Living Greyhawk Journal 12

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no. twelve, Readying 592 CIST


Let Your Mage Hand Do the Walking

Compiled by Jason Zavoda
When we first published the Living
Greyhawk Gazetteer a little more than
two years ago, one of my greatest
regrets was that we didn't have room for
a good index. The book was gilded with
hundreds of juicy facts about interesting
GRCYHAWK characters, events, and
locales, but even its primary architect
(namely, me) admits that it's a
textually dense piece of work.
I reference the Gazetteer
nearly every day, and
cvon I have difficulty
remembering where Fred
Weining, Gary Holian, Sean K
Reynolds, and I name dropped
some significant proper noun
from the setting's more than 20year history. If I had problems
finding a given fact in the
Gazetteer's tiny type and
ightly spaced lines, I
figured Joe Gamer
might be having

some real trouble. Until recently, it

looked as if that's how things would
sit forever.
Enter Jason Zavoda. Jason is one of
those obsessive GREYHAWK fans who take
it upon themselves to index GREYHAWK
products, sharing their completed
resources with the vibrant online fan
community. I used to be one of those
guys, and in fact still am, but even I
didn't have the guts to embark on such
an ambitious project. Jason, on the other
hand, was undaunted, Boccob bless him.
So here you have it. A complete index
of the setting's most comprehensive
sourcebook, right here in the pages of
the Living Greyhawk Journal.
Proper names are listed in
alphabetical order by first
name. Most entries have
been annotated with class,
race, and level (in the case of
NPCs) or by an identifying
abbreviation, found in the box
on the next page.

[ORG] .

IBC . Inside
Back Cover
IFC . Inside
Front Cover
[BKl - Book

[PHL] .
[PLC] Place

[BTL] .

[CTL] = Castle/
[OLD] Guild/

Bar Rampant [ORG] 124

Asperdi, Baron [NPC] 71, 100

Barakat [TWN] 136

148, 149, 152. 158

Asperdi (Pop 8,100) [ILE][TWN][CAP]

Baranford (Pop 2,200) [TWN] 45

Ahlissan Road [STR] 56

AI'Akbar [Deity] 42, 43, 67, 83, 85,
115, 116, 122. 136, 164, 165, 166

Barbarian Quarter (Rel Astra)

98. 99, 100, 148

Asperdi-Duxchan Chain [ILE] 68,

146, 147

[QTR] 92

Barbern, Lady [Ftri3][NPC] 93

AI'Akbar, Cup of [ITM] 43, 165

Astra Callistor, Lady [NPC]

Bargru [Frri4/lll2][NPC] 133

AI'Akbar, Mosque of (Ekbir) [TMP]

Barrens [PLC] 5. 6, 12, 27. 30. 35.

[PPL] People/

42. 43
AI'Akbar, Talisman of [ITM] 43, 165

Ataphad Islands [ILE] 43, 115, 137,

[PRV] = Province
[QTR] = City
[RVR] . River/

[CLN] = Clan/

Asnath Copse [WD] 129

101, 106, no, in, 139, 141, 142, 145,

[PLN] . Plane/


[BRG] = Bridge
[CAL] = Date/
[CAP] - Capital

77, 79. 80, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96,


[ILE] Islands
[ITM] = Item/Spell

[STR] - Street/

[KNG;. Country/

[TMP] . Temple/

[LNG] =
[MON] =
[MTJ =

[TWN] - City/

[TRT] = Treaty

[WD] = Woods/

Alain II. Archbaron [NPC] 91

58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 94, 95, 109.

113. 134, 140, 144, 151,154, IBC

138, 146

Barrier Peaks [MT] 3, 5, 32, 33, 43.

Ataphadi [PPL] 43

Alain IV, Archbaron [NPC] 37, 90, 91

Atherstone [TWN] 112

Aldefjord [RVR] 152

Atirr, House [CLN] 74, 99

Barzhaan, Prince [FtnslNPC] 22

Alhamazad the Wise [Wizig][NPC]

Atirr. Principality of [PRV] 73

Basmajian Arras, General [Ftri3]

Alhaster (Pop 4,700) [TWN] 25. 27.

Atirr, Town of (19,700) [TWNj 71, 72,


Allita Elgarin, Countess [Clr-Xerbos]

[NPC] 64

Allitur [Deity] 48, 85, 106, 112, 134,

160, 165, 177

67. 122, 126, 127, 142, 143. 152. l68

[NPC] 98, 99, 100

Bastro (Pop 1,700) [TWNJ 108

73- '00
Atroa [Deity] 19, 165.166,170,174,180

Battle Beneath the Waves [BTL] 138

An River [RVR] 140, 150

Battle of a Fortnight's Length [BTL]

Attloi [PPL] SEE ALSO Rhennee 7

14. 23. 77, no, 112. 185

Aundurach, Earl [Clri3-luz][NPC] 30

Bartle of a Thousand Banners [BTL]

Avenstane Isle [ILE] 151

Almor II, Grand Prince [NPC] 23

Avras I [NPC] 130

Battle of the Shamblefield [BTL] 36

Almor, Prelacy of [KNG] 15, 16, 24,

Avras III, King [NPC] 62

Banlehowl Warband (Gnoll) [CLN] n

5. 58. 75. 78. '" '49- '5'. '58

Almorian Campaign [BTL] 124

Axegard (Pop 13, 200) [TWN] 117

Bay of Gates [RVR] 92, 99. 148

Axeport [TWN] 30, 103, 104

Beetu (Pop 12. 100) [TWN] 75

Almorian Protectorate [PRVJ 75

Axewood [WD] 17, 118, 139

Beholdt Isle [ILE] 106

Alran [TWN] ,35

Axewood, Barony of, Keoland

Belial (Devil) [NPC] 184

Abanfyl, Lake [RVR]

Althea [Clr2o-luz][NPC] 61

'47. '53
Abbarra [KNG] 25,

Amedi (Amedian) [PPL][LNGJ 12, 100

Azmarender [NPC] 160

Bellmeadow [PLC] 39

Amedio Jungle (Amedio Coast) [WD]

Azure Prince [NPC] 108

Bellport (Pop 9.100) [TWN] 36, 72,

Azure Sea [RVR] 4. 21. 55. 56,

63, 64. 65, 66, 72, 79, 80, 86.

73- '43- '53

Bellport, Principality of [PRV] 73

98. 99, 101, 1O2, lig, 121, 147,

Beltar [Deity] 21, 35, 87, 108,

26, 31

4. 6, 12. 15, 17, 65, 79, 96, 98,

Abbor Alz Mountains

too, 101, 139. 147. 148, 149

[MT] 37, 51, 52. 63. 79. 124, 125,

Andrellus [NPC] 27

126, 143, 154

Anfaren Silverbow (Elf) [Clr2o-Seh-

Abyss [PLN] 15. 59, 62,108, 182

Acererak the Devourer (Lien)
[NPC] 154

IO2, 103,



Adn Forest [WD] 7, 22, 72, 73, 139,

Adn Forest, Marchland of [PRV] 22
Aeodorich (Lord Admiral) [NPC]

/' n

Ansabo, Duchy of [PRV] 70

Antalolol (Pop 14.900) [TWN] 136
Aqaa [PLC] 13
Archbold III, King [Ftri7][NPC] 16,
Arkalan Sammal of Ket [NPC]

Aerdi [PPL][CLNi fi. 7. 12, 14. 18. 22.


'5. '5

'56. '57

Belvor IV, King [Pah6][NPC] 42. 45.

Badwall (Pop 3, 300)
TWN] 86, 87

Bakhoury Coast [PLCJ

136. 137, 138

Baklunish [PPLlLNG] 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, n, 12.13, 19. 22, 23,
32. 33. 37. 42, 43. 5. 5'. 65. 66,
67, 83, 84, 85, 92, 95, no, 113,

147. 148. 154. 155, 156, 158. 159.

Arnford (Pop 3,900) [TWN] 75

160, 161. 165. 170, 172, 176. 188,

90, gt, 92, 93, 95, 99, 100, 106,

Arnod II. Duke [NPC] 48

Aerdi Sea (Aerdi Coast) [RVR] 68,

70. 7'. 73. 93. '00. '47. 148.

'49. '5'
Aerdrie Faenya [Deity, Elf] 179

Aerdy, Great Kingdom of Northern

[KNG] 44

Age of Great Sorrow AL] 14. 23

Ahiissa, Principality of [KNG] 22,
23. 37
Ahiissa, United Kingdom of [KNG]

[NPC] 77

Arpad. Beygraf [NPC] 67

Artonsamay, Duchy of [KNG] 26, 29
Artonsamay River [RVR] 26. 27, 29.
30. 59, 112, 113, 114, 124, 125. 147.

'49- '5. '5'. '53

Artur Jakartai, Count [Pali7][NPC]
45. 46. 47
Arus Mortoth (Half-Fiend)

[Frn5/Asn4][NPC] 29

IFC, 13. 16, 20, 21, 24, 25, 51. 55,

Asberdies (Lich) [NPC] 135

56. 57. 58. 70. 72. 73. 74. 75.

Ashmeet [PLC] 141

Beory [Deity] 19, 37, 45, 48, 75, 80.

85, 94, 106, I08,



112. Il6. Il8. 131,


Berei [Deity] 19. 85. 106. 112. 116.

117, 167

'5. '52
Berlikyn, Commmandant [NPC]

Arndulanth (Pop 2,300) [TWN] 75

Arnon Orberend, Duke [Palio]

Bennal Tyneman [Rogi2][NPC] 46

Berghof, Duchy of [KNG] toi,

65, 69, 7'. 73. 8. 82. 85. 89.


46, 47, 62, 104. 105. 130

Belvor's Noble Council [ORG] 47

114. 115, 122, 133, 136. 139. 143, 146.

23. 24. 25- 3'. 34. 36. 4'. 44. 56,

111, 112, I2 7 , I2g,

166, 173

Belvor III, King [NPC] 16

Anladon II [Ftr8/WiS2][NPC] 64

Aqal. Lake [RVR] 61, 147

'53. '58

Belissica, Countess [NPC] 26, 123, 124

anine Moonbow][NPC] 68
Ansabo [ILE] 70, 71, 72

Admunfort Island [ILE][TWN][CAP] 61.

[PRV] 64


Baklunish Empire [KNG] 13. 43, 136,

'46. '55
Baklunish-Suloise War [BTL] 32,
no, 154

Balmund (Pop 1.300) [TWN] 25.

27, 29

5- '3
Bersheba, Princess [RoggfNPC] 22

Bestmo, Archbaron [Ftrn/WiZ4lNPC]

Big Seal Bay [RVR] 109, 147
Bigby [Wizi9][NPC] 38, 47, ,30, 156
Bissel, March of [KNG] IFC. 32. 33,

Bampton [TWN] 124

46. 47, 48. 49, 50. 51. 58. 63,

Bandit Kingdoms [KNG] IFC, 15, 25.

65, 67, 68, 107, 126, 127, 129, 146,

27. 29. 30, 31. 35, 47. 58, 59. 62.

158, 159,160

63, 82, 94, 102, 103. 104, log, 112.

Bisselite [PPL] 32. 67


Bitter Ruin Tribe (Goblin) [CLN] n

Banner Hills [MT] 67. 139.142,

'43- '53

Black Agony Tribe (Goblin) [CLN] n

Black Brotherhood [ORGj 96. 98, 102


146, 154

Black Death, Legion of [ORG] 61

Bronze Band [ORG] 159

Clatspur Range [MT] 53, 85,142

Blackmoor [KNG] IFC, 3, 33, 34, 35,

Hi OniOWOOd Iri'f .Mi.IN 1 ,;,j

Clatspurgen [PRV] 85, 86. 142

Brotton, City of (Pop 29,000

Clement. Marquis [NPC| 35, 36,

Curtulenn (Pop 5.200) [TWN] 75

74- 158
Cligir. Ilkhan [lll3/Ftrn][NPC] 115

Cufbank River [RVR] 151

62. 85, 133, 139, 148. 154

Blackmoor. Castle [CTL] 34. 35

123, 124

Blackmoor. Crown of [ITM] 34, 35

Blackmoor. Northern Adepts

Bruzharag (Half-Ogre) [Ftri6]

lORGl 34
Blackmoor Bay [RVRJ 34. 148

Burneal Forest [WD] 17, 34, 114. 115,

Blackmoor Town [TWN] 34. 35



'33. '39. '54

Burning Cliffs [MT] 148. 154

Cunal Huldane [Rgr7l[NPC] 77

Cyndor [Deity] 168. 169, 176

Cobb Darg [NPC] 55. 56. 57, 58,

80. 98

Cold Marshes [RVR] 34. 35, 59, 133,


'5'- '5 . '53

Daern [Deity] 169

Daesnar Braden

Blackthorn Cavern [CTL] 17. 140

Cold Run [RVR] 29, 61. 151

Blacktop [TWN] 64
Blackwater Bend, Battle ot [BTL] 134

Coldwood [WD] 139

[NPC] 125
Dagon [Deity] 153

College of Bishops (Veluna) [ORG]

Dahlvier, Count (Lich)

Blackwater River [RVRJ 134. 151

Blaif Rmnar (Gnome)
[Fir6/RogzlNPC] 64
Blashikdur (Pop 9,900! [TWN] 115
Blashikmund River JRVR] 42. 43. 151
Blemu Hills [MT] 35. 36. 37. 91, 143
Blemu Uplands [PLC] 153
Bteredd [Deity] 21.157, 185
Blood Moon Festival [CAL] 156
Bloody Head Tribe (Ore) [CLN] n

Ca'Rolk The Sea Lizard

[NPC] 185

Cairn Hills [MT] 13. 51,

5*. 124. '43.

