NYS ESD Former Albany Convention Center Site RFP
NYS ESD Former Albany Convention Center Site RFP
NYS ESD Former Albany Convention Center Site RFP
3. SITE SURVEYS (standard, topographical, utility)
The State of New York through the New York State Urban Development Corporation, d/b/a
Empire State Development (ESD), and New York States Office of General Services (OGS),
are seeking proposals for the purchase (the Project) of seven parcels of land totaling
approximately 4.5 acres in Downtown Albany in the blocks generally bounded by Hudson
Avenue to the north, Broadway to the east, Green Street to the west, and Pruyn and Hamilton
Streets to the south (Parcels). Proposals may also include the purchase of an additional 1.9
acres of adjacent streets (Streets; collectively Streets and Parcels referred to as the Site).
Exhibit 1 features a map of the overall Site and surrounding area.
The Site includes four former warehouses most recently used as a commercial office complex
totaling approximately 145,000 gross square feet of floor area, as well as multiple surface
parking lots. All buildings on the Site are vacant. The Site was formerly under consideration as
a location for the Albany Convention Center and related development and is predominately
owned by State of New York entities (the State). Attachments 1a and 1b includes a map and
inventory of each Parcels tax lots and adjacent Streets.
With its large size and premier location in the heart of downtown Albany, this Project offers a
unique opportunity for a major development in the Citys urban core. The Site features
convenient proximity to the areas transportation access points and is less than a quarter mile or
closer to the Citys commercial, cultural and governmental destinations. The Project will serve
as a key component of the Citys initiatives to attract urban re-investment downtown to meet
market demand while simultaneously revitalizing the area with a vibrant mix of uses.
Each party that submits a response (Proposal) to this Request for Proposals (RFP) is referred
to herein as a Respondent, and the Respondent that is conditionally designated through this
RFP process is referred to herein as the Designated Developer.
Respondents to this RFP may propose mixed use developments that will advance the
Development Goals described in Section IV below. All Proposals must include a market rate
residential housing component. Proposals must provide for purchase of all seven Parcels and
may also provide for the purchase of some or all adjacent Streets.
4 floor shell
4 floors
4 floors
4 floors with 5th floor
penthouse suite
2 floors
1 and 3 floor shell
35,600 square feet
13,128 square feet
22,507 square feet
72,813 square feet
13,418 square feet
3,276 square feet
Photographs of the six buildings and areas within the Site are included as Exhibit 2. Site surveys
are included as Attachment 3.
There are two historically noteworthy locations adjacent to the Site. 48 Hudson Avenue is the
oldest building in the City of Albany the Van OstrandeRadliff House (the House or lot
76.42-5-26)), and is surrounded by, but is not a part of, Parcel 1 on Attachment 1 Site map. A
few yards east of the House, and directly north of Parcel 2, is Liberty Park, Albanys oldest park
(the Park or lot 76.42-5-35). Neither the House nor the Park is included in the Project.
All buildings on the Site are vacant. The Site will be sold AS IS and WHERE IS, as
described in greater detail in Section VII below.
Surrounding Land and Uses
The Site is proximate to downtown Albanys key attractions and anchor buildings. The Empire
State Plaza, Times Union Center, Capitol Building, Palace Theatre, Capital Repertory Theatre,
three public parks, the waterfront (via the pedestrian bridge), and over 25 restaurants and eateries
are within a five to fifteen minute walk. The Site offers views of the downtown skyline to the
north, the Empire State Plaza to the west/southwest and the Hudson River to the east. In
addition, the relocated convention centerThe Capital Centeris presently under construction
in close proximity to the Empire State Plaza and should be completed in Fall 2016.
Downtown Albany is experiencing a resurgence with a rapidly growing residential market,
increased interest from the technology sector, and the cultivation of local specialty retailers
establishing headquarters in the city. Roughly $350 million in private investment is currently in
the pipeline or has been recently completed. This includes four hundred units of market rate
housing, Hilton and Renaissance by Marriott hotels, a significant upgrade to the Times Union
Center arena, SUNY PI - College of Nanoscale Science and Engineerings Smart Cities
Technology Innovation Center, a thriving event industry, and more than a dozen new retailers. A
number of new developments are within walking distance of the Site with related public
infrastructure investments totaling millions of dollars. Additional changes in the area include the
revitalization of the adjacent waterfront, and S.U.N.Y.s Administrative headquarters downtown
expansion and reinvestment. The recent Impact Downtown Albany market studies indicate that
this trend will continue, with the strongest growth occurring in the residential sector. A copy of
the study may be found at http://capitalizealbany.com/impact-downtown/
The site is currently zoned as part of the C-3 Central Business District. The principal permitted
uses are broad in nature as they also include the principal permitted uses (without square foot
maximums) of the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District. Under the current zoning, principal
permitted uses include, but are not limited to, apartments, offices, hotels, health clubs, retail,
museums, groceries, parking garages, etc. There are allowable accessory uses and special permit
Current zoning allows for a maximum building height of 85 feet.
