The Secret World Government: The Unrevealed History
The Secret World Government: The Unrevealed History
The Secret World Government: The Unrevealed History
, Count Cherep-Spiridovich
The Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association
15 EAST 128th STREET
"Spiridovich is the Slav Pope - Spiridovich is the Slav Bismarck" - acknowledged the "Russkoye Slovo," Russia's greatest paper .
"Nothing has happened, nothing was told since 1914, that General Spiridovich
did not foresee, foretell and repeat a hundred times with the fiery, passionate
stubbornnesss, which is the distinguishing quality of the seers and prophets,"
("L'Information," in Paris, on December 27, 1915) .
"So Count Spiridovich prophesied exactly ten years ago. Few prophets have
been more thoroughly justified than he . Today is the tenth anniversary of an
astounding prophecy of his, which appeared on our pages, Dec . 19, 1908,"
(The Editor of the "Daily Graphic" on Dec . 19, 1918) .
"General Cherep-Spiridovich has the credentials as a successful PROPHET"
(the Editor of the "Financial News," on January 24, 1919) .
"The XXth Century Prophet," a "PROPHETIC GENIUS," ("The Christian
Commonwealth" in February, 1919) .
"Count Spiridovich has a more intimate knowledge of the Russian problem
than almost anyone who has visited this country. He has very definite ideas about
what should be done to save the world from Bolshevism . The General should be
consulted by those in authority . His profound and intimate knowledge should
be at their service. His book, ''Towards Disaster," published in 1913, predicted what would happen in Russia in the event of a European War and this, like
his other predictions, has shown that he possesses an uncanny intuition," (the
Editor of the "Daily Chronicle," the famous Mr . Robert Donald, President of the
British Empire's Press, in his own "The Yorkshire Observer," on April 25th, 1919) .
"The accurate fulfilment of all the forecasts of Gen . Spiridovich gives to his
advice a great weight . His foresight approaches the MIRACULOUS . His detailed knowledge of affairs and men would not be sufficient to explain this gift ."
(M.Urbain Gohier, the brilliant Editor of '' La Vieille France," Paris, July 29, 1920) .
"Count Spiridovich may justly claim to be the possessor of a faculty for
foreseeing events in the political world, which entitles him to be called a PROPHET
in all seriousness . His book, "Towards Disaster ; Dangers and Remedies" (1913),
proved him to be possessed of a PRETERNATURAL intuition," (Lord Alfred
Douglas, Editor of "Plain English" on Sept 25th, 1920) .
"Count Cherep-Spiridovich is one of the best informed world politicians, whose
sincerity and devotion to the truth no one can doubt .
He has taught me more
political history in a year than I had previously learned in my whole life, 62 years,"
(the Editor of the "Asiatic Review," on Dec. 3rd, 1920) .
The late Ambassador of Italy, Baron Mayor de Planches, gave an interview
in New York in April, 1907, when in "The New York Times," on Aprii 17, 1907,
appeared the General's letter (foretelling the 2 Balkan and the World Wars) :
"The United States had its Washington, the Italian Kingdoms were joined
by Garibaldi ; Bismarck gave lasting unity to the German people, and now the
Slav nations may have their hero . The appearance of a Slav Bismarck is imminent .
The prediction is on every Slav tongue . But the conditions which such a liberator
must fulfill are very difficult . Such a leader must answer six requirements .
The only man who can meet all the six conditions is General, Count Spiridovich ."
(The Town Topics, April, 1907) .
"The General's writings bear evidence of a faculty of prevision which amounts
to PROPHETIC GENIUS, entitles his utterances to the weightiest consideration,"
(the Editor of the "Asiatic Review" in Feb., 1919) .
"General Count Cherep-Spiridovich was thoroughly well acquainted in the most
intimate manner with all the undercurrents and intrigues of European politics,"
(the "New York Staats Zeitung" on April 29, 1921) .
Some of Germany's newspapers implied that her failure was due to him .
"General Spiridovich is the most inspired and fearless man alive today . And
he has behind him the terrible record of prophetic warnings in the past, fulfilled,"
(the famous homeopath, Dr . John H . Clarke, Vice-Pres . of "The Britons," London) .
15 East 128th Street, New York City . Tel . Harlem 4962.
This book is mostly about Jews ; it is not against the Jews .
These painstaking researches have been made in order to rewrite-history "with conscience ;" as Lamartine urged, as Washington
Irving admonished . The results are presented to the thinking public to enlarge its intelligence, not its prejudice . The book should
appeal to Jew and Gentile alike, that they may join hands in purging society of its enemies, be they Jewish plotters or Gentile participants ; each group more contemptible than the other according
to the point of contemplation .
The Jews should bring to bay the "satanists," who corrupt
the countries in which they have found asylum ; the Gentiles should
make harmless every Judas, who accepts the bribes of the Jews .
Together they should eliminate from authority the man who
"sells his birthright ;" equally with him, who, taking advantage of
his weaker brother, "buys it for a mess of pottage ;"
"But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant ." (St. Matthew) .
Count Cherep-Spiridovich springs from Norse gentility. His remotest ancestor on record was prince Rurik, who, being one of the
"Worthies" of his time, was in 862 called by the Slavic people to
Novgorod, where he founded a dynasty and gave Russia its name .
Nordic tradition, coupled with exceptional education and
training, have given to general Spiridovich the spiritual ardor, the
constructive impulse, and the extraordinary perseverance required
to make his vast knowledge serve the exigencies of the present by
his peculiar power to forecast the future, but it devolves upon the
individual reader to make practical application of it, by refusing
to participate in the practices, which engage "Enemies of Humanity." A Chicago Rabbi recently said
"We have been told, long enough : 'You cannot change Human Nature ; but, I say to you : Human Nature can be changed ; and, what is more :
Human Nature must be changed ."
And, how may it be changed? A Danish philosopher has given the formula . He speaks of traditions of caste as undeniable obstacles to the realization of Freedom and Equality ; but suggests
how these obstacles may be converted into opportunities saying
Herjulf Vikingsom
"Read this book and the World will never again seem
the same to you" .
"Will our civilization survive?,"
Mr. J. D . Rockefeller Jr . and others anxiously ask.
It will, if this book is read and its message spread .
It surely will not, if this book is trampled upon!
Count Okuma, the farsighted and clever statesman of
Japan,, affirmed this war will lead to the death of Aryan civilization. Though he knows how it will be destroyed, he, as a Mongol,
did not reveal it. Therefore, I shall do it.
Why did a score of the best British (among them the famous
President of the British Empire's Press, Mr Robert Donald)
French, Slav and other editors call me "Prophetic Genius" or
"Prophet" with "astounding," "marvelous," "preter-natural,"
"miraculous" foresight and intuition?*
Because they found in my 7 pre-war books 80-odd political
predictions all of which were later realized, as if prophecies .
Why have I been so successful in all my predictions?
Only because I most humbly agreed with the warnings of
OUR SAVIOUR (St . John VIII, 44, St . Matthew XXIII, 15 etc .).
Never did I think that I "know better," or that I ought to, be
"less prejudiced" or not so "full of racial hatred," as He .
That is why everything concerning World affairs and the
future of America and of the Aryan Race is clear to me, while
all the statesmen writers, preachers and politici ans are puzzled.
Here are some samples of this . Mussolini in perplexity said
"Yet, the why of war, which has followed human society since its
origin, never has been explained, and apparently must be put into the domain
of unexplained matters ." (New York American, April 3, 1925) .
"The public seems to believe that there exists some half secret remedies
as yet unemployed to cure the impecuniosity of States. Work and economy .
That is the regimen . Such are the only remedies ."
"Now Asia, in the guise of Bolshevism with Semitic leadership and Chinese
executioners, is organizing an assault upon western Europe ."
And do we not see the mass-madness of the Aryans in the question of the "League of Nations," "World Court," "War on War,"
and so forth? Indeed, millions of well-meaning persons in every
Aryan country are working hopelessly, as if pouring water into
bottomless barrels, or like squirrels turning their endless wheels .
They imagine that the quantity of their work would recompense
for the miserably poor quality . They all ignore CHRIST'S warnings. Only by checking the Jews' lusts could peace be kept .
When at a political convention in Chicago I begged several
professors to explain the wisest statement of the late Vice-President Hon. T. R . Marshall : "The World Government will not permit the establishment of peace," asking them, "What is the World
Government" and "why will it not permit the establishment of
peace," they became confused and could find no answer!
How astoundingly right was Professor Charles E . Merriam of
the University of Chicago, when he exclaimed in a lecture
"What advantages will we reap if science conquers all the world, except
the World Government."-(The Chicago Tribune, Jan . 24, 1924) .
*History proves, and the Jewish Encyclopaedia confirms it, that the socalled "German, Russian, Polish and Eastern Jews" are Mongols, who accepted
the Jewish Talmud, which is not the creed given to Moses . The Talmud seems
more like the by-laws of a gang of murderers than a religion, yet it is strictly
followed by the so-called "Jews ."
Among others things the Talmud teaches : "The best Gentiles must be
destroyed," and similar commands . However, many politicians have the effrontery to declare that this "religion" ought also to be "respected," while
it ought to be exposed in the Courts, as inciting to murder .
"Most of the people of Wisconsin are on the Trotzky side" (Sen. Brook.
hart, Febr . 7, 1923) .
"Japan has ordered 140,000 machine guns from the Vickers Company.
The Serutton Company is executing large Japanese orders . Japan is making
amazingly rapid strides in air armaments" (August 5 and 6 1924) .
`If you (the White Race) should regard them (his demands) as excessive and unreasonable, China with her 400,000,000 people will unite with the
weak and small races of Asia and the suppressed peoples of Europe and
Africa and meet you on the field of battle to fight out the issue ."-(New
York Times, August 25, 1924) .
But why not expose the why and who is financing this skillful
propaganda? The Judeo-Mongolian Soviets of Russia? Yes! But
who provides the money? Mr. Gompers explained it (May 1, 1922)
"The Anglo-German-American Bankers," i.e., the same 300 members of the Hidden Hand . Brisbane adds
"Russia dislikes us because we persist in maintaining what they call a capitalistic Government . The success of it annoys Russia, ~Aile the fact that we
won't admit Asiatic masses to full partnersh , n, annoys Japan ."
"Only by a vital and permanent joining of the nations in a union can mankind be saved from another conflagration which will leave the world in ashes,"
*The best weekly in English is the British Guardian of London (40, Great
Ormond Street, London) . In its issue of March 20, 1925) in the articles : "The
Warburgs : International Crooks" and "International Bible Students' Association Financed by Jews," are confirmed Sen . Pettigrew's words .
"Two thousand agitators between Chicago and the Rocky Mountains are
preaching a gospel which will wreck the U . S. Constitution, unless intelligent
citizens talk a constructive doctrine to overcome that tragical influence ."
"Organized labor's program is nationalization of all basic industries, as you
will observe from the conduct of the present strikes . They are not strikes
for money, but are steps toward Government ownership and operation of
industry" (John B . Maling,'`The Chicago Journal of Commerce,'' July 21 ,
1922) .
"The Jews have always formed a rebellious element in every State , and
not more in those where they were persecuted than in those where they were
allowed to dwell at peace ." (Mrs . Nesta Webster, "World Revolution,"
p . 163) .
"Our people don't understand these things (awful dangers) . The people
do not understand the situation" (Admiral Sims, N . Y . Times, Febr . 28, 1925) .
4' The American Navy is prepared to lose the next war . Our fleet, as it
now exists, cannot defend itself against modern naval forces" (Admiral W .
F. Fullam, The New York American, March 4, 1925) .
"We have no air forces. Without a dominating air force our armies
and navies are merely organized for defeat in modern war" (Col . W . Mitchell, June 3, 1925) .
'The absence of an "History With Conscience," as is my "Unrevealed In History" produced lamentable results everywhere .
"The Washington Conference may be the last failure to stave off the
disasters and destruction that gathers about our race" (H . G. Wells) .
"Japan prepares for war, but the U . S . does not" (Admiral B . A. Fiske) .
"There will be a war in 1925 . There will be no declaration of War . It
will start by a sudden aerial attack" (Gen . Branker, ex-Chief of Air Forces) .
"Serious differences are brewing with England over shipping and other
policies . These differences can be prevented from developing into a conflict only by a strong navy . England is resentful over the new status of the
United States as World Power and over the fact that we no longer pay
$300.000.000 a year to her merchantmen for transoceanic transportation"
(Admiral W . W . Phelps, March 3, 1925) .
Say only 2,000,000 men are unemployed ; but 5,000,000 souls are
suffering and urging a "change."
The German-Americans are also dissatisfied . Any pretext, created
by the Hidden Hand, which is intoxicating the masses with a
poisonous "moonshine," can provoke a riot, which the agents of the
Hidden Hand will transform into plunder and murder .
All the 120,000 men in jails will be released, as was dome in Rtl'ssia and in France at every revolt;
"Consent to pay 100 billions in cash, bonds or shares and surrender the
remaining ships and airships . Otherwise your harbors and plants will be blown
up, towns poisoned and the Capitol and White House destroyed ."
"But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believes in ME (Who
is Truth Itself) it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about
his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."
* "The Incurable Imbeciles," according to Urbain Gohier, are those, who
pretend not to know what is this World Government, which according to
Hon. Marshall, is making abortive all efforts of peace-lovers .
Nobody speaks about the leaders of the Hidden Hand, the Rothschilds-the real "World Assassins of the Peoples" (as the "Foreign
Affairs" of Oxford called them) and the Autocrats of the World .
And how they misrule the World
Books written about them were bought up at once and disappeared like "The Rothschilds" by Mr. John Reeves, published
by McClurg in Chicago, "Les Rothschilds" by Demachy, etc .
These books constitute a rarity, though they do not describe
the political phase in the life of this sinister and fatal family,
to which could be attributed at least one half of all the bloodshed
and calamities that have befallen the White Race since 1770.
The excellent "The International Jew"* is the clever and undeniable exposure of the Jewish Power, but only as exercised here .
Perhaps, because the Rothschilds and their "Invisible Government"
are in Europe (except a score of members, who are here) these
four books, so masterfully written, do not explain their satanic
work of the last 150 years ; a role absolutely unequalled by contemporary rulers, but hidden with the utmost care .
"The French Revolution," "World Revolution, The Plot
Against Civilization," and "The Secret Societies," by the most
talented Mrs . Nesta Webster of London, the best historian of today,
are so important, that I will refer to them later. No student of
history, no politician or preacher, especially no woman should miss
reading them . Among the thousands of historians Mrs . Webster
stands as a colossus endowed with a rare erudition and courage .
"The Cause 'of World Unrest," by the "Morning Post" in London,
is tremendously useful. But it does not mention the Rothschilds .
"The Secrets of the Rothschilds," by Mrs . Mary Hobart . has
also disappeared, though there is nothing about them in it .
But the Press, controlled by them, prevents the real facts from
being known, as Mr . W. J . Bryan rightly said.
The professors, clergymen, politicians and writers would die of
fear rather than speak the truth .
