American Atheist Magazine Feb 1989
American Atheist Magazine Feb 1989
American Atheist Magazine Feb 1989
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Alerican Atheist
American Atheist
February 1989
Editor's Desk
R. Murray-O'Hair
Director's Briefcase
Jon G. Murray
Ask A.A.
The Church's Holy War Against Hygiene
Dan Quayle on Atheism
How did lire begin?
ing to religious arguments? A new feature comes to the rescue and in its
first installment finds "Pascal's Wager
Revisited. "
Historical Notes
Talking Back
Volume 31, No, 2
Austin, Texas
Me Too
Classified Advertisements
Page 1
American Atheist
R. Murray-O'Hair
Editor Emeritus
Dr. Madalyn O'Hair
Managing Editor
Jon G. Murray
Angeline Bennett
Non-Resident Staff
Margaret Bhatty
Victoria Branden
Nawal el-Saadawi
Merrill Holste
Arthur Frederick Ide
John G. Jackson
Fred Woodworth
Frank R. Zindler
The American Atheist is published monthly
by American Atheist Press.
Copyright 1989by American Atheist Press.
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole
or in part without written permission is
prohibited. ISSN: 0332-4310.
Mailingaddress: P.O.Box 140195,Austin, TX
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All Christian Bible quotations are from the
King James Version, unless otherwise
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Page 2
Editor's Desk
R. Murray-O'Hair
Austin, Texas
Page 3
Director's Briefcase
A visit to a university to
discuss the role
of religion in
international aggression
brings home the need
for Atheism in
Jon G. Murray
Page 4
February 1989
February 1989
the separation of state and church argument put quite like that before. He went
on to point out that all things are created
by Allah as a pair. Light and dark were
created by Allah in pairs, and likewise
good and bad. Each thing had its counterpart, so Allah had created kindness
to moderate aggression.
Well, when my turn came, I must admit that I had something different to say
on the subject at hand. A version of
what I said follows, as reconstructed
after the fact from my notes. This is somewhat expanded beyond what I had time
to say in five minutes in that it includes
my answers to inquiries directed to me.
In the context of this journal I can elaborate with footnoting of my examples.
ish Inquisition (1480 to 1834), particularly in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, kept Europe in a living nightmare. The massacre of French Protestant leaders
on the night of Saint
Bartholomew in 1572 is legendary. That
same year a number of Dutch cities,
home of devoted followers of Luther
and Calvin, were attacked by the duke
of Alba, sent by Roman Catholic Philip
of Spain to bring Protestant "sinners" to
terms. In 1573 the duke of Alba then
besieged Leyden, the manufacturing
center of Holland. When Ferdinand II of
the House of Habsburg, a devout Jesuit,
was elected emperor in the German
states, the Thirty Years War (1618 to
1648) was off to an almost immediate
start as Ferdinand
sent troops into
Bohemia against Frederick, the Protestant Elector of the Palatinate, to fulfill
the vow of his youth to eradicate all
sects and heresies from his domains.
Five-sixths of all German towns of the
period were destroyed and a population
of eighteen million was reduced to four
million.? The chronicle
of examples
could go on and on.
A famous Atheist author, James M.
Robertson, had this to say on the subject of religious wars:
It is not conceivable that the
of supernaturalist notions will ever of itself
work such evil as is told in the
story of the military evangel of
Christianity in the Dark Ages, the
the Albigensian massacres," the conquests of Mexico
and Peru, the Anabaptist movernent- at the outset of the Reformation, or the massacre
of St.
to say nothing of
the death-roll of the Inquisition
and the mania against witchcraft.
Even the bloodshed of the Reign
of Terror in the French Revolution, wrought under peculiar political perturbation,
was under the
auspices not of atheists but of
In addition to the human pugilism, the
single greatest aggressive force of religion has been mobilized, both psychologically and physically, against science,
education, women, and human sexuality.
The very foundation and hallmark of
religion is intolerance.
The derivation of the word religion
itself is from the Latin religare meaning
to "bind fast."? This basic intolerance, as
manifested in Judeo-Christianity,
is posited in the idea that the Jews were god's
"Chosen People." As the "chosen" or
"elect" of god, they felt that they were
entitled to dominion over
those of other religions or of no religion
at all. The early Jews were indeed intolerant of the religions that were already
in place when they were developing
their own brand of insanity. That intolerance has been passed down to this day.
"Thou shalt have no other gods before
me" (Deut. 5:7) was the first of the Ten
Commandments when the pagan world
was full of other gods. The character
Jesus, a Jew, built. on this first commandment and said that he did not
come to change any of the existing laws
that god had supposedly given directly
and only to the Jews (Matt. 5: 17, 18}.8 He
sent his twelve disciples out only to the
Jews and not to the Gentiles (Matt. 10:5,
6 and 15:24},9 not being very tolerant of
those who were not of the tribe. He insisted on being number one among the
Jews; he was not going to play secondfiddle to anyone (Matt. 10:33}.10 He cemented himself into his position at the
top through war (Matt. 10:34},11 by fostering contention (Matt. 10:35, 36), 12and
by demanding unwavering loyalty (Matt.
10:38}.13 He made certain that all his followers knew that they could only be
19Matt. 19:29: "And everyone that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or
father, or mother, or wife, or children, or
lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an
hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting
20Mark 6:11: "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart
thence, shake off the dust under your feet
for a testimony against them. Verily I say
unto you, It shall be more tolerable for
Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city."
Mark 8:34: And when he had called the
people unto him with his disciples also, he
said unto them, "Whosoever willcome after
me, let him deny himself, and take up his
cross, and follow me.
Mark 8:35: "For whosever willsave his life
shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life
for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall
save it.
Mark 8:36: "For what shall it profit a man
if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his
own soul?
Mark 8:37: "Or what shall a man give in
exchange for his soul?
Mark 8:38: "Whosoever therefore shall be
ashamed of me and of my words in this
adulterous and sinful generation; of him also
shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he
cometh in the glory of his Father with the
holy angels."