>44- '49. '53
Calbut [TWNl 109, no, 112. 113,

128, 130, 131

[Wizi8][NPC] 17, 61

Coltens Feodality [OfiG] 54. 109, 112.

Dahlvier's County [KNG] 62

"3. '4'
Comtmiation of Free Lords [ORG] 25,

Dalt [Detty] 169. 185

27. 31, 104

Damalinor [NPC] 57
Dantredun (Pop 700) [TWN][CAP] 34

'23. '53
Caldni Vir [NPC] 36

Common City (Rel Astra) [QTR] 92

Daoud Pasha [NPC] 116

Companion Guard [ORG] 39

Dapple Wood [WD] 129. 139

Callistor (Pop 4.300) [TWN] 75

Caltaran. Town of (Pop 870)

Concordant of Eademer [TRT] 130

Convocation of Knights and Marshals

Dark Gate [TWN] 135. 136

Darmen, House of [CLN] 21, 22, 23.

Blue (Pop 6,300) [TWN] 86. 88, toi

Cantonal Court [ORG] 86

Cordrend (Pop 5,000) [TWNl 75

24. 73. 74. 8'. 92. 93. 94

Darnagal (Pop 6.400) [TWN] 72

Bluff Hills [MT] 26, 27. 59, 61.

Caporna (Pop 5,900) [TWN] 123

Corellon Larethian [Deity. Elf] 19,

Darnagal, Principality of [PRV] 73

94. '44
Boccob [Deity] 21, 75, no, 123, 156,

Carnifand (Pop 4,800) [TWN]

167. 168, 169. 187. 189

Bone March [KNG] IFC. n. 35. 36.

37. 44. 58, 72. 74. 75. 77. 81. 89.

90. 91. 105, 123, 141, 144. 145,152.

'53. '57. '58. '82

Boneheart [ORG] 61, 63. 173

Boneheart. Greater [ORG) 26, 59
Boneheart. Lesser [ORG] 25, 29, 30.
59,103, 104

Davish River [RVRJ 107, 108, 142, 151

Corond (House) [CLN] 119

Death Feast Tribe (Goblin) [CLN] 11

Carwend of Rel Deven. Prince

Corusk. Blades of [ITM] 186

Death Moon Tribe (Ore) [CLN] n. 74

Corusk Mountains [MT] 44. 105. 108.

Declaration of Universal Peace 13. 14

[Wizi4] [NPC] 22
Cedrian III. Duke [Wiz7/Ftr2]
[NPC] 64

Celadon Forest [WD] 17. 124, 126. 139

Celene (Lesser Moon. Handmaiden)
[PLC] 2. 129. 162. 179

Celene, Kingdom of [KNG] IFC, 8. 15.

Bootmen [ORG] 131

Borneven (Pop 9.900) [TWN] 75

140. 142, 152. 159,162

87, 88,116, 117. 118, 119, 121, 129,

[NPC] .3.

Brazen Blade, Fraternity of the

[ORG] 102

Brazen Horde [PPLjlKNG] 50, 67,

84, 114.122, 137
Bright Desert [PLCI 13. 16, 17. 38. 51.
125, 126, 143. 144, 154, 157
Bright Lands [PLC] IFC. 37. 51.124,
143. 144.154
Bright Sentry (Pop 2,700)
[CTLlTWN] ioz
Brink Islands [IE] 34
Broken Bone Tribe (Ore) [CLN] n

[ORG] 89
Council of the Nine (Theocracy of

Delaric (Pop 22. ooo) [TWN] 72

the Pale) [ORG] 81. 8z

Council of Seven (Lo Reltarma)

Delaric. Principality of [PRV] 72. 73

Delcomben [CIL!|!WN| 104

[ORG] 69

Celestian [Deity] 75, 99, 168.

Cralstag. King [NPC] 55

Cranden. House of [CLN] 22. 23. 24,

Densac Gulf [RVR] 6, 147. 148

170, 189
Ceril the Relentless (Saint) [NPC] 82

73. 93
Cranzer |Wizi5J[NPC] 29

Ceshra (Pop 16.600) [TWN] 136. 153

Craufiek) (Pop 1.740) [TWN| 64

Chakji [CLN] 139

Cripplers Tribe (Kobold) [CLN] n

Devarnish, Treaty of [TRT] 130, 132

Chathold, Marchland of [TWN](PRV]

Critwall (Pop 14,300) [TWN] 16, 30.

Dhabiya (Pop 14.900) [TWN] 136

128, 130, 132

22, 24, 77, 80, in, 152

Chelor [Rog5/Ftni][NPC] 78, in

Chelor (Family) [CLN] 58
Chendl (Pop 15,600) [TWNlCAP] 33,
41, 45, 46. 47. 130, 132. 151

Chitza-Atlan [Deity, Olman] 100

Chronicle of Secret Times [BK]

64, 162
Church Militant [ORG] 81, 82
Circle of Eight [ORG] 15,16. 17, 37,
38, 58, 78, 112, 114,126, 127,

'47. 156
City of the Gods [TWN] 34. 35. 154

Court of Essence (Rauxes) [PLC] 46

Delglath (Animus) [Clrv Ne

'73. '75
Demmel Tadurinal. Graf [Clr8

Celestial Order of the Moon [ORG]

Brass Hills [MT] 37. 144, 154

Delagos Cavern [PLC] 125

Delaquenn (Pop 3,000) [TWN]

116, 117, 141

Covenant of Concatenation [TRT] 86

Brackenmoor, County of |PRV] 75

Branditan [Ftr6/Clr2-St. Cufhbert]

Deepstil River [RVR] 151

Council of Five [ORG] 69. 70

Council of Great Lords (Ratik)

rulllNPC] 74
Delleb [Deity] 21. 75, 134, 169.

Bralm IDeity] 96. 100. 168

Brancast (Pop 850) [TWN] 151

109. 141, 142,152, 186

Courwood (Pop 7.800) [TWN] 40.

Celene Pass [STR] .18

Celestial House [CLN] 23. 24

Bramblewood Pass (Gap) [STR] 32.

Dartun Dasco [NPC] 48

Caronis (Pop 3,000) [TWN] 45. 46

'7. 38, 39. 40. 51. 58, 63. 65, 66,

'39. '43

183. 188

Coriell (Duke) [NPC] 58

21, 22, 25

Boneheart Citadel [CTL] 61

Boneshadow [ORG] 173

Bramblewood [WD] 66, 67. 68.

[ORG | 112

59, 102. 103,104. 105. 159

Crockport (Pop 3,400) [TWN] 45,
46. 47. 150

Cronm Secunforth III [Ftr][NPC] 64

luzlNPC] 27
Derro [MON] 18. 171
Devarnish (Pop 7,900) [TWN] 128,

129, 130. 132. 141

Didieln (Pop 3,300) [TWN] 123

Uilwef, [Wizi6j[NPC] 22
Dim Forest [WD] 32. 33, 48. 49. 51.
126. 140, 141. 152

Cruski [Pa] 54. 55. 106

Dimre, Grand Theocracy of [KNG]

Cryllor (Pop 8,400) [TWNj 63, 64,

Cryllor. County of [PRV] 64

26, 27, 30, 31, 114

Dirawein Roads [STR] 25, 73
Dire Oath Tribe (Goblin) [CLN n

Cryslalreach County [PRV] 46. 47

Directing Oligarchy (City of

Crystal River [RVR] 151

Crystalmist Mountains [MT] 3, 4, 5,

Greyhawk) [ORG] 41. 51, 52

Diren, Duchy of I'PRVJILE] 70. 71

8, 9. 13. 17, 48, 49, 63, 65, 66,

Diekul (Pop 3.100) [TWN] 44. 91

83. 107. 115, 127, 134, 135. 142,143.

Dogwind Bay [RVR] 94, 154

Dorakaa (Pop 40.000) [TWNj[CAPj
14, 27, 29, 58. 59, 61, 6?. 104,

"5. '5
Dorglast Castle [CTL] 64

Egg of Cool (Pop 180) [TWN][NPC]

Fairisle [ILE][TWN] 99, 148

34. 35
Ehlissa [NPC] 13

Fairwain Province [PRV] 46

Fairwind, Island of [ILE] 96, 102, 147

Ehlonna of the Forests (Ehlenestra)

Fairwind Bay [RVR] 148

'3', '32. '33- 135. '36. '37- 138.

139, 142, 143. 147, 148, 149. 150.
153. '54- '56, 157. '5 8 ' '59, l6',
162, 166, 167, 168, 169,179,

Dorlin, Duchy of [PRV] 64, 65, 66

[Deity. Elf] 21, 38. 48, 53, 63, 106,

Faithful Flan [ORG] 112

Dourstone [CTL]JWN] 64

116. 117, it8. 119. 131, 139, (64, 169,

Fals Gap [PLC] 21, 23. 65, 130

Flanmi Basin [PLC] 23


Fals River [RVR] 32, 33, 129, 146,

Flanmi River [RVR] 14, 21, 22, 73. 80,

Drachensgrab Hills [MT] 87. 88. 144,

145. 'S 2
Drachcnsgrab Mountains [MT]

87, 88

Ehyeh III, Duke [RgnzlNPC.' 26, 30.



Ekbir. Caliphate of [KNG1.1WN] CAP]

188, 190

Fals River Pass [STR] 33

93. 99. '5', '52, '53

Flayers Tribe (Hobgoblin) [CLN] n

'5'- '53
Fals Road (Bissel) [STR] 32

Fleichshnver [TWN] CTL] 26

Dramidj Isles JLE] 43

IFC, 5, 42, 43, 67, 84. 114. 115, 116.

Falwur (Pop 13,500) [TWN] 66

Hen (Pop 11,900) [TWN] 63. 64,

Dramidj Ocean ;RVR] 3, 13, 42. 43,


Falwur District [PRV] 68

"4- '36. 137. '38, 139. 146. '47.

148, 153. 154, 161. 176




142, 148, 160,

ifil, 165

107. 145

Farises [ORG] 43

Fieri, County of [PRV] 64

Ekbin [PPL 84, 122

Farland, Prince [Ftri2][NPCj 22

Fler River [RVRj 114, 133, 151

Drawmii |Wizi8l[NPC] 127, 147, 156

Ekul [TWN] 71, 95, 96

Farlen (Pop 1.350) [TWNJ 93

Flesh Render Tribe (Hobgoblin)

Drax The Invulnerable (Animus)

Elaynn Mystica [Wizig][NPC] 57

Farvale (Pop 4,400) [TWNl 134

[Wizii/Ftr3][NPC] 91, 92, 93, 94,

Elbam Hothchilde [NPC] 125

Fashtri (Pop 10,000) [TWN] 42

Flessern River [RVRJ 151

99, 100, 141

Llementa Evil [Faith] 15, 41, 130.

Father of Obedience [NPC] 95

Flight of Fiends [CAL] 16, 30, 47. 59,

Dreadwood Foresl |WD| 65, 66.

131. 132

Fax (Pop 2,000) [TWN] 86, 87

[CLN] n

61. 62. 93, 130, 131

135. '4
Dripping Blade Tribe (Ore) [CLN] n

Elemental Evil, Temple of [TMP[ 132

Fellands [KNG] 26, 27

Flinthill, Duchy of [PRV] 75

Elemental Plane of Fire [PLN] 154

Fellreev Forest [WD] 17. 25, 26. 27,

Flinty Hills |MTl 9, 35. 36. 75. 77,

Drow [MON] 17. 88, 127, 128, 143

Ellis [Ftr/lNPC] 126

29. 3', 59. Gi, 62. 94, 95, 133,

Druid's Defile [STR] 117

Elmshire (Pop 16,000) [TWN] 51

140, 144, 147, 151

9- I2 3- '43. '45. '5'
Flotsam, Island of [ILE] 96, 102, 147

Dry Steppes .PLCJ 13. 83, 85, 122,

Elraniel Tesmarien (Grey Elt)

Fenward Lefthanded [NPC] 132, 133

Foreign Quarter (Rel Atsra) [QTR] 92

Fenwick Astakane [NPC.1 107

Forest People [CLN] 141

Elredd (Pop 1.500) [ I W N j 86, 87

Ferral [LNG] 12

Forgotten City [TWN] 155

Dulsi Plain [PLC] 95, 134

Eltison (Pop 15.400) [TWN] 80

Ferrond, Viceroyalty of [KNG] 3, 13,

Forlorn Forest [WD] 59. 95, 140

Dulsi River [RVR] 3, 59, 151, 153

L l v f . r s t i V i ! Pup i.uuui TWN 139

23, 3- 3'. 34- 4'. 46. 53, 62, 74,

Fortubo [Deity] 21, 55, 79, 106, no,

Dungeoneers Tax [TAX] 35

Emanciparion Day [CAL] 82

77. 82, 85, 86, 103, 125, 129, 132

Dun-head Bay [RVR] 55, 148

Emmara, Lady [Ftno|;NPC, 93, 93

Fharlanghn [Deity] 21, 25, 32, 40, 45,

'34. 17'. '73

Foulpelt Warband (Gnoll) [CLN] n

Dunstan (Count Blemu) ]NPC] 35, 37

Emridy Meadows [PLC] 15. 41, 130

48, 49, 51, 53, 63, 67, 106, 118,

Franz, Voorman [NPC] 86

Dunstan, King [NPC] 77, 78, 82

Etnridy Meadows, Battle of [BTL]

"9, 129. '3', '34- ' 6 4-

5. '7,

Franz River [RVR] 123, 125. 151, 152

Duntide River [RVR] 15,

15. '3Z
Enstad (Pop 7,200) [TWN]|CAP| 38.

