American Atheist Magazine Q2 2017
American Atheist Magazine Q2 2017
American Atheist Magazine Q2 2017
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On the cover: Good newsthe U.S. population may include as many as 80 million atheists, more than
twice as many as were reported just two years ago. Bad newsthese newly discovered atheists had to
stay in the closet to be counted. Our cover story examines how they could both stay in the closet and be
counted, and what we can do to open those closet doors for good. Story on page 32.
Pamela Whissel
In This Issue
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Rick Wingrove
[email protected]
Time to Use the F-Word | Pamela Whissel
Karen Rei lly
5 Can an Atheist Have a Religious Experience? | J. Sage Elwell
Gil Gaudia
Shelley Gaudia
8 God Hates Children | Brian Bolton
Den Jackson
AMERICAN ATHEIST PRESS J-Dog Be Rappin! The Blog of Jesus Christ | Michael B. Paulkovich
Frank R. Zindler
[email protected] 16 Good News or Just Bad Writing? | Eric Wojciechowski
Published by
American Atheists, Inc. 19 Atheist Hospital Chaplains: The Time has Come | Mark Kolsen
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 158
Cranford, NJ 07016
22 Bless Me Father For I Have Sinned | Kathy Schultheis
Phone: 908.276.7300
FAX: 908.276.7402 26 BOOK EXCERPT The Nonbelievers Guide to the Book of Mormon | C.B. Brooks, M.D.
2017 American Atheists Inc.
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without written permission is prohibited. American
28 Falling in Love with the Most Hated Woman in America | Pamela Whissel
Atheist is indexed in the Alternative Press Index.
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Hiding in Plain Sight | Pamela Whissel
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Time to Use the F-word
Pamela Whissel
[email protected]
logical truth-value,
to his claims regarding his as Gods existence is denied,
experience and his identification and yet meaning arises in
of its so-called religious nature,
as well as his insistence that the experience can be the event as a second-order
affective experience which
he remains an atheist, it would
seem that we must reconsider the
accepted as religious preserves the first-order logic
that rejects belief in God while
meaning of the terms atheist without also asserting it simultaneously rendering
and religious experience in
order to allow for both with to be true. second-order value that is, as
Monroe Beardsley described it,
respect to his experience. But a logical absurdity.2
this is precisely to go against what What is logically absurd
was set out in the opening paragraph. It changes the terms. But, nonetheless has meaning and value. For example, the
perhaps, there is a third way. metaphor men are pigs is a logical absurdity (or perhaps
Joes atheistic religious experience brings together two not). While there may be ways that men can be considered
things that typically do not appear in conjunction with one pig-likedirty, smelly, etc.such a list would not finally
another: an atheist and a religious experience. Note the and absolutely explain the metaphor and wring from it all of
familiar structure of the atheistic religious experience: the its meaning any more than a thorough description of Vincent
conjoining of two dissimilar things to yield an interpretive van Goghs Starry Night would equal the painting. What
quandarythis is the structure of a metaphor. then, to use Beardsleys phrase, is the metaphorical twist that
Thus, rather than compromising the religiousness of the arises from the atheistic religious experience? The answer lies
experience or the atheism of the atheist, the atheistic religious in the arena of the aesthetic.
experience can be understood as a metaphor. This is not to say The twist of the metaphor atheistic religious experience
that it is a metaphor for something else. Rather, it itself is an is an aesthetic disclosure of meaning or value. In much the
instance of a metaphor. same way that we might declare that the meaning of the
A popular explanation of how metaphors work suggests metaphor war is hell rests in the visceral, emotional sense
that they generate meaning through the interaction of it conveysthereby eliding the question of truthwe can
their linguistic parts. The result is some new meaning that similarly declare that the meaning, the twist, of an atheist
transcends either of the individual linguistic elements. Thus, having a religious experience lies in its emotional, affective
The faultless children He will cut him to pieces and assign a place with the
unbelievers (Luke 12:46).
were buried alive, stoned to But those enemies who did not want me to be king over
them bring them here and kill them in front of me
death, or eaten alive by lions. (Luke 19:27).
Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces;
anyone on whom it falls will be crushed (Luke 20:18).
for the total destruction of Jerusalem as punishment for the Jesus used the popular technique of speaking in parables
residents because they did not acknowledge him as Gods to disguise his aberrant predilection for severely punishing
emissary: The days will come when your enemies will dash anyone who rejected him or disagreed with him. He was not a
you to the ground, you and the children within your walls pleasant person.
because you did not recognize the time of Gods coming
to you (Luke 19:43-44). Jesus coldly confirmed without Conclusion
regret or sorrow that everybody diedobviously including It is appropriate to conclude this truly unpleasant review
infants, children, and unborn childrenin Noahs flood by of biblical truth by returning to one of the dominant themes,
drowning and in the incineration of Sodom and Gomorrah that of parents sacrificing their children to gods or idols.
