FUR1-02 Shadows On The March

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Shadows on the

One-Round D&D 3rd Edition Living Greyhawk
A One-

by J. Allan Fawcett

A dark shadow is falling across the once lush fields of Furyondy. Across the countryside, crops are dying and workers are
missing. This adventure is suitable for characters levels 1-6.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK, and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of
the Coast, Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK is trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Scenario detail
copyright 2000 by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for
tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the RPGA Network.
This is a RPGA Network adventure game. A four-hour time
block has been allocated for playing the game (or this round 4 players 5 players 6 players 7 players Lvl Cap
of the game), but the actual playing time will be about three T1: 4-12 5-13 6-14 7-15 4nd
hours. T2: 13-22 14-24 15-26 16-28 6th
T3: 23-32 25-35 27-38 29-41 8th
It is a good idea to ask each player to put a name tag in
front of him or her. The tag should have the player's name The level cap indicated the highest level of character
at the bottom, and the character's name, race, and gender at allowed to play this adventure. Characters of levels higher
the top. This makes it easier for the players to keep track of than the highest level shown for the highest tier cannot
who is playing which character. be played.
Scoring the game for RPGA points:points The RPGA has
three ways to score this game. Consult your convention
coordinator to determine which method to use: Lifestyle
1. No-vote scoring: The players write their names and
numbers on the scoring packet grid, you fill in the top At the beginning of every scenario, each PC is required to
of the grid. That is all. No one is rated. This method is pay upkeep costs matching the level of lifestyle they wish
used for people who are just playing for fun. to maintain. The cost of each lifestyle will be indicated at
2. Partial scoring: The players rate the game master and the the beginning of the scenario. The lifestyles, and the
scenario on their player voting sheet, and provide effects that each has on play, are:
personal information, but don’t vote for other players.
The game master rates the scenario and completes Destitute You have no living space, and must carry all
personal and event information, but does not rate the your gear everywhere. You eat poor quality
players as a team or vote for players. This method is food. You wear a peasant outfit, your only
used when there is no competition, but the change of clothes.
convention coordinator wants information as to how Poor You sleep in poor accommodations, and eat
the game masters are performing, or the game master poor quality food. You wear a peasant outfit,
wants feedback on his or her own performance. and have two sets of clothing.
3. Voting: Players and game masters complete the entire Common You have common lodgings, and eat
packet, including voting for best player. If this method common quality food. You have normal
is used, be sure to allow about 15-20 minutes for the clothing for your profession (adventuring);
players to briefly describe their characters to the other nothing fancy. You probably have two or
players, and about 5-10 minutes for voting. This three sets of clothing.
method is used when the players want to know who High You stay in good quality lodgings, and eat
played the best amongst them, or when the adventure good quality food. You wear anything in
is run in tournament format with winners and prizes. value up to courtier’s outfits, and generally
Multi-round adventures usually required advancing a buy a new set of clothing every two weeks.
smaller number of players than played the first round, Luxury You have luxurious accommodations (twice
so voting is required for multi-round adventures. the cost of good accommodations), and you
When using Voting, rank the players in order of your eat excellent foods. You can throw a
voting choice while they are completing their forms, so banquet for your friends every day, and
that you are not influenced by their comments on your frequently do. You wear clothing up to the
abilities. value of noble’s outfit, and buy a new set of
clothes every week.
The players are free to use the game rules to learn about
equipment and weapons their characters are carrying. Lifestyles come with bonuses or penalties to Diplomacy,
Some of the text in this scenario is written so that you Intimidate, Disguise, and Bluff skill checks. These
may present it as written to the players, while other text is penalties, shown below, should be applied at the DM’s
for your eyes only. Text for the players will be in bold italics.
italics discretion, and can sometimes backfire—for example, a
It is strongly recommended that you paraphrase the player PC with a poor lifestyle would not have a penalty when
text, instead of reading it aloud, as some of the text is talking to a beggar, but would when talking to a city
general and must be adapted to the specific situation or to official. A PC with a high lifestyle should have a penalty
actions of the player characters. when dealing with a group of street thugs, where a PC
with a destitute lifestyle might not.

DMs are encouraged to role-play these reactions

LIVING GREYHAWK Tier whenever possible.

Structure Lifestyle Cost Skill M

Destitute 14 sp -2
To determine the tier, add the character levels of all the Poor 43 sp -1
characters. In addition, add the levels of any henchmen or Common 3 gp 0
animals according to the values on their certificates. High 250 gp +1
Compare the total to the chart below to find the tier. Luxury 500 gp +2

Shadows on the March Page 2

from the hard work upon the farms. At ceremonies in
secluded woods, she initiates her chosen victims, who are
all attractive people, into the dark world of Nerull. By
Adventure Summary and feeding her victims a potion designed to preserve the
body and laced with poison, she animates them and
Background fulfills her promise. Her victims are freed from the pain
This adventure takes place within the province known as and suffering of their lives, only to suffer a worse fate and
the Viscounty of the March, which is ruled by Viscount be trapped as a servant to a dark god for all eternity.
Luther Derwent. For more information on the Viscounty Due to the powers of the potion, the recently
see the below. Although not directly related to the Blight animated bodies do not decay provided they are
story, this adventure begins to set the stage for these immersed in a rose petal herbal bath at night. It is very
events. Throughout the adventure, references will be unlikely that the heroes will know that the missing
made to the failing crops, DMs should seek to emphasize farmers have been transformed. Other than their
these points and help set the stage for future events. improved appearance, they are normal zombies.
Located in the heart of the kingdom, the March is by
far the most populous region of Furyondy. Protected from Adventure Synopsis
the ravages of the wars with Iuz, these lands are
practically untouched by evil. The capital city of Gorsend PCs arrive for various reasons at the inn of
was secluded from the conflict and few of its soldiers saw Whittleborough were they learn that something is not
combat in either the Greyhawk Wars or the Great quite right about the town by talking with the people in
Northern Crusade. For the most part, the population of the bar.
the March remains blissfully ignorant of the horrors of Shortly after, a local page will arrive, he will attempt
war brought by Iuz. to hire the group to assist with a delicate situation. If they
The March lies along many of the established supply agree, he will have them look into the missing farmers.
routes and Derwent has judiciously invested in the One boy went missing only a few days ago while the
restoration of the road system. This province lies along on other (Jerad) has been gone for a while.
of the most important supply routes to the recently The heroes will investigate two farms – one closer
restored Shield Lands and the new route has served to than the other (Jared’s is closer). The two lads are
greatly increase tax revenue and new settlers in the area. different in that Jared was dedicated to farming while the
In addition to its isolation form Iuz and prosperity other, Lunth, dreamt of adventure and an easier life. After
from trade routes, the March is also located on the most investigating the first farm, the heroes will be attacked at
fertile soil in all of Furyondy. The province is an night by one of Velladenna’s creatures. Velladenna’s
interesting mix of rich nobility and hard working farmers songbird familiar alerted her to the stranger’s presence in
whose daily toils provide much of the wheat used the area. Following a clue from the boy’s room at the
throughout the kingdom. Recently, the farmlands have second farm, the heroes can get to the secluded wood
failed to produce the usual bountiful crops. Blights have where the ceremony was performed.
started to ruin entire fields and the once bountiful At the wood, they will find remains of a campsite and
harvests are starting to dwindle. Furyondians here are a small cave. Inside the cave they will find a number of
often apathetic and rather cowardly. There has been a objects including braziers, rose petals, etc. There will be
slow migration away from the eastern fringe of the no signs of the owner until later that evening when
province and Luther is considering the use of convict another meeting occurs. That night, Velladenna and her
labor, or forced service from peasants on his own lands to servants (zombies) dressed in monk robes will return.
maintain the local farming industry. They will set up camp and the zombies will go into the
During the adventure, the heroes will be drawn into cave to prepare their baths. Then the guard captain will
a plot involving an evil spell caster, Velladenna Delinener. arrive, drawn by Velladenna’s charms. If they allow it, she
She uses her inherent charms, a few enchantments, and will complete the ritual, killing the captain and making
the dark powers of Nerull to lure members of the local another slave.
populace into permanent service to her god. She has The final encounter can be resolved a number of
made her way quietly into the lands of Furyondy on a ways, including a possible discussion between Velladenna
series of caravans and has decided to test some of her and the PCs as she attempts to sway them to her point of
powers in the relative obscurity of the complacent view – using charm spells, etc. The longer they talk with
Viscounty of March. If her new spells and potions prove her, the worse their situation becomes.
to be a success, she plans on moving into one of the larger
cities of the kingdom, the capital of the Viscounty, Locale Rules of Interest:
Gorsend. Coinage:
Coinage While in the borders of the Kingdom, prices
Velladenna’s plan is to move about the country side will be stated in Furyondian coinage: paladin, platinum;
is the guise of a pilgrim and speak to the simple folk of wheatsheaf (or “sheaf”), gold; knight, electrum; sheridan,
the March. Then, using her natural beauty and magical silver; common, copper.
assistance if needed, she will draw unsuspecting people
into her traps with promises of a better life of unlimited
beauty and one free from the toils and pain that comes

