Periodic Interest - A Blog, by Thomas H Spitters
Periodic Interest - A Blog, by Thomas H Spitters
Periodic Interest - A Blog, by Thomas H Spitters
July 14 - An anniversary of sorts - Ten Days Ago...
Some comments are that "It Could Be Worse." - 2009 New York
Times M...
Keynsians, Hearken!
You Can Find This in "The Wall Street Journal" (Fedor, ...)
Deutsche fussball
August in Belgium?
South Bay prostitution ring shut down, police say - San Jose
Either, or.
Search on ...
... the end of public finance and the last "financier" ...
News from the Sports Courtroom (maybe about your own case
Arab Spring.
ATP Tour
Vive U.N.E.S.C.O.!?
occupy what, where, how, why, when? (Click here for original
In Memoriam
Human Tragedy, Sadness and Infamy (... to this day.) Why This
Un ami, Fouad.
Why don't you just stick to "Turandot," the food and drink, and
so on?
What the U.S. Can Learn from China, by Ann Lee - Book
2012 Movies - Oliver Stone And Tax Policy (... and maybe even
the o...
What for and in what way (could you have done this)!?
Good English.
In Silent Memoriam.
December 7.
In Memoriam.
"Safe Haven."
Anna Politkovskaya.
1 : Universal Compassion.
SOCHI 2014.
( ).
"I prefer [read 'fall all over myself on'] facebook" and Other
Periodic Interest: Modern Day Hiroshima? ... and the 'Shinto prie...
No Need to Really Read This Entry - Ther're Plenty of Them Out 198
Berlin, 2014.
Monday, July 26, 2010
From "Radio Free Europe:" 'A recent Prague Spring concert honored musicians and
artists in the Terezin concentration camp who died in the Holocaust. Terezin Music
Foundation founder Mark Ludwig pays special homage to composer Gideon Klein, who
died aged 26...' It is captivating to try to find out or in some way have an image of what
went on in the work camps of WWII Central Europe. Terezin itself was apparently a type
of dressed - up or hotel version of said camps and was visited and approved of by
officials from Geneva several times during the German occupation of Czechoslovakia.
Any material you find on it is worth reading as the Terezin camp was run in fashion
always to be ready with a new coat of paint here and there and even new bunks for the
Hebrew and other inmates upon the impending visitation of Geneva and other officials to
confirm that there were no exterminations there. It was a small and well - run prison camp
where a higher percentage of the Holocaust inmates survived. My older blog (Thomas
Some comments are that "It Could Be Worse." 2009 New York Times M...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Also - Click President Signing Unemployement Act - 2010 as well for more ...
The above link is a 2009 interview site where the U.S. president sat down with a
magazine editor and went over some items not only affecting our country, but other
administrations as well that look to the O'Bama administration as an example, especially
those in the western hemisphere. This is the first I had heard that the president's mom
had a cancer attack, then she apparently had stroke and upon that fell and broke her hip.
This would be a sorrowful thing for anyone, and this happened during the presidential
campaign which must have been doubly disconcerting for the to - be president - elect and
it shows his leadership skills to be able to speak about this openly, and to talk about it
within the overall framework of medical care in the U.S.
It seems to me that with respect to this article that someone make a determination as I
have that public finance began the financial crisis and (through Fannie and Freddie, and
maybe even other entities of the same nature) with their collapse led to further problems
Periodic Interest, by Thomas H. Spitters
that eventually touched upon the private sector and snowballed further. The president in
his interview appears not to know this and despite the conversation, the interviewer
appears lost on it as well, even despite some discussion of the now passing financial
rules in Congress and the Volcker - influenced regulations relating to macroeconomic
financial safety and soundness. Here also seems to be some cloudiness on the subject of
the role of the U.S. Treasury now that the scandals have been remedied and how the
moneys that funded the failures are to be repaid. There is, however, some discussion of
the technology and other crucial sectors driving paper profits and these parts of
commerce, at least in the future, according to the interview, will not have the same
primary role as revenue and income drivers in the economy as they did before.
The interview includes a discussion of the president's overall views on the economy and
his perceptions about workers and their choices and goals, for example, of the workforce
toward greater vocational fulfilment, greater employment, and better lives for workers.
There is a surprising omission of any discussion of the basic relationships between the
means of production and labor in the talk illustrated in this article, and in fact it appears
that the president has decided, maybe accurately, the economy of the U.S. must at this
point, and for very healthy reasons, become at least in part a labor economy among
others. By this he must believe in anti - inflationary measures and the general provisions
of labor economics with the all encompassing statistics they have and so forth. There
was a significant discussion on the subject of health care and this article notes that ninety
percent of health care costs are attributed to chronically ill patients in clinics and hospitals
- and with this in mind, what one can do with health care costs - with the emphasis on the
cost structure of delivering health care when the fixed costs are so high. One back - of the - envelope solution has been to "socialize" health care, but given the structure of
insurance and other vehicles that cover health care in the U.S. and they way they have
been for years, it does appear, for further discussion yet, that health care is already
socialized. This lawyer - president appears to want to depend upon quantitative methods
for his executive powers and their implementation, and it is in any event very interesting
to have read through this year - old magazine piece from May 2009 to find many of the
same issues as looked -at still up - to - date. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Keynsians, Hearken!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The above link is to an article that speaks about the effectiveness of the U.S. president's
2009 spending package that by some recent reports has added over two million new jobs
(is that net or just a regular number?) The content of the article examines, in theory pretty
much only, the validity of the recent spending package, and there is some ground to be
contested for the Keynsians, i.e., Romer, Summers, et. al, insofar as theorists vary on
how effective government stimulus spending is at any one time, and this goes back to the
Okun period in the 1960's when economic indicators started to become more true to life
and "accurate" with respect to economic phenomenon and the information derived
thereby using telecommunications and computing power. Keep in mind that Keynsians do
believe economics is full of numbers and you need some sort of quantitative analysis to
make economic decisions (Keynes read statistics in the paper pretty much always, or
obtained them over the telephone in working his economic and portfolio majic at
Cambridge when he was alive.) The fact is statistics do work, but they can be flawed,
such as in the 2008 presidential stimulus package whence there was additional
government spending, but investment was going abroad in one way or another, and the
spending had little effect - there was a recession anyway.
The article does accurately propose that deficit reduction and cutting taxes, and cutting
interest rates, and some other things would do well to get the U.S. economy booming
again like a big band. The problem has been for years that the twin deficits are structural,
and this is in time of war so the federal government needs to pay for the conflicts
somehow and we are all deeply in debt which means we are taking away from tomorrow
(sui generis) when interest rates will be adversely affected by the increase in debt today.
The problem with interest rates and the dollar continue and if the president does what
others have done before him, raising taxes, all this will mean is the commensurate
spending that will result will only really cancel some of the deleterious economic effects
remaining from the 2009 recession. Policy makers talk about now "cutting" the deficits,
and that would be first a positive thing for our consumer economy and then might attract
some capital back into the country. How this is to be done remains a huge question as
Keynsians want to project an image the economy is doing better and then capital will
follow; the monetarists' quip in this case might be that spending and tax reductions are
not the 200% solution, but are better than projecting our economic troubles everywhere
through taxing and spending behaviours. The monetarists are in a bind as they have no
real voice in the federal administration right now despite some prospective redemption in
thier policy ideas.
Neither tax and spend, nor manipulating monetary economic items is the answer here as
both these principles work most adequately under different regimes in relative peace
time. There are wars going on and our country (and its armed forces) is / are the
champion(s) of liberty, honour, patriotic and civic duty in those conflicts; things we all
believe in as U.S. citizens and citizens to - be. Warrring parties often have their own ways
of resolving payments and items due in the conflicts: Before modern finance was
discovered, moneys to pay for soldiery and armaments came mostly from the countries'
treasuries, which is less so in modern times. States have given to taking out loans from
the citizenry to pay for conflicts, especially the current conflicts in the Middle East. People
like me do not believe government policies are the reasons for either our current
economic difficulties or their solutions. Without getting into what one might think of James
Earl Carter's "Conspicuous Consumption" speech during the latter part of his presidency
means for us today; everyone knows some belt - tightening is in order for everyone within
our shores. You also might do well to try to buy a few treasuries through the local mutual
fund broker. This will in the individual case do virtually, if not absolutely, nothing, but you
will thereby be in step with the problems the president has: a. Simple people have
believed for years that belligerents become wealthy and this is the reason for countries
going to war (war is actually extremely expensive in any age, and quickly drains the
treasury of any region,) b. There is an ever - burgeoning debt mound in the federal
government due just to deficit operations and spending; c. The effect of any, even
extremely powerful monetary / fiscal policy decision will be marginal / has been marginal
at best; d. Our region currently suffers from now historically very high unemployment on
average; e. The twin deficits must be reduced - something past administrations have
demonstrated as "possible" but not probable; f. To the extent deficits are cut, there are
more poor tradeoffs between taxes and interest rates, for example, and other factors; g.
Any efforts at federal austerity will principally choke the national and regional economies
that are used to federal funding; h. and on and on... There is an entire body of work that
goes into every economic policy decision, and the president, whoever he is, makes very
few mistakes despite finger - pointing and partisanship, etc., especially with people like
Paul Volcker in his corner. The unfortunate thing here is that the Volcker people
themselves, whatever their views are, have never been the purveyors of good tidings,
really, and fall more or less within the Keynsian framework that calls for a kind of modern
Periodic Interest, by Thomas H. Spitters
native peoples there during the period after WWII, the political climate was rife with
vulnerabilities that were exacerbated and exist to this day. Part of the credence of the
ANC and its merits was the future promise to make the country productive and to
preserve its institutions that were not overwhelmingly racist. This led to the beginning of
better prospects for African nations as far as foreign aid and international legitimacy were
concerned among other things. All this due to the relationships between personalities like
F. W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela; see your Cambridge history. My older blog (Thomas
gone back to the virtues of saving and socking away cash apart from fancy investment
vehicles as promoted through the local money store. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Deutsche fussball
Thursday, August 12, 2010
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
August in Belgium?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Louvain is where many books were burned by an advancing army some almost hundred
years ago. Books of the day then are / were like the computers of today in a way: single
storehouses of literature, lists and informations of any kind in compact form, and many
were extremely carefully published, even pamphlets of the day. Destruction of spirit in the
old days meant at least in part the destruction of literature, prose, poetry, current events
news, criticism and analysis, whatever. At least look at these pictures of Leuven which
are very simple, but confirm that the town would not recover as intended from the
destruction of the Great War, from virually any perspective, in those August days. Leuven
is in Belgium, and it is a small town today, insignificant in the scheme of high - technology
information processing and the great scale of today as well as the other activities of the
world, and let its story be a lesson to us all who harbor thoughts of harm and destruction
in view of prejudices, an appetite for conflict, even brutality. Voyons. My older blog
(Thomas Spitters.)
That the latest financial crisis has called for people like the former British Prime Minister
to comment that the mortgage - backed and other asset - backed products that were
being sold were too complex and too difficult to track through the financial system we
have does not speak to the merits of the invention and market in financial and other
products that promise to improve the quality of life, and that people, investors, want in the
first place. The problem the products were too complex, as proposed by Mr. Blair,
indicates the investing public, otherwise rule - abiding and sophisticated, is ignorant, and
that he has called for additional regulation on such matters re - enforces the idea that
many leaders, of great amplitude themselves, do not understand Wall Street. It is
perhaps one fault of our lawmakers they themselves did not make attempts to
understand the mortgage crisis and have fallen back on rule - making: The derivatives
market in the financial centers can be difficult to understand for some people, especially
those having to deal with somewhat illiquid assets like housing, and other factors such as
interest rates.
Blair also devotes considerable currency in his latest column to the subject of Iraq and
Afghanistan, and gives an interesting post - soviet analysis of the Middle East with
respect to these two countries. He gives no analysis nor does he clearly state how much
in conflict certain factional areas of the Middle East are at cultural and other loggerheads
with western countries at this point in time. There is valid discussion of Mr. Blair's long standing point that terrorism is a provocation and can drive armed conflict as it has in the
above two countries, and any victory in the war on terror has its price, it is above all
evident, though Mr. Blair does avoid discussion of the expenses of the military
deployments, etc., in Iraq and Afghanistan to date. There is, however, in the article a very
cogent discussion of the merits of western values that is valid for every one of us, either
in learning about them as a foreign person, or upholding them as a citizen of one western
country or another. It is a danger that the imams are pursuing greater Islamic orthodoxy,
sometimes in the face of public opinion in their own countries, and the hazards of this are
discussed with respect to modernity and the current climate of world society, not just
western culture. That Mr. Blair has either had governments, or had influence, in the
administrations of three U.S. presidents indicates the obvious power of the labour party in
England at one time, much as perhaps was at one time the influence of the British
conservatives in the America during the late 1950's and early 1960's.
The imams have Israel, other European and Middle Eastern countries and the Americas,
not to mention other countries in the southern hemisphere as openly sworn or
uncommitted opposition to theocracy of any kind, and the admonishment against
theocracy in his article is followed by some words on "soft power." Mr. Blair does propose
that western democracy is a little complacent with respect to international conflict at this
point, and this is probably true with regard to the nine grueling years of war some peoples
have had to deal with. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
take your chances with comedy shows, and for some people John Stewarts and Steven
Colberts might be a good match for you. Happy television watching, and dont forget
the radio, too. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
glean very few similarities in how they are / were resolved: The Viet conflict, and its
ancillary actions were resolved in a political environment designed to disparage a
popularly elected president, and were resolved in reaction to an official call for drafting
more people into the military when an elite and volunteer armed forces were on the
immediate administrative horizon. None of those circumstances prevails today, for the
most part, and history itself will really judge for better or worse the U.S. reaction to global
terrorist threats, as recognised first by the war on terror under Clinton and then under
Bush and Obama.
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Either, or.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Tyranny and anti tyranny.
In the story of the Michael Khodorkovsky trial, and that of Platon Lebedev, it is important
given Mr. Khodorkovskys talk at Khamovnichesky Court, Moscow; on November 2, 2010,
that in Russia the goals of the new generation of business people who have built up the
country again are not necessarily congruent with those of the centrist and now dominant
officials in the realm. The business people who ran Yukos and its related businesses, and
they made a tidy sum at it, worked privately to promote economic activities and the
development of that society, especially in the Far East. The disagreement between the
judiciary and Mr. Khodorkovsky with Mr. Lebedev is the state considered much of what
Mr. Khodorkovsky was doing to be its business, including the spending of petro
currency it intended to use in the treasury, but that was going to build up one or another
region in the country.
Mr. Khodorkovsky is apparently accused of manipulating people, money and the system,
all of which were in flux in Russia during the time of Yukos, and developing his own
economic and political fiefdom. That some good came of the economic and oil booms in
Russia is inarguable, and one cannot argue as to the benefits of the ends. Mr.
Khodorkovsky is dealing singly with issues that befall developing sectors in developing
economies everywhere: Growth can be unmanageable, and while Mr. Khodorkovsky was
an excellent boss in view of this, the Russian government is arguing he clearly was not.
The trial itself has been, from what I have followed, instance after instance of finger
pointing and name calling, and no one has been able to speak freely about what the
operations of the business in this anti trust case were really like, or other pertinent
issues. The court sessions become a profile and precedent of poor interpretation of facts
on the one hand and legalistic and oppressive regulation on the other, both parties
suffering this and other difficulties in a problem circumstance for everyone.
In his speech in this court case on November 2, the defendant used the past imperfect
tense many times. It is important to understand this as an appeal to the court to apply the
same standard of justice to the operations of the state in this process, in its inventories,
checklists, and internal debates, etc., that it has applied to statutes applied against Mr.
Khodorkovsky and Mr. Lebedev in penalty or penalties against them and any other
accused. The Russian system of justice, probably with its tendency to nod to the
prosecuting attorney and the judge in fierce enforcement of many statutes, might entirely
not have heard this plaintive appeal. That this is the tradition is highly unfortunate, and
one this case challenges the system to begin to reverse. This is perhaps why the
defendants have attempted to highlight the historical context of the trial. It is unfortunate
this tradition dates to the Okrana (sp?) and the courts of pre revolutionary times, up
through Beria and so forth, and why many Russians in this case themselves have cause,
especially in view of a prosecutorial decision in this case, to again view their patrimony as
unfortunate, and a gain for the state at the expense of, again, common people or those
who represented them or stood in their shoes to help their cause. My older blog (Thomas
issues of nationalism in its institutions. It is here where the authors bring in their
partitioned time lines on American politics and the world, dating back to the age of John
Quincy Adams, then forward to the Wilson presidency, and then post 9 / 11 events.
Brzezinski notes at this point the older European community was much more cohesive on
a regional level given the two devastating world wars and the Cold War during the 20th
century, and needs at present better political coordination. With respect to World Wars I
and II, N.A.T.O. is still an issue unto itself that affects the sovereignty of most Europeans,
regardless of nationality or where they reside in the region.
To begin the conclusion of the text, the authors enter into a discussion about the
importance of human dignity and human rights, and its influence on their ideas about
doctrinaire enlightened or guileful realism in affairs. There is also some discussion of a
new world order in which cultural identities have primacy, hearkening to the world of 20th
century Wilsonian political ideas. The new administration in Washington, D.C., while it
promised a number of important things, especially about changes in government, is seen
currently as bogged down in its own efforts, and with respect to foreign policy there has
been progress and reform in the integration of departments and agencies as far as
communications and functioning are concerned. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
represents to those outside your country, and what great values and integrity he instituted
in his time, in effort and in deed; at least in what concerns his own administrative efforts.
That is what really is being contested here, and this is an interpretation, and it is a
political / administrative view. No one during the time of the 1990s to today, a great time
of business innovation and invention everywhere, and especially so in Russia, can be
blamed for being ambitious and, again, inventive as the Yukos executives had been. Any
decision of the courts that finally decides this case should account or compensate for
this, and that Russian society has run through a crucible of economic events need not be
on the heads of those Yukos people who apparently and sincerely wished for the better
of the Russian economy and country. Good day.
THS My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
around the world wide web with integrated satellite know - how.
Turner was / is also an avid sailboat helmsman, and continued his sailing hobby
throughout his career; participating in and winning major sailing races. He also, and
through the eyeglass (hourglass) of success, has become a generous philanthropist and
funded many United Nations programs. He has five children.
What is so distinguishing about the text is the biographer (about himself) does not
attempt to appear flawless, nor does he attempt as many have in their own way at
righteous indignation at the vicissitudes of life. The humanness and dignity with which he
treated people during his rise to become a household term are remarkable, too, and
remarkable as well is his technical comprehension of the business of advertising and
working stellarly in the media business where new technologies have been de jure for
some time. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Search on ...
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Latest events in:
Tunisia. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
physical conditioning methods, of contacting the ball as it was thrown for him (to try) to hit
under various conditions and circumstances. The decisive charges that his physical
training and related staff were conniving and corrupt should be re examined and thrown
out: The real issue is how Mr. Bonds lorded it over other power hitters for years, and what
he did for the game of baseball a. To increase interest and attendance at baseball
events, especially in away situations, b. How he increased the profile of other hitters,
and offense in the National League game in general, by creating controversy on the
subject of baseball offense and outfield hitting and other things, stealing, base running,
the pitchers role in the late innings, and other things that capture the attention of fans at
decisive times during a contest; c. How, by the competitive reputation of Mr. Bonds, other
players in contact with him and with whom he was and became acquainted, and same
with respect to the media and the press, others benefitted during the time Mr. Bonds
pursued his path to baseball greatness. For these and other reasons, there is clearly no
cogent, nor is there any even magical principle that indicates Mr. Bonds should suffer
penalties for the good works he did and the message he proposed about the game of
(and profession of) baseball that it takes a measure of luck and extremely hard work,
even for people as talented and gifted as he is or was during his career, even in the
Pittsburgh days and other doldrums. People like me knew baseball people like Mr. Bonds
in college, and even knew of him in high school, and there is without a doubt in our minds
the common - senseness, reasonableness, and charitableness of this person and there
are any number of instances one can cite from his life to date that bring this out. To
systematically and officially insinuate that he is or was a corrupt person indeed reflects
upon the ambiguous, nebulous, and backbiting approach to the game of his accusers and
others prosecuting, charging, and yelling, gesticulating and shouting and staring him
In professional baseball today, and in all professional sports, there are guidelines that
provide a best guess as to what one needs to do to take advantage of ones strong points
(doing what one does well,) and building and maintaining talents, whether they be in
defense or offense, or both. This is part of the holiness, what have you, of the sport of
professional baseball in America, and without the professionalism we have today in the
sport, American athletes would most completely be likely to play baseball no better than
the French, or the Yugoslavians, for that matter; and there are such players they just do
not play that well as they are not as talented as the American boys are. This is just a fact.
The, again, detractors of Mr. Bonds, in fact, do take the attitude and performance of a
French baseball player, or the like, and ascribe to Mr. Bonds not the reputation he
deserves, but the status of a malicious and scheming, ambitious overachiever who
cheated his way through his career. If you desire these equalized ideas and standards
and their proponents and professional staff, there are baseball leagues and
organisations, and games for you everywhere outside the U.S., probably even in Europe
where the game is played professionally, but to the eyes of the practised spectator, very
badly. This is what the judicial proceedings about Mr. Bonds home runs appear to be
concerned with stopping people from actually exercising their rights as professionals
and becoming the talents they deserve to be; and this by stripping them of their toolset of
refined and successful methods, processes and the like that promise the fulfillment of
their talents, possibilities and potentialities.
Some time ago, I did see a San Francisco Giants baseball game against the New York
Mets. I do not attend public events every day as these are costly and there is a handy
adage they are available and viewable through local television, for the most part. I did
see Mr. Bonds and his team make complete baseball fools out of the New York team in a
single show in which he hit two home runs. It is a lifes experience to watch him hit,
especially at home where he plays for every fan, from people in the baseline boxes to
those fans in the third deck and at home even. I have also seen Mr. Bonds hit on
television, and if one knows even a little about baseball, it is thrilling to watch him at the
plate, and playing defense as well. In addition to his hitting skills, he has an arm like Willie
Mays and I have seen him throw people out at base like Mr. Mays did. It is obvious, from
anyones knowledge of him personally or professionally, that he loves baseball and to
believe his approach, again, to this profession was or is corrupt is a sin of commission,
and again, indicates the overall salaciousness of fans and others who pretend and
pretended to follow his career with interest in order to disparage him with the detailed and
defamatory gossip that has led to these trials. I do also think of his parents and this
parent / child, and other family relationships and associations that detractors have
worked to render valueless by these public trials as well. Good day.
THS My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
dilemmas, faults and personal failings; be they those of the players or those in the
gallery. Let them play.
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
money is evil and should be treated as such. The fact is, there were corruptible
influences everywhere in Dreisers time, not just in some persons intrigues and ill
gotten gains. Fast forward to the modern public financial processes in Washington, D.C.,
where somewhat the same attitude about the accumulation of cash to spend prevails it
is in fact an accurate assessment of public Congressional and Senatorial appropriations
in the U.S. that are made without the proper revenue base do reflect these types of
beliefs, and apparently that when one has money that has not been spent, the
accumulation or saving of same is immoral and corrupt, reflecting the overall idea that
money is really to spend.
The plan of the Republican Paul Ryan to erase over six trillion dollars from the federal
deficit over a decade includes privatising some social welfare programs, and cutting
others, including Medicare and Medicaid. It also includes reducing federal corporate tax
rates. These are the two principal traits of this plan which is quite simple, especially since
the Ryan plan does not really touch Social Security. Medicare and Medicaid, under Mr.
Ryans plan, would apparently be privatised, which would save approximately three
trillion 2011 U.S. dollars. When one thinks about the corporate tax relief (savings of about
another three trillion,) this policy would have the effect of creating, or freeing up almost
seven trillion 2011 dollars (U.S.) of income and value based upon fiscal relief. This is a
very enticing policy, as is the privatisation of Medicare and related programs through
private insurance based concerns. Cutting government spending is hard to do, and the
insurance programs would present a sea change for private carriers as the health
insurance business in the U.S. would be responsible for virtually everyone seeking
medical care - the young, and especially the aged. That many older and elderly people
are to be included in insurance pools along Mr. Ryans ideas, would affect the costs of
maintaining the health insurance / health care systems we have and would also affect
premiums, based upon private insurance criteria instead of federal entitlement criteria.
There can not really be any more accounting nor financial tweaking of the Social Security
system, as Mr. Ryans plan undoubtedly indicates, and an actually quite efficient pay
as you go private health insurance system (one much more dear monetarily than the
federal system at this point,) is not in the offing as an alternative to federal health
programs. As well, the corporate tax reduction does not promise any economic identities
beyond the simple possibility under improved economic climes of creating new value and
income (some.) Then, even as Mr. Ryans plan, or a similar plan, fulfills its promise, there
would also be a propensity on the federal level, again, to spend the benefits of the tax
relief, privatisations, and other efficiencies created by his plan, thus engendering an even
greater deficit, and more confusion and chaos in the politics around the common sense of
public policy and these matters. Ryans plan to bring more discipline to public finance,
due to opposition to it, and the pronouncements of its detractors, comprises a
constructive and challenging solution for the interim, and for the reduction over ten years
in the federal deficit, and this due to a presumed vacuousness of legislators in attempts
to get behind it, promote it and have the discipline, again, to legislate and stand behind it
administratively over the long term. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
islamists figured they could extort political currency by using bin Laden's treasury (and
other moneys of other less wealth people) to become like a super - charged Hezbollah.
The Taliban has had their own kind of Islam that is quite orthodox and includes anyone
as their enemy, not just as targeting Israel and the Hebrew tribes, but anyone who
engaged them in any sort of confrontation, apparently even adversarial verbal exchanges
or simple arguments. Bin Laden's method was to use what is essentially believed to be
family wealth to raise an army and the funds to corrupt and destroy through terror as
many of his western adversaries as possible, regardless of their mutual alliances or
confluence of goals in reviewing the situation of islamists in the world, and regardless of
their accommodation(s) to him, or any convergence of ideas they shared or would share.