21Mark 10:29: And Jesus answered and said,
"Verily I say unto you, There is no man that
hath left house, or brethern, or sisters, or
father, or mother, or wife, or children, or
lands, for my sake, and the gospel's,
Mark 10:30: "But he shall receive an
hundredfold now in this time, houses, and
brethern, and sisters, and mothers, and
children, and lands, with persecutions; and
in the world to come eternal life.
Mark 10:31: "But many that are first shall
be last; and the last first."
Page 7
and distribute only his word and that included killing and being hated by all
others (Mark 13:12, 13).23 The Jews
were reminded, again and again, that
those who were not with this Jesus character were against him (Luke 11:23and
12:9)24and that he hadcome to make di-
"You put up quite an argument for religion, Harold, but I'm stH!an Atheist_"
Page 8
February 1989
Audience reaction
When I ended my five minutes, there
was a moment of stunned silence from
the small gathering of students in the audience and from my fellow panel members. None of them had anticipated anyone being honest and telling the students the truth. They had all come to
apologize for their religions. The quesPage 10
(Continued from page 45)
feel pain, not because he can do mathematics .... " Similarly,Bentham stated:
"The question is not 'Can they reason?',
or 'Can they talk?', but 'Can they suffer?'."
Religion has played a key role in forming society's ingrained attitudes and
practices in respect to nonhumans.
Freethinkers can play an important role
in our fight against religious oppression
of people by recognizing religion's other
victims as well: animals.
- Chris Tiedje
station and find out if the station accepts outside programming. (A cable access station is not the same as a PBS
station.) If it does, tell the program manager that you would
like the "American Atheist Forum" to be aired. The program
is available on whatever format (3/4 inch, YHS, Beta) the
station prefers.
Austin, Texas
February 1989
Page 11
Ask A.A.
Death tolls
It would be interesting to get your
response to the following:
In order to analyze any religion or
philosophy, one can usually look to the
damage that system has brought on this
world. One easy statistic of damage is
the number of persons killed in wars,
political repression, or various other
kinds of violence.
If you consider all of recorded history
and the number of persons killedbecause
of religion, the figure is about 3 million.
If you look at the number of persons
killed because of the philosophies of
Friedrich Nietzsche and Karl Marx
since 1940, the figure is somewhere
around 57 million.
Perhaps you would like to look at the
results the Nazis obtained when they
cast off the "shackles of Christianity."
Philip M. Buckley
Page 12
Fighting back
Well, the hysterical fundamentalist
evangelists on television are trying not
only to write history all over again but
are betraying public trust in the airwaves and what "information" the people are getting.
What can be done with this onslaught
of 1984-style mind-control going on?
Orville W. Louton, Jr.
Yours is an open-ended query. American Atheists is set up as an educational
organization. All we can really do is to
pour out as much information in as
many directions as we can. Already we
have the "American Atheist Forum" on
over ninety outlets on cable access; the
American Atheist magazine is widely
distributed and is in over one thousand
libraries; we print and distribute Atheist
books; we have a network of Chapters
of American Atheists on local levels in
about fifty locations; we sponsor a national convention each year.
As we get more money and more
members we will be able to do more.
Hang in and help as you can.
Nonviolent protest
We have seen that the protest tactic
of nonviolence has served (sort of) to
stop the Vietnam War, to integrate public conveyances, restaurants, schools,
etc., in the United States. Now it is being used against the apartheid policies of
the racist regime in South Africa and its
toadies, the United States universities
and Wall Street.
Does Atheism take a stand on the efficacy of this tactic for social protest?
Should Atheists "turn the other cheek,"
as it were, or should they take up arms
against oppression? What has been the
tactic of American Atheists in its struggle?
Michael Dews
American Atheists is currently experimenting with picketing.
What Dr.
O'Hair has discovered in her eleven
arrests is that one cannot fight when
one is in jail. Since those on the Atheist
frontlines are few and do not have the
hefty support that they should have, the
tactics currently are "stay out of jail. "
Recently, when Robin Murray-O'Hair
was arrested and jailed, the first effort
made was to get her out from behind
those bars - before anything else was
There are literally hundreds of tactical maneuvers that are efficacious. As
our turn for confrontation
more necessary, we will then evaluate
the situation and make an appropriate
Page 13
Page 14
ment to our Constitution, which prohibits Congress from making any law "respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof," is
the best gift the Founding Fathers have
given to us. And he taught his son
Eugene, my grandfather, to love both
t's been ten days since Ibecame Vice the Bible and the First Amendment.
President, and they've been pretty
Grandfather Eugene went into the
remarkable for my family and me. newspaper business, where he tried to
I've learned a lot. A most important les- apply his father's lessons to the roughson for me is the need to keep the pomp and-tumble of everyday life.His lifebore
and glitter in perspective. That's why I witness to the vitality of another part of
so admire the behavior of one of our the First Amendment, the clause progreat Presidents, Teddy Roosevelt. Be- hibiting Congress from enacting any
law, "abridging the freedom of speech,
fore retiring to bed at night, Roosevelt
and his friend, the naturalist William or of the press." And since I too worked
Beebe, would go to and look up at the on a newspaper for several years, I consky. "That's that Spiral Galaxy in sider myself a First Amendment fan, as
Andromeda," they would chant. "It's as well. So I guess you could call us all a
large as our MilkyWay. It is one of a hun- First Amendment Family.
Of course, all the parts of the First
dred million galaxies. It consists of one
hundred billion suns, each larger than Amendment - the clauses guaranteeour sun." Then Roosevelt would turn to ing freedom of religion, speech, of the
his friend and say, "Now I think we're press, and the right of petition - all of
these parts are related, since they all
small enough. Let's go to sleep."
Contemplating the heavens every
derive from the idea that God has given
night is certainly one way to avoid a mankind certain inalienable rights.
swelled head. But it's not the only way. Which brings me to the main point I
Worshipping God in our churches and would like to stress this afternoon: that
synagogues is another, even more effec- you, as religious broadcasters play a
vital role in maintaining the foundations
tive way of coming to terms with our
of our democracy. You do this in part by
own limitations, our own mortality.