Shadows on the March Page 3

Reaction Adjustments:
Adjustments The common people of a young boy are all present as you enter. As you walk through
Furyondy (farmers, etc.) have little exposure to races the door, the innkeeper nods at the boy who quickly
quickly exits
other than humans and the occasional half-elf. The other through the kitchen.
races are treated with either a sense of suspicion (gnomes
and halflings), careful concern (dwarves), wonder (elves),
or downright fear and distrust bordering on hatred (half-
orcs). DMs should role-play these reactions and impose Encounter One: The Inn of
situation modifiers to ability checks as appropriate. Whittleborough
When the heroes arrive at the small inn, they may
immediately realize that things are not what they expect.
Players Introduction It will be late afternoon when the last of the heroes arrive,
Read the following descriptive text when the players first and the inn would normally be busy with local farmers
sit down at the table. Based on this information they and workers coming in for a bite to eat or cold ale to
should determine which characters they will play, what drink. The few patrons in the bar are dour faced and
spells to select, and what (if any) magical items they wish bitter. Despite the sunshine filling the room from the
to bring along. The following blurb describes this event. open windows and doors, the place feels dark. The
innkeeper looks expectantly at the new arrivals, hoping
A dark shadow is falling across the once lush fields of of they bring some coins to his establishment. Given the
Furyondy. Across the countryside, crops are dying and workers problems with the local harvests, times are tough for the
are missing. This adventure is suitable for low level characters inhabitants of the town.
(Tiers 1-
1-3) of all classes The inn is fairly small consisting of four sleeping
chambers (2 sheridan (silver) per night), a common room
Once the players have had an opportunity to introduce (1 common (copper) per night), a small kitchen, and a
themselves to one another and to select their heroes, the storeroom. The common room has a small bar in the
adventure may formally begin. The heroes start the corner by the kitchen and a well-built hearth along one of
adventure having just arrived in the small town of the outer walls. A collection of mismatched chairs and
Whittleborough. For various reasons, they have found stools are found throughout the place, nearly all of them
their way to this small town. Given its location along a empty. A well-used dartboard and several darts are located
number of well-established roads, the players may have on a table in the corner to amuse the patrons (the darts
nearly any explanation for why they are here. For have no value as weapons).
example, they may be traveling with a caravan heading to
Gorsend or the nation’s capital Chendl. Allow players to Demo Hint:
Hint If DMs are running first time 3E players,
make up whatever story they like for why they are in simulating a game of darts to familiarize players with the
Whittleborough and determine whether or not they have combat to hit system may be a good idea. Treat the
any knowledge of the other characters. DMs should dartboard as AC 12, the middle ring as AC 14, and the
encourage those players whose characters have similar bulls-eye as AC 18.
backgrounds or goals to consider having traveled together
(caravan guards, religious pilgrims, etc.). Heroes may wish to speak with either the innkeeper
(Hal), the serving girl (Illiana), or the some of the patrons
The south
ern provinces of Furyondy have been spared the (Foelmen and Gelmien) of the bar after their arrival.
horrors of the two great wars fought upon this nation’s soil. Illiana, the serving girl (Cha 10) will tend to the needs of
Many of these provinces have benefited greatly from the the group quickly after they are seated providing a
increase in trade due to driving back of the Old One. One such modest meal and ale or wine. The charge for a meal at the
land is the Viscounty of the March. The roads here have been inn is 2 sheridan per person which heroes will notice is
rebuilt and maintained by the lands’ feudal lord, the Viscount quite high. If they inquire about the prices, she will smile
Derwent, arguably one of the richest men in the kingdom, if and apologize, and comment on how bad the harvests
not the world. have been going this season.
Your travels have taken you through much of the Heroes that wish to obtain more information about
province, although you have not made it to Gorsend, the the locale happenings may use the Information Gathering
capital, yet. Currently, you find yourself several days travel skill (DC 13). Or, preferably, role-play interactions with
from the city, in one of hundreds of small farming the NPCs. Remember the reaction effects for each of the
communities found throughout the region. The Viscounty is races mentioned earlier in the adventure when role-
one of the richest farming areas of the land, providing grain playing these events. If PCs are half-orcs and attempt to
and corn for citizens across the nation. Intimidate or bully any of the people in the bar, they will
The town of Whittleborough is unremarkable. Located in be asked to leave. Hal, the innkeeper, will refuse to allow
the center of several large farms, the town serves as a meeting them to stay at the inn. Unless these characters are
place for the locals and a common stop for travelers. The careful, they will alienate the local population and the
atmosphere of the inn, the only one in town, is somber. There lord’s man Bukan, and not be asked to assist with the task
are very few patrons talking quietly over their ale but at hand. The people in the inn are:
otherwise the place is silent. An innkeeper, a serving girl, and

Shadows on the March Page 4

Tavern NPCs sister. He does not know much about what has been
going on in the town, other than lots of the grown-ups,
Halvenai (Hal), the Innkeeper (male human Com including his parents, have been complaining about the
2) poor harvests.
Halvenai runs the simple inn in Whittleborough and has
lived in the town for all his life. He is very protective of Foelmen & Gelmien, Human Male Farmers
his niece Illiana and his nephew Gabriel who has taken (Com3)
care of since their parents death by plague several years These two farmers have tired of seeing many their crops
ago. He is personally glad that the wars have ended and die on the vine despite their best efforts. The are both
that the Viscount has been so thorough in managing the very skilled farmers and have worked the lords land for
land’s coffers. He tends to be good-natured and up beat their entire lives. Recently, they have both suffered some
about most things, but PCs that empathize with him will severe crop loss due to an odd blight. They are so angry
get to see his current situation. He is very concerned that they have decided to get roaring drunk! Although
about the high level of taxes being levied by the king, obnoxious and argumentative, these two are harmless to
blaming them for his need to charge high prices. the PCs. If taunted or angered, they will eventually
Although he will never speak out against the king attempt to throw a punch at the offending hero. They will
directly, he does wish the taxes could be reduced, after all, miss horribly, and pass out in a heap on the floor Illiana
the war is over. In addition, he will complain about the will quickly tend to them while scolding the PCs. PCs
lack of business lately. Several local farmers have stopped that wish to get on their good side may buy them a drink
coming in due to the problems they are experiencing in for a pair of commons (copper) each for the house ale.
the fields. Odd weather and strange crop failures have This will win the PC a smile and a tip of a mug, but that is
caused a reduction in the bounty the fields of the March about it. Both men will complain loudly if asked about the
typically produce. crop situation, taxes, churches (just another tax on the
simple man) or just about any topic the PCs bring up.
Illiana, Serving girl (female human Com1)
Illiana is a seventeen-year-old girl and the niece of the DMs should use these NPCs to set the stage for actions to
innkeeper. She is a simple girl who works hard to help come. They should seed the belief that crop damage is a
her uncle make a living at the inn. She has no dreams of major concern to the region as are the tax increases. Both
grand adventure or anything other than eventually of these leads are important to the development of
marrying a farmer, working some land for a local lord, forthcoming Furyondy regional modules, however, only
and starting a family. Although of common origin, she the missing farm boy is critical to the plot of this
has seen enough bards and other rogues come through adventure. After the PCs have had a good opportunity to
the inn to develop quite a resistance to sweet words and interact with the bar patrons and one another, proceed to
charming travelers. PCs will find her open and honest as the next encounter.
long as they do not cross the line of propriety. She knows
she has little chance of marrying wealth, and has no
desire to be courted by adventurers or mercenaries. If
asked about the town, she will admit that business has Encounter Two: Call to Service
been a bit slow and that many of the farmers have been After a few hours in the inn (when the PCs have learned
complaining about the low yield of the fields. Many of the what they need to know or are growing tired), the young
fields have had crops die quickly before they could even boy will return with Bukan, a servant of the local lord,
send for a cleric from a nearby town. PCs that are able to Jacalarn. The boy was instructed by Bukan to fetch him if
truly gain her trust will learn what is really bothering her. any people suitable to assist him in the search for the
A good friend of hers (the man she someday hopes to missing boys arrived at the inn. Bukan is a member of the
marry though she will blush when she admit this), has local lord’s household and a close friend to the local guard
not been to the inn for over two weeks. His name is Jared, captain and war veteran, Hennevier. When the first
and he is the son of a farmer about a two days walk from farmer, Jared, went missing Hennevier was tasked with
the inn. If asked what he looks like, she sighs and informs finding the lads whereabouts. Bukan has noticed him
the PCs that he is a tall man with broad shoulders, long acting strangely and is afraid that his friend could be
blonde hair, and bright green eyes (Cha 13). He often disgraced in the eyes of Lord Jacalarn. He has a deep
comes to spend time with her, about every 4th day, and sense of respect for the guard captain and is hoping that
her uncle lets him stay on the common room floor someone else can help his friend avoid a fall from grace.
without charging him. She is very worried that When he arrives, use the following description or
something happened to him. She sent word to the farm a paraphrase as appropriate:
couple of days ago, but has not heard anything.
The main door to the inn opens and two people make
Gabriel, Human male, Errand Boy (Com1) their way into the inn. Leading the way is the young boy who
Gabriel is the boy who leaves when the PCs arrive. He is a left earlier, with him, is a young man (about 20 or so) dressed
young lad of about 8 or 9 summers and is Illiana’s kid in leather
leather armor and carrying a rapier and dagger. He has a
brother. He returns later to the inn with Bukan. Gabriel long cloak made of fine weave that is fastened with a brooch
helps about the inn most days to be near his uncle and that bears the symbol of the Viscounty and of the local lord