It is well - known that Saudi people are wonderful people. In many ways, the Saudis have
been better to Americans than, for example, other countries of the Western Hemisphere,
without naming in particular any citizens in our diverse global village. It was surprising for
the author of this blog to find that most of the 9 / 11 bombers were Saudi as the widely
held expectation and perception at the time of 9 / 11 was the perpetrators of the airline
crashes in in the Eastern U.S. were arabic palestinians as radical islamists. Many of the
Saudis are devout islamists themselves and would never raise a hand against anyone as
it is written in their scriptures that such actions are unlawful according to Mohammed and
invite severe punishment(s.) The Saudis are by and large very educated and cultured
people, and they are sophisticated enough to know what is going on in the world,
especially those running their country. The present author, with this in mind, presents the
point of view, to islamists as radicals and reformers alike, that there was born midway in
the last century a generation in most Arab countries that came of age belying the
reputations and moral high ground of their parents - they stood as if on the shoulders of
their own giants at a very young and intrinsically wealthy age, and it is obvious their
parents did not believe this to be a redeeming or constructive thing to do. They sought to
preserve their children as a result and sent them to the best schools to get the best
training in order that they succeed on their merits as earned. Bin Laden and his
colleagues, despite their great sums were with these young people who were crippled
and stifled into being terrorists among others by the discipline and tasks and duties of
being subject to the vagaries of radicals in school, the will of their responsible parent for a
structured life in view of radical sympathies, and so forth, and what (at least in part)
Francis Fukuyama put on the cover of his first well - known book "The End of History" as
handed down to them by their elders. This is only part of the story as many of the
adverbial characterisations and reasons even, the "why's," and so forth, are lost even to
those of bin Laden's followers who were good diarists. A simple explanation of what this
evil is or was about is in the critically acclaimed and controversial poetry of Baudelaire
and Mallarme, writers that bin Laden read or undoubtedly knew of through his studies.
There is an alternative and contributory explanation to these views that hinges on the role
of Middle Eastern culture as dominated and governed by orthodox Mohammedan beliefs
and the like, but this is beyond the scope of simple blog entries at this point. People like
me do not feel sorry that he is gone; no one like me who has family and friends who are
in the world and threatened by blindly terrorist acts against the great powers aimed at
crippling and even destroying our culture as we know it and us, ourselves, in addition to
that has any remorse about what happened at that Islamabad base last weekend. It will
be perhaps trying in the short run for U.S. / Pakistani relations that their domestic
airspace and other civic attributes were used in an act of war to which the populace might
not have been entirely committed, though more Pakistanis stood to die in the terror wars
without this happening, with everybody taking their risks as they did, even our enemies.
There is a simple story about Mohammed moving a mountain that everyone reading in
English needs to review, not as a story of scripture, but as a story about how the radicals
in the Middle East might now perceive their place among others at this point. It is a
dangerous thought to wonder how these radicals, islamists, and fascists or marxist, or in
between, might attempt to impress this tale on us now their great teacher and leader's life
has ended. THS My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Saturday, May 07, 2011
More about Seve Ballesteros. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Arab Spring.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
More later. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Taylor's management style, and the same with those of Alfred Chandler, Ronald Coase
and Oliver Williamson as a continuum of ideas leading to Chinese principles at present.
Only a few paragraphs are committed to this conclusive prose and the validity of this type
of continuity is doubtful and in the reviewer's opinion the current Chinese methods are
industrial and technological, scientific and cultural, even agricultural in nature, in the
older, twentieth - century sense, without consideration to or any focus on the actual
benefit of such business methods and activities in a world of more advanced doctrines
and principles, that is the present basis for their corporate forms of business. THS My
older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
unpopular set of economic circumstances, and a set of unpopular and even more costly
wars far away from home. These challenges in view of next year's contests do not reflect
any of the policies around change of any of the previous most successful presidencies in
recent memory, those of Reagan and Clinton. Mr. Obama as President of what is
currently the unrivaled world power in the U.S., in his assuming the presidency, sought to
change many executive policies, including carrying out what was said to be a re distribution of any creation of economic or other values in commercial activities, and a re
- casting of our political and military reach to a more defensive posture abroad. It is
difficult to see how the President will be able to prevail in an election year when these two
major themes of his time in office so far have met with limited success and are regarded
by many as having been too "forward - looking" perhaps, too ambitious, and poor in their
effort and execution. Such priorities in view of many voters have to be re - evaluated as
to whether or not they actually fit into the portrait of what it is to be American and for what
reason, including what the limits of these plans were and how they have darkened the
political skies at home and, again, abroad. Instead of promoting a more affirmative and
proud set of plans for his presidency, especially away from our shores, the President
chose to rule in a kind of retreat from issues; something that does not fit with the
American image or conduct in view of past defiance and taking challenges to the world,
especially in times of economic stress and military conflict. Ronald Reagan rallied the
country during his administration in pointing to the fractious and economically chaotic
times of the 1970's and restored the place of our state to primacy on the basis of fewer
taxes and a dissemination of American values everywhere. In many areas of endeavour,
technical people have the overall reputation of being dour and contrarian, cynical and
skeptical of everything, and the current President in the carrying - out of his election plans
as pledged can be assessed as inherently and obviously so, especially about the present
and future of our country, the U.S. This is perhaps because, at least in practice, the
President has seized upon a relativistic and compromising set of ideas and rationales to
promote his policies as having been and being successful as they are actually not so something that takes away from the type of defiance and pride in view of the world's
challenges that we as a nation - state need at this point. That the values of freedom and
liberty are being put down in a number of states where they have recently arisen
indicates the current presidency might not consider some of the people involved to be
capable or responsible enough to have political freedoms and that they would otherwise
regress again into tyrannies within their borders once the challenges of upheaval are
over, even in the event the forces of freedom prevail there. For a president who is
assisted by Mr. Biden and a number of others in Congress who are experienced in
events and attitudes of foreign rulers abroad, this administration has not carried the day
in its opportunities in the conflicts for freedom in the international world, and it does seem
that officials under our chief executive either have the switch 'on' or 'off' in their
perceptions about military issues overseas and in principle have the attitude that
American is guilty of things in somewhat taking on the view of the central Islamic world. It
seems the President's officials even want to scapegoat America in view of those who
believe the 'Arab Spring,' for example, is an exercise in Zionism in their ideas not to assist
in the rebellions against despotism in the Middle East, and in view of sporadic military
resistance of the tyrannies to protests and rebellions that is apparently seen as
dangerous to us. The values of liberty, the uniqueness of the freedoms of our system,
individualism and American specialness that have characterised and prevailed in
previous times of challenge and conflict, especially during the 1980's, are lost on the
current leadership that has a considerably shrunken world view of our country with an
emphasis apparently on the creation of byzantine federal programs. Domestic and
international realities, in the kind of inward, and stagnant vision the leadership has and
that of American culpability, as sold through media image - making, the literature and
Periodic Interest, by Thomas H. Spitters
through other channels, do not reflect the hopeful message and new starting points
politically the president promised during the last election contest. It is entirely possible
those marxists versed in the strengths of Chinese communism and Mao Tse toung
thought, during the 1960's and 1970's, for instance, projected the same self - appointed
image for American politics today in seeing a future of essentially caretaking and
ineffectual western political regimes in view of the future upheavals in the world at this
time, be they economic, ideological or military. It is apparently clear to the citizens of
embattled cities, townships and regions, especially within the territories of the Middle
East that the hopeful strategy of America has been flawed by an increasingly negative set
of views and judgments about payoffs and benefits, revenues and costs, and other
utilitarian measures with respect to what was set down by our forefathers in former times.
That the preeminent world power in the U.S. has a leadership with these set of beliefs
around calculation of political events and the risks of failure as it apparently has is a
collective and several administrative and egregious wrong and needs immediate attention
and redressment. It is also clear the questions around America's "peak" have been asked
at Harvard and by its people for a long time, maybe (as a kind of hedge) for a hundred
years, and the danger we face today is that such elitist and detached thinking, however
dangerous and against the fiber of our state, might be wishful. This needs be examined in
the next elections, and in all events resolved by voters in 2012. My older blog (Thomas
time, due to computers and the increasing dominance of technology, more and more
students dropped traditional studies to attend technology institutes and schools (probably
chiefly as the result of the images of executives from Microsoft, and Apple, Sun and some
other companies.) Around this, the dissemination of the invention of the GUI was
extremely important for the computer world and made computing "easy" enough for most
people to try to have a personal computer or computers. Mr. Allen also speaks in his text
about Moore's Law, which originally proposed the speed of processors would double
about every year; and then was changed to every two years - this brings to mind how
memorably slow the old 4k and up computers were, and how many of them had their own
systems, the fragmentation of operating systems and so forth, that made computers
talking to each other very difficult. The adventure that Microsoft represented at this point
was to standardize personal computer software, and later networking software, etc., and
other applications in order that everyone from technical people and administrators to end
- users could start talking the same tech. - language, regardless of the basis for the
operating systems and applications, routines and so on. Mr. Allen is unabashed in
speaking about his personal life and belief system as integrated into things like modern
computing, quantum physics, microworlds, biology and futurology. He also hints at why
he purchased sports teams and their venues, and is still in that business. Mostly people
like me know he wants to bring an industrial - strength message to anyone who hears
about Microsoft that technology is imperfect, but it is a great equalizer, a great way to
improve productivity, educate people, and allow many tech. - oriented people to have
better lives. It appears the intention of the founders of his computer company had this in
mind even when they began their adventures writing and trying to find the right code way
back when. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
ATP Tour
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The "La Liga," Fussball Bund, nor the Premier Leage is it, but tennis in this tour can be
fun to spectate and the television coverage is good, too. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
communists for a long time, and the current fiscal and monetary well - being of the
German economy is due in fact to this unique, separate, and enteprise - oriented
resourcefulness as represented by Berlin (possibly one day in the future the new "capitol"
of Europe, cultural and otherwise.) That Berliners and those in other parts of Germany,
and this is an oversimplification of course, have resolved the vicious political syndromes
of the Cold War, and have for the long - term worked to assure the continuity of their own
society, and this in a world of political and economic integration, illicits no rationale calling
for Germans to bankroll the European crises at this point. There are precedents for this,
of political and administrative self - interest trumping overall European interests in the
past, and same for officials at the time within their regions and territories, voicing attitudes
against turning their national treasuries upside down to compensate the profligacy of the
d a y .
D i s c u s s .
A l s o :
dex.html and 1
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
constructed, individual investors decided to demand more abnormal returns (those that
are, simply, above average returns,) in a kind of herd that included millions of people who
apparently, again, understood the benefits of market increases, but not the risk of what
might happen if the market were to fall and the resulting risks of loss (and other things at
stake, such as their mortgage, credit worthiness, and the like.) If there was one inkling in
the minds of these millions of individual investors of the downside of any of the funds or
assets they put at risk, it was the "government" would take responsibility for their losses
through its various humongous financial departments such as the SIPC and FDIC, NASD
(quasi - bureaucratic) and so forth. Individuals are angry because they know they have
been reckless and are not due anything from anyone for their losses - this is the
remorseful thing, actually - and that is there were some crooks such as the Enron people,
Madoff and his people, and the rogue and insider traders (Gupta and Rajaratnam) of late
who have scandalised many, honest and hard - working bankers and other financial
parties to the establishment. It does seem nonetheless the marches are a reaction to an
unheard demand that someone individually take responsibility for investor losses,
acknowledge the whole thing has been a mistake, and pay everyone back. Nothing like
this has ever happened about a panic even as serious as the one at this time, and
certainly not after the most famous 1929 crash, nor the 1987 panic. The marches and
O.W.S. demonstrations indicate a kind of hysterics and anti - everything attitude and
fervor and ensure an attack on the integrity of the financial system, and investors' rights
before those who administrate their accounts. The entire O.W.S. movement could in fact
result in investors rights and activism becoming more restricted, curtailed and cordoned
as the result of the current national pandemonium organised by what appears to be
professional protesters and demonstrators. There is an answer to the logical bottom - line
question if it is, probably as it should be, away from "what happened," and more like
"Where did the investment (premiums) go?" The funds that went into the market at high
valuations, including the real estate markets, for assets that were purchased,
constructed, devised, etc., even in speculating in those assets have been devalued
themselves, some money has been spent, invested and even speculated again; some
has been expatriated, and some is still there. There are many permutations to this as well
about where the money went, and when huge losses are incurred by anyone, everything
just gets wrapped up on the balance sheets of some large corporate entity, one or more.
The annoying and more serious things are that people are now teetering financially and
are harried by life's expenses and the system has no resolution for that at the moment,
and despite the blaming behaviour of the O.W.S. movement that has really only
distracted and annoyed the people, parties and bureaus capable of resolving the
problems of the crisis are immovable as more difficulties are presented in once
depressing, once again optimistic news.
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Vive U.N.E.S.C.O.!?
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
New York Times Article. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
a sovereign nation represses things like needs and wants of its people, even major needs
and wants such as happiness, freedoms, success and so forth; about command
economies which P.R.C. in fact still is at this point. The reasons why are complicated,
especially the long - term consequences for trade and capital flows, but people like me
again do believe this current course of events could provoke a crisis, and in order to
avoid a crisis, P.R.C. should be called upon to re - value its domestic currency, and the
order of business is that eventually the role of the state in business, if it is as China
declares it to be - an agent to assure economic and investment success - will eventually
become less conniving and of secondary importance to the real creation of value and
wealth in P.R.C. itself. There is by analysis in China today a kind of 'will - to - power'
economically and politically in the world, and in other domains such as science and
culture, and it is important to mention there is nothing that will assure the growth of any
intrinsic value of that country apart from its historical role and reputation, even within
Asia, given the machinations of its policy makers today and how that translates into an
artificially low value for its trading currency. Investment possibilities, in fact investment
yields, and other measures of business success in other parts of the world and the
history of same; and their continued success have made the Chinese kind of angry and
envious at foreigners, and this despite some very meritorious things the Chinese people
This said, the Renminbi is without question undervalued, but by how much? The fact is,
everyone, including the man in the street has their own ideas, but in fact people like me
know China has used its debtor accounts and other accounts to influence purchasing
power parity, interest rates, and investment yields everywhere it sells products, some of
which are very good. That this should stop is a question that the P.R.C. leadership sees
as debatable, including the effect all this has had on its currency that is as much as 60 %
undervalued given various factors, and maybe more. Simple quantitative analysis of
Dollar reserves, current account balances, capital flows, interest rates, and other
numerous private information might yield a similar answer, but remember as well that
psychological factors and other influences in the currency markets might call for a further
devaluation of the Renminbi, and this remains to be seen. Despite what any reader of this
article might believe, what is written here is not specifically a response to U.S.
international Dollar values are, because I do not know them at this point. This writing is,
however, a response to Chinese economics, apparently as developed in Shang hai years
ago and then distributed everywhere (same, for instance, as the 'Hundred Flowers' under
Mao, but with practices that have been more dominant and more successful despite
questions about their legitimacy as have come out in arguments about currency values,)
and on and on. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
had an impact upon people's conduct that is in many cases detrimental to intellectual
pursuits, too.
The above, among other issues, has been publicly examined by people like William
Bennett [sic] who ran the federal education department for some time and who attempted
to first make the public more aware of these difficulties and then try to effectuate some
change in the role of education in our society. His efforts by some were viewed as too
difficult in their scope and scale and evaluated as even based upon backward ideas.
People like me do believe that the value of higher education, especially in the arts and
sciences and related academic and professional achievements, has been adulterated by
increasing dependence upon technology and computers (this is probably subject to
interpretation as well.) There are entire businesses devoted to selling methods and
practices to reward incapable people due to non - academic considerations and other
"success" factors. Why is this, it's just that the educational practices de jure sometimes
call for this. You hit a real nerve here, and anything subjectively submitted here gives
reasons for serious analysis of systemic failures in students' and later professionals'
inability to learn or to demonstrate their higher learning. Please pardon typographical
errors here.
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
In Memoriam
Monday, November 28, 2011
Many people of American origin are aggrieved at the
passing of Alekseev as well. I do remember watching
his Olympic competitions as a young person and the
guy was a perfect combination of technique and
muscle strength and a perfect example of the scientific
approach to athletic training as entertained by soviet
trainers at the time (1970's or so.) The remarkable
thing about his lifting was indeed the technique and he
had the most deft clean, and probably dead lift as well,
of many weightlifters at the time.
Alekseev, as I read about him, also raised things like
strawberries at his dacha, and had a truly gentle image
among Americans despite his athletic explosiveness
that endeared him to people everywhere. People such
as the 1970's Russian and other Eastern Block
athletes, as they became known in the West, showed a human side to the soviets, and at
least in part were responsible for mood around 'glasnost' and so forth that came later.
They were Peacemakers inside the controlled and channeled forces that ruled Olympic
and other international games at the time. People like me, again, are very sorry he is
gone, and I did not even know he was ill. God bless you for this sympathetic and
outstanding column on his life and legacy. More people need to read about this. My older
blog (Thomas Spitters.)
efforts to further centralise rule and pre - determine regional politics as secondary to
those in Moscow. This is a kind of tradition in politics and administration in Russia and is
important insofar as constitutional and other powers and rights of the people are
concerned - especially insofar as it is allowed through public debate and resolution
through the coming elections.
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
This level of analysis comes from a strict examination of the scope of developing and
deploying such arms, maintaining them and so forth; and this against NPT and other
rules that are widely accepted by the great powers. In fact, the strident call for such
nuclear attributes in that country appear to be out - of - balance with any analysis of the
allocation of its national assets, investments, income and / or capital.
Why is this so apparent? While people like me do not read nor watch Arabic or Farci
broadcasts, nor do we read publications in these languages, the thing is there is a
common and known premise upon which Iran carries out its policies as evidenced by
news reports, mostly trusted in free countries, that country is doing the bidding of others
who are fed up with western ideas about society and specifically about government
(bicameral legislature, separation of powers, rule of law (constitutional, civil, and others,)
equality and rights, freedom of travel and expression, and the list goes on,) and the
approach of the great powers to a little country called Israel. This begs the question "How
can an Islamist have any regard for Israel with its reform - minded and cosmopolitan
people and ideas?" This question, and its variants and derivatives is an old, nationalist type question that invites direct slurs and epithets on the part of people who are not
prejudiced among their own, but they are thereby highly nationalist and belligerent, and
the smaller the better the country with fewer people, the easier the target for this mindset
- and this has been true on the part of Middle East neighbors for years. The implications
of this question by association to Israel can be scaled upward to apply to more populous
and important places, even entire regions whose applecarts are for the upset by Iranian
nuclear, and other political ambitions. With respect to this, and with respect to Iranian
influences and politics now in evidence everywhere, the post - nationalist question might
be proposed as "What can we do [together] to make a new approach to nuclear
proliferation in view of these nationalist ideas?"
That this could be accomplished, just proposing a new approach to nuclear arms in the
Middle East and elsewhere with some acknowledgement of the belligerence that goes
along with some forms of nationalism, might itself be a way to invite a response to end
the currents of what people like me know to be overt racism in the area as a tabled or
distinctly different avenue of discussion apart from the current linkage racism and
nationalism have there. This, combined with a discussion about the visceral fears of
being struck from outside, would serve to de - escalate at least some of the tensions that
caused, for example, the 2006 war, continuing problems in Lebanon, and the useless
formation of paramilitary brigades and other activities counter to peace in the area.
THS My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
expelled from law school. The deaths of Aleksandr, his father and sister, all happening
within a short time of each other, and with his exodus from university, Lenin started to
travel abroad. It is important to note the text illustrates prominently his provincial location
within old Russia at this point (1888 or so) and his life of intrigue and growing influence
that began in rural Russia, his ideas about travel abroad and its educational qualities, his
meetings with Swiss communists, and other pursuits including his study of Karl Marx in
exile that captivated generations of Russians. Saint Petersburg was a likely hotbed of
leftist ideas against the Romanovs, not only due to the location of the opportunistic
opposition within Russia, but the town was quite easily reachable in Russia from most
European capitols. Of these, and outside his time in Siberia, Lenin resided or visited
virtually all the important ones, especially Prague, London, Paris, Berlin, Geneva,
Krakow, Brussels, and of these, he naturally liked Geneva where the communists abroad
were led at the time by Georgi Plekhanov, another name to remember. Lenin's greatest
achievement apart from the leader of the worldwide communist movement, in life and in
his passing, was the overall successful publication of underground literature, including
the newspaper Iskra, or "The Spark," which made the authorities of the time very wary as
the Okhrana deliberately intercepted this publication in the mails several times. Lenin
worked feverishly on all publishing projects, much like some people work feverishly on
the same sorts of material today. He might have lived longer had he been more patient
with himself, though no one like me really shares that opinion. The drama of this time that
Ms. Rappaport illustrates very well is the political gamesmanship of the communists as
led by Lenin abroad and then at home that concentrated on literary propaganda, spying,
organised criminal activities, and other communist party actions of the day that resulted in
the ouster of the Tsar and his family, popular dissension against the Russian royals, and
the vengeance against them that resulted in their deaths after a new government had
come to power. Not all of this is examined comprehensively, nor is the actual importance
of the war in revolutionary times; and the book ends with the story of the Lenin train
leaving from Switzerland with its destination as the Russian capitol, a trip that took place
within the sinister framework of the conquered German territory at the time. This book
seemed important to me as it illustrated the frenetic character of the communist
leadership in pre - revolutionary days, the overall purpose of communism on a multi national scale as a foundation for political success, and as a movement affected by and
perhaps determinative of the chaos in Eastern Europe early in the 20th century. THS My
older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Un ami, Fouad.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Cadeau. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Central Europe during his youth, the bitter battles of World Wars I and II, and other
conflicts that obviously battered European society and caused many to emigrate outside
the continent permanently after WWI, for example. That this story leaves out people like
Andrew Grove of Intel, another of Teller's young colleagues is a kind of snub, unless
these people were indeed very unaware of each other which is unlikely.
The text examines anew the development of the hydrogen bomb in a way any reader can
comprehend and largely avoids political considerations, but does illustrate the importantly
damaging spying the soviets did on the U.S. nuclear program. It is in all respects a moral
triumph and a practical one that Teller's hydrogen bomb was never used, but that it has
carried much weight as a talisman of superiority for the U.S., and rightly so, in any talks
about arms that took place between the Americans and U.S.S.R. / R.F. up to this day. For
another review, click here. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
manipulative villains who run some financial centers, lobbies and so forth. The
commercial approach of China to Africa and Latin America is discussed as a successful
"win - win" model of business development. In this narrative, only Israel, U.K. and
Canada are supposed to be friends with the U.S., not too rosy a picture. The U.S. on the
other hand is supposed to have excellent societal traits such as its sales people, a strong
dollar, evident public cynicism, and the glamour of the media. Ms. Lee suggests goals
currently being pursued in P.R.C. in the area of macroeconomics including eradicating
hunger, increasing the wages of the working class, and avoiding tragedies such as that
currently in the Sudan. She calls upon the growth models as preached by Soros, Rogoff,
Summers, and Zoellick; including the consideration of a single global currency, and more
effective use of S.D.R.'s. She also acknowledges China's sketchy human rights record
and Nobel Prize winner Liu Xiao bo, ominous military developments in both the U.S. and
China, and other politics of ascendancy. The text goes on to caution the reader about
stagnation in China despite a bright and just future. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
deal with by dissolving administrative ties and domains in many places that resulted in
the French colonies and national territory shrinking significantly from status as the second
world colonial power behind U.K. to perhaps the tenth. People resented this, and as such
this policy created many acute dramas in the politics of de Gaulle and his followers. That
the general passed from complications of angina late in life and that his departure from
life was entirely natural was the envy of many French who worked in the colonies and
believed in a far - reaching and influential France. De Gaulle knew and knows in his
entombment the influence of France is no less, and perhaps greater than in the days of
the larger colonial territories and the debate on maintaining and keeping them or allowing
them independence according to his belief was resolved in that even disaffected and far flung places would keep their French identity, and they have done so to a great extent.
The socialists who have come to power in that country in the latest presidential elections
are not gaullists, even in the least, though they do believe in enhancing French influences
in the world via different channels and different media, especially in the Southern
Hemisphere, the Pacific Islands, and in the world at large that needs to develop a new
appetite for French culture and institutions. The socialists in Europe do believe in the
superiority of urban life and while centric ideas are important and have a place, it is also
important to know this is on the level of popular taste, not popular practice or any realm of
possibility for most people. French cities are like any big cities that have a heterogenious
population and many indigenous people seek out more frugal ways to live when the
country is under socialist influence, somewhat due to leftist backlashes but due also to
real considerations about where the Paris - Bourse and the real estate markets are going
in that country right now. Under Mitterand, these two important sectors of the French
economy were decimated, and the national treasury took on ways to build up the scale of
government and implement works projects, even needlessly replacing pavestones,
signposts and so forth. Francois Hollande and his government are a derivative of this as
the country has all the edifices it needs and a currently a tangled bureaucracy at the
occasion of his inauguration a few days ago, for the most part. What can the French do to
avoid an exodus of capital and intangibles in view of Hollande's inheritance of the
Mitterand regime and methods, and practices as off - the - shelf?
There is probably not very much that can be done first to assuage the French voting
public who were irate enough with conservative measures to give the Hollandes a small
majority mandate, and then to address the myriad of problems around public and
international finances affecting the country at this point. All this, though the socialists did
comprise new methods to keep people at work and active, and additional benefits of
equalizing opportunities and socio - economic statures of everyone in the nation and
everywhere the French internationally are evindent as well. The difficulty of this, as a
legacy of first, again, the reluctance to continue with conservative policies, and then
building the French image and commercial success anew will probably be much more
expensive than anyone can imagine at this point into the future. The profile of the country
at this point might be more similar in character to an Argentina, or Portugal, for instance,
with incipient and multiple systemic flaws in the weave of its political and administrative
landscape. France might even have difficulty selling tourism and its own cooking as
places like New York, Brazilia, and Toronto have appeal for people with more gainful and
promising adventures for travelers right now.
