Life - The Lawrence Herald, Jan. 14, 2010

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Questions? Call the newsroom at 304-526-2788 Thursday, January 14, 2010 3F

What’s Up Resolution lands columnist’s bank account in hot water

n Exhibit: “Soul,” 9 a.m.- Impulsiveness has never who work with clients one-on- period, but I was so perfectly next 11 months. I started to
9 p.m. Thursdays; 9 a.m.-5 been a good friend of my one to keep them motivated. pleased with my decision that I panic. Thirty minutes of the
p.m. Saturdays-Sundays; bank account, but this last That was especially appeal- signed a contract for one year. SAME workout THREE times
noon-5 p.m. Sundays, May battle nearly made them bitter ing to me, as when I usually go Four days later (the snow a week? Suddenly it sounded
1-Feb. 28. A 10-month-long enemies. to the gym, I have no idea what had cancelled my other like a prison sentence that I
exhibition that will showcase It was because of everyone’s I’m doing and end up draw- appointments with the gym), was paying too much money
the “art and soul” of African Heidi
New Year’s resolutions. I ing from a buffet of exercises I learned that my friends’ gym for.
American history and cul- didn’t make one this year, but EVANS in probably very bad form. I cost much less and had a ton So I begged. I blamed the
ture and offer exhibit goers every January I seem to get wanted someone to tell me more to offer (Zumba classes! snow. I blamed my impulsive-
a studio space where they sucked onto the wave of those out of it before I forget (three exactly what would be good A pool!). Even though it was a ness. I blamed their no-trial-
can create their own artwork who committed themselves to months or so later) about the for my body. I have to see little farther away, they would period. I flattered: Amazing
to tell their own stories. Call getting into shape. I just can’t promise to myself. I had to results if I’m going to stick hold me accountable and keep program — just not for me!
614-297-2300 or 800-686- escape it. Although the urge commit to something. Now. with something. me motivated. Finally, after three phone
6124 or visit www.ohiohis- generally wanes substantially So I did. My trainer was great Now, about that one year conversations, I got the man- Ohio Historical Cen- by March, I always start out Less than half-a-mile from — enthusiastic and toned. She contract I signed. … ager to let me out of the deal.
ter, Interstate 71 and 17th the new year with very good my campus is a small gym. took me through the exercises The receptionist told me They would refund me the
Avenue, Columbus. Admis- intentions. Before even going in, I had and not bad, thought I. Thirty that their contract specified down payment and cancel
sion: $8; $4 youths 6-12; chil- I know also from past expe- pretty much wrapped a ribbon minutes of the same workout that I had three days to cancel future payments — under one
dren 5 and under free. rience that the sooner I started around it. It was so convenient three times a week sounded after signing. As this was the condition. I had to send them a
n Whiskey River Saloon, into some kind of routine from where I worked, and the easy. Bikini body, here I come! fourth day, I was locked in to
THURSDAY: Beginners line exercise, the more I would get Web site promised trainers They didn’t offer a trial my monthly payments for the Please see EVANS/4F
dancing, 7 p.m. SATUR-