(Luke 17:26-29). Moreover, he did not express any special Devout Christians believe that Yahwehs greatest deed of
concern for children or unborn children during the self less devotion to humankind was the blood sacrifice
anticipated end times: Woe to pregnant women and those of his only begotten son, the lamb of God as atonement
who are nursing (Matthew 24:19). for our sins. In fact, Yahwehs decision is the cornerstone
Jesus anti-family values are expressed in four quotes that of nauseating death-obsessed Christian theology, which
document his attitude of complete disregard for children. encompasses human creation, the fall, and endless cycles
of disobedience and severe punishment culminating in the
Anyone who comes to me and does not hate parents, monumental sacrifice of Jesus and his subsequent restoration
siblings, spouse, and children and even himselfcannot to life and ascension to heaven.
be my disciple (Luke 14:26). Believers are still awaiting the repeatedly promised and
Everyone who has left homes, parents, siblings, spouse, or long-overdue return of the Messiah, at which time they will
children for my sake will be rewarded in this life and will be raptured into the hereafter to live forever with loving
inherit eternal life (Matthew 19:29; Mark 10:29-30; Luke Yahweh and his son, while the vast majority of humanity
18:29). faces unending torture inf licted in the most terrifying ways
Anyone who loves father or mother more than me is not imaginable, as lovingly described by Jesus himself. God
worthy of me; anyone who loves sons or daughters more not only hates children and unborn children, he despises
than me is not worthy of me (Matthew 10:37). everybody except his three selves (father/son/holy ghost)
I have not come to bring peace to the earth. Rather, I and his/their sycophants.
have come to divide father against son, mother against
daughtera persons worst enemies will be the members of Brian Bolton is a retired psychologist living in Georgetown, Texas.
his own family (Matthew 10:34-36 ; Luke 12:51-53).
J-Dog be Rappin!
The Blog of Jesus Christ by Michael B. Paulkovich
praise the dad! but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD:
whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall
surely be put to death (Exodus 31:15).
2. Infancy Gospel of Thomas, II.3-V.1
around visiting friends in da city (Matthew 27:51-53)! How 3. The Bible says the universe will end within one generation of
cool wuz dat? Dis whack event wuz, no doubt, recorded by Jesus time (Mt 23:36, 24:34, 16:27-28, Mk 9:1, Lk 21:32). So
hundreds of writers throughout da entire region. 5 it was supposed to have ended around the year 50 or so.
And today, as my sacrifice, I must sit on my throne in 4. Did Jesus praise Solomon because he had had 700 wives,
heaven next to my pops while being praised daily by all those 300 concubines, and many princesses (1 Kings 11:3)?
who my father and I have decided not to torture for eternity. 5. Of all the historical texts from that era that survive today,
Behold my greatness and infinite forgiving nature, for I be not one of them make even a passing reference to bodies
makin heaven great again! emerging from their graves en mass.
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Jesus words
get to read these astonishing teachings. sermon is found only in Matthew, while
The best we're given are the parables. just a sprinkle of it appears in Luke. It
This is a very poor substitute because seems to me that the authors of Matthew
the parables, although nice poetry, as carefully as and Luke were doing their best to give
are nothing that would woo crowds of
elders, scribes, and high priests. So the Muslims have Jesus something great to say. But the
message in the sermon is so common
teachings that are left undefined must
be different. In fact, the author of Mark with the words that it reveals a very human, non-divine
authorship. How about some remarks
seems to say this very thing.
In Mark 4:10-12, Jesus takes his
of Muhammad regarding germ theory and why people get
sick? How about pointing out the benefits
disciples to the side and says, To you
has been given the secret of the Kingdom
in the Hadith? of clean teeth and a low-salt, vegetarian
diet? Or telling people that seizures are
of God, but for those outside, everything caused by a neurological disorder, and not
comes in parables. He does this, he by demons? Maybe the gospels containing
explains, In order that they may indeed look, but not perceive, the full details are the ones that have been lost to history. But if
and may indeed listen, but not understand. So the parables thats the case, why didnt the Christian community preserve
cannot be the same as the undescribed teachings. If his all-tell- these words as carefully as Muslims have with the words of
no-show teachings are too confusing to be understood, how Muhammad in the Hadith?
could they have amazed crowds of people? The secret teachings We do have the gospel of Thomas, a collection of 114
of the kingdom of God are again missing because the author quotes allegedly from Jesus. No context is given, just quotes.
either couldn't think of anything to amaze his readers or there You would think that all the great stuff would be here, right?
never were any teachings in the first place. Nope, its just more of the same. For example, in the thirteenth
The other possibility is that the author of Mark had only quote, Jesus pulls Thomas to the side and tells him a secret.