Furthermore, 99% of Americans do not know the A, B, C of
foreign politics, and much less do they understand its so-called
"mysteries, which puzzled even the greatest statesmen since, according even to Mr . Lothrop Stoddard, "something happened,"
(which he does not explain)which endangered our 1900 old Christian civilization . What is the result of such "mass lying"?
"It is just plain man failure on the part of the politicians to run their
jobs" (Collier's Magazine, Nov ., 1922) .
"American foreign policy has come to its lowest ebb since the founding
of the Republic . We come to complete stagnation due to incapacity for
individual action and to terror of concerted action. No such low estate of
American courage has ever been recorded in American History" (The Editor
of The Daily News of Chicago, on Dec. 6, 1922) .
"To step blithely into the deep torrent, equipped only with moral truisms
and easy formulae without a clear knowledge of the deep seated Forces,
which control policy, is to invite costly commitments and unexpected sacrifices" (The Editor of the Chicago Tribune, Sept . 9, 1922) .
"Our statesmen are children compared with theirs (European) . A foremost place in world affairs is offered us time and again . It is thrown into
our lap, and through our plain stupidity we reject it" (Chicago Herald
July 22, 1923) .
Yes ! The "sons of the devil" will invent any such slogan.
"The Gospel of CHRIST is the world's only social hope and the sole promise
of world peace . It is a crusade to which I urge you-a crusade not having
for its object the redemption of a single city, however holy, but a freeing of
the whole world from the devastating scourge of war" (New York Times,
Febr. 22, 1925) .
The above Conference proved once more, how true are the following opinions about women .
"American women delude themselves when they think they are advanced
politically. They are behind the women of many other countries" (Miss
Alice Paul, Vice-President of the National Women's Party, Chicago Tribune,
Nov. 10, 1922) .
"The trouble with you women is, you are too ignorant . Unless you get
out of this ignorance, you are a positive menace" (The British Ambassador,
Sir A . Geddes, Chicago Tribune, May 1, 1922) .
"The almost total eclipse of the United States Delegates (women) under
the shadow of the oratory of the foreign women was astonishing" (Mrs . O .
D. Oliphant, Nat . Pres . of the American Legion Auxiliary, May 13, 1925) .
14 The Jew is the Anti-Christ ; was in St . John's day ; is to-day and will
iin " ( Rev. Meryon Smith, a Jew) .'
"The strongest supporters of Judaism cannot deny that Judaism is antighristian" (The Jewish World, March 15, 1924) .
"The Jews detest the spirit of the nations in the midst of which they
&we" (a Jew, Bernard Lazare "Antisemitism") .
(CH you desire to mold the opinion of the masses, to rescue them from the
immoral doctrine of success, do what has never been done before-GIVE
A CONSCIENCE TO HISTORY . By treating your theme in this spirit,
you will win less popularity ;* you will not fire the passions** or the imaginations of the people, but you will render a thousand times better service to
their cause, their interests and their reason . Teach them by facts, by events,
by the hidden meaning of those great historic dramas (of which we perceive
only the scenery and the actors, while their plots are contrived by a HIDDEN
HAND) to know, to judge, and to moderate themselves . Make them capable
of distinguishing those, who serve them from those, who mislead them, those
who dazzle from those who enlighten them . Point to every great man and
great event, and say ; Weigh them for yourselves, not with the false weights
of your transient passions, your prejudices, your anger, your national vanity,
your narrow patriotism, but by the Universal Conscience of the human race,
and by the utility of each act for the cause of civilization ."
Even before I had read the above lines, I had already tried
to give a Conscience to History and to rescue the readers from
the "immoral doctrine of success," by proving to them, that the
"marvelous successes" of the so-called "great men" (in reality
great mischief-makers), were due to the support of Satan's delegates . I explained the "hidden" meaning of those great historic
dramas, like the dethronement of the three well meaning ancient
dynasties recently upset, because hundred years ago (in 1815) they
had the courage to sign the "Holy Alliance", i .e. a League of Nations with CHRIST as the Supreme LEADER.
"Suppress a truth of which we have good evidence, and, like the stone
of stumbling and rock of offence, it may fall upon us by and by and grind
us to powder." (Henry W . Rankin) .
"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is the far safer 'traveling
companion than the most agreeable falsehood" (Emerson) .
"The truth about demons, not ignorance, shall make us free from their
subtle deceptions . As all truth makes free, we are, in a sense, free in proportion to the truth which we apprehend ." (Evangelist Arthur C . Zepp) .
"An intelligence test (in the army) of 2 .000 .000 men between 20 and
80 shows that of our intelligent men in America, 70% run below 14 years of
age . That is better than the average, because there are left out of that all
the real imbeciles that have been discovered ; all the insane ; all the criminals that have been captured-all of those have been left out-and 70%
average 14 years of age or less. Only 4% up to an ordinary standard in the
most self-satisfied country on earth .
Only 1% go to College."
"Present day young people are as ignorant of the Bible as the heathen,"
(Rev . Herbert L . Willett, Professor of the University of Chicago) .
*Because the Jew controlled press will try to kill a truthful History through
silence, as it will this very volume.
**Lamartine is advising the reverse of what Lionel Rothschild (Sidonia in
4 ' Coningsby ") taught Disraeli .
"At the last Secret Consistory the Holy Father called upon all right
thinking men to combine in fighting the threat of socialism and communism .
His words are considered the severest condemnation of a foreign government" (The New York Times, Dec . 19, 1924) .
"One of the spectacles which the next century (the XX-th) will invite us
to witness is the decision regarding the fate of the Jews . It is quite obvious
now that they have cast their die and crossed the Rubicon ; the only thing
that remains for them is either to become masters of Europe or to lose
Europe, as they once centuries ago lost Egypt, where they were confronted
by similar alternatives . . . Europe may some day fall into their hands like
ripe fruit, if they do not clutch it too eagerly ."
"Now this is exactly what the Jews have done, and so have saved Europe
they have been too eager . The first clutch was the Boer War which put
the World's chief gold supply into their hands. The Great War was their
next eager clutch . The Bolshevizing of Russia followed . Then came the
clutch at Hungary, under Bela Kun, which lasted 100 days, then the clutch
at Bavaria, which lasted three weeks . By this time the world is beginning
to awake and the fiat of the White Race has gone forth : `The Jews must
lose Europe, as centuries ago they lost Egypt .' They are on trek to Zion
once more. They are Zionists this time, as they were when they trekked
out of Egypt."*
"The world will never again seem the same to you." (H. Vikingson) .
What imbeciles or criminals are the Gentiles, who are upseting the Christian Monarchs in order to serve the Jewish .
"Beyond the Masons and unknown to them, though formed generally from
them, lay the deadly secret conclave, which nevertheless used and directed
them for the ruin of the world and their own selves ." (Mr. George F. Dillon
in his "The War of Anti-Christ with the Christian Civilization," p . 72) .
But who is the head and of whom consists the secret conclave, which leads these misled Masons? It is the Hidden Hand .
"The French provinces complained that they had to receive their revolutions by mail from Paris" (Robert Mackenzie in his `The 19th Century") .
"The `popular' revolution was only the camouflage of foreign conspiracies"
(Saint Just, the terrible companion of Robespierre, the only man of his gang
who kept his courage till his head fell under the guillotine) .
And one "very limited" bomb could blow up or poison all New
York or Chicago, as Gen . W . Mitchell confirmed:
The Bishop of Michigan, Senator La Follette, the Bishop of
New York, Mayor J . F . Hylan and the New York Times have spoken vaguely about an "Invisible Government ."
Miss Jane Adams, "foremost woman of America," simply refused to answer certain questions after her talks . She said
"The women will save the League of Nations ." *
"This League is Israel's mission", declared Mr . Israel Zangwill. Would it not be better that women save Christian civilization and leave to Israel the task of "saving" their "Kosher"
League of Nations, which, according to the Editor of "Plain English," the talented Lord Alfred Douglas, was destined to be the
Jewish Central Government for obtaining World domination .
The League of Nations is a Jewish idea . We created it after a fight of
25 years" (Nahum Sokolow, Zionist leader, Aug .27,1922 at Carlsbad Congress) .
Facts confirm that events follwing 1897 (the Zionist Congress at Bale) were the result of the above "Jewish fight" . . .
"Remove the misconceptions produced by well organized propaganda," appeals Mr . Joseph Daniels on Nov . 6, 1921 . But he
does not say where it is, and why is it not revealed and forbidden?
"This improvement of Europe comes from below and not from above . Her
rulers and her leaders are still viewing the men of her nations as hostile tribes "
"Can the powder magazine of Europe be guarded from the danger that
would come from the sparks of a Viennese revolution? Can the danger of
lightning and the flames of another war be avoided? If Europe is to be
saved from this catastrophe, (and I believe it to be immediately imminent),
some formula must be found ." (F . A . Vanderlip, Chicago D . News) .
*The League of Nations is entirely run by the Jews : Paul Hymans (Pres.
of the Council) ; Sir . J .Eric Drummond (Seer . General) ; Paul Mantoux (Chief
of the most important Political Section) ; Major Abraham (Assist . Chief
of this Section) ; Mrs. N . Spiller (Secretary of this Section) ; etc ., etc . The
Jews' valet, Albert Thomas, who helped with French millions to enthrone
the Judeo-Mongol bolsheviks in Russia, is the Chief of the Labor Section .
He receives a fabulous salary (see "Le Peril Juif . Le Regne d'Israel chew
les Anglo-Saxons," at B . Grasset, 61 rue des Saints Peres, Paris) .
18$6 :*
"There is a plan `of hell' to disorganize at one blow Christian society and
the beliefs of the Jews, then with this double organization to bring about a
state of things where, religiously speaking, there will be neither Christian
nor Jew, but only men stripped of divinity, and where, politically speaking,
the Christian will become, if not the slave, at least the inferior of the Jew,
the MASTER. . . At the hour in which we hold the pen, we see this plan
unrolling itself in sombre horizons and great funereal lines"
"This passage suggests, that there is some terrible sect, controlled by the
Jews for destruction of our present social order,"( p. 87) .
Yes! But why not reveal this Jewish organization and its
known leaders and thus disarm them? How would it be possible
for Americans to avoid fatal political blunders, worse than crimes,
if nobody could solve the mystery of these hidden forces . It is
always the same Hidden Hand . A prominent Jew, Rene Groos, wrote
"There is a Jewish Conspiracy against all Nations, but first of all against
France, and the principle of order which she represents in the world . This
conspiracy occupies almost everywhere the avenues of power ; in France it
is at resent the actual reigning power . For observe that there all intelligent
men see the danger : all those who think French thoughts, those who have
any care for the future of France are getting ready for the struggle . The
only people who appear not to know it are the very people who have n,
excuse for not knowing it-THE MEN IN THE GOVERNMENT . I not
only say it was the duty of these men to see the plot which is being woven
against France ; I say these men were in the best position for seeing it . They
alone, however, showed no reaction against this double assault of Jewish
Revolution and Jewish Finance . They have been domesticated by the latter .
They have bowed before the former . Am T wrong in speaking of a Jewish
reign ? If it is less apparent than in Russia and Bolshevik Hungary, it is
none the less real. And it is against the interest of France that it exercises
its rule over it. Whoever observes and thinks, sees the peril . At the same
time we see, parallel with it, and consequent upon the progress of the universal Jewish conspiracy a recrudescence of anti-Semitism . . . The Universal
Jewish Conspiracy must be disrupted or France will perish as did Russia .
The evidence presses on all minds . Even political passion is not strong enough
to mask it. The life of France is at stake . We must take sides either for
France or against her ." ("Le Nouveau Mercure," June, 1922) .
"A few imperialists make the sinister proposal (new French ships) ; they
are 'not French people .'" (Repr. Cooper, Chicago Tribune, Dec . 18, 1921 .)
"In his book "L 'Entree des Israelites dana la Societe Franeaise ."
All those "Allied" and "German Jews", members of the Hidden Hand are in reality Judeo-Mongols (according to History and
the "Jewish Encyclopaedia") who are arousing all the Mongols!
On June 16, 1900, the Jew-owned newspapers in Europe published as news that the German Ambassador to China, Count Clemens von Ketteler, was killed, because he entered a district of Peking forbidden to the Whites .* But the murder occurred exactly
two weeks later, and precisely when he came into this district . For
this "Chinese" crime, the Chinese people were severely punished .
in order to irritate the Asiatics against the Whites .
Who did all
this? Somebody io the entourage of the Kaiser persuaded him to
be most drastic with the Asiatics .
Who staged the crime in Peking and who w` 'd siml ,ltaneously in Berlin, and who know two
weeks ahead that this ix-mild occur?
I state now : the Hidden Hand caused this and all the wars .
"The Unseen (Hidden Hand) will not allow the trial of the Kaiser,
because he may reveal most of its crimes ... Instead of signing the Peace
Treaty, casting out Bolshevism (only 30,000 soldiers were needed in 1918,
and only 300,000 from the ten Allied Powers in 1919), the Hidden Hand
wishing to bleed Russia white, and to enslave Europe by ruin and starvation, has imposed a 'Covenant,' showing its non-Christian origin and objects," etc.
On July 3, 1922, in the Chicago Tribune was published an interview of Baron C, v . Radovitz_- Nei with the Kaiser, in which
the latter declared, that the Jews were at the bottom of the world's
every ill. You see that I was right in foretelling, that the Kaiser would denounce the Hidden Hand, if he were tried . That is the
reason he was not brought to trial, and Lloyd George, knowing this,
deliberately lied.
, 'Lloyd George cannot be trusted" (Lord Rhonnda, Nov. 1921 .)
How immeasurably far from the truth are the statesmen, who
believe, as does Lord Parmoor that "all the worst wars of recent
times have been due to economic isolation," as is Signor Tittoni,
ex-ambassador of Italy, who declared in Milan, that a League of
Nations would make war more difficult. No, Signor...
No ! The only way to prevent wars, among the White nations
at least, is to expose the chief cause of wars : The Judeo - Mongol
World Government, the direct Legatees of Satan .
"If the Czar would hang 300 criminal Jews, he would save 30,000,000
innocent Russians and his family" (Urbain Gohier, a great Frenchman) .
"The Jews who surrounded Lloyd George, Wilson and Clemanceau are to be blamed for having created a 'Jewish Peace',"
says M . G . Batault ("Le Probleme Juif ", p . 38.) **
to CHRIST, the Jews are the sons of the devil, who is a mankiller. Therefore, no real peace could be expected from the above
M. Batault
"statesmen", guided, as they were, by the Jews .
wrongly believes, that at Paris "people" were in the entente of
two ' Internationales' : of Gold and of Blood ." It is like stating
that there is an entente between the War and Navy Departments of
the United States Government. There is constant "entente" between the two departments of the Judeo-Mongol Government .
*( 4 The International bankers are offering Germany $10 .000 .000, if she
will withhold the note renouncing the war guilt" (N . Y. American, Sept.
15, 1924) .
**As Mr . Wilson brought to Paris 117 Jews and 39 Gentiles (mostly valets)
I thrice warned Mr .J .W .Davis, the Ambassador, that Peace could not be signed .
