Muscle Mass Program. Joey Gloor

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Muscle Mass Program:


On the following pages you will find the weight-training workout split I recommend for
building serious muscle mass. This exercise split is scientifically designed to build a perfectly
proportioned muscular body, quickly. The training split is spread out over the course of a six-day
split, so all muscle groups get a fresh days energy. Also this keeps workouts short so the body
never goes into a caloric deficit. The split is designed in a specific order so that the most difficult
workouts are furthest apart. The workouts are designed to prioritize compound movements for
overall size gains and target the parts of the muscle that need the most size.

Muscle Mass Program:


Hit all exercises for three or two sets, less sets on latter exercises more on primary exercises.
Work from 10 down to 5 reps as you increase the poundage and reach failure (unless otherwise
noted in the exercise notes). Forced reps and partials are not necessary at this step of the game.
Master your form and we can toss that in about 6 months from now. Injury prevention is priority
number one. Longevity is the key to greatness.
I included a lot of detail about proper form and style of exercise. Also I included photos of lesser
known and/or difficult to perform exercises. Each weighted workout should take about 45 minutes
to 1 hour to complete. If you finish too early, you aren't lifting with enough intensity to exhaust
yourself adequately. If it takes longer than 1 hour, you are resting too much.

Muscle Mass Program:


Make sure you are well fed before you train but that you wait between 1 and two hours before lifting,
so the swell is out of your stomach and can get into your muscle. Also make sure you eat within 45
minutes after training- 30 grams of sugar, 50 grams starches, and 60 grams of protein (40 from
Cardio is not necessary on this program. Your heart rate should be elevated during training.
Exercising 6 days a week should be plenty to keep your heart healthy. Extra cardio burns the
calories you need to grow and it depletes the muscle of glycogen while recuperating from superintense training.

Muscle Mass Program:


On your rest day, you should sleep and eat the most. By that day the gym should be the last
place you ever want to be, because you trained so hard. This is the day to hit a restaurant
and go to town on whole pizza, burgers, etc. However, avoid processed foods/fast foods and
super high sugar foods. These foods are like poison, they will slow you down and not benefit
your muscle at all.

Rapid Fat Loss:


Legal Statement:
As always, consult a physician before beginning any training program, especially
this program. This routine is not meant to cure, prevent or treat any disease.
Joseph Gloor and his affiliates are not responsible for any adverse side effects or
problems whatsoever resulting from this fitness program or any ensuing diet
advice. Proceed at your own risk.

SAMPLE: One Days Meals





Training Day 1: Back & Traps (1/4)

at the knees, grab the bar with straps or with an overhand/underhand alternate
grip, and stand up sliding the bar against the legs while keeping the back flat,
scapula retracted, and chest out. The execution is simple. Simply grab a loaded
barbell and stand up using the power of your whole body, starting with the
legs. You just need to make sure you're back stays flat and never rounds. Start
light, always pull clean. On deadlift days, skip the following exercise: BENT OVER

Training Day 1: Back & Traps (2/4)

1. Bent Over Rows: Stand up holding a barbell, scapular retraction and bend at your hip joint
as if to bow keeping your eyes forward like a ninja bowing to a sensei, KEEP your legs straight at
this point, keep the back arched and let the arms hang like hooks holding the bar wherever
gravity lets it hang which should be right out in front of the knees, maintain a tight scapular
retraction, before your torso is parallel with the floor bend your knees slightly, this moves your
knees close to the free hanging bar and more importantly takes much tension off your lower back
and hamstrings and distributes it evenly throughout your core and legs, Finally, maintain this
position as your pull the bar into your abdomen, return to straight arm hang pull again into the
abs, return to straight arm hang and continue rowing the weight in this fashion counting each row
to the stomach as one rep)

Training Day 1: Back & Traps (3/4)

BACK (cont)
2. Lat Pull Down or Chin Ups: Do this is two steps, scapular (shoulder blades) retraction, (pull
them down and in) then bend the elbows to pull the bar to your chin, keep an arched back so you're
pulling the cable back slightly, not just straight down, use a wide grip outside shoulder width.

3. One Arm Rows: Sawing a log not starting a lawn mower, row the weight instead of kicking it
back like in triceps kickbacks.

4. Seated Cable Row: Don't let yourself suck at this, scapular retraction and pull, don't worry
about bending at the hip joint throughout the movement, just row the weight squeezing at the
contraction point, feel it, it's the easiest exercise to feel your back stretching and flexing.

Training Day 1: Back & Traps (4/4)

1. Barbell Shrugs: Straight up and down no circular motion, no bend in the elbows. bring your
shoulders up and back imagining that you are trying to get them to touch behind your ears.

2. Dumbbell Shrugs: Same thing except dumbbells are at your sides whereas the bar is in front
of you for barbell shrugs, only 2 sets here are necessary, go for the squeeze especially on these.