'7', '75
Fiend-Sage of Rel Astra (Demon)

Free Borough (Pop 3,100) [TWN] 45

143. '5. "54

Dullstrand [IWN, 17, 71, in, 112, 145

Durand Grossman [RogntNPC] 29

Durishi Great Hound |Ffrgj[NPC] 94

]Wizi3lNPC_ tfii


[NPC] 91, 93

Final Calamity [CAL] 69

Duxchan (Pop 8,900) [TWN| 70, 71,

Erelhei-Cmlu (Drow) [TWN] 18

Finelann B'jomgten Duke.!

98, too, 149

ErharT I, Overking [NPC] 23

Freehold, Mighty [KNG] 26, 31

frolmar Ingerskatti. Prince :NPC] 70,

Dustbridge (Pop 2,200) [ T W N . 17, 73

39- 6 5, '3'
Erhart II, Overking [NPC] 71

[Ftr3][NPC] 77

72. 98

Frost Barbarians [PPL][KNG] IFC. 12,

'9. 35. 43. 44. 54- 58. 72. 89, 99,
105, 108, 141, 142, 147, 148

Duxchan Wars [BTL] 74

Erlich Derwcnt [rtrnlNPC] 64

Fireland [ILE. 106

Dwcomermasters [ORG] 94

Ernhand [C ILL IWN] 92

First Army of the Church [ORG] 131

Frozen River [RVR] 109. 152

Dyvers (Pop 52,000) [KNG][TWN]

Erstm Lake [RVR] 151

Fist [PPL] 5, 78, 95, 109, 112, 113,

fruz (The Cold Tongue) [LNGJ 12. 44.

IFC, 23, 40, 41. 42, 45, 46, 51, 53,

Eru*Tovar (Pop 4,200) [TWN][CAP]

62, gt, 96, 102, 104, 116, 118, ng,

'33- '34
Ery River [RVR] 151

Fitela [TWN. 107

54- 55, 89. '05. 108

Fruztii [PPL] 36, 44, 55, go, 91, 106

Flamedevil (Nightmare) [NPC] 183

Furyondian [PPL] 33, 130, 132,

Erythnul The Many [Deity] 21, 25, 27,

Flameflower (Pop 500) [TWNJ 52

129, 131, 140, 149, 153, 158, 159

Dyvers, Free Army of [ORG] 41

Dyvers, Free Marine of [ORG] 41, 42
Dyvers, Gentry of [ORG] 42

Eagle Peak [CTL] 48

East Docks (Rel Astra)
[QTR] 92

Eastern Pact of Alliance

[TRT] 78

29. 35- 72, 9'. >o8, 112. 154, 170

114, 124

Flan iFlannae) [PPL][LNG][CLN] 3, 4,

'40- '53
Furyondian Mint, Royal [PLC] 131

Esmerin [KNG] 17

7, 9, IO, 12, 13, 15, ig, 21, 22. 27,

Furyondian Royal Navy [ORG] 46

Estival, Castle [CTL] 132

34, 37, 46, 48, 50, 54. 56, 61, 63,

Furyondy [KNG] IFC, 6, 12. 13. 15, 16,

Estward Ventrose, Viscount

71, 73, 79, 80, 8i, 82, 85, 87. 89,

[Rogn/FtrslNPCi 75

93- 94- 99, '6. 108, 112, 114, 117,

'8. 25. 27. 3. 3'. 33, 35. 40, 4',

42, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51, 53, 58,

125, 128, 129, 134, 135, 139, 145,

59, 61, 62. 65, 67, 77, 85, 86, 88,

Evaleigh [Rogg/WizsllNPC] 88.

89. 91

Evard [NPC] 33

'56, 159, '65, tb'6. 177, 178, 186

96,102, 103, 104, 105, in. 117.118.

Flanaess [PLCj i, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. 9.

ng, 123, 124, 129, 130.131. 132, 134,

Eventide, Viscounty of the [PRV] 75

10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. 19, 23, 27.

Eastfair (Pop 34.000) [TWN] 23, 24.

Evil Eye Tribe (Ore! .CLN n

29. 32. 34, 3 s - 39- 40, 42. 44. 4<>,

72, 73. 91. 15'

Easrfair, Principality of [PRV] 73

Eward Desrron, Szek [NPC] 80

4 8 - 5', S 2 . 53, 54- 55- 5 B - 59- 61,

62. 63, 64, 67, 68, 70, 71, 78, 79,

Exag [TWN] 85. 146

Eastpass (Pop 15,500! [TWN] 119

80, 81. 82, 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, 91,

Eckhard [NPC] 124

Edgefinld ipop .5,8001 [TWN. 36, / ^

Fading Lands [PLN| 17

93. 94, 95, 9 . 98. 99, 1'. '03.

104, 106, 107, iog, no. 112, 115, 117.

Edgefleld, Principality of [PRV] 73

Faerie Mysteries [PHL] 40

118, 119, 121, 123, 124, 126, 129, 130,

139, 142, 149, 150, 153,158, 159



Gajtak [Ftno/Wiz2]
[NPC] 114. 115

Galda Tree [MON] 142

Galmoor. King (Giant)
[NPC] 108


Galssonan [NPC] 23

107, 116, 118, 119, 126, 129, 130,

Greyhawk Road (Dyvers) [STR] 41

Gamboge Forest [WD] 10, Si, 140,145

140, 146, 152,153, 159, 160

Greynawk Wars [BTL) 15, 24, 25, 29,

Gamboge. Earldom of [PRV] 75

Ganode, Ducy of [PRV]ijLE] 70. 71, 72
Ganode Bay, Battle of [BTL] 71
Garasteth, House of [CLN] EE, 23. 24,

73- 92. 93. 94. 99

Garegest [TWN] 131
Garel Enkdal (Orcish) [TWN][KNG] 17

Hazendd Count (Elf) [Wiz8/Clr4-

74, 75, 78, 80, 82, 86, 87, 38, 92,

Headlands [MT] 55, 56, 79, 80, 145

93, 95, 96, 98,100, 101,106, 109,

Headlands, Folk of (he (Headlanders)

Grayfist (Verbobond [CTL] 132

112, 113, 115, 117, tlS, 119, 123, 124,

Grayflood River [RVRJ no, in, 141,


[PPL] 55. '45

Heironean [PPL] 74, 78


Heironeous [Deity] 32, 36, 35, 46,

92, .41,152, 153,158

Grandwood Forest, Marchland of
[PRVJ 22

Grayhill. Barony of [PRVJ 64, 66

Gartrei (Prince) [Ffno][NPC] 22, 94

Graz'zt (Demon Prince) 63, 173, 182

Gashclaw Warband (Gnoll) I.CLNJ n

Great Kingdom [KNG] IFC, 4, 7, 12,

59- 89, 94. 95. '8. 'og, 112,114.

'3. '4. '5- '6,18, ig, 21, 22, 23, 24,

Gearnat, Sea of [RVR] 55, 56, 75,

Grossfort (Pop 3.500) [TWN][CTL]

55. 56' 57. 58- 59. 63- 64, 71,

27. 5B. 59. 6'. 95

Grosskopf. Grand Clans of [KNG] 26,

7. 34. 35. 36. 4'. 44. 4fi. 5'. 52-

'33. '42. '43- '44. '5 - 'S3

Gellor. House of [CLN] 26, 123

72> 73- 74- 77. 78. 79. 8'. 82, 85,

86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 99,

Gellor. Duke [FtrolNPCJ 26

100. 103,104, 106,110, in, 113, 123,

Groucester (Pop 1,100) [TWN] 25, 26

Geoff, Grand Duchy of [KNG] IFC, 5,


Gruumsh [Deity, Ore] 17, 19

47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 63, 66, 107,

108,118,126, 127, 136, [41, 14(5,

Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdy

[KNGJ 24. 72

159, 160

Geshrai [Deity] 32, 37, 42, 67, 83,

114, 115, 122,133, 136,152, 171, 176
Ghayar. Gulf of [RVR] 136, 137, 147,
Ghayar, Satrapy of SEE Zeif
Glassonan, Herzog [NPC] 24

Great Library of Greyhawk [QJR] 64

Great Migrations [CAL] 121

27, 30, 144

Gryrax (Pop 27,300) [TWN][CAP] 72,

87, 118, 121

'53. '59. 'So, '66, '7'. '72> l85

Hdlfurnaces [MT] 8, 18, 54,100, 101,
'2. '34.135. '43> '49. '55
Hendrenn Halgood (Pop 14,800)


75, 77

Hepmonaland [PLC] 4, 6, 16, 17, 70,

92, 96, 98, ioo h 101, 102, 146.147,
Hermiod, Canon f.NPC] 129
Hestmark Cliffs [MT] 68
Hestmark Highlands [MT] 57, no,

Gull Cliffs [MT] 56, 72, 92, 93, 99,

Hesuel llshar [TWN] 95

'45. '48, 15=

Great Northern Bend [RVR] 150

Gumus (Fish) [NPC] 171

Great Northern Crusade [BTL] 16,

Guryik [CLN] 114, 154

46, 47. 59, 61, 62, 103, 105, 130,

Hexpools (Pop 12,700) [TWN] 21, 24,

25. no, 111,152
Hexfor [Deify] 15, ai. 24, 25* ^7. 35.
36. 72, 73, 81, 91,158, 166,169,

132, 158

Great Signing, Day of [CAL] 16, 38

Hadash Bay [RVR] 42

Glorioles [MT] 9,17, 57, 78, no, in,

Great Western Road [STR] 129, 130

Hadash River [RVR] 42

141, 142
Glorioles Army of South Province

Great Yassa of Ogobanuk [BK] 134

Hadric [lllslNPC] 126

Greatwall (4,400) [TWN] 45

Halga [Clng-luz][NPC]

Greenjerkins [ORG] 140

102, 104, 105, 106, 123, 129, 134,

Guchek (Wild Dog) [CLN] 133

Gloom fens [RVRJ 34

[ORG] no. 152

Triihereott/Ftn][NfiC] no, ni. 161

47. 49. 55- 58. 63, 75. 77. 81,

Griff Mountains [MT] 13,15, 17, 44,

Gate of Glass (Lo Reltarma) [GTE] 69

Gearnat, Strait of [RVR] 148, 150

62, 128, 130

30. 35. 4, 42- 44. 46. 47. 52' 53.

55, 58, 59, 62. 66, 67, 69, 72.

Gratidwood Forest [WD] 17. 22, 72,

Garl Glittergold [Deity. Gnome] 19

79, 87,101,148, 149,150, 152,153

Haien, Canon [Cirao-Rao][NPC] 16,

26, 60, 61

Hierarchs of the Horned Society

LQRG] 30,61, &z, 102,104,140,

Hierophants [ORG] 17, 161

Glor (Pop 5,100) [TWN][CAP] 54, 152

Greenkeep [CTL] 26. 31, 61

Hallorn (Pop 540) [TWN] 25, 26, 30,

Hiboria (Telchuria) [PLC] 148

Gnarley Border [WD] 133

Greenplane (Pop 1,600) [TWN] 75

High Gallery [STR] 85

Gnarley Forest [WD] 17. 40, 41, 42.

Greenreach (Pop 3,500) [CTL][TWN]

3'. 6l
Halmadar the Cruel [NPC] 104
Halsjaken River [RVR] 152

High Mardreth (Pop 6,400) [TWN]

51, 131,132, 140

Gnarley Forest, Rangers of the

Grelden (Pop 1,600) [TWN] 93
Grendep Bay [RVRJ 44, 90, 105, 106.

