Psychometric Test Resources

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Faculty of Science
School of Psychology

Table of Contents
About psychometric test resources ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Psychometric Test Authorisation Form ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Measures from Journal Articles and Online Resources (copies stored in room 333).................................................................. 5
0-9 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
A.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
B .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
C........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
D........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
E ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
F ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23
G ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
H........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
I ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
J - K .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
L ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
M ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
N-O.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
P ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 41
Q-R.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45
S........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 48
T ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 56
U-V-W-X-Y-Z .................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Photocopiable Resources (held in room 333)................................................................................................................................ 61
Copyrighted Psychometric Tests.................................................................................................................................................... 68

About psychometric test resources

Psychometric test resources are divided into three categories

Scales that are freely available on the internet or in journal articles

Scales that can be photocopied
Scales that the School has purchased for use

Prior to using any research scale you must first establish that it is suitable for your research purposes, take note of
reliability and validity, and most importantly you must observe COPYRIGHT restrictions.

To obtain psychometric scales you must first complete a Psychology Test Authorisation Form (available overleaf and
online). Once complete, resources are available from the IT Office (Room 333)

Liverpool John Moores University

School of Psychology

Psychometric Test Authorisation Form

This test form must be completed by you and authorised by the member of teaching staff in
charge of the course with which your psychology test request is connected.
The completed form should be then handed to Glen Pennington the IT Support Officer (Room 333, Ext. 4244)
who will issue you with the requested equipment for use outside the department on the understanding any loss
of this material is your responsible and will be charged for.

STUDENT'S NAME: ....................................................................
HOME ADDRESS: .................................................................

TELEPHONE NUMBER: ..............................................................




may borrow the following psychology test/s


for use with the student's course ............................................................


FROM: ....................................... TO:


(The normal period for borrowing is 2 weeks)




Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Measures from Journal Articles and Online Resources (copies stored in room 333)
The tests printed below can be found in journal articles or on the internet. The copyright of these tests belongs to
the authors or the publishers, however they are resources that are free to use when permission has been granted
and they are referenced correctly. Some authors request that you share your data with them, or seek written
permission. It is your responsibility to ensure that you use the tests properly and fairly by complying with the
wishes of the authors. You may not alter any items in copyrighted tests.
All tests are stored in the IT Office (room 333).

12 Item Short Form Health

A shorter, yet valid alternative to the SF-36 for use in large surveys of
general and specific populations as well as large longitudinal studies of
health outcomes.

15D Measure of Health Related

Quality of Life

A multi-dimensional health related quality of life measure, generic,

standardised easy to use instrument to produce a single index score.

Ware, J. E. et al. (1996) A 12-itme Short

Forms Health Survey (SF-12): construction
of scales and preliminary tests of reliability
and validity. Medical Care,
Sintonen, H and Perkurinen, M. A fifteen
dimensional measure of health related
quality of life. And its applications. In
Quality of Life Assessment: Key Issues in
t he 1990s. Walker, S.R and Rosser, R.M
(eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, 185-195.

33-item Emotional Intelligence


Schutte, Malouff, Hall, Haggerty, Cooper, Golden, & Dornheim have

developed a 33-item self-report measure based on Salovey and Mayers
(1990) work. There is evidence for convergent and divergent validity.

Schutte, N. S., Malouff, J.M., Hall, L.E.,

Haggerty, D. J., Cooper, J. T., Golden, C.
J., Dornheim, L. (1998). Development and
validation of a measure of emotional
intelligence. Personality and Individual
Differences. 25, 167-177.

Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Abbreviated Dyadic Adjustment


The Abbreviated Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) is used to assess marital


Aberdeen Back Pain Scale

The Aberdeen low back pain scale is a patient-completed, disease-specific

questionnaire. It consists of 19 questions each with between 3 and 6
possible responses, and contains questions on analgesia, aggravating
factors, distribution of symptoms and the effect of pain on function.
Possible scores range from 0 - 100.
Measuring student self-efficacy in academic settings.

Sabourin S, Valois P, Lussier Y. (2005)

Development and validation of a brief
version of the dyadic adjustment scale
with a nonparametric item analysis model.
Psychology Assess. Mar; 17(1): 15-27.
Ruta DA Garratt AM et al. 1994.
Developing a valid and reliable measure of
health outcome for patients with low back
pain. Spine, 19:1887-96.

Academic Confidence Scale

Sander, P, and Sanders, L. Electronic

Journal of Research in Educational
Psychology and Psychopedagogy, 1(1), 117.

Assessment of Childrens
Emotion Skills: Social Behaviors
and Social Situations Vignettes

ACES includes sections concerning social behaviors, social situations, and

facial expressions.The social behaviors and social situations sections each
contain 15 one- to three sentence items. In response to each item,
children label the protagonists feeling by choosing either happy, sad,
mad, scared, or no feeling.

Adolescent Drug Involvement


The Adolescent Drug Involvement Scale (ADIS) was developed as a

research and evaluation tool to measure level of drug involvement in
adolescents. The scale is an adaptation of Mayer and Filstead Adolescent
Alcohol Involvement Scale. For purposes of interpretation, drug
involvement is considered as a continuum ranging from no use to severe

Schultz, D., Trentacosta, C., Izard, C. E.,

Leaf, P., & Mostow, A. ~2004!.
Childrens emotion processing: The
development of the Assessment of
Childrens Emotion Skills (ACES).
Manuscript submitted for publication.
DOI: 10.10170S0954579404044566
Moberg, D.P., Hahn, L. The Adolescent
Drug Involvement Scale. Journal of
Adolescent Chemical Dependency, 2(1),
75-88, (1991).

Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale

(ASRS-v1.1) Symptom

The Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS-V1.1) Symptom Checklist,

developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), is an important selfassessment diagnostic tool. A patient-friendly Adult ADHD Screening
Tool, adapted from the WHO model. In addition to educating adult
patients about ADHD, it also encourages self-identification and increases
patient/physician dialogue about ADHD. For the physician, it can serve as
a starting point for patient assessment.
Designed to aid in evaluating an individual's aggressive responses and
ability to channel those responses in a safe and constructive manner.

Adler LA, Kessler RC, Spencer T. Adult

ADHD Self-Report Scale-v1.1 (ASRS-v1.1)
Symptom Checklist. New York, NY: World
Health Organization; 2003.

Aggression Questionnaire

Buss, A.H., & Perry, M. (1992). The

Aggression Questionnaire. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 63,

AIDS Discussion Strategy Scale


AIDS Discussion Strategy Scale (ADSS), an objective self-report

instrument designed to measure the types of interpersonal discussion
strategies that women and men use if they want to discuss AIDS with an
intimate partner.

Snell, W. E., Jr. (in press). The AIDS

Discussion Strategy Scale. In C. M.
Davis, W. L. Yarber, and S. L. Davis
(Eds.), Handbook of sexuality-related
measures. Newbury Park: Sage.
Snell, W. E., Jr., & Finney, P. D. (1990).
Interpersonal strategies associated with
the discussion of AIDS. Annals of Sex
Research, 3, 425-451.

Alcohol Use Disorders

Identification Test Screening

This questionnaire looks at alcohol intake and its effects

Appraisal of Live Events


This scale is designed to provide a reliable and valid index of the three
primary appraisal dimensions described in Lazarus and Folkmans
transactional model of stress namely threat, challenge and loss. It is an
adjective check list that can be used to assess appraisals
Identity orientations refer to the relative importance that individuals place
on various identity attributes or characteristics when constructing their
self-definitions (Cheek, 1989). The development of the Aspects of
Identity Questionnaire began with the selection of items from Sampson's
(1978) list of identity characteristics that were judged to represent the
domains of personal and social identity (Cheek & Briggs, 1981, 1982)

Aspects of Identity

World Health Organization

Ferguson, E., Matthews, G., & Cox, T.

(1999). The appraisal of life events (ALE)
scale:reliability, and validity. British
Journal of Health Psychology, 4, 97-116.
Cheek, J. M., & Briggs, S. R. (1982). Selfconsciousness and aspects of identity.
Journal of Research in Personality, 16,

Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Attitudes and Beliefs About

Asthma Questionnaire

The scale covers emotional impact of asthma, effect of asthma on

relationships, severity, effect on activities, coping with an attack, feelings
about medication, and satisfaction with medical care.

Attitudes Towards Self

The Attitudes Toward Self (ATS) was designed to measure three potential
self-regulatory vulnerabilities to depression. One of them is the holding of
overly high standards, the second is the tendency to be self-critical at any
failure to perform well, and the third is the tendency to generalize from a
single failure to the broader sense of self-worth. Very consistently, only
generalization has uniquely related to depression (see Carver et al. 1988
reference below). More recently I have found evidence that generalization
is a prospective predictor of depression in interaction with adverse
An Objective Instrument to Measure Attitudes Towards the Rights and
Roles of Women in Contemporary Society

Sibbald, B et al. (1996) Questionnaire

assessment of patients attitudes and
beliefs about asthma. Family Practice,
3(1), 37-41.
Carver, C. S. (1998). Generalization,
adverse events, and development of
depressive symptoms. Journal of
Personality, 66, 609-620.

Attitudes Towards Women

Spence, J.T., Helmreich, R., & Stapp, J.

(1973). A short version of the Attitudes
toward Women Scale (AWS). Bulletin of
the Psychonomic Society, 2, 219-220.

Authoritarianism-Rebellion Scale

Measuring authoritarianism rebellion.

Avoidance Strategies
Questionnaire (ASQ).

The ASQ items are scored so that: A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D = 4, and E

= 5. Two types of scale construction procedures can be used with the
Avoidance Strategy Questionnaire (ASQ; Belk & Snell, 1988): First, two
scales corresponding to the bilateral-unilateral and compliance-non
compliance dimensions can be computed by first multiplying item scores
by their relevant MDS coefficients and then summing across the 24 items.
Higher scores on the resulting two scales correspond to the use of
bilateral (versus unilateral) and compliance (versus non compliance)
avoidance strategies. Second, four subscales corresponding to the factor
analysis results reported by Belk and Snell (1988) can be computed.

Kohn, P.M. (1972). The AuthoritarianismRebellion scale: A balanced F Scale with

left-wing reversals. Sociometry, 35, 176189.

Belk, S. S., & Snell, W. E., Jr. (1988).

Avoidance strategies in intimate
relationships. Journal of Social and
Clinical Psychology, 7, 80-96.
Belk, S. S., Garcia, R., Hernandez, J. E., &
Snell, W. E., Jr. (1988). Avoidance
strategy use in the intimate relationships
of women and men from Mexico and the
United States. Psychology of Women
Quarterly, 12, 165-174.

Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

A structured self-report interview schedule, covering objective and

subjective indices of quality of life in nine life areas. Indices of general
well being are also included together with open ended questions
concerning aspirations and significant life experiences and perceived
comparisons of hospital and community.
Measure of chronic beliefs.

Barry, M. M et al. (1993) Methodological

issues in evaluating the quality of life of
long stay psychiatric patients. Journal of
Mental Health 2, 43-56.

Bangor Quality of Life Schedule

Belief in a Dangerous World

Belief in Good Luck Scale

Beliefs About Women Scale


The BIGL has 12 questions, such as Luck works in my favor, which the
participants rated on a scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 6
(strongly agree).
Permission is granted to individuals to use the Beliefs About Women Scale
(BAWS) for research purposes. Permission granted by William E. Snell, Jr.
on February 18, 1997.

Altemeyer, B. (1988). Enemies of

freedom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Darke, P.R., & Freedman,J. L. (1997). The
belief in good luck scale, Journal of
Research in Personality, 31, 486-511.
Belk, S. S., & Snell, W. E., Jr. (1986).
The Beliefs About Women Scale (BAWS):
Scale development and validation. Social
and Behavioral Sciences Documents, 16,
10. (Ms. No. 2747)

Bem Sex Role Inventory

Berlin Social Support Scales

The Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) providesicon to be replaced....

independent assessments of masculinity and femininity in terms of the
respondents self-reported possession of socially desirable, stereotypically
masculine and feminine personality characteristics. This can also be seen
as a measurement of the extent to which respondents spontaneously sort
self-relevant information into distinct masculine and feminine categories.
The self administering 60-item questionnaire measures masculinity,
femininity, androgyny, and undifferentiated, using the Masculinity and
Femininity scales.
BSSS comprises 5 psychometric scales that are being used in current
research on coping with illness.

Bem, Sandra L. (1974). The measurement

of psychological androgyny. Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 42,

Ralf Schwarzer & Ute Schulz, 2000

Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Big 5 Personality Scale

This test measures what many psychologists consider to be the five

fundamental dimensions of personality. The Big Five Inventory (BFI) is a
self-report inventory designed to measure the Big Five dimensions. It is
quite brief for a multidimensional personality inventory (44 items total),
and consists of short phrases with relatively accessible vocabulary. A
copy of the BFI, with scoring instructions, is reprinted in the chapter as an
appendix. Oliver John is the copyright holder for the BFI. If after weighing
the fair use implications (see below) you decide that you want or need
formal permission, you will need to contact Oliver John
A speedy measure of personality.

Big Five Inventory-10 (BFI-10)

Rammstedt, B., & John, O. P.

Journal of Research in Personality xxx
(2006) xxxxxx
Refer to

Binge Eating Scale


Body Awareness Questionnaire

Several theorists have argued that two general motivational systems

underlie behavior. A behavioral approach system (BAS) is believed to
regulate appetitive motives, in which the goal is to move toward
something desired. A behavioral avoidance (or inhibition) system (BIS) is
said to regulate aversive motives, in which the goal is to move away from
something unpleasant. The BIS/BAS scales were developed to assess
individual differences in the sensitivity of these systems.
Scale designed to assess self-reported attentiveness to normal nonemotive body processes, specifically, sensitivity to body cycles and
rhythms, ability to detect small changes in normal functioning, and ability
to anticipate bodily reactions.

Gormally, J., Black, S., Daston, S., and

Rardin, D. (1982) The Assessment of
Binge Eating Severity Among Obese
Persons. Addictive Behaviors, Vol. 7, pp.
47-55, 1982
Carver, C. S., & White, T. L. (1994).
Behavioral inhibition, behavioral activation,
and affective responses to impending
reward and punishment: The BIS/BAS
scales. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 67, 319-333.

Shields, S.A., Mallory, M.E., & Simon, A.

(1989). The Body Awareness
Questionnaire: Reliability and validity.
Journal of Personality Assessment, 53,


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Body Comparison Scale

Investigates body comparison processes using multi-dimensional scaling.

Fisher, E., Dunn, M. & Thompsom, J. K.

(2002). Social Comparison and Body
Image: An Investigation of Body
Comparison Processes using
Multidimensional Scaling. Journal of Social
and Clinical Psychology, 21 (5), 566-579.

Body Esteem Scale

Scale used to identify the increasing dissatisfaction among women about

their body image and self esteem

Franzoi, S.L. & Shields, S.A. (1984). The

Body-Esteem Scale: Multidimensional
structure and sex differences in a college
population. Journal of Personality
Assessment, 48, 173-178.