Shadows on the March Page 5

Jacalarn. The boy points at you, and the man makes his way group’s assistance. With the recent disappearances and
across the common area to meet you. the strange behavior of his friend, Bukan has decided to
“Greetings and welcome to the town of Whittleborough, take matters into his own hands. He hopes that his friend
protectorate of the Viscount Dewnet and his noble, Lord Hennevier can address the lord’s issue, but he also knows
Jacalarn. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Bukan, a that his friend’s strength is his sword arm and presence,
member of the house of Jacalarn. Do you plan on staying in not his intellect.
town a while, or are
are you, like so many others, just passing If the PCs are able to convince Bukan of their
through?” abilities and interest in helping out, he will let them
know a bit more about what is going on in the March.
Bukkan Since he is not working on behalf of the lord or
Human male, Fighter1/Rogue1: CR 2; SZ Medium Hennevier, he has limited resources to bargain with. If
humanoid; HD 1d10+1d6; HP 10; Init+6 (Dex +Feat); Spd the PCs require an incentive, all he has to offer is a gold
30 ft.; AC 14 (Leather & Dex); Atks: +3 (1d6, [Crit 18- medallion that belonged to his grandfather and a few
20/x2] Rapier), AL LG; SV Fort +2 Ref +5 Wil +0 saved coins. The medallion is an ornate piece, well, but
Str 10 Dex 15 Con 10 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 10 not exceptionally well made, with the coat of arms of
Skills: Intuit danger +4, Listen +4, Sense motive +4, Furyondy on it. The medallion is worth 10 sheaf (gold). In
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Escape artist +6, Innuendo +4, addition, Bukan has saved 60 sheaves he is reluctantly
Move silently +4, Hide +4; Feats: Dodge, Weapon Finesse willing to part with for the good of his friends. Once an
(rapier), Improved initiative agreement to look into things has been struck and sealed
Equipment: leather armor, rapier, dagger, riding by a handshake, Bukan will reveal the following:
horse w/saddle, Furyondy medallion (10 gp), 60 gp in These past few months have been hard upon the
coins people of the March. It is his job to travel Lord Jacalarn’s
holdings to watch over the people and collect tithes when
Bukkan is a young man (about 20 or so) dressed in leather due. Crops have been failing and many of the farmers are
armor and carrying a rapier and dagger. He has a long growing uneasy with the tax burden levied by the King.
cloak made of fine weave that is fastened with a brooch Recently, two farm workers have disappeared. About two
that bears the symbol of the Viscounty and of the local weeks ago a farmer named Jared disappeared after leaving
lord Jacalarn from his father’s farm a day to the north. A few days ago,
Bukan is superstitious and be very skeptical of any another farmer’s son, Lunth, disappeared from another
outlandish looking characters such as barbarians, obvious farm, a little further north of Jared’s. As far as he knows,
wizards, etc. He also shares the race reactions outlined in the boys were cordial, but not really friends.
the side bar earlier, although he is more willing to accept I have been to both farms over the past week to speak
outsiders given his current situation. During his with the farmers, but has learned nothing. Jared’s parents
conversation with the PCs, Bukan will attempt to learn as were very distressed by his disappearance while Lunth’s
much about them as is reasonable (using his Sense father Aniradal seemed angry and annoyed.
Motive skill) before letting them know too much about Shortly after Jared’s disappearance, Lord Jacalarn
his problems. He is very interested in what skills the dispatched a guard captain, Hennevier, to look into the
group possesses to look into things but will not attract matter. He was gone for over a week and a half, returning
undue attention to this curiousity. shortly after the second boy disappeared, and was
Bukan is hoping to find an “unofficial” group of somehow different. His once warm smile was gone and
people willing to look into the recent events to avoid he seemed distracted. The two of them often dined
embarrassing his friend Hennevier. He is not acting on together, but they have not said more than a few words
any official requests of his lord and is careful not to since Hennevier’s return. Hennevier now rides through
misrepresent this fact. If asked any questions he cannot or the land looking for the boys, but something is amiss.
does not want to answer, he will attempt to deflect them. Bukan is unsure where to find the captain at this time.
He will not lie to the PCs, and will apologize if they give Lord Jacalarn is growing impatient with the lack of
him the impression that he is not being forthright. If any results from his dependable captain. Hennevier served in
of the PCs are hostile towards him or any of the other the Northern Crusade and saw action on the front against
patrons, he will refuse to speak about the situation in the the forces of the Old One and is very dependable. Bukan
offending PCs presence. If pressed, Bukan will insist that fears that some evil must have come over him.
any offensive PC be left out of the mission, thereby If asked where to start, Bukan will suggest the group
ending the tournament for that player character. travel to the farms and try and talk to the parents to find
Bukan’s dilemma is a fairly complicated one. He out what is happening, perhaps the farmers will share
needs to continue to obey his lord and defend the lands to with other people things they would keep from nobility.
the best of his ability. He also has a deep sense of He will provide descriptions of each of the farms
commitment to the people of the March and does not locations and distances so that the PCs will be able to find
want to see any harm come them. Bukan knows that them without difficulty. They can mention his name, but
Illiana and the missing farmer, Jared, were close and he he encourages them to be as discrete as possible. He will
has been staying nearby hoping of some sign of the man’s also caution the group about the affects of any odd
return. If any of the PCs have befriended Illiana, Bukan behavior or appearances will have on the conservative
will play on this fact when trying to negotiate for the and somewhat sheltered people of the March.

Shadows on the March Page 6

Once Bukan has made some arrangements with the
PCs, paying them half of the funds in advance at most, he If the PCs decide to make camp, they may find a few
will excuse himself from their table. He suggests that the items tossed unceremoniously into the bushes near the
group return to the inn when they have figured out what remains of the old campsite. If the PCs take time to search
happened. They can send word to him at the inn with a the area carefully, several skills may prove useful. These
local farmer if they need to get him a message. Bukan skills (DC 16) include Spot (no active looking required)
will speak softly and quickly with Illiana, assuring her and Search or Track (if actively looking for other signs of
that they will find Jared, before departing the inn and the campers). Those PCs that are using Track may also
riding off into the night. find additional information (see below). If any of the skill
The rest of the evening will pass without incident checks are successful, the heroes will have found a clue to
unless the PCs cause one. They will be able to stay at the Jared’s disappearance.
inn provided they pay the innkeeper the appropriate Located in the bushes not far from the camp are
amount. Once they arise in the morning, they will be free three items. A simple wreath made of laurels, a small
to journey to the first farm. bouquet of wild flowers now wilted and dying (at least a
week old), and a simple silver ring sized for a small hand.
The ring is actually holding the stems of the flowers
Contacting Bukan together and is rather cleverly hidden. While each of
these items is not worth much, their meaning is more
If the PCs leave word with Bukan during the adventure valuable. Any PC of common or peasant upbringing will
he will respond to the best of his ability. He will be able to immediately recognize these items and their relationship
meet them anywhere within reason for face-to-face to courtship among the simple people of the March.
meetings in fairly short order. Although he will have no Whoever left them behind was contemplating proposing
new information, PCs that bring him into the final to a hopeful bride. The ring is small but well made and is
encounter will have a much easier time dealing with the worth 5 sheridan (silver). The ring was intended for
charmed Hennevier. Illiana and the PCs may wish to return it to her –
although it is not required. PCs that return the ring at the
end of the scenario receive an additional experience
Encounter Three: Traveling to bonus listed in the module summary.
If the heroes attempt to thoroughly search the area
Jared’s for additional tracks, have them make a Track check, DC
23 due to the elapsed time and rain from several days ago.
The trip from the Inn of Whittleborough to Jared’s If successful, the PCs will notice two sets of sporadic
father’s farm requires a two-day walk. If the PCs have tracks lead from the campsite down to the road, heading
horses—there will not be any for rent or sale in the away from Whittleborough. The first set of tracks belongs
town—they can make the journey in a single day. If not, to a man-sized boot while the other belongs to a smaller
they will be forced to camp along the road near the place person, perhaps a woman or an elf. This clue is more
where Jared camped the night he met Velladenna. A subtle, but would seem to indicate that the two beings left
small hill lies about half way between the town and the together rather than one being forcibly removed from the
farm, and the PCs will find it an ideal place to camp. A area.
small stream runs nearby where a fair number of trout
can be caught by those attempting to fish. The relevant
skill is Profession (fishing) (DC 12). If no character has Crop Investigation Results
this skill, they may still attempt to fish using one-half of If the PCs examine any of the plants along the way to the
their wisdom score due to the abundance of fish farm or once they arrive, they will notice that they are
(normally Profession skills cannot be used untrained). suffering, although not dying outright. The plants are all
DMs should add a significant penalty if the PCs do not covered with a trace of a white film that blows away in the
have proper equipment such as fishing line, hooks, etc. wind if disturbed.
DMs should ask the PCs what their sleeping Characters that attempt to investigate the nature of
arrangements and watch schedule will be when setting the problems with the crops may do so using any number
up camp. Although not directly relevant for this of avenues. The plants will neither detect as evil or
encounter, this will be important for the following night. poisonous if checked. Characters that are able to cure
If the PCs decide to camp on or near the hill, they disease will be able to remove the film from a single plant,
will find the remains of Jerad’s camp. but each breeze blows new powder onto the plant whose
effects are outlined below. Two primary skills:
As you make your way towards Jared’s farm, you find the Profession/Farming and Alchemy provide the most
daylight growing short. A small hill seems to make an ideal insight. Each player with any of these skills is allowed one
campsite. You can hear the sounds of a small stream not far check against whichever skill(s) they posses. Consult the
away. Taking a closer look around, you can see that not too following table:
long ago this spot had been used by other travelers. A small
clearing contains a fire pit from which the ashes of an old fire DC 0-19: No information available
have nearly completely blown away.