Although the current zoning remains in place at this time, the City is presently embarking on a
comprehensive rezoning of the entire City. The new zoning will help ensure consistency with
the Citys Comprehensive plan- Albany 2030 and Impact Downtown Albany initiative. The goal
is to encourage a greater mix of uses and a safe and walkable environment.
For more information please use the following links:
City of Albany Board of Zoning Appeals and Zoning Ordinance http://www.albanyny.org/Government/Departments/DevelopmentandPlanning/BZA.aspx
Zoning Map - http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=f17b89cd5e424e878446728328cd56dc
Albany 2030 - http://www.albany2030.org/general/final-plan
Impact Downtown Albany - http://capitalizealbany.com/impact-downtown/
Respondents must propose uses and design compatible with currently applicable zoning.
However, as an alternative option, Respondents in addition may propose uses and design and
density that would require changes or overrides of municipal laws or regulations. Proposals that
include changes or overrides will be given the same level of consideration and review as
Proposals that comply with existing regulations, and neither approach will be favored or
disfavored. These alternative proposals will be considered in light of the Development Goals set
forth in Section IV of this RFP. Such alternative option must specifically identify municipal
laws or regulations the Respondent proposes to be changed or overridden, including zoning
requirements. ESD and OGS will work with the City of Albany and the Designated Developer
to address and resolve any proposed changes or overrides in support of the Project.
With the principles of connectivity and walkability in mind, and as indicated above, Proposals
may include the purchase of Streets and reconfiguration of the impacted street grid for optimum
Site development. However, proposals should avoid creating city blocks that are too large, as
they tend to discourage walkability, disrupt connectivity and limit opportunities for creative
corner developments. The City of Albany recently passed a Complete Street ordinance and will
be implementing complete streets design guidelines within the next year. Any reconstruction of
City streets should consider complete street principles to the greatest extent practicable.
Environmental Review
In 2008, the Authority prepared a Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) of the Site
for their intended convention center and hotel project. While the Authoritys project did not
advance, the GEIS may provide Respondents with useful Site background, including Sections
4(a) and 4(b)- Environmental Setting, Impacts and Mitigation, and under Section 5:5.0,
Appendix 10, Phase 1B Work Plan.
The Draft and Final GEIS, Scoping Documents and the SEQRA Findings, and other relevant
environmental review materials may be found at:
The Site currently contains extensive surface parking. Respondents should provide adequate
parking for the number of visitors and residents anticipated to be generated by a Proposal.
Respondents are encouraged to leverage the use of existing district parking structures. An
opportunity also exists to partner with the Albany Parking Authority on the construction of a new
parking facility. Information about the Authority is available at www.parkalbany.com
Public water, sewer, natural gas, and electric services are connected to each of the buildings.
Utilities in any Street included in a Proposal must either be preserved intact or reconstructed to
same or better capacity at Respondents sole expense. A Site utility survey is included in
Attachment 3. Note there is a 48 chill pipe that runs along Hamilton Street and Parcel 7, for
which the State maintains a permanent easement.
Ownership, Taxes and Incentives
As described above, the State owns 29 tax lots within the Site; these lots are therefore currently
exempt from property taxes. The remaining tax lots within the Site are currently privately owned
and taxed accordingly.
Under a purchase and private re-use of the Site, property taxes would be assessed for the entire
Site by the City of Albany through its Department of Assessment and Taxation (the
Department) and would be the responsibility of the Designated Developer to pay.
The Designated Developer is encouraged to utilize abatement and incentive programs. The
Designated Developer should work with the City of Albanys economic development
organization, Capitalize Albany Corporation, to identify resources applicable to the project,
City of Albany 485-B Industrial Commercial Incentive Exemption The requirement is the
rehabilitation of an existing industrial or commercial structure or the new construction of an
industrial or commercial structure. This is a five year abatement program as follows: 50% in year
one, 40% in year two, 30% in year three, 20% in year four and 10% in year 5. The abatement
only applies to the increase in the assessed value due to the rehabilitation or new construction.
This exemption applies to the city and school property taxes but not the county property taxes.
City of Albany 485-A Residential Commercial Urban Exemption Program-The requirement
is that a formally commercial structure be converted into residential or mixed use. This is a 12
year abatement program as follows: years one through eight 100%, year nine- 80%, year ten60%, year 11- 40% and year 12 -20%.The abatement only applies to the increase in the assessed
value due to the conversion. This exemption applies to the city, county, and school property
Historic Exemption-The requirement is that a property in a designated historic district be
rehabilitated. This is a 10 year abatement program as follows: Years one through five 100%,
year six 80%, year seven 60%, year eight 40%, year nine 20% and year ten 10%. This abatement
only applies to the increase in the assessed value due to the rehabilitation. This exemption
applies to city property tax.