Body Shape Questionnaire 16

item and 8-item versions

The 34-, 16-, and 8-item versions showed equivalent convergent and
discriminant validation against the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT)-26 and
other parameters

Evans, C. & Dolan, B. (1993) Body Shape

Questionnaire: derivation of shortened
"alternate forms". International Journal of
Eating Disorders 13:315-321.

Body Shape Questionnaire 34


The 34-item Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) has demonstrated sound

psychometric properties in all samples reported to date (including this
study). However, the unidimensional nature of the 34 items suggests that
the BSQ may be unnecessarily long for use in studies when body
disparagement is not the main focus of investigation.
Despite developments in cognitive behavioural therapy for bipolar
disorder, little is known about the specific dysfunctional beliefs that may
predispose individuals to mania. This measure was specifically designed
for this purpose based on a cognitive approach. The measure is called the
Hypomanic Attitudes and Positive Predictions Inventory (HAPPI).

Cooper, P. J., Taylor, M. J., Cooper, Z.

and Fairburn, C. G. (1987). The
development and validation of the Body
Shape Questionnaire. International Journal
of eating disorders, 6, 485-494
Mansell, W, and Jones, S.H. (2006) The
Brief-HAPPI: A questionnaire to assess
cognitions that distinguish between
individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar
disorder and non-clinical controls. Journal
of Affective Disorders 93 (2006) 2934.
Mayer, J. D., & Gaschke, Y. N. (1988).
The experience and meta-experience of
mood. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 55, 102-111.


Brief Mood Introspection Scale

The BMIS scale is a free-ware mood scale. That is, I [the author]]give my
permission for its general research use. Please, though, credit the original
article as the source for the scale.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Brief Pain Inventory

The BPI is a pain assessment/quality of life questionnaire with 4 items to

measure severity of pain, and 7 items to measure impact of pain on daily

Brunel Mood Scale

The Brunel Mood Scale was developed to serve as a brief measure of

mood states among adolescent and adult populations. Derived from the
Profile of Mood States (McNair, Lorr, & Droppleman, 1992), the BRUMS
contains 24 simple mood descriptors, such as angry, energetic, nervous,
and unhappy. Respondents indicate whether they have experienced such
feelings on a 5-point scale (0 = not at all, 1 = a little, 2 = moderately, 3
= quite a bit, 4 = extremely). The standard response timeframe is How
you feel right now although other timeframes, such as How you have
felt during the past week including today or How you normally feel can
be used. The BRUMS takes about 1-2 minutes to complete.

Cleeland, C. S 1990. Measurement of

pain by subjective report. In Foley K. M
(ed.). Advances in pain Research and
Therapy. Volume 16. New York: Raven
Terry, P.C., Lane, A.M., & Fogarty, G. J.
(2003). Construct validity of the POMS-A
for use with adults. Psychology of Sport
and Exercise, 4, 125-139.
Terry, P.C., Lane, A.M., Lane, H.J., &
Keohane, L. (1999). Development and
validation of a mood measure for
adolescents. Journal of Sports Sciences,
17, 861-872.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

CSW was created to assess childrens worries about surgery. The 29-item
original version of the questionnaire was administered to a sample of 382
subjects, of both sexes, aged 11 to 14 years. The results showed worries
related to (1) hospitalisation, (2) medical procedures, and (3) illness and
its negative consequences. The rotated factorial pattern indicated that
these three factors accounted by 32.945 % of the variance. The final
version of the questionnaire consisted of 23 items.
Self report for ADHD

Mara J. Quiles, Juan M. Ortigosa,

Francisco X. Mndez and Sira Pedroche
Psychology in Spain, 2000, Vol. 4. No 1,

Child Surgery Worries

Childhood ADHD Symptoms

Scale Self-Report
Childrens General Trust Beliefs
Scale (CGTB)

A children's interpersonal trust belief scale


The CHIPS is a list if 33 common physical symptoms. Items were

carefully selected so as to exclude symptoms of an obviously
psychological nature (e.g., felt nervous or depressed). The scale does,
however, include many physical symptoms that have been traditionally
viewed as psychosomatic (e.g., headache, weight loss). Each item is
rated for how much that problem bothered or distressed the individual
during the past two weeks. Items are rated on a 5-point scale from "not
at all" to "extremely".

Rotenberg, K. J., Fox, C., Green, S.,

Ruderman, L., Slater, K., Stevens, K. &
Carlo, G. (2005). Construction and
validation of a children's interpersonal
trust belief scale. British Journal of
Developmental Psychology, 23, 271-292.
Cohen, S., & Hoberman, H. (1983).
Positive events and social supports as
buffers of life change stress. Journal of
Applied Psychology, 13, 99 - 125


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Clinical Anger Scale

An objective self-report instrument--the Clinical Anger Scale (CAS)--was

designed to measure the psychological symptoms presumed to have
relevance in the understanding and treatment of clinical anger. Twentyone sets of statements were prepared for this purpose. In writing these
groups of items, the format from one of Beck's early instruments was
used to design the Clinical Anger Scale (Beck et al., 1961; Beck, 1963,
1967). The following symptoms of anger were measured by the CAS
items: anger now, anger about the future, anger about failure, anger
about things, angry-hostile feelings, annoying others, angry about self,
angry misery, wanting to hurt others, shouting at people, irritated now,
social interference, decision interference, alienating others, work
interference, sleep interference, fatigue, appetite interference, health
interference, thinking interference, and sexual interference.
The CAM (Appendix 2) provides additional clinical detail about impulsivity
and addresses the diagnostic criteria delineated by Lacey & Evans (1986),
it is a checklist to be completed after an interview structured in whatever
way the interviewer deems appropriate, provided it addresses the points
that need to be rated. It covers detail of possible impulsive behaviours
over the previous year: frequency, fluctuations with time, and
accompanying feelings.

Snell, W. E., Jr., Gum, S., Shuck, R. L.,

Mosley, J. A., & Hite, T. L.. (1995). The
Clinical Anger Scale: Preliminary reliability
and validity. Journal of Clinical
Psychology, 51, 215-226

Clinical Assessment of Multiimpulsivity (CAM) checklist

Clinical Global Impression

Cocaine Self Efficacy

The self-efficacy questionnaire consisted of 30 items generated to

measure specific situational confidence (to abstain from alcohol use) and
temptation (to engage in alcohol use) factors. Items were written to
represent five constructs, including negative affective situations,
positive/social situations, craving or habit items, situational cues
(environmental), and testing personal control.

Guy W: ECDEU Assessment Manual for

Psychopharmacology - Revised (DHEW
Publ No ADM 76-338). Rockville, MD,
U.S. Department of Health, Education,
and Welfare, Public Health Service,
Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health
Administration, NIMH
Psychopharmacology Research Branch,
Division of Extramural Research Programs,
1976, pp 218-222.
Taken from Matt Snow's Doctoral


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Cognitive Failures Questionnaire

A measure of cognitive failures.

Collective Self Esteem Scale

Collective Self Esteem and race specific version

Broadbent, D.E., Cooper, P.F., FitzGerald,

P., & Parkes, K.R. (1982). The Cognitive
Failures Questionnaire (CFQ) and its
correlates. British Journal of Clinical
Psychology, 21, 1-16.
Luhtanen, R., & Crocker, J. (1992). A
collective self-esteem scale: Selfevaluation of one's social identity.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,
18, 302-318.

Collective Teacher Efficacy

Components of Attitudes
Toward Homosexuality

An operational measure of collective teacher efficacy was developed,

tested, and found to have strong reliability and reasonable validity. The
instrument was used to examine urban elementary schools in one large
midwestern district, collective teacher efficacy was positively associated
with differences between schools in student-level achievement in both
reading and mathematics.
This scale assesses four components of attitudes toward gay men and
lesbians: Condemnation/Tolerance, Morality, Contact, and Stereotypes.
Two of the components, Morality and Contact, have neutral items -- that
is, they are not specific to gay men or lesbians.

Comprehensive Quality of Life


Measure of quality of Life. Several versions available, including Adult,

Child, and Intellectual Disability. Available for research and student use.

Computer Anxiety Rating Scale

Scale to assess computer anxiety.

Goddard, R.D., Hoy, W.K., Woolfolk, A.

(2000). Collective teacher efficacy: Its
meaning, measure, and effect on student
achievement. American Education
Research Journal, 37(2), 479-507.
LaMar, L. A., & Kite, M.E. (1998). Sex
differences in attitudes toward gay men
and lesbians: A multi-dimensional
perspective. The Journal of Sex Research,
35, 189-196
Cummins, R.A. et al. The Comprehensive
Quality of Life Scale (ComQol): Instrument
development and psychometric evaluation
on college staff and students. Educational
and Psychological Measurement, 1994,
54(2), 372382.
Heinssen, R.K., Glass, C.R., & Knight,
L.A. (1987). Assessing computer anxiety:
Development and validation of the
Computer Anxiety Rating Scale.
Computers in Human Behavior, 3, 49-59.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Consideration of Future
Consequences Scale

CFC concerns differences in the extent to which individuals are influenced

by the immediate versus distant consequences of their behavior. CFC has
been found to influence a wide variety of phenomena, including attitudes
and persuasion, counterfactual reasoning, health-related behaviors such as
practicing safe sex and decisions to be screened for the HIV virus, and
recycling. You are welcome to download a copy of the CFC scale and use
it in your research.

Joireman, J., Strathman, A., & Balliet, D.

(in press). Considering future
consequences: An integrative model. To
appear in L. Sanna & E. Chang (Eds.),
Judgments over time: The interplay of
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.

Consumer Alienation Scale

Alienation has interested philosophers and researchers for many years,

but only recently has empirical study been directed toward consumer
alienation from the marketplace. The author reports the development of a
test to measure alienation from the marketplace b a d on psychometric
principles. The findings suggest that a reliable and valid measure has been
constructed. The consumer alienation scale was found to be
unidimensional rather than consisting of identifiable subscales.
This measure focuses on seven domains hypothesized to be important
internal and external sources of self-esteem in previous research and
theory: others' approval, physical appearance, outdoing others in
competition, academic competence, family love and support, being a
virtuous or moral person, and God's love.

Contingencies of Self Worth

Allison, N. K.(1978) A Psychometric

Development of a Test for Consumer
Alienation from the
Marketplace. Journal of Marketing
Research, Vol. 15(4), pp. 565-575.

Crocker, J., Luhtanen, R. K., Cooper, M.

L., & Bouvrette, S. (2003). Contingencies
of self-worth in college students: Theory
and measurement. Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, 85, 894-908.


The coop/wonca charts measure six core aspects of functional status:

physical fitness, feelings, daily activities, social activities, change in health
and overall health. In addition, pain can be included as an optional aspect.
The development of measurement of sleep is currently in progress.
The instrument consists of six charts, referring to the above-mentioned
aspects of functioning. Each chart consists of a simple title, a question
referring to the status of the patient and an ordinal five-point response
scale illustrated with a simple drawing. Each item is rated on this fivepoint ordinal scale ranging from 1 (no limitation at all) to 5 (severely
limited); for change in health score 1 means much better and score 5
much worse. The reference period is two weeks. The drawings have
facilitated the use in populations with a high degree of illiteracy.

Nelson, E. C. et al. (1987) Assessment of

function on routine clinical practice:
Description of the COOP chart method
and preliminary findings. Journal of
Chronic Diseases, 40(S1), 55S-63S.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links


Carver, C. S., Scheier, M. F., &

Weintraub, J. K. (1989). Assessing
coping strategies: A theoretically based
approach. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 56, 267-283.

Current Perceived Health 42

The COPE Inventory was developed to assess a broad range of coping

responses, several of which had an explicit basis in theory. The
inventory includes some responses that are expected to be dysfunctional,
as well as some that are expected to be functional. It also includes at
least 2 pairs of polar-opposite tendencies. These were included because
each scale is unipolar (the absence of this response does not imply the
presence of its opposite), and because we think people engage in a wide
range of coping during a given period, including both of each pair of
The CEI is a self-report instrument assessing individual differences in the
recognition, pursuit, and integration of novel and challenging experiences
and information. The CEI is a 7-item scale with two factors. The first
factor, Exploration, refers to appetitive strivings for novel and challenging
information and experiences. The second factor, Flow, refers to the
propensity to be deeply absorbed and engaged in activities. Respondents
rate items using a 7-point Likert-type scale. The CEI has been found to
have good internal reliability, and shows moderately strong positive
relationships with intrinsic motivation, reward sensitivity, hope, openness
to experience, a present-hedonistic time perspective, and subjective
vitality. Moreover, the CEI has shown incremental validity above and
beyond the overlapping constructs of positive affect and reward
sensitivity The CEI takes less than 2 minutes to complete, but there is no
time limit. A state version of the CEI has also been validated,
demonstrating sensitivity to change.
For the assessment of current perceived health.

Current Thoughts Scale

A measure of state self-esteem

Curiosity and Exploration

Inventory State
Curiosity and Exploration
Inventory Trait

Kashdan, T.B., Rose, P., & Fincham, F.D.

(under review). Curiosity and Exploration:
Facilitating positive subjective experiences
and personal growth opportunities.
Manuscript submitted for review

Li, J. and Fielding, R. The measurement of

current perceived health among Chinese
people in Guangzhou and Hong Kong,
Southern China. Quality of Life Research,
4, 271-277.
Heatherton, T.F. & Polivy, J. (1991).
Development and validation of a scale for
measuring state self-esteem. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 60,


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

The DASS is a 42-item self-report instrument designed to measure the

three related negative emotional states of depression, anxiety and
The DASS questionnaire is in the public domain, and may be downloaded
from this website.
Researchers may use this scale for research purposes only without further
permission from the author. Scientists using the scale are responsible for
assuring that the research meets American Psychological Association
standards for human research. The scale may not be used for
employment selection or included as part of materials that are sold
without specific written permission of the author.
The Depressive Life Experiences Scale is a self-administered questionnaire
that allows respondents to indicate those depressive life experiences that
they have recently experienced. The items on the DLES were selected on
the basis of the results reported by Snell et al. (1989). These
investigators had subjects discuss the types of events, experiences,
hassles, and problems that depress them.

Lovibond, S.H. & Lovibond, P.F. (1995).

Manual for the Depression Anxiety Stress
Scales. (2nd. Ed.) Sydney: Psychology


Deffenbacher Driving Anger


Depressive Life Experiences


Deffenbacher, J.L., Oetting, E.R., &

Lynch, R.S. (1994). Development of a
Driving Anger Scale. Psychological
Reports, 74, 83-91.

Snell, W. E., Jr., Belk, S. S., & Hawkins,

R. C. II (1986). Development of the
Depressive Life Experiences Scale (DLES):
Assessing the stressful and distressful
aspects of depression. Social and
Behavioral Sciences Documents, 16.

