Case Management Model
Case Management Model
Case Management Model
Choosing the right case management model can make or break your efforts to meet your organizations strategic goals.
But choosing your model is a time-consuming and difficult task, and maintaining it can pose even more of a challenge.
Case Management
Evidence for Connecting
Models the Boardroom to the Bedside
HCPro is proud to present its new resource, Hospital Case Management Models: Evidence for Connecting the
Boardroom to the Bedside, to help you implement a proven model that fits cohesively with your facilitys culture.
This user-friendly book will help you:
Choose a case management model that is based on research and experience that will meet your
organizational needs
Streamline your case management department and responsibilities to ensure quality patient care, increase
patient satisfaction, and reduce cost of care delivery
Understand how to implement the model at the point of care with helpful Bedside Bulletins found at the end
of each chapter
Organize your model by using the included evidence-based tools, decision trees, and case examples
From the boardroom, through the executive team, to the bedsideyou will ensure your case management model is
working toward meeting your organizations most important strategic goals with Hospital Case Management Models.
Also of interest
Emergency Department Case Management:
Strategies for Creating and Sustaining
a Successful Program
Implement, maintain, or evolve your
ED case management program with this
comprehensive guide.
Case Management
Evidence for Connecting
the Boardroom to the Bedside
Hospital Case
Management Models
Evidence for Connecting the
Boardroom to the Bedside
Karen Zander, RN, MS, CMAC, FAAN
Hospital Case Management Models: Evidence for Connecting the Boardroom to the Bedside is published
by HCPro, Inc.
Copyright 2008 HCPro, Inc.
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
5 4 3 2 1
ISBN 978-1-60146-200-8
No part of this publication may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without prior written consent of HCPro, Inc., or the Copyright Clearance Center (978/750-8400). Please notify us immediately if
you have received an unauthorized copy.
HCPro, Inc., provides information resources for the healthcare industry.
HCPro, Inc., is not affiliated in any way with The Joint Commission, which owns the JCAHO and Joint
RECOGNITION are trademarks of the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). The products and
services of HCPro, Inc., and The Greeley Company are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the ANCC.
Karen Zander, RN, MS, CMAC, FAAN, Author
About the Author............................................................................................................ vii
How to Use the Tools on the CD-ROM......................................................................... viii
Chapter 1: Importance of Models.................................................................................... 1
The Appeal of Models ..................................................................................................... 1
Models in Healthcare...............................................................................................................2
The Politics of Models...................................................................................................... 4
Categorizing Hospital Case Management Models.................................................................6
Case Management Models at the Bedside............................................................................. 11
Bedside Bulletin: Case Management Narrative: When I Made a Difference...................... 12
Chapter 2: Case Management Practice in Hospitals: Coming of Age........................ 15
Defining Case Management and its Inherent Authority..................................................... 15
Models Should Establish the Expert Authority of RNs and Social Workers....................... 19
Background: Drivers and Rationale for Hospital Case Management..................................21
The Evolving Core of Case Management Functions............................................................ 23
Bedside Bulletin: Think Like a Shark, Act Like an Octopus................................................ 26
Chapter 3: Case Managements Position in the Organization.................................... 31
Case Management as the Hospitals Engine.........................................................................31
Scalar Process: To Whom Does the Case Management Department Report?.................... 32
Bedside Bulletin: Your Network from Bedside to Boardroom............................................ 38
Chapter 4: Fundamental Components of Hospital Case Management Models....... 43
Components of Case Management Models......................................................................... 43
1. Role of the Director or Manager....................................................................................... 44
2. CMS Conditions of Participation and The Joint Commission
Requirements for a Hospital Plan.................................................................................... 46
3. Utilization Review/Case Management Committee ........................................................ 47
4. Typical Department Structures and Personnel ................................................................50
5. The Physician Advisor/Medical Director of Case Management...................................... 52
6. Case Management Standards for Hospitals..................................................................... 54
7. Philosophy of the Case Management Service Matters................................................. 55
Bedside Bulletin: Care Coordination Rounds.......................................................................61
Writing this book was a joy in the midst of challenge, and in a space and time made possible
by my husband, Bernhard Metzger. He has always been the wind beneath my wings, for
which I thank him once again.
I would also like to thank everyone at The Center for Case Management, particularly Kathy
Bower and Sue Wilson, for generously supporting me through these last few months. Our
sage associates have nurtured the principles and practices presented in this book. It has been
an amazing 22 year journey with our colleagues and clients!