[ORGJ 140

M8, 152

Gnatmarsh [RVRJ 79, 153

Hamniandaturian (Elder Brother)

(MnkizJ[NPCj 100
Hammcnsend (Pop 9,000) LTWN] 75

High Legates [ORG] 81

123, 124

Highfolk [PPL][KNG] IFC. 8, 33, 45,

46, 53, 54, 85,102,118,142, 146,

Gold County [PRV] 46

Grenell I [Clng-HextorlNPC] 16.

Handmaiden River [RVR] 39,116, 152

Golden League [ORG] 15, 24, 78.

24. 36, 72- 73- 74. 8 9- 9'. '58

Grenowin, Duke (Elf)

Hardby [TWN] 37, 51, 52, 63,148,

'S . '59
Highfolk, Town of (Pop 8,700)

'5. '54
Hardby Marines [ORG] 51

Highlander, Principality of [PRVJ 73

Highport (Pop 15,000) [TWN] 66,

148, 149

Golden League, War of the [BTL]

[Wizn/Frre][NPC] 117


40, 52

Grevin Damar [FtrjJlNPC] 75

Hardby Pass [STR] 37

Goldplain (Pop 6.700) [TWN] 124. 126

Grey College [SCL] 52

Hardwyn [TWN] 27

Good Hills [MT] 64, 65, 145,152

Greyhawk, Castle [CTL] 14, 52,

Harnnad, Prince [Ftrn][NPCj 22

Hjghvale [TWN] 52, 53,158

Good Hills Union [PRV] 64

63, 176
Greyhawk, City of [KNG][TWNj IFC,

Harp River [RVRJ 10, 75, 77,139,

Hochoch (Pop 5,500) [TWN] 48, 49,

148, 149

Gorna [TWN][CAP] 48, 49, 127.

2, 14,16, 31, 37, 38, 40, 42, 51,

128, 146

1 2

Hocholve [TWN] 48, 127,128

Hok, General [FtnJiNPC] 30

y-. 58, 75. 78. 79. 87. 91, 96,

102,116, 118, tig. 121. 123, 124, 126,

Hastcrn of N a el ax, Prince

Gougers Tribe (Kobold) [CLN] n

140, 141, 142,144,148,149,150,

Hateful Wars [BTL] 40, 66, 88, 117,

Grabford (Pop 8,800) [TWN] 45, 46,

152,156, 162,173, 189

47. !5. '50

Grabford, Battle of [BTL] 47

Greyhawk. Domain of [PRV] 17, 51,

Gradsul (Pop 4g,4oo)[TWN] 63, 64,

Greyhawk, Pact of [TRT] 16, 47,

65, j-i. 101. ng, 121, 156

Gradsul. Duchy of [PRV] 64
Gran March [KNG] IFC, 32, 33, 48,
e 6

49. 5. 5'. 5 - 3. 5. 7. 96,

92 June 2oo2

53- '4z
Greyhawk Council of Mayors and
Manorial Lords [ORG] 52
Greyhawk Militia [ORG] 51

51, 141, 152, 160

5 - '53
Harrus the Falcon [NPC] 185

Gorsend (Pop 5, 200) [TWN] 45, 46

Gorna, Battle of [BTL] 48, 146

86, 87, 88

[RogiztfNPC] 36

118, 121, 146

Hatherleigh (Pop 24,500) [TWN] 80

Haufren, Bishop [Clri4-St.
Cuthbert][NPC] 133
Havenhill (Pop 32,100) [CTL][TWN]
Hawkburgh (Pop 12,400) [TWN] So
Haxx, House of [CLN] 22

Hokar (Pop 21,000) [TWN] 100, 102

Hold worthy (Pop 16,700) [TWN] 80
Holgi Hirsute, King (Dwarf)
[Ftn5][NPC] 58. 145
Hollow Highlands [MT] no. ill. 141,
'45.'5 2
Holmer, Lord [NPC] 104, 105
Hornmlet, Village of (Pop 950)

[TWN] 132
Honorable Chamber [ORGj 125

Hook Peninsula [PLC] 147, 149

80. 96, 98, too, no, 142, 145,

Jehef, Sultan [NPC] 137

Kelefane [TWN] 126

Hookhill (Pop 7,500) [TWN][CAP] 32,


Jehlum, County of [ILE][PRV] 70, 72

Kelten (Pop 2,800) [TWN] 55,108,

49- 5. 65,160
Hool Marsh [RVR] mi, 121, 134. 136.
140,146, 152, 153
Hool River [RVR] 100, 150, 152

109, no

Iron Wood [WD] 129,132, 141

Jeklea Bay [RVR] 100, 101, 121, 149

Irongafe, Free City of [KNG][TWN]

Jeklea Coast [PLC] 135

Kendragund [CTL] 59

Jelleneth Kalinstren [Frrg][NPC] 46

Keoland, Kingdom of [KNG] 4, 12, 13,

IFC, 12, 24, 55, 56, 57, 58, 66. 71,


Jem tan [Flni][NPC] 46

14, 17, 18,19, 32, 33, 39, 46, 47,

Hornduran [CTL] 95

7 . 75- 77. 79. . 7- 9 - "

I rum Peninsula [PLC] 115

Jenelrad River [RVR] 152

48. 49, 50, 58. 63, 64, 65, 66,

Horned Sociery (Hornet) Ones)

67, 84, 87, 88, 96, 98, 100, POI,

Isles of Fire [!LE] 106

Jeon II, Prince [NPC] 98, 101

[KNG][ORG] 15, 25, 30, 31, 45, 47,

Isles of Woe [ILE] 13, 149

Jetsom, Island of [ILE] 96, 101,

5'. 54. 58. 59. 61. 62, 95.102,

Ismuyin [NPC] 137

104, 140, 152, 156, 157, 159, 182,

Isrilhan, Magus [Wizi4J[NPC] 93

Jetsom Island. Batlle of [BTL] 101


Istivin (Pop i2,ioo)[TWN][CAP) 106,

Jewel River [RVR] 39. 87, 88, 116.

Horn wood [TWN| 17

Horn wood Forest [WD] 141,142
Howling Hills [MT] 14, 59, 6a. 95.
'33. 131- MS- 'S3
Hraak Foresr [WD] 109, 141, 147



119, t2t, 141, 142, 152

Istus [Deity] 32, 37, 42. 67. 83, 114,
125, 133, 136, 168, 170, 172, 176
luz [Deity] IFC, 4, 11, 13, 15, tfi, 17, 2.1,

Jian Destron, Szek [Ffr8][NPC]


106, 107, Il6, 117, Il8, lig, 121, 122,

126, 127, 130, 132, 134, 135,


139, 140, 145, 146, 152, 153. 156.

159, 161, 163, IBC

Keoiandish (Keoish) [PPL] 12,13, 32,

33. 39. 40. 48, 49. 50, 67, 87,

88, 100, 101, IO2, 106, Il6, Il8, 121,

Jiranen, Overking [NPC] 23, 123

127,130. '32. '34. '35- '39. '49.

25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,

John sport (Pop 3,500) [TWN] 35,

35, 38. 40, 44. 45, 46, 47, 50, 51,

53. 54. 5s- 59. 60, 61. 62, 63.
66. 67, 75, 81, 82. 85, 86. 94,

36- 73
Johrase [KNG] 27, 29

Keph (Horse) [NPC] 165

Johydee [Deity] 13

Kershame- Pass [STR] 86

Hjgclrore, Canton of [PRV] 85, 146

95, 96, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106,

Jolen Lorlnar [FtrS][NPC] 123

Kester (Pop 8,600) [TWN] 122

Hugh III, King [NPC] 33


Jolene of Veluna [NPC] 130

Ket [KNG] IFC. 16. 32, 33, 38, 42, 47,

Hugo of Geoff [Ftn6][NPC] 50, 160

116, 118, itg, 123, 124, 129, 130,131,

Joramy [Deity] 134, 168, 173, 174

49, 50. 58, 65, 66, 67, 68, 83.

Hundgred Ralffson [Bbni3][NPC]

133,134, 140,141,142, 144, 145,

Jotens [MT] 107, 134, 135. 136. 142,

84, 85, 86, 125,127, 129,136, 137.

Hustin, Count [NPC] 49

146, 149, 150, 151. 152, 153, 154,

Hraak Pass [STR] 141

Hugarnd, Fleet Admiral [FtnslNPC]


108, 109,

110, 112, 113, 114, 115,

Kerrin (Pop 3,500) [TWN] 75

139, 142, 143, 144, 151,153, 154,

156,157, 158, 159, 160.164. 173,

Jotsplat (Pop 3,200) [TWN] 54. 152

iSo, 182, 189

Jumper [llhg][NPC] 61

Kerire [PPL] 5, 32, 67, 139

Jurnre (Pop 13,100) [TWN][CAP] 116.

Kewl River [RVR] 116,118, 152

luz, Empire of [KNG] 4, n, 17, 25, 31,

Ice Barbarians

143, 146


3P. 47, 54- 58. 66

160, 161

Kewlbanks (Pop 10,900) [TWN] 116


[KNG][PPL] IFC, 12,

luz, Land of [KNG] 58, 59,134, 145

Justcrown Province [PRV] 75

Kewlstone Hills [MT] 118

'9. 34. 35. 44. 54.

luz, Spurned Cull of [ORGJ 62

Justinian Lorinar, Duke [NPC] 125

Kharn, Margrave [Ftr^lfNPC] 64

58, 72. 89, 96, 99,

ivid I [NPC] 13, 24, 57, 71, 74, 77. 93.

105, 108, 109, 141, 147, 148,

'45- '58
Ivid fl [NPC] 145

'49. '54
Icy Sea [RVR] ai, 34, 59, 108,140,
147, 148, 149, 154
Idee, County of [KNG] 16. 55, 56,
Iggwilv [NPCJ 67, 86, 156, 173

Ivid III [NPC] 145

Ivid IV [NPC] 145
Ivid V (The Undying) [Wiii3][NPC]
15, 16, 24. 58, 74, 78, 91, in,

Imeda River [RVR] 93, 145, 152

'45. 15S
IxworTh (Pop 3,000) [TWN] 58, Gi

Immonara, Archdruid [Drdi3]

Izlen (Pop 2,500) [CTL][TWN] 58,



59. 61, 151

Imran Tendulkar. Graf [NPC] 33

Incosee [NPC] 159
Ingaz Man;, Count [NPC] 64
Ingemar Harrensen :.Bbni6J[NPC]
10 ^.t tQD

Innspa (Pop 12,200) [TWN] 21, 22, 77,


7 . '39. '52

Jadhim, Pasha
[Frn5][NPC] 115
Jallarzi Sallavarian
[Wiz,5][NPC] 78.
>56, '57
Jalpa (Pop 22,500) [PRV][TWN] 21,
22, 25,151
Janasib Isle [IE] 136, 138,146,

Invoked Devastation [BTL] 3, 5, 9, 13,

147. M8
Jaran Krimeeah (Mage of the Vale)

68, 83, 94, 122, 136, 154, 155.165

[Wiz2o][NPCJ 126, 127

Irafa Road [STR] 67

Jascar [Deity] 21, 55, 79, no, 171,

Iron Alliance [TRT] 58

173. '79
Javan River [RVR] 4, 63, 64, 107

Iron Hiils [MT] 9. 55, 56, 57,


S , MS
Iron League [KNG] 12, 15.16. 24, 55,

56- 57. S8. 7. 7'. 7. 77, 78. 79.



Kalmar Pass [SIR] 37,

89, go

Kalsrrand (Pop 24,000)

[TWN] 16, at, 22, 24. 25, no,
i, '53
Kalstrand, Capital Principality of

[PRV] 22

85, 136, 150

Innspa, Principality of ;.PRV] 22

Ipp Tree [MOM] 139, 141, 142

63, G6, 102, 107

Kalinsrren, Barony of

Kanak (Pop 12.900) [TWN] 82, 84,

Impalers Tribe (Kobold) [CLN] n

Incabulos [Deity] 114, 122, 172, 177

Kimbertos Skotti, King [Rgns][NPC]

126, 128,134, '35. '5'- 1 5 2 ' '53

Kaport Bay (Pop 5,200) [TWN]

Kaport Bay, Principality of [PRV] 73
Karasin [Wizm][NPC] 22
Karenin. Voorman [Ftn^jNPC]
Kargorh, Sir [NPC] 158
Karll Lorinar (Duke of Urnsr)
[Rgri2][NPC] 78. 124. 125, 126, 139

Kindell (Pop 4,000) [TWN] 58, 61

Kinemeet (Pop 7,300) [CTllTWN] ,7,

Kisail (Pop 2, 300) [TWN] 45, 140
Knife's Edge Pass [STRj 37,126
Knight Protectors of the Great
Kingdom [ORG] 36, 157.158
Knightly Conclave [ORGi 47
Knights of Dispatch [ORG] 17. 49,
Knights of Furyondy [ORG] 131, 158,

Knights of Luna [ORG] 17, 38, 39, 40,

58, 88, 96,116,118, 119, 121,
'29. '59
Knights of the High Forest [ORG] 53,
54. 158. '59- IBC
Knights of the Holy Shielding [ORG]

17,25, 58, 96,104,105,157.159

Knighrs of the Iron Nation [ORG] 158

Karn Serrand [Clri3-Rao][NPC] 2

Knights of the March [ORG] 32, 50

Kas the Terrible (Vampire)

Knights of the Order of the Hart

[Ftri7][NPCl 186
Kashafen Tamarel (High Elf)
[Wizi4/Frr4][NPC] 52, 54
Katarina [Palp;j][NPC] 102, 105, 159


17, 25, 42, 45, 47, 53, 58,

65, 85, 96, 102, 129, 131, 132, 142,

157. '58. '59. '60, IBC

Knights of the Watch [ORG] 17, 32.