Diabetes Health Profile

Multidimensional diabetic specific scale comprising 32 items on a Likert

scale. The DHP comprises 3 dimensions, psychological distress, and
barriers to activity, and disinhibited eating. Higher scores represent
greater dysfunctioning.

Dieting Beliefs Scale

Scale of weight locus of control.

Meadows, K. et al. The Diabetes Health

profile (DHP): a new instrument for
assessing the psychosocial profile of
insulin requiring patients development
and psychometric evaluation. Quality of
Life Research. 5, 242-254.
Stotland, S. and Zuroff, D.C. (1990) A
New Measure of Weight Locus of Control:
The Dieting Beliefs Scale. Journal of
Personality Assessment, Vol. 54, No.
1&2, Pages 191-203


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Differential Loneliness Scale for

Non-student Populations

Scale for measuring loneliness in student and non-student populations

Schmidt, N. & Sermat, V. (1983).

Measuring loneliness in different
relationships. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 44, 1038-1047.

Differentiation of Self Inventory

Differentiation of self is defined as the degree to which one is able to

balance (a) emotional and intellectual functioning and (b) intimacy and
autonomy in relationships (Bowen, 1978). This scale measures
differentiation of self.

Skowron, E. A, Schmitt,T.A. (2003).

Assessing Interpersonal Fusion: Reliability
Validity Of A New DSI Fusion With
Subscale. Journal of Marital and Family
Therapy, Vol. 29, No. 2.

Drinking Motives Questionnaire

This scale consists of 15 self-administered items that load on three

factors: social, coping, and enhancement motives. In the original
published article, items were answered on a 1 to 4 relative frequency
scale. However, the adolescent version of the Drinking Motives
Questionnaire (sometimes referred to as DMQ-R) uses a 1 to 6 relative
frequency scale which may better differentiate at both the low and high
ends of the scale. Items should be administered in a random order. The
format can also be modified to refer to patterns of use over different
periods of time (e.g., the past month, past 6 months, etc.) or to use more
generally, as in the initial published version.

Cooper, M. L., Russell, M., Skinner, J. B.,

& Windle, M. (1992). Development and
validation of a three-dimensional measure
of drinking motives. Psychological
Assessment, 4, 123-132.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

The Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) is probably the most widely used
standardized measure of symptoms and concerns characteristic of eating
disorders. The EAT-26 alone does not yield a specific diagnosis of an
eating disorder (neither the EAT-26, nor any other screening instrument,
has been established as highly efficient as the sole means for identifying
eating disorders). Copyright ownership of the EAT and EAT-26 has been
retained; however, because the aim has been for others to have free
access to the test, all fees and royalties have been waived. Permission is
granted to reproduce the work as long as the original publication source is
identified. If your institution requires you to obtain written permission to
use this instrument, e-mail David M. Garner for permission and you will be
sent a permission letter as well as a sample of the test. Please include the
proper reference to the citation.

Garner, D.M., Olmsted, M.P., Bohr, Y.,

and Garfinkel, P.E. (1982). The Eating
Attitudes Test: Psychometric features and
clinical correlates. Psychological Medicine,
12, 871-878.


Eating Disorder Diagnosis Scale

Eating Self Efficacy

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression


Self-efficacy conceptualizes a person's perceived ability to perform on a

task as a mediator of performance on future tasks. A change in the level
of self-efficacy can predict a lasting change in behaviour if there are
adequate incentives and skills. The Eating Self-efficacy scale is a 25-item
self-report measure that assesses an individual's confidence to abstain
from overeating in a variety of different situations. It is possible to obtain
both an overall measure as well as situational self-efficacy based on
subscale scores.
The EPDS was developed for screening postpartum women in outpatient,
home visiting settings, or at the 6 8 week postpartum examination. It
has been utilized among numerous populations including U.S. women and
Spanish speaking women in other countries. The EPDS consists of 10
questions. The test can usually be completed in less than 5 minutes.

E Stice, CF Telch and SL Rizvi,

Development and validation of the eating
disorder diagnostic scale: a brief selfreport measure of anorexia, bulimia, and
binge-eating disorder, Psychology Assess
12 (2000), pp. 123131.
Glynn, S. M., & Ruderman, A. J. (1986).
The development and validation of an
eating self-efficacy scale. Cognitive
Therapy and Research, 10(4), 403-240.


SCALE (EPDS) J. L. Cox, J.M. Holden, R.
Sagovsky British Journal of Psychiatry
(1987), 150, 782-786.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Educational Gender

A test to measure educational gender equity

Ambrosio, A.L. (1998) Educational Gender

Equity Test (EGQ).
Ambrosio, A.L. (1998). Gender Equity
Scale-Revised (GQR).

Elderly Motivation Scale

Epworth Sleepiness Scale

This scale assesses the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of elderly

individuals. It assesses 4 constructs: intrinsic motivation, self-determined
and non self-determined extrinsic motivation, and amotivation. It is
subdivided in 6 life domains for which elderly individuals are asked to
complete 4 items (one item per construct) for each of 3 different
situations within each life domain. Thus, a total of 12 items per life
domain and a grand total of 72 items for the whole scale. Each item is
assessed on a 7-point scale.
Method of measuring daytime sleepiness.

Vallerand, R.J., & O'Connor, B.P. (1991).

Construction et validation de l'chelle de
Motivation pour les Personnes ges
(EMPA). Journal International de
Psychologie, 26, 219-240.

Johns MW. A new method for measuring

daytime sleepiness: the Epworth
sleepiness scale. Sleep, 14(6): 540-545

Exercise Self Efficacy 10 item

This measure looks at how confident the respondent is to exercise when

other things get in the way.

Exercise Self Efficacy Scale 18


Measures exercise self efficacy.

Benisovich, S.V., Rossi, J.S., Norman,

G.J. & Nigg, C.R. (March, 1998).
Development of a multidimensional
measure of exercise self-efficacy. Poster
presented at the Society of Behavioral
Medicine (SBM). New Orleans, LA.
Bandura, A. 1997 Self-efficacy The
exercise of control, Freeman & Co, New
York (1997).
Shin et al., 2001 Y.H. Shin, H.J. Jang and
N.J. Pender, Psychometric evaluation of
the exercise self-efficacy scale among
Korean adults with chronic disease,
Research in Nursing and Health 24
(2001), pp. 6876.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Experiences in Close
Relationships Inventory

Experiences in Close Relationships questionnaire diagnoses your

attachment style.

Brennan, K. A., Clark, C. L., & Shaver, P.

R. (1998). Self-report measurement of
adult attachment. In J. A. Simpson and
W. S.Rhodes (Eds.), Attachment theory
and close relationships (pp. 4676). New
York: Guilford.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Although the Fear of Negative Evaluation (FNE) Scale has widespread

applicability to many areas of research in personality and social
psychology, its utility is sometimes limited by its length. This is a brief,
12-item version of the FNE that correlates very highly (f96) with the
original scale and that demonstrates psychometric properties that are
nearly identical to those of the full-length scale.
This 8-item scale measures the respondent's perception of how often (0
= never; 4 = always) he or she has been the recipient of verbal and
nonverbal appearance-related feedback (Tantleff-Dunn, Thompson, &
Dunn, 1995). Some of the items may be seen as ambiguous concerning
their relationship to one's appearance (e.g., "Someone watched closely
what you ate"), whereas others are clearly appearance-related (e.g.,
"Someone asked if you've gained some weight"). The FOPAS has a 2week test-retest reliability of .82, and higher scores have been associated
with more negative body image and with disordered eating (Tantleff-Dunn
et al., 1995). The FOPAS was used in this study as a measure of
appearance-related feedback sensitivity.
The Framingham Type A Behaviour Pattern Measure consists of ten items
and has three types of question:
traits and qualities (5 qs)
how the respondent feels at the end sof an average day (4
whether the respondent gets upset when waiting (1 q)
The Anger Measure consists of 12 items on four subscales:
anger symptoms

Leary, M. R. (1983). A brief version of the

Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale.
Personality and
Social Psychology Bulletin, 9, 371-376.

Fear of Negative Evaluation

Feedback On Physical
Appearance Scale (FOPAS)

Framingham Type A Behaviour

pattern Measure and
Framingham Anger Measure

Tantleff-Dunn, S., Thompson, J.K., &

Dunn, M.E. (1995). The Feedback on
Physical Appearance Scale (FOPAS):
Questionnaire development and
psychometric evaluation. Eating
Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and
Prevention, 3, 332-341.

Haynes, S. G., Levine, S., Scotch, N.,

Feinlieb, M., and Kannel, W. B. (1978).
The relationship of psychosocial factors to
coronary heart disease in the Framingham
study. I:methods and risk factors.
American Journal of Epidemiology, 111,


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Friendship Questionnaire

Measures normal social functioning in adults.

Functional Assessment of
Mental Health and Addiction

The Functional Assessment of Mental Health and Addiction (FAMHA;

Anderson & Bellfield, 1999) is a clinician rating scale, specifically
designed to accurately assess dually diagnosed, mentally ill substance
users (MISU), substance using mentally ill (SUMI), and medically
compromised - substance using patients (MCSU) across a broad range of
symptom and functional domains.

Baron-Cohen, S. And Wheelwright, S.

(2003) The Friendship Questionnaire: An
Investigation of Adults with Asperger
Syndrome or High-Functioning Autism,
and Normal Sex Differences. Journal of
Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol.
33, No. 5
A.J. Anderson, & H. Bellfield, (200)
Functional Assessment of Mental Health
and Addiction. Version 2.6


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

This scale assesses intrinsic and extrinsic motivation toward gambling.

There are 7 constructs: intrinsic motivation toward knowledge,
accomplishment, and stimulation, as well as external, introjected and
identified regulations, and amotivation. There are 28 items (4 items for
each of the 7 sub-scales) assessed on a 7-point scale.

Chantal, Y., Vallerand, R.J., & Vallires,

E.F. (1994). Construction et validation de
l'chelle de motivation relative aux jeux de
hasard et d'argent. Loisir & Socit, 17,

Gambling Motivation Scale

Gambling Passion Scale

This scale assesses people's obsessive and harmonious passion toward

gambling. It is a short version of the passion scale used in the Vallerand et
al. (2003) studies. It contains 10 items (5 items for each of the 2
subscales assessed on a 7-point scale).

Rousseau, F. L., et al.. (2002). Passion

and Gambling: On the Validation of the
Gambling Passion Scale (GPS). Journal of
gambling studies, 18, 45-66.

Geriatric Depression Scale


Global Motivation Scale

The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), first created by Yesavage, et al.,

has been tested and used extensively with the older population. The GDS
Long Form is a brief, 30-item questionnaire in which participants are
asked to respond by answering yes or no in reference to how they felt
over the past week. A Short Form GDS consisting of 15 questions was
developed in 1986. Questions from the Long Form GDS which had the
highest correlation with depressive symptoms in validation studies were
selected for the short version. Of the 15 items, 10 indicated the presence
of depression when answered positively, while the rest (question numbers
1, 5, 7, 11, 13) indicated depression when answered negatively. Scores
of 0-4 are considered normal, depending on age, education, and
complaints; 5-8 indicate mild depression; 9-11 indicate moderate
depression; and 12-15 indicate severe depression.
The questionnaire is used to detect the presence of non-psychotic
psychiatric morbidity in community settings.
This scale assesses people's global motivation toward behaving in general
in their life as a whole. There are 7 constructs: intrinsic motivation toward
knowledge, accomplishment and stimulation, as well as external,
introjected and identified regulations and amotivation. There are 28 items
(4 items for each of the 7 subscales) assessed on a 7-point scale.

Yesavage JA, Brink TL, Rose TL, Lum O,

Huang V, Adey MB, Leirer VO:
Development and validation of a geriatric
depression screening scale: A preliminary
report. Journal of Psychiatric Research 17:
37-49, 1983.

Goldberg D, Williams P. A User's Guide to

the General Health Questionnaire. NFERNelson, Windsor, 1998.
Frdric Guay, Genevive A. Mageau et
Robert J. Vallerand Society for Personality
and Social Psychology, 29:8, 2003


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Goldberg Mania and Depression


These scales are designed to measure changes in the severity of

depression and mania that result from psychotherapeutic or
psychopharmacologic treatment. Changes in either scale of five or more
points are significant. These scales are NOT designed to make a diagnosis
of either depression or mania.
The GQ-6 is a short, self-report measure of the disposition to experience
gratitude. Participants answer 6 items on a 1 to 7 scale (1 = "strongly
disagree", 7 = "strongly agree"). Two items are reverse-scored to inhibit
response bias. The GQ-6 has good internal reliability, with alphas between
.82 and .87, and there is evidence that the GQ-6 is positively related to
optimism, life satisfaction, hope, spirituality and religiousness,
forgiveness, empathy and prosocial behaviour, and negatively related to
depression, anxiety, materialism and envy. The GQ-6 takes less than 5
minutes to complete, but there is no time limit.

Gratitude Questionnaire

McCullough, M. E., Emmons, R. A., &

Tsang, J. (2002). The Grateful
Disposition: A conceptual and Empirical
Topography. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 82, 112-127.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale

: Designed to quantify the severity of anxiety symptoms and to assess the

response to therapeutic interventions.

Hamilton Depression Rating


The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) is a 21-question multiplechoice questionnaire that doctors may use to rate the severity of a
patient's depression. It was originally published in 1960 by Max Hamilton,
and is presently one of the most commonly used scales for rating
depression in medical research. The questionnaire rates the severity of
symptoms observed in depression such as low mood, insomnia, agitation,
anxiety and weight-loss.
This questionnaire lists things that can be hassles and uplifts in day-to-day
life. You will find that during the course of a day some of these things will
have been only a hassle for you and some will have been only an uplift.
Others will have been both a hassle AND an uplift.

Hamilton M: The assessment of anxiety

states by rating. British Journal of Medical
Psychology 32:5055, 1959.
Hamilton, M. (1960) A rating scale for
depression. J. Neurology Neurosurgery
Psychiatry, 1960, 23, 56.

Hassles & Uplifts Scale

Health and Daily Living Form

To examine the influence of life context factors on treatment outcome as

well as to focus on the social resources people use to prevent and adapt
to stressful life circumstances.

Kanner, Coyne, Schaefer and Lazarus

(1981). From Comparison of two modes
of stress management: daily hassles and
uplifts versus major life events, Journal of
Behavioural Medicine, 4, 1-39, and
reproduces by kind permission of the
publishers, Plenum Publishing Company,
New York.
This measure is part of Assessment: A
Mental Health Portfolio, edited by Derek
Milne. NFER-Nelson Publishing Company:
Berkshire, UK.
Moos, R. The role of coping responses
and social resources in attenuating the
stress of life events. Journal of
Behavioural Medicine, 4, 139-157.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Health Orientation Scale

An objective self-report measure of several health-related personality

features: private health consciousness, health image concern, observable
impression that one's physical health makes on others; health anxiety,
health esteem-confidence, motivation to avoid unhealthiness, motivation
for healthiness, internal health control, external health control, health
expectations, and health status, defined as the tendency to regard oneself
as being currently well-exercised and in good physical shape.