Fig 2-3
Fig 3-2
Figure 3.2: Pros and Cons of Case Management Director Reporting Structure
Fig 3-3
Figure 3.3: Pros and Cons for New Case Management Director Reporting
Fig 3-4
Fig 5-1
Data Dashboard
Fig 5-2
Fig 5-3
Fig 5-4
Fig 5-5
Figure 5.5: Progress Over Time of FTEs Added for Clinical Documentation
Fig 6-6
Fig 6-10
Fig 6-11
Fig 6-12
Goals (deliverables)
Fig 6-13
Fig 7-1
Fig 7-2
Fig 8-1
The following files are bonus examples found only on the CD-ROM. They are organized by the
chapter to which the material relates:
File name
Chapter 2
Article from New Definition Its Not the Notice, Its the
Chapter 3
Article from New Definition Looking Under the Sheets: The Case
Chapter 4
UR-CM algorithm
Article from New Definition Where Process Meets Practice: The New
11 the Tools on theCD-ROM
to Use
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Article from New Definition The Most Vulnerable Unit: Crisis on the
10 Steps
Chapter 9
Practice Across Time and Place by Tina Davis, RN, CMAC, MS, CNS
Installation Instructions
This product was designed for the Windows operating system and includes Word files that will
run under Windows 95/98 or greater. The CD will work on all PCs and most Macintosh systems. To run the files on the CD-ROM, take the following steps:
1. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2. Double-click on the My Computer icon, then double-click on the CD drive icon.
3. Double-click on the files you wish to open.
4. Adapt the files by moving the cursor over the areas you wish to change, highlighting
them, and typing in the new information using Microsoft Word.
5. To save a file to your facilitys system, click on File and then click on Save As. Select the location where you wish to save the file and then click on Save.
6. To print a document, click on File and then click on Print.
Chapter 1
Importance of Models
Learning objectives
After reading this chapter, the participant will be able to:
Explain the importance of models in healthcare
Discuss the various ways of classifying case management models
used in hospitals
Chapter 1
sustain that behavior. One definition is that models are a representation of information, activities, relationships, and constraints (ICH/Architecture Resource Center 2007). They often can be
represented by diagrams and flow charts, which will be used in this book as much as possible.
Another important appeal of models is the belief that they have the goal, or at least the potential, to be copied or reproduced. This aspect of replication is included in another definition of
model: A representation of a set of components of a process, system, or subject area, generally developed for understanding, analysis, improvement, and/or replacement of the process
(ICH/Architecture Resource Center 2007).
As is emphasized in this book, in healthcare, it is almost impossible to completely replicate a
model used in another setting. This predicament (or challenge) is due to the variation of populations served, of payer mix, and of the politics of each organization.
Models in Healthcare
It is important for case management professionals to know a little of the history and important
models of the professions besides their own with which they most interact. This is especially
true because case management is not in itself a profession, but rather a negotiated role filled
by a licensed professional in hospitals. Each person who enters into it brings his or her own
professions values, but has to know and be respectful of the values of the rest of the team.
The three healthcare professions most involved in case management have the scientific method
in common, although they do not always acknowledge this. The scientific method is defined as
the principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment,
and the formulation and testing of hypotheses (Merriam-Websters Online Dictionary 2008).
The scientific method can be seen in the following descriptions for the professions of nursing,
social work, and physicians.
Nursing models are conceptual models, constructed of theories and concepts. Nursing models
are used to create the framework through which nurses assess and plan patient care, commonly
known as a care plan. Nurses have a variety of practice models that determine assignments to
Importance of Models
patients and to assistants, and how to get through a shift. Nursing practice models are determined by how seriously the leadership of the staff group daily reinforces the following:
Individual accountability for outcomes
Continuity of a plan of care
Continuity of care assignments day to day
However, these factors are rarely found consistently, making it both an opportunity for case
management leadership as well as a huge challenge to connect with the actual caregiving staff.
Social work
Since its formal inception over a century ago, the social work profession has both created and
worked collaboratively with numerous models. As society keeps shifting and learning, so does
social work. Adopting the broad model of systems theory, social work applies theory and standards to its practice model.
Physicians would claim that they are the central users of the scientific method because that
is how they are trained. The history and physical is the first fact-finding tool, along with diagnostic tests. After that their model is algorithmic, with rule-ins and rule-outs as they determine therapeutics (known to non-physicians as orders for interventions). Physicians tend to
see themselves as central to this process, and often do not acknowledge that nurses and social
workers have their own version of the scientific method.