"What is man that Thou art mindful of strengthening the moral values of our
him?" asks the Psalmist, "And the son of citizens, by reminding them of the difference between right and wrong, good
man that Thou visitest him?"
These words are very important. For and bad, true and false; but equally
they remind us, as do so many other important is your role in reminding all of
verses in the Bible, that there is a higher
us that the state is not the be all and end
standard against which all our worldly all of human life, that there is a higher
authority to which even the mightiest
actions must be measured.
Ten days ago I took an oath to uphold among us must submit.
and defend the Constitution of the
In Chapter 22, verse 21 of Matthew,
United States. I took the oath on our we read the following: "Render therefamily Bible, the Bible my great-grandfore unto Caesar the things which are
father gave to his bride back in 1890. Caesar's, and unto God the things
Great-grandfather Pulliam was a Meth- which are God's." This biblical injuncodist preacher, a man who lived by the tion teaches us that the individual must
Bible and its values. I'm sure he agreed not be subordinate to the state. It
with Abe Lincoln, who called the Bible, teaches us that there exists an inviolable
"The best gift God has given to men." realm of individual thought, action and
He also believed that the First Amend- expression that is totally beyond and
The following is the complete text
of the remarks by the vice president
to the National Religious Broadcasters Convention, on January 30,
at the Sheraton Washington Hotel,
Washington, DC.
February 1989
American Atheist
the strictest sense, the history of liberty creasingly aware and concerned that,
dates from 1776,for never till then had almost a year after they cut off aid to the
men sought liberty knowing what they democratic resistance in Nicaragua, the
situation for democracy and human
Of course, since the American Revo- rights in that country has, if anything,
lution of 1776,the idea of liberty - and worsened.
The yearning for freedom, and for reof religious liberty - has captured the
imagination of the world. Millions of im- ligious freedom, is nowhere more deepmigrants have come to this country in ly felt than in the communist world.
search of liberty. And millions more con- There, too, positive changes are haptinue to look to the United States for pening. In Poland, the authorities have
support and encouragement. We dare finally agreed to negotiate with Solidarnot let them down. For America is never ity. And throughout the entire Soviet
true to herself unless she defends the empire, pressures for change are mounting. Let us probe and examine to see if
cause of freedom.
During the Reagan-Bush years, the perestroika really does mean change.
cause of liberty made some truly re- Let us hope for change - but let us be
markable strides. In the Philippines and realists. As President Bush said a few
the Republic of Korea, "people power" months ago, it's still an iron curtain, but
has won stunning victories. In Pakistan, it's beginning to rust, and shafts of light
free elections have been held. And in are pressing through.
These shafts of light are illuminating a
Latin American more than 90% of the
population live under democratic rule universe that many Americans barely
today, compared to only about a third a knew existed. It's a universe whose inhabitants, until quite recently, have
decade ago.
I'll be leaving for Latin America on been unable to voice their true thoughts.
Wednesday to visit Venezuela, an estab- But now ordinary citizens are speaking
lished democracy, and EI Salvador, a out, and what they say bears heeding.
democracy still struggling against total- Listen, for example, to what Arunas
itarian forces trying to strangle it. My Zebriunas, Chairman of the Filmmakers
Union of Lithuania, told the New York
message willbe democracy, democracy,
and more democracy. Because with de- Times last week: "The root of the probmocracy comes freedom, and with free- lem," he said, "goes back to the first
dom comes hope and opportunity. And years of Soviet rule. The Party, right
so as Vice President, I will seek to help from the beginning, felt it knew best,
extend the cause of democracy and that it had all the answers. So it set out
human rights around the world. I will on a chosen path that led, inevitably, to
consider my time in this office well spent a concentration of power in the hands of
if, by the time I leave it, I have done my the Party, to central control of the economy, to a culture in which individual
part to see to it that more people around
the world can worship their God in initiative was suppressed. This was all a
But how did this mistake happen?
When I think of freedom and democracy in this hemisphere, I can't help but How did the Communist Party gain
such appalling confidence in its own
think of some of the glaring exceptions
wisdom, indeed, its own omniscience. I
to this movement toward democracy
and freedom - exceptions like Cuba, think the root of the matter all comes
and Panama, and Nicaragua. But what- back to a hatred of God, to a rejection
ever the obstacles, the United States is of the entire concept of religious freecommitted to democracy and human dom. The founder of the Soviet state,
rights throughout this hemisphere. And Lenin, put it very bluntly. "Every religious
I'm sure that many in Congress are in- idea," Lenin said, "every idea of God,
February 1989
Page 15
The telephone listings below are the various services where you may listen to
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February 1989
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American Atheist
Austin, Texas
Bush would be elected and then in December wrote to him to ask him to apologize to American Atheists for his remarks in the August 27 encounter and
those of his representative on October
29. Vice President Bush ignored the
letter, which is reproduced here. Amazingly, the news media of the nation, to
which a copy of the letter was also sent,
also ignored the letter. Would such an
insult to any other minority have been
accepted? We doubt it.
But until Bush assumed office, the
only response to our demand for an
apology was silence. Later, Bush's actions in regard to religion spoke for him
when he had no words for American
To the president-elect
Before you take office, we are interested in having you clarify to us and to
the media if you really think that the 9
percent of the populace who are Atheists (U.S. Bureau of Census) cannot
be citizens and patriots. It would appear that to heal wounds an apology to
the Atheists of the nation by our
president-elect is in order.