City of Albany Industrial Development Agency and Capital Resource Corporation The
purpose of the City of Albany Industrial Development Agency (CAIDA) and Capital Resource
Corporation (CACRC) is to promote, develop, encourage and assist in acquiring, constructing,
improving, maintaining or equipping certain eligible projects. Both the CAIDA and CACRC
provide specific financial assistance that serve to lower the costs of undertaking and financing
projects. The financial assistance offered include conduit tax-exempt and taxable bond
financing, sales and use tax exemptions, mortgage recording tax exemptions, and real property
tax abatements. To obtain financial assistance applicants must satisfy eligibility requirements
and demonstrate a need for assistance. Applicants must pay a fee upon closing and is
responsible for all cost borne by the Agency as it pertains to the Applicants project. Previous
projects include, but have not been limited to, office, apartments, hotels, warehouses,
dormitories, parking garages etc. More information about the organizations can be obtained by
using the following link: http://albanyida.com/.
Capitalize Albany Corporation Real Estate Loan Program Capitalize Albany Corporation
is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization which implements economic development
programs and resources to create, retained, and attract both business and investment in the City
of Albany. Capitalize Albany Corporation administers a real estate loan program that provides
financing to qualifying real estate development projects. Involvement by the Corporation will
support the revitalization of property and the retention and creation of jobs for City residents.
Preferred projects include strategic properties that currently are vacant or underutilized and, with
rehabilitation or construction, could have a positive revitalizing effect on the community.
More information about the Corporation can be obtained by using the following link:
New York State Regional Economic Development Council Programs - In 2011, Governor
Cuomo created 10 Regional Councils to develop long-term strategic plans for economic growth
for their regions. A key component of Governor Cuomo's transformative approach to economic
development, these councils are public-private partnerships made up of local experts and
stakeholders from business, academia, local government and non-governmental organizations.
Over the past three years, as part of a process that has awarded more than $2 billion for job
creation and community development, the Regional Councils produced innovative plans and
implementation agendas that truly reflect the distinct characteristics of each of the 10 regions of
the state. Read more about the REDC programs here: http://regionalcouncils.ny.gov/
Start Up NY Program - START-UP NY is Governor Cuomos initiative to create tax free
communities for new and expanding businesses on SUNY and other university campuses across
the state. Businesses will be able to locate in these zones and operate 100% tax-free for 10 years.
For more information, click here: http://www.esd.ny.gov/StartUpNYReport_2013.pdf
The following are the submission requirements for all Proposals responding to this RFP. The
State reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any Proposal that is deemed incomplete or
unresponsive to the RFP requirements. The State also reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to
reject any and all Proposals for any reason or for no reason, and to proceed (or not proceed) with
the development of the Site (either by itself or in conjunction with one or more third-party(ies))
without completing this RFP process.
In evaluating the capabilities of the Respondent, ESD and OGS may utilize any and all
information available (including information not provided by the Respondent). Proposals should
clearly and concisely state the unique capabilities, experience, and advantages of the
Respondent, and demonstrate the Respondents capability to satisfy the requirements and
objectives set forth in this RFP. ESD and OGS further reserve the right to ask additional written
or oral clarifying questions to all Respondents or to a subset of Respondents.
The initial Proposals should be no longer than 100 pages of text.
Respondents financial offer for the Site should assume that the Site will be transferred in AS
IS and WHERE IS condition. Each complete Proposal for the redeveloped Site must contain
the following elements:
1. Respondent Description
Each entity submitting a Proposal must demonstrate sufficient financial resources and
professional ability to develop the Site in a manner consistent with its Proposal. In
addition, all Respondents must complete and submit the NYS Vendor Responsibility
Questionnaire, which is described in Part XI Procurement Forms and Requirements.
Each Proposal must include a description of the Respondent owner or the development
team, including:
The intended form and structure of the owner. Any proposed partnership or joint
venture must be clearly explained. A chart/diagram of the owner, showing
structure (percentages) of ownership and investment must also be included.
Name, address, phone number and email of each member of the owner.
Respondents must provide the Federal EIN numbers of the development entity
and identify a primary contact person.
Current operating budget and previous three (3) years of audited financials for all
entities with an ownership percentage in the Proposal.
A copy of the most recent credit report for key members of the owner.
Documentation addressing whether the Respondent, or any participating member
of the team, has been involved in any litigation or legal dispute against New York
State or any litigation or legal dispute regarding a real estate venture during the
past five years.
Evidence of ability to finance the Project including letters of interest and/or intent
from equity sources and lenders.
Evidence of Designated Developers commitment to pay: (i) the security deposit;
and (ii) ESDs out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred in connection with the
Project and the disposition to the Designated Developer of the Site, including,
without limitation, costs and expenses of consultants and legal counsel; and (iii)
ESDs staff time incurred related to any condemnation proceeding.