Physicians have experienced more changes in their practice models than any other group, largely due to changes in the economics of healthcare and lifestyle desires of the younger members
of the profession. The past 20 or so years have seen an explosion of physician practice models,
whereas physicians had, until then, worked as independent primary care physicians or specialists. Physicians formed groups to accept managed care contracts, made coverage contracts with
the hospitals (such as ED and neonatal groups), or sold practices to others, including hospitals.
Whereas teaching hospitals had a tiered and well-honed medical studentinternresidentattending infrastructure, in community hospitals the physician coverage was flatter. But problems
occurred there when covering physicians waited for the patients real physician to return on
Monday. Over the years, more and more physician groups added physician assistants and began
to accept nurse practitioners employed in their groups or by the hospital and assigned to their
Chapter 1
groups. At the same time, intensivists began to emerge as an extremely helpful new specialty
service. Although this movement was slower to gain acceptance, physicians in primary care used
the benefit of hospitalist coverage for their hospitalized patients.
As a result of these main practice model changes, there is much more fragmentation in physician coverage than ever before. In addition, the physicians remaining in leadership positions
in hospitals are expected to accomplish big projects, including quality initiatives and The Joint
Commissions (formerly JCAHO) newest mandate of the formal evaluation of physicians (The
Joint Commission 2008).
Importance of Models
(Gelberman 2007). A map shows the first floor with surgery suites, MRI, and therapy, while the
second floor includes clinical care areas and administration. The map shows directed patient
and staff flow. In addition, processes such as scheduling were refined to coordinate outpatient
office visits with arthrography and MRIs. Obtaining spacious quarters in which to do ones
work and better computer systems with which to schedule and communicate is every healthcare
workers dream. Patients and families usually notice the difference as well. The goal is that the
model will force or create efficient workflow, positive communication, andhopefullygood
Case management models at the boardroom and executive levels of a hospital are often viewed
as a necessary solution to the annoying external demands on hospitals. As such, they are viewed
as an enormously expensive commodity, especially because so many of the positions are filled
by nurses. One more nurse at $60,000 plus 20% benefits costs the hospital $72,000. Ten of
those nurses begins to look like another geographic nursing care unit, not to mention salaries
for social workers, the requested IS support, budgets for education, per diems to cover PTO
time, etc. If the budget is higher than those in other departments, such as quality, that department starts to think of how case management can help them. If the budget is smaller than
another department, such as building the new tower (which every hospital seems to be doing),
case management does not receive as much attention as it needs.
Hospital environments are extremely stressed nowadays. They are not really healing environments, and graciousness is sometimes fragile. Care settings are frenetic and the caregivers are
easily distracted between the noises made by machines and people, the pieces of information
flying across the nursing station, the fast turnover of patients, and the multiple (at times) computer systems they have to use. People in todays acute care environments want to be spoon-fed
only what they have to know to do an immediate task. They are in no mood for inquiry, and
the conditions are not ripe for critical thinking.
Given the scenario just described, no one really wants case management in any model unless
it is going to take away their work. They dont want to be reminded of regulations, they dont
want their work reviewed by the case manager who feels to them like a nosey mother-in-law,
and they dont want their work slowed down, since they have their own quotas to meet. For
example, one barrier to implementing case management in the ED is the fear that case managers will hold up the decision-making for too long as they review the patient for appropriate
Chapter 1
status. Implementers of new or changed case management models should be prepared to work
through all of these sentiments and more.
The outstanding fact about the politics of case management is that it has survived in society for
more than three centuries! In the 19th century its focus was social service, not healthcare. The
role of case management as a process was to find shelter, food, clothing, and fuel for the needy.
Policemen would have been obvious case-finders. In the 20th century, case management moved
to a focus on medical necessity in acute care, following the advent of insurance companies,
Medicare, and Medicaid. Finally, at the beginning of our 21st century, the service of case management has proved itself worthy of managing a hospitals margin and mission at the bedside.
Now the adventure continues.
Importance of Models
tifying efficient and effective resources, advocating for the client, the payer, and the case
management program, and monitoring the delivery of services.
Practice-based models are ones tailored to a specific client population.
Categorizing case management models into three groupings is simple and may be helpful.
However, hospitals often incorporate aspects of all three of these proposed models, rather than
select one. These are not mutually exclusive categories. For example, practice-based models may
include integrating systems and brokering. Of the three proposed by Conti, the predominant
model in hospitals is brokeringprocuring resources to meet needs, especially reimbursement
for admission and continuing stay, as well as options for continuing care after discharge.
Ironically, one of the barriers to leveraging hospital case management out of the strictly utilization review (UR) and discharge planning functions is the mindset of the broker model. Indirect
services, such as using the chart as the prime source of information rather than the patient, can
at times create poor understanding of the actual clinical situation, resulting in inaccurate case
management interventions. The choice organizations have to make is to decide how central to
the patient, family, and care team the frontline case management staff member are going to be.