Javan Vale [PLC] 127

Kaye River [RVR] 152

33, 42, 49, 50, 51, 58, 65, 67, 68,

Jedbridge (Pop 7.100) [TWN] 123

Kelanen [Deity] 100, 102

83, 96, 115, 116, 118, 119,126, 129,


134, 136. 'SB, 159, 160, IBC



Knights of Veluna [ORG] 129,158, IBC

Lendorian [PPL][LNG] 72, 68, 69,

Magical Arts, University

Knudje (Pop 4,500) [TWN] 105

7z, 9'
Lendorian Elvish [LNG] 12, 68

of [SCL] 52

Mikar, Grand Prince [NPC] 23

Knudje, Assembly of [ORG] 105

Magnus Vrianian.

Mikar River [RVR] 21, 145,152

Knurl (Pop 73,500) [TWN] 17, 35, 36,

Leprous Hand Tribe (Ore) [CLN] n

37. 72. 89. 91, 143, 153

Kofeh (Pop 29,400) [TWN] 42

Leukish (Pop 22,300) [TWN][CAP]

124,125, 126, 149

Komal [KNG] 137.138,148

Lewenn, Count [Drdis][NPC] 117

Komali [PPL] 137,138. 148

Lexnol III, Archbaron [NPC] 36, 37,

Kor [Rog6/Asni2][NPC] 25

Libernen [Pop 3,900) [TWN] 45, 46

Kord [Deity] 2ir 35, 44. 54, 63, 68,

89. 105, 118, 134, 174, 179, 186

Korenflass. Duchy of [PRV] 75

Linnodcn (Keoland) (Pop 1,840)

[TWN] 64

Krakenhetm (Pop 4,500) [TWN][CAP]

Lirr [Deity] 175

44. 15a
Krelonr Keep [CTL] 108

Lrssen Rheyd, Countess [ClrS

Krestible (7,300) [TWN] 85

Commandant [NPC] 49, 51

Midnights Darkness Clan [ORG] 25

Mirim. County of [PRVj[ILE] 70

Mahan (Pop 4,100! [TWN] 70

Mist, Lake of [RVR] 149

Malachite Throne [ITM] 14, 22, 23. 24,

Mistmarsh [RVRJ 149, 152, 153

56, 57, 71, 74. 77, 3o, 91, 92, 93,


Mithat (Pop 29,000) [TWN] 75, i4g

99. 5
Malchim III, Prince [NPC] 93

Mitrik (Pop 16,200) [TWN][CAP] 32,

Malev [NPC] 23

Mogthrasir, King [NPC] 49

Malhel, House [CLN] 64, 135

Mohrgyr [Wizzo][NPC] 163

Malv III [NPC] 65

Molag (Pop 4,000) [TWN][.CAP] 30,

Manshen, Overking [NPC] 23, 36,

33, 58,128,129,130,132,151, 156

31, 58, 61, 62, 104, 156, 157

Marauders of the North [OROj 27

Molil, Prince [Ftrg][NPC] 22

Little Hills [MT] 136, 146

Maravan, Town of (Pop 530) LTWKJ

Monmurg (Pop 15,000) [TWNICAP]

Krestible, Canton of [PRV] 85, 86

Littleberg (Pop 7,700) [TWNJ 45, 46

Krestingstrek [STR] 85

Littleberg, Barony of [PRV] 46, 150

40, 41
March, Viscounty of the [PRV] 46

Moonarch of Sehanine [ITM] 40, 162

Kro Terlep [TWN] 80, 95, g6

Llerg [Deity] 44, 54,105, 106,175,

Margus, Sir [NPC] 42

Moradin [Deity, Dwarf] ig, 171

Kron Hills [MT] g, 39, 40, 41, 58,

Lo Reitarma (Pop 3,200) [TWN][CAP]

Marius Lindon [Rgno][NPC] 134, 135

Mordenkainen [Wrz2o+][NPC] 15, 128,

104, 118, 129, 130. 131, 132, 133, 145,


Lydia/Ftr2][NPCj 64

68, 6gh 70

Markos Skotti [FriylNPC] 64

Marner (Pop 6,600) [TWN][CAP] 89,

Kron Hills, Assembly of [ORG] 132,

Lof Bosok [ILE] 96,147

Kuranyie, Sister [Mnkio][NPC] 79,

Loftin Graystand [NPC] 53

Marner, Seal of [ITM] 37, 91

Loftwick (Pop 8,400) [TWN][CAP]

Marrowsucker Tribe (Hobgoblin)

80, 88

'34. '35. '36

90, 91, 123

[CLN] i,

Molvar (Pop 16,000) [TWN] 65, 66,85

96, 98, IOO, 1O1, 1O2

156. 157

Mounds of Dawn [MT] 85, 146

Mountaineer Militia [ORG] 51
Mouqol [Deity] 42, 67, 83, 115, 136,
176, 184

Mouqollad Consortium [GLD] 68,136,

160, 161

Kurast [Wizi3][NPCj 152

Loftwood [WDJ 36. 89, 141

Marsakeer (Pop 630) [TWN] 25

Kurell [Deity] 21, 25, gi, ggr 165, 174,

Lolgoff Bearhair [BbnijJtNPCJ 54,

Maskaleyne (Vampire) [Wizi2][NPC]

Movanich, Herzog [NPC] 74

Lone Heath [TWN] gz. 152, 153

Mastryne Castle [CTL] 17

Mowbrenn (Pop 20,700) [TWN]

Longspear (Pop 7,700) [TWN] 134,

Matreyus Lake [RVR] 149

75> 77
Mowbrenn, County of [PRV] 77

135. '46
Lopolla (Pop 27,300) [TWN][CAP] 27,

Maure, House [CLN] 125, 126

Muammar Qharan [Fln^lNPC]

186, 187, 189

Kyaren Rhavelle, Countess [Wiz4]

[NPC] 46
Kyuss [Deity] 31

33, 38, 65, 66, 67, 68. 129, 153

Land of Black Ice [PLC]

Maure Castle [CTL] 125,126

115, 116

Maure Lands [PLC] 125,126

Mur [KNG] 84, 137

Lordship of the Isles [KNG] IFC, 8, 16,

Maximillian Thace, Prelate [NPC] BE

Murad. Sultan [FlnjHNPC] 136

34, 114, 115,139,148,

45' 55. 57. 58, 66, 70, 71, 72,

Mayaheine [Deity] 45,102,106.158,

Mutilators Tribe (Kobold) [CLN] n

'5', '54

79, 91, 96, 98, gg, too, no, 121,

Landrigard {Pop 7,800)

[TWN] 80, 82
Langard (Half-Elf) [Rog^NPC]
'3'. '33
Larapel Klendern. Viscount

[Rog2][NPC] 75
Larissa Hunter [Frrt2][NPC] 40, 41, 42
Larrangin, Margrave [Ftrg/ClrsHeironeouslNPC] 32

147, 148, 149, 150

160, 175, 176

Medegia, Battle of [BTL] 71, 100

Lorinar, House [CLN] 125

Medegia, Marchland of [PRV] 22

Lorridges [MT] 32, 33, 50, F2g,

Medegis, See of [KNG] 15, 23, 24. 72,

130, 146

Lort River [RVR] 118, 152

Lortmil Mountains [MT] 4, g, 39, 40,

77, 81, 92, 94,100, 106, in,

'45- '47. '5 . '5
Medegian [PPL] 70

49, 50, 66, 88,116,117,118, 119,

Medegian Peninsula [PLC] 68

121,129, 141, 143.146,152

Medven I, King [NPC] 77

Lost Souls. Isle of [ILE] 74

Meersalm [ITM] 171,172

Lashton [WiziglNPC] 66

Low Road (Lortrmils) [STR] 40

Melek II, Sultan [NPC] 137

Laravius [NPC] 29

Lowgorge Warband (Gnoll) [CLN] n

Melf (Prince Brightflatne) [NPC] 53,

Latmac Ranold [NPC] 71, 72

Luda, County of [PRV][ILE] 70, 72

Laud in e [TWN] 129

Luna (Great Moon of Oerth) [PLC] 2,

Leastisle [!LE] 99, 100

Leering Keeps [CTLJ 29
Lef Quaanser, Admiral [Ftrn][NPC] 93
Leg Breaker Tribe (Hobgoblin)

[CLN] n
Lekkol Noyon [NPC] 134
Lendor [Deity][NPC] 55. 68, 69,168.
170, '74

Lenders Isle [ILE][KNG] IFC. 8.12, 68,

69, 70, 99,106,146,147,

94 June 2oo2


9- '79
Luschar, VIII, Duke [Wizg/Frr2][NPC]

64. 65, 66
Lydia [Deity] 63, 64, 68, no, 119, 123,
124,175, 188
Lynwerd I [Ftn^][NPC] 16, 74, 75,
76, 78. 79. 82,145,148

120, 159

Melkot [TWN] 135, 146

Menowood [WD] 17, no, 141

Myariken, General [FmalNPC] 75

Myhriss [Deity] 177, 187

M _,_

Nad a id, Beygraf

[Ftno/Wiz5][NPC] 33,

66, 67, 68
Naelax, House of [CLN]
13. 2. 23. 24,57. 59, 7L 73. 74-

77. 9i. 93
Naerie, Principality of
[PRV][TWN][CAP]2i, 22,25, 55,

7^, 141. '45

Nakanwa Daychaser [Rgr8][NPC]

Menrrey [TWNJ 81

94- 95
Nalif, Overkitig [NPC] 24, 77

Merchants and Traders, Royal Guild

Narisban [TWN] 147

of (Ahlissa) [GLD] 22

Narleon (Pop 2,400) [TWN] 25, 27

Merikka [Deity] 176,189

Narwell (Pop 4,400) [TWN] 140

Middlebridge (Pop 2,508) [TWN] 64

Nasran, Overking [NPC] 14, 23, 36

Middlemead, March of [PRV] 64

Nederboden, Canton of [PRV] 85

Midlands, Stronghold of the [KNG]

Needfest [CALj 2, 75, 78

25. 27. 29. 3'

Midmeadow Town (Pop 11,100) [TWN]

Neeri River [RVR] 149, 152

Neheli, House of [CLN] 13, 64, 65,

66, 162, 163
Nehron [KNG] 125
Nellix (Pop 3,400) [TWN] 124

145,148,149. 151.152, !53.158.

Onnwal, Army of Rebellion [ORG]


79. '45
Onnwal Peninsula [PLC] 55,148

People of the Testing [ORG] 68,162

Nyrondese (Nyrondel, Nyrodal) [PPL]

58. 75. 77. 85, 94,106, 108, no.

112.123, 124,176,178,179

Nemoud the Hound [NPC] 185

12, 23. 27, 75, 77, 78, 152

Onsager Point [PLC] 90

Peregrines [CLN] 17

Nerof Gasgal [Rogi2][NPC] 51

Nyrondal Occupation [CAL] 124

Onselven [NPC] 39

Pen-en, Voorman [NPC] 86

Nerult [Deity] 21, 25, 51. 58, 61, 73.

Nyrsrran (Pop 8,600) [TWN] 124

Opicum River [RVRJ 59, 62, 94, 95,

Perrenders (Perrenlanders) [PPL]

74, 96, 99,156,172, 177, 180,181

Nystul [Wizi7][NPCJ 112,114,156

Nesser River [RVR] 77.124,126,148,

'49- '5'. '52, '53
Nesser-Franz River System [RVR]

Oaken heart (Pop 5,000)

[TWN] 98

'5 - '53
Opicum River, Battle of [BTL] 95, 151


Perrenland (Quaglands) [KNG] IFC, 3,

Orb of Dragonkind [ITMJ 8

6, 23. 46, 53. 59, 6=. 67. 85, 86,

Orberend, Duchy of [PRV] 77

"4. "5-129- '33- '39. '42- '43.