Shadows on the March Page 7

DC 20-25: The substance does not appear to be a since it is an act of common hospitality, and they will also
natural phenomenon, however the be insulted if the PCs insist on paying them.
plant appears to have been altered in If the players ask them about their son, Owell and
some way to produce this substance. Milliene will react quite differently. Owell will become
DC 25+ If any of the powder touches an suspicious, wondering what his son would have to do
unaffected plant, that plant will suffer with a group of adventurers. He will become very
and produce the powder within 24 concerned and seek to be near his wife (if the PCs have
hours of contact. attempted to separate them). He is much more
comfortable discussing the recent weather (it has been
great), the problems with the crops (strangest thing he
has seen – he will point out the white powder mentioned
Encounter Four: Jared’s Farm above), or the taxes (how can he pay more with crops
DMs will need to modify the descriptions and failing?). Milliene, however, will be quite willing to chat
interactions depending on whether they arrive after about Jared and she thinks her husband worries too much
camping (assumed option) or if they have ridden horses about the crops. When the conversation turns to Jared,
and arrived a day earlier—arriving late in the afternoon. she is quite hopeful. She does not know too much about
Assuming the PCs camped and wake up at a decent hour, her son’s disappearance other than that he left for
they will be able to reach the farm without difficulty by Whittleborough two weeks ago to visit his girlfriend,
late in the afternoon. The weather is good for the walk Illiana who works at the inn. The night before he left, he
and the simple wagon trail is very easy to find. PCs that mentioned to his mother that he was going to ask Illiana
wish to look for additional tracks around the campsite to marry him. She was so happy for her son when he left,
will be disappointed to find that any trail they may have and now, she hopes and prays to St. Cuthbert that he’s
discovered last night has been lost when they joined the alright.
road. After several hours of walking, the PCs will reach If the PCs brought the ring and flowers with them
the small farm. from the campsite and think to show them to Jared’s
parents the effect is dramatic. Millene will break down
Ahead of you is the farmhouse that Bukan described as crying and Owell will stand up demanding they return
belonging to the father of the missing farm boy Jared. Its the ring and leave the farm. The PCs will get no further
simple stone construction and log paneling appear to be well information from them after displaying the ring.
maintained and a small stream of smoke appears to be coming Specifically, they know following pieces of
from the hearth. The fields appear well tended and orderly information:
with a scarecrow placed to keep away pests. The crops, • Jared left the farm two weeks ago to meet Illiana at
primarily wheat, appear to be wilting despite the recent good the Whittleborough Inn. They are fond of Illiana and
weather. think the two of them would be able to get a small
parcel of land from the local lord if they asked for it.
The PCs will notice that the farm is typical of those • Jared is a tall man with broad shoulders, long blonde
found within this region. A small (3 room) structure is the hair, and bright green eyes (Cha 13). He leaves about
home of an entire family who works the surrounding once a week to meet Illiana. He is usually in
lands on behalf of the local feudal lord. There is also a Whittleborough for only a day before heading back.
small barn and area for livestock including a pair of dairy They have heard that he never arrived but are
cows and four large pigs. There are also a number of small hopeful that he is alright.
barnyard animals including about a dozen chickens in a • Two servants of Lord Jacalarn (Hennievier and
coop and a few cats as well. Bukan) visited separately to ask about Jared. Owen
The farm is home to Owell (hm, Com1) and Milliene and Millie suspect that something bad has happened,
(hf Com1) who are simple farmers. They are like most but neither of the Lord’s men gave them any
people of the March and believe the same stereotypes information.
outlined in the DM’s introduction. They have not seen
many non-humans and they have heard that all orcs are • This season’s crops are still several months away
evil so they will be fearful of any group that has a half-orc from harvest, although they are way behind previous
among its number. If the players attempt to bully them in year’s growth patterns. The weather has generally
any way, Owell will try and protect Milliene, locking been good with the exception of a couple heavy
themselves within their farmhouse. They possess no storms. The white film on the plants is troubling and
weapons and have no combat skills. If the characters act has spread throughout the fields like wildfire.
in a kind and friendly manner, and do not possess any •
obvious character types that would upset them, they will When the PCs ask them about the other farmer’s
invite the characters inside for a meal. They have simple disappearance, they will become even more guarded and
fare consisting of eggs, breads, cheese, vegetables, and a worried. At this time, they will begin to shuffle around
small amount of sausage. All of these items come from and the first sign of tears begin to appear in Millie’s eyes
this farm and they will be insulted if the PCs are rude or and Owell will insist the PCs leave. They will provide
insult the food. They will not accept payment for the meal directions to the farm if the PCs need them – it is just

