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Pak. J. Bot., 38(5): 1359-1365, 2006.



Department of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a deltaic country with total area of 147,570 km2. The major part (80%) of the country
consists of alluvial sediments deposited by the rivers Ganges, Brahmaputra, Tista, Jamuna, Meghna
and their tributaries. Terraces with an altitude of 20-30 m cover about 8% of the country, while
hilly areas with an altitude of 10-1000 m occur in the southeastern and northeastern part. The
coastal region covers almost 29,000 km2 or about 20% of the country. Again, the coastal areas of
Bangladesh cover more than 30% of the cultivable lands of the country. About 53% of the coastal
areas are affected by salinity. Agricultural land use in these areas is very poor, which is much lower
than countrys average cropping intensity. Salinity causes unfavorable environment and
hydrological situation that restrict the normal crop production throughout the year. The factors
which contribute significantly to the development of saline soil are, tidal flooding during wet
season (June-October), direct inundation by saline water, and upward or lateral movement of saline
ground water during dry season (November-May). The severity of salinity problem in Bangladesh
increases with the desiccation of the soil. It affects crops depending on degree of salinity at the
critical stages of growth, which reduces yield and in severe cases total yield is lost. Soil reaction
values (pH) in coastal regions range from 6.0-8.4. The organic matter content of the soils is also
pretty low (1.0-1.5%). Nutrient deficiencies of N and P are quite dominant in saline soils. Micronutrients, such as Cu and Zn are widespread. During the wet monsoon the severity of salt injury is
reduced due to dilution of the salt in the root-zone of the standing crop. The dominant crop grown
in the saline areas is local transplanted Aman rice crop with low yields. The cropping patterns
followed in the coastal areas are mainly Fallow-Fallow-Transplanted Aman rice. Salinity problem
received very little attention in the past. It has become imperative to explore the possibilities of
increasing potential of these (saline) lands for increased production of crops. Thus is necessary to
have an appraisal of the present state of land areas affected by salinity.

The total area of Bangladesh is 147, 570 km2. The coastal area covers about 20% of
the country and over thirty percent of the net cultivable area. It extends inside up to 150
km from the coast. Out of 2.85 million hectares of the coastal and offshore areas about
0.83 millions hectares are arable lands, which cover over 30% of the total cultivable lands
of Bangladesh. A part of the coastal area, the Sundarbans, is a reserve natural mangrove
forest covering about 4,500 km2. The remaining part of the coastal area is used in
agriculture. The cultivable areas in coastal districts are affected with varying degrees of
soil salinity. The coastal and offshore area of Bangladesh includes tidal, estuaries and
river floodplains in the south along the Bay of Bengal. Agricultural land use in these
areas is very poor, which is roughly 50% of the countrys average (Petersen & Shireen,

Corresponding Author: S. A. Haque; [email protected]