. 39
"We French, believe that we know all about the forces of our planet .
But we know nothing about the most terrific of them . These are in the
hands of 7 men, whose names our masses could not even rightly spell . These
men, more powerful than Caesar or even Napoleon, rule the fate of the Globe .
These men rule the Chiefs of States, control and subdue the governing personages, manipulate the exchanges and incite or suppress revolutions" (Steph_
ane Lausanne, Editor of "Matin " Paris, on Jan . 6, 1923) .
These 7 men are E . Rothschild V ., his nephew Sassoon Rothschild, the heir presumptive to the World Throne, et al .
These Jews form the Supreme Council of the Hidden Hand .
"We are 300 men," shouted the conspirators of the "French"
Revolution, when in 1770, a Jew, J. Balsamo-Cagliostro (the Rasputin of Queen Marie Antoinette) was adopted as their secret
agent (read Al . Dumas) near Frankfort, this den of Rothschild .
These and the 300 men of Rathenau were "The Learned
Elders of Zion ." Since 17 711 0 they have been led by a Rothschild .
"The phrase 'masters and men' is altogether out of date .
Indeed, I begin to question, who are the masters ;" naively questioned Mr. J. H. Whitley, Member of the House of Commons ("The
Daily Sketch" on October 27, 1920) .
Nobody explained the "mystery" of Robespierre . Nobody
Whether they were ignorants or hypocrites, the students remained untutored in the use of History (a mere "fog" even to the teachers) and without knowledge of the "secrets" of revolutions, which
are staged . by the same evil Forces . These forces organized also
the Revolution in Germany in 1848 and what is more vital to us,
they are obviously preparing one in the United States and may,
possibly, start it in a few months,
When one does not know the
causes of an illness, it is most difficult to cure it .
My criticism of Mrs . N . Webster's book, French Revolution
(1920) in Plain English of Aug . 28 and Sept . 4, 1920, inspired her .
"What is the good of our being a wealthy nation, if the wealth is all
in the hands of German JewsV" (W.Hughes, the great Premier of Australia) .
"The house of Rothschild was (and is) the ruling power in Europe, for all
the political powers were willing to acknowledge the sway of the great financial
DESPOT, and, like obedient vassals, pay their tribute without murmur ."
(J. Reeves, in his "The Rothschilds," p . 105) .
Not one single American asked him to explain, who are those
"American-Anglo-German" bankers and why they are allowed to
basely undermine the American Government? However, the three
above enlightening statements prove, that the 300 men of the
Hidden Hand are controlling the assault of both Jewish Finance
and of Jewish Bolshevism against Christendom .
"Bolshevism (is) the Jewish attack on Civilization" (The patriotic
Society of Great Britain, "The Britons," in a manifesto) .
As all these "American-Anglo-German" bankers are autocratically ruled by the Hidden Hand, headed by Ed . Rothschild V
in Paris, it is clear that he is the real chief of Bolshevism, the
actual curse of the world, and also the head of the Financial
"Octopus", which according to "Common Sense" (Monte Ne, Arkansas) is ruining the farmers and business men of America?
"Thanks" to the "help" of the Jews B . Baruch, Eug . Meyer,
A .Shapiro, etc .,the farmers lost $32 billions (Gentiles' Review, N"e3) .
"This system of banking (causing the ultimate ruin of all those who
cultivate the soil) was the invention of Lord Overstone, with the assistance
of the acute minds of the Rothschilds, bankers of Europe ." (R.F.Pettigrew) .*
*"An Internat .Crook" (see the British Guardian),Warburg brought it here .
asks Disraeli in his "Coningsby," page 258, and in the same book
he reveals, that practically all wars and revolutions were then financed by the same Sidonia L . Rothschild (p . 218-219) .
No! The Kaiser was deceived, but Bethmann-Hollweg-Rothschild knew perfectly well, that he was deliberately pushing events
towards war and ruin .* As a Rothschild he was one of the "300 ."
The Saturday Evening Post of June 19, 1909 revealed
'The Montefiores have taken Australia for their own, and there is not a
gold field or sheep run from Tasmania to New South Wales that does not
pay them heavy tribute . They are the real owners of the great antipodean
continent, and when the day comes, as it doubtless will, when the Commonwealth decides to overthrow British rule, it will be of the Montefiores and
their associates of the Unseen Empire that it will ask permission ."
"Make Rothschild pay all France's war losses," recently pleaded one of the most esteemed Senators, M . Gaudin de Villaine, in the
French Senate . Numberless proofs of the leading role in nefarious
politics continuously played by the Rothschilds were adduced
in the weekly, "La Vieille France," Paris .
"Rothschilds are everywhere masters of the financial situa .
tion," wrote a Rabbi in his book "A Rabbi on Goym (Gentiles) "
read by the Czeck Deputy Bresnowsky in the Parliament of Austria
in 1901 ("Luch Sweta" by P . Shabelski_Bork, p . 128) .
"The Kaiser had to consult Rothschild to find out whether he could declare
war. Another Rothschild carried the whole burden of the conflict which
overthrew Napoleon" (July 22, 1924) .
"The Rothschilds can start or prevent wars . Their word could make or
break Empires" (December 3, 1923) .
"In the Imperial archives in Berlin was found a letter from Rothschild to
Wilhelm II, dated 1911, urging against war" (Walter Hurt, "Truth About
'The Jews," p. 324) .
war. Why then, this perennial clamor that Japan is an enemy to be watched, distrusted, dreaded, armed against and .rely fought" (December 9, 1924) .
Yes ! Japan does not want war and America still less . However, the war is practically imminent . Why? Because, as the Editor
recognizes, there is an Unseen Hand or as it is called the Hidden
Hand, which desires war . And war and disaster will surely come,
may be in 1926 . unless the Americans open their eyes and spread
the message of this book, thereby arresting the Hidden Hand !
"Have we, straining every fibre of our national body escaped Pax . Germanica only to fall into Pax Judaical" (The Times, London, May 8,1920) .
The World War caused the United States alone, a direct expense of some $40 billion which passed through the hands of the
And the next war, which may annihilate
satanic Rothschilds .
this country possibly within a few months, will be decided and
started by the same Rothschilds . . . And what do Americans know
about those Super-Arbiters of America's fate? Nothing!
"Alphonse Rothschild consented to pay all the indemnity of France to Germany, if France would elect him King" (Comte d'Herrisson in his "Journal
d'un Officier d'Ordonnancer') .
ing a "cursed soul" a "man of straw" for all his doubtful operations .
I shall not repeat the fallacies of many people, although not all
are bribed, who assure us, that the Rothschilds were and are geniuses and they imply : "The Rothschilds were geniuses, therefore,
let us obey them" .
Remember, that the Jewish Secret Supreme Government has
existed for thousands of years that it was located in 1770 precisely
in Frankfort-on-Main, and that two Jewesses, daughters of Izig,
ruled the Monarchs or Austria and of Prussia . Thus Amschel was
not the originator at all . He had no need to be a genius . It
was the Supreme Government itself, which was daily and nightly
watching the able men, and especially the most devilish Jews anti
Jewesses to enroll the first into the rabbinic schools, which inspired
them with most dreadful, destructive, Satanic hatred against the
Gentiles, these "animals", according to the Talmud . The Jewesses
were encouraged to become the mistresses of men of high standing or, at least, to be their secretaries . Thus Senator Borah has
as his secretary a Jewess Rubin Cora, who "corroborates" his desire to "recognize" the Jewish Soviets ...
"Nothing would constitute a more needless and base betrayal of civilization than the recognition of the bolshevik tyranny . The policy of the
American-Anglo-German bankers is the most dangerous element in the whole
chain of pro-bolshevist efforts . The bolshevist funds amount to millions ."
Mr . Gompers is too old to lie and he risked too much by revealing the most treacherous activity of those "American-Anglo-German" bankers . Does he refer to Otto Kahn alone, because he was
"German", then "English" and finally "American"? It could
not be Mr . J . P . Morgan, who is only American . These "AmericanAnglo-German" bankers are the same Jews : Otto Kahn, Mortimer
Skiff, Warburgs, etc . But even an infant in politics would never
believe that these bankers would commit that which is veritable
treason against the United States without an order from the
Supreme Jewish World Government, led to-day by E . Rothschild V.
This is proved by the amazing fact that no Senator or Congressman demands an explanation . The newspapers announced, that
Mr . Otto Kahn's bank "Kuhn, Loeb and Co ." received $600 millions gold in deposits . And as a result
"GIs there any doubt, that there is a political revolution going on in
this country?" (Senator Borah, Chicago Tribune, July 7, 1922) .
We shall reveal all "the mysteries" and all that "The Morning
Post" ; that talented historian of the French Revolution and World
Revolution, Mrs. Nesta Webster ; that which the boldest of British
statesmen-Mr . Winston Churchill and the cleverest of the German
Generals-Ludendorff-ignored, or did not have the courage to
Yes! This "most formidable sect,," which amazed the above
eminent persons and also Lord Acton, who only felt that it existed,
but could not answer the question as to what it was-is the Occult
Supreme Jewish Empire, which has been led by the Rothschilds
since 1770, also known as the HIDDEN HAND.
If my readers wish to have a 1001 proof, that Free Masonry and
Judaism are one and the same, see the "Rappel" of Paris, which
published on August 1, 1922, a most impudent letter of the Jew,
B. Wellhoff, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of France, insolently
demanding M . Poincare, the then President of the Cabinet to free
a convicted State traitor, Marty .
"To the Rothschilds nothing could have occurred more propitiously than
the outbreak of the American revolt and that of the French Revolution, as
the two enabled them to lay the foundation of the immense wealth they have
since acquired" (J. Reeves, p. 86) .
"When Robert Morris was making his appeal for funds to finance the
American Revolution, a Jew, Haim Solomon responded . He immediately
subscribed $300,000, and in all furnished over $600,000 . He sacrificed almost
his entire fortune to the cause of American Independence ."
"But it is not so easy, even if one takes Mrs . Webster's side of the disputed statement, that Mirabeau was a freemason and concedes that Adam
Weisshaupt was as wicked as Cagliostro, to conclude therefrom that Freemasonry was the hothouse of the French Revolution . From what Pandora's box,
we begin to wonder, did our Colonial Revolution leap forth?"
"Mrs. Nests Webster cannot escape the conclusion that international financiers put up the money .* More it is Jewish financiers who supply the
funds ; it is Jews who have been the agents -provocateur of revolution for
the last two thousand years * . It is the Jews who are the secret-inner council of the five principal organized horrendous movements at work in the world
with which organized government has to contend :
"1) Grand Orient Freemasonry (centre in Paris) ; 2) Theosophy with its innumerable ramifications ; 3) Nationalism of an aggressive kind, now represented by Pan-Germanism ** ; 4) International Finance ; 5) Social Revolution" .
"Taking these up in turn, to see where the money grows, Mrs . Webster
concludes that it is indigenous to international finance which is synonymous
with Jews . She agrees with Henry Ford : Put under control the fifty most
wealthy Jewish financiers, who produce wars for their own profit, and wars
will cease ." (The New York Times, March 8, 1925) .
*) Mr . S. Gompers confirmed it on May 1, 1922 (Chicago Tribune) .
**) My "Science of Political Foresight" confirms this .
"Why did the Convention shed so much blood? They say that bloodshed
was caused by the hartred of the people against the privileged class * . How
could the small percentage of executed aristocrats be explained ; only 55%
of all condemned" (Pouget de Saint Andre - "Les Auteurs de la Revolution
Francaise", p . 3) .
"All the French people are against us, said Robespierre at the Jacobins'
Club. Our only hope is based upon the citizens of Paris . No! answered Desfieux : even in Paris we would be in a minority, if the vothing were secret ."
(Buchez et Roux - "Histoire Parlementaire", vol . XX, p . 300) .
"The murder of King Louis XVI. was an act of the most hideous materialism the most shameful profession of ingratitude and baseness, of "most
roturiere villainy and of forgetfulness of the past" (Ernest Renan in his
"'La Monarchie Constitutionelle en France") .
All the Revolutions and World unrest have been and will be
organized by the same Jewish Occult World Government . That is
why they ought to be studied carefully, without falling into fantastic
hypothesis, as the "hundred blind authors," quoted by Mr . Gooch
in his "Helps For Students Of History" have done .
Practically the only author in England, who honestly tried to
throw real light on the French and World Revolutions is the talented and learned Mrs . Nesta Webster. It may be that by her woman's
intuition she opened the door where male historians faltered . An
immense amount of credit is due to her, because of her courage, and
erudition. My articles ("Plain English", 1920) "created herl
All the books of the "Hundred Blind Authors" on the French
Revolution ought to be abandoned, or kept in libraries as examples of how History ought not to be written .
Herder says the French Revolution was as big an event as the
rise of Christianity . No l It can be compared only with the other
less important successes of Satan : The detachment of the Orthodox
Church and that of the Protestant from the Mother Church, Herder's intuition suggested to him that the French, like any other
Revolution, was not a mere political and economical event ! It must
be considered as the beginning of the substitution of Christian
Monarchies by the Jewish .
* I do not think that Queen Marie Antoinette ever once missed an opportunity of saying an agreeable thing to those who had the honor of approaching her." (Mrs. Vigee-Lebrun in her "Memoirs") .
It brought the Jewish World Empire, and each Revolution surrenders a country to its yokel The "equality" remained a dream .
The "liberty" excludes the "equality" .
"Despite its horrors, the Revolution was a great effort towards
the emancipation of the common man," states Mr . Gooch . The common man was "emancipated" from his Christian King, who defended
him, only in order to become more terribly enslaved by the Jewish
rulers, who hate and despise the common men, as proved in the case
of Gambetta, a Jew, et al .
Mr. Gooch believes, that "No man has done so much to expound
the history of the Revolution as Aulard ." Aulard was bought by
the Rothschild who offered him the well-paid "Chair of History,"
in Paris in 1886, if he would put more fog on the "Cause of World
Unrest ." And he did it .
My "Science of Political Foresight" or the "Theory of Satanic
Forces," which rule the World with its advice : In each event watch
for the Hidden Hand, will do more to reveal the truth than
the 100 blind or bribed authors, quoted by Mr. G . P . Gooch .
"Are any of you sorry for the French Revolution? Liberty
was enthroned, the old order was destroyed and a new France was
born," childishly wrote Mr . Clarence Darrow of Chicago in his "Arguments in Defense of the Communists" . By saving the two Jewish murderers Leopold and Loeb, and now potentially having freed
them, Darrow proved, that the Jews are "Above all Law" here .
For 10 years I lived in Paris . There is no liberty, but a slavery
of the French under the Rothschilds' autocracy. All that made
France famous was accomplished by the Monarchies . She is only
eating this inheritance, incapable of producing anything grand. The
utter failure of the "III-rd French Republic" is well described by
M. Joseph Santo in his book "La Faillite de la Republique" and was
proved by M . Urbain Gohier, the greatest Frenchman of to-day .