Evidence of Designated Developers commitment to pay the full purchase price
for the Site (including 10% down and balance at closing) as well as an
administration fee equal to 6.5% of the total Site purchase price (at closing).
Any additional documentation or information evidencing the strength of the
Respondent and its ability to complete the Project in a timely manner.
2. Project Description
The Project description should include a detailed narrative describing all rel evant
aspects of the Project together with any plans related to timing or phasing of the
development. The description should address:
The proposed use(s).
Type, bulk and size of each component of the development program (gross
and net square footages).
Description of the proposed uses, a list of potential tenants and any letters of
interest and/or intent from potential tenants and a description of how such
tenants align with the Development Goals set forth in Section IV of this RFP.
Description and illustration of any proposed changes to the Streets within the
The description should address how this Project will advance the
Development Goals set forth in Section IV above.
3. Purchase Prices
Purchase prices for the State owned and non-State owned tax lots, plus any additional
offer for Streets, as required in Section IV, must be expressed in a fixed, non-contingent
dollar amount to be paid at closing. Transfer of title will be by quit-claim deed (without
any representations or warranties) at the closing.
Respondents that wish to submit alternative development proposals that include zoning
changes or overrides must also submit a second separate package of purchase offer
prices, broken out into purchase price offers for the State owned and non-State owned
lots and any additional offers for the Streets, to reflect the additional value of any
proposed zoning alternative, and a separate RFP Workbook.
The Designated Developer will be required to enter into a Development Agreement that
provides the terms of any phasing of the Project and agreements to develop the Site in
compliance with the proposed development plan.
4. Site Plan and Architectural Design
Each entity submitting a Proposal must provide the following:
A summary of the proposed building program for the Project with square footages
for each use.
At a minimum, a set of concept sketches on 8.5 x 11 paper, showing the
proposed Project and a set of schematic renderings of the proposed Project
showing the principal elevations and massing, floor plans for each use, streetscape
and landscape plans, street level renderings, entry features and signage.
A description of the proposed exterior materials and other relevant specifications.
A description of sustainable building practices that will be incorporated into the
project during construction/renovation and operation of the improvements.
A description of specific noteworthy features that will be preserved, as well as
any significant proposed building modifications or enhancements.
5. Zoning Calculation
Respondent must submit a conceptual development plan with a summary that clearly
outlines the proposed uses, gross square footages by building and use, building height, lot
coverage and compliance with open space and parking requirements. Respondents
proposing zoning change or override must specifically detail required changes and must
submit a conceptual development plan and summary for such alternative. ESD does not
expect to override any building, fire, or other related codes. Respondents should assume
that their Projects height and size is subject to the current zoning outlined in Section III.
Should a Respondent seek zoning change or override of any kind, it must submit: 1) A
standard Proposal, including all such components described as being required in the RFP,
with no other zoning overrides requested; and 2) An addendum outlining a second
scenario that assumes zoning change or override would be allowed. Any such alternative
should: a) identify and confirm all Proposal components (e.g., the Project Team) that
would remain unchanged; and b) include modified Proposal components (e.g., new
purchase price, site layout, zoning calculations, etc.; components outlined in RFP Section
V, 1-10, e.g.) for all elements of the Proposal that would be changed in the alternative.
Additionally, Respondents should provide a rationale upon which ESD should allow
zoning change, and how any such change would be compatible with the Development
Goals. Proposals that include changes or overrides will be given the same level of
consideration and review as Proposals that comply with existing regulations, and neither
approach will be favored or disfavored.
6. Development Timeframe
Respondent must submit a development timeline (subdivided into phases, if necessary),
identifying the estimated length of time to reach key milestones, including: commencement
and completion of design; financing; commencement and completion of construction and
lease up periods; potential tenants; and operational stabilization for each component of
the development program. Any contingencies that may affect this time line should be
7. Flood Zones
Proposals should identify any flood zone and note how Respondent will meet Federal
Emergency Management Agency guidelines as necessary.
8. Team Member Qualifications
Identification and qualifications of each member of the development team,
including all persons or entities that will design, develop, or operate the Project,
as well as the attorney, engineer, general contractor and other professionals, as
appropriate, including leasing and management, who will be involved with this
A description of similar projects undertaken by the members of the Respondents
team (including a statement of the dollar value of such projects, the project
managers name and key partners, where applicable).
A summary of the availability of each of the principal members of each firm and
their availability for commitment to the Project.
Documentation addressing whether any participating team members have been
involved in litigation or legal dispute against New York State or regarding a real
estate venture during the past five years.
Background information of the owner, including resumes describing the relevant
experience of all principal members. This information must be submitted for
every participant in a joint venture and should highlight similar projects
(including a project description and approximate dollar value for each).
with the financings. Respondents are required to complete all Pro Forma
worksheets in the format provided by the RFP Workbook. If Respondents wish,
however, they may also complete a supplementary, fully optional Pro Forma as
identified on the tab Pro Forma (Hardcode) in order to highlight any
discrepancies between the existing format constraints and a more precisely
modeled Project.