Imitating the soviets and the form of socialism the country suffered through during the
1980's while blaming circumstances on the parties to the Cold War, the new French
president Hollande probably has to speak with a thicker, more urbane, national accent;
will have to materialize to an extent the requirement to stop the presses on his
associates' economic and administrative aspirations, and the French might as well have
to re - calibrate their societal efforts in different territories to allow the domestic
government to continue with its convenience policies. This might in turn provoke some
regret on the part of French voters against Sarkozy who pledged austerity and other
economic measures not based upon a national decline, but issues in need of immediate
remedy and immediate priority on the front - end. Socialism according to the Hollande
government might just include a minimalist approach to overall policy as a saving
measure despite the large political and societal landscape his administration has to
cover, and despite the complexities of the country's international place. Then, some sort
of "radiant future," or success campaign(s) including public finance might help the
economy in its turbidity. This will take time as the world economy has to recover and the
new leadership obviously will have its adventures and meddling to continue the intrigue.
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
and discussions alike. The idea of the Massachusetts health care system was discussed
as portable to the entire country, and Mr. Hubbard suggested it is not indeed the
demographics (an important health care parameter, even determinative of actuarial and
other aspects of insurance plans) of a state like Massachusetts are obviously dissimilar to
those of West Virginia or Florida; and one can not bolt a standard from a Massachusetts
public health plan onto California or Idaho, either. This is what makes solutions to such
issues incredibly difficult and the subject of adversities, including economic and social
ones, business and cultural, etc. One idea that has not been greatly discussed, at least
not publicly, is a national public health system as an auxiliary to private care with pay as
you go and / or insurance coverage itself with a deductible or co payment. Such a
system could be self financing and profitable for the government and would stratify,
equalize and reduce the financial burden of any federal system. MediCare for older U.S.
citizens is an example of such a system as weighted towards federal oversight, though
any new system might be a health care / maintenance auxiliary to private insurance
concerns. By this writing, the author is surprised this was not discussed with regard to
either the Massachusetts plan or the required health insurance as currently promoted by
the president. Without sounding litigious, Catholics because they have values accruing to
very technical issues about womens rights, womens right to choose and decide, and
abortion itself, and other issues that would be addressed by an umbrella federal health
plan, do have, and I mention informally here, an argument with the law. Catholic bishops
and perhaps even the pope would do well to provide some decisive guidance here, and
as of yet I have heard none. Also, and as an endnote, neither Zakaria nor Hubbard
brought up any economics argument or policy about what to do with trade. This probably
means both parties are in agreement about some policy as already implemented and will
not contest each other on these grounds so far (maybe both main presidential candidates
admire and accept the current status quo on trade and will just discuss this secondarily in
any debate.) The trade issue as examined by anyone at this point has to do with long
term labour productivity and benefits and the level they are at today. Developed and
developing economies that apparently have more productive labour forces also have less
history in them on contests for higher wages and management changes in the modern
sense. This is why the so called productivity statistics could be questioned other
countries are less in touch with modernity than the U.S. is at this point (hush,) and any
focusing on the labour market only in economic policies in Western economies causes
things like prices, interest rates, bank and other rates, including growth rates and
productivity measures themselves to first gather and then integrate improper bias that
skews and could ruin business this would be uncalled for under the circumstances.
Please pardon typhographical errors. THS
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
contention and debate among commentators everywhere people are allowed to have free
discussion; including in places like Seattle, the source of the Jackson Vanik legislation
from years ago that in its own understated way maintains linkage between civil, political,
civic, human, administrative and other freedoms in Russia with its international status and
recognition by the great powers. The questions about ushering in a new foreign policy on
Russia (in repealing by the one, Jackson Vanik and other measures) and allowing it to
continue its leviathan centrist ways along Hegelian lines, essentially without respect from
its administration as to its own internal debates, even as they are proposed in places like
Cabo do indicate a kind of economic playing with fire the great powers are doing at
present in view of the overall inadmissible tone of that federations leadership at this
point. This is indeed observable in the meetings between heads of state at the latest
G20, especially in what concerns its puffing itself up economically and its adversarial
posture to even its near neighbors in Eastern Europe, not to mention its supposed
overseas trading and administrative partners including now the U.S., U.K., France and
See also, "New York Times" article.
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
least part of this new movie, Savages (book by Don Winslow,) as directed by Mr. Stone,
that apparently examines the party atmosphere of pot, not from a cult point of view but
from its utilitarian and economic consequences; and this might change a popular attitude
(or two) about it. This writing is neither a movie review as admittedly I have not seen
Savages, and nor is it a review of Mr. Stones directing abilities or acumen for better or
otherwise. These few paragraphs do however propose the meritorious courage of a
Hollywood person examining social and societal forces that are age old. Remember
finally that the streets drugs trade is a trade interdicted by state authorities (on every
level,) and as the subject of this film should also be looked at in terms of its message and
the government expenditures (funded by taxes) in eradicating pot and its related markets.
Mr. Stone might have a phrase or two in his film production here referring to this without
allusion for one to the idea that the state has an attitude itself of persecution with respect
to streets drugs and their markets.
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
The book faithfully describes the great improvements and increasing might and hopeful
circumstances of Asian countries after a long reorganization and many fits and starts:
There are apparently several commercial centers on the Asian continent outside Shang
hai, that are comprised of, again, Singapore, Mumbai, Dubai, and others. The realization
of their fortunes in the kind of real estate projects in these places give hope to those in
poverty in these places that are similarly and unfortunately also targets for terrorism. All
this development, even in Japan where the country itself is quite Europeanized (though at
this point downhearted,) has resulted in less antagonism toward Europe and America;
and as a result of all this and despite world terrorist groups, the world is a less dangerous
place in many respects at present. China and India, as a consequence of their
reorganization and modernization policies have many demographic issues and difficulties
to deal with now and into the future.
There are observably within the authors scope in this text conditions for despair in places
like Arabia and Africa where terrorism, cited often as Al Qaeda terrorism, attempts to
deal with ideological conflicts with the European continent and America, and threats of a
decline of Islam and Arabic influences everywhere. Quite observable again in this mesh
of issues is that of Israel, as from fitful to increasingly vulnerable in view of increasing
frustrations in the Arab world about the existence and continuance of that country despite
the promises of its neighbors. Additional frustration and anger over Israel is caused
among the Arabic people on the subject of the long past fate of the Ottomans, and even
the toppling of Mossadegh (1953) in Iran that provoke even more detailed discussion and
contention, that are relied upon and that might at this time be better relegated to various
histories and chronicles. It is clear to some the Islamists in Arabia would prefer an Islamic
and not a Christianized Europe (cited here is Globalized Islam, a recent report by Olivier
Roy.) This is frightening to some given for instance the Muslim attitude towards women
and womens rights and autonomy. The dogma of Islamist terrorism as espoused by Al
Qaeda, despite its proponents being so well educated and as appealing to the
intelligentsia in many places, finds a home more likely with the extremely poor and
dispossessed in places who are searching for ways to humiliate the West and its
countrymen. The links between terrorism and Islam, violence and Al Qaeda, must be
separated from each other at the source and in the eyes of the public in order to do away
with the Arab emotions that aid and abet terrorism, notably the anger, fear, boredom,
apathy, depression and aggression that pervade Islam. Breaking this / these link(s) would
provide a way to change the Arab Islamic culture of humiliation, as the author says,
away from the dogmatic and rhetorical diatribes against Occidental interests and their
people, and against the kind of volitional and gratuitous violence in the news everyday as
originating in Arab capitols. Again, the book ends with an essay about the future and
geopolitics that is as well worth reading as the rest of the text.
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
The issue of gun violence in the Aurora theater events is similar to the recent
assassinations of over sixty people (children, mostly) in Norway in a similarly shocking
rampage. Most people like me are at a loss and would be unscrupulous to venture a
guess even as to simple motivations in such things, though with some of the evidence as
seen on programs by television viewers it does appear again the assassin was reacting
to something that made him angry against people, even angry against himself. Some in
the popular press and public have ventured to guess that the U.S. now needs more gun
laws, and quite to the contrary, there are probably a good number of gun laws, federal
and state, and we do not really need more. I have never been to a gun show, though I
have looked at a sport shooting range and have looked at firearms for sale in sporting
goods stores (from as far away as possible and without real interest,) and know this is
probably not characterized by any affinity, or repressed need for guns. I just do not like
them, and like most such people it is extremely difficult to understand gun violence and
related confrontations other than as a kind of hell. It is probably true that once automatic
and other weapons such as those used in the Aurora and Oslo incidents are banned, if
indeed a law is passed to ban such arms and effectively enforced including by obedient
gun owners, said arms will then continue to be easily available, despite all illegality,
through the gray and black markets for weapons; and the authorities will be at a loss to
control the use of such weapons through counteractive firepower for another set of
constitutional reasons. What, one must ask, is a decent solution to this dilemma?
Many such events such as those around gun violence we hear about every day are
random events and are intentionally perpetrated by people in contravention of the rights
of others, who are willing to use force to prove their point, especially those who have
used small arms in the commission of crime. The police are good students in the
detection and prevention, and deterrence of such crimes as they are planned or as they
are about to occur, many times with the help of the citizenry. About this, there is not a
doubt, and it is less doubtful the crimes such as the recent Colorado theater shootings
and the Oslo shootings are extraordinary in their plotting and execution, and as well
reasons why the perpetrators deserve an examination as to their faculties, then possibly
a reasonable trial within the rights of defendants, and a determination of a fair decision or
decisions by the courts related to their alleged crimes. Some times gun and other
violence is impossible to stop, and this is what is so powerful and anarchic about some
constitutional rights in our country in the event the rights are blatantly and obtusely, and
violently abused. More gun laws and stricter ones possibly and probably would only
confuse the issue of the inappropriate and illegal use of amendment rights and would
only serve (as in a kind of bad apple policy) to greatly restrict and curtail the liberties of
many for the sake of a sole intent of preventing the deranged attacks and violence of a
very few people. In fact, violence of the kind on touchy ground such as the right to bear
arms openly obscures the guns rights issue and serves the policies of anarchists and
phalangists and other political ideologues to use the systemic remedies built into our
polity to more or less legally twist itself into a pretzel. This is obviously not the goal of gun
control, and there needs be restrictions of an additional kind on violent perpetrators; but
its catching them before they act using the system of crime detection that apparently
failed here, and even more that the Colorado suspect succeeded in his diabolical plan
while using methods and tools that were again, flagrantly against immutable laws, and
those of human society; even those of nature.
For an excellent related discussion on gun control, see some of today's and especially
the July 20th edition of Inside Washington.
praesto et persto (revision here.) My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
That the P.R.C. has overridingly made the choice to emphasize anew itself in the
international political arena via the Olympic medal vanguard is odd and embarrassing for
Media Photo Whereas the Democrats, through the Obama / Biden ticket have a kind of
will - to - power that is palpable in their silky, urbane public language, the Republicans
are rolling up their sleeves in places like Wisconsin and Virginia. People do know the
Democrats are the party that relies on Huxley - type ideas, including that of appealing to
town and even town outside U.S. borders in all its, again urbane citizenry, bustling
populace and grit that is so appealing through the commercial media. The Republicans
right now appear to be relying less on the cultural and financial heat of the megalopolis
and instead, while not abandoning urbanity for the sake of the provinces, appeal to
Americans who want to get things done on their way to restoring their fortunes, maybe
quietly at the exclusion of the kind of bombast that is featured in political discussion of
late to draw attention to meeting even very small political and administrative / economic
That Mitt Romney has enlisted the efforts of Paul Ryan from Wisconsin on his hopeful
electoral journey and given at this time the attitude of the Republicans in acknowledging
deficitary, defense, trade, currency valuation, and other political / economic issues
including just abortion and taxes, and other public policy difficulties subject to the
American agenda, and the response by the media and the public so far does show
America needs a chief executive who might just speak in a more grounded way about
issues and his own political agenda than in the compliments, platitudes and
blandishments that have characterised the present administration. My older blog
(Thomas Spitters.)
Good English.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Media Photo
In Silent Memoriam.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Media Photo
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
and though the principle of upholding the morals and norms of society has great merit,
the concentration of any state administration on legal(istic) principles and practices
throws it out of balance; sort of like when Beria was at the head of the party in one way or
another in soviet times.
Many of the difficulties in the open conflict in Afghanistan at this time call for diffusing the
apparent and glaring administrative / political issues that prevent the government there
from gaining more legitimacy among its people. There are issues as well like making sure
the police are properly trained to handle terrorist situations, and diffusing again the
influence of the Taliban in many places. There is also the international relationship with
Pakistan and Afghanistan that has U.S. politicians worried about the stability of both
countries. Efforts so far have been to try to win hearts and minds with U.S. personnel
taking the lead, though terrorism continues to be a fearful danger to everyone there and
in neighboring states right now. The Taliban as well continues to engage in violence while
summarily avoiding truces and alliances with the Afghani government or provincial
governments under Kabul, much less do the Taliban take part in peaceful fine - tuning as
it should be at this point. All of this might be avoided in some way or another through the
recognition of some traits in Afghan society by its leaders and some cession on the topic
of territoriality and provincial groups (not the Taliban here) to Kabul might be in order.
The nightly news features Western - style photo opportunities for Afghani leaders,
something that might be irksome to their sometimes ultra - liberal citizenry in some
places, and the influences of the Western powers in the present administration there are
palpable and might be annoying as popularized as well - this attempt to bring some
decent organisation to the chaos in the country that has reigned for so long, even from
before the soviet invasion in the 1970's, is highly commendable, though to some Afghanis
the values and culture(s) of the country's society might obviously conflict with the type of
legalism introduced into their system by the presumably foreign allies under our latest
polity. Another difficulty is the U.S. policy - makers up to this point have only too well
understood the issues of the Middle East and Central Asia as they have been there for a
long time, and through the lens of the policy - making of our own governments, the
Afghanis are only too quick to point out the fissures and faults. This has resulted
apparently in an over - reliance on security forces and legal proceedings that are not
equipped nor prepared on a domestic front to support the level of criminal activities that
take place there, including the terrorism. Another sub - plot in the story of the "Frog and
the Scorpion," and / or the social and societal pains of state - building in foreign places
where some of the citizens might not actually be interested in the "Federalist Papers" or
Western norms and rules, and not out of simple ethno - centrism or cultural refutation. My
older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
world have been talking since time immemorial. With respect to this, and with respect to
the current economic / commercial / business climate in the U.S. and its international
position with respect to same, there are many within our shores who do believe the
federal government should remain as it stands, with its current role in many of the lives of
the U.S. populace as guide and guarantor. There is nothing wrong with this thinking,
especially given the overflow of issues the Democrats are covering in this election maybe to guide the voting attitude and attention of the populace, but more probably just
to promote the agenda of their party that makes the federal administration in many cases
everyone's biggest customer - from taxes, to services, and even to the goods we buy at
the local store or online. There is an argument somewhere in the literature that if your
populace is bored and apathetic, and if there are seemingly unbearable social and other
problems afoot, that liberal governments are indeed a way of muddling through these
issues. In other words, if you are battered and have little faith in yourself as an American
at this point, and you are relinquishing your strengths for the most part to make a life for
yourself and your family, sometimes in some countries right now an evident and obvious
political trend, then vote Democratic in the November general election. There is a
contrarian and again, controversial attitude for the voter as presented in a challenging
way by the Republicans at this point, and this has to do with an overall avoidance
involved with the paternalism (in fact, very tightly knit and even abusive paternalism on
the part of a federal or even state administration) as briefly illustrated in the preceding
paragraph: The major campaign difference at this point depends upon the Republican
contrasting the Democrats as those soliciting the business of big government, with more
revenues to the public sector through taxes and debt proceeds, primarily; to the basic
Republican ideas of getting going on solving the problems of the day through debate and
consensus, and without the totem of public enterprise that is worshipped by many
liberals. The conservative party in America does as an entirety probably believe such
attribution to the federal administration, that of social and societal benefits and
guarantees in increasingly risky public finance schemes (as things have to be paid for,) is
unnecessary insofar as private and regional interests can more narrowly define and solve
the issues and problems of the day instead of the kind of centrist fortification the
Democrats believe in themselves. The speakers of the day at the latest party convention
in North Carolina extoll the virtues of big government and encourage everyone listening
and watching to value big government projects and financing, and why not? The fact
remains that history is full of examples in which funding for public projects was made by
nation states and their process of approval through bicameral legislature and checks and
balances, and this even though the projects were extremely costly and later bankrupted
the governments completely. The 'pragmatic' liberals at this point in America might nod to
themselves that we are already in an unrecoverable situation with respect to finances and
compare and contrast other regions, for example, that are supposed to be worse, and
that their "liberal" governments have seen them through. This is really untrue, as America
still has a very high standard of living far above most of its international neighbors, and
for the time being, and the U.S. can withstand currently its big government expenses:
Right now, but maybe not much longer given the somewhat gloomy international recipe
many economies have going forward into the future at this point. Even the greatly
dependable economic producers of late, China and the 'Four Tigers' (Japan, South
Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, ) and many other world regional economies predictably face
the doldrums in the new media and other current business and commercial forecasts.
This might in part be due to internal uncertainties in different regions, uncertainties about
state and regional leadership and the like, but it has put a damper on the U.S. future in its
role as international economic / political, etc., leader and powerhouse. This limitation is
worrisome and especially given the tone of the speakers at the Democratic convention,
promises an eventual selling of the proverbial seed corn that has our federal government
watching over us and providing a safety net and other offices for people to turn to. Even
for the most dour and pessimistic of voters, probably among whom I do count myself,
who will cast their votes in November, it becomes clear after a quick study of the
promises made within the last few days, that our federal administration can only do so
much to guarantee the quality of our lives, and this no matter how many tax and other
dollars are spent on the subject. This is an ordinary case of diminishing returns to the
kind of federal policies we have had in the last few years or so, not including the wars,
and while only the general election will prove whether or not people need it stopped, the
treatment of the federal and state treasuries as a policy in the collection and expenditures
process in which they have been treated of late is extremely dangerous to the political
process in the capitol, and even more dangerous in the burdens it presents to the
ordinary U.S. citizen, no matter the imputed or promised benefits. The great idealist and
thinker Max Weber, in his writings, did cite a principle in which political representatives
and administrators, especially the leading ones, had a main obligation to digest and solve
issues and problems in ways understandable to the common people and the voting
public. This is perhaps one of the strong points of our democracy as our leadership, with
its checks and balances, has almost always obliged itself to do. The way public finances
have been ignored by the current administration and its related policies in its doings have
never been altogether clear and in this way present a prospective danger to the
relationship between the voter / taxpayer and the federal administration in the U.S. No
one seems to have pointed this glaring issue in and of itself to the public and this is
because the identities of the problem are everyone's purview. The tree of public finances
appears to have been shaken too much at this point by the current leadership and this
has proven dangerous - a. To the young and able people in this country who want to
pursue high - quality education; b. The ability of wage earners to provide for their families
financially, primarily due to federal tax and other burdens; c. The lack of perceived
benefits in pursuing administrative careers does alienate and turn away capable people;
d. At a time of heavy spending among what appear to be cliquish and closely - knit
federal departments and programs, the voter / citizen / wage earner is being asked and
compelled to sacrifice things financially and even morally at the hands of people who are
feeble as administrators, who have their pet projects, and who solely engage in self interested rhetoric; the list goes on. In some ways, the social commentators and thinkers
of long ago, and the modern economists with their various models that are admired alike,
in their various analyses and conclusions about our status as a nation in choosing a new
leader, albeit still formidable and influential in the world overall, would propose serious
remedial and needed renewed and fresh efforts to approach the loose ends created by
rhetoric and profuse and what some term irresponsible federal spending and its
pauperizing effects. We can continue the current policies of revenue collection and
allocated program spending as they are apparent to most voters, and foreseeably face
the economics and political situation of governments like Spain or Georgia, for example.
Thus, the call for change and the like among Republican and Democratic candidates is
highly appropriate right now: There will be much thoughtful and rhetorical currency spent
on this and related issues as well during the debates and even after election day as these
same, basic issues carry much hidden weight and are gravely in need of attention, and
have been so since some time in the past. Created with Microsoft OneNote 2010
One place for all your notes and information My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
The book in part seems to have been inspired, as shown in chapter 5 and
chapter 9, among others, by the impact of the Bush era tax cuts and cites
Bush officials on the effect of the cuts that in their identities have to do
with the current twin deficits and their magnitude and impact upon current
and future revenue collection / tax policies. While the Bush administration
encouraged policies to increase home - ownership and investment gains, and
these goals were substantively and wholly accomplished to the extent
possible, and with the help of tax relief and tax reform, the current polity
complains these were too expensive for anyone's taste and have weakened
government finances for the time being. When one examines the scope and
purpose of the Bush tax cuts and reforms, it is important to note that
during those years choices were given to people about what to do with their
capital and wages, and given the human condition some, in fact a good part
of the gains people experienced in property and other assets in addition to their
increased wages, options and pension and other plans, were the result of a good amount
individual speculation and utilitarian waste, even to the extent of investors and
homeowners cutting and running when asset prices dipped in the late 2000's. This in all
evidence was a choice of many asset - holders who were making leaps and bounds
financially, at least at first, but who took risks and denigrated particular types of assets
and / or the taxes on their gains when they were not as expected individually. This is an
implication in this text of the new search for tax reform and other, popular trends that
commentators and voters, citizens and wage - earners alike are talking about. Thus, the
publication of such a provocative text in an election year will enhance the overall reform
discussion should any candidate read it and choose to speak about his related views.
Since the funding of federal programs like MediCare and Social Security now depend to a
great extent on future improvements to the tax system and the time is again now for the
parties to play their hands on the subject, such literature is propitious and timely, and
deserves at least leadership among academics and federal officials in this discussion.
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
called for Russia to emphasize its finances and potential to carry more weight in the
world of free trade, strictly and specifically a utilitarian economics approach, and this
while Jackson - Vanik is an administrative bill that is used to mirror international Russian
policies and the human side of international business with Eastern Europe. This makes
for very little convergence of strict ideas in the meeting of business people and
economists who would like to see it kicked out of the way, and humanists who see the
value of protecting human and civil rights and practices as primary to a healthy society
and healthy business and commerce. That the current Russian administration might just
be seen abroad, at least among many in the West, as one of provincial officialdom that
little understands the importance of the more refined ideas around human rights and
domestic dissent and their related effects upon commerce and world opinion, does not
disparage the current Russian regime from asserting itself into various associations given
its self - interested qualities and new - found economic weight in the world. Part of this
positioning apparently has been to diffuse the stark memories everyone has of
communism and its effect on the country and the consciousness of the people today that
remains mostly centrist and one as well that leaves the debate about administration and
economies, public and foreign relations, to the elites, much as during Tsarist and later
soviet times. The current Russian leadership as obscure in its origins does call for
intriguing and introspective interpretations as to the motives of the government there in
promoting such people, especially with respect to the current president who apparently
really started in the old K.G.B. in East Germany during a time in which many believed,
and not just inside Russia itself, that the U.S.S.R. could win the Cold War - and thus the
many communist sympathisers of the day and not just in Eastern Europe. One should
note people have popped up in places everywhere who have owned property in Russia
for many years, and who knew and know the Putins and Medvedevs, again starting from
the old days. One liberal rationale from utilitarians everywhere is East Germany and
Poland, at the time of Mr. Putin's work there, probably could have used help from anyone,
though many do believe despite this that communism was no help in any way whatsoever
with its promise to organise and move society forward, even from the beginning. Mr.
Putin appears to represent the crowd as inspired by soviet times who voluntarily ran
places like DRG and Poland, North Korea, and even Cambodia and Viet Nam, in an
oppressive and strict fashion to reinforce the doctrines of communism against the free
world. The legacy of this, given the junking of communism and its apparatus, has been
for silent machinations with respect to free trade (cf. conduct of Warsaw Treaty countries
and their overall influences and world connections,) and demands upon the international
community for legitimacy along official lines. This is the international house the Russian
leaders are building at this point, while using their connections and political weight among
non - aligned nations and NGO's that emphasise and promote issues at this time more or
less as they always have done, under the indirect sponsorship of Eastern European
regimes, and with socialistic / communistic tendencies. On one level of analysis, it is not
difficult to see how and why the Russian administration is throwing its weight around on
the international stage lately with respect to trade and other issues, including repression
and human rights: The country, no longer communist, has always had a strong central
government as located in Saint - Petersburg and then Moscow, and again, society as
greatly influenced by the church has allowed the political elites to rule. This makes for a
different kind of management of social and political, business and legal issues, etc., and
as such the byzantine heritage encompassed in Moscow is easily and evidently upheld.
This should be looked into by more journalists and interested parties who are curious
themselves enough to try to determine the continued role of the emphasis of Moscow in
the identity of Russia, versus the major cities and areas of the provinces where vestiges
of the old regime apparently remain, and as well where the church is more powerful. The
current Russian regime has made attempts, despite slapping people on issues, in its
image in some respects to detract from the authoritarianism of the communist regime as
centered in Moscow. This is no reason to be persuaded the polity in Russia should be
authenticated more in the West, especially due to continued abuses, though it does
appear Russia's leadership is taking its own, practical approach to additionally
modernising and bringing up the country from within and creating better ties with the
outside. It will be curious to see if this can continue without additional power - shuffling
and grabbing there that is age - old and that could more sully the impressions people
have in learning about it from the exterior, or visiting there at this time. more. My older
blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Friday, October 12, 2012 My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Thursday, November 08, 2012
Media Image What if we had a system that placed all winners and leaders as people
who had mostly come in second place? After all, there are very successful sports teams
and players who are moneyed and who are known better for placing more than the
occasional infrequent title won by others. Politics in the U.S., however, only deals with
money in part, and success in any administration here is not solely dependent upon
wealth; probably a good thing as otherwise we'd have kings and queens instead of
national elections. Most people know that despite the consistency of some second place
finishers, our nation, like many free nations in any election chooses its leaders based
upon the plebiscite in which (barring the revolutionary ideas and rules controlling votes
through the electoral college that occasionally have reversed popular votes in the past)
the person receiving the most votes becomes chief of state. In other words, no one really
remembers who finished second in many U.S. national elections, despite the importance
of this for the administrative process. The power of the presidential election as we know it
is one candidate can win the office of chief of state without (1) having raised the most
campaign money, and (2) appealing and pandering to special interests and power
interests within our region. It is true that the Republicans toward the end of the campaign
this year had raised more money, and that Obama as victor of the presidential campaign
contest in all appearances was re - elected without having become beholden to industrial
interests, Hollywood, financial and commercial interests and the general business
community that has sat the sidelines in the post election talks about what we have to
expect going forward for the next four years. The thing that clinched the election for the
president was indeed his good showing in the second and third debates, and his
campaign rhetoric in the last days before election day; and his being supported by the
Clintons who still carry the mantle of an outstanding Democratic presidency during the
1990's from at least the standpoint of macroeconomic growth. Even the Carter policies of
the 1970's have found a home in the Obama presidency in the way of policies of 'priming
the pump' to bring back jobs, the level of federal spending, foreign policy and other areas
that matter to all of us. Ohio, Michigan Wisconsin, and then Pennsylvania, Even
Nevada mattered yesterday as I heard a local news show on the U.S. West Coast
broadcast a piece on the importance of Nevada and its four cities (where most people in
the state reside,) of which Reno and Las Vegas, and the broadcast was considerably and
interestingly detailed. The U.S. Democrats, apparently in this election contest, had their
own super - statistician, maybe even a virtual one, parsing, slicing and dicing those
numbers with respect to undecided, uncommitted, and other voters in select areas. This
undoubtedly contributed to their campaign efforts and paid electoral dividends in the end.