"I distrust all these foreigners, whose faces are covered with masks of
patriotism and who are trying to appear more republican and energetic, than
we, ourselves . . . They are agents of foreign powers, because I know well,
that our enemies did not fail to say : `our emissaries must simulate the most
warm patriotism, the most exaggerated' in order to be installed into our assemblies . These agents must be crushed despite their perfidious art and the
masks, which they always assume."
"It seems to me, that we are pushed by a 'Hidden Hand' above our will .
Every day the Committee of the Public Salvation is doing what it decided a
day before not to do . There is a faction conducted in order to ruin it whose
directors we have not been able to discover" . (Robespierre to Amar, Memoirs
de Mallet du Pan, vol . II, p . 60) .
Robespierre lost his life, because he dared to express his disgust, that the Aliens (Jews) introduced by Weisshaupt and by other
agents of Amschel, had become the real rulers in Paris . He was not
killed by Meng (not a Frenchman), but only badly wounded in
the jaw, in order to cause him most awful suffering, prolong his
agony as long as possible and by depriving him of the power of
speech to prevent him from revealing, that it was not a revolution, but the grabbing of France by Jews .
It was mere "kosher-butchering" ! 1! This confirms, that the
"French" revolution was Jewish .
"It was not reason that created the French Revolution" (Lionel Rothschild" Sidonia, O' Coningsby ", p. 240) .
"An Invisible Hand rules the mob" (wrote Lafayette on July 24, 1789) .
"The more one is near the instruments and the actors of this catastrophe
the more one is in darkness and in mystery ; this will only increase with
time" ("Memorial of Ste-Helene", vol . II. p . 32) .
Joseph de Maistre, a famous Frenchman, attributed the Revolution to Satan. "Satan is the legitimate father of the revolution",
said brilliant George Sand . Gustave Bord in his book "Le complot
maconnique" wrote that the Revolution was staged by the Free
Masonry. Yes! The Free Masonry did much abominable work . But
who gave the money? Who wished the spilling of so much blood,
which was unanimously disapproved of by the whole French nation? Who is "doing the lust of murder?" CHRIST pointed it out!
Cagliostro (the "Rasputin" of Marie Antoinette) learned that
the secret society to which he was then attached, and the members
of which shouted at his admission : "We are 300" (The Hidden
Hand) - had deep roots and a great "Treasury of War" . This
was still the fortune of the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel, who confided it to Amschel Rothschild I and which the latter used to
destroy Christendom .
"Cagliostro obtained
huge sums for propaganda ; received the instruction from the sect, ("Illuminati") and went to Strassburg in France"
(Louis Blanc - "La Revolution Francaise ", vol . II, ch . 2) .
"Why not suppose that our (French) monarchy was disliked by the Jew
Weishaupt9 It was he who sent his coreligionist Cagliostro to prepare the
French freemasonry to accept the leadership of the German Illuminati . He
it was who organized the international federation of the lodges ." (Pouget
do Saint Andre - "Les Auteurs Caches", p . 16)
"The Judeo-masonic peril is a question of life or death for all the nations"
(Jouin, the famous editor "Revue Internat . Des Societes Secretes," Paris) .
"Remember the French Revolution, to which it was we who gave the name
of "great", The secrets of its preparations are known to us, for it was
wholly the work of our hands" (Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion, 3)
"We, Jews, are still here, our last word is not yet spoken, our last deed
is not yet done, our last revolution is not yet made" (Dr . Oscar Levy, London)
to all the Jews . Amschell adopted it as his own and since then it
was constantly renewed : Whosoever desires to grasp History must
know that the Romanovs were the personification of Christian Mon-
archs with all the best qualities and that the Rothschilds were the
worst "satanists ."
Since 1770 there has been an uninterrupted
assault of the
Rothschilds, with all the numberless secret, Masonic and other organisations, their world press and their billions, against the Romanovs (the "Fair Angels," as they were called) until all the press
came under the control of the Rothschilds .
"Bonaparte was too shrewd to uncover all his means and assets .
But he told me enough to persuade me that the destinies of France were in his
hands" (Fouche, p .51) .
"Now surely here was opportunity such as never came to man before .
Here was a position in which a man might well bow himself in fear (1) of
himself and search his heart and serve God to the utmost ."
How could a Weisshaupt, Napoleon, Gambetta, Disraeli, Bismarck, Kerensky, Trotsky, Poincare, Lloyd George, W . Rathenau,
et al, "serve God and man", when they were selected, bribed and
supported by the satanist who wished them to "bore God," as
Victor Hugo said, and to murder the Christians .
Napoleon's marriage to Josephine, the mistress of Barras,
was arranged by Barras in order to quit with her amiably, and, as
dower, Napoleon received the command of the French army in
Italy, which meant not so much fighting as plundering . And all
the Free-Masonry in Italy was supporting the invaders . Amschel
and Free-Masonry had one chief aim-to destroy the Church at
Rome . All this helped Napoleon to develop his military genius
and to acquire the fame of "invincible," which aided him later on .
Even foes helped him.
What is the "mystery"? Why does H . G. Wells, and many others
unjustly attack the Corsican genius?
It is because Napoleon soon grasped how awfully harmful were
the Jews and became, what is called an "anti-semite ". To please
the Jew controlled press Wells is compelled to write untruths .
"At the beginning of 19th century Great Britain, owing to false principles of government, to the ignorant and, blind cultivation of trade and
industries had the appearance of a State driven to the most opposite and
contradictory extremes . Priding itself on the possession of the freest constitution in Europe, England yet concealed the greatest tyranny ; possessing
unbounded riches, it yet allowed the poor peasantry in Ireland to die of
hunger, whilst the privation and distress prevalent among the labouring
classes was so great and indescribable as to threaten to end in riot and rebellion . The hardships endured by the poorer classes were aggravated by
the disgraceful condition of our political system . Morality was at a discount ;
bribery and intrigue were the order of the day. The thoughts of all were
turned to the complete forgetfulness of the sufferings of others . Corruption
was so wide spread, that the independence of the Crown and that of the constituencies were threatened." (p . 136) .
"In 1797 the English banks found themselves deeply embarassed, mainly
in consequence of the demands of the Government, which borrowed millions
every year for the war, and for the support by subsidies of half of the Continental Powers." (p. 162) .
Such was the situation when Amschel found the moment was
ripe and sent his third son Nathan to conquer England .
As Sir Thomas Buxton narrates, many English manufacturers
sent in 1798 a man to Frankfort to offer their goods . The Rothschild trick consisted of keeping him a long time, and later giving
him the hugest orders for Germany .
In the meantime, Nathan
was sent to Manchester, where he bought all the available cotton
and dye stuffs . When the representative returned to Manchester
with orders, the manufacturers had to apply to Nathan for these
materials' and he made them pay treble the price and even
refused to sell the stuff, thus making them pay his father enormous "damages"
Then he took the cotton and dyes to some
manufacturers and they manufactured the stuff for him at the
lowest price .
This base trick of Nathan's ruined many people
in Manchester. But it was the application of the Rothschildian
"All for us - Rothschilds - nothing for anybody else ."
This legal robbery was repeated many times by them .
This plundering made Manchester very indignant .
"None of the members of the London Stock Exchange could boast like
Nathan, of having multiplied his capital 2,500 times in the course of five
years" . (p. 167) .
"Poroshin (Paul's tutor) was learned and accomplished, a sound mathematician and a fine linguist . He became passionately attached." to Grand Duke
Paul . . . Paul's religious instruction was not neglected . French and German
were taught him thoroughly, besides Russian and he was given knowledge of
Italian and Latin . The Grand Duke regarded his instructors with great respect . Voltaire's works held a prominent place in the Tsarevich's Library ."
("The Curse of Romanovs" by a Jew, Rappoport, p . 49) .
"Paul's figure is well set and his face attractive . He is pleasant in his
speech and manners, unassuming, polite and of lively disposition." (Solms
to Asseburg) .
"The Grand Duke has grown talkative and cheerful, as well as very
tactful ." (J. Harris, the Ambassador of England) .
"No one could be more lovable than the Grand Duke Paul . He is the
most adorable of husbands, he is an angel and I love him to distraction" .
"When he was 7 years old, he was discussing politics with statesmen ."
"Paul is reported to have been very handsome in his early youth ."
He is pleasant".
"This title-the Grand Master of so many Knights-errant,-says Sablukov- at the very moment, when a romantic love for the Princess Gagarina
was inflaming his tender heart, set the poor man quite beside himself" (p .
221) .
"Paul abandoned his peaceful policy and joined England, Austria and
Naples in coalition against Bonaparte (French Republic) . Paul appointed
Souvarov chief-commander. Souvarov achieved victories on the river Adda,
Trebbia and at Novi. He crossed the Alps by the St . Gothard and entered
Switzerland, bath the second' Russian general, Korsakov, had been defeated by
Massena, (a Jew - Manasseh )and Souvarov was compelled to retreat and to
lead his army back to Russia . The Tsar was disgusted with the treatment,
which he had received from Austria and England. Paul, as Souvarov himBonaparte, therefore, whose
self had done, accused Austria of treason .
`despotic" principles now reassured the Tsar, availed himself of Paul's
indignation against Austria and managed to win him over to his cause .
Napoleon began by sending back to Paul all the Russian prisoners clothed
in new uniforms and well provisioned . This clever move at once gained him
the Tsar's heart and Paul was the more touched by First Consul's action
since Austria and England had refused to exchange the Russian soldiers for
French soldiers" (p . 222) .
received the orders to leave St. Petersburg. She, however, was able to secure
some degree of clemency, and was graciously granted some months in which
to settle her affairs in order ."
"Shortly after the Peace of Tolentino in February 1797, Pius VI. was
seized with an illness. Napoleon gave instructions, that no successor to the
Office, should be elected and that Papal Government should be abolished . The
French Ambassador in Rome proceeded through his agents to foment an insurrection I I I
The outbreak of it was immediately made the pretext for
abolishing the existing Papal Rule and the Roman Republic was proclaimed .
It was under the protection of the Emperor of Russia, that after the lapse of
8 months, Pius VII . was elected Pope at Venice . He (1800-1823) succeeded
in gaining the good will of Bonaparte and his accession was shortly followed by the Concordat of 1801 . Catholicism was reestablished as the State
religion of France. Pius administration of his Office was exemplary and the
same may be said of his successors : Leo XII. (1823-1829), Pius VIII . (18291830) and Gregory XVI (1831-1846) . Ecclesiasticism itself-assumed another
tone ; its morality was pure ; its zeal in the performance of its duties conspicuous" (p. 4889) .
"Pope Pius VI. (1717-1799) was taken prisoner by general Berthier
and carried away from Rome to Valence in France, where he died . How
mean and pitiful of the French the sending of the unfortunate Pope to an
hospital in France at 80, not to end his days in a convent in his own country"
(Mr. Vere Fisher in his "The Two Duchesses", p . 162) .
His wife, the Empress, was constantly being persuaded that she
was a great woman, who could play the role of a new and even more
famous Catherine II ., and that, otherwise, she was in danger of an
attempt on the part of the Tsar, to take her life .
"The British Ambassador, Witworth, had first conceived the idea of the
conspiracy" (p. 235) .
This version was first told by the German Jew Schliemann in his
"Das Ermordung Paul's," p . 16 .
"We must look at the Jews not only as a distinct race, but as on aliens .
It would be a most awful humiliation to be ruled by this, the most base race
on earth." ("La Vieille France", N-305)
must be established special exclusive laws ."
'' Since the times of Moses the Jews were oppressors or usurers ."
"All the talent of the Jews is concentrated on predatory acts ."
"They have a creed which blesses their thievings and misdeeds ."
"The Jews ought to be forbidden to make trade, as are forbidden the
goldsmiths, who forge a lower kind of gold things, to continue their work ."
"The Jews are locusts or caterpillars which are devouring France."
With all military genius Napoleon ignored my "Science of Political Foresight" and this lost him .
One hundred years after Napoleon's death a prominent Jew
of London, Dr . Oscar Levy wrote
"We, Jews, have made the World Warl We, Jews, are nothing else than
the world's seducers, its incediaries, its executioners) Our last revolution is
not yet made) We, Jews, invented the myth of the 'Chosen people' ."
"Sill the most honest of the goym" (Talmud, Abod . Zar. 26 b.)
"He who sheds the blood of the goym (gentiles), is offering a sacrifice
to God" (Talmud, Jalqut Simeoni) .
"These are the effects of German (i.e. from Frankfort) "Illuminati " .
The rising generation are taught assassination as a virtue . Yet I still believe
there is something more than appears in the affair ."
Yes ! The "Illuminati" were directed not only by the Weisshaupts but by the Hidden Hand, led by the 6 Rothschilds . It is
obvious that the unjust and hostile opinion of the Emperor expressed
by Mr . H . G. Wells, in his "The Adventure of Napoleon," is due to
the same influence of the Hidden Hand and to Wells's ignorance of
its activity . Despite his somewhat uns crupulous methods in politics,
Napoleon remainss in the eyes of the world a genius . And he even became peaceful .
How many times Napoleon gladly repeated, when he could enjoy
peace, which so much annoyed the Rothschilds
"Thank GOD, I am at peace with all the world."
But the "Tigers" constantly plotted new wars .
Mr. H. G. Wells and other critics of Napoleon ought to read pages
500-504 Vol . I of the "History of Napoleon," by Mr . G . Moir Bussey.
Through their numberless co-workers and Masons the Rothschilds,
caused considerable difficulties and constant trouble to Napoleon,
not only with the Holy Father but with all the Monarchs of Europe .*
The Rothschilds spoiled the campaign of 1812 by disorganising Napoleon's supplies of food, and when his international army began to
retreat from Moscow, the Jews on the way, were ordered to murder
his wounded and freezing soldiers, which order was mercilessly
executed . Hundred thousands of Christians were thus killed.
The dangers and plots and conspiracies began to handicap the
genius of the Emperor. Lord Withworth reported to London how
nervous Napoleon became . The Corsican could not grasp the fact,
that the Hidden Hand which he had begun to neglect, was already
against him . He had also under-estimated its strength, ignoring
that it was backed by Satan, while he also, was not supported by
the Vicar of CHRIST . Yes! Napoleon committed the hugest blun der in under-valuing also the influence of the Holy See .
*) "The league against Napoleon I, which was instrumental in shattering
his dream of universal empire, was a jewish organization" (Walter Hurt,
"Truth About The Jews", p . 323) .
"Had the Pope before quitting his own capital but asked for the Italian Legations, they would have been restored ; but it was another thing after the service had been rendered", wrote Napoleon's Secretary, Bourrienne"
(Mr. George Moir Bussey's "History of Napoleon," y . 104) .
This was very adroitly exploited by the Hidden Hand and Napoleon's General Radet was so influenced by its agents, that he dared
td arrest the Pope without any order of the Emperor, who was
really alarmed, but did not wish to chagrin his free Masonic
colleagues and discredit his General, who as Napoleon thought.
only did it because of too much zeal .