heard that they happened and never got any of the details. When the other disciples want to know what Jesus said,
If only Mark were written like this, then maybe he could Thomas says, If I tell you one of the things which he told
be forgiven. But the other three canonical gospels do the me, you will pick up stones and throw them at me; a fire will
same thing. They lay out parables, but as for those amazing come out of the stones and burn you up. So here again more
teachings, we're left to guess. expectation that something great is being said, but its never
I do acknowledge that the great detail provided in Matthew put on display. In the twentieth quote, the disciples say to
all-tell-no-show You'd think he would use the words of the founder to assert
his authority. But when he wants to quote anything to make
a point on how things should run, he goes back to the Old
teachings are too Testament. The one and only time he quotes Jesus is when he
confusing to be
refers to the Last Supper (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). He admits
up front it came from a revelation (a dream or hallucination or
something akin to a shamanic meditation), not from a written
understood, how could record of the event. Paul's only concern is of the death and
resurrection which, like the Last Supper information, was not
they have amazed taught to him by any man but discovered through revelation
(Galatians 1:12).
crowds of people? This is a major red flag which indicates there was nothing
there in the first place. If Jesus had actually revealed the word
of God to us, whether to vast crowds or just to his inner circle, it
would have been the most important information in the world,
anything to show for it. It would be understandable if the and there's no way it would have been lost. This leads me to
gospel authors teased us until the end and waited until then conclude that there was never any information to lose in the
to put all the incredible stuff in the readers lap. But it doesnt first place. No teaching, no message, just bad writing.
work out like that.
I know what you might be thinking. Each gospel does Eric Wojciechowski lives with his wife and two children in Livonia,
reveal the message of what the good news is. The end itself, Michigan. He has written for Skeptic, Free Inquiry, and the political
the death and resurrection is it, and so was revealed. I beg blog Freedom Cocktail.
N ovember, 1961. Its a Saturday afternoon, and I am eleven. At the appointed time,
I enter the half-lit the confessional, kneel on the prie dieu, and fold my hands on the
sloping shelf beneath the sliding screen. Above my head, a crucifix: his body nailed
to the cross, a loin cloth draped across him. I cast my eyes down. I must not notice his
body, and think only about his agony for the sins of mankind, which include my sins.
The screen pulls back. The Latin incantation asks Jesus mercy upon my soul. I make
the sign of the cross and whisper the words I have memorized: Bless me, Father, for I
have sinned. It has been four weeks since my last confession. These are my sins.
Melissa Leo as Madalyn Murray OHair at a rally in the early days of American Atheists. (Photo by Beth Dubber/Netflix)
Peter Fonda as Rev. Harrington and Melissa Leo as Madalyn (Photo by Beth Dubber/Netflix)
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T he drive to be right at all costs causes blindness. We see this in todays political climate with the
denial of inaugural attendance numbers despite evidence, assertions of wiretapping despite the
absence of evidence, and endless tweeting on matters unrelated to the presidency. This kind of
tunnel vision denies reality and facts in order to push an agendano matter what.
The Kafir Project was published in 2015, before our recent
election cycle. Despite what relevance the book may have had
prior to the current administration, one cannot help but think it
was written for 2017, as if author Lee Burvine knew what would
of the past by sending cameras back in time. They also find a
way to harness the field of archaeology to unearth artifacts seen
in their observations to use as proof of their abilities. While
at first this seems to be the holy grail (pardon the phrase) of
happen. The Kafir Project is a tale of religious paradigm shifts, discoveries which could give a government or organization an
government conspiracies, futuristic technology, and the quest incredible amount of power, it doesnt take long for these entities
for truth. It is about getting to the roots of religion, weeding it to realize that the very technology theyve funded can easily
out, and changing the world as a result. Its about facing down be turned against them. What may have started as a way for
the opposition to facts and justiceeven if it means risking the the United States to prove their enemies wrong could very well
lives of everyone you love. prove them wrong as well.
Burvines tale takes us into the life of Dr. Gevin Rees, a Rees stumbles blindly into this web of conspiracy as he
middle-aged science communicator among the likes of Bill Nye attempts to find Herodotus and others to gather all the pieces of
and Neil deGrasse Tyson. He finds himself at the center of an the technology and leverage his fame as a science communicator
international plot to cover up historic video evidence that could to give the public this new knowledge. Along the way, he forms
shake the core of the faithful, including, but not limited to, alliances with Special Agent Kerry Morgan, a quick-thinking
followers of Islam. After the location of a secret meeting with the employee of the Department of Defense and most certainly the
infamous physicist Edward Fischer becomes the site of a murder, muscle of the operation; Dr. Danielle Harris, a leading expert
Rees must work with and against the government and fellow on quantum computing; and Dr. Louis Tyminski, an accidental
scientists to prevent death, injustice, and cover-ups. member of the group with a conspiracy theorists mind.