December 19, 1988
At a later time, after the inordinate
fuss you made in respect to the recitaThe Honorable George Bush
tion of the Pledge of Allegiance with its
Vice President of the United States
reference to "one nation under God,"
The White House
Robert Sherman brought a case in the
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Federal District Court in Chicago, IlliWashington, D.C. 20500
nois, (Sherman v. Community Consolidated School Dist. 21, filed October
Dear Mr. Vice President,
28, 1988) because his son, Ricky, age
During the recent presidential cam- six, is forced - as an Atheist - to acpaign when you were in Chicago, Illi- knowledge the existence of god each
day in the all-school pledge in his classnois, you were in a short confrontation
(preserved on news video) with Mr. room under Illinois statutory law.
Robert I. Sherman, the national spokes- When your office was informed of this,
man for American Atheists. You will, the followingrecorded dialogue between
Ed Murnane, Co-Chairman of the
no doubt" remember the exchange
which was recorded as follows at your Bush-Quayle '88 Illinoiscampaign, and
Rob Sherman occurred on October
media interview, O'Hare International
29, 1988:
Airport, Chicago, August 27, 1988.
The following letter, sent to Mr.
Bush before the inauguration, described the offensive incident in
which Bush had insulted the integrity of all American Atheists and
demanded his apology.
Page 18
November 1988
American Atheist
National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving. So that Atheists would know who
was in charge during the next four
years, in the proclamation Bush declared that "I am humbled before God
and seek His counsel and favor on our
land." The full text of the proclamation
accompanies this article. Apparently he
is keeping good on his promise to his
god, for in early February he mentioned
that he prays daily for guidance.
February developments
American Atheists was stillwaiting for
a formal reply to its December 19 letter,
when Bush remarked at a prayer breakfast on February 1:
All of us should not attempt to
fulfill the responsibilities we now
have without prayer and a strong
faith in God .... I can also tell you
from my heart that I freely acknowledge my need to hear and to
heed the voice of Almighty God. I
began my inaugural address with a
prayer out of a deep sense of need
in desire of God's wisdom in the
decisions we face. And ifwe're going to walk together toward a
more caring, more generous America let us all share in paving the
way with prayer. Thank you all.
God bless you.
Atheists, of course, do not hear the
voice of any imaginary beings, whether
a god or the tooth fairy, so at this point
the staff of American Atheist General
Headquarters rather doubted that a
reply would ever be received or that
Atheists would be included in Bush's
vision of a "kinder, gentler America."
But wonders never cease. President
Bush finally instructed his counsel, C.
Boyden Gray, to answer American
Atheists' letter in late February 1989.
Perhaps the numerous letters received
from American Atheist veterans, peeved
at having their patriotism questioned,
prompted the reply. Gray's letter hardly
constituted an apology, but it read as
Austin, Texas
Soledad de Montalvo
The author is a fourth-generation Atheist, all of whom were educated by Jesuit tutors.
In her case, Soledad's mother was advised that Sol's mind appeared to be "hermetically sealed against religion and mathematics." Known throughout Europe for her
culinary expertise, she is the author of a four-volume book on Women, Food, and Sex
:published by American Atheist Press.
Page 20
February 1989
American Atheist
for doomed humanity. Fasting, flagellation, prayer, penitence, and pious grime
were agreeable to the "almighty" and his
"only begotten
son," Jesus Christ.
Apart from this, they never tired of cataloguing the Father's and the Son's hostility toward all those who wavered in
these ascetic pursuits. Ulcered, gangrenous perverts, crawling with maggots,
like Simeon Stylites? and others of his
ilk, were canonized.
Roman hygiene
was excoriated, and the full fury of the
Church was reserved for clean individuals.
By the sixth century, Christians of recent vintage in Western Europe had already become conditioned, so to speak,
and were displaying immense energy
and resourcefulness to auoid any contact
with soap and water. In fact, plain water
appears to have literally terrified them.
This, presumably, is why the Irish had
been shocked and incredulous when
they heard that St. Bridget (453-520),
one of the patron saints of Ireland, announced that she had been vouchsafed
in a vision that all Christians might without fear of offending either god or Jesus
Christ wash themselves twice a month.
The mere idea of washing at all, let alone
twice a month, struck most everyone as
not only frightfully impious, but horribly
risky to boot. This, because like all
Christians everywhere, the Irish were
still hourly expecting the "Second Coming." To risk being caught red-handed
washing one's self when the Savior
turned up! What would Jesus think? All
efforts to propitiate his inevitable indignation would be vain! Needless to say,
Bridget's advice went unheeded, and St.
Asella - the virgin saint - was held up
as the ideal model for all Christians. Not
only had she never washed at all, but
she had acquired huge and revolting
lumps on her knees "like those on the
legs of camels" from kneeling in prayer
upon boulders and stones. If you think
this an improbable
tale, check your
hagiography. And if you think that hygiene improved, well, it did not. On the
contrary, as the power of the Roman
Catholic church increased, what little
hygiene remaining shrank and shrank,
like La Peau de Chagrin, that magic bit
of shagreen which Balzac wrote about
which simply vanished completely. The
followers of St. Thomas
Becket (11181170) had not only extolled his grime but
had praised the astonishing number of
lice to which he was host. And all serious historians have confirmed that la
pouacrerie (sheer filth) reached its zenith in the allegedly civilized seventeenth century, at the precise time when
the Roman Catholic church was allpowerful in France.
However, make no mistake, Protestants and Protestant countries were no
cleaner than Roman Catholics or Roman Catholic countries. Calvin's Geneva
has been officially classified as being one
of the three filthiest cities in Europe, together with Edinburg and Lisbon. And
this is one of the reasons why Geneva
was a favorite hangout for bacillus pestis
(Black Death). Sad but true, the most
outstanding figures not only of the Roman Catholic church but later those of
the Protestant church all exhibited signs
of what modern psychiatrists
classify as serious - very serious psychological disturbances. And it was
invariably the most severely psychopathic individuals who succeeded in influencing the Roman Catholic and, later,
the Protestant churches' policies in sexual matters and corporeal hygiene, or
rather the lack of it. For pious Roman
Catholics and pious Protestants,
hygiene was abhorrent. Christianity made
depredations in all fields and ushered in
bloody horrors for humanity, or a large
portion of humanity, but - as I wrote Christianity ushered in a Golden Age, a
time of epic splendor for pulex irritans
(the human flea), a magnificent plague
vector, and for phtirus pubis (crabs).