Snell, W. E., Jr., Johnson, G., Lloyd, P.

J., & Hoover, W. (1991). The
development and validation of the Health
Orientation Scale: A measure of
psychological tendencies associated with
health. European Journal of Personality, 5,

Holmes Rahe Social

Readjustment Rating Scale

This allows you to determine the total amount of stress you are
experiencing by adding up the relative stress values, known as Life
Change Units (LCU), for various events. A score of 250 or more is
considered high. Persons with a low stress tolerance may find
themselves overstressed with a score of 150. The test is used to
determine disease susceptibility. With score of 150 or less, you have a
37% chance of becoming seriously ill. Between 150 to 300 and it jumps
to 51%. Over 300 and there's an 80% chance of serious illness in the
next 2 years.
The Homosexuality Attitude Scale is a Likert scale that assesses people's
stereotypes, misconceptions, and anxieties about homosexuals. The
measure contains a uni-dimensional factor representing a favourable or
unfavourable evaluation of homosexuals.

Homosexuality Attitude Scale

Adapted from the "Social Readjustment

Rating Scale" by Thomas Holmes and
Richard Rahe. This scale was first
published in the Journal of Psychosomatic
Research. 1967, vol. II p. 214

Kite, M.E., & Deaux, K., 1986. Attitudes

toward homosexuality: Assessment and
behavioral consequences. Basic and
Applied Social Psychology, 7, 137-162

Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale


A new measure of hypersensitive narcissism. 10 items form a reliable

measure: the Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale (HSNS). The new HSNS
and the MMPI-based composite showed similar patterns of correlations
with the Big Five Inventory, and both measures correlated near zero with
the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, which assesses overt narcissism.
Results support the theoretical distinction between covert and overt
narcissistic tendencies in the normal range of individual differences and
suggest that it would be beneficial for personality researchers to measure
both types of narcissism in future studies.

Hendin, H.M., & Cheek, J.M. (1997).

Assessing Hypersensitive Narcissism: A
Re-examination of Murray's Narcissism
Scale. Journal of Research in Personality,
31, 588-599.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

The ICD-10 Symptom Checklist for Mental Disorders (version 1.1) is a

semi-structured instrument intended for clinicians assessment of
psychiatric symptoms and syndromes in the F0-F6 categories of the ICD10 system. It allows the quick determination of a preliminary diagnosis
from an initial brief interview.
This 8-item scale assesses the impact of epilepsy and treatment for
epilepsy on daily functioning scores on individual items are summed to
produce a total impact of epilepsy score, with higher scores indicating
greater perceived impact.

Janca A, Ustun TB, van Drimmelen J,

Dittmann V, Isaac M (1994). ICD-10
Symptom Checklist for Mental Disorders,
Version 1.1. Geneva, Division of Mental
Health, World Health Organization.
Jacoby, A. et al. (1993), Measuring the
impact of Epilepsy: development of a
novel scale. Epilepsy Research. B16, 8388.

The IES is a self-report 15-item scale assessing subjective distress after a

stressful life event, (for example, breast cancer). Individuals are asked to
rate the frequency of intrusive or avoidant experiences in the 7 days prior
to testing. Examples of intrusive experiences include unbidden thoughts,
and feelings or images of the trauma. Examples of avoidant experiences
include having tried to avoid reminders of the trauma or to dull their
emotional reactions to it.
The IS is a brief, face-valid measure of inspiration, a motivational resource
that has been under-appreciated by psychologists. The measure consists
of 4-item frequency and intensity subscales that may be combined into an
overall inspiration scale. The IS has strong psychometric properties: it
demonstrates a consistent two-factor structure, internal consistency,
temporal stability, and measurement invariance across time and across
Interpersonal conflict in the workplace has been shown to be one of the
most frequently reported job stressors (e.g., Keenan & Newton, 1985).
The ICAWS is a four item, summated rating scale design ed to assess this
construct. It's items ask about how well the respondent gets along with
others at work, specifically getting into arguments with others and how
often others act nasty to the respondent

Horowitz M, Wilner N, Alvarez W. (1979)

Impact of Event Scale: a measure of
subjective stress. Psychosomatic
Medicine. 41(3): 209-18.

ICD-10 Symptom Checklist for
Mental Disorders

Impact of Epilepsy Scale

Impact of Events Scale

Inspiration Scale

Interpersonal Conflict At Work


Thrash, T. M., & Elliot, A. J. (2003).

Inspiration as a psychological construct.
Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 84, 871-889.

Spector, P. E., & Jex, S. M. (1998).

Development of Four Self-Report
Measures of Job Stressors and Strain:
Interpersonal Conflict at Work Scale,
Organizational Constraints Scale,
Quantitative Workload Inventory, and
Physical Symptoms Inventory. Journal of
Occupational Health Psychology, 3, 356367.

Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Interpersonal Trust Scale for

Older Adults

A measure of the trust beliefs of elderly individuals.

Intrinsic Motivation Inventory

The Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) is a multidimensional

measurement device intended to assess participants subjective
experience related to a target activity in laboratory experiments.

Invalidating Childhood
Environment Scale

This is a measure of childhood invalidating environments (Invalidating

Childhood Environments Scale; ICES). It investigates the relationship
between childhood experiences and levels of distress tolerance.

Rotenberg, K. J. (1990). A measure of the

trust beliefs of elderly individuals.
International Journal of Aging and Human
Development, 30, 141-152.
McAuley, E., Duncan, T., & Tammen, V.
V. (1989). Psychometric Properties of the
Intrinsic Motivation Inventory in a
Competitive Sport Setting: A Confirmatory
Factor Analysis. Research Quarterly For
Exercise and Sport, 60, (1), 48- 58.
Mountford, V., Corstorphine, E.,
Tomlinson, S., & Waller, G. (2007).
Invalidating childhood environments in the
eating disorders. Eating Behaviors. 8(1)4858


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

The Job-related Affective Well-being Scale, JAWS, is a 30 item scale

designed to assess people's emotional reactions to their job. Each item is
an emotion, and respondents are asked how often they have experienced
each at work over the prior 30 days. The JAWS includes a wide variety of
emotional experiences, both negative and positive. The emotions can be
placed into four categories (subscales) that fall along two dimensions:
pleasurableness and arousal (intensity). The scale can be scored in three
The Job Satisfaction Survey, JSS is a 36 item, nine facet scale to assess
employee attitudes about the job and aspects of the job. Each facet is
assessed with four items, and a total score is computed from all items. A
summated rating scale format is used, with six choices per item ranging
from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree". Items are written in both
directions, so about half must be reverse scored. The nine facets are Pay,
Promotion, Supervision, Fringe Benefits, Contingent Rewards
(performance based rewards), Operating Procedures (required rules and
procedures), Coworkers, Nature of Work, and Communication. Although
the JSS was originally developed for use in human service organizations,
it is applicable to all organizations.
A construct that measures the attributional processes allowing individuals
to believe people get what they deserve.

Van Katwyk, P. T., Fox, S., Spector, P.

E., & Kelloway, E. K. (2000). Using the
Job-related Affective Well-being Scale
(JAWS) to investigate affective responses
to work stressors. Journal of Occupational
Health Psychology, 5, 219-230.

Job Related Affective Wellbeing Scale (JAWS)

Job Satisfaction Survey

Just World Scale

KINDL Quality of Life

Questionnaire for Children

The KINDL was developed in 1994 as one of the first self-report

instruments for quality of life assessment in healthy and ill children. 40
items scored on a Likert Scale

Spector, P. E. (1985). Measurement of

human service staff satisfaction:
Development of the Job Satisfaction
Survey. American Journal of Community
Psychology, 13, 693-713.

Rubin, Z., & Peplau, L. A. (1975). Just

world scale. Journal of Social Issues, 31,
Bullinger M, et al. (1994) KINDL- A
questionnaire for health related quality of
life assessment in children. Zeitschrift fur
Gesdundheitpsychologi, Band II. Heft 1.,


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

This scale assesses people's motivation for engaging in their leisure

activities. It assesses 7 types of motivation : intrinsic motivation toward
knowledge, accomplishment and stimulation, as well as external,
introjected and identified regulations and amotivation. It contains 28 items
(4 items for each of the 7 sub-scales) assessed on a 7-point scale.
This is a questionnaire whose objective is to assess the range of social
interaction and performance situations that individuals with social phobia
may fear and/or avoid. It is also a popular measurement tool used by
researches to evaluate the efficiency of various social anxiety disorder
treatments, including pharmacological trials. A modified social anxiety
scale exists for children and adolescents.
The Life Effectiveness Questionnaire (LEQ) measures typically targeted
goals of many psychosocial intervention programs. The design of the LEQ
was influenced by self-concept, self-efficacy, and coping theory. The
LEQ focuses on measuring the extent to which a person's
actions/behavior/feelings are effective in managing and succeeding at life,
or more specifically, generic life skills.
A 26 item scale: 13 items relating to patients perception of the
importance of various quality of life domains, 13 relating to their
satisfaction with those domains. The life fulfilment score is determined by
the difference between the patients desired state and their actual one.
The Life Orientation Test (LOT) was developed to assess individual
differences in generalized optimism versus pessimism. This measure has
been used in a good deal of research on the behavioural, affective, and
health consequences of this personality variable.

Luc G. Pelletier, Robert J. Vallerand, Marc

R. Blais & Nathalie M. Brire, 1991

Leisure Motivation Scale

Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale

Life Effectiveness Questionnaire


Life Fulfilment Scale

Life Orientation Test

Liebowitz MR. Social Phobia. Mod Probl

Pharmacopsychiatry 1987;22:141-173

Neill, J. T. (2000b). The Life

Effectiveness Questionnaire: A tool for
measuring change. Unpublished
manuscript. University of Canberra,
Baker, G. A. et al (1994) Development of
a novel scale to assess life fulfilment as
part of the further refinement of a quality
of life model for epilepsy. Epilepsia. 35.
Scheier, M. F., & Carver, C. S. (1992).
Effects of optimism on psychological and
physical well-being: Theoretical overview
and empirical update. Cognitive Therapy
and Research, 16, 201-228.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Life Status Review

The Life Status Review is an instrument designed to assess an individual's

biopsychosocial well being. The Life Status Review (LSR) was designed to
track life necessities and human interaction, examine support systems and
stressors, and identify problem areas in the person's biopsychosocial

Living With Asthma


The purpose of this measure is to measure diseases specific asthma

quality of life, to provide cross-sectional measure of asthma severity and
to detect change. 68 items.
The LSDA is a 24-item questionnaire designed to measure the extent to
which children feel lonely or
socially dissatisfied in a school setting. The questionnaire includes 16
items that measure loneliness
and social dissatisfaction and 8 filler items focused on childrens hobbies
and preferred activities.
These items are included to help children feel open and relaxed.

B. Hudnall Stamm & Joseph M. Rudolph;

Traumatic Stress Research Group, 1996,
This form may be freely copied as long as
(a) authors are credited, (b) no changes
are made, & (c) it is not sold.
Hyland, M. E. (1991) The Living with
Asthma Questionnaire. Respiratory
Medicine, 85, 13-16.
Cassidy, J. and S. R. Asher (1992).
"Loneliness and peer relations in young
children." Child Development 63: 350365.

Loneliness and Dissatisfaction



Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Male Body Attitudes Scale

A measure of mens attitudes toward their body

Masculine and Feminine Self

Disclosure Scale

The Masculine and Feminine Self-Disclosure Scale (MFSDS) consists of six

(6) subscales for each disclosure recipient that is specified. [In our first
study with the scale, we used male friend, female friend, male job
interviewer, and spouse-partner as the disclosure targets. In our second
study with the MFSDS, we used male friend, female friend, male
therapist, and female therapist as the disclosure recipients.
Permission is granted to individuals to use this scale for research
A Measure of Behaviors Stereotypically Attributed to Males vs. Females
Permission is granted to individuals to use this scale for research

Tylka, T. L et al (2005) Development and

psychometric evaluation of the Male Body
Attitudes Scale (MBAS). Body Image 2
(2005) 161175
Snell, W. E., Jr., Belk, S. S., & Hawkins,
R. C. II (1986). The Masculine and
Feminine Self-Disclosure Scale: The
politics of masculine and feminine selfpresentation. Sex Roles, 15, 249-267.

Masculine Behavior Scale

Snell, W. E., Jr. (1989). Development

and validation of the Masculine Behavior
Scale: A measure of behaviors
stereotypically attributed to males vs.
females. Sex Roles, 21, 749-767.

Masculine Role Inventory (MRI).

Masculine Role Inventory (MRI), designed to measure the success

preoccupation, restrictive emotionality and inhibited affection aspects of
the masculine role.
Permission is granted to individuals to use this scale for research

Measure of Attachment

The Measure of Attachment Qualities (MAQ) is a measure of adult

attachment patterns. It has separate scales to assess secure attachment
tendencies and avoidant tendencies, and two scales reflecting aspects of
the anxious-ambivalent pattern.

Snell, W. E., Jr. (1986). The Masculine

Role Inventory: Components and
correlates. Sex Roles, 15, 443- 455.
Snell, W. E., Jr., & Belk, S. S. (1986).
The masculine role as a moderator of
stress-distress relationships. Sex Roles,
15, 359-366.

Carver, C. S. (1997). Adult attachment

and personality: Converging evidence and
a new measure. Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin, 23, 865-883.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Measure of Body Apperception

The Measure of Body Apperception (MBA) is a measure of the investment

in, or dependence on, one's body image as a source of the sense of selfworth. It has two scales, which reflect reliance on physical appearance,
and reliance on a sense of body intactness or integrity.

Carver, C. S., Pozo-Kaderman, C., Price,

A. A., Noriega, V., Harris, S. D.,
Derhagopian, R. P., Robinson, D. S., &
Moffatt, F. L., Jr. (1998). Concern about
aspects of body image and adjustment to
early stage breast cancer. Psychosomatic
Medicine, 60, 168-174.

Measuring Violence-Related
Attitudes, Behaviors, and
Among Youths: A Compendium
of Assessment Tools

Menorrhagia Severity Scale

Mental Health Inventory 5

This compendium provides researchers and prevention specialists with a

set of tools to assess violence-related beliefs, behaviours, and influences,
as well as to evaluate programs to prevent youth violence. If you are new
to the field of youth violence prevention and unfamiliar with available
measures, you may find this compendium to be particularly useful. If you
are an experienced researcher, this compendium may serve as a resource
to identify additional measures to assess the factors associated with
violence among youths. Although this compendium contains more than
170 measures, it is not an exhaustive listing of available measures. A few
of the more widely used measures to assess aggression in children, for
example, are copyrighted and could not be included here.
This scale assesses the effect of menorrhagia on patients perceived
health status.

Short test measuring mental health status/psychological distress.

Compiled and Edited by

Linda L. Dahlberg, PhD
Susan B. Toal, MPH
Monica H. Swahn, PhD
Christopher B. Behrens, MD
For further information about this resource
visit room 333.