146, 158

Ore us (Demon Prince) 153

75. '5'
Nesserhead [TWN] 125

Qakenisle [ILE] 99

Ordai [LNG] 12, 114, 133

Pest's Crossing (Pop 800) [TWN]

Nessermouth (Pop 3,100) [TWN][CTL]

Obad-Hai [Deityi ig, 37,

Orred (Pop 5.800) [TWN] 21, 22,

4s. 49
Petros, Commandant [Ftri5][NPC]

75. '49
Nevond Nevtietid (Pop 25,200)
[TWN][CAP] 109, no, 112,113,114
Newkeep (Pop 2,700) [TWN] no
Neimajen, Hierarch [Cln5-

48, 49, 94, 108,112, 116,117, 131,

139. 140, 164,169, 178
Obresthorp [TWN] 31
Oeridian (Oerid) [PPL][LNO] 3, 4, 5,

5> '5'
Orvung, King [Ftri6][NPC] 106
Ospretn [Deity] 55, 63, 68. 70, 79,
91, 99, too, itg, 178, 180, 188

5. 5'
Phaulkon [Deity] 38, 63, 68, 118, 134,

'73.'74.'7 8
Philidor the Blue [Wizzo+][NPC]

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, *4T 19, 21, 22,

Qsson, Commander [NPC] 78, in, 141

23. 29. 3'. 3 2 - 33' 34. 35. 4'. 43.

44, 48, 49, 53, 54, 55, 63, 64,

Oswalden of Carnifand. Baron

Night Terror Tribe (Goblin) [CLN] ti

Nimlee, County of [PRV] 64

09, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 80,

Otiluke [Wizi6][NPC] 16, 38, 156

Niole Dra (Pop 25,000) [TWN][CAP]

81, 84, 85, 8g, gi, 94, 95, 99, no,

Otro [C!r3-Boccob/Wiii5][NPC] 156,

23, 25, 26, 49, 75, So, 81, 102,112,

112, 114, 115,117,121,123, 125, 129,

Quntsy, Town of (Pop 83,000)

123, 160,166,

NerulllLNPC] 61

50, 63, 64, 65, 66, 88, 107, 117,

119, 121, 135, 153,


Niole Dra, Council of [ORG] 65, 66,

88, 135
Niole Dra, Treaty of [TRT] 60, 66.
117, 119

'33. '39- '46. 1 49. lfi5. '67. |B8>

169,170, 171, 172,174.175. '70,

[Wizi5][NPC] 22

[TWN] 91, 92, 93, 94, 99, 145,

61, 128

Photon [PPL] 24
Phollus of rhe Blinding Light [Deity]

Phostwood [WD] 26. 81, 112. 114.141

148, '53
Oversight [CTL] 32, 33

Phyton [Deity] 19, 38, 48, 49, 53,

Oerik [PLC] 2.13,17, 22, 23, 68,142

Oerth [PLCJ 2. 3, 4, 7,13.14, 23, 43,

Owen I, Grand Duke

Pitchfield [TWN][CAP] no, HI

179, 180.182,185,186. 189

Nomad Intrusion [CAL] 43, 115

59, 62, 86, 127,129, 148, 149, 160,

Norebo [Deity] 21, 25, 44, 48, 51, 54,

161, 162,164, 166,167, 168,172,

Oxton [TWN] 112

PI am pi on (Pop 1,920) [TWN] 64

175,176.181,185, 186

Oytwood Forest [WD] 48, 49,

Plane of Time [FLN] 172

55. 63. 66, 70, 75, 79, 89, 91,

99,100, 105,110, ng, 123, 134,174,

Qerthmagic 34

177, 182,187

Ogburg (Pop 17,400) [TWN] 80,

North Anchor (Pop 4,850) [TWN]


55- '4
North Kingdom [KNG] 6, ti, 21, 35,

36. 37. 54. 58. 7 2 .73-75. 89, 91.

g3, g6, 105,139,146, 147,148,
'5'. '53.'58
North Province [KNG] 13, 16, 23, 24,
36, 71, 74, 77, go, 91, 99

[Wizi5/Ftr5][NPC] 47, 49

80, 89, 118, 119,123, 178, 179, 180

107, 141

Oief the Warrior [NPC] 42.137

80, 82

Pale. Tfieocracy of rhe

[KNG] IFC, 16,

25, 26. 27, 59, 75,
77, 78, 80, 81, 82, !

'6.17. 33. 3B. 39. 40. 42. 5'- 5259, 63, 65, 66, 72, 79, 86, 87,

Old City (Rel Astra) [QTR] 92, 93

96,108,112,113, 114, 123,124,140,

88,107,116, 117, 119,120,121,127.

Old Faith [Religion] 117, 161

141, '53

133.135. MO. MI. 142- '44. 1 45147.148, 152,157,159,182

Old Lore [PHL] 161, 163

Northern Alliance [ORG] 44, 91

Old Lore, Colleges of [ORG] 161, 162

Panshazek [Clri5-luz][NPC] 61

Northern Reaches [PRV] 46, 47, 62,

Old Places [PLC] 132

Panrarn (Pop 2.500) [TWN] 45,

Old River [RVR] 116. 119,152

47. '5
Pardue (Pop 4,100) [TWN] 21. 25, 94

Novelee (Planefar) [NPC] 169

Nulbish [PRV][TWN] 21. 22, 24. 25,

Oldred (Pop 22,000) [TWN] 75,


'" '53
Null [WiziojNPC] 26. 60

Olidammara [Deity] 21, 25. 26, 30, 61,

Nutherwood [WD] 26, 29, 78, 141

Oltnstaad Corond, Prince (Dwarf)

Nyeru [Wizio][NPC] 127

Nyr Dyv [RVR] 3, 4, 7,14, 23, 27, 31,

63.119, 164, 174.178,182.188

[Rogi2/Ftr3][NPC] 15,119, 120, 121
Oljatt Sea [RVR] 70, 71, 149

40,41, 4 S . 4 6 . 5 1 , 59.75. 77103,123, 124,125, 127,148, 149,

Otroan [PPL][LNG][CI_N] 6, 7, 12, 19,

'5. 'S2- '53- '59

Olman Islands [ILE][KNG] 79, 96,

Nyr Dyv, Midbay [RVR] 51, 149, 152

Nyrond [KNG] 4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 24,

119, 121,129,131,148, 150,152, IBC

Pomarj Peninsula [PLC][KNG] ti, 15,

Okalasna Plateau [MT] 96

North Reach (Pop 3,700) [TWN] 134

'34, '5

Polvar (Pop 12,600} [TWN] 66

17, 40, 42, 51. 59. 63, 72. 116, 118,

Ogobanjk, Khakhan [NPC] 86, 114,

Ogort Tiliit [Cln6-Pholrus][NPC]

Poison Wound Tribe (Gobiin) [CLN] n

Pomarj, Orcish Empire of the [KNG]


'33. '34

Plague Fields [PLC] 102

70, 100, 102, !3g. 147. 149, 150

9 s - '47
Oltagg, Baron [Ftr4/Rog9][NPC] 31

Palish [PPL] 5

Parmus Destron [NPC] 80

Ponrylver (Pop 16,000) [TWN] 22,

24, j\, 93, loo, 151, 152

Ponryrel (Pop 7,550) [TWN] 124, 126
Port Toll (Pop 11,000) [TWN] 96,100,

101, 123

Pascorel [TWN] 17

Portillan, Overking [NPC] 23, 90

Patch-wall [TWNj 2.108

Pregmere (Pop 300) [TWN] 48, 49

Pawluck River [RVR] no, 152

Procan [Diety] 21, 55. 77, 79, 89, 91,

Pawluck River Valley [PLCJ no, in

99,100,165, 180,184,186, 188

Paynim [PPL][KNG] IFC, 5, 12, 37, 38,

Procession of Blessing [CAL] 43

43, 50, 67, 83, 84, 85. 115, 122,

Provincial Expeditionary Force

123,126, 134,136,137, 138.142,

[ORG] 57

'54. '59- 161,165

Pearl Sea [RVR] 148

Prymp (Pop 16.300) [TWN] 21, 71,

Peh'Reen [CTL] 137

Pugnace Dillip [NPC] 64

So, 149

Felgrave Ratik, General [NPC] 69, 90

Purmill (Pop 1,900) [TWN] 108, no

59,71, 72,74,76,77, 78, 79, So,

'6, 55, 57. 58. 59. /". 75. ?8, 79,

Pelisse Swamp [RVR] 149, 153

Pyremius [Deity] 93, 96, 168, 171, 181,

81. 82, 89, go, 91, 93, 96.101, no,

80, 87, 88, 96, 98, tio, in, 145.

Pellak (Pop 2,300) [TWN] 32, 33, 160

148. 149

Pelor [Deity] 6, 37, 40, 42, 48, 51.

25, 26,29. 30, 35, 51. 55, 57, 58,

2,113, 123,124, 139,140, 143,

Onnwal, Free Stare of [KNG] IFC. 6,

183, 188



Qayah-Bureis Islands

[ILE] ,37, ,47

Quag Lake [RVR] 85, 86,
94,133,143,146, 149

Redfall [CTL] 73

Roland, Five of [ORG] 93

Redhand, Principality of [KNC][TWN]

Roland, Town of (Pop 79,000) [TWN]

27. 30. 3'. '02, 124

Redoubt (Pop 5,900) [TWN] 45

9'. 92- 93, 99- '45- '4 8

Rollo, Margrave [NPC] 33

Redspan Town (Pop 21,000) [TWN]

Romadnen Bereman, Count [Clrjj-

27, 112,114,150

'5'. '53

Rfidspan, Battle of [BTL] 113

Quagflow Road [STR] 53

Regurd Korenflass [Ftr8][NPC] 77

Quagflow Valley (Fairdells) [PIC] 53,

Rel Astra {Pop 61,000) [TWN] 15, 23,

Querchard, Earl [NPC] 107, 108

Rookroost {Pop 17,500) [KNG][TWN]

24, gi, 92, 94, 96. 99, 100, 141,

'42- '59
Quagfludt, Canton of [PRV] 85

Rel Deven (Pop 29,400) [PRV][TWN]

Rel Mord, Great Council of [ORG]

26, 77, 82, 123

Rain of Colorless Fire

95. 109. "3. '33. '34. 140. M4.

'35. M3. '54, '55. ' 3
Sea Prince [SHIP] 101

Sea Princes [PPL][KNGJ 6,12, 16, 63,

66, 72, 96, gfi, mo, 101, 102, 121.

'34.'35. '36.140. '47. '48.15152. '53. IBC

Sea Princes, Hold of [KNG] 16, 66,
100, 101, 102, 121, 135, 147, 152, IBC

Seaton [TWN] 64

154, IBC

23. 26, 75, 77, 78, 8a, 93, 123, 151

ITWNICAP] 123.124.1

Rotting Eye, Ores of the [CLN] n

6,12, 25, 27, 30, 58. 59, 61, 94,

Rel Mord (Pop 46,500) [TWN][CAP]

Radigast City (Pop 44,800)

IFC, 25, 26. 27. 29, 31, 59, 61, 112

Rovers of the Barrens [PPL][KNG] 5,

145, '47, 148, 158, IBC

21, 22,25,93,139,153,158

147, 148, 150, IBC

Sea of Dust [PLC] 4, 8,13, 17,102,

ZilchuslNPC] 75

Quag Road [SIR] 85

55- 68- 6<J. 70. 7'- 72. 9'. 92, 9394, 96, 98. 99, 100,105,106, 146,

Royal Astrologers (Rel Astra) [GLD]

Second Expeditionary Force [ORG]

Rudd [Deity] 21, 25.182, 189

Sederaia. March of [PRV] 64

Rumikadeth [RVR] 150, 152

Seer. The [NPC] 126


[BTL] 5, 8, 12,13, 14, 54,

Relentless Horde [PPL] 35, 86, 95,

Rurszek River [RVR] 152

Seers 10RGJ 64

64, 68, 94, 142,155, 162, 187

"4, '33
Relmor Bay [RVR] 58, 75, 78, 148,

Rushmoor Marshes [RVR] 49, 50, 51.

Sefmur (Pop 21,000) [TWN][CAP]

Rakehell Chert [Rogt8][NPC] 79, 80

Rakers LMTj 4, 35, 36, 44, 73, 81. 82,
89, 90, 91, 143,145, 152


63, '53

Sehaninc Moonhow [Deity, Elf] 68,

149, 150

69, 70,162.183, 184

Relmor Coast [PLC] 25

Rakervale {Pop 13,700) [TWN] 80

Renfus the Mottled [Rogi2][NPC] 30

Sable Watch [TWN] 95

Ralishaz [Deity] 21, 25, 75, gg, 122,

Renvash Splinter (Reliquary) [ITM]

Sablewood [WD] 141

Resbin Dren Etnondav [Wizi3][NPC]

Safeton (Pop 6,100)

174,177, 181,182,186
Ralsand (Pop 2,500) [TWN] 21
Ramshalak [Clri2-PyremiusJ[NPC] 93

106, 108

Ranial (Lich) [NPC] 34

Reyhu, Great lands of [KNG] 26, 27,

Rao [Deity] 16, 32, 41, 45, 62, 75, 93,

29, 30, 61, 140,147, 154

128, 129, 130, 158, 165, 173, 181,

Reynard, General [FigtfNPC] 30, m

184. 189, 190

Reynard Yargrove [Drdt4][NPC] 140

Rao, Crook of [ITM] t6. 47, 62, 93,

i2Q, 130,181,190

Rhennee (Rhen-Folk) [PPL] 7, 8,12,

17, 19, 21, 42, 51, 85, 123.