D' Aubigne, a contemporary of Henri IV
(1553-1610) and an habitue of the royal
February 1989
court of France,
there continuously.)
lOEditions Seui11985.
This is both more curious and disgusting than it might at first appear. Not only
the French, but all Christian Europeans,
at this time had been literally eaten up
alive by vermin, yet they manfully resisted washing because they had been indoctrinated since childhood to regard
vermin as natural and washing themselves as unnatural and impious. The
only parts of medieval anatomies that
were washed - at least once a day were hands. A few soigne individuals
would also slosh cold water upon their
faces upon arising, but they were few
and far between, a sort of elite. But apparently no one bothered to cleanse any
other regions of their bodies. Of course,
once a year, during Lent, some pious
bishops, monarchs, and aristocrats
would wash the unspeakably filthy feet
of a number of beggars. The pope, to
this day, still engages in this ceremony,
as all television fans know; popular tradition notwithstanding, the feet which
"His Holiness" allegedly washes have all
been carefully sandblasted beforehand,
as has been derisively pointed out by impious journalists. This totally absurd
ceremony originated because - according to John 13: 10 - Jesus, who had
a foot-washing fetish, informed Simon
Peter, "He that is washed needeth not
save to wash his feet, but is clean every
whit. ... "
One thing is certain - if nothing else
- Christianity had relieved medieval
humanity of the fatigue of thought and
had decerebrated a large portion of hitherto civilized individuals to such an extent that although still alive they were
convinced that their bodies were already
in an advanced state of decomposition
and, like sanious corpses, produced
worms and maggots, as well as fleas and
In ancient Rome, "every day at the
fifth hour" all slaves would be allowed to
depart from their masters' homes and
would head for the thermae (baths).
Jerome Carcopino de l'Academie FranPage 23
caise in his La Vie quodi tienne a Rome there had been twenty-six public baths the alleged popularity of baths, vermin
a t'apogee de l'Empire'! - a chef
in Paris; by the thirteenth century a pub- remained omnipresent and ubiquitous.
d'oeuvre, incidentally - mentions that lic crier marched through the streets ev- Any number of French women in the
when a famished "parasite," or scrounger, ery morning to inform Parisians that all fourteenth century were still making
turned up long before the time for cena etuves (steam rooms) and bains (baths) their living as professional epouilleuses
(supper) at Martial's home - the fifth were open for business. In Germany,
(delousers) and their job consisted in
hour had not arrived, yet all of the slaves even in villages, bathkeepers made the skillfullytrapping and killing the vermin
had taken off and gone to the baths. rounds in the mornings and would an- which infested their rich clients' hair.
And, by the way, most of those magnif- nounce by earsplitting blasts of horns Anyone who doubts that Europeans
icent Roman baths and thermae provid- that everything was ready in their estab- were verminous to a man should read A
ed their services for free. Wealthy indi- lishments. A contemporary eyewitness, Book of Precedence, which was pubviduals would arrive accompanied by Guarinonius, left posterity an amusing lished in 1869 and contains translations
description of "well educated burghers
their own slaves, who would scrape
of many of those courtesy books which
them off with strygi/s, those ingenious and their wives" as well as the hoi polloi began to appear all over Europe in the
gadgets which removed grime and dead marching barefooted through the streets
early Middle Ages and were written by
skin, or would pay the bath attendants
on their way to the baths, either com- German, French, and Italian authors."
- who were slaves - to do so. Poor in- pletely naked or sporting "Bath Honors,"
Table manners prevailing in all of Eudividuals had to get friends to scrape off short linen robes which concealed the rope were literally hair-raising. The autheir backs or cope as best they could. wearers' fronts but not their backsides
thors of all those courtesy books enUntil the time of Hadrianv men and and obliged modest individuals to hold joined their readers to abstain from
women attended the baths together, but one hand behind for propriety's sake. blowing their noses upon their fingers or
it is unnecessary to say that most "liber- Apart from this, according to Guarino- table cloths and begged them not to
ated" females were the only Roman nius, most of those "Bath Honors" were plunge their hands up to their elbows
women who did so, for obvious reasons.
so badly torn that they failed to conceal into the serving dishes, and they were all
Contrary to Christian propaganda, "af- anything." Those medieval sweating
virtually paranoid of the necessity for all
ter Hadrian, men and women no longer rooms and baths were a very far cry diners to have clean hands. Bear in mind
attended balnae or thermae together, from the sumptuous balnae and thermae that at this time in history fingers were
but went at different hours."13
of Rome; in fact, they were quite prim- the only eating tools. Only reigning monFor all pious Mohammedans, "The itive, a single dressing room shared by archs, princes of the blood, and men of
hamman (bath) was the entrance to the men and women alike. The so-called the highest rank ate out of their own
mosque." For all pious Christians, hy- baths were wooden tubs, encircled by private porringers; all other diners had
giene was abhorrent. What is indeed heavy iron bands, large enough to con- to share a porringer with his or her
ironic is that those Crusades - which tain five or six seated individuals, or two neighbor because they ate in pairs: Evwere undertaken by Western Christians
seaters for couples wishing to be en tete ery diner had his own trencher, thick,
from 1096 to 1291, after the Church had a tete.
rectangular slices of coarse, stale bread
lashed them into collective insanity, euAfter a while, shrewd bathhousethat had to be at least two days old.
phemistically described as decumus
keepers in Germany, France, Italy, and There were no serving spoons or forks,
fluctus (religious revival) - caused
England, began serving food and bever- so all had to fish about with their fingers
baths to be re-introduced in Europe. Re- ages in their establishments. Some peo- in that porringer which they shared with
turning Crusaders were to blame. While ple even practiced their music in bath- their neighbors, grab a portion of food,
in the Orient they had adopted the dec- houses, as did the Meistersingers of transfer it dripping with sauce to their
adent, sinful, "infidel" habit of frequent- Nuremburg, surrounded by bevies of trenchers, and then finally to their
ing hammans. By the twelfth century charming, unclad or scantily clad fe- mouths. That old French expression,
males.f A few aristocrats and mon- Avoir mange a la meme ecuelle, simply
archs installed private etuues and woodllDaily Life in Ancient Rome: The People en tubs in their residences. But despite
and the City at the Height of the Empire,
trans. E. O. Lorimer (New Haven, CT: Yale
University Press, 1940).