Remember that Mr. Romney, though everyone might not remember him forever, waged a
fierce campaign, and he was classically and characteristically Republican in his showing
in all three debates and his approach to people in the campaign arena. The Democratic
party is the party of urbanity, sophistication, pro - choice, , and people watching our
country at this point have to come to terms with the issue about whether the Obama
administration will become now more aggressive with respect to its public policy agenda
in additionally affirming its identity and greater influence on the world stage. People like
me seriously doubt that the Obamas can now be accused of populism or using the office
of the presidency for liberal or more progressive social agendas as the talk in most areas
analysing the current president's policies is quite moderate in nature, and the country's
conservatives are more powerful now than they were in the 2008 presidential election,
having made the national election a closer contest this year. The chief executive now
also has to answer apparently to a Republican - controlled Congress and to his
Periodic Interest, by Thomas H. Spitters
the meantime. Remember the House and Senate have seemingly had a hard time even
agreeing to present conditions for the 2012 Farm Bill, actually quite an important bill, but
one that has many accomodations and provisions to promote modern and efficient
agriculture in America at this point.
The issue with the 'fiscal cliff' is there are apparently many wise people who believe such
a difficulty should be solved with an official 'tax reform' bill that would re - work some
provisions of current law and while editing that, add some new ones. This is a recipe for
more gridlock and the wrong approach as the current tax laws do not allow for either the
executive or legislative, the two parties concerned here with the 'fiscal cliff,' to do proper
arithmetic about what efforts will be employed to manipulate federal expenditures,
revenue collection, and so forth; so it is palatable for a restless taxpaying populace who
want to see a resolution to the problem, but who apparently do not see as well the kind of
radical change that is needed, not just in spending cuts or revenue collection, but
perhaps even in the way the federal government in our country administers the tax
The main theme proposed by the President does appear to be revenue collection and
reducing deductions, and this is an important and appropriate approach given the level of
current federal outlays that finance federal programs, the wars, trade and commerce and
so on. Revenue collection with a ten thousand page (or more) set of tax laws in the
entirety is not easy, especially insofar as loopholes open and close in this text, and
because the current text allows fewer and fewer such loopholes for the taxpayer, yes, but
for the federal government as well given the principle of revenue neutrality, progressive
character in view of deductions, and other things like taxpayer advocacy, credits,
arithmetic limitations and so on. So how does the President allow for a new and
innovative plan that closes the trillions of dollars in deficit spending that arise in the
current administration? The answer used to be that we could allow for greater scope in
Treasury and Federal Reserve operations with respect to the national debt, but this
seems not to be feasible any longer as to pursue such an avenue right now would
adversely affect U.S. Treasury debt ratings. Funds to the states could also be cut off, but
no one really knows anyone in favour of that at this point. What would you do?
In viewing the problem, one might just mention that the U.S. is going or recently has
traversed a time of very serious and hellish wars, more serious for the federal
government than the wars between Athens and Sparta, or the wars against the Persians
in antiquity were for their overseers. With this as background for any sort of fiscal reform,
and the effects and fiscal and economic baggage of the Great Recession, what is the
sense in even attempting to resolve the fiscal crisis? Note in any event that something
has to be done to reform the federal tax structure (revenue collection) and outlays
(federal spending,) and no one has had any ideas on this for many years that are new,
primarily because officials in our nation's capital have clung to a model of public finance
that is kind of moderate and that fails with respect to, i.e., the expenditures of a ten - year
(or more) war, the gray - market economy in which there are no taxes, nor sales nor
income taxes for example; and that the value added, income and gains, etc., to the
wealth in our economy right now is a catastrophe with respect to the recent recession.
The reasons for this are palpable in any federal revenue collection illustration, many of
which were quite rosy and optimistic looking forward, up until the recently recent past.
The fact is, personal income taxes will have to increase, and they might have to increase
greatly before eventually being reduced again, and this is especially true as the business
tax rates are high enough and the Treasury only derives so much revenue from business,
usually relatively predictable based upon fiscal filings, and with little potential for an
Periodic Interest, by Thomas H. Spitters
increase in revenue collection, even if the executive branch compels the House and
Senate to "set and forget" with new, increased business tax rates - such a thing would be
anti - growth and anti - enterprising, too.
The increase in personal income taxes, people like me used to believe, should come
from the elimination of certain deductions and what those should be has been a subject
of debate for years. Increasing the rates will not comprise the mysterious and magical
alchemy that will relieve the system of its deficit burden and much less of its spending
and other deficit tendencies. Right now, it does seem that any legislation could increase
progressive federal rates and would at least suspend certain deductions for a period of
time. The Great Recession as its circumstances have proven, proposes no windfall with
respect to federal coffers and taxes, even with respect to a needed increase in rates.
Remember that the federal government has become much more expensive and has as
well become more a partner in building people's lives. While I know little about the
country personally, a model like that of Sweden for an at least temporarialy reformed U.S.
tax regime and additonal revenue collection might solve the problems of the revenue side
of federal operations, and with the idea in mind that the wars and the recession have
been expensive and while the federal government has thereby worked to muddle through
with its social programs that have changed lives, even saved lives. Now is the time to
recognize such a thing and to allow the heartiest we have to address these individual
issues. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
The reasons for the neo - nazi surge and resurgence in places like the former East
Germany has to do with the legacy of the past, probably going back a hundred years,
where the promise of a 'radiant future' enticed the populace of the area first into the
political persuasions of one group, then another, then with the oppression of the former
soviet regime followed by the economic depression there associated with the collapse of
the soviets and the arrival of free - enterprise and more permissions and freedoms
concerning political ideas. In many cases, the German authorities during the 1980's
forward had methods to deal with the threat of the extreme right and its violent and
criminal elements, and only occasionally at the time did anyone outside isolated
observances of instances of neo - nazi events or crimes know there was cause for
concern about such matters. The issue of the doings of Ms. Zschpe and her associates
has called for a re - evaluation of the local authorities there and their effectiveness in
dealing with the conspiratorial and collusive, and violent crimes of such persons. See
below for German press coverage links.
December 7.
Saturday, December 08, 2012
Media Photo
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
express outrage over what happened to them, much less can they pronounce the primal
scream that such violence and outrage against them invites while touching upon the
horror of the mortal offenses committed on them. There are many details to continue to
examine, including issues like the mental condition and character of the single
perpetrator of the school shooting, what drugs he was taking and their related effects and
side effects, and the slippery slope that led to his explosively violent and definitive and
extremely malevolent act on innocents who were blind to his own, possibly self - loathing
and uncontrollably ill willed actions in their midst. Any rules that arise as the result of
this and similar previous tragedies, and there have been too many, should address not
just simply a principled assault weapons ban, but proceed further into the culture of the
offensive use of firearms, of whatever type, versus those used by responsible adults as a
deterrent or for sporting purposes, especially considering the topic of small arms. Counter
to this, again, is the background of sporting and other types of gun enthusiasts who are
responsible gun owners and users, and who would possibly be severely impacted by
additional controls on their hobbies and pursuits that would technically place them in the
same arena legally as those uncontrollably violent, sometimes traumatized, or psychotic
or psychopathic perpetrators who have grossly abused their rights to use a firearm, and
through wrongful and lethal use of a gun, deliberately (and the language is non
technical here) destroyed the rights and lives of others in the process. Any future gun
rules given the tragedies of which we are now anew and well aware need to reach down
to the individual user, any culture or sub culture in the world of firearms, and to
American society as a whole as far as the systemic legal awareness of this issue and any
relatted public awareness is concerned. For excellent commentary / editorial, see also:
CNN Situation Room December 22, 2012; Wolf Blitzers Blog. My older blog (Thomas
and probably even in places where their music was taboo, like the Far East or South
America, etc. What went into the level of success of The Rolling Stones might have to
do with the social upheavals and chaos of their early years on, and somehow this rock
groups handling of its issues: It is possible, if not probable all the main characters in a
sketch of this group, especially after the unfortunate passing of Brian Jones as replaced
by Ron Wood, understood in depth and were informed of the issues of the day including
even things like abortion and taxes. Unlike The Beatles, the Stones probably read the
papers and /or listened to events over the radio and watched them on television. They
have had an image as businesslike and responsible radicals if anything, whereas The
Beatles were always diving into deep water with the latest artistic, societal, social, moral
and ethical, and other avant garde themes, including world popular movements and
politics. The Beatles and other musical groups of the day quite often took on large
themes and questions beyond the scope of popular music that dulled their lyrics and in
the end might have caused their album sales to fall, and the group itself then lost its
cohesion, artistically and legally. On the other hand, there is an invaluable picture of The
Rolling Stones in the mind of every one of their generation of taking on the challenges of
youth along with its strengths and dilemmas, answering to society for the kinds of
upsetting new thinking that marks their age, the arrival of show business in every room of
ones house and the related influences of the mass media, publicity, radically changing
modern tastes and the finances related to this. The Rolling Stones were perhaps better
at the recipes of music in the media cookbook than other groups, especially with the
range of themes in their music that could make a deep impression on admirers of folk
music, to classical and blues or harder rock lovers whereas The Beatles, who were as
well very good at music and possibly better on their instruments, maybe just liked the
warm fuzzies in their own act, for example, and pursued that to its end. The recent
Stones special in its tone reminds one of some of the older footage of Bob Dylan and
his entourage, though where Dylan sang to his audiences, the Stones spoke and speak
to them, and this perhaps as well has been what is so risky for them and their fans, and
what has made the group, again, so entirely successful. One might also remember the
Stones were and are an outstanding live act. With all this going for them, it is still quite
difficult to define the band as either part of the entertainment establishment these days,
as might have been their goal at one time, or as one group still on a tear for their fans in
places. All in all, seeing this footage about these boys from more years ago than many
people would like to count back was a little strange in the presentation of images and
recordings the footage and related pieces played in their 1965 Ireland tour show again
the mass upheaval in society and the turning of its elders toward young people who were
in their own way still too young to shoulder the responsibilities and worries of the world,
especially in Europe (first) and America (second) and the musical pieces in this feature
bring that out completely. It can be difficult to see a feature such as that on their 1965
Ireland tour, and listening to the music, without being really musical must be for some of
their fans at least a little haunting and powerfully and humanly reaching to everyone at
the same time. Otherwise, one might mention the guys in this film just looked hazed at
the time. Many of their musical pieces are happy and uplifting, even jazzy nonetheless.
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
makes for getting into lots of things that could carry one away, though the show does
deliver the message that Buddhism is an important religion and is worth some familiarity
by everyone concerned with issues of knowing about the world and belief systems
outside Western Christianity with which Eastern religions coincidentally have many
parallels. It does appear part of the explanation for this religion is its interpretation, in fact
as many do, of realities and universalities that are present in every culture. Buddhism is a
caring and peaceful set of ideas that can be easily practiced, but is difficult in all events to
be a good practitioner or an expert in it (as some are) due to its sometimes severe
dogma and discipline. The emphasis on the nearest celestial body to the earth (the
Moon) is obviously in its importance vital and unique to this religion that centers a good
amount of content on the Moon itself and its features and details. While these ideas have
moral and spiritual imperatives and practices that are very humanistic and attractive
ideologically part of what many people are about these days the ideas themselves are
very respectable in that they allow one to live ones life while pursuing ones own goals;
and even though a Buddhist master might pick one out of a crowd or some event, one is
not compelled nor forcibly asked to pass through Buddhism and its teachings in addition
to Western ideals. This proposed a challenge to anyone who sees a temple related to
these ideas and, or meets a follower of the Buddha; and these are everyday occurrences.
There are issues with Eastern religions in and of themselves as they do not in principle,
while holding out gestures of acceptance, allow for the teachings of Saint Paul, and
things like de Chardin are probably out as well, and others. There are probably other
obvious points of contention between common sense ideas from South Asia or China
themselves that can be respectably and reasonably discussed between individuals this
might make for good, peaceable conversation in this increasingly global neighborhood we
are all in at this point. Remember when you begin with it this year, if ever, upon reading
this column that another lunar new year is now just a few days away. My older blog
(Thomas Spitters.)
In Memoriam.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Media Image
Click here for a related story. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
done in the day given the emphasis in soviet times on the intrigues and unwinding plots
and plans of the state organs. The French federal constitution allows for more political
and civic freedoms for its citizens than the old soviet one did, and thus the willful
demonstrations of security forces and the military are less stark under French socialism
than in the former soviet times. The reasons for this are palpable and evident to anyone
who has visited the French capitol where any number of ethnicities have their territories
and social cliques, and where there are many conflicted interests as a result, not to
mention the ordinary operations of the police bureaus and Interior Ministry personnel.
What do socialist French regimes, as that of Francois Hollande that follows the regime of
Nicolas Sarkozy, invite and engender besides a varietal form of liberal regime in Western
Europe? It is difficult to speculate, though every Marxist for years has pointed to the leftist
regimes in France, and their capitalist compatible form of socialism despite the open
admiration of some officials there for the soviets, as a successful form of liberalism in
which the state provides a social net, education, military readiness, a well trained police
force, rule of law administration, and other principles un characteristic of typical socialist
regimes. These principles nonetheless apply to those within the party, as the French
socialists appear to depend upon widespread party support for success in elections and
do not necessarily reach across party lines for votes, nor for moral nor financial support.
Informally mentioning the closely knit socialist elite in France as a candidate for the actual
mantle of worldwide Marxism after the end of the USSR is a possibility, and with an
internal French will to a utopic view of a liberal regime, again, instead of one that
emphasizes the cult of personality and secrecy, and machinations of the organs under
what was soviet Russia and its satellites. This is no apology for either soviet regimes, nor
at all for the utopic socialists in France and elsewhere (including in places like P.R.C.,
Southeast Asia, South America, the Middle East and Africa, .) It is a writing
purposefully and briefly proposed to bring issue awareness to a new type of leftist politics
that muddies the political / economic waters that were cleared by the end of the cold war
and the abandoning of communism. Remember one attraction of this is upon the end of
the USSR, considerable numbers of communists and leftists, some of whom were very
accomplished people under the old regime, were cast out and they have been waiting in
the wings for their fortunes to rise again through a resurgence of any liberal regimes in
Europe or anywhere. Such individuals and their associates and families have eked out a
bitter existence for years since the early 1990s despite their respectability under the
leftist values of old. A question proposed by this writing as well is what should be done
with these parties who were cast aside and who have found a resurgence in new liberal
regimes in Europe and elsewhere. How should they be treated, and should they be
legitimized anew by their values as subscribed by regimes such as the current one in
France and the important place of that now leftist country in the community of nations,
and in the world opinion that is formed commonly starting in the villages and hamlets
yearning for a better life everywhere. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
"Safe Haven."
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Media Photo This new film starring (Nicolas Sparks written) Julianne Hough and Josh
Duhamel has a strange European flavor brought about by its being set in a part of the
U.S. where many foreigners vacation, for starters, and then where many of the local
people by this media production are at a loss to determine why while getting going and
getting on with their lives. The film is about relationships and any viewer needs to know
that while it has been critically panned, there are indeed some reasons for it leaving other
such films, even those like "Ordinary People," "Terms of Endearment," or a little like
"Cape Fear," or any number of other, similar productions in their proper places as
Hollywood productions (maybe except for "Cape Fear,") that were somewhat unsung and
in all very good. The plot as it starts tugs at the heartstrings showing a gruesome scene
of abuse and violence and the flight of a victim from justice. With this in mind, the
production proceeds in very charming fashion to depict the victim in this film to be one of
accidental and moral high ground, and with good features in a world that is quite
No Steve McQueen here, or Robert De Niro, or any of the players that would just draw
people. Now people like me know Hough and Duhamel are serious about their work and
have acted in movies about the Carolinas area before, at least Duhamel has. If you can
get through the initial scene, much can be said about this production and its approach to
showing the ordinary and simple, strongly rooted care and concern people have for each
other. Old - fashioned romance is out of the question, as that does not really exist
anymore for the players here, nor would it help given the circumstances. But the setting
of the film in a temperate climate, cinematography, the character dialogues, gestures and
consideration scripted into the this show the straightness and practicality of family
relationships despite what are threats that catch up in dramatic fashion. The plot is also
about the trades and the restaurant business, and involves a dragnet and occasional
violent confrontations by the antagonist, an obsessed and alienated (and stupidly violent)
vigilante whose character style is so far out in left field that this is undoubtedly what the
critics seized upon in putting a damper on this film. As usual, the good guys are
supposed to "win," though this is hardly clear as this happens, but lives are destroyed
that are outside the social net and again, care and concern and action and sanctions that
would ordinarily govern. What's the point of such productions? The audience in this case
needs to sit back in the comfort of the screening chair and at least try to take seriously
the chaos, vicissitudes and occasional criminal confrontations that make up the features
of the film not to mention the intermittent scenes for the concerned couple and their
families: A dramatic portrayal and illustration, again, of complex and unpredictable issues
that despite excellent acting do not make for magazine covers. Nonetheless worth seeing
for the matinee crowd at least. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
the continued presence of many of the few escapees and the reasons for this are evident
and include dirty work as performed by the state services from DPRK to the North. That
Chin Dong hyuk was born in one of the infamous DPRK prison camps in an area
around the Taedong river, and that he grew up in that system, having been considered a
criminal from birth by DPRK state policy, and that his only avenue for survival at different
points in his living within that repressive camp system included wrongdoings that were
frequent, immoral and criminal; tells the reader that there is more to the communist /
socialist model of prison corrections today than detention and incarceration. It does and
did include personally injuring and destroying ones fellow inmates to the extent possible,
even oneself under the circumstances: a. Wrongs and various types of individual
destruction and bad behavior are encouraged within that system despite the official rules
of the system and its sentencing guidelines not allowing for these things including various
types of trafficking and contraband trade; b. With the image of corrections in most
Western nation states as one of rewarding exemplary and notably well socialized
behavior as is0 in the evidence, the DPRK prison system in its nefarious glory
encourages problem behaviors that circumvent the proper and normal standards of civil
and ordinary conduct and social interaction; c. From this story and its contents that start
with the narrators childhood and continue to the present day, one can tell that things like
education, hard work and industriousness and other positive traits, are completely
discouraged; d. Crimes by prisoners against each other, from the most petty to the most
egregious capital crimes, are not exclusive of wrongs against the prisoners by camp
authorities given who they are and their work ethic, cancelling much of the humane and
humanitarian approach to detention in DPRK as preached by its leadership; e. It is
entirely possible the flogging and torturing of prisoners at the same time, and by camp
trustees and other state personnel, and the crimes against prisoners, that no NGO, nor
association nor collection of people will ever be able to address these endemic issues
addressing what should be done with people, and the DPRK system even with its habit of
frequent sabre - rattling and its relations with P.R.C.; f. It is surprising, in fact a complete
surprise, that DPRK detention and incarceration methods and facilities, degenerate as
they are, have not found a home and are not constantly subject to public scrutiny and
resultant misinformation due to pressure from various watchers and the reaction to
them by DPRK; g. There are too many examples at present of the obduracy and
degeneracy of DPRK prison camps, as documented, for world public opinion not to allow
for and adverse judgment of these institutions, and subjecting them to examination and
their conditions and people, including inmates, an evaluation of methods and practices in
North Asia, if adjudicated, will probably be ignored by DPRK and its friends; h. There are
any number of inhuman conditions that can be cited concerning the conduct and just
observation of North Korean society and its camp system, and the material in this text
that calls for a resolution of these things is predicated upon international conflict on many
fronts; . The details as described above provide an extremely stark and sinister
backdrop to most of the Chin story before his arrival in South Korea and then America.
The tortures and abuses suffered by Chin and his co heroes at present, some of whom
have passed before their time as the result of abuses within DPRK camps, are deeply
scarred and deeply personal at the same time. In a way, while stories by other dissenters
include much functional material that is persuasive but cannot really portray personal
feelings and the overall humanity of politically motivated sentencing in places like North
Asia, the Chin story is one of very balanced informational details and a depiction at the
same time of a very young person who has been compelled to survive to travel West and
tell about an entire history, but who, through the unbearable shocks and vicissitudes of
prison camp life has been led to believe by his camp handlers in an very penetrable way
that shame and guilt, degeneracy, thoughts of self destruction and other negative
influences are constructive in daily life. Russian Marxists (actually former Marxists)
perfected this and other things long ago in the workings of the day in their GULAG
system and this cause in producing people has been taken up in the camp system in
DPRK as well. The justification for such things, including the Marxian idea about utopia
that displaced such ideas in Russia from Western Europe in 1917 / 18 21, does smack
of flim flammery and calls for the kind of state oppression within the state as one finds
in DPRK at present. These are political statements that only border on what appears to
be the purpose of the Chin story, which is in one small way to check the grim and
ghoulish forces that rule there at this time. New York Times - Book Review Penguin
Edition My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
emerge more or less unscathed with his drum under his arm. Just before 1940, the
Germans attack Poland and Oskar is in a number of battle scenes where his town is
destructively attacked by blitzkrieging Wehrmacht and other German military units,
resulting in the death and devastation of many of his friends. There is also the issue in
Poland of the Russian army in the partition of the country by the Axis powers and Russia
at the time. Apparently, the Russian army meted out equal devastation as the Germans.
This, along with other images of the war and the operations of concentration camps, the
battle scenes, atrocities and the like, has the makings of a long, extremely destructive,
interminably bloody nightmare. The War ends and Oskar takes up different jobs and the
like in attempts to continue his life in the post Axis era with his drum under his arm.
People do express curiosity at the adult Oskar and his drum, and responses to his
interlocutors range from his declaring himself a musician to none of your business
type declarations given the pestering questions of officious characters. From the detailed
illustration at the beginning of the plot of his family and friends and younger life, through
the brutal nightmare of the nazi era, to the post War era that takes up the latter part of
Book Two and Book Three, Oskar maintains his drum playing and his life in and out of
hospitals. He pursues different jobs and has some measure of success with a number of
endeavours; all the time maintaining principal focus on his instrument. The thematics of
his family relationships and details, and the grotesque and violent images of the
Holocaust carry through and influence the latter part of the plot where Germany recovers
from the devastation of WWII to become economically and politically formidable again in
a free world where fascism is on the dustbin of history. Oskar winds his way through
various adventures that are colored by the destruction of the war and the ostracism of the
Central European powers, including some of the influential figures of the time as hailing
from his native Poland. The emotional and psychological images due to this throughout
the text are important to read through, and are fantastic and unreal in the respect that
Oskar has no point of reference for his notions as narrated as they are, and his mind
meanders through various themes and related and unrelated images showing the great
art and authenticity of Grass prose and his use of Oskar as a mouthpiece for these
meaningful themes and images, dreams and experiences themselves in view of 20th
century military conflict, and with the eventuality of the end of the 1939 1945 War. An
excellent read for anyone honestly concerned by these issues. Oskar toward the end of
the plot participates in various travels, relationships, and has influences that eventually
render him histrionic, i.e., whereas he comes to fear a ubiquitous Black Witch, and
provokes various incidents of which declaring himself Jesus before police authorities
during some of his travels. Overall, this book and its author post mortem, are an excellent
profile of the magical and metaphysical that surround those individuals and groups of
people affected, damaged and cast out as the result of the inanity and brutality of 20th
century conflict. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
everything approach of terroristic perpetrators who have duplicated the terror used
against the Hebrew people and who might be, as related to their knowledge of Nazi
practices, totally radicalized. Rabin had solutions for dealing with the effects of the kind of
animalistic behavior as shown through numerous sources in Boston, and people like me
know his death is related to the assassin maybe first befriending him in order to be able
to recognize him target - wise after his plot had begun. These circumstances were part
and parcel of things to come and the severe radicalization against Americans we are
experiencing today. What happened regrettably and sorrowfully with Itzak Rabin and in
Boston only have secondary importance at this point as to blaming and culpability by
attribution, and more important with respect to these and similar happenings are how the
perpetrators became radicalized and as anti - everything as they are, and how they were
allowed / are allowed to continue their destructive and violently animalistic activities. This
is a question proposed without provision for those rationalizing what again happened or
will continue as terrorism remains in the collective mind and detracts from constructive
activities and the progression of what we know as life at home. My older blog (Thomas
open largesse of pedlars of foreign aid including the Russians and Chinese, and b. The
actual use of the funds sent to Africa as currency values and amounts have become less
tolerant of the way in which funds were spent in the day. Media Photo These examples
aside and given the possibilities of the record numbers in the U.S. stock market that
make most business people rest easier during their sleeping hours, at least those in
Western countries, it is entirely possible that interest rates will remain low and inflation
will remain low for some time. The explanation for this might just be, and this in view of
the commercials and television programs touting U.S. beer manufacturers that are more
and more profitable these days, that U.S. equities and corporate debt have been bid up
over time, and this might make sense to some, as a proxy for stability and dependability
ordinarily found in Treasuries. One might, indeed, take an asset position in U.S.
