Ieee Panel Ferro Model

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Transformer Modeling for Simulation of LowFrequency Transients

J.A. Martinez, Member, IEEE, and B.A. Mork, Member, IEEE

Abstract-- This presentation gives a review of models proposed

for representing transformers in low-frequency transients. The
document presents a classification of the most popular models
and discusses guidelines for representation of non-linear and
frequency dependent phenomena associated with transients
below the first winding resonance.
Index Terms Transformer Modeling, Ferroresonance,
Inrush, Simulation.


he development of an accurate transformer model can be

very complex due to the large number of core designs and
to the fact that several transformer parameters are both nonlinear and frequency dependent. Physical attributes whose
behavior may need to be correctly represented are core and
coil configurations, self- and mutual inductances between
coils, leakage fluxes, skin effect and proximity effect in coils,
magnetic core saturation, hysteresis and eddy current losses in
core, and capacitive effects [1]. Models of varying complexity
have been developed and implemented in simulation tools to
duplicate the transient behavior of transformers. This
presentation summarizes the state-of-the-art on transformer
models for simulation of low frequency transients, such as
ferroresonance, inrush transients, and harmonic interactions.
Transformer models for simulation of low-frequency
transients can be classified into three groups, whose main
characteristics are summarized below.
1) Matrix representation: The transformer equation for
transient calculations can be written in the following form
[ v ] = [ R] [ i ] + [ L] [ di / dt ]
where [R] and j[L] are respectively the real and the
imaginary part of the branch impedance matrix. In case of a
very low excitation current, the transformer should be
described by the following equation
[di / dt ] = [ L] 1[v ] [ L] 1[ R][i ]

Juan A. Martinez is with the Dept. dEnginyeria Elctrica, Universitat

Politcnica de Catalunya, 08028 Barcelona, Spain.
Bruce A. Mork is with the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Michigan
Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931, USA.

Both approaches include phase-to-phase couplings and

terminal characteristics, but they do not consider
differences in core or winding topology; besides these
models are linear and theoretically valid only for the
frequency at which the nameplate data was obtained,
although they are reasonably accurate for frequencies
below 1 kHz [2]. For simulation of saturable cores,
excitation may be omitted from the matrix description and
attached externally at the model terminals in the form of
non-linear elements; such core is not always topologically
correct, but good enough in many cases.
2) Saturable Transformer Component: A single-phase Nwinding transformer model can be based on a star-circuit
representation, whose equation has the following form [2]
[ L]1[v ] = [ L]1[ R][i ] + [di / dt ]
Saturation and hysteresis effects can be modeled by adding
an extra non-linear inductor at the star point. This model
can be extended to three-phase units through the addition
of a zero-sequence reluctance parameter. This model is of
limited application, even for single-phase units, since
magnetizing inductance and the resistance in parallel are
connected to the star point, which is not always the correct
topological connecting point.
3) Topology-based models can very accurately represent any
type of core design in low-frequency transients if
parameters are properly determined. These models can be
derived using at least two different approaches.
Duality-based models: The application of the principle of
duality results in models that include the effects of
saturation in each individual leg of the core, interphase
magnetic coupling, and leakage effects [3] [6]. In the
equivalent magnetic circuit, windings appear as MMF
sources, leakage paths appear as linear reluctances, and
magnetic cores appear as saturable reluctances. The mesh
and node equations of the magnetic circuit are duals of the
electrical equivalent node and mesh equations respectively.
Winding resistances, core losses, and capacitive coupling
effects are not obtained directly from the transformation,
but can be added to the equivalent circuit.
Geometric models: Topologically correct models can be
based on the following formulation
[v ] = [ R][i ] + [d / dt ]
The coupling between magnetic and electrical equations is
made taking into account the core topology, see [7], [8].
Some transformer parameters are non-linear and/or