Raoan [PPL] 130,132



'29, M9. '5. '53

Rary [Wizao+][NPC] 16, 37, 38, 68,

126,128,143, 144,154, 156

[TWN] 42, 51. 52, 87,140.148,

Saint Cuthbert [Deity] 40, 41, 45, 48.


Ranet [Deity] 181

'5- '5'

Retchtongue Warband (Gnoll)

Ramshorn [PLC] 35

Seldarine [Deities] 19, 188

Sencho Foy [NPC] gg

160, 164, 166.173,177, 179,182

Senningford (Pop i,zoo) [TWN]

Saint Cuthbert, Cathedral of the

Holy Cudgel [TMP] 133

25. 27
Sepia Uplands [MT] 85, 86, 133, 146

Salinmoor, Viscounty of [PRV] 64

Serpent Island [ILE] 99

Samprastadar [TWN] 130

Seven Families of Furyondy [CLN]

Sarndt (Pop 2,300) [TWN] 21, 25

Scant (Pop 4,500) [TWN][CAP] 16,

Rieuwood [WD] no, HI, 141

125, 126

119,123, 124,129,131,132,133,158,

Rhop [PLN] 7

Ratik, Barony of [KNG] 9, 36, 37. 44,

'49. '50. 151,152

Selraren (Pop 9,800) LTWN] 124.
Selvor The Younger [NPC] 23

Satresh (Pop 3,600) [TWN] 27

Rhopan [LNG] 12. 40. 51,123

Selinran River [RVR] 51, 52, 87, 148,

49- 51. 58, 63, 85, 86,102, ti2,

Rhola, House of [CLN] 13, 64, 65

Rashaman of Safeton [NPC] 42

Selintan, Lanristadt of [ORG] 41

38. 55- 79- So, 96, 98,101,148

Scarlet Brotherhood [KNG] 6, 8, 12,

Sevvord Redbeard [Ftr20+J[NPC] 15,
78, 108, 109, no

Sewarndt, Prince [Wizg][NPC] 16, 78

Sfirta Island [ILE] 106

45, 54. 59, 72- 73. 74. '. . 9.

gi, 105, 106,141,142, 143,147,148,

Rift, Men of the [KNG] 29. 30

15, l6, l8, 2!, 24, 25, 45, 51, 5E,

Shadow, Plane of [PLN] 128

Rift Barrens [PLC] 26, 27, 29, 30,

Shah of Waters [NPC] 83, 84

158, IBC

59. '02
Rift Canyon [PLC] 17, 25, 26, 28, 29,

54, 55. 5a- 59, 63> 66, 68> 69,

70, 72, 73, 75, 78, 79, 80, 87,
88, 91, 92, 93. 95, 97, 98, 99,

Shanladern [TWNI 75,149

[OO, 101. 102, 106, 110, 111, 112, 119,

Shar [KNG][PPL] 96

'3. '33. '34-146, M7.148. '49.

150,153, 160,163, '8'. 184,187,

Sheldomar River [RVR] 49, 63, 64.

190, IBC

Sheldomar Valley [PLC] 4, 13, 17, 18,


Ratik, House [CLN] 90

Ratikhill (Pop 5,500) [TWN] 37,

89, 91
Rauxes [TWN][CAP] t6, 23, 24, 31,

31, 61,113, 142, 154, 157

Riftcrag (Pop 5,000) [TWN] 25, 27,

Shandareth Clan (Elven) [CLN] 54

46, 56, 57, 62, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77,

29, 3. 59-6|. '54

Rinloru [TWN] 72, 74

fa. 92. 93. 99-14. "i. '45. '4$.

Rinloru, Principality of [PRV] 73

Scarsavage Warband (Gnoll) [CLN] 11


Ripper Tribe (Hobgoblin) [CLN] - i

Schnabel River [RVR] 152

Rauxes, Marchiand of [PLC] 22

Risay [KNG] 137

Schnafjord [RVR] 152

Shiboleth (Pop 5,900) ITWNI 49. 51,

Rax, House of [CLN] 13, 23, 24, 27,

Rite of Battle Fitness [CAL] 109

Schnai [PPL] 44, 55, 90,106

Ritensa River [RVR] 30, 31, 59, 61,

Schoffmund [NPC] 106

5. '53
Shieldlander [PPL] 30, 35, 47

Schwartzenbruin (Pop 27,500)

Shield Lands [KNG] 15,16, 17. 25, 27,

5 , 57, 73. 74. 77, 8', 82, go,

102, 103, 104, 152

93, '53
Raxivort [Deity] 182

River Quarter {Dyvers) [QTR] 42

Reach, Duchy of the [PRV] 46,

Road of Skulls [STR] 62

Schwartzenbruin, Canton of [PRV]

129, '3'
fiealstrcam [RVR] 32, 48,152

Robilar, Lord [Ftr2o][NPC] 15, 16, 37,

Scragholme Island [ILE] 16, 59, 102,

Red Death Plague [CAL] 24

Rockegg Pass [STR] 112

Red Road to Rift Canyon (Song)

Rohan III, Duke [NPC] 49

Sea Barbarians (Zeai) [PPL] 34, 154

Rohan IV [NPC] 49

Sea Barons [PPL][KNG] 18, 44, 54,

[BK] .13

96 june2oo2

38, 63,126

[TWN][CAP] 40, 85

103, 159

118,119,121, 139, 152, 153

32. 48, 50, 63, 64, 65, 87, 116,

'34. '35.140. 'So, 162

29. 30, 3'. 45- 46. 5'- 58. 59. 61,

62, 74,102,103,104,105,129, 149,
152. '59- IBC
Shorewatch [CTL] 125

Silent Ones of the Lonely Tower

[ORG] 65, 162, 163

Silent Tower [CTL] 65,162,163

Silver Metal Cairn [PLC] 144

Stone Battle (Pop 2,900) [TWN] 123

Silverwood [WDj 17, 117, 119, 141,

Store Road (Nyrond) [STR] 123

Tavish II, King [NPC] 65. 121,130.135

Torquatm, House of [CLN] 73

Sinking isle, The [ILE] 18, 148

Srotiehold [CTL][KNG] 15. 16, 17, 25,

Tavish Hi. King [NPC] 48, 50, 65.

Torrich (Pop 27.500! [PRV][TWN] 21,

26, 27, 44. 54, 55, 59. Si. 94,

88. 121,135


Torkeep [CTL] 104

22, 25, 151

Skagund, Fort [CTL] 61

95,105.106,108,109, no, 112,

Tavish IV, King [NPC] 65, 66, 135

Tors [MT] 134,135, 146

Skannar Hendricks [FtriS][NPCJ 6t

113,114,141,143, 147. 148, 150,

Teesar Torrent [RVR] 35, 72, 73,

Torturers Tribe (Goblin) [CLN] n

'43- '52. '53

Telchur [Deity] 19, 44. 89, 94, 133,

Touv [PPL][LNG][CLN] 4, 6

Skipperton [TWN] 107

Skull Smasher Tribe (Hobgoblin)
[CLN] 11

IS2- '53- IBC

Stoneherm (Pop 5,700) [TWN] 86. 87

Stornawain Road [STR] 34

169,175, 180,184.185,188

Tovag Baragu. Stone Circles of [PLC]

13. 83,150, 154

Slave Lords [ORG] 88

Stradsett (Pop 10,900) [TWN] So

Telchuria [PLCJ148

Traft (Pop 12,000) [TWN] 85

Slerotin [NPC] 64

Stringen (Pop 4,700) [TWN] 72

Temil, Barony [ILE] 70, 72

Traft, Cantor of [PRV] 85, 146

Slerotin, Passage of [STR] 143, 155,

Stringen, Principality of [PRV] 73

Tempfe Coalition Revolt [CAL] 125

Traitor's Garden (Rauxes) [QTR] 57

Strinken [CTL] 92

Tenh. Duchy of [KNGJ 4, 5,15, 16,

Trask River [RVR] 153

Slowkilfers Tribe (Hobgoblin) [CLNj n

Stronghow, Chief [NPC] 38

25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31. 58. 59. 62,

Small War (Short War) [BTL] 32, 48,

Suel (Suloisel [PPLj[LNGJ[CLNi 4, 5.

83, 78, 8t, 82, 95,108. log, no,

6, 7, 8. 9. 10, 12, 13, 18, ig, 21,

112.113, 114, 123,124, 141, 153, IBC

50, 65,130,132
Snow Barbarians [PPL][KNG] 12, 19,
35' 44. 54- 58- 72' 89> 9'. 99.
105, 108.141.147,148, IBC

Soinor Coast [PLC] 72, 73, 3o, 81,

89. gi, 92, 99,141, 143, 145
Soinor Compact [TRT] 91, 92, 93,
99. 100

22, 23. 32. 33. 34, 36. 37, 37, 39,

44. 4s- 54. 55. S6. 63. 64. 66,

Tenha [PPL] 12, 16, 27. 29, 30, 35.

94,114,124, 141,144, 156

68, 69.71. 72. 73. 77. 79- 8 5. S7-

Tenser [Wiz2o][NPC] 16, 38, 156

88, 89, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98,

Teuod Fent [NPC] 35

99, 100, 102, 105, 106, 10g, !10,

Thailand [KNG] 13

112, 117, 118, 121, 123,

Tharizdun [Deity] 96, 98, 100, 129,

124, 125, 134,

'35. '39. '4', '45- '46. M8- '52,

180, 184, 185

Travels (by Fenwick Asrakane) [BK]

Trevlyan III [NPC] 66
Trigol (Pop 9,600) [TWN] 122,152
Tringlee (Pop 14.500) [TWN][CAP]
Triserron, Prince Consort [NPC]

Trithereon [Deity] 25, 30, 45, 63,
89,102,110.134, 168, 174,175,

185, 186

Soinor Ocean [RVR] 4.13, 21. 23, 35,

'54. '55- '62, '63, '66, 168, i6g,

Thelly Forest [WD] 13, 21

68, 70, 7). 73. 93, 94, 99,148,

171, 173, 174,175, 177, 178, 179,

Thelly River [RVRJ MO, 111, 139, 145,

Troll Fens [RVR] 81,112. 153


1 2
5 . '53
Thelwood Forest IWDI 139 SEE

Tsojcanth. Lost Caverns of [PLCJ 86

149,150.153, 156
Sorcerers' Nexus of Rel Astra [GLD]

Sotillion [Deity] 19,165, 174, i8u,

Suel Imperium [KNG] 5, 8, 12,13, 16,

Bonewood Forest

64, 68,135, 155, 185

Sulhaut Mountains [MT] 13, 83, 143,

'5 2 > '55

183. 189
Soull (5,600) [TWN][CAP] 105, 152

Sultan's Truce [TRTj 137

South Docks (Rel Astra) [QTR] 92

Sulward (Pop 7,200) [TWN][CAP] 70,

South Province [KNG] 15, 23, 24, 56,

57' 5s. 64. A 78. So. 98, 106,
no, in, 141, 148, 149

71, 72,100
Sunndi, Kingdom of [KNG] 6, 8, 15,

Spahis [ORG] 136

'6,17. '8. 55. 56, 57, 5S, 59. 63,

71, 75, 78, 79, 80, 96, 98, no, in,

Spendlowe, Lake [RVR] 150, 152

112, 141, 142,

Spikey Forest [WDJ 44, 105.141

162, IBC

Spindrift Isle [ILE] 68. 69, 70, 91.

106, 146

145, 152.



Suss Forest [WD] 39, 40, 66, 87, 88,

116,117,119, 141

Tuflrk River [RVR] 42, 67, 115, 116.

136, 143,151, 153

Theodain Eriason [Wiz^lNPCJ 156

Tukim Tribe |CLN| 38

Theoman BasletT, Prelate [NPC] 82

Tulvar [TWN] 132. 146

Thillonrian Peninsula (Rhizia) ;_PLC] 4,

Turente! Espar/then, Count [NPCJ 111

8, 13, 15, 18, 36, 44, 54, 62, 89,

Turgen IV, Canon [NPCJ 130

99. 105, no, 142, [43, 150, 185

Turmoil Between Crowns [BTL] 13,

Thornward (Pop 6,000)

[CTL][CAP][TWN] 32, 33, 40, 51,
65- 67. 139, 153

Thornward Division [TRT] 32, 33

24, 36, 56. 71, 77, 80, 90, 92, 93

Turrosh Mak (Half-Ore) [Ftn6][NPC]

15. 42, 80, 86, 87. 88,121,

'52. '56

Thrommel, Prince [NPC] 15, 96

Tusking Strand [PLC] 34, 148

Thrommel I, King [NPC] 46, 129

Tusman Hills [MT] 65, 67, 115,146

Thrommel II, King [NPC] 41

Tusmit [KNG] 42, 43, 67, 84, 115, 116,

Spindrift Sound [RVR] 68. 150

Suss Rangers [ORG] 116

Thrommel IV, Prince [NPC] 130, 131

Spine Ridge Hills [MT] 71, 96,146

Svenser [Win6][NPC] 92

Throne of the Lion 63, 65, 66

Tusmite [PPL] 5

Spinecastle (Pop 6,300) [TWN] 35,

Sverdras Meno (Hierophant Druid)

Throne of the Sun 81, 82

Twelve and Seven Precepts [PHL]

[NPC] iifi

Thunder Pass [STR] 109

36> 37. 9. 9'

Spitzford [RVR] 152

Swan Bore (Pop 2,800) [TWN] 75

Thunderstrike (Pop 17,400) [TWN]

Stahzer [TWN] 103

Sybarate Isle I.ILEJ 96, 101,147

Staltnaer [TWN] 140

Syrul [Deity] 21, 44, 68, 70, 87, 91,

Tibarian Marreyus of Gradsul [NPCJ

Stalwart Pines [SCL] 125, 139

96, 98, 100, EoS, 174,181,183

Stannic Hill (Rel Astra) [PLC] 92

Szeffrin, Duke [NPC] 24

Tiger Nomads [KNG][PPLj 5. 12, 42,

Star Cairns [PLC] 144

43, 85,94,114,115, 133, 134,139.