In completing the RFP Workbook, with respect to financial information, Proposals
should address the following:
Pro forma cash flows in live-linked Excel format for the development and Project
operation periods, including details of any as-of-right or discretionary real estate
tax exemptions, other tax exemptions and energy or other governmental benefits
assumed in the model. The cash flows should include a section outlining all
assumptions on which all calculations were based, including minimum returns
sought. This data should extend over thirty (30) years of operations and include
all necessary capital investments over time and reserves and debt service
payments associated with the financings.
Construction/renovation sources, budget, and uses of funds, including details of
equity and financing sources and a break out of all soft and hard costs and
development and financing fees. Indicate escalation rates to account for any
increases in construction/renovation costs in the budget or contingences.
Permanent sources and uses of funds, including details of equity and financing
sources and all development fees and financing fees to be paid.
10. Contractor and Supplier Diversity information. See Section XI(4) below in this RFP
Proposals may be reviewed by ESD, OGS and other City and State officials. Reviewers will
consult with the City regarding the proposals. The sale of the Site may be subject to approval, as
required under applicable law and regulation, which may include approval of the ESD Directors,
the Commissioner of General Services, the Public Authorities Control Board, the Comptroller of
the State of New York, and the New York State Attorney General. When evaluating proposals,
the following equally-weighted selection criteria will be considered in no order of priority:
Consistency with Development Goals: Thoughtful and innovative approach to addressing
the Development Goals articulated in RFPs Section IV.
Financial Feasibility: Respondents demonstrated financial ability to complete the
Project; availability of identifiable funding sources to finance the Project; sufficient
revenue to support operating expenses, scheduled payments related to capital costs,
reserve fund contributors and debt service.
Employment Impact: Creation of construction and permanent on-site jobs and payroll.
Economic Impact: Projected expenditures, construction costs, annual operating costs and
other direct spending that will help spur economic activity. ESD will also consider the
impact that indirect spending that the Project will generate and any applicable tax
Financial Offer: Provision of competitive terms for the purchase of the Site.
Development Team Qualifications: Experience, development skills, and financial
Prior to selecting the Designated Developer, the State reserves the right to remove Respondents
from competitive consideration at one or more points throughout the solicitation based on these
criteria and/or a failure to achieve minimum satisfaction of the Development Goals. In order to
remain in competitive consideration, Respondents will be encouraged to present their most
competitive Proposal terms at each stage of the solicitation. Some or all Respondents may be
asked to modify their Proposals during the solicitation process.
The State also reserves the right to conduct interviews with or pose questions in writing to
individual Respondents in order to clarify the content of their proposals and to ensure a full and
complete understanding of each proposal. ESD and OGS shall undertake to pursue uniformity in
the questions it asks to Respondents to the extent practicable, but ESD and OGS may ask
different or additional questions to different Respondents in the context of any individual
interview or in writing. ESD and OGS shall convene a committee of staff who shall be
permissible contacts for the purpose of such interviews, and Respondents who are invited will
receive additional instructions upon their invitation.
As Is, Where Is Condition
Respondents should assume that the Site, including land, improvements, and any supporting
building infrastructure, will be sold AS IS and WHERE IS without representation, warranty,
or guaranty as to quantity, quality, title, character, condition, size, or kind, or that the same is in
condition or fit to be used for the Respondents purpose (i.e., conveyed by quitclaim).
(http://www.esd.ny.gov/CorporateInformation/RFPs.html); Respondents are encouraged to check
back for updates. ESD makes no representation or warranty concerning the accuracy or utility
of information posted or otherwise provided to the potential Respondents or to the Respondents.
Prospective Respondents should notify ESD of their interest as soon as possible in order to
ensure that they receive all updates associated with this solicitation by sending an email to
[email protected].
Respondents must rely on their own research and investigations for all matters, including, costs,
title, survey, development, financing, construction, remediation, and renovation.
pocket costs and expenses; (ii) each time that the balance in the imprest account falls below 50%
of the original amount required to be deposited into the account, the Respondent shall promptly
make an additional payment into the ESD imprest account so that balance in the account shall be
returned to such original amount; and (iii) the amount remaining in the imprest account after all
such costs and expenses are paid will be returned to the Respondent.
At closing, in addition to the full purchase price for the Site less the security deposit, the
Designated Developer shall pay to an administrative fee in an amount equal to 6.5% of such
purchase price, which shall be separate and apart from the purchase price. One half of the
administrative fee (3.25% of the purchase price) will be paid to ESD, and the other half to OGS
and shall be set aside to be used toward the continued State investment in the Albany Capital
Center project including ancillary Empire State Plaza connections being built directly west of the
Ten (10) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy (in the form of a flash drive or CD-ROM)
of the Proposal identified by Downtown Albany RFP must be received by ESD by 2:00
PM on March 26, 2015 at the following address:
Empire State Development
633 Third Avenue, 35th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Attn: Edgar Camacho, ESD Procurement Unit
Re: Downtown Albany RFP
RFP Inquiries
ESD will accept written questions via email from prospective Respondents regarding the RFP.