Ruta, D. et al. (1995) Assessment of

patients with menorrhagia: how valid is a
structured clinical history as a measure of
health status? Quality of Life Research, 4,
Veit, C.T. & Ware, Jnr, J.E. (1983). The
structure of psychological distress and
well-being in general populations. Journal
of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 51,


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Mindfulness Attention
Awareness Scale (MAAS)

The MAAS is a 15-item scale designed to assess a core characteristic of

dispositional mindfulness, namely, open or receptive awareness of and
attention to what is taking place in the present. The scale shows strong
psychometric properties and has been validated with college, community,
and cancer patient samples. Correlational, quasi-experimental, and
laboratory studies have shown that the MAAS taps a unique quality of
consciousness that is related to, and predictive of, a variety of selfregulation and well being constructs. The measure takes 10 minutes or
less to complete.
A brief self-report inventory for assessing attitudes and behaviors
symptomatic of eating disorders

Brown, K.W. and Ryan, R.M. (2003). The

benefits of being present: The role of
mindfulness in psychological well-being.
Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 84, 822-848.

Minnesota Eating Behaviour

Modified Dental Anxiety Scale

Scale to measure dental anxiety.

Motivated Strategies for

Learning Questionnaire

The Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) is an 81item, self-report instrument consisting of 6 motivation subscales and 9
learning strategies scales. The MSLQ has proven to be a reliable and
useful tool that can be adapted for a number of different purposes for
researchers, instructors, and students.
The Multidimensional AIDS Anxiety Questionnaire (MAAQ) consists of 50
items. In responding to the MAAQ, individuals are asked to indicate how
characteristic each statement is of them. A 5-point Likert scale is used to
collect data on the subjects' responses, with each item being scored from
0 to 4: Not at all characteristic of me (A); Slightly characteristic of me (B);
Somewhat characteristic of me (C); Moderately characteristic of me (D);
Very characteristic of me (E). In order to create subscale scores, the items
on each subscale are averaged. Higher scores thus correspond to greater
amounts of each respective type of AIDS-related anxiety.

Multidimensional AIDS Anxiety

Questionnaire (MAAQ).

von Ranson, K. M et al. (2005) The

Minnesota Eating Behavior Survey: A brief
measure of disordered eating attitudes and
behaviors. Eating Behaviors, 6, 373392
Humphris GM, et al (1995) 'The Modified
Dental Anxiety Scale: Validation and
United Kingdom Norms' Community
Dental Health, 12, 143-150.
Pintrich, R. R., & DeGroot, E. V. (1990).
Motivational and self-regulated learning
components of classroom academic
performance, Journal of Educational
Psychology, 82, 33-40.
Snell, W. E., Jr., & Finney, P. (in press).
The Multidimensional AIDS Anxiety
Questionnaire. In C. M. Davis, W. L.
Yarber, and S. L. Davis (Eds.), Handbook
of sexuality-related measures. Newbury
Park: Sage.
Snell, W. E., Jr., Finney, P. D. & Godwin,
L. (1991). Stereotypes about AIDS.
Contemporary Social Psychology, 15, 1838.

Multidimensional Aversion to
Women Who Work Scale

A measure of broad convictions about women's work roles.

Development of a Brief Multidimensional

Aversion to Women Who Work Scale.
Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, June,
2001, by Sean Valentine

Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Multidimensional Body-Self
Relations Questionnaire

A 69-item self-report inventory for the assessment of self-attitudinal

dispositions toward the physical self.

Cash, T.

Multi-Dimensional Emotional
Empathy Scale

Empathy scale measures emotional aspects of empathy and can be used

by researchers interested in a general measure of emotional empathy as
well as providing detailed sub-scales.

Caruso, D. R., & Mayer, J. D. (1998). A

Measure of Emotional Empathy for
Adolescents and Adults. Unpublished

Multidimensional Health
Questionnaire (MHQ).

Health Questionnaire.

Multidimensional Index of Life


The MILQ is a 35-item instrument covering nine major life domains:

mental health, physical functioning, cognitive functioning, intimacy, social
functioning, productivity, relationships with health professionals and
financial status. Each item is scored on a 7-point scale reflecting the
degree of satisfaction with that item.
The Multidimensional Parenting Perfectionism Questionnaire (MPPQ; Snell,
Overbey, & Brewer, 2005) is a two-section self-report measure designed
to measure several components/aspects of the construct of parenting

Snell, W. E., Jr., & Johnson, G. (1997).

The Multidimensional Health
Questionnaire. American Journal of
Health Behavior, 21, 33-42.

Multidimensional Parenting
Perfectionism Questionnaire

Multidimensional Psychology of
Eating Questionnaire (MPEQ).

Multidimensional Relationship
Questionnaire (MRQ).

The Multidimensional Psychology of Eating Questionnaire (MPEQ) was

designed as an objective self-report assessment instrument with separate
subscales (24 content and 2 validity subscales) that assess 26 specific
psychological aspects of people's eating-related tendencies.
Explicit written permission must be obtained from Dr. William E. Snell, Jr.
to use the Multidimensional Psychology of Eating Questionnaire (MPEQ).
The Multidimensional Relationship Questionnaire (MRQ) consists of twelve
intimacy-oriented subscales, each containing five items.
Permission is granted to individuals to use this scale for research

Avis, N. E. et al. (1996) Development of

the Multidimensional Index of Quality of
Life (MILQ): a quality of life measure for
cardiovascular disease. Medical Care. 34,
Snell, W. E., Jr., Overbey, G., & Brewer,
A. L. (2005). Parenting perfectionism and
the parenting role. Personality and
Individual Differences, 39, 613624.
Snell, W. E., Jr., & Johnson, G. (1996).
The Multidimensional Psychology of
Eating Questionnaire. Submitted for

Snell, W. E., Jr., Schicke, M., & Arbeiter,

T. (1996). The Multidimensional
Relationship Questionnaire: Psychological
dispositions associated with intimate
relations. Submitted for publication.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Multidimensional Romantic
Perfectionism Questionnaire

The Multidimensional Romantic Perfectionism Questionnaire (MRPQ; Snell

& Haney, 2004) is a two-section self-report measure designed to measure
several components/aspects of the construct of romantic perfectionism.

Snell, W. E., Jr. (1997). Measuring

multiple aspects of romantic
perfectionism: The Multidimensional
Romantic Perfectionism Questionnaire
(MRPQ). Manuscript in preparation.

Multi-dimensional Scale of
Perceived Social Support

Self-report measure of subjectively assessed social support,

Zimet, G.D., Dahlem, N.W., Zimet, S.G. &

Farley, G.K. (1988). The Multidimensional
Scale of Perceived Social Support. Journal
of Personality Assessment, 52, 30-41.

Multidimensional Sexual
Approach Questionnaire

Measures approaches to sexual relations.

Snell, W. E., Jr. (1997). Sexual styles: A

multidimensional approach to sexual
relations. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Midwestern Psychological
Association, Chicago, IL.
Snell, W. E., Jr. (in press). The
Multidimensional Sexual Approach
Questionnaire. In C. M. Davis, W. L.
Yarber, and S. L. Davis (Eds.), Handbook
of sexuality-related measures. Newbury
Park: Sage.

Multidimensional Sexual
Perfectionism Questionnaire

Use the Multidimensional Sexual Perfectionism Questionnaire (MSPQ), to

measure 5 distinct psychological tendencies associated with people's
standards of sexual conduct: (1) self-oriented sexual perfectionism, (2)
perceived socially-prescribed sexual perfectionism, (3) partner-directed
sexual perfectionism, (4) partner's self-oriented sexual perfectionism, (5)
perceived self-directed sexual perfectionism from one's partner. The
MSPQ can be used in a variety of ways: as a research instrument in
correlational or experimental research designs; as a pre-test and post-test
instrument for therapy effectiveness and recovery studies; as a predictive
correlate of sexual affect, attitudes, and behaviors.

Snell, W. E., Jr. (in press). The

Multidimensional Sexual Perfectionism
Questionnaire. In C. M. Davis, W. L.
Yarber, and S. L. Davis (Eds.), Handbook
of sexuality-related measures. Newbury
Park: Sage.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Multidimensional Sexual SelfConcept Questionnaire


An objective self-report instrument designed to measure the 20

psychological aspects of human sexuality.

Snell, W. E., Jr. (1997). Measuring

multiple aspects of the sexual selfconcept: The Multidimensional Sexual
Self-Concept Questionnaire (MSSCQ).
Paper presented at the annual meeting of
the Midwestern Psychological Association,
Chicago, IL.
Snell, W. E., Jr. (1998). The
Multidimensional Sexual Self-Concept
Questionnaire. In C. M. Davis, W. L.
Yarber, R. Bauseman, G. Schreer, and S.
L. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of sexualityrelated measures (521-524). Newbury
Park: Sage.

Multidimensional Sexuality
Questionnaire (MSQ).

An objective, self-report instrument designed to measure of 12 aspects of

human sexuality.

Snell, W. E., Jr., Fisher, T. D., & Walters,

A. S. (1993). The Multidimensional
Sexuality Questionnaire: An objective
self-report measure of psychological
tendencies associated with sexuality.
Annals of Sex Research, 6, 27-55.

Sportspersonship Orientations
Scale (MSOS-25)

Multiple Intelligence Self

Efficacy Scale

The mutldimensional sportpersonship orientations scale assesses five

different types of sportspersonship orientations, that is concern and
respect for the opponent, for rules and officials, for one's engagement in
sport, for social conventions, and a negative orientation towards sport
participation. It contains 25 items (5 items per subscale) and is being
assessed on a 5-point scale.

Robert J. Vallerand, Nathalie M. Brire,

Cline M. Blanchard, & Pierre J.
Provencher, (1997) Development and
Validation of the Multidimensional
Sportspersonship Orientation Scale.
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology,
19, 197-206
Prez, E. (2001). Desarrollo de un
inventario para evaluar autoeficacia para
inteligencias mltiples [Development of an
inventory to assess self-efficacy for
multiple intelligences]. Tesis doctoral no
publicada. Facultad de Psicologa.
Universidad Nacional de Crdoba.
Crdoba. Argentina.

Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Need for Relatedness Scale

NPI-16 A Short Measure of


Nottingham Health Profile

Obligatory Exercise

Narcissism has received increased attention in the past few decades as a

sub-clinical individual difference with important everyday consequences,
such as self-enhancement in perceptions of ones own behavior and
attributes. The most widespread measure used by non-clinical
researchers, the 40-item Narcissistic Personality Inventory or NPI-40,
captures a range of different facets of the construct but its length may
prohibit its use in settings where time pressure and respondent fatigue are
major concerns. This measure draws from the NPI-40 set of items to
create and validate a shorter, unidimensional measure, the NPI-16.
Generic health-related quality of life measure. The instrument is used to
evaluate perceived distress across various populations. Measure physical
mobility (8 items), pain (8 items), social isolation (5 items), emotional reactions
(9 items), energy (3 items), sleep (5 items).
Each item is weighted; weights were derived from patients and nonpatients.
Dimension scores range from 0 to 100, higher the score the greater the health
problem. Scores are presented as a profile rather than overall score.
Measures compulsion to exercise, particularly in eating disordered

Richer, S.F., & Vallerand, R.J. (1998).

Construction et validation de lchelle du
sentiment dappartenance sociale. Revue
europenne de psychologie applique, 48,
Ames, D. R et al (2006) The NPI-16 as a
short measure of narcissism. Journal of
Research in Personality 40 (2006) 440

Hunt SM, McEwen J, McKenna SP.

Measuring health stats: a new tool for
clinicians and epidemiologists. J Royal Coll
Gen Pract 1985;35:185-88.

Pasman, L. J. & Thompson, J. K. (1988).

Body image and eating disturbance in
obligatory runners, obligatory
weightlifters, and sedentary individuals.
International Journal of Eating Disorders, 7
(6), 759-769.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Pain Distress Inventory

26-item self-report measure, the Pain Distress Inventory (PDI), was

designed to assess affective distress symptoms related to physical pain.

Peabody Treatment Progress


The Peabody Treatment Progress Battery (PTPB) provides a cohesive,

comprehensive, and evidence-based approach to enhancing mental health
services for youths aged 11-18 years. This battery includes ten clinically
relevant measures of key mental health outcomes and clinical processes.
The measures, especially with their repeated use, offer clinicians
systematic feedback on their clients, both individually and in relation to
other clients served. Such feedback provides rich clinical material for
treatment planning, particularly for clients who are not improving as
expected. As an integrated set of brief, reliable, and valid instruments, the
PTPB can be administered efficiently and at low cost.
This scale assesses people's perception of autonomy in various life
domains. There are 4 life domains: leisure, interpersonal relationships,
school and life in general. There are 4 items for each of the sub-scales,
each one being assessed on a 7-point scale.

Osman, A., Barrios, F. X., Gutierrez, P.

M., Kopper, B. A., Butler, A., & Bagge, C.
L. (2003). The Pain Distress Inventory
(PDI): Development and initial
psychometric properties. Journal of
Clinical Psychology, 59(7), 767-785.
Leonard Bickman, Ph.D., Manuel Riemer,
Ph.D, Warren Lambert, Ph.D., Susan D.
Kelley, Ph.D., Carolyn Breda, Ph.D., Sarah
E. Dew, M.A., Ana.Maria Brannan, Ph.D.,
Ana Regina Vides de Andrade, Ph.D.

Perceived Autonomy in Life

Domains Scale

Perceived Stress Scales

A widely used psychological instrument for measuring the perception of


Perception of Competence in Life This scale assesses people's perception of competence in various life
Domains Scale (PCLDS)
domains. There are 4 life domains: leisure, interpersonal relationships,
school, and life in general. There are 4 items for each of the subscales,
each one being assessed on a 7-point scale.
This scale may be used for research purposes only. To use this scale you
require only to mention the complete reference data.

Further Info from Room 333.

Marc R. Blais & Robert J. Vallerand

(1991). chelle de perception
d'autodtermination dans les domaines de
vie (PADV-16). Unpublished manuscript.
Universit du Qubec Montral.
Cohen, S., Kamarck, T., & Mermelstein,
R. (1983). A global measure of perceived
stress. Journal of Health and Social
Behavior, 24, 385-396
Losier, G.F., Vallerand, R.J., & Blais, M.R.
(1993). Construction et validation de
l'chelle des Perceptions de Comptence
dans les Domaines de Vie (EPCDV).
Science et comportement, 23, 1-16.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Perception of Teasing Scale

The Perception of Teasing Scale (POTS) is a revision and extension of the

Physical Appearance-Related Teasing Scale. The POTS consists of 11
items answered on a five-point scale ranging from 1 = never to 5 =
frequently and assesses ones history of being teased about weight and
abilities/competencies. The POTS yields a six-item weight-related teasing
subscale and a five-item competency-related teasing subscale, both
formed by summing the applicable items.