Shadows on the March Page 8

over a day’s walk to the north (away from SQ: Scent—can detect opponents within 30 feet by
Whittleborough). sense of smell. The exact location is not revealed only
Regardless of the overall questions the PCs ask, presence within range.
Owell and Milliene will be unwilling to put them up for Speaks: Infernal
the night. The simple people are not used to people
disturbing their routine and they, will politely but firmly Tier Two:
insist they leave before nightfall.
Panther, Fiendish: CR 2; Medium-size animal (outsider);
HD 4d8+8; HP 40; Init +4 (Dex); Spd 40 ft., climb 20 ft.;
AC 15 (+4 Dex, +1 natural); Atks: +6 (1d6+3, bite), or +1
Encounter Five: Shadow (1d3+1, 2 claws), SA Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d3+1,
smite good; SQ scent, darkvision, resistance, damage
Attack! reduction; SR 8; AL NE Saves Fort +5 Ref +7 Wil +2
Based on the report from her songbird familiar, which has Str 16 Dex 19 Con 15 Int 2 Wil 12 Cha 2
been traveling around the area, Velladenna has Skills: Climb +11, Hide +9, Listen +6, Move Silently
discovered the presence of a group of strangers in the +9, Spot +6; Feats: Weapon Finesse (bite, claw)
land. Assuming that they must be trouble, she has used SA: Pounce—If leaps on foe during fist round of
her a magical figurine to call forth a powerful creature. combat, it may make a full attack even if it already has
Following the guidance of her familiar, she has sent the taken a move action; Improved grap—must hit with its
creature to the area of the PCs camp. Deep in the night, a bite attack. If it gets a hold it may rake; Rake—when it
couple hours after midnight, the beast will make its move. gets a hold it can make two rake attacks (+6 melee) with
The creature will stalk the camp, trying to eliminate its hind legs for 1d3+1 each; Smite good—Once a day
sentries first, before attacking the entire camp. The beast may make a normal attack to deal an additional +3 damage
is magical in nature and is considered “summoned” for to a good foe.
the purposes of determining the effects of protective SQ: Scent—can detect opponents within 30 feet by
magic. sense of smell. The exact location is not revealed only
The panther is a powerful and experienced hunter. presence within range. Resistance—ignores 10 points of
Due to its dark color and its stalking ability, there is a cold or fire damage each round; Damage reduction—
chance the creature will surprise the PCs. reduce 5 points of damage for each hit unless weapon is
DMs should remember that if the creature surprises +1 or above.
the PCs, they will be “flatfooted” (PHB Chpt 9 pg. 3) and
unable to act or add their dexterity modifier to their Tier Three:
armor class.. All creatures and characters act in initiative Panther, Fiendish: CR 2; Medium-size animal (outsider);
order during the surprise round, however only those HD 5d8+10; HP 50; Init +4 (Dex); Spd 40 ft., climb 20 ft.;
characters not surprised may act. Those who are AC 15 (+4 Dex, +1 natural); Atks: +6 (1d6+3, bite), or +1
surprised, remain “flatfooted” until their turn in the (1d3+1, 2 claws), SA Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d3+1,
initiative order is reached, at which time they may act and smite good; SQ scent, darkvision; SR 10; AL NE Saves
add their dexterity modifier (if any) to their armor class Fort +5 Ref +7 Wil +2
however they still cannot act until the following round. Str 16 Dex 19 Con 15 Int 2 Wil 12 Cha 2
Skills: Climb +11, Hide +9, Listen +6, Move Silently
Tier One: +9, Spot +6; Feats: Weapon Finesse (bite, claw)
Panther, Fiendish: CR 2; Medium-size animal (outsider); SA: Pounce—If leaps on foe during fist round of
HD 3d8+6; HP 23; Init +4 (Dex); Spd 40 ft., climb 20 ft.; combat, it may make a full attack even if it already has
AC 15 (+4 Dex, +1 natural); Atks: +6 (1d6+3, bite), or +1 taken a move action; Improved grap—must hit with its
(1d3+1, 2 claws), SA Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d3+1, bite attack. If it gets a hold it may rake; Rake—when it
smite good; SQ scent, darkvision; SR 6 AL NE Saves Fort gets a hold it can make two rake attacks (+6 melee) with
+5 Ref +7 Wil +2 its hind legs for 1d3+1 each; Smite good—Once a day
Str 16 Dex 19 Con 15 Int 2 Wil 12 Cha 2 may make a normal attack to deal an additional +3 damage
Skills: Climb +11, Hide +9, Listen +6, Move Silently to a good foe.
+9, Spot +6; Feats: Weapon Finesse (bite, claw) SQ: Scent—can detect opponents within 30 feet by
SA: Pounce—If leaps on foe during fist round of sense of smell. The exact location is not revealed only
combat, it may make a full attack even if it already has presence within range. Resistance—ignores 10 points of
taken a move action; Improved grap—must hit with its cold or fire damage each round; Damage reduction—
bite attack. If it gets a hold it may rake; Rake—when it reduce 5 points of damage for each hit unless weapon is
gets a hold it can make two rake attacks (+6 melee) with +1 or above.
its hind legs for 1d3+1 each; Smite good—Once a day
may make a normal attack to deal an additional +3 damage Given the creature’s magical nature it will attack until
to a good foe. killed. When the beast is destroyed, use the following
The final blow is struck and the beast begins to
shudder violently. Its jade green eyes begin to go dim and

Shadows on the March Page 9

small fissures form over its body. The beast shatters into few pleasantries (if any) with the PCs before returning to
thousands of pieces that scatter in the wind. work. He is very intelligent and polite, but is a very busy
man with many chores ahead of him.
PCs that wish to track the creature may attempt a Among the many chores to be completed are tending
tracking skill check at DC 25. The beast traveled along a the livestock (feeding cows and chickens), cleaning the
stream nearby for several miles and cannot be tracked barn (sweeping out old hay and manure), repairing a
back to its place of origin. stone fence, baking bread, and chopping wood. Aniradal
Following the battle, the PCs will be able to rest and will not directly ask the PCs for any help in the tasks, but
regain spells normally. The following morning is another will smile kindly at anyone who takes the hint and
sunny day with mild temperatures. When the PCs are initiative to pitch in and talk while the work is getting
ready to head for the second farm, proceed to the next done. In fact, this is the only way the PCs will be able to
encounter. get any helpful information other than resorting to
unethical tactics such as charm spells. Although he
appreciates the assistance, he takes a dim view of any PC
that uses magic in place of a few hours labor. Aniradal is
Encounter Six: Lunth’s Place well educated for a farmer (we can read and write and
If the PCs were terribly wounded in the battle, they may insisted that his son learn these skills as well) and is too
wish to rest for an additional day or two to recuperate. wise to fall for common tricks and persuasion such as a
The timing of this adventure is flexible since Velladenna flirtatious PC. His wife died several years ago of illness
will be using her cave base for a few days. Eventually the and Aniradal is content to take his pleasure from a hard
PCs will be ready to travel to the second farm and day’s labor.
continue the adventure. The morning sunrise(s) is After a few hours of work (DMs should feel free to
beautiful and the PCs will have good weather or the short add their own descriptions to the tasks at hand), Aniradal
trip. The journey to the farm takes several hours, but the will suggest the “workers” take a break and he will draw
PCs will make it shortly after midday if they do not cool clear water from the well.
While they are making their way to the second farm, “Well I must thank you for the assistance today. As you can see
the PCs will notice that the crops in the area seem to be this is quite a lot of work for one man, especially one of my
suffering the same effects as those near Jerad’s place. age. You have the look of people in search of something
something that
Wildlife appears to be unaffected and numerous small you think I can help with, otherwise you would have left
animals and birds are found throughout the area hours ago. Now, what can I do for you?”
(including a certain songbird). PCs may wish to take
special precautions on the journey and DMs should note Aniradal will listen attentively to the PCs as they begin to
the PCs efforts even though they will not be needed. The tell their story. He will focus his attention on those PCs
journey to the farm is safe and pleasant in the early day that pitched in while politely ignoring those that did not
sun. When the PCs arrive, use the following description: help. When the PCs mention his missing son, they will
notice that he shakes his head in disbelief a bit before
Following the directions you were given you reach the farm responding. Through conversation with Aniradal, the PCs
where the second missing worker lived. The farmhouse is may learn the following:
typical of those found throughout the area and is made of • Lunth has only been missing for a short time (5-6
simple stone work. The fields appear well tended, however the days depending on how long it took the PCs to make
crops, wheat primarily, do not appear to growing well despite it to the farm), and Aniradal thinks he will return
the good weather. shortly. This is in fact, what he told the Lord’s man
As you approach the home, a large farmer standing well (Bukan) when he stopped by a few days earlier.
over six feet tall exits the barn with a chicken under one arm • Aniradal believes that Lunth simply could not stand
and a pitchfork under the other. Noticing your presence, the life on the farm any more. Lunth is a headstrong lad
man strides over quickly with a small look of displeasure with a few too many brains and not enough sense for
coming over his face. his own good. He was always dreaming of a bigger
“Obviously you are not from around these parts, what life and making it rich. Since his mother passed away
business brings you to my simple farm? Mind you, this is no a few years ago, he hardly stopped talking about
place for charity.” leaving the farm.
• Lunth was always fascinated with magic despite
The man is Lunth’s father, Aniradal (Com4, Str 16 Int 14), being warned about the dangers the pursuit of magic
who lives and works this farm for the local lord. DMs often brought about. Shortly after his mother taught
should note that he has the same reaction adjustments to him to read (at age 6), he began saving money to buy
non-humans and strange looking characters outlined in books about magic from travelers in Whittleborough.
the DM Background. Since his son’s disappearance,
Aniradal has been forced to work the lands himself while • Lunth left the farm in the middle of the night
looking for a hired hand. If the PCs wish to speak with following a particularly hard day of work. He and his
him at length or win his trust, they are going to have to son had a late dinner and turned in. When Aniradal
pitch in around the farm. Aniradal will exchange only a awoke, Lunth was gone with a small bag of clothes

Shadows on the March Page 10

and belongings. He left no note (that he has found) of the common folk of the area, although no one knows if
and did not take anything else from the farm. it is true or not. The grove is on the top of a plateau
overlooking several local farms nearby, about two-hour
The PCs will be unable to convince Aniradal that his son hike to the west.
has fallen into ill luck, even if they describe their findings If the PCs leave soon after finding the letter, they
from the camp, the other missing farmer, and the creature will arrive just before nightfall. If the PCs wish to attempt
from the night before. There have been no sightings of and contact Bukan, they may send word with a local farm
unusual creatures in the area and if pressed on the boy for 2 cp. Bukan will arrive the following afternoon
subject, he will simply respond that if one leaves his and be available to approach the grove that evening. He
home seeking trouble, trouble often finds him. will have no new information upon his arrival.
If the PCs were polite and wish to see Lunth’s room,
Aniradal will let them take a look around. Inside the
room, which is a small area with a simple bed and a chest
of drawers. Located under a loose floorboard underneath Encounter Seven: Trovel’s
the bed is a clue to Lunth’s disappearance—a letter he left
for his father (Player Handout 1). The secret Grove
compartment was made by Lunth and is therefore not The trip to Trovel’s Grove is a fairly easy hike to the west
exceptionally well hidden. PCs that are searching the area of the farm. The PCs can take one of the wagon trails for
under the bed may attempt a Search skill roll at DC 15 to the first hour before turning off on an animal trail for the
detect the compartment. DMs should remember to add last portion of the journey. When they leave the wagon
+2 if the searching character is an elf or half-elf. The trail, they will be able to see the plateau upon which the
contents of the letter are as follows: grove sits more clearly.