Treasuries or U.S. currency over one including the Thai bhat given the comparative story
behind those two investment choices, and even with the knowledge that U.S. government
securities are better managed. Then one can by extension understand the U.S. economy
as a service based economy even, as a relatively safe haven including U.S. Treasuries
and then U.S. corporate debt, then U.S. equities given the tolerance primarily for market
risk by your own relatively large investment moneys pool wherever that might originate
from, and then various U.S. government and corporate, even small business and private
equities positions given the basic asset allocation rules and the risks involved. This would
really only work until your investor neighbors found out as it is a bid strategy aimed
eventually at profit taking, essentially a trading strategy, even with respect to
government securities it is also a poor strategy as good investors know most trading,
even by computers in arbitrage situations and the like and despite the sometimes big
numbers involved and the speed with which trades are executed these days, is a waste.
One redeeming feature to this bid strategy is it takes place outside the strictly speculative
IPO and other auctions markets, its inconspicuous and relates to normal trading
operations even in government securities outside what new offerings will do, and it
might tend to assuage market volatility and other disruptive and wasteful effects that hold
back prices for everyone. The kind of bid up strategy that might appear to be driving
U.S. equities and related securities at this point is highly constructive for stakeholder
economies while factoring in the role of things like offshore manufacturing and the price
of oil. How this is done specifically should be left to quants who are good at real time
computing power and data analysis, including that especially of the effect of economic
indicators and trading information and its proxies. One might propose here in any event
the U.S. is fortunate to have leadership under President Obama who appears to
understand things like macroeconomics, competitive advantage, securities in the stock
market and the role of government securities, different types of risk, resolving the issue of
valuation of the Ren min bi and the role of P.R.C. in the currency markets, and other
things enough to know how even to counsel the Federal Reserve Chairman a little at
this point. The U.S. President is like a lot of lawyers in America at this point who do not
necessarily know where every nickel and dime they own is or ought to be, but who
comprehend and use their knowledge of finances public and private. Some of them
understand it quite well and he does appear to (ssshhh!) The secrets to this no longer
include things like options or leverage, once in the past hot buttons among others, nor
does the Presidents strategy have anything to do with pounding down currencies and
accounts and / nor goods values and commodities prices, for instance. Ones local
university economist could easily venture the basics of the economics policy of the U.S.
President, which does include tax and spend (a given) though it is much more intricate
and formulated than just that. That he grew up abroad for some time probably allows for
the way the U.S. President has chosen to resolve domestic and related economics
dilemmas for the time being; and that might be for some time to come, and this shows as
well he has his own quite effective so far apparently, of turnaround economics right now,
probably invented at some place like MIT or Harvard (or even Berkeley or UCLA) by very
gifted and hard working people.
In the news this morning again are the stories about U.S. beer manufacturers and their
great tasting brews that outdo others, though seriously one should heed the stories
around the state of business and commerce in places like Japan and China. In Japan
despite Fukishima and some other recent bad news that should not affect their economy
overall, there is little obvious explanation for the declines as publicized of late other than
the Japanese obviously making attempts to manage the value of their domestic currency,
and related items that drive Japanese exports. There are probably other factors that are
driving the news from Japan at this point, though this is lost in the opaqueness of the
policies of the securities houses that make up and influence investment policy there. In
P.R.C., a growing economy with many paradoxes including that Chinese capitalists are
apparently as aggressive and hard charging as their former communist counterparts
years ago (see the history of the Cultural Revolution, the politics of Zhou En lai right
down through those of Hua Guo feng, Jiang Zemin, and Xi Jin ping, ,) business
people appear to have seen the limitations of their own growth models. In view yet of
P.R.C.s economic growth and growth predictions for the next few years, and given the
role of competing interests, especially regional ones, it should become clear to
consumers everywhere that Chinese retail products continue to be of exceptional quality
and continue to be saleable and the domestic economy in P.R.C. especially and probably
that in the Southern part of the country, will begin its role as more important policy wise
in addition to values around the export of products from everywhere in China. The actual
value of these products, as they become more normalized and the Chinese begin to
spend their currency reserves on (even yet politically motivated) different types of
projects, national and international with respect to business and commerce, and as the
P.R.C. economy continues to grow and predictably, should the current regime there
continue to seek international legitimacy, it will probably have to become more
cooperative with international rules and guidelines that reduce economic fluff and puffing
in order to begin to authenticate the routine practices of its enterprises as people like me
know them to be. Same is true with respect to many P.R.C. regional trading partners
including Russia proper. The success of this interpretation of Obamanomics and the
like, does depend upon things like the long term value of the dollar and other western
currencies including the Pound and the Euro, inflation in major western countries, the
interpretation of administrative and trade account statistics everywhere, and even things
like the U.S. Budget debate. The current news about U.S. equities and other securities,
and even commodities prices at this point, does indicate our leader, and the leaders of
the G20 have taken this and other items into consideration in their latest talks and will
continue managing in good continuation the forest for the trees and not the weeds that
will be well for us here in America as well something we can all put our hopes into not
with our cross to bear or with the promise of a radiant future as some might say at this
point, but with some confidence and ability to take economic and business risks with the
idea of greater values and payoffs in the future. See also: When Money Runs Out, by
Stephen King; testimonial record by U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Benjamin Bernanke
before the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives on economic outlook and
monetary policy - May 22, 2013. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Media Photo
are not secure without air support, and the sale of anti air armaments in what appears
0to be in quantity to the Syrian administration at this point will cause the physical security
and condition of the rebels there to be less effective, aggressive, and achieving of their
popular goal of taking power away from a shifty, cruel ruler.
Read Additional Article here from U.K. papers, and click here for another online column.
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
York et Paris. Il publia Terre des hommes plus tard un trs grand livre selon les
critiques littraires et qui tait discut partout jusquen les annes 1980. Au dbut de la
guerre, il rejoint lArme de lAir, mais ne partageait pas la politique de Gaulle. La
politique de Gaulle sur la voie dune France en grandes lignes, indpendant
dassociations internationales, puissant dans toutes les affaires, avec encore beaucoup
de territoires coloniaux, et dautres attributs, tait pour Saint Exupry un peu fou tant
donn les vnements de lEtat Franais et le gouvernement Vichy pendant la grande
guerre. Antoine tait Paris au dbut du conflit, et commentait lors de lAnschluss
quil tait toujours contre la guerre (et ceci nest pas entirement clair en lisant ses crits
lpoque) et ft dparti pour la campagne avec sa femme aux nouvelles des offensifs
Allemands en France et plus tard en 1940 New York. En 1943, il publia son livre le plus
populaire avec les jeunes, Le petit prince , et sintroduit Alger et Tunis. Son avion
disparait lors dun trajet en Afrique du nord le 31 juillet 1944. Ce livre soit un portrait
assez dtaill de ce personnage de trs haute qualit, rudit, talent, dans un dtail trs
satisfaisante mme pour les lecteurs qui connaissent mieux Saint Exupry travers sa
littrature lpoque du XXme sicle.
Cliquez ici pour la site Saint Exupry. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Though snooping and mining into voluminous and numerous calling and other records
with varying degrees of granularity and specificity is absolutely insidious in its intent and
effect as far as civic, political, administrative, and other rights are concerned here in the
U.S., it is undoubted that this makes any difference, even one iota of a smidgen of care,
for most people as telecommunications customers. It will be interesting if, or whether or
not, our chief executive is found ever to be involved in such forms of monitoring of
peoples behavior, but this is not likely: Our president is a law professor at the nations
best law school, big on issues like asserting and preserving individual and constitutional,
and human rights, and that he is concerned with and orders and / or participates in the
actual, purposeful and direct monitoring and recording of us talking over the phone is
entirely doubtful to me. That he ever gave direct permission for these sorts of things is
doubtful as well, and the activities by N.S.A. under scrutiny at this point are to individuals
such as myself a redundancy of ordinary corporate activities under different motivations
and purposes (see above), perhaps, though centered on information gathering and
analysis that happens in any event due to things like systemic structure of our information
systems, the nature and capabilities of high level computing power, and solving the
difficulties and other issues presented by communications today and the systems that
host and operate them. See CBS News online coverage of this (click here.) My older blog
(Thomas Spitters.)
in the global money tree. This not only included petrol politics, but tourism, education,
various areas of international and even regional commerce and their economic elements
as first monitored and then controlled by the state. The idea that the U.S. Republican
regime had under the president Reagan, that even the Carter regime in the late 1970s
shared was one of equalizing and helping to better organize Arab states without co
opting them at the same time. The Arabs in typical fashion took this as a severe offense:
At the time this was part and parcel of the war in Lebanon and today has resulted in
widespread unrest in places in Arabia where politics are in flux, especially in North Africa
where there is a history of power struggles and administrative, ministerial and
bureaucratic jostling and infighting that is apparently the nature of the game at this point,
just as it has been for years, often with those in the military wielding power in the end.
This has been the legacy of the abandonment by the Egyptian regime of the state level
fight to eliminate Isral and subsequent violent death of Anwar Sadat who championed
this controversial strategy on the part of Islamic regimes. Other politics, including those of
hydrocarbons, have played a role in this spending of political currency through
increasingly encouraging power grabbing in a country that is weak constitutionally and
over armed, and subject again and again to the fact that everyone who is anyone in the
Arab world has connections to the fiercely anti everything Hezbollah, the activism of
which starts in the violent capitols of the Middle East, Beirut, Baghdad, and Kabul, and
now Damascus and Cairo. The influence of the old guard of the Hezbollah as a critically
and powerfully divisive political force is not to be underestimated, nor is the power of
same to secretly enlist everywhere those with sympathies lying in orthodox Islam and its
current place in the world as promoting violence and terroristic tendencies and acts
against the kind of pretentious elitism that is approved of and promoted in places like Iran
at this point. Forget that such places are geographical at this point and delve for yourself
simply into the ideas that the leadership in such countries wishes its territory to represent
a nihilistic and destructive idea or set of ideas without regard to territory. Such is an
obvious and evident detail as to the intent of those seizing power in Egypt at this point as
influenced by divine clerics in the Middle East and elsewhere in the kind of ruthless and
destructive us and them endgame that is influenced by public Islamic dogma at this
point. This begs the question about there being even a slight hope that Morsi and his
people remaining alive at this point into the future. Trial announcements and so forth emit
for people like me the overall public cynicism and tyrannical attitude of the leaders of the
present Egypt coup in the face of reasonableness, skepticism and the more complicated
character of what democracy can be, even in the beginning, and its call for people to
actually use their heads under the present political conditions in the region.
Controversial "New York Times" article. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Technique des maquis - ela on fait contre la tyrannie (Photo Mdia) El - Assad aime
son peuple et sa patrie, que (Photo Mdia)
themselves good and ethical people, brave and valiant, went West to fight the Germans
and themselves and did not return - again the number of mortalities exceeds the ability of
one person to count them, though on a different scale, the number of German deaths
informs; and their work to respect, recuperate and put their dead to rest; the international
community of the greater wounds suffered by FRG in Eastern Europe and that society's
continued efforts to address the implications of the related military conflict in public
discussion over the years. In the overall examination of areas like the Eastern Front, in
the thought of it all the way through to battle planning and execution on both sides, one
"understands" the mystery about why the German leadership at the time placed such
great emphasis, even political quackery, on what it believed to be the responsibilities of
the time. Though many observers of what happened in Eastern Europe in the 20th
century, and scholars, etc., do look at how and why the way Germany addressed this as
an entirety from a moral and psychological standpoint, and from the standpoint again that
German leadership was deeply flawed, there are probably a set of more thoughtful
reasons that are the answer to the unknowns provoked by moral, ethical and other issues
and explanations about it. Due to the overall interest in things like the Germans
recovering their war dead, and how the soviets worked to discourage this, even to deface
the idea of it because they at the same time gravely feared and loathed any respect
German had nor has in the world; and the former soviets as well, there begins a process
to answer the mystery and questions about the times in which Germans gave their lives
in places like the Eastern Front. This not because they did so willingly and with politically
- charged ideas, but because and out of a sense of obligation, perhaps even overriding
economic, social and financial obligations as offered and predicted by the immediate
future at the time. The soviets were equally zealous and messianic, if not more so, and
there were greatly more of them.
The soviet cemeteries that I have seen in Eastern Europe are quite plain with headstones
monuments, and other markings of the past conflicts there and the related mortalities.
From the images of the new German cemeteries and the looks of them, the German ones
are even more inauspicious and understated. For at least some individuals, people need
to continue to know what happened in places like Smolensk and related and similar
places of the time, and not only the political and other ramifications of this, and of the
value of respecting and recovering the human element that might one day be relegated
or forgotten, and the meaning and responsibilities that go with this equally passing. In
view of what happened at the Eastern Front at the time, part of the sinister and criminal
vice of the soviets, was to disallow and to deface and erase even the thought of Germans
having any connection to communist soil. That this has been redressed now shows at
least at this time, and as the result of things like the effectiveness of Perestroika, renewed
and popularly discussed and understood efforts of everyone to comprehend the places of
Europe and Eastern Europe and their influences in the world in order to avoid the loss of
life in the future that took place there. Regrets for any typographical or stylistic errors in
this writing.
"History" channel internet article.
Article from "Der Spiegel" online.
Online article from "RIA Novosti." My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
What has Tony Blair been doing lately? (Click Here for an editorial.)
What is Blair doing in 2013 this summer? (Again, click here for articles and his office site.)
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Russian regime itself is readying or at this time shipping supplies and war machinery;
arms and so forth, to Syria to deter and possibly abate a U.S. military strike before it
might even be arranged, the facts here beg the question What are you doing? Such an
interlocution should be allowed with the Russians compelled to answer as to what their
intentions are in supplying arms, anti missile and anti aircraft, anti personnel and
anti rebel devices and equipment in the scope of an outdated and obsolete purpose of
constant efforts to secure the near abroad and so forth, and I paraphrase here. Such
thinking, with the mobility of armies and air forces, and other factors is completely,
obviously archaic and un called for at this time, though these arms dealers, reason that
in the deployment of their war apparatus they will probably handle forty percent of the
issues against Western powers and influences they need to, and there will be so much
conventional destruction that Westerners will tire of the conflict and pick up and go home:
An example of pre WWII political thinking that needlessly and eventually caused so much
damage. This is what has the State Secretary and U.S. president so involved in
promoting their plans to protect and preserve whats left of our allies in the places
involved and their peoples, if not a good amount of the infrastructure in the country and
other valuable attributes it has despite its not being, for example, a place like Israel, a
modern functional country. Lebanon is probably a more functional place than Syria at this
point and our U.S. president does not want to be chief executive as well of the Middle
East. Absolutely not, and the talk of it, even anything provoking such impressions and
thinking about things this way is nonsense and hogwash. My older blog (Thomas
longer referred to, for example, as a non market economy). The obverse of the Cultural
Revolution, intended at the time to discourage intellectuals, these three new edicts call
upon innovators, entrepreneurs, and intellectuals now in the vanguard of a new society
as primary sources for building up the country. The text goes into considerable detail
about how the implementation of these principles worked and much of the language
behind them, especially the new de emphasis of the party role vis a vis the masses
(primarily industrial workers and farmers), that encompasses the party and the populace
on all levels. Much of this new doctrine was criticized in P.R.C. from the left as ideological
pollution, and as a result was only really established as Mr. Jiang recently left office. The
movement itself is encapsulated in five primary public speeches by Mr. Jiang during the
time 1978 2001 that illustrated the objectives of controlled political reform while
preventing dissension and disagreement, repression and so on, especially again after
Tian An men. Reforms were founded on a basis of enlisting socio economic stability
among the populace and for example, discouraging anti capitalist (read anti U.S.)
attitudes, the greatest good for the greatest number, and a vision of success for all
stakeholders these factors all despite the absence of democracy. Considering the
international publics view of the success of newly redeveloped Shang hai and related
places, the achievements of the 2008 Olympics, successes in the war against terrorism,
and acceptance worldwide of the new dogma; the efforts at reform have been even more
successful with the countrys communist party that while it now cannot control everything
allows some small non communist political activities and party organisations,
cooperation of non communists and NGOs with the party, and the new rise of the
C.P.C. as a model guarantor of the states integrity, leadership strength and other
attributes, Chinese nationalism, and new Marxist thought of which former soviet
influences and followings. The three principles are said to have modernized the party,
economics of the country, while retaining the traditional communist goals, structures and
social rules that have been in place for more than a generation.
This was brought about by an emphasis upon youth and renewal, and new colleagial and
consensus building administrative guidelines. Those carrying out these efforts have
presumably been part of the inner party of educated, talented, and sophisticated,
dedicated elite acting against corruption and with a transitory character according to the
modern realities of communism. With the legacy of Deng Xiao ping theory it has been
very difficult to assure or re establish social stability after the events of 1989, though Mr.
Jiang is said to have provided the country with consistent reform efforts featuring his
executive, engineering and leadership qualities: For Mr. Jiang, if you will, a sort of
combination or cross between Beethoven and Shakespeare. Things might nonetheless
have been like the old Phoenix Cardinals playing the Houston Oilers in the day, but this
series of coup reforms by Mr. Jiang was quite successful and extremely popular at the
same time as based on intellectual and patriotic ideas and the power of same in efforts
as well to dispel income disparities, master world macro economics and inflation and
fight corruption, over taxation and unemployment. The language used in the book
mirrors the language about economics in the Western press and speaks authoritatively
thereby, and by this calling for the old adage trust but find fairness in it. The text
proceeds to illustrate how the new principles and processes worked, and goes on and on
about much of it while richly illustrating the story of Mr. Jiang including a good section of
chapters on early life and political formation. And thats not all.
2013 Blog Article - Wall Street Journal.
re - edited 09/28/2013. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
franaises. Ici compris est le hasard du parler familier dans les interviews ltranger par
les hommes politiques socialistes de la France qui sont souvent coupables dutiliser la
presse et les mdias ltranger en tant que labo pour leurs ides faisant appel leur
point de vue mondiale. Laurent Fabius est un homme brave et formidable dans son
attitude pratique et son usage du langage de la politique, et mme encore en le cas quil
conduit son avion de chasse ; mais les ides dlicates et susceptibles, et sensibles de la
guerre en Syrie, celles des armes trs destructrices y utilises contre les rebelles et
maquis, et les courants idologiques dans le voisinage ne doivent pas tre sujets ni au
niveau de lexprimentation verbale ni aux regards en arrire vers les pouvoirs de
gauche du pass nayant pas t capable rsoudre ces difficults ni pour les franais ni
pour les autres. Les socialistes en France continuent chercher des richesses et
linfluence partout en commandant une sorte de dictature de la pense selon lancienne nouvelle politique de Mitterrand qui se soulve loccasion dun appel de la gauche en
France. La populace doit regarder sur ses caractres, et au dessus de tout de la
gauche ce sujet, dans les dbats politiques Paris et en province, et dans le pays
partout. Je vous prie de pardonner les fautes stylistiques et dorthographe ici et vous
souhaite tout le bien pour le prsent et le lavenir.
Avec mes meilleurs aveux,
THS Californie, EE.UU.
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
and frustrated with things in the world, especially concerning influences that are non German or that are from the outside. Remember if one judges the NSU outside of this
particular proceeding that one can not just lay one's hands, proverbially, metaphorically
nor otherwise on such problems as a way of resolving them and their effects. The
circumstances of any showing of anti - Semitism or like idea today, in the world as we
now have it with the related extremely mortal conflicts behind us, are quite special and
individualized and despite the reality of this subculture of anger and awfully willful
violence, there is through the humaneness with which the defendant at trial is treated in
the Mnich Higher Regional Court and that city's Stadelheim prison a comprehension of
the conflict(s) people have experienced since the defeat of communism and official laying
- to - rest of many far right influences in Germany itself. The case of Germany with
respect to such issues is in itself extremely specific and special, and requires
considerable and reasonable study in order to have any level of understanding of it. A
good number of the answers to dilemmas proposed by the Bder Meinhof in days gone
by and the NSU today are the internal affairs of the country itself; to insist otherwise and
to broadly apply these are nonsense and in denial of the watchful and ordinary
conscience. - hyperlink to "Telegraph"
(U.K.) article, September 2013. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Many people do remember this time in 1962 as one of mutual concern, not just among
those in the same town, but between the different members of the "global village," and
today even among those having read just historical accounts. See this link for subject
matter resources and previous blog entry from last year. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Anna Politkovskaya.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Media Photo
Google Search Resources: Click here.
Search engine resources - this blog. My
older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Media Photo
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
touched upon the issues of young people there could have touched off some of the
issues of 1989 that resulted in the administrations reactionary measures at the time. Rest
assured that Chinas economy being the way it is, and with room to grow in the area of
consumer and durable goods, the grey economy has given the country a somewhat easy
and unofficial way to deliver on its economic promises internally over the years. Time will
tell if this and related activities actually enriches anyone and by whom it will be easy to
see who the responsible people are for it, be they resellers, middlemen, or some type of
oligarch as has arisen in their neighbor to the West.
While the Chinese over the years, not unlike the former U.S.S.R., have chased bad
investments in the name of entrepreneurship that sometimes have caused financial and
other reorganisations, it is possible that the current limits to growth as a macroeconomic
issue will call for less official trade inside the country due to slack in world consumerism
and in its financial markets as well. This will be a good thing for anyone who has a lousy
economy and whos lending things to finance growth, and it might be difficult for example,
for France in the next few years to have G.N.P. growth that even equals its inflation rate;
so France might want to return to the financial well in P.R.C. consistently as long as
China continues to purchase its bonds and export goods there. Remember that debt is
not property nor is it a proxy for property and those in the French patrimoine stand in
line as stakeholders in any problem with its bonds before the debtholders do. The rights
of debtors and bondholders when in dispute can get quite technical, though it is clear that
no matter how much of Frances debt bought by the Chinese, France will always be free
of any specious claims on its assets or national treasures due to the character of its own
open market operations and its international rights as a debtor. Outside the P.R.C.,
international trade rules, and this despite the slackening of some trade at this point in
recent reports, maintain the status quo as far as practices and the production of goods
and services in exchange for moneys are concerned. P.R.C. might be greatly concerned
by slackening trade as its a major producer of goods at this point, but trumpeting the day
to day problems of this is a way of calling undue attention to oneself, and while there
are ups and downs every day, one has to wonder at the same time what the daily figures
are highlighted for unless there are some practices driving the trade and commerce from
P.R.C. that are questionable. Ordinary economic systems, capitalism being one of them,
have very wisely built in features to absorb the everyday chaos of the marketplace and
those angered or upset by ordinary ups and downs might be judged to not being able to
see beyond their noses. These days, so many merchants and traders everywhere are
concerned with quick scoring due to an incorrect sensation thats how money is made
these days by a kind of high pressure cooker tactics based business climate. This is
only so true as ordinary people want a basic standard of living, to have a place on the
food chain and the like this is the same in every country with wise leaders or fools alike
at the helm. The current concerns about China as an economic engine thats slackening
are frightful to Chicken Little and because most of the world has market psychology
based trade these days (they count whats in their pocket books at the end of the day and
decide if theyve fared well or poorly, etc.,) its important that daily and monthly indicators
(markets and CPI aside, maybe) be given time to return to their general patterns.
Related Becker Posner Blog postings on the subject. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
i. The arrival of the internet / world wide web and the invocation and an applicable
interpretation of Schumpter's theories of "creative destruction."
j. The stock market boom during the 1990's and into the 2000's.
k. The overall and pervading mood of uncertainty in the "New World Economy" at present
and dangers of inflation, the collapse of Social Security in the U.S., possibly the
dangerous collapse of the social net in the U.S. in the future as a result of gaffes by
officials, the promise of slower future economic growth and continued and more acute
and unnecessary legalism and litigiousness of American society.
l. Increasing dangers of increased populism in American politics and policy - making and
the dangers of current economic policies in inviting more deficit spending, inflation and
currency devaluation.
m. The renewed importance of international financial centers such as London and others,
and the necessity of nations to improve their employment situations and the country's
social net.
In the details and in your reading of the 2007 Greenspan text, there is yet another world
of topics, themes, items and issues to read of that affect your and everyone's finances
and standard of living, employment situation and other features of living in the U.S. and
what it means to be American. Mr. Greenspan probably reluctantly repeats some of this
message in his new book as in the last one his voice might not have been heard in
important spheres. The 2007 text as examining the topics above as well as other very
urgent and important ones affecting urban and country settings in the U.S. right now, in
background and actual perusal make excellent material for what must be his outstanding
new book. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
adaptive use and interpretation of economic information and statistics. This has been
primarily due to Bernankes Chairmanship at the Fed calling for and integrating the
features of faster rates of market economics change into its models and processes in
view of simulating the overall surrounding economy as an modern and rapidly changing
Ben Bernanke who is apparently being replaced by Janet Yellen (who is herself
apparently an inflation and quantitative hawk more in parallel with Greenspan than his
successor Bernanke,) conducted a simultaneous war on inflation, overall efforts at price
stability and crisis management given the effects of the internet bust and the housing
constructions and mortgages bust during the 2000s and more. He has been a consensus
Fed. Reserve Chairman using pragmatic business tools, gut instincts, the usual
computerized and arcane modeling in addition to the traditional economics models,
encouraging different voices and opinions among the members of the Board of the
Federal Reserve, and as a major emphasis of his tenure better and more
communication and transparency with respect to public availability of details, press, and
information about the Fed from the beginning of his appointment in 2005. While following
the policy path set in place by the current democratic administration in Washington, D.C.
during 2005 2013, the Fed. Chairman was well versed enough in economics and
business to know capitalism suffers more in its reputation from boom and bust cycles,
that cannot really be controlled by central banks and other factors that call the Fed. to act
in supporting business and commerce from the point of view of Washington, D.C., Wall
Street and Main Street. Recently, this institutional conduct has continued with the
adverse remembrances of the 1930s Great Depression, the lost years 1990s in
Japan as a policy backdrop, and the related climate of the credit markets during both
recent downturns and their effects that were so negative and uninviting to commerce,
business and industry. Despite some of the work Bernankes Fed. carried out to cure
some of the nations economic ills due to systemic weakness and delayed recovery, the
typical self regulating features of our economy, and the Chairmans control over rates
as well and probably due at least in part to the public trust and government insistence,
Bernanke was not fully vested in his work as Fed. Chairmnan at first due to public
criticism (even from Greenspan) and for some what was the integrations of labour
economics and statistics and the further integration of bright line employment and
inflation targets. During the crises of his Fed. Reserve term, the Fed.'s Mandate of
Employment and Inflation itself was almost as important as the general integrity of the
financial system as centered in New York City. Whenever a decision was made during
the Bernanke years, New York remained of important consideration, but places Like
London, Berlin and Saint Petersburg and their economic considerations were looked at
too in view of husbanding the U.S. public and private finances in the correct way and with
the highest integrity. Bernanke believed in adjustments versus taking an overall
(sometimes leviathan) problem solving approach.