Star Thought (Ki-Rin) [NPC] 179

142,146, IBC

Siark Mounds [MT] 48, 49, 107. 146

Taival Tundra [PLC]

Steelbone Meadows [PLCJ[BTL] 25,

55, '9
Tang the Horrific [NPC]

26, 27, 30, 31

Sterich [KNG] 5, 16, 48, 49, 50, 51,

59, 63. 65, 66, 96. 106, 107, 308,

118, 119.126, 127, 134,136,145,

146, i51, ,59r iec

95. '34
Tangles, Earldom of [KNC.I 30, 31,

Tangles [WDj 17, 25, 27, 29, 30

Tilva Strait [RVR] 70, 72, 98,146,


Tilvanol Peninsula [PLC] 4, 95, 96,

98, 102. no, 146,147,150, 153

129,136,137,138,142,161, IBC


Twin Cataclysms [BTL] 8, 13, 22, 98,

no, 125, 129, 135

Udgru Forest [WD]

42, 142

Udmey the Seer [NPC]

Udrukankar, Lake [RVR] 83, 84, 136.
'5. '5Z. '54
Uhas of Neheii [NPC] 162, 163

Tilvanor Plateau [MT] 71

Uirtag [CLN] 114.139

Timberway Forest [WD] 36, 44. 71,

III Bakak (Pop 900) [TWN] 37, 154

90, 142

Ulaa [Deity] 21. 85,106. no, 119,


Stitwri, Viceroy [NPC] 41, 48

Tareg Tribe (Suel) [CLN] 154

Toran [CLN] 23

Stoink (Pop 13.300) [TWN][KNG] 25,

Tavin Ersteader [Wiz^lNPC] 52, 53

Toran I [NPCJ 74

Ulagha [LNGj 12,122

Tavish the Great, King [NPC] 50, 65,

Toran II [NPC] 01

Ulakarid (Pop 6.000) [TWN][CAP] 122

26, 29. 30, 31, 59, 61,114


Ulek, County of [KNG] 10, 39, 40,

Vecna, Hand of [ITM] 104, 186

Weird of Gnatmarsh [NPC] 153

45. 49. 59. 3. 5. . 7 , 87.

88, 96. \aj, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121,

Velnius [Deity] 19. 186, 187

Welkwood [WD] 17, 39, 51, 141, 142

Vetondi [LNG] 12, 45, 128

Wenta [Deity] 19, 180, 186. 187,188

129.145, 152, 153, IBC

Vefuna, Archciericy of [KNG] 12, 15,

Westburn {Pop 2.500) [TWN]

Yar, Sea of [RVR] ,48

'34, '35
Westkeep (Pop 9,500) [TWN] 65,

Yarpick Tree


Ulek. Duchy of [KNG] 10, 38, 39, 40,



45- 49, 53. 59, 3, 5. - 7 87, 88, 96,107,116, 117, 118, ng,

121.129, 139, 141, 145,152,153,

'6, 32, 33. 40. 4'. 45. 46. 47. 48.

5, S1- 53. 58, 59. 62, 65, 67,
84, 85, 93, 96, 102, Il8, 128, 12g,
130, 131, 132, 146,

151, 153,


Veluna City (Pop 11,100) [TWN] 128,

159. IBC
Ulek. Principality of [KNG] 9. 10, 15.


16, 39. 40, 45, 49, 59. 82, 63, 65,

Velunese [PPL] 67

66, 72. 87, 88, 96, 107.116.117.

Velverdyva River [RVR] 39, 40, 41,

118, 119,121,129,143, 145,152,153,

'59, IBC

Heironeous][NPC] 77
White Fanged Bay [RVR] 94, 109,
i50H 152

132,139, 140, 150, 151, 153

Whyestil Lake [RVR] 4, 7, 31, 45, 59,

Uli Clan [CLN] 84, 122

Veng River [RVR] 45, 59, 61, 103,

Ull [KNG] 5, 6. 12, 43, 83, 84, 85,

'49. '5. 'S3

Ventnor [CTL][TWN] 30


Weynoud Aspranth [Clr/-

White Plume Mountain [MT] 154

Velysin, Mayor [Ftrn][NPC] 131

143, ISO, l6l.

Westkeep, Siege of [BTL] 65, IOP

45. 53. 54. 85. 86, '29. '30. '3'.

Ulek Pass [STR] 118

115, 122. 126,

66, mo, 101,102

Ulsprue Mountains [MT] 83. 84, 122,

Verbeeg Hill (Pop uoo) [TWN] 52,

3, '43-154
Unaagh, Necropolis of [PLC] 38

Verbobonc. City of (Pop 12.700)

Si, 150, 15'. '52,153

Wild Coast [PLC] 15, 39, 41, 51, 52,
87, 88. 133, 142

Wilfrick, Viscount [Ftru][NPC] 131,

Willip, Barony of [PRV] 46
Willip, Town of (Pop 16,000) [TWN]

123, 178, 180, 188

(Daggerthorn) [MON]
'39. '4'
Yatil Mountains [MT] 3, 12, 13, 14, 42.
43. 53. 67. 85, 86, 114,115,116,
- '37. '39. '4 2 - '43. '4^, 165
Yattenhied, Canton of [PRV] 85

Yecind [Deity, Elf] 188, 189

Yecha (Pop 4,100) [TWNj[CAP] 114,

"5- '46
Yecha Hills [MT] 42, 43, 114, 146
Yeomanry [KNGj 59, 65, 66. 96,
100, 101,107, 134. 135,136.143,

Yol River [RVR] 82, 112, 153
Yolande, Queen (Elf)
[Wizi3/Ftr2][NPC] 15, 38,

Underdarfc [PLC] 18, 143, 170

[TWN] 15, 40, 42, 45, 51, 53, 59.

Ungra Balan (Pop 8,300) [TWN] 133.

96, 102. 116,118, 119, 128,130. 131,

Willip Arsenal [PLC] 46

Yondalla [Deity, Halfling] 19

132, 133, 140.141, 145, 182, IBC

41, 45, 46, 104


Ur-Flan [PPL] 5, 23. 34, 146, 157.161

Wind Dukes of Aaqa [ORG] 13

Yorodhi [PPL] 122, 123 SEE Oeridian

Verin Talnith [Rgr4][NPC] 77

Windtnarch [CAL][STR] 17, 24, 25

Younard, General [Ftri3][NPC] 75

Urnst [PRV] 23

Vernport [CTL][TWN] 100

Winetha (Pop 19,300) [TWN] 72,

Yragerne, House of [CLN] 52

Umst. County of [KNG] 10. 25. 26,

Vesbergen. Canton of [PRV] 86 51. 5s. 75- 77.78.

79, 88, 96.102, 109.112,113, 114,
123, 124,125,126,143, 149,151,
,56, IBC

Vesve Forest (High Forest) [WD] 4,

8, 23, 45, 46. 52, 53. 54, 59, 61.

62, 85, 88. 133.142,151,153, 182

89, 148

Winetha, Principality of [PRV] 73

Wintershiven (Pop 39,900)
[TWN][CAP] 77, 80, 81, 82, 153

Zagig Yragerne (Zagyg)

[DeitylNPC] 14, 52,

Vigilant Highway [STR] 102

Witch's Hinge [BRG] 85

Vilayad (Pop 12,200) [TWN] 115

Wolf Nomad (Wegwiur) [KNG][PPL]

29, 3. 37- 51- 52' 75. 77. 7a. 79.

87, 88, 96, 102. 118, 123, 124, 125,

Vile Rune Tribe (Ore) [CLNJ it

S. '2, 34. 35- S8- 59- 94. 95.

Zeai [PPL] 154 SEE Sea Barbarians

Vir, House of [CLN] 36

"4. "5. '33- '34- 139. MS. ME.

Zeech of Redhand, Prince

126,139, 143, 144, 149, 152,156.

Viscount's Standing Army [ORG] 131

151, IBC

159. IBC

Vlek Col Vlekzed SEE Stonefist

Urnst, Duchy of [KNG] 8, 10, 26, 27,

Urnst, Joint Courts of [ORG] 126

Urnst Trail [STR] 51

Vlekstaad (Pop 700) [TWN][CAP]

55- 95- 1S- '09, no

Womtham (Pop 19, 200) [TWN] 75,

77. '45. 'S'

Womrham, Royai Duchy of [PRV] 77

167, 1/3, 176, 178,

182, 187, 189

[Frr8/Clr4-Hextor][NPC] 27, 124

Zeif. Sultanate of (Pop 43,500)
[KNG][TWN][CAP] 5, 42, 43, 67.
83, 84,115,116, 129,136, 137,138,

Ursunn Kewl. Count [NPCJ 117

Vollar [CLN] 129

Woodverge, March of [PRV] 75, 77

Urthgan the Eldest (Gnome)

Vornekern [RogisJiNPCj 93

Woodwych (Pop 24,300) [TWN]

Zefcor. Overking [NPC] 23. 74

75. '39
Woolly Bay [RVR] 37. 51, 87, 148,

Zeilif Ad-Zol [NPC] no

150, '52
Word of Incarum [BK] 129

Zelradton (Pop 12.900) [TWN] 21, 22,

Wormhall [KNG] 25, 30. 31, 104

Zilchus [Deity] 21, 22, 24. 32. 40, 45,

Wragby (Pop 7,300) [TWN] 75.

49. 5'. 55. 63. 72. 75. 79- 3'. 85.

[IH7/Ftr2][NPC] 132, 146

Urzun Tribe (Ore) [CLN] 59
Ustula [PLC] 106

Walgar, Margrave [NPC] f j

Walworth [TWN][ILE] 102,
Valley of the Mage
[KNG] 48, 63,126.
127, 128. 129, 142, 160,

Vargalian (Archmage)
[NPC] 48
Vast Swamp [RVR] 4, 71, 96, no, in
146, 152.153, 154, 187
Vatun [Deity] 15. 44, 54, 55. 105,
106. 169, 184, 185, 186

104, 159
Wardog Society (Rovers) [ORG]

94, 95

148, 149
Wyrm's Tail [STR] 85, 86

Warfields, United Bands of [KNG]

3. 31- 104
Warnes Starcoat [Wiz2o][NPC] 126,

53. 156

Warren ap'Hiiler [NPC] 145

Wastri [Deity] 34, 51, in, 112, 136,
154, 180,187, 189

115, 136, 184. 188. 190

Xan than Bun-sin, Baron
[Ftr8][NPC] 46
Xargun [Cln6-ArAkbar][NPC] 42
Xavendra [Clri3-luzJ[NPC] 26

Vayne [Wiz^lNPC] 103, 104

Waybury (Pop 11.500) [TWN] 117, 118

Xavener I [RogislNPC] 16, 20, 21,

Vecna [Deily][NPC] 13, 15, 50. 51,

Wealsun Proclamation [CAL] 48,

Veens, Eye ot" [ITM] 104,186

98 June 2oo2

65, 12!

Wee Jas [Deity] 21, 70, gi, 96, 177,

180, 187

23.24,56,57. 80,110

91. 106. 123,125, 129,131,134,174,

181, 183, 188,189
Zodiac, Twelve Lairs of the [CAL] 2

Xan Yae [Deity] 67, 83,

Watchtower Road (Bissell [STR] 32


Zelrad [CLN] 64

Zodal [Deity] 112, 173, 189,190

Vault of the Drow [TWN] 18

58. 64, 104, 131. 133,173, 180.

147, 148, 156,160,161, IBC

22, 24, 74,93,94, 141, 152.158

Xenia Saltavarian [NPC] 78
Xerbo [Deity] 21, 44, 54. 55, 63, 64,
68, 70, 79, 89, 91, 99, 100, 105,

Zoltan, Beygraf [NPC] 33, 51, 67, 68

Zuggtmoy (Demon Lady) [NPC]
'5- '3'
Zumkend Tributary [RVR] 109,
"2, 153

Zumker River [RVR] 26, 27, 29, 30,

112. 113, 147,


Zuoken [Deity] 184,190

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