Thompson, J.K., Cattarin, J., Fowler, H.,

& Fisher, E. (1995). The Perception of
Teasing Scale (POTS): A revision and
extension of the Physical Appearance
Related Teasing Scale (PARTS). Journal
of Personality Assessment, 65, 146-157

Personal Attributes

Personal Growth Initiative Scale


Personal Well-Being Index

Physical Appearance Comparison

Scale (PACS)

The Personal Attributes Questionnaire is used to determine the sex-typing

of personality. Its two scales, "expressivity" and "instrumentality,"
measure the degree to which a person can be classified according to
masculine or feminine adjectives. It is a 24 item self-report questionnaire
in which people are asked to indicate the extent to which they can be
characterized in terms of various adjectives.
The PGIS is a self-report instrument that yields a single scale score for
personal growth initiative. Personal growth initiative is a person's active
and intentional involvement in changing and developing as a person. Item
scores are summed to obtain a total PGI score. There is evidence that the
PGIS is strongly positively related to psychological well-being and
negatively related to psychological distress. Reliability and validity
evidence has been strong.
There are seven items in the scale, each one corresponding to a quality of
life domain as: standard of living, health, life achievement, personal
relationships, personal safety, community-connectedness, and future
security. Evidence for the adoption of these seven domains has been
presented by Cummins 1996, Cummins 1997, and Cummins, McCabe,
Romeo, Reid, & Waters 1997).
This scale can be used with any section of the population. Three parallel
versions of the adult PWI have been developed. PWI-PS is for use with
children and adolescents attending school, PWI-PS is for pre-school age
children, while PWI-ID is designed for people who have an intellectual
disability or other form of cognitive impairment.
Instrument is used to measure social comparison on one's appearance. It
has four items which reflect the degree of overall appearance comparison
to other individuals

Spence, J.T., & Helmreich, R.L. (1978).

Masculinity and femininity: Their
psychological dimensions, correlates, and
antecedents. Austin, TX: University of
Texas Press.

Robitschek, C. (1998) Personal Growth

Initiative: The Construct and Its Measure.
Measurement and Evaluation in
Counseling and Development, v30 n4

International Wellbeing Group (2006).

Personal Wellbeing Index. Melbourne:
Australian Centre on Quality of Life,
Deakin University

Thompson, K. Exacting beauty: Theory,

assessment, and treatment of body image
disturbance (1999),


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Physical Appearance State and

Trait Anxiety Scale

The PASTAS (Reed, Thompson, Brannick, & Sacco, 1991) is a self-report

measure of state and trait body image anxiety, which consists of 16 items
that measure one's degree of distress with specific body areas and
attributes (e.g., face, weight, etc.).

Reed et al., 1991 D.L. Reed, J.K.

Thompson, M.T. Brannick and W.P.
Sacco, Development and validation of the
physical appearance state and trait anxiety
scale (PASTAS), Journal of Anxiety
Disorders 5 (1991), pp.

Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index

Positive and Negative Affect


The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is a self-rated questionnaire

which assesses sleep quality and disturbances over a 1-month time
interval. Nineteen individual items generate seven "component" scores:
subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep
efficiency, sleep disturbances, use of sleeping medication, and daytime
dysfunction. The sum of scores for these seven components yields one
global score.
The PANAS (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule) consists of 10
positive affects (interested, excited, strong, enthusiastic, proud, alert,
inspired, determined, attentive, and active) and 10 negative affects
(distressed, upset, guilty, scared, hostile, irritable, ashamed, nervous,
jittery, and afraid). Participants are asked to rate items on a scale from 1
to 5, based on the strength of emotion where 1 = "very slightly or not at
all," and 5 = "extremely". Initial studies in development of the PANAS
showed that the scales are stable at appropriate levels over a 2-month
time period, highly internally consistent and largely uncorrelated.

Buysse DJ, Reynolds CF, Monk TH,

Berman SR, DJ Kupfer (1989) The
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: A New
Instrument for Psychiatric Practice and
Research, Psychiatry Research, 28: 193213.

Watson D, Clark LA, Tellegen A.

Development and validation of brief
measures of positive and negative affect:
the PANAS scales.J Pers Soc Psychology.
1988 Jun;54(6):1063-70.
Crawford, J. R. and Henry, J. D. (2004)
The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule
(PANAS): Construct validity, measurement
properties and normative data in a large
non-clinical sample. British Journal of
Clinical Psychology, 43, 245265


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Positive and Negative Event


The PES and the NES have been developed within the traditions of uplift
and hassle measurement. Development of these measures has focused on
sub-scale structures, reliability and validity and with a particular focus on
both positive and negative events being representative of life domains.

Procrastination Scales

Measuring procrastination.

Maybery D.J., Jones-Ellis J. Neale, J. &

Arentz, A. (in press) The Positive Event
Scale: Measuring uplift frequency and
intensity in an adult sample. Social
Indicators Research.
Maybery D.J., Neale, J., Arentz, A. &
Jones-Ellis J. (currently responding to
review).The Negative Event Scale:
measuring frequency and intensity of adult
hassles. Anxiety, Stress and Coping.
Lay, C. (1986). At last, my research
article on procrastination. Journal of
Research in Personality, 20, 474-495.

Psychological General WellBeing Schedule

A 22-item version of the GWBS. Includes items for six states, anxiety,
depressed mood, positive well being, self-control, general health and

Fazio, A. (1977) A concurrent validational

study of the NCHS General Well-Being


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Quality of Life Inventory

A brief comprehensive measure of life satisfaction used to facilitate

treatment planning and assess outcomes.

Quality of Well-Being Scale

The QWB is intended to be a standardised measure, meant to cover all

types of people in all types of situations.

RAND 36 item Health Survey

A short generic measure of subjective health status that can be applied

across a wide range of settings.

Relational Assessment
Questionnaire (RAQ).

An objective self-report instrument which measures relational-esteem, the

tendency to positively evaluate one's capacity to relate intimately to
another person; relational-depression, the tendency to feel depressed
about the status of one's intimate relationships; and relationalpreoccupation, the tendency to be highly obsessed with thoughts about
intimate relationships.

Frisch, M.B. (?) Quality of Life Therapy

and Assessment in Health Care. Clinical
Psychology: Science and Practice.
Patrick, D.L, et al. (1973) Methods of
measuring levels of well-being for a Health
Status Index. Health Services Research,
8(3), 228-245.
Hays, R. D. et al. (1993) The RAND 36
items Health Survey 1.0. Health
Economics, 217-227.
Snell, W. E., Jr., & Finney, P. D. (1993).
Measuring relational aspects of the self:
Relational-esteem, relational-depression,
and relational-preoccupation.
Contemporary Social Psychology, 17, 4455.

Relational Disclosure Scale


Examines people's willingness to disclose personal information about their

intimate relationships to counsellors.


Snell, W. E., Jr., Hampton, B. R., &

McManus, P. (1992). The impact of
counselor and participant gender on
willingness to discuss relational topics:
Development of the Relational Disclosure
Scale. Journal of Counseling and
Development, 70, 409-416.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Relationship Awareness Scale


People vary in the extent to which they think about the private and public
features of their intimate relationships. Some people spend a great deal of
their time thinking about the "internal, private" features of their close
relationships, whereas others are very aware of and concerned about the
"external, public" aspects of their intimate relationships. In the present
research the former personality tendency was called relationalconsciousness, while the latter tendency was labelled relationalmonitoring. The purpose of the present investigation was to construct and
validate an objective self-report instrument of these two attentional
dispositions, the Relationship Awareness Scale (RAS).
The RCMAS is a 37-item self-report inventory used to measure anxiety in
children, for clinical purposes (diagnosis and treatment evaluation),
educational settings, and for research purposes. The RCMAS consists of
28 Anxiety items and 9 Lie (social desirability) items. Each item is
purported to embody a feeling or action that reflects an aspect of anxiety,
hence the subtitle, What I think and Feel. It is a relatively brief
instrument, which has been subjected to extensive study to ensure that it
is psychometrically sound.

Snell, W. E., Jr., & Finney, P. D. (in

press). The Relationship Awareness
Scale. Contemporary Social Psychology.

Revised Childrens Manifest

Anxiety Scale

Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale

Dr. Florence Rosenberg has given permission to use the Self-Esteem Scale
for educational and professional research. There is no charge associated
with the use of this scale in your professional research. However, please
be sure to give credit to Dr. Rosenberg when you use the scale by citing
his work in publications, papers and reports. Dr Rosenberg would also
appreciate receiving copies of any published works resulting from your
research at the University of Maryland.

Reynolds, C. R. (1980). Concurrent

validity of What I Think and Feel: The
Revised Childrens Manifest Anxiety
Scale. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 48, 774-775.
Reynolds, C. R. (1982). Convergent and
divergent validity of the Revised Childrens
Manifest Anxiety Scale. Educational and
Psychological Measurement, 42, 12051212.
Reynolds, C. R. (1981). Long-term
stability of scores on the Revised
Childrens Manifest Anxiety Scale.
Perceptual and Motor Skills, 53, 702.
Rosenberg, Morris. 1989. Society and the
Adolescent Self-Image. Revised edition.
Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University


Test Name

Test Description

Rotter Locus of Control

Locus of Control refers to the extent to which individuals believe that they
can control events that affect them. Individuals with a high internal locus
of control believe that events result primarily from their own behavior and
actions. Those with a high external locus of control believe that powerful
others, fate, or chance primarily determine events. Those with a high
internal locus of control have better control of their behaviour and tend to
exhibit more political behaviors than externals and are more likely to
attempt to influence other people; they are more likely to assume that
their efforts will be successful. They are more active in seeking
information and knowledge concerning their situation than do externals.
The propensity to engage in political behavior is stronger for individuals
who have a high internal locus of control than for those who have a high
external locus of control.

Reference and Links


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

The SWLS is a short, 5-item instrument designed to measure global

cognitive judgments of one's lives. The scale usually requires only about
one minute of respondent time. The scale is not copyrighted, and can be
used without charge and without permission by all professionals
(researchers and practitioners). The scale takes about one minute to
complete, and is in the public domain. A description of psychometric
properties of the scale can be found in Pavot and Diener, 1993
Psychological Assessment.
The Scale of Suicidal Ideation (SSI) is a 19-item rating scale that which
can be used to evaluate a patient's suicidal intentions. It can also be used
to determine the necessity for hospitalisation or to monitor a patient's
response to interventions over time.
"Self-monitoring" refers to a person's ability to adjust his or her behaviour
to external situational factors. Individuals high in self-monitoring show
considerable adaptability in their behaviour. They are highly sensitive to
external cues and can behave differently in different situations. They are
capable of presenting striking contradictions between the public persona
and the private self. By contrast, low self-monitors can't disguise
themselves this way; they tend to display their true dispositions and
attitudes in every situation; hence, there is high behavioural consistency
between who they are privately and what they do publicly (Robbins,
1993: 714).

E Diener, RA Emmons, RJ Larsen, S

Griffin, (1985) The satisfaction with life
scale: A measure of life satisfaction Journal of Personality Assessment, 49,

Satisfaction With Life Scale

Scale of Suicide Ideation

Self Monitoring Scale

Beck AT Kovacs M Weissman A. (1979)

Assessment of suicidal intention: The
scale of suicide ideation. J Consult Clinical
Psychology. 47: 343-352.
Snyder, M. (1987). Public
appearances/private realities. New York:


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Sexual Awareness Scale (SAS).

The Sexual Awareness Questionnaire (SAQ; Snell, Fisher, & Miller, 1991)
is an objective, self-report instrument designed to measure four
personality tendencies associated with sexual awareness and sexual
assertiveness: (1) sexual-consciousness, defined as the tendency to think
and reflect about the nature of ones sexuality; (2) sexual-preoccupation,
defined as the tendency to think about sex to an excessive degree; (3)
sexual-monitoring, defined as the tendency to be aware of the public
impression which one=s sexuality makes on others; and (4) sexualassertiveness, defined as the tendency to be assertive about the sexual
aspects of ones life.
Permission is granted to individuals to use this scale for research
Sexual Relationship Scale (SRS) was developed to measure exchange and
communal approaches to sexually intimate relations. The Sexual
Relationship Scale was based on the Communal Orientation scale
developed by Clark et al. (1987) and the Exchange Orientation scale
developed by Clark, Taraban, Ho, and Wesner (1989), and was intended
to represent an extension of their ideas.
Permission is granted to individuals to use this scale for research

Snell, W. E., Jr., Fisher, T. D., & Miller, R.

S. (in press). The Sexual Awareness
Scale. In C. M. Davis, W. L. Yarber, and
S. L. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of sexualityrelated measures. Newbury Park: Sage.
Snell, W. E., Jr., Fisher, T. D., & Miller, R.
S. (1991). Development of the Sexual
Awareness Questionnaire: Components,
reliability, and validity. Annals of Sex
Research, 4, 65-92.

The Sexual Self-Disclosure Scale (SSDS) examines women's and men's

willingness to discuss a variety of sexual topics with parents and friends
by developing an objective self-report instrument,
Permission is granted to individuals to use this scale for research

Snell, W. E., Jr. (in press). The Sexual

Self-Disclosure Scale. In C. M. Davis, W.
L. Yarber, and S. L. Davis (Eds.),
Handbook of sexuality-related measures.
Newbury Park: Sage.
Snell, W. E., Jr., Belk, S. S., Papini, D. R.,
& Clark, S. (1989). Development and
validation of the Sexual Self-Disclosure
Scale. Annals of Sex Research, 2, 307334.

Sexual Relationship Scale (SRS).

Snell, W. E., Jr. (in press). The Sexual

Relationship Scale. In C. M. Davis, W. L.
Yarber, and S. L. Davis (Eds.), Handbook
of sexuality-related measures. Newbury
Park: Sage.
Hughes, T., & Snell, W. E., Jr. (1990).
Communal and exchange approaches to
sexual relations. Annals of Sex Research,
3, 149-163.

Sexual Self-Disclosure Scale


Sexuality Scale

Permission is granted to individuals to use this scale for research



Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

School and Home Situations


Scales to ascertain ADHD in both home and school settings. The Home
Situation Questionnaire evaluates how the symptoms of ADHD disrupt
normal home situations such as meal time or completing chores. Parents
determine if there were problems in 16 different areas and then rate those
problems on a scale of 1-9. The School Situation Questionnaire is
completed by teachers and evaluates the child on 12 common school
The SF- 36 is a short form measure of generic health status in the
general population. The SF-36 is designed for self-administration.
Alternatively, a trained interviewer can use a standardized script for face
to face and telephone interview. The SF-36 takes 5 10 minutes for
respondent to complete. Can be administered to anyone over the age of
SMBM and SMVM Sharing of Results
You are welcomed to use the SMBM and the SMVM provided that you
agree to the following two conditions:
1. The use is for non-commercial educational or research purposes
only. This means no one is charging anyone a fee.
2. You agree to share some of your results, detailed below, with the
authors. We will use these results only for the purpose of
updating the norms and bibliography.
Results that we would like to kindly request that you send us include:
1. We would like to receive, for each of your samples, the mean
score, SD, and coefficient alpha of each subscale and the total
score of the measure(s) that you have used.
2. For each sample, a brief description of sample size,
occupation(s) covered language and country wherein the
measures were administered.
See above

Barkley, R. A. (1981). Hyperactive

children: A handbook for diagnosis and
treatment. New York: Guilford.