Then the Holy Father on June 11th, 1809 fulminated against
Napoleon a Bull of Excommunication
"By the authority of Almighty God, the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul,
and our own . We declare that you, Napoleon, Emperor of the French, and
all your abettors, have by the outrages you have committed, incurred the
penalty of excommunication ."
4' The Pope, could he have been won, would have been an additional means of
binding together the federated parts of the Empire . I should have had my
religious, as well as my legislative sessions. My councils would have constituted the representation of Christianity, and the successor of St . Peter would
have been the President."
But the Holy Father's unheard firmness prevented the "Gallicization" of the Catholic Church, which remained Universal .
"I was not so fortunate as Genghis-Khan, each of whose four sons rivalled the others in zeal for his service," complained Napoleon, but he should
have said : "I was not so fortunate as Amschel, who had five sons and five
daughters, who all attracted some support, to succeed him in ruling the
World ".
Russian army during the reign of Nicholas II. He conserved the most typioa1 Mongol face, awfully fierce looking and dark yellow,
Commander in
f ( Count Paul de Barras (1755-1829) appointed Napoleon
Chief of the Army in Italy, and arranged the marriage of Napoleon with
the widow Beauharnais" (Mr . were Fisher, "Two Dutchesses" p . 483) .
"His grief, which he was continually reviving in his heart, was inexpressibly deep and touching, and his mental tortures never ceased" . (Czartorysky)
"For hours he remained alone sitting in silence, with fixed and haggard
looks" (Countess Edling) .
"When he saw his dead father, Alexander overcome with grief, fell to the
ground . On recovering his senses, he and his mother poured out their grief
in a flood of tears" (''Fraser's Magazine", p . 324) .
"Those who were intimately acquainted with the Tsar could tell, how he
would occasionally, in the midst of a brilliant reception, suddenly absent
himself in order to pray and weep ." (p . 361) .
Why France and Russia went to war in 1812 has been a puzzle
to historians .
"Napoleon waged war upon me in a most odious fashion, and has deceived me in a most treacherous manner ." (Alexander I.) .
But who started those wars and were they not the consequence of
the criminal act of the Landgrave to confide his colossal fortune to
a "satanist .mankiller," forgetting CHRIST'S warning? Were not
all the rulers right who tried to prevent the Jews from accumulating
such tremendous fortunes in their hands ?
"Nathan Mayer was a greater financier, a greater speculator and manipulator (than his elder brother-Amschel, who remained at Frankfort) of more
solid and useful acquirements. The more weighty operations were planned
and carried out by all the brothers in concert . .. We must seek the explanations of the problem, how they have been able to develop their business so
amazingly. Circumstances, or, in other words, luck was on their side ." (J.
Reeves, p . 114) .
"Send me back my paper, I shall exchange it into bank notes of the Bank
of England and these I shall present to your cashiers to be exchanged into
gold bars, to be returned to you . Since you have no confidence in my paper
You shall see me presenting at your counters all
I have none in yours .
your banknotes owned by us ."
"A Jesuit before the revolution ; since then an exiled Liberal leader ; now
member of the Spanish Cortes : Rebello was always a Jew."
This historian does not mention which alliance he named "ignoble." It was not the second with Count Neiperg, but the third
with a criminal Jew Bombelles, introduced and "created" by
Salomon Rothschild, who obtained him from Nathan .
"At Vienna Alexander I . had defended Marie Louise's rights with chivalrous ardor" ("An Imperial Victim . Marie Louise ", p . 159, by Mrs Edith
E . Cuthell) .
10 2
"The brothers, fully cognizant of his superior intellectual capacity, willingly acknowledged Nathan Mayer as the most fit to direct all their most
important transactions" (J . Reeves, p. 64) .
(former Letitia Ramolini) who was pregnant with Napoleon, accompanied
her husband, sharing in the hardships and dangers of a partisan warfare .
This formed the military inclinations of Napoleon . The same love for "blood
and iron" we see in Bismark . Does it not prove, that the battling Jew, Marshal Soult, was his real father and not the quiet Prussian small landowner
the official father of Bismarck?
Such plan was exactly the reverse of that desired by the satanists
Rothschilds, whose chief aim was to annihilate it ..
And all the following Czars imitated Alexander I .
Hence this boundless hatred of the Rothschilds against them .
"Alexander was the man of the best intentions . He showed himself persistantly favorable to views which, to say the least, were a hundred years
ahead of his time . Alexander I came to the throne of Russia in 1801 anxious
to carry out his liberal plans" (Mr . John Spencer Bassett in his "The Lost
Fruit of Waterloo") .
The Americans know about the Romanovs only what has been
served to them by their "American" press, nearly all controlled by
the Jews, and by servile authors, who know that their writings
will be paid only when they obey the order of the Hidden Hand
"About the Romanovs-aut male aut nihil" (either bad or nothing) .
This exact photograph of Alexander I . and of all the Romanovs
is given by their violent enemy, the Jew, Rappoport, unconsciously,
although he begins his book by cursing them, as a Jew would . And
if this description be true, and it is true, how could Paul I ., Alexander I ., Nicholas I ., Alexander II ., Alexander III., Nicholas II, perhaps the most Christian rulers, who ever existed, have escaped the
hatred of Satan, of his servants, the Rothschilds, and of all their
numberless agents?
"Alexander I . felt sure, that if he had triumphed over the man
(Napoleon) whose superior genius seemed invincible, it was because
he had never glorified in his own success . `Henceforward', said
the Tsar and former pupil of Laharpe, `the sovereigns of Europe
must place their confidence not in the strength of their armies, but
in the power of faith and religion .' Alexander, therefore, concluded a treaty by which the rulers solemnly vowed to govern their
subjects in the spirit of Christianity, and to be guided solely by the
principles of justice, love and peace . This treaty signed on Sept .
26th, 1815, by Alexander, the King of Prussia, Friedrich Wilhelm
III. and Francis I ., Emperor of Austria, is known as the Holy Allance" (A. Rappoport p . 357) .
That is why all the press and the writers, who depended on the
Jews, were ordered by them to blacken the Holy Alliance, misrepresenting it, as if a "reactionary" organization, meanwhile the
three rulers wished to make it purely Christian .
In 1818, speaking with the Bishop of Prussia (Dr . Eylert) Alexander I. explained its origin
"After the defeats of Lutzen, Dresden and Bautzen, we (he and the
King of Prussia) were obliged to retreat . We became convicted that, with .
out the help and blessing of Providence, Germany was lost . The King said :
`We must pray, and with the help of God we shall conquer ; and if, as I
trust, God will bless our united efforts, then we will proclaim in the face of
the whole world our conviction, that to Him alone the honour is due .
came the victories. The emperor, Francis I, of Austria shared our Christian
sentiments and willingly became a third in our Alliance . The Holy Alliance
is not our work, but that of GOD.
CHRIST HIMSELF has inspired us"
(p . 358) .
"Alexander did not spare himself . Like Peter the Great, he rose at five
o'clock in the morning . Every subject, no matter to what class he belonged,
was admitted to his presence, and all petitions were received . .." "He was
extremely particuliar as to cleanliness, moral and physical ."
In this he was the exact opposite to the Rothschilds, of whom Amschel never changed his clothes and underwear, until they fell to
pieces. Nathan Rothschild II. began to change his clothes, but
never took a bath or changed his underwear as long as it would
hang together. Rappoport continues :
"Alexander-upright, generous, philanthropic and capable of most noble
enthusiasm-well fitted for the work" (p . 316) .
"Although intrepid in the midst of danger, Alexander had a horror of
war, wrote Laharpe . . ." "The Tsar has shown himself extremely generous
the campaign between Germany and France" (p . 362) .
"Full of good intentions, kind of heart, possessed of unusual powers of mind, and, moreover, gifted with diplomatic clearness and fineness of judgment" . (p . 318) .
"I acknowledge no power as just, save that which is supported
by the laws,' repeated Alexander . He lowered taxes by lessening
the expenditures of the Court ."
"Alexander with his charming manner and kindly smile, and his fascinating, almost feminine grace, produced a very favorable impression upon Napoleon" (p. 331) . "Alexander's candour won for him the confidence of the
French people as a whole" (349) .
"The chiefs and the teachers of the Judaizing sets are to be impressed
into military service, and those unfit for service deported to Siberia . All
Jews are to be expelled from the districts, in which the sect of Sabbatarians
or "Judeans" has made its appearance ."
"As far as the Jews were concerned, the immediate results of the measures
insignificant . The number of Jews involved in the decree of expulsion from
the affected Great Russian provinces was infinitesimal" (Dubnow, p . 403) .
11 2
Amschel Rothchild I. died on Sept . 12, 1812, on the eve of Napoleon's failure in Russia . His sons ordered the Jews of Poland
and Lithuania to plunder and kill all the Christians, who wounded
or ill, fell into their hands .
"The fall of Napoleon was the rise of Rothschild" (J . Reeves, p. 86) .
When the Napoleonic Empire fell in 1815, the Emperor of Austria knighted all the Rothchilds . After that James called himself
Chevalier de Rothschild . He did not forget the house with the Red
Shield and the second-hand clothes sold by his mother-Gutta
On October 15th, 1822, the Emperor of Austria granted to all
the Rothschild brothers the title of baron ; and the four sons of old
Amschel (except the Viennese) were nominated Consuls-General
of Austria.
Such haste in promoting all the Rothschilds immediately after
the battle of Waterloo and after the death of Napoleon I . by the
most cautious and proud Austrian Government proved to what
extent it understood the tremendous power of the Rothschild
satanic clutches .
Since that moment the Dynasty of the Rothschilds was established in France on a basis more solid than that of the Bourbons,
whose last representatives mounted the throne only soon to be
exiled . The world since 181'5 has practically been ruled by the
Occult Jewish Dynasty of Rothschilds, who are as Rulers of Germany, Austria, England, France, Italy, the United States, and now
they rule Russia through their pro-consuls, the Jews, Bronstein
(alias Trotzky) ; Apfelbaum (Zinoviev) ; Rosenfeld (Kamenev) ; etc :
However, all these "Vice-Roys" obey one of the Rothschilds,
who is the World Emperor, chosen not according to his age or
heredity, but because of his personal qualifications according to
Satanic standards ; that is to say, the chosen World Emperor is the
most demoniacal of those "tigers ."
Since 1789 his Red (Roth) flag (schield) is the adopted worldly
signal for all bloodshed . "The Jews have made this war," confirmed a Jew, Dr. Oscar Levy of London . All wars, bloodshed and
troubles are being prepared and started through their Executives
-the Free Masonic Lodges, governed by the Jewish Central Chancellery-The Universal Israelite Alliance in Paris .
I do not speak of the nice, but "pseudo" Free-Masons in America, many of whom are respectable gentlemen .
11 3
"Whilst on the one hand the Rothschilds provided supplies for the armies
of Napoleon, on the ether, they raised loans for his foes . The Rothschilds
belonged to no party, they were ready to grow rich at the expenses of friends
and foes alike" (Reeves, p . 86) .
"In 1815 Marshal Soult found papers which divulged horrible designs (of
Russians attracted into Free Masonry in Paris) . The Marshal hastened to
make them known to the Emperor Alexander, who thanked him, saying that
the danger was not so real as he thought . How the Emperor, with that rare
sagacity and that clearness of judgement which distinguished him could not
see the embers that smouldered in his own state ." (Mrs . de Choiseul Gouffres
in her "Emperor Alexander I.," p . 210) .
The answer is : because this Czar ignored the Hidden Hand just
as 115 millions Americans are today shutting their eyes to it . Just
ten years later the Tsar was foully poisoned by the Hidden Hand .
It may take months for the Hidden Hand to destroy the United
States, by staging a revolt, a Civil War and a circular foreign assault headed by Japan, whose attack is practically imminent .
"It is my firm decision to bring about the emancipation of the
serfs," the Czar Alexander declared (Capefigue) . Then his envoy
Kotzebue, was promptly assassinated by Maurice Sand, a German
Jew, and the Czar's favorite Semenovsky regiment was driven to
mutiny, purposely provoked by its German colonel Schwartz, a freemason. Such interference from abroad made the Czar disappointed
and suspicious, and after the early death of his five children, he
found his only consolation in religion .
* ( L'Assassinat Maconique . Le Crime Rituel . La Trahison Juive" by
"La Renaissance Francaise," 52, Passage des Panoramas, Paris .
"Alexander showed the same respect toward Catholicism as toward Orthodoxy " . "He held that their fundamental principles were one and the same ".
Only through the efforts of Satan's agents has the Church remained disunited .
"He mingled with Christians, Moslems and Jews!" (p . 395) .
"He lunched at the Synagogue of the Jews and returned to Taganrog mysteriously ill ." "He now learned of the existence of a
conspiracy to assassinate him" (p . 396) .
He called out to his doctor, Sir James Wylies
"Oh! my friend! What monsters, what ungrateful wretches! And I did
so genuinely desire their welfare!"
The constant fear of the Satanists, that by a stroke of the pen the
Romanovs might make the Orthodox Church re-enter the Universal,
was one of the chief causes for the assassination of the last six
Romanoff Czars.
Alexander L's death was exploited for a revolt . This was made
to annihilate everything Christian .
"One can take the fatal year 1815 as the era of the new power, though
prior to this date the coalition of bankers who bought grain upset the campaign
of Moscow.. . Moscow and Waterloo - these are the names to be remembered
for the interference of the Jews in our (French) national affairs . Financial
sovereignty reveals itself during the days of national disaster . It thrives on the
misery of the people . In 1818,France, condemned to pay 1,500 million francs in
war indemnity, became the prey of the international financiers, of Frankfort,
Paris, London and Vienna who became as one to exploit her calamity ."
of statesmen, and grasped the monopoly, present and future, of national loans,
France borrowed at ruinous terms because her funds were only at fifty percent
and the Jews took mortgages on all her revenues". (Toussenel) .
"The first Jesuits were Jews ; that mysterious Russian Diplomacy, which
so alarms Western Europe, is organised and carried on by Jews ; that mighty
revolution (of 1848) which is at this moment preparing in Germany, is entirely
developing under the auspices of Jews, who almost monopolise the professional
chairs of Germany" .
The young Sidonia (Lionel) was fortunate (from the Jewish, i . e ., Satanic
point of view) in the tutor whom his father (Nathan, a brigand Satanist and
plunderer) had procured for him, and who devoted to his charge all the resources of his trained intellect and vast erudition . A Jesuit before the Revolution ;
since then an exiled Liberal leader ; now a member of the Spanish Cortes :
Rebello was always a Jew".
The superlative satanism of Bombelles inspired Salomon Rothschild of Vienna, whose mere clerk became the notorious Prince
&etternich, to warmly recommend Bombelles, as tutor of Napoleon
II., and thus to put him as a Satan-tempter of the ex-Empress
Marie-Louise, widow of Napoleon I,
The genius Emperor accustomed his wife to spend money lavishely and the Rothschilds knew it . Before tempting her by the
love alone of the handsome Jew Bombelles, they carefully put
the "Imperial Victim" into a golden web .