Dear Father, In the distance you can see the ridge upon which stands
I know you would not approve of my decision to Trovel’s Grove. The landscape here is a bit rockier and an
leave so I am leaving without your approval. I am sorry, animal trail leads through the field up the slope to the stands
I know how much this must upset you. Over the last last of trees. The top of the plateau looks heavily wooded and there
few years on the farm I have slowly realized that there is is no sign of the hangman’s tree that Aniradal described from
more to my life than working the land for someone else. this distance.
I wish to set forth and have a new life, one of my own.
A few nights ago while near Whittleborough I met By the time the PCs arrive at the turn off, it will be late in
an amazing woman. She is as beautiful
beautiful as the sky at the afternoon. The animal trail is a well-established run
twilight. She has started to show me how to control the for deer and other animals common to the area. There are
first touches of magic! At last I have found my true no signs of large or unusual creatures along the trail. If
calling in life. Tonight I meet her at Trovel’s Grove, she the PCs search for tracks along the trail, they may
has promised to share with me a secret of magic that has discover (Track, DC 18) several sets of human footprints
given her eeverlasting
verlasting life. Imagine it Father, to live along the trail. There are three sets larger sets of tracks
forever while studying magic with such a beautiful (Jared, Lunth, and another farmer) and a smaller set of
woman. tracks (Velladenna). All the tracks appear to be roughly
I promise to return when I have established myself human size and are booted. All of the tracks lead up the
as a magician. I will buy us a new home and we can live a game trail towards the top of the ridge.
better life. Clever PCs may think to scout the surrounding area
Your Son, around the hill for other signs of tracks. The plateau is
Lunth fairly large and can be accessed from several points
without difficulty. A careful inspection of the base of the
PC who share the letter with Aniradal will earn a sincere plateau will take the PCs several hours of tracking time—
thank you from the farmer. He will initially scold the boy meaning they will have to spend more than a single day
for being so foolish as to run off, but will then comment performing this task. If the PCs elect to spend the time
that each boy becomes a man and has to venture off searching, make a Tracking check (DC 20) to discover
someday. If asked about the grove, he will also give the another set of tracks. If successful, the PCs will find a
PCs directions to the grove under one condition. Aniradal second trail consisting of the small booted feet identified
will insist that the PCs do not mention him or the farm. earlier and another larger set of boot prints obviously
Aniradal believes that his son should have the leading a horse. These tracks are difficult to spot because
opportunity to make up his own mind about what he the persons making them took care to pass through with
wants to do with his life, after all, the farm will always be minimal disruption to the surrounding area.
here. Eventually, the PCs will approach the top of the
If the PCs ask him about the grove, Aniradal will tell ridge and Trovel’s Grove. When they are near the top, the
them the local folklore. sun will be getting ready to set. Read the following
Trovel’s Grove is the site of an old hangman’s tree description (modify it if the PCs are not approaching at
where over a hundred years ago evil men were hung for night as appropriate):
their crimes. It is a simple superstition held among most

Shadows on the March Page 11

The top of the plateau is not far off and the trees on the ridge stashed near the wall that includes a bedroll, cooking kit,
are fairly heavy. Although not appearing to be very healthy two black robes, and other travel supplies. Carefully
terrain, over a hundred large oak trees fill the area. Their dark hidden within the bundle are three items of potential
trunks and ample
ample leaves provide heavy shade from the typical value to the PCs: The first is small pouch of coins (no
March sun. As the sun begins to go down the trees appear to mintage printed) with 100 gp is tucked in a small pocket.
stand silent vigil of the surrounding countryside. Somewhere Further inspection will reveal the other two items—two
deep within the grove is the area described in Lunth’s letter carefully packed vellum sheets with odd writing. These
and the local legends, the hangman’s tree. sheets are copies of two arcane spells stolen from a mage
years ago with a single spell on each page. The writing is
PCs that wish to continue following the small game legible with read magic and the spells are sleep and charm
trail will have little difficulty keeping site of it. The trees person. Certificates for these spells are contained in the
are very thick and the PCs will have an exceptionally end of the adventure.
difficult time (+4 DC) keeping quiet using the move Located on the center of the floor is a wrought iron
silently skill due to the heavy branches and thick brazier with ashes from burning incense that has a foul
undergrowth. smell. In the rear of the chamber are three large spring
Located a few hundred yards inside of the tree line is fed pools with uncomfortably cold water. Each of these
the hangman’s tree. When the PCs reach the area, use the pools has clear water and a slight current indicating the
following description: direction of the spring. Hundreds of rose petals can be
found all around the pools and footprints leading around
Making your way through the trees you notice the signs the edges and into them are visible if the PCs have ample
of a small clearing
clearing in front of you. Dominating the clearing is light.
an ancient oak tree standing well over 100 feet high. Its thick If the PCs waited for the following day to investigate
trunk burrows deep into the rocky soil and its roots appear to (they may or may not have Bukan with them), Velladenna
have ripped the stones apart to reach the soil beneath. About and company will not arrive until that evening. If the PCs
twenty feet off the ground is a wide branch, about the width of traveled directly to the grove after meeting Lunth’s father,
large barrel that runs parallel to the ground, an ideal Velladenna and her entourage will return to their
hangman’s tree. campsite while the PCs are investigating the cave. If the
The clearing has seen some use lately, and a small fire pit PCs have left obvious signs of their presence (such as
has been dug about twenty feet away from the tree. A strange disturbing the area too much or igniting light sources),
odor seems to emanate
emanate from the clearing—
clearing—the soft evening the NPCs will be prepared for a confrontation as outlined
wind carries the scent of rose petals although you have seen no below.
rose bushes on the plateau…

The PCs will have several minutes to investigate the area

before any of the NPCs return. If the PCs post a look out, Encounter Eight: Velladenna
they will notice the small party including a warrior The final confrontation with Velladenna can take many
(Hennevier), a woman (Velladenna), and three monks forms depending on the actions and locations of the PCs
approaching (no skill roll needed). If they do not post a (her statistics are provided in the following encounter).
look out, the PCs will be unprepared for their arrival. Velladenna will return to the grove about twenty minutes
The clearing is a well-used and maintained campsite. after nightfall. She will be accompanied by her three
There are places where two bedrolls have been placed and servants dressed in simple monks robes (the animated
numerous sets of tracks. Several man-sized tracks can be farmers) and the guard captain Hennevier. Descriptions
seen about the area matching the tracks the PCs may have of each of the NPCs are listed below.
found on the trail earlier. Although the campsite looks
fresh, there are no items lying strewn about. Velladenna,
Upon careful inspection of the area, PCs will notice
that there is an opening leading underground at the base Dressed in dark clothes of better than average make,
of the tree, Several of the main roots have formed a this woman is truly striking. Her pale skin is offset by
natural ceiling to a cave underneath the hangman’s tree. jet black hair and dazzling green eyes. She stands well
Several sets of tracks are clearly visible leading into the over five feet tall and has a slim, but athletic build.
area and the scent of rose petals emanates from the cave.
PCs with darkvision will be able to see clearly in the cave Hennevier
while those without will require a light source.
Standing over six feet tall this man has the walk of a trained
solider. He is dressed in chain mail armor adorned with the
DM Note: Use of a light source will alert Velladenna to
livery of the local Lord Jacalarn.
Jacalarn. His shield bears an identical
the presence of someone within her campsite.
similar symbol and he carries a fine longsword in a sheath.
The cavern underneath the tree is natural earth and
The man is fairly handsome, in a rugged manner, with long
leads about twenty feet underground before leveling out
brown hair and deep brown eyes.
to a domed cave. The smell of rose petals is nearly
overpowering in this area. Inside the small cave are
several objects carefully packed away. A travel bundle is