frequency dependent due to three major effects: saturation,

hysteresis and eddy currents. Saturation and hysteresis are
included in the representation of the iron core and introduce
distortion in waveforms. Excitation losses are caused by
hysteresis and eddy current effects, although in modern
transformers they are mostly due to eddy current.
A. Modeling of Iron Cores
Iron core behavior is usually represented by a relationship
between the magnetic flux density B and the magnetic field
intensity H. To characterize the material behavior fully, a
model has to be able to plot numerous associated curves
(major and minor loops). Hysteresis loops usually have a
negligible influence on the magnitude of the magnetizing
current, although hysteresis losses and the residual flux can
have a major influence on some transients, e.g., inrush
currents. Magnetic saturation of an iron core can be
represented by the anhysteretic curve, the BH relationship
that would be obtained if there was no hysteresis effect in the
material. The saturation characteristic can be modeled by a
piecewise linear inductance with two slopes. Increasing the
number of slopes does not significantly improve the accuracy.
The specification of such inductor requires a curve relating the
flux linkage, , to the current, i. The information usually
available is the rms voltage as a function of the rms current.
B. Modeling of Eddy Current Effects
Several physical phenomena, known as eddy current effects, occur simultaneously in a loaded transformer that result
in a nonuniform distribution of current in the conductors, and
manifest themselves as an increase in the effective resistance
and winding losses with respect to those for direct current.
Eddy current effects in transformer windings can be modeled
by Foster equivalent circuits. These circuits must be of infinite
order to exactly reproduce the impedance at all frequencies.
However, a computationally efficient circuit can be derived by
fitting only at certain pre-established frequen-cies [9]. A series
model of order equal or less than 2 is adequate for lowfrequency transients.
A change in the magnetic field induces also eddy currents
in the iron. As a consequence of this, the flux density will be
lower than that given by the normal magnetization curve. As
frequency changes, flux distribution in the iron core lamination changes. For high frequencies the flux is confined to a
thin layer close to the lamination surface, whose thickness decreases as the frequency increases. This indicates that inductances representing iron path magnetization and resistances
representing eddy current losses are frequency dependent.
Efficient models intended for simulation of frequency dependent magnetizing inductances have been derived by synthesizing Cauer equivalent circuits to match the equivalent impedance of either a single lamination or a coil wound around a
laminated iron core limb [10], [11]. Inductive components of
these models represent the magnetizing reactances and have to
be made non-linear to account for the hysteresis and saturation effects. Since the high frequency components do not
contribute appreciably to the flux in the transformer core, it

can be assumed that only low frequency components are responsible for driving the core into saturation. It may, therefore,
be justifiable to represent as non-linear only the first section of
the model, so for lowfrequency transients a equivalent circuit
with order equal or less than 2 may suffice.
Data usually available for any power transformer are:
power rating, voltage rating, excitation current, excitation
voltage, excitation losses, short-circuit current, short-circuit
voltage, short-circuit losses, saturation curve, capacitances
between terminals and between windings. Excitation and
short-circuit currents, voltages and losses must be provided
from both direct and homopolar measurements.
The specification of some parameters can be a bottleneck
due to the lack of reliable procedures for their determination,
since their calculation cannot be performed from standard
measurements, and additional information is usually required.
See [12] for the calculation of leakage inductances; [5], [6],
[13] for the calculation of parameters to be specified in
duality-based models; [14] for a study on the influence of
eddy current losses and the determination of resistances as a
function of frequency; and [15], [16] for the determination of
saturation characteristic and hysteresis parameters.
This presentation summarizes the most important issues
related to transformer modeling for simulation of lowfrequency-transients. Although much effort has been
dedicated to the development of transformer models, there is
no consensus on the most adequate models. The most important difficulties are the great variety of core designs, the nonlinear and frequency dependent behavior of many transformer
parameters, and the inadequacy of procedures for acquisition
and determination of some transformer parameters.


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Juan A. Martinez was born in Barcelona (Spain). He is Profesor Titular at the
Departament d'Enginyeria Elctrica of the Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya.
His teaching and research interests include Transmission and Distribution, Power
System Analysis and EMTP applications.
Bruce A. Mork was born in Bismarck, ND. He received the B.S. degree in
Mechanical Engineering and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical
Engineering from North Dakota State University in 1979, 1981 and 1992
respectively. In September 1992, he joined the faculty of Michigan
Technological University, where he is an Assistant Professor of Electrical

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