For the Federal Reserve at present, computing power has been developed and related
real statistics and their processes of synthesis and interpretation that lead to internal
reporting and policy decisions and implementation since the 1960s and the technology
the Fed has is part and parcel of high tech development on the institutional level,
centrally and regionally among the countrys twelve reserve banks scattered around the
U.S. Bernanke followed a school of economic thought that includes strict governance with
goals of growth and anti inflation levels of unemployment. This type of economics is
characterized by the results of economic stimuli with adjustments that are frequently
called for to keep the U.S. economy growing if not functioning smoothly. This modern
Keynsian style oversight also integrates the proviso that deliberate stimulation of the
economy and its frequently called for adjustments can cause and result in as many
problems and difficulties it promises to cure. A book about the Bernanke Fed. by Ethan
Harris illustrates the synthesis approach after 2004 that prevailed to promote flexibility,
draw on an eclectic series of economic theories and a consensus approach to internal
discussions and decisions on monetary policy. This is a measure of the classical
approach to economics in which, i.e., unemployment identities in the social sciences
provide a set of traffic laws that show the potential and changes in demographics, for
example. There are numerous such identities in the economics of labor and many have
been used, the related analysis tools have names like NAIRU and Phillips Curve, all of
which when used properly and when producing proper effects add to individual and
business incomes, again as a rule. The book gives and illustrates a considerable
discussion between Keynsian and Classical influences in economic doctrine and policy at
the Fed. and that Bernanke came from academia into his job where mostly crises and the
Classical view (as working theory and its ramifications) provided most grist for the mill for
the FOMC and Chairman and Federal Reserve Board in addition to the regional
governors around the country. The text (Harris, 2007) delves into great detail as to
theoretical examination of both the Greenspan and Bernanke Fed regimes alike. Both are
considered successful for various reasons, but Greenspan primarily for traversing some
fifteen different crises and keeping the economy in the U.S. on a path of steady growth.
Bernanke is credited with maintaining liquidity in the Great Recession with inflation
targets, his policy use of labor economics, and his judicious and wise handling of various
lending facilities during his eight year tenure in holding inflation and prices stable and
steady in time of chaos, even panic, and alarm in the markets in economic terms. The
Harris text emphasizes the new rules of the macroeconomic game and Bernankes
survivability and adaptability in making several key decisions about policy that enabled
the U.S. economy to traverse the crises of 2007 08 and more. One also obtains from a
good reading of the book a good notion of ordinary Federal Open Market Committee
workings, especially the key indicators it might be using and about the meaning of its
various communications with investors, the public, officials and other parties and
stakeholders. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
1 : Universal Compassion.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Media Photo Belated Book Review:
Beyond Religion: Ethics for A Whole World
(2011, His Holiness The Dalai Lama:)
Written apparently mostly from his
residence in India at Dharamsala, and
supplanting but not superseding a previous
book, Ethics for The New Millennium (ca.
2004,) this classic and varietal Buddhist
text examines ethics from the authors
perspective in the more and more rapidly
changing world at this time, and change as
perceived in an increased awareness not only from the author, but from his followers and
others that things like preparation for change and its rewards take place over gradual and
painstaking efforts and dedicated time spent not in containing everyone. Without being
doctrinaire and pedantic, this text that addresses the kind of humanistic cosmology that is
characterized by Buddhism and its modern issues that address human rights, health, the
environment, politics, the sciences, ethics and morality of course, and individual conduct
in society among other things as the Dalai Lama fleshes out for us the ongoing debate
between religious and secular influences in our modern times.
Periodic Interest, by Thomas H. Spitters
The author speaks of attachment in the text that concerns the kind of identification,
psychological, religious, moral and political, etc., that people in the modern world must
have in order to be fully engaged in their lives among others. In short, the book makes
the point the world is a denser place and there are other people in it besides just the first
person singular for everyone: The text outlines the problems with what are today
inappropriate and aggressive, and over aggressive self assertion and self
importance as a way to overcome the everyday challenges, and even extraordinary
challenges we sometimes face in our somewhat different, then again parallel, paths
through life. The change, but in integrating it into a peaceful, secular framework as
presented in this writing. The main theme of the text is compassion in its essence as
accompanied and made of alleviating the suffering of others, and promoting the well
being of others. The foundations of the spirit of universal compassion are thus the pursuit
of a kind of collective or societal happiness and contentment of the family of civilizations
in view of and derivative of efforts to lessen and properly address the attention of the
world public on suffering in order to end the destructive forces that cause the negative
effects of suffering in its various milieus. The Dalai Lama speaks of karma under the
circumstances as having a relation to causality with respect to the multi faceted events
affecting in various degrees the lives of writing emphasizes themes such as selfless
individuation and altruism, service to others in the name of happiness and the pursuit of
happiness, social justice, political freedoms, passive resistance to aggression and
tyranny, selfless (again) righteousness, and more in a way that appeals to the majority of
ideas about humanism, freedom, justice, and morality, etc., in the mindset of anyone who
believes in self autonomy and morality, be it from any of the main cultural centers we all
know and read and see in the media every day. The author as well tells the reader in a
chapter on Discernment that the openness and dedication to success in ones life and
the lives of others in its effectiveness depends greatly on the sense of autonomy in
everyone, perhaps even appealing to the idea that such a quality is innate and is then
refined through lifes experiences without the real possibility of being taught from previous
The outward compassion the Dalai Lama has in this text, a holy book for Buddhists, for
his fellow colleagues, associates, the extended human family; and the awe, respect, and
attachment not only to other people but to the environment and to nature is remarkable in
this writing and shows the indomitable attitude of the Buddhist faith against destruction,
negative influences in society and among the greater family of humans everywhere. In its
influence as a cosmology book, the text ranges in content and context, directly and
indirectly from topics like interpersonal relations and psychology, learning and morality,
the sciences including the authors knowledge of the neurosciences, the social sciences
including the more negative and utilitarian subject matter of economics, the development
of and role of religion in modern life including the importance of genetics and human and
biological possibilities and differentiation, languages and other arts, world and regional
politics, the history of India, and other quite important topics of discussion by everyone.
Overall, the type of universal compassion talked about in this text might not be at home,
for example, with those whose perspective dates no further back than the Middle Ages,
but the text might prove extremely valuable, again not only for Buddhists and the
followers of the Dalai Lama, but for anyone interested in the discussion of psychology,
religion, and life sciences and their roles vis a vis each other and more in the modern
era with its many influences and religions and secular mindsets alike. My older blog
(Thomas Spitters.)
not one regarded or regards him as a spirit or a human prophet. As a figure in the ancient
world, especially during the time of the Roman empire, and even today, he would have
eschewed not the overall role of spiritual leadership, but by his nature again would have
avoided the kind of window dressing and fluff that might accompany it. For this and other
reasons, and the text implies as much, the followers of the Christ, Prince of Peace,
Xavier, Son of God, the Nazarene, , while not very numerous in the origins of what
was at the time the new Catholic faith; the pattern of the fervor and contagion of the
Christ story starting in the old times could not have been otherwise up to today with its
massively populous following among people everywhere. This begs the question about
what the authors of this text, OReilly and Dugard, would have to write about, briefly or at
length, about the story of Saint Paul, for instance as it integrates into Catholicism from the
Christ story itself and again the meaning these narratives have in the modern Catholic
faith, in the doctrine and among the laiety. This review is after a reading and is not overall
an endorsement nor rebuke of the ideas, themes, and topics, etc., discussed by the
authors in the text. Overall an excellent book.
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
for the Kremlin, one reason why he appeared to allow the prosecutors to catch up to him
and then that he even appeared at trial, and this despite the dubious character of the
charges carried out against him, the idea that political activism and forces for liberal
change in Russia continue to be muted by the regime are evident in every news report
about the subject that has been published since some time ago. Along with this is a kind
of anti - Western tone that pervades many Russian establishments and institutions that
has an attitudinal bent warranting, i.e., some Adlerian psychological analysis and
evaluation. While this will never happen, obviously many people are happy the Russian
administration is able to deal with the politics of it and has allowed the release of Mr.
Khodorkovsky to authorities in Germany who helped free him. His family and admirers
are surely very happy with the German authorities and Chancellor Merkel for their help
and this might be grist for the mill of European politics that continues to appeal to Eastern
Europe, and there are editorials about this every day, to simmer down politically. The only
judicial case in Russia I am able to remember in recent times or going as far back as the
1980's, for example, that has the same profile is the Scharansky story that was so well publicized and covered in U.S. national papers for some time. Mr. Scharansky is
apparently alive and well somewhere, and still greatly influencing international policy
toward Russia and the former soviet union. Mr. Khodorkovsky, inasmuch as he has
vowed to stay away from politics, might continue at present as just quietly talking to
people about his circumstances and career that have been in primitive and repressive
circumstances, and as a commentary on his home country now might speak outside of
Russia on the whys and wherefores of his own path through business and administration
and his sentence, and in a place now where one finds the listening much more
accommodating in mind(s.)
RFERL Podcast. RFERL News Coverage of Mr. Khodorkovsky's Release. UK Guardian
World News. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
je vous l'assure encore depuis tous les bords de nos rencontres, communications,
dialogues, ... . My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
dissolution with the conflicts and primitiveness of the past including any violence between
Arabs and Israelis themselves.
People know the place does not have to become a party if past and present conflicts and
adversities are ever resolved, and this hopefully given the legacy, (again for some in the
passing) of Sharon and his friends and associates, though the Middle East needs at this
point to take some stock of any continuation of bloodletting and destruction, however
specific and specialized it might be today against the Hebrews as in the days of the
height of Al fatah and Abu Nidal. The passing of Ariel Sharon and the related dialogue in
every forum paying any attention gives the world a cue to begin seriously considering a
fulfillment of the need(s) for peace, and this is especially palpable in the reaction of
Israel's territorial near and far neighbors with respect to Sharon's public funeral. In
addition, that there are now again and again new momentarily lengthy phases of this
'peace and light' gives one reason to pause and reflect on the possibilities for an end to
the violence, and the potentialities as well for a release of all from the hatred and vicious
oppositions that drive the conflict(s) in the region. Public and popular acceptance of these
and related considerations would be great for business, culture, and the business of
government in the region for everyone, and then everyone would start forgetting what the
fighting is for right now. This is what might have said Sharon in one way or another, even
incidentally or as an aside to what he and his colleagues dealt with each and every day.
NYT Coverage (article.)
"The Ecnomist." - editorial My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
reparations, primarily as stated, for Red Army losses during the war, and this not only in
personnel, but in property and goods as the Wehrmacht had been as far East as the
outskirts of Moscow, and perhaps further East in the Southern part of the U.S.S.R. and
had done much damage to the soviets in the process before retreating. Due to adamant
demands from foreign minister Molotov and Stalin himself, Western powers were
compelled to allow for the expansion of soviet influences into Eastern Europe, and into
places like the Balkans, Central Europe and even places like Italy where communism
was to have its moments of prominence. Remember the Red Army was the first to
capture parts of the WWII German capitol, then the British and Americans, and as
occupiers placed themselves in no other position than to make demands upon the
Western Powers as far as regional politics and influence were concerned. The terror of
the 1930s and then WWII had taken a heavy toll on soviet society due to attrition among
the intelligentsia, including in the soviet military, and due to the number of war dead
including civilians. The text goes on to explain the power relationships among the great
powers of the day, chiefly Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt and then including U.S.
president Harry Truman after the passing of FDR. One might remark here that post
WWII Europe had been settled at Potsdam, FRG, outside Berlin and the agenda that
followed included the foreseeable increasing importance of Asia (mostly China and
Japan) and the nuclear arms race. Russia did not yet have a thermonuclear weapon and
as the U.S. developed one, the soviets followed with their own about a year later. There
were additional purges in the soviet union after WWII in the 1950s that provoked a re
affirmation of increasingly dogmatic Marxism in the country and in this way a kind of
ideological contest, as at least in part documented for example in the sixteen bound
volumes of Stalins writings, took place with PRC that led to an international party split.
Nonetheless, new communist regimes as directly sponsored by Moscow were enforced in
Poland and Czechoslovakia, and important ones arose in Bulgaria, Romania and
Hungary. Important and major communist influences on administrations were reified
elsewhere in Yugoslavia, Albania and Greece, and a party system as set up in Europe
overall continued the structure of soviet efforts in this way. These communist regimes of
the time were and should be viewed as dictatorships that were choices and deliberate
efforts of the Kremlin to shape the future of Europe, and this despite the again
foreseeable failures of the soviets in Yugoslavia and Germany.
There are other important details that make this work entirely worth a critical reading and
analysis by any interested reader, including some of the long held attitudes of the
Kremlin about Asia and the future of Stalinization everywhere, including obviously in
places like North Korea and Southeast Asia, Cuba and Latin America. Overall, the text
has many insights and includes narratives on many levels about the life of this notorious
and powerful 20th century political figure. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
of Defense and related executive offices and turn them again into the dynamic, resilient,
formidable, and resoundingly and administratively useful offices they needed to be. Little
light is shed upon the seeming deficiencies of Mr. Gates official predecessors, and
judgment as to this either way is substantively left to the reader of this writing. Mr. Gates
had been comfortably, again, accumulating experience in the field of academia at the
time of his additional calling to office by the president, and had been selected probably
then due to his own self - governing insight, among other greatly ignored values and
merits, that the greatest "doves" in America anywhere on the globe are those in uniform
of the U.S. armed forces.
Given this axiomatic and very sophisticated, and then formalized view through his office,
and again on
Media Photo a shoestring, the war effort methodically gained efficacy and effectiveness
due to Gates' using the best personnel, including the input and views, good counsel and
persuasive actions and examples of people like Condoleezza Rice, Richard Cheney,
Michael Mullin, N.A.T.O. people, and so on. All this carried on, in fact, though not greatly
evident, despite there being a paucity of rewards for the administrative, political and other
principals involved. The look of the flyleaf and the title as illustrated on the cover illustrate
on the service the meaning patriotically of the efforts of all these people to facilitate and
assure international security and the abatement of any terrorism as it emanates from the
regions examined in the text. Any reading of content as further illustrated in the pages,
and page - by - page, word for word, this writing brings forward in captivating and
scrupulous detail all the issues and related values in play in any looking into the content
examined therein - and greatly dispels the concerns about the purposes of such subject
matter or matters as they are portrayed. Overall an outstanding read for anyone.
"New York Times" book review - click here. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Remember there's an argument that while "The Beatles" were great, "The Stones" were
better, and younger at the time. Everyone likes them nonetheless; "Stones", too, maybe,
at this point as well. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
SOCHI 2014.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Media Photo As people like me actually
know very little about competition in winter
sports, and despite this, the 2014 Sochi,
Russia Winter Olympics have been
outstanding to watch on television, of which
the skiing, hockey (especially), cross country skiing, and even the curling. Have
been searching for an appropriate pictorial
for the young people competing in the
various events in Sochi, and one might
lookup the photoportraits on "Sporting
News" or for starters, and then
later at, i.e., the "Sports Illustrated" site that
has its annual swimsuit issue out now.
The thing that struck me about these 2014
winter Olympics as televised on N.B.C. has
been that portrayal of the contest times as
happening extremely quickly, especially for
the individual events like the Downhill and
Slalom races, the ski jumping, rink skating
and so forth. I am sure this was the result of
the goals of network coverage that called for everything to be timed to the millisecond.
With respect to the commentators, the N.B.C. Sports broadcasting crew remains the best
for such events and brings out the competitive and dedicated spirit of every contestant on
screen, especially again among those who are interviewed during and after matches.
People like me also greatly enjoyed watching the snowboarding as this is a sport that
appears not to be too well - defined, but that captures young peoples' attention and
interest among others in the featured sporting contests. This shows the contests are
much more equalized and the winning contestants more stratified than typically was the
case in the days of old. Last, but not least, were things like the speed skating and figure skating that for me have a more specific and specialized audience, maybe more among
actual skaters, that also proved to be well - worth seeing,
Media Photo and are apparently the calling for many superior contestants on a very high
competitive level. Overall, many of the happenings at this year's winter Olympics, and
obviously I did not catch everything despite watching lots of programming, both early and
late when the broadcasts were televised, I still have to mention here as probably being
the best winter games since Lake Placid, NY, in 1980. At least this is a little true for the
Norwegians, Canadians and Russians who came out with more gold medals than the
Americans who have the most medals overall to date in Sochi. The television coverage of
these games was quite good and everyone need have picked an event and to have made
an effort to tune in to their contests - I chose the hockey (USA men's and women's) this
year and the teams as they were did not disappoint. Those Canadiens, especially those
from Toronto, ... , are especially tough with their hockey, though people like me believe
some voodoo was involved in cutting off the U.S. hopes for the gold medals in this area
(no sour grapes here, however). Am as well not taken aback by the sports successes of
the Netherlands (22 medals,) and for instance, Japan (8,) that show how the contests at
the Olympics now are more equalized and stratified - that they make room for everyone
more than before at this point. Really a good games so far.
Winter Olympics 2014 site.
United States Olympic Committee site.
International Olympic Committee site. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
is very difficult to beat the market, especially when stocks are going up as the market has
actually few weaknesses. The author examines securities selection criteria along with
different measures of portfolio and asset performance for evaluating success in investing.
For simplicity, the text concentrates mostly on the universe of U.S. Stocks that have
several money and financial centers. The point is made the markets are ruled from
different financial centers in America, not just New York and Boston by those in the
investing profession that maximizes long term returns for third party stakeholders,
versus those in the investment business that maximize earnings for their banking firms.
The text goes on to illustrate various investment axioms, truisms, and other observable
principles about the markets, including things like hubris, risk assessment and risk
taking, winning and losing streaks, the element of the long term in accomplishing
investment goals, market psychology, the difficulties with consistently achieving higher
returns, basic investment rules, the role of technology in the securities markets, working
with others on your projects to have capital and other gains, and dealing with the overall
ups and downs of the markets, even in the long term. Overall an excellent read. My
older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
the overseas ventures of the English in the early days, Napoleonic France in part, and
other more modern examples of empire (the soviets, in fact, might have used this older
model in their influence pedaling and propaganda efforts over the years). With this
model in mind, and that monetary wealth had depended upon growth models of the time,
and that those growth models have changed to include more and more intangibles, such
wealth had often been the result of society's policies and the edicts of the various crowns.
To the extent people themselves had not been able to participate in this process, even in
the economic models of today that are the engines of growth and prosperity, first little
inequalities presented themselves, not really defined nor distinct; but these became
rapidly greater and greater and more marked in places like the UK and the Americas and
Canada, in places like Australia and New Zealand, China, Japan, and Singapore. Said
disparities become even more obvious in the examination of the Pacific island countries,
Sub Saharan Africa, places in South and Southeast Asia, and other places that are
immediately more heart rending in the media today Afghanistan and the Middle East
overall as well.
One might explain the general drudgery and poor circumstances of some of these
territories through an age old thesis of those countries of the tropics of Capricorn and
Cancer and the corresponding and intrinsic wealth of places in the Americas, for
instance: A kind of tropical disease where the hot countries, given their location as
well on the globe, do not do as well economically as those in the Northern climates.
There are cultural hypotheses that apply and are affected by the contrasting evidence of
inequalities between various places, even across delineated borders and rivers like the
Rio Grande in the US / Mexico. Additionally, there are ideas as to failures of various
governance through lack of proper succession of the leadership over time, ineffability and
willful ignorance of the imperatives of proper business and commerce in places;
communism, of course; and as a real outlier, rule of the populace by what are essentially
an ascendance of a group or groups of ignorant poor given various conflicts and the
scarcity of good leadership in some systems. These actual circumstances in some places
render proper economic considerations that ordinarily enrich a country completely moot,
and this where governing authorities and other stakeholders are in search of payoffs only
at the exclusion of citizens' rights, a prospering home rule with reasonable or better living
standards, or any common sense measures of socio economic success or
accomplishment as we ordinarily know them. Today, North Korea might be cited as an
obvious and impossible example of this.
The authors propose models to remedy this and these are varied, but mostly depend
upon paying attention to the benefits and obligations of Western economics and capital
formation, even to the extent of failed regimes making an effort about having profitable
private business and institutions as well as leading indicators. This presents prosperity
not as a completely wasteful and dirty undertaking as Marx proposed it is at least for the
most part, but as a choice in which governance and the institutions of society function
with a political imperative or imperatives that promote reasonable and steady, sustainable
economic growth even today, again with the green or multi feature approach with
environmental considerations and other trends of the day. The thesis of the text goes
beyond this, and is for every economist, professional or amateur, or anyone who follows
current events and knows of systemic and political attrition as provoked by socio
economic failure, to read through and respond, and not to what is a provocation, but to an
avoidance of economic plagues and the kind of serfdom that is an issue at present not
only for the worker and working professionals all over, but in consideration of different,
various and marked economic successes and failures as illustrated that await every
nation state whose chiefs are uninformed on such matters. Though the text presents
(and this runs on) the idea as well that economic and political, etc., histories are
extremely important in the failure analysis at hand, and the cause and effect
administration of some regimes past and present, that without some analysis of
difficulties examined therein using the methods presented again therein, or at least some
method that one might agree upon, we are all due only the limited and arithmetically
marginal prosperity and growth, if any, in our economic, monetary and other incomes,
productivity, capital growth and other benefits of Western economics, as a result of
lacking in our ability to adapt to new levels of analysis and conclusion in looking at
modern economics as they are; and then acting upon this for the benefit (and
corresponding calling to everyone to contribute to society) that accrues to each and every
one of us. The disconcerting thing about such an idea is it purports to represent a kind of
end of capital as Francis Fukuyama presented the idea in his popular books and talks
some time ago as the end of history: Perspective itself and extremely heavy rumination
that portends only a brand new beginning, albeit maybe even a Ricardian one.
Recent Article on Eastern Europe by Condoleezza Rice - "Washington Post".
See also various presentations this past week from CPAC. My older blog (Thomas
( ).
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
My Teacher Alexis Rygaloff.
Some time ago, as I had studied about PRC for some time
before really even trying at Mandarin and then even taking a
class at it, I met with Alexis Rygaloff on a winter morning during
a time at which China had, and this through the papers, started
having a more important industrial base that produced more
quality products, though this had nothing to do with our talk at
the time. We neither met as colleagues as Rygaloff was much
older and an experienced teacher at the time, but insofar as I
had dropped in on his class several times and was learning, we
both expressed an interest in this process given my situation at
the time. It had been a custom at the time for many instructors
when meeting with students to actually say very little, and I
have no idea how such mentoring sessions take place today
nor the protocols involved, nor what people really say to each
other, but we did have some exchange of political language
and some dialogue about his very interesting and informative mandarin grammar book.
His point to me was that he worked hard at his articles and books originally, and as a
result had plenty of moneys and some creature comforts, indeed more than the average
senior instructor at the time; I could have his tobacco if I believed I needed that, his jacket
to keep warm in the weather, access to the books in his library as all these were
considered replaceable and fungible and he wanted to encourage me in my studies to the
extent possible while persuading me his system of economic provision, academics, and
other statuses would be of great help to me in continuance of any pursuit of the subject
matter at hand. The way in which this was presented was greatly sophisticated and not
without the proviso that I do work and according to accepted methods, etc. I was
reminded during this quite important conversation that many of his colleagues, if not he
himself had been at Cambridge in U.K., and extremely liked and admired the situation
there and this for me proposed the danger of being blind to some circumstances and
issues as many of them are: Mr. Rygaloff, while a gifted teacher and so forth, probably
was indeed hardly aware of the economic terms, actual economics / commerce /
Periodic Interest, by Thomas H. Spitters
business reasons about how he had his position and salary, of how he was able to afford
his travels and worldly goods, and despite his outstanding grammar publication that I
read through several times for its overall simplicity and heavy impact on Western
speakers of mandarin (as an official language in PRC only, might I add here), the way he
could maintain his teaching without much effort, maintain a following quite easily and so
forth, again. When this topic entered my mind, in our brief meeting together early that
winter afternoon, I raised my voice in mentioning my impression of this and how it was
inappropriate and irresponsible for he and his colleagues to have accepted things on a
political basis only, and then to have more or less lain in wait for 'tourists' such as myself
to arrive while making all attempts to learn, and with all our efforts gleaning maybe about
as much mandarin language and culture as was in the cuticle of his left hand small
finger. This is not an understatement, nor is nor was in our conversation the tone of
forgetting about themes such as the hundred flowers, Great Leap Forward, and other
ideas presumably designed in Moscow (1958 1971) that cast so many lives at least
adrift if not into an abyss, of which an objection to his lessons I raised at the time. The
reply was more or less, what I have is yours as well. To this day, I consider this sort of
assertion by anyone as that of a confused and unfortunate party under the circumstances
who held very tight, in fact after at one time probably having met people in the Kremlin if
not Khruschchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, and Tchernenko themselves so many of them
travel to Russia in the course of their careers even today to these sorts of things very
unsure and unclear, and again about what things like property rights, other rights, and
everything from personal autonomy of the reasonable and prudent person to territorial
sovereignty actually are. Given the great losses they suffered at the time in the old
countries, in fact with the open refusal of a part of the young intelligenstia to follow these
socialistic ideas and principles, eventually were mostly due to these very well trained
and smart people having spent academic and other currency, all socially oriented, toward
persuading the youth at the time and giving the overall impression that capital production
and Western economics and systemic institutions such as common law, supply and
demand including laissez - faire, Christianism and other 'isms' of the great Western
powers, the establishment of the family and institution of marriage, commercial
enterprise, multi party politics and all this comprised the exploitative evil that caused
systemic problems everywhere, and that essentially capitalism and its character are
responsible for the world's ills and had been for a long time. The dismissive attitude that
J.P. and everyone in the educational system where I attended college of the crimes of
Stalin, Mao, and lesser autocrats in my view, and with respect to what Rygaloff would
mention even today, gave direct cause for this insofar as survival of any elite or
governance in the near abroad of Eastern Europe, Eurasia and Asia (including especially
East Asia). Evidence of this had been a small, well funded and extremely unpopular
status of the communists' political parties for years in European and Western countries.
