Issued: Jan. 23 Problem Set # 1 Due: Jan. 30

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Physics C2802, Spring 2015

Issued: Jan. 23

Prof. Brian Cole

Problem Set # 1

Due: Jan. 30

Problem 1. Dirac Delta functions

a. In class I described the properties of the Dirac Delta function (x). One of the results I stated
was that when integrated against another function, the Delta function picks out the value
of the function at the x (in one dimension) value where the argument of the Delta function is
equal to zero. More succinctly,

f (x)(x x0 )dx = f (x0 ).

In principle the limits of integration only need to include a finite interval around x0 . However,
often x0 represents an arbitrary position and the physics will require an integral over all
positions which, in turn, will guarantee that the integral contain the singular point of the
Delta function (x0 ).
I want you to demonstrate the property of the Delta function expressed in the above equation using the limiting case that I described in lecture namely the limit as a 0 of the
function shown below (drawn for the special case x0 = 0. Write out in summation form the
Taylor expansion of f (x) around x0 . You can express the expansion in terms of unevaluated
derivatives. Then, evaluate the integral using the finite width function (express the result in
terms of a sum) and show that in the limit a 0 that the only surviving term is the (finite)
result f (x0 ) assuming that all derivatives of f (x) at x = x0 are finite.

b. We will frequently make use of the Heaviside function (x) which is defined,
(see step function),
(x) = 0, x < 0
(x) = undef ined, x = 0
(x) = 1, x > 0


Show that the Heaviside function is also defined by the integral over the Delta function
(x) =

Z x

dx0 (x0 ).

c. Now use the fundamental theorem of calculus to show that (x) =


d. Draw the functions (x x0 ) and (x + x0 ).

e. Draw the function 2(x) 1. We will find this function to be very useful even in this very
problem set.
Problem 2. Purcell problem 1.14
To solve this problem you need to evaluate the full functional dependence of the field on the axis
of the ring as a function of z, E(z).
Once you have solved the problem posed by the book (part a),
do the following
b. Evaluate the leading term of the expansion of E(z)
in powers of b/z. We can use this term
to approximate the electric field when b << z or, equivalently when z >> b. Show that this
leading term looks like the field of a point charge at the origin and evaluate the total charge.
c. Evaluate the next (next higher power in b/z) term in the expansion of E(z).
This term
represents the correction to the leading point charge like result from part b due to the fact
that the ring is not really a point charge. This correction (and all of the other neglected
terms) clearly fall off more rapidly in b/z than the leading term. Evaluate the ratio of this
correction term to the result in part b for b/z = 1/9.
Problem 3. Electric field of infinite sheet of charge by direct integration
We can find the electric field generated by an infinite sheet of charge by direct integration. Suppose
a thin plane of charge is located at z = 0 covering the entire x y plane with a uniform surface
charge density (charge/area) , i.e. (~r) = (z). We want to find the electric field as a function of
z, the distance from the plane of charge. To do this we will make use of your result from problem 3.
Namely, we will consider the infinite sheet of charge to be a superposition of rings of charge of
radius varying continuously from 0 to . We will start by calculating the field along the z axis
(x = y = 0) and then use symmetry arguments to generalize the result.
a. Explain (i.e. on the basis of which ? of the symmetry principles I stated in class and how it
applies) why we only have to consider the component of the field pointing in the k direction.
b. Set up the integral over the annular regions and perform the integration for z > 0 out to
r0 = . Show that you obtain the same result that I obtained in class for the field of an
infinite plane of charge (but I did it using using Gauss law).
c. Explain how/why we can generalize this result to obtain E(~r) for all positions in space.
~ E
~ = 4. Show that the electric
d. As we discussed in class, the first of Maxwells equations is
field of the infinite sheet of charge satisfies this equation. You can and should make use of
the relationship between the Dirac delta function and the Heaviside function from problem 1.
hint: part e.
Problem 4. Purcell problem 1.15
~ = 4
Do this problem using Gauss law. When you have the field in both regions, show that E
is satisfied (in cgs units of course) for both r < a and r > a.

Problem 5. Purcell problem 1.16

Problem 6. Purcell problem 1.19
Problem 7. Purcell problem 1.24
Problem 8. Electric dipole field
In lecture I drew (or will draw) the shape of a pure dipole field as an illustration of field-line
diagrams. In this problem we will analytically evaluate properties of the dipole field produced by
equal and opposite charges. Considering two opposite sign charges +q and q located on the z axis
with the positive charge at z = d/2 and the negative charge at z = d/2. We want to evaluate the
field at a distance r from the origin and and as a function of polar angle (i.e. the angle between
the spherical r vector and the z axis). Lets start by assuming that we are evaluating the field at a
point in the x z plane so we can use Cartesian unit vectors i and k to help simplify the geometry.
We can then use the symmetry of the problem to generalize the result.
~ produced by the two charges at a point
a. Find an exact expression for the total electric field E
(x, y = 0, z).
b. Lets consider the long-distance limit evaluating the field along the z axis. Using the binomial
~ vary as a function
approximation, evaluate E(0, 0, z) for z >> d. With what power does E
of z?
c. Now lets consider the long-distance (r >> d) limit in the x-z plane. Use the
approximation to obtain obtain an expression for E(r, ) in the limit r >> d for r = x2 + z 2
and cos = z/r. Note that once we have expressed the result in terms of r and we have
automatically generalized the result beyond the use of the x z plane.
d. It is useful to write the long-distance electric field in terms of the dipole moment p~, defined
Re-express your result from part b using p~ and the position unit vector r. Show
p~ qd k.
that you obtain a result for the electric dipole field that is completely general and that no
longer depends on the use of the x-z plane, namely
r(~p r) p~
~ = 3
e. Evaluate the surface integral
gives the expected result.

~ over a sphere of radius r for r >> d and show that it

~ dA

Problem 9. Quadrupole charge arrangement

Four charges are located in the x-y plane each a distance d from the origin as shown in the figure.

a. Find exact expressions for the electric field as a function of position along the x and z axes
~ 0, z).
i.e. E(x,
0, 0) and E(0,
~ 0, z) in the limit x >> d. Be careful
b. Find an approximate expressions for E(x,
0, 0) and E(0,
with your approximations, making sure you consistently keep terms to the lowest non-zero
power in d/x or d/z. Express your result in terms of the quadrupole moment, Q = qd2
(consider though you dont need to write anything in your solution the physical significance
of the dimensions of the quadrupole moment)
c. Consider the z dependence for the correction term in problem 2c and consider the dimensions
of the terms in the numerator. Show that the correction term in 2c corresponds to a quadrupole
field like the one here and determine the quadrupole moment. Explain how both problem 2
and this problem can have fields with quadrupole contributions and yet the fields themselves
are so different.

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