ProE Lab Work 1 To 11

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Department of
Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Lab No. 1
Aim: - To study the features offered by Pro E software and its interface; further to develop the
given Sketch on PRO E and further learn features offered by Sketcher module.

Theory: - Please write in third person past tense and explain the following:
1) Parametric design;
2) Associativity;
3) Design Intent;
4) Parametric modeling;
5) Concurrent application through Pro E.
Procedure: - Please write the steps followed to make the sketch Tutorial 1, 2 &3.

Viva Voice questions:



What is meant by Parametric Design?

What is Associativity in PRO E?
Explain Design intent?
What is the use of Model tree in Pro E?
How can PRO E be used in Concurrent Engineering Environment?

NOTE: - The students have to use practical note book to write the lab work. All Lab work has to be
strictly checked in the week after the Lab assignment is conducted. In case the students fail to do
so, they will be awarded zero marks. Hand Draw Diagram will be preferred and Xerox will be

Department of
Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Lab No. 2
Aim: - To study Extruding, Modifying and Redefining features and model the given Part on
Theory: - Write on following -. a) Feature based modeling. b) Parent child relationship
Procedure: -

Please write the steps followed to make the Part as in Extrude Tutorial, as per
presentation enclosed.

Viva Voice questions:


What is the difference between a straight hole and a sketched hole?

What is a leader dimension?
What is the difference between a simple round and an advanced round?
What is base feature?
What is child feature?
Define a slot in Pro-E?

NOTE: - The students have to use practical note book to write the lab work. All Lab work has to be
strictly checked in the week after the Lab assignment is conducted. In case the students fail to do
so, they will be awarded zero marks. Hand Draw Diagram will be preferred and Xerox will be

Department of
Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Lab No. 3
Aim: - To study creating datums and feature construction tools on PRO E software.

Theory: - Write on following- a) Datum Planes, B) Dimension modification, c) Parameters.

Procedure: -

Please write the steps followed to make the Part and datums in tutorial enclosed.

Viva Voice questions:

1) Why do we need to make a new datum in such a construction?

2) Why is centerline required while making a revolved feature?
3) Flow is a linear pattern made?

NOTE: - The students have to use practical note book to write the lab work. All Lab work has to be
strictly checked in the week after the Lab assignment is conducted. In case the students fail to do
so, they will be awarded zero marks. Hand Draw Diagram will be preferred and Xerox will be

Department of
Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Lab No. 4
Aim: - To study feature construction and revolved sections.
Theory: - Write on the following.
1) Hole option, Rounds option, Draft

Please write the steps followed to make drawing, as per presentation enclosed.

Viva Voice questions:

1) What is draft surface?

2) What do you mean by cosmetic features?
3) What are sketched holes?

NOTE: - The students have to use practical note book to write the lab work. All Lab work has to be
strictly checked in the week after the Lab assignment is conducted. In case the students fail to do
so, they will be awarded zero marks. Hand Draw Diagram will be preferred and Xerox will be

Department of
Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Lab No. 5
Aim: - To study making shafts on PRO E software.
Theory:Write on following:
1) Revolved features fundamentals
2) Revolved protrusions and cuts
3) The shaft option activation procedure
Procedure: -

Please write the steps followed to make drawing, as per presentation enclosed.

Viva Voice questions:

1) What is rotational pattern?
2) What is importance of references?
3) Mention some other way of making a shaft?

NOTE: - The students have to use practical note book to write the lab work. All Lab work has to be
strictly checked in the week after the Lab assignment is conducted. In case the students fail to do
so, they will be awarded zero marks. Hand Draw Diagram will be preferred and Xerox will be

Department of
Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Lab No. 6
Aim: - To study feature manipulation tools.
Theory:Write on following.
1) Grouping features
2) Patterning a group
3) Copying features
Procedure: - Please write the steps followed to make drawing, as per presentation enclosed.
Viva Voice questions:

What is family of parts?

What is a family table?
What is a group?
What is user-defined feature?

NOTE: - The students have to use practical note book to write the lab work. All Lab work has to be
strictly checked in the week after the Lab assignment is conducted. In case the students fail to do
so, they will be awarded zero marks. Hand Draw Diagram will be preferred and Xerox will be

Department of
Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Lab No. 7
Aim: - To study advanced drawing on PRO E software.
Theory: - Write on following: a) Drawing fundamentals, b) Sheet formats, c) drawing views.
Procedure: - Please write the steps followed to make drawing, as per presentation enclosed.
Viva Voice questions:
1) What is the difference between a general view and a projection view?
2) How is a symbol added to a dimension note?
3) How is text written in the title block?

NOTE: - The students have to use practical note book to write the lab work. All Lab work has to be
strictly checked in the week after the Lab assignment is conducted. In case the students fail to do
so, they will be awarded zero marks. Hand Draw Diagram will be preferred and Xerox will be

Department of
Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Lab No. 8
Aim: - To develop blend and sweep features on PRO E software.
Theory:Write on following
1) Sweep and blend fundamentals;
2) Creating sweep features;
3) Creating blend features.
Procedure: -Please write the steps followed to make the features, as per presentation enclosed.
Viva Voice questions:
1) What is a blended feature?
2) What is a sweep feature?
3) What is concept of trajectory here?

NOTE: - The students have to use practical note book to write the lab work. All Lab work has to be
strictly checked in the week after the Lab assignment is conducted. In case the students fail to do
so, they will be awarded zero marks. Hand Draw Diagram will be preferred and Xerox will be

Department of
Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Lab No. 9
Aim: - To develop a sweep-blend feature, a spring, and a bolt.
Theory: - Write on following: a) Various sweep blend commands & b) Helical sweep command.
Procedure: - Please write the steps followed to make drawing, as per presentation enclosed

Viva Voice questions:

1) What is meant by Normal to trajectory?
2) What is pitch?
3) What is Pivot direction?

NOTE: - The students have to use practical note book to write the lab work. All Lab work has to be
strictly checked in the week after the Lab assignment is conducted. In case the students fail to do
so, they will be awarded zero marks. Hand Draw Diagram will be preferred and Xerox will be

Department of
Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Lab No. 10
Aim: - To develop a variable section sweep feature and an assembly.
Theory: - Write on following: a) Various sections sweep commands & b) various assembly modes.
Procedure: - Please write the steps followed to make drawing, as per presentation enclosed

Viva Voice questions:

4) Which command will you use to make a water jug?

5) What is a bottom-up design?
6) What is meant by package in reference to assembly modeling?

NOTE: - The students have to use practical note book to write the lab work. All Lab work has to be
strictly checked in the week after the Lab assignment is conducted. In case the students fail to do
so, they will be awarded zero marks. Hand Draw Diagram will be preferred and Xerox will be

Department of
Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Lab No. 11
Aim: - To study surface modeling on Pro E.
Theory: - Write on following: a) Surfaces in Pro - E, b) Quilt options.
Procedure: - Please write the steps followed to make drawing, as per presentation enclosed

Viva Voice questions:


What are boundaries in Pro - E?

What does merge command do?
What are quilts?
What is a surface?

NOTE: - The students have to use practical note book to write the lab work. All Lab work has to be
strictly checked in the week after the Lab assignment is conducted. In case the students fail to do
so, they will be awarded zero marks. Hand Draw Diagram will be preferred and Xerox will be

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