The influence of Josef Stalin in his day on our instructors like Rygaloff, that of Mao
Zedong, and of those who held these monumental figures as a model, for a long time has
been that of the exercise of raw power politically, however stilted, biased and misguided
oriented to the benefit of quite narrow and drunken elites who had seized governments
and worked to preserve a systemic tone that had to do with making the world new again
and casting aside much of what makes the character of thinking and being of most all
people, regardless of whether they are intellectually aware of themselves, in the name of
social progress. As much I have been able to tell people like Rygaloff eventually passed
trying to resolve these sorts of dilemmas brought about by bloody leaders in those
The point of this is recently I attended an event where mandarin is all the rage and
remembered Rygaloff's book on grammar that proposes most if not all people in PRC get
along with about fifty phrases, the rest of the language is built on those fundamental
sentential images. Mandarin overall is a language with lots of range and difficult to handle
in the minutae that people like him studied, and this probably because many Chinese
speakers have no idea grammatically of this important idea about the narrowness of their
spoken word. Most people for their use of language are stuck in their proper castes in
these regimes where party ties and the governance itself in many respects depends upon
many mysteries in the workings of the ruling elite. People in this environment are raised
to live with this, and the interpretation of Western systems as crazy, elitist, exploitative
and so on, as part of the controls on the politics of the things where they carry on their
lives everyday which smacks of a kind of guiding and ruling principle of parasitism by
one's elite on the rest of society along with the purposeful demonizing of any regional
exterior. This overall trust as established by the ruling party, and the kind of cultural
monopoly it has with respect to the populace in places like PRC, leaves little room for
personal freedoms, much less for the free flows of capital, goods and services, making
for magical and mysterious, and though recently extremely well managed, effects on
society that are of marginal benefit only to the common sense individual in those
countries. Mandarin itself is a language that has great imagery and descriptive qualities
including actually great linguistic range, and while its influence at least gets necessary
attention from more and more people, needs be regarded with the present fervor about it
not as a key to life as some would have it, but ascribed the proper requirements and
character of something indeed as increasingly expensive and magical culturally along a
learning path: That would render it ancillary or secondary to the purposes for which it is
sometimes used, for example, to make one understand and use communist dialectics, or
to have one reason in the West that commonly voting socialist or communist is valuable
for one and for others, or other such critical themes within the purposes themselves of
those attending social and / or professional events with such ideas as an avocation, or
that are used again for instance along with civil rights (in this to the neglect of civil
obligations themselves) in the banter and casual dialogue of the collectivity given the
occasion. As much in part, along with the lessons of political survival in view of
monumental political adversaries and their vassals and various pawns, this instructor
indirectly imparted in his provincial, almost Romanian, yet extremely serious and
meticulous approach to the language and culture. Enough, already.
Media Photo
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
had a word with his then underlings, maybe even in English as the Russians are good at
English and other languages, that predicated the current politics and political movements
and trends in Eastern Europe right now about Crimea and so forth upon things like
Russian constitutional, legislative and military reforms, lots of public jostling and meetings
including demonstrations and talking with foreigners including Putin's admonitions,
jeremiads, and diatribes about affairs. In the old days sometimes these sorts of things,
and this for the ears probably only, really short things were said about some very large
issues, today maybe of which the actual territorial bounds, some of which some Russians
regard to justify expansionism, for example, as actually the "cultural", societal or linguistic
boundaries of the country. In this way, places like Chicago or Bloomington might be part
of Russia, though naturally reasonable people know this to be impossible, and impossible
it is with respect to this attitude duplicative of stalinist verbiage of old that people there
really seem to admire despite its open brutality and blunt and brute force political and
militarily - oriented intent. Stalin was as expansionist as Hitler had been and chose a
psychological and cultural, political approach to this instead of trying to move people out
of the way in his aims by publicly and illegally shooting them. The paradox of this is
stalinism is supposed to be peaceful and as the religion of the time has its current
descendants in control of Eastern Ukraine and Crimea where not many people know
what is actually happening save for a few documentarists favorable to Kremlin aims.
This I propose that Moskva pulls the wool over everyone's eyes these days when it can,
and does so arrogantly and in person very nicely and politely with all the manners and
worldliness, sophistication that one would expect of Malenkov or Molotov, and disciples
so anointed including Andrei Gromyko's, even Yuri Andropov's and Konstantin
Tchernenko's descendants: These people proved publicly only somewhat effective on the
world stage in what concerns soviet political tour - de - force of the day after the 1960's
and then the Brezhnev years. The end of the cold war turned these people and their
colleagues into court jesters, but to meet them or be in contact with them was extremely
powerful and this with respect to their many - faceted political pursuits of which the
trending brushfires in places like Africa and South and maybe even Southeast Asia, The
Middle East, China, ... . The legacy of these individuals, themselves down in history in
their country at this point as heroes, tragically, has been the kind of troublemaking and
knit - picking on the U.S. and its allies that has taken place since (and this noticeably) the
change of the regimes in North Africa, notably that of Libya. This Russian statebuilding,
or referendum by the Russian Federation on Crimea represents on an incremental scale
the sort of thing the old Bolsheviks dreamed about in all events given the open and
wasteful spending by same of their political and other currencies and the dialectical
paradoxes of the kind of military boasting same had done and continue to do while
donned in administrative cloth. Sergei Lavrov used us, used public opinion about basic
sovereignty, misused it, and then betrayed his friends in the West to certify a regional
military bedrock the Russian Federation has now assimilated in the Crimean peninsula.
This is tragic and ominous, and it what happened under the Tsars and later under the old
Bolsheviks when people shook hands but there was no actual understanding of the
intentions of Moskva nor of its machinations and "smoke and mirrors." The same old
thing again - trying to make the West and its envoys and ambassadors look like
ineffectual fools, and they might have lately with the meeting in Europe between Kerry
and Lavrov who has all this military / KGB and cloak and dagger tradition behind him. All
Kerry has at hand in Eastern Europe is youthful intelligence and aspirations, hope for the
future, a spirit of freedom, democracy as it is known, the rule of law; principles that are
ethereal to those who have manipulated them there and another reason or reasons the
soviets were cast into oblivion by the Cold War. This insight is not really my own, and
despite the cloak and dagger, and the militants of old retaining the rights to enforce
referendum results, one would like to see what actually happens now and into the future
in places like Western Ukraine and the new border areas with its neighbor. This might
have been why everyone smiled and shook hands shortly ago in Paree. Though the
current situation is a tragedy with Russian troops imposing on another populace at this
point, such a presence is quite expensive politically and concerning the Russian treasury.
It is however given certain evens here, including the ongoing opposition publicly to the
snap referendum on Crimea, the Bolshevik will to power and its effects as demonstrated
by a renewed type of stalinism are greatly attenuated by the passage of time since his
death and other slack on the Russian Federation at this point making for less foreign kow
- towing to the Kremlin than otherwise might be the case, and probably as well to the
frustration of the reigning parties in Moskva and apparatchik and supporters at this time;
and, and, and. "Who, when". My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
and discussion as to the actual redeeming value of martial arts training and how such
things are portrayed for the public (not, for instance, that every one has to be on the order
of the epic "Crouching Tiger, ... ) about the cultural and societal terrain of the last years of
the Qing dynasty that proved in spirit, and in retrospect, to have finally favored civic and
political freedoms and a constitution, bicameral rule, and this along with many other
features of administration in to the modern world; though without a doubt the adaptability
and hopes about this of the populace to promised reforms was abated by what many
figures of the times proposed as the unlikelihood of the Nationalists and the proximity at
the same time to Lenin's kingdom over the Western lands. Sun Yat - sen, who was a
great force for unity, died in the process of bringing actual home rule to the masses, and
this is addressed partially in the film with various and sundry tragedy that trim possibilities
again and again for the main character(s.)
Master Hou in the story undergoes impossible fighting contests and ordeals and
leverages everything to gain the right of passage as the fighting champion of Tian jin at
his Wu shu methods and style, and at the eventuality and completion of this project that
takes on a life of its own, throws off the glorious yet burdensome title of "best in Tian jin",
and by some personal tragedies involved, takes to the country to recover from his battles
and the social forces that made these contests so forcefully and brutally contested. The
Buddhist tone and older cultural beliefs of the social environment in the aftermath of his
title - seeking are palpable in his removal to a place in the countryside where he is found
and nurtured by those in the hills along his path. Much of the actually and extremely
valuable parts of the film take place after his return to Tian jin from the hills. A must - see
for those into martial arts productions, and again and again. My older blog (Thomas
and despite again its formidable size, made an attempt at checking out at least the quite
informative introductory pages of which the following: No matter one's efforts to learn
about what is written in some books, from Dickens to Halberstam and then David
Stockman, it is very difficult, in fact one might even have to be the author himself, to
actually know all the implications and ins and outs of what is presented in any sizeable
and detailed book. While the latest Stockman book is mostly about public finances, it is
about many things everyone needs read of, and people like me are surprised his works
do not sell better than they do, nor why same are not more sought out at least through
the library. In order to locate his first book as published, as I had wanted same in
hardback, and I had to go to a paperback clearninghouse -- the hardbacks had
apparently all been valueably purchased and were on people's shelves, probably
especially mostly in the New England area and in Southern California. One cannot know
the viscera of the content in such texts, nor of his first book, the Triumph of Politics, nor
really of that of his second reviewed here and people like me do hope Mr. Stockman is
speaking to some gifted people about his ideas somewhere, and often as the text itself is
full of object lessons and of greatly interesting and profound insights into why the latest
"Great Depression 2.0", and previous panics and recessions that are within memory.
This author, and with the greatest of humility, projects modestly a fiscal dilemma faced by
our country, that the U.S., that will provoke within a few years an un - covered national
debt of over $ 20 trillion (tt - my notation), due primarily to the largesse of the current
political regime, and this due to the fault of no one in particular, with respect to the
recently negative economic shock or shocks that called for the great bailouts of TBTF
("too big to fail") enterprises in America including Goldman Sachs, Long Term Capital
Management, AIG, General Motors (and other auto makers,) the demise of Lehman
Brothers, and of other big business entities that only add to the author's image of the
American welfare state, and this now no longer in the offing, specifically due to the
monetizing of deficits and economic downturns. In addition to the overwhelming and
actual business debts in the direct form of liabilities, there is an ever - increasing and
accumulating consumer debt in the U.S. that during 2007 might have been six or seven
times that of the Troubled Asset Recovery Program and its related funds implemented to
alleviate the 2008 crises.
Stockman validly estimates, and this in a text published last year (2013,) that U.S. public
and private debt at the end of 2008 had been at $ 22 tt, which has many economics and
business market experts still asking about that time as a panic (?) or a depression (?). He
describes as well in the book a financial disaster 'contagion' as provoked by the AIG
bailout madness from the failure of that company's C.D.S. and related hybrid and
derivative investments on its own corporate accounts. Similar enterprises with the same
financial concerns included at the time Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, SOCIETE
GENERALE, Deutsche Bank, BankAmerica / Merrill Lynch; and London, U..K.'s stodgy
Barclays (incidentally that wound up the Lehmann Brothers business after that bank
collapsed). Stockman criticizes throwing and slinging federal moneys (perhaps good
money after bad) at a "discombobulated" panic at the time, and this especially palpable in
the affairs of the U.S. Treasury as superintended by Hank Paulson and the image he
portrayed as a free mareketeer who engaged in the re - organization of the entities at
hand, and who'd failed and demanded a kind of opaque and insulated, and even "bogus"
reboot of these businesses. The author proposed the problem began during the time
when the deficits first started to be monetized, maybe during the early seventies, as
followed then by the declaration and subsequent policies of the U. S. Federal Reserve to
influence or make an "objective" of some properties and orders of magnitude in the New
York stock market given the sort of leverage used there and the related debt as investors
know it. The illustrations of these are fascinating and dramatic while at the same time
telling a story apart from individual vagaries like clothing and eating or coffee house
Periodic Interest, by Thomas H. Spitters
habits, automobile styles and the like. The Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan at the
time allowed for a "put option" on the stock market as indicated by the new and overall re
- framing of relations between the Federal Reserve and Wall Street starting in the 1990's
- 2000's -- the U.S. New York stock market and its machinations and U.S. Federal
Reserve's friendliness with same somehow were taken by business and other leaders as
necessary since the repeal of Glass - Steagall and the changes in tone of dealing with
public finances and the stock market that took place at the time. From 2002 - 2007, credit
market debt in America grew by $ 18 tt (from about $ 3.5 trillion to over $ 20 tt). This is a
main premise of the book, and a factual representation meant to have the reader pay
attention and note better the other and very many financial and monetary details of this
text that do no less than take the proverbial stuffing out of any curiosity involved in
assessing what happened on or about 2008 with the crisis and again with T.A.R.P.
The text applies basic economic theory to a further examination of the effects of cronyism
and business and commerce including the 2008 "Blackberry Panic", the new
Keynesianism, misapplication of economic theories and rules especially with respect to
the Taylor Rule and the Laffer Curve, the federal budget and spending in the face of all
this, the myths of supply - side economics with respect to Keynesianism, the way in which
deficits balloon including the expectation apparently of many of a "fiscal free lunch," how
to "grow your way out" of recession and much more. The book also offers short economic
history lessons that are riveting, going back to the 1929 crash, the 1932 recovery, WWII,
the Eisenhower years and numerous instances of public finance policies and their effects
more recently of which those from the early 1970's when the U.S. annulled Bretton
Woods policies, up through the Carter and Reagan years, then the war years under
George H.W. Bush and others. The recent wars and economic volatility and crises have
been extremely expensive concerning currency values and the federal budget, though
the text neither specifically cites the scale of the effects of
Media Photo these, nor their financial scope. The author does cite as the result of this
and more that the deficits have been monetized, and while for these there is some
Keynesian explanation and resulting policies though the difficulties of federal public
finances multiply conundrum upon conundrum and thus the 2008 crises the country is
now putting behind it. Further, and as a result of the character of the recent downturn,
recovery and long - term macro - economic growth rates are in question as to whether
the recovery can actually be trusted. This text gifts the reader with many such
considerations and illustrates one set of circumstances after the other, conundrums and
dilemmas one, again, after another: Read word - for - word and to lose heart here is to
lose faith in oneself. The story overall is of greed, windfalls (occasional), riches in bailouts
and receiverships, again a Keynesian recovery for breadwinners, crony capitalists in the
areas of fiscal policy, energy, medicine and health care, central banking, the global
financial network(s), and a tower of deficits; all leading eventually to a showdown
between the state that sees ahead a severe economic wreck against those who would
empty the Treasury. Some radical reforms are proposed at the end of the book as
analysis and conclusion on this chaos as portrayed is in order. Pressure for, and the
voice for reform are in the tone of the book throughout, and the author states a need for
reform starting with a balanced budget rule (that of old, still), and some other suggestions
and even some on tax reform. Overall a read for the economist or businessperson who
"needs to know" and who might be either in the top one percent financially, or in the
remaining ninety - nine. There's something for everyone to latch onto policy - wise here,
and well worth reading in search of same if that is what the reader sets himself or herself
to. The historical economics is so well - illustrated in this writing that Stockman deserves
awards for his linking together of things over generations and party and policy lines.
Another review (not read by me).
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My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
and other considerations that might make it difficult for anyone to write of at present. This
book is aimed at the commonweal and succeeds in bringing again a utilitarian message
to the reader as to the consequences of further developing and maintaining nuclear
weapons stockpiles, and the consequences of this now and for the future. My older blog
(Thomas Spitters.)
remember his life during the time of his status as Polish head of state also remember the
silent waiting his people did for years under the memory of not one but two partitions of
the country in the last century. These partitions not only engendered Polish internal
instability and chaos that made military controls necessary for state order for a long time,
and forcibly under a communist regime, but nullified any voice of Poland in its approach
to non - soviet clients: The Polish people were often, almost always considered
communists, and some strictly so, by just about every Western person; and were
considered, and to the one probably by each and every member of the Moscow Politburo
not to mention party members and other soviets themselves, as dissenters from the true
path that led to stateless and utopic society as was set down by Lenin and Stalin in their
writings as the goal for all, not just the Russians and their satellites. It was this status of
the nation of Poland and its people, individually and collectively, that was so dangerous
for everyone involved and self - destruction and bilking the system in such places was
and proved to be tragically endemic during the soviet regime. With this proposal to the
reader as an incomplete mindset as to the embodiment of the Jaruzelski politics as part
of the "Ostpolitik" of the post - WWII times first under "K." and then under "B."
The overall political and military power of the soviets during these times was oft
demonstrated in the status and administration of the Eastern European regimes, and an
overall slide is detectable after 1964 when "K." was hounded by his own people from
power, and this followed by the overall economically and politically healthy "B." regime
that technically politically represented political and military stagnation for the soviets, in
the end represented by failures in places like Afghanistan and political disasters in places
like Morocco and South Africa, even in the Middle East where soviet sponsored terrorists
were active, but much of their activities never made the papers. This is a story that is
sinister and not without its major intrigues, but that is not worth reading, and rather James
Michener's novel / political and cultural analysis along fictional lines, entitled Poland is a
good place to start to properly take stock of what Poland was to be in the modern and
postmodern world. Though the obituary on Jaruzelski in the recent "Economist" (click
here) is cogent and an excellent report overall, it does not do justice to the administrative
balancing act the general's regime did over the years that silently made additional and
more and more powerful (in the face of Moscow's extremely powerful military impositions
and marxist political might from every angle and exported as well to every single corner
of society and real estate in Poland itself, especially,) what were first quiet quasi Western groups and their leaders as jailed and silenced, and then a faint light of
resolution during the Brezhnev regime that led to "Solidarnosc"; and then followed by its
leadership's revolutionary and countervailing ideas and political forces, all done on a
shoestring, to first export and gain political currency about the actual situation in Poland
and then gaining increased Western sponsorship, notably by the Reagans and Bushes,
and even from the Swiss to have their own autonomy and authentic political voice and
administration far and away separated from the dictatorship and despotism of the soviets.
This took years, and it is evident from any low - level reading about the life of Jaruzelski,
and it must be said in his memory in view of his first repeated political and other threats
from the soviets from all sides, and then subsequent prosecution and jailing by soviet
authorities, that this political figure helped in the very necessary eventuality of regime
change in his country to a more normal country; Jean - Paul II (as a Cardinal) openly
allowed for discussion of this and it is in any reading about the period, and this in and of
itself and related discussions of the evils of soviet marxist ideology, Leninism and
Stalinism, etc., etc., and the efforts at open, oppressive and medieval subjugation of
Poland in the conflicted ideological and other chaos of the twentieth century. In fact, the
soviets used the general Jaruzelski as a silent and enigmatic figure, himself privately
chained to the political line of the Moscow Politburo and a thing completely undesireable
Periodic Interest, by Thomas H. Spitters
for a thinking Polish person, even those outside its leadership, to promote the somewhat
desired in some places and acquired reputation of the communists at the time to grasp
the politics of a nation and undermine it. This is / was what is so entirely dangerous and
mortal to democratic regimes and remains on the face of, but poorly internalized by free
regimes everywhere due the its either / or, determinative, and again entirely mortal
norms, the founding and continuation of many new democratic regimes themselves; and
with the grandsons of these soviet conservatives, remains an extreme practical danger
today. Jaruzelski in spirit battled this during the time of his rule and as much needs be
mentioned about this and the psychology of Eastern European and other leadership who
know and knew of the GULAG, SLON, and so on. The reality of these are so stark, and in
and of themselves so completely strange and apart from civilization as many know it
needs be at the least, toxic and poisonous and unendingly painful, and a reason the
oppressors of the day preoccupied themselves with this, that in his later books,
Alexander Solzhenitsyn himself allowed these oppressive and atrocious institutions to
recede to faded and background images only given the harm and universal types of
destruction they caused. Something needs be mentioned about this, maybe by a group
led by the great physician / psychiatrist at the CATO Institute, Vlad Bukovskii, and same
need be called upon to re - assess and re - evaluate what the dangers for places like
Poland were during the times discussed here actually were and how their leaders
transcended, eventually and in death, the wall of the political, administrative, and marxist
ideological prison into which they were cast due to the perceptions of Lenin on things like
what hell was for people and wanting to materialize this for his / their adversaries and
enemies. If not a societal and physically oppressive hell as imposed, then a
psychological, systemically inextricable one. Please pardon typographical errors in this
draft editorial. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
overall secrecy and confidential nature of much of what the IRS deals with on every
administrative and field level office and every day. This is what makes such acts as
published in the papers and on TV as completely incomprehensible from the
administrative standpoint, further confusing and apparently even magical in nature and
more and more difficult and angering to view and read about, and much more so if one is
a congressperson or staffer trying to understand. As an example of the type of
provocation these talks represent, a single computer during the year 2011, first
apparently corrupted and then inoperable, is at length an issue in these talks preliminary
to proceedings presumably aimed at confirming taxpayer harassment and targeting by
the IRS as a service and as ordered apparently at a high level. The pervasive nature of
what apparently has happened with respect to some people is frightening and so shaking
for some that people in these hearings are not talking straight, and this has apparently
made the alleged offenders more arrogant and irritating in their words and demeanor,
and as such viewers like me do know there is a danger at this point to mentioning one
single employee and a related end - user IS that failed as responsible singly and only as
culpable in this burgeoning and increasingly volatile political fracas about what the IRS
actually does. Help. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
very cogent and inspiring people themselves in the way they chose the notes and
presented them with comments and richly referenced as well, might I add. The
journalistic style of the book is intimate in every way as the author knew the subject
matter growing up as even, and this is my guess, these so called journalists knew at
their adolescent years they would make history, that they were different and more
capable and genial and can do than their contemporaries as a result of this, they
were journalists, but might have completely avoided the daily television news and daily
papers (this is just a guess, but the nature and detail of the letters in the text lends
credence to it). Directly and indirectly as well, the book is a history of the liberal polity in
the States starting in the 1950s right up to today in great part. Really a great read. My
older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
opposite end and in the 59th minute Germany had a header on goal (Klose), and again in
the 61st minute, zil of Germany made his goal attempt of the match followed by another
in the 70thagainst the Argentines by Howedes. In the 74th minute, Messi of the
Argentines tried again against Neuer with his left; still no good for the Argentines. In the
76th minute, the Argentines substituted Rodrigo Palacio (18) for Gonzalo Higuian (9).
Neuer made another decisive save in the 77th, followed in the opposite end by a
clearance near the Argentine goal, and at the 81st minute, Kroos made another creative
goal attempt of the match against the Argentines (right foot). At the 85th minute,
Argentina made their final substitute with Enzo Perez (8) out and Fernando Gago (5) in,
and Germany at the 87thminute brought on Gtze (19) in exchange for Miroslave Klose
(11,) followed by a Gtze right footed attempt on the Argentine goal. Regulation time
ended at the 93rdminute on or about another German attempt on the opposing goal
(Mller). One interpretation indicates Argentina at this point were tired and increasingly
shaky. At the end of the first extra time, Argentinas Palacio (18) was at the German goal
again, and the first extra time ended at the 95thminute. At the second extra time, and
featuring throughout very physical play with a number of clashes marked a crucial serious
foul called on Schweinsteiger (by Aguero), play could have gone either way save for the
exhaustion of the Argentinians. This was definitively marked by Thomas Mllers
receiving the ball on the left side within range of the Argentinian goal and making for the
end line, beating his defender with a center to Gtze who took the ball off his ribs, playing
to his left and putting the ball in the air well by the Argentinian keeper : At about the 112th
minute, Germany 1 : Argentina 0. The logic of the German defense from this time carried
to the end of the match, even with a midfield foul on Messi toward the end (121st minute.)
Germany substituted Per Mertesacker (17) for Mesut zil (8,) Messis free kick sailed,
and extra time ended at or about the 125th minute with the final tally again at Germany 1
: Argentina 0.
Please note the best accounts in English are from the UK papers, but USA Today had
good coverage from the U.S., and there are numerous other sites with minute by
minute coverage. The network broadcast I viewed, and needless to mention this was a
terrific match, featured a lag in the clock, so you might assume my times are entirely
incorrect plus or minus maybe four minutes either way. Also, as of today, July 18, the
great German national team captain Philipp Lahm after ten years with his Media Image
national team is retired from football. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
systems and is illuminated best, perhaps in the recalling of Caligula type themes and
images that pervade this film, however tepid these are and apparently fundamentally
gifted and enlightened the characters appear as depicted. As the film progresses, the
scenes become progressively more poignant as Wen xiu at one point travels ten li to
gather fresh water for Xius bath. There is also a scene at a country medical clinic, if it
can be called that, where Xiu is destroyed and Wen reacts in recognition of negligent
treatment and so forth by attacking her assailants; these scenes are difficult to watch with
respect to cinematic milieu and the atavistic character of those characters in contrast and
opposition to Xiu and Wen. It is surprising the censors under Deng Xiao ping allowed
the publication of this film as it is controversial and undermining in many ways to
communism and Marxist ideas, apart from just the message it carries of the huge slap to
Chinese society during the years of the Cultural Revolution and even for many years
thereafter. It is possible that due to the Asian financial crisis at the time and what
happened with the Yuan and other currencies, the leadership of the PRC was forced to
recognize, as to their merits the Paramount Leader and his associates at the time did, the
limits and critically damaging and many, many incalculably destructive influences the
Cultural Revolution and other very elaborate internal aims of the PRC at the time had on
peoples lives everywhere; especially on those Chinese who were around, knew of it and
even read up on it at the time while overseas. Everyone needs view this piece or at least
get to know its story or one like it. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
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Late brief from an allied newspaper.
than just elite and extremely successful. The text is also not lost on business and
management processes as so enumerated for the reader or for anyone looking into this
and related stories. It is possible that Steven Jobs, Mr. Catmull and so forth, had believed
the powers ruling business leadership and innovation, etc., originally had a kind of
cookbook, and this outside the Socratic and other imperatives that run through this
narrative. It is also possible these people, and just by their nature, captured at least some
of that cookbook in their methods and practices. As much is on every in this outstanding
and compelling story of this media company that has captured the physics of human
imagination in many ways.