Shadows on the March Page 12

Monks the conversation she will carefully weave half-truths
about magic and her story regarding her search for apt
Three solemn figures are dressed in simple robes of plain pupils in the magical arts. She will refuse to allow the PCs
brown fabric, tied with a simple rope around the waist. They to speak with her other students. She possesses strong
wear sandals and walk with a slow purposeful gait. Their long Diplomacy (+8) and Bluff (+6) skills that will make it
hoods cover the bulk of their features, although each of them difficult for PCs to sense her true nature.
stands nearly six feet in height or more. All three figures smell She will hope to avoid combat and will attempt to
strongly of
of rose petals. parlay with anyone she finds in her camp using several
well-placed spells potentially including Enthrall
The finale of the adventure can proceed along one of the (hopefully allowing her zombies to move into better
following paths. Regardless of how the finale encounter is position to attack flatfooted PCs), charm person, and sleep.
staged, DMs should remember that Velladenna’s first DMs should note that all of these enchantment spells are
priority is survival. She will seek to parlay with PCs first, Charisma based so the difficulty to resist their effects is a
escape if pressed, or fight if no other alternative presents minimum of DC 17 (10 (base) + 4(ability modifier) +2
itself. (spell focus)+ the spell level.
If the NPCs are Unaware of the PCs: The Monks:
Upon their arrival, the “monks” will head into the cave
located at the base of the tree and begin preparations for While Velladenna is speaking with the PCs, the “monks”
their evening restorative bath. If there are PCs in the cave, stay close to those PCs that appear to be obvious warriors.
they will be detected unless they are capable of Hide When the PCs get a better look at the monks they notice
(zombie’s spot check at –3) or are invisible. If they are that two of the three are definitely the missing farmers
detected, a fight ensues in the cave. Jared and Lunth. They will not recognize the third figure.
If Bukan is with the PCs, he will insist they All three have glassy-eyes and smell strongly of rose
announce themselves when Velladenna arrives. This will petals but do not reek of death due to the Gentle repose
alter the encounter to the thread of having the NPCs baths. If the PCs attempt to speak to the monks,
aware of the PCs with the exception that Velladenna will Velladenna will interrupt and inform the PC that they
not have pre-cast her Protection from Good spell. Her have taken a vow of silence. These poor souls are zombies
first action will be to cast this spell and then and engage animated by Velladenna.
the PCs in a deadly spell laden dialogue.
If uninterrupted, Velladenna and Hennevier will Henneiver:
start a small fire and continue talking in soft voices. She The guard captain will seek to remain near his “beloved”.
will touch his arm in a soft manner and the two speak When they approach the camp, they can be seen walking
with their heads held very closely together. Unless arm in arm. He has fallen victim her many charms and, in
prevented, they will continue to become more intimate addition to feeling in love with her, is currently under the
and begin softly kissing by the fire. As their passion effects of a charm person spell. This spell effect is
begins to increase, Hennevier suddenly screams in agony detectable with a successful Sense Motive check (DC 25).
as Velladenna removes a small blade from the captain’s He will say very little during the conversation unless it
beating heart—there is nothing the PCs can do in time— appears that another male PC is acting overly flirtatious
Hennevier dies in her arms as she begins to laugh. with Velladenna at which time he will let the offending
If the PCs initiate combat at any time, refer to the PC know that they are treading on unsafe ground. He will
combat tactics in the following encounter. react similarly if any PC insinuates that she has been
acting improper or accuses her off wrongdoing.
If the NPCs are Aware of the PCs: If Bukan is with the PCs, he will correctly detect the
If the NPCs are alerted to the PCs presence, either due to enchantment on his friend 3 rounds after the groups
the PCs making too much noise or using a light source begin talking. When he discovers this fact, he will notify
around the camp, they will be more prepared for a whichever PC is closest that he fears that his friend is
conflict. Velladenna will be prepared for a wide variety of under magic influence.
situations seeking first to parlay, then to flee if danger Velladenna will continue chatting with the PCs until
threatens, and as a last resort attack. She is willing to she has either charmed them all (through guile or magic)
sacrifice her zombies to protect her escape. During her or is running low on spells. If this occurs, she will inform
approach she will cast protection from good (adding a +2 the PCs that she is tired from a long day of traveling and
deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus to saves desires to sleep. She will politely insist that the PCs give
from good creatures). If a PC is watching her approach her and her friends privacy by camping elsewhere. They
they may notice this spell being cast with a successful will set up camp and Hennevier will keep careful watch
Spellcraft check at DC 16. over his sleeping beloved. It is possible for the PCs to
Velladenna will attempt to play the role of the sneak back into camp and continue their investigations
mysterious pilgrim and traveling mage when she first since Hennevier does not possess either the Spot or Listen
encounters the PCs. She will look for opportunities to checks (no modifiers to opposed checks).
cast her spells to the greatest effect. The longer the PCs If the PCs express interest in joining her traveling
speak with her, the greater danger they face. Throughout group of students, she will grow very intense while

Shadows on the March Page 13

talking to them. She will refuse to reveal any of the true Velladenna will use her abilities to escape if possible.
secrets of magic while non-believers are around. If she is She will use her animate dead spell to bring forth
able to separate the group, she will use any remaining skeletons described below.
charm spells on those left behind to win them over. Once
she is convinced they are within her power, she will Velladenna Delinener, Servant of Nerull
concoct a powerful brew over the fire and invite the PCs Female human, Sor1/Clr5 CR 6; Medium-size humanoid;
to drink the brew to take their first step towards greater HD1d4+5d8; HP 26; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 15
awakening. Charmed PCs will be unable to resist this (chain shirt & Dex); Atks: +1 melee (1d66, sickle); SQ
simple request. The potion is a powerful sleeping poison Trickery and Death domains; AL NE; SV Fort +4 Ref +2
(Fort save, DC 22 to resist). PCs that fail the save will fall Wil +7
into a deep sleep and cannot be awoken for 1D2 hours. If Str 10 Dex 13 Con 10 Int 12 Wis 12 Cha 16
left alone with the sleeping bodies, Valledenna will kill Skills: Diplomacy +8, Spell craft +7, Gather
them and animate them over the next few days. information +7, Knowledge (religion) +2, Concentration
If the PCs all succumb to her charms or see to leave +9, Bluff +6; Feats: Still Spell, Brew Potion, Combat
her alone, the adventure may end. She and her minions Casting, Spell Focus (x2) (Enchantment and
will only stay in the area for another day before moving Necromancy)
on and leaving the March behind. PCs may revisit the Equipment: Sickle, Holy symbol of Nerull, Spell
grove the following night and DMs should use the text components, Incense, Dagger, Cloak, Fine clothes,
above to run the dialogue. DMs should remember that Perfume, Riding horse, Saddle, 100 gold pieces
Velladenna is very intelligent and may sense that she is in Arcane Spells (6/4): 0-lvl—daze*, ray of frost, detect
danger, in which case she will flee. magic, ghost sounds; 1st-lvl—charm person*, sleep*
Spell focus spells marked with an * (20% chance of arcane
spell failure w/armor)
Divine Spells (6/4+1/3+1/2+1): 0-lvl—cure minor
Encounter Nine: Evil Revealed wounds, detect magic, mending, read magic, resistance,
The dialogue with Velladenna can prove exceptionally guidance; 1st-lvl—cause fear, doom, cure light wounds,
dangerous for the PCs the longer it continues. If the obscuring mist, protection from good; 2nd-lvl—invisibility,
group does not sense her intent and confront her, it is enthrall, gentle repose, Undetectable alignment (already cast
highly likely the group has either been convinced that obscuring her alignment for 24 hours); 3rd-lvl—non-detection
she is a genuine pilgrim or she has placed the PCs in a monster summoning III, animate dead
sleep trance and ceremoniously killed them one at a time. Familiar: Songbird (Int 6), speaks Infernal, Benefits:
Hopefully the PCs are clever enough to avoid either of Alertness skill, Improved evasion, Share spells, Empathic
these potential outcomes and force her hand. If combat link (1 mile range) to Velladenna
ensues, each of the NPCs actions are outlined below.
DMs should remember that Velladenna’s priorities are to Velladenna is dressed in dark clothes of better than
escape first and fight to the death in order to avoid average make. She is truly striking. Jet-black hair and
capture. dazzling green eyes offset her pale skin. She stands well
The major differences in the staging of this combat over five feet tall and has a slim, but athletic build.
encounter center on whether the PCs have brought along Due to its history of being a hangman’s tree, the area
Bukan and what tier the PCs are playing in. These around Trovel’s Grove is filled with the remains of bodies
variables affect how long it takes for Hennevier to break from those criminals hung on the tree. If Velladenna is
free from the charm spell. If Bukan is present, he will forced into combat, she will cast animate dead, creating
occupy the guard captain until he is able to break free additional undead creatures to aid her. The number of
from the charm spell. skeletons available varies by the PC Tier. Use two
The guard captain will break free based on the chart skeletons for Tier 1, four skeletons for Tier 2, and five for
below. Until he is free, he will attempt to defend Tier 3. These skeletons have the following statistics
Velladenna – he will only attack the PCs if they (summoned creatures are included within the casters
successfully attack her of him. Encounter level):
Bukan Present PC Tier Round Free Skeletons (2/4/5): CR 1/3; Medium-sized undead (HD
Yes 1 2 1D12; hp 8 (each); Init +5 (Dex & Feat); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13
No 1 3
Yes 2 3 (+ 1 Dex, +2 natural); Atks claws +0/+0 melee (1d4, 2
No 2 4 claws); SD Undead, Immunities; AL N; SV Fort +0, Ref
Yes 3 4 +1, Will +2
No 3 5 Str 10, Dex 12, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 11.
Feats: Improved initiative (+4 added)
Use the following statistics regardless of PC tier. The SD—Undead Immune to mind influencing effects,
presence of NPCs dictates the variation in the tier of the poison, sleep, paralyzation, stunning, disease, and
event. necromantic effects. Not subject to critical hits, sneak
attacks, ability damage, ability drain, or energy drain.
Immune to anything requiring a Fort save (including