SF-36 Health Survey

Shirom-Melamed Burnout

Shirom-Melamed Vigor Measure

Shorter PROMIS Questionnaire

A questionnaire that assesses a range of addictive behaviours. The

Shorter PROMIS Questionnaire (SPQ) is a 16-scale self-report instrument
assessing the use of nicotine, recreational drugs, prescription drugs,
gambling, sex, caffeine, food bingeing, food starving, exercise, shopping,
work, relationships dominant and submissive, and compulsive helping
dominant and submissive.

Ware, J. E, (1993). SF-36 Health Survey:

Manual and Interpretation Guide. Boston:
The Health Institute, New England Medical

Christo. G et al (2003) The Shorter

PROMIS Questionnaire Further validation
of a tool for simultaneous assessment of
multiple addictive behaviours. Addictive
Behaviors 28, 225248.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Shyness Scale (20 item)

Shyness Scale (13 item)
Shyness Scale (9 item)

Measuring shyness.

Cheek, J.M., & Melchior, L.A. (1985).

Measuring the Three Components of
Shyness. In M.H. Davis & S.L. Franzoi
(Co-chairs), Emotion, Personality, and
Personal Well-Being II. Symposium
conducted at the annual convention of the
American Psychological Association, Los
Cheek, J.M. (1983). Unpublished,
Wellesley College, Wellesley MA 02181
Cheek, J.M., & Buss, A.H. (1981).
Shyness and sociability. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 41,

Sickness Impact Profile

Silver Lining Questionnaire

Social Behaviour Schedule

Social Phobia Inventory

Developed to address the need for measures to evaluate interventions

with comprehensive and long term objectives for improved health status.
Aiming to provide a global measure of health status that is appropriate
across different disease populations and sensitive to varying levels of
The Silver Lining Questionnaire measures the extent to which people
believe their illness has had a positive benefit despite the negative
consequences of being ill. Research suggests that this positive
interpretation is not due to a form of self-delusion but instead reflects
personal growth and that it can be enhanced by the context. Its role in
recovery from illness is complex.
For the assessment of long-term impairment or disability in terms of social

The SPIN assesses fear, avoidance, and physiological symptoms

associated with social phobia

Bergner, M. et al. (1976) The Sickness

impact Profile: conceptual formulation and
methodology for the development of a
health status measure. International
Journal of Health Services, 6, 393-415.
Sodergren, S. C. & Hyland, M. E. (1997).
Qualitative phase in the development of
the Silver Lining Questionnaire. Quality of
Life Research, 6, (7-8), 365.

Wykes, T and Sturt, E. (1986) The

measurement of social behaviour in
psychiatric patients: an assessment of the
reliability and validity if the SBS Schedule.
British Journal of Psychiatry, 148, 1-11.
Connor K., Davidson J., Churchill L.,
Sherwood A., Foa E., Weisler R.,
Psychometric properties of the Social
Phobia Inventory.Br J Psychiatry.2000:


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Socially Desirable Response

Scale 5

Self-report measures of attitudes, behavior, and feelings are biased and

validity is compromised when respondents answer questions in such a
way as to represent themselves favorably. A number of instruments have
been developed to evaluate a respondent's tendency to give socially
desirable responses, but such instruments tend to be lengthy. RAND
developed a new 5-item SDRS instrument, the SDRS-5, which is shorter
than and nearly as reliable as longer instruments.

Hays RD, Hayashi T, Stewart AL. 1989. A

Five-item Measure of Socially Desirable
Response Set, Educational and
Psychological Measurement, Vol. 49, 629636

Sociocultural Attitudes Towards

Appearance Scale

The Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire 3 is a

revision of our first two scales (Heinberg & Thompson, 1995; Thompson
et al., 1999). It has subscales that assess internalization (general,
athlete), pressures, and information.

Spence Childrens Anxiety Scale

Measuring anxiety in children.

Spitzer Quality of Life Index

An instrument to measure quality of life in cancer patients and those

diagnosed with chronic diseases.

Sport Competition Anxiety Test

Analyses an athlete's responses to a series of statements about how

she/he feels in a competitive situation it is possible to determine their level
of anxiety.
The SMS measures types of motivation derived from the selfdetermination theory of Deci and Ryan (1985). SMS items depict potential
answers to the question Why do you practice your sport? and are rated
on a 7-point Likert scale with 1 (does not correspond at all to me) and 7
(corresponds exactly to me) as endpoints.

Thompson et al (2004) The sociocultural

attitudes towards appearance scale-3
(SATAQ-3): development and validation.
International J Eat Disorders; 35(3):293304.

Sport Motivation Scale

State Meta-Mood Experience


The State Meta-Mood Experience Scale (SMMS) is a scale of metaexperience developed independently of the Trait Meta Mood Scale. It has
rather interesting psychometric properties, as it was developed to include
scales appropriate to those in both overly good as well as overly bad

Spence SH. The Spence Childrens

Anxiety Scale (SCAS). In: Sclare I, ed.
Child psychology portfolio. Windsor, UK:
NFER-Nelson, 1997.
Wood, S. (1981) Measuring the quality of
life of cancer patients: a concise QL-index
for use by physicians. Journal of Chronic
Diseases, 34, 585-597.
Martens, R., Vealey, R.S. and Burton, D.
(1990). Competitive Anxiety in Sport.
Human Kinetics.
Pelletier, L. G., Fortier, M. S., Vallerand,
R. J., Tuson, K. M., Brire, N. M., & Blais,
M. R. (1995). Toward a new measure of
intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation,
and amotivation in sports: The Sport
Motivation Scale (SMS). Journal of Sport
& Exercise Psychology, 17, 35-53.
Mayer, J. D., & Stevens, A. (1994). An
emerging understanding of the reflective
(meta-) experience of mood. Journal of
Research in Personality, 28, 351-373.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

State Trait Cheerfulness


The State-Trait-Cheerfulness-Inventory (STCI) is a self-report instrument

measuring the three concepts of cheerfulness, seriousness, and bad mood
as both states (STCI-S) and traits (STCI-T). They are 20 and 10 items per
scale in the STCI-T and STCI-S, respectively, and both parts utilize a 4point answer format (strongly disagree to strongly agree). The concepts
are considered to assess the temperamental basis of humor and the scales
have been validated in a variety of studies. The trait part is reliable and
state part is sensitive to change. The traits are disposition for the
activation of the homologous states and it has been demonstrated that
trait cheerfulness is not only predictor for getting in a cheerful mood more
easily (threshold in), experience that state more strongly, and remain in
that state longer, even under adverse circumstances (i.e., of the
phenomenon of "keeping" or "losing one's humor"). The state and state
versions of the inventory take approximately 10 and 5 minutes to
complete, respectively. More at:

Ruch, W., Khler, G. & van Thriel (1996).

Assessing the "humorous temperament":
Construction of the facet and standard
trait forms of the State-Trait-CheerfulnessInventory -- STCI. In W. Ruch (Ed.),
Measurement of the sense of humor
[special issue]. Humor: International
Journal of Humor Research, 9, 303-339.
Ruch, W., Khler, G. & van Thriel (1997).
To be in good or bad humor: Construction
of the state form of the State-TraitCheerfulness-Inventory -- STCI.
Personality and Individual Differences, 22,

Stereotypes About AIDS Questionnaire (SAAQ), a multidimensional

measure of stereotypes about AIDS. The selection of the particular
stereotypes about AIDS measured by the SAAQ was based on a literature
review about AIDS stereotypes. Four categories of AIDS-related
stereotypes (with multiple subscales in each category) are measured by
the SAAQ: (A) global stereotypic beliefs about AIDS, (B) personal
attitudes about AIDS, (C) medical issues about AIDS, and (D) sexual
issues about AIDS.

Snell, W. E., Jr., Finney, P., & Godwin, L.

J. (in press). The Stereotypes About
AIDS Questionnaire. In C. M. Davis, W.
L. Yarber, and S. L. Davis (Eds.),
Handbook of sexuality-related measures.
Newbury Park: Sage.

Stereotypes About AIDS

Questionnaire (SAAQ).


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Stereotypes About Male

Sexuality Scale (SAMSS).

The Stereotypes About Male Sexuality Scale (SAMSS) is an objective selfreport questionnaire that is designed to measure 10 distinctive stereotypic
beliefs about males and their sexuality (cf. Zilbergeld, 1978; chapter 4):
(1) Inexpressiveness; (2) Sex Equals Performance; (3) Males Orchestrate
Sex; (4) Always Ready for Sex; (5) Touching Leads to Sex; (6) Sex Equals
Intercourse; (7) Sex Requires Erection; (8) Sex Requires Orgasm; (9)
Spontaneous Sex; and (10) Sexually Aware Men. The 10 subscales on the
Stereotypes About Male Sexuality Scale (SAMSS) can be used in research
as individual tendency measures of stereotypes about males and their
sexuality; alternatively, the 10 SAMSS subscales can be used in
correlational or experimental investigations on male sexuality.

Snell, W. E., Jr. (in press). The

Stereotypes About Male Sexuality Scale.
In C. M. Davis, W. L. Yarber, and S. L.
Davis (Eds.), Handbook of sexualityrelated measures. Newbury Park: Sage.
Snell, W. E., Jr., Belk, S. S., & Hawkins,
R. C. II (1986). The Stereotypes About
Male Sexuality Scale (SAMSS):
Components, correlates, antecedents,
consequences, and counselor bias. Social
and Behavioral Sciences Documents, 16,
9. (Ms. No. 2746)

Structural Assessment of
Stressful Experiences

Measuring the effects of stressful experiences.

Subjective Happiness Scale

The SHS is a 4-item scale of global subjective happiness. Two items ask
respondents to characterize themselves using both absolute ratings and
ratings relative to peers, whereas the other two items offer brief
descriptions of happy and unhappy individuals and ask respondents the
extent to which each characterization describes them. The SHS has been
validated in 14 studies with a total of 2,732 participants. Data has been
collected in the United States from students on two college campuses and
one high school campus, from community adults in two California cities,
And from older adults, as well as from students and community adults in
Moscow, Russia. Results have indicated that the SHS has high internal
consistency, which has been found to be stable across samples. Testretest and self-peer correlations have suggested good to excellent
reliability, and construct validation studies of convergent and discriminant
validity have confirmed the use of this scale to measure the construct of
subjective happiness.

Stamm, B.H. & Bieber, S.L. (1996).

Psychometric Review of Structural
Assessment of Stressful Experiences. In
B.H. Stamm (Ed.), Measurement of Stress,
Trauma and Adaptation. Lutherville, MD:
Sidran Press
Lyubomirsky, S., & Lepper, H. S. (1999).
A measure of subjective happiness:
Preliminary reliability and construct
validation. Social Indicators Research, 46,


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Subjective Quality of Life Profile


Core Questionnaire: 30 items 4 domains covered by these items

(relationships, health, inner life, material conditions).

Survey of Life Experiences

Assessment of relative levels of stress experienced.

Gerin, P. et al. (1992) Quality of life

assessment in therapeutic trials: rationale
and presentation of a more appropriate
instrument. Fundamental and Clinical
Pharmacology, 6, 263-276.
Kohn, P. & Macdonald, J.E. (1992). The
Survey of Life Experiences: A
decontaminated hassles scale for adults.
Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 15, 221


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Ten Commandments
Questionnaire (TCQ).

The Ten Commandments Questionnaire (TCQ) was designed to measure

the extent to which people believe in each of the Ten Commandments
specified in the Bible.

Snell, W. E., Jr. (1995). Measuring the

10 Commandments: Construction and
preliminary evidence for reliability and
validity. Manuscript in preparation.

Ten Item Personality Inventory

The TIPI is a 10-item measure of the Big Five (or Five-Factor Model)

Gosling, S. D., Rentfrow, P. J., & Swann,

W. B., Jr. (in press). A Very Brief Measure
of the Big Five Personality Domains.
Journal of Research in Personality.

Thought Control Questionnaire

The TCQ was developed to provide a measure of the various techniques

that individuals use to control unpleasant and unwanted thoughts. It also
explores the relationship between the use of different strategies and
measures of stress vulnerability and psychopathology.

Trauma Screening Questionnaire

The TSQ is a 10-item symptom screen that was designed for use with
survivors of all types of traumatic stress. The TSQ is based on items from
the PTSD Symptom Scale Self Report (PSS-SR; Foa et al., 1993) and
has 5 re-experiencing items and 5 arousal items. Respondents are asked
to endorse those items that they have experienced at least twice in the
past week. Brewin et al. (2002) considered the screen positive when at
least 6 items were endorsed. The authors recommended that screening be
conducted 3-4 weeks post-trauma to allow for normal recovery processes
to take place. Those screening positive should then be assessed with a
structured interview for PTSD.

Wells, A., & Davies, M.I (1994) The

Thought Control Questionnaire: A measure
of individual differences in the control of
unwanted thoughts. Behaviour Research
and Therapy, 32, 871-878.
Brewin, C. R., Rose, S., Andrews, B.,
Green, J., Tata, P., McEvedy C. , Turner,
S, and Foa, E. B. (2002) Brief screening
instrument for post-traumatic stress
disorder. Br. J. Psychiatry, Aug; 181: 158
- 162.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Trust Scale

The scale consists of 3 subscales. Predictability (P) that emphasizes the

consistency and stability of a partners specific behaviours based on past
experience, Dependability (D) that concentrates on the dispositional
qualities of the partner which warrant confidence in the face of risk and
potential hurt, and Faith (F) that centres on feelings of confidence in the
relationship and the responsiveness and caring expected from the partner
in the face of an uncertain future. The total Trust measure is the sum of
the 3 subscale totals.
A scale to measure individual differences in children's trust-value basis of

Rempel, J.K., Holmes, J.G. & Zanna, M.P.

(1985). Trust in close relationships.
Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 49, 95-112.

Trust Value Friendship Scale

(for children)

Rotenberg and Morgan (1995).

Development of a scale to measure
individual differences in children's trustvalue basis of friendship. Journal of
Genetic Psychology, 156, 489-502.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Measure of dysfunctional attitudes.