Toolsof thetrade
DAY: Line dance and dance
music. MONDAY: Monday
Night Football. TUESDAY:
Karaoke with Melinda,
Advance line dancing, 7
p.m. Whiskey River Saloon,
The Grandview Hotel, U.S.
52 , South Point.
n Exhibit: “You Can
Get There,” Monday-Fri-
day, Dec. 17-Jan. 15, in the
Dingus Center Art Gallery.
Watercolors and cos-
tumes by Eliza-
beth Payne.
1804 Lib-
erty Ave.
n Pub
Quiz, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 14.
Hosted by Quizmas-
ter Steve Rodeheffer.
Play along for a chance
to win the veneration of all
present and valuable prizes.
Port City Cafe and Pub, 824
Chillicothe St. Portsmouth.
n Karaoke, 9 p.m. Fri-
days. Port City Cafe and
Pub, 824 Chillicothe St.
n 2010 Chicago Flower
Show Group Departure, Fri-
day-Sunday, March 5-7. The
Ironton in Bloom organization
has planned an early spring
weekend getaway trip to the
acclaimed Chicago Flower
Show. The travel package
includes nonstop round-
trip airfare from Columbus,
Ohio, to Chicago Midway, Courtesy of Janet McCormick
round-trip transportation from columnist Janet McCormick offers her delicious recipe for these exotic Spicy Peanut Butter Shrimp Skewers.
Chicago airport to hotel and
vise versa, two nights lodging
at the Hotel Seneca, gen-
eral admission to Chicago
Flower and Garden Show
Few quality kitchen gadgets better than a
pantry of tools you don’t know how to use
at the Navy Pier, breakfast
at the Seneca on Saturday
and Sunday and all current
taxes, fees and services of As much as I’d like to throw tasty or deliriously delicious. You get
a group escort. Space is my money at new kitchen tools the idea.
limited. For more details or and gadgets, I’ve learned to So, here’s my list of must haves. Feel
to register, call Carol Allen, tame my enthusiasm and free to shoot me an e-mail of your
740-532-4495, or Steve Call, rethink possible transactions. favorite, can’t-live-without tools and
740-550-9540. Registration Kitchen and pantry space tricks of the trade.
and money due by Friday, Janet
is a precious good in my n I think most kitchen work can be
Jan. 15. Visit www.lawrence- home and I won’t even tell McCORMICK done with two knives, a large santoku Ironton you what I think of clut- knife and a small paring knife. Slice
in Bloom, P.O. Box 4599, tered shelves and drawers. hungry cubs, in my case — without through a tomato with a dull knife and
Ironton. $400 per person, Which means, darn right depleting your rainy-day savings. you might be inclined to play a little
double occupancy; single, you can still accomplish The right tool can mean the differ- tennis, using your tomato as the ball.
triple and quad rates are your most imaginative ence between quick or fast and furious,
available. meal fit for a king — or lusciously creamy or loose and lumpy,
n OH+5: An Ohio Bor-
Please see COOK/4F
der Biennial, noon-5 p.m.
Tuesday-Saturday; 1-5 p.m.
Sunday, Jan. 15-Feb. 28.
The seventh biennial, all-
media, juried art exhibition
featuring 46 artists from
Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky,
Michigan, Pennsylvania
and West Virginia. Open-
One man’s mess is another’s ‘creative’ disorganization
I walk by her bedroom and know the “apple did not fall
ing reception from 5-7 p.m. shake my head. How is it pos- too far from the tree.”
Friday, Jan. 15. Visit sible one person can make I can recall my parents such a mess? insisting that I “straighten up”
The Dairy Barn Arts Pajama bottoms lie there, my bedroom. I would stomp
Center, 8000 Dairy one leg inverted while the off angrily, feeling as if my
Lane, Athens. other leg hangs off the back of
Stephanie parents simply did not under-
n Third Saturday her desk chair. Pajama top, one HILL stand that my bedroom was a
Open Acoustic Jam arm inside out, two buttons reflection of all the important
Session, 9 p.m. Sat- still clasped at the bottom, is This “creative” display of thoughts in my head.
urday, Jan. 16. askew on the floor. One pillow disorganization is not just I had matters of grave con-
Get together on the bead is turned side- isolated to her bedroom. No, cern to think about: Should I
with other ways, while another pillow is that is not enough! It must do a science experiment with
local musi- tilted with one end touching spread down the hall. I trip popping corn or carrot tops?
cians for the floor. over one shoe near her bed- What 45-record did I need to
a unique The flute case is open and room door, while the match- purchase? Which board or
musical on the floor at foot of the bed. ing shoe is at the opposite card game could I trick my
experience. Why is it open, and where is end of the hallway. Socks are siblings into playing so that I
All skill lev- the expensive instrument that found partway between the could once again demonstrate
els welcome to participate. Courtesy of Stephanie Hill
belongs inside it? Hair ribbons two shoes. my complete gaming domi-
Port City Cafe and Pub, 824 flow decoratively off the dress- Coat is in the kitchen, Columnist Stephanie Hill’s daughter, Madelyn, didn’t fall far from nance? What was going to
Chillicothe St. Portsmouth. er, while a hair elastic dangles barely clinging to a chair.
the tree when it comes to keeping her room tidy. Hill reminisces happen in the next chapter of
n Zumba and Line Danc- of the times her own parents spent coaxing her into “tidying up”
from the ribbon. Meanwhile, Lunch box and backpack her own room. the current book I was read-
ing, The following classes I observe that her hairbrush tossed aside on the dining ing?
are offered: Zumba with is on the floor in front of the room table. One, lone straw Then, there were my plans
Jessica, 6:30 p.m. Monday- dresser, most likely the result wrapper from those popular while sitting on the lone bare and happy with her bottom to staple some notebook
Friday and 3 p.m. Satur- of a careless flick of the wrist. juice pouches is resting on the spot of her bedroom floor, between legs that are bent pages together and write a
day-Sunday; beginners line Books, papers, pencils add to family room carpet. Three drawing. behind her. How on earth does book. Or, hey, I could get my
dancing, 7 p.m. Thursday; the floor debris. feet away sleeps a yogurt tube Apparently, the state of her she sit that way? paint-by-number kit out and
and advance line dancing, 7 “I thought I remembered wrapper. bedroom (and the rest of the My mother and father, I feel finish it. As you can see, I
p.m. Wednesday. Whiskey her cleaning up her room yes- Meanwhile, back in her house, for that matter) is not confident, will smile when had critical matters to which
River Saloon, The Grandview terday. What happened in 24 bedroom, my daughter, Mad- distracting her thoughts in they read this. They might
Hotel, U.S. 52 , South Point. hours?” elyn, hums quietly to herself the least. She appears content even laugh out loud. They Please see HILL/4F

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