groups of objects and subtraction to 'taking

are introduced to the Snake Game and

addition and subtraction with short bead stairs
and play counting games such as Greengrocers.

Shape, space and measures

Montessori practice

use language such as 'greater', 'smaller',

'heavier' or 'lighter' to compare quantities;

use and compare sensorial materials to explore

length, height, width and depth; use appropriate
vocabulary in everyday context, such as when
cooking, setting table or gardening;

talk about, recognize and recreate simple


use of tessellations and constructive triangles

and materials (such as collage) in the art area
to make patterns; do puzzles and work with
unit blocks;

use language such as 'circle' or 'bigger' to

describe the shape and size of solids and flat

play mapping games, play with blocks and play

outdoor games in the playground and during
music and movement activities;

Table 1

Comparative discussion on two methods

The Montessori approach is discussed here not only as a prerequisite for integrative
learning in school. We believe that the Montessori approach promotes integrative learning
within preschool program. To support our stand we point to some examples of integration.
An interesting example of integrative learning used in the Montessori Method is a case of
integration of arithmetic and geometry. One issue is how to learn that a digit may have
different values depending on a place it has in a multidigit number? Another issue is how to
understand relations among dots, lines and planes? The third issue is how to put the
previously mentioned two issues together? Complex notification in Descartes system,
discovering place value and 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensional objects develop trough the "game
with golden pearls". One more example has been already mentioned. Earlier in the paper,
we described attempts to achieve integrative learning of the concept of numbers and of
lengths in the game with "Arithmetic sticks".
Now we can explain our claim about commonalities of goals and means for learning
in Montessori Method and integrative learning. Both the integrative approach and
Montessori Method aim for development of higher thinking processes such as creative
reasoning and transfer. Constructing knowledge in integrated learning has advantage over
obtaining facts. Such goal with shifted weigh toward encouraging and tending innate desire
for learning is a characteristic for Montessori approach as well.
One of our main ideas relates to plausible environment for learning. Montessori
approach as we could see provides stimulating environment for learning by making it free
of distracting elements. We may think about learning environment in terms of levels of


J. Milinkovi D. Bogavac: Montessori method as a basis for

Metodiki obzori 11, vol. 6(2011)1

distracting elements that it possesses. Montessori environment might be defined as first

level of environment free of distracting elements. The second level is integrative school
learning where we do have distracting elements which simulate realistic context. But unlike
real context, a problem on which children are working on is defined by subject matter. On
this level exploratory approach to learning is more demanding. The problems require higher
mental skills. Because there are more distracters the position of child is somewhat changed.
The child need to percept, to extract and analyses information that might be useful in
solving given problem. Then the child needs to make conclusions and finally make
discoveries. The ending result sometimes brings up new ideas and becomes the first step in
solving next problem, as much as the initial problem has had in Montessori Methods. At the
third level a real life-work situation contexts where an individual explores and learns is full
of distracters.
We ask ourselves what elicits interest in children to learn more or to try to solve new
problem. Perhaps it is a feeling of free choice. "I learn because I wish to do so and I feel I
can do it in my way." Education process offers a lot self organization and self responsibility
on the second and the third level. They are imperative for successful problem solving
process, whereas at the first level children appear less independent. We may say that at the
preschool level of activities in Montessori Method we may talk about co-organization and
co-responsibility since they are shared with the preschool teacher. Within educational
system such as the preschool system and school system, educational activities are goal
oriented. We may talk about general educational goals as well as day to day goal
educational activities. We may compare educational goals from the table. But here we
need to distinguish between teachers educational goals for learning and childs goal for
acting. To exemplify, a teacher might have a goal to teach children that a certain
geometrical shape could be seen as a puzzle made of other geometrical shapes. In particular,
a square can be seen as a unity of two equilateral right triangles. Whereas a child could have
a goal to make a boat or to make as many different shapes as possible with given number of
puzzle pieces. The teachers learning goal and childs activity oriented goal together bring
the child to achieving a standard for learning such as standard for mathematical critical
thinking and reasoning. Finally, on the third level, in real life situation the person is
completely independent.
At all three levels of integrative learning, starting from the Montessori level across
school integrative learning toward spontaneous real problem solving in life, we teach
appropriate potential of experience from concrete acting to conceptual understanding.
Here are some of the questions remaining after our paper.
1. Is the Montessori approach the only authentic basis for integrative approach in
school? 2. Is integrative learning approach in school the only natural successor of the
Montessori Method? Does integrative learning approach have limits? In other words, can
we achieve more than functional knowledge?