Berlin and Warsaw and appurtenant issues. The achievements, and the losses acutely as
well added to East - West rivalries that began crumbling the U.S.S.R. after its
unsuccessful incursion into Afghanistan starting in 1979. The 1980's including the
Gorbachev years are comprised by a laundry list of events, favorable and unfavorable to
the K.G.B., that subtracted from its reputation abroad given the winding - up of the Cold
War, that in all events had Russian spy jobs at a premium at home. A long read that
depicts soviet adventurism on every page just about, with a good index and summary
organizational and other tables. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
this faith without seriously thoughtful commitment, and one might believe that those born
into it are accursed and disadvantaged though they are not. The richness of mind of
many Buddhists, their patience and conservatism in many ways, their dedication to
contemplation and prayer beats the islamo - believers in all their own varieties hands and
pencils down every time. Though many will disagree, and this is by all means a
provocation to the reader here and one's own construct of the role of such things in their
popular interpretation: I submit to you after having read about him in the Theravada
tradition, that the Buddha as we knew him in his various incarnations and personae, and
in his current incarnation if I am not wrong as from Dharamsala, India; that Buddha as our
friend from the East was not and is not a Christ symbol. Perhaps the correct solution
about what he represents to us, and literally and metaphorically, other than being in the
role of a great spiritual leader and Teacher lies in some innovative psychological and
philosophical approach to the faith that needs to be new in 2014, or as renewed and re hashed in 20l4 (let us here choose gestalt or depth psychology as that is safe away from
useless, specious and burdensome dialogues and analysis, or even the philosophical
approach of deconstructive character without and devoid of spirit:) The representation of
the Buddha today, and with minimal study one might agree, has really very little to do
with the symbolism of the Christian New Testament and the life nor the symbolism of the
Christ and his followers; and has much more to do with the great following of the ancient
Hebrew leader Moses has in the appropriate books of the Christian Old Testament and
Old Testaments themselves everywhere. This fits quite nicely with what I have read
heretofore, including the eternal suffering that Buddhism internalizes, the delivery it
promises from the conflicts, curses and vagaries of existence, and the promise of
tomorrow it has for so many people who lead an existence much like that of the biblical
Abraham, or similar individuals as illustrated in the Bible books where Moses appears or
is mentioned. Buddha, dear, comments invited, especially given your lessons on the
emphasis of life on compassion and its promise for individual and collective salvation.
Remember as well your extremely powerful symbolism and cultural facets, and the way
of the righteous you follow. Have a great day. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
mentioned the attitude of the Tian An movement during 1989 at the time on his news
hour. Hong Kong has a municipal or civic governance review that is coming up in an
election where only CPC / Bei jing - approved candidates will be allowed to submit their
candidacy to a vote. The conflict here is the same as the again age - old scuffle between
town and country everywhere, or as has been the case in communist regimes, the
provinces out of alignment with the Center, and local and national Chinese authorities
have futilely demanded for the protesters to disperse, of which no great giving in of the
populace at this point. Police have appeared briefly on television spraying protestors
presumably with pepper spray while attempting to land a number of same in detention, or
while attempting to yank light - gauge steel fencing out of the hands of protesters trying to
gain ground.
The cast of characters in the Chinese administration is authoritarian with respect to the
protests and hardly comical, and the protesters have leaders like Leung Kwok - hung (a
fierce, pro - democracy activist) and Cardinal Joseph Zen (former Catholic bishop of
Hong Kong). Leung has approved of the protestors staying in place with the attitude of
civil disobedience, and Zen advocates people returning to their normal lives after leaving
the scene of the demonstrations, indicating that taking a position adversarial to the
Chinese government is futile given the impossibility of dialogue with Chinese leaders.
The idea of the protesters is to deaden business activity in town, and thus their positions
in the Hong Kong financial district. The protest apparently had been triggered by the
format of some elections in town, but cap off some long standing anti - Bei jing sentiment
there as well. Hong Kong is a special area of P.R.C. that has kept its character as a
Western and fiercely entrepreneurial, free business area since its handover to P.R.C.
from UK in 1997. It does appear that young people in the region dislike the loyalties of
some in local administration to power - grabbing associated with the Chinese capitol, and
the local government right now in town is apparently very unpopular due to this and
distrust of the capitol in Hong Kong and other places in China. The protesters, in
comprising their "Occupy Central" movement threaten the commerce and business in the
financial district of Hong Kong, and have united religious leaders, student and university
leaders and high - profile professionals in their efforts. These public personalities have
assured at least for the time being that the sit - in will continue and this insisting on
restricting business and commercial activities and access to same by the presences of
the protestors in centrally located places downtown -- the expectation is this will force Bei
jing leaders and local leaders who are on the Bei jing tether to first discuss and then
negotiate democratic reform and a continuance of Hong Kong in its productive and
businesslike, entrepreneurial ways of old.
There have been rallies against the movement Occupy Central, and not everyone around
is in the pitched demonstrations against Bei jing governance and rule - making. The idea
as indicated by concerned CPC parties is that Hong Kong will lose its reputation as a
safe and tidy, and business - oriented mecca for professional people given the effects,
short - and long - term of the demonstrations. Characteristically and officially, the
demonstrators are marginalized by government polls that detail not everyone is in favor
of keeping Hong Kong as it is, and that many of the people who've read or heard of the
protests do not understand the town's special economic and business status before the
communist regime. Upon some reading on the subject of possible electoral action and
reform by Bei jing and the screening out of pro - reform candidates, the requirements for
candidates as fulfilled to stand for election do appear a little cheesy, and some CPC
officials blame the US and UK for influencing the opposition demonstrations and protests.
The use of physical force by local security agencies and apparently the local army are
worrisome and make the situation akin to the Bei jing administration offering the Hong
Kong people something they might not, nor should not refuse. Though the Chinese
administration has denied that only its own candidates have been approved (strictly
speaking) for the ballot contest to come that will elect representatives from town, the
process of candidate submissions does appear to follow that particular line, but then one
returns to the letter of criteria for the [presumably pro - capitol] candidates who will be
appointed to run, and then be nominated in the election. Around and around it goes as
the Chinese administration appears to be playing quite a bit of defense in its public
relations and maybe even in minimizing media coverage of these very serious and
meaningful demonstrations and protests there.
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
were a bother and therefore marked for extinction by neighbors, of which the Iraqi
Hussein regime during the late 1970's and early to mid 1980's. No one wants to
remember the essentially peaceful Kurds having to take up arms to defend their homes
against invaders and / or flee their homeland by way of any means possible, including by
the airlines to parts unknown where they assimilated and disappeared into crowded
populaces, as did the culture of Kurdistan they carried with them, and most of home was
forgotten by those refugees who actually managed to escape the forces invading at
home. The attitude of the invaders and the Syrians, etc., opposing the Kurds and rebels
in those areas to day is they are good for nothing and need make way for the
postmodern and hegelian (even those who read Engels) everyman from the delineated
areas and their corresponding military forces, many of whom worship the former soviet
military model and some of its views and practices still pervasive in Russian Federation
society at this time still. This includes perhaps an unofficial phalanx of ruling society
featuring urbane types, a political party structure that imitates immovable royalty and
some other things Lenin and Leon Trotsky would be proud of today.
October is a terrific month for conflict, of which the resolution of the sudden chaos and
abandon of the Russian Revolution (1917), and that of the very long Chinese Communist
Revolution that ended in 1949. It is also the month of the famous Yom Kippur War, the
Battle of Trafalgar, the beginning of the Long March of the Chinese Revolution, that of the
Battle of Passchendaele, the First Battle of Ypres, and ironically that of the Treaty of
Westphalia that ended the Thirty Years War in 1648. The list goes on of notable things
without there being a laundry list of disaster after disaster. That the Middle East wars are
winding down, as are the legacy of 2000 2008 statecraft and the democratic Cold War
legacy as former communist states withdraw into themselves as led into it by the Russian
leadership, and the tampering as well with the war on drugs are anything but peaceful
portents: People just continue to get more and more wound at the prospect of facing
opposing leadership as they get older given the Cold War and other conflicts showed the
deficiencies of the forgetfulness and continuous renewal of things as represented by the
international left, including an elitist permissiveness for things like trafficking of various
sorts. That the left today even in the US is preoccupied with curing social ills and
socioeconomic inequities, it is perhaps a paradox the left started these sorts of things in
their modern form and in concentrating on these issues with public and solicitous private
campaigns, it glorifies and highlights these sorts of things that are at best perfidious,
lousy intrigue and extremely hazardous, and destructive at their most benign. Comments
invited. My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Berlin, 2014.
Saturday, November 08, 2014
Twenty - five years ago, almost to this day,
the Berlin Wall as constructed in the early
1960's and fortified many times thereafter
was rendered moot as symbol of soviet /
Marxist dominion in Western Europe and
dismantled, though not overnight: As a
finality that rings in the ears of every soviet
person attentive in the day, sections of the
wall were taken down and taken away by
people with ordinary sledgehammers,
jackhammers, and then with cranes and
Periodic Interest, by Thomas H. Spitters
other machines to clear the way for the 40,000 or so refugees from the east that would
come over to West Germany in the first month after the wall fell, and then more after that.
The initial responses of the East German authorities at the time first to the burgeoning
demonstrations and then to the dismantling of that physical barrier between East and
West are well documented and most people by now have seen at least some of them on
the television and heard of the great big party at the dismantling of the Berlin Wall was at
the time. Today, and chiefly the area of the Potsdamer Platz, Checkpoint Charlie and
associated bridge and other places so dramatically portrayed in the media in the past are
simply memories that are kept in small museums at different points along the former path
of the wall. On this day, as one awaits the official anniversary of the dismantling of the
wall, in Berlin, the former location of the wall and its path through that town is marked by
approximately seven thousand lit balloons that will be released upward into the sky upon
official commemoration.
The monetary costs of re - unification, unforeseeably, have been quite high and many
parts of East
Germany, especially in Saxony and Thuringia, are permanently economically depressed
and no rent can even be made from the land there, apparently. The burden however, of
the challenges that capitalism and freedom suggest and then propose to society, as
promised originally in the regimes of Bush, Helmut Kohl, and Gorbachev, have allowed
for a brighter future for Central Europe as it is now less of a political pawn to the soviets
as then constantly uprooted and even poisoned, and allowed as well for Western Europe
is a departure of the politics of buffer states and again a greater socio - economic
promise for all. This has not been nor will it be without its issues as the guarantees of free
society to all, everywhere, and not just at this point as commemorated in Central Europe,
at first incipient in places and then more prominent are not reified without the efforts of all
contributing people on every rung of the social ladder. It is seemingly greatly easier to
change the actions of a person with rewarding incentives, and as is the case with Berlin,
much more difficult and as has been done here, to change the mindset of centralizing
and enriching the paternalistic state, for one, into an attitude of one and all as to the
greater potentialities presented by definition in the economic activity of capital and the
overall benefits of this to everyone; even to those on the coattails of those who originally
allowed for and then have made possible the Berlin of today.
New York Times Article - November 7, 2014.
One Berlin Refugee Center.
One Berlin Wall commemorative museum.
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Media Image
My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Media Image
INFORMALLY: Though this text is an excellent
one and one that makes the attempt, it is
impossible to capture the spirit of what one
might call the character and genius (read
geniuses) of what has come to be known as
Silicon Valley, CA. There is an entire set of
circumstances and confluence of events and
other factors that led, and has and had led to
every single inch of technological discovery
over the years, and in reading this valuable
book one gathers the sense of this and the criticality and
indeed the overall gravity and seriousness of modern
consumer and other technological discovery and
implementation. All this despite the apparent clowning
and colorful carrying on (read again, irreverence) of
different personalities at various places including at
Apple, Pixar, ORACLE and others. Walter Isaacson, in
this well prepared and researched text does make an
outstanding effort to capture in a comprehensible image,
with all the implications of that, the history of the
different figures that are memorable and worth
commemorating about the place.
oriented toward technological innovation and invention, themselves, their families, their
honorable associates, and their extended families and friends, all sometimes even
inching their way through things, individually or in groups, or making leaps and bounds as
has been done over the years with IC's and the like, each of the major people one might
propose by this narrative has been and is simply larger than life and in all evidence and
obviously of greater mind and spirit, sometimes than is imaginable by the line and rank
and file. For some this book is like a who's who or even a dogged and informative
summary only of what could have started out as a ten thousand page text. For others,
the story is simple enough and captures the tone and aura of the place or places that are
Silicon Valley, indeed quite nicely, and as yet leaving much of the technical and
complicated jargon, the acronyms, even the buzz words of the day out of the writing in
order to adequately portray these uncommon and very capable business and technology
leaders as they need to appear. Despite the dozens and dozens of people mentioned
here, all noteworthy, and not just the prize winners, the following really stand out for the
time being, and you might beg to differ, of which comments and other words invited:
Hopper, von Neumann, Terman, Shockley, the Intel founders, the ARPA and related
projects, the Hayes modem, the Apple Company, Inc., founders; the Microsoft founders
and their team(s,) and many, many others, and certainly including those over the years
who have notably left the door open to all whereas in such places often the connotation
of such things is the exit door remains always open as derivative of this in most cases.
Media Image
Isaacson gives very adequate and detailed explanations and narratives, again, of how
the innovators here recall their work and the cut and try methods and processes used
in addition to the breakthroughs of equal, or lesser import that included not only variations
and improvements to technologies but to the cost structure of delivering these at a
reasonable price to business and consumer end users. In the end, and even for most
people who know of and who have read this text, there might be one or two, maybe
more, businesses that stand out as excellent in the technology hotbed itself, and for me
this is companies like Varian, VersaTec, Cray, and then Pixar Studios, even ORACLE
and Lockheed as well among the all in all. An excellent read even for the "just curious",
and worth the price in time and place of reading to any level of detail. Great! My older
blog (Thomas Spitters.)
and insufferable for some, but for others a no - brainer solution to their own issues as
immigrants everywhere. These sorts of shenanigans are unavoidable given the talk as
broadcast yesterday as well as the oft - spoken phrase of responsible parties under the
circumstances at times : "It would happen anyway", and its variants. What happened to
the sage proverbs and courage, fortitude and morale fibre concerning the destruction of
the world and related political self - destruction of some of its peoples and the U.S. "It
didn't happen here" in the spoken words of our leaders who had, in days not so far in the
past, guaranteed a safe homeland that discouraged hooligans and the acting out of
various groups and individuals who from the get - go with feet in the airframe bound for
the U.S. already demand entitlements in intractable ways included the cursing out of
those of us who've lived here long enough to know not to curse and swear at others, not
as a moral or ethical rule primarily, but that it smacks of the wholly irrational and
unreasonable and is by far and away alienating for the literate and educated among the
many honest and forthright,
Media Image common - sense people who abound here to begin with. Why, given the
complications of the world at this point, be in the business of canning that and selling it to
those who might scrape together half and loan the other half of the cost for it, if that; and
of course there will always be some who can loan the entire cost of anything and same
will have to loan moneys to complete the angry tasks of learning and internalizing
American ways.
In the law, and I mention this as a person who is not a jurist, there are some things that
allow for various interpretations of statute including various semantic devices the U.S.
president as a law professor and his colleagues and associates, themselves as jurists
and well - educated legal people who have been honorably placed at their posts through
elections and appointment confirmations, ... , are familiar with and are apparently using to
avoid the immigration crucible that more than ever will impact American homes in the
future, and everyone's. The sort of crucible the U.S. presidential policies right now in a
simple way are attempting to avoid will cheapen the U.S. / American commonweal and
will give cause for those informed and provoking such a thing to question, even from the
great heights of their proud towers, the value of life itself, and not just for the unborn, but
for babies all the way up through the stages of growth and maturity to adults and the
elderly. The U.S. presidential policies have seen such a crisis looming since the idea of
the war on terror began, even the idea of population control under Roe vs. Wade
presented themselves in private and scientific journals our current leaders now read: That
was a long time ago, mind you. Our democratic leadership attempts to address, and
somewhat successfully to date, the macabre and sinister, creepy issues of immigration
as they unfold in the modern world to hold the "door open" for at least a while until the
commonweal is satisfied for a while with current status quo and ratings are up, and then
in all appearances the door is slammed shut with those hairy consequences as well. This
simple politic has to stop as practiced by the current administration and that of most of
the 1990's insofar as our people are motivated one way or the other to face a very
complicated immigration problem set and to decide upon necessary restrictions, and not
the uncalled for "mass" changes and psychology, very weighty might I add here, this
features today. How can this be done? It can be done as simply and creatively as the
writing of policies that keep people cramming into airframes in flights to La Guardia, etc.,
and other major air hubs: Restrict air traffic and access to exit visas, and if one starts on
this today, the airline industry will suffer to cancel eventually a few flights only, and overall
profitability will ne'er really have been affected compared to the consequences of flying
those initial one - way tickets and those of other immigration schemes. The exit visa
issues require cross - border agreements and U.S. monitoring, undoubtedly, and this
might initially cause more gridlock in the capitol, but our representatives and the like, and
the U.S. chief executive, stand to realize eventually the immigration problem we currently
have is systemic and can be solved systemically. What is applicable to air traffic and
immigration might also and simply find application to ocean and land traffic, including foot
traffic as well for illegals and those in immigration, too. With this kind of "blanket" and
systemic solving of what one knows to be the actual societal feature in the U.S. as a
country to which one is able to immigrate easily, one can completely avoid, not postpone
but completely avoid the massed gatherings and foreign movements, the terrorist
movement as an undercurrent here, that are the curse of our current system of
immigration in America; and that incidentally have many prospective immigrants in their
football stadium gatherings calling for our deaths and for a supplanting of American
society and its future with one envisioned, i.e., by the Marxists of old (as reformed by the
end of the cold war, yet sadly still Marxist), some Islamo - political deity, or other power
lacking a real constitution and the like -- all sad and sorrowful avenues, yet ones people
outside our "village" wish for right now. There are indeed others, and legitimate people,
who make immigration attempts to enter U.S. territories, and honestly, besides terrorists
and hooligans, criminals and destructive radicals; and the thing is to find them in the
immigration crowd and allow their petitions, and to discourage the destructive, criminal
types from trafficking our borders. To wit, given the issues here around exit visas and the
like, there is trafficking in counterfeit travel documents and seals, etc., everywhere: The
thing to do about that is to centralize exit visa activities not in some bureau in town, but to
center them at air facilities, especially for those with one way or open ended tickets.
There are analog processes and rules for the same practices and other transport
channels. How about an executive order along these lines, and one that when well
thought out and composed might trump the impending crisis, and one that is earmarked
and predictable for "sooner or later". My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
Bloomberg 14 hours ago -- More news
about Hong Kong Protests November 2014
Stay up-to-date on this news topic
A Word from blogger Professor Alvin
Rabushka (click here) . Media Photo
Media Photo My older blog (Thomas
make themselves and in many cases and despite the urgency and imperatives of modern
life at the head of the masses, require a decisive and sharp administrative intellect for
anyone and in all events given the importance of the issues presented in the book,
extremely weighty and difficult in all their factors and facets, implications and meanings,
motivations and ideological and more foundations.
After an introduction, the author briefly explains the overall importance of her 2008
presidential campaign for everyone, not just for the status of achieving people
everywhere or as precedent for things to come, or in examining various protocols or other
details one might remember. Maybe the most difficult job the author of this esteemed
autobiography had at the time, even before her State Department appointment was the
tearless and joyless concession to the man who became the 44th U.S. president.
Thereafter, another gut wrenching challenge had to be met on whether or not the
author would serve as the 67th U.S. Secretary of State (2009 2013) in an administration
having many people contributing to the Clinton 2008 primary election defeats. The text
also speaks of Secretary Clintons reliance on the expertise of Richard Holbrooke (d.
2010), Robert Gates, Senator George Mitchell and others for expertise and good
counsel, taking the edge off things some etimes and other times adding what luck was
possible under the circumstances. The text goes into detail and explains in cogent
language the two major foreign policies of the Obama administration affecting the U.S.
internationally at this point outside the Western hemisphere and apart from Europe the
pivot with respect to P.R.C. and the Asian continent in general and the reset in politics
and policy with the Russian Federation that calls for an avoidance of clashes, starting
with public language, of the defenses of both U.S. and Russia. The text does not offer
any significant narrative on why the Russian Federations leadership does not like the
reset, though this might be because this would fill an entire volume given it calls upon
the responsibilities of the Russians internationally, something that might be difficult to
accept for the brusque and brazen image they portray to all. Part V of the text is a heart
rending and complicated narrative pursuit of recalling and examining policies toward
Africa, the Middle East and the arab spring especially in Egypt and Libya. The book also
has a number of photos that are greatly captivating of which the very photogenic Clinton
family; and associates and friends. There are sections on the recent polices concerning
Iran and Syria, though there does not appear to be in the text an overriding attention to
the seemingly independent and divisive ground or grass roots politics and policy in these
countries against Israel, and even against the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.
The book ends in Part VI and an epilogue that are less labor intensive in their reading
compared to Part V that at its worst illustrates the paradoxes and grand ironies of the
areas of concern. The final chapters of the narrative examine resolvable and consensus
issues like world climate change and energy and how this is linked to jobs, productivity
and full employment (all this without proposing an economics growth model.) Other final
topics include policy toward Haiti and its recent earthquake, human rights especially in
Eastern Europe and P.R.C. and other places as well including Southeast Asia. There is
even a very readable chapter on diplomacy in the age of (information) technology.
Overall a very informative read on current events, extremely well written and a page
turner at the same time. Howd she do it? My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
As might have been discussed more, publicly and privately, in the event David Camp (R Michigan) stayed in Congress. A good read in view of the apparent coming revisions by
the U.S. conservative party. Great! My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
disconcerting and unsettling, angry thing about this is it's more and more frequent, and
occasionally a large - scale business is affected by this sort of thing and the silent alarms
connected to the internet of things call out and officials and the like just scratch their
heads, waiting for IDS reports and the like, probably. The process of countermanding
such things is prohibitive as we are all still learning about this type of technology and its
use and only "experts" really understand the accents and inflections of the science of
computer intrusion and hacking and they pay themselves pretty well by the various
events same create and cause havoc and annoyance with under the circumstances.
There is currently some discussion among the leaders in the IS community about
changing the structure and infrastructure of telecommunications and wired and wireless
technology that makes it so easy for some individual or individuals to wreak havoc on
everyone, essentially first as a scare tactic and then to really hold us all hostage, perhaps
through some integration of hacking efforts to utilities and other activities, in the end in
scandals and crimes that will corrupt even best efforts to use the web properly and in the
way free people want it to work. Something must be done with how computers and
machines and the like communicate and talk to each other -- and without suggesting an
overall change that might make everyone angry due primarily to the work involved and
the expenses as well : Hacking defenses can be built in to devices and so forth that are
telltale of where the attacks are from and that these details are not made available to
more people is additionally disconcerting and in some respects a public safety issue as
much as when some party in the old days would use the neighbors' telephone to gab
about you and your long vacation and so on. Remember as well the ERM and smaller
risk frameworks we are all in that have us calculating chances of adverse events upon
leaving for work each day, or even stepping out of doors when it's misty or foggy, or in
warmer weather even. The effects of the recent hack on SONY are over - burdensome
psychologically and without a doubt due to this have destroyed at least a few private
executives, the individuals on their coattails, their overseers, and other stakeholders such
as those charged with a watchful eye to such things and their oversight and the way they
activate their defenses to protect first a business and then all of us from the annoyance of
lost, corrupted, stolen, deleted and destroyed data and so on. We now need among
corporate America and its regulators and other stakeholders concerning these sorts of
things, a kind of computing "Elvis", or "Spiderman", or similar iconic ideal and deterrent
that will just tell the offenders to cram it systemically then next time anyone tries such a
thing. In you all our hopes rest, what with all the education and other activities that will
lead to this, again, ideal out there and the feasibility of it. By this column and its writing to
- day, I do solemnly and solely at first, and without dismissing the kind of objectivism that
might be necessary here, propose these fighting words against hackers and their ilk.
"Okay"? My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
in all its forms; eating fatty foods; negative or destructive preoccupations or thinking, often
as engendered by mass media; trying to do too much with too little time; avoiding the
chance to relax and the peaceful, bucolic interludes we all need in place of jerky and
other activities of industrial strength noise and chaos that one makes the norm for
cheap thrills sometimes; avoiding exercise and so on. With the New Year just around the
corner, is this not something to take to heart or keep in mind? Before doing anything
about this, take a good look at oneself and remember that along with seeming choices
there is strength of resolve and its power is in our ability to choose, yes, but to stick with
things. Great! My older blog (Thomas Spitters.)
In fact, for most people, and one did not have to know him, MLK was just a very nice,
serious guy who, probably no matter how whites, nor anyone who disliked him, and no
matter how intensely they believed themselves against him, resolute and all, he could
make you stop and think about his issues and join in his marches. In my view, things
really started getting better for the SCLC and his Ebenezer Baptist Church and other
groups when his events and marches made national news with the authorities involved
and all. One today might even accuse MLK of being somewhat conservative on some
issues as he not only was in the company of LBJ, yes, and remember as well a number
of the MLK events, including the Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, march that made
national news (in 1965?) received financial, moral and as time went on more public
support from the Rockefeller family and the corresponding New York Commission on
Human Rights at the time. MLK with family and associates met the Rockefellers officially
at their Fifth Avenue home (a condominium / duplex unit) in the mid - 1960's as well.
There was much more to this person that did not necessarily meet the eye as he had ties
to a Gandhi society and the peace movement, and to others, very influential, who
believed in his ideas and marches and the like. The thing that struck me as remarkable
learning about him in gradeschool was this person who was supposed to be
"underground" and the like, and there were many like him at the time, was wise and
educated beyond the years of many. He went about things systemically and he knew
what he did and was doing well despite the message of naysayers and destructive
parties who were around or who lay in wait and in opposition -- all contrary to change and
contrary to the facts of life as we all grew up to know them. We all gravely miss such
people, the ways they give and gave hope, esteem and the prodigious things they do and
did, the way at the time they held the fabric of society together. My older blog (Thomas
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