(See the accompanying CD-ROM for the article Looking Under the Sheets.)
Chapter 1
ing expenses, [and consequently] the role of the new HCM (hospital case manager)
position is often ill defined, the nature of the departments functions is not clearly
articulated, and relationships with other disciplines are often confusing. In these
models, the social workers and the utilization reviewers continue to work in their
separate roles, without reworking relationships or filling in the gap of clinical case
management activities, or if they work in an integrated model, the social work and
UR personnel are eliminated or reduced.
5. Clinical resource management models: Case managers have a collaborative relationship with attending physicians or hospitalists (and may manage the UR and discharge
planning function/personnel) to move the patient through the acute care continuum. These models include disease management models for high-risk patients, and
outcome models in which clinical inquiry and data are used.
1. Clinical case management models: To our knowledge, the model of New England
Medical Center Hospitals (NEMCH) has never been fully replicated, due at least
in part to the unfortunate slippage of primary nursing nationwide. In the NEMCH
model, experienced primary nurses took patients with a specific diagnosis into their
caseload and daily care, used case management plans and critical paths developed
for that population with an attending physician, and communicated with other primary nurses across the hospital and outpatient caregivers sharing the same patients
to achieve specific, standardized outcomes. Outcomes were itemized under the categories of 1) physiological and mental health, 2) role and physical functioning, 3)
knowledge for self-care, and 4) absence of complications typical for that diagnostic
group. Primary nurse case managers received extra training for the role, developed
critical paths and outcome statements, reviewed their patients progress throughout
the hospital every week, and with a multidisciplinary team, studied variances from
critical paths and opportunities for greater efficiency. As early as 1985 NEMCHs own
nurse managers were looking for the interventions that made the most difference in
outcomes and length of stay. By 1986, the nurse managers supported their staff nurses ability to take the time to be pioneers by scheduling them for key meetings and
even personally covering for them to attend. More than 100 nurses (out of about 700
total RNs) participated in 27 collaborative practice/diagnostic groups during a nursing
shortage! Clearly, NEMCH supported this innovation and the world began to learn
Importance of Models
of methods to give quality care with targeted outcomes while also lowering length of
stay (LOS) (Zander, Etheredge, & Bower 1987).
2. Collaborative practice models: All case managers and social workers would describe
themselves as collaborative. However, formal, permanent teams that include case
managers and social workers are few and far between in hospitals. With the exception
of trauma teams, oncology teams, and other specialty groups, teams in hospitals tend
to be ad hoc. Key people are used on a referral basis, rather than as part of standing
teams. Although some hospitals continue to use versions of critical paths for targeted
diagnoses, most were unable to continue them without better integration of the software used in the emerging electronic medical record. The loss would be understandable if there were a good alternative for a structured care methodology in software,
but that remains to be seen at the time of this writing. Worse yet, truly collaborative
treatment plans are rarely written by the patients team or by anyone representing
the team. In fact, many case managers feel fortunate to work with a clear diagnosis
from the physician and are grateful to hear even a smattering of a nursing care plan
from the unit nursing staff.
3. Population models: Population models are strong and prevalent in hospitals, especially academic medical centers that have decentralized service lines, because they are
clustered around physicians. However, population models often do not have a case
manager who is exclusively assigned to this function or involved in data analysis,
quality improvement, educational offerings, or other population-defined practices. An
exception would be if the case manager were a clinical specialist or nurse practitioner
who could be free to cross boundaries and would have a UR and discharge planner
possibly assigned to the case manager. In this situation, the population model starts
to look like the clinical resource model described in point five.
4. Functional models: Functional is a good way to describe some models of acute
care case management. Similar to the nursing care delivery models that divide a units
nurses into a medication nurse, a treatment nurse, and a care delivery nurse, functional case management often splits utilization review from discharge planning. In agreement with Daniels and Ramey, functional modelswhether collapsed or integrated,
as they describeare not designed or staffed to provide clinical case management
activities (termed care coordination in this text), and patients and families do not
get the full benefit of a clinical social worker. However, sometimes the term integrated is used to describe the case managers combined responsibilities of UR, care
Chapter 1
coordination, and discharge planning. In this definition, the care coordination function actually connects UR with discharge planning.