"In December 1827 Marie Louise raised a loan of ten million francs from
Rothschild. On February 22, 1829 she lost her husband Count Neipperg (or
Neuberg) . . ("An Imperial Victim", by Mrs Edith E. Cuthell) .
The greatest endeavour of the XIX Century, was the construction of railroads : The Rothschilds grabbed most of them . Read
the conditions which James Rothschild III . compelled France to
accept for financing its North Railroad .
The Government took upon itself the obligation to spend 100
million francs in order to build the roadbed . James consented tc
spend some 60 millions in providing the rails cars, etc . He received
during 40 years 17 millions yearly by way of income, i .e. 620 millions in interest, plus the principal of 60 millions . In this undertaking the Rothschilds used 60 millions of their depositors' money
for which they paid them 4% interest or 2,400,000 yearly, thus gett ing 14,600,000 francs per annum for their signature .
The "Journal des Debats" in order to deceive the nation stated
in July, 1843, that Rothschild is "begging for the privilege to rain
himself." The French press acted the role of agent provocateur
as early as fifty years before the scandal of Panama .
The Jews have coveted this rich prey-the railroads-at any
cost. At one time the Government passed through an interval of
honesty and had the temerity to stem their aggression . In 1838 M.
Martin, from the North, suggested to Parliament a net of railroads
to be built by the State . If Mr. Martin's plan, based on two pillars :
monopoly of banking and of transportation had been approved by
Parliament the financial feodality would have been killed in its inception . But the Rothschilds, through the press controlled by them,
found the way to acquire the railroads . In 1840, the West and
South lines were conceded to the Rothschilds and the Foulds . By
1845 all the great lines belonged to these two companies .
They ruled the Exchange and by regularly plundering the public,
made 150 millions yearly. Through their press the Rothschilds
excited the appetites of the public and sold all they could at the
highest point, and in 1823 began to withdraw their capital and did
not reinvest it. Of course, many banks failed and millions . of individuals were ruined .* In 1825 the Rothschilds rebought their stocks
at the lowest possible prices .
*Just as the Federal Reserve Bank acted with the farmers in 192122 .
From 1818 until 1832 Nathan issued eight other loans for a sum
of $105,400,000.
"With Spain, or the South American states, which had formerly acknowledged the Spanish flag, he would never have anything to do" (p . 179) .
"Nathan never paid his employes a cent more than was necessary for their
bare subsistence, or at least not a farthing more that they could compel him
to pay," (Mr . Martin in his "Stories of Banks and Bankers" .
"A general suspicion and mistrust followed him in all his action" (p . -190) .
"They who preached loudest against mammon, bent lowest before the mammon
worshipper" (p. 194) .
"Nathan had ruined many a man of business" (p . 197) .
"The direction of old Mayer Amschel of Frankfort, that his sons should
always remain united, were carried out to their fullest possible extent, by
the practice of intermarriage" (p . 201) .
"The control of the London branch was confided exclusively to Lionel" .
of the
In the negotiimmense fortune .
Great prudence-marked his enterprises .
ation of foreign loans Lionel was particularly active, as this business, at once
lucrative and comparatively free from risk, was one which he preferred before all others. During his lifetime his firm was interested in the issue of
no less than eighteen Government loans, amounting in the aggregate to seven
hundred million dollars . To enter into the details of these transactions would
be to give the financial history of Europe for the last fifty years"' (Reeves,
pp . 205-207) .
Disraeli was the Horse of Troy slipped into the upper classes of
Great Britain, carrying inside a score of Jews, as future Lords and
Ministers. Now they entirely rule her, as I exposed it in my
pamphlet - "Let Us Prevent The Second -World War, Already
Prepared", which was my report to Pres. Harding in 1921 .
The "marvel" and "mystery" is simply that Disraeli was a servant of the Rothschilds, like all the above named "great men" .
Mr. H. W. W ., afraid to give his name, reminds us that Disraeli
was quite rightly called "adventurer" and "superlative Hebrew
conjurer" by Carlyle . In an outburst of vile flattery, Mr . Buckle attributes most high qualities to this Jew . Mr . H . W . W . entertains a
feeling of shame in behalf of Mr . Buckle and hides himself,
Mr. Buckle's statement, that Disraeli triumphed over all patrician prejudices by sheer capacity" is most preposterous, because
all the wealth of the Rothschilds and all the Satanic Forces were
at the back of Disraeli - their "Wallenrod" for England . (vide
"Coningsby", p . 452, or "Lord Beaconsfield's Letters" of June
1839, 2 December 1842 ; May 1844 ; March 1848 ; etc.)
The statement that Disraeli "raised England to the highest position" is absurd also, because he was a mere tool of the Hidden
Hand, which at that moment was preparing a whole series of wars,
including this last great war, always in order to "exterminate the
Christians" to overthrow the Church and to grasp "all the Kingdoms." The brilliant English nation does not need Disraelis .
Disraeli imbued whole generations of British statesmen with the
lie, that "a great Russia is a danger" for Great Britain .
"Suppress a truth of which we have good evidence, and, like the stone
of stumbling and rock of offense, it may fall upon us by and by and grind us
to powder" (H. W . Rankin) .
*) It was through his complicity that the German cruisers Goeben and
Breslau could reach Constantinople and menacing to bombard the sultan's
palace and to destroy the town, they compelled Turkey to join the Central
powers, which caused the prolongation of the World War for many months .
It was the Venizelos' "lust of murder" and his desire to upset the excellent
Christian Monarch, which started the absurd Greco Turkish war . The poor
King Constantin was compelled to follow Venizelos and accept the war and
atone this crime of Venizelos with throne and very life . The late King was
one of the most refined persons of the Nordic Aryans . King Alexander I. of
Greece was also `mysteriously" killed by the same Hidden Hand . . .
This truth and courage cost him his life 1 He was shot, as was
Lincoln, for the same reason, by the same Hidden Hand !
"I was the most powerful man in 1918", said a Jew, B . M . Baruch .
"The President will do exactly what I tell him to do", bluntly told me the
secretary of President Roosevelt, a Jew Loeb, in February 1907 .
"Justice Lubitz Brandeis, a Jew, ruled the White House by secret teleghone" ("Chicago Daily Tribune", July 22, 1922) .
A brilliant Captain Harold Sherwood Spencer in his book "Democracy Or Shylocracy" describes, how he got hold in 1917, of a telegram, saying that >>Brandeis cabled Rothschild yesterdays . Was
Brandeis asking E . Rothschild's orders to the White House? Or
was Justice Brandeis communicating to Rothschild what he had
found out about the White House? . .
But the people find it all right that the Jews murder the American
Presidents, or rule the more servile ones and imagine that America
is a free country! Yes l Free for the 135 .000 slayers, who are
:ever-running the country, according to Justice Marcus Cavanaugh .
") Read the "Truth About The Jews", p . 58, by Walter Hurt, Chicago .
"Mr . Disraeli, then the Tory member for Buckingham (and who wrote po .
ems praising the regicide steel) also supported the resolution, making an earnest appeal to the House to perform a great act of national justice, and to
discard the "superstition" of the Dark Ages, which influenced them in their
opposition" (J. Reeves, p. 216) .
The Roman Catholics and the Protestants can be good Englishmen, or Americans, but, as the trial of Capt . H. H . Beamish and Sir
Alfred Mond proved, a Jew cannot be a good Englishman (or American) : a Jew is always a Jew, i . e., a satanist and a mankiller, as
long as he does not drop Talmud, which preaches hatred of the
gentiles, which Catholic or Protestant creeds do NOT teach. A
million times it has been proved that the Jews do not care about
the country, in which they live . Every great man from Diodor to
Ernest Renan, confirmed this .
Was Mr. J. Reeves to receive some "30 silver coins" from the
Rothschilds 4 He is criminally wrong .
"The Christians were influenced by "prejudice" by the stigma which has
always been connected with the Jewish race" (p . 213) .
"The notorious author, Alexander (?) Hertzen (Hertz), one of the pioneers
of the Russian revolutionary movement, was compelled to leave the country
(Russia) .
He fled to England, where he started a Russian paper called
"The Bell" Hertzeu, however, was a rich man, who before going into exile
had converted his property into Government bonds . The Russian Government
knew the numbers of Herzen's bonds and when they were presented for pay .
ment upon the exile's arrival in London, Nicholas I, hoping thereby to crush
his enemy, ordered the Government Bank of St . Petersburg to refuse payment. The Bank naturally obeyed . But 'fortunately' for Hertzen he found a
champion in the elder Rothschild (James) . The latter informed the Czar that
as Herzen's bonds were as good as any other Russian bonds, he was reluctantly compelled to conclude the insolvency of the Russian Government . Should
the bonds not be paid immediately, he would declare the Czar bankrupt in
all the European money merkets, Nicholas I was beaten . He put his pride in
his pocket and paid . Herzen himself relates this story in 'The Bell' under
the title "King Rothschild and Emperor Nicholas I," (The "Fortnightly
Review" April, 1911 . by Dr . A . S. Rappoport, p . 655)
The best British historian,, Mrs . Nesta Webster in her "World Revolution" masterly describes all the insects and reptiles of the then
Political Zoo, which produced the Revolution of 1848 . But like
other writers, she forgot the "Tigers" Rothschilds and wrote
"Organized by the Secret Societies, directed by the Socialists, executed by
the working men and aggravated by the intractable attitude of the King, the
second great outbreak of World Revolution took place" (p . 129) Yesl
But why not mention, who headed these Secret Societies and, that
the King was inspired by the same James, who led these societies
and who was the chief promoter of the Revolution of 1848, as of
all other bloodsheds, according to Disraeli!1! Mrs . Webster says
"But the working classes were not admitted to the inner councils of
the leaders : the place of the vanguard was on the barricades when the shooting began, not in the meetings , where the plan of campaign was drawn up" .
of the revolt, provoked by his shameless speculation on the shortIn 1847 he endorsed a loan of 250 million francs .
age of grain.
After November 1847 until February 1848 he was able to place this
to keep in the shadow and give the place to the Portugese Jewsthe Sephardim, known as the "Jews of Saint-Simon" .
This is why the famous Proudhon said after 1848 :
`France has only changed her Jews" . . . .
Since immemorial times Jews have committed "Ritual Murders," i.- e . bleeding white Christians, whose blood was collected
for ritual purposes . There is a satanic meaning in this . Satan
asked Faust to sign his obligation not with ink, but with blood .
(The Jews took every precaution, that such crimes should remain
hidden*) . But there are too many proofs, that the "ritual murder" is practiced even to-day .
"Why do we not discover it?", an American may ask . It
is because the American press is so enslaved by the Jews, that
everything disagreable to them can be at once suppressed . Well,
I am convinced that the crime of Anvers street in Chicago in
1921 by a Jewess Pinhes was a failed "ritual murder" . . . But the
father of the victim, a policeman McLauglin, entered the house
of the Jewess and she killed the child by suffocating it .
On February 5, 1840 in Damascus (Asia Minor) . a monk,
Father Thomas, and his servant both disappeared . Count de Ratti
-Menton, Consul of France, informed the Governor General,
Cherif-Pasha, who ordered a public investigation . A barber
Suleiman, a Jew, denounced 7 other Jews and said, that he was
ordered to cut the throat of Rev . Thomas, who was tied with
ropes . After all the blood was collected, the body was cut into
pieces and thrown into the sewer, where it was found .
"What is done with the blood?" the Consul asked .
The blood is used for Path' it (holiday of the Azymes)-, was '
the answer of the Jews. After long inquiries the Jews confessed
that they killed the monk to obtain his blood, which they put in
a large bottle and gave to the chief rabbi .
The accused said, that the use of Christian blood is the secret of the grand rabbis . Ten Jews were condemned to death.
But the Rothschilds were alarmed and sent their most tricky
agents : Moses Montefiore (cousin of Lionel) A . Cremieux and
Munck with unlimited credits to save and exonerate the condemned Jews . They went to Mahomet Ali (Vice Roy) . All their gold
could not induce even him (who sorely needed money) to exonerate the criminals, but only to free them .
*) There is a series of books exposing the "Ritual Murders : " "Le CrimeRituel Chez Les Juifs", by Albert Monniot ; ''Le Crime Rituel, La Trahison
Juive," etc ., "La Renaissance Francaise," Passage des Panoramas, Paris .
"Only 300 men, each of whom knows all the others, govern the fate
of Europe. They elect their successors from their entourage . These German
Jews have the means in their hands of putting an end to the form of Government of any State which proves unreasonable" ("Plain English" June,
11, 1921) .
"Not my talents and capacities made me great . But the fact that my mother was the mistress of Soult, one of the `300', who all helped me" .
"There is no error so vulgar as to believe, that revolutions are occasioned
by economical causes . They come in, doubtless, to precipitate a catastrophe ;
very rarely do they occasion one" ( ( Coningsby", p. 238) .
"He was the putative father of Napoleon III .," the "Universal Encyclopaedia" says of Louis Bonaparte, Hortense's husband .
The King Louis of Holland, brother of Napoleon I ., disliked
his wife - Hortense - and he admits it many times in his
"Documents Historiques ." From 1802 to 1807 they only lived
together four months, at three different periods separated by long
intervals . But the fact is : Louis and Hortense never actually
cohabited together, because they were repulsive to each other .
It is also a notorious fact, that Hortense distributed her
affections somewhat promiscuously . . . .
Josephine, her mother, was repeatedly unfaithful .
Well, like mother, like daughter, they had the same passionate temperament . Most of the people who surrounded Napoleon
I., have denied a liaison between him and his step daughter .
Let us suppose that Napoleon I ., was the father of Hortense's
first two sons born in 1801 - but, who was the father of the third
son, who later became Napoleon III .?
"Napoleon III . had not one honest streak in his character" (Mr . Cyr s
Hamlin D . D ., in his "The Armenian Massacres," p . 356)
*) For every orthodox Jew - Frankfort - remains his "Mecca ."
eph M . Arnstein, whose wife, Fanny Itzig of Berlin, was a special favorite of the Emperor, (just as the wife of Karl Rothschild was the mistress
of the King of Naples) . Durig the Congress of Vienna the families of the
sovereign money kings, Arnstein and Eskeles were conspicuous . Their
wives were daughters of the rich Jew, Itzig of Berlin, well known during
the reign of Frederick II." (J. Reeves, p . p . 274-275)
"The wealthy Poles had never exhibited any loyalty to Russia, had all
sworn allegiance to Napoleon I. The general ruination of the peasantry
is attributed to the Jews . They exploit to the utmost the unfortunate
population. They are everything ; and they are so tricky in squeezing and
cheating the people. They are regular LEECHES, who suck up everything
and completely exhaust this province (Poland) ." (p . 161) .
The Princess Royal was married to Prince Leopold, who describes Nicholas "as an exceptionally handsome and charming
young man, as straight as a pine . He was very abstemious in his
food and drank only water ."
The lady-in-waiting, Mrs . Campbell, noted for her severity in
judging men, said
"The Emperor combines in his person all the best qualities of a truly
chivalrous and most noble-minded Monarch, with those of deep feeling, and
besides those he is endowed with extraordinary energy . This Prince is in
the full acceptation of the word, one of the most estimable men ever known"!
be free ; if it only depended on me Russians would enjoy from to-day the independence that I wish for them and that I am working with all my might
to procure for them in the future ."