I2Hadrian (A.D. 76-138), Roman emperor
I3Carcopino, Daily Life in Ancient Rome.
Page 24
Page 25
Talking Back
Austin, Texas
R. Murray-O'Hair,
editor of the
Page 27
Part I:
The Problem
Frank R. Zindler
Page 28
February 1989
American Atheist
6Harold J. Morowitz and Mark E. Tourtellotte, "The Smallest Living Cells," Scientific
American, March 1%2, pp. 117-126.
Page 32
American Atheist
The Popes Bare All
What about the Vicars of Christ, the Holy Men of the
Roman Catholic Church, the Representatives of God on
Earth? Are they chaste, pure-minded, reasonable tenders
of the flock, having humankind's best interests at heart?
Not exactly. Dr. Ide knows them well and exposes them
for what they have been and are: gluttons, sodomites,
rapists, necrophiliacs, hedonists, slave-owners, pedophiliacs, tyrants, murderers, drug abusers, and drunkards.
Dr. Ide has had an extensive and varied education at
numerous North American and European institutes of
higher learning. He has authored more than 200 books,
making him one of the world's leading names in print.
Unzipped is "Dedicated to all Roman Catholics who
confess their sexual sins to priests who do as they do and
who believe in a pope who claims to be infallible, primaAustin, Texas
ry, and supreme, having the power to the keys to the kingdom of heaven, which history shows actually open the
doors to sex, vice, and violence."
This is one of the most dispassionate, quiet, authentic
books of our times. Heavily footnoted to original historical documents, no one - not even a Jesuit - can say
Ide nay or dispute the counter-revelations which he
brings to you.
Paperback. 189 pages. $6.00. Product #5510.
Evangelical Terrorism:
Censorship, Falwell, Robertson and
The Seamy Side of
Christian Fundamentalism
The tone
of this book
is set
the author's
With the advent of Ronald Reagan's misadministration, America has slid into the death-grip of social insensitivity, judicial injustice, political fraud
and intimidation, and religious intolerance. The
survival of America is possible only if her citizens
awaken from complacency in the style of Reagan
oratory to see the reality of oppression generated by
the minions of the Reagan government led by the
nefarious Ed Meese who plots a course for the high
priests of the radical right: Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and those who cloak their lust to rape the
Constitution, defile basic freedoms, and fornicate
against civil liberties under the guise and disguise of
being "Christian fundamentalists."
In this heavily documented work written during the
Reagan Administration, Dr. Ide goes after the radical
religious right and most particularly Jerry Falwell, Pat
Robertson, and the Southern Baptist Convention. He
also takes apart the current attack on sexuality through
the attempted suppression of pornography and "deviant"
Paperback. 193 pages. $13.00. Product #5507.
All three titles available from:
February 1989
Page 33
Two grandmas
Lands end
Flotsom strewn on reefs of ignorance
Midst the rotting ravaged mind
Of the cultures thrusting reverence
To a god they'll never find
G. Tholen
Blind ignorance is the thing to blame,
For the curse that's on us all.
Religion is its generic name,
And it's draped upon us like a pall.
We must now repel this holy shroud,
Not waste a single day,
And ask no help from the kneeling crowd,
For we know what theyshall say.
How came they unto the notion
That faith is some kind of virtue?
Ignorance is the mother of devotion,
And intellect, this fact, willnurture.
Page 34
February 1989
American Atheist
and prehistoric
superstitions both
abound in India. But
which will control
future scientific
research there?
Margaret Bhatty
Austin, Texas
February 1989
American Atheist
Historical Notes
---.. ~
Aud the Lord said unto !loses, Take all the heads 01 the people, and hang them up belore the Lord against the sun,
that the ftercc anger 01 the Lord may be turned away from lBrael.-Num. xxv, 4.
90 years ago
Lucifer, The Light-Bearer in its issue
of February 18, 1899(3d ser., vol. 3, no.
7), reported as follows on the fate of C.
C. Moore:
"On Monday, Feb. 7, C.c. Moore and
J.E. Hughes, editor and publisher of the
'Blue Grass Blade,' appeared before the
United States District Court in Cincinnati to be tried on a charge of sending obscene literature through the
mails. . .. Mr. Moore had engaged no
attorney and refused to accept the services of ... an attorney provided by the
Austin, Texas
The Light-Bearer.
February 1989
70 years ago
The February 1, 1919, issue of The
Truth Seeker (vol. 46, no. 5) reported extensively on the efforts of the clergy to
depict the head of the German government, Kaiser Wilhelm.s as an Atheist
after the defeat of Germany in the First
World War.
Page 37
2Frederick Wilhelm Viktor Albert (18591941),king of Prussia and emperor of Germany (1888-1918).
Page 38
40 years ago
The February 1949 issue of the Progressive World magazine (vol. 11,no. 12)
reported on a vicious article which had
appeared in The American Weekly, a
Christian newspaper magazine distributed in the Sunday Hearst newspapers.
The article was directed against Terry
McCollum, age thirteen, whose experiences in the public schools of Champaign, Illinois,led to the successful United States Supreme Court decision
which outlawed preachers coming to
public schools to teach religiouscourses.'
The unsigned article stated that Terry 30 years ago
On February 23, 1959,four represenwas a maladjusted boy and an example
of what to expect when religion is tatives in the state legislature of Texas
"thrown out" of public schools. The introduced a bill which would require
unknown author claimed that he had that teachers in Texas' tax-supported
personally heard Terry and his younger schools, colleges, and universities annubrothers use such profanity and ob- ally take an oath that they believed in
scenity that had not been heard except the existence of a supreme being. Associated Press quoted the congressmen as
in barrooms.