5. Clinical resource management models: Clinical resource management as described
by Daniels and Ramey is both a new and old contender on the hospital case management models scene. It is old in that hospitals used to have a lot of clinical resources
and clerical backup to provide outcome managers and their collaborative practice
groups with the information and concrete help that they needed. This is rarely the
case anymore. It is new in that some hospitals are incorporating nurse practitioners as
the central figure on units, and wondering whether UR and discharge planning staff
should report directly to them. Indeed, nurse practitioners in some hospitals are fulfilling the care coordination function. Although nurse practitioners have enough trouble getting their own work accomplished and probably dont want case management
personnel reporting to them, they desperately need the information and help that case
management services provide.
Consultant Query
Consultant response: I was in a quandary about how to fairly describe, let alone
compare, the variety of hospital and physician structures, payer mixes, internal
resources and politics, and departmental staffing and skills I had assessed over 20 years!
Should I compare by setting, by payer vs. provider models, by what professions served as
case managers or what academic degree or certifications were required? Because I had never
consulted with this health system before, I didnt know whether the CEO wanted to cut
dollars and people from the department, or wanted to give it more authority and tangible
That is when and why the Evolving Core of Case Management Functions, described in
Chapter 2, was born. It was a neutral way to describe all the possible functions within every
model, and to help planners, department directors, and their executive teams determine
what combination of functions must be included in their model to meet their goals. That
approach seemed to work, and served as a springboard for further discussions within the
health system.
Importance of Models
These questions will have to be answered honestly for staff members to grasp a proposed new
model. Using a chart or description of how the model might look or how a case would be
handled differently will help everyones understanding. Of course, there is never one case. There
are many cases, all needing something different from the case manager and/or social worker.
Mostly, people want to know how their positive and problematic relationships with individuals and departments might be changed to be successful in the new model. They will want to
know if there will be any more help to do the work, and if there will be any education time or
preceptors for new skills. They usually want the job to be easier, and dont want to hear about
any more multitasking, doing more with less, or wonderful software that will make their work
more efficient. Seeing is believing for staff in case management services, and the first few days
of a new model with its changed behavioral expectations will set the stage for future patterns of
Chapter 1
Bedside Bulletin
Case Management
Chapter 1 introduces the concept of models, highlighting the idea
Narrative: When I
Made a Difference
A narrative is a true story that describes a situation in which you
made a positive difference with a patient, family, physician, or
group whom your case management caring touches (Benner 1993).
It may be a short (minutes or hours) or longer period of time in
which you made the difference in their clinical outcomes or overall
recovery, created access to resources and reimbursement, improved their sense of control and decision-making, knowledge,
safety, etc.
The most important use of this narrative is to get in touch with your
work, and to evaluate you at your most effective. A really good
thing to do with this is to have everyone on the staff fill one out,
and to share them during staff meetings or a special event such as a
case management week. Another use is to prepare one or more
before a performance appraisal or application for a clinical ladder or
promotion. You should also review your narrative with a preceptor,
coach, or mentor who is available to you.
Please describe the situation in as much detail as possible, with special emphasis on what the patient, family, physician, or other
Importance of Models
Case Management
person or group was like before and after you intervened, why you
Narrative: When I
decided to intervene, and what exactly you did. Then, a very impor-
Made a Difference
a) Short-term results:
6. List three things that your manager and other leadership staff
do or could do to help you have the energy and knowledge to
make this kind of difference on a daily basis:
7. Think of one change for each question about your case management model that would help you be more:
a) Efficient
Chapter 1
Benner, P. (1993). Clinical narrative accounts that illustrate nursing practice. Available at .
Conti, R.M. (1999). The broker model of case management. In Cohen, E., and De Back, V. (Eds.) The Outcomes Mandate: Case Management in Health Care Today. St. Louis, Mosby.
Daniels, S., and Ramey, M. (2005) The Leaders Guide to Hospital Case Management. Sudbury, MA:
Bartlett and Jones.
Huber, D. (2002). The diversity of case management models. Lippincotts Case Management 7 (6): 212-219.
ICH Architecture Resource Center. (2007). Treasury Enterprise Architecture Framework. Interoperability
Clearinghouse Glossary of Terms. Available at
Moore, G., and Wasson, J. (2007). The ideal medical practice model: Improving efficiency, quality and the
doctor-patient relationship. Family Practice Management 14 (8): 2024.
Sobel, D. (2000). Galileos Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith, and Love. New York: Penguin.
Gelberman, R. Washington University Orthopedics takes lesson from Taiichi Ohno. Available at http://
Moxley, D.P. (1989). The Practice of Case Management. Human Services Guide #58. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Zander, K., Etheredge, M.L., and Bower, K. (1987). Nursing Case Management: Blueprints for Transformation. Boston: New England Medical Center Hospitals.