Please submit questions to:
[email protected]
Written questions must include the requestors name, e-mail address and the Respondent
represented and should be received by 11:59 PM EDT on March 2, 2015. Responses to all
timely and appropriate questions will be posted on ESDs website at:
No contact related to this solicitation with ESD Board members, staff or consultants, other
than emails to the designated email account for the solicitation, attention Alexis Offen the
designated contact person, [email protected], will be allowed by Respondents or
employed representatives of Respondent team members during the procurement period of
this RFP. Any such contact by a Proposer will be grounds for disqualification.
Site Tours
ESD has scheduled a Site tour date on February 11, 2015 at 1:00 P.M. Respondents are not
required to attend and must email [email protected] at least two days in advance if they
wish to participate. The tour is anticipated to last approximately 45-minutes and will include a
walk around the surface parking lots and access to 4 E-Comm Square. Access will not be granted
to any of the other buildings on the Site.
ESD reserves the right to modify this RFP schedule at its discretion. Notification of changes in
connection with this RFP will be made available to all interested parties by e-mail and via ESDs
website: http://www.esd.ny.gov/CorporateInformation/RFPs.html.
1. This RFP, submissions from Respondents to this RFP, and any relationship between ESD and
Respondents arising from or connected or related to this RFP, are subject to the specific
limitations and representations expressed below, as well as the terms contained elsewhere in
this RFP. By responding to this RFP, Respondents are deemed to accept and agree to this
Statement of Limitations. By submitting a response to this RFP, the entity acknowledges and
accepts ESD's rights as set forth in the RFP, including this Statement of Limitations.
2. The issuance of this RFP and the submission of a response by any firm or the acceptance of
such response by ESD does not obligate ESD in any manner whatsoever. Legal obligations
will only arise upon execution of a formal contract by ESD and the firm(s) selected by ESD
and OGS.
ESD reserves the right: (i) to amend, modify, or withdraw this RFP; (ii) to revise any
requirements of this RFP; (iii) to require supplemental statements or information from any
responding party; (iv) to accept or reject any or all responses thereto; (v) to extend the
deadline for submission of responses thereto; (vi) to negotiate or hold discussions with any
respondent and to correct deficient responses which do not completely conform to the
instructions contained herein; and (vii) to cancel, in whole or part, this RFP, for any reason or
for no reason. ESD may exercise the foregoing rights at any time without notice and without
liability to any Respondent or any other party for its expenses incurred in the preparation of
responses hereto or otherwise. Responses hereto will be prepared at the sole cost and
expense of each Respondent.
3. All information submitted in response to this RFP is subject to the Freedom of Information Law
(FOIL), which generally mandates the disclosure of documents in the possession of ESD or OGS
upon the request of any person, unless the content of the document falls under a specific
exemption to disclosure. If any Respondent wishes to claim that any information submitted
in its response to this RFP constitutes a Trade Secret or is otherwise exempt from disclosure
under FOIL, such claim must be made at the time of the response, and must be in writing
supported by relevant and material arguments.
4. The State reserves the right, in its sole discretion, without liability, to utilize any or all of the
RFP responses, including late responses, in its planning efforts. ESD reserves the right to retain
and use all the materials and information, and the ideas, suggestions therein, submitted in response
to this RFP (collectively, the Response Information), and each Respondent must grant an
unconditional and perpetual license without charge to ESD to use any copyright or other
legally protected rights in and to the Response Information.
5. This RFP shall not be construed in any manner to implement any of the actions contemplated
herein, nor to serve as the basis for any claim whatsoever for reimbursement of costs for efforts
expended in preparing a response to the RFP. Neither ESD nor OGS will be responsible for
any costs incurred by Respondents related to preparing and submitting a response to this RFP,
attending oral presentations, or for any other associated costs.
6. To the best of ESD's and OGS knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate.
Respondents should undertake appropriate investigation in preparation of responses.
The Procurement Requirements also require ESD staff to obtain and report certain information
when contacted by prospective respondents during the Restricted Period, make a determination
of the responsibility of Respondents and make all such information publicly available in
accordance with applicable law. If a prospective respondent is found to have knowingly and
willfully violated the State Finance Law provisions, that prospective respondent and its
subsidiaries, related or successor entities will be determined to be a non-responsible Respondent
and will not be awarded any contract issued pursuant to this solicitation. In addition, two such
findings of non-responsibility within a four-year period can result in debarment from obtaining
any New York State governmental procurement contract. The designated contact account for
this solicitation is [email protected]
This is not a complete presentation of the provisions of the Procurement Requirements. A copy
of State Finance Law Sections 139-j and 139-k can be found at:
(under ESDC Policy Regarding Permissible Contacts under SFL 139).