The next Sunday the same magazine saying that any person who did not beconcluded with an article claiming that lieve in a supreme being ought not to be
"When Religion Was Thrown Out,
allowed to teach in such institutions.
Actually, the bill was unnecessary exCommunism Moved In" the public
cept for the provision that the swearing
It is ever such with the theists; the should be done annually. Article 1,
name of their game is always defamation
Section 4 of the Constitution of the state can rely on their attacking men, of Texas already required such a belief of
women, or children, and perhaps even all persons holding office or in a position
of public trust. This was not declared to
be unconstitutional until it was chal3McCollum v. Board of Education, 333 US lenged by American Atheists in a federal
203 (1948).
February 1989
American Atheist
Madalyn O'Hair
Austin, Texas
Joseph McCabe
greatest musicians and artists, and hundreds of famous scholars and writers,
the less illustrious names that are included will prove of interest to the reader.
The great majority are atheists, but it
was clearly inadvisable to apply a criterion of freethinking that would exclude
Jefferson and Paine, Voltaire and Rousseau, Lafayette, Washington, and lincoln. Writers on the subject (Wheeler,"
Robertson," etc.) have too readily admitted liberal members of organized religions, but beyond noticing one or two
of special interest I exclude them."
Well,let's see who he lists and what he
has to say about them. I am tempted to
do this alphabetically, as he has done,
and I will try to find in this ninety-sixpage list of about five hundred persons,
one from each letter of the alphabet,
Americans mostly, and women where I
can find them.
Adams, John (1735-1826), Second
President of the United States. His
rejection of Christianity, which he
professed to admire morally, runs
all through his letters to Jefferson,
of which there is a good selection
edited by Welstach (1925), though
it is better to read them in the original edition (1856). The correspon-
American Atheist
Sarah Bernhardt
Sigmund Freud
movements of the last century.
Mrs. Gage was President of the
National Women Suffrage Association, edited their paper, and collaborated with Miss. Anthony in
writing the history of the movement. Her freethought is emphaticallygiven in her Women, Church,
Ernst Haeckel
Henrik Ibsen (18281906), the great
Norwegian dramatist:
Benito Juarez
He was a full-blooded Indian
who was admitted to the Mexican
bar and became a judge. As governor of Oaxaca, then Minister of
Justice, he "oppressed" the clergy
- that is to say, curtailed their
privileges and checked their corruption - and rendered fine service to the people. He was President 18581862and 1867-1872and
left a great memor}' behind him.
He was an atheist.~
American Atheist
Austin, Texas
printed word.
The author is a law professor at the
American (Roman Catholic) University
in Washington, D.C. He was the person
called in to mediate the Attica, New
York, prison uprising in 1971, since he
had founded the American Civil Liberties Union Prisoners' Rights project in
1969. He is characterized as a wellinformed constitutional scholar, who
has the good sense to write crisply and
succinctly - not at all like a law professor. Although the book was published in
1988, it was written during the celebration of the Bicentennial of the Constitution (1987) and during the bitter fight
over the nomination of Judge Robert H.
Bork to the United States Supreme
Court. The author points out in his introduction that this was fortuitous since
both events occurred when there was
an intensive national examination of
what the Constitution means, how it
should be interpreted, and what the
actual role of the federal judiciary was
meant to be.
Everyone aware of the functioning of
the court system in the United States
knows that the federal judiciary was
very slow in extending the rights of the
First Amendment to the states. In addition, when the federal courts have recognized violations of constitutional
rights, often the various states continue
to ignore the decisions which are made.
This has been especially true of the case
of Bible/prayer in the public schools.
Although the decision prohibiting the
same was handed down in 1963, a decade later many school districts continued the exercise. Additionally, there
were literally hundreds of schemes introduced to "sneak" both prayer and
Bible back into the schools whenever
and wherever possible - always with
the approval and consent of school
boards, legislative bodies, and state
When it became clear that the federFebruary 1989
What happened
The United States Supreme Court,
coming late to our times, began to face
the modern issues of the nation about
150 years after its founding. It quickly
prohibited racial segregation in the public schools (1954), ordered meaningful
remedies for discrimination (1961), removed Bible reading and prayer recitation from the public schools (1963),proposed fairer electoral district apportionment (1964), insisted on constitutional
rights for an accused person (1966),protected free expression (1971),and recognizing that women had rights, created a
broad constitutional right to abortion
Page 43
aged, if not severely limited. The federal judiciary was the instrumentality chosen for this action, and the determined
decision to proceed was made about
1980 when Reagan took office. The
search for "right-thinking" judges began.
What the influence of the Reagan appointments has been is dramatically illustrated by checking the list of current
occupants of the judgeships and noting
which recent past president appointed
The anecdotal history which the author gives of some of these appointments, or of the near misses, is instructive. The senators of the diverse states
routinely scratch one another's backs in
accomodation on the great majority of
choices. When Reagan went into office,
the federal judiciary was divided about
about three to two between Democrats
and Republicans. At that time, the
courts were - by and large - committed to the protection of individual rights
and the idea that they should interfere
as little as possible with economic and
other activities not related to civilrights.
By the end of December 1987,when
the book was written, Reagan had appointed 76court of appeals judges out of
168authorized appellate positions (with
9 more pending) and 258 district court
judges out of the 575authorized (with 19
more pending). The federal courts were
about 60 percent Republican. Reagan's
judges were young (under forty) and required to be ideologues of the radical
right. The eight-year process of accomplishing this is clearly detailed in several chapters. The incredible nominations
and selections of Manion, Rehnquist,
February 1989
What's ahead?