Salinity causes unfavorable environment and hydrological situation that restrict

normal crop production throughout the year. The freshly deposited alluviums from
upstream in the coastal areas of Bangladesh become saline as it comes in contact with the
sea water and continues to be inundated during high tides and ingress of sea water
through creeks. The factors which contribute significantly to the development of saline
soils are, tidal flooding during wet season (June-October), direct inundation by saline or
brackish water and upward or lateral movement of saline ground water during dry season
Observations in the recent past indicated that due to increasing degree of salinity of
some areas and expansion of salt affected area as a cause of further intrusion of saline
water, normal crop production becomes more restricted. In general, soil salinity is
believed to be mainly responsible for low land use as well as cropping intensity in the
area (Rahman & Ahsan, 2001). Salinity in the country received very little attention in the
past. Increased pressure of growing population demand more food. Thus it has become
increasingly important to explore the possibilities of increasing the potential of these
(saline) lands for increased production of crops. It necessitates an appraisal of the present
state of land areas affected by salinity.
Physiography of the coastal area: Tidal and estuarine floodplains cover almost 98% of
the coastal area. Small areas (2%) with river floodplains and peat basins are found in the
northern part of the coastal area. Tidal floodplains occur in Satkhira, Khulna, Bagerhat,
Pirozpur, Jhalukhati, Barisal, Patuakhali, Chittagong and Coxs Bazar district. They
cover a total of 18,65,000 ha or about 65% of the coastal area. Estuarine floodplains
occur in Noakhali, Bhola and Patuakhali districts and in the north-western part of
Chittagong district. They cover about 9,37,000 ha or about 33% of the coastal area.
Land characteristics and hydrology of the coastal region: The coastal saline area lies
about 1.5 to 11.8 meters above the mean sea level. The Ganges river meander floodplain
systems are standing higher than the adjoining tidal lands. The tidal floodplain has a
distinctive, almost level landscape crossed by innumerable interconnecting tidal rivers
and creeks. The estuarine islands are constantly changing shape and position as a result of
river erosion and new alluvial deposition. Peat basins are located in some of the lowlying areas between the Ganges river floodplains and tidal floodplains occurring in the
western part of Khulna (Karim et al., 1982). These areas are subject to flooding in the
monsoon season and waterlogging in parts of the basin areas in the dry season. Tidal
flooding through a network of tidal creeks and drainage channels connected to the main
river system inundates the soil and impregnates them with soluble salts thereby rendering
both the top and subsoil saline. The most significant feature of hydrology in relation to
agricultural development is the seasonal shallow flooding (up to 90 cm) which affects
about 64% of the total area. In these areas flood water recedes from October to late
December. Depending on topographical position and drainage facilities, water recede
from about 24% area within October, from about 53% area in November and midDecember and from about 23% area in late December.
Tidal effect: The effect of the tides is manifested in a regular alternation of rise and fall
of the water level of the sea and the estuarine/tidal channels and creeks. The flow
repeatedly inundates the soils and impregnates them with soluble salts, thereby rendering



the soils and subsoil water saline. The high tide during summer rises up to 1.3 meter
above the general ground level. On the east coast of the Sunderbans, the highest tide
could inundate lands up to a depth of 2.0 meter, where protective bunds were not erected.
Salinity built-up: The main obstacle to intensification of crop production in the coastal
areas is seasonally high content of salts in the root zone of the soil. The salts enter inland
through rivers and channels, especially during the later part of the dry (winter) season,
when the downstream flow of fresh water becomes very low. During this period, the
salinity of the river water increases. The salts enter the soil by flooding with saline river
water or by seepage from the rivers, and the salts become concentrated in the surface
layers through evaporation. The saline river water may also cause an increase in salinity
of the ground water and make it unsuitable for irrigation. The increase in water salinity of
these areas has created suitable habitat for shrimp cultivation. Along with other factors,
shrimp cultivation played a major role to increase salinity, particularly in the southwestern coastal regions. In greater Khulna alone, about 31,200 ha of land in 1982-1983
and about 94,850 ha of land in 1993-1994 were brought under shrimp culivation.
Extent of salinity: Coastal saline soils occur in the river deltas along the sea coast, a few
kilometers to 180 kilometers. The landscapes are low-lying land, estuaries and inland
along the seacoast of Bangladesh. According to salinity survey findings and salinity
monitoring information, about 1.02 million ha (about 70%) of the cultivated lands are
affected by varying degrees of soil salinity. about 0.282, 0.297, 0.191, 0.450 and 0.087
million hectares of lands are affected by very slight, slight, moderate strong and very
strong salinity respectively. Cropping intensity may be increased in very slight and
slightly alkaline areas by adopting proper soil and water management practices with
introduction of salt tolerant varieties of different crops. To mitigate the demand of fresh
water for irrigation, especial emphasis may be given to adopt rain water harvest
Table 1. Salinity affected areas in the coastal and offshore regions of Bangladesh

very slightly saline





Very slightly saline 4,20,420

with slightly saline
saline 2,57,270
with moderately
Moderately saline 1,98,890
Source: Soil salinity in Bangladesh (SRDI) 2000

Area of each salinity class (ha)



(8.1-12.0) (12.1-16.0) (>16.0)











Fertility status of saline soils: Soil fertility is an important factor for crop production. In
general the coastal regions of Bangladesh are quite low in soil fertility. Thus in addition
to salinity, plant nutrients in soils affect plant growth.