"Nicholas I . was the most majestic and most handsome figure of a man,
who ever occupied a throne . There was something eminently grand about
him. He was a fine character, noble hearted, generous and much beloved
by those in his intimacy . His severity, was rather obligatory than voluntary. The Tsar talks with vivacity and with perfect simplicity and good
breeding. Everything he says betrays a brilliant intellect, but he is never
guilty of common-place jokes.
He is said to be an excellent engineer and
a good mathematician .
He reads a good deal He possesses in a supreme
degree that power of attention, which is nothing else but Genius ."
"It is a positive truth, that during my long sojourn in Russia all that
I witnessed, and, all that I heard, was favourable to the Czar . I heard of
no bad action . Wherever I went the tone in which Nicholas was spoken of
was one of unwearied admiration and respect . With the lower classes this
was even carried to a degree amounting to worship ."
"No one can deny that in European events, Emperor Nicholas I, influence
has been a moral and religious one, opposed to everything immoral and
impious" (Blaze de Bury in "Germany as It Is", p . 321) .
"I love truth, and, relying upon your experience and loyalty, I invite you
to express your opinions with absolute frankness and without any regard
to my own convictions."
I The Czar was animated in all he did by a devout spirit of Christian
humility and a profound desire to act justly and wisely ." (Korff) .
This was exposed by the Jews as one of the reasons, why Napoleon allowed himself to be persuaded by the Hidden Hand to
declare war on Russia. . The second reason, according to the liars,
was the desire of Napoleon III . to show himself a hero .
"He did not want the Crimean War ; he had an honest and sincere respect
and admiration for the English people, and earnestly desired to cement these
personal feelings by a political alliance ." ("The Court of Russia," p . 272)
"Had the four Powers declared to the Emperor, that the passage of the
Pruth would be regarded by them as a casus belli, it is very certain that
the Emperor would not have crossed the Pruth, and war would have been,_
averted. But he was misled by the reports of his Ambassadors in London
and Paris, who both expressed the opinion,- that an alliance between,
England and France would not be brought about ."
*) Nicholas I. had as Minister of Finances, a Jew, Kankrin, who knowing that James was staging a war on Russia, persuaded the Czar, that the
railroads were mere toys, and delayed their building . This caused the failure
of the war . Disraeli confirms : Kankrin was a Jew . (" Coningsby," p . 257)
"The father of Nathan of Jewish parents was a banker of the Frankfort branch of the Rothschilds . Among the inmates of the shabby(!) lodging
house in which Ernesto was born, was the Italian patriot Giuseppe Mazzini,
whose works Ernesto published . In .1859 his father died and his mother's
house became a refuge for patriots .
Ernesto became the business manager(1) of 'La Roma del Popolo,' a paper started by Mazzini . . . In 1907
Nathan was chosen Mayor of ROME(!) by the Anti-Clericals, who upset
the tradition of appointing as Mayor a member of one of the old Roman
families . Never was a Mayor received with such vituperative attacks, pass .
ing all plausible bounds . Nathan, who was a mason , rose in that body to
be Grand Master, and later Honorable Grand Master ."
Thus the Jewish newspaper states that a Rothschildian-Nathan-went to Italy to "satanize" Mazzini and other patriots .
In Nathan's following letter (see "Le Diable au XIX Siecle ")
is confirmed "The Plan Of Hell," mentioned by Lemann, a Jew.
"Under this roof are the heads of the family of Rothschild - a name
famous in every capital in Europe and every division of the globe" (Reeves,
p. 228) .
"If you like, we shall divide the United States in two parts, one for you
(James) and one for you (Lionel) . Napoleon will do exactly, and all, that
I shall advise him, and to Bismarck will be suggested such an intoxicating
program, as to make of him our abject slave."
The three Jews decided then and there to destroy and plunder the United States, a-, we shall see .
Even a hundred years ago the issues between the Northern
and Southern States produced greater dissensions and outbreaks ..
But the Hidden Hand was not interested then in the disturbances .
Now the Hidden Hand decided to smash America and a tricky
Jew, Judah P, Benjamin, was selected . According to Mr. Burton Hendrick he "was the brain of the revolt" .
War is the "harvest of the Jews", according to Professor
Werner Sombart of Berlin . The Jews Franks and other agents
of the Hidden Hand tried to increase the discord between the
South and the North, which was carefully inspired for "freedom
of the slaves" . Once the North began to insist, the South was
encouraged by the Jews to resist . Mr. Burton Hendrick gives
a proof of it, saying in his interesting book, "Jews in America"
"At the time of the Civil War Jews were found in every city, every
village, every plantation, every mining camp" (p . 107) .
1 65
"Let us avail ourselves of all circumstances . Our might is immense learn to adopt this might for our cause."
Emerson knew nothing about the "Tigers", who ruled Paris (James) and London (Lionel) and their Hidden Hand .
1 69
I I The world is soon to see the great Republic of the West (U . S .) BROKEN in twain - its Southern member allied to monarchy (France - behind
the Mexican Empire) and its Northern member arising out of anarchy into
a military despotism, ruled by a dictator." (p. 26) .
"Good for all debts and dues of the U. S. EXCEPT DUTIES ON IMPORTS AND INTEREST on the PUBLIC DEBT,"
($150 million above
mentioned, plus $70 million, a pre-war debt) .
"Thus equipped this bill went forth to rob every American and turn
the ownership of this nation into the hands of capitalists ." (Mrs . Hobart) .
"How then was it that this government, several years after the war
was over, found itself owing in London and Wall Street several hundred
million dollars to men who never fought a battle, who never made a uniform,
never furnished a pound of bread, men, who never did an honest day's work
in all their lives.. . The fact is, that billions owned by the sweat, tears and
blood of American laborers have been poured into the coffers of these men
for absolutely nothing . This `sacred war debt' was only a gigantic scheme
of fraud, concocted by European capitalists and enacted into American lava
by the aid of American congressmen, who were their paid hirelings or their
ignorant dupes . That this crime has remained uncovered is due to the power of prejudice which seldom permits the victim to see clearly or reason
correctly : 'the Money power prolongs its reign .by working on the prejudices' (Lincoln) .
Every means has been employed to deceive the masses .
Ridicule and derision, have been applied to all opposition, while flattery and
appreciation were showered upon the officials," (Mary E . Hobart, p . 49) .
"If this mischievous financial policy which had its origin in the North
American Republic during the war (1861-1865) should become indurated
down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its money without cost .
It will pay off its debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money
necessary to carry on its commerce . It will become prosperous beyond precedent in history of civilized governments of the World . The brains and
the wealth of all countries will go to North America . That government must
be destroyed or it will destroy every Monarchy on the globe 1
"The hour to stab the Republic had arrived. London sent gold by the
million to buy up the 'Exception clause' greenbacks for 35 cents on the dollar
and to redeem it in U . S . bonds at face value, or 100 cents on the dollar .
The money mongers of Europe could buy up our money at 35c . a dollar and
convert it into a bonded debt against us of 100 cents . Lincoln was opposed to
this conversion! .. The assassin's bullet was in harmony with such diabolical plots . But under U. S . Grant, he being either willingly or ignorantly
their (bankers') tool, the work of despoiling the American people began in
earnest . The $450 million, 'Exception clause' greenbacks were converted
into $1,640 million of bonded indebtedness" (Mrs . Hobart, p . 58) .
"What secret cabals may have been held, what diabolical plottings entered into, what sums of money have been expended!" (Mrs . Hobart) .
"Immediately on receipt by Emperor Maximilian of the news of the
death of Lincoln, he dispatched to Europe his adviser, Ellon, to confer with
Napoleon (III), King Leopold of Belgium and the Emperor of Austria as
to what should be done under the changed condition of affairs, the Empire
in Mexico having been undertaken under the conviction that the United
States were permanently disrupted" (New York Herald of July 29, 1865) .
"The Judeo-Masonry means constant wars" (The Universal Anti-Jewish
Alliance, the Aryan Committee, 33, rue Gioffredo, Nice, France) .
"The division of the United States into two federations of equal force
was decided long before the Civil War by the High Financial Power of Europe .
These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained in one
block and as one nation, would attain economical and financial independence,
which would upset their financial domination over the World . The voice of
the Rothschilds predominated . They foresaw tremendous booty if they could
substitute two feeble democracies, indebted to the Jewish financiers, to the
vigorous Republic, confident and self-providing . Therefore, they started their
emissaries in order to exploit the question of slavery and thus to dig an abyss
between the two parts of the Republic. Lincoln never suspected these underground machinations. He was anti-Slaverist, and he was elected as such,
But his character prevented him from being the man of one party . When
he had affairs in his hands, he perceived that these sinister financiers of
Europe, the Rothschilds, wished to make him the executor of their designs .
They made the rupture between the North and the South imminent!
masters of Finance in Europe made this rupture definitive in order to
to exploit it to the utmost. Lincoln's personality surprised them. His candidature did not trouble them : they thought to easily dupe the candidate woodcutter. But Lincoln read their plots and soon understood, that the South
was not the worst foe, but the Jew financiers . He did not confide his apprehensions ; he watched the gestures of the Hidden Hand ; he did not wish to
expose publicly the questions which would disconcert the ignorant masses .
He decided to eliminate the International bankers, by establishing a system
of Loans, allowing the States to borrow directly from the people without intermediary. He did not study financial questions, but his robust good sense
revealed to him, that the source of any wealth resides in the work and economy of the nation . He opposed emissions through the International financiers, He obtained from Congress the right to borrow from the people by
selling to it the 'bonds' of States . The local banks were only too glad to
help such a system . And the Government and the nation escaped the plots
of the foreign financiers . They understood at once, that the United States
would escape their grip . The death of Lincoln was resolved upon . Nothing
is easier than to find a fanatic to strike ."
"The death of Lincoln, was a disaster for Christendom . There was no
man in the United States great enough to wear his boots . And Israel went
&new to grab the riches of the World . I fear that Jewish Banks with their
craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches
of America, and use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization . The
Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and
chaos, in order that 'the earth should become the inheritance of Israel .' "
"It was both silly and dangerous for the Americans to insult so pointedly
a highly sensitive people like Japan" ('Montreal D . Star", Sept . 30, 1924) .
"In their dire extremity, the Confederates promised Mexico to Napoleon" (p . 139) . "Gladstone's and the PrimeMinister's (of England) natural
sympathies were with the Southern half of the Country" .
"Napoleon was
himself a party to the construction of these 4 leviathans (ironclads of tremendous power) destined to destroy a friendly country . . . " (p . 142) . 'The
Emperor made haste to stop the sailing of the Confederate ships and to assure Bigelow of his friendship for, the U . S." (p . 149) .*
"Animosity toward the United States was plainly displayed in England. Napoleon was ready to recognize the independence of the Confederate
Government . The Russian Government, however, refused to accede to the
French desire for joint action among the powers" ("American History" by
J. Alton James and A . Hart Sanford, p . 40,)
"England and America were brought to the verge of war by the affair
of 'Trent' and later by the building of Confederate vessels in English shipyards" ("American Political History" by Miss Viola A . Conklin, p . 402) .
"England recognized the Confederate States as a belligerent power .
France and the other powers of Europe followed this example . Russia re-
mained friendly to the Union cause, and in 1863, when the success of the
cause looked doubtful, a fleet of Russian war ships came into the harbor of
New York ." ("The Student's American History" by Montgomery, p . 453 . )
* J. Bigelow learned about the 4 leviathans on Sept . 10, 1863 and at first
disbelieved it . But already on Sept . 8, 1863, the Russian squadron of Admiral
S. Lesowsky came to San Francisco and on Sept . 11, the first battleship of
the Russian Atlantic squadron of Admiral A . A . Popoff was in New York.
Both Admirals had orders" from the Czar to "be ready to fight any power
and to take their orders from Lincoln!"
Yes . It was the revenge of the Hidden Hand for the Czar
having checked its plan to disrupt the U . S .
If the Jews had been so badly treated in Russia as they complain of, why were they so anxious _ to re-enter that country, as
proved the American-Russian "war" of 1911, which they imposed
upon Pres . Taft, when the Commercial Treaty was dropped?
The threat of Alexander II. t o declare war on France and associated powers, should their troops, which were in Mexico . be employed to aid the Southern States, frightened Napoleon III : and
he sought a way to withdraw from Mexico "with honor ."
Thus the plot of James and Lionel Rothschilds - to divide
the United States - fell flat .
They ordered the murder of Lincoln and Alexander II, After
several Jewish attempts the Czar was killed in 1881 .
The Rothschilds decided to quit Napoleon and to start the
"mass murder" through Bismarck . Napoleon became too good .
"In point of fact the Kaiser was no more a free agent than Lloyd George
with his entourage of Sassoons, Monds, and Isaacs (Lord Reading), or Pres .
Wilson with his Brandeises, Schiffs, and Warburgs" (Dr . J . H . Clarke) .
Since 1864 the Hidden Hand has renewed orders to its press and
valets to calumniate, blacken and even murder the Romanovs . Their
every act, step or word was disfigured, misrepresented .
This satanic work was especially successful in America .
Authors and politicians found it profitable to lie about the
Czars ; to be silent about their many virtues and enormous services
rendered to Civilization, and conceal the fact that the U. S . would
possibly have ceased to exist, were it not for the courage of Alexander II, who risked war with 5 European powers and the anger of
the Rothschilds-to preserve the Union .
Thus the Jewish N . Y . Times deliberately lied on Aug. 2, 1925 :
"Perils from England, Perils from France" (headlines on Sept 11, 1863) .
"Rebel ironclads were ready in the Clyde and in the Mersey to be sent
out on their mission of destruction of American commerce" (Sept. 14, 1863) .
It meant a declaration of war upon the U.S . Why did he drop it?
Why did not the French and English ironclads attack the U S . ?
"The Russian frigate `Oslabia' arrived at New York " 'k* (Sept . 12) .
"That a rupture (of Russia) with France is sooner or later inevitable continues to be the general impression" (Sept . 16, 1863) .
* That the Civil War was not caused in order to free the Negroes is
proved by the words of Lincoln in his inaugural adress : "I declare that I
have no purpose, directly or indirectly to interfere with slavery where it exists"
** The frigate "Oslabia" ran at full speed across the Atlantic in order
to take part in any battle at Lincoln's orders, thus making war between
Russia and France and England inevitable, if they should assault the U . B .
The Atlantic and Pacific Russian squadrons had the same Czar's orders .
The assault upon the U . S. by France or England would mean a new Crimean
War (from which they went out nearly bankrupt) and the eventual occupation of Paris by Russian and Prussian troops, as in 18151II
The American Envoys at St . Petersburg during the Civil War : Clay, Cameron and Taylor were repeatedly told by the Czar's officials, that any European assault upon America would be fought by Russia to the finish .