Fischer and two colleagues discover a way to observe events The story takes on the perspectives of a large cast of
of science
ever wondered what it would be like to be Let us imagine for a moment that there
trapped inside a quantum computing facility would be some who would accept the reality
as the threat of death by boiling helium looms, presented to them by the new-time technology.
youre in for a treat. How about being trapped
in a drug-induced nightmare? Or battling permanently What would happen to the most faithful? Could
you imagine being so forcibly ripped from your
henchmen who feel no physical pain? Gunplay,
chases, stakeouts, clandestine meetings, and undoing their belief and thrust into the world that atheists
inhabit every day? Most people who deconvert
fairy tales.
double-crossing all lend tension and excitement do not do so instantaneously. The comfort
to the action. of an afterlife would be stripped away and
The sheer number of characters was, at people could become hopeless. While I would
times, a bit confusing. Sometimes, entire certainly like to rid the world of religion and all
chapters are devoted to the development of just one character, its evils, I would fear at least some level of deep depression and
and then theyre killed off immediately. I occasionally found suicide among the formerly faithful. Is that cost worth having
myself flipping back to previous sections to make sure I was something like Burvines time-viewing technology, if it could
keeping everyone straight. Was he the one who wielded the ice become a reality? Would there be a way to ease the populace into
pick or was he the guy who was orchestrating the moves of the the new world? These are some questions this book asks.
grunts? Despite the brief interruptions to get my facts in line, the As an atheist and avid reader, I feel barraged by the volume of
speed bumps never stopped my desire to plunge ahead. science overviews, philosophies, and social critiques published
Although there are some leaps of the imagination, Burvine and marketed toward people like me, despite how much I enjoy
weaves together physics, religion, conspiracies, archaeology, and those types of work. As skeptics, we tend to be so preoccupied
ruminations on social awkwardness. As heroes go, Rees is not with our reality obsession that sometimes it can be a breath of
exactly what one would bring to mind when thinking of Jason fresh air to suspend our disbelief. On the other hand, perhaps
Bourne-style adventures, but he has a way of uniquely navigating some of us spend too much time pretending in our own lives that
through sticky situations as opposed to using brute forcewhich someone elses fiction is a welcome respite. Either way, The Kafir
he lacks the ability for anyway. Rees is a troubled man, and we Project, being the compelling, science-driven fiction that it is,
see this at times when he observes others finding love that he hits the spot.
cant seem to allow himself to have, or when those close to him
succumb to darkness so great it leads them to very difficult Sam Witt is a board member of the Greater Cincinnati Tri-State
placesplaces which Rees takes no pleasure in recalling. Freethinkers, an affiliate of American Atheists.
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NY Ward Melville High School Secular Student Alliance East Setauket
To collect and disseminate information, data, and literature on all religions and promote a more thorough
understanding of them, their origins, and their histories;
To advocate, labor for, and promote in all lawful ways the complete and absolute separation of state and church;
To act as a watchdog to challenge any attempted breach of the wall of separation between state and church;
To advocate, labor for, and promote in all lawful ways the establishment and maintenance of a thoroughly secular
system of education available to all;
To encourage the development and public acceptance of a humane ethical system stressing the mutual sympathy,
understanding, and interdependence of all people and the corresponding responsibility of each individual in relation
to society;
To develop and propagate a social philosophy in which humankind is central and must itself be the source of
strength, progress, and ideals for the well-being and happiness of humanity;
To promote the study of the arts and sciences and of all problems affecting the maintenance, perpetuation, and
enrichment of human (and other) life; and
To engage in such social, educational, legal, and cultural activity as will be useful and beneficial to the members of
American Atheists and to society as a whole.
A theism is the comprehensive world view of persons who are free from theism and have freed themselves of supernatural
beliefs altogether. It is predicated on ancient Greek Materialism.
A theism involves the mental attitude that unreservedly accepts the supremacy of reason and aims at establishing a life-
style and ethical outlook verifiable by experience and the scientific method, independent of all arbitrary assumptions of
authority and creeds.
M aterialism declares that the cosmos is devoid of immanent conscious purpose; that it is governed by its own inherent,
immutable, and impersonal laws; that there is no supernatural interference in human life; that humankind, finding
the resources within themselves, can and must create their own destiny. It teaches that we must prize our life on earth
and strive always to improve it. It holds that human beings are capable of creating a social system based on reason and
justice. Materialisms faith is in humankind and their ability to transform the world culture by their own efforts. This is
a commitment that is, in its very essence, life-asserting. It considers the struggle for progress as a moral obligation that is
impossible without noble ideas that inspire us to bold, creative works.
M aterialism holds that our potential for good and more fulfilling cultural development is, for all practical purposes,
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