All potential Respondents are solely responsible for full compliance with the Procurement
Requirements. Both the prime consultant and any sub-consultants complete the forms required
2. Vendor Responsibility
All Respondents to this RFP must be responsible, which in this context means that they must
have the requisite financial ability, organizational capacity and legal authority to carry out its
obligations under this RFP, and in addition must demonstrate that both the Respondent and its
principals have and will maintain the level of integrity needed to contract with New York State
entities such as ESD. Further, the Respondent must show satisfactory performance of all prior
government contracts. Accordingly, the contract to be entered into between ESD and the
Designated Developer, if any, shall include clauses providing that the Designated Developer
remain responsible throughout the term of the contract, that ESD may suspend the contract if
information is discovered that calls into question the responsibility of the contracting party, and
that ESD may terminate the contract based on a determination that the contracting party is nonresponsible. On request, model language to this effect will be provided to any Respondent to this
To assist in the determination of responsibility, ESD requires that all respondents to this
RFP register in the State's Vendor Responsibility System (VendRep System). The
VendRep System allows business entities to enter and maintain their Vendor Responsibility
Questionnaire information in a secure, centralized database. New York State Procurement Law
requires that state agencies award contracts only to responsible vendors. Respondents are to file
the required Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire online via the VendRep System or may choose
to complete and submit a paper questionnaire. Please include a copy of your VendRep
submission receipt with your proposal. If you submit a paper questionnaire please submit it
using certified mail and provide a copy of the return receipt.
To enroll in and use the VendRep System, see the System Instructions available at
www.osc.state.ny.us/vendrep or go directly to the VendRep system online at
https://portal.osc.state.ny.us. For direct VendRep System user assistance, the Office of the State
Comptrollers Help Desk may be reached at 866-370-4672 or 518-408-4672 or by email at
[email protected].
Respondents opting to file a paper questionnaire can obtain the appropriate questionnaire from
the VendRep website http://www.osc.state.ny.us/vendrep/forms_vendor.htm and execute
accordingly pertaining to the companys trade industry. Per the website, respondents are to
Select the questionnaire which best matches the business type (either For-Profit or Not-ForProfit) and business activity (Construction or Other). For ESD RFPs concerning the purchase
and redevelopment of real estate, it is most common for a Respondent to complete the form as a
Non-Construction company. Unless the Respondent is primarily a Construction firm, the
Respondent should thus fill out the Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire as a NonConstruction entity, either as a For-Profit or Not-For-Profit entity, depending on the Respondent
organization type.
3. Iran Divestment Act
Every Proposal made to ESD pursuant to a competitive solicitation must contain the following
statement, signed by the Respondent on company letterhead and affirmed as true under penalty
of perjury:
"By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder
certifies, and in the case of a joint bid each party thereto certifies as to its own
organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of its knowledge and belief that
each bidder is not on the list created pursuant to paragraph (b) of subdivision 3 of section
165-a of the State Finance Law."
The list in question is maintained by the Office of General Services. No Response that fails to
certify compliance with this requirement may be accepted as responsive.
4. Non-Discrimination and Contractor & Supplier Diversity Requirements
Pursuant to New York State Executive Law Article 15-A, ESD recognizes its obligation under
the law to promote opportunities for maximum feasible participation of certified minority-owned
and women-owned business enterprises (MWBEs) and the employment of minority group
members and women in the performance of ESD contracts.
It is the policy of the State of New York and ESD to comply with all federal, State and local
laws, policy, orders, rules and regulations which prohibit unlawful discrimination based on race,
creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability or marital status, and to take
affirmative action in working with contracting parties to ensure that New York State Business
Enterprises, MWBEs, minority group members and women share in the economic opportunities
generated by ESDs participation in projects or initiatives, and/or the use of ESD funds. ESDs
Non-Discrimination and Contractor & Supplier Diversity goals will apply to this initiative.
In the event the State elects to sell the Site, the selected Developer shall commit to ESDs NonDiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity policy.
The Respondents to this RFP are strongly encouraged to include meaningful participation of
local and regional New York State certified Minority and Women-owned businesses in the
development of the Site. Favorable consideration shall be given to proposals which include an
effective participation plan and specific commitments to New York State certified MWBE firms.
To see the availability of certified MWBE in the region, Respondents may review New York
States Directory of certified MWBE firms at:
A copy of each Respondents Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement (Form OCSD1), anticipated Staffing Plan (Form OCSD-2), and MWBE Utilization Plan (Form OCSD-4) shall
be included as part of the response to this RFP.