The American Ambassadors : A . D . Curtin and G . W. Lothrop (of Detroit)
and Justice Field have seen the original orders to the Admirals to be "at Lincoln's disposal." Lincoln said to his friend B . K. Cook that he knew about
these documents, as did also W . H. Seward, Secretary of State.
"The change in the attitude of England,* who has suddenly beat a retreat, was attributed to her fears of an alliance between Russia and the U .S.
Such a combination is by no means' remote . Prince Gorchakoff (Russia's
Vice-Chancellor) and General Clay have frequent interviews . The two diplomats are on the best terms" (New York Herald, Sept . 17, 1863) .
"Two powerful steel-plated rams were ready for sea at Liverpool . France
has opened the port of Brest to the privateer 'Atlanta' to repair damages,
and a number of vessels modelled after 'Alabama,' are on stocks at Havre
and Bordeaux, supposed to be intended for the rebel (Confederates) service .
France and England are still agitated on the subject of the conclusion of a
Russo-American alliance . The `Invalide Russe,' the organ of the Czar, has
threatened both countries with such result" . . . "War with England and
France (headline) . Better war a thousand times with the governments which
are guilty of these mean and treacherous acts than to allow them to continue to furnish our enemies with the means of destroying us" (Sept . 17, 1863) .
The answer is : "Too many Jews ." CHRIST foretold the above
The failure to disrupt the United States and to murder Alexander II, was disappointing to James Rothschild III, and he died
in 1868 . Thus finishes the first period (1770-1868) of Rothschilds
misgoverning the World .
As soon as this book is spread, the next book will be printed .
It is ready and exposes : the reigns of Alphonse Rothschild IV.
and Edouard Rothschild V., the actual World, Autocrat and World
Assassin ; their wars, revolts and murders (of Alexander II ., Alexander III ., Nicholas II ., and many others) all staged by the Secret
World Government-the Hidden Hand .
""Punch's" cartoon of Lincoln holding a candle for the Russian Bear .
I have but few pages to add . To know the truth and save
Civilization this book must be spread and supporters found to publish its continuation : the period 1866-1926, which is ready .
This first book, condensed to the limit, will briefly expose the
dangers and point out the "remedies" in answer to the question :
"Will Civilization Survive?," made by Mr . John D . Rockefeller, Jr .
Called "prophet" by the best Editors, I may assert that it will
survive, if my very simple "remedies" are applied .
To save it, must be saved Great Britain and the United States,
now the strongest powers and the chief targets of the Hidden Hand,
i. e . of the Judeo-Mongol World Government, which is inciting
against them the 1,200 million Colored . We must daily combat it!
No! Advertising is' in the hands of the Jews, "the sons of the
devil-the murderer and father of lies ." They hate peace and
truth! The press, controlled by them, must always lie, or "regularly fool us," as W. J. Bryan stated .*
"Newspapers can't print anything, but babytalk . Press flatters Americans . They believe it all" (H . H . Baker, Ed . of "Amer . Tribunal", Chicago) .
"The worst agents of this International Bankers' Plunberbund here are
the newspapers and magazines they control ." (Philip Francis, ex-editor of
the Hearst's papers, "The Poison in America's Cup," p . 59) .
"In international relations England remembers nothing ; Ireland forgets
nothing ; America knows nothing" (an American . The National Review) .
"We can lessen our ignorance by earnest search of truth'' (Pres . Lowell) .
The same Jews compelled America to start the First World War
by declaring war on Russia in 1911, because after the war and revolt of 1905 (both staged by the Jews), Russia did not want more
of the "Trotzkies ."** If Russia had no right to stop the invasion
of Judeo-Mongols, what right has America to stop the coming of
10 times better Japano-Mongols?
Seeing the "American-Russian War," the Kaiser also was persuaded by his Jews to fight Russia! This War, staged by them,
caused 40,000,000 casualties, and 30,000,000 Russians died "thanks"
to the Jewish revolution .* **
This seems to enthuse Sen . W. Borah, who to please his JudeoMongol Secretary Miss Rubin Corah, demands to "recognize" the
Judeo-Mongol Soviets (i .e. to help them to "bolshevize" America) .
"Nothing would constitute a more needless and base betrayal of civilization than the recognition of the bolshevik tyranny" (Gompers, May 1, 1922) .
"Towards the end of 1916 the Zionists began to identify themselves with
the Allied cause" (Wickham Steed in his "Through Thirty Years") .
"America dishonored herself by entering the World War" (C . D . Eaton) .
* Add to this figure many criminal Jews, camouflaged as "Russians,"
"Poles," etc . Thus, the N . Y. World (Aug . 1) called a Jew, "Norman
Klein," "Russian ." He threatened the excellent President Coolidgel
** I mention it in my book "Towards Disaster ; Dangers and Remedies"
(October 1913) as a symptom that the World War began in 1911 . On Feb.
15, 1911 Schiff and Co . urged Pres. Taft not to renew the Commercial Treaty
of 1832 with Russia. When he declined, Schiff refused to shake the President's hand, saying : "This means war!" The murders of Iusehinsky and
of the Russian Prime Minister Stolypin and the World War followed .
*** H. Bernstein (of The Jewish Tribune, New York) by saying (1925)
this revolution was "bloodless" for the Jews, confirmed that they staged it .
****In "Democracy or Shylocracy," by Capt . H. S . Spencer (at The
Britons) a telegram is quoted, in which the Jewish leader Wiseman says :
I 'Brandeis cabled Rothschild" etc . As a sequel came the bloody events in Russia.. . (See The Gentiles' Review, No . 7) . Thus the "liaison" of Justice L .
Dembitz Brandeis, a Jew, with the Hidden Hand is proved. The N . Y.
World (1925) exposed the devilish work of a Jew Trebitz Lincoln in China
which eventuated in today's murders . Aaron Saenz (Zaienzt), Foreign Minister of Mexico must also be a Jew! America beware!
"The promoters of the Russian revolution had in view the complete destruction of Christianity and its moral code . . Nobody was admitted to the
Communist party, unless he denied GOD . It is a foreign domination from
without from which Russia is suffering . Evil is enthroned in Moscow . The
promoters are not Russian . They are Jews" (the famous Stephan Graham) .
"Baruch has definitely planned the communistic state which will come
into being immediately upon proclamation of the next war" .
"It will not
be necessary for communists to stage a revolt, it will only be necessary to
force patriots into a war, when the U . S. goes under communism in one day!
Barueh said that his power exceeded that of any other man. But his power
was puny compared with that proposed for the next war . Instead of one
thing menacing us in war, now three things menace : war itself ; the attempt
at establishing communism as a war measure ; the possible resistance" (The
Dearborn Independent, July 25, 1925) .
"The fate of the country in which the Jew is dwelling is of no interest
to him" (the famous Ernest Renan) .
"The Jews detest the spirit of nations in the midst of which they live"
(A Jew, Bernard Lazare in his "L'Antisemitisme") .
"The radical movement is spreading like smallpox, and the menace of
radicalism has become very grave" (Senator George Moses) .
* Many Societies are "aiming to fight Bolshevism ." But in each a Jew
pays a fee and prevents revealing the truth, that Bolshevism is Judaism .
Out of 100 bolshevist leaders in America 90 are Jews.
** Special reviews are paid by the Jews to vilify Rome . They have but
two "proofs" of its "guilt" : the lies of a renegade priest Chiniquy and
words attributed to Lincoln, that "he foresees a cloud, coming from Rome,"
denied by his son . The Roman Catholics are attacked for their political allegiance to the President and their religious to the Vicar of CHRIST . Such
"dual allegiance" was sanctioned by CHRIST :
"Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's ; and unto GOD
the things that are GOD'S" (St . Matthew, XXII, 21) .
The foes of Rome are inciting the 25,000,000 Catholics (Roman, Eastern
and Uniat), mostly hard workers and patriots, forgetting that each clash
would be exploited by Japan & Co . for an attack.
*** Miss Helen Phelps Stokes financed the J. T. Scopes case (The
National Bulletin, June 1925, of the Military Order of the World War, N . Y.)
As W. J . Bryan declared that he will fight to the end this masked assault upon CHRIST, he "suddenly" died . The Americans find it "normal ."
****When a general strike was decided in October 1922, I warned Warren
Stone, Plumb and other leaders of Labor in Chicago that it might be exploited by the Hidden Hand for a circular assault . Amazed, they abandoned the
strike . 'Labor is patriotic, but nobody tells them the truth .
'Bishop Manning predicts World Union of Churches' (N.Y .Herald, July 28) .
Behind the 1,200 millions Colored people (including JudeoMongols) is Satan's Hidden Hand . Scorning CHRIST'S warning
we shall perish, unless we believe in HIM . What is to be done?
"Do the reverse of what your foe wishes" (Napoleon I, a genius) .
"The Roman Catholic Church was praised for its custom of advertising
the spiritual, rather than the material side of life, by Rev . Dr. S . Trexler,
Pres. of the Lutheran Synod of New York" (N . Y . Times, July 20, 1925) .
Bolshevism is more than really threatening World's stability .*** If the World would accept the Pope, as the Vicar of
CHRIST, Christian Civilization could yet be saved .
*In nearly all the European countries an' enormous majority of the decent
people are for a Monarchy . But the Hidden Hand with its billions and press
is against Christian rulers and wishes to have Jews or their valets in power .
Even in Poland there is a group aiming to have a King of the old dynasty
of Piast now represented by Prince Paul Salvator, known as Prince Riedelski .
** The Montreal La Croix (the Cross) on Jan 31, 1925 stated that the
leader of the "International" Bible Students is a Jew, Rutherford .
"The Reformation was the period, when Christianity dipped itself into
Judaism" (Bernard Lazare, a Jew, "The Gentiles' Tribune," April 20, 1922) .
*** R. W . Chambers describes in "The Slayer of Souls" the old sect
of Assassins or Yezidees, the Satan worshippers His regent on earth is
"Sanang," These Sorcerers control Bolshevism- They united all the secret
Moslem, Hindu, etc, societies, "This Oriental League is of Mongolian origin"
(N . Y . Times, July 1, 1919) . Its aim is a joint revolution in America, etc .
Cautious Chambers says about Sanang : "I thought he was a Jew" (p . 145) .
The wars could yet be averted, if the world would be reorganized on an "American Plan ." The Americans are a people of gigantic "mergers," and should organize the "World Christian
Church" and "The World Commonwealth ."*
The British Commonwealth and other nations could then join
it on an equal basis, as the "United States of the World" and no
power could compel America to fight .
Having dethroned the Emperors of Russia, Germany, Austria
and Turkey, the Hidden Hand is proceeding to "blow up" through
Bolshevism-Great Britain, the strongest bulwark of Civilization ."*
If we would join the Vatican in its war on Bolshevism, our
Civilization could yet be saved.***"The best defense is an attack."
England represents the Aryan World Police . Every Aryan
profits by British culture, England's foes should consider the
consequences to the Aryans if she were destroyed or even weakened . Britain's Dynasty is ideal and is, next to the Vatican, the
second greatest asset of the White Race. The Prince of Wales merits
to be considered by the whole Aryan Race, as its "Dux Supremus ."'
The "American Plan" would unite the World Christian
Church and the World Commonwealth, which would have far reaching consequences : no wars and millions of Englishmen, Irishmen,
Germans, Russians, etc, would starve no more .
What advantage would America derive from this plan? An
assault upon her would become impossible ! Taxes would be cut
down by one half . The 135,000 murderers, who according to Supreme Justice M . Cavanaugh of Chicago, are at large, would be
hanged . Murders in New York would fall from 335 per year to 33 .
The Americans (U . S .-ans or Usans) would become "World Citizens" with full privileges everywhere, etc .; etc ., etc .
But this would be too good for the Aryans, and the Hidden
Hand through its press and its valet-statesmen will not permit it .
Thus, in order to abolish war,-we must abolish the Hidden Hand!
* This does not prevent England, Germany, Russia, etc., having Emperors,
Kings, or Presidents, as Germany had many Kings, and a Super-Monarch,
*'"The press asserted that the distress of Ireland was attributable ; t-q
the British misrule . But E . O'Reilly, Pres . of the Celtic Fellowship reveals
that it is the rain falls during harvest time the consequences of which could
be prevented by drying machines. (N. Y. Times, July 25.)
***In my 4th letter "How to Save England" (The Financial News,
Feb . 17, 1920), I advised Mr . Lloyd George not to rush weekly to Paris to
see Clemenceau (a valet of Mandel Rothschild as Mr . Wilson was a friend of
E. Mandel House), but to go to a great Britisher, Cardinal Bourne . . . Soon
after Clemenceau "went to the dogs," but the excellent Cardinal remained .
Now Lord Halifax, Pres . of the Anglo-Catholic party wisely pleaded :
"Let the Roman and Anglican. Catholic Churches be united ."
"The Jews are the cause of nearly all the World's ills" (the Kaiser) .
"We, Jews, have made the World War . We are the World's seducers,
incendiaries, executioners . Our last revolution is not yet made" (Dr . 0 . Levy) .
"Japan and the U. S . are engaged in a struggle for China . Russia Will
be ready to stand with Japan" (Radek, a Jew Soviet Commissar) .
"All signs point to further war" (N . Y. Times, May 24, 1925) .
"A new war is - coming! If we wish to stop it, we must do so now" (0 .
Garrison Villard, Editor of The Nation, on March 6, 1924) .
19 2
"It is certain that if there be another such war, civilization will never
recover from it" (Viscount Grey, the British ex-Foreign Minister) .
moneys" - The Jews will know exactly when to start it . And a little
earlier they will sell or mortgage their estates and transfer the money abroad .
Only Christians will lose all, even lives . When the rich Christians shall have been
killed, the Jews will declare (as in Russia) that "war on Capitalism is a
mistake," and rebut' all for one fifth . Always remember their lust of murder .
** The killing of 800 French in Syria, was (see The N. Y . Times of Aug.
9, 1925) also instigated by the agents of the Moscow Jews .
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, 1
In English
3 .00
The French Revolution
The World Revolution-The Plot Against Civilization 3 .00
The Secret Societies (at E . P. Dutton Co., 681 - 5th Ave ., New York) 7 .00
The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion . Translated into English from the
original text of Sergei Nilus (Moscow, 1905) 2.15
3 .15
Reds in America, by R . M. Whitney
Jews in America, by Burton Hendrick
1 .65
Boshe and Bolshevik, by Mrs. Nests Webster, K . Kerlen and P . Beckwith . . . 1 .35
From Behind the Veil (Bolsheviks in Hungary), by Hornyshanski 1 .35
The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, in Polish 1 .35
"Dawes Report and Control of World Gold," by Hamilton York 1 .00
In French :
In German
Michel, weekly,
In Hungarian :
In Italian
"La Vita Italiana," a review, Via dell' Umilta, 25, Roma, Italy .
In Polish :
In Russian
The Right Cause (Pravoye Delo) weekly, 438 East 14th St ., New York City
3 .00
Complete line of Russian Literature. English translations of all the Russian auth .
ors. Catalog sent free upon request, Russian and English . Tel.. Lexington 8425 .
438 East 14th Street New York City .