Parslow, R. A et al (2006) The Warpy

Thoughts Scale: a New 20-Item
Instrument to Measure Dysfunctional
Attitudes. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Vol 35, No 2, pp. 106116,

Warpy Thoughts Scale

Weight Efficacy Lifestyle


Werry-Weiss-Peters Activity
Rating Scale

Work and Social Adjustment


The WEL includes 20 items that have respondents rate their confidence to
resist eating in certain situations. Respondents rate their confidence on a
10-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (not confident) to 9 (very confident).
The WEL yields five subscale scores and a global WEL score, which is the
sum of the subscales. Each subscale is comprised of four items, and the
subscales include situations related to negative emotions (e.g., eating
when sad or anxious), availability (e.g., eating when food is readily
available, such as at a party), social pressure (e.g., declining food when
others are encouraging eating), physical discomfort (e.g., eating when
fatigued or in pain), and positive activities (e.g., eating when watching
television or reading).
The Activity Level Questionnaire has been designed to provide a means of
quantifying activity level and has been found sensitive in estimating the
effectiveness of drug treatment. It asks the observer (in this case the
mother) to rate the subject on a three-point scale from "none" (0 points)
to "yes-very much" (2 points) over a number of different situations. The
scale contains 32 items distributed over behaviors at mealtime, while
watching television, doing homework, playing, sleeping, away from home
(except school), and at school.
The Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS) is a self-report scale of
functional impairment attributable to an identified problem (Marks, 1986;
see Appendix). This simple, five-item scale has been used to study the
treatment of depression and anxiety, but no information about its
properties has been previously published.

Clark, M. M., Abrams, D. B, Niaura, R. S.,

Eaton, C. A., & Rossi, J. S. (1991). Selfefficacy in weight management. Journal
of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,
59(5), 739-744.

Werry, J. S. Hyperactivity. In C. G.
Costello (Ed.), Symptoms of
psychopathology. New York: Wiley, 1970.
Pp. 397-417.

J.C. Mundt, I.M. Marks, J.H. Greist and

K. Shear, The Work and Social
Adjustment Scale: a simple accurate
measure of impairment in functioning, Br.
J. Psychiatry 180 (2002), pp. 461464.


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Work Locus of Control Scale

The Work Locus of Control Scale (WLCS) is a 16-item instrument

designed to assess control beliefs in the workplace. It is a domain specific
locus of control scale that correlates about .50 to .55 with general locus
of control.
The Work Locus of Control Scale, WLCS is copyrighted. You are welcome
to use the WLCS for free under two conditions.
1. The use is for non-commercial educational or research purposes. This
means no one is charging anyone a fee.
2. You agree to share results with the authors. This is how we continue
to update the norms and bibliography.
The WWBI is a derivative of the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI; The
International Wellbeing Group, 2005), and is hereby made freely available
for use. However, students, researchers and practitioners who wish to
use this scale do so with the understanding that the scale is in its early
stages of development. Whilst preliminary tests support the WWBIs
validity, its psychometric properties are still to be confirmed using
additional samples. To access full details of the authors construction of
the WWBI, including its psychometric properties, please refer to the above
named thesis.

Spector, P. E. (1988). Development of the

work locus of control scale. Journal of
Occupational Psychology, 61, 335-340.

Workplace Well-being index

World Health Organization 5

Well-Being Scale

World Health Organization

Quality of Life -BREF

If you choose to use this scale, we ask that you consider adding your raw
data to our WWBI database (this is not mandatory however) by emailing
the author. Your support in this regard will help us collate further
evidence regarding its validity.
The WHO-5 is a very simple self-administered questionnaire designed to
assess subjective well being. It is recommended for use in primary care.

Cross-cultural quality of life measure. It assesses individuals perceptions

in the context of their culture and value systems, and their personal goals,
standards and concerns.

Page, K. (2005). Subjective Wellbeing in

the Workplace. Unpublished Honours
thesis, Deakin University, Melbourne,
Australia. Accessed via

Wellbeing measures in primary health

care: the Depcare Project. Report on a
WHO Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 12
13 February 1998. WHO Regional Office
for Europe, Copenhagen.
World Health Organization 2004


Test Name

Test Description

Reference and Links

Yale Brown Obsessive

Compulsive Scale

Designed to rate the severity and type of symptoms in patients with

obsessive compulsive disorder. Rating performed by: Clinician or trained
mental health professional, based on the information generated during the
interview, which is preceded by a symptom checklist that is used to
identify the content of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Interviewer then
asks the subject to identify the three obsessions and compulsions that are
most distressing and to focus on them during the Y-BOCS interview,
which thus assesses the severity of the symptoms.
This self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) was developed by Zung as a selfreporting instrument for patients being evaluated for anxiety-associated
symptoms. The patient answers 20 questions related to the frequency of
various symptoms.

Goodman WK, Price LH, Rasmussen SA,

et al.: The Yale-Brown Obsessive
Compulsive Scale, I: development, use,
and reliability. Archives of General
Psychiatry 46:1006-1011, 1989a.

Zung Self Rated Anxiety Scale

Zung W. A self-rating depression scale.

Arch Gen Psychiatry 12:63-70.(1965)


Photocopiable Resources (held in room 333)

The School has purchased the right to freely copy the tests in the list printed below. The copyright of these
tests belongs to publishers, however they are resources that are free to use when referenced correctly. You
may not alter any items in copyrighted tests. All tests are stored in the IT Office (room 333). Permission for
use of these tests must be sought from your dissertation supervisor.

Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (NFER-Nelson)

Introduction and Global Measures of Distress
The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12)

Goldberg (1972)

The Fear Questionnaire

Marks and Matthews (1979)

The Mobility Inventory for Agoraphobia

Chambless et al (1985)

The Clinical Anxiety Scale (CAS)

Snaith et al (1982)

The Padua Inventory

Sanavio (1988)


Habit Disorder
The Morgan-Russell Assessment Schedule (MRAS)

Morgan and Russell (1975)

The Body Shape Questionnaire

Cooper et al (1987)

The Short Alcohol Dependence Data (SADD)

Raistrick et al (1983)

Psychological Adjustment to Illness

The McGill Pain Questionnaire

Melzack (1995)

Interpersonal Difficulties
Social Activities and Distress Scale (SAD)

Watson and Friend (1969)

Inventory of Interpersonal problems (IIP)

Horowitz et al (1988)

The Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction

Rust and Golombok (1986)

The Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital State

Rust et al (1988)


Stress, Coping and Social Support

Hassles and Uplifts Scales

Kanner et al (1981)

The Significant Others Scale (SOS)

Power et al (1988)

The Coping Responses Inventory (CRI)

Moos (1990)

Inventory for Depressive Symptomology (IDS)

Rush et al (1986)

Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD)

Zigmond and Snaith (1983)


Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio

Pain and Pain Behaviours
McGill Pain Questionnaire

Melzack (1995)

UAB Pain Behaviour Scale

Richards et al (1982)

Beliefs About Pain Control Questionnaire

Skevington (1990)

Pain Coping Strategies Questionnaire

Rosentiel and Keefe (1983)

Varni-Thompson Paediatric Pain Questionnaire

Varni et al (1987)


Carver et al (1989)

Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale

Watson et al (1988)

Health Related Behaviour

General Preventative Health Behaviours Checklist

Amir (1987)

Reported Health Behaviours Checklist

Prohaska et al (1985)


Beliefs and Knowledge About Health and Illness

Health Value Scale

Lau et al (1986)

Health Status and Health Related Quality of Life

Perceived Health Status

Wright (1987)

Satisfaction With Life Scale

Diener et al (1985)

Acceptance of Illness Scale

Felton et al (1985)

Quality of Adjusted Life Year Index

Rosser and Kind (1988)

Illness Specific Measurement

a) Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale

Meenan et al (1965)

b)Rotterdam Symptom Checklist

De Haes et al (1990)

Illness Symptoms, Disability and Recovery

Barthel Index

Mahoney and Barthel (1965)

Functional Limitations profile

Patrick and Peach (1989)

Measuring Symptoms


Expectations, Experience, and Evaluations of Health Care

Attitudes Towards Doctors and Medicine Scale

Marteau (1990)

Patient Request Form

Salmon and Quine (1989)

Krantz Health Opinion Survey

Krantz et al (1980)

Cancer Attitude Inventory

Berrenberg (1991)

Prejudicial Evaluation and Social Interaction Scale

St Lawrence et al (1990)

Medical Interview Satisfaction Scale

Wolf et al (1978)

Individual and Demographic Differences

Framingham Type A Behaviour Pattern Measure

Haynes et al (1983)

Framingham Anger Measure

Haynes et al (1983)

Courtauld Emotional Control Scale

Watson and Greer (1983)

Marlowe-Crowne Scale

Crowne and Marlowe (1960)

Positive and Negative Affect Schedule

Watson et al (1988)

Pennebaker Inventory of Limbic Languidness

Pennebaker (1982)

Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale

Rosenberg (1989)


Life Orientation Test

Scheier and Carver (1985)

Causal and Control Beliefs

Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale

Wallston et al (1978)

Childrens Health Locus of Control Scale

Parcel and Meyer (1978)

Perceived Control of Insulin Dependent Diabetes

Bradley et al 91984)

Recovery of Locus of Control

Partridge and Johnson (1989)

Self Efficacy Measurement

a) Specific Self-Efficacy beliefs

Wegner et al (1993)

b) Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale

Approaches to the measurement of health-related attributions


Copyrighted Psychometric Tests

The tests printed below are published tests that are copyrighted. You may not reproduce or alter any items in copyrighted tests.
All tests are stored in the Technical Workshop (room 335). Permission for use of these tests must be sought from your
dissertation supervisor and the Director of the School of Psychology.
Able Series

Psychometric Research and Development Ltd

Advanced Occupational Interest Inventory


Heim, Watts and Simmonds

AH4 Group Test of General Intelligence

Heim, Watts and Simmonds

AH5 Group Test of High Grade Intelligence


Alexander Performance Scale


Anomalous Sentences Repetition


Automated Working Memory Assessment

Alloway & Gathercole

Basic Skills (Literacy)

Basic Skills (Numeracy)
Beck Depression Inventory-II

Beck, Steer and Brown

Beck Hopelessness Scale

Beck and Steer

Beck Scales for Suicide Ideation

Beck and Steer

Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome

Emslie, Wilson, Burden, Nimmo-Smith and Wilson

Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test (Sample Pack Only)


Bristol Social Adjustment

British Ability Scales

Elliot, Murray, Pearson

British Picture Vocabulary Scale II

Dunn & Dunn

Career Interest Inventory

The Psychological Corporation

Carl Hollow Square Test

Children's Apperception Test

Bellak and Bellak

Clifton Assessment Procedures for the Elderly

Pattie and Gillard

Clinical Analysis Questionnaire

Krug and Cattell

Culture Fair Intelligence Test

Culture Free Self Esteem Inventory

Cattell and Cattell

DAT for Selection General Abilities Battery (Sample Pack Only)

Bennett, Seashore and Wesman

DAT for Selection Technical Abilities Battery

Doors and People

Baddeley, Emslie and Nimmo-Smith

Dynamic Personality Inventory


Early Mathematics Diagnostic Kit

Lumb and Lumb

Edinburgh Reading Tests

Embedded Figures Test


Embedded Figures Test (Children's )



Eysenck Personality Inventory

Eysenck and Eysenck

Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Junior

Eysenck and Eysenck

Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Long

Eysenck and Eysenck

Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Short Form

Eysenck and Eysenck

Family Environment Scale

Moos and moos

Firestone Assessment of Self Destructive Thoughts

Firestone and Firestone

Flanagan Aptitude Classification Test


Frostig Developmental Test of Visual Perception


Fuld Object-Memory Evaluation


General Ability Tests

General Clerical Test

The Psychological Corporation

General Health Questionnaire 28

Goldberg and Williams

General Health Questionnaire 30

Goldberg and Williams

General Health Questionnaire 60

Goldberg and Williams

Goodenough Harris Drawing Test

Harris and Goodeneough

Gordon Personal Profile Inventory


Graded Naming Test

McKenna and Warrington

Graded Non-Word Reading Test

McKenna and Warrington


Graduate Management Assessment

Psychometric Research Unit

Grid Test of Schizophrenic Thought Disorder

Banniers and Fransella

Hiskey Nebraska Test of Learning Aptitude


Job Descriptive Index

Smith et al

Kendrick Cognitive Tests for the Elderly

Kendrick and Watts

Leeds Scales

Smith, Budge an Hamilton

Life Experiences Checklist


Maslach Burnout Inventory

Maslach, Jackson, Leiter and Schaufeli

Mastery of your Anxiety and Panic

Craske, Barlow and Meadows

Mathematics 5-14 Series


Maudsley Personality Index

Merrill Palmer Scale of Mental Tests


Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire

Minnesota Counselling Inventory

Buthcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen and Kaemmer

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

Minnesota Teacher Attitude Inventory
Minnesota Test for Differential Aphasia
Modern Occupational Skills Test

Johnson, Blinkhorn, Wood and Hall


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Briggs, Myers, Mcauley, Quenk and Hammer

National Adult Reading Test

Wick et al

Neale Analysis of Reading Ability II

Neale, Christophers and Whetton

Nelson Denny Reading Test

Brown, Fishco and Hanna

New Technology Tests - Computer Commands


New Technology Tests - Computer Rules


NFER Non-Verbal Tests 3


NFER Reading Comprehension Tests


NFER Verbal Test


Occupational Interest Inventory

Holdsworth and camp

Occupational Stress Indicator

Cooper, Sloan and Williams

Passalong Test


Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test

Dunn, Dunn, Williams and Wang

Personal Adjustment Inventory

Personal Orientation Inventory


Picture Intelligence Test Children's

Piers-Harris Children's Self Concept Scale

Piers, Herzberg and Harris

Porteous Early Education Programme


Porteous Maze Test


Position Analysis Questionnaire

McCormick, Mecham, Jeanneret

Primary Reading Test


Pyramids and Palm Trees Test

Howard and Patterson

Ravens Progressive Matrices

Raven, Court and Raven

Ravens Standard Matrices

Raven, Court and Raven

Recognition Memory Test


Reiss-Epstein-Gurky Anxiety Sensitivity Scale

Peterson, Reiss

Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial

Meyers and Meyers

Reynell Developmental Language Scales

Edwards, Fletcher, Garman, Hughes, Letts and Sinka

Richmond Test of Basic Skills

Hieronymous, Lindquist and France

Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test

Wilson et al



Screen Test

Senf and Comrey

Seashore Measure of Musical Talents

Seashore. Lewis and Saeveit

Self Directed Search


Sixteen Personality Factor

Jackson et al


Sixteen Personality Factor 5

Cattell et al

Social Behaviour Assessment

Southgate Reading Test


Speed and Capacity of Language Processing Test

Baddeley, Emslie and Nimmo-Smith

Stanford Binet Intelligence Test

Thorndike et al

State-Trait Anxiety Inventory

Speilberger at al

Study of Values


Stycar Hearing


Stycar Language


Stycar Vision


Team Climate Inventory

Anderson and West

Thackaray Reading Profiles

Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking


Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Test

Sparrow et al

Visual Object and Spatial Perception Battery

Warrington and James

Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal

Watson and Glaser

Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence

The Psychological Corporation

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale 1955



Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale III 1997


Wechsler Memory Scale III


Wechsler Pre-School and Primary Scale of Intelligence


WISC -R (Children's)


Wisconsin Card Sorting Test

Kongs et al

Word Recognition Test


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