Training Day 2: Chest & Calves (1/2)

1. Incline Press: Dumbbell or barbell if you prefer. (I like dumbbells)
2. Flat Hammer Strength or Machine Press : There has to be some straight-forward pressing
machine in your gym, use it!

3. Incline Flies: Palms in chest out with dumbbells. keep the elbows fixed in a slightly bent
position throughout.

4. Flat Flies: With dumbbell or cable fly machine (sitting upright).

5. Dips: (or assisted dips or dip pad pushdowns: hands flat toward the front of pad, thumbs over
the edge for grip) These are listed in order of difficulty. Dips being the hardest choose the one you
can do well but still find challenging

Training Day 2: Chest & Calves (2/2)

1. Standing Calf Raise: Or, leg press calf extensions.(pick either one)
2. Seated Calf Raise.
3. Donkey Calf Raise/Stretch: If you don't have a donkey calf machine simply bend over at 90
degrees at the waist with your hands holding onto something so you don't fall forward and your toes
on a ledge. Dip your heels, stretch hard for 30 seconds then pump up 30 easy reps, can be done
with both calves or individually. The idea with calves is to engorge them with blood, pump.

Day 3: Arms (1/3)

The key to arms is simple but people still don't pay attention to it-- THE ONLY JOINT IN
PROTECT YOUR JOINTS. No bending the wrist or raising the shoulders throughout any
movement. like a robot, straighten arm, bend arm. Bending it in hits your bicep, straightening
it hits your triceps. Simple Simon.

Day 3: Arms (2/3)

1. Cable Press-downs: With rope attachment or straight bar or triangle bar. (mix it up each

2. Skull Crushers: With dumbbells or an EZ-curl barbell. Lying on a flat bench bar comes down
towards your head and you straighten the arm to push the weight back up.

3. Dumbbell Kickbacks: Lean on a bench and arch your back and straighten your bent arm by
flexing the tri, performed one arm at a time.

Day 3: Arms (3/3)

1. Barbell Curls or Alternating Dumbbell Curls.
2. Preacher Curls.
3. Cable Rope Curls: Or, dumbbell hammer curls, like your pounding a hammer, palms face
in toward each.

Day 4: Quads

1. Squats.
2. Walking Lunges: Or Stationary Lunges or Bent Lunges: put one leg back on a bench and go
up and down with the other leg.

3. Leg Extensions.

Day 5: Hamstrings & Abs (1/3)

1. Stiff-Leg Deadlift*: Do Not perform on the same week you did traditional Deadlifts) skip it
every other week! Do the ninja bow holding a Barbell out in front of you again, flat back,
flexed quads to keep the knee joint from receiving back pressure. Once the bar gets to the
tops of your shins or your back hits parallel with the floor (whichever comes first) return to the
standing position in the same posture you began with. Your arms serve as hooks, nothing
more, so don't bend the elbow. Also, don't try to hold the weight against your legs like in
traditional deadlifts, let it move in its natural arc out in front of the body. This movement
mimics deadlifts but without bending the knee- hence the name.

Day 5: Hamstrings & Abs (2/3)

2. Lying Leg Curl Machine.
3. Seated or one-legged leg curl machine.
4. Lower Back Extensions: Place back of calves on the pads with the LOWER part of
quad pressing against the other pads. Tis hits more hamstring and less lower back. Bend
only at the waist don't round your back, bend it like a hinge. Keep hands by your head but not
holding your head or neck. This machine is usually by the ab stuff.

Day 5: Hamstrings & Abs (3/3)


1. Leg Raises: Lying flat on the floor, on a decline bench, or hanging from a chin-up bar -whatever
you can get 20 reps for 3 sets.

2. Crunches: lat on the floor, on the exercise ball or Roman Chair. Go slow, focus on the
squeeze, shoot for 2 sets of 20 reps.

Day 6: Shoulders

1. Lateral Deltoid Raises: Keeping traps down, not pinched- raise dumbbell straight out to the
side, palms face floor at peak position.

2. Machine Shoulder Presses: Delts also get hit heavy on chest day, so on shoulders day we
just pump them up, save your rotator cuff, no crazy heavy weights on this joint! It's all about
consistency and you can't be consistent with tendonitis and other aches and pains.

3. Rear Delt Raises: Bend over in the bowing position again except this time get your torso as
close to parallel with the floor as you can, raise arms out to the side, palms facing behind you. use
lighter weight to get the feel, 15 reps. Like a backward fly except palms don't face each other.

4. Upright Deltoid Rows: I prefer using a low cable with a bar attachment since this exercise is
meant to pump the entire deltoid and finish the body part collectively. However you can also use a
barbell, just don't go to heavy. Stick at 12 to 15 reps for this exercise. Simply raise the bar up close
to the front of your torso until your elbows are parallel with the floor, use a shoulder-width grip and
keep your traps down as to not build them, think of raising your elbows not your hands.

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