5. Encouraging the Use of NYS Businesses in Contract Performance Form
New York State businesses have a substantial presence in State contracts and strongly contribute
to the economies of the state and the nation. In recognition of their economic activity and
leadership in doing business in New York State, bidders/proposers for this ESD contract for
commodities, services or technology are strongly encouraged and expected to consider New
York State businesses in the fulfillment of the requirements of the contract. In order for ESD to
assess the use of New York State businesses in each Proposal, ESD requests that each
Respondent complete the Encouraging Use of New York State Businesses in Contract
Performance form, included in the Appendix.
6. Certification Under State Tax Law Section 5-a
Any contract resulting from this solicitation is also subject to the requirements of State Tax Law
Section 5-a (STL 5-a). STL 5-a prohibits ESD from approving any such contract with any
entity if that entity or any of its affiliates, subcontractors or affiliates of any subcontractor makes
sales within New York State of tangible personal property or taxable services having a value
over $300,000 and is not registered for sales and compensating use tax purposes. To comply
with STL 5-a, all Respondents to this solicitation must include in their Proposals a properly
completed Form ST-220-CA, or an affidavit that the Respondent is not required to be
registered with the State Department of Taxation and Finance. A copy of the ST-220-CA
form and affidavit is accessible at the Required Forms for Vendors link at the ESD web
site: labeled Schedule A- Conditions Applicable to the Corporations Agreements for
Materials and Services (includes ST220 and all other required forms)
at http://esd.ny.gov/CorporateInformation/RFPs.html
Also in accordance with the requirements of STL 5-a, any contract resulting from this
solicitation will require periodic updating of the certifications contained in Form ST-220CA. Solicitation responses that do not include a properly completed ST-220-CA will be
considered incomplete and non-responsive and will not be considered for contract award. Only
the prime consultant completes Form ST 220-CA, but Schedule A to Form ST 220-CA requires
detailed information from the sub-consultants, such as tax ID number, etc., if
applicable. Moreover, if applicable, certificates of authority must be attached by the prime
consultant and all the sub-consultants.
7. Schedule A
Following final selection of a Designated Developer, ESD will prepare a contract defining all
project terms and conditions and the Designated Developer's responsibilities in conformance
with "Schedule A," which can be found at:
Please note Respondents do not need to complete the entire Schedule A with the submission of
their Proposal. However, Respondents should still review these terms, which are standard in all
ESD contracts, and raise any concerns present prior to submission of their Proposal, as the
Designated Developer will need to accept these terms prior to contract execution.
8. Project Sunlight
This procurement is subject to the Public Integrity Reform Act of 2011. Under the Public
Integrity Reform Act of 2011, appearances (broadly defined and including any substantive
interaction that is meant to have an impact on the decision-making process of a state entity)
before a public benefit corporation such as ESD by a person (also broadly defined) for the
purposes of procuring a state contract for real property (as contemplated in this RFP) must be
reported by ESD to a database maintained by the State Office of General Services that is
available to members of the public. If in doubt as to the applicability of Project Sunlight,
Respondents and their advisors should consult the Laws of 2011, Ch. 399 for guidance.
Liberty Park
New York State businesses have a substantial presence in State contracts and strongly contribute
to the economies of the state and the nation. In recognition of their economic activity and
leadership in doing business in New York State, bidders/proposers for this ESD contract for
commodities, services or technology are strongly encouraged and expected to consider New
York State businesses in the fulfillment of the requirements of the contract. Such partnering may
be as sub-contractors, suppliers, protgs or other supporting roles (herein collectively called
Bidders/proposers need to be aware that, if selected through this ESD solicitation, they will
strongly encouraged, to the maximum extent practical and consistent with legal requirements, to
use responsible and responsive New York State businesses in performing the contract, including
without limitation: (i) purchasing commodities that are of equal quality and functionality; and (ii)
in utilizing services and technology. Furthermore, bidders/proposers are reminded that they must
continue to utilize small, minority and women-owned businesses, consistent with current State
Utilizing New York State businesses in State contracts will help create more private sector jobs,
rebuild New Yorks infrastructure, and maximize economic activity to the mutual benefit of the
contractor and its New York State business partners. New York State businesses will promote
the contractors optimal performance under the contract, thereby fully benefiting public sector
programs that are supported by associated procurements.
Public procurements can drive and improve the States economic engine through promotion of
the use of New York businesses by its contractors. The State therefore expects bidders/proposers
to provide maximum assistance to New York businesses in their use of the contract. The
potential participation by all kinds of New York businesses will deliver great value to the State
and its taxpayers.
Bidders/proposers can demonstrate their commitment to the use of New York State businesses
by responding to the questions below:
(A) Do you anticipate the need for Subcontractors fulfilling the requirements of this ESD
contract? Yes
(B) Will New York State businesses be used in the performance of this ESD contract as
Subcontractors? Yes
NOTE: If the answer to question (B) is Yes, please identify New York State businesses that will
be used and attach identifying information (e.g., name, address, contact information, nature of
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