Shadows on the March Page 14

subdual attacks). Immunities – No damage from cold and
piercing weapons. Take only half damage from slashing
weapons. Encounter Nine: Epilogue
Based upon the complications the PCs face in the
Ripping through the rich earth, these horrid skeletal final encounter with Velladenna, there are a number of
figures answer the call of the dark priestess. Their bones ways the adventure can end. DMs should take a few
are white and the remains of a few tattered rags hang moments to record the outcomes of any of the Critical
loosely from their bones. A look of pure evil radiates from Events outlined in Appendix 3 at the end of the
their empty eye sockets. adventure.
If the PCs were able to avoid Velladenna’s charms
Zombies (3):
(3 CR .1/2; Medium-size undead; HD 2d12; hp and engage her in combat, they will have either been
9 (each); Init –2 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+ 1 Dex, +2 successful (either by capturing or killing her) or they will
natural); Atks +2 melee (1d6+1, buffet); SD May only take have failed (if she gets away). In addition, an added degree
Partial Actions in any given round, undead immunities; of success is gained if the PCs were able to deal with
AL N; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2 Velladenna and avoid killing the Hennevier. The
Str 13, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 11. experience point chart below outlines the benefits of each
Feats: Toughness. of these options.
SD—Undead Immunities. Immune to mind Following the battle, the PCs will be able to return to
influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralyzation, stunning, Whittleborough with Bukan or meet him there. He will
disease, and necromantic effects. Not subject to critical gladly pay the PCs the agreed upon fee for their services
hits, sneak attacks, ability damage, ability drain, or energy and will morn the loss of the farmers and potentially his
drain. Immune to anything requiring a Fort save friend. If the PCs mention the silver ring, Bukan will
(including subdual attacks). suggest they give it to Illiana if they do not think of it.
If Hennevier survives the battle, he will not return
Three solemn figures are dressed in simple robes of plain with the PCs to the town Rather he will head for the
brown fabric, tied with a simple rope around the waist. lord’s keep. If Velladenna escaped, Hennevier will have
They wear sandals and walk with a slow purposeful gait. fallen from grace with his lord and this outcome should
Their long hoods cover the bulk of their features, be recorded in the Events Summary. If this is the
although each of them stand nearly six feet in height or outcome of the event, DMs should try and keep the mood
more. All three figures smell strongly of rose petals. of the ending a somber one, especially if Velladenna
escaped to continue to plague the lands of Furyondy!
These zombies are the animated corpses of Jared, Lunth,
and another missing lad from a distant farming Here Ends
community. Due to the special gentle repose bath used on
them, they do not have any features that give them away “Shadows on the March”
as zombies other than their slower movement rate.
Although their eyes are glassy, their bodies are not rotten
or decaying in any way. It is very likely the PCs will not
realize they are facing undead unless the attempt to turn Experience Point Summary
the creatures. To award experience for this adventure, add up the values
for the objectives accomplished. Then assign the
Hennevier, Guard Captain discretionary roleplaying experience award. The
Male Human Fighter4: CR 4; SZ Medium-size roleplaying award should be given for consistent
humanoid; HD 4d10; HP 33; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17 character portrayal and contribution to the fun of the
(chainmail, shield & Dex); Atks: +7 melee (D8+2, game. You can award different roleplaying amounts to
longsword threat 19-20,x2), SA Nil; SD Nil; AL NG*; SV different characters.
Fort +6 Ref +2 Wil +1 Award the total value (objectives plus roleplaying) to
Str 14 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 11 each character.
Skills: Ride (+8), Profession / Solider (+4), Spot (+2),
Swim (+4), Climb (+5); Feats: Mounted Combat, Weapon Gathering Information at the Inn 25 xp
Focus (longsword), Power Attack, Cleave, Blind-Fight Accepting the mission 25 xp
Equipment: chainmail armor, medium shield, long sword, Finding the items at the old camp 25 xp
dagger, light war horse w/Saddle Returning the ring to Illiana 25 xp
Talking with Jared’s family 25 xp
Standing over six feet tall this man has the walk of a Defeating the Panther 100 xp
trained solider. He is dressed in chain mail armor adorned Finding the Letter 25 xp
with the livery of the local Lord Jacalarn. His shield bears Investigating the Cave 50 xp
an identical similar symbol. The man is fairly handsome Capturing or Killing Velladenna 150 xp
in a rugged manner and has long brown hair and deep Avoiding killing Hennevier 50 xp
brown eyes.
Total possible experience 500 xp

Shadows on the March Page 15

sheet may be traded between players, though all
players who learn this spell must retain a photocopy
of this certificate as documentation that they have
Treasure Summary copied or learned the spell.
Player characters may keep items from the scenario that
are listed on the treasure list below or which meet the
following conditions:

1. The item must be non-magical and specifically listed

in the text of the adventure (e.g armor on foes). If it
is not listed in the text, the characters cannot keep it.
Items of this nature can be sold for 50% of book
value, or recorded on a log sheet.
2. Animals, followers, monsters, henchmen, and so
forth (any living being, basically) may not be kept
from a scenario for any reason unless the treasure
summary lists the being specifically. It is okay for the
player characters to form relationships with NPCs,
but these will not be certed and cannot bring
material benefit to the character. Contacts (sources of
extra information) must be specifically certed.
3. Theft is against the law, but may be practiced by
some player characters. Items which are worth more
than 500 gp are of personal significance to the owner
(including family heirlooms), and all magical items,
will be discovered in the possession of the character
by one means or another. The character must return
the item and pay a fine equal to three times the value
of the item stolen. In addition, the PC caught
receives campaign-decided penalties for being
known as a thief, such as Infamy. For other stolen
items which meet the criteria in #1 above, use your
judgment and the circumstances within the game to
determine whether a PC thief gets away with the
theft or not.

Any item retained according to these rules, which does

not have a certificate, will not ever have a certificate
issued for it.
The campaign staff reserves the right to take away
any item or gold acquired for things it later finds
unreasonable but which were allowed at the time.

• Payment from Bukan 60 gp

• Furyondy Medallion (from Bukan) 10 gp
• Small silver ring 5 sp
• Riding horse (unless used in the escape) 75 gp
• Traveling Pack Coin Purse 100 gp
• Velladenna’s Arcane Spell Sheet with charm person
(Value 100 gp): This sheet may be copied into a
wizard spell book or learned by a sorcerer or bard
provided the character is able to learn and translate
the spell. This sheet may be traded between players,
though all players who learn this spell must retain a
photocopy of this certificate as documentation that
they have copied or learned the spell.
• Velladenna’s Arcane Spell Sheet with sleep (Value 100
gp): This sheet may be copied into a wizard spell
book or learned by a sorcerer or bard provided the
character is able to learn and translate the spell. This

Shadows on the March Page 16

Appendix 1: Player Handout

Dear Father,
I know you will not approve of my decision to leave so I am leaving without your approval. I am sorry, I know how
much this must upset you. Over the last few years on the farm I have slowly realized that there is more to my life than
working the land for someone else. I wish to set forth and have a new life, one of my own.
A few nights ago while near Whittleborough I met an amazing woman. She is as beautiful as the sky at twilight.
She has started to show me how to control the first touches of magic! At last I have found my true calling in life.
Tonight I meet her at Trovel’s Grove, she has promised to share with me a secret of magic that has given her everlasting
life. Imagine it Father, to live forever and study magic with such a beautiful woman.
I promise to return when I have established myself as a magician. I will buy us a new home and we can live a
better life.
Your Son,


Shadows on the March Page 17

Appendix 3: Critical Events Summary
The following events may be important to future adventures planned in Furyondy. DMs should circle the appropriate
response to the following questions or fill in the information as appropriate and submit it with the scoring materials.
This form should be used only during the convention at which the adventure debuts.

1. What happened to Velladenna? Escaped Killed Captured Other ___________________

2. Did Hennevier survive the final battle? Yes or No

3.. Did Hennevier “fall from grace” by allowing Velladenna to escape or by killing a PC?
Yes or No

4. Did any PCs die in the event Yes or No

4b If so, complete the following:
PC Name & Player Cause of Death
1. _________________________ _________________________________________
2._________________________ _________________________________________
3._________________________ _________________________________________
4._________________________ _________________________________________
5._________________________ _________________________________________
6._________________________ _________________________________________
7._________________________ _________________________________________

5. How many players participated in the event? 4 5 6 7

6. At which Tier was the event played? 1 2 3

Shadows on the March Page 18

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