J. Milinkovi D. Bogavac: Montessori method as a basis for

Metodiki obzori 11, vol. 6(2011)1

House, P. A. & Coxford, A. F. (1995) Connecting Mathematics across the Curriculum, 1995
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Isaacs, B. (2007) Bringing the Montessori approach to your Early Years Practice. Rootled, London
Kozulin, A. (1986) Vygotsky in context. In L. S. Vygotsky, Thought and language, pp. xi-lvi. The
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Loepp, F. L. (1999) Models of curriculum integration. The journal of technology, XXV, 2, 1-7
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McGraw, S. A. (2003) Integrated Mathematics: Choices and Challenges. NCTM: Reston, VA
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class: a case study. In I. Radovanovi and Z. Zaclona (Eds) Student in Contemporary Learning and
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Romberg et al. (1998) Mathematics in context: a connected curriculum for Grades 5-8.
Encyclopedia Britanica
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Van Haneghan, J., Barron. L., Young, M. & Williams, N. V. (1992) The Jasper Series: An
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Vygotsky, L. S. (1986) Thought and language. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Wertsch, J. V. (1985): Culture, Communication, and Cognition: Vygotskian perspectives, 1 - 18.
New York: Cambridge University Press
Vilotijevi, N. (2006) Integrativna nastava prirode i drustva. Beograd: kolska knjiga
Vilotijevi, N. (2008) Sistemsko-teorijske osnove integrativne nastave. Metodika praksa, 4, 79 96. Beograd, Uiteljski fakultet


J. Milinkovi D. Bogavac: Montessori method as a basis for

Metodiki obzori 11, vol. 6(2011)1

Metodiki obzori 6(2011)1

Pregledni rad
UDK: 371.4Mon
Primljeno: 13. 11. 2010.


Dr. sc. Jasmina Milinkovi,
Uiteljski fakultet,
Univerzitet u Beogradu (Srbija)
e-mail: [email protected]
Dr. sc. Dragana Bogavac,
Uiteljski fakultet,
Univerzitet u Beogradu (Srbija)
e-mail: [email protected]
Rad nudi teorijsku komparativnu analizu Montesori metode i integrativne nastave.
Savremene tendencije ukazuju na potrebu ukljuivanja integrativnog pristupa u obrazovnu
praksu. Sa stanovita konstruktivizma znanje se neprestano menja i rezultat je akcije i
razmiljanja. Marija Montesori je razvila metod koji je intelektualno provokativan i
motiviui. Njime se razvija kreativna, fleksibilna, autentina i konstruktivna linost. U
ovom radu, mi smo se fokusirali na teorijske aspekte obe metode: Montesori metode i
integrativne metode traei kompatibilne elemente. Posebnu panju posvetili smo efektima
Montesori metode na razvoj matematikog miljenja.
Mi pruamo argumentaciju u prilog teze da predkolski Montesori pristup ima
kapacitet da bude osnova integrativnog uenja u koli. On predstavlja gladak prelazak sa
ranog uenja na kolsko uenje. Ukazujemo na slinost ciljeva ucenja. Takodje, posebnu
panju posveujemo sredini kreiranoj u ova dva pristupa posebno pogodnoj za uenje
matematike. U svetlu date analize, ukazujemo na zajednike osobenosti Montesori metode i
integrativne metode koji imaju pozitivan efekat na uenje. Konano, mi ukazujemo na neka
obrazovna i kurikularna istraivaka pitanja. Na stav je da Montesori metoda predstavlja
prirodnu osnovu za integrativo uenje. Zakljuujemo da zajedno one mogu ispuniti potrebu
drutva za funkcionalnim znanjima i holistinim razvojem dece.
Kljune rei: Montesori metoda, integrisano uenje, matematika


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