The conclusions of the author are
grim: the appellate courts, particularly,
have utilized every device to close the
courts to appeals, especially of individual rights. The courts are more conservative and more regressive. The book is
filled with horror stories of justice betrayed. Although the lower federal judiciary is not as rigidly unresponsive to
change, the general tenor of the courts
at all levels is that of ultraconservatism,
And as the author looks to the future, he
is grim.
The book has several appendices,
one of which is "Questions by the Honorable John P. East, the Honorable Jeremiah Denton, and the Honorable Orrin
G. Hatch for Jospeh H~ Rodriguez,
Nominee for the United States District
Court for the District of New Jersey."
The full impact of the author's exploration of the court-packing scheme is given to denouement here. These four
pages of questions tell exactly where we
are headed. - Madalyn O'Hair ~
American Atheist
Me Too
Should Atheists
be in the forefront
of the animal rights
Austin, Texas
February 1989
Page 46
American Atheist
Two of a kind
Although Protestant fundamentalism
and the New Age movement are ostensibly antagonistic to each other, they
are basically the same syndrome elaborated from different socio-economic
groups. Both are attempts to regress, to
flee from the present into the womb of
the past, to escape from the essential
moral ambiguity of the universe, to reject autonomy and moral responsibility
and the terrors thereof. Both spit on
what they regard as human pride while
simultaneously pandering to it - fundamentalism by placing humanity "a little
below the angels," the New Age by
claiming that we are all really gods, sort
of, who have fallen from our true glory.
Both offer to the victims of natural disaster and human violence the cold comfort
that their suffering is their own fault.
Both are anti-intellectual. Both credulously embrace the supernatural. Both
exploit the gulliblefinancially. Both even
share a belief that we are on the eve of
a new world: fundamentalism with the
doctrine that Jesus is about to return,
the New Age with its fantasies of Harmonic Convergences and the imminent
dawn of a New Age. And while both give
some kind of meaning to the lives of
their adherents, both are ridiculous and
fraudulent insults to the human mind,
heart, and spirit.
The difference, as I mentioned, lies in
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"How to Start Your Own Profitable Religion," "Everlasting Life Guaranteed," plus
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Angeline Bennett's
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pp. Product #5020. $3.50 postpaid. American
Atheist Press, 7215 Cameron Rd., Austin,
TX 787ff2-'2973.
Africa's heritage: John G. Jackson gives a
different view of civilization in the "Dark
Continent" in Golden Ages of Africa. Stapled.
26 pp. Product #ff203. $3.50 postpaid. American Atheist Press, 7215 Cameron Rd.,
Austin, TX 787ff2-'2973.
February 1989
American Gay Atheists: P. O. Box 66711,
Houston, TX 77266-6711.Serving the Gay &
Lesbian Community. Dial-A-Gay-Atheist,
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Groups: Atheism's answer to AA faith
healing. Publishers of the world's only
monthly newsletter for Atheist alcoholics
and other addicts and their families and
friends. Write: AAARG!, P. O. Box 6120,
Denver, CO 80206-0120.
Old and used books, magazines, and
pamphlets on Atheism, freethought, rationalism, skepticism, liberalism, and agnoticism are needed for the Charles E. Stevens
American Atheist Library and Archives.
Clean out your attic and send the books to
us! For information on how to help the Library, write: R. Murray-O'Hair, Director,
Inc., P. O. Box 14505,
Austin, TX 78761-4505.
American Atheist
American Atheist
introductory reading list
1. Why I Am An Atheist, including a history of material14. Atheist Truth vs. Religion s Ghosts by Col. Robert G.
Ingersoll. Stapled. 57 pp. #5156
ism, by Madalyn O'Hair. Stapled. 41 pp. Product #5416
15. Some Reasons I Am a Freethinker by Robert G.
Ingersoll. Stapled. 37 pp. #5184
. 3.00
2. The Case against Religion: A Psychotherapist s View by
Dr. Albert Ellis. Stapled. 57 pp. #5096
16. Our Constitution - The Way It Was by Madalyn
O'Hair. Stapled. 70 pp. #5400
3. All the Questions You Ever Wanted to Ask American
Atheists with All of the Answers by Jon Murray and
17. American Atheist Heritage: Jefferson, Franklin,
Madalyn O'Hair. Paperback. 348 pp. #5356
Lincoln, and Burbank by Joseph Lewis. Stapled. 56 pp.
#5212 __
____ __ __
___ __
__ __ 4.00
4. What on Earth Is an Atheist! by Madalyn O'Hair.
Paperback. 288 pp. #5412
18. Fourteen Leading Cases on Education, Religion, and
5. An Atheist Speaks by Madalyn O'Hair. Paperback. 321
Financing Schools. Paperback. 273 pp. #5500
pp. #5098.
19. Sex Mythology by Sha Rocco. Stapled. 55 pp.
6. All about Atheists by Madalyn O'Hair. Paperback. 407
pp. #5097
20. Women and Atheism, The Ultimate Liberation by
Madalyn O'Hair. Stapled. 21 pp. #5420
7. Ingersoll the Magnificent by Joseph Lewis. Paperback.
342 pp. #5216
21. Christianity Before Christ by John G. Jackson.
Paperback. 237 pp. #5200
8. Essays on American Atheism, vol. I by Jon G. Murray.
Paperback. 349 pp. #5349
22. The Bible Handbook (All the contradictions, absurdities,
9. Essays on American Atheism, vol. II by Jon G. Murand atrocities from the Bible) by G.W. Foote, W.P.
ray. Paperback. 284 pp. #5350
Ball, John Bowden, and Richard M. Smith. Paperback.
372 pp. #5008
10. Essays in Freethinking, vol. I by Chapman Cohen.
Paperback. 229 pp. #5052
23. The X-Rated Bible by Ben Edward Akerley. Paperback.
428 pp. #5000
11. Essays in Freethinking, vol. II by Chapman Cohen.
Paperback. 240 pp. #5056
12. Life Story of August Comte by F. J. Gould. Paperback.
179 pp. #5132
.. .
13. The Logic and Virtue of Atheism by Joseph McCabe.
Stapled. 58 pp. #5280
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