Soil reaction values (pH) range from 6.0-8.4 with the exception of Chittagong and
Patuakhali, where the pH values range from 5.0-7.8. Most of the soils are moderate to
strongly alkaline, the pH values of the surface soils being lower than those of the subsurface soils. In places with higher pH values, micronutrients deficiencies are expected.
The soils are in general poor in organic matter content with the excepton of
Paikgachha upazila of Khulna district, where the topsoils contain high organic matter
(7%). The organic matter content of the top soils ranges from less than 1% to 1.5%. The
low organic content in soils indicates poor physical condition of the coastal soils.
The CEC of the soils range from 9.4-40.6 m.e.%. The higher CEC values of Khulna and
Bagerhat soils are due to finer texture and higher organic matter contents. Soils having
CEC below 15.0 m.e.% is considered as of poor status (Singaraval et al., 1996). The soils
contain variable levels of exchangeable bases, but a general feature is the higher Ca and
K saturation of the exchange complex compared to Na and Mg in most of the soils. The
Na and Mg saturation of the exchange complex is harmful because they destroy the soil
physical properties and offset plant nutrition. Magnesium has synergistic effect of plant
uptake of Na as well as antagonistic effect on the uptake of Ca and K.
The total N contents of the soils are generally low, mostly around 0.1%. The low N
content may be attributed to low organic matter contents of most of the soils. Available P
status of the soils ranges from 15-25 ppm. Some deficient P soils are also found in
Chttagong, Barguna, Satkhira and Patuakhali districts. Widespread Zn and Cu
deficiencies have been observed in the coastal regions (Karim et al., 1990).
Table 2. Agro-chemical characteristics of soils in some of the coastal and offshore areas
(saline belt) of Bangladesh

Sources: Annual reports of BARI, BRRI, BWDB and DU of the coordinated research project on production
potentials of the coastal saline soils of Bangladesh (1987-1989).

Current agricultural land use: In the saline soils rice, jute, sugarcane, pulses, oilseeds,
spices, vegetables and fruits are grown, but their contributions to cropping intensity vary
greatly with regions. In salt affected highlands of Barisal, Khulna and Patuakhali regions,
local transplanted Aman rice (July-November) is the dominant crop, whereas in the same
land type of Chittagong region HYV Aman rice is the major crop. In medium highlands
of Barisal, Khulna, Noakhali, Patuakhali and Chittagong regions the dominant crop is
local transplanted Aman rice. The dominant crop in the medium low lands of the former
three regions is broadcast aman rice, whereas in Chittagong region broadcast aus rice is
the dominant crop.



During wet season, local aman rice is grown extensively in the coastal saline areas
with normal yields between 2.5 and 3.0 tons per hectare. Transplanted aman-fallow is the
most dominant cropping pattern in the Khulna, Barisal and Patuakhali regions. In
Noakhali and Chittagong, aus-local transplanted aman pattern covers 25-28% area. Next
to this is the transplanted aman-fallow pattern, represents about 18-20% area. Winter
crops, such as wheat, potato and vegetables are grown, which cover a small area (11.5%).
This is practiced in the district of Noakhali with transplanted aman-winter crop cropping
Adopting of HYV rice cultivars varied considerably in different salt affected regions.
In Chittagong and Noakhali regions, there is substantial coverage of HYV rice in high
and medium lands during both aus and aman seasons. Some coverage of HYV rice during
aman season is also found in the highlands of Khulna, Barisal and Patuakhali regions.
But almost no HYV aus rice is grown in Khulna, Barisal and Patuakhali regions.
However, there is potential to HYV aman rice cultivation in the regions on highlands.
Most of the coastal areas are located over medium highlands, where flooding depth
ranges from 0.3-0.9 meter. This category of land is suitable for minimum two crops and
sometimes three crops with winter wheat or other winter crops. The low land use in saline
area is mainly due to unfavorable soil salinity in dry season and unavailability of quality
irrigation water. In addition to crop production, area of about 86,975 hectares supports
brackish water shrimp culture farms, the major portion (62,120 ha) is in khulna district
followed by Chittagong district (24,755 ha).
Constraints for agricultural development: The agricultural development in the coastal
saline belt is constrained by various physical, chemical and social factors. In general, the
major agricultural constraints identified that impede development are as follow:

It has been found that constraints increased with increasing intensity of salinity. Soil
salinity is the most dominant limiting factor in the region, especially during the dry
season. It affects certain crops at different levels of soil salinity and at critical stages
of growth, which reduces yield and in severe cases total yield is lost. A substantial
area of land is tidally affected by saline water. Appropriate management practice for
crop production in this area is not available.
Fertility status of most saline soils range from low to very low in respect to organic
matter content, nitrogen, phosphorus and micronutrients like zinc and copper. The
crop yields obtained in these soils are also low.
Scarcity of quality irrigation water during dry season limits cultivation of boro rice
and rabi (winter) crops, and aus cultivation during kharif-1 (March-July) season.
Variability of rainfall, uncertain dates of onset and recession of seasonal floods and
risk of drought restrict cultivation of aus and aman rice. Uncertain rainfall delays
sowing/transplanting and flood damages aus and aman crops. Heavy monsoon
rainfall causes delay in transplanting of aman and sometimes flash floods washes
away the standing crop.
Narrow technological and germplasm bases for salt tolerant crops limit crop choices.
On the other hand, due to extensive cultivation of a particular cultivar of crop year
after year makes the crop susceptible to pests and diseases attack. Pests and diseases
like hispa, leaf-hopper and tungro virus are prevalent in the region and extensive
damage is caused by these almost every year.
In the coastal saline belt with short winter season timely sowing/planting of rabi
(winter) crops is essential but this is restricted by late harvest of aman rice.



Presence of saline ground water table throughout the year within 1.0 meter depth is
another factor affecting crop production in the saline belt.
A considerable area of the coast is within the polders of different types. Soil salinity
levels have not decreased considerably within the poldered areas. This seriously
constrained the adoption of HYV aman and HYV aus in these areas.
The texture of most of the saline soils varies silt clay to clay. Land preparation
becomes very difficult as the soil dries out. Deep and wide cracks develop and
surface soil becomes very hard. These also necessitate deep and rapid tillage
Perennial water-logging due to inadequate drainage and faulty operation of sluicegate facilities restricts potential land use of the low lands within the poldered areas.
Lack of appropriate extension programs for diffusion of modern technologies.
Extension personal trained in saline soil management in also inadequate. This
lacking retarded adoption of HYV technologies.
Big land ownership and unfavorable land tenure system and dominance of absentee
farmers discourage adoption of modern technologies.
Difficult communication and remote marketing facilities also retard agricultural
development of the region.

The above factors are more or less common to most of the saline prone areas in the south
of the country along the seacoast. Often heavy monsoon rainfall, sever flash flood and
exposure to cyclones with saline cyclonic storm surges add to the ongoing process of
salinization in the coastal-belt.
Strategy for management of coastal saline soils:



Protective embankment: Land may be protected from inundation of saline water

through establishment of embankment of suitable size. The recommended size
should be 1 meter high above the high tide level.
Provision of sluice gate on the embankment: The should be provision of sluice
gate in the embankment system to remove excess water and also to prevent ingress
of saline water during high tide
Leveling of land: Slight variations in the micro-relief lead to salt accumulation in
the raised spots. Land should be properly leveled to prevent accumulation of water in
the low-lying patches with shallow ground water tables and to facilitate uniform
drainage of excess water. It will help to apply irrigation water uniformly in the field
in rabi season, facilitate uniform germination of seeds and better growth of crops.
Storing of excess rainwater for irrigation: A part of the excess water stored in
pond after meeting the requirements of the kharif season can be utilized during the
dry period for rabi crops.
Selection of kharif rice variety: Even though the coastal area is relatively flat, there
exist elevation differences in areas, where depths of standing water ranges from 1590 cm. Selection of rice varieties (BRRI dhan 23, 30, 40 and 41), available in the
country on the basis of standing water and extent of salinity in the field can
overcome the situation to a great extent.
Introduction of crop in rabi (winter) season: Cropping intensity can be increased
in about 0.596 million hectares of very slight (S1) and slightly saline (S2) areas by
adopting proper soil and water management practices with the introduction of salt
tolerant crop varieties.






Keeping land covered in winter and summer months: Ground water is saline and
present at a shallow depth (about 1.0 meter). Keeping lands fallow leads to high
salinity in soil due to evaporation of excessive soil moisture. Therefore, it is
recommended to avoid fallowing of lands during rabi season. Salt tolerant crops
should be chosen and grown. This will lower the profile salinity.
Fertilization of crops: Since, soils in general are poor in fertility with low organic
matter content, it is necessary to apply appropriate fertilizers to boost up crop
production. Potash fertilizer has an added advantage under soil salinity. It lowers
down Na uptake by plants and of course increases K uptake. Thus K fertilizzation
protects crops from harmful effects of Na.
Provision of sub-surface drainage: In many parts of the coastal area, salinity is
very high. To grow crops successfully in those areas, it is necessary to bring down
the salinity by leaching the salts. It is also necessary to lower down the water table
and maintain it blow the critical depth to prevent salt effect on crops grown. To
achieve the objective, a proper sub-surface drainage has to be installed to keep the
ground water at least 1 meter below the soil surface. This technology is effective but
somewhat expensive.

Soil salinity is a worldwide problem. Bangladesh is no exception to it. In Bangladesh,
salinization is one of the major natural hazards hampering crop production. Coastal area
in Bangladesh constitutes 20% of the country of which about 53% are affected by
different degrees of salinity. Agricultural land use in these areas is very poor. Declining
land productivity with shift towards negative nutrient balance is among the main
concerns with food security problem in the country.
Salinity problem received very little attention in the past. Nevertheless, symptoms of
such land degradation with salinization are becoming too pronounced in recent years to
be ignored. Increased pressure of growing population demand more food. It has become
imperative to explore the possibilities of increasing potential of these (saline) lands for
increased production of food crops. Thus combating land salinization problem is vital for
food security in the country through adoption of long-term land management strategy.
Karim, Z., S.M. Saheed, A.B.M. Salauddin, M.K. Alam and A. Huq. 1982. Coastal saline soils and
their management in Bangladesh. Soils publication No. 8, BARC. p 33.
Karim, Z., S.G. Hussain and M. Ahmed. 1990. Salinity problems and crop intensification in the
coastal regions of Bangladesh. Soils publication No. 33. BARC, p.17.
Petersen, L. and S. Shireen. 2001. Soil and water salinity in the coastal area of Bangladesh. SRDI.
Rahman, M.M. and M. Ahsan. 2001. Salinity constraints and agricultural productivity in coastal
saline area of Bangladesh, Soil Resources in Bangladesh: Assessment and Utilization.
Singaraval, R., S.K. Balasundaram, K. Johnson. 1996. Physicochemical characteristics and nutrient
status of coastal saline soils of Tamil Nadu. J. Ind. Soc. Coastal Agric. Res., 14 (1&2): 59-61.

(Received for